saratexxas · 7 years
BING BONG (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - Closer by The Chainsmokers & Halsey PARODY | Elijah & Christine
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saratexxas · 7 years
goals: getting as fucked up as christine is in this video
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saratexxas · 7 years
“Why do you love me?” “Because I have no choice.” He said with a sigh Her wry smile turned to a frown as she frantically attempted to let go of his hand. He calmly pat her in the head before continuing… “Like how the rain helplessly falls to kiss the earth. How the waves can’t resist coming back to hug the shore. I have no choice, it is my very nature to love you. My mind filled with holes so it drowns oh so easily in the depths of your eyes. My heart molded like a flute so it always sings your name. My soul hollowed out so it would always seek you as if you’re the only thing in this world that can fill it. I have no choice when every inch of my being is drawn to your perfections.” He glanced at her birth mark and smiled, “and to your imperfections.” “Because love” he held her chin and slowly leaned forward “the first time my lips pressed on yours I decided there will never be a better choice”.
kfroy  (via wordsnquotes)
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saratexxas · 7 years
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saratexxas · 7 years
It’s so hard to fall asleep without you by my side. Nothing beats waking up and rolling over and curling up against you. Nothing beats feeling your arms in the middle of the night surround me and pull me closer. Nothing beats waking up to you playing with my hair. Nothing beats kissing you good morning. Nothing could beat having you as the first thing I see at the beginning of the day. Once you sleep beside the one you love, sleeping alone will never feel right again.
I wish you were here (via takingonmyfate)
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saratexxas · 8 years
Once you get a taste of what it’s like to sleep in the arms of someone you love, sleeping alone is never enough.
“I’m missing you tonight” - Kaceanne (via kaceanne)
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saratexxas · 8 years
My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to find peace with exactly who and what I am. To take pride in my thoughts, my appearance, my talents, my flaws and to stop this incessant worrying that I can’t be loved as I am.
Anaïs Nin (via wordsnquotes)
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saratexxas · 8 years
don’t let anyone tell you that it’s a bad thing to feel things deeply. a full heart is a strong heart and being soft doesn’t make you weak. being soft and loving makes you radiant. you deserve all of the love in the world and so many good things.
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saratexxas · 8 years
Alchemy [al-kuh-mee]
Alchemy n. 1. A power or process of transforming something common into something special. 2. An inexplicable or mysterious process by which paradoxical results are achieved with no obvious rational explanation. (via wordsnquotes)
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saratexxas · 8 years
Typing an essay due tomorrow at 3 in the morning
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saratexxas · 8 years
Your hands are poetry on my unwritten skin.
Nicole Torres  (via wnq-writers)
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saratexxas · 8 years
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"Living with the person you love is not what everyone thinks it is. It's not waking up early every morning to make breakfast and eat together. It's not cuddling in bed together until both of you peacefully fall asleep. It's not a clean home and a homemade meal every night. It's fights about who thinks they are right. It's constant nagging about what the other person forgot to do even though you asked them 100 times to do it. It's someone who steals all the covers and kicks you all night because the bed is too small for both of you. It's slammed doors and harsh words. It's wondering if you've made the right decision. It is, despite all of those things, your favorite thing about your life. It's coming home to the same person each and every day that you know truly loves and cares about you. Someone who is always in your corner and supports you and understands everything about you. It's about spontaneous food fights and random trips to Walmart, and pointless car drives at night, just to get out of the house. It's having an emotional breakdown and your significant other pulls you in close and tells you everything is going to be okay and you believe them because they will be right there to comfort through the night until you wake up. It's when "Netflix and chill" literally means you watch Netflix and hang out. It's stuffing your face with endless amounts of junk food watching reruns of That 70's Show in your pajamas together with no shame. It's about still loving someone even though they make you absolutely insane. Living with the person you love is countless fights about absolutely nothing, but is also being lucky enough to enjoy a love that people spend their whole life looking for. It's far from perfect but it's honestly the best thing you'll ever experience. "
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saratexxas · 8 years
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“We’re Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band We hope you have enjoyed the show Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band We’re sorry but it’s time to go”
This took me forever i wanted to get it done for the anniversary of the album but i guess not. Well enjoy the pictures guys.
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saratexxas · 8 years
I became good at pretending. I became so good that after a while the lines blurred between my truth and fiction. And sometimes, when I did a really good job of pretending, I even fooled myself.
Ruta Sepetys, Salt to the Sea (via wordsnquotes)
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saratexxas · 8 years
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SO PRETTY // insta: @freckhle
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saratexxas · 8 years
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saratexxas · 8 years
I long for quite places with you in this chaotic world. The comfortable silence with you is enough to put the chaos ragging inside me to rest .
Kriti (via wnq-writers)
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