the-woman-who-died · 11 years
{Text;Sherlock} Hows the case going darling? I know you don't like to text while you are working but I thought I would send you a message to say I'm thinking of you. Don't get hurt please. See you soon I hope-IA x
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kadyarchive-blog · 11 years
Submit AU ideas
So because the timelines were all a little messed up right now we were thinking taking a break from our main verse might be nice. we will come back to it and say there has been a 6 month time lapse since our last posts. (give some time so our muses can cool their heads) Now in the au think of it as a fresh start. relationships start over... no previous history unless planned ooc. so what I want now are au suggestions! u can submit two suggestions. I will pick the top two and then we will choose from those. any questions throw me an ask plz!
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thedominatrix-archive · 11 years
"Oh, what a hilarious joke. You're so witty." Sherlock rolls his eyes, resisting a scoff. He didn't believe her.
My Muse is pregnant and has just told your Muse that they are the father. How do they react?
"Mr. Holmes, I am being perfectly serious." Of all the times The Woman has ever joked about something/someone, this one will never be one of them. Poor Irene was already starting to experience the complications that came with being with child.  
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roxxanandfriendsplace · 11 years
After she left Moriarty she practically ran to Sherlocks place. She knocked on the door nervous about what she was going to get. Jim told her everything that had went down and she needed to check on him. After all the stuff with the drugs she need to make sure he was ok. 
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hisbloggerwatson · 11 years
I'll Take Everything You Ever Loved
(Quick OOC note/preface; this has nothing to do with Generation Sherlock; this is a separate plot completely. To give you an idea, this is a plot where Moriarty forces John to commit suicide instead of Sherlock realizing this would destroy the detective. This contains violence, suicide, and a lot of feels. So. Enjoy guys)
It had been weeks of torment, weeks of pain, weeks of complete and utter misery. Moriarty was on the cusp of his plan, bringing Sherlock to his knees. The psychopath wanted to prove to Sherlock that he was just like him, that he could never feel human emotion, that he could never feel like he was a human. Moriarty had spies on every corner of Bakers street, listening in, watching in on how John and Sherlock interacted. He took mental notes, trying to understand if Sherlock actually found John to be someone he connected with. Or, if John was there for pure amusement.
And, he was definitely wrong. John was everything to Sherlock, more than Moriarty could ever understand. John brought peace to Sherlocks mind and Sherlock brought everything else to John. They were connected in ways that would complicate the alignment of the stars. 
And so, Moriarty had figured out a way to destroy Sherlock.
"Bloody hell, Sherlock. I am not going to sit here and watch you experiment with a decapitated head! I just can not!" John yelled out in disgust, pointing at the head of a recent victim of one of Moriarty's doings. 
"Fucking Moriarty. Can't we just have Greg kill the prick and get it over with?!" John said in an aggravated tone. He didn't understand how anyone couldn't just throw him behind bars- for good.
John was tired. John was beyond exhausted of all of this. Too much was going on and he couldn't wrap his head around what Moriarty was trying to pull. "And now, he is running around acting like he is some...actor. Fucking fool, he is mental. No one is going to believe that." John rolled his eyes, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat. 
John felt his phone go off, he grabbed it out of his pocket and switched it on to read a text.
Come to the hospital quick. We have a patient that is in need of your attention.
It was from one of John's nurses. "Oh, brilliant. I have to go to work. Emergency. See you later Sherlock." John said, practically running out of the flat and rushing to his office. He had no idea what it was that needed his attention so badly. And, before John knew it, he was running into a trap set in his own office. Moriarty was sitting at his desk, a phone in his hand and his nurse was knocked out on the sofa chair. He smirked at John.
'Oh, don't look so frightened Johnny Boy.'
"Y-you...Wh--Why are you HERE?" He screamed.
'Now, now. One must be patient!'
John swallowed and realised he left Sherlock alone. "Sherlock!"
Moriarty laughed loudly. 'Johnny, Sherlock is safe. Don't worry. All of my best men are on him and watching him. But, if you don't follow my orders, bye bye- Sherlock!'
John furrowed his brows and looked at Moriarty. "What must I do?"
'Don't you worry your pretty little head.'
Before John knew it, the room went dark and he was collapsing on the floor. Moriarty had swooped in and drugged John to knock him out.
I will be late, don't worry about waiting for me for supper. -JW
This was sent to Sherlock from John's phone that Jim had written up before relocating the two.
Hours later, Jim had moved John, with assistance of course, to the top of London Bridge. He laid John's sleeping body out on the cement, looking down and grinning at the cars moving so quickly by them. He looked at his watch and knew Sherlock would arrive at the precise time. And, so would a boat, to make his plan work so perfect.
London Bridge. Come, I have a present. -JM
Jim had texted Sherlock that from his own phone.
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mightevenbeagoodone · 11 years
Hey so
I have two extremely sexy blogs you should check out because I love them so very much
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you should go follow their ultra fab blogs full of excellence and love them because they helped a girl out and HELPING PEOPLE IS SEXY 
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kadyarchive-blog · 11 years
thisispurelysocial started following kadenceholmes
Thanks for the follow :D check followers a Mycroft rp!! :D
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roxxanandfriendsplace · 11 years
[text] Hey wanted to let you know i moved out today. It was originally suppose to be temporary so someone could watch over me and make sure i was taking my meds. Now thought i'm not so sure. Just giving you a heads up. We need to make sure we still get together and talk every so often. Make sure we keep ourselves from being bored.
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a-tarkovsky · 11 years
Got tagged by dandragons, thank you :)
 - Always post the rules.
  - Answer the questions of the person who tagged you.  - Then write 11 new ones.
Tag 11 people.  - 
Let them know you tagged them.

1) How many fandoms? oh jeez um i think around 8
2) Mrs. Hudson or Molly? tough one but gotta be mrs hudson sorry molls
3) How long do you run your blog? um i used to run it 4/5 hours a day but now i think i only do 2/3 due to starting GCSE's and stuff
4) Reasons why you have create a blog?  i think it was cus some person off youtube had a tumblr and i wanted to follow them to see there personal posts (i swear im not creepy)
5) Benedict or Martin? Benedict 
6) Have you met any of your followers in real-life? not to my knowledge but i could have walked by them at a random point in my life and didn't realize it 0_0
7) Kind of sport you want to try? me and sport don't get on well but if i was forced to do a sport then paint balling, YES ITS A SPORT SHUT UP!
8) Favourite book? currently Good Omens
9) Do you want to have children? hmmmm maybe maybe
10) A part of your body you like? i kinda like my right arm its really.....army and stuff (god im crap at these things)
11) Do you play any video games? my main game is pokemon cus iv been playing that since primary school and other games im into are zelda and animal crossing.
12) What fandoms you in and what are they? ugghh fine ill list them but its gonna be a long list: sherlock,supernatural,doctorwho,avengers,harrypotter,hannibal,teenwolf,(kinda)homestuck,anime and cosplay :)
13) What’s your favorite fandom and why? my favorite fandom is supernatural because the fans (well some) are EXTREMELY nice to new fans and just the whole fandom is like one big happy family :) 
14)What’s your top three favorite bands? 1.My Chemical Romance 2.You me at six 3.Fall out boy
15) If you could see any celebrity in the world right now, who would it be and why? tom hiddleston, then me and him can make cheese toasties together and it'll be SWEET. 16)Iron man or loki? dude your killing me here, loki.
17) Would you want to live in a Marvel world or a Harry Potter world? I WOULD KILL TO LIVE IN HARRY POTTER WORLD
18) Luna or Seamus? luna, sorry seamus
19) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?  Ikebukuro, Japan (without the nuclear radiation)
20) How much time do you spend on tumblr per day? maybe around 4 hrs
21) If you could buy anything right now what would it be? cheese for some toasties ;D
22) If you met your favorite celebrity right now, what would you do and what would you say? i think i already answered a question like this. OKAY so here goes my additional 11 (5) questions: 1)if a genie magically popped up beside you and offered you one wish (yep this genie is stingy) what would you wish for?? 2)if you were a superhero what would your power be?? 3)favorite animal? 4)favorite food? 5)would you rather live in space or under the sea? BLEH only five questions cus im lazy like that ;) i tagged: highfunctioning-homosapien theemptyholmes kilisbeard half-stoned-heart theleijonwhisperer sherlockianpotterhead narcissistic-narwhals-never-die
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I feel Nicole needs to be prepared for the rather large amounts of reblogging I shall be doing from her art tag. Because I'm late to the party, and have a bad memory for open tabs. Also I love every bit of Nicole's art, because it's supremely hard not to.
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sundance201 · 11 years
theemptyholmes replied to your post “Alright, I think that this is the last prompt for the day.  But I just...”
This is part of The Red Headed League! I was only reading this part a few hours ago. This is lovely :)
I'm slowly working my way through the ACD stories but I haven't gotten to that one yet.  :)  I'm so glad that you enjoyed it, sweetie!
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kadyarchive-blog · 11 years
Pick Up
you can come and get John now. -KH
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Nicole or theemptyholmes, asked this in the tag: 
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And because my brain is taking a mini-break from Vows. I did a thing. A short thing. 
He had turned down the coffee, because it wasn’t the time or place. She brought it up again though, “We’re friends, aren’t – we - Sherlock?” He was surprised to find that she meant coffee, as friends.
Sherlock wasn’t famous for being good at social cues, but in this case he had been entirely wrong, “Sorry?”
“I just…well, thought you’d like to have a coffee, really,” she said looking at him wide-eyed, “Nothing more than that.”
“Coffee,” he repeated feeling confused.
“As friends, you know - we have coffee, and then we chat, a bit, like we do here already. Just without the post-mortem, since that would be nice.”
He hadn’t ever truly seen Molly as a friend. He enjoyed her company of course, more than enjoyed it, if he were entirely frank, but she’d meant just coffee. To be fair he’d always assumed she liked him, by the way her eyes would light up, or the way she’d talk extensively in his presence, but he gathered quite quickly that Molly was like that to everyone. He was in fact everyone in her eyes.  He was not particularly special. In fact he was just a friend.
Yes, it wasn’t his area.
He had never considered it his area before, at all, until he met her, for she was...different. She didn’t get squeamish, or call him freak, instead she made terrible jokes about the dead (that he laughed of despite himself).
Nevertheless he enjoyed her company, so he assumed the lipstick, and the coffee-asking was flirting. He had tried to ignore her really, pretending she wasn't interesting, but he found himself deflating at that common proposal. 
So he started to go out of his way to compliment her, which she took happily as advice. 
He snorted at the sheer idea. It wasn’t advice! It was barefaced compliments, which she was oblivious to, assuming it was his dirtied techniques to get her to work in the lab (partly, that was).
Of course - then she brought Jim from IT – so proud – so terribly sparkly, and he went outright and said it. Gay. She barely spoke to him after that, sniffing loudly for a while, until it was revealed that Jim was Moriarty. Molly never brought it up, and he only ended up narrowing his eyes at her blog.
It was all a lie.
The fact that Jim had left a mark made him shudder. The fact that she’d spent time with Jim, instead of him in the lab was remarkably aggravating. And especially the fact that no one noticed how hard he tried. 
He’d apologised at Christmas, when he got angry that she intended to give a present to someone else than him. That backfired a great deal, but he did get to kiss her soft cheek.
When everything started to fall to pieces he truly hoped she would be the one who’d help him pick them up, and she did – except – “What do you need?” she asked.
“You,” he said.
He was trying to be obvious now, glaringly so, as he understood that trying to be subtle wasn’t going to work. Sherlock was surprised to find her say, “OK, so – what can I do?”
He came to realise the one thing he’d been forcefully ignoring; she did not want him.  
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roxxanandfriendsplace · 11 years
Roxxan waited in the living room for Sherlock. She was ready for their date and he was still not out here yet. It had been 20 minutes of her waiting. She thought he was just trying to throw her off or maybe he was stuck in his mind place. Either way she wasn't leaving till he came out. She worked hard to get this date and she wasn't going anywhere.
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sincerelydayyy · 11 years
Seeing as you don't have your ask open I see this is the only way to inform you that you've been reposting art from two people who blatantly abhor when people do that to their pieces. Especially when they have tumblrs of their own with posts where you can simply reblog them from. I'm sure they would deeply appreciate it if you took it down and stopped reposting their art.
Seeing as one of them is one of my good friends - her piece only being posted last night, I feel no qualms about telling you how annoyance and frustration you're evoking from not only me but Nicole and others who see what you're doing and it's very wrong. So, stop it!
Also seeing as it's been brought to my attention, ranting about unjust things probably won't get you any brownie points. So...maybe just not push your opinions on people and respect the rights of the artists and people in general who might not see things in your way. Okay, thanks.
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wheretheworldscollide · 11 years
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