@silverfoxsdaughter from here || v;; scotland yarders
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : can you trace her calls?
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : likely her find my i-whatever is on too
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : we’ve got 12 more hours before chances of finding her alive go down, no sign of a ransom unless Mycrofts’ not been in contact so it could be voluntary.
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : you do the flat, send me pictures of everything. And hamish, he’ll be able to tell more than i can.
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : i’ll try the coffee shop and the pub, see if anyone saw her last night and send a uniform to the off license on the corner. if she hasn’t bought a pack of cigarettes then we really worry.
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : she hasn’t done this before, has she? as in childhood or...
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amortgageandtwocats · 9 years
$ -Silverfoxsdaughter
( @silverfoxsdaughter​ ) Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[ text; mycroft kit ] do you really expect me to babysit? look she’s capable for sure, but she’s no office worker, far too trigger happy for my taste. please, myc.
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lestradable · 9 years
one step at a time
~ silverfoxsdaughter ~ He's going to tell Kit that he's splitting with Julia today, and she's old enough to understand, but young enough that the potential gravity of the situation may not sink in for her. He's taken the day off work - there's no way he's going in for anything less than an extreme emergency. "Hey, Kit?" They're sat on the sofa, watching the early morning children's TV. "Is there somewhere you want to go today?"
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NAME: Ginger Anne Lestrade- but call her Kit AGE + FACECLAIM : 22 is Maia Mitchell QUALIFICATIONS : Hacker for more than 10 years, the last 8 have been with government agencies. Fluent in 12 computer programming languages. SKILLS :Speaks French English Spanish and some Italian. Holds #1 spots on Hackerrank and Topcoder. Rudimentary with AI materials.  DEPARTMENT APPLYING FOR : Consultant- Hacking and Computers DESIRED ROLE : Hacking Expert THREE RANDOM HEADCANONS TO GET TO KNOW YOUR CHARACTER A LITTLE BETTER :
Loves sky blue, it’s her favorite color. 
She always has breakfast, always. Even if she wakes up at 2 in the afternoon she goes and has breakfast. 
Owns 3 smartphones that she switches between and a seemingly infinite number of throwaway phones. 
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addicttheory · 10 years
will the real green grocer please stand up
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daughter-of-deduction · 10 years
Closed || New family
"Well, hello there. You must be Kit. Welcome to the family." 
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[Text] I don't suppose you've seen Anna around, have you? -Kit [Text] I haven't heard from her or seen her in like 36 hours. -Kit
@silverfoxsdaughter for reasons || v;; scotland yarders
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : no.
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : 36?
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : where and when did you last hear from her
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : who was last with her and have you been to her flat
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : i’m on my way there already -- if we don’t find anything in the next 15 i’m putting a bolo out on her
SMS [ magic computer wizard ] : or tell her father, that might be faster
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kadyarchive-blog · 11 years
How do you feel about Rox? Kit? Wallace?
On Wallace
mun here: I always kinda played it like wallace always knew more than he let on… like he played ignorant because that was the best way to get more information… i unno I always thought him to be kinda underestimated. He and Kady are a lot alike… well when she isn’t being a love crazed insecure drama queen that is… god I need to get her over john and stable again… she is kinda driving me crazy…
muse here: Kadence is curious about wallace but is currently to lost in her own drama to pay close attention to him. He often slips form her radar… but she does realize there is more to him than meets the eye…. Kadence knows about his sister but hasn’t really thought much on it… 
On Rox
mun here: Rox confuses the crap outta me... haha I can't decide if she is just an unfortunate soul or a B who uses her past to explain her actions... but I like her cuz she kinda induges in those evil thoughts we all have hahaha
muse here: Roxxan is dangerous to herself and everyone around her... she could be a wild card but she choses to be in control. I like her a lot and if I needed to have someone in my corner it would be her. She is a good friend, though I wish she would let others care about her more actively. Every attempt in protecting her is seen to be me thinking she is weak but that never would cross my mind about her. She is kick ass.
On Kit
muse here: Kit is adorable! I could just huggles her to death! form her crush on caiden to her hacker ways! I adore her character she is just awe so squishy haha!
mun here: I kinda wanna think of kit as a kid sister but I thick because of that I under estimate her a lot. I almost keep my distance form her and don't rely on her because I don't want her to be involved. I think if I got past my view of /kid sister/ me and her could be really close.
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roxxanandfriendsplace · 11 years
Roxxan walked down the street. She had been stuck in the house all week unless with Wallace. She knew he wanted her to be safe but she was going stir crazy. She texted him when she left the house telling him where she was headed and when she'd be back. She didn't want him to worry. She took her medication before she left just to be safe. As she neared the park she sat down on the bench. It wasn't the warmest day but it was nice. She and watched the few kids on the swings. It was calming.She herself wanted to run to the swings but didn't have the energy. She felt oddly tired today. She was just going to relax in the fact that she was here. She was so lost in her own world she ddn't notice anyone sit next to her at first. 
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addicttheory · 10 years
The detective was sprawled on the floor, staring up at the ceiling and waiting for a thought to come to him. There were papers and strings pinned to the wall above the fireplace, all of the string spokes leading to the center of the wheel, where the letter M was written in ornate script.
When the doorbell rang for the fourth time, Sherlock sighed, slowly getting up. Whoever was here either had some very important mail, a case, or was too considerate to pick the lock. Or some combination of the three. Either way, he would have to open the door to stop the incessant racket interrupting his thoughts.
Flicking the locks open he opened the door, looking down at the face that was vaguely familiar, something in the shape of her face, "Can I help you?"
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@silverfoxsdaughter ;; because I keep loosing our things so lets imagine they’re already friends in yarders || v; scotland yarders
Tumblr media
    “ Stupid bloody fuc-”
Kicking the desk hard, Alex was muttering underneath her breath. She had only been a couple of hundred words under the count for her latest report and was finally managing to get through all of the spelling and grammar checks when the machine had crashed on her. She was pretty willing to put a fist through the screen, if there might not be a way to fix it.
    “ Ginger... I might need a little help if you’ve got a second.”
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roboticbluejay-blog · 11 years
// Created a relationships page. This may be of interest to some of you that are definitely not Kit
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kadyarchive-blog · 11 years
Birthday Present
I take a deep breath in before I knock on kit's door. I haven't been the greatest of friends lately. Too consumed with my own stuff going on but I was not going to forget her birthday. I hope the present makes up for it. As I see the door open I blurt out my apology before I even see who it is. "I'm sorry I have been so wrapped up in my own stuff Kit. I am here to celebrate your birthday to make up for it love!"
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