hisbloggerwatson · 11 years
I'll Take Everything You Ever Loved
(Quick OOC note/preface; this has nothing to do with Generation Sherlock; this is a separate plot completely. To give you an idea, this is a plot where Moriarty forces John to commit suicide instead of Sherlock realizing this would destroy the detective. This contains violence, suicide, and a lot of feels. So. Enjoy guys)
It had been weeks of torment, weeks of pain, weeks of complete and utter misery. Moriarty was on the cusp of his plan, bringing Sherlock to his knees. The psychopath wanted to prove to Sherlock that he was just like him, that he could never feel human emotion, that he could never feel like he was a human. Moriarty had spies on every corner of Bakers street, listening in, watching in on how John and Sherlock interacted. He took mental notes, trying to understand if Sherlock actually found John to be someone he connected with. Or, if John was there for pure amusement.
And, he was definitely wrong. John was everything to Sherlock, more than Moriarty could ever understand. John brought peace to Sherlocks mind and Sherlock brought everything else to John. They were connected in ways that would complicate the alignment of the stars. 
And so, Moriarty had figured out a way to destroy Sherlock.
"Bloody hell, Sherlock. I am not going to sit here and watch you experiment with a decapitated head! I just can not!" John yelled out in disgust, pointing at the head of a recent victim of one of Moriarty's doings. 
"Fucking Moriarty. Can't we just have Greg kill the prick and get it over with?!" John said in an aggravated tone. He didn't understand how anyone couldn't just throw him behind bars- for good.
John was tired. John was beyond exhausted of all of this. Too much was going on and he couldn't wrap his head around what Moriarty was trying to pull. "And now, he is running around acting like he is some...actor. Fucking fool, he is mental. No one is going to believe that." John rolled his eyes, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat. 
John felt his phone go off, he grabbed it out of his pocket and switched it on to read a text.
Come to the hospital quick. We have a patient that is in need of your attention.
It was from one of John's nurses. "Oh, brilliant. I have to go to work. Emergency. See you later Sherlock." John said, practically running out of the flat and rushing to his office. He had no idea what it was that needed his attention so badly. And, before John knew it, he was running into a trap set in his own office. Moriarty was sitting at his desk, a phone in his hand and his nurse was knocked out on the sofa chair. He smirked at John.
'Oh, don't look so frightened Johnny Boy.'
"Y-you...Wh--Why are you HERE?" He screamed.
'Now, now. One must be patient!'
John swallowed and realised he left Sherlock alone. "Sherlock!"
Moriarty laughed loudly. 'Johnny, Sherlock is safe. Don't worry. All of my best men are on him and watching him. But, if you don't follow my orders, bye bye- Sherlock!'
John furrowed his brows and looked at Moriarty. "What must I do?"
'Don't you worry your pretty little head.'
Before John knew it, the room went dark and he was collapsing on the floor. Moriarty had swooped in and drugged John to knock him out.
I will be late, don't worry about waiting for me for supper. -JW
This was sent to Sherlock from John's phone that Jim had written up before relocating the two.
Hours later, Jim had moved John, with assistance of course, to the top of London Bridge. He laid John's sleeping body out on the cement, looking down and grinning at the cars moving so quickly by them. He looked at his watch and knew Sherlock would arrive at the precise time. And, so would a boat, to make his plan work so perfect.
London Bridge. Come, I have a present. -JM
Jim had texted Sherlock that from his own phone.
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