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mathsandcomedydotcom · 1 year ago
The Latin phrase under discussion is:
‘Num cāsū factus est mundus?’
which means:
‘Was the world made by chance?’
or, better still:
‘The world was hardly made by chance, now, was it?’
In the above Latin sentence, the interrogative particle: ‘num’ tells us that we expect the negative answer:
‘No, of course the world was not made by chance!’
If one were to pronounce Latin with the Received Pronunciation—RP is not rhotic—then this is to mispronounce most r’s and most—if not all—of the vowels.
Long ‘o’ in both Hiberno-English and Latin is pronounced: /oː/ whereas in RP it is /ɛoː/.
short ‘a’ in both Hiberno-English and Latin is pronounced /ɑ/ whereas in RP, it is pronounced: /æ/. If one be really posh, like the characters in the crown, short ‘a’ can even be pronounced as: ‘ɛ’. Often the characters in The Crown speak of being ‘heppy’.
The RP is dying in England. Not even princes William and Harry use it. However, thankfully, The Crown has preserved 6 series of exquisite RP.
There are other similarities to the Irish (and Scottish) like the Romans giving each other unflattering nicknames. ‘Brūtus’, for instance means: ‘dull’, ‘stupid’, ‘brutal’ and ‘Cicerō’ means ‘warts-on-his-nose’.
To pronounce Latin in an Irish accent is, in my view, to pronounce all the r’s and vowels of Latin perfectly. The Irish accent—or ‘Hiberno-English’—is a rhotic pronunciation of the English language which means that r’s are always pronounced. ‘rhō’, in Greek signifies our English letter ‘r’ hence the linguistic term: ‘rhotic’.
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verypersonalscreencaps · 1 year ago
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LESLEY MANVILLE for #TheCrownNetflix
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tinylittlesstuff · 1 year ago
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NEW 📸 || Eve Best as Carole Middleton no episódio 6x07 "Alma Mater" em @thecrownnetflix.
👑 Netflix describe Eve's character Carole as the “flight attendant who went on to run a successful business. She adores her daughter Kate and has high ambitions for her. Carole encourages Kate to pursue William at University.’
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thecrownnet · 1 year ago
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TheCrownNetflix "All one wants is for that girl to find peace."
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maximumwobblerbanditdonut · 10 months ago
Watch Tobias Menzies read an extract from Mater 2-10, the #InternationalBooker2024-shortlisted novel written by Hwang Sok-yong and translated by Sora Kim-Russell and Youngjae Josephine Bae
Directed by Charlotte Hamblin for Merman.
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SHORTLISTED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BOOKER PRIZE International Booker–---nominated virtuoso Hwang Sok-yong is back with another powerful story — an epic tale that threads together a century of Korean history. In contemporary Seoul, a laid-off worker stages a months-long sit-in atop a sixteen-storey factory chimney.
During the long and lonely nights, he talks to his ancestors, chewing on the meaning of life, on wisdom passed down the generations. Through the lives of those ancestors, three generations of railroad workers, Mater 2-10 vividly portrays the struggles of ordinary Koreans, starting from the Japanese colonial era, continuing through Liberation, and right up to the twenty-first century.
It is at once a gripping account of a nation’s longing to be free from oppression, a lyrical folktale that reflects the blood, sweat, and tears shed by modern industrial labourers, and a culmination of Hwang’s career — a masterpiece thirty years in the making. A true voice of a generation, Hwang shows again why he is unmatched when it comes to depicting the roots and reality of a divided nation and bringing to life the trials and tribulations of the Korean people.
@ The Booker Prizes
Absolutely brilliant, Tobias Menzies! 🤩 Just his facial expressions show the audience his level of acting 🎭
#BookerPrize #BookRecs #ReadingRecs #BookTok #TBR #TobiasMenzies # TikTok #TobiasMenziesEdit #Seoul #TheCrown #TheCrownNetflix #TheTerror #Outlander #GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesEdit
Posted 25th April 2024
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korniawan · 5 years ago
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Hujan-hujan begini memang enaknya mager sambil nonton Netflix, nyemil dan makan Indomie .. Sama seperti @ariefmuhammad , aku adalah korban yang selalu penasaran ketika sudah terlanjur nonton serial di @netflixid (semoga punya waktu luang trus). Klo @ariefmuhammad serial dari Korea, klo aku selalu penasaran dengan serial @thecrownnetflix dari UK. .. Serial ini menceritakan kehidupan di keluarga kerajaan Inggris era King George dan Queen Elizabeth. .. Budaya menonton TV kita sudah berubah. Hampir mayoritas masyarakat urban sudah meninggalkan TV yang menggunakan antena, sekarang trendnya adalah streaming. Dimana kita sudah tidak lagi di cekokin konten yang di set oleh stasiun-stasiun TV, tapi kita lah yang memilih sendiri konten tersebut yang ingin kita tonton. .. Di masyarakat urban, apalagi kalangan menengah ke atas, mereka sudah tidak lagi menonton sinetron-sinetron dengan cerita-cerita azab dengan iklan-iklan selundupannya atau acara musik yang joged-joged dan disisipi drama-drama yang dibikin oleh hostnya. .. Mereka sudah beralih ke youtube, @netflixid dan platform streaming lainnya. Karena prinsip yang berlaku saat ini, kita yang menentukan mau mengkonsumsi hiburan apa bukan stasiun TV yang menentukan kita harus mengkonsumsi hiburan apa. .. Pertanyaannya adalah kenapa dan sampai kapan kah @telkomindonesia membelokir @netflix ?
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insurgentepress · 4 months ago
Cambian a los guionistas para la tercera temporada de "Los Anillos de Poder"
Van a ‘salvar’ la tercera temporada de @TheRingsofPower los guionistas de @TheCrownNetflix y @Stranger_Things.
Agencias, Ciudad de México.- Amazon Prime Video parece estar dispuesto a llevar ‘El Señor de los Anillos: Los Anillos de Poder’ a nuevas alturas con la confirmación de una tercera temporada en camino, sumando nuevos guionistas al equipo. Después de una segunda temporada que generó opiniones divididas, la inclusión de escritores experimentados de series aclamadas como ‘The Crown’ y ‘Stranger…
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source-insta · 5 months ago
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Actor @jodiannebalfour (aka Jacqueline Kennedy in @thecrownnetflix) wearing the Kathleen Whitaker Chain Necklace. #regram#kathleenwhitaker #thecrown
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cinnamemeroles · 9 months ago
Never question Snape’s loyalties.
Why puppets? Because everyone loves puppets! 😉
Audio used from @thecrownnetflix - season 4, episode 10
I do not own any audio or character ideas used in the video, only my puppet designs.
Standing on the shoulders of giants! If you object to your meme/sound bite/voice being used in this manner, please get in touch
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farttherapy · 10 months ago
A poem by Charles Mackay as recited by Gillian Anderson on The Crown.
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fabioperes · 10 months ago
THE CROW REMAKE 2024 #thecrownnetflix #brandonlee #lançamento #remake As almas gêmeas Eric Draven e Shelly Webster são brutalmente assassinadas. Tendo a chance de salvar seu verdadeiro amor ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xgs4AiKWLw
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verypersonalscreencaps · 1 year ago
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LESLEY MANVILLE for #TheCrownNetflix
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tinylittlesstuff · 1 year ago
Eve Best as Carole Middleton, em @thecrownnetflix.
A 6ª temporada da série está disponível na plataforma da @netflixfilm, e a parte final que conta com a participação de Eve Best estreia em 14 de Dezembro de 2023.
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thecrownnet · 2 years ago
WoW 6 Emmy Nominations!!!
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TheCrownNetflix  A heartfelt congratulations to the cast and crew of The Crown Season 5. Six Emmy nominations including Best Drama Series, and Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Drama Series for Elizabeth Debicki.
Outstanding Drama Series
Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Drama Series -  Elizabeth Debicki
Outstanding Period And/Or Character Hairstyling -  Cate Hall, Emilie Yong Mills
Outstanding Period Costumes For A Series - Amy Roberts +
Outstanding Cinematography For A Series (One Hour) -  Adriano Goldman
Outstanding Casting For A Drama Series -  Robert Sterne
*Final-Round online voting will open Thursday, August 17. Only National Television Academy Active members of the Television Academy are eligible to vote. Award ceremony September 18.
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alinanguce · 1 year ago
Amigos soy yo….
O Tio @netflix nos quiere decir en @TheCrownNetflix que la terrible muerte de #LadyDi fue una terrible desgracia consecuencia de sus problemas mentales y emocionales, por su divorcio del cual ya había pasado 1 año; entonces el horrible horrible…
Inmigrant Arab se quiso aprovechar de su fragilidad, para adquirir la nacionalidad que se le negaba…por egipcio (sin hablar de que es msulmán al parecer)
Pero la #corona, no tuvo nada que ver mucho menos la negligencia de años y con negarle seguridad privada, después de que sabían que era la más querida de la realeza (sin serlo), como no previeron que sería perseguida y acosada (cuando seguramente todos los días durante un año seguro salía en todas las portadas de periódicos y revistas… de menos de UK).
No, no, su culpa definitivamente no fue; no tuvieron nada que ver más que Diana y sus malas decisiones, por no ser una devota esposa, una abnegada divorciada, discreta, tímida y con la mirada gacha.
Porque los franceses no tenían las suficientes leyes, para permitir que alguien pudiera estará al volante, con alcohol en su sistema, ¡porque la gente es inconsciente! que nublará su destreza; lo sirviente que supiéramos es que ¡Poom!…una terrible tragedia para el mundo…
Diana fue la única responsable de su propia defunción…
Eso le pasa a las mujeres que se divorcian, alzan la voz y no se quedan calladas cuando algo no les parece
P.D. Escribí así porque no se si banean publicaciones y así…
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real-elizabeth · 1 year ago
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