fromkenari · 4 years
“Wake up! Please wake up.” (To Derek)
Sentence Starters
How often did people get hit by a delivery truck going 70 miles per hour without reason?
That’s what Derek had been thinking when he saw it coming down the wrong lane on the very narrow two-lane way up into the mountains. Maybe, its brakes were out or maybe it was a hunter intent to kill him. Whatever the case, there was no way to stop it and Derek had swerved toward the mountain looming over them and unhooked his seatbelt at lightning speed to throw himself toward Stiles so he, Derek, would take the brunt of the hit.
What he wasn’t planning was to pass out from the pain of it all.
His ears rang and he could barely hear Stiles’ voice getting more and more desperate as he begged Derek to wake up. Derek suddenly put a hand to his husband and tried to sit up to find himself strapped to a backboard with a collar around his neck and his arm in a sling.
Growling as he felt the pain but felt himself healing, the first thing Derek ripped off was the collar and at about that moment, Stiles dove on top of him and Derek held him momentarily and then scanned around looking for their beloved dog.
“Are you okay? Where’s Oiche?” Derek asked and didn’t recognize his voice, he’d definitely have broken his neck and did not give a damn about the other driver. He wanted his husband and he wanted his dog. Someone was trying to get Derek to lay back down but he refused and cracked his neck out of annoyance, which didn’t feel good but he was definitely back to being in one piece.
“Stiles, please, where is the dog?” he asked and then saw her she was in the back of a Sheriff’s car and rabidly barking her head off to get to her dads. Derek sighed and hugged Stiles. “I’m here,” he promised. “I’m okay,” he continued and looked around at the scene of the wreck and their destroyed SUV, which thankfully had not toppled over the side of the mountain with Derek’s maneuvering. Derek was then ripping off the braces that held him down. “Stiles, did they tell you I was dead?” he whispered roughly. He could see it in his husband's eyes. He knew what it meant.
“We need to get out of here.”
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dagenovaconamore · 4 years
I want the K
Random Kiss | 14: Kiss Along the Hips | @alkaysani-yusuf​
Nicky was skilled at staying quiet when his Yusuf toyed with him, but Joe? Joe couldn’t keep it to himself for anything and how Nicky loved that sort of reaction. They were naked in bed, tangled up in each other, weapons put aside and Nicky was waking up his Yusuf for the morning. Malta was beautiful any time of year, but in the late Spring, when all the lush growth was in bloom and the waters were clear before tourist boats took over, it might be at its finest.
Slowly, Nicky moved and kissed one hip bone before putting his teeth along the edge of the meat of Joe’s abdomen. He smiled against his Yusuf’s warm skin at the reaction that pulled. He didn’t stop either. He kept kissing, licking, and pressing bites as his big hands massaged Joe’s thigh. Then, he hummed as he moved to the other hip and thigh and sighed happily as he kissed that jut of bone and gazed up through his lashes with pale green eyes -- eyes that Joe spoke poetry about anytime they were alone and it always thrilled him.
“Sei sveglio ora amore mio?“ Nicolo asked, patient to the last when it came to his gorgeous Yusuf.
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devilsxinthedetails · 4 years
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  “ Come here. “
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tofeelthecold · 5 years
@theboyinthehoodie​ liked for a starter from Michael Guerin
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“If you’re looking for some good food try the Crashdown, has a green sign on the building. You can’t really miss it,” Michael stated. “It’s a bit...themed but this is Roswell and the whole ufo crash and aliens sell, especially with tourists.” 
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ofblackskies · 5 years
“I miss him.” @theboyinthehoodie
     Elijah quirked a brow and looked over. “Miss who, exactly?” He asked, almost feeling a hint of jealousy imagining who he could have possibly been speaking of. Then he realized - or thought he realized at any rate - that Stiles was looking at an old photo of the two of them. Who could he possibly miss? Elijah was right here, dammit! “I’m here, little human.” He said softly. And then something occurred to him. Was Stiles missing the person he was two and a half years ago? God. The thought made Elijah ache. “I am right here.” He echoed, moving close and wrapping his arms around Stiles from behind.
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Rays of sunlight trickling through the blinds had Derek drifting in and out of sleep for the last hour or so.  Were it not for the warmth against his side, the arm precariously thrown over his chest, the steady puffs of air against the skin of his neck - all of it pulled him back into blissful slumber.  Just a little longer, that’s all he wanted.
But then ringing and the sounds of a buzzing phone on the wooden nightstand had him groaning.  The wolf rolled over, curling around the younger’s body and hiding his face into the pillow.  “Stiles,” he groaned, “Your alarm.”
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fxralheart · 6 years
The night before still thrummed through Grimm’s veins as he stood in front of the stove making breakfast.  Sex had always been a release, a way for him to flush out all the bad and start off on a good foot.  For awhile, during his early twenties, it had been more like a substitute for alcohol.  Whenever he felt awful, he’d shack up with a girl and it would temporarily make everything a little more bearable.  But it had been a regular thing, where he’d be with a partner a couple times a week.  How he managed to get out of that period of his life clean, he would never know.  He must’ve built up enough good karma along the way or something.
Some things didn’t change.  It was rare that he had his partners spend the night.  Even his repeat fucks, they had codes.  The couple he saw, the games they played - when it was over, he’d take the time he’d need to collect himself and he’d be gone within a couple hours max.  it made it easier to keep the sex just that - sex.  No emotions attached, no complications, only a way to unwind.  His partner had left after a small cuddle session, late in the night.  He’d seen her out, made sure she made it to her car and got on the road safely.  Then he slept deep and hard.  It had been awhile since he’d had someone over, wanting to be respectful to Miec.  But ultimately it was his place, and he was in the mood and had nowhere to go, so he brought one of his free friends over to his place.  He’d warned the other, got no flack about it, so he figured things were good.
Grimm turned his attention away from his pancakes when he heard noise from behind.  “Morning, Micky.  Makin’ pancakes.  How many you want?”  
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shadowedarcher-blog · 7 years
Alec had not asked for the relocation, did not want it in the slightest.  New York had always been his home, his family at the Institute, and his boyfriend in Brooklyn.  After all this time, he felt like he was finally happy, settled into where he belong.  Of course, The Clave couldn’t have any of that.  Right when everything was falling into place, of course they had to uproot it and send him on a special mission on the other side of the country.  
There were plenty of capable shadowhunters that they could have sent.  “You are the best acquainted with the downworlders and mundanes,” they had argued, a slap to the face in regards to his relationship with Magnus.  Yes, he understood Downworlders, and with guidance from Magnus, felt for them even.  It wasn’t a bad thing and it had helped them with their alliances... so why did this assignment feel like a punishment?  They had assured him that successfully protecting this small town, that was now a hot spot for demon activity, would only be a career builder.  Alec knew that it would be, was thankful even that such a task would be put into his hands.  However, it felt like there was an ulterior motive at play, a way to get him as far away from New York as possible.
Alec put down the book on werewolves he’d been reading, the book making a heavy thump on the hard surface of the desk.  He already knew just about everything there was to know about werewolves, but he’d been bored and it had been sitting out.  Chris Argent, the man giving him housing until the Clave cleared his funds to get his own place, had asked him to stay put.  Generally, Alec wouldn’t have listened to a mundane, especially one that was preventing him from doing his job, but it wasn’t his town.  This Argent character knew the inner workings.  Beacon wasn’t like New York - he wouldn’t just be able to blend in because it was a small town and in small towns, anything new stuck out like a sore thumb.  So Alec gave the man until nightfall to do what he needed to do.  Demons would start prowling once the sun went down, and even if it weren’t his town, it was now his responsibility to protect it.
Boredom had claimed him again and Alec decided to search the shelves for something more interesting.  Hazel eyes scanned the books until he heard the doorbell ring.  Alec looked toward the door, gave it a moment, and went back to scanning.  The bell rang again... and then a few more times.  Brows furrowed together and he moved toward the entrance, pulling the door open.  Before him stood a lanky teen, a young boy that couldn’t have been older than eighteen.  
“If you’re looking for Chris Argent, he’s not here,” he informed the boy.  He crossed his arms over his chest, runes covered with the jacket sleeve, but the mark on his neck would stick out like a sore thumb.  “He’ll be back in the evening if you really need him.”  Though he suspected if it was someone that knew him and really wanted him, they could just get in touch with him on his cell phone.
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lacrossexpup-blog · 7 years
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“ --- did you eat my taco bell? “
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talldarknsalty · 5 years
“Arson should not be a source for arousal.” (from walledoffheart)
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alec was silent for a few moments before looking over at magnus with a confused expression. “i don’t think having a bonfire in the middle of the woods counts as arson.” thought he does have to wonder how legal this is for mundanes. clary had suggested they have some sort of bonfire, a way to wind down in the cool of the night, the moon and the fire being their only source of light. alec wasn’t used to doing mundane things, but a night away with friends and family was always nice. plus, there was drinks. though near a fire, he had to wonder how good of an idea that was. no wonder humans never survived long. 
“though, we did bring a tent to sleep in, if that’s true.” he said, looking over his bottle of beer at mangus, giving him a knowing look and a small smirk. he was pretty sure the others wouldn’t notice if they ran off to their tent.. and if they did, so what.
meme ; @walledoffheart
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fromkenari · 4 years
I want the k (to Derek)
Random Kisses | 5: Firm Kiss
The door to the cabin opened and Derek snapped awake where he’d fallen asleep sitting on the couch reading an old book. He looked quickly to the door, tense as could be, as Oiche jumped up with a whimper and realized it was Stiles. Derek relaxed and looked to the clock over the mantle. He frowned and got up to go meet his husband.
“Two hours?” Derek prompted before letting up and relaxing his brood. “I guess I wouldn’t have fallen asleep if I was worried about you, which is new,” Derek admitted. “Still, next time you should take our girl,” he hummed as he pushed his face into Stiles’ neck and breathed in his scent which came with all the scents of what he’d come across on his walk as well.
Derek then pushed his hand into Stiles’ lengthening hair though it was nowhere near the length of his own. He smiled warmly and kissed his husband firm and resolute. Like, this was how it was supposed to be. When they parted for breath, Derek rubbed his nose against Stiles’ and grinned until his eyes crinkled at the edges.
“I love you,” he said as he helped Stiles out of his jacket and went to put it in the coat closet. “What can I make you?” he offered, always trying to feed Stiles and put meat on him after such a long bout of depression Stiles had dealt with before they were married. He was still in recovery, not that Derek minded more than being mindful that his husband needed food more often than he would remember.
Derek put his arms around Stiles and hugged him tight, secure, and with love. “Or do you just want to make out for a while? Play, even?” Derek offered up easily enough though he knew the answer and could feel the wanting in his husband. “Play it is,” he hummed before lifting Stiles’ chin that one inch to kiss him hard, firm. He kissed his husband like could not live without him, which was the truth and loved him all the more for it.
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alecsplushpillow · 7 years
@theboyinthehoodie replied to your post “Tbh I feel like the fandom is not really fond of graphics? Gifs make...”
I love your graphics! They're gorgeous!
aww, this is so sweet?  💗 thank you so so much c: that’s exactly the kind of love we should be spreading more towards all those graphic makers that work their asses off and just don’t get the recognition they deserve. THIS.
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etrelinqueretur · 7 years
@theboyinthehoodie | X
He knew the words were meant to be reassuring. He let Stiles close his book and he reluctantly set it aside. One way or another, he was going to find a way to save Stiles from his fate. It was his fault Stiles’s soul was damned.
He turned his hand over to squeeze Stiles’s, a heavy sigh escaping him.
“You’re by mine, I’m by yours,” he whispered. No matter what, they were together. Them against the world. And if that day came and Derek hadn’t been able to save his soul, it would be them against the underworld as well.
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ofblackskies · 5 years
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😍 Thank you babe! ❤️
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Derek could smell it before he even entered the loft, could smell someone up there.  Scott or one of the other pack members, he was sure.  But why?  When he left, he’d taken most everything with him, cleared out his second home to leave no remnants behind.  The plan had been to start over, to begin again with someone that cared about him, begin a new life.  But of course, that never seemed to work out.  And when shit hit the fan, where else did he really have to go?  Beacon was the only other place he ever knew, the only place he could think to go to lick clean reopened wounds.  
When the elevator door opened, the scent hit him full force.  Stiles. The scent of the teen was like a wave washing over him.  Something that strong, it meant the other had been there for awhile.  The lack of cobwebs and dust, the way it felt not completely abandoned, maybe that answered for the scent.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, dropping his duffels to the floor, eyes scanning, looking for the other.  “And how’d you get in?”  Probably the better question.  He didn’t exactly leave a key, was sure to lock up.  But of course, leave it to Stiles to find a way into a place that clearly said keep out.  Not that he was mad about it.  Surprised and curious as to why... sure.  But if anything, he was more relieved.  It hadn’t been abandoned, and maybe he hadn’t either.
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fxralheart · 7 years
Eyes slowly adjusted to the lack of light in the room as Grimm watched from the edge of the bed as shadows danced.  A dark figure move violently in front of him, cries and screams bounced off the barren walls, loud enough to wake their apartment neighbors, for the second night in a row.  Grimm knew he’d probably get some nasty looks in the morning again, judgement about bringing taking in someone so noisy.  But how was he supposed to know the kid suffered from night terrors?  Sure, he’d guessed Miec had been through a lot, could see it in that young face, but there were lots of people who had gone through a lot and didn’t experience such violent dreams at night.
They were different for all people, needed them to be handled differently.  Grimm remembered when night terrors had been a prominent part of his own life almost a decade ago.  They had been so violent, know one dared get near him to try and wake him up.  His ex tried once.  They’d been asleep together when one came out of nowhere for the first time in a long time that Grimm had neglected telling Seiji about them.  When Grimm woke, his boyfriend that the time had been bleeding profusely from the nose and mouth.  He’d been hit so hard they double checked to make sure no teeth were knocked loose.  
Grimm could have taken a hit from this kid, but he figured it be best to just wait it out so as not to potentially make anything worse.  He already shouldn’t be in the room.  Miec had shut himself into the second bedroom for the night, and Grimm knew not to go through a closed door uninvited... at least if you wanted to keep a potential roommate.  The screaming, though, with it happening twice in a row, knowing what the other was going to look like in the morning because of two nights with no sleep, he had to check it out.  Not to mention, he just wanted to make sure that the other didn’t end up getting hurt through the ordeal, wanted to make sure that it wasn’t an overly violent episode.
The terror broke with a loud gasp, his guest shooting up in bed with an almost cry.  The room stay lay in most darkness, masking any details from Grimm’s excellent vision.  All he could see was the figure hunched over, hear the loud gasps of breath and the uneasy shifting atop the mattress.  The terror was over, but the effects would surely linger awhile.  With his presence haven’t been made known yet, he slowly stood, not wanting to spook him.  Without a word, he turned and left the room, keeping the door open as a kind of sign that he’d be back.  And he was back, about a minute later, sitting on the other side of the mattress and offering up a small glass of water.
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