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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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What's your current WIP? . . . Currently, I'm working on the third book in The Blood Series, titled The Bloodlands. . . . Y'all, I've been struggling with this project for a little bit. So, let's figure it out together. Join me on Facebook Live as I discuss all the updates for The Bloodlands. . . . Can't make it? That's okay! I'll be doing an Instagram Live at 7:30 PM. I'll see you then. . . . #iglive #fblive #wip #bookstagram #books #read #indieauthor #writer #author #poc #blackwriter #ownvoices #thebloodseries #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands #ebt https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sVKZGpHYR/?igshid=kfamx3rqjxpu
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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Last post of the month guys, and I'm hella late with it! Anyways, what book would you read while riding on a bus? . . . I would read The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo while riding on a bus. I would want people to look at the book cover and gain interest. With a colorful book cover, and an even better plot, I can't think of anything that would inspire people more. Plus, it would make me look whimsical. . . . I would be delighted to see someone reading one of the books from #thebloodseries on the bus. It would make my heart soar. . . . #read #thepoetx #author #elizabethacevedo #poetry #poc #ownvoices #books #indieauthor #jsliving #TheBloodBookOne #TheBloodQuest #TheBloodBookTwo #TheBloodQueen #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands https://www.instagram.com/p/B_oOKhsJ--6/?igshid=1vqlk5zqifzio
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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What book did you only read once? . . . The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of the most boring books that I've ever read. I remember having to write a paper on it, and I began the paper with something like " I didn't want to write this paper because the book sucked." Okay, so, maybe I didn't say that, but I might as well have. The point is, this book is one that I've only read once and I have no intention of reading it again, unless I'm paid or have to teach it...But, at least the movie was decent. 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ . . . Even if you only read The Blood Quest one time, I will appreciate it. After all, one of the Joy's of writing a book is knowing that someone will pick it up. . . . #dontread #thescarletletter #author #nathanielhawthorne #doread #read #indieauthor #jsliving #books #TheBloodBookOne #TheBloodQuest #TheBloodBookTwo #TheBloodQueen #TheBloodBookThree ##TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands #bookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B_kZWM9gZfh/?igshid=w9klj1gifgr6
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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Gah! My post is late! But answer me: What book makes you want to fall (or stay) in love? . . . Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli makes me swoon. Whenever I read it, I think about how lucky I am to be loved and accepted by everyone in my life - despite my quirkiness and blatant alternative lifestyle. . . . EBT had a love like this but, due to circumstances, Skye can't fully have or appreciate it. Let's hope her luck changes as book three unfolds. . . . #read #simonvsthehomosapiensagenda #author #beckyalbertalli #swoon #love #acceptance #appreciation #book #jsliving #thebloodseries #TheBlood #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands https://www.instagram.com/p/B_dutabAivM/?igshid=1q7xsoip24d1o
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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What book were you reading close to or on your wedding day? . . . Am I a terrible person if I say that I was reading Jay Bonansinga's The Walking Dead: Descent close to my wedding day? I'm a huge fan of the multimedia persona known as The Walking Dead, so it couldn't be helped. The only thing that I haven't been able to do yet is attend a Walker Stalker Cruise. Maybe when this quarantine lifts, I can set a date to do that... . . . Fun Fact: There are zombies in The Blood Series, but none have appeared in the first two books. Perhaps there's hope for book three... . . . #quarantine #read #thewalkingdead #descent #twd #author #jaybonansinga #weddings #weddingdayreads #zombies #cruises #indieauthor #jsliving #book #thebloodseries #TheBloodBookOne #TheBloodQuest #TheBloodBookTwo #TheBloodQueen #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands https://www.instagram.com/p/B_SG9ocgbVL/?igshid=s7x9i5bkk30y
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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What book made you want to scream? . . . Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson is, by far, the most frustrating book ever. There were so many times that I wanted ti scream - at the protagonist, the police officer, the friends, the mom - that I lost count. You have to read the boom ro know what I'm taking about, but trust me that you'll both love it and want to pull your hair out. . . . Don't worry though, the characters in The Blood Series will make you want to do there same. . . . #read #allegedly #author #tiffanydjackson #frustrating #scream #hairpulling #characters #theblood #jsliving #indieauthor #thebloodseries #TheBloodBookOne #TheBloodQuest #TheBloodBookTwo #TheBloodQueen #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands https://www.instagram.com/p/B_FOG0NANLa/?igshid=10d0srk0h2l0f
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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What book would you dedicate to your haters? . . . My post was a bit late today, sorry about that. But, to answer the question, I would have to say that if I had any haters, which I don't think that I do, I would dedicate the 5th Wave by Rick Yancey to them. Why? Because it talks about forgiveness. It's whole theme is forgive the people who do you harm and think about how to move forward. If people are harboring hate towards me, I feel like they could learn from the main character in this book. Besides, at the end of the day, what is "hating" anyone doing for your life except bogging you down. . . . Ironically, forgiveness, understanding, and moving forward are some of the things that Elizabeth Bathory-Tèpe (EBT) has to learn. So, maybe, everyone can learn together. . . . #read #the5thwave #author #rickyancey #forgiveness #movingon #movingforward #understanding #nohate #formyhaters #jsliving #indieauthor #thebloodseries #TheBloodBookOne #TheBloodQuest #TheBloodBookTwo #TheBloodQueen #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands https://www.instagram.com/p/B_DTcibgl0G/?igshid=1tf9sf4rsk387
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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What's your favorite book cover? . . . My favorite book covers are from the Saga of Darren Shan. I have the covers on the top left corner, but I also live the ones on the biotin right. The series itself has an added benefit of complex characters and realistic character goals. . . . The Blood Quest and The Blood Queen also have complex characters and realistic character goals. This is a trend that I plan to set for the rest of The Blood Series. . . . #read #darrenshansaga #cirquedufreak #author darrenshan #covers #bookcovers #the bloodseries #jsliving #indieauthor #TheBloodBookOne #TheBloodQuest #TheBloodBookTwo #TheBloodQueen #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ABr1kAJbu/?igshid=10ww6e8jp3e3r
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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What is a book that you like that has a color in the title? . . . The Color Purple by Alice Walker was one of the first books that I read with Adult content in it. I remember reading it in the 6th grade because the day I brought it to class was the day it was added to our banned books list. Of course, I still read it. . . . While the content is different, I hope that one day someone recognizes the name Elizabeth Bathory-Tèpes in the same way and for the same reasons they recognize Celie: for her strength. . . . #read #TheColorPurple #author #AliceWalker #adultbooks #bannedbooks #strength #EBT #ElizabethBathoryTépes #jsliving #indieauthor #thebloodseries #TheBloodBookOne #TheBloodQuest #TheBloodBookTwo #TheBloodQueen #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands https://www.instagram.com/p/B-9cuDWJc-z/?igshid=12bqnnpep86in
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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What's your favorite post-break up book? . . . I first read Scott Westerfeld's Uglies when I was in high school. When two of my favorite characters split up in the book, I was reminded of arguments that I'd had with my significant other. Or, rather, the person that I wanted to be my significant other (because even if wedd never dated, it felt like we white in THAT kind of relationship as opposed to a friendship). Anyways, I guess reading Uglies comforted me because I could identify with the characters and their feelings. Also, it's a bit cathartic to revel in someone else's romantic woes when you're in pain (whether it be fictional or real). . . . If these thoughts intrigue you, or if you need a post breakup book yourself, then I think you'll really enjoy the second book in The Blood Series: The Blood Queen. . . . #read #uglies #scottwesterfeld #author #postbreakup #arguments #split #breakup #identify #significantother #romance #relationships #books #jsliving #author #thebloodseries #TheBloodBookOne #TheBloodQuest ##TheBloodBookTwo #TheBloodQueen #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7MxwMJ5wJ/?igshid=6xqespayzj6m
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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What book do you like that has a location in there title? . . . I'm not sure if it counts, but I'm currently reading Keira Drake's The Continent. So far, I'm enjoying the imagery of the world and the juxtaposition to reality that the author has created. The Continent is filled with snarky characters, real world problems, and questions (that I assume will be answered) that are intriguing. . . . The third book in The Blood Series,The Bloodlands, also features imagery like you've never seen before (or, at least I hope it does). . . . #read #thecontinent #keiradrake #author #jsliving #indieauthor #imagery #juxtaposition #reality #realworld #snarky #characters #intrigue #thebloodseries #TheBloodBookOne #TheBloodQuest #TheBloodBookTwo #TheBloodQueen #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands https://www.instagram.com/p/B-4klajJI6G/?igshid=1cy23bte8uq87
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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What book that you like has mutual elements in it? . . . I know that Angie Thomas is already on this list, but I really do love her books. On the Come Up is a memorable story and Bri, the main character, is my rapping hero. I mean, there was a time when I thought I'd be a rapping/singing legend (that didn't happen), so it's nice to live vicariously through a character that I relate to. . . . I'm still in the process of writing The Blood Book 3: The Bloodlands, but I think that a character with musical abilities might show up. Or, maybe there's already one in my midst... . . . Anyways, you can read more about The Blood Series by clicking on the link in my bio. And, don't forget, I'm hosting a book review on my Facebook Live today at 5:30 PM (don't worry, there'll be another reminder later)! . . . #read #onthecomeup #angiethomas #author #jsliving #indieauthor #POC #memorable #singing #rapping #legend #legendary #characters #bri #musical #abilities #facebooklive #bookreviews #thebloodseries #TheBlood #TheBloodBookOne #TheBloodQuest #TheBloodBookTwo #TheBloodQueen #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands https://www.instagram.com/p/B-168J0A96f/?igshid=15kbnxh092ad1
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jlmakathejsliving · 5 years ago
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What book is on your to read list? . . . There is a lost of books that every English major is supposed to read. But, in all honesty, most of us don't read the books on that list. Dracula by Bram Stoker is on that list, and I'm the English major who hasn't read it. However, it is on my "To Read" list. . . . Ironically, Dracula - a.k.a. Vladimir Tepés- is Elizabeth Bathory-Tèpes 's father. So, I guess that's one book for me to add to my list and two/three books for you all! 😁😁😁 . . . #read #dracula #bramstoker #author #jsliving #indieauthor #vladimirtèpes #elizabethbathory #thebloodcountess #ebt #sluagh #vampires #fae #arcane #poccharacters #POC #elizabethbathorytèpes #theblood #thebloodseries #TheBloodBookOne #TheBloodQuest #TheBloodBookTwo #TheBloodQueen #TheBloodBookThree #TheBloodlands https://www.instagram.com/p/B-zqLKHASzx/?igshid=1baekore0vrut
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