#theatre au update
passionartx · 5 months
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A few days ago I got cast as Dorothy in my local theatre company’s production of The Wizard Of Oz and I just know this means I’m gonna be hyperfixating on @whotfletamothhyperfx’s @sonicwizardofozau 10 times harder! So I decided to draw their AU Tails design + T-Pup
!Defo check their au out if you haven’t already cause ahhh it’s so, so good! The world building, the character designs, the art, the everything!✨!
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jovenshires · 8 months
tommy and spencer spend valentine's day together - in every universe.
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sytoran · 6 months
home is where the heart is ★ m.list
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IN WHICH your married life with Natasha Romanoff is depicted through this comedy-drama series. With your dream job, three kids, and a plethora of friends, each day is blissful but all the more chaotic and unpredictable. (And ultimately, very horny.)
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⋆⭒˚。★ CONTENT !!
pairing ★ sub!wife!natasha x beefy!butch!reader
genre ★ no powers au, smut, fluff, crack, slight social media au
warnings ★ (MINORS DNI) - explicit content, irregular updates, specific warnings in each chapter
notes ★ this has been brewing in the back of my mind for the longest time, i just finally decided to put it down into words... hope yall like this just as much as my other fics, if not more!
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⋆⭒˚。★ PROFILES !!
001. the l/n-romanoff clan
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natasha wakes you up with a pleasant surprise, your gremlin kids are the life and death of you, tony stark is annoying, marital sexting is pretty tough, and you're homesick for your wife's pussy.
twitter's sole purpose is for you to thirst over your wife, the beach is a good place to spend time with your kids, and ogle at your wife in a bathing suit, but not a great a place to have sex. (lesson learnt).
marina gets into trouble at school, you're one second away from punching a suburban mom, natasha is the calmer parent, you satiate your murderous desire between her thighs, and movie nights!!
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© 𝐒𝐘𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐍 2024 ━ do not copy, edit or translate my works
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981 notes · View notes
bvidzsoo · 19 days
Under the pretense (1)
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The second installment of Popular boys? Overrated ♡
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❝𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔡 𝔪𝔢, 𝔟𝔬𝔡𝔶 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔰𝔬𝔲𝔩, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 ℑ 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢, ℑ 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢, ℑ 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲.❞
Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x female reader
🎭Warning: cursing, very slight mention of being suicidal 🎭Word count: 6.2k 🎭Genre: humor, cliché themes, 90's rom-com vibes; University!au; Popular guy!au; Sport!au; Enemies to Lovers!au 🎭Rating: nc-17 🎭Summary: What was supposed to be the best time of your life turned into something more bizarre and only slightly fun. Don't get me wrong, having to share your theater class out of the blue with popular guy Jeong Yunho, to most, didn't sound like the worst idea, but to you...yeah, you would've been more grateful if the principal found other methods of punishment for her son's misbehavior.
A/N: Hello, lovelies! I present you the start of Yunho and our MC's story, I hope it caught your attention and you'll stick around for the next two parts. You can also check out Seonghwa's, which happens in the same universe, it's in the series m.list. The taglist is open, so just lmk in whose part you'd like to be tagged. I made a visual board and playlist for the series, so check them out as I still update them! ^^ Thank you for reading and let me know what you thought of this part, I love reading your feedback! divider
Taglist: @anxiousskylar @philijack @alienvibecheck @yunhosfairy
♡ Series M.list ♡
꧁༺ Visual Board ༻꧂
♫ Playlist ♫
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            I had always been a dreamer, a child with big sparkling eyes, eager to discover the world and its wonders. My parents had always considered me naïve and way too kind, but I found life easier to navigate if I remained humble and kind to those around me. I was not too fond of loud spaces and huge crowds, I would much rather prefer smaller circles where everyone came together to spend their time in silence. That’s how I discovered my elementary school’s reading club. I had been young and disoriented after a strenuous P.E. class when walking down the hallway, pushed into a door by two bigger boys as they chased each other down the hallway. The door I was slammed into wasn’t closed, so I very ungraciously fell inside a classroom in which five people sat in a circle, in silence, with books in their hands and candy on the round table. Eyes fell onto me, mostly surprised, and I blushed as I sputtered my apologies, embarrassed and wanting to hide away as I had disturbed their peace, but my curiosity got the better of me. The teacher in the room made sure I was fine and asked whether I wanted to join them when she noticed me staring longingly at the book in her hands. I didn’t say no to her.
And really, that’s how my love for literature and theatre sparked, evolving into a passion by the time I reached my high school graduation. I knew what I wanted to be, I knew what I had to do next. I had been a theatre kid my whole life, so when my mother rushed inside my room one cool summer evening with my acceptance letter in her hands, I knew my life would change in the next few seconds. Allston Hall University, the dream institution of every student who wishes to become someone important and useful in the near future. I was one of those students, tears streaming down my cheeks due to happiness when my mother read the letter, informing me that I had been accepted and was even the student with the highest grade currently. It was a dream come true, everything I have worked for, my aspirations and hard work were tangible, and I finally felt like I could release the breath of air that’s been constricting my lungs ever since I sent in my application. I was rushing towards the future I wanted, the one I had been dreaming of.
But all good things had a downside to them. Allston Hall University was huge, the biggest in our county, and it harboured various majors and many people, to the point you’d have to watch your every step in the hallways to avoid crashing into anyone. My first day, and week, had been nerve-wracking. People were loud and friendly, sometimes too friendly, to the point I felt uncomfortable in their presence and had to excuse myself to take a moment of solitude. Despite being a theatre kid myself, I felt like the odd one in my circle of people, the one that didn’t fully belong, the one that was a bit different. Everyone around me was outgoing and boisterous, eager to be heard, and even more eager to make more friends. I was quiet and curious, but I liked watching people from the sidelines, assessing a situation from afar before jumping into anything. I liked to meet new people, but I struggled to find common ground with them. I never had many friends growing up, most were surface-level, but the one true friend I did have decided to move counties and start working, instead of following an academic path. There was nothing wrong with that, but our time was limited together and she rarely visited, our friendship has transformed into a long-distance one.
But, to my utmost surprise, I didn’t stay friendless at this huge university for too long. As an extracurricular, I have picked up a Visual Arts class since I have been always interested in it. The class was small and filled with people who dressed better than in any fashion magazine I had seen, all of them having a peculiar aura that I seemed to enjoy a lot. And, to my surprise, they were more like me than my own colleagues. They were quiet, mostly sticking to themselves with big headphones on as they bobbed their heads to the music, briefly greeting you once you entered the classroom. They were mostly art majors, but they didn’t make me feel bad for not being one. A passion was a passion, and they didn’t make fun of you for loving what you loved. However, even here, it seemed that there was someone who wasn’t like the others, someone who was loud and energetic, always laughing and joking with students and professors alike. She was like a happy virus, her happy disposition contagious, and without realizing it at first, I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Perhaps it was because we were complete opposites, unlike my closest friend who thought and viewed the world similarly to me, but with Wendy everything seemed to feel like a new experience.
I couldn’t tell when it happened when the two of us became best friends, but it’s been a year since and we were almost inseparable. Wendy loved spending her free time with me, humming to herself and drawing while I wrote sonnets and read through the next play we’d be going through or even performing with Mrs. Jeong. Wendy felt like a fresh breeze, ready to yank me away from my monotonous days, eager to experience something new. I hated amusement parks, but I went to one with her and had the fun of my life, having never screamed or laughed as much as that afternoon. Wendy couldn’t skate, but one snowy evening, I took her to the skating ring and taught her how to find her balance, and through baby steps, she became even better than me. Wendy loved visual arts but she never understood the charm of a book, a play, or a poem, so I brought her along to the reading club I had been frequenting since my freshman year in high school, and it was an unforgettable experience for the both of us, but Wendy concluded that perhaps literature just wasn’t for her. Much similar to my experience, when I let her drag me to Allston Hall’s first baseball game of the year, all excited and giddy to see her favourite players, only for me to conclude at the end of the game that the sport held no interesting elements for me to find likeable or enjoyable, baseball just wasn’t invented for me.
So yes, Wendy and I were opposite sides of the same coin, eager to learn more and discover the world through our own lenses while dragging the other after ourselves. This would explain why we were currently decked out at the bleachers, sitting at the lowest spot as Wendy’s eyes followed the boys while they played a friendly game and warmed up for their very soon upcoming game. Wendy was athletic and loved to get in a good morning run, which she usually did outside the bleachers to catch a peek of when the boys would go in to exercise. It was embarrassing at first, to walk in every second day with her and have the boys gawking at us, but now it was plainly amusing to see Wendy fall over herself whenever one of them acknowledged her. Her father had been a player in a smaller league, so Wendy grew up in the sport, hence her immense love for it. She was convinced the boys on the University’s team were undiscovered gems and she made sure to stick around them until one of them finally asked her out. She thought I didn’t know, but it was rather obvious that her eyes were set on Byun Baekhyun, the biggest trickster on the team with a notorious grip that could send any batter into a spiral when he’d pitch—these were Wendy’s words, not mine.
I continued flipping through the shortened version of Pride and Prejudice as we would soon do a small audition to see who got which role. Mrs. Jeong wanted to do something special and new this year, so there have been added elements to the play—ones that would send Jane Austen into an existential crisis, in my opinion, but Mrs. Jeong likes to think out of the box and considers herself an innovative person—which I agree with, but the play would’ve been best without the modifications done to it. Wendy, sitting in front of me as I had taken the bench between my legs, hunched over my play, sighed dreamily and tapped her fingers against her chin. She was usually a very loud person, but surprisingly she knew when to remain silent, when to give me space and tranquillity to be able to enjoy my reading time. Her short hair stuck to her nape as she decided to run an extra lap this morning, on the verge of hyperventilating when she finally ran inside the arena, spotting me easily as I was the only person in the bleachers while the boys did their warm-ups. Her bag was with me and I knew she refrained from sprawling out on the ground just because Baekhyun was watching her, so I handed her the water bottle with an amused smile. Wendy took it with gratitude and sprinkled some on her face and neck before she took a small sip, chest still heaving from her run.
“That was very sexy of you,” I said with a chuckle as she settled next to me, trying to regulate her breaths as she caught Baekhyun’s eyes, cheeks flushing even deeper as he waved in our direction. Wendy fumbled with her water bottle for a second, then eagerly waved back and pushed my thigh with her elbow to acknowledge Baekhyun as well. I flashed him a smile and gave him a curt nod, which he returned before the coach blew his whistle and called out his name to get him to focus again.
“Don’t make fun of me,” Wendy mumbled, grabbing her towel out of her bag, “my throat was parched and my brain felt like it was overheating.”
“When will you stop finding ways to kill yourself?” I raised an eyebrow and Wendy gave me a look of confusion.
“I’m just pushing my limits, nothing you have to worry about.” Wendy shrugged, taking a sip of her water again, “You know I’m training for the marathon.”
“Right, I almost forgot.” I fixed Wendy with a stare, rather unimpressed as it was impossible to forget that she was training for next month’s marathon. She speaks of it daily, around the same time after she finishes her run and complains about being on the verge of passing out, I’m sure there are other ways of training yourself for a marathon that don’t involve putting too much pressure on yourself and sending your body into despair as it clings to life—a bit dramatic, but that’s what being a theatre kid made of me.
This was half an hour ago, and now Wendy had completely settled down as she was leaned back on her hands, gazing out onto the field as I blocked out the sound of a bat hitting the ball every few minutes, enraptured by the play as I imagined Mr. Darcy standing in front of me, thick eyebrows furrowed and eyes shining with confusion as Miss Elizabeth—me—tells him that he cannot disrespect her whole family and look down on her, and then expect her to fall to her knees and accept his affections. The language was a lot more modern than the one Jane Austen had used, this is where Mrs. Jeong’s crafting comes into play and makes me cringe as Elizabeth is supposed to tell Mr. Darcy that ‘she won’t throw herself at him like every other bitch’, I just knew Jane Austen was rolling in her grave at the atrocity that’s been done to her masterpiece. I could try and convince Mrs. Jeong to modify that part, hopefully, as she’s rather keen on me due to how seriously I take her classes. Cheers erupted on the field and they increased in volume as Wendy gasped next to me, holding her hands together as she was on the verge of shooting up from her seat. The boys were merely training, yet Wendy treated it like a real game every time she got the chance.
“Oh, that’s a home run—” Wendy’s voice was strained, and she sprang up from her spot as the whole team exclaimed, making me lose my train of thought as I couldn’t focus in loud surroundings, “Seungkwan just hit a home run!”
I looked out towards the field as the boys crowded around Seungkwan, forming a circle as they made howling sounds and jumped around, making Seungkwan cackle loudly as he basked in the attention. He was a rather uptight guy, but out on the field, he was simply amazing although he’s never managed to hit a home run until now.
“Oh, this is amazing,” Wendy mused, her eyes sparkling as she clapped away, showing the boys thumbs-up as they turned our way to bow, pushing Seungkwan to the front as he grinned widely, “They’ll ace the next game, Y/N, I can feel it deep in my bones.”
I chuckled but said nothing as I knew this meant a lot to Wendy, and only grabbed her arm to make her sit down when the coach threw her an irritated look. They couldn’t kick us out because we weren’t doing anything illegal or interrupting their training, but I knew the coach wasn’t too fond of two girls always lingering around the bleachers to distract his boys. Not that it was our attention, but I have caught them busy ogling us instead of doing their warm-ups. Wendy was buzzing as she sat down, chewing her bottom lip before she started chewing her nails, making me grip her wrist to stop her as I knew she did it subconsciously. She gave me a grateful smile and I turned back to my play as the boys had calmed down too, going back to their friendly game.
“Do you want to stay for longer?” I asked as I flipped to the next page, eyebrows furrowing as it was Mr. Darcy’s monologue that wasn’t in the original work, “I think I could make use of a coffee right now.”
“Can’t we stay for another fifteen minutes at least?” Wendy asked with a pout, her sparkly eyes widening as I gave her an unimpressed look, “Yunho is up for pitching right now and then it’s Baekhyun again, I promise we can leave once he’s done.”
I sighed but knew I wouldn’t drag my best friend away before she got to watch Baekhyun pitch again, so I just nodded and threw a quick glance at the field. Indeed, player number 04 was up for pitching, Jeong Yunho. His name didn’t leave a distaste in my mouth as I, thankfully, had never had to interact with him, but it was inevitable to know who he was with how huge his reputation had gotten over the last year. We started out at university at the same time, he’s been a baseball player since he was just a child, and he was rising in the ranks rather quickly. He was amazing, even as someone who still didn’t understand how baseball worked, I knew he was good at what he did and he was often praised for his skills. He was the best pitcher the team had—the university has had for ages, at least based on the coach’s words—and he carried himself like a successful athlete would, always smiling brightly with his warm eyes twinkling with mischief-ridden in them.
Sure, Jeong Yunho had a warm and perceiving aura, friendly and even kind, but even those couldn’t stop the rumours spreading of him being a heartthrob. Better said, he was a womanizer. He appeared to be this soft and puppy type of guy, sweeping girls off their feet with his acts of service and soft-spoken nature, but just as quickly as he wrapped them around his fingers, he dropped them without his ‘kind’ smile breaking from his lips, eyes even teary when he told them that he just wasn’t right for them, that they deserved someone better. Behind his innocent mask lay a man who enjoyed playing with others and using them to his liking with a deceiving smile and excuses that didn’t make sense upon another thought. But many girls didn’t care about the rumours, they thought they were simply fake because certainly the sweet and kind Jeong Yunho couldn’t be like that, not with them at least. And that is exactly how they go their hearts broken by the most sought out playboy of our university, from the baseball team at least. The soccer team was even worse, you’d never hear the end of how cool and mysterious Park Seonghwa was. Personally, I preferred my peace of mind and stayed away from both.
I heard the bat collide against the ball with a loud bang, and I could tell it was a strong hit as the boys ‘oohed’, but Wendy just gasped, stiffening in her seat. I paid it no mind as she reacted to every single thing the players did, living in the moment and giving her all to the game—even if just friendly. But some exclaimed alarmed and tried to warn us—or me—of something, but I was too busy ignoring them as my irritation levels were rising. I just really wanted a cup of coffee and silence to be able to finish reading the play before my class later today.
“Y/N!” Wendy’s shrill exclamation made my head snap up, taking in her wide eyes as she gesticulated, only confusing me more. Turning my head to the right, to see what got the boys reacting like that as well, my own eyes widened into saucers when I realized a white small ball was hurling at my face rather quickly. I knew I could dodge it, it wasn’t too late yet, but I felt blindsided as I stared at it, accepting the fact that it would either break my nose or give me a black eye. But someone was moving on the field, had been for a few seconds now, running full speed towards me and the ball. And before it could collide against my face and ruin it, a black glove was in my face, so close that if I puckered my lips, it would’ve touched the fabric. My heart was beating fast and I stared up at the person who caught the ball with wide eyes, exhaling loudly as Wendy yelped and shot up from her seat again.
For a second, it was completely silent, even the coach stood staring at us with an open mouth, whistle threatening to fall from it, but the boys on the field suddenly started howling once again, yelling and calling out my ‘saviour’s’ name. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, lips parted and eyebrows furrowed as his cheeks were rosy from the bite of frost of the morning air, but also from having pitched for the last few minutes. I could feel my own cheeks tinge red from the adrenaline and also from the way the guy’s warm chocolate eyes seemed to melt into mine. Yunho looked pleased that he managed to catch the ball, and his fingers closed around it as he lowered his hand and leaned down a little. My back was rigid as I couldn’t help but blink at him wordlessly, gripping the play tightly in my hands.
“Are you okay?” His eyebrows furrowed more, and his face was ridden with worry as he searched for eye contact. I gulped and averted my eyes, exhaling shakily.
“Yes,” I took a tentative glance at Yunho and cleared my throat, “thank you.”
“I’m sorry.” My eyebrows furrowed as he looked apologetic, biting his bottom lip which was cherry red and plump, “I positioned my arm wrong and I was distracted when I pitched, I almost hurt you.”
“Oh, uhm,” I stared at him for a few seconds as I felt Wendy sit back down and subtly nudge my arm, “It’s fine, you managed to catch it so—good job?”
Yunho chuckled, and I was taken aback by how high-pitched it sounded and how warm his tone was, cheeks puffy and rosy, and definitely giving him this sweet and innocent aura, “Glad to be your saviour despite putting you in harm's way myself.”
I hummed as I found myself lost for words, all the acting classes I had taken flying out the window. There was something about his gaze that made me feel small, made me forget how to articulate my words, “Best if it doesn’t happen again, right?”
Yunho chuckled and I felt embarrassed, but he didn’t look like he meant bad, he seemed simply amused. I was sure he could tell I was flustered and that only made me feel more embarrassed, “Right, I’ll try to keep my eyes off you next time then, focus more on pitching.”
Wendy gasped next to me as I just stared at Yunho dumbfounded, trying not to let my confusion show at the sudden change of events. Well, I was under the impression nobody paid me any mind as I never really paid them any mind, I was here for Wendy and it was pretty obvious.
“Are you reading a play by any chance?” Yunho asked as he looked down at my lap, and I cleared my throat, feeling hesitant as I nodded my head.
“Yeah, Pride and—”
“Pride and Prejudice,” He smiled sweetly, his eyes hidden by his baseball cap, “my favourite.”
I knew Wendy wanted to scream and jump up and down, but she was doing a good job of remaining put and silent. For some reason, Yunho didn’t pass me as the person who would pick up a book, let alone a play, to read, so I just gave him a tight smile and an unimpressed look. I had heard the rumours, and I was sure they were true, I didn’t want to fall for his schemes.
“Right.” My tone was a bit sharp and I knew it took him off guard because his eyebrows twitched, “Aren’t you supposed to be pitching?”
And as if the coach had heard my words, he blew his whistle loudly and shouted, “Jeong, get back on the field!”
Yunho bit his lower lip and grabbed his cap as he nodded his head, winking at me before he was jogging back onto the field, making me grimace. Wendy’s eyebrows were raised and she had a suggestive smile on her face, but I just sighed and shook my head, deciding that I wanted to have coffee now, “We both know he sleeps with every girl and then dumps them right after, so before you get even started, I’m not interested in him at all.”
“But he’s so handsome and tall.” Wendy sighed dreamily and I chuckled, standing up.
“There are plenty of tall and handsome guys at our university, I’ll find myself a decent one, thank you very much.”
“Where are you going?”
“To get my coffee.”
“But Baekhyun hadn’t pitched yet.”
I chuckled as Wendy whined, rooted to her place as I got off the bench.
“Meet me at the coffee shop then, I have class in an hour so don’t stay for long.”
“I love you! Save me a seat by the window!”
I chuckled and nodded, waving Wendy off as she focused on the game again, eyes wide and attentive. I kept to the side of the field so that I wouldn’t be in anyone’s way and walked quickly so that I could be out of the arena swiftly, without angering the coach. Wonwoo, who was the left fielder, threw me a quick smile and I waved at him as I passed by, feeling eyes on the back of my head. I didn’t turn around to check who it was as the coach had spotted me and narrowed his eyes at me. I bowed my head and then slipped out of the arena, less stressed and happier now that I was about to get my caffeine fill of the day.
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             The rest of my day had gone well, and I was more than excited to attend my last class of the day, drama class. We’d hold the rest of our courses at the small theatre of the University as Mrs. Jeong wanted us to focus on the upcoming play only, assignments already handed out as our final grade now depended on finishing it on time and also delivering our best in the play, the two grades turning into our final score. I happily skipped down the stairs of the theatre and greeted a few of my colleagues as I settled not too far from the front rows, somewhere in the middle of the row. I liked sitting by myself so that nobody could distract me while Mrs. Jeong gave us advice and coached us on how to deliver the lines, when to put emotion in it and just how much of it. I placed my coat on the chair on my right and left my backpack on the floor as I leaned down to unzip it and grab the play, my yellow notebook, a black pen and a green marker. I heard the door of the theatre close and open loudly, then running down the stairs and shuffling as I straightened up, trying to organize my things in my lap as I waited for Mrs. Jeong to show up.
To my surprise, there was movement on my left and I looked over, curious of who decided to sit right next to me when there were numerous empty seats in the theatre, only to find Jeong Yunho staring back at me with a surprised expression similar to mine on his face.
“What are you doing here?”
“Oh, hey I know you, hi!”
Yunho and I spoke at the same time as I heard the girls sitting a few rows in the back behind us whisper and giggle to each other. Yunho flushed as he pushed his leather jacket off his wide shoulders and settled quietly in the seat next to mine. I continued staring at him with confusion as his legs spread out wide, his head turning to face me.
“You’re the girl from this morning,” Yunho said as he disregarded my question, “I actually see you around the field often, do you like baseball?”
“No.” I deadpanned and Yunho’s enthusiasm died out at once, smiling unsure, “My friend loves baseball so I tag along with her sometimes.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” Yunho’s smile became more confident as his eyes took in my features, making me feel a bit uncomfortable, “And how are you?”
“I’m—fine.” I still didn’t understand what he was doing here, but I wasn’t about to be rude to him, “And you?”
Yunho’s smile widened into a grin, and he threw a short glance behind us when the girls started giggling louder, “Rather good knowing you’re here too. Why are you here?”
I tried to refrain from sighing at his not-so-subtle flirting and occupied my hands as I grabbed my marker and fiddled with it, “I’m a drama major, Yunho.”
Yunho’s eyes widened for a small fraction, cheeks flushing, “Oh, that sounds lovely, I—sorry, I’m just taken aback that you know my name.”
I didn’t mean to glare at him, but he was bad at playing the abashed and shy boy persona, perhaps a few acting courses wouldn’t do him bad, “You’re on the baseball team and I have gone to almost every game of yours, so I think it’s only natural I know everyone’s name on the team, no?” I didn’t let him answer me as I gave him a scrutinizing look, “Besides, you’re quite famous for breaking the hearts of the girls you go out with, right?”
Now, I could tell he was actually flustered as he averted his eyes, biting his bottom lip as the flush from his cheeks spread to his ears too. Yunho’s dark hair was messy and wavy, and he wore his glasses now. The black turtleneck made him look comfy and safe, his dark jeans complementing his long legs nicely.
“Ah, those are just rumours, you shouldn’t believe everything you hear.” He rubbed his nape and looked back at me, “I’m sorry, I never caught your name.”
I sighed and thought about whether I should tell him, but it was only right since I knew his name and didn’t want to look like a prick, “It’s Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” He grinned widely and extended his hand to shake, “I’m Yunho, but you know that already.”
I hummed and took his hand, a little surprised by how long his fingers were and how much bigger his palm was, it made me blush as I carefully pulled my hand out of his, busying myself with my marker, “So, what are you doing here? It’s a bit weird seeing a sports major here, you know.”
Yunho groaned and I glanced at him to see him rubbing his forehead, “Don’t even tell me about it, it’s completely against my will, if I’m being honest. Not that I hate the theatre or anything, but I’d be much rather doing something else.”
“Well, you can just get up and walk out before the professor comes, you know,” I suggested, nodding my head towards the exit, but Yunho had a solemn look on his face. He let his hands fall in his lap as he intertwined his fingers.
“Actually, I can’t.” He pouted, and I tried not to think of him as a manchild, it wasn’t very appealing, “You see, I might have done something that was against the rules, and this is basically my punishment if I don’t want to lose my scholarship, or worse, get kicked out. I mean, my career would be ruined before I even had the chance to start it, you know?”
I nodded, pretty much on board with what he was saying, “Yeah, that makes sense. Well, it sucks but I still don’t understand why drama class out of all classes they could’ve punished you with.”
“Ugh, right?! Don’t even get me started on it,” Yunho rolled his eyes and adjusted his glasses as he licked his lips, turning his body to face mine, “Like, the principal is totally crazy for placing me in this class! I don’t know why she thought a little play-pretending would fix my attitude—her words, not mine—but it certainly won’t. Like, whatever I did wasn’t even that serious, it’s the fact that the stupid professor can’t take a joke, I didn’t even sleep with his daughter!”
So, this is who the real Jeong Yunho was, unfiltered, and apparently, not as perfect and charming as everyone thought him to be. I chuckled, amused that he’d have to suffer through our drama classes because I knew the outsiders always viewed us as crazy whenever they stumbled through the doors of the theatre, “And how long until your punishment is over?”
“This whole semester, can you believe it?” Yunho sounded annoyed, but his face remained void of any annoyance as he slumped in his chair, looking defeated, “I swear to God, the principal was high on some shit when she threatened to throw me out if I didn’t heed her orders. It’s like—I know she’s my mother but we’re at school, for fuck’s sake! Like—this is university, she can’t punish me like I’m some sort of five-year-old, no?!”
I covered my mouth to try and hide my amusement at his outburst, which got other students chuckling. I meant to answer him, but a rather loud scoff coming from the first row caught everyone’s attention as suddenly they stood, whirling around, hands on their hips. My amusement died down as my eyes widened, staring at Mrs. Jeong in surprise, I didn’t know she was there, I thought she was running late.
“Oh, really, young man?” Her sharp eyes narrowed, and I watched from the corner of my eyes as Yunho’s own widened, mouth falling open, “You think you’re here because I believed whatever that professor accused you of? No, you’re here because you promised me you’d stop fooling around, yet here we are!”
“Mom?” Yunho seemed pale as Mrs. Jeong glared him down, he turned to me with a desperate look on his face, “What’s she doing here?!”
He whisper-shouted as Mrs. Jeong scoffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest. I felt a bit awkward and put on the spot as I nodded in acknowledgement at her, then faced her son, “Mrs. Jeong is the head of our department.”
Yunho’s eyes widened comically and I chuckled as I bit my lower lip, “Uhm, did you not know that your mother is the head of the drama club and department?”
“No!” Yunho whisper-shouted and eyed his mother, who had started to grin in contentment. I could see the resemblance in the two as I looked between the mother and son, their smiles were the same and their cheeks were puffy and almost always rosy. Mrs. Jeong was a lovely and compassionate woman, it sometimes made me wonder why Yunho had such little respect for women when his mother must’ve raised him right.
“If you’re done parading yourself, son, I’d like to start my class, thank you very much.” Mrs. Jeong raised her eyebrows and Yunho grumbled something under his breath as he slipped lower in his chair.
“Sorry, Mrs. Jeong.” He avoided eye contact with his mother and Mrs. Jeong smiled in victory, eyes taking in the place as she counted how many there were of us. I smiled at her when her eyes fell on me and she returned it, clapping her hands once she was done.
“Good, I see more of you joined us—I didn’t count my son in—I hope you’re all ready to rehearse for the play before the auditions, and I’m more than eager to help you all out. Today, I’d like to highlight some of the culminant points of the play and discuss the acting techniques they should be delivered with.” Mrs. Jeong intertwined her hands behind her back and nodded before she went to grab her own copy of the play. Yunho looked helpless as he glanced around the room, sighing long as he peered down at my lap over my shoulder.
“Uh, can you share yours with me?” He grumbled, not so smiley anymore, “I didn’t know what we’d be doing today, I’ll bring my play for the next class.”
“Just this once,” I said with a pointed look and put my copy of the play between us, “I don’t like to share and I like to sit alone, just so you know in the future.”
“All alone?” Yunho asked curiously, “Don’t you like sharing?”
“I like my peace of mind and quiet.” I answered, raising my eyebrows at him, “And I really like to be left alone, Yunho, so don’t try to distract me.”
“Okay,” He whispered as he flipped through the pages, making me give him a small glare, “I’ll be silent, but don’t expect me to survive this whole semester if you ignore me the whole time.”
“Go make friends, I’m sure the girls behind us are more than eager to sit with you,” I muttered with a roll of my eyes, and Yunho grinned as he leaned slightly closer.
“Is that a hint of jealousy—”
“Mr. Jeong,” Mrs. Jeong snapped and we both looked at her alarmed, she was frowning at her son, “Leave Miss Lee alone, yes? Or I’ll make sure to fail you in this class—”
“But mom!” Yunho whined, sitting up straight as he leaned forward, “You can’t do that, I’m not even registered for this class!”
“Really?” Mrs. Jeong chuckled, “Aren’t you?”
“You did not.”
“Oh, trust me, I did.”
Yunho’s mouth fell open in shock, and I had to turn my head to hide my silent laugh as Yunho turned into a whining manchild once again, “You will behave in my class, young man, and you’ll let Miss Lee be, understood?”
“Understood, Mrs. Jeong.” Yunho grumbled under his breath and looked down, a grimace on his face as he muttered something to himself, “I can’t even skip class now, for fuck’s sake.”
A laugh slipped through as I gave Yunho another amused smile and then grabbed my marker, way too amused by how things were turning out to be. Yunho didn’t look too amused but Mrs. Jeong did, and she spoke up with a smile on her face, asking us to flip to the thirteenth page of our play.
I could only hope Jeong Yunho, the Casanova, wouldn’t ruin one of my favourite classes for me.
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❱❱ Next act
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merakiui · 1 year
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[✎] twisted wonderland masterlist
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✿ = nsfw ❀ = sfw ⭑ = yandere ✼ = brain rot (often short drabbles)
a collection of my written works. it will be updated frequently.
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riddle ➳ love me not ⭑❀ ➳ tutor riddle ⭑✿✼ ➳ riddle hits you with his car ⭑✼ ➳ goldfish mer ⭑✼ ➳ more goldfish mer ⭑✿✼ ➳ accidental pregnancy ✼✿ ➳ boyfriend ⭑✿ ➳ getting off to your notes ⭑✿ ➳ fairy-tale felicity ⭑✿ ➳ the birds and the bees ⭑✿ ➳ promising young man ⭑✿ ➳ moros's looking glass ⭑
trey ➳ single father ⭑✼ ➳ everything is going to be okay ⭑
cater ➳ step-brother cater ⭑✼
ace  ➳ to be added.
deuce ➳ to be added.
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leona ➳ to be added.
ruggie ➳ accidental pregnancy ✼✿
jack ➳ to be added.
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azul ➳ sea glass ⭑❀ ➳ childhood crush ⭑❀ ➳ princess au ⭑✿ ➳ ceo azul ⭑✿ ➳ contractual fwb ⭑✿ ➳ preferences ✼✿ ➳ magicord mod ⭑✿✼ ➳ stalker ex ⭑✼ ➳ maid outfit ⭑✿ ➳ vampire ⭑✼ ➳ clingy, codependent boyfriend ⭑✼ ➳ professor ashengrotto ⭑✿ ➳ ob-gyn azul ⭑✿ ➳ camboy azul ⭑✿ ➳ in captivity ⭑✿ ➳ his blueberry eyes (anagapesis in paradise) ⭑ ➳ long-distance love ⭑✿ ➳ simply business ⭑✿ ➳ maybe, i'm afraid ✿ ➳ タコの花嫁 ⭑✿ ➳ risky rascality (tsum sex) ✿ ➳ perverse phantasmagoria: a tentacular theatre for the timid ⭑✿ ➳ angels in tibet ⭑✿ ➳ angel/angler ⭑✿
jade ➳ sea glass ⭑❀ ➳ obsessive fan ⭑✿ ➳ preferences ✼✿ ➳ alpha stalker ⭑✿ ➳ android ⭑✿ ➳ stalker ex ⭑✼ ➳ maid outfit ⭑✿ ➳ in captivity ⭑✿ ➳ non-con thoughts ⭑✿ ➳ death row undertow ⭑✿ ➳ monops's reflection ⭑✿ ➳ the most dangerous game [1] [2] ⭑✿ ➳ RABU ⭑✿ ➳ winter woes ⭑✿
floyd ➳ sea glass ⭑❀ ➳ obsessive fan ⭑✿ ➳ preferences ✼✿ ➳ stalker ex ⭑✼ ➳ alpha prince ✿ ➳ serial killer ⭑ ➳ maid outfit ⭑✿ ➳ fluffy floyd & captivity ⭑ ➳ scummy, sleazy floyd ✿ ➳ in captivity ⭑✿ ➳ in captivity (omegaverse) ⭑✿ ➳ ebb and flow ⭑✿ ➳ 애인 in anthill ❀ ➳ chemic ✿
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kalim ➳ to be added.
jamil ➳ to be added.
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vil ➳ to be added.
rook ➳ 11:11 — sugar dew sewn anew ⭑
epel ➳ to be added.
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idia ➳ changing alpha to omega ⭑✿ ➳ conditioning ⭑✿ ➳ magic dildo ✿
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malleus ➳ 100% ⭑ ➳ never-ending noctuary; love forevermore ⭑✿
lilia ➳ general & his spoil of war ⭑✼
silver ➳ to be added.
sebek ➳ to be added.
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miscellaneous writings ➳ incubus au ⭑✼ ➳ reverse isekai ⭑✼ ➳ apocalypse au ⭑ other writings for this au can be found under the tag twst apocalypse au. ➳ apocalypse au index ⭑ ➳ yandere tsum tsums ⭑ ➳ virginification concepts ✿
rollo flamme ➳ eden ⭑✿ ➳ crow & goat in courtship ⭑✿ ➳ pearl of scarlet, shed of innocence ⭑✿
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon, manipulation, dejection, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: The reader attempts to move past her ruination, but is reminded of her tarnish conscience at every turn. (Regency AU, tall!reader)
Character: Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson
Note: thanks to those who waited on this one!.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you like I love coffee and that’s a lot and probably unhealthy. Take care. 💖
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It should be the happiest time in your life. You should be elated, and yet, as ever it is, every victory precedes a treacherous defeat. A proposal one day, and despair the next. That nipping of doom in your gut, that ever present doubt, is made certain by the passage of time. It has been much too long. 
You sit in the pews, throat tight as you keep your chin locked. You breathe slowly, as if too sudden an intake might unleash the tempest brewing inside of you. It is more than nerves, you know it, that sicken you so. You should be happy for your pending nuptials but you are only horrified at the thought. 
The bishop reads out the banns before the rows; the first for yourself, the third for your sister. She will be permitted to wed and your mother has presided over much of planning already. You dip your head as your name rings out beside Lord Odinson’s and you swallow back a swell of bile. You’ve been gulping down your own stomach for much of the morning, ever since you caught a whiff of pickled shallots in passing the kitchens. 
You push your head up and your hand down to your lap, knowing you will be observed. You must at least look certain of your fate. You must sit proud for the engagement all would put into question. For the time until it shall all dissolve, you must play your part. 
You can barely keep from wilting where you are. A prudent woman might bite her tongue. She may commit to the theatre of it all. She might lie and get away with the folly. You glance over at Lord Odinson, just across the aisle, and you know you cannot. It isn’t one lie, it’s a lifetimes’ worth of betrayal. 
Yet how should you tell it? It isn’t only him who must know. Your father would need good reason why you’d rather the convent to a proper marriage. You will be ruined but you could not put that stain upon the only person who was ever kind to you. Lord Odinson deserves an honest wife and a child of his own. 
Your insides sour and you nearly spasm as you fight the tide of nausea, brought upon by more than your forsaken condition. Your eyes trail away from your betrothed to another man bound in promise. Lord Rogers sits with your sister, as ever, and she leans on him shamelessly, even beneath the Lord’s rafters. 
She would deny it. She would laugh in your face should you ever reveal the absolute truth. No, you must confess the sin as your own and that alone. You will not name the culprit for they would they never believe you and he would never admit it himself. 
Yet, you know that the Duke Rogers will ever be triumphant in knowing that he has brought the monstrous giant to her knees. You are his Goliath, the vile retched creature he has slain in his valour. He will be hero and you be the villain. 
You hand the letter to the carrier just before noon. You don’t expect an audience to be granted until the next morning at earliest. Lord Odinson is a busy man; an ambassador in much demand between the house and society. Even his betrothed must request his presence. 
The cart rattles through the gates and you watch it fade off into the grim horizon. The winter bites in the air, adding to the chill in your bones. That coldness that freeze over your heart. You must be strong now, as strong as the valkyrie he misnamed you as. 
When you go to Lord Odinson, you will bring the crown to him. You will hand it back and admit your tainted stature to him. You will show him how truly small you are.  
At least, that is what you intend. You may prove yourself weak as ever. However it should unfold, this engagement cannot persist. 
“A day! A day and I shall call you husband,” Cora’s shrill tone greets you as you come through the front doors. She is in the sitting room with Lord Rogers. Your mother continues to fawn over the last-minute details for their wedding. “Isn’t it very exciting, my lord?” 
“And I shall call you wife.” 
“And Duchess,” she preens with a trilling laugh, “oh, how elaborate I shall be.” 
“My Athena,” Rogers drones back, “my goddess, my beloved.” 
“Oh, how darling,” your mother preens over them, “it shall be resplendent. I’ve made certain the cake will be exactly as you like it, dearie. The cook has even procured some citrus for the lemonade.” 
The mention of lemonade makes you shrivel. You recall the sunny day when Lord Rogers spoke to you over a weeping beverage. As you fell for that virulent charm. And all that came after. 
You peer at the grim windows and frown. How everything does change so quickly. Happiness is fleeting and yet disappointment comes as a chronic plight. You will never know a day without shame. 
You flit off without notice. Your heart rents at the thought that you will not have the same fervour. You will not sit and plan your own wedding with Lord Odinson. All your fanciful dreams have evaporated. It is one thing to put a mask on, to pretend as virgin, but you could never foist a bastard upon the kind man who has shown you a taste happiness. You will be certain to thank him for all he’s done but you will not spit in his face. 
As you get to the bedroom doors, your stomach churns violently and you burst through, not stopping as you rush to the pot and fall to your knees. You wretch into it as your body contracts painfully. You empty your stomach until you are panting and hollow. 
“Sister,” Alina startles you as she rolls to the edge of the bed, a novel in hand, “is it a winter ague?” 
“I...” you shakily wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, “I believe so.” 
That lie alone singes your tongue like a brand. Your eyes well with tears and you flick them away with your lashes. You sit back on your heels and heave out a pungent breath. 
“Oh, how awful, and just before the wedding,” she sits up and shuts the novel. “Let us pray it passes quickly. You needn’t delay your own nuptials.” 
“Mm, no, that wouldn’t be...” you let the sentence tail off and you stand, taking the pot with you, “I’ll dump it before it can stink.” 
“If you are unwell, call for the maid.” 
“No, it is fine,” you insist, “I didn’t mean to disturb your reading.” 
“You didn’t,” she insists. “What’s the matter, sissie? You hardly seem a lady about to marry.” 
“I...” you croak, “it is the ague, that’s all.” 
“Mm, perhaps Lord Odinson might offer some comfort should it get any worse. He does seem the character,” she offers. 
“Or perhaps he is better to stay away. You as well, should it pass onto anyone else,” you hold the pot to your stomach and turn, carrying it out without another word. Albina huffs and falls back onto the bed, the flutter of pages following shortly after. 
You descend and keep along the wall, passing through the kitchens and beyond the servants’ quarters to the rear of the manse. You come out into the crisp air and overturn the pot well away from the house. A wave of dizziness washes over you, silver spots dotting your vision. Perhaps it is an ague. Oh how you wish it were. 
You set the pot down as you grasp at some stability. You stand and wipe your clammy forehead. Your hand drifts down to your bodice and you let it venture further. You try to feel your stomach through the layers. It is tauter than it once was but no rounder. Not as yet. 
You sit on a low stump, the seat the stabler uses to shoe the horses. You let the frigid air seep through your dress and stare at the grey clouds that blot out the sun. You hold your chin, elbows on your legs, hunched over as you let the stagnancy of that moment swallow you. 
For a moment, you believe that you can make time stand still. That you might stretch on this fantasy a little longer. That a single second might be spent into an eternity. You shake your head and close your eyes as your cheeks tingle with the cold. 
You try to picture the convent. You imagine dark halls and darker mornings. Prayers and repentance filling the days and keeping wakeless the nights. Would the nuns even accept a ruined soul like yours? 
“Miss,” Mary, the broom girl, stands along the path back to the house, “you have a caller.” 
You sit up and blink, a caller? How long have you been there? You shiver and rise, towering over the young servant like the mottled forest creature of wives tales. You nod and stride past her, rubbing your arms to warm yourself as you return to the house. 
It cannot be him. Not already. You’re not prepared. It has been all you can think of and yet you are wholly unready for it. 
You carry on inside and come into the main hall. Lord Odinson waits, your mother chittering at his elbow as Lord Rogers and Cora stand in the archway to the west wing. 
“You will be at the wedding tomorrow? We did not receive your response sir,” your mother pleads as she tugs his sleeve. 
“Ah, yes, did I not give it?” Odinson says coolly, “certainly I will come with some Asgardian ale to christen the blissful newlyweds.” 
“And we thank you for such generosity,” Cora coos. 
“I’m certain refreshments will be plenty,” Lord Rogers deflects. 
“Ah,” Lord Odinson’s attention is drawn by your emergence from behind the staircase, “my valkyrie, you called for me and I am here.” 
“I... you have come so... swiftly,” you remark, your voice teetering. 
“Of course,” he assures as he crosses the polished floor, “as ever I will for my beloved.” He approaches and takes your hands in his, kissing your knuckles, “you are like ice,” he feels your hands and covers them with his gloved ones, “are you ill?” 
“No, uh, yes, no,” you stammer, “sir, I only meant... I only thought to speak with you.” 
“I do cherish the tenor of your sweet voice, lady, I would ride so fast as I might to hear it,” he assures. 
“You rode... all this way, my lord?” 
“I do prefer to be in a saddle,” he affirms, “so, shall we converse? Perhaps we might have some tea to warm you, my valkyrie.” 
“Please,” you cringe, wishing he would quit his honeyed words, “I do not require it. Perhaps somewhere private...” 
“With chaperone of course,” your mother insists. You blanch but do your best not to show your unease. “Pollo! Pollo!” She claps, “forgive me I will not be able to do so myself as I have much to attend to for the morrow, but we have a groom here... Pollo!” 
She cries out and the dark-haired man appears. The old groom has a round belly and wine-reddened cheeks. He doesn’t speak more than Italian but he is steadfast in his service. Your mother bids him, pointing at you, then shoos him with a flick of her fingers. 
He shrugs and bows his head, nearing you and the duke. You peer over at your sister and Lord Rogers as they watch. The former stares at your betrothed as he clings still to your hands and the latter narrows his eyes in your direction. Just the sight of him makes you even more sick than before. Of any, he cannot know though you expect should Cora find out, it will not be a secret. 
“The sun room, perhaps,” Odinson suggests. 
“As you wish,” you agree. 
He offers his arms and you accept it. He guides you along, well-acquainted to the halls already, and takes you around to the sun room. The curtains are closed and the space is dim with the shadow of winter. The groom claims the armchair in the corner, making it groan with his weight, as another servant follows to light a lamp and put flint to the fireplace. 
When all is lit, you detach from Odinson and retreat from him. You mash your hands together and sway, spinning back to face him as he watches you intently. He seems unbothered by the spontaneity of it all. 
“You missed me? I have longed to see you again,” he beams. 
“Please,” you show your palms, “please, I... we must speak.” 
“Of? Name anything and it shall be yours. As my wife, you will never want for anything, valkyrie.” 
You wince as if struck. You drop your arms and your head. You stalk over to the bench that looks toward the window and sit, slumped forward as you shake your head. He approaches as he lets out a long exhale. He sits beside you. 
“Something is amiss. Forgive me for making light, I came upon mistaken sentiment,” his voice is grave, “you have something to say and I must listen. As ever, I am the storm but these winds have calmed.” 
You rock and another hot tinge settles behind your eyes. You roll them up and sit straight. You crane to see over your shoulder. Rollo’s eyes are closed as he’s halfway to sleeping. It is propriety alone that has him sat in that chair. 
You look ahead once more, “I cannot marry you.” 
He sucks in air and snorts, “what?” 
“I cannot—it cannot—I'm sorry, Lord Odinson.” 
“Why ever should you change your mind? The banns are read and will be again,” he touches your arm and you shy away. 
“You deserve... better.” 
“I deserve you,” he insists. 
“Please, sir, let me find the words,” you beg touch your temples as you try to rein in your wits. You close your eyes and shudder. 
“You are cold still, perhaps you might move closer to the fire--” 
“It hardly matters,” you lower your hands and clutch them tight.  
You make yourself look at him. You must. He warrants at least the truth told to his face and not the floor. His blue eyes twinkle as his usually bright face is stern. 
“I am...” you take a breath and struggle to let it back out as the words burn the tip of your tongue, “I... am with... child.” 
You choke out the last word and nearly faint. You stare at him, waiting for him to explode. You mightn’t even have a say in who knows should he speak too loudly. His eyes search yours and he blinks. He turns his face down and looks at his lap, gripping his thighs as he nods and hums. 
“That’s wonderful,” he says. 
“Yes, it’s wonderful. We’ll have a child.” 
“Sir, I—we haven’t... it is another man’s,” you feel as if you shouldn’t have to explain this. 
“Why certainly he put it there, yes, but I would claim it,” he faces you again. 
Your eyes round, “why should you do that? That isn’t... proper. I am not proper, sir. I am telling you that I have been... corrupted. I should never have said yes.” 
“But you did.” 
“You needn’t-- it isn’t fair.” 
“Perhaps it isn’t fair that you should have to carry the cad’s seed,” he agrees, “for any many who would lay with a lady and not seek her hand, well, he can be nothing else.” 
You’re quiet as disbelief clouds around you. He can’t possibly mean it. He must be in shock. Certainly, he wouldn’t just accept another’s child. 
“Sir, you shouldn’t-- you shouldn’t do this. I am releasing you.” 
“I don’t want to be released,” he says sullenly. 
“Why? Why would you do this?” You ask. 
“I meant all I said to you, from the first breath, my valkyrie,” he proclaims. “And I mean it still.” 
“But, sir, you cannot—I cannot live with myself--” 
“You are honourable. Honest. You have told me this when you did not need to. When you could’ve claimed an early birth, when you could have kept quiet, yet you did not. That says more than a fleeting tryst. For that’s what it was, yes? Or do you lay with this man still?” 
You shake your head and look down at your fingers as you twists them until they hurt, “just once. Only once. It was... unplanned. It wasn’t...” your voice cracks. 
His chest inflates with a sonorous breath, “did you want it?” 
“Pardon?” You murmur. 
“Unplanned... did you... was it... your tryst, was it willing?” 
You put your fist to your mouth and sob. You can’t say it. You won’t. You replay it in your head every night and you think of how you told him to stop and yet you did not stop him. You should have fought more. You should have screamed. 
“I didn’t make him stop,” you eke around your hand. 
“Make him? Did you ask him to begin?” 
“Please, sir, I cannot—please just end this and I will ask my father for the convent once more. I cannot bring this shame on you.” 
“Shame? Shame is the man, if I should call him that, who has done this,” he snarls and reaches for you, taking your hand. “I swore you would be my wife and I will hold to that. As you swore to be my wife. We will see the altar together. As one.” 
“You do not have to--” 
“I want to,” he growls and you look up at his angry face. You’ve never seen such fury in him. “I have never done anything but by my own whim and will not change that now.” 
“You are too nice, sir. Too nice, I cannot ask it--” 
“Who?” He sneers. 
“Who has done this to you?” 
“I cannot--” 
“I should know.” 
“No, please, I wouldn’t-- it would be my ruin--” 
“No, it would be his and you protect him still, so tell me.” 
“No, no I will not. That I cannot tell you, sir. To say it would defeat me completely.” 
He sighs into a snarls and lowers his chin. He sounds like a simmering bull, readying for the charge. You tug on your hand but he will not release you. You relent and let him cling to you. 
Silence, suffocating and still.  
“My brother was an orphan. We took him in when he was young. He is a duke, same as me, now,” he declares as he squares his posture. “You wouldn’t know the difference. And I won’t. Not between this child and our next.” 
“Sir, surely--” 
“We are to have a child,” he says, “that is happy news and I thank you for bringing me here to hear it.” He pets your hand and leans his arm against yours. He brings your fingers up to your mouth and kisses them, “one day, I will know who the culprit is and on that, I will surely split his skull. Not for his bastard, for that child has no sin, but for your honour, lady. For my wife’s honour.” 
Cora’s wedding to Lord Rogers culminates in a grand luncheon. The bride is a beautiful mist of tears as she accepts the well wishes of her guests. She basks in the attention as you gladly languish in the shadows. 
Despite Lord Odinson’s unexpected and reassuring reaction, you’re still uncertain. You don’t know if he’s keeping a good face on until he knows how to act, perhaps renegs his grace, or if you might come to pay for your discretion later in your union. You’re prepared to meet your atonement, however it comes. 
As you sit for the meal, the chair beside you is claimed almost at once. Your betrothed has appeared throughout the event but you’ve hardly been at his side. Each time you see him, his eyes skim the crowd as if he can see right through every one of them. Yet, when he looks at you, you feel only warmth. You don’t understand how he can look at you as such. 
“How do you fare, today, my valkyrie?” He asks as he straightens his cravat, “you look well.” 
“Good, I think.” 
“Glad to hear it,” he raises his glass for a servant to fill it with sherry. You opt for lemon water, as much as your tumultuous stomach can handle. 
“I thought we might have our own reception at Nine Pillars,” he suggests. 
“I would like that,” you agree, your eyes drifting beyond him, to your father’s gardens, where... “whatever you may offer, I will be grateful for.” 
“Mighty valkyrie, full of grace,” he praises and reaches for a platter, “ooh, they have some sweet ham here with pineapple.” 
He takes a helping and puts it on your plate. You smell the tangy fruit and the underline savoury waft of the meat. You lurch and grasp the edge of the table. You give a panicked look to Odinson as he peers down at the food. He switches your plates out swiftly. 
“Tell me, what are you in the mind for then?” He leans in so his arm touches yours as you sip from the lemon water to quell your stomach. “Valkyrie, give me your command and I will obey.” 
You give him a coy grin, “you can be so silly.” 
“Silly. Mad. All for love,” he assures you.  
“Is their anything dry?” You ask, “bread, perhaps.” 
“Sourdough,” he reaches to take the basket as others help themselves to the spread. 
“I’ll have some of that.” 
“With marmalade?” He offers.  
“No,” your face pinches at the thought, “no, bread will do.” 
You blink and shake of another tide of sickness. As you do, your eyes meet another pair further down the table, amid the rabble of voices. Lord Rogers tilts his head as Cora tugs on his sleeve and giggles up at the couple behind them. He hardly seems to notice as he stares you down. 
You go rigid and quickly look away. You touch Odinson’s arm to keep from panicking. He looks at you, then down the table. He doesn’t say anything, merely carves off a chunk of bread for you. 
You pick away at the hard crust and the dry spongey inside. You take small bites, cautious of upsetting your volatile stomach. The afternoon wears on, course after course, and you avoid those dishes which threaten to overthrow your restraint. 
At last, the cake is serves, a tiered sponge with cream and fruit and candied sugar spun in a facsimile fountain atop it. It’s splended and beautiful. The couple are served first as they smiles in delight. The doling out of servings takes some time as guests wait patiently for their turn and the cake is pushed on a cart from chair to chair. 
When it comes your turn, your name rises over the crowd. You sit up and glance over, relieved at least not to watch the layers of custard and cake hit your plate. Lord Rogers has his hand on the back of his wife’s chair. 
“And how do you like the dessert? I believe you’ve been saving space for it all day, eh?” He chirps. 
You angle your head in confusion. You look down then at Odinson who sits a little taller as he leans forward. 
“You’ve hardly indulged, so I hope you might show your support and delight in this delectable dessert,” Rogers taunts. “A wedding is no place for a sour face.” 
Your lips part. You’re stunned. How could he be so bold as to call you out? Among all his guests and he must torment you. Was one night not enough. Your whole life as his violation thrives within your womb. Lord Odinson subtly touches your elbows. 
“I am most happy for you and my sister,” you rebuff, “and you are correct, I’ve been in much anticipation for dessert.” 
You take your fork and scoop up a heaping mouthful. You smile at it even as your insides rage. You make yourself taste it. It’s so sweet and smooth and wonderful, but your stomach mulches as if it is rubbish. Your cheeks tremble and you swallow, nearly gagging. 
“To you, sir, and my sister, Cora, I wish a happy marriage,” you force out as you hide your mouth behind a handkerchief. 
“To the happy couple,” Lord Odinson raises his glass and the table erupts, at once, the attention shifted back to them. 
You brace his arm and squeeze. You fight but you cannot withhold the uproar within. You stand and rush away, frantically searching for somewhere to hide and spew your guts. 
The days overcome your doubts. The weeks come with more affectations; your sickness ebbs and flows and the temperature feels at times hotter then colder, swaying back forth, while some moments you spend with a throbbing head and pulsing feet. The most obvious symptom of your condition is the tightness of your stay. Soon, you will be showing more than you like, but for now, loosened laces can ease your discomfort. 
Your wedding day fast approaches. Time does seem to defy any human whim. You wish it would slow so you could catch your breath. Much like your husband-to-be who has yet to falter in his affections. 
You sit before the mirror with the grown of silver petals in your lap. There is one still bent from Cora’s envy but you will keep it to the back of your head. You will wear it as proudly as that night Lord Odinson gifted it to you. You hope for the day you might both forget all else. 
If it is to be. If he is at the altar waiting still. 
Albina and Hannah take the crown from you and secure it among your styled locks. Albina smiles at your reflection as Hannah jabs you with a pin. You nervously wring your hands as you admire the lavender shade of your gown. You wish you’d had more of it, that you hadn’t needed to trim it in ivory to make up for your height. Still, it is beautiful and the nicest dress you’ve ever worn. 
“Are you nervous?” Albina asks. 
“Suppose,” you admit and lift your chin, “very, truly.” Though not for the reason she might think. 
“Lord Odinson is kind. He should be gentle,” Hannah says. 
Your cheeks tinge at her suggestion, “sister.” 
“Well, it is what we are all thinking, isn’t it?” She shrugs. 
“I hope I do not find a husband so soon,” Albina adds, “I would like to enjoy my books a little longer.” 
“You might take on the spinster’s mantel then,” Hannah snipes. 
“It shouldn’t be so bad,” you murmur. “Every woman must do it. Eventually. It cannot be so horrible.” 
You lower your head again, trying to hide the emotion battling in your chest. It was bad, that first time. Lord Rogers hadn’t been kind at all. Would Lord Odinson be any different? For Rogers seemed kind at first glance only to be cruel upon touch. 
What if you husband did not want to meet his duty? What if he could not knowing you had lain with another? You would not blame him and without consummation, he might still turn you away. 
“Cora said it was more painful than anything she’s ever felt,” Hannah undercuts your dread. “Though she still loves her husband well.” 
“You shouldn’t speak of that,” you gird. 
“Why not? Won’t you tell us how it is so we may be ready?” She challenges. 
“I... I... It’s rather strange to speak of it.” 
“You are strange,” Hannah retorts with a huff. 
“But pretty,” Albina chimes, “look at you, sissie. You truly look like a queen in that crown.” 
You meet the gaze of your reflection. You do look better than you ever have before. You wonder if they notice the new fullness in your cheeks. If they do, they don’t mention it. You take a deep breath. 
“I shouldn’t keep them waiting any longer,” you stand.  
If you wait any longer, you might lose your nerve. 
The bishop waits in the grand hall of Nine Pillars as you emerge from the rooms allotted for your preparations. The crowd stands among the columns and hushes as you appear at the end of the hall. You face the clergy man and for an instant, your heart dangles precariously, ready to plummet.  
Where is Lord Odinson? 
His golden head pops up beside the bishop and he fixes the flower tucked into his lapel. His long blond hair is draw back as a scarlet bow holds it back, its ears peeking out behind his nape. He is smiling as he pauses and his eyes meet yours across the space. 
You can see even from there how his features slacken and for a moment, you are breathless. He looks as stricken. You put one foot down and let your long legs carry you. 
All your doubts float away. The faces around you haze together and the world crumbles to dust. It's only you and that man.  
The ceremony gives way to a soiree, bodies clustered together, partners dancing, and you among them. Your husband, a husband, has your hand in his as he leads you in the steps. This man, this wonderful forgiving man you vowed yourself too nearly sweeps you off your feet, a sensation you've never known before. 
Your cheer blooms from you as his cheeks flush in his excess. He barely pauses to receive kind words from his guest. His elation is contagious. It gives no way to your fears. 
"Do you know what I thought upon the altar, beautiful valkyrie," he purrs, "I nearly fell upon my knees even." 
"What?" You smile, glowing up at him. 
"That the gods did bless me. That you must be sent from them, a gift to me, mere mortal." 
You can't help but pat his chest, "you flatter." 
"You are too modest," he guides you along, "you are a statue come too life, art in the flesh." 
"My husband... you words are too sweet." 
"I know, I know, the wedding night is still ahead of us, I do run too fast," he chuckles, "but how can I help the anticipation? 
Your lashes flick and giggle, "husband." 
"That word has never sounded sweeter," he grins, "but a sweeter noise might be my own name. Say it for me, valkyrie." 
Your cheeks burn hot, "Thor?" 
"Delicious," he growls nearly baring his teeth, "and I shall savour every sound you make. Every moan and mewl. Every breath and laugh. Just as every part of you." 
It's too good to be true. You deign to let yourself feel it all but you must. If even only for tonight. If only for the next moment. You will have a morsel of happiness if it's all you have to chew on for the rest of your life. 
The night wears on and so do you. Your feet ache, as does most of you, and your voice is raw from laughing and talking. It is the first that you ever spent an event not along the wall or hiding in some shadow. It is a night all your own, or so your husband has made it feel. 
Yet, he does not tire. Not as quickly. As he booms and bawls to the amusement of all, you cling to his arm and repress a yawn. You will not spoil his fun, you will persist. 
Still, you cannot ignore all urges of your humanity. You press a hand to his sleeve and excuse yourself, promising to return. Your husband pauses to bid you not be long and you're further abashed at his attention. 
You flit off to find the privy. You've been several times over the day. Your bladder swells no matter how little you drink. As you progress, you find your body is contradictory to your mind. 
You venture down the corridor and sweep into the room. Once relieved, you emerge feeling lighter but no less tired. The silent desolation of the corridor rather makes your exhaustion all the more potent. 
You turn towards the statue of a warrior, you recognise it, it is the means by which you've found your way. Before you can pass it, a figure appears from behind it and you falter in your slippers. 
You gasp and ball your hands, the man before you sending a ripple of horror through you as he smirks at your surprise. Lord Rogers' cheek dimples as he quorks his head like a cynical crow. 
"You are ever a creature of urges," he muses, "fluttering back and forth as a skittish bird." 
"My lord, I... what is the meaning--" 
"I'm afraid we've not had much of a chance to speak, have we? The blushing bride is much a titter," he chortles, "she has the gull to giggle like a maiden, even." 
"Lord Rogers," you utter, appalled. 
"But the sway of her hips do betray her true nature. That which is within her," he sneers, "as does the curdling of her face over any dish that tickles her nose." 
"Sir, I know not what you mean--" 
"I should laugh truly, to know that another will raise my bastard," he taunts, "that it is him, does entertain me more." He takes a step forward and you back, "so you will be certain to lay with him this night so he may believe he has vigour." He grabs your arms before you can elude him, "you will think of me, won't you, Athena, my fallen goddess? Of how I desecrated your--" 
Suddenly, you are staggered. Lord Rogers is swung backward and flung into the statue. There's a roar, tha same noise you would expect of a charging bear, and the flash of scarlet. You watch paralysed as Thor grabs Lord Rogers by his jacket and spins him, throwing him into the other wall. 
The smaller of the men, though they are both built well, slides to one knee, his hand on the plaster. The other is quick, wasting not a second before aims a foot into Rogers' stomach. The duke falls backward and is at once straddled beneath the larger. 
Thor lays blows upon the other man, hailing down on him like the tempest he claims himself. Your fear overflows and you push through the thick waves. You come forward numbly and pull your husband by the back of his collar.  
"Please sir, unhand him." 
"You would defend this animal!" He wails down another fist and growls. 
"No, no, I would not spare him but I would... I would have my husband not take me to my wedding night with bloodied knuckles. Thor," you pet the back of his head, "let this be a happy day. Please." 
He sits back on his heels and puffs out. He looks back at you as you step away. You put your hand to your middle.  
He snarls and spits on Lord Rogers, standing with a huff. You reach for his hand and he takes it. He squeezes as he sends one last kick of his toe to the man on the floor. 
"Let me save my strength for you, wife. I certainly would need it." 
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const3llatio · 3 months
Sugar Cloud
Megumi x Fem!Reader
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I used to think that life was just a jawebreaker,
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you suck, and you suck, and you suck some more!
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Synopsis ₊⊹⁀➴ In which a boy is forced to go see a musical since his friend’s sister is in it.
current status ₊⊹⁀➴ complete !
updates ₊⊹⁀➴ once a day (hopefully)
warnings ₊⊹⁀➴ this is my first smau 🤑, strangers to friends to lovers, the plot is actual shit, no curses!au, highschool!au, if the characters are ooc dont blame me !, cursing, lots of kys jokes, fem!reader, y/n is Toge’s sister, y/n is a nerd/theatre kid ☝️🤓, “connie stop putting a sayaka header for everything” NO
yes, the song is from ride the cyclone 🤑‼️ (im a theatre nerd of course i had to make at least ONE smau with a musical ☝️🤓) the only thing the song has to do with the smau is that y/n is in theatre and is performing ride the cyclone (credits to my pookie @todayisawthewhxlewxrld for the idea of using a song 4 the title, go check out his smaus digital display and spellbound 😋)
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I used to think that life was just a heartbreaker,
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It breaks and it takes till you can’t take no more!
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ask to be added 2 the taglist ! (CLOSED)
(✎) indicates writing <3
shadow wizard money gang | wanted criminals
1. Lobotomize you
2. thumbs down emoji
3. oddly specific (✎)
4. thug it out (✎)
5. spreader of despair and despondency
6. seriously hates me (✎)
6.5; The conversation (✎)
7. all hope is (not) lost
8. how odd (✎)
9. erm what the sigma
10. ur tweaking (✎)
11. #shocked #upset
12. js like ur brother
13. one of us (✎)
14. how do i kick him
15. wer braking up (✎)
16. she forgor (✎)
back to smau masterlist
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
merthur fic recs masterlist
last updated:  21 Sept 2024
aus and fusions
arranged marriage au, pt 2, pt 3
college/university au
different first meeting au
hanahaki au, pt 2, pt 3
high school au, pt 2
hogwarts au
modern au, pt 2
modern with magic au, pt 2
modern royalty au, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8
pride and prejudice au
regency au
social media au, pt 2
soulmate au, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9, pt 10
s2e10 fix it
wing fic
actor!arthur, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5
bond girl!arthur
jealous!arthur, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8
pining!arthur, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9
protective!arthur, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7
oblivious!arthur, pt 2, pt 3
consort!merlin, pt 2, pt 3
druid leader!merlin
exhausted!merlin, pt 2
hurt!merlin, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4
oblivious!merlin, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6
pining!merlin, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5
royal!merlin, pt 2
other tropes and categories
00q fusion
5 + 1 things, pt 2, pt 3
accidental marriage
angst with a happy ending
arthur courts merlin
arthur finds out about balinor
arthur finds out about freya
arthur knows about merlin’s magic
arthur loves merlin’s magic eyes
arthur’s donkey ears
arthur returns, pt 2
balinor lives
bed sharing, pt 2
bedside vigils
comfort fics
coming out
crack, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4
dragon dads
enemies to lovers
fake/pretend relationship, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5
fandom iconic fics
fav aus
fav fics
figure skating
flowers, pt 2
forced proximity, pt 2
fuck or die
getting back together
getting together, pt 2, pt 3
getting together with the help of technology
hurt comfort
hurt no comfort, pt 2
kid fics, pt 2
love spells and potions, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4
lovers to enemies
magical exhaustion
magic reveal, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9, pt 10
married/engaged merthur
meddling knights, pt 2, pt 3
merlin dies
merlin goes insane to get arthur back
merlin knows about arthur’s pining
merlin leaves camelot
merlin sleeping in weird places
merlin teaches arthur about sex/kissing
morgana and merlin friendship
not actually unrequited love
outsider pov
role reversal
royal balls
scar reveal
secret relationship, pt 2
time travel
truth potion
underappreciated fics
wedding stopping
wound cleaning
1K notes · View notes
diorkyeom · 1 year
THE @diorkyeom / @fairyhaos AO3 FIC REC LIST
last updated: 16/09/2023
masterlist. part two. part three.
a compiled list of all the ao3 fics that i've read for seventeen which i've loved, kudosed, and proceeded to download so i'll always have with me. to be updated whenever i have new recs!
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are you soaked in dreams? - poppyseedheart
verkwan, non-idols, f2l, oneshot
hnggghhhhhh the softest, most caring fic ever. literally i adore when fics have hansol as this calm and loving force for seungkwan and seungkwan doesn't even REALISE that hansol is always by his side until something happens and he's hit with the full force of how much he adores him
stumble and fall (stage left) - pocketpastel
verkwan, uni au, romeo and juliet production, chaptered
the seungkwan characterisation is off the charts level of accuracy. i loveeee when people have kwan being as obsessed with hansol as hansol is with him pls it makes my heart so happy :< also theatre kid seungkwan and awkward skater boy hansol is just so sweet
Adventures In Fiction - thanku4urlove
verkwan, canon au, crack, fluff, oneshot
the hilarity and the feels are just sooo prominent. also reading fanfiction out loud to one another as part of bonding activities feels like a very very seventeen thing. i can imagine them doing it together and also seungkwan getting so emotionally attached to a fic??? the funniest and realest thing ever actually
i like you a latte - mysterywoozi(writers_haven)
soonhoon, coffee shops, uni au, fluff, oneshot
fluffy. so so fluffy, the kind of strangers/friends to lovers that really fits soonhoon so well. ngl i'm not too keen on reading loads and loads of enemies to lovers fics for soonhoon bc people don't understand that that's their banter, that's how they are as friends, and so i love when fics appear where they are these friends who have fun ribbing off each other. also it's the best when woozi is Whipped and he doesn't even realise it.
Skin;Heat - kwanies
soonhoon, synaesthesia, fluff, oneshot
it is INSANE how much i adore this oml. the idea of jihoon with this type of synaesthesia where he hears sounds and music for people? gorgeous. utterly incredible and so so him. and then soonyoung acting as jihoon's opposite and also his equal.... it's beautiful
Fast Pace - Mistehri
soonhoon, choreographer!hoshi, producer!woozi, crack, oneshot
funny!! so so funny and the rivalry of soonhoon despite being strangers is utterly hilarious. i just. love the soonhoon dynamic so much and this one feels like it encapsulates it so well and makes it lighter and cooler and sweeter and yes i adore it too
I'll Be Your Man - jeosheo
meanie, office au, rivals to lovers, fake dating, crack, chaptered
this author literally writes such gold in terms of humor oml. this is one of my favourite meanie fics bc it feels so so them and also?? mingyu and his family as these people with weird entrancing abilities is so so funny. also the FEELS wtf it's so good
spooked - lunahui
meanie, uni au, strangers to lovers, crack, oneshot
TOP TIER MEANIE FIC. the characterisation is so so them and i love the idea of mingyu hot guy who's actually lowkey just a soft loser. they're so sweet and so lovely and it's such a fun fic
Habit - alswiffy(lunahui)
meanie, canon au, falling in love, soft, oneshot
CRYING. I ONLY JUST REALIZED THIS IS BY THE SAME AUTHOR AS THE OTHER MEANIE FIC I ADORED. i love the domesticism of this, of loving someone like breathing, of working through feelings together and realising that you've been in love with each other all along
How Sweet It Is - orphan_account
gyuhao, baker!gyu, costume designer!hao, idiots to lovers, oneshot
SO FUNNY. SO THEM. i adore when people manage to get minghao's internal monologue right, (along w wonwoo's) and the way minghao also just becomes so stupid when he's found this hot guy to have a crush on??? gold. i love it sm.
press restart - Acavall
seoksoo, clap era, feelings realisation, oneshot
so so so soft oml. i don't actually read seoksoo a lot bc imo people don't really get their characterisation right, but this is just gold. it's the standard. i love it so much
The Light of Ulleungdo - Mistyreflections
seoksoo, village au, feels, chaptered
(check warnings for this fic)
i could talk for years about this fic and never be able to fully articulate how much it means to me. the imagery and the descriptions and the way it just instantly had me hooked?? i was originally sceptical about reading it but then i opened it, read the beginning in hao's pov, and the next thing i new it was 5 hours later and i had tears streaming down my cheeks and my heart thumping so hard in my chest
502 notes · View notes
dragonfire42 · 2 months
Just finished my 6th story for 7 upcoming Good Omens fanfiction/fanart bangs!! I've written over 50,000 words so far on stories that will be released starting at the end of this month!
(Pictured: the cocoa that kept me going!)
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Below are the starting dates for posting. (Longer stories will have weekly chapter updates):
Please note all stories this round are teen+, no archive warnings apply:
Good Omens Theatre Bang - 8/27
"Rainbow Connection" - Puppeteer slow burn human AU, art by @queenofthecute, beta @fifthstiel , complete, 14k words
"Jiggery Pokery" - diary entries of Prof Hoffman on his magical mentorship of Fell the Marvellous, art by @bjs4bildad, beta @andromeda4004, complete, 6k words
DIWS Silver Screen Bang - 9/7
"Here's Looking at You, Angel" - Casablanca themed crossover, canon compliant post S2, art by @saesomesaeni and @abitch-in-the-matrix, beta by @andromeda4004
Chapters posted Saturdays 9/7-10/26
Check out the AMAZING preview posters by Sae and GingerJo!!
Fairy Tale GO Bang - 9/13
"Crowley and the Seven Nac Mac Feegles" - Snow White story with Discworld and Sandman crossover, art by @emihotaru, beta by @ngkiscool
Chapters posted Fridays 9/13-10/11
"Elspeth and the Beanstalk" - AU from minisode "The Resurrectionist" where Aziraphale drinks the laudanum instead of Crowley and grows big, art by @justzrero, beta by @ngkiscool and @cleomcdonald
Chapters posted Sundays 9/29-10/13
"A Toast to the End of the World" Alternate Flood Myths while saving a unicorn and some kids, art by @sanzarus, beta by @seven-stars-in-his-palm
Second half posted Tuesday, 10/8
Good Omens Spooky Bang: 10/28
"The Angel's Gambit" - Seventh Seal crossover, art by @theeinkibus
The best part of these bangs has been connecting with so many talented artists, writers, editors and readers from around the world!
I'm so excited to share these stories and all our hard work with you! Follow ALL the amazing artist tags above and don't miss all the amazing stories in these collections by following the bang tags too!
Subscribe to me on AO3 to get notified:
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ghostalservice · 8 months
Feedback Fest 2024: OFMD Recs!
It's International Fanworks Day next week, and @transformativeworks is asking for fic recs! (for more information check out their post!)
Here are ten OFMD fics I have read and reread and love very, very deeply <3 This is not all my faves, of course—check out my faves tag in my bookmarks on ao3 for SO MANY MORE.
Does the Body Good (zemph147/@gaypiratebrainrot) - THEE touch-starved, pining while fucking fic in the fandom. Have reread it a troubling number of times.
Don’t Tell Mama (Fyre/@amuseoffyre) - Modern AU, burlesque/drag, SMAU elements and so much more. Had me on the EDGE OF MY SEAT FOR UPDATES.
My Father’s House (fake_geek_boy/@trans-top-stede) -  Modern AU, theatre professionals, but really about gender and history and what it means to grow into yourself.
Something Timeless Going On (@bizarrelittlemew) - Canon Era, what if they met before canon. Sweet, full of heart, super satisfying.
Blood Under the Skin (CartoonMayor/@zombee) - Medieval AU, arranged marriage, fun fantasy-esque romance.
Synchronicity (ClaireGregory/@clairegregoryau) - Olympic diving AU, super spicy, fun twisty plot.
The World Beyond (veeagainst/@veeagainsttheday) - Post-apocalyptic AU. ASTONISHINGLY GOOD WORLDBUILDING.
Throat G.O.A.T. (nomadsland) - Modern AU, superstar Ed and voice specialist Stede. The realest relationship—and coming out journey—in the fandom.
not pickles (smallestchurch) - Modern AU, neighbors. Feels like going to therapy and also getting a really good hug.
When He’s Given Something to Keep (@adhduck) - Modern AU, trans Ed, childhood friends. This feels like the end of a fic you’ve been waiting for your whole life.  
(pssst if you liked these, you might like my animorphs au or my modern au pride fic)
148 notes · View notes
Good Omens Fic Rec: Wild Hearts
In the idyllic English countryside, far from the hustle and bustle of the big city, two teachers at Willowbrook Hall set out to transform their students’ lives through the world of theatre. But for Mr. Crowley, the challenge of navigating his long hidden feelings and dear friendship with Mr. Fell may prove to be the greatest drama of all.
Length: 145,589 Words
AO3 Rating: Explicit/ Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Best for: Mostly Safe in Public, Human AU, Romance, Slow Burn
Triggers: None
Read it here, fic by foolishlovers
*Minor Spoilers* Welcome to Willowbrook Hall, or as I like to call it, The Gay and Trans School for Gay and Trans Teens. Come meet professors Mr. Fell and Mr. Crowley, and their colorful cast of teens as they spend the school year getting ready for the performance of a lifetime in the school play. This place has it all: hijinks, dances, costumes, drama, and best of all a cat.
What I really loved about this story was how cinematic it felt. Sure, some scenes intentionally reference a movie (Wild Child, so fun and camp!), but that's not what I mean. The whole thing plays out like a movie or its own TV show. We get big dramatic moments of romance and heartbreak, plus fun ones like a mini makeover, the school dance, and the play. And there is tons of subtle foreshadowing along the way that will make you jump up and down when things come to fruition. It's thrilling and engaging, and waiting for updates when this was a WIP was excruciating because I wanted to know what was going to happen next so badly!
The side characters especially are so much fun! I loved the kids and their side plots. Even though we don’t follow their story directly, we see enough to get hooked. Adam and Warlock are standouts, but they aren't the only ones I enjoyed! Honestly, I'd read a standalone from the kids perspective! The teachers are excellent too. I have a soft spot for Newt, who pops in now and then, always a sweetheart. Crowley could be in the depths of heartbreak and still manage a smile for Newt. All the teachers (plus Nina) don't feel like they're just there. I was interested in them, and you really get a sense of how much of a family they all are. It's a real skill to make side characters as interesting as the main duo.
Of course, the main attraction is Crowley and Aziraphale. They’ll make you fall in love with them all over again. They’re the perfect domestic couple well before they admit anything. So many lovely details about them, from note passing and bets, to their shared bond with Beethoven the cat (aka the best character ever). You'll experience everything with them: the highs of gender discovery and euphoria, and the lows of miscommunication and misunderstandings. What drama is complete without that? Yes, they’re a bit thick headed, and yes, a single conversation could have fixed everything. But where's the fun in that? I'm here for the drama! The pang of heartbreak and yearning makes the reunion so much sweeter! They are wonderfully characterized, and yet still have an air and life of their own. Unique to this story, but true to their characters.
You’ll be mostly safe reading this in public. There are a handful of explicit scenes but you should have enough notice to get away from prying eyes. The sex here is delicious and heart pounding! Plus the way that Crowley's gender fluidity plays into those scenes was very beautiful. There are so many reasons to love this story. It's engaging, cinematic, dramatic, funny, and romantic. This was an incredible achievement and I hope you have just as much fun and I did!
Read it here, fic by foolishlovers
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foursaints · 3 months
helllo! u sometimes talk about ur mutuals circle and i was just wondering would u like to namedrop them? cos i think i already follow some of them but i feel like they probably all have very correct opinions and good taste and would like to follow them
oh i would love nothing more than to namedrop. in fact i will make you an index of what i admire about them (readmore for length)
@fernhelm <- leading scholar on the black sisters, arthuriana, and the overlap between marauders & ancient greek classicism. we are neighbors and childhood friends irl but that's unrelated
@jewishregulus <- THE regulus black understander & originator of the carrow twins. half of everything i say is paraphrased from the essay length saintsivy dms
@carniferous <- THE james potter understander & creator of nuanced tenderness and melancholy & one of my favorite fic authors before we became friends.... read their theatre-based fic NOWW
@sixlane <- i passed the Premiere Bartylily Understander hat to lane long ago.... we all definitely already know lane of "get him back (read on ao3)" fame but it bears repeating. one of the few fic authors who i stalk for updates. but i also stalk for anon responses because they are always uniquely thought-out and hilarious
@itsjaywalkers <- LAURIEE is one of the best people on here & i scroll their blog like the morning news. the vibe on there is always so fresh and fun and kind and playful (and occasionally searingly tragic or erotic). THE james potter enjoyer on this website. this is the other fic author who i stalk for updates.....
@quillkiller <- jen was my first mutual on here 🥺 (hi jen). our most beautiful resource for Bellatrix Black enjoyment and nuanced discussion of feminist theory. i consider them half of the powerduo of Rarepair Creation on this site (hi kara) that has given us bangers like effiebarty and regtunia and the most searing wlw fic
@static-radio-ao3 <- im embarrassed to talk to mil because their jegulus fic is just genuinely that good. its crazy how every single one reads like a fully fleshed-out romcom novel i would read in one sitting at barnes & noble. another barty understander i daresay
@sugarsnappeases <- THE OTHER HALF OF THE RAREPAIR BUREAU. kara's microfics hit me like 9/11 every single time (that searing bella sirius-death character study? the BARTYLILY DRESS FIC?) and they are another lesbionic understander of women. when people say they want more marauders girls content they should just go to kara lmfaooo
@rottin6 <- can't talk about layla without offering my hand in marriage sorry. princess of the bartylilysphere i rather think... hottest most erotic microfics i've ever read in my life, thank god for the people who understand barty's Trashboy Dick on a cerebral level
@veryinnovative <- we all definitely already know ino but that's okay. probably divinely gifted to come up with the most unexpected & niche AUs that still manage to make perfect sense and hit every single time.
@moon-seas <- KAYY. my favorite artist on here hands-down. a true dirtbag barty understander & they produce the most stunning digital collage-work. a privilege to see
@sommerregenjuniluft <- now where would i be without lune's barty understanding... yes their jegulus microfic porn is masterful but WHAT ABOUT their ability to put barty in the strangest situations ever (he's an electrician?? a circus clown, now???) and have it integrate perfectly with his character. that's good writing babe!!!!
also you should follow @dracure @royalthorned @morsmortish and @katakosmos for more good rosekiller content. we don't talk but I admire from afar ......
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hannieween · 7 months
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guilty pleasures series | boo seungkwan (M) ongoing
Planning a wedding is not easy. It is one of the most difficult feats you had ever chosen to do. That and seeing Boo Seungkwan again. Seungkwan, the golden boy, the teacher's favourite. The person you had a stupid undying crush on.
✾ pairings: boo seungkwan x female reader ✾ genre: fluff, smut ✾ au: theatre performer seungkwan, childhood crush to lovers ✾ word count: 24.5k
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part i | honey Planning a wedding is not easy. It is one of the most difficult feats you had ever chosen to do. That and seeing Boo Seungkwan again. Seungkwan, the golden boy, the teacher's favourite. The person you had a stupid undying crush on.
🎧: cotton candy – jinyoung | let me in – exo | candy – baekhyun
part ii | chocolate When you first kissed your childhood crush Boo Seungkwan, you didn't stop to consider all the implications... like him liking you back.
🎧: hype boy – new jeans | peaches – kai | bad – wave to earth
part iii | coming soon
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JOIN MY TAGLIST updated: 02.29.2024
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steddiebang2024 · 18 days
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A Kind of Merry War  |  E |  48k
Author: @midsummer-semantics
Artist: Stevepapucho
Beta: emurph_24
[Link to fic] | [Link to art]
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunningham/Carol Perkins, Chrissy Cunningham & Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington & Carol Perkins, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley & Eddie Munson
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunningham, Carol Perkins, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Argyle (Stranger Things), Jason Carver, Scott Clarke, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Wayne Munson, Joyce Byers, The Party (Stranger Things), Other background characters
Tags:  Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Theatre, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Alternate Universe - Much Ado About Nothing Fusion, Enemies to Lovers, idiots to lovers, Shakespeare adaptation, Actor Steve Harrington, Stage Crafter Eddie Munson, Best Friends Steve Harrington and Carol Perkins, Best friends Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham, Banter, Jason Carver is His Own Warning, Eventual Smut, Guaranteed HEA, It's theatre everyone is queer, Dual POV, Tags will be updated when the entire fic is posted
Trigger Warnings: No Warnings Apply
↳ Keep reading below for a summary!
While trying to put together a production of Much Ado About Nothing, the characters’ lives become intertwined with those of whom they are playing. Self-proclaimed perpetual bachelor Steve and his bff Carol audition for the fall production, with Steve being cast as the aptly assigned role of Benedick. Meanwhile, unsatisfied romantic Eddie and his sunshine Chrissy also audition because the only other options are some horrific minstrel show that is severely out-dated, or Cats in the Spring and there’s no way. Eddie receives the part of Beatrice, Benedick’s down-fall. Both have their own reasons for being hesitant about the production, but when Carol and Chrissy seem to spark an intense romantic interest in one another, their lives become significantly more complicated.
Or: A Much Ado AU that unfolds the way all Shakespearean comedies do.
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sundewhasaudhd · 5 months
Hi Tumblr :D 👋
My name is Sundew, I’m a MINOR (high school age) I’m acespec, pan, trigender, xenogender, ambiamorous, and use all pronouns
I’m an artist, actor, script writer, theatre kid, and AuDHD haver
Current hyperfixations: DSMP, musical theatre (specifically Hatchetverse), The Skinjacker Trilogy reincarnation AU, my OC's
Current fandoms: DSMP, musical theatre, Trolls, Hazbin Hotel, Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus, Amphibia, TOH, DDLC, The Skinjacker Trilogy, ROTTMNT, Helluva Boss, Ramshackle (kind of), Percy Jackson (kind of), QSMP (kind of), Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Nimona, Mitchel's vs the Machines, Chikn Nugget (that counts as a fandom right?), Bluey, SheRa, Ducktales, Adventure Time, Luca, LMK (kind of), Vocaloid, Tangled the Series, DHMIS, and probably more tbh
I'm currently working on 5 different DSMP AU's/ animated fanfics, and one day I would like to make 'DSMP the Animated Series' and my high fantasy OC's cartoon, both of which would be indie animated and available on YouTube (but we'll cross those bridges when we get there)
This blog does not support cc!Wilbur or his actions, cc!Wilbur supporters DNI
Speaking of DNI, here’s my DNI list: queerphobes in ANY way (and that includes hating on xenogender people and people who use neopronouns), racists, sexist/misogynists, zionists, antisemitic/neo-nazis, islamophobes, and anti therian and anti furry people
I post very sporadically because of school (and by post I mean post creative works, like fanart and scripts), but when I do post, it’ll mainly be DSMP stuff (especially my own AU’s), but I will also post stuff for other fandoms, especially Hatchetverse
I’m absolutely obsessed with c!TNT duo and with take pretty much any opportunity I can get to draw/talk about them. Same with Ted Spankoffski, Wilbur Cross, and the Lords in Black (and Webby) (ESPECIALLY the LiB [and Webby])
Like I said earlier, I don’t not support cc!Wilbur in any way shape or form. That being said I really really super like c!Wilbur (o!Wilbur and q!Wilbur are neat too) and most of my AU’s have him as a big role
Feel free to ask me about my DSMP headcanons (or headcanons for any other fandom listed above), just know I might not always answer immediately because of school and shit like that
Also, finally updated my pronouns page
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Anyway, I hope you all have a nice day and enjoy my Tumblr :D
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