#theater raleigh benefit
debosedaily · 1 year
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slaurenkennedy Tickets are now on sale for a one-night-only performance by Academy Award winner Ariana DeBose on Aug. 26 at Theatre Raleigh Arts Center. The concert will be a fundraiser for the Raleigh nonprofit professional theater and community arts organization at a time when regional theaters across the country are struggling to survive post-pandemic. DeBose has deep ties to the Raleigh area's performing arts community. She grew up in Wake Forest and graduated from West Millbrook Middle School and Wake Forest-Rolesville High School. Starting in sixth grade, she trained as a dancer at CC & Co. Dance Complex in North Raleigh. “I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to come back to the Raleigh area to support Theatre Raleigh," DeBose said. "Now more than ever, supporting arts organizations on local levels is paramount to promoting societal empathy, compassion and stimulating creativity. If I am anything, I am living proof that the arts works. Arts education works. Providing performance opportunities for young people and aspiring artists can set them on paths they never dreamed they would find. It’s a privilege to be able to come home, perform and raise funds for an entity committed to offering the highest level of theater entertainment that the area can provide. I hope you’ll join me August 26th and support local theater in your area!” At the 8 p.m. Aug. 26 concert, DeBose will share stories and songs from her career under the direction of Benjamin Rauhala, a longtime collaborator and one of Broadway's most trusted music directors. (bottom two from ariana's instagram stories)
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eugephemisms · 3 years
Himig ng Pag-ibig: Sharing through Music
Himig ng Pag-ibig: Sharing through Music
On what was headlined to be a Cabaret-style New Year’s Eve concert series entitled, “Short Stories” An evening with Carla Mongado (Song of Solomon, Platinum Girls, Goodbye New York), the event had to be cancelled at the last minute because of the threat of the Covid-19 Omicron variant. The sold-out shows scheduled to run at Melodiya Music ‘n Stage Theater in Raleigh, North Carolina, to benefit…
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pocketfulofrogers · 4 years
HWBL Part 4
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: How far would you go to save the life of the man you love?
Notes: It’s been like a year since I last updated this series... oops.
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“You’ve been at this too long.” Steve startles you from behind and you have to resist the urge to slam your computer shut. “When was the last time you ate?” He asks.
You send a haphazard wave in his general direction as you turn back to your screen. “I can eat when I figure this out.”
It was a bet. One you had no business participating in. What had started as an innocent conversation about childhood tales with Sam and Tony had become a frenzied search for proof that Fury hasn’t always been a grown, joyless, hardass.
“He did not just manifest out of thin air.” You grumble when your forced to start another public record search. At this rate, you’d waste away before you even found photographic evidence of a smile.
Steve leans forward and your concentration fizzles as his jaw grazes your ear. He watches as your fingers lose steam, and the edge of his lips draws out a smirk when they freeze to hover over the keys. Slowly, he reaches an arm from behind you to lower the screen while his other presents a muffin.
Still warm, the sweet aroma lures you out of the small trance he’s managed to put you in. A smile breaks out and you reach for it quickly, promptly shoving it to your nose.
He laughs. “If anyone asks, you didn’t get this from me.”
“I’ll be sure to finish the evidence before Clint comes stomping around.” He laughs as you take a comically sized bite before leaning close again to whisper in your ear.
“There’s a false bottom in the third drawer in Fury’s desk. Latch is at the back. You should find what you’re looking for there.”
You shove the remainder of the stolen breakfast in your mouth before taking off, Steve’s eyes glued to you until you disappear around the corner.
Natasha Romanoff may be many things, but a fool is not one. She decides to give you the benefit of the doubt for exactly two hours, setting a timer and everything. When she calls and you don’t answer, she curses herself for even letting you leave her sight.
“These fools are going to get themselves killed.” She mutters as she starts a track on every alias she knows you to have. No luck.
Clint picks up on the second ring, almost as desperate for information on their friends than she was. Before she’s even finished her request, he has your face plugged into every tracking program SHIELD has available.
A security camera at the international airport in Rome catches a portion of your face for a fraction of a second. He offers to flag your passport, but she tells him no.
She wants to handle you herself.
You find Raleigh, North Carolina to be an odd place. Beautiful, almost deceptively so with its old architecture and the brilliant greens of the Elm trees in the square parks. Known as part of the ‘Research Triangle’, you have to laugh at how easy it was for you to be kept at such a horrid place under the false guise of ‘research’.
Three blocks from your destination, the hair on the back of your neck prickles and your posture tightens, but you maintain your pace regardless. You scan your surroundings, picking through reflections in store front windows, simultaneously keeping the perfect depiction of ease.
When that doesn’t appear to be working, you pick out a large man to stumble into. He quickly apologizes as you make your way behind him and offer him a sweet smile before you slip into the crack of an ally to wait.
Of all the people it could’ve been, or of all the people you would’ve rather it been, you weren’t exactly expecting to see the bright red hair of Natasha peeping out of a dark hood. She continues past you, eyes peeled and scanning. A quiet string of Russian curse words slip from her lips.
When she lowers the hood, preoccupied with rethinking her next moves, you walk silently out into the light.
“What are you doing here.”
If you’ve startled her, she doesn’t show it. “Did you really think I wouldn’t figure it out?”
“Not until it was done. Guess I shouldn’t have stopped for breakfast.” You smirk and raise a brow- tilt you head with a hint of a playfulness she finds irritating.
It’s short lived.
“Come back with me.” She pleads. A request you’ve heard before. “We’ll put a team together, and with all you know about Yates, we’ll get him back. Why would you rather give yourself to the man who destroyed you?” She furrows her brow, confused.
Because it insures Steve’s life. But you don’t respond, you can’t even meet her eyes.
“You let him get to you.”  She states simply. There’s no need for her to specify who.
“Not willingly.” You say softly.
“You’ll recover.”
You laugh lightly and gaze back up at her and shake your head softly. There’s a small smile on your lips and Natasha knows she’s fighting a losing battle. “That’s the thing, Nat, I’m not so sure I want to.”
She makes her way closer to you, feeling slightly more desperate. “This is not our only option.”
“You don’t get it. You don’t understand what I owe him.”
Her heart pangs because she does. She had watched you both for the better part of a year, had a front row seat to whatever it was the two of you were. You had gone from some fable most could never believe to a real member of the Avengers.
Before all of this, she had allowed herself to believe that you called them home. You did too, if you were honest with yourself.
She rests a hand on your shoulder, not knowing what other pleas or promises she could make, and you’re finally able to force yourself to meet her eyes. So sincere, so hopeful.
For a moment you try to believe that with the power of teamwork and well wishes or whatever, Steve could come home whole and unchanged, but she does not know all that you do. She doesn’t know what horrors Steve has already faced. Who wouldn’t want to break the legendary Captain America? Chip away at all of that good and fill him with something sinister. Walk around having broken one of the greats.
There’s nothing they love more than a challenge. You had been a testament to that.
The relief that flashes through her eyes when you place your hand on hers cuts you almost as deep as the guilt does when you twist her arm behind her back- kick her legs beneath her and leave her unconscious.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper.
“A movie? Like in a crowded theater” You question, your apprehension thick in your tone.
Steve was the first to be so good at getting you to take a break from your work. Just to do normal things- things you never thought to do. Most of them were far out of your comfort zone, but there was something about him that calmed you. Something deep within him that soothed the ‘what ifs’ that usually plagued you.
But a big, dark room surrounded by people with very few exit strategies was definitely not something you were up for.
“Not a theater, a drive in.” He beams. “We take one of SHIELD’s cars, tinted to your comfort, eat popcorn and maybe something fried. The cars are bullet proof and I’m pretty sure they fly. There’s like five different escapes they alone offer.”
You narrow your eyes. “Why?”
He chuckles. “I’m trying to show you how much more there is to this world then what you’ve seen.”
The Institute looks the exact same as it was. Behind the towering iron fencing, tucked behind a curtain of old oak trees lays a grey stone building. The swooping arches and intricate iron work alone is enough to distract the average person from the lack of windows.
It was one of the things you loved the most about the Tower and the Triskelion, all of that natural lighting.
The hole you blew in one of the walls seemed to be a good enough reason to add an extension to the building. There’s a shiver that runs up your spine when you try to imagine what may be inside.
Despite already having made peace with what may become of you, pressing the call button just before the gate still sends ice through your veins.
“Sorry, no tours today.” The voice says.
“That’s alright, I believe you boys should be expecting me.” You look up to the camera in the corner, tip up your baseball cap, and smile. Adding a little wave for good measure.
There’s silence and then a buzz. The gate swings open but you’re surrounded by automatic weapons before you’ve even crossed the threshold.
You had once let word spread that one day you would return to this place to balance the scales, so they probably expect a fight from you. Their fear drips from them, standing before the deadliest tale they’ve heard.
The only one to have ever escaped.
The ghost story whispered to new guards in locker rooms to remind them those they try to control are not to be underestimated.
The dramatic interpretation is downright laughable.
A segment clears in the group of men surrounding you, and you do your best to keep up the façade of being unphased.
A tall man with dark grey hair peppered silver on the sides saunters forward, an unmistakably sinister glint in the steel blue of his eyes. He stops just before you and places his finger under your jaw to tilt your head up to his.
Your breath freezes in your lungs when he smiles down at you.
“Welcome home, darlin’.”
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disneytva · 4 years
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Bob Iger Returns To Chairman And Chief Executive Officer Of The Walt Disney Company Due COVID-19 Crisis At Disney
Bob Iger has taken CEO responsibilities back from Bob Chapek at The Walt Disney Company. 
"A crisis of this magnitude and its impact on Disney actively treat and help Bob Chapek. Especially for the company that lasts 15 years."
  The former C.E.O. thought he was riding into the sunset. Now he’s reasserting control and reimagining Disney as a company with fewer employees and more thermometers.
The Walt Disney Company turned franchises like Marvel and “Star Wars” into the biggest media business in the world, and last fall it was putting the finishing touches on the image of a storied character: its chief executive, Bob Iger.
In late September, Mr. Iger, 69, published “The Ride of a Lifetime,” an engaging work of self-hagiography. The handsome executive, who seriously considered running for president this year, spent the next month on the kind of media tour that Disney is known for: he reveled in the successful start of a streaming service that immediately rivaled Netflix, was hailed as “businessperson of the year” by Time and described as “Hollywood’s nicest C.E.O.” in an article in the The Times by Maureen Dowd. Even his friends wondered if the soft-focus Instagram ads produced for his MasterClass on leadership were a bit much.
It all went so well that Mr. Iger decided it was time to do something he had postponed four times since 2013: retire as C.E.O.
In early December, Disney executives say, he told his board that he was ready to leave. Around that time, a handful of people in Wuhan, China, began developing mysterious coughs.
At the end of January, a few days after Disney was forced to close its Shanghai theme park as the coronavirus spread, Mr. Iger and the board stuck with their plan, agreeing that he would step back to become executive chairman and that the low-profile head of the parks and cruise business, Bob Chapek, would take over immediately as chief executive. They finalized the arrangement even as the stock market began to shudder. And on Feb. 25, they shocked Hollywood with the news that Mr. Iger’s 15-year run had ended.
The seemingly abrupt announcement prompted intense speculation about the reasons for Mr. Iger’s exit. “Sex or health?” one media executive who knows him texted another that night. Two weeks later, a different question emerged: Had Mr. Iger, with his deep ties to China and legendary timing, seen the coronavirus about to devastate his global realm? Did he get out just in time?
Mr. Iger, who has always carefully managed his image, told me in an email, there was no more than met the eye.
“No surprises … nothing hidden … nothing different or odd to speculate about ….,” he wrote, ellipses and all.
In fact, people close to Mr. Iger and the company said in interviews that the real question wasn’t whether he saw the crisis coming — but whether his focus on burnishing his own legacy and assuring a smooth succession left him distracted as the threats to the business grew. No big media company is more dependent on its customers’ social and physical proximity than Disney, with its theme parks and cruise lines. Few have been hit harder by the pandemic.
And now, Mr. Iger has effectively returned to running the company. After a few weeks of letting Mr. Chapek take charge, Mr. Iger smoothly reasserted control, BlueJeans video call by BlueJeans video call. (Disney does not use Zoom for its meetings for security reasons.)
The new, nominal chief executive is referred to, almost kindergarten style, as “Bob C,” while Mr. Iger is still just “Bob.” And his title is “executive chairman” — emphasis on the first word.
Mr. Iger is now intensely focused on remaking a company that will emerge, he believes, deeply changed by the crisis. The sketch he has drawn for associates offers a glimpse at the post-pandemic future: It’s a Disney with fewer employees, leading the new and uncertain business of how to gather people safely for entertainment.
“It’s a matter of great good fortune that he didn’t just leave,” said Richard Plepler, the former HBO chief. “This is a moment where people first and foremost are looking to an example of leadership that has proved itself over an extended period of time — and Bob personifies that.”
The story of the Walt Disney Company since Mr. Iger’s predecessor, Michael Eisner, took it over in 1984 is one of astonishing growth that has become the model for the modern, global media business. The company turned its tatty icons like Mickey Mouse into cash cows. Mr. Iger has spent more than 40 years working for companies that are now part of Disney, and has earned his reputation through bold acquisitions. He bought Pixar, then Marvel, then Lucasfilm, for single-digit billions, and quickly created many more billions in value with them. Mr. Iger had the greatest job on earth, ruling not just a company but a “nation-state,” as California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, described Disney recently.
But Disney’s much-imitated model was almost perfectly exposed to the pandemic. The shift from on-screen entertainment into in-person experiences helped Disney become the biggest media company in the world. But those businesses have been impossible to protect from the pandemic. The company’s largest division brought in more than $26 billion in the year ending last June by extending its brands to cruise ships and theme parks. Those are all shuttered now. It has three new cruise ships under construction in Germany, their futures unclear. The jewel in its second largest division, television, is ESPN, which in a sports-less world is now broadcasting athletes playing video games. The third group, studio, had expected to bring in most of its revenue from movie openings in theaters, which are now closed.
There has been a glimmer of good news in the introduction of Disney+. The company’s troubled share price jumped about 7 percent in after-hours trading last Wednesday on the news that the streaming service had attracted 50 million subscribers. But the project is still an investment, years away from generating revenue that could replace a big movie opening in theaters. And the service is desperate for new content — at a time when television and film production has ground to a halt.
This all means the company is losing as much as $30 million or more a day, the media industry analyst Hal Vogel estimated in an interview. The company borrowed $6 billion at the end of March, a sign both of its desperate plight and lenders’ confidence that it could rebound.
In an emergency like this, Mr. Iger said, he had no choice but to abandon his plan to pull back.
“A crisis of this magnitude, and its impact on Disney, would necessarily result in my actively helping Bob [Chapek] and the company contend with it, particularly since I ran the company for 15 years!” he said in his email.
That realization appears to have hit just after the company’s March 11 annual shareholder gathering in Raleigh, N.C., which served as Mr. Chapek’s debut and was staged as a carefully scripted handoff.
“I’ve watched Bob [Iger] lead this company to amazing new heights, and I’ve learned an enormous amount from that experience. I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to work closely with him during this transition,” Mr. Chapek said at the meeting. (A Disney spokeswoman declined to make Mr. Chapek available for an interview.)
The men flew from there to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., to meet executives worried about the effect of social distancing on their business; they announced the park’s closing the next day. Then, they flew back to Los Angeles and on the way, said a person familiar with their conversation, they discussed the depth of the crisis. Mr. Iger made clear that he would remain closely involved.
The next day, March 13, was their last in the office. In early April, Mr. Chapek sent a bleak internal email announcing a wave of furloughs. He pushed immediate cuts and freezes on everything from development budgets to contractors’ pay.
The company employed 223,000 as of last summer, and won’t say how many workers are furloughed, but the numbers are huge. It includes more than 30,000 workers  in the California resort business alone, according to the president of Workers United Local 50 that represents some of those workers, Chris Duarte. Another 43,000 workers in Florida will be furloughed, the company confirmed on Sunday. All the workers will keep their benefits, but their last paychecks come April 19.
The mood at Disney is “dire,” said a person who has done projects with the company. “They’re covering the mirrors and ripping clothes.”
Mr. Iger, meanwhile, is trying to figure out what the company will look like after the crisis. One central challenge is to establish best practices for the company and the industry on how to bring people back to the parks and rides while avoiding the virus’s spread — using measures like taking visitors’ temperatures.
Mr. Iger also sees this as a moment, he has told associates, to look across the business and permanently change how it operates. He’s told them that he anticipates ending expensive old-school television practices like advertising upfronts and producing pilots for programs that may never air. Disney is also likely to reopen with less office space. He’s also told two people that he anticipated the company having fewer employees. (Mr. Iger said in an email on Sunday evening that he had “no recollection of ever having said” that he expected a smaller work force. “Regardless, any decision about staff reductions will be made by my successor and not me,” he added.)
Mr. Iger’s own narrative had been written to a neat conclusion. Now, his legacy will probably be defined in the unexpected sequel of one of the great American companies fighting for its life.
And Disney’s endlessly troublesome question of succession — which had finally, for a couple of weeks, seemed settled — may be open again. One person close to the company said Mr. Iger assured Mr. Chapek that the extraordinary circumstances would be taken into consideration in the board’s evaluation of Mr. Chapek’s performance. But in reality, two hard, unpredictable years will determine if he can hold the job. Two other executives who were passed over for Mr. Chapek — Kevin Mayer and Peter Rice — remain at the company. Nobody knows when Americans will go to the movies again, much less get on cruise ships.
And nobody knows when — or whether — Mr. Iger will have another moment to leave on top.
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yogafordaystda · 4 years
Becoming A Yoga Teacher In Your Semi-Retirement
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WHERE: Awaze Cuisine (904 NE Maynard Rd, Cary, NC 27513)
When I went down to Raleigh last year (seriously, my project posts have to come out in a more timely manner), my friends down there loved the idea of my Traveling By Tastebuds project, so Hayden decided we should try the Ethiopian restaurant called Abyssinia before we went to the movies that night. She heard it was really good but had never been.
We tried all the appetizers including the beef sambusa, lamb sambusa and catagna first. Very good little pastry dishes. And bread made from a sour dough (is that where they get the term sourdough bread?). Then came the entree.. All the other diners had these giant communal plates and we were kind of clueless when it came to Ethiopian eating (seriously, all three of us had one of those 'what am I even looking at??' moment when we checked out the menu), but eventually Hayden just had to ask the waiter, "What are they eating over there? How do we order THAT?" The waiter said he would take care of us and walk us through everything. He then brought out piles of doro wat, kay wat, and goat curry (all different sorts of chicken, beef and goat) and dumped them on this giant plate as big as a pizza pan of injera bread. And we sat there for a long time, scooping up sauces and dishes with the bread until we totally forgot about seeing the movie and eventually had to call the movie theater to reschedule our tickets (on a side note, I didn't even realize you could reschedule movie tickets until that evening). Having only met Hayden and Matt in person that day (though we had talked on the Internet for years), this was such a fun communal meal that really cemented our ties with one another-- and when I think of African eating, that's one of the biggest draws and benefits to it: the sense of community and togetherness.
PS. I forgot to add the fact that they garnished one of the curries with a hardboiled egg. And I was remarking to Hayden that it's the second time that an african meal I've eaten at a restaurant was garnished with an egg. Like... BOOM... egg! It's garnish! I still find that strange, but hey, hardboiled eggs are delicious and should be on the top of more things.
Stew? EGG. Pasta? EGG! Ice cream? EGG!! Well... maybe not that last one...
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sleepy-hailey · 6 years
Pacific Rim: Uprising
So as some of you might know, I like giant monsters and I like writing stuff (in theory), so how about I try combining the two things. In like a tangible way, not like the Kumonga (giant spider from Godzilla series) fanfic I have been working on for well over a year that still is not halfway done.
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I am going to give my short and spoiler-free thoughts here and then go into more depth under the cut.
I really liked it. I laughed out loud at some of the gags, my mouth hung agape during some of the action, I whispered excitedly to my girlfriend next to me who had her own adorably goofy grin throughout, my feels got poked here and there, and I left the theater really happy. It was not perfect by any means nor was it as good as the first, but I will honestly probably watch again while it is still in theaters once it goes discount.
Now for my detailed thoughts where I spoilerize the whole movie.
Having said that I liked it, the first thing I want to talk about is, from what I’ve seen, the biggest point of contention. They fridged Mako Mori. For those who don’t know, “fridging” is a short hand for “Women in Refrigerators” which is when a character, usually a woman, is killed or otherwise brought to dramatic harm for the narrative benefit of another character, generally used for making a guy sad and angry. What separates this from general tragedy in fiction is that usually the character whom the harm befalls was a character in their own right and what happens to them has nothing to do with them or their narrative.
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Mako Mori was the deuteragonist, or second main character, of Pacific Rim 1. What made her different from just being a supporting character was that she had her own story entirely independently from the other main character, Raleigh. Her story was about how her family was killed in a kaiju attack, she was adopted by the legendary pilot Stacker Pentecost, she longed to become a pilot herself and strike back against the monsters that had taken so much from her and others and to prove to her adopted father that was as strong and capable as he. In Uprising she is killed in a helicopter crash to prevent her from delivering her negative views to a committee about deploying drone Jaegars. She is mourned briefly (but with incredible acting by John Boyega) and it’s revealed that her dying act was to send information that advances the plot one step.
This is a really crappy way to see a character out. This is right up there or worse than things like Tokyo S.O.S. where the entire previous movie was about building up the character of Akane only to shuffle her off at the start of the sequel for “Special Training in America”. This is worse than the Power Rangers’ peace conference they kept sending Rangers too. I mean, in the 2nd Mortal Kombat movie, they kill Johnny Cage in the first five minutes and THAT was better than Mako’s exit because at least he died doing things in his character, ya know, fighting the bad guy, and it raised the stakes by saying “oh this guy beat the tough guy in the previous movie but THIS tough guy killed him like nothing”. The other main character from the first, Raleigh, is just never seen nor is his fate brought up, THAT would have been preferable to this.
I’ve heard rumors that this was done for political reasons to get better box office in China. The first movie’s bad performance in China was largely blamed on the fact that it featured a Japanese woman protecting China, or so it is said. I’m not sure if I believe that was the actual motivation, but with the lousy killing of that Japanese woman and then having a Chinese woman go on to protect Japan, well, I see where the rumor is coming from at least.
So yeah, tl;dr, the way they killed Mako sucked and I don’t blame anyone if that’s a deal-breaker on their enjoyment of this movie. If they decide to bring her back as a cyborg or say that she survived the crash, but they put her in hiding for her protection, or whatever in Pacific Rim 3, I’m all for it. It would be dumb, but not as dumb as how they wrote her out in the first place.
All that out of the way, there was a lot I liked. The Mako thing puts a big “but” on my feelings, but I still liked it. There were other little issues I’ll talk about too, but none of them are comparable to the killing of Mako.
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STUFF I LIKED! Jake Pentecost! I have yet to see John Boyega not be a delight to watch and this movie did not break that streak. His character was funny and charming in a dorky way. He also had to do most of the emotional lifting on this movie (with his dead disappointed dad and his newly dead sister and his shame at his past bad behaviors) and he carries that weight like a friggin champ. Also I really liked how they seemed to be leaning towards a OT3 with his copilot, whom he does call sexy and seems to have the most feelings about, and that engineer lady, who was just kinda there to make it less gay I guess.
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The cadets! These kids, I may not remember all their names, but they brought a great feeling to the movie. I’m not gonna lie, I like kids’ stuff sometimes (a lot of the time depending on your definition of kids’ stuff) and kids in action/adventure is easy to fuck up. They brought in a lot of energy and the idea of “the younger generation” being able to step up and even being pushed to do so before it might be seen as appropriate due to a rapidly deteriorating situation is certainly relatable. Also they actually killed one of them as a way of saying “no, their youth does not guarantee their safety for the finale”. Also they used a giant robot to flip off a giant monster and I have to respect that.
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Scrapper! Most the Jaegars in this movie felt more than a bit derivative of the ones from PR1, but that little girl was a delight. I liked the idea of a mini Jaegar able to run with one person and move into smaller areas faster. I loved how she rolled up into a little ball to preserve momentum and to protect the pilot during impacts. I loved her being used to do field maintenance on one of the bigger Jaegars in the finale. I just really feel that scrapper was an unsung hero of the movie.
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Newt and Hermann! PRECIOUS GAY NERDS! If you watched PR1 and 2 and you actively deny that these two are in love, we are not friends any more (feelings of ambivalence are fine, but it won’t win you any points in my book). These two stole the show every single time they were on screen and that is impressive for a giant monster movie to make me actually more into the scientist characters than the pilots. I know some people were pissed about Newt being brainwashed by the Precursors, but it’s not like he was a willing ally. I mean, he was all but crying when he was strangling Hermann (who also seemed to be effing reassuring him that it wasn’t his fault and aaaaaaa I’m gonna cry). And honestly, I think giving the Precursors and the kaiju a human face and voice, and one as interesting as Newt’s, was a great idea. It actually made me hate the Precursors in a way beyond the generic “they’re trying to destroy the earth” way. If a third happens I want Newt to be struggling back and forth under their control. Also he and Hermann should kiss.
This does segue into my favorite complaint against most things by the way; it should have been gayer. I use this complaint so much that it’s basically a running joke with my friends, but I mean it every time. Newt and Hermann are in love. Their plot in the first movie was all about them coming together and how it made them better and helped them to aid in saving the world. In this movie, I don’t even know where to start, it’s just unambiguously a sad romance where two people’s lives split when they both know they’re happier together. Like even the people making the movie straight up say that, yeah, that’s intentional and it would have been explicit if the powers that be didn’t fear losing money by having gay stuff. Also there’s no way way Viktoriya’s hostility towards Amara didn’t stem from misplaced feelings of attraction, I honestly expected (hoped with my gay heart) that Vic would kiss Amara during the finale.
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I liked the kaiju! THIS SHOULDN’T SURPRISE ANYONE! Now the three main kaiju that attack Japan, none of them really stood out too much to me other than one of them had a cool thing where their face opened up and one of them liked to dig I guess(?), but that wasn’t all we got. The Jaegar/Kaiju hybrids that attacked in mass were pretty effing cool, honestly with their color variation from white to kaiju blue glowy bits and weapons and yeah. Then we got the Ultra Kaiju that was a combination of the three big un’s that attack Japan, that thing was quite the friggin monster. It may seem like a silly thing, but a kaiju that is a giant to other giants always gets me, like, terrified if done right. Were any of them better than my girl Otachi from PR1? No, but I wouldn’t mind having toys of any of them on my desk either.
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The action! I mean, duh, it’s an action movie, if you don’t like the action you’re not gonna have a good time. I can’t say it was better than PR1, but I CAN say it was better LIT than PR1 with all the colors of the kaiju and jaegars shining brilliantly and all their moves on clear display. And they did a damn Rider Punch from the atmosphere to kill the Ultra Kaiju. I even loved Newt and Hermann beating up the guards in the elevator in their feisty nerd way.
Oh yeah, the other thing I didn’t really like was the ending. Like the very ending after they Rider Punched the Ultra Kaiju to death and captured Possessed Newt. I get that they were trying to have a light moment much like the end of PR1, but Jake and Amara having a snowball fight right after a fight that left them both pretty banged up and one of the cadets dead, along with probably a lot of civilians, was just kinda weak and odd. And where the flip was Shao? She was instrumental in saving the world, you'd think they'd give her a parting scene/shot. Then came the sequel stinger and I just wasn’t feeling the idea of a movie where we invade the Anteverse. I mean, it might be cool, but it just made me think of a movie with humans running around in giant robots and stomping on aliens, but it being ok because it was us doing it to them this time.
So yeah, those are some of my thoughts on Pacific Rim: Uprising. I get why some people hated it or just didn’t care that much about it, but I enjoyed it even with it doing Mako dirty. See you in the drift, nerds!
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benchmarkinsurance1 · 5 years
Changes in Disinfection Service
Common Benefits about Disinfection Service
    Further, surface areas of intricate items or difficult to reach spots are typically missed. These missed areas can be a breeding ground for pathogens. Electrostatically used liquids have a wrapping effect, so that intricate things and areas concealed from the line of sight get coated with the liquid. Think about a chair/desk, it is simple to decontaminate the desk surface, however time consuming to decontaminate the underside, the seat, back, and legs.
    The most crucial advantage of electrostatic sprayers in the cleansing industry is around the application of disinfectants, sanitizers and smell counteractants. It is necessary that disinfectants and sanitizers utilized with electrostatic sprayers are confirmed for usage with these gadgets. For users planning on utilizing an electrostatic sprayer to use a disinfectant/sanitizer that reveals health claims, it is necessary to be sure that the germicidal/antimicrobial activity of the product is not compromised.
Facts Everybody Need To Understand About Disinfection Service
Disinfectants and sterilizing products that make public health claims should be EPA signed up. Production of such products need to remain in EPA certified centers that follow particular protocols. To guarantee EPA registered disinfectants and sanitizers are reliable on the pathogens listed on the product labels, makers of disinfectants and sanitizers need to evaluate the activity of each batch of disinfectant/sanitizer produced.
While difficult, one method to estimate cost savings based upon information related to absenteeism due to disease. Calculators are available that show potential expense savings of E-Spray Innovation in education by using lost profits from student and teacher lacks. In business, similarly, one can use absentee rates to measure financial effect on organisations.
And How To Avoid Problems with Disinfection Service
There are electrostatic sprayers on the marketplace that utilize a cable to plug into 120V outlets, and portable systems that utilize rechargeable lithium ion batteries. It is not an alternative to wiping/cleaning of high touch surface areas. It is another tool in the arsenal versus the spread of contagious disease. Learn More: www.multi-clean.com The E-Spray System is offered by Multi-Clean through a network of licensed distributors.
ADC Environmental Solutions is a full-service disinfection and decontamination business that focuses on removing, lowering or eliminating the contamination from within your indoor environment. Read more at : https://spwc.com/disinfecting-sanitizing-services-st-joseph/  With correct hygiene and terminal cleansing procedures, Healthcare-Acquired Infections and reinfections are avoidable. All major medical centers ought to have these protocols in location in efforts to lower and avoid HAI's, nevertheless, smaller personal practices, dental practitioner workplaces and even surgical suites might not be on-par with the terminal cleansing and disinfection abilities of larger medical facilities.
The A - Z Guide Of Disinfection Service
ADC Environmental Solutions uses Hospital-Grade Disinfection and Hospital-Grade Terminal Cleansing Services any place it is required. Our services will remove, lower or get rid of the pathogenic germs *, viruses * and mold * from the indoor environments of private practice medical, surgical and oral facilities, business structures and property homes. We use SteraMist BIT, the really exact same EPA Registered Hospital-Grade Disinfection System * that is utilized within the greatest ranked medical centers and pharmaceutical producers worldwide, such as Dana Farber Cancer Institue in Boston along with numerous Pfizer Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities.
SteraMist BIT option and BIT innovation became 1 of 53 of the EPA's "Registered Antimicrobial Products Effective versus Clostridium difficile Spores", as published on the EPA's K List. SteraMist is likewise consisted of in the EPA's Registered lists of Antimicrobial Products Effective versus Norovirus (List G), Ebola (List L), and Avian Influenza (List M).
Easy Guidance about Disinfection Service
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Call or click today for a free assessment. - Air scrubbing and HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) purification, which traps and gets rid of spores from the airspace of your indoor environment. * - HEPA vacuuming of all permeable and non-porous surfaces, in addition to Hot Water Extraction of soft products; upholstered furniture, mattresses and box springs, carpeting, etc. * Physical removal of the bioload and residues from tough, non-porous surfaces such as walls, horizontal surface areas, floor covering and/or contents, followed by disinfection with SteraMist. * This cutting-edge disinfection system produces a Reactive Oxygen Types (ROS) referred to as Hydroxyl Radicals.
* All services are customized to fit your particular requirements and spending plan; services are varied and may be incorporated into a thorough cleansing, decontamination, and disinfection procedure or can work as specific stand-alone services. Making use of the SteraMist Binary Ionization Innovation (BIT) surface area unit or ecological system, ADC Environmental Solutions offers services to disinfect the indoor environment.
Necessary Methods To Disinfection Service
SteraMist BIT is a hospital grade disinfectant * that can accomplish a six-log, 99.9999% reduction on all challenged pathogens, including the Geobacillus Stearothermophilus spore. The SteraMist Surface System is fast-acting, hand-held, point and spray disinfection system. It is the safest and simplest procedure to ensure that your facilities and assets are sanitized to the maximum level possible.
The space is safe to get in within minutes after the Triggered Ionized Hydrogen Peroxide (AIHP) mist has been used. The SteraMist Environment System is remotely managed, and supplies total room disinfection/decontamination * utilizing numerous treatment applicators per unit. Effective entire total space treatment in just over 75 minutes for a room (3,663.7 ft3/104 m3) including application time, contact time, and aeration time.
Ways To Use Disinfection Service
In addition to the ecological disinfection services, ADC Environmental Solutions also provides a full-service cleaning, for a much better level of clean.
The spray procedure is quick and simple. It takes under 30 minutes per 2,000 sq. ft. of space. And dries in about 10 minutes. When we leave your house will be devoid of bacteria, infections, allergens and smells. SanitizeIT is fragrance freesome compare the smell initially to a pool, however even that disappates quickly.
Disinfection Service ? It's Easy If You Do It Right
Call us for a complimentary quote on or Contact Us Utilising a distinct biocidal product which quickly reduces disease-causing organisms found in pest waste, Rentokil uses insect disinfection services to reduce the threat of illnesses associated with invasions. The majority of bugs carry bacteria and infections which pose major health dangers to individuals and pets.
Coli. These pathogens can easily be spread throughout facilities through poor hand hygiene, contact with urine or faeces or intake of contaminated food or water. Play Watch our pest disinfection video to discover more This video player requires JavaScript. Our Insect Disinfectant Service involves the application of a biocidal item in the kind of a spray of mist to locations of your home affected by insect activity.
What Everyone Ought To Know About Disinfection Service
Distinct biocidal treatment includes a reactive barrier technology Quick acting, and efficient, against harmful micro-organisms Provides long-term protection against the danger of germs, viruses, mould, fungis and spores. - Individuals and pets versus the spread of pest-associated diseases. - Versus bacteria, viruses, moulds and fungis including spores. - For use on all surfaces including plastics, soft metals, fabrics and food safe.
GDS is an authorized distributor of the, which is 99.99%( Log 10) effective against more than 100 kinds of bacteria, infections, mold, and fungi, * including MRSA, HIV, and H1N1.In addition to providing the system, GDS supplies educational education onRoom preparation prior to treatmentUsage, storage, and clean-up of the Space re-entry time after treatmentTreatment length computations (differs by space) Buying GDS will also stroll staff through a complete on-site presentation of the.
Surprisingly Efficient Disinfection Service
A member of the custodial personnel at Los Angeles' Union Station, taking extra care in the waiting area all part of improved cleaning efforts at significant transit hubs in response to COVID-19. Mario Tama/Getty Images Mario Tama/Getty Images A member of the custodial personnel at Los Angeles' Union Station, taking additional care in the waiting area all part of improved cleaning efforts at major transit hubs in action to COVID-19.
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A Georgetown church in Washington, D.C. A Latin American dining establishment in Raleigh, N.C. A hotel in Oklahoma City. 2 Broadway theaters in New york city City. All announced that they've undergone a "deep clean" in current weeks after finding that a person infected with the unique coronavirus had been there. That's simply the idea of a tall stack of organisations and consumer gathering areas that state they are stepping up cleaning protocols.
Additional Advice on Disinfection Service
Public health authorities suggest a few common actions can be used by both organisations and individual homes: increasing the frequency of cleansings, using disinfectant products that federal officials state are reliable, cleaning "high-touch" areas and making hand sanitizer readily available. However there is no universal protocol for a "deep tidy" of highly trafficked public or industrial areas to remove the coronavirus.
  Superior Professional Window Cleaning LLC. 2425 Ashland Ave. St. Joseph, MO 64506 (816) 261-4100
0 notes
truthonmysleeves · 5 years
The Impact OF Disinfection Service
Disinfection Service That Works!
    Further, surfaces of complex objects or hard to reach areas are often missed. These missed out on spots can be a breeding place for pathogens. Electrostatically applied liquids have a wrapping result, so that complex things and locations hidden from the line of sight get covered with the liquid. Think about a chair/desk, it is easy to decontaminate the desk surface, but time consuming to disinfect the underside, the seat, back, and legs.
    The most crucial benefit of electrostatic sprayers in the cleansing market is around the application of disinfectants, sanitizers and smell counteractants. It is crucial that disinfectants and sanitizers utilized with electrostatic sprayers are validated for usage with these gadgets. For users preparing on utilizing an electrostatic sprayer to use a disinfectant/sanitizer that reveals health claims, it is necessary to be sure that the germicidal/antimicrobial activity of the product is not compromised.
Essential Strategies To Disinfection Service
Disinfectants and sanitizing products that reveal health claims must be EPA signed up. Manufacturing of such items need to remain in EPA certified facilities that follow particular protocols. To insure EPA registered disinfectants and sanitizers work on the pathogens listed on the product labels, makers of disinfectants and sanitizers must test the activity of each batch of disinfectant/sanitizer produced.
While tough, one way to approximate cost savings based upon information associated with absence due to disease. Calculators are readily available that reveal prospective expense savings of E-Spray Innovation in education by utilizing lost earnings from trainee and teacher lacks. In organisation, likewise, one can use absentee rates to measure financial influence on services.
Undeniable Facts About Disinfection Service
There are electrostatic sprayers on the marketplace that utilize a cord to plug into 120V outlets, and portable units that utilize rechargeable lithium ion batteries. It is not an alternative for wiping/cleaning of high touch surfaces. It is another tool in the toolbox versus the spread of contagious health problem. Find out More: www.multi-clean.com The E-Spray System is sold by Multi-Clean through a network of authorized distributors.
ADC Environmental Solutions is a full-service disinfection and decontamination business that focuses on eliminating, minimizing or eradicating the contamination from within your indoor environment. Read more at : https://spwc.com/disinfecting-sanitizing-services-st-joseph/  With appropriate hygiene and terminal cleansing protocols, Healthcare-Acquired Infections and reinfections are preventable. All major medical facilities should have these protocols in location in efforts to lower and prevent HAI's, nevertheless, smaller sized private practices, dental expert offices and even surgical suites might not be on-par with the terminal cleansing and disinfection abilities of bigger medical facilities.
Disinfection Service Explained
ADC Environmental Solutions provides Hospital-Grade Disinfection and Hospital-Grade Terminal Cleaning Providers any place it is required. Our services will get rid of, decrease or eradicate the pathogenic germs *, viruses * and mold * from the indoor environments of personal practice medical, surgical and dental centers, commercial buildings and domestic homes. We use SteraMist BIT, the extremely same EPA Registered Hospital-Grade Disinfection System * that is utilized within the highest ranked medical centers and pharmaceutical producers all over the world, such as Dana Farber Cancer Institue in Boston along with numerous Pfizer Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities.
SteraMist BIT solution and BIT innovation became 1 of 53 of the EPA's "Registered Antimicrobial Products Effective against Clostridium difficile Spores", as published on the EPA's K List. SteraMist is also included in the EPA's Registered lists of Antimicrobial Products Effective against Norovirus (List G), Ebola (List L), and Bird Flu (List M).
Disinfection Service 101
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Call or click today for a free assessment. - Air scrubbing and HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) purification, which traps and eliminates spores from the airspace of your indoor environment. * - HEPA vacuuming of all permeable and non-porous surface areas, as well as Warm water Extraction of soft goods; upholstered furniture, mattresses and box springs, carpeting, etc. * Physical removal of the bioload and residues from hard, non-porous surfaces such as walls, horizontal surfaces, flooring and/or contents, followed by disinfection with SteraMist. * This state of the art disinfection system produces a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) referred to as Hydroxyl Radicals.
* All services are tailored to fit your particular requirements and budget; services are different and may be incorporated into a detailed cleaning, decontamination, and disinfection procedure or can work as specific stand-alone services. Utilizing the SteraMist Binary Ionization Innovation (BIT) surface area system or ecological unit, ADC Environmental Solutions provides services to decontaminate the indoor environment.
Power Up Your Disinfection Service
SteraMist BIT is a hospital grade disinfectant * that can accomplish a six-log, 99.9999% reduction on all challenged pathogens, including the Geobacillus Stearothermophilus spore. The SteraMist Surface area Unit is fast-acting, hand-held, point and spray disinfection system. It is the best and most convenient process to make certain that your centers and assets are disinfected to the optimum level possible.
The room is safe to enter within minutes after the Activated Ionized Hydrogen Peroxide (AIHP) mist has been applied. The SteraMist Environment System is from another location managed, and offers total space disinfection/decontamination * utilizing numerous treatment applicators per system. Reliable entire complete room treatment in just over 75 minutes for a room (3,663.7 ft3/104 m3) including application time, contact time, and aeration time.
What Does Disinfection Service Mean?
In addition to the environmental disinfection services, ADC Environmental Solutions also provides a full-service cleaning, for a much better level of tidy.
The spray procedure fasts and basic. It takes under thirty minutes per 2,000 sq. ft. of space. And dries in about 10 minutes. When we leave your house will be devoid of germs, viruses, allergens and odors. SanitizeIT is scent freesome compare the odor at first to a swimming pool, but even that disappates quickly.
The Secret of Effective Disinfection Service
Call us for a free quote on or Contact Us Making use of a distinct biocidal item which quickly minimizes disease-causing organisms discovered in pest waste, Rentokil uses bug disinfection services to minimize the risk of diseases associated with infestations. The bulk of insects carry germs and viruses which present serious health dangers to individuals and animals.
Coli. These pathogens can easily be spread throughout properties through poor hand hygiene, contact with urine or faeces or usage of infected food or water. Play Watch our insect disinfection video to learn more This video gamer needs JavaScript. Our Insect Disinfectant Service includes the application of a biocidal product in the form of a spray of mist to areas of your property impacted by pest activity.
The Process of Disinfection Service
Distinct biocidal treatment includes a reactive barrier innovation Fast acting, and reliable, versus harmful micro-organisms Offers long-lasting protection against the risk of germs, viruses, mould, fungis and spores. - Individuals and family pets versus the spread of pest-associated diseases. - Against germs, viruses, moulds and fungi consisting of spores. - For use on all surfaces consisting of plastics, soft metals, materials and food safe.
GDS is an authorized distributor of the, which is 99.99%( Log 10) reliable against more than 100 types of bacteria, viruses, mold, and fungis, * including MRSA, HIV, and H1N1.In addition to providing the system, GDS supplies instructional education onRoom preparation prior to treatmentUsage, storage, and cleanup of the Room re-entry time after treatmentTreatment length computations (differs by room) Purchasing GDS will likewise stroll staff through a full on-site presentation of the.
Things about Disinfection Service You Should Know
A member of the custodial personnel at Los Angeles' Union Station, taking additional care in the waiting area all part of boosted cleansing efforts at major transit centers in response to COVID-19. Mario Tama/Getty Images Mario Tama/Getty Images A member of the custodial staff at Los Angeles' Union Station, taking extra care in the waiting area all part of improved cleaning efforts at significant transit hubs in response to COVID-19.
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A Georgetown church in Washington, D.C. A Latin American restaurant in Raleigh, N.C. A hotel in Oklahoma City. 2 Broadway theaters in New York City. All announced that they've undergone a "deep clean" in current weeks after finding that a person contaminated with the unique coronavirus had actually been there. That's simply the idea of a tall stack of organisations and consumer gathering areas that state they are stepping up cleaning up procedures.
Realities About Disinfection Service That Will Make You Feel Better
Public health officials suggest a few typical actions can be utilized by both businesses and specific families: increasing the frequency of cleansings, using disinfectant items that federal authorities state work, cleaning up "high-touch" areas and making hand sanitizer readily offered. However there is no universal protocol for a "deep tidy" of extremely trafficked public or commercial areas to remove the coronavirus.
  Superior Professional Window Cleaning LLC. 2425 Ashland Ave. St. Joseph, MO 64506 (816) 261-4100
0 notes
kevindurkiin · 5 years
RÜFÜS DU SOL Announce “Live from Joshua Tree” Film
GRAMMY-nominated Australian trio RÜFÜS DU SOL today announced a special audiovisual performance piece, shot in the sprawling desert plains of Joshua Tree. In a 45-minute immersive film traversing the depths of the band’s famed shows and critically acclaimed studio albums SOLACE, BLOOM and ATLAS, “RÜFÜS DU SOL: Live from Joshua Tree” brings their emotive live experience from the global stage to the screen. Featuring never-before-heard material set amongst the allure of the Great American West, the sensory film is an homage to the band’s arrival as a global creative force.
Fans in Los Angeles will have the opportunity to attend the World Premiere taking place at Los Feliz’ historic Vista Theatre on Tuesday, February 18. A limited number of tickets will be available here.
Watch the trailer below.
Following the film’s world premiere at Vista Theatre in Los Feliz, the band will hit the road again, embarking on a US run headlining major festivals like Okeechobee, M3F and CRSSD, as well as premier venues including Masonic Temple in Detroit, Fillmore in Minneapolis, and Germania Insurance Amphitheater in Austin. As the band hails from Australia, they’ve been committed to supporting the bushfire relief efforts in every way they can. Last month they donated $50,000 and online merch profits to Rural Fire Service, and this month they’re hosting a fundraiser in partnership with CRSSD benefitting the RSPCA Bushfire Appeal. Fans can donate via the festival raffle, here.
Purchase tickets to RÜFÜS DU SOL on Tour HERE
RÜFÜS DU SOL World Tour 2020 February 22 – Envision Festival – Uvita, Costa Rica February 26 – The Pavilion – Indianapolis, IN February 27 – The Sylvee – Madison, WI February 28 – The Fillmore – Minneapolis, MI February 29 – The Fillmore – Minneapolis, MI March 3 – The Fillmore – Charlotte, NC March 5 – Okeechobee Music & Arts Festival – Okeechobee, FL March 7 – M3F Festival – Phoenix, AZ March 8 – CRSSD Festival – San Diego, CA March 11 – Orpheum Theater – New Orleans, LA March 13 – Revention Music Center – Houston, TX March 14 – Germania Insurance Amphitheater – Austin, TX March 15 – Art of the Wild – Las Vegas, NV (DJ Set) May 15 – Pepsi Center – Mexico City, Mexico May 16 – Corona Capital – Guadalajara, Mexico May 19 – The Ritz – Raleigh, NC May 21 – Stage AE – Pittsburgh, PA May 22 – Masonic Temple – Detroit, MI May 23 – The Agora – Cleveland, OH May 27 – The Pageant – Saint Louis, MO May 29 – Marathon Music Works – Nashville, TN May 30 – Huntington Bank Pavilion – Chicago, IL June 2 – Express Live! – Columbus, OH June 5 – RBC Echo Beach – Toronto, ON June 6 – Parc Jean-Drapeau – Montréal, QC June 7 – The Governors Ball Music Festival – New York, NY July 1 – Open’er Festival – Gdynia, Poland July 5 – Main Square Festival – Arras, France July 10 – Mad Cool Festival – Madrid, Spain July 14 – Gru Village Festival – Turin, Italy July 17 – Melt Festival – Gräfenhainichen, Germany July 19 – Lollapalooza – Paris, France August 6 – PNE Amphitheatre – Vancouver, BC August 7 – Cuthbert Amphitheater – Eugene, OR August 12 – Red Rocks Amphitheatre – Morrison, CO August 13 – Red Rocks Amphitheatre – Morrison, CO
  Photo courtesy of Coachella
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: RÜFÜS DU SOL Announce “Live from Joshua Tree” Film
RÜFÜS DU SOL Announce “Live from Joshua Tree” Film published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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bluebuzzmusic · 5 years
RÜFÜS DU SOL Announce “Live from Joshua Tree” Film
GRAMMY-nominated Australian trio RÜFÜS DU SOL today announced a special audiovisual performance piece, shot in the sprawling desert plains of Joshua Tree. In a 45-minute immersive film traversing the depths of the band’s famed shows and critically acclaimed studio albums SOLACE, BLOOM and ATLAS, “RÜFÜS DU SOL: Live from Joshua Tree” brings their emotive live experience from the global stage to the screen. Featuring never-before-heard material set amongst the allure of the Great American West, the sensory film is an homage to the band’s arrival as a global creative force.
Fans in Los Angeles will have the opportunity to attend the World Premiere taking place at Los Feliz’ historic Vista Theatre on Tuesday, February 18. A limited number of tickets will be available here.
Watch the trailer below.
Following the film’s world premiere at Vista Theatre in Los Feliz, the band will hit the road again, embarking on a US run headlining major festivals like Okeechobee, M3F and CRSSD, as well as premier venues including Masonic Temple in Detroit, Fillmore in Minneapolis, and Germania Insurance Amphitheater in Austin. As the band hails from Australia, they’ve been committed to supporting the bushfire relief efforts in every way they can. Last month they donated $50,000 and online merch profits to Rural Fire Service, and this month they’re hosting a fundraiser in partnership with CRSSD benefitting the RSPCA Bushfire Appeal. Fans can donate via the festival raffle, here.
Purchase tickets to RÜFÜS DU SOL on Tour HERE
RÜFÜS DU SOL World Tour 2020 February 22 – Envision Festival – Uvita, Costa Rica February 26 – The Pavilion – Indianapolis, IN February 27 – The Sylvee – Madison, WI February 28 – The Fillmore – Minneapolis, MI February 29 – The Fillmore – Minneapolis, MI March 3 – The Fillmore – Charlotte, NC March 5 – Okeechobee Music & Arts Festival – Okeechobee, FL March 7 – M3F Festival – Phoenix, AZ March 8 – CRSSD Festival – San Diego, CA March 11 – Orpheum Theater – New Orleans, LA March 13 – Revention Music Center – Houston, TX March 14 – Germania Insurance Amphitheater – Austin, TX March 15 – Art of the Wild – Las Vegas, NV (DJ Set) May 15 – Pepsi Center – Mexico City, Mexico May 16 – Corona Capital – Guadalajara, Mexico May 19 – The Ritz – Raleigh, NC May 21 – Stage AE – Pittsburgh, PA May 22 – Masonic Temple – Detroit, MI May 23 – The Agora – Cleveland, OH May 27 – The Pageant – Saint Louis, MO May 29 – Marathon Music Works – Nashville, TN May 30 – Huntington Bank Pavilion – Chicago, IL June 2 – Express Live! – Columbus, OH June 5 – RBC Echo Beach – Toronto, ON June 6 – Parc Jean-Drapeau – Montréal, QC June 7 – The Governors Ball Music Festival – New York, NY July 1 – Open’er Festival – Gdynia, Poland July 5 – Main Square Festival – Arras, France July 10 – Mad Cool Festival – Madrid, Spain July 14 – Gru Village Festival – Turin, Italy July 17 – Melt Festival – Gräfenhainichen, Germany July 19 – Lollapalooza – Paris, France August 6 – PNE Amphitheatre – Vancouver, BC August 7 – Cuthbert Amphitheater – Eugene, OR August 12 – Red Rocks Amphitheatre – Morrison, CO August 13 – Red Rocks Amphitheatre – Morrison, CO
  Photo courtesy of Coachella
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: RÜFÜS DU SOL Announce “Live from Joshua Tree” Film
source https://www.youredm.com/2020/02/11/rufus-du-sol-announce-live-from-joshua-tree-film/
0 notes
azulblue9 · 7 years
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Prince - 'Wellcome 2 America’ O(+> Welcome 2 is the common name of the twenty-first concert tour by American musician Prince. Playing over 80 shows, the tour reached North America, Europe and Australia. Each leg of the tour is branded by the "Welcome 2" title followed by the continent the leg is located in. The tour marks the singer's first performances in North America in over six years. The show is composed of the singer performing his hits with his band The New Power Generation. Alongside Prince, various musicians will perform including Janelle Monáe, Esperanza Spalding and Cassandra Wilson. The title of the tour varied depending on the territory where it was performing. The tour placed 39th on Pollstar's "Top 50 Worldwide Tour", earning nearly $20 million.
Background Prince announced the tour on October 14, 2010 at the famed Apollo Theater in New York City. He stated the tour would begin in Greater New York. He further explained to the audience each show would be different. "Come early, come often. I have a lot of hits... no two shows will be the same".
For the tour, Prince will play a custom gold Fender Stratocaster (made by the Fender Custom Shop), which will auctioned off at the end of the tour. The proceeds will benefit the Harlem Children's Zone.The concerts are staged in the round, with the stage shaped like the singer's iconic love symbol.
During shows, Prince invited several celebrities to come onstage and "jam out" with him, including: Naomi Campbell, Whoopi Goldberg, Jamie Foxx, Alicia Keys, Leighton Meester, Questlove, Sherri Shepherd and Cornel West. He also performed duets with specials guests throughout the shows in North America. For "The Beautiful Ones", Prince is joined onstage by ballet dancer Misty Copeland.
During the concert at Madison Square Garden on December 29, 2010, Janelle Monáe performed "If I Was Your Girlfriend" with the singer. During the same show, Cyndi Lauper and Egypt Sherrod performed "Jungle Love".Following his shows in Greater New York, Prince expanded the tour to include the San Francisco Bay Area and The Carolinas. In April, he announced he would perform a twenty-one night residency show at The Forum in Inglewood, California, during an appearance on Lopez Tonight.
Dubbed "Welcome 2 America: 21-Night Stands", the singer performed throughout the months of April and May, including stops in Fresno, San Jose and Sacramento. As the tour continued, Prince performed at several music festivals in Europe. In the fall of 2011, he announced he would bring his tour to Canada, his first performances in the territory in nearly ten years. In 2012, a tour of Australia received a warm response from spectators.
Opening acts
Lalah Hathaway (East Rutherford—December 15, Greenville, North Charleston) Esperanza Spalding (East Rutherford—December 15 Maceo Parker (East Rutherford—December 17) Cassandra Wilson (East Rutherford—December 17) Graham Central Station (New York City—December 18, Oakland, Fresno, San Jose, Sacramento) Sinbad (New York City—December 18) Janelle Monáe (New York City—December 29) Mint Condition (New York City—December 29, Columbia) Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings (New York City—January 18) Cee Lo Green (New York City—February 2) Sheila E. (Oakland, Fresno, San Jose, Sacramento) Anthony Hamilton (Charlotte) Chaka Khan (Raleigh, Greensboro)
Prince held a press conference at Harlem's Apollo Theater to announce "Welcome 2 America," a forthcoming tour beginning in December 2010. The pop legend will perform and play master of ceremonies at each show, which will feature artists such as Janelle Monae, Mint Condition, Esperanza Spalding and Cassandra Wilson.
"Bring your friends, bring your children," Prince told the audience, "and bring foot spray, because it's going to be funky."
Prince arrived on the Apollo stage at 6:25, following an introduction by BET Executive Vice President of Entertainment & Music Programming Stephen Hill. Wearing a black velour jacket, the singer remained vague about the impending live shows but told the crowd that they would not disappoint.
"Come early, come often. I have a lot of hits... no two shows will be the same," he said.
It was also revealed that a gold-plated Fender guitar that sat on the Apollo stage during the announcement will be auctioned off after the live run, with the proceeds benefiting the economic recovery group Harlem Empowerment Zone.
Prince 4ever! O(+>
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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How to be famous online? Here are some tips
Be real, be relateable seems to be way to go. (Source: File Photo)
Tariro Mzezewa and Sam Cannon
Rickey Thompson, a 23-year-old who knows how to use social media to his benefit, posted a video captioned, “When someone flirts with me.” In the video, Thompson delivers a hysterical and relatable monologue about the confidence and awkwardness he feels when someone flirts with him. The video, one of his now famous 21st-century soliloquies, has more than 2.7 million views.
“Oh, my God,” Thompson says, looking straight into the camera in his empty dining room. He runs his hands down his body, playfully laughs: “Oh, my God you’re flirting with me. You’re flirting with me. Oh. You like what you see? Well, baby, this is a gourmet meal. This is delicioso.” Then he purrs, pretends to bite something, roars and turns his back to the camera, almost as if in slow motion. “Oh my God, you’re flirting with me. Oh, my God. Watch. Watch me walk away.”
Thompson’s Instagram videos are short, usually no more than a minute, and to the point. They work well on platforms like Vine (now defunct) and Instagram that value bite-size spicy takes, rather than in-depth examinations.
And, as people regularly comment under his videos, Thompson is funny. Some of his videos are close-up selfies of his face with him delivering a judgmental or bragging monologue into the camera, while other videos are of him dancing alone. They can prompt an action: like, comment, share and sometimes all three.
Before having Instagram as a performance outlet, Thompson had theater. He grew up in Raleigh, North Carolina, and despite being a “quiet and nerdy” teenager, Thompson said he loved performing in high school productions. On the advice of a friend, he joined Vine and started posting videos in 2013 when he was 17. Less than a year later, Kylie Jenner shared one of them.
“I was in class looking at my phone secretly, and I freaked out because I was getting many notifications,” Thompson said. Seemingly overnight he was “the most popular kid in school.”
When Vine shut down in 2016, Thompson had 2.5 million followers and he wasn’t sure he would ever regain that following. He tried posting videos where he reviewed and talked about fashion on YouTube, but wasn’t keen on making long-form pieces on the topic. He knew what worked for him: short, pointed videos. He started posting on Instagram, where he currently has 3.1 million followers, including Sam Smith, Miley Cyrus and Diplo.
And some of the posts have amounted to payment, in the form of sponsored content and ads. Thompson would not reveal how much he makes, but Amanda Bodenstein and Gon Carpel,his managers, said in a statement emailed to The New York Times that he “makes a comfortable living doing promotional posts, acting, making appearances and with creative collaborations.” As for future aspirations, Thompson, who lives in Los Angeles, hopes to do more acting.
He recently shared some tips on how he thinks about online content.
Be relatable: When people see a video of me ranting in my car or bedroom or closet they think, “Oh, I do the same thing!” I film all my videos on my phone. For the dance videos, I place my phone on the windowsill and press record. It’s very simple. And I used to film in my room but got sick of it, so I moved out of my room, but I’m still at home, not a fancy studio.
When I rant, people love that, especially if I’m ranting about a relatable topic, like dating or friendship or work. The more relatable a video is, the better. But I also love ranting. I really do. Instagram is my journal, and if I’m feeling angry I’ll go to Instagram. People are so happy to see me being myself.
Don’t overthink it: I don’t really do multiple takes. My ranting videos I can definitely do in one take, and for those, there’s no plan. I turn on the camera and talk, and it’s done. There you have it. Cute idea. Done.
Give the people what they want: I monitor my growth and views and comments and all that. It’s honestly so crazy. I cannot believe I actually have this many followers. It really drives me to do better and better. People love the ranting videos. People love the dancing videos. They say I have great moves. Seriously, a lot of people like them, and if I can put a smile on your face I’ll keep doing it.
But don’t “do the most”: I don’t have a strategy behind what works for my Stories versus posts. For me, what works in Stories [videos that disappear after 24 hours] works as posts [posts are online until deleted]. So there’s no need for extra posts or different kinds of posts. For the dancing videos, I choose a song that makes me feel good and go with it.
Acknowledge others in the content game: There’s a lack of realness on Instagram, so I love that people are starting to embrace their unique personalities. I feel like some people are lacking originality on Instagram, and that happens off Instagram, too. They see what’s doing well and say, “I’ll do that, too.” They’re just trying to follow trends, and you don’t need to do that. Be you. Do you.
Some of my favorite accounts to follow are my best friend, Denzel Dion (@denzeldion), Vena E (@yesimprettyvee) and Cardi B. I mean, Cardi made it out here being herself. I also love that people are starting to embrace their unique personalities. I love how Amber Wagner (@jstlbby) always will mess around and post an inspirational video, and Donte Colley (@dontecolley) too.
Add a bit of aspiration: I make sure that every time I make a video I have a good look on. It shows people your personality, and people are drawn to that. My look tells people that I’m funny and I can dress. Most of my looks are thrifted and inspired by my dad. I see old photos of him and draw from that. I’m obsessed with the looks of the ’90s and early 2000s.
Keep your eye on the big picture: As a kid growing up in North Carolina I was shy. I was bullied for being gay and being an extra-loud person. People would say, “You’re so annoying,” and pick on me for how I looked.
When I look back, I wish I could tell myself not to change myself. You will be loved for being yourself. Always keep your head up. I know that sometimes it’s going to be hard and you’ll beat yourself up, but your hard work will pay off. I went through it. I went through so many no’s.
Now I have my dream in my hands. And if people hate you for you, don’t listen. Focus on staying booked and busy.
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geodude96 · 7 years
The World According to Student Bloopers
Richard Lederer
Concord, New Hampshire [Excerpt]
One of the fringe benefits of being an English or History teacher is receiving the occasional jewel of a student blooper in an essay. I have pasted together the following "history" of the world from certifiably genuine student bloopers collected by teachers throughout the United States, from eighth grade through college level. Read carefully, and you will learn a lot.
The inhabitants of ancient Egypt were called mummies. They lived in the Sarah Dessert and traveled by Camelot. The climate of the Sarah is such that the inhabitants have to live elsewhere, so certain areas of the dessert are cultivated by irritation. The Egyptians built the Pyramids in the shape of a huge triangular cube. The Pramids are a range of mountains between France and Spain.
The Bible is full of interesting caricatures. In the first book of the Bible, Guinesses, Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree. One of their children, Cain, once asked, "Am I my brother’s son?" God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on Mount Montezuma. Jacob, son of Isaac, stole his brother’s birth mark. Jacob was a patriarch who brought up his twelve sons to be patriarchs, but they did not take to it. One of Jacob’s sons, Joseph, gave refuse to the Israelites.
Pharaoh forced the Hebrew slaves to make bread without straw. Moses led them to the Red Sea, where they made unleavened bread, which is bread made without any ingredients. Afterwards, Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to get the ten commandments. David was a Hebrew king skilled at playing the liar. He fought with the Philatelists, a race of people who lived in Biblical times. Solomon, one of David’s sons, had 500 wives and 500 porcupines.
Without the Greeks we wouldn’t have history. The Greeks invented three kinds of columns–Corinthian, Doric, and Ironic. They also had myths. A myth is a female moth. One myth says that the mother of Achilles dipped him in the River Stynx until he became intolerable. Achilles appears in The Iliad, by Homer. Homer also wrote The Oddity, in which Penelope was the last hardship that Ulysses endured on his journey. Actually, Homer was not written by Homer but by another man of that name.
Socrates was a famous Greek teacher who went around giving people advice. They killed him. Socrates died from an overdose of wedlock.
The Renaissance was an age in which more individuals felt the value of their human being. Martin Luther was nailed to the church door at Wittenberg for selling papal indulgences. He died a horrible death, being excommunicated by a bull. It was the painter Donatello’s interest in the female nude that made him the father of the Renaissance. It was an age of great inventions and discoveries. Gutenberg invented the Bible. SirWalter Raleigh is a historical figure because he invented cigarettes. Another important invention was the circulation of blood. Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world with a 100-foot clipper.
Then came the Middle Ages. King Alfred conquered the Danes, King Arthur lived in the Age of Shivery, King Harold mustarded his troups before the Battle of Hastings, Joan of Arc was cannonized by Bernard Shaw, and victims of the Black Death grew boobs on their necks. Finally, Magna Carta provided that no free man should be hanged twice for the same offense.
During the Renaissance America began. Christopher Columbus was a great navigator who discovered America while cursing about the Atlantic. His ships were called the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Fe. Later, the Pilgrims crossed the Ocean, and this was known as Pilgrims Progress.
George Washington married Martha Curtis and in due time became the Father of Our Country.Then the Constitution of the United States was adopted to secure domestic hostility. Under the Constitution the people enjoyed the right to keep bare arms.
Abraham Lincoln became America’s greatest Prec-edent. Lincoln’s mother died in infancy, and he was born in a log cabin which he built with his own hands. When Lincoln was President, he wore only a tall silk hat. He said, "In onion there is strength." Abraham Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address while traveling from Washington to Gettysburg on the back of an envelope. On the night of April 14, 1865, Lincoln went to the theater and got shot in his seat by one of the actors in a moving picture show. The believed assinator was John Wilkes Booth, a supposingly insane actor. This ruined Booth’s career.
The sun never set on the British Empire because the British Empire is in the East and the sun sets in the West. Queen Victoria was the longest queen. She sat on a thorn for 63 years. Her reclining years and finally the end of her life were exemplatory of a great personality. Her death was the final event which ended her reign.
The nineteenth century was a time of many great inventions and thoughts. The invention of the steam boat caused a network of rivers to spring up. Samuel Morse invented a code of telepathy. Louis Pasteur invented a cure for rabbis. Charles Darwin was a naturalist who wrote the Organ of Species. Madman Curie discovered radium. And Karl Marx became one of the Marx brothers.
The First World War, caused by the assignation of the Arch-Duck by a surf, ushered in a new error in the anals of human history.
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themusicenthusiast · 8 years
Four Voices Tour Confirmed, featuring Joan Baez, Mary Chapin Carpenter & Indigo Girls Amy Ray & Emily Saliers
Legendary artists and longtime friends Joan Baez, Mary Chapin Carpenter Amy Rayand Emily Saliers will share the stage in a special group performance as Four Voicesin June. These exclusive summer tour dates will include stops at Nashville’s historic Ryman Auditorium, Chicago’s Chicago Theatre and Toronto’s Massey Hall among many others. Tickets go on-sale beginning the week of February 20 (check individual venues for details).
The friendship between these four acclaimed artists began over twenty-five years ago when Baez invited Ray and Saliers to perform at a 1991 benefit at the Berkeley Community Theater for her human rights organization, Humanitas. Upon accepting the invitation, Ray and Saliers suggested enlisting Carpenter as well. After a successful performance, the four of them reconnected a year later at an Earth Day Celebration in Boston and at the Newport Folk Festival. Most recently, while together at Baez’s 75th birthday concert at the Beacon Theatre, they discussed the possibility of going on tour together and—one year later—the Four Voices Tour was confirmed. Four Voices Tour: June
3—Nashville, TN—Ryman Auditorium 5—Raleigh, NC—North Carolina Museum of Art 6—Charlottesville, VA—Sprint Pavilion 8—Kettering, OH—Fraze Pavilion 9—Rochester Hills, MI—Meadow Brook Amphitheatre 11—Chicago, IL—Chicago Theatre 12—Grand Rapids, MI—Meijer Gardens 14—Toronto, ON—Massey Hall 16—Gilford, NH—Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion 17—Lenox, MA—Tanglewood
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spoiledsplendid · 7 years
Bruno Mars: 24K Magic World Tour—Worth His Weight In Gold
Bruno Mars: 24K Magic World Tour, Camila Cabello as the Opening Act
Date Seen: July 30, 2017
Cost of Ticket: $195 
Rating: 88%
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There are so many great things to say about tonight's Bruno Mars concert that it's hard to find a place to begin. So let's make a list so we get to them all:
1) The voice. Bruno sounds better live than on his record. He has an impressive vocal range that allows him to master ballads like "When I Was Your Man" and "Versace on the Floor." However, he also has a quick tongue that allows him to keep to the beat of faster tracks like "24K" and "Perm." There are moments when he channels legendary Michael Jackson with his voice and moves.
2) The moves. From the moment he stepped onto the stage, his feet didn't stay still. The man has an excess of swagger and moves. It is rare to find a performer who can move and sing so well together. His signature moves are perfect for his funky R&B disco vibe. By the second song, Bruno was dripping with perspiration as he jammed out to his songs. But that certainly didn't stop him from grinding and grooving for the rest of the night.
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3) The staging and lighting were innovative. I've never seen so much pyrotechnics used in one concert before. There was no shortage of fire and fireworks throughout the show. To the point where I could feel the heat 24 rows back. The stage had moving platforms to add extra levels. The stage was completed with a back row of lights as well as mobile floating banks of lights. These lights took on so many different formations that they were interesting to watch. On top of that, lazers were just the icing on the cake. Finally, there was a stage wide video screen to project video feed of the concert alongside two other big screens. 
4) The setlist. With the exception of "Billionaire," (which was part of copyright lawsuit), Bruno performed all of his hits while also including a good sampling of his new album. He put a fresh spin on older hits like "Grenade" and made us fall in love with some of his newer songs like "Perm" and "Finesse." My only criticism is that Bruno uses "Locked Out of Heaven" and "Uptown Funk" as his 'encore.' These are must haves in the setlist and so really they are just the finale. 
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5) The band. Ooo...the band was good. After watching Ed Sheeran perform last week for 2 hours with just his guitar, I REALLY appreciated the awesome sound of The Hooligans. Special shout out to the 3 piece brass section that added that unique sound that differentiates Bruno from other artists in the pop genre. John Fossit on keyboards also had a solo that was showstopping. 
Now there are a few things that could have made the show a 10/10. Bruno was on stage for 90 minutes which just isn't enough. 90 minutes is the Las Vegas standard but not for a touring show. I think anything less than 2 hours is cheating. The opening act, Camila Cabello, was utterly forgettable. She started the show off at 8:15pm and wrapped her set after 30 minutes. Bruno came on stage at approximately 9:30pm and I was outside of Rogers Place by 11pm.  Lastly, while I will praise the staging, I didn't love the stage. When you tour a show in arenas, the show would have benefitted from a catwalk or a secondary stage. 
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Overall a great night of non-stop energy and music. If you don't have your tickets, get them quick. You will not be disappointed. The remaining tour dates are listed below. 
July 31, 2017     Edmonton    Rogers Place August 2, 2017    Winnipeg    Bell MTS Place   August 4, 2017    Fargo    United States    Fargodome   August 5, 2017    Saint Paul    Xcel Energy Center    August 7, 2017    Lincoln    Pinnacle Bank Arena    August 9, 2017    Kansas City    Sprint Center    August 12, 2017    Auburn Hills    The Palace of Auburn Hills    August 13, 2017    Indianapolis    Bankers Life Fieldhouse    August 15, 2017    Cleveland    Quicken Loans Arena   August 16, 2017    Chicago    United Center     August 18, 2017    Chicago    United Center   August 19, 2017    Chicago    United Center   August 22, 2017    Pittsburgh    PPG Paints Arena    August 24, 2017    Quebec City    Canada    Videotron Centre       August 26, 2017    Toronto    Air Canada Centre    August 27, 2017     Toronto    Air Canada Centre August 29, 2017    Montreal    Bell Centre August 30, 2017    Montreal    Bell Centre September 2, 2017    Las Vegas    The Park Theater     September 3, 2017    Las Vegas    The Park Theater September 14, 2017    Charlotte    Spectrum Center      September 16, 2017    Atlanta    Piedmont Park    September 17, 2017    Memphis    FedExForum    September 19, 2017    Louisville    KFC Yum! Center   September 20, 2017    Columbus    Schottenstein Center   September 22, 2017    New York City    Madison Square Garden    September 23, 2017    New York City    Madison Square Garden September 26, 2017    Newark    Prudential Center   September 27, 2017    Buffalo    KeyBank Center    September 29, 2017    Washington, D.C.    Verizon Center   September 30, 2017    Washington, D.C.    Verizon Center October 4, 2017    Brooklyn    Barclays Center    October 5, 2017    Uniondale    Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum    October 7, 2017    Boston    TD Garden   October 8, 2017    Boston    TD Garden October 10, 2017    Philadelphia    Wells Fargo Center    October 12, 2017    Raleigh    PNC Arena     October 14, 2017    Orlando    Amway Center     October 15, 2017    Sunrise    BB&T Center     October 18, 2017    Miami    American Airlines Arena    October 19, 2017    Tampa    Amalie Arena     October 21, 2017    New Orleans    Smoothie King Center     October 22, 2017    North Little Rock    Verizon Arena     October 24, 2017    Houston    Toyota Center     October 25, 2017    San Antonio    AT&T Center     October 27, 2017    Dallas    American Airlines Center     October 30, 2017    Denver    Pepsi Center     November 2, 2017    Fresno    Save Mart Center     November 3, 2017    Oakland    Oracle Arena     November 5, 2017    Phoenix    Talking Stick Resort Arena     November 7, 2017    Inglewood    The Forum November 8, 2017    Inglewood    The Forum November 10, 2017    Inglewood    The Forum November 11, 2017    Inglewood    The Forum Latin America November 18, 2017    Rio de Janeiro    Brazil    Praça da Apoteose November 19, 2017    Rio de Janeiro    Brazil    Praça da Apoteose November 22, 2017    São Paulo    Estádio do Morumbi     November 23, 2017    São Paulo    Estádio do Morumbi November 25, 2017    La Plata    Argentina    Estadio Ciudad de La Plata   November 28, 2017    Santiago    Chile    Estadio Nacional Julio Martínez Prádanos    November 30, 2017    Lima    Peru    Estadio Nacional de Lima    December 2, 2017    Quito    Ecuador    Estadio Olímpico Atahualpa     February 2, 2018    Mexico City    Mexico    Foro Sol    February 3, 2018    Mexico City    Mexico    Foro Sol February 5, 2018    Guadalajara    Estadio Chivas    Oceania February 27, 2018    Auckland    New Zealand    Spark Arena     February 28, 2018   Auckland    New Zealand    Spark Arena March 2, 2018    Auckland    New Zealand    Spark Arena March 3, 2018    Auckland    New Zealand    Spark Arena March 7, 2018    Melbourne    Australia    Rod Laver Arena   March 8, 2018    Melbourne    Australia    Rod Laver Arena March 10, 2018    Melbourne    Australia    Rod Laver Arena March 11, 2018    Melbourne    Australia    Rod Laver Arena March 14, 2018    Brisbane    Brisbane Entertainment Centre     March 15, 2018    Brisbane    Brisbane Entertainment Centre March 17, 2018    Sydney    Qudos Bank Arena    March 18, 2018    Sydney    Qudos Bank Arena    March 20, 2018    Sydney    Qudos Bank Arena    March 23, 2018    Sydney    Qudos Bank Arena    March 24, 2018    Sydney    Qudos Bank Arena    March 26, 2018    Adelaide    Adelaide Entertainment Centre     March 28, 2018    Perth    Perth Arena    March 29, 2018    Perth    Perth Arena Asia April 12, 2018    Saitama    Japan    Saitama Super Arena    April 14, 2018    Saitama    Japan    Saitama Super Arena May 3, 2018    Manila    Philippines    Mall of Asia Arena     May 9, 2018    Kuala Lumpur    Malaysia    Axiata Arena     North America June 8, 2018    Monterrey    Mexico    Estadio Universitario
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