riot-in-bloom · 1 year
today on things that bring me joy: i got a fic on the tokissatsu exchange that indulged in my "the captain should have railed ignis" agenda. it's not smut, but i heavily enjoyed the kabedon.
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Ryusoulger rings, eh....
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Oh damn, they canonized Kou/Nada and GoseiOT5
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lululablette · 5 years
Can I request a picture of the ineffable husbands taking a selfie?
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hope you enjoy!
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supercalvin · 5 years
Ineffable husbands, 8 & X?
I see ‘crime show au’ and I think, ‘If only I knew literally anything about Broadchurch…’ Sorry if that was what you were expecting. You’ll get this instead. I haven’t written a lot of Good Omens fic, so bear with me y’all.
Prompts (or any prompt)  + Ficlets
London, 1953.
Detective Inspector Ezra Z. Fell hated nights like these. He wished he was working on a case in his office. Or even better, he wished he was home, book in one hand and a glass of port in the other. But tonight he was following up on a lead.
The only good part about working a Sunday night was that it had led him to Eden, a local pub that Ezra knew well. It was run by an interesting character. Mr. Anthony J. Crowley was someone who an officer of the law probably shouldn’t like. He always wore sunglasses, even inside his own dimly lit pub. He had a smile that said he was up to no-good and an air about him that said he was clever enough to out-smart anyone who stepped into his domain. Not to mention, he didn’t seem to care about the dodgy things happening in the dark parts of his pub. D.I. Fell wasn’t entirely certain Mr. Anthony J. Crowley wasn’t the one behind the dealings either.
Yet, all this hadn’t stopped Ezra from going into the pub every week after work. (Honestly, it was the only good place anywhere near the station for a decent wine and a delicious supper.)
Mr. Crowley knew Ezra by now. He wasn’t sure why, but Mr. Crowley always seemed to have a moment to talk with Ezra, even on busy nights when it looked like the man could do with a few extra bartenders and certainly had no time for chit-chat. They had gotten to the point where, Ezra couldn’t imagine a week without seeing Crowley (the food was an excuse, and he knew it, but he tried to remind himself how delicious the bread pudding was.)
Ezra was in plain clothes tonight, and he hoped Crowley wouldn’t notice him, or wouldn’t mention to anyone here that he was an officer. The man that Ezra was looking for supposedly frequented the pub on Sunday nights. Since Ezra usually came on the weekdays, he hoped the man wouldn’t recognize him and he could easily get information out of him without causing a fuss.
Unfortunately, Sunday night seemed to be a busy night for Eden. It was packed, wall to wall with men crowding around the radio that wasbroadcasting a local game. Crowley was nowhere to be seen. (Ezra hadn’t decidedif this was good or not, though his stomach sank when he didn’t see Crowley behind the bar.)
When an hour passed, and Ezra was no closer to finding his lead, he decided that enough was enough. He pushed past the crowd and made his way behind the bar. No one seemed to mind, and he didn’t wait to find out. He slipped past the bar and found himself in a cramped hallway. He opened the first door to his right and found a pile of boxes and racks of cleaning supplies. He opened the next door, expecting to find an empty office or dingy break room. What he found was Anthony J. Crowley sitting at his desk, with a man straddling his lap, and the two were passionately snogging.
As soon as the door opened, the man broke the kiss and whipped around. Ezra had seen him a few times. He was a regular at the pub. Which meant he knew that Ezra was a D.I. With a start, the man jumped up and made a run for it. At top speed, he ran into Ezra, pushing him back against the hallway, and before Ezra could catch his breath, the man was out the door, and presumably out of the pub.
“Thought I locked that.”
Ezra, dazed, looked up to find Crowley standing from his chair, pushing back his hair and straightening his tie. He wiped his lip with his thumb, and Ezra was keenly aware of what he had just interrupted. His sunglasses were off, and despite the situation, he couldn’t help but note that this was the first time he had seen Anthony’s eyes. They were an interesting honey-brown color.
“Leave or shut the door, Ezra.”
He realized that he had been staring. With conviction, Ezra pushed himself off the wall, walked into the office, and closed the door behind him. It wasn’t until he heard the door click shut that he realized that this might be a bad idea.
“Crowley,” Ezra said, surprised that his voice was even.
Crowley rolled his eyes. He dropped back into his desk chair and materialized a pair of sunglasses from one of the desk drawers. He popped them on, “Well, are you going to run after him? Or am I the bigger fish?”
“I…” The words stuck in his throat. He stumbled before he said, “I-I’m not here for that.”
“No, I didn’t think you would be,” Crowley leaned forward, his elbows propped on the desk. “But when you find a robbery in the middle of a murder investigation, I also assume you just don’t ignore one crime for another.”
“No. No, of course not,” Ezra fumbled, still trying to process what he had just seen. Certainly snogging didn’t count as illegal under that particular law, did it?
“So? Are you going to arrest me for indecency, Detective Inspector?” Crowley cocked his head to the side, as if he was merely curious and not at all worried about the outcome.
After a long, long pause, Ezra let out a huff.
“Of course not!” Ezra gritted his teeth, throwing his hands in the air.
“Really? The honorable D.I. Fell isn’t going to turn me in?” Crowley raised a brow.
“I’m not here for that!” Ezra said, knowing it sounded like a childish whine.
“Yes, as we’ve established.”
“Stop acting all- all- cool!” Ezra stammered out. “You know I’m not going to arrest you.”
“Do I?”
“Obviously,” Crowley mocked. “And why would I know that?”
Ezra narrowed his eyes at him, but the more he glared, the wider Crowley’s smile became.
“Look, let’s just forget about it? Yes? Good. Now can you please help me find this man? I’ve been on his tail for a week.” Ezra said, trying to put the last minute behind him. He held up a slip of paper with the man’s name and information.
Crowley stood up and stalked forward. Ezra held his breath as Crowley stepped into his personal space, his sunglasses level with Ezra’s eyes. He was far too close, and yet Ezra didn’t move.
“Anything for you, Ezra.”
Ezra felt his breath hitch.
Crowley smiled. He took the paper. Then he turned the door handle and slipped past Ezra in a smooth motion, leaving Ezra to watch him saunterdown the hallway with a swing in his hips.
Prompts (or any prompt)  + Ficlets
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ambersky0319 · 4 years
If your writing asks are open, maybe do a fic where Remus pines over Logan and the other four notice so they hatch a plan to get them together? (Just no unsympathetic, please)
Here ya go!
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stimmy-place · 5 years
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@theandroidsentbycyberlife8592 asked: Hey, could you do a four elements of Avatar stimboard?
X/X/X  X/X/X  X/X/X
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asknarashikari · 2 years
What would happen if the Shinkengers and Zenkaigers went bowling? (separately, of course)
For the Shinkengers:
It was probably Chiaki's idea, because who else would come up with such a thing but him.
Everyone but especially Ryuunosuke takes it way too seriously, much to Chiaki's exasperation.
Kotoha is confused when everyone stares at her because she gets strike after strike after strike
Genta practically blinds everyone with a golden bowling ball as shiny as his Ranger form
Takeru and Kaoru have to shoo Tanba and the kuroko away from trying to cheat for them
Zyuran sits most of the rounds out because the bowling is too hard on his aging joints lmao
Vroon gets too distracted keeping score to play much himself, but Gaon keeps annoying him to join
Zox somehow manages to dance around with a effing bowling ball in hand, nearly killing himself
Kaito sends himself flying into the lane but somehow still manages to miss all the pins lol rip
Magine and Flint beat everyone else and no one is surprised
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Given that pick-up lines fly over his head, what's Emu like when he realizes that the person was hitting on him?
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Seems like an appropriate time to use this particular meme
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asknarashikari · 3 years
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Akiko: Shoutaro, because he was being an overdramatic goober as usual
Hina: She doesn't really have to use it, since she terrifies everyone with her super strength
KRC girls: Miu used it on a reporter who got too handsy with her. Yuuki used it to restrain Kengo who almost got into a fight with a fellow JAXA scientist. Tomoko has no need for it, since she can just hex people.
Rinko: On Haruto, after he went too far in the quest for plain sugar doughnuts
Mai: Used it on Kouta who was about to smite someone for a petty reason
Kiriko and Rinna: Gou, to get him to admit to them that he liked Chase.
Akari: Onari, when he kept hounding Takeru about chores when he wasn't feeling well
Poppy and Nico: On the boys after they found them all after a 26 hour game binge
Misora and Sawa: On Kazumi and Gentoku, to make hem drink their respect women juice and stop flirting with them
Tsukuyomi: On Woz, when one of his IWAE speeches got too long and grated on her nerves
Izu and Yua: On Amatsu Gai, for the schadenfreude, and to KO him to keep him quiet for a while
Saber ladies: Mei's is detailed in this fanfic. Reika uses it on her brother so she can escape and go on a date with Magine. Haruka used it on Ryo when he misbehaved, and Sophia on Tetsuo to keep him from "experimenting" on Yuri
Sakura: On Ikki, after he becomes way too overprotective of her and intimidates a guy classmate who just came to ask for some class notes
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asknarashikari · 2 years
This makes me wonder... who are Sentai's resident low blood pressure kings (or queens)?
Hmm... right now, for some reason the only person that I could think of, right on top of my head, is Takeru from Shinkenger.
You'd think that all that samurai training would make him used to early mornings? Oh no no no. The only reason he manages to get up at all is because he forces himself to wake up that early. If anyone else did it, they would instantly find themselves surrounded by killing intent. And woe be to the one who wakes him up early on a weekend for anything short of the world ending
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asknarashikari · 3 years
this doesn't have to be a minific, but the Shinkengers with Lovekov?
As per usual the girls gush over Lovekov being adorable and give her all the cuddles. Even Kaoru can’t resist her. Genta and Chiaki would love her immediately, too
Takeru would be a bit tsuntsun over it, but he’d be convinced once he sees how docile Lovekov is. Of course, being Takeru, he wouldn’t show it as overtly as the others.
Ryuunosuke would be the most suspicious, and would go full ham threatening Lovekov if she were to be even half the villain he thought she was. He gets a lecture from the girls and Lovekov calling him an idiot for his troubles.
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asknarashikari · 2 years
If Yamato has to mom his way through some Sentai shenanigans, what do they tend to be, and whose fault is it usually?
Usually he lets whoever's the most sensible on the respective teams handle the BS, since he'd have his hands full with his own team. If he has to get involved, it's usually a multi-team type shenanigans which means who is responsible may vary.
The Loud Reds tend to be the usual culprit, though. Their hot-blooded recklessness gives poor Yamato a conniption
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Given that I now understand what the low blood pressure thing is, I assume Tsukasa's gotten his ass beat for waking up Haruto or Ikki?
Of course he did. The Magenta Menace just doesn't know when to stop
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Now I actually want a minific of Ryotaro hiding from the other riders because of the poll...
Ask and ye shall receive
"...So, you've seen the poll that Tsukasa sent? From that other world?" Emu asked when he saw Shinnosuke's thoroughly annoyed face.
"Gou's been rubbing it in my face ever since," the cop grumped, sinking onto the bench next to his friend. "And you? How are you holding up?"
"I can't believe that the jerk got more votes than me." Emu pouted. "He's the villain, for fuck's sake." Shinnosuke pat his back in sympathy.
They wallowed in their misery for a few more minutes, until their phones simultaneously went off. They both took their phones out and gazed at the caller ID on the screen.
"Eh? Ryoutaro?" Shinnosuke frowned, confused as he stared down on it. "What's he calling us for?"
"I'll answer mine and put it on speaker," Emu said. He did just that and immediately, the sound of loud banging could be heard through the phone. "Ryoutaro-san? This is Emu, I'm with Shinnosuke right now. What's going on?"
"You guys gotta rescue me!" Ryoutaro, who had grown into quite the confident and levelheaded man over the years he'd been Den-O, yelled frantically, sounding scared out of his mind. "They've all gone crazy!"
"Wait, what? Who are you talking about?" Shinnosuke asked.
"The other Riders! They keep yelling about why it had to be me that was number one and all!" Ryoutaro's panicked words were punctuated by the banging growing louder and louder. "I'm hiding out in the Den-Liner but that prophet yes man guy of Sougo's found me and is now lecturing me about how his Maou should've won!"
Shinnosuke and Emu groaned. Of course the sore losers of their group would go after the one who topped it all.
"Alright Ryoutaro, hang tight, we're coming." Emu reassured. "we're coming for you."
"Hurry, I don't think I'll be safe for much longer- ack, gotta run to another compartment-" And then, the call abruptly dropped.
Shinnosuke and Emu gave each other a worried look. "I'll drive." Shinnosuke said shortly, taking out the keys to the Tridoron.
Emu snorted. "You always do," he said with a roll of his eyes. "Let's just go wrangle in those darned kids of ours."
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asknarashikari · 3 years
okay, after seeing that ask, I want to ask: what are the Shinkengers' reactions to twisted wonderland (maybe tsukasa showed it to them)
Lmao poor Ryuu-san. Even Takeru will laugh at him.
Just don’t tell them about the show where he was a server in a butler cafe
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asknarashikari · 3 years
based on the ask I sent a while back, Sentai reaction to Chiaki, Ian, and Jin (along with other Sentai little shits) teaming up to wreak havoc?
Jin is kinda busy being dead to wreak havoc.
Ian and Chiaki would probably be an unholy combination that’s liable to get certain samurai very, very upset and zap-happy.
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