#the yuelverse
ebi-hime · 13 days
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it's Them........
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ebi-hime · 18 days
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It's The Boys I'm going to send them camping hehe... That is to say, I've been working on some more cute Yuel/Tavi stuff which spins off from Unluckily in Love. I enjoy putting the boys in Situations, it's very fun, so I'll keep doing it for a while 🙏🙏🙏 This project isn't really my top priority atm since I'm working on 1001 other projects (including my upcoming yuri vampire VN Cage of Roses and two BL VNs, Bleeding Moon and Confounding Cat, which I haven't forgotten about... And also a few more unnanounced things haha but don't worry about it), but I'll be working on some more boys stuff slowly too. If you enjoy the boys there'll be a bit more Content coming (maybe at the end of the year?) so please look forward to it in any case 🙏 I've written a handful of episodic stories about them doing various cute slice of life things and I was planning to release them in instalments!!! I'll p work on this silently and not give too many updates on soc media because I know my boys aren't particularly popular haha but yeah this is a thing 🎉🎉🎉
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ebi-hime · 1 month
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Hey everyone! Just writing a post to let you know that my grim and gloomy BL VN, All Scars and Starlight, has been approved for release on Steam o7 The build is pretty much finished; I just need to add some additional polish here and there and implement the Steam achievements. After that, it'll be finished! The VN will release some time next month. For now, however, you can wishlist it on Steam here if you're interested! Do note that this is an r18 VN, and some of the screenshots on the store page aren't appropriate for people under 18. This VN also features a relationship between two first cousins, so you might want to stay away from it if that would make you uncomfortable 🙏
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ebi-hime · 1 month
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Did more work on my grimdark BL VN All Scars and Starlight today yaaay! The VN is fully finished now, and I'll be releasing it on Steam and Itchio next Monday! I hope you're looking forward to it! You can wishlist it here if you're interested! ♡
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ebi-hime · 5 months
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Some classic Yuel/Tavi bickering because that's what The Boys are all about hehe... (Author's note: when Yuel says "I can't stand you", he means "I love you a lot, please don't leave me" lmao) Screenshots from my upcoming r18 BL VN All Scars and Starlight, which you can wishlist on Steam here! Aaaand, if you can't wait and want to read about Yuel and Tavi now, you can check out some of the other VNs I've written about them (which take place in different universes): All Idleness and Ephemera, Unluckily in Love, and To Have and to Hold, which is free! Yay! \o/
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ebi-hime · 7 months
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I'm bullying Yuel again hehehe It's fun for the whole family \o/ Uh yes, I'm working on (another!!!) VN about my best boys, Yuel and Tavi, because I love them and writing about them is always a lot of fun! This one is fully written and most of the art is finished so ummm idk... Release some time next year I guess? \o/ Yuel Suffers an extra amount in this story as he deserves; it's pretty bleak! It's OK though, Yuel and Tavi still kiss, and I think that's wonderful!!!
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ebi-hime · 3 months
Sharing the trailer for my upcoming dark BL visual novel, All Scars and Starlight! Scars is a pretty Sad story set in the fictional kingdom of Indra. Yuel, the country's corrupt king, is ousted from his position by his older cousin, Tavi, who takes Yuel a prisoner and assumes the throne in his stead. Tavi has lingering feelings of fondness towards his younger cousin, however, and can't bring himself to have Yuel executed despite his advisors' advice. Not wanting the blood of his own family member on his hands, Tavi hides Yuel in the palace and tries to look after him in secrecy. Yuel doesn't want to be taken care of by the man who ruined his life, however, and he's largely unmoved by Tavi's attempts to care for him. The more Yuel pulls away, the more obsessed Tavi becomes, and a very toxic and uncomfortable relationship begins to form between the captor and the captive. This visual novel has choices and multiple endings, so you can determine just how dark and depressing their story becomes. There is a single happy ending hidden away in here too, but it might take a bit of doing to achieve. The VN can be wishlisted on Steam here! Do note: this is an r18 BL visual novel with explores a pretty uncomfortable and unhealthy relationship. The two leads are also first cousins, so you might want to give this a pass if you think this sounds too upsetting.
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ebi-hime · 5 months
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The Steam store page for my upcoming yaoi visual novel, All Scars and Starlight, is now live!
It's a grim little story about a deposed king being imprisoned by, and falling for, his captor (who just so happens to be his cousin). There are choices and multiple endings, plus a bunch of political drama and Suffering. This is also an r18 VN, so there are several uncensored sex scenes. The story also deals with discomforting topics like suicide and sexual assault, though all of the sex scenes depicted in this story are consensual.
You can wishlist the VN on Steam here, if interested! Note: it is marked as adult only, so it isn't available in certain countries, like Germany.
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ebi-hime · 3 months
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I finished piecing together a cute, short BL VN where Yuel turns into a catboy for inexplicable reasons, so I should be releasing it pretty soon! Please look forward to it! 🙏 This is a spinoff (and it'll be a free update for) Unluckily in Love, my existing BL VN which I released a little over a year ago. You can find Unluckily in Love on Steam here and Itchio here if you’re interested!
I hope you're looking forward to some cute BL fluff (with a catboy)! ♡
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ebi-hime · 1 year
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Hi everyone \o/ Just writing a post to let you know that I’ve released my newest visual novel, All Idleness and Ephemera, on Steam and Itchio! You can check it out on Steam here or Itch here if you’re interested! The Steam build is available on Windows and Linux, but the Itch.io build also comes with an .apk you can play on your Android devices! Idleness is a BL VN with a fairly large focus on lewd scenes. It depicts the steadily growing relationship between a couple of cousins who like one another a totally normal amount, I promise. Idleness is more or less a nukige, so it isn’t suitable for anybody under 18. There’s some rather salacious content, but it contains a decent amount of tender moments too. Idleness is so lewd I didn’t bother to make an all ages build of it, as I do with all of my other VNs, as I’d have to strip out quite a lot of the content to  accommodate this. As such, the Steam store page has been marked r18. If you want to read about handsome anime boys doing hentai things, then this might be the VN for you! Do check it out if you’re interested! I am very fond of Yuel and Tavi, and I love them both a lot!!! * * Though not as much as they love one another uwu
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ebi-hime · 5 months
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Just little Yuel/Tavi things 🥰 I've been working on this cute (actually it's not cute, the story is pretty dark lol) BL VN with my favourite punching bags blorbos for the last month or so. I still have a fair bit left to code, but it's coming together! I think these CGs are super cute so I thought I would share them... Enjoy >w< Yuel and Tavi are originally from my grim BxG VN All Ashes and Illusions; this is a spinoff of Ashes where Tavi tries to teach Yuel not to be a terrible person with variable results. This VN actually has multiple endings, which is a rarity in ebi VNs, oooo. How fancy!
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ebi-hime · 7 months
Rare text post without any VN screenshots but It makes me very happy when people show an interest in My Boys hehe ♡ Yuel and Tavi are very important characters to me, so it's reassuring to know the stuff I write about them isn't wholly self-indulgent (even though it is) and a few other people also like them! The stuff I write about My Boys doesn't have a big audience, and I've received some pretty Unpleasant comments about them over the last couple of years (though not as many as I expected haha), but! I love them a lot, so I'll keep writing about them! 💪 I'd probably keep writing about them even if there was zero external interest, because they soothe my heart, but the nice comments I receive about them really do make my day! I'll keep working hard to showcase just how cute my boys are!!! And I'll probably torture them a lot too, because that's also fun!!!
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ebi-hime · 5 days
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It's summer so uuuh I'll share this illust of my best boys Yuel and Tavi I commed last year but don't think I posted anywhere! The art is by salmon_gra, and I think it's very pretty! Please perceive my boys!!! 🙏
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ebi-hime · 9 months
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Hello everybody! I have big news! So! It is my birthday today!!! That means I get to be self-indulgent for a change (as if I'm not self-indulgent all the time already lmao) and post this very cute comm of my best boys, Yuel and Tavi, by the very talented Salmon_Gra on Twitter! Please look at how cute they are... Please perceive them... Yuel's blushing face is just the cutest aaaaa (sound of me having a mental breakdown) And!!! If you think my boys look cute and want to learn more about them, you're in luck! I've released three whole VNs about them set in different universes/timelines, which are varying degrees of cute and spicy. These VNs are all 18+, so please proceed with caution. If you want to read about cute boys, though, they have you covered - and To Have and to Hold is even free! Wow, that's value for money! (Please check my boys out I love them so much and it is my birthday I deserve this aaaa) Thank you very much! ♡
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ebi-hime · 7 months
The art for the new game looks amazing, and eeeee, canon setting! Does it involve the, uh, darkness seen in ashes? Either way, I cannot wait to throw money at it.
Aaa thank you for your interest! It's appreciated! 🙏 And yes, this story is very dark! It's a 'what if' scenario where Tavi deposes Yuel as the king and Yuel ends up Tavi's prisoner, so... It's pretty grim from the get-go haha Yuel has done a lot of Terrible Things already by the time this story picks up, so Tavi has his work cut out for him if he wants to repair their relationship. Actually, this story has multiple endings. The ending I originally thought up was Too Bleak and it made me sad, so I wanted to include a couple of slightly less Miserable alternatives... Which makes this the first Yuel/Tavi story that has choices. That's pretty neat!
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ebi-hime · 29 days
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I have good news \o/ My dark boys love / boys hate visual novel, All Scars and Starlight, has been released! You can find it on Steam here and Itchio here! Scars is a grim story about a deposed king, Yuel, who is taken prisoner by the leader of a rebellion and his older cousin, Tavi. Though Yuel initially despises Tavi for overthrowing him, complicated feelings begin to develop between the pair as Tavi refuses to have Yuel executed, despite the warnings of his advisors. Wanting to keep Yuel safe, Tavi hides Yuel away in the palace where his political enemies can't hurt him - but the biggest threat to Yuel's life soon proves to be Yuel himself. The story has choices and multiple endings, so there's a few different ways it can pan out. It's quite a dark story which deals with topics like self-harm, suicide, and sexual assault, and the main pairing are cousins. The story also contains explicit sexual content, so you need to be 18+ to check it out. Scars takes place in the same universe as one of my other VNs, All Ashes and Illusions, so you might want to read that too to get to know the characters better. I also wrote a few more stories about Yuel and Tavi in happier circmstances (Unluckily in Love, To Have and to Hold, and All Idleness and Ephemera) if you like them and want to read more about them. To Have to Hold is even free, how cool! 🎉
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