#i luv them uwa........
ebi-hime · 1 year
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Hi everyone \o/ Just writing a post to let you know that I’ve released my newest visual novel, All Idleness and Ephemera, on Steam and Itchio! You can check it out on Steam here or Itch here if you’re interested! The Steam build is available on Windows and Linux, but the Itch.io build also comes with an .apk you can play on your Android devices! Idleness is a BL VN with a fairly large focus on lewd scenes. It depicts the steadily growing relationship between a couple of cousins who like one another a totally normal amount, I promise. Idleness is more or less a nukige, so it isn’t suitable for anybody under 18. There’s some rather salacious content, but it contains a decent amount of tender moments too. Idleness is so lewd I didn’t bother to make an all ages build of it, as I do with all of my other VNs, as I’d have to strip out quite a lot of the content to  accommodate this. As such, the Steam store page has been marked r18. If you want to read about handsome anime boys doing hentai things, then this might be the VN for you! Do check it out if you’re interested! I am very fond of Yuel and Tavi, and I love them both a lot!!! * * Though not as much as they love one another uwu
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thattheaterlee · 4 years
🌼, 🎠, 🎐, 🍨, 🍬, 🍙? :DD
"Rough tickies or soft tickies?"
"Eee, the softer ones definitely drive me up a wall the most >w<. It's just something about how it's so little, but soooooo much, uwa. Also, poking is rUde-"
"Baby talk or casual teases?"
"Nuuuu baby talk (//ω//). It sounds so silly and would probably make me laugh even more. But I'd deal with it!"
"Having to read a book while being tickled  or having to play a videogame while being tickled?"
"Playing a video game, definitely. In fact, I'll take it as a challenge to properly play while being tickled, game on! Q(`⌒´Q)" (*Cough* Terraforming in Animal Crossing NH *Cough*)
"Punishment tickies or rewards?"
"I more of a softer, 'pls luv me' person, so reward tiggles. I can't outright ask for them, but I'll do things for them! (≧◡≦) ♡ Just, anything for affection, really <3"
"Trying no to laugh or trying to to move?"
"There is nothing in the world that could stop me from flailing around (o^ ^o), so trying not to laugh is the better option! Not that I could do that, anyways"
"Cute crop tops or cute socks?"
"Crop tops for the win! (ノ≧∀≦)ノ. Just....you're just ASKING for your tum to be throughly squished if you wear one-which I do but shhhh~"
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