#pls send virtual hugs (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
angelofdefiance · 2 years
Me: I love characters that are white, blue, and soft. Maybe with a little yellow too..
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gavinstrick · 11 months
ik it’s only day one of quitting but i can’t stop crying everything hurts and i just learned they can’t process my medication refills til next week so im out of meds and i just really wanna kill myself im in so much pain and so overwhelmed
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alien-nuts · 2 years
so! @spaghoodle tagged me in this music game 😌and who am i to refuse?
here is my last On Repeat of 2022✨
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a masterpiece. if u wanna know my taste in music, this is the best way
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femcowboy · 2 years
touch deprivation getting so bad i don’t remember the last time i’ve been hugged
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freelancearsonist · 1 month
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there are 4,000 of you here now???? this is crazy to me????
i am so so so so eternally grateful to each and every one of you. i wish i could personally thank each of you, i'm giving everyone a massive virtual hug 🫂
i don't want to get too sappy but being here brings me so much joy and i'm so glad that so many of you enjoy my silly little stories. ily all <3
in celebration i'm going to be holding a week-long event! it's all movie themed because 4k (i think i'm clever). the event will last one week (may 27-june 3), and you're welcome to send in as many as you want on or off anon! (please send separate asks for each prompt so i can keep them organized ☺️)
🎙️ // send in a character and i'll make you a ten-song playlist for ✧vibes✧
🎞️ // let's celebrate the community! send in a shoutout for yourself/your own fic or your favorite writer/favorite fic!
🎥 // send in a character and i'll give you a sneak peek of what i have in my wips/ideas folder for them.
🎬 // for the friends and mutuals i've made along the way, send this one in and i'll tell you which character i most ship you with and why.
📸 // send in and i'll make you a random moodboard from my pinterest dashboard.
send in your emoji here :)
no pressure tagging some of my lovely mutuals (pls ignore me if you’re not interested) <3
@writefightandflightclub @moonknightly @ineffablepspspscal @mattmurdocksscars @joelsgreys @chronically-ghosted @ezrasbirdie @swiftispunk @beskarandblasters @sp00kymulderr @schnarfer @wannab-urs @joelsgreys @mrsmando @covetyou @morallyinept @perotovar @mothandpidgeon @cavillscurls @pedroshotwifey @strang3lov3 @goodwithcheese @ozarkthedog @bitchwitch1981 @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @sin-djarin @futuraa-free @janaispunk @fettuccin-e @missredherring @party-hearses @kedsandtubesocks @hellishjoel @endlessthxxghts @penvisions @fairycoreboyloser @syd-djarin @qveerthe0ry @magpiepills @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @bitchesuntitled @joelmillerisapunk @julesonrecord @toomanytookas @survivingandenduring @pedgito @thesluttylittleknee @rosellacwrites @catchallfangirl @chaotic-mystery
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k-hotchoisan · 8 months
[congrats on the 500 followers!!] #19 pls!!
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19. Skype Video Call sex with Yeosang or Sexting with Yeosang?
Thank u anon for the congratulations (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)🩷 YOU ALL ARE SO NICE PLEASE 😭🩷
NONETHELESS imagining Yeosang looking all cute and shy behind cameras?? VIDEO CALL IS A MUST BECAUSE HIS vOICE TOO HELLO????
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When you’re excited to show Yeosang new toys you bought, so you give him a little surprise when you face time him.
Genres/warnings: smut, drabble, use of toys, mutual (virtual) masturbation, orgasms, dirty talk
Tag list: @bro-atz @diamond-3 <message me to be in my tag list✨)
K’s 500: This or that? masterlist here!
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Yeosang’s phone buzzes one lazy Sunday night. The moment he sees that it’s your name, he immediately unlocks his phone.
[yeo, I bought some reeeeally cute toys today! Do you wanna see?]
Yeosang doesn’t think too much about it. You usually send him or show him the stuff you bought, and he likes to hear you talk and gush about it. He adores your enthusiasm��the way your face brightens up when you’re showing off the funky stuff you bought.
So he replies with an [okay!!]
[but you need to be alone though!! It’s only for your eyes!]
Yeosang raises an eyebrow, and he looks around. No one’s at home at the moment-
[…in your room]
And Yeosang laughs. It’s as if you hear his thoughts. He gets up from the couch and goes into his room. He shuts the door behind him and is comfortable on his bed, sinking into the mattress. He replies you with the green light that he’s definitely alone right now.
A few seconds later, your caller ID flickers across his screen, and he answers. But what he doesn’t expect to see is the camera view pointing right at your lower abdomen. It’s fine, he thinks, that is, until the quality improves a little that he realises that you’re only in a shirt and panties.
“Babe~ can you hear me?” You call out, as you bend over to adjust the camera, pushing it slightly back so your face is in view, and Yeosang is just staring at the way your tits are peeking out of the collar of your shirt, and he swallows hard.
“Y-yeah”, Yeosang manages out, lying to his side as he presses his legs together.
You fix your hair for a moment looking at yourself through your own screen before giving the most innocent smile.
“Yay, great! So I just really wanted to show you this toy I just bought-“ you say offhandedly, as you reach over off-screen, grabbing a lilac coloured silicon toy. “-and I thought you might like it because it’s such a pretty colour.” Yeosang’s thoughts are all over the place. It’s the first time you’re suddenly doing something like this, and the moment he sees the vibrator appear on screen, he almost loses it.
“-and I think you deserve to see me use it for the first time, right?” You hum, stroking the toy. “Since we will be using it often. Might as well.”
He swallows hard as the tent in his pants only grow. The thought of him drawing out endless orgasms at a quicker pace when he pins it on your clit while he fucks you hard from below, or you using it to overstimulate his pretty little cock to the point he’s begging you to stop-
“Yeosang”, you call out, snapping him out of his little daydreams. He knows he’s been caught. But you pretend not to notice.
“Do you want to be in a more comfortable position. It’s only fun if I get to see you play with yourself too.”
“Of course”, he replies quickly, trying to rid his hazing and perverted mind, evidently to no avail. He positions his phone at his night stand, and your view of him is him lying down, head against the pillows, his lower body barely making into the cut. He’s hugging the pillow.
“Have you sanitised it yet?” Yeosang asks. A soft smile appears on your lips. It’s a small detail but his attention to such things always makes your heart flutter so much for him.
That’s why you wanted to put on a little show for him. Yeosang deserves it. And you also adore seeing him slowly getting flustered.
“I did! Thank you for reminding me baby”, you giggle, lifting your knees up, the way the wet patch of fabric pressing against your wet cunt doesn’t go unnoticed by Yeosang. Yeosang internally curses. He wants to be in you so bad right now. He watches you cover the toy in lube.
“Turning it on now”, you say, flicking the on button as the toy springs into life, buzzing lowly. Yeosang’s eyes are glued to the screen, watching the way you’re talking about it has different settings and vibrations, which honestly, does not register in his head because his attention only settles in when you press the toy at your clothed pussy.
“A-ah… it’s only at the lowest setting but it already tickles.”
Yeosang eyes the way the wet patch grows larger and larger. He’s absentmindedly palming his painfully hard erection, not ready to take it out yet.
You shift the vibrator up a little and it’s pressed right against your clit. Your thighs jerk from the sensation, as a soft moan echoes into the mic, right to Yeosang’s cock.
“It’s good but not good enough. Should I remove my panties?” You ask innocently, lifting the toy off your crotch, your fingers tugging against the fabric. Yeosang nods desperately.
You laugh, pulling the fabric to the side, and your cunt is in full glory—decorated with slick and looking so delicious. Yeosang’s mind hazes even more. God fuck, the things he would do to just get to your pussy, his pussy. He pulls out his cock from his track pants, and it’s so hard and pretty.
“This toy is pretty, but nothing could ever compare to your pretty little dick, Yeosangie”, you compliment, admiring the way his cock twitches at your words.
“Continue, please”, Yeosang huffs, giving himself slow strokes.
You giggle again, which instantly is replaced by a whiny moan as you press the toy right at your clit. Yeosang hears you press a button and the buzzing intensifies, and your cries are growing louder, and it sounds so fucking beautiful.
“Babe, this feels so good. I think you’ll like it. You’ll like it when I press this against your tip and force you not to cum right?”
Yeosang groans, pressing his thumb over his silt as he begins to fuck his hand. His low moans are sending you off the edge. You could never comprehend how a pretty face like him has a voice so fucking delectable and low.
“God, so good. I wanna fuck myself with this now”, you say. Yeosang barely has his eyes open from the pleasure but now he’s starting right at your screen, wanting to see your cunt swallow the toy like how it swallows his cock.
He watches. You slide the toy along your folds, making small squeals as more cream leaks out of your hole, before you push the silicone vibrator right into your cunt so easily. You gasp as your lower body vibrates a little before you force yourself to stay still. Your panties are completely soaked by this point, so you opt to take them off, struggling with the vibrator pressing against your walls. Soon, your legs are fully spread open, only the tail of the toy peaking out of your hole.
You sigh, as you tug the tail end of the toy, letting it go slightly in and out of your cunt for Yeosang to see.
“What are you thinking about Yeosang?” You ask, attempting to prolong the pleasure. Yeosang is pumping his cock so desperately, the sound of skin slapping and the way precum oozes out of his tip making the sounds even wetter.
“Thinking about,” he pants, struggling to form proper thoughts. “Thinking about fucking you with that vibrator in you like that.”
“Naughty boy. You wanna feel the vibrator in your cock too?”
Yeosang nods, struggling to keep his eyes open as the pleasure only builds.
You’re not faring any better, the vibrations were climbing up in intensity, your legs jolting from time to time as the knot in your stomach pulls taut.
“Yeosang…” you call out. “It feels so good. Oh my god. I want you here so bad. I want you to fuck me ‘till I can’t think.”
Now Yeosang curses vocally as he watches the way your hole leaks out more thick cream, onto the tail of the vibrator, and the way you’re looking into the camera with a fucked out expression—eyes hooded and a pout. Your fingers reach down and pull open your folds, letting more cream dribble out of your folds as you watch the precum on Yeosang’s cock turn more thicker.
Yeosang’s moans are deep and it only turns you on even more as he also watches you with hooded eyes. God he’s so fucking pretty when he’s fuckedout like that.
“Cum for me, babe”, Yeosang whimpers, trying to hold off his orgasm. The knot in your tummy is so tight now the moment those words leave his lips.
“Fuck me, oh god I’m cumming”, you sob, the vibrations sending you over the edge, as you squirt all over the floor in attempt to remove the toy from your cunt.
And Yeosang bursts at the same time when he watches you squirt for him, crying out your name as he milks himself dry, cum spurting out of his cock, landing on his abdomen.
The both of you are left panting for a few seconds before your laughter echoes across the screen. Yeosang’s cheeks are flushed and it’s the cutest thing ever.
“Fuck. I could go for a round two since I’m not doing anything tonight”, you hum as you rub your toy against your folds again.
Yeosang sits up quickly as he tucks his cock back into his pants.
“I’ll be there in fifteen”, he shouts as he removes his stained shirt, rummaging through his closet for another.
You laugh as you disconnect the call.
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peachy-posy · 10 months
Stargazing (Vash the Stampede x Reader)
Summary: An encounter with a bounty hunter leaves you feeling uneasy.
A/N: Vash has me in a chokehold, all I can do is write fics. Pls send help. Anyway, I am once again combining elements of both 98 Vash and Stampede Vash because best of both worlds and all that <3 Posted here on AO3
Warnings: Non-graphic violence, strong yearning (pre-relationship ofc), idiots in love
Word Count: 2.5k
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Today was too close.
Rapidly cooling water drips down your sore arms as you hug your knees to your chest in the bath. The only sound in the bathroom of the quiet inn is the occasional drip of the faucet leaking into the cloudy bathwater. You close your eyes, resting your forehead on the tops of your knees.
A bounty hunter had caught you both by surprise. The pair of you were nearing the next town in your travels, laughing and chatting with each other like always. You had been admiring him; how the sunlight made his hair shine like gold, how his brilliant blue eyes would sometimes peek over his sunglasses if they slipped too far down his nose when he laughed. 
Then, there was a gunshot. 
It was all so fast. The rapid shifting of his expression made you feel like someone had dumped a bucket of ice cold water over your head. He shoved you, and then you were on the sand, looking up at him as a bullet tore the side of his shoulder.
You were frozen, the shock of it gluing you to the ground. He was virtually unphased, drawing his gun with a focused expression and frightening efficiency. He fired a single shot, and you registered someone grunting in surprise. Vash taking off in that direction was what shook you out of your stupor - you scrambled clumsily to your feet, drawing your revolver and following him.
The rest of it was a weird blur in your memory. The fight ended the way all of the other ones do. But for some reason, this one was so different. You couldn’t get the image of Vash being struck by the bullet out of your mind, even now.
The bullet that was supposed to hit you.
Luckily, it was just a graze. He didn’t even really need much first aid. But while he laughed and shrugged it off, you trembled the whole way into town.
You open your eyes once more, blinking a few times to focus your vision. The cloudy water ripples gently around you, and you realize that you are shaking. The water has grown quite cold, and you take that as a sign that it’s time to get out. 
After pulling the drain, you lift yourself out of the old tub, carefully maneuvering over the ledge. You make quick work of toweling yourself dry, wanting to escape the chill of the water. Goosebumps raise on your skin regardless.
You change into the set of clothes you brought into the bathroom with you, running a brush through your hair carelessly. You didn’t have it in you tonight to care all that much about your hair of all things.
After finishing up, you reach for the doorknob, but find yourself hesitating just before reaching it. The idea of sitting in the room with Vash made you feel nauseous. 
What a great friend you are.
You feel sick with guilt over that stupid graze on his shoulder. Logically, you know that it’s not your fault and he doesn’t blame you. You know that you would have shoved him out of the way if your positions were reversed. You know that both of you have had much, much worse injuries from various encounters with enemies. So, why are you feeling so weird? 
You swallow thickly. Suck it up. Stop being weird and go sit with him. Talk like you always do.
Inhaling deeply and finding your resolve, you square your shoulders and open the door. He’s sitting on one of the two beds in the room, cleaning his gun meticulously. Locks of his golden hair fall in his face, and he shakes his head to the side to move it out of the way. You find yourself smiling fondly at his focused expression, his bright eyes flicking up at you for a moment before returning to his task. He smiles softly, hands working all the while.
“Hey,” he calls softly.
His focused expression, while endearing, reminds you of how he looked earlier today. You feel your resolve crumble, and that constricting feeling squeezes your chest once more.
“Hey,” you manage weakly, walking over to your old, worn boots sitting by the door. You sit down, lacing them up. 
Out of your peripheral vision, you see him look up at you, more intently this time. He says nothing for a moment, likely seeing if you plan on explaining where you’re going. 
“Everything okay?” He finally asks, the silence stretching on long enough apparently. 
You tighten the laces with a firm tug and sigh. “I’m okay. I’ll be back in a little while.” He seems like he’s about to question you some more, so you add in a teasing tone, “Go have a bath. You could use it, Stampede.”
He gasps with mock offense, his hand clutching his chest. You crack a smile, and you can tell he’s stifling a smile of his own.
“You’re so mean!” He pouted. 
You finish with your laces, standing up and putting your hands on your hips. “Doesn’t mean I’m not right!” 
He frowns playfully in response, and you shoot him a grin, turning to face the door. You reach for the knob, but the sound of your name from his lips has your hand coming to a halt before reaching its destination. You turn your head to the side, silently waiting for him to continue. 
He catches your eye, hesitating as he settles on what to say. “Be careful,” he finally murmurs softly, and you give him what you hope is a reassuring smile. You feel more guilt squeezing your heart at his affectionate expression. 
“I will,” you promise. With that, you twist the doorknob and quietly leave the room.
You don’t even know where you’re going. You left with absolutely no plan, letting anxiety and avoidant tendencies drive your decision to flee the room. You let your feet guide you out of the building, walking onto the small street. At this hour, there aren’t many out. You pause, sighing and lifting your gaze to the clear sky. The stars look stunning. 
You know where you want to go. 
There is a large rock formation right near the inn. You remember seeing it on your way into town today. The vantage point it would provide would make for some excellent star gazing. 
You walk around the base of the large rock aimlessly for a bit, trying to find a way up.  Eventually, you stumble upon a small, worn portion of the stone, making a path of sorts. Looks like the locals enjoy coming up here too.
You slowly make your way up the rock, the worn, smooth path becoming clearer as you ascend. At the top, you find that there are lots of flat spaces to sit down at, so you choose one near the edge. The ground is cold, the air is cold, but it’s all worth it for the view. 
The rock sits behind the inn, tall enough to be above the buildings of the town. You can see the vast, open desert stretch as far as the eye can see in every direction. The inky, dark sky is clear, the stars glittering brilliantly above you. Your cold, wet hair clings to your skin as you hug your knees to your chest. You feel most at ease under the night sky like this. Your problems feel small in magnitude when they are compared to the vastness of the universe.
You don’t know how long you sat in that spot, unmoving, thinking about both everything and nothing. It was apparently long enough to warrant a search party of one, though, you soon find out. 
You feel a sudden warmth drape over your shoulders. You turn around, but know who it is before seeing him. The warmth surrounding you comes in the form of a long, red coat you know very well. Your eyes travel up the tall figure behind you, eventually finding his own staring down at you. The look he gives you is nothing short of fond exasperation. You are certain your confusion is clear on your face, because how did he find you?
He crouches down, reaching for your wet strands of hair. He lets a small, wet lock slide between his fingers, and he sighs.
“You’ll catch a cold out here like this, Mayfly.”
You clutch the red coat that is engulfing your frame, drawing it against your chilled body more tightly. 
“How’d you find me?”
He sits down beside you, close enough that your shoulders are brushing against one another. 
“Because I know you. When in doubt, I go to the highest point I can find, and you’re usually looking at the stars up there.”
Well that makes your chest feel weird. You didn’t even consciously do all that, but he knows you well enough to spot those subconscious little patterns and habits. 
“Oh,” you breathe out, not knowing what to say.
He doesn’t suffer from the same predicament, apparently, because he keeps going. 
“I also know you well enough to know when you’re avoiding me.” You suck in a breath, ready to cut him off and argue that statement, but he shushes you, continuing. You relent begrudgingly, because… well, he’s not wrong. “Let me explain! It’s okay - well, it’s not necessarily ideal, but I’m not upset. I just want to know what’s wrong.”
Oh, this is dangerous. Because you’d tell him anything he wants to know if he looks at you like that for much longer. He locks eyes with you, gazing at you so earnestly, so kindly. You start to look down to avoid the eye contact that has you under its spell, but he quickly reaches out to lift your chin back up. 
“Please, Mayfly. Let me in.”
The dam cracks ever slightly. 
“How’s your arm?” You ask, and he furrows his brows. 
“It’s… fine? Why?”
He’s wearing that black turtleneck he always wears. You reach out to gently graze his arm, keeping your touch featherlight. He watches you curiously.
“I don’t know. I really—“ you cut yourself off with a sigh, feeling stupid. “I’ve just felt weird ever since you… well, you know.”
He regards you for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face. He says nothing, prompting the dam to crack a bit more.
“And I know today wasn’t that out of the ordinary. I know that. But…” you feel the traitorous burn of tears in your eyes, but keep going. “It scared me. That’s all.”
His expression doesn’t give much away, but you swear he seems… sad. Yes, definitely sad. You furrow your brows as he gives you that fake smile, the one you know he hides behind so often with others. It hurts to have it directed at you.
“Listen… I completely understand if you don’t want to travel with me anymore. Having danger constantly at your heels? It is scary. Of course it is. I know that better than anyone.” His voice is soft, and there’s a melancholic sound to it that you recognize from spending countless hours with him. He takes a deep breath, continuing. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to protect yourself… this is your life we’re talking about. That’s something that’s precious, something that needs to be protected. I promise you, there will be no hard feelings if you want to part ways.”
Wait, wait. What is he saying? Does he think you’re afraid because the bullet could’ve hit you?
Well of course he does. Why would he think otherwise? You haven’t explained yourself. This is probably the most logical conclusion for him to jump to. 
“No! Vash, wait, no. Please,” you reach out, taking his hands, halting the rambling he was engaging in while you sorted your thoughts out. “Listen.”
He obeys, watching you carefully, and gives you his attention with a nod.
“I wasn’t afraid for me. I was afraid for you.”
He looks completely taken aback. “Me?”
You frown. “Yes, of course you!” You squeeze his hands, not liking how surprised he sounds. “I care about you a lot, and today, I think I just realized that I need to do better. I need to be better. You wouldn’t have gotten hurt at all if I’d noticed that bounty hunter the way you had. I don’t want you getting harmed, especially not because of me.” Your voice trembled as you spoke. At some point during your admission, the tears you’d held back finally spilled. The dam broke. You sniffle, turning away from him.
He breathes your name so softly, you almost miss it. “C’mere.”
You feel arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling you close, and you don’t hesitate to curl into him. He holds you tight, hand threaded in your wet hair.
“I’m okay. No more tears. Not for me,” he murmurs, resting his chin on the top of your head.
It’s at this moment that you realize the true crux of the issue. You are terrified of losing him. He has become the most important person in your life, and so many people want him hurt or dead. That’s terrifying. This man, this kind, gentle person, is so hated for no reason. 
He’s become so much more to you than just a travel companion, or even a friend for that matter. That… is also a terrifying thought. 
“I promise I’m okay. And I’ll be okay. You don’t need to worry about me.”
You pull away from his chest enough to meet his eyes. “I’ll always worry about you.”
He softens, a smile forming on his lips.
You lean back into his chest, sitting together quietly, neither making a move to separate from the other. You watch the starry night sky, leaning your head onto him. His arm stays wrapped around you, keeping you close. 
He’s the first to break the silence.
“It’s… nice,” he remarks softly. “It’s been a while since I had someone to worry about me. Or to cry for me.”
Your eyes widen, heart breaking at his words. This world has been so, so unkind to him.
“I know that sounds bad to say. I guess I just mean… I’m glad I have you,” he whispers, chin resting on your head. You can hear the smile in his voice.
This starts a whole new wave of fresh tears. You turn around and face him, a tear sliding down your cheek. If you weren’t so heartbroken by his words, you would’ve laughed at the expression of pure panic he gives you.
“Wait! No, don’t cry! I’m sorry!”
Shifting to sit on your knees in front of him, you wrap your arms around his neck, squeezing him in a tight hug. You feel his jacket slip off your shoulders, but you don’t care. 
“It doesn’t sound bad at all. I’ll be that person for you. Always,” you murmur. “I’m sorry that people have been so cruel to you. If I could undo the hurt that others have done to you, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”
You feel him slowly wrap his arms around your waist, reciprocating the embrace as he processes your words. Though belated, he’s holding you just as fiercely as you’re holding him. 
“Please… stay with me. I know it’s selfish to ask—“
“I’m afraid you’re stuck with me, Stampede.” You smile at him. “I don’t know how you put up with me.”
“It’s the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
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morverenmaybewrites · 3 months
So. I'm staying at a new place because I wanted an easier job. And the job is easier.
The patients are nice and seem to appreciate me.
I do half the work I used to do at my old job for more than double the pay. I'm with close friends who put in overtime so they can lessen my workload.
Yet I'm still pretty rattled. Feeling homesick. Struggling to slow down my own racing heart. Pls send virtual hugs.
Or pics of all the fictional men I simp for. That works too.
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fbfh · 1 month
Tony stark x daughter!reader where reader got SA'd and is having a hard time telling her dad?
usa/english/rainn hotline 1-800-656-4673 (also european hotlines, 46 countries listed).
first of all anon I want to give you the biggest most sincere virtual hug. absolutely we can talk about what an amazing dad Tony is, especially under these circumstances. (disclaimer that I don't have much if any experience writing about SA/SA trauma, I did some reasearch and as with all topics I don't have much experience in, pls take this with a grain of salt and feel free to send feedback if you'd like <3 /p)
Tony knows something is off with you immediatley. he's had a weird feeling he can't shake, but Pepper keeps dismissing it as more anxiety. When he first sees you after what happened, his stomach drops. He knows something is wrong, he knows his baby isn't okay, and he is going to make things right no matter what happened. You normally have such an easy time talking to him, but now you can't, and he knows it's serious. He doesn't press you for details right away (after asking if you're okay and doing all the usual dad check in stuff), but he knows you need him. He pulls you into a warm, comforting hug and rubs your back. You can hear the thrum of his arc reactor syncing with his heartbeat, and the white noise is so soothing and comforting and he's such a good dad who loves you so much it all makes you cry again.
"What happened?"
He asks so seriously, you know he understands the gravity of the situation. You try to tell him, but you get all choked up again, and you just... can't. He holds you and comforts you, rubbing your back and talking to you until you start to feel better.
"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay." He says in that dad voice that snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts. "You don't have talk about anything yet if you're not ready. Okay?"
You nod, and he wipes your tears away. His hands smell a little like metal, and you know he's been working on his suits.
"Tell you what. Why don't we get some shwarma delivered from that place a few blocks over, we'll pick out a couple movies - what was that one you said you wanted to show me? The really bad one with the birds?"
You nod, but you don't laugh. He wraps you up in his blue hoodie, and has Jarvis call to order your food. He stays close to you, sending Pepper a message to cancel everything he has to do right now, the penthouse is on lockdown until this is resolved. He stays close to you, making sure you feel safe. He wants more than anything to know what happened, who hurt you, what was said or done to upset you like this. While your food is on the way and the movie is loading, the penthouse is quiet aside from your muffled sobs. Tony holds you, rocks you gently, comforts you. After a while, he pulls back enough to wipe your tears away and look at you. He gives you that dad look, the serious heart to heart one.
"I want to make this, whatever it is, better." He states, and you know he means it. He would move heaven and earth for you without hesitation, and he has in the past, and he'll do it again.
"But you need to tell me what's going on. I can't fix the problem if I don't know what it is."
Everything about your dad is so comforting, it makes your throat tighten up and your eyes well up with tears again. You try to explain through choked out, shuddering sobs, but you just can't get the words out.
"Okay, okay," Tony comforts you, bringing up one of his holographic screens he uses for work. A translucent glowing holographic keyboard appears in front of you.
"Why don't you try writing it out?" He offers, hoping that will be easier.
By the time you're done writing out what happened, you look over at him. You're almost scared for a moment, a part of your racing anxiety worried that he won't believe you, or he'll blame you, or-
"Thank you for telling me."
he pulls you into an even tighter hug, holding you close, and his voice shakes as he speaks.
"You did the right thing by telling me, okay?" He comforts you and reassures you that it's not your fault, that you're safe, and that he is never, ever going to let that happen again. Through every battle and alien invasion, you've never seen your dad this protective, this pissed on your behalf.
He gets a little more information from you, the location, the time, if you know who it was. He hacks into anything and everything with a camera until he finds the son of a bitch who hurt you. Then he sends out the drones. He has Stark drones, armed to the teeth, follow the bastard's every move, monitoring him while Tony gets everything together. He gets you counciling and resources, he calls you out of work or school or whatever so you have some time home to recover. If you want to file a police report, believe me he will get it filed immediately. If you don't want to, Tony has other ways of getting your attacker off the streets and away from you for good. Maybe he plants classified shield information on him and gets him thrown in a maximum security prison, maybe he pays someone to blast him into another universe. You don't really know the details, and you don't really want to. All you know is that your dad comes into your room after "making a few calls", and informs you that he's never, ever going to bother you again.
He does whatever you need him to do so you feel as safe and empowered as possible. Your suit gets upgraded, security systems get maxed out, and Tony finds a way to hook Jarvis up to keep an eye on your vitals.
"I'll get a ping if your adrenaline or cortisol spike, or if anything else looks iffy." he explains, hooking up the new system. "Even if it's just a stressful day, I'll know what kind of ben and jerry's to bring you."
You thank him again, and he hugs you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"I love you, kid."
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fluffytriceratops · 1 year
𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐫 - 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐨 [𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞]
notes: not a request even tho i have loads of those that i need to be working on lmao. this is self indulgent as yesterday was my bday and i love mikey hehe. he's so underrated askifeigvgh- but thats okay, cuz that means i don't have to share him~ ^3^ too tired to edit so pls ignore any and all mistakes. thankies. <33 and that gif-- fjssksjdjgu so hot. O//.//O too tired for spam tonight, but have this imagine to make up for it!
warnings: mature langauge/swearing. tooth rotting fluff.
tags: @thelaundrybitch @rheawritesforfun @digitl-art-monstr @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @mysticboombox @drowninghell @squirrelfurs @lec743 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @bibiz82 @raphslovemuffin80 @raphielover @tmntspidergirl
(If you would like to be tagged in my future TMNT realted posts (let me know if you want just reader insert stuff or if you want OC related content included) feel free to lemme know and I'll happily add you!)
Thank you for reading! Have a lovely day/night! Stay safe and make sure to take care of yourselves! I'm sending all the virtual hugs to you~! <3
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"Happy bir-" Michelangelo sputtered as a pillow was launched in his face, cutting off his singing. He pursed his lips in a pout as he gazed down towards a very grumpy and tired looking Y/n.
"It's 4:30 in the morning." She hissed.
"Told you she'd be pissed." Raph grumbled from behind Mikey, arms crossed over his muscular chest. Leo and Donnie were there too, and didn't seem surprised by this at all. "Technically," Donnie added, pushing up his glasses with a finger. "We all did."
"Awe, c'mon Angelcakes. It's your special day!" Mikey plopped down on her bed, making the mattress squeak and bounce under his weight. Y/n glowered, turning away from him and onto her side.
"It's 4:30 in the fucking morning." she repeated, as if that answered everything.
Mikey huffed, "Y/n," he drawled out her name, poking her side teasingly. "We have the whole day planned. And there'll be cake and presents~"
Y/n sat up, hair a mess and looking like she was about to murder somebody. "Mikey," she grabbed her alarm clock next to her bed and shoved it into his face. He snorted and shoved it away. "Y/n." he mimicked her tone, a smirk practically plastered to his pretty green face.
Y/n's shoulders sagged in annoyance. "Can't this wait till tomorrow?"
"Technically-" Her glare shut Donnie up and he flashed a sheepish and slightly apologetic smile.
"No. It can't. C'mon, don't be a party pooper. It'll be fun." Mikey tucked a few strands of her wild hair behind her ear and Y/n's cheeks warmed at the action.
"You know what will be fun?"
Y/n flopped back down and pulled her covers over her head. "Going the fuck to sleep."
Mikey rolled his eyes and let out a comically long sigh. "I guess you leave me no choice." Y/n shrieked as the blanket was pulled off of her, eveloping her in cold and causing a chill to run through her bones. Before she could so much as blink, Mikey grabbed her and hoisted her into his arms. "Leo, grab her something nice to wear. Raph and Donnie, to the batmobile!"
"Mikey I swear to- Leo you better not- put me down! Guys this isn't funny! I'm only wearing a t-shirt and undies!" Y/n slapped Mike's shell a few times but he didn't seem to care.
"Nothing we haven't seen before babes. Well, at least I haven't." Mikey teased, reaching up with his free hand and patting her bum. Y/n's face blossomed in heat and she covered it with her hands in embarrasment.
"I'm disowning all of you." She grumbled and Leo's lips lifted into a tiny smirk. "We're not related so you can't disown us."
"Unfortunetly, Fearless is right. You couldn't get rid of us even if you tried, Tiny." Y/n removed her hands from her face to glare at Raph who was clearly amused by this whole ordeal. She stuck her tongue out towards him and he mocked her by doing the same.
"Assholes. All of you are assholes."
"If it helps, I said we should just wait till 7 at the earliest." Donnie spoke up, "I know how much you like to sleep."
"And that's why you're my favourite."
Mikey slapped her ass causing the h/c haired female to yelp in surprise. "Mikey! What the hell?!"
"As your boyfriend, I should be your favouite." He stated with a huff. Though if she could see his face, she could see the amusement dancing in his eyes. Y/n once again slapped his shell, as it was the only thing she could reach being thrown over his shoulders like she was.
"You dink!"
When they finally got back to the lair, Y/n was surpised to see the entire place decked out. There were balloons and streamers. Fairylights, lanterns and candles. A playlist made up of her favourite songs seeping out of some speakers. They even had a disco ball creating soft sparkles of light. And snacks galore.
Y/n's eyes began to water and she reached up to cover her mouth with her hands. "You guys.." Her voiced wavered and she turned to look up at all of them with a happy tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "Thank you. You didn't have to do all of this."
"Don't thank us, it was Mikey's idea." Leo hummed, smiling down towards his friend.
"We did most of the work tho-" Raph was elbowed by the leader and he shot him a look.
Mikey all but beamed down towards his girlfriend. And even though she was in nothing but an oversized shirt and underwear, with her hair a frazzled mess and tear streaks on her face. He swore she had never looked more beautiful. Y/n didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around him, which he gratefully accepted. Scooping her up in his arms and giving her a good squeeze. She cupped his face in her hands and peppered the entire thing with kisses. Earning a happy chortle and a cute churr from the mutant.
"Thank you, Mikey baby. I love you." She mumbled, resting her forehead against his own.
"Not as much as I love you." He cooed and Raph groaned in annoyance. Faking a gag.
Y/n rolled her eyes as Mikey set her down and then she went to hug all three brothers. "Thank you guys."
"You're welcome." Donnie and Leo said in unison. But Raph could only smirk, "What, no kiss?" he teased and this time it was Y/n who elbowed him.
Y/n went to the bathroom to get changed into what Leo grabbed for her as well as get ready for the rest of the day. While she did that, the four brothers went into the kitchen to prepare her birthday breakfast.
Michelangelo made the pancake batter and worked on crisping up some turkey bacon.
Donatello started on making coffee, tea, and pink lemonade for the group.
Leonardo washed and cut up some fresh fruit.
And Raphael set up the table.
It didn't take long for Y/n to come back, wearing a cute sun dress and hair no longer a mess. She even had a bit of makeup on. Her eyes lit with amusement as she watched them all do their own thing. Raph, who had finished with the table a good while ago, was now sneaking fruit from Leo who looked like he was about to murder him. Donnie was munching on a pop tart, holding a cup of coffee in one hand as he watched Leo and Raph bicker. And Mikey was singing along to whatever song was playing, completely distracted with trying not to burn the food.
Y/n walked up to her mutant boyfriend and pecked him on the cheek in greeting, stealing a blueberry from a bowl that was sitting next to him.
"Hey, whatcha making?"
"Blueberry pancakes, your favourite." He mused, bending down to capture her mouth in a saccharine kiss. She hummed against his lips, whisking herself away to make herself a cup of coffee.
"You have good taste, Lee." She mused, leaning against the counter next to Donnie and stealing a nibble of his pop tart. He didn't seem to mind.
Leo smiled, glad she had liked what he picked out for her. "It is your dress, so I didn't do much."
Y/n shrugged, "Still. You picked well."
They chatted for a bit among themselves before Leo left to get Splinter and they all sat down at the table to munch on a very early breakfast. And despite still being tired, Y/n had to admit, she was having a great time and was glad they pulled her out of bed.
After breakfast, they all helped clean up before playing a bunch of board and card games. This included monopoly, uno, the game of life, gin rummy, and poker. Of course, Mikey wanted to play strip poker- but it was clear it was only to see Y/n in her birthday suit.
After playing for a few hours, April, Casey and Vern came down to the lair. Bringing lunch which consisted of burgers and french fries.
They talked and laughed for a while as they ate. Y/n had her legs splayed across Mike's lap and he rest his hands on them. Giving them a soft squeeze every now and then.
Eventually, half way during the conversastion, Y/n grew quiet. Simply staring at Mikey with a small and content smile on her soft pink lips. Mikey, feeling her gaze, turning his baby blues onto her with a grin. "What's up?" He hummed, squeezing her leg again.
"You're beautiful." She mumbled, smile only growing.
Mikey's face heated with a blush and she swore he shone as bright as the sun. "Aren't I supposed to say that to you?"
Y/n shrugged. "I guess I beat you to it."
Mikey let out a small laugh. "I guess you did. C'mere." He reached for her hand and pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her from behind and planting a few tender kisses to the exposed skin of her shoulder. Y/n bit her lip to contain her giggles, hardley being able to stop from grinning as he rest his chin on her shoulder and continued talking to the group as if this little interaction had never happened.
After lunch, they piled into the living room to play some video games and watch one of Y/n's favourite tv series with her. She chose Gossip Girl, and she wasn't surprised when they all got into it.
Even Raph who tended to claim he didn't like to watch "girl shows". Everyone always knew he was bullshitting.
"He's so hot." April hummed, leaning back in her seat and missing the offended look on Casey's face.
"I know." Y/n hummed, "Chuck Bass is the best."
"I thought I was the best." Mikey teased from next to her, biting her cheek softly.
"True. But he's.."
"Chuck Bass." April chimed and Y/n giggled at the reference. "Also true."
"I don't get it, why aren't Blair and Chuck together when it's so clear they wanna be with each other?" Raphael grumbled, gesturing towards the two on the television.
"Because he's afraid to feel." Casey piped up, making it sound so obvious.
"Maybe he doesn't want to corrupt her?" Donnie added, sipping a juice box contendedly.
"I think it's because he just wants to have sex with multiple girls. He's not the settling type." Vern said, popping a chip into his mouth. "In other words, a man whore."
April and Y/n shared a look. "I think he's talking about himself here."
"Yes, he must be." They jested and Vern rolled his eyes. His phone beeped and he was quick to pull it out to check the notification.
"That's work. I gotta cut this party short, I'm afraid." He stood up, handing the chip bag to Raph before approaching Y/n and planting a quick kiss to her temple. "Happy birthday, kiddo."
Y/n smiled, accepting the small box he handed to her. She opened it up, revealing a gold necklace with a single gold daisy pendant. "Awe, Vern, it's beautiful. Thank you." She pried Mikey's arm off of her and stood to give him a quick hug. Vern seemed rather pleased with himself that she liked his gift. (He actually called April for tips to make sure he got her something she liked-)
"You're welcome, Y/n. I'll see you later." He said his goodbyes to the rest of the group before leaving.
Mikey helped Y/n put her necklace on and then they continued watching a few more episodes of Gossip Girl before deciding to order dinner, which was chinese. April and Casey decided to pick it up but they had a while before it was ready so they played some COD Black Ops 2 zombies to pass the time.
Y/n lay comfortably against Mikey as he played with Casey, Raph and Leo. Donnie elected to sit on the sidelines and watch. He, April and Y/n were currently betting on who would kill the most zombies.
Casey was in last place, as predicted. But Raph actually won by three more kills than Mikey.
Y/n groaned as she slapped a five dollar bill in Donnie's exposed hand. She had bet on Mikey, of course. While April bet on Leo. Casey seemed mildly offended by that, which she found amusing.
After enjoying a delicious dinner, which Y/n couldn't even finish since there was so much of it. Thankfully, Mikey was more than willing to eat her leftovers. They went back into the living area for Y/n to open her gifts.
Casey was first, he had gotten her a lovely new hoodie in her favourite color. With a pair of socks with turtles on them. Which she found utterly fantastic.
April was next, she got Y/n her favourite body spray, lotion, and a pack of scrunchies. Paired with a bottle of wine and a gift card to one of her favourite shops.
Leo followed, he got her some new teas to try and two adorable mugs for her growing collection.
Raph went next, giving her a massive blanket which he had knit himself. This was paired with a few plushies as he knew she loved them. One of them was even a turtle.
Donnie went after Raph, as Mikey insisted on being last. He got her a gift card to her favourite coffee shop/cafe as well as three new books she had be itching to get her hands on.
Master Splinter followed Donnie. He had gotten Y/n some new potted plants he had picked out just for her. One which included her favourite kind of flowers. He also gave her a scrap book he made with pictures of his sons when they were younger. They all groaned and complained at that, but there was no way in hell she wasn't seeing and keeping those photos.
Finally, it was Mikey's turn.
He had gotten her some fancy pens and a new journal because he knew she was an aspiring writer and loved to write. He also gave her some handmade jewlery he had made specially for her. She adored the turtle charm hanging from one of the bracelets. This followed by an acrylic painting of the city. Yes, he painted it himself. And then a small leather book that looked quite worn.
Y/n's eyebrows furrowed and she glanced up at him in question. But Mikey could only smile down at her, clearly excited, and even a tad nervous, for her to see what was inside.
When she opened the book, Y/n's eyes widened in shock. She was so gobsmacked, she didn't know what to say.
The entire thing was filled with his drawings. And they weren't drawings of just anything, they were all of her.
Tears pooled in those big e/c orbs of hers as she flipped through the sketch book. Pencil, charcol, pen, colored pencil- you name it. He used it all. And that wasn't the only thing. Each drawing had a date scribbled in his writing. And it started long before they had even started dating.
"Oh my god.. Mikey.." Her voice wavered and lip trembled as she continued to look at the drawings.
She remembered some of them, too. As some were drawn during specific moments. Like one where she was reading a book while leaning against her bedroom window as it rained. One where she was flower picking out in the country on a trip they took one time. Another where she was hunched over her desk, writing away in one of her many journals.
Turning to face her beloved boyfriend, Y/n couldn't help but cry as she embraced him. Throwing her arms around his neck and nuzzling her face into him. Mikey could only laugh, shoulders shaking lightly as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing his face into her shoulder and taking a large inhale.
The other's sent them looks, clearly confused on why she was crying and what was in the book. Donnie reached over and grabbed it gently, clicking his tongue once he saw what was inside.
"Do you like it?" Mikey mumbled, and Y/n pulled away a bit so she could look at him in astonishment. "Do I like it? Mikey, I love it. This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you." He cupped her face with his much larger hands and swiped away her still falling tears.
"Of course, anything for my Angelcakes." He hummed, pressing a kiss to her cute nose. "I love you."
Y/n's heart swelled, she didn't think she could ever feel more happy. "I love you more."
"I love you most." Michel quipped, quoting Tangled and making Y/n roll her eyes playfully. "Impossible." She hummed, pressing a firm but tender kiss to his lips.
"Wow, Mike, you really went all out huh?" Casey mused, after chancing a peak inside the sketchbook.
Mikey beamed, "Like I said, anything for her."
"You just had to out do us, ya little shit." Raph teased, smirking towards his younger brother.
"But of course."
After chatting for a while they put in some of Y/n's favourite movies. Eventually, April and Casey had to leave and wished everyone a goodnight and Y/n one final happy birthday before leaving together.
One by one the mutant turtles left, until it was just Michelangelo and Y/n left.
A movie still played in the background and they were laying on the couch, all cuddled up under Y/n's new blanket together.
Mikey's hand rubbed her back, slowly moving up and down while she rest her cheek against his chest. Legs tangled together and hearts beating as one.
"Are you still mad that I woke you up so early?" Michel asked, glancing away from the screen and towards his beloved.
Y/n moved her head so she was looking up at him. She couldn't help but smile. "No. This was quite possibly the best birthday I've ever had. Thank you." She leaned up and brushed her lips against his own and Mikey hummed in delight.
"I'm glad. That's all I wanted... But y'know.. there is one gift I haven't given you yet."
Y/n arched a brow in confusion before she noticed the massive smirk crawling onto his face. "Mikey, we can't do it here-" she was cut off as once again Mikey delivered a swift smack to her ass. Y/n squealed and Mikey took this chance to flip the two of them so she was on the bottom.
Then he peppered her entire body with kisses. ;)
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futturmangamez · 1 month
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Hellloo tumblr! Or should I say..futturfriends? I don't know hah! This is very important‼‼⚠️ I really hope everyone can see this
Just wanted to say a big thank you again for all of the love I have received so far! Did not think that I could gain a lot of new friends on here:) I wanted to point out though..I am uh..23. And I do tend to post a LOT of...nsfw topics😅 so I think it's really important to remember that unless you're an adult, I suggest not looking through my page and stuff. Maybeee 16+ is okay? Not for all things though. But still..I see some of you little preteenagers trying to talk to me in certain ways when you should be finishing your middle school final project before summer(light hearted joke😆🤣)
On another note! I do want to make sure everyone who is following and interacting my page feels comfortable. I want to be a safe space for you guys whether it be to reblog silly posts, ask me questions or share what you're up to, even messaging me how your day is, a little uh..flirtayy😌(hello beautiful ladies,men, and other futterfriends💋), and ranting as well! I dont mind any of that stuff..just keep in mind that I receive a lot of messages now and I try to balance tumblr with my games and work such! So please pleasee do not be hurt or offended if it takes me a few hours or even a day to reply sometimes 😅 I promise I will get to you when I can. Love you💙
(Also hi! This account is growing quite quick and I appreciate a lot of you for sticking around as well..still kinda new to tumblr and shit. Pls remember this is yknow..a roleplay account..I'm aware josh does post some annoying stuff hah I am just here to make others happy and do as best as I could roleplaying as josh..even if it's a lil horny haha I'm an adult too. I myself am nott trying to get with any of u..if that wasnt clear🤭I'm also human. Not an ai bot. (C ai and janitor ai has lots of josh futturman bots:)) I promise none of you guys are bothering me but I tend to take some time now to answer as it's been difficult balancing things, especially since I have some low mental health days too..as I'm sure josh would as well:D but yes feel free to message or reblog as much as u want..I know all of us are going thru something..if you're under 18 I dont mind if u come to josh to talk about anything NOT nsfw. I know what it's like to be young and not have a safe place to talk about things/rant..josh can be like your older silly cousin or sumn🫂 and if u ever prefer josh to say specific things in dm just say so :] also down to make friends with anyone here as well. Sending love and virtual hugs💜- B🃏
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spread some love !
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
answering this one bc now is the time to say sweet things that i'll never say otherwise [also apologising for being annoying and tagging yall so much recently]
@hwaightme i wish i could write like her, she makes me feel like i'm watching a movie when i read her fics and she's the sweetest person i've ever ever met i admire her sm i wish i could give her a hug
@starrysvn tho we've not interacted much you're someone i think about a lot! there's just sth special about you and i hope you know that <3
@yunnierights you've been here for so long my old friend pls always stay the same i love your energy sm
@lunehong you're literally the sweetest and your reblogs always make me go :')
@kbandtrash my fav siblings duo. can't wait for rachel to come back and megan is literally the cutest person <3
@my-loves-my-life another old moot! i love your hashtags reblog energy so much! you're so sweet and im always sending virtual hugs to you whenever i see you on my dash
@lavishloving i wish i had better vocab than sweet but she is it. love our interactions and love how you're literally reading everything (almost everything i've read since i followed you is bc you reblogged it you're like my personal fics collection blog now)
@atxxzist i love simping over san with her :') let's keep doing that forever hehe
@eightmakesonebraincell idk i think i love her or sth 🙄
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meltedmarshmallowss · 6 months
🎂 welcome to Clancy's playhouse!
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★ Hello! I'm Clancy 🍼
☆ I am an age regressor 🐾 (4-5yo)
★ when using petnames: please call me kid/kiddo/bud/prince
✅️ Pls do : use petnames on me, ask questions!, touching me (virtual headpats, hugs, etc), draw my sona, asking to be my friend, sending me random dms
❌️ pls DON'T do : use inappropriate nicknames/petnames for me, sexualize me
🚀 My fictional caregivers . . .
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1) Wriothesley (Genshin Impact)
2) Vash (Trigun Stampede)
Mizu (Blue eye samurai)
My pacifiers 🍼
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if i dont get tickets tomorrow, pls send me heaps of virtual hugs and love 😭😭
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
OH MY GOD HI!!!! I’m so happy your requests are open again. Umm can I pls request hcs of Ace, Sabo, and Luffy comforting you when you come home from a bad day? Like you just had a really rough time and are just extremely tired and annoyed and feel like crying. I don’t think this counts as an emergency request but I didn’t have the best day today. You don’t have to respond to this if you don’t want to ofc tho. Your time sleep and self come first always. *sends virtual hugs*
Hello baby, thank you for waiting for patiently for this!! I hope you are feeling better and know I love you so much *hugs you back*💜💜💜
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Ace understands bad days the best out of the three, he’s had his bad days before and knows how miserable they can make you. However, remind him it’s not his fault or that he didn’t do anything to cause this, because our boy will start overthinking!
He’s a very comforting boy, so be honest with him and let him know how you are feeling. He will open his arms for you to fall into his warm embrace, rubbing your back softly as you cry in his chest. Just letting you know he is here for you and loves you so much.
Loves praise himself, so he gives you all the praise he can think of! You’re so amazing, beautiful/handsome, the light of his life, the only reason he’s here!! You will be so full of love it hurts!!
Totally takes bubble baths with you! With some candles lit and nice aroma therapy scents! Also could see him doing face masks and other beauty routines with you! Everyone needs a pamper day!
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He also has his bad days, especially after Ace passing. However, due to his training in the army he hides his emotions well behind a smile or blank face. So it’s hard for him when people come to him for emotional support, but he does his best!
Sabo is the logical one out of the three when it comes to emotional control. While you may be upset with the world and crying your heart out, he will be the rock that you need and will support you all the way!  
Is a quality time lover, so expect him to do his best to take time away from work and spend time with you! Whether it’s doing some hobbies you like to do, taking a walk, or just talking about what is bothering you; you have his undivided attention!
No matter the situation, he will do his best to be your logical side, reminding you of certain perspectives and feelings you might not have taken into consideration. 
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Luffy will pout with you! He best understands emotions by mimicking them, so he will sit with you on the couch and watch tv as you let off some steam. Also totally just emotionally eats with you, where are those chips?!
He’s also a physical affection lover, so you aren’t leaving the room without a nice Luffy hug and some kisses on your cheeks! He wants to see you laugh and has no problem tickling you or making funny faces to do so!
Might not understand why you are upset over something he might see as silly, but he will get extremely protective of you if someone else mocks you for having emotions. You’re his special person and no one makes fun or hurts his special person!
Spends the rest of the day sitting on the couch or in bed with you, while he is wrapped around you like a weighted blanket. Expect him to use his devil fruit to wrap himself like a snake and using his hands to grab snacks and drinks as you cuddle together
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Omggg this is beautiful. I'm so happy I found tbis page. 🤌 I'm loving the story, I'm almost mad that it ended, Lol I can't wait for chapter 2. Also pls tell me there's a way to kick V ass in near future. Do I need 60% Combat to prove a point. Lmao
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Omg you’re so kind!!! Thank you so so much for your support, it means a lot to me!
Listen, there is always opportunity to kick V’s ass. Especially because there might be a training scene with V in the near future… 👀
MC will only get stronger and more competent as time passed. They are running purely on survival instinct right now, but once they start coming into their own? Yea, that’s a badass in the making.
Sending you a warm virtual hug my friend!! 🩵🩵
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