#the world of Naiyara
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dulcetgames · 4 years ago
Heya guys! Does Axel play anything other instruments apart from the guitar? I didn't find any info in the tags.
Hey Naiyara 🥰,
Axel can play the piano and instruments which are similar to the guitar like the banjo, but this out of instincts☺️.
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the-world-of-naiyara · 6 years ago
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And done! Hope you like it @colombia-chan ! I took some liberties with her features, I hope you don't mind.
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sweeteliteguides · 6 years ago
Hi how are you? Do you know what the right answer is when Axel says he doesn't want to work in the group project? Should we 1) convince him to join the group 2) don't think we can change his mind or 3) get a little upset
The positive answer is 2! (I don’t think I can get him to change his mind.)
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candymayvary · 5 years ago
sorry my xkit isn't working so im gonna do replies like this under the cut!
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@the-world-of-naiyara​ oh i think he looks nothing like his original design in terms of like. approachability. and the game going streamlined anime style/mobage style actually kind of irks me no matter how much “easier” it is to do it. i mean i dont rly like much of what SE has done business practice wise anyway so this is just another reason not to play. 
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@astreia-oniria​ he is so cute!!!! i love how he’s the most sensitive to the cold im just like *points at him* i love you!!!!!
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aokane-eldarya · 6 years ago
Juste pour te dire un grand merci pour tout ce que tu fais !
Merci à toi ❤️❤️❤️
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the1janitor · 6 years ago
Me again. Hi. So, I was watching your free speech video. I was raised in France where our definition of free speech and what's protected under it is different from the US' definition. Here, people wouldn't be allowed to walk around with a NAZI flag and promoting "peaceful ethnic cleansing" is against the law. You said in your video that MLK's speech and battle was refered to as hate speech back in the days. Could you tell me more about this? Or if you don't have time, direct me towards books?
Here’s an article talking specifically about MLK being considered hateful violent speech: https://www.vox.com/2016/1/18/10777146/mlk-day-martin-luther-king
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nmikaelsonimagines · 3 years ago
Worth The Wait: A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Request from @the-world-of-naiyara​: Hello Beautiful! So this last gif I reblogged made me think of something: Klaus waiting for his girlfriend to finish getting ready and he's getting impatient bc she's taking forever? 😘😘
Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
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Klaus was locked out of the bedroom. Well, technically, he was locked out of his bedroom, which was perhaps what made it all the more infuriating.
If he hadn’t had the power of compulsion, he would have perhaps stressed that if Y/N didn’t hurry up, they’d miss their dinner reservations. But he did, and if they arrived late, he would always compel the waiter to get them a table.
But what was truly infuriating was that he just wanted to see Y/N. He had caught a glimpse of the dress she planned to wear tonight before she shooed him out of the room. Not that he cared – she could show up in prison garments and he would still think she was beautiful.
He just wanted to see her, to start the night he had planned.
“Come on, love. We’re going to be late,” he shouted at the door, resting his forehead against it. He could hear movement in there, could picture her styling hair that he just wanted to run his fingers through, fastening a necklace onto skin that he just wanted to kiss.
It was infuriating.
“Just a moment. It’ll be worth the wait, I promise,” Y/N shouted back at him. Klaus refrained from mentioning that that was the fourth time she had said that in half an hour.
Klaus turned, back against the door as he slid to the floor. He had a feeling he was going to be there for longer than he hoped. His mind wandered as it often did. Perhaps he would finish that painting of Y/N tomorrow, her body currently still a pencil sketch under green silk covers.
Perhaps he would wake her with a kiss between her shoulder blades, hoping that if tonight went well – if tonight ever even happened – things would escalate to that point.
Perhaps –
“Don’t tell me she’s finally seen sense and dumped you.” Klaus looked up at the sound of his younger brother’s voice. Kol leaned against the stair railing, arms folded, a smirk on his face that Klaus wanted to smack off. “God, you look depressed.”
“She’s just getting ready. It appears that my girlfriend actually still makes an effort for dates with me. How is Davina by the way?” Klaus couldn’t deny the sense of satisfaction as Kol furrowed his brow. His brother’s relationship with the young witch was running perfectly smoothly, and Klaus knew that Davina adored Kol.
But Klaus could never resist an insult, especially when his impatience was threatening to overwhelm him.
“She still hates you.”
“The feeling’s mutual, I assure you, brother.”
“So why do you look so depressed if that woman in there,” Kol nodded at the door, “that woman who is way too good for you, by the way, is still hopelessly in love with you?”
“She’s just taking her time getting ready.”
“And you’re remaining the impatient bastard you’ve always been.”
“Careful, I’d rather not get your blood on my shirt.”
Kol smiled at his brother, patting him on the shoulder. “It’ll be worth the wait. It always is with Y/N.”
As Kol made his way to his room, Klaus rolled his eyes. If one more person told him it would be worth the wait, he’d rip their tongues out. And he meant that literally.
He sighed, leaning his head back against the door.
Leaning his head back against the door and falling through it as it opened.
He stood up, and there she was.
There she was, bent double laughing, music to Klaus’s ears as he looked at the woman he loved.
The breath was knocked out of him as his eyes wandered over the dress, the necklace, her hair so perfectly styled. Y/N really was beautiful, especially when she was laughing as hard as she was now. He folded his arms, pretending to be annoyed.
“It’s not that funny.”
She walked over to him, putting her hands on his cheeks. “Oh, it really is.”
Klaus’s hands moved to her waist, the humour of the moment fading, a familiar heat settling back in. “You look stunning.” A blush rose to her cheeks. “You were right, it was worth the wait.”
His gaze fell to her lips, Y/N noticing the move. “We’ll be late for dinner.”
“I don’t think it matters if we’re a little late,” his voice had dropped an octave, intentions of getting her out of that dress the only thing on his mind.
She laughed, stepping out of his grasp. “This coming from the man who’s been sat outside for the past half an hour, telling me to hurry up.”
Klaus playfully rolled his eyes. “Always hung up on the details.”
“It’s why you love me.”
And he did. He really did love her.
They made it to dinner with minutes to spare. And in the morning, as Klaus woke her up with that kiss between her shoulder blades, intending to finish that painting later in the day, he realized that Y/N would always be worth the wait.  
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theeoriginals · 4 years ago
sharp | klaus mikaelson x reader
request: could you write something smut where klaus and human female reader have sex for the first time and he discovers she's a biter? - @the-world-of-naiyara​
pairing: klaus x f!reader
a/n: listen,, this has been in my drafts for longer than i care to admit but I am finally posting it. love y’all, stay safe. 
warnings: smut, 18+, explicit sex, biting kink, and a brief mention of blood-drinking/vampires biting people 
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nsfw below the cut ! 
Her breaths came heavy, echoing in the tension-filled air. Klaus looks down at her, pupils expanding the circumference of his iris and blowing his gaze wide. He feels spread open, vulnerable, and he knows that she feels the same. Minutes had long since bled into hours, but neither is keeping track anymore. 
Their breaths come in unison, her bare chest heaving and pressing against his own every few seconds. Y/N blinks sluggishly, drunk on the taste of him on her tongue, and the scent of them in the air. Her hands span the width of his broad shoulders, up the nape of his neck and into his sweat-curled hair, tugging ever so slightly. 
“Klaus,” Her voice comes, the plea dripping off her tongue, enrapturing his undivided attention. “Please,” 
He draws back, hips moving with the action. He pulls until he’s almost completely out and then slams back in, the movement jolting her up the mattress. Her eyes roll back into her head, her fingers dig into her scalp, and she moans low, throat gravelly from overuse. 
“Nik! Nik, I’m,” She pants, trying to heave air into her lungs as he thrusts in and out of her, repeatedly taking it away. “I’m c–close,” 
“I know,” He moves his hand from where it’d been planted beside her head and cups her jaw, squeezing the bone a little too tight as he draws his hips back and thrusts his aching member back into the tight heat between her legs. “I can feel it.”
She shakes her head against the rumpled pillows, overstimulation crawling through her bones, settling beneath her skin like an itch she is afraid to scratch. “I can’t, I can’t,” 
“Yes, you can.” He grits his teeth, his body never faltering in the repetitive back and forth motions. “Give it to me, Y/N.” 
He stops suddenly, earning a whine from her that he chuckles breathlessly at. Klaus shifts his hips and drops his hands to Y/N’s waist, picking her up off the bed and sliding her into his lap. They both groan at the new angle, and Klaus’s hips buck mindlessly into her, making her drop her head into the junction of his neck as she quietly begs him to continue. 
With one arm anchoring her against his chest, he begins his movements again, drawing them out torturously. Y/N, impatient, meets his slow thrusts with her own, desperate for the high he’d been taunting her with all night. 
Her arms wrap around his shoulders and she burrows into the slope of his neck, breath puffing out onto his pale skin, and she whines, arching into his touch when he drops a hand between them and slicks the pads of his fingers on the nectar pooling between her thighs. 
“Sweet girl,” He coos in her ear, fingers drawing endless patterns on her sensitive bud as she tightens uncontrollably around him. His eyelashes flutter, dark and thick, hiding the secrets that his eyes hold beneath them. “Give it to me, now.” 
“You too– want you to come, too,” She pants, eyes widening before they squeeze shut. “Nik, oh, God!” 
His fingers press down and he makes one, two, three more thrusts up into her as she tightens around him, her climax low and warm in her stomach and triggering his own. His low groan mixes with the moan she tries to stifle and he makes an aborted thrust into her sensitive channel when he feels the blunt prick of her teeth at the junction of his neck she’d buried her head in. 
Her moans fall into his skin, washing over him as she rides out the pleasure, and he feels the aftershocks of his own climax wane when she lulls her head back and looks at him through low-lidded eyes. 
Panting, Klaus carefully leans forward and drops her back into the pile of pillows and stained sheets, his blue eyes wide as his fingers trail up to the temporary mark she’d left on him. 
Smirking, he looks down at her, hearing her pulse begin to race again when she realizes he’d noticed. “Oh, god,” She lifts her hands, covering her face bashfully. “I’m sorry, Nik.” 
He feigns ignorance, amusement dancing in his uncharacteristically soft gaze. “Such sharp teeth, pet,” He leans down, lips brushing against hers as he drags a finger up the lines of her chest. His teeth nip her playfully and she yelps, the sound breaking off into a laugh as she pushes at him. 
He echoes her laugh, grinning wide. “You started it!” 
She slaps his chest, glaring playfully. “I didn’t mean to!” 
“Well, I never said I didn’t like it.” 
Her face falls and she feels heat rush through her body, and she subconsciously clenches around him, making him groan and give her a warning look. Y/N raises a daring brow, her hands resting on his hips where they were sheathed between her legs. 
“Y/N,” He cautions, staring down at her. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” 
She smirks, mirroring his familiar action. “I would never.” 
Klaus dips down, grabbing Y/N and flipping them around swiftly. He rests beneath her, hands trailing mindlessly against her bare skin, close to where they were still connected. “Y/N,” 
Her fingers trail up to where the last remnants of her mark on him fades and she taps it playfully, giving him a wink. “There’s always more where that came from,” 
Klaus’s gaze darkens and he grabs her hips, fingers digging into her skin. “Show me.” 
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kmikaelsonimagines · 4 years ago
The Old Ways, Part One: A Kol Mikaelson Imagine
Request from @the-world-of-naiyara​: Hello love! I hope you had a nice break/vacation (I think you were on vacation, right?) I had an idea for an imagine with dear old Kol: what if reader/girlfriend wanted Kol to teach her old Norse? As usual, no worries if you aren't inspired by this! maybe the girlfriend could have had this idea after watching the TV show Vikings 😂
Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
Want to see more? Find the rest of the series just below:
The Old Ways
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You had always found the Viking era rather fascinating. Maybe it was because your boyfriend was born then, or maybe it was the show on the screen in front of you. Vikings had been your most recent binge watch, and you were hooked. You had often wondered how it had been for Kol growing up in such a violent time, but then you had tended to remember that he was an Original vampire, and centuries of violence had usually been caused by him and his family.
As another fight scene threatened to present itself on your television screen, ready to pull you into a world of mayhem, you heard the front door open. You sighed, pausing the programme and knowing that you wouldn’t be able to continue with the episode until you were alone again. Kol always tended to moan when you watched television with him, preferring to engage in other activities – some not always traditional.
“In here.” You looked up at Kol as he came into the lounge, scrunching up your nose as he leaned over the couch and kissed you between the eyes. “You okay?”
“Of course.” Kol’s eyes fell to the television screen, the picture still. “Don’t tell me you’re watching this again. Haven’t you finished it yet?”
“Twice.” You laughed as Kol rolled his eyes. Being a man born a long time ago, he didn’t understand your affinity for binge watching, preferring to find the adventure in the real world. But he understood your fascination for history, for his life, having to reiterate story after story of his time over the years.
There were certain centuries he wasn’t able to reminisce on, but that was the fault of his older brothers and a particular silver dagger.
So he made the most of the stories he could tell, enjoying the way your eyes lit up, the smile on your face as you didn’t buy half of the things he told you. You knew that he was hardly ever the grandiose hero that he made himself out to be, but you didn’t care.
Villains were always more exciting anyway.
But the one thing that Kol never talked about was his time as a human. He didn’t like to be reminded of a time when he had magic, feeling the loss every time he spoke of it. Nor did he like the reminder of his father. Kol had never been subject to Mikael’s cruelty in the same way as his brother, but the fear had still lingered permanently in his heart.
So you had never asked. You smiled at him as he made his way around the couch. He sat next to you, letting you snuggle into him as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “I can turn it off if you want.”
“Why do you like it so much?” You looked up in surprise at Kol’s curiosity. “What is it about it?”
“I don’t know really. I just think it’s interesting, seeing the way people – you – lived back then. I like the simplicity of it, the language – ”
“The language?” Kol interrupted you. He seemed to contemplate something, chewing on the words. You watched as he thought about his next sentence, his eyes lighting up when he finally settled on something. “I can teach you if you like.”
“Of course.” Kol hooked a finger under your chin and kissed your lips gently. “If that’s what you want.”
“Well, I’d really like that.”
You smiled as Kol grabbed one of your notebooks off the coffee table, picking up a pen in the process. You watched as he drew a selection of lines, holding onto his arm and putting your head on his shoulder. “What’s that?”
“Well that,” he pointed at the first row of lines, “is my name. And that,” he moved to the second, “is yours.”
“I see.”
“And this,” Kol drew a few more lines in between the two rows, “says ‘loves’. So all in all it says, ‘Kol loves Y/N.’” He looked over at you, a toothy grin on his face. “I love you.” He kissed your nose.
“I love you too. Now, come on, teach some real Old Norse. Teach me your old ways.”
“So impatient,” Kol joked, causing you to hit him playfully. “Alright, alright, we’ll start with the basics. And who are you calling old?”
“Oh stop moaning.”
As it turned out, the basics took all afternoon. It took you some time to wrap your tongue around the correct syllables, to hit the pronunciation in the right places. Kol insisted that it needn’t be perfect, but you persisted, determined to get everything right.
You wanted to fulfil your fascination, to understand it a little bit more.
It was a few hours before you finally got it right, before Kol finally said the words you had been hoping to hear. “Very good, darling.”
“You mean it?”
“I couldn’t have done it without you.” You leaned over and kissed him. Kol only grinned.
“I know.”
Just like he couldn’t possibly do anything without you.
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ariaqueiroz · 5 years ago
I got tagged by @dklem  Thank you! <3
Rules: Choose 10 favorite characters/people from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people.
Oikawa Tooru (HAIKYUU)
Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Alkar (When The Night Comes)
Olivia Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Rapunzel (Tangled)
Mersmita (She-Ra)
June (Andromeda Six)
Tegan Novak (Sweet Elite)
I’m gonna tag @vilavenderm23 @siguun @kornyo @aeriiiiie @steph-writing @the-andy-world @the-world-of-naiyara
Sorry if I forgot any mutual!
Feel free to do it too if you’re not tagged.
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dulcetgames · 5 years ago
Heya everybody! Did Tadashi's mom really sided with her husband? Did she disown him?
Tadashi’s mother didn’t really have a choice... but revealing this now would be spoiler.  🤫
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the-goddamn-mermaid · 5 years ago
Tagged by @cutiekunoichi​ thank uuuu <333
RULES: Answer 20 questions (+5), then tag 20 (not doing it, sorry) bloggers you want to get to know better.
1) Name: Irl? Luiza
2) Nickname: Luke
3) Zodiac: Cancer, in the year of the ox
4) Height: 1,60 cm ( 5’3”)
5) Languages: Portuguese and English
6) Nationality: Brazilian
7) Favorite season: Winter 
8) Favorite flower: Roses and tulips (I don’t know much about flowers :v)
9) Favorite scent: My mother’s perfume :)
10) Favorite color: Pink, red and black
11) Favorite animal: Dogs, cats, wolves and tigers
12) Favorite fictional character: Allura and Keith from Voltron, Rin Matsuoka and Makoto Tachibana from Free!, Harley Quinn from DC, Nathaniel, Priya and Armin from MCL and Usagi Tsukino, Rei Hino and Haruka Tennô from Sailor Moon. Oh, and Sophie, Howl, Kiki, Marnie and Totoro from Ghibli :3
13) Coffee: Luv it <3 
14) Average sleep:I sleep a lot, tbh. Can’t really tell... I could sleep the whole day and still feel tired
15) Dog or cat person: Both, can’t really choose
16) Number of blankets: I’m perfectly fine with just one, since Brazil’s weather is hot af
17) Dream trip: I would really like to go to Disneyland again :D but I’d love to travel to Asia too
18) Blog established: It’s been a while, so I can’t really tell :v
19) Followers: 600 - thanks, guys!
20) Random fact about me: I used to love Lance Mcclain (from VLD) till season four, but then I started carrying a grudge when he continued to act like an obsessive maniac towards Allura, even with her clearly showing no interest in him (and just so ya know, Joaquim and Lauren... you ruined the whole show by making them canon) 
I tag @bubblegum-icecream @colombia-chan @the-world-of-naiyara and @iriswashername 
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loonylein · 6 years ago
6 character, looking like my Candy
Taggend by @the-world-of-naiyara <3 Thanks cutie!
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Audrey Hepburn
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Queen Mary
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I tag @thecrimsoncursed @xxpastel-raccoonxx @meikameleon @ksenoir @guardofdecay @teallinum @lost-cheshire-cat @teallinum @siguun @sihari-art and @kalisix
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colombia-chan · 6 years ago
6 character, looking like my Candy
I was tagged by @bubbelteechan​ and let me just tell you finding characters that match Evie is hard XD so in my case not all the characters match Evie to a T
Aoi Tsubaki Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits
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Diane from the Seven Deadly Sins
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Alice from Pandora Hearts
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Ikaruga Suginami from AntiMagic Academy - The 35th Test Platoon
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Rino Endou from Jinsei
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Touka Yada Assassination Classroom
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Tagging @sakurina-mcl @vanillaamoursucrethings @minty-bear @faerietale-mcl @otome-aeriie @steph-writing @aloy97 @nathanieljacott @nirillyx @the-andy-world @the-goddamn-mermaid @the-world-of-naiyara @hipsterteller and whoever else would like to join
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aokane-eldarya · 6 years ago
J'ai adoré le spin off et je ne regrette pas d'avoir payé! Et toi? Tu l'as acheté? Vu sur YT? La seule critique que je pourrais faire c'est que j'avais encore des questions à la fin. Sa reaction lorsque la garde nous ment pour les portails? Est-ce lui qui demande à Ashkore de nous révéler la vérité? Et j'aurais aimé voir sa réaction pour la potion. J'aurais aussi voulu voir sa réaction quand gardienne frappe Miiko a l'épisode 15. Et... Bon t'as compris, je veux les 21 épisodes du POV de Leiftan!
Hey @the-world-of-naiyara :D !
J’avais des PO de côté d’un précédent passage à la banque, je les ai donc utilisés.
Et je n’ai absolument AUCUN regret. Oh mon dieu, j’ai adoré ce spin off, j’ai le cœur qui battait, son histoire me brise le cœur. Je l’ai déjà fait trois fois (pas eu le temps de le faire plus hahaha) et je l’ai écouté deux fois sur YouTube.
On a eu des réponses à beaucoup de questions, mais comme tu l’as dit, cela en a fait naître beaucoup également. J’aurais aussi aimé savoir ce qu’il se passe après l’épisode 11, avec bien sûr, l’histoire de la potion de l’épisode 13, entre autre chose.
Avec tout ce qu’on a appris à propos de Leiftan, je ne peux pas croire qu’il soit complice de la potion. C’est juste impossible. Alors oui, c’est cool pour lui dans un sens, parce qu’elle est obligée de rester sur Eldarya… Mais jamais il ne cautionnerait de telles méthodes et je donnerais n’importe quoi pour savoir ce qu’il a ressenti à ce moment-là. Ça a dû être tellement horrible. Cette patience et cette retenue dont il fait preuve, c’est incroyable, pas étonnant qu’il se lâche quand Erika est en danger de mort xD.
Pour Lance, ce dernier prend beaucoup d’initiatives, donc je ne serais pas du tout étonnée que certaines fois, il soit venu rendre visite à Erika sans que Leiftan soit au courant. À voir.
Dans tous les cas, j’aime Leiftan encore plus et je n’ai qu’une hâte : qu’on rejoigne officiellement son camp. Il nous faut un logo Villain Squad en plus de celle des trois gardes ! ( @chinomiko, si tu me lis :P)
Il est tellement respectueux avec nous, tellement… blblblblbl
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J’attendais avec impatience de pouvoir avoir sa tenue, mais je suis très contente d’avoir eu sa chambre qui est juste magnifique. Qui sait, peut-être qu’ils ont dans un tiroir un autre spin off pour lui, pour quand on sera membre officiel de la VS et qui reprendra ce qu’il se passe après l’épisode 11. Et peut-être que si on a pas eu sa tenue actuelle, c’est pour nous offrir la nouvelle !
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the-world-of-naiyara · 6 years ago
Well...0///0 you should kinda know who I'm gonna ask for.... Castiel and my Evie, as for the how's... Let's say if the two never broke up or finally back together at some point at his place in University... 😣 I can't stop blushing!!
So… You waited for ages and I’m so thankful for your patience. I also want to thank you for your kindness and understanding. I’m grateful for having met you and I hope we can meet irl someday! 
I hope you like this os and that it respects your Evie. 
No need to remember.
Evie couldn’tstop thinking about what had happen the night before. Or at least she tried. 
After six months in Anteros,Castiel and her had grown pretty close. The grudges and bygones from their pastrelationship had vanished and they were back to teasing each other like theyuse to in high school.
For months,Evie had denied what all her friends had been harassing her with: that Castiel andher still had feelings for each other. That they were more than just friends. Thatthey’d get back together, someday, somehow.
But today,her world of certainties, or as Naiyara put it, her world of denials, crumbledand collapsed.
Last night,Evie, Pryia, Alex and Naiyara had gone to the Snake Room. They’d been partyingand drinking. As was Castiel and his band. Evie couldn’t quite remember how ithad all worked out, but she was now sitting in Castiel’s bed, in a room reekingof alcohol.
“God damnit!” She whispered. Good news was, she was still wearing panties. Bad news? Shewas shirtless.
Evie lookedto her right at her sleeping rocker ex-boyfriend, desperately trying to rememberwhat had happened the night before. Nothing. She remembered dancing withMorgan, Alex’s boyfriend, she remembered seeing Castiel at the bar and… Blank.
“Come on, Ithink I’d remember if we’d slept together!” Evie thought, trying to reassureherself.
She gets outof bed and grabs Castiel’s black t-shirt. As she walks toward the door she seesher reflection in the mirror.
Her mouthopens in silent shock. Evie’s neck and breast are… Covered in hickeys. A flashpasses by Evie’s mental eyes. Castiel is on top of her, they’re in bed and hismouth is lustfully sucking onto the skin of her neck. Evie feels a chill passthrough her body at the remembrance.
“Hey…Whatcha doin’?” Asks a groggy male voice behind her. Evie turns around. Hercheeks burning up.
“Er.. Hey…”Is all she manages to say. Castiel waves at her to come closer, which she does.He’s like a magnet and her body moves at his will.  As she sits on the bed, Castiel grabs herwaist and pushes her down on the bed. He rests his head on her breasts.
“Mmmh…” Hegrowls. “That t-shirt’s raspy.” He complains, and he lifts it up.
Smiling,still half asleep, Castiel slides his hand in Evie’s back, holding her up, andagain, like a string-puppet, she raises her arms and allows her God-knows-what,to undress her.
Castiel,doesn’t seem at all embarrassed by the situation and rests his head on Evie’sbreasts.
“Mmmh… Muchbetter. So much softer.” The young man mumbles, cuddling her. But he doesn’tstay still for long. Eyes half closed, Castiel, starts to kiss her delicateflesh. His kisses are soft and tender. His mouth goes up to her neck which henuzzles. “How can you smell so good?” He whispers, tickling Evie with hisbreath as he starts to kiss her.
Evie’sbrain is about to blow up. His kisses, as soft as they are, are causing her toburn up. Out of breath, she can’t speak and ask the thousand questions she wantsto. One of them is on the top of the list, shining like a neon sign.
Castielwashes those questions at once, as he lets go of her neck to looks into her eyes.
“I missedyou so much Kiddo.” He kisses her timidly. “Don’t go anywhere this time.”
Evie canbreathe. She can move. And she answers his plea by taking his head in betweenher hands and kissing him. She missed him too.
As theirtongue interwine, Castiel’s hand reach for her panties and slides them off herlegs.
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