#eldarya spinoff
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heyseihai · 2 years ago
If only if only lmao They'll never get rid of their biggest cashgrabber. It's just a matter of time before they announce AL for Ez, Valk, and Lance (because yep, golden boy can't be left out of reboot huh?) in order to produce NG season 2. And we know they will. My bet is two years.
Hey guys, so, do you think that Beemoov accept to selling us Eldarya? I mean, we can rewrite new era and put origins in new languages…just kidding, or maybe don’t… 🤨
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linaselandbasil · 9 months ago
New chapter yall!
The Eldarya community is truly blessed by me
This chapter is very very very short, around 1000 words, but it's intriguing all the same. This is a direct continuation of another spinoff chapter, have fun yall!
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ezarelz · 4 years ago
Critique of Eldarya - Part 1
I would like to preface this by stating that I used to love Erika as a character, and thought of her occasional stupidity as flaws of imperfection, which I welcome in characters because I dislike Mary Sues. I’ve since heavily changed my mind on her as I’ve come to witness more and more of it and understood that something within her is rotten and that she still gets labelled to be a “hero”, when she has fundemental flaws and a questionable moral compass. This post constitutes one of the many instances that led me to dissociate from Eldarya’s MC and create my very own OC, whose behaviour is canonically separate from that of Erika. 
Let us take a look at one of Chrome’s Monchon Effect spin-off’s last scenes: 
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Erika: “Chrome’s hands slid behind my back to press me against him.”
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Erika: “He then hid his face in the crook of my neck.”
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Erika: “I adventured myself into giving him a sweet kiss on his cheek to reassure him and show him that I was there for him, if needed.
The last thing a minor who’s opening up about his literal dead parents needs if for you to use his vulnerability as an invitation to further explore the attraction-wise ambiguous territory. 
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Erika: “I was totally troubled by the suave tone of his voice...”
Again, why is a child’s “suave” voice tone troubling you? Had any adult claimed to be troubled by my little brother’s voice, and described it as suave, heads would roll.
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Erika: “I, too, wrapped my arms around his body and I felt him to tighten his grip on me. His warm breath caressed my neck.”
Honestly, who speaks of a child and says “around his body” when trying to comfort them. Wouldn’t a normal person say around him? The emphasis she puts on their physical touch and contact is absolutely disconcerting. Also don’t get me started on her rant about his warm breath and how it “caresses” her neck. 
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Chrome: “Merci... You’re by far the most adorable people I’ve ever known.”
Erika: “Chrome...”
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A) “I know that this isn’t reasonable, but I want to enjoy these moments in his arms.”
B) “By fear of what could occur, I let myself out of his arms.”
You know it’s not reasonable? But you judge it best to do it anyway because of your... desire to feel his embrace? Let me ask you this, Erika, what COULD occur between a literal minor and you, a clear-mind, conscious adult, if you hadn’t let yourself out of his arms?
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Chrome: “Erika...”
Erika: “I can feel my cheeks burning.”
I’m apalled. I’ve contacted Beemoov numerous times for them to adress this, and I’ve done it politely, but their active avoidance of the issue is maddening. I’m tired of being told that the message was passed to superiors, only for no changes to arise. I’ve asked for an apology on the nature of this scene, a trigger warning for literal grooming to the very least, and for necessary changes to occur, but nothing was done. Instead, they ignore messages and pass the message onto others, until no one can be blamed for the lack of concrete actions.
The issue remains, and it is not the first time we come across minor-adult attraction-based ambiguity/relationship in the game (ex: Colaia and Jamon, which I will address in a second part of this critique). The message it sends to players, some of which are about Chrome’s then age (as 16 y/o are allowed to play) is extremely harmful. It dedramatizes grooming, and normalizes it in a way that could lead some victims of it to not be aware of inappropriateness of such thoughts and actions on an adult’s part. Unacceptable. 
I’ve been pretty vocal about my lack of association and empathy for Eldarya’ original MC Erika (a university graduate) for various reasons, but this is a line I’d never have expected her to cross. I cannot and will not associate with her quasi-criminal actions, and find it absolutely disgusting that Beemoov shoves it down our throats. It’s hard to enjoy a game when your character (OC) is so heavily associated with the MC, whose canon actions are despicable. There is much more to dislike about her, but this is on a whole other level. Erika being a predator is NOT okay, despite Chrome’s inability to see the situation for what it is. He was an impressive, vulnerable child whose “looking adult” incident (subject of the spin-off) was about his sentiment of being unattractive and his negative self-perception. Erika used that to satisfy her own touch-deprivation or whatnot. I cannot excuse that, nor will I ever do. 
I am well aware that due to prior choices during the spin-off, the cost of the spin-off and the fact that it IS a spin-off about Chrome instead of an LI, not everyone knew about this turn of events. In fact, some players were not even offered this scenario, but a shorter one (they were spared). However, if you just now know, I urge you to let me know if you would be willing to support me in bringing this to Beemoov’s attention. By myself, nothing occurs, and my messages are, again, either ignored or passed onto others until no one actually answers. I would be polite one more time, but I’d remain firm as this is not the first time I’ve spoken to them about such content. 
Final point, can we talk about how they charged us for this? Making profit off of a traumatizing life experience is so, so low. 
Let me know what you think of this all. 
I’ve tagged you if you once asked me about this issue in other posts, to which I said I was going to make a post to address the issue (here it finally is): @momiyi-chan @velleitxs
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aokane-eldarya · 6 years ago
Some thoughts about the spin off:
- so we know that Valkyon knows that Lance is alive at the end of episode 24.
- he could talk to Ash, but he did not recognize his voice or his aura
- interesting / amusing detail : Miiko compares Valk and the gardienne and Valkyon tells Erika that she looks like her brother. I wonder if it's not related to the complementarity aengel / daemon
- Besides, whatever the route, Valk takes much into account the gardienne, she is even one of the people to whom he wants to confide. She seems to have a great influence on him.
Just see what happens with Ash. Valkyon is invaded by a big desire to kill, but he controls this impulse as soon as he thinks of the gardienne.
This is all the more interesting if we think of Lance:
    - the dragons say that his aura has changed
    - Valk tells Miiko that Ash may have played with dark forces
    - Lance is tied to Leiftan, a aengel full of hatred.
Knowing that on one side we have a dragon, Valk, which is influenced by Erika, a "pure" aengel and that on the other we have a "crazy" dragon associated with an "impure" aengel (Lance and Leif), I wonder if it's not his connection with Leiftan that transformed Lance.
There was something that disrupted Lance at the base and that concerned Eldarya and its inhabitants. And his association with Leiftan would have allowed his resentment to express himself savagely.
In the way I see it, dragons are wild beings oscillating between "good" and "evil" and that can be influenced / controlled by the aengels (that said, I do not know if Leiftan would be aware that he "made" Ashkore in such a configuration). A bit like muzzles.
But I do not understand why Valk does not recognize Lance's voice.
- we can still see Valkyon feels that there is something in relation to Ashkore. He also feels that by discovering his identity, he could question all his convictions.
- I do not understand too much for Valk considers that it is a problem that Erika is aware of its nature. But since the spin off ends just before the conversation that they both have, I think that maybe it's just because at that moment, he does not know what she's thinking.
- and besides, he does not speak at all that Erika is an Aengel, it really does not seem to bother him
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deadendlily · 6 years ago
I made a walkthrough for the Leiftan spin off. I’m following Ezarel’s road, so... expect a lot of drama LOL. But honestly, I’m starting to be in love with both of them. Chosing between them was so hard, and I’m still considering doing a replay to follow Leiftan’s road. 
Anyway, here’s the link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uKUyIR-jFE
Thanks !
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asunaria · 3 years ago
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tetrakys · 4 years ago
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fusselmietz · 5 years ago
What Beemoov can do to be a better company
Beemoov screwed up a couple of times, but I still think if they turn around things could be improved or at least be less bad. I'm interested if I'm on to something, so let me know what you guys think of it:
- gaining more social media presence by rewarding players. This could be done by rewards for everyone if a certain (realistically achievable) number of likes, comments or whatever are achieved. Taking part in polls (what do players enjoy most and what least? Who is the most popular crush? What was the most interesting episode? Wich outfit was the best? Why do you play the games? How have you discovered them? ), making fanarts and making comments. Rewards could be items, APs or Gold.
- making three separate huge UL spin offs for Armin, Lysander and Kentin that take place after the first episode of UL or as an alternative first episode. While it doesn't fix the problem completely, the players could have a Canon happy ending with their boys and treat the rest of UL as not Canon or as an alternative universe. The spin offs are very popular and they could sell it for in game currency or a fixed price of real money.
- making old events available again. Especially HSL events. I honestly don't get it. They program and test new mini games for almost every event and never bring them back again? Many players didn't get the chance to play them or to get everything. This would be a chance for easy money making and get players the opportunity to get old stuff, while putting minimal effort in it.
- giving compansation for bugs and malfunctions.
- copying the good stuff from their other games. The market in Eldarya is a good opportunity to de-clutter the closet and make some extra maana. Mcl could profit from that to. They could probably re-use the code (I'm not a programmer, but if they have this feature in one game, it should not be so different to put it in another, should it?)
- having more choices even if it doesn't effect the story or the game play much. It would be a nice little detail nonetheless and make the experience much more personal with just a few different sentences.
- having more than one illustration for the NSFW scenes. Some people like the scenes, others aren't comfortable with it. Most people however take issues with the missed illustration part. Giving one NSFW and one SFW illustration can fix the problem without leaving a bitter taste in players mouths. There were episodes with 2 illustrations in the past, so I don't think this would be a deal breaker.
- trigger warnings for sensitive topics and the opportunity to skip them. If a player is triggers by one of the scenes, it could be possible to skip them and have Candy talk in retrospect of the events so she doesn't witness them actively.
- giving us the mini games that were announced almost a year ago...
- give the opportunity to play the mini games multiple times like in Eldarya
- taking more time with the episodes if it's needed, but keeping players hooked with teasers, competitions, polls...
- little missions for extra items or content like in HSL. Little things like items to decorate the dorm room, having more scenes with some characters and so on and so forth.
- giving Candy more expressions. There were there in the beginning of HSL, so why not in UL?
- exclusive items against real money, achievements on social media, anniversaries and other things.
- exclusive items that are only available for real money, like in Eldarya
- having the forum and social media stuff in line with each other to have a better presence
- bringing back merchandise
- rewardung achievements in the game. Like for helping out characters the player get a special outfit or something. I think eldarya had this going on in some episodes
- and in general: keep in touch with the fan base, being more vocal about upcoming things it complains and setting a good example for the players.
I not not everything is possible or perfect and I doubt that Beemoov would do any of that. However, it was fun imagining what could have been. What do you guys think? Do you have something to add or to critique? It would be nice if we can at least imagine positive things, after all the problems the Beemoov Fandom has suffered through.
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libelularosa · 6 years ago
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Bueeeeno, este spin-off es como el de Leiftan, pero mucho más corto y mucho menos informativo. Pasa antes del viaje a memoria. Oh y por adelantado les digo, da igual con quien tengas ruta, Leiftan, Nevra y Ezarel no salen.
Al parecer valkyon nunca ha perdido la esperanza de que lance siga vivo y tiene informantes reportandole cualquier pista periódicamente a cambio de maana, (por cierto, Valkyon es asquerosa mente rico) le informan de que Crillys, el cual esta en Balenvia, mencionó algo de un tal Lance . Así que el y Miko parten de inmediato, no por que el la quisiera on el, ella lo descubre al irse y digas lo que digas se te pega. Llegan rápido y aunque Hung hua e Ykhar están ahi no tienen relevancia. Cryllis al parecer vio a Ashkore y cuando se lo va a decir a Valkyon, Chrome interrumpe la charla y se lleva a Valkyon. Nuestro lobito intenta advertir a Ashkore pero la gran solución de este es hacer que Chrome mate a Cryllis y cuando este duda, lo amenaza con matarlo a el (Desde aquí Ashkore ya está muy descontrolado).
Cuando Miko y valkyon encuentran a cryllis apuñalado este les advierte que "es Lance" antes de desmayarse. Valkyon nota entonces que la daga en la espalda de Cryllis es igual que la que tenia su hermano, y por lo tanto valkyon comprende: Que Ashkore mato a Lance...
Si, ya se.
Se va a buscarlo y cuando lo encuentra pelean. Cuando esta a punto de matarlo se pone a pensar en los valores morales de Erika. Así que decide solo desenmascararlo, pero Ashkore despierta y lo derrota con facilidad. Al día siguiente, Valkyon despierta en el campamento y le dice a Miko lo que paso. Entonces todos regresan a casa y van a memoria, ahí los dragones le dicen que Lance sigue vivo. Por lo que asume que... Ashkore le perdono la vida a lance y lo unió a sus tropas. Fin.
Al final lo único que aprendimos del episodio fue Valkyon es igual de tonto que Erika.
Welp, this spinoff is like Leiftan's but way more short and way less informative. IT happens before the trip to memoria. Oh and know this, it doesn't matter who is your boyfriend, Leiftan, Nevra and Ezarel doesn't appear here.
Apparently valkyon has never lost hope on finding Lance alive and has informants reporting to him periodically in exchange of maana(by the way, valkyon is nastily rich) he is informed about cryllis saying something about someone called Lance in balenvia. So he and Miko part there. Not because he wanted the company, she discovers him when he is leaving and whatever you say she ends up tagging. They arrive quickly. Huang hua and Ykhar are there but barely appear. Cryllis apparently saw Ashkore and when he's about to tell valkyon, Chrome interrupts and takes valkyon away. Our werewolf tries to warn Ashkore but his big solution is to make Chrome kill cryllis and, when he hesitates, Ashkore threat to kill him (Ashkore has been out of control for months).
When Miko and Valkyon find a stabbed Cryllis he gets to say “its Lance” before fainting. Valkyon then notices that the knife in Cryllis back is just like one his brother had, so he understands... That Ashkore killed Lance...
Yeah, i know.
He runs to find him, and when he does, they start fighting. When Valkyon is about to kill him, he remembers Erika and her morals so he decides to just unmask him, but Ashkore wakes up and easily defeats him. Valkyon wakes up the next day in the camp and tell just to Miko what happened. They go back home and then head to memoria. There the dragons tell him that Lance is alive. So he gets to the conclusion; Ashkore didn't kill Lance but make him become one of his allies. End.
The only thing we learned in this episode was that Valkyon is as stupid as Erika.
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darika-in-eldarya · 6 years ago
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mumudesuyo · 6 years ago
Yall have to admit I have sum mad editing skillz
From this
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to this
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eldarya-no-lorraine · 6 years ago
Through the eyes of an Angel spin off is out
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This spin-off centers around Leiftan and what ever happens in it won’t be too important to the story since these type of chapters are just there as a treat for those who pay real money on the game. Since you have to pay with actual gold to play this and if you don’t have enough you will have to buy gold at the bank with real money. 
Nothing really crucial to the canonical story will happen in a spin-off. Nothing which happens in this one will be referenced within the actual story. 
Their Summary is as follows: 
The story takes place after Naytili’s attack. Erika is in a bad state after having been stabbed. Leiftan remembers the previous months, since our guardian has arrived at HQ and has had to adapt to her new environment. The lorialet decides to recount the upheaval that the guardian’s apparition caused at HQ.
Small rant on my part: Why do you keep using Lorialet and Angel for him when we know what he truly is at this point? It’s not like he can be all three things..
WARNING:  Keep in mind that this spin-off takes place AFTER Nytili attacks and to fully understand it you either have to finish episode 20 or watch a play-through on Youtube or someplace else. 
Because if you are from a server which is WAY behind the actual episodes some of the things and situations in this one will not make any sense and they might even be SPOILERS!
The price is 125 gold coins. It seems to be a special deal since they wrote:
The spin-off is available in GC. From September 12 at 5 AM EST until September 19 at 5 AM EST, enjoy 50% off the price of this special episode!
So it will go back to the usual gold cost after those dates. 
You can get one illustration in this spin-off. 
The item you see in the image is possibly an item you can gain by finishing this chapter.  Or, now that I think about it, it might be important to the story of this chapter and in the end you get Leiftans clothes. 
EDIT:  Upon finishing this spin-off you can get Leiftan’s room as a background. It’s not a bad deal. The room is really neat and pretty. I like it. 
A new place will appear in this new episode… In your opinion, what place in HQ haven’t you seen yet?
Gee, does it matter? We’ll see it in the actual story sooner or later. Like his bedroom or some other place we haven’t seen yet. Because introducing it only in a spin-off if it has something to do with the actual story would be pointless.
Prediction:  Based on how they wrote their news post I assume we will see all instances where Leiftan crossed paths with Erika and even those where you could ‘ve gotten illustrations with him. You will only see them from his point of view and what he thought in those situations.  It will end with her getting better / waking up and before the end of episode 20 happens if you were on his route. 
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ezarelz · 4 years ago
I've said it and I'll say it again, but in this house (aka my blog), we thoroughly dissociate from Erika's actions :). This is a proud anti-Erika blog.
She can choke. Beemoov could use some fucking trigger warnings.
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aokane-eldarya · 6 years ago
Well ... Valkyon recognized the dagger used by Ashkore to hurt Cryllis as his brother's. And so, Valkyon thinks that Ash is the murderer of his brother ...
Well, in a way ...
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ferreirajenne · 6 years ago
Leiftan … I love you and NOTHING will change that! : ‘0
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eternalstarrlight · 6 years ago
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Is it just me, or does anyone else wonder why Leiftan has a mirror above his bed... ?
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