#the wizarding wireless network
majorarcana-rpg · 3 months
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🎶 The Howler's Havoc ~
The twisted tales of the bloody misfits club...
The Howler's Havoc es el grupo musical mágico más exitoso del momento, nacidos con el objetivo de llevar su música a cientos de magos y brujas y esparcir su mensaje pro-semis a cada rincón de UK y el mundo. Durante los últimos dos y medio de su creación han hecho alzar la voz de aquellos que no son escuchados. La banda fue creada por Emrys y sus primeros dos integrantes fueron Zachary y Tyler. Zuri se unió a ellos recientemente como segunda vocalista y Jackson, su manager, fue el encargado de organizar todo su tour mundial y su presencia en el próximo Mundial de Quidditch. Actualmente la banda acaba de volver del tour y se dedica a dar shows constantemente en diferentes partes del Reino Unido además de generar eventos de activismo pacífico a favor de las semicriaturas, el más reciente siendo en el Atrio del Ministerio de Magia donde han protestado junto a docenas de fanáticos. Utilizan su influencia y fama para alzar las voces de quienes el Ministerio no esta dispuesto a escuchar involucrándose estrechamente con la sociedad y sus problemas.
▸ Voz principal y bajo -> Emrys ▸ Guitarra -> Zach ▸ Batería -> Tyler ▸ Piano y segunda voz -> Zuri ▸ Manager -> Jackson
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Hello everyone! Are you also tired of muggle pop culture constantly being portrayed in HP fanfics? Do you want to explore the possibilities of the WW Pop Culture?
Well welcome to the WWN Wizarding Pop Culture Fest!
This is a Creative Work fest which means you have free will on what to do! It just has to be centered around different aspects of the Wizarding Pop Culture!
Want to write fanfiction of characters buying merch/music records or going to a concert? You can!
Want to write a Prophet article about one of the bands? Sure thing!
Want to write a Wizarding song? What an idea!
Fanart? Of course!
Creating band posters? Yeah!
Or even composing an actual musical piece!
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As of the current moment this fest is only staring, I’m the only mod here and this is my first time doing something like this.
We will begin the fest by posting different facts known about the WW Pop Culture for you to get a hold of how it works, to later expand on it! Creative World building is all we’re about here!
The fest will be hosted both on Tumblr and AO3 so you can choose where would you prefer to post. Follow this blog for updates
This post will be edited later on when I figure out more things about modding a fest.
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Moodboard of Slytherin lovers working at the Wizarding Wireless Network.
Face-claims: Justice Smith and Miles Robbins.
Requested by: anon.
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locations-hq · 2 years
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Wizarding Wireless Network is a popular generalist wizarding wireless station whose HQ is located in Carkitt Market in the wizarding quarter of London. Located in a 1920s art deco theatre, the building has recording booths which allow the talent to record and broadcast all over the UK. There is also a stage located in the building that people can buy tickets for at the box office to see recordings go out live of big performences from the likes of Celestia Warbecks or talk shows with Tilden Toots or Glenda Chittock.
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tedwardremus · 21 days
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Completed Fics
This Town Is Fake But You're The Real Thing
Teen radio star Lily Evans works for a show on the wizarding wireless network called, The Marauders. The teen soap drama stars James Potter as an arrogant school jock and centers on the secret adventures of his friends in the forbidden forest as illegal animagus and a werewolf. The show's antagonist, played by Severus Snape, left after a scandal, and now Lily has a romantic storyline with James in the final season of the show. Basically, her life is a disaster.
Harry shaves his head after the battle.
Only Ginny understands why.
Secret Garden 
Neville plants Hannah a secret garden on the roof of the Leaky Cauldron. She wants to show him how grateful she is for the gift.
Acting Professional
Teddy wants to see Victoire's new office while at a work event.
Works In Progress
Snuffles & Son
(Chapter 5)
Sirius raises Harry and opens a shop that specializes in repairing cursed artifacts and places protection wards on family heirlooms. One day, an Unspeakable from the Department of Mysteries walks in with a cursed artifact from his cousin’s confiscated Gringotts vault, requesting Sirius’s assistance.
Be Not Afraid Of Greatness
(Not updated this month)
A collection of Frank Longbottom stories
Rage Against The Dying Of The Light
(Chapter 12)
In a universe where James and Lily Potter survive Voldemort’s attack on Halloween night. Most of wizarding society is enjoying newfound peace after a decade of war, except the young heroes who fought the war learn you can never really go back to the way things were before.
Without A Trace
(Not updated this month)
Babies don’t just disappear without a trace
View past monthly round-ups here
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i-dream-of-libraries · 4 months
The nights enfold him in an otherworldly embrace. He'd read Voldemort's book cover to cover three times already, but he couldn't bring himself to move on to one of his other books. Whenever he read it, he no longer felt that unpleasant off feeling. He never had another dream like that first night, yet he also felt far from alone since then. As if Voldemort was walking with him through life now, hand in hand. Did Voldemort have hands? His book wasn't too clear on that, but it mentioned sharp nails like claws, so there were probably hands.
Harry's parents were out of town this weekend for some big International Ministry conference happening in Scotland, so Harry planned to spend the time doing whatever he wanted for once. He hopped out of bed excitedly on Saturday morning and told their house elf to just worry about feeding himself this morning. He felt like cooking. He set up the Wizarding Wireless Network to blast some rock music and danced his way through the morning. At one point he saw what looked almost like his dream Voldemort's eyes peering at him from a shadowed corner of the kitchen, and he grinned at the thought, adding some more sway to his hips as he danced. Did monsters dance? They should.
After breakfast, he went outside to fly for a few hours, practicing the risky dives and tricks that would give Lily Potter a heart attack if she were here to see them. Whopping excitedly as he pulled out of a steep spiral towards the ground, Harry savored that rush he couldn't seem to get enough of. When he landed, drenched in sweat, and beaming with contentment, he saw a swift shadow dart along the back door entrance to his house. Again, he thought he saw something of Voldemort's sharp claws in the silhouette of that shadow, so he took a bow for his imagined audience.
After a lightning-fast day of fun and writing a letter each to his closest friends Ron and Hermione, Harry returned to his room that night feeling refreshed. He even sang in the shower, and he was a TERRIBLE singer. He had no idea what the song was, or if it even had words. The melody seemed to just come to him as he undressed, and Harry sang the unfamiliar notes without thinking. His nails felt much sharper today as he washed his hair. He shivered as they scraped gently over his scalp.
It wasn't until Harry was comfortably tucked away in bed with his book on his lap that he paused to wonder if he should be concerned about the things he thought he saw today. Seeing things that weren't there wasn't a great sign, after all.
Nor was hearing things that weren't there.
"Harry Potter"
He looked around for the source of the hissed words and froze at a pair of blood red eyes in the center of an elongated shadow. His blinds were open, and a full moon was out tonight, yet no light seemed to touch the corner of his room directly across from the window.
"It can't actually be you...?"
Okay, this was definitely something to speak to a mind healer about.
"You are not mad"
The shadow moved to the foot of his bed; crimson eyes steady on Harry's face the whole time. It stretched upwards, looming over Harry's smaller form on the bed.
"I have been gracing you with my company, child"
Harry's mouth parted in a gasp as deep claw marks were gouged into his wooden bedpost. There were red and gold curtains hanging along his canopy bed, but he never drew the curtains. Harry gulped and wondered idly if they'd be shredded next. And why the thought of that excited him.
"You're actually... here."
- I will follow you into the dark
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oldwindowsicons · 2 years
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Windows XP - Wireless Network Setup Wizard
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noxtms · 6 months
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THE FULL MOON HANGS HIGH OVER THE CAMPGROUNDS, silvery light cast over the neverending festivities down below. anyone under the illusion that the hogsmeade hippogriffs vs diagon dragons charity quidditch game would wrap up in good time and lead to a relaxing night away was sorely mistaken. in spite of the late hour, the celebrations - and for some, the drowning of sorrows - show no sign of stopping anytime soon. the burren is an isolated spot, even without factoring in the huge number of muggle deterrent charms and protective incantations cast over the area for one night only. wix who traveled from overseas or across the country have a rare freedom and are taking full advantage - it's equal parts loud and unruly, and the best fun that many have had since winter came. put enough people in a place and throw in copious amounts of alcohol ( and in a number of cases, something much stronger ) and you'll have trouble, but robed aurors that wander the crowds are quick to combat drunken disputes they happen across which in turn is allowing the more easygoing of partygoers to enjoy their night all the more. expectations were rather low, but the event is running better than anyone could have expected.  MURPHY MCNULLY of the wizarding wireless network is one of the unlucky number to have thrown in his lot with the hippogriffs. a schoolyard crush on rolanda hooch blinded him when it came to the bettering slips, and the modest fortune that he lost had been enough to make this grown man cry - quite a bit, actually, until a kind soul pressed a half empty bottle of firewhiskey into his hands and he started the process of acceptance. he's been making his way from tent to tent ( which is, in turn, like moving from party to party ) all night, accepting the kindness of strangers and moving on when their generosity runs dry. it's no wonder the poor guy needs the bathroom, but when the closest porta potty queue looks much too daunting for him and a quick glance around tells him that no one is paying that much mind to him, murphy darts between tents and heads for the edge of the campgrounds.  he stumbles over the uneven terrain of the burren, picking his way to a suitable distance and coming to a stop at an ancient, waist high stone wall. the cacophony of music and laughter and all round good cheer hides the sound of a zipper, and murphy tries to sing along to one of the songs he recognises in the din, as he goes - he's so drunk the words run together, but he's having a mighty good time. bladder emptied, he zips himself back up, now humming, and hears a low grumble. his stomach, he thinks. "too full of firewhiskey," he laughs to himself, too drunk to take much notice of the hairs stood up at the back of his neck, "not enough soakage." he turns to go, and there it is again. the telltale grumble. or… he frowns. a growl? he twists back around, and the last thing that murphy mcnully sees before the world turns wet and red is two yellow eyes glinting in the moonlight and the flash of jaws full of huge, pointy teeth. it lunges, and on a nearby hill another wolf lifts their head to the sky to let out a mournful howl, and the pack descends.
TRIGGER WARNINGS for death, injury, animal death, anxiety, assault, blood, body imagery, fire imagery, gore.
the gathered crowds confuse the first screams of abject terror for more joyful rowdiness, only realising the nightmare they have stumbled into when they catch their first glimpse of the wolves that move with inhuman speed - the teeth, the eyes, the stinking, matted fur. worse, still ( if only because the horror of them is so much easier to digest in the moment ) are the hooded figures that begin to pop up from place to place. as if things weren't already bad, the death eaters have arrived. the smart ones apparate without a second thought. MARCUS, at one end of the campground, is gone with a pop before the situation has fully sunken into their alcohol adled mind. others, like the MALFOY'S, rush out of their tents in their nightclothes, disoriented, and take a second to let it all wash over them. they disappear, too, but only after they've grabbed their peacocks. 
it really is just VIKTOR'S luck that he would put himself out there and run into one of the more unfortunate cases of deja vu. bleary eyed when he emerges from his tent, he only narrowly avoids the vivid purple spell that sails over his head and collides with a cabinet inside, sending wood splinters and glass scattering and waking DAMARIS from where they dozed. the next curse draws blood when it grazes his arm and he drops to the ground, the same as his unlikely companion who has slid all the way off his couch and thrown their hands protectively over their head, kneeling in the shattered glass. "what the fuck is happening?" they shout, but viktor doesn't know. 
ANDIE, holding her crying son in her arms, abandons the fire pit when a misjudged protective spell explodes into the middle of it, sending sparks flying over all that had gathered around. she gets caught up in the sea of wix stampeding in one direction and can't immediately find an opening to get out or a safe space to apparate. 
following their immediate instinct to just duck and take cover beneath a closed up, wooden stall ultimately does TEMPEST no good ; they're smart, but the penchant for utter, mindless destruction that the death eaters have trumps that every time. one of the hooded figures hits the wooden structure with expulso, not even to target them but just because it adds to the growing chaos. they only realise someone is cowering underneath it when the now brightly burning, collapsing structure draws a shrill scream from the wix caught below. 
throwing up an invisible block in the doorway of their tent the minute that chaos unfolded was definitely a good idea and saves them some initial trouble, but DUDLEY is the first to realise the other sort of danger that they have landed themselves into when smoke starts billowing out from the rooms at the back of the tent. "GINNY-" he starts, wide eyed and taking several steps back, whatever warning he was going to give interrupted by her shout of "fuck!" as she rushes past him, leaving DRACO alone to hold the barrier in place. her cry of aguamenti does little to douse the flames she can only barely see through thick, black smoke. she tries to put them out in vain while it continues to funnel into the tent, stinging their eyes and coating their lungs with every breath, until dudley grabs her upper arm and tugs her away. "it's no use," he tells her, through a cough, "we have to leave." he's right, of course. arms held over their mouths as they return to the front of the tent, a bead of sweat runs down draco's forehead from both rising heat and the pressure of holding the barrier, alone. "ready to go?" he asks them, to no reply ; ginny grabs a hand each, and they disappear with a pop. 
assuming that JUSTIN is close at their heels and with ISMENE holding tightly to her hand, ANTIGONE'S only thought is to get back to her van and get her dog. they were among the lucky ones - they hadn't been caught up at the heart of the campgrounds when everything went to hell, and has instead been hanging around the edges of the parties. they were ready to head back and get some sleep, but unwilling to be the first to leave. they are both so full of hope, so close to where they parked in the carpark when antigone turns to glance over her shoulder that it feels so stupid to stop at all, though of course they were always going to when she realises, with a jolt, that justin isn't behind them after all. ismene tries to tug her on as she opens her mouth to shout for him, but everything moves so fast - a furred body launches itself over a ford fiesta and lands heavy on top of them both, jaws snapping, and what comes out of her next is nothing but a wordless scream.
limping from an ankle that he twisted in his haste to get through the panicked crowd, OSKAR meets ELIZA at the flap of her tent and shoves her all the way back in again. "is elena-" with her fingers now knotted up in the sleeve of his shirt, she shakes her head. it's a relief. her husband appears in a doorway with a barely awake ezra holding on tight around his neck, face buried in his shoulder. "is it-" he begins to ask, but oskar interrupts, "it's bad. we have to go." a ground shaking explosion at that exact moment forces them to quicker action, and eliza pulls oskar towards the rest of her family so that when they apparate, they do it together.
( the explosion itself is one of the stronger cases for a person having 'just downright rotten luck' documented, in recent years. GRACE, dragging ASTORIA by her jacket towards the auror detainment tent with the promise that safety awaits, has no way of predicting the freak accident she ultimately involves them both in - she counters spells she sees zipping past with a quick protego, has barely caught a glimpse of a wolf since it all kicked off, is managing, just barely, to keep her cool… but when a powerful reducto from a stranger in the crowd collides with the gas tanks behind an abandoned food truck, the resulting explosion throws EVERYONE in the immediate vicinity backwards with painful force, searing their eyebrows and knocking them out without them ever really understanding what happened, in the first place )
on the other side of the campgrounds, a stupefy collides with the ground at MINETTE'S feet, only narrowly missing her. she lets out a terrified squeak and twists to face the hooded figure that targeted her, throwing a leg lock curse at them without taking the time to properly aim and parrying the spell they throw back at her with a protego. her shield sends it flying into a nearby tent - not the first casualty, not the last - and though it's luckily empty, her distraction in that moment after it hits is all it takes for them to hit her with a body bind. she falls with a strangled sort of yell, and the next sensation her body feels is blistering pain beneath a vengeful crucio. 
finally managing to break away from the crowd, ANDIE darts between two tents and turns left, weaving her way through temporary homes. her mind is blank with panic - she knows she should be apparating, but marco's cries in her ear tell her that it's a danger to do so with him so upset and all she's really trying to do, in this moment, is put as much distance between them and the wolves and the wayward spells as possible. of course, she realises she should've just risked it when the wolf jumps into her path, hackles raised, teeth stripped. she jumps so violently that marco lets out another loud cry, and as she starts to back up, the wolf follows. "please…" she sobs, "please don't hurt us…" the wolf, showing understanding, continues forward. "please-" an explosion of blue sparks from an off course spell cascades over them from where it collides with the outside of a tent, and she seizes the momentary distraction to turn on her heel and run. 
"oh, merlin-" seeing TEMPEST struggle beneath the weight of the burning, wooden debris of what was once a stall, MARIETTA rushes into action. her aguamenti does little to douse the roaring, magical flames, so she gives up before she wastes too much precious time and just grabs their hands and starts to pull while they use whatever purchase they can find in the ground beneath them to try and help. the debris doesn't want to let go of them, but after a few long moments of desperate pulling, an almighty tug gets them free - their clothes singed, smoking, actually smoldering from the fire that had been licking so dangerously close to them. marietta, for what it's worth, does more than just force them to roll around. she also violently smacks at where the smoke seems most likely to burst into flame with her bare hands, only stopping when she's absolutely sure the danger has passed. 
JUSTIN had gotten caught by the crowd. that was all. he had started hot on the heels of the xu's, but the rushing wix had cut him off halfway along the journey. when he tripped, he was forced to his knees. when he got stuck close at the ground, he was stuck there, unable to push himself back to standing or press ahead, forcefully frozen in place by the sea of wix that were so desperate to get away that they don't realise he's even there. he tries, he tries so hard, but when a knee collides with his forehead, his body folds in on itself - leaving him vulnerable to the heavy footfall of a panicked crowd. 
she was lucky enough not to experience the last time a quidditch celebration turned deadly, but she's probably heard all about it, by now. CARA is at a distinct disadvantage to everyone else, lost in the crowd and being unable to apparate out - she's heard stories of werewolves, heard the truth about death eaters, but she's not interested in combating either. she just wants to get safe, and when the going gets especially rough… "mum!" she weaves her way through the crowd of wix, screaming so loudly her voice is sure to go hoarse, "mum!" 
"PANSY-" is the last word that she hears before the werewolf that suddenly appears in their path leaps and THEO shoves her out of the way with all of his strength. he makes himself the target, though the wolf doesn't care which one of them it crashes into with enough force to send them both flying backwards into the nearest, wooden stall, a mess of both their limbs. pansy's scream of terror catches in her throat as she hits the ground hard enough to see stars, and she fights against every instinct that she has to just lay there and catch her breath to instead scramble for her wand and force herself back up again, blood running cold at the thought that she can only ever be too late. "theo!" she shrieks, rushing to where they have fallen and taking careless aim - it's a gamble of the worst kind, but somehow, her depulso lands true. the werewolf atop him gets thrown away into another stall as pansy throws herself over him in its place, apparating them away before it can get its bearings and come back for them, again. 
another spell that seems to have been fired directly at theme explodes in the fireplace that he had been allowing die, and with a loud "fuck this!" DAMARIS is gone. he can't say he doesn't understand, but with a little bit more of an emotional investment in his tent - and temporary home - VIKTOR doesn't immediately follow suit. still crouched low, a hand held over the gushing wound on his arm, he rushes over to douse the fire. glass cracks underfoot. he succeeds, but his relief is short lived, quickly replaced by the cold rushing of blood in his veins when he hears a snapping of jaws from behind him. to his credit, he doesn't take the time to look it in the eye. turning on the spot, viktor disappears the instant before the wolf's body collided with his own - he can still smell their rotting breath when he lands a few miles away, in safety. 
"get OFF-" SEAMUS, an arm broken by a stray curse hanging awkwardly at his side, roars. he was almost free of it all. almost out of the danger zone entirely when he stumbles on the most horrifying of scenes - two bloodied figures, strangers to him in the moment, a lone werewolf stood tall and tearing into them. he rushes toward the danger without pausing to think about whether he even should, if they're even still alive, drawing the attention of the wolf. it turns quicker than he thinks possible, but seamus is quick, too - his powerful expulso fueled by pain and fear sends the wolf flying into the night, crashing over the roof of a car, and though he gives it half a breath before he runs towards the XU'S, it doesn't come back again. 
CHO, who had already lost sight of her friends before the campgrounds went full chaos, isn't exactly looking for them - she's just trying to get away, same as everyone else. when a wolf lunges from the darkness and sinks their teeth into a strangers leg, she screams as loudly as they do and turns all the way around, running full pelt in the opposite direction. it is sheer chance that she happens on the same path as MINETTE, more of the same that a glance over her shoulder to make sure she isn't being followed results in her running full force into the death eater holding the other under crucio. their concentration is broken when they fall with cho in a tangle of limbs, but in the scrambling that they both do away from one another, the masked figure is quicker. they slash downwards with their wand and pain erupts, stemming from a large wound opened in cho's chest. she falls to her knees and, realising how exposed they now are, the death eater turns heel and runs. 
ANDIE trips over a tent peg. it's as simple and as utterly damning as that. she trips and falls with a cry, her ankle throbbing, and marco goes down with her. she doesn't know how long she has, and she still isn't thinking straight. her mind is clouded by terror, ten times worse for the fact that when she tries to get back to her feet, her ankle protests so badly she knows there's no point. "marco, baby, you have to run," she sobs, tears streaming down both their cheeks, "go. please, marco, go-" unfortunately, it isn't her pleading that he listens to. the deep growl of the wolf still in pursuit sends him running, and despite her terror - and the white hot pain that blossoms suddenly from her leg - andie is relieved. 
"ginny?!" ARTHUR shouts as loud as he can, pushing his way in the opposite direction of the moving crowd, making his way slowly - but absolutely surely - towards where he knows she pitched her tent. his robes ripped at the knee and sporting a nasty cut over one eye, he's already seen some of the worst of what's happening here but his main priority, as always, is his daughter. he's close enough, now, to spot a flash of red through the crowd. flames, he realises. flames, licking the sky. his heart feels like its going to burst out of his chest as he pushes through the final wall of people between him and his destination and he comes face to face with the stuff of nightmares. "ginny!" his voice cracks with the force of her name, and arthur doesn't hesitate - he charges forward through the opening at the front of the tent, headfirst into the smoke and fire. 
meanwhile, on the opposite side of the campgrounds, MARY collides with her daughter. she wraps her arms around her, protectively, and tugs her out of the still rushing crowd into a relatively safe pocket of calm at the edge of the beaten track, between two different stalls. CARA gives a terrified squeak and then relaxes - total trust in total chaos. "mum-" she cries, but mary knows better than most how little time they have in a situation as dire as this and has already ripped her wand from her shaking hand. "mum?" she asks, and mary holds her closer still with one arm, getting a feel for her wand with her other hand. "this is going to hurt," she tells her, solemnly, and then for the first time in twenty five years, mary apparates. for what it's worth, she's right. 
since the events of the derby, MARCO'S mother had tried to instill in him the idea that if he ever got lost like that again, he was to look for the nearest auror and stay with them until she came for him. terrified by what he's seen, tonight, he doesn't do it - but in a manner of speaking, he manages it all the same. it isn't an auror that finds him hunched down beneath the wooden counter of an abandoned food stall, but when MIKAELA finally inches her way into a clearing where once stood a now smoldering tent and comes face to face with ARTURO, she does so with the little boy held tightly in her arms.
"thank merlin-" she gasps, breaking into a short run to get to him faster without a single or second thought. he grabs onto them both, a desperate hug that lasts a few moments longer than is wise, in their current situation. 
"are you okay?" he asks, and though she gives a nod, he pulls her back and holds her at arms length anyways to check her and marco over, rambling all the while, "you haven't been hurt? where did you find him? you weren't bitten? the death eaters-" 
"we have to get out of here, right now-" 
"i know. you're right. we can apparate a few miles out, see if anyone's seen and-" there is a brief flash of red, bright as a flare, over his shoulder. arturo's eyes go blank and his body goes slack, stupefied from behind. she cries out as he loses balance, trying her hardest to keep him upright but finding herself entirely unable to support his weight with a quietly sobbing marco still held close to her. he falls and she adjusts the little boy, taking hold of him better with one arm so that she can raise her wand and defend herself against the death eater that targeted arturo, though instead-
a grey wolf, larger than any of the others that she caught a glimpse of in all of this chaos, stalks out of the shadows, one large paw after the other. intelligent, yellow eyes size her up. its lips peel back from its teeth in a vicious, warning growl, and mikaela is glad for the poor lighting - something viscous hangs from its canines, but if it's all over quick enough she'll never have to know exactly what.
"stay back," she tells it, aiming for bossy even as her palms sweat. she could run. she could apparate, even, risk the splinching just to get away - she'd probably make it, and better they're alive sans a finger or two than hold onto them all and be dead, but arturo… he decides everything for her. she holds her wand higher. "i don't want to hurt you," she says, trying to sound every bit as confident and as frightening as niko does when he puts voice to the horrid thoughts inside his head. 
the wolf steps forward again, unconvinced. marco buries his head further into the crook of her shoulder. 
"it's your last chance." 
it leans in. head low. hackles raised. a low grumble comes from deep within its chest. she's seen dogs like it, before, fighting in the street. she knows it's going to lunge, thinks it'll be faster than i can ever be, and then it DOES, and she shouts "avada-"
she knows it'll be close, too close to call, too close to know until one of them hits the ground-
the sickly green of a killing curse lands true, striking the wolf. it drops like a puppet whose strings have been cut into an unceremonious heap, crumpling to the floor as a man, not a beast. his unkempt silver hair is matted. his shrewd eyes unseeing. it wasn't mikaela's curse.
around her, dozens of figures pop into being. aurors and hit wix, the lot of them, hitting the ground running and rushing towards the chaos of elsewhere, their wands held high and at the ready. some of them slow down as they pass the body of the man, their eyes widening in recognition before they shake themselves from their shock and head off to get a hold of the situation. one girl falls to her knees beside arturo to cast the counterspell ; somehow she is able to manage relief when she sees his eyes, fluttering.
mikaela wraps her other arm back around marco, protectively, and turns to face her father. he keeps his wand held in his first when he closes the distance and performs an almost step by step imitation of her reunion from moments before - pulls her close, pushes her back, takes a good, long look at her, over her. 
she opens her mouth.
he cuts her off. "i told you."
by the time the aurors and general do gooders have everything under control, again, and the werewolves and death eaters have disappeared into the night, the campground is almost entirely levelled. anyone who didn't grab their belongings before they got out will likely not be able to find them, come morning, be it because their tent was burned to the ground or because the crowd stampeded over them. the death toll starts at ten, but climbs to thirty one as bodies are found and victims succumb to their injuries over the days that immediately follow. curiously, there are no deaths that can be attributed to the killing curse aside from that of FENRIR GREYBACK, who was killed by the minister of magic himself in defense of his daughter.
andie macnair is found by aurors and taken to st mungo's, quickly ; she was seriously injured and will need to spend a few days on a ward to fully recover. the bite to her leg was treated with dittany mixed with silver which has closed it, but she will be cursed with lycanthropy from this point onward.
antigone & ismene xu are in critical condition at st mungo's. if either survive, they will be cursed with lycanthropy.
arthur weasley had already suffered quite serious burns and smoke inhalation by the time he realised the tent was empty and passed out before he could get out - he would've burned to death had he not sent his patronus out and had it spotted by an auror, who dove in and dragged him out. he was taken from the scene and taken to st mungo's where he will need to spend several days, recovering.
arturo de la rosa suffered some minor injury but is mostly shook by the experience.
astoria greengrass suffered serious injury in the explosion that claimed lives and is lucky to be alive. she is removed from the scene and taken to st mungo's where she will have to spend several days to fully recover.
cara macdonald was badly splinched when she was apparated out and will need to seek treatment in st mungo's, though aside from this, she is mostly just shaken.
cho chang suffered serious injury from an unidentified curse that was thrown at her during the chaos and was taken to st mungo's from the scene, where she will have to spend at least the night having copious amounts of dittany applied to the gaping wound.
damaris vector is more shaken, than anything. they suffered a few minor scapes to their hands and knees, but apparated out before it could get any worse.
dudley dursley suffered minor smoke inhalation but got out quick and is more shaken by the experience than anything else.
eliza fawley ( and her husband and son ) are shaken, but unscathed.
ginny weasley (and draco malfoy ) suffered minor smoke inhalation but got out quick and are more shaken by the experience than anything else.
grace moody suffered serious injury in the explosion that claimed lives and is lucky to be alive. she is removed from the scene and taken to st mungo's where she will have to spend several days to fully recover.
justin finch-fletchley suffered serious injury when he was crushed beneath the crowd and is taken from the scene to st mungo's, where he will have to spend several days to fully recover.
marcus flint apparated out immediately and is unscathed.
marietta edgecombe suffered some minor burns to her hands, but is mostly unscathed.
mary macdonald was badly splinched when she apparated out and will need to seek treatment in st mungo's, though aside from this, she is also mostly just shaken.
mikaela karkaroff ( and marco macnair ) are badly shaken but mostly unscathed.
minette merrythought is badly shaken by her time beneath the cruciatus, but can be treated for shock on the scene. she's advised to have a stiff drink when she gets home, to further calm her nerves.
narcissa malfoy ( and her husband, plus a couple peacocks ) apparated out immediately and are unscathed.
oskar catchlove sprained his ankle in the chaos but can have this seen by an on site healer.
pansy parkinson suffered a minor concussion when she hit the ground, but is relatively unscathed. she's lucky that theo was there.
seamus finnigan broke his arm after he was hit by a stray curse, but has his choice ; he can take a shot of skele-gro on the scene and deal with it himself or seek treatment at st mungo's, where he will be fully observed overnight.
tempest clearwater has sustained minor burns, cuts and bruises from the stall that was collapsed on top of them ; they will need to spend a night in st mungo's to be properly treated.
theodore nott is miraculously unbitten but suffered serious cuts and bruising when he crashed into a wooden stall ; he will have to seek treatment in st mungo's and spend at least one night, for observation.
viktor krum was grazed by a ribboning curse and has suffered quite a serious injury to his upper arm. this can be taken care of with an administration of dittany by healers on scene.
this marks the end of our charity quidditch game event ! no new event based starters should be posted from here on out, but you can feel free to continue any threads you began over the last few weeks and are welcome to transition to the aftermath.
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Unlocking the power of Android apps on your xmltv iptv epg source can be a game-changer in terms of entertainment and convenience. Imagine being able to access all your favorite apps, videos, and games right from the comfort of your couch.
But before you dive into this world of possibilities, it's important to ensure that your digital TV is compatible with Android apps. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about compatible models and how to get started.
First things first, not all digital TVs are equipped with the necessary hardware and software to run Android apps. To enjoy the full benefits of Android apps on your TV, you'll need a smart TV that supports the Android operating system. These TVs come with built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, an app store, and a user-friendly interface that allows you to download and install Android apps.
One popular brand that offers a wide range of Android-compatible digital TVs is Sony. Their Bravia series is known for its stunning picture quality and extensive app library. Models like the Sony Bravia X90H and X950H are highly recommended if you're looking to unlock the full potential of Android apps on your xmltv viewer. These models run on Android TV, which is a version of Android specially designed for television sets.
Another brand worth mentioning is Samsung. Their smart TVs also support Android apps, thanks to their integration with the Tizen operating system. The Samsung QLED series, such as the Q90T and Q80T, are known for their vibrant colors and smooth performance. With these models, you'll have access to the Google Play Store and a plethora of Android apps at your fingertips.
LG is another player in the market that offers Android-compatible digital TVs. Their OLED series, like the CX and BX models, are known for their deep blacks and rich colors. These TVs run on LG's webOS platform, which has its own app store but also supports Android apps. With an LG OLED TV, you'll have access to a wide range of entertainment options, including popular streaming services like Netflix and Hulu.
Once you have identified a compatible digital TV, setting up Android apps is relatively straightforward. Most smart TVs come with an on-screen setup wizard that guides you through the process. You'll need to connect your TV to your home Wi-Fi network, create or sign in with a Google account, and then browse the app store to download your favorite Android apps.
It's worth noting that not all Android apps are optimized for TV screens. Some may not work properly or may have limited functionality when displayed on a larger screen. Therefore, it's important to choose apps that are specifically designed for TVs or have a TV mode available.
To enhance your experience with Android apps on your digital TV, consider investing in additional accessories such as a wireless keyboard or game controller. These accessories can make navigating through apps and playing games much more enjoyable.
In conclusion, unlocking the power of Android apps on your digital TV opens up a world of possibilities in terms of entertainment and convenience. To ensure compatibility, look for smart TVs that support the Android operating system from brands like Sony, Samsung, and LG. Once you have a compatible model, setting up Android apps is a breeze. Just follow the on-screen instructions and start enjoying all your favorite apps right from your couch. Remember to choose apps optimized for TV screens and consider additional accessories to enhance your experience. Happy streaming!
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bijoupreciieux · 3 months
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the essential valyria gaunt albums ( not including deluxe versions or alternate vinyl covers ) + their accolades and awards. all of this has been added to her c@rrd.
goldenbird music awards ( GMA’s ) at the palladium. this is the Wizarding world’s version of the Grammys. the statue is a pretty golden bird surrounded by musical notes in mid-air.
dragons daughter: nominated for album of the year ( won ), song of the year for flower & serpent ( won ), best visuals for an album ( won ).
star quality: nominated for song of the year for heaven is a place on earth ( won ), best visuals for an album ( lost ).
love, val: nominated for album of the year ( won ), song of the year for dream come true ( won ), best visuals for an album ( won ),
songs for saturn: nominated for album of the year ( lost ), best visuals for an album ( won ).
WWN ( Wizarding Wireless Network ) Prestige Music Awards is another highly coveted award for musicians in the wizarding world. the statue is the WWN logo. the album of the year award from this is determined by what artist / band obtains the most votes from the WWN listeners.
dragon’s daughter: female vocalist of the year ( won ), song of the year for dragon’s daughter ( lost ), best visuals for an album ( lost ), best album of the year as voted by listeners ( won ).
star quality: song of the year for inner sparkle ( won )
love, val: female vocalist of the year ( won ), song of the year for fantasy ( won ), best album of the year as voted by listeners ( won ), best visuals for an album ( lost ).
songs for saturn: best visuals for an album ( won ), female vocalist of the year ( lost ), best album of the year as voted by listeners ( lost ).
Official WWN Music Rating ( highest being a score of 10 )
dragon’s daughter: 10/10 | star quality: 8.5/10 | love, val: 10/10 | songs for saturn: 9/10
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samueldays · 2 years
Shared Universe Blunders 5: Abstraction Interaction
Shadowrun is a cyberpunk game set in the near-future twenty-seventies, featuring mages and dragons along with the hackers and guns. It has rules for hacking into people's computers. This is easiest if you are physically at the target computer. Remote hacking attempts over a network may be penalized by a trait called Noise.
Noise is local to an area and its current circumstances. The Noise value is subtracted from the hacker's dicepool. Areas may have a Noise trait for many different reasons: If you're at a packed stadium concert and your connection is lagging because everyone nearby is streaming future smartphone video on the same overloaded grid, that's Noise. If you're in the middle of nowhere and it's hard to get a signal, that's Noise. If you're in the basement of an arcology and your wireless keeps bouncing off pipes and plating, that's Noise. If an enemy has placed a signal jammer, that's also Noise.
So far, so good. Simple abstraction for player convenience, the GM assigns a Noise rating to the location, the hacker takes that much penalty. The book contains a list of example Noise values, and a couple of specific items for countering Noise, like a satellite uplink for use in remote areas.
Then one of the splatbooks (Street Grimoire, 5th edition) has a magic spell called "Decrease Noise" which does exactly what it says. Your connection magically gets better, and I mean magically in a derogatory sense. The spell does not describe how it causes this effect, nor is it limited in what sources of Noise it can affect. It simply decreases the Noise number in the nearby area.
This is bad.
Most of the rest of the game mechanics interact with the game world in some way that is represented by an abstraction. Decrease Noise interacts directly with the abstraction. This makes it hard to reason about. How does it work? Does it interact with other mechanics? Are bystanders likely to notice? Unknown!
Games that are generally abstract can work fine, but having one or a few elements much more abstract than the rest makes those stand out as bizarre out-of-character elements. The rulebook pokes into the world.
Pick an abstraction level and stick to it.
(Similar criticism also applies to that one subsystem which is far more gritty and detailed than the rest of a game.)
In Shadowrun's case, this spell feels extra dumb because it violates niche protection. The fluff says that magic is tied to living things, particularly living minds, and the "gaiasphere" of the planet. The mechanics back this up in several ways: getting cyberlimbs installed reduces one's magical potential, magic doesn't work in outer space, mana-based illusions do not show up on cameras, and many spells can be resisted with "Object Resistance", a trait that scales with the complexity and processing of an object: 3 dice for carved wood, 9 dice for a camera, 15 dice for a car. This encourages characters to pick a niche and stick to it: magic or machine?
The existence of a spell that magically improves the internet connections of everyone nearby is mages treading into hacker territory, threatening to obsolete a bunch of hacker gear. D&D had a severe problem with this back in the day, leading to the joke of "the wizard casts Solve Problem".
It seems to me that this is probably linked to the abstraction mistake: instead of considering what sort of things magic does in the world, the developer wrote a spell to do something in the rulebook.
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• This is a gen, minor friendly fest, all prompts and works must be SFW
• This fest is meant to focus and expand on the Wizarding World pop culture, meaning we are trying to be canon compliant. Largely canon-divergent works and AU’s are not allowed
• Minimum word count for fanfiction is 1000 words, no maximum. Minimum word count for newspaper article is 600 words with maximum 3000
• Minimum status of an art submission: must have a finished lineart and at least simple colouring. Anything below, like a sketch, will be counted as unfinished and not included in the fest.
• There will be no prompt claiming, meaning that one prompt can have multiple works done.
• You can pick one prompt at a time. If your submission is finished and the fest is still open you can pick another one
• The fest is not anonymous. You are free to discuss it, post about your work and talk about your submissions with others. However when doing so please use the tag #wizarding wireless network fest
• Each creative work submitted must be exclusive to this fest.
• No AI submission allowed.
• Self-prompting is allowed! However it must abide by the festival rules.
• Written works must be beta-read. We want for everyone to enjoy this fest, so make sure your work is polished and ready for a read.
• You must sign up to participate. A sign up form will be posted November 1st.
• If you will need to drop out of the fest for any reason, please inform us before the posing deadline ends
Let’s get magical!
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seriouslysam8 · 2 years
Brumous Sneak Peek!
Chapter Eight: He Knows
Ginny sighed, a small smile twitching on her lips as she settled down onto the floor of the parlor next to Harry. Ron fiddled with the wireless, muttering under his breath when he couldn’t find the Canons versus the Harpies game. She looked over at Harry. An arm propped itself underneath his pillow as he stared up at the ceiling. He looked exhausted, a long yawn escaping his lips. There was no doubt in Ginny’s mind that he hadn’t had a proper night of rest in days.
“Bloody fucking…” Ron muttered. “Oi, Ginny, what channel is Quidditch Network again?”
Ginny rolled onto her stomach, her body nearly touching Harry’s. She reached out for the wireless, slapping Ron’s hand away from the knob. She turned it to Quidditch Network and the pre-game commentary filled the room. She lowered it just slightly so that the three of them could talk. Ron tapped his wand onto the top of the wireless and projected the image up onto the ceiling. They both settled into their makeshift bed on either side of Harry.
“You know, Muggles usually sit up and watch the telly,” Harry commented.
“Perks of being a wizard. We can watch it however we want,” Ginny replied as she laid on her back, scooting herself a tad closer to Harry.
“We used to do this as kids,” Ron commented. “Not that we did it a lot, because Mum hogged the wireless to listen to Celestina Warbeck all the bloody time.”
Harry chuckled. Ginny couldn’t help but glance over at him to see a smile dancing on his face. A shadow caught Ginny’s eye as she turned to see her mum entering the room with big woven blankets in her arms.
“Are you lot warm enough?” Mum asked. “It’s June but this house is freezing! Sirius has messed with the charms so many times but it doesn’t matter. He thinks his mum’s portrait is a tad upset ever since Professor Dumbledore permanently shut her up.”
“I’d rather be freezing than listen to Sirius’ mum rant and rave,” Ron admitted. “What did Dumbledore do to it anyway?”
Mum shrugged. “No idea. He’s been tweaking charms for months before he finally found one that seems to have done the trick. We’ll see if it sticks permanently.”
Molly flicked her wand and the blankets floated in the air, spreading out and covering the three of them on the floor. They were so warm that Ginny knew her mum had just freshly cast a Warming Charm on them. She snuggled underneath the blanket as she cursed Mrs Black’s portrait.
“I didn’t know a portrait could affect the charms on a house,” Ginny grumbled. “I want to be permanently stuck on my worst enemy’s house when I die so I can mess with them for all eternity.”
Mum sighed. “Ginevra! Honestly!”
Ginny didn’t say anything but she caught Harry’s eye. Ginny winked at him. He grinned back, causing butterflies to burst in her stomach.
“Revenge even in death is so sweet, Mum,” Ginny replied, her lips curving.
Mum just huffed. “Sirius and I will be in the kitchen making schedules for the Order. Your dad will be home around midnight. I’d hope you lot will be in bed by then!”
With that, Mum disappeared from the room, leaving them under their mountain of blankets with the wireless.
“We may be in bed sooner if the Canons can’t pull their heads out of their arses for one ruddy game,” Ron muttered.
“Ah, so we’ll be in bed by nine then?” Ginny teased with a grin, propping herself up on her elbow so she could look over Harry at her brother. “The Harpies are the best in the league. Did you know–”
“Oh! Here we go again!” Ron exclaimed. “Let’s hear all the bloody stats that you’ve told us a million times!” Ron rose the pitch of his voice before continuing, “The Harpies have the most World Cup wins under their belt! The Harpies hold the most Bludger hits in one game! The Harpies this! The Harpies that!”
“What bloody records have the Canons broken besides most years without a single win?” Ginny challenged.
Ron’s eyes widened. “A few bad years, Ginny! They’ve had a few bad years and you make it sound like they are the worst bloody team out there!”
Ginny shot him a sardonic look. “They’ve been the worst in the league since Mum and Dad were babies!”
“I beg your pardon!” Ron hissed, bolting up into a sitting position.
“It’s starting!” Harry commented loudly, pointing up at the ceiling.
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fractured-hq · 1 year
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The most anticipated sporting event in the wizarding world is coming to Britain!
The Departments of International Magical Cooperation and Magical Games and Sports have been hard at work to make this year’s Quidditch World Cup the best yet. A shining, new stadium has been constructed in the remote reaches of Connemara National Park in Ireland, and devoted fans have been camped out since mid-July in anticipation of the August 24th match. This cup has been dubbed “the Battle of the Under-Crups” by many commentators, referencing the surprising shake ups that have led to Brazil and Mali facing off, a pairing no one saw coming! The match will be commentated by James Potter of the Wizarding Wireless Network, and former Holyhead Harpies chaser, Rolanda Hooch. To celebrate the occasion, the Department of Magical Games and Sports is hosting a Team Pride contest, where the individual with the best costume will have their picture taken for the special commemorative edition of the Daily Prophet. Additionally, in an effort to discourage illegal gambling, the Wizarding Wireless Network is gathering predictions on the final score, and the winner will receive a voucher worth 93 galleons to Quality Quidditch Supplies! 
OOC Description
For this event, we will be celebrating the Quidditch World Cup! The event begins today, Saturday, August 19th, and will end on Monday, August 28th. Threads that have already been established (i.e. open starters that have been replied to and closed starters that have been posted) may continue past the end of the event, but we ask that you not post new replies to open starters after the 28th. More details about the event can be found under the cut.
As always, make sure to tag any relevant posts with ‘fracturedrpevent’, and most importantly, have fun and happy writing!
How to Participate
You can create an edit, pinterest board, or written description of your character’s team pride costume to enter the DMGS contest! A winner will be chosen from the characters who participate at random.
You can make a prediction on what the final score will be! The admins have already come up with the final score, and the player with the closest guess will win nothing but bragging rights.
You can post starters during the game, or in the days leading up to it. 
Things To Do
A variety of vendors have set up stalls around the stadium, selling souvenirs, memorabilia, and fan merchandise, as well as traditional Irish food and drink, and some Brazilian and Malian fare. 
Like in the fourth book, there is a campground near the stadium for people to stay and visit. For those unaccustomed to roughing it, and with the right social standing, Eamonn Burke has opened his nearby family home, Burke Lodge, to select guests.
The costume contest will take place on the day of the match, and predictions opened the week before, both in game. 
The match itself lasts 23hr, from 8:30 pm on Tuesday, August 24th, to 7:30 pm on Wednesday, August 25th. 
The Teams
Brazil; This is the first time in over 100 years that Brazil has made it past the quarter-finals. It was predicted that they would do middling-well in the tournament, but when a doping scandal overturned the final ruling of a game, the team grabbed their second chance with both hands and have been fighting tooth and nail to keep it. In their semi-final match, which lasted a grueling four days, three players suffered injuries. This is team Captain Beatriz Alves’ fourth time on the national team, but her first time in the finals; at 38, many expect this to be her last shot at the cup. 
Colors; green and yellow Players; Beatriz Alves—chaser and team captain, 38, female, suffered a torn rotator cuff in semi-final match. Aline Oliviera—chaser, 33, female. Tiago Martins—chaser, 24, male. João Almeida—beater, 28, male. Felipe Borges—beater, 30, male, suffered a fractured collarbone in semi-final match. Mariana dos Santos—keeper, 26, female. Bruna Carvalho—seeker, 29, female, suffered two dislocated fingers in semi-final game.
Mali; This is Mali’s first appearance in the tournament, and no one expected much from them. However the team has been steadily climbing their way to the top with a series of decisive victories. Many credit the team’s success to the talent of beaters Hawa Toure and Miriam Kieta. At only 19, Toure is the youngest player to ever make it to the finals. 
Colors; sky blue and white Players; Adama Malle—chaser, 28, male. Sekou Fane—chaser, 22, male. Sidi Bagayoko—chaser, 24, male. Hawa Toure—beater, 19, female. Miriam Kieta—beater, 27, female. Moussa Berthe—keeper and team captain, 29, male. Ibrahim Sidibe—seeker, 25, male.
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Harry Potter OCs- Marauders Era
A/N #1: I have divided up the ocs between Marauders era, Golden Trio era and others/extra ocs simply because there are so many. When I started writing I made ocs because x readers stressed me out a lot trying to keep everything in mind that readers typically complain about. Then as I continued I just kept making ocs (some of which don’t follow any of the plot) and now I have this. So...sorry? 
A/N #2: The first pic under each description is the oc as a student then the second is them after Hogwarts
Golden Trio Era
OC Count: 8
Name: Violetta Sydney Cook
Nickname(s): Angel (by Remus), Birdie (marauders)
Birthday: June 30, 1960
(Student) House: Ravenclaw
Career: Broadcaster (works in radio, including for the Wizarding Wireless Network), Professor- Muggle Studies
Status: Halfblood
Patronus: Arctic Fox
Likes: Making people laugh, hanging with the marauders, study dates w/ Remus, watching quidditch, learning new things
Dislikes: Unfair judgment, bullying (especially towards the marauders), bad grades, hot weather
Personality: Hyper, cheerful, agile, worldly
Ship: Remus Lupin
Extra info:
She is part Veela (mother is Veela, father is muggleborn)
Sirius definitely tried to flirt with her a while before she and Remus started dating
She attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic for a few years before transferring to Hogwarts (parents relocation for career)
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Name: Gaia Alphine Devereaux
NickName(s): Butterfly (by Sirius), Wingsong (marauders)
Ship: Sirius Black
Birthday: February 14, 1960
(Student) House: Ravenclaw
Career: Hogwarts Professor- Ghoul Studies
Status: Halfblood
Patronus: Husky
Likes: Ghouls/ghosts/etc, watching quidditch games, Christmas, reading with Remus, Sirius 
Dislikes: Pranks, getting in trouble, snobs, players, fighting
Personality: Witty, determined, inquisitive, kind, reliable
Extra info:
She was definitely best friends with Remus 
When Sirius was sentenced to Azkaban Gaia was inconsolable for years and she was so happy to see him again after so long
Because I'm in denial Sirius did not die and he and Gaia lived happily ever after :)
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Name: Cecilia Faye Potter
Nickname(s): Cec, Doe-eyes (marauders)
Sibling(s): James Potter, Madeline Potter, Henry Potter
Birthday: August 27, 1961
House: Hufflepuff
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Dove
Likes: watching quidditch, library trips, writing in her journal, nice quills
Dislikes: Conflict, blood status, feeling weak, oceans, satin
Personality: Kind, reliable, mindful, creative, balanced
Ship: Regulus Black
I know Regulus died. However I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it. For purposes of this ship we'll say Regulus and someone else did a 7 Harry's deal from DH pt 1 and that person (disguised as Regulus) died in place of him
Cecily and Regulus met through Sirius, but they didn't actually start talking until he stood up to a Slytherin calling her a blood traitor
Cecelia becomes a librarian after Hogwarts
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Name: Madeline Emma Potter
Nickname(s): Maddy, Lyca (marauders)
Sibling(s): James Potter
Birthday: August 27, 1961
House: Gryffindor
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Werewolf
Likes: commentating quidditch, helping others, candy, plants/gardens, tulips
Dislikes: Full moons, daisies, Snape, the Dursleys, glitter
Personality: Cautious, curious, intelligent, strong, sweet
Ship: Xenophilius Lovegood
She's a werewolf, she had been helping Remus during a full moon and accidentally got too close to him and was bitten (Remus felt so bad, he avoided her for a week)
Sirius was actually the one to come up with her marauders nickname. He had been researching werewolves and shortened the official name (lycanthrope)
When James and Lily had been killed, Madeline begged Dumbledore to let her take Harry, but he wouldn't give in. Petunia wouldn't let her anywhere near her house so she literally had no idea how he was or what was going on
When Snape outed Remus as a werewolf, Remus did everything in his power to make sure the same wouldn't happen to Madeline
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Name: Ella Vanessa Underwood
Nickname(s): Bunny (marauders)
Birthday: May 24, 1960
House: Gryffindor
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Gray Rabbit
Likes: Quidditch, muggle history, fruity tea, studying, exploring
Dislikes: Arrogance, needles, shouting, white roses (superstition), Care for Magical Creatures
Personality: Cautious, grounded, worldly, anxious
Ship: James Potter, Henry Potter (see three ocs down)
Ella and Remus were friends first and he didn't introduce her to the other marauders until they caught them studying together (strictly platonically, Moony is loyal and we been knew)
James and Ella dated for a few years but then had a mutual breakup because they’d lost feelings for each other. While James ended up with Lily, Ella ended up dating (and later marrying) Henry
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Name: Antonius Edward Black 
Nickname(s): Tony
Birthday: January 13, 1962
House: Slytherin
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Fox
Likes: Flowers, letters, nice quills, partied, muggle things 
Dislikes: Voldemort/Dark Mark, his family’s values, yelling, death, uppity people 
Personality: Determined, timid, ambitious, clever, funny
Ship: TDB
Antonius is closer to Reglus but he always looked up to Sirius more
He was terrified when he was sorted into Slytherin, but his both his brothers calmed him down 
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Name: Adina Eloisa Black 
Nickname(s): Dina
Birthday: January 13, 1962
House: Gryffindor 
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Hare
Likes: Leather jackets, Eskimo kisses, dancing, quidditch, candy
Dislikes: Most of her family, knives, slander, salmon, high standards
Personality: Strong-willed, passionate, introverted, silly, worldly
Ship: Barty Crouch Jr.
She and Antonius are twins 
She loves ballet specifically and just starts dancing out of nowhere 
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Name: Henry Albert Potter 
NickName(s): N/A
Birthday: November 30, 1960
House: Hufflepuff 
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Labrador Retriever 
Likes:  Sour candy, pranks, joy, puzzles, riddles
Dislikes: Too much sugar, fancy occasions, loudness, fighting, people messing with his hair
Personality: Timid, cautious, peaceful, loyal, trusting
Ship: Dorcas Meadowes, Vanessa Underwood (see three ocs up)
He’s easily the most soft spoken of the Potter siblings which makes him easy to pick on. The others constantly have to be with him to make sure no one bullies their brother, older or younger
He had been there when Voldemort personally killed Dorcas and he never recovered from it. He resided at St. Mungo’s with the Longbottoms for a while
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Which Way is Up
Which Way is Up https://ift.tt/ymaH9lF by quesarahsarah “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man.” - A Jesuit motto What if the Wizarding Wireless Network decided to launch their new televisual channel with a groundbreaking documentary series? Eight wizarding children share their lives on camera every seven years. These are their stories. Words: 1132, Chapters: 2/11, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Characters: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Vincent Crabbe, Seamus Finnigan, Ron Weasley, Lavender Brown, Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Coming of Age, Growing Up, Wizarding World (Harry Potter), Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Light Angst, Past Child Abuse, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, References to Depression, Time Skips via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/UNy6lXT June 25, 2023 at 09:36PM
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