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𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: the campground, post game !! 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: open !!
celebrations and commiserations alike were spread out after the game, whether privately or around the campgrounds, and minette was never one to turn down a good party. her throat was already hoarse from the screaming and hollering she had done during the match, but who needed a voice when your skills on the dancefloor spoke for themselves (not great, but having a good time). in the moment, minette grabs the hands of the nearest person and pulls them to her, bringing them into the throng of the makeshift dancefloor. "come on! get movin' will you!"
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THE FULL MOON HANGS HIGH OVER THE CAMPGROUNDS, silvery light cast over the neverending festivities down below. anyone under the illusion that the hogsmeade hippogriffs vs diagon dragons charity quidditch game would wrap up in good time and lead to a relaxing night away was sorely mistaken. in spite of the late hour, the celebrations - and for some, the drowning of sorrows - show no sign of stopping anytime soon. the burren is an isolated spot, even without factoring in the huge number of muggle deterrent charms and protective incantations cast over the area for one night only. wix who traveled from overseas or across the country have a rare freedom and are taking full advantage - it's equal parts loud and unruly, and the best fun that many have had since winter came. put enough people in a place and throw in copious amounts of alcohol ( and in a number of cases, something much stronger ) and you'll have trouble, but robed aurors that wander the crowds are quick to combat drunken disputes they happen across which in turn is allowing the more easygoing of partygoers to enjoy their night all the more. expectations were rather low, but the event is running better than anyone could have expected. MURPHY MCNULLY of the wizarding wireless network is one of the unlucky number to have thrown in his lot with the hippogriffs. a schoolyard crush on rolanda hooch blinded him when it came to the bettering slips, and the modest fortune that he lost had been enough to make this grown man cry - quite a bit, actually, until a kind soul pressed a half empty bottle of firewhiskey into his hands and he started the process of acceptance. he's been making his way from tent to tent ( which is, in turn, like moving from party to party ) all night, accepting the kindness of strangers and moving on when their generosity runs dry. it's no wonder the poor guy needs the bathroom, but when the closest porta potty queue looks much too daunting for him and a quick glance around tells him that no one is paying that much mind to him, murphy darts between tents and heads for the edge of the campgrounds. he stumbles over the uneven terrain of the burren, picking his way to a suitable distance and coming to a stop at an ancient, waist high stone wall. the cacophony of music and laughter and all round good cheer hides the sound of a zipper, and murphy tries to sing along to one of the songs he recognises in the din, as he goes - he's so drunk the words run together, but he's having a mighty good time. bladder emptied, he zips himself back up, now humming, and hears a low grumble. his stomach, he thinks. "too full of firewhiskey," he laughs to himself, too drunk to take much notice of the hairs stood up at the back of his neck, "not enough soakage." he turns to go, and there it is again. the telltale grumble. or… he frowns. a growl? he twists back around, and the last thing that murphy mcnully sees before the world turns wet and red is two yellow eyes glinting in the moonlight and the flash of jaws full of huge, pointy teeth. it lunges, and on a nearby hill another wolf lifts their head to the sky to let out a mournful howl, and the pack descends.
TRIGGER WARNINGS for death, injury, animal death, anxiety, assault, blood, body imagery, fire imagery, gore.
the gathered crowds confuse the first screams of abject terror for more joyful rowdiness, only realising the nightmare they have stumbled into when they catch their first glimpse of the wolves that move with inhuman speed - the teeth, the eyes, the stinking, matted fur. worse, still ( if only because the horror of them is so much easier to digest in the moment ) are the hooded figures that begin to pop up from place to place. as if things weren't already bad, the death eaters have arrived. the smart ones apparate without a second thought. MARCUS, at one end of the campground, is gone with a pop before the situation has fully sunken into their alcohol adled mind. others, like the MALFOY'S, rush out of their tents in their nightclothes, disoriented, and take a second to let it all wash over them. they disappear, too, but only after they've grabbed their peacocks.
it really is just VIKTOR'S luck that he would put himself out there and run into one of the more unfortunate cases of deja vu. bleary eyed when he emerges from his tent, he only narrowly avoids the vivid purple spell that sails over his head and collides with a cabinet inside, sending wood splinters and glass scattering and waking DAMARIS from where they dozed. the next curse draws blood when it grazes his arm and he drops to the ground, the same as his unlikely companion who has slid all the way off his couch and thrown their hands protectively over their head, kneeling in the shattered glass. "what the fuck is happening?" they shout, but viktor doesn't know.
ANDIE, holding her crying son in her arms, abandons the fire pit when a misjudged protective spell explodes into the middle of it, sending sparks flying over all that had gathered around. she gets caught up in the sea of wix stampeding in one direction and can't immediately find an opening to get out or a safe space to apparate.
following their immediate instinct to just duck and take cover beneath a closed up, wooden stall ultimately does TEMPEST no good ; they're smart, but the penchant for utter, mindless destruction that the death eaters have trumps that every time. one of the hooded figures hits the wooden structure with expulso, not even to target them but just because it adds to the growing chaos. they only realise someone is cowering underneath it when the now brightly burning, collapsing structure draws a shrill scream from the wix caught below.
throwing up an invisible block in the doorway of their tent the minute that chaos unfolded was definitely a good idea and saves them some initial trouble, but DUDLEY is the first to realise the other sort of danger that they have landed themselves into when smoke starts billowing out from the rooms at the back of the tent. "GINNY-" he starts, wide eyed and taking several steps back, whatever warning he was going to give interrupted by her shout of "fuck!" as she rushes past him, leaving DRACO alone to hold the barrier in place. her cry of aguamenti does little to douse the flames she can only barely see through thick, black smoke. she tries to put them out in vain while it continues to funnel into the tent, stinging their eyes and coating their lungs with every breath, until dudley grabs her upper arm and tugs her away. "it's no use," he tells her, through a cough, "we have to leave." he's right, of course. arms held over their mouths as they return to the front of the tent, a bead of sweat runs down draco's forehead from both rising heat and the pressure of holding the barrier, alone. "ready to go?" he asks them, to no reply ; ginny grabs a hand each, and they disappear with a pop.
assuming that JUSTIN is close at their heels and with ISMENE holding tightly to her hand, ANTIGONE'S only thought is to get back to her van and get her dog. they were among the lucky ones - they hadn't been caught up at the heart of the campgrounds when everything went to hell, and has instead been hanging around the edges of the parties. they were ready to head back and get some sleep, but unwilling to be the first to leave. they are both so full of hope, so close to where they parked in the carpark when antigone turns to glance over her shoulder that it feels so stupid to stop at all, though of course they were always going to when she realises, with a jolt, that justin isn't behind them after all. ismene tries to tug her on as she opens her mouth to shout for him, but everything moves so fast - a furred body launches itself over a ford fiesta and lands heavy on top of them both, jaws snapping, and what comes out of her next is nothing but a wordless scream.
limping from an ankle that he twisted in his haste to get through the panicked crowd, OSKAR meets ELIZA at the flap of her tent and shoves her all the way back in again. "is elena-" with her fingers now knotted up in the sleeve of his shirt, she shakes her head. it's a relief. her husband appears in a doorway with a barely awake ezra holding on tight around his neck, face buried in his shoulder. "is it-" he begins to ask, but oskar interrupts, "it's bad. we have to go." a ground shaking explosion at that exact moment forces them to quicker action, and eliza pulls oskar towards the rest of her family so that when they apparate, they do it together.
( the explosion itself is one of the stronger cases for a person having 'just downright rotten luck' documented, in recent years. GRACE, dragging ASTORIA by her jacket towards the auror detainment tent with the promise that safety awaits, has no way of predicting the freak accident she ultimately involves them both in - she counters spells she sees zipping past with a quick protego, has barely caught a glimpse of a wolf since it all kicked off, is managing, just barely, to keep her cool… but when a powerful reducto from a stranger in the crowd collides with the gas tanks behind an abandoned food truck, the resulting explosion throws EVERYONE in the immediate vicinity backwards with painful force, searing their eyebrows and knocking them out without them ever really understanding what happened, in the first place )
on the other side of the campgrounds, a stupefy collides with the ground at MINETTE'S feet, only narrowly missing her. she lets out a terrified squeak and twists to face the hooded figure that targeted her, throwing a leg lock curse at them without taking the time to properly aim and parrying the spell they throw back at her with a protego. her shield sends it flying into a nearby tent - not the first casualty, not the last - and though it's luckily empty, her distraction in that moment after it hits is all it takes for them to hit her with a body bind. she falls with a strangled sort of yell, and the next sensation her body feels is blistering pain beneath a vengeful crucio.
finally managing to break away from the crowd, ANDIE darts between two tents and turns left, weaving her way through temporary homes. her mind is blank with panic - she knows she should be apparating, but marco's cries in her ear tell her that it's a danger to do so with him so upset and all she's really trying to do, in this moment, is put as much distance between them and the wolves and the wayward spells as possible. of course, she realises she should've just risked it when the wolf jumps into her path, hackles raised, teeth stripped. she jumps so violently that marco lets out another loud cry, and as she starts to back up, the wolf follows. "please…" she sobs, "please don't hurt us…" the wolf, showing understanding, continues forward. "please-" an explosion of blue sparks from an off course spell cascades over them from where it collides with the outside of a tent, and she seizes the momentary distraction to turn on her heel and run.
"oh, merlin-" seeing TEMPEST struggle beneath the weight of the burning, wooden debris of what was once a stall, MARIETTA rushes into action. her aguamenti does little to douse the roaring, magical flames, so she gives up before she wastes too much precious time and just grabs their hands and starts to pull while they use whatever purchase they can find in the ground beneath them to try and help. the debris doesn't want to let go of them, but after a few long moments of desperate pulling, an almighty tug gets them free - their clothes singed, smoking, actually smoldering from the fire that had been licking so dangerously close to them. marietta, for what it's worth, does more than just force them to roll around. she also violently smacks at where the smoke seems most likely to burst into flame with her bare hands, only stopping when she's absolutely sure the danger has passed.
JUSTIN had gotten caught by the crowd. that was all. he had started hot on the heels of the xu's, but the rushing wix had cut him off halfway along the journey. when he tripped, he was forced to his knees. when he got stuck close at the ground, he was stuck there, unable to push himself back to standing or press ahead, forcefully frozen in place by the sea of wix that were so desperate to get away that they don't realise he's even there. he tries, he tries so hard, but when a knee collides with his forehead, his body folds in on itself - leaving him vulnerable to the heavy footfall of a panicked crowd.
she was lucky enough not to experience the last time a quidditch celebration turned deadly, but she's probably heard all about it, by now. CARA is at a distinct disadvantage to everyone else, lost in the crowd and being unable to apparate out - she's heard stories of werewolves, heard the truth about death eaters, but she's not interested in combating either. she just wants to get safe, and when the going gets especially rough… "mum!" she weaves her way through the crowd of wix, screaming so loudly her voice is sure to go hoarse, "mum!"
"PANSY-" is the last word that she hears before the werewolf that suddenly appears in their path leaps and THEO shoves her out of the way with all of his strength. he makes himself the target, though the wolf doesn't care which one of them it crashes into with enough force to send them both flying backwards into the nearest, wooden stall, a mess of both their limbs. pansy's scream of terror catches in her throat as she hits the ground hard enough to see stars, and she fights against every instinct that she has to just lay there and catch her breath to instead scramble for her wand and force herself back up again, blood running cold at the thought that she can only ever be too late. "theo!" she shrieks, rushing to where they have fallen and taking careless aim - it's a gamble of the worst kind, but somehow, her depulso lands true. the werewolf atop him gets thrown away into another stall as pansy throws herself over him in its place, apparating them away before it can get its bearings and come back for them, again.
another spell that seems to have been fired directly at theme explodes in the fireplace that he had been allowing die, and with a loud "fuck this!" DAMARIS is gone. he can't say he doesn't understand, but with a little bit more of an emotional investment in his tent - and temporary home - VIKTOR doesn't immediately follow suit. still crouched low, a hand held over the gushing wound on his arm, he rushes over to douse the fire. glass cracks underfoot. he succeeds, but his relief is short lived, quickly replaced by the cold rushing of blood in his veins when he hears a snapping of jaws from behind him. to his credit, he doesn't take the time to look it in the eye. turning on the spot, viktor disappears the instant before the wolf's body collided with his own - he can still smell their rotting breath when he lands a few miles away, in safety.
"get OFF-" SEAMUS, an arm broken by a stray curse hanging awkwardly at his side, roars. he was almost free of it all. almost out of the danger zone entirely when he stumbles on the most horrifying of scenes - two bloodied figures, strangers to him in the moment, a lone werewolf stood tall and tearing into them. he rushes toward the danger without pausing to think about whether he even should, if they're even still alive, drawing the attention of the wolf. it turns quicker than he thinks possible, but seamus is quick, too - his powerful expulso fueled by pain and fear sends the wolf flying into the night, crashing over the roof of a car, and though he gives it half a breath before he runs towards the XU'S, it doesn't come back again.
CHO, who had already lost sight of her friends before the campgrounds went full chaos, isn't exactly looking for them - she's just trying to get away, same as everyone else. when a wolf lunges from the darkness and sinks their teeth into a strangers leg, she screams as loudly as they do and turns all the way around, running full pelt in the opposite direction. it is sheer chance that she happens on the same path as MINETTE, more of the same that a glance over her shoulder to make sure she isn't being followed results in her running full force into the death eater holding the other under crucio. their concentration is broken when they fall with cho in a tangle of limbs, but in the scrambling that they both do away from one another, the masked figure is quicker. they slash downwards with their wand and pain erupts, stemming from a large wound opened in cho's chest. she falls to her knees and, realising how exposed they now are, the death eater turns heel and runs.
ANDIE trips over a tent peg. it's as simple and as utterly damning as that. she trips and falls with a cry, her ankle throbbing, and marco goes down with her. she doesn't know how long she has, and she still isn't thinking straight. her mind is clouded by terror, ten times worse for the fact that when she tries to get back to her feet, her ankle protests so badly she knows there's no point. "marco, baby, you have to run," she sobs, tears streaming down both their cheeks, "go. please, marco, go-" unfortunately, it isn't her pleading that he listens to. the deep growl of the wolf still in pursuit sends him running, and despite her terror - and the white hot pain that blossoms suddenly from her leg - andie is relieved.
"ginny?!" ARTHUR shouts as loud as he can, pushing his way in the opposite direction of the moving crowd, making his way slowly - but absolutely surely - towards where he knows she pitched her tent. his robes ripped at the knee and sporting a nasty cut over one eye, he's already seen some of the worst of what's happening here but his main priority, as always, is his daughter. he's close enough, now, to spot a flash of red through the crowd. flames, he realises. flames, licking the sky. his heart feels like its going to burst out of his chest as he pushes through the final wall of people between him and his destination and he comes face to face with the stuff of nightmares. "ginny!" his voice cracks with the force of her name, and arthur doesn't hesitate - he charges forward through the opening at the front of the tent, headfirst into the smoke and fire.
meanwhile, on the opposite side of the campgrounds, MARY collides with her daughter. she wraps her arms around her, protectively, and tugs her out of the still rushing crowd into a relatively safe pocket of calm at the edge of the beaten track, between two different stalls. CARA gives a terrified squeak and then relaxes - total trust in total chaos. "mum-" she cries, but mary knows better than most how little time they have in a situation as dire as this and has already ripped her wand from her shaking hand. "mum?" she asks, and mary holds her closer still with one arm, getting a feel for her wand with her other hand. "this is going to hurt," she tells her, solemnly, and then for the first time in twenty five years, mary apparates. for what it's worth, she's right.
since the events of the derby, MARCO'S mother had tried to instill in him the idea that if he ever got lost like that again, he was to look for the nearest auror and stay with them until she came for him. terrified by what he's seen, tonight, he doesn't do it - but in a manner of speaking, he manages it all the same. it isn't an auror that finds him hunched down beneath the wooden counter of an abandoned food stall, but when MIKAELA finally inches her way into a clearing where once stood a now smoldering tent and comes face to face with ARTURO, she does so with the little boy held tightly in her arms.
"thank merlin-" she gasps, breaking into a short run to get to him faster without a single or second thought. he grabs onto them both, a desperate hug that lasts a few moments longer than is wise, in their current situation.
"are you okay?" he asks, and though she gives a nod, he pulls her back and holds her at arms length anyways to check her and marco over, rambling all the while, "you haven't been hurt? where did you find him? you weren't bitten? the death eaters-"
"we have to get out of here, right now-"
"i know. you're right. we can apparate a few miles out, see if anyone's seen and-" there is a brief flash of red, bright as a flare, over his shoulder. arturo's eyes go blank and his body goes slack, stupefied from behind. she cries out as he loses balance, trying her hardest to keep him upright but finding herself entirely unable to support his weight with a quietly sobbing marco still held close to her. he falls and she adjusts the little boy, taking hold of him better with one arm so that she can raise her wand and defend herself against the death eater that targeted arturo, though instead-
a grey wolf, larger than any of the others that she caught a glimpse of in all of this chaos, stalks out of the shadows, one large paw after the other. intelligent, yellow eyes size her up. its lips peel back from its teeth in a vicious, warning growl, and mikaela is glad for the poor lighting - something viscous hangs from its canines, but if it's all over quick enough she'll never have to know exactly what.
"stay back," she tells it, aiming for bossy even as her palms sweat. she could run. she could apparate, even, risk the splinching just to get away - she'd probably make it, and better they're alive sans a finger or two than hold onto them all and be dead, but arturo… he decides everything for her. she holds her wand higher. "i don't want to hurt you," she says, trying to sound every bit as confident and as frightening as niko does when he puts voice to the horrid thoughts inside his head.
the wolf steps forward again, unconvinced. marco buries his head further into the crook of her shoulder.
"it's your last chance."
it leans in. head low. hackles raised. a low grumble comes from deep within its chest. she's seen dogs like it, before, fighting in the street. she knows it's going to lunge, thinks it'll be faster than i can ever be, and then it DOES, and she shouts "avada-"
she knows it'll be close, too close to call, too close to know until one of them hits the ground-
the sickly green of a killing curse lands true, striking the wolf. it drops like a puppet whose strings have been cut into an unceremonious heap, crumpling to the floor as a man, not a beast. his unkempt silver hair is matted. his shrewd eyes unseeing. it wasn't mikaela's curse.
around her, dozens of figures pop into being. aurors and hit wix, the lot of them, hitting the ground running and rushing towards the chaos of elsewhere, their wands held high and at the ready. some of them slow down as they pass the body of the man, their eyes widening in recognition before they shake themselves from their shock and head off to get a hold of the situation. one girl falls to her knees beside arturo to cast the counterspell ; somehow she is able to manage relief when she sees his eyes, fluttering.
mikaela wraps her other arm back around marco, protectively, and turns to face her father. he keeps his wand held in his first when he closes the distance and performs an almost step by step imitation of her reunion from moments before - pulls her close, pushes her back, takes a good, long look at her, over her.
she opens her mouth.
he cuts her off. "i told you."
by the time the aurors and general do gooders have everything under control, again, and the werewolves and death eaters have disappeared into the night, the campground is almost entirely levelled. anyone who didn't grab their belongings before they got out will likely not be able to find them, come morning, be it because their tent was burned to the ground or because the crowd stampeded over them. the death toll starts at ten, but climbs to thirty one as bodies are found and victims succumb to their injuries over the days that immediately follow. curiously, there are no deaths that can be attributed to the killing curse aside from that of FENRIR GREYBACK, who was killed by the minister of magic himself in defense of his daughter.
andie macnair is found by aurors and taken to st mungo's, quickly ; she was seriously injured and will need to spend a few days on a ward to fully recover. the bite to her leg was treated with dittany mixed with silver which has closed it, but she will be cursed with lycanthropy from this point onward.
antigone & ismene xu are in critical condition at st mungo's. if either survive, they will be cursed with lycanthropy.
arthur weasley had already suffered quite serious burns and smoke inhalation by the time he realised the tent was empty and passed out before he could get out - he would've burned to death had he not sent his patronus out and had it spotted by an auror, who dove in and dragged him out. he was taken from the scene and taken to st mungo's where he will need to spend several days, recovering.
arturo de la rosa suffered some minor injury but is mostly shook by the experience.
astoria greengrass suffered serious injury in the explosion that claimed lives and is lucky to be alive. she is removed from the scene and taken to st mungo's where she will have to spend several days to fully recover.
cara macdonald was badly splinched when she was apparated out and will need to seek treatment in st mungo's, though aside from this, she is mostly just shaken.
cho chang suffered serious injury from an unidentified curse that was thrown at her during the chaos and was taken to st mungo's from the scene, where she will have to spend at least the night having copious amounts of dittany applied to the gaping wound.
damaris vector is more shaken, than anything. they suffered a few minor scapes to their hands and knees, but apparated out before it could get any worse.
dudley dursley suffered minor smoke inhalation but got out quick and is more shaken by the experience than anything else.
eliza fawley ( and her husband and son ) are shaken, but unscathed.
ginny weasley (and draco malfoy ) suffered minor smoke inhalation but got out quick and are more shaken by the experience than anything else.
grace moody suffered serious injury in the explosion that claimed lives and is lucky to be alive. she is removed from the scene and taken to st mungo's where she will have to spend several days to fully recover.
justin finch-fletchley suffered serious injury when he was crushed beneath the crowd and is taken from the scene to st mungo's, where he will have to spend several days to fully recover.
marcus flint apparated out immediately and is unscathed.
marietta edgecombe suffered some minor burns to her hands, but is mostly unscathed.
mary macdonald was badly splinched when she apparated out and will need to seek treatment in st mungo's, though aside from this, she is also mostly just shaken.
mikaela karkaroff ( and marco macnair ) are badly shaken but mostly unscathed.
minette merrythought is badly shaken by her time beneath the cruciatus, but can be treated for shock on the scene. she's advised to have a stiff drink when she gets home, to further calm her nerves.
narcissa malfoy ( and her husband, plus a couple peacocks ) apparated out immediately and are unscathed.
oskar catchlove sprained his ankle in the chaos but can have this seen by an on site healer.
pansy parkinson suffered a minor concussion when she hit the ground, but is relatively unscathed. she's lucky that theo was there.
seamus finnigan broke his arm after he was hit by a stray curse, but has his choice ; he can take a shot of skele-gro on the scene and deal with it himself or seek treatment at st mungo's, where he will be fully observed overnight.
tempest clearwater has sustained minor burns, cuts and bruises from the stall that was collapsed on top of them ; they will need to spend a night in st mungo's to be properly treated.
theodore nott is miraculously unbitten but suffered serious cuts and bruising when he crashed into a wooden stall ; he will have to seek treatment in st mungo's and spend at least one night, for observation.
viktor krum was grazed by a ribboning curse and has suffered quite a serious injury to his upper arm. this can be taken care of with an administration of dittany by healers on scene.
this marks the end of our charity quidditch game event ! no new event based starters should be posted from here on out, but you can feel free to continue any threads you began over the last few weeks and are welcome to transition to the aftermath.
#nox.plotdrop016#nox.important#nox.event040#hp rp#harry potter rp#appless rp#fandom rp#canon rp#oc rp#mumu rp#established rp
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𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 : the lion & the snitch booth, the burren !
"the answer's still no, honey," sounding very much as if she wanted to call him something a whole lot worse, mary stood her ground behind the counter, hands on hips, until the wizard turned on his heel and stalked off again. she was sure he'd be back before the game kicked off to try his arm again, just as he had already, but it didn't matter how many times he asked - none of the booths were allowed to serve alcohol until five, and mary wasn't going to be the one to get ned's license revoked for the sake of ONE man. her mood had been sour to start with, a wicked combination of the nervous energy she had nowhere to store and the fact that she'd been answering the exact same question since they'd opened up the shutters. now she was barely holding the customer service persona together, evidenced in the way that the smile she flashes her next customer doesn't quite reach her eyes. "i hope you heard that, love. it's just food and non alcoholics for the minute. still want anything ?"
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* 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘: closed starter for @hoggleswart ! * 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: the camping grounds !

he was going to regret this in the morning, that much was sure. right now though? best idea ever. he was overjoyed to spend as many galleons as he had to for this lifelong decision. clearly the firewhisky on his veins was taking the reins right now. "uh... i don't really know, you can tattoo whatever you want, maybe a golden snitch or somethin' like that." cliché, yeah... but he didn't really care at the moment. "nothing outrageous though." at least he was conscious enough to not get the equivalent of a tramp stamp.
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𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 : the ministers box ! 𝙵𝙴𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶 : @taciiturns / mikaela karkaroff !
"mikaela-" he murmurs beneath his breath, grip tightening on her arm the moment that it becomes clear that she moves with the intent of leaving. he lets eulalia step away from him, other arm unwrapped from her waist, but in the same motion gives the universal gesture for a second, please to the sea of photographers that descended after the snitch was caught in hand - one finger held up high to see, an apologetic sort of smile twisting at his features. a camera flash betrays one of the slower to react, the picture snapped sure to appear in tomorrow's broadsheet, but antonin ignores this in favor of pivoting them both away from the prying eyes of those media vultures and pulling her fully aside. "we have a private home booked near dublin for the night. there's room enough for you and your brother, if you can find him," his gaze, steady to now, flickers towards her waiting guests, "i would like not to see you and your... new friends faces in the tabloids, tomorrow morning. it would be a pity to see all the good work we've done here, today, undone with a scandal."
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while the death toll following last night's burren attack continues to rise, the prophet is HONORED to be the publication trusted with breaking news that we hope will bring the many wix across the country who were caught up in the terror a modicum of peace. we can now officially confirm that FENRIR GREYBACK - the most savage and feared werewolf roaming free until today - was, as rumored, among the fatalities. his body has been postively identified by auror nymphadora tonks and transferred to a secure facility where we have been told a full autopsy will be performed before it is appropriately disposed of. even more impressive than news of the notorious werewolfs takedown is the way in which we have been informed he was finally defeated. though the ministry has yet to issue a formal statement to corroborate their story, eyewitnesses from the scene have told our reporters that MINISTER ANTONIN KARKAROFF, our derby hero, held the wand that finally put to end the threat of fenrir greyback, a feat no other has ever managed. though details differ from wix to wix, one fact remains true through all : the werewolf appears to have set its sights on mikaela karkaroff, the minister's only daughter, and his appearance at the burren campgrounds - along with the small force of aurors and hit wix that turned the tides on last nights attackers - could not have been more fortuitous. rita skeeter, our expert on wixen history in the past three decades, takes us through the ten worst crimes committed by fenrir greyback on page twelve, for anyone who needs a refresher !
#015.#nox.dp#nox.important#nox.plotdrop016#nox.event040#hp rp#harry potter rp#dark rp#war rp#magic rp#fantasy rp
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location: the campground with: open
"want some?" she's offering a half empty bottle of firewhisky, curly straw sticking out of the top, as she tries once again to call literally any of the other people in their tent. cho has lost her friends to the crush of partying that is taking place around the campground. it's times like these that she's kicking herself for drinking once again. she's easily distracted enough as it is, add at least half a bottle of firewhisky and a few fireworks and cho has absolutely no chance of keeping track of where her pack of similarly inebriated friends have taken themselves off too. "how are we outside with absolutely no signal?" she's practically whining to the first person to stop and give her even the slightest ounce of attention.
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓: you should let yourself go once in a while. 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: a fancy hotel near the burren, post-game. 𝐅𝐎𝐑: closed to luca moltisanti ( @woesbegone )
" i let myself go as much as i need to. anything more than that, and people might get hurt. " it’s all a matter of discipline, or at least that’s what he tells himself & other people. the real truth is ezekiel’s manner has become so deeply ingrained in him that he doesn’t know how to be anything or anyone else. can’t teach an old dog new tricks. — isn’t that the popular assumption? actions speak louder than old - fashioned theories though and there certainly seems to be a softer approach in tonight’s attitude as hands pull hotel room duvet up to cover luca further, a hint of concern for another person’s well - being seeping through an otherwise usually cold demeanour. it isn’t the night he envisioned for himself, but if anyone was going to interrupt plans, there’s relief to be found in the fact it’s someone zeke doesn’t find completely intolerable. " besides, you’re clearly more than capable of having enough fun for the BOTH of us. " own body drops down into nearby armchair with a hefty sigh, reaching to untie boot laces. " do i even want to know what you did to end up in that tent? "
#woesbegone#i have only just realised i may b answering#an old meme rather than a recent one#but i don't regret it but this one fit the plot PERFECTLY#𝐢. 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⸻ ezekiel burke.#𝐢. 𝐟𝐭. ⸻ luca moltisanti.#𝐢. 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. ⸻ tbd.#nox.event040
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* 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘: closed starter for @taciiturns ! * 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: pre - game / the camping grounds !
call him old fashioned but this wasn't really what he had in mind when he was invited to a charity match. granted, this was a few hours before the match; something he'd rarely had the chance to witness from the non-player side lately; so maybe this WAS the norm and he just didn't know about it. still, something tells him that having someone judging your every move as you try to set up your tent is NOT really part of the british quidditch customs but he could be wrong. "uh..." he lets out a soft sigh, as he finally manages to successfully attach the poles into their corresponding places. "it is done, i think..." his eyes flash to kaela, already expecting a comment. "good enough?"
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𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭: " i’m so sorry for kicking your ass , really . " 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: the burren quidditch campgrounds, post game !! 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: closed for tempest clearwater ( @rebuildeds )
a laugh bursts from their lips, a memory of the harpies and falcons last game echoing in minette's mind - they couldn't even be mad, it was one hell of a game. the celebrations of the grounds remind them of the harpy fans and the way they danced from the pitch, the keeper couldn't help but join in. "ah, clearwater. we meet again." eyes roll sarcastically before a grin brightens flushed features, the firewhiskey humming in the keeper's veins. "just you wait, the falcons will give you harpies a run for your money, je promets!"
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𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭: i can do that trick 52 different ways. 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: the burren quidditch campgrounds, pre game !! 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: closed for seamus finnigan ( @hoggleswart )
"no fucking way . . ." there's a confidence to their voice, disbelief that the man can do so much as two tricks, never mind fifty-two. shaking her head with a smirk, the silence that settles leads her assurance to melt away and be left with curiosity. features fall and eyes widen. surely not. surely he is not telling the truth, "no. no fucking way." the keeper shakes her head and takes a perch on the nearest chair, gesturing to him, "you've gotta show me now. you can't brag and then leave me in the lurch."
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* 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘: closed starter for @rebuildeds ! * 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: the camping grounds !
"tempest, right?" there's a faint smile as he approaches, firewhisky in hand as a friendly offer. he's had several himself, never one to say no to celebratory drinks; or ANY kind of drink for that matter. "didn't get to say it earlier but AMAZING work up there in the field." he takes a quick swig of his own drink, feeling the liquid burn pleasantly as it went down. "do you play professionally?"
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* 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘: closed starter for @sibylliine ! * 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: the camping grounds !
a little bit MORE drunk than he was willing to admit and in severe need of a five minutes break from the celebrations viktor had made his way towards his ( and niko's ) shared tent to look for his wallet. maybe NOT his wisest idea, since he was known to be a little bit too generous with his galleons once enough alcohol was on his system but... that will be a problem for the future. it's as he's making his way back that he hears some rustling near his tent and as he turns around comes face to face with someone else. "oh, hey... sorry, almost didn't see you there..." his tone is friendly, which is already NOT common coming from him, but also not too rare considering the circumstances. "...you alright?"
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𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: the burren quidditch campgrounds, pre-game.
" sir, no. that is not where that … sir! you need to pick that up. " stern tone appears to fall on deaf ( or ignorant ) ears, because the person roshana is attempting to reach only continues to walk further away, refusing to spare the litter they’ve just carelessly discarded on the floor a second glance. jaw clenches tight, teeth grinding together & she opts to let this one go. it isn’t even five yet. the night is still young; best to save that energy for the chaos that’s bound to start once game finishes. " the bin was right there. " exasperated words are spoken more to herself this time, casting a sigh in the direction of the trashcan mere inches from where offender had been standing. it was going to be a long weekend. her own fault, if she thinks about it, for volunteering to work, but what else was hana going to do? events like this drip in everything dirk would’ve adored & it leaves too bitter a taste in her mouth for her to truly enjoy. reaching down, she all but snatches up rubbish. in her haste, shoulder bumps into another person. " shit. sorry. — don’t blame me. blame the … " long, deep breath in. don’t be rude, be professional. " … people who were apparently never taught to tidy up after themselves. "
#nox.start#nox.event040#𝐢. 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⸻ roshana nazanin creswell.#𝐢. 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. ⸻ the burren quidditch grounds.#u are as always more than welcome to assume connections <3#she is a member of the order & an auror if that helps !
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𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: the burren quidditch campgrounds, pre-game.
" and who will you be cheering on today? " question is asked in high spirits, warmth in his smile that hopefully reassures there’s no wrong answer here. charitable causes aren’t something arthur weasley has found himself able to participate a whole lot in before. attempts have been made, here & there / light donations made anonymously when he can, but such generosity wasn’t always doable when personal funds could barely put school supplies on the table. oh, how times have changed. pocket isn’t quite so empty anymore and though he’s no rich man, humble beginnings remaining humble presents, his current life has seen him find something he never had before; comfortability. the chance to engage without guilt or concern. tie that in with the fact he stands as a proud father & sibling to two teammates due to play later, and good mood is evident, eyes alight with excitement. not even the fact he’s part on - duty has dampened buoyancy, cheerfully starting conversation with another as they all await the start of the match. " i fear family loyalty has been brought into questioning when it comes to my support. my daughter, ginny, is on one team and her uncle, my brother, is on the other. " and if it sounds like a shameless brag, that’s because that’s absolutely what it is, unable to resist.
#nox.start#nox.event040#he's always dad shaped#𝐢. 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⸻ arthur septimus weasley.#𝐢. 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. ⸻ the burren quidditch grounds.
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❝ AND NOW, AN EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OUR LEADING SPORTS COMMENTATOR, MURPHY MCNULLY ! ... KRZZT ... is this thing on? is it- oops, apologies- hello, listeners ! my name is murphy mcnully, leading sports commentator here on the wizarding wireless network and the lucky quidditch fanatic tasked with breaking the best of news ! in a one of a kind charity quidditch match, public figures with a passion for the sport and professional players alike will be going head to head against each other, each for a good cause ! the hogsmeade hippogriffs, wearing green and sponsored by the wwn, madam rosmerta of the three broomsticks and eulalia karkaroff will be playing under the guidance of fabius watkins of the montrose magpies and raising money for st mungo's hospital ! the diagon dragons, wearing red and sponsored by the daily prophet, edmund weasley of the lion & the snitch and antonin karkaroff, will be overseen by brevis birch of the tutshill tornados and raising money for the howl at the moon welfare group ! team lineups are set to be announced over the course of this week, and the match will be held at the burren quidditch grounds on friday the 1st of march at 6pm, with the wwn providing exclusive commentary ! tickets go up on sale today for a base fee of 5 galleons, and organisers promise a perfect family event with entertainment both on AND off the pitch ! that's all from me, back to the studio- ... KRZZT ... ❞
the idea started small. the first person to float it envisioned a few local quidditch players on a local quidditch pitch, tickets for a galleon and a tacky, plastic trophy enchanted to sing something annoying for the winning team to take home. they didn't know it at the time, but someone at that meeting knew someone who knew someone, and eventually, their idea for something small to raise some humble funds for some good causes snowballed into something much, much larger. by the time the minister of magic and his wife pledged their personal funds to sponsor a team each and some BIG NAMES in the industry had started to reply postively to their owls, the group organising the game had realised they were going to need to do something truly spectacular to make it worth everyone's time - and against all odds, they've managed it. the HOGSMEADE HIPPOGRIFFS are sponsored by eulalia karkaroff, madam rosmerta of the three broomsticks and the wizarding wireless network. they'll be playing in green and under the guidance of fabius watkins of the montrose magpies, and all the money that they raise is going to st mungo's hospital.
CHASER: ginevra weasley, holyhead harpies.
CHASER: alicia spinnet, public figure.
CHASER: rolanda hooch, public figure.
BEATER: seamus finnigan, public figure.
BEATER: oliver wood, puddlemere united.
KEEPER: arturo de la rosa, public figure.
SEEKER: regulus black, public figure.
the DIAGON DRAGONS, on the other hand, are sponsored by antonin karkaroff, edmund weasley of the lion & the snitch and the daily prophet. they'll be playing in red and are under the guidance of brevis birch of the tutshill tornados, and all of the money that they raise is going to the howl at the moon welfare group, where it'll go to werewolves in need.
CHASER: marcus flint, falmouth falcons.
CHASER: draco malfoy, public figure.
CHASER: angelina johnson, public figure.
BEATER: nikolai karkaroff, public figure.
BEATER: viktor krum, bulgarian national team.
KEEPER: edmund weasley, public figure.
SEEKER: tempest clearwater, holyhead harpies.
neither team will be entering the league, of course, but the wix on each have gotten a hell of a lot of good press in the last couple of weeks for taking the time out of their busy lives to partake - regardless of the key fact that no one on either team actually chose which team they were going to be placed on. THAT was all down to the luck of the draw, quite literally. so many people answered the call that they ultimately got pulled out of an actual hat - or at least, that's what organisers are going to be saying in the opening interviews with the wwn. a few of the participants might've had an edge on many of the others, but for the most part, they managed to do it fairly. the burren quidditch grounds themselves aren't used for much outside of the quidditch league, but are kept maintained year round by a dedicated staff. the sports department of the ministry of magic organised everything down to the ministry ran security, the surrounding campgrounds and which wixen businesses, exactly, got invited to set up food and beverage booths for the duration of the event. wix could buy low level tickets for 5 galleons apiece with the prices increasing, depending on how high the rows are ( or how private the area is ). camping spaces for anyone who wants to stay overnight - be it because it justifies the traveling or because they want to stay for the rowdy post match celebrations - can be rented for an additional fee, though wix also have the choice of booking a room at any of the surrounding muggle towns. it started small, but by the time march 1st rolled around, the charity quidditch game between the hogsmeade hippogriffs and diagon dragons has already put itself in the history books !
our first ever - and i'm sure a lot of people set to benefit from the generosity of the organisers hope one of many - charity quidditch game hits the dash and takes us back to ireland ! the burren quidditch grounds were last used for the 2020 uk & ireland quidditch final and is a pitch that a few of our players are overly familiar with, given that the holyhead harpies were the winners of that particular league ( though non players in either game might remember the hangovers they nursed in the days following the win, with the surrounding grounds being party central night of ) ! quidditch mightn't be everyone's cup of tea, but there's no denying the fun to be found in the build up to a big game or the fun to be had after it's all said and done, with one team celebrationg their win and the other commiserating their loss ! even if the point of this particular game is to raise money for two good causes, there's nothing that says people can't have a good time while doing it. you're welcome to throw anyone in wherever you'd like, with the first half of our event covering the pre game and our second half - to be led into at the end of the first week - covering the afters !
this event starts with the posting of this message and will run for two weeks, ending on the 18th of march, though it will transition to the celebration half of the quidditch match on the 10th ! you'll be reminded in the discord, when this happens !
no character is required to attend this event and you are not required to take part, but you are heavily encouraged to find a reason to do so ! whether your character is into sports or not, the social aspect of the game and the following celebrations are not to be denied !
both halves of this event will be hybrid, and starters can be posted on the dash or in the discord depending on your preference ! if you're hitting the dash, you can tag with nox.event040 and nox.charitygame ! the location for anyone who tags it is the burren, ireland.
if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to message the main, and just give this post a like once you’ve read it !
#nox.event040#nox.charitygame#hp rp#harry potter rp#appless rp#fandom rp#canon rp#oc rp#mumu rp#established rp
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