#the witcher larp
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sfaira · 6 months ago
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Marcjanna Ludwika Lubenbach, an amazing character I played last weekend on a Witcher LARP. I filled total of 21 pages of a notebook, took part in some rituals, tried to leave cursed village, risked burning at the stake and was surprised by a very honorable knight (I did not expect a knight to be honorable in this setting). Marcjanna/ Marcienne was my first choice character for this story, mostly because her description made me think of Shallan, and to be honest I fell in love! I'd gladly reprise the role or bring her back if I ever get to play witcher ttrpg. The outfit is how my actual outfit for the larp looked! It was so cool to wear this, but also it was over 30 degrees celcius that weekend so I was dying a little bit. Still had it better than the armored knights.
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mimikoflamemaker · 2 years ago
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Better late than never ;) - some more pictures from my April photoshoot just dropped and I really like them.
Can't wait to get my updated outfit photographed but hey, these ones are not half bad, so please enjoy some more Myra on the path.
Outfit and make up by me.
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svetliysudarworkshop · 1 year ago
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emotionalwarmth · 4 months ago
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I have been to 3 Witcher LARPs and in all 3 of them my characters' name was a plant/flower. I like this tendency. 1. Nevena Vanar (Nevena means marigold) - servant, baker 2. Thistle - druid girl, later leader of the druid circle 3. Cragna an Ffidil (ffidil means violet) - ex-Scoia'Tael member, later bodyguard and lover of prince Stennis (this did not end in a happy ending, surprise)
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lucius-the-sinful · 7 months ago
I start my classes next week AND renn faire in my city next Saturday????
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icaruslovemedley · 1 year ago
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I've been working on a custom card game set for our Larp group loosely based on Gwent, and after weeks of nose to the grind I finally have them ready for print! Here's Cards 17 - 20 ✨ Open to Custom Card Commissions ✨
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braderunner · 2 years ago
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Portrait of a friend.
My team and I went to the LARP Witcher game as a gang of Whoreson Junior.
At some point we really needed a pig, the boss gave me a gold piece, a couple of strong guys and told me not to come back without a pig. I also pulled my good pal Pig, because it's quite amusing to get a pig with a Pig. We went to the nearest village and I tried to talk with the headman, who refused to negotiate, damn this old fart. We didn't want to beat them - we have important business with them besides that pig stuff. But while I was talking to the headman, the Pig (the one in the portrait, and not the one that needs to be stolen), walked with a leisurely pace to the aviaries. I moved so that the headman continued to stifle, but so that he stood in front of me, with his back to both pigs. With exactly the same unhurried gait, the Pig, clutching his namesake under his arm, left the village. After marinating the headman for a few more minutes, the remaining guys and I caught up with our artiodactyls and, upon returning home, made a Pig tattoo "Pig Squared" for honorable theft. And immediately drank 🍻
Order a picture from me on Fiverr :)
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caenith · 2 years ago
Milva looks like she's participating in her first ever larp.
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deutsche-bahn · 1 year ago
Also ich hab Larp angefangen, indem ich mich von einer Larpgruppe adoptieren lassen habe. Habe auf Thilo Wagners Larpkalender ein Eintagestavernencon in meiner Stadt gefunden, mir mit minimalem Aufwand eine Gewandung zusammengemittelaltert (plus Omas alte Pelzkragenweste) und saß dann mit einem Tonnapf voll Moorwasser (Spezi) am Tresen, während um mich herum eine Hobbitdame ihren riesigen Weidenkorb auspackte und kontaktlinsenlose Witcher und freidrehenden Drehleierbarden mit Dauerwurst und sauren Gürkchen zumauerte. Fühlte mich zwei Stunden extrem fehl am Platz und hab mich nicht getraut zu gehen. Bis dann ein Urgestein von einem Zwerg auftauchte, meinen Moorwassernapf und Omas Fellweste beäugte, und dann netterweise fragte, on ich zum ersten Mal in gemischter Gesellschaft unterwegs sei. Bin aus Dankbarkeit, überhaupt gesehen worden zu sein, geistig etwas weggetreten Wieder zu mir gekommen bin ich dann ein Stockwerk drüber, umgeben von einer Gruppe Priester, Priesterwachen und Adjutanten, die ich seitdem nicht wieder losgeworden bin. Oder sie mich nicht. Das war 2018.
Der Moorwassernapf killt mich gerade. Und ja, früher oder später bemerkt irgendjemand dass man verloren in der Ecke sitzt und adoptiert einen kurzerhand. That's the spirit
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dungeonofthedragon · 10 months ago
Your Favourite Book: the Game
Sometimes a good book leaves us with a hankering to spend more time in that world. Fanfiction only goes so far- here are ten titles that allow you to adventure with friends in the world of your favourite book!
Angel Mage by Garth Nix
This one doesn't have its own dedicated system, but the author himself ran a game in this world using the $6 rpg Flashing Blades! Given the book was inspired by The Three Musketeers, this makes perfect sense- although you'd need to modify the game a bit to include angel summoning.
Discworld Roleplaying Game by Phil Masters, Terry Pratchett and Steve Jackson Games
Cost: $20.00
I can imagine an entire campaign revolving around the Unseen University, or a one-shot about the antics of the Watch. This game runs on the popular GURPS system which, like many other games, uses only six-sided dice. You've probably got a bunch of those lying around at home already!
Dresden Files Accelerated by Evil Hat
Cost: $17.50
This game uses the lightweight Fate: Accelerated system, making it very easy to learn. Character creation is incredibly flexible- if you can think of a character or archetype within this setting, you can play it in this game.
Good Society: a Jane Austen rpg by Storybrewers Roleplaying
Cost: $23
Regency roleplaying at its finest. Long, longing glances, heartfelt letters and scandal! Also a good choice for fans of the Bridgerton series.
Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game by Chaosium
Cost: $29.99
This game is pricier than some on this list, but at 400 pages it's well worth the cost. With just the one rulebook, and several free adventures (including at least one solo adventure!), after that initial investment it's very easy to get in there and get sleuthing.
The game uses the Basic Role-Playing system. If you're familiar with Call of Cthulhu or RuneQuest, you're well on your way to learning the rules!
Stormlight Archive RPG by Brotherwise Games
This game hasn't been released yet, but you can sign up here for a chance to be involved in beta testing!
The Kyme Summit by Malcolm Harbrow
Cost: $5
Change the particulars and you have yourself a perfect little Dune LARP you can complete in a single evening.
The Warren by Bully Pulpit Games
Cost: $12
Suitable for a single session or a multiple session adventure, this game lets you play out the survival horror that is Watership Down (from which I have never fully recovered.)
The Witcher: Pen and Paper RPG by R. Talsorian Games
Cost: $24.99
Be a witcher, bard, mage, or even a doctor! This game does a pretty good job of evoking the feel of the books (and the Netflix series too), but I've only read a free demo myself.
Thirsty Space Necromancers by Grahame (Understory Games)
Cost: None!
This supplement for Thirsty Sword Lesbians allows for narrative-focused adventures in the universe of The Locked Tomb. There are playbooks for necromancers of each of the nine houses, as well as a cavalier playbook.
If you don't already own the base game, you can pick up Thirsty Sword Lesbians here for $15 or nab a community copy for free!
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sfaira · 6 months ago
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The golden one with the golden rules, sir Tobias Farbotten, honor bound knight of the Flaming Rose with only a small problem of not keeping celibate, like, ever. The one voice of reason against burnings!
Farbotten and my Marcienne used to be lovers back during her studies in Oxenfurt and it made for a very interesting relationship on a larp - there was a lot of positive memories and maybe a want to return to what they had but it was impossible: Marcienne didn't trust Flaming Rose Order, Tobias decided to become faithful to other woman of his past. I enjoyed this careful game between using the shared moments to ensure townsfolk aren't getting persecuted and keeping safe distance because it's not the same person anymore.
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mimikoflamemaker · 2 years ago
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I'm alive - just not much on the internet lately.
So very pleased with how this project is coming along - after last weekend I know what I need to alter slightly and what pieces I still need/want to make... or remake. So that Myra would be able to fully come into existence.
So basically, last weekend I modeled for a photography class and the results are slowly trickling in. Here is the first glimpse.
In all honesty - I thought I would be more intimidated by 15 people taking pictures of me, but it was fun. Except for the absolute downpour on Saturday ^^'
Outfit and make up by me (except for weapons - I didn't go that far yet)
And as you can see - Myra finally has her scar ^^. It was not added in photoshop later.
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emotionalwarmth · 1 year ago
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"Soon, my love..." My art for a Witcher LARP: Skellige Winds is finally ready~~ In this LARP I was a druid and the girl in the picture is my "sister" (my character considers everyone in the druid circle brother and sister) who turned out to be the descendant of a powerful druid who lived long ago and was the previous protector of the oak tree and the druid grove. Sadly, the grove was tainted by dark magic, so she was dying. We had to plant a new seed to make a new grove. She was to be the new protector, had to become one with the new oak tree. Her love, a priest of Freya from the Hindar clan asked to be buried next to the tree when he dies so they can be together.
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gellavonhamster · 1 year ago
monthly media recap: november 2023
Women of Words in Le Morte Darthur: The Autonomy of Speech in Malory’s Female Characters by Siobhán M. Wyatt - an interesting work, even if I might disagree a bit about some things (and still don't like Elaine of Corbenic, sorry). Enjoyed all the shade thrown at Tristan, well deserved :D I've quoted some fragments here and here.
The Tale of Stone Bread (Повесть о каменном хлебе) by Yana Timkova - where do I even start. It's a short novel about the live-action RPG community in the 90s Russia, specifically about the manipulative relationship dynamics encountered in it. The first half of the book is about the protagonist - an inexperienced teenage girl who's a newcomer to that scene - being groomed by an older girl in her 20s who collects people into her clique and makes them her obedient little minions by making them believe they were lovers in the past life, and in the second part the protagonist, already older, recreates the same dynamics with younger people. It's very bleak (despite the open ending that suggests that the main character might change for the better and break the cycle) and not very well-written, but I couldn't put it down, because sometimes you just can't stop looking at some shitstorm unfolding, you know? Also, it reminded me so much of what a friend of mine told me about her teenage years in the LARPing community that it sent chills down my spine - of course, the book exaggerates a lot to make it more dramatic, but so much of all that insanity was real, and apparently still occurs, from what she's telling me. And the main characters are said to be inspired by real members of the 90s-00s Tolkien/The Witcher fandom, including some singers popular in certain circles... all in all, not much of a book, but one hell of a tea to spill
+ started King Arthur’s Enchantresses: Morgan and Her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition by Carolyne Larrington, but then stuff happened, and I put it on pause. Will definitely come back to it, though. Also, I started One Piece and I'm already on Chapter 493 🤡 the things that happen when you're stuck at home with a sprained ankle
nothing to report here, alas
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icaruslovemedley · 1 year ago
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I've been working on a custom card game set for our Larp group loosely based on Gwent, and after weeks of nose to the grind I finally have them ready for print! Here's Cards 13 - 16 ✨ Open to Custom Card Commissions ✨
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for-gilded-cups-are-empty · 11 months ago
So, sitting on a train, there are like, 3 other people next to you, yea?
What are the odds that one of them notices me staring at her, I tell her I’m trying to read the writing on that sticker on her headphones: she tells me it’s a sticker from the indie music festival she runs. Which she tells me is in a castle ruin. I tell her that I too hang out in castle ruins a lot, and if they get any larper.
They do, Witcher larp specifically. Person 3/4 joins in to talk about the Witcher, asks what other kinds of larp there are. I mention DSA. He has spent his entire childhood getting absorbed into that world but was afraid to talk to anyone about that stuff as an adult.
Person 4 hears we are talking about pen and paper rpgs and joins in with some Star Wars edge of the empire anecdotes.
Sadly had only four or five stops with these amazing people, but it’s still great to just find others out in the wild
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