#the wiredrones are really fun
nic611 · 1 year
Here is me bullying hunting the Rathalos with my standard squad.
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lanymme · 1 year
Just last-second finished the MH collab. Rathalos fight is incredibly fun, played so much like an actual Monster Hunter encounter, really amazing work from HG as always.
The real takeaway though is that Utage with wiredrones is God’s Perfect Hunter. She could beat Fatalis in sub-3 minutes with her dick tied behind her back.
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lilyblackdrawside · 1 year
Yeah, this was good. The story was nice, the stages were fun, the extra hunting tools are pretty neat - especially the Wiredrone. The writing captured a lot of little details in regards to Monster Hunter, from simple name-dropping to evocative descriptions. And of course so many cat puns. The sound effects were really nice too.
The songs we got - Proof of a Hero (the one that plays in the main menu of the event) and the Generations Arena Theme were absolutely choice selections. Bit of a shame that the regular stage theme just reused Who is Real music, but it's fine. It's kinda fitting in a way too I guess.
The way they described Yato's tracking at the beginning of the story was very reminiscent of how you actually do it in World. Loved the rickety palico cart parts, very nice. The description of the Rathalos attacks by the Felyne Scholar gave a really accurate feeling of what they're like. I really enjoyed that moment in Kashiwau's home where the two felynes make an antidote and the Artisan comments on how new recipes no longer use Blue Mushrooms. The steak roasting minigame moment was all too accurate. It's easy when you figure out to go with the music, but when you start out you're likely to mess it up. and oh my god the descriptions of Corne's Long Sword moves after the final battle were so awesome!!! I LOVED THAT! That scene was made for me!
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armoredisopod · 1 year
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No melee/ranged restriction? Buff army time!!!! Finished off the event with Tachanka making swiss cheese out of the overgrown lizard
I quite enjoyed the event story despite how simple it was (compared to the game's other events and stories) and kinda awkward at certain moments but the way they integrated the monhun elements into the story did not disappoint especially after Originium Dust set my expectations pretty high for that kind of stuff
The EX stages were decently difficult but none of them really stood out to me as frustrating so that's a good thing and also the wiredrones are insanely fun to mess around with and i hope they get recycled in the future in the form of future event gimmicks or even a future operator's kit (maybe for the second 6* Artificer whoever they will be)
I will absolutely NOT miss the event shop gacha though, idc if it's lore accurate or not the least they could've done is separate the unlimited drops :/
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