#a flurry to the flame
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bro did NOT just fucking cockblock himself i'm-
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manifestmerlin · 1 year
almost done with the new event and 2 fun details I noticed. 1. Just like originium dust showed most clearly what happens to the bodies of dead infected, a thing mentioned many times but never expanded upon, A flurry to the flame is doing the same thing but with the relationship between originium and catastrophes. Setting aside the question of whether this a good idea because a player who started after the event would not have this critical info it is neat that they have done this a second time, wonder what key piece of world building the destiny event will tackle.
2. Arknight events love having a secret last minute puppetmaster style villain, or a twist on the villain's plan, or a final reveal of who among the many antagonists the main villain is. My favorite part of this event so far is that the moment we find out who that is, it's because Yato knocks him out and she explains that she already completely undid his plot to defraud the town by moving his assets out while she was off screen, just on the way. Yato the whole event has been no nonsense and to the point in her methods, and the event writing does that as well because the writers know full well that we already know the big boss is rathalos. incredible bit of writing there.
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I'm really enjoying the Yzma-Kronk dynamic Yato and Noir Corne has going on.
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slamamanderb · 1 year
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"Noir Corne, remember what Kirara said about letting people pay you in exposure?"
"Yato, it's fine, they said they'd give us some bone fragments! I'm sure the Felynes can do something cool with them."
"But we already have tons of bon-"
"Do you think Eyjafjalla will be proud when she sees my name in a in a research paper?"
"... I'm sure she will."
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nic611 · 1 year
Here is me bullying hunting the Rathalos with my standard squad.
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brave-symphonia · 1 year
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The event's over now, but I found it really cool that they had the EX stages set up like this, which I assume was meant to mirror a quest board in Monster Hunter.
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flourstuffer · 1 year
for the sake of my own sanity i will not do the cm of ex 8 nor the singular s stage. (Going insane)
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armoredisopod · 1 year
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No melee/ranged restriction? Buff army time!!!! Finished off the event with Tachanka making swiss cheese out of the overgrown lizard
I quite enjoyed the event story despite how simple it was (compared to the game's other events and stories) and kinda awkward at certain moments but the way they integrated the monhun elements into the story did not disappoint especially after Originium Dust set my expectations pretty high for that kind of stuff
The EX stages were decently difficult but none of them really stood out to me as frustrating so that's a good thing and also the wiredrones are insanely fun to mess around with and i hope they get recycled in the future in the form of future event gimmicks or even a future operator's kit (maybe for the second 6* Artificer whoever they will be)
I will absolutely NOT miss the event shop gacha though, idc if it's lore accurate or not the least they could've done is separate the unlimited drops :/
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laegjarnisbestgirl · 1 year
Words cannot express how stupid Eyja is with the wire drones. I love casting volcano every 15 seconds by paying 2 DP
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molmolten · 1 year
Here we go, it's time soon! I've been looking forward to this since it was teased on CN. Monster Hunter is always gonna be big excite for me! :''D
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myreitha · 6 months
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So my friend @charminglyantiquated shared a story-game with me that she's working on for @elsewhereuniversity and I became kiiinnnddadaa obsessed so for Christmas I had to make a little surprise for her about for the next letter I sent her.
Without giving spoilers, the narrative features an origami swan with writing on the back, and a special ring and I was like "I CAN DO SOMETHING WITH THAT".
So I did. Pls enjoy my beautiful origami that's hiding SECRETS.
[Image Description 1: A photo of an origami swan. The swan is made of fancy paper with gold detailing, but hiding in the underside of the wing can be seen some handwriting Image Description 2: On the backside of the unfolded swan is a number of quickly scratched notes in different handwritings and annotations in black ink as well as a drawing of a simple ring. There's also faded writing in blue ink that can't be read. One note points to the faded ink and reads "Looks like there might be something up here?" Pointing at the ring is a back and forth between different handwritings "Why a ring?", "Who's is it?", "no idea", "do we need to know?". The last writting at the bottom of the paper is in all caps and reads "These secrets are by season sealed, Only by winter's bite revealed." and had written comments point it it reading "riddle from Canyon, no idea where they got it" and "this is important??" End Description.]
Riddle solution and revealed text and under the cut
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The blue writing was written with a temperature-sensitive ink, which was revealed by making it cold - in this case, she stuck it in the freezer, which is exactly what I did when I tested the ink on the paper. The poem is about the central problem of the narrative :)
[Image ID 3: Another look at the back of the paper, now with small, neat cursive writing revealed in blue ink. A poem has been revealed written above and around the ring, and mysterious symbols written on the inside of the ring. The poem reads: "In time of love and trust betrayed, The Queen in birch and sleep had laid. For ruling Knight had little known, that grudges left unchecked had grown. A worthy soul the crows had found, To bring Spring Queen back to her crown. Now revels sing of Queen’s old songs, the friend of crows you find is gone. Replaced by neighbor, form eschewed, Their fate, you find, is up to you. Choose well, dear friend, which path you take, Soon all will know the story you make." End Description.]
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tenlittlecats · 2 years
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I also drew the mini print that came with the Flurry of Dancing Flames Axel zine! I seriously leveled up my art game making this aaaa
Here's to more cool art like this next year!
Close ups beneath the cut:
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slamamanderb · 1 year
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for her outstanding work in the HR office, Aciddrop just earned permission to graffiti whatever the fuck she wants on the landship. whatever she's doing it worked
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brave-symphonia · 1 year
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Not much of a problem...Originium is not much of a problem.
The idea of someone living in Terra calling Originium not much of a problem.
Like, I get it. The Scholar isn't from Terra, they don't know, but still, wild to hear.
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flourstuffer · 1 year
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