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“If you don’t understand why God would love someone like you it is because you don’t see who you really are. You are judging yourself by your past decisions, but God sees you through the blood of His Son because you are worth it and He keeps no record of wrongs but values who He created you to be.”
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My sin was great Your love was greater What could separate us now
Hillsong Worship - What a Beautiful Name
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Don’t allow for the sadness of yesterday to hold you back from the happiness of tomorrow. You have so much that still awaits; not behind, but ahead of you. So raise up your head, and prepare for the radiance of a beautiful tomorrow.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin (via thepowerwithin)
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Time often feels like an enemy because it seems to work against us. We look back over the years and wonder where they’ve gone. We look back over the weeks and months and get frustrated with ourselves because of the progress that we haven’t made. But when we find ourselves feeling this way, we must remind ourselves of this: Isn’t time in God’s hands? Doesn’t He hold our yesterday, today, and tomorrow in His mighty hands? Yes, the clock may be ticking in this physical world, but that doesn’t mean that the best of our days are behind us. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t enough time for God to make things beautiful in the future, and also in this present moment. His timing is perfect, and though it can be hard to grasp this when the days and years seem to fade into one another, continue to hold onto this: ⠀ He has made everything beautiful in its time. - Ecclesiastes 3:11 ⠀ When it comes to His timing, everything is going to fall into place. And He doesn’t need our timelines and deadlines to do a miraculous work in our lives. So as you wait, don’t spend your life waiting around doing nothing. Spend your time living, loving, and serving. God is already making things happen in your life today. Become so invested in serving and embracing the opportunities God has placed in your life that you’re no longer thinking about what you don’t have all the time. Get to the point where you can scroll past something on social media that you desire to have and you no longer feel empty because you don’t have it. Get to the point where you’re so excited about what God is doing today that you don’t even have time to worry about next year right now. Get to the point where you’ve gained this kind of perspective: “I know God has me in this moment and this season for a reason. So I’m going to make the most of it. Not worried if I’m missing out or if my time is almost up. Time is in His hands, and through Jesus, I will make the most of it everyday.” ⠀ Written by @morganhnichols for #TheDevoCo
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What are you desiring for God to reveal in your life right now? Leave a comment below and let’s join together in praying for one another as we head into the weekend! ⠀ God isn’t going to forget to make provisions for you. He isn’t going to forget to put the people in your life that are meant to be there. He isn’t going to close doors that are meant to be open. It can be hard to accept this at times because we often feel that we have a pretty good idea of what we need, when we need it and how we want it, bit God always has an even better idea, and it’s better than our very best. ⠀ It is okay to have desires, but we should always desire to see God’s plan revealed to us all the more, because it is only what He gives that will prepare us for what’s in store. In this life, we have a lot of work to do, and it may include some uncertain seasons and uncharted territories, but it isn’t without God guiding us. It isn’t without God making sure we have every single thing we need to get where we need to be. ⠀ …And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. - Matthew‬ ‭28:20‬ ⠀ Jesus’ words to the disciples at the end of Great Commission is a great reminder that yes, we have work to do, but He is always with us. He still has a plan for us. Going and making disciples is no easy task, but Jesus ensured them that He was with them throughout this process. This applies to every single aspect of our lives as well, no matter what we face in the past, present, or future. He is with us, making sure we have everything we need in Him. ⠀ Written by @morganhnichols for #TheDevoCo
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I shouldn’t be surprised when trials come. The Bible says to expect them. They train me and refine me. They do deep work in my soul. They reveal my character.
The Scars That Have Shaped Me (via godlywoman)
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We tend to use prayer as a last resort but God wants it to be our first line of defense. We pray when there’s nothing else we can do but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all.— Oswald Chambers
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God allows you to grow in ways you never thought you’d be able to grow so you can get places you never thought you’d be able to go. All by His grace. Remember this in: ⠀ Y O U R C A R E E R If you are applying for jobs and nothing seems to come of it, in between applying or interviewing, take this time learn new skills and acquire new knowledge that will equip you for the career that is to come. Go to the library. Listen to podcasts. Do more research about the industry you desire to be in. Spend time in God’s Words and in prayer, asking Him to allow His Spirit to lead you in the direction of wherever you should be investing your time and energy right now. ⠀ And if you are already in a career you enjoy, there is still more to learn and new ways to grow. God didn’t just give you the ability to acquire knowledge just to sit on it. He gave you your body, mind, and soul to glorify Him. So give Him your best in all areas of your life, including opportunities you have to learn. No matter your job status or title, never stop learning and growing. You are not only “going through something” in this season. You are training and preparation for what God has in store. ⠀ The wise store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin. - Proverbs 10:14 ⠀ C O L L E G E Being a college student can be stressful for so many reasons. Whether you’re trying to figure out your finances, your major, your roommates, what you’re going to do after you graduate, if you should go back to school or not…whatever it is you’re trying to navigate through, don’t let it stop you from learning new things. If you have extra time on your hands this summer, maybe in addition to hanging out with around the house or with friends, learn how to to do something new. Seek out a Godly mentor. Spend time with people in your city who are in need food, shelter, company, and Jesus’ love. ⠀ You may feel like your hands are tied in this season, but learn to see everything you’re going through right now as an opportunity to focus on what truly matters. To go further, you must first go further in your faithfulness to the Lord and what He has already given you! ⠀ Written by @morganhnichols for #TheDevoCo
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