#the winners of best couples costume at the halloween party every year
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downtherabbitholewithlucy · 11 months ago
| | The besties playing dress-up through the years | |
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pastorpresent · 5 months ago
Wade LOVES Halloween. Absolutely LOVES it, but his first Halloween with Logan, he decides not to go too overboard. After all, the apartment is Logan's safe space, and he knows he gets easily overwhelmed and filling it with a bunch of loud things that jump out doesn't feel the best option for his PTSD.
He puts up a few decorations, and leaves it at that.
Logan doesn't realise how much the holiday means to Wade until one of his lunch meet ups with Vanessa. She makes a comment about how odd it is that Wade isn't hosting his usual Halloween party this year, and Logan frowns.
"I didn't think he was that into Halloween."
Vanessa snorts, "you kidding me? Our apartment used to look like party city in October."
Logan is confused, until he remembers the way Wade had subtly asked everytime he put up a small Halloween decoration, asking Logan's opinion on the placement, and it clicks in his head that Wade probably thinks he wouldn't like the apartment filled with Halloween stuff.
And yeah, it's not really his favourite holiday, but it seems to be Wade's and he'll be damned if the merc doesn't celebrate it on his accord.
He goes all out. He's not all that familiar with Halloween traditions, so he consults Laura for help. She explains what a 'boo basket' is, and he just sort of stares at her, "why would Wade want a plastic bucket filled with halloween versions of crap he's already got?"
"You're such a man," is her groaned reply, and Logan just adds it to his list of stuff to do.
By the time Halloween rolls around, he's honestly a bit nervous. He spends all day decorating the apartment while Wade is out. He learns from Ness that Wade hates actual pumpkin carving because he can't stand the smell or the feel of the pumpkin guts, so he sets their pumpkins on the coffee table, covered over with a spooky table cloth, with a variety of paints to decorate.
Every inch of the apartment is covered in the tackiest Halloween decor possible. Laura helped him make Halloween cupcakes. Wade's bat basket is sat on the kitchen table, filled up with his favourite candy, a ghost blanket and a little pumpkin stuffed toy. He loads up Hocus Pocus on the TV, since Ness told him it was one of Wade's favourites.
The couples costume is the one thing he insisted on figuring out himself. He'd honestly spent an embarrassingly long amount of time working something out, and he's a little nervous Wade will hate it.
"Honey I'm-"
Logan squirms in the following silence, feeling uncharacteristically anxious. He really wanted to get this right, and he really hopes he hasn't missed anything important and that Wade doesn't think the whole thing is just stupid because he really did try here.
"Are you... Finn?"
"Yeah. I got you uh, princess bubblegum, and..." he whistles for Mary, who waited ever so patiently behind the couch, and she comes scampering out in her Jake costume.
Wade is still just staring, and Logan shuffles awkwardly, "Laura's gonna be Marceline. if you don't want to dress up that's fine. Or if you don't like all this... I can take it down? I wasn't sure what-"
And then he's got an armful of Wade, who's fully wrapped around him, and Logan just barely catches him.
"You like it?" Logan asks, because even if the reaction is pretty telling he needs to know for sure.
"Like it? Like it?! Peanut I fucking love it! I fucking love you," Wade emphasises, tightening his grip, and Logan feels his body relax finally.
"You'll have to thank Laura and Ness. I wouldn't of had a clue what to do otherwise-"
Wade shuts him up with a kiss.
"Thank you, sweetheart. Honestly, you're the best," Wade smiles, a decent that nickname always makes Logan's knees feel a little weak.
"Anything for you, bub. You not realised that by now?"
And it's not a joke, not really, and he can tell Wade knows that by the way his smile softens.
They go to Vanessa's Halloween party that night, and Logan's convinced she crowns them winners of the costume contest out of pity for all of Logan's effort the last few days, but it doesn't matter anyway because of the way the matching 'best dressed' sashes make Wade somehow light up even more for the rest of the night.
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babymetaldoll · 1 year ago
The annual BAU Halloween Costume Competition (Spencer Reid x fem!Bau reader)
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Summary: Spencer wants to win a costume competition, but wins your heart instead.  Word Count: 2.6K Warnings: Other than cursing? extreme fluff.  A/N: Happy Halloreid and Gublerween everyone!! and if you celebrate it, happy Ieroween as well!  Masterlist
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No one could ever say Penelope Garcia threw lousy Halloween parties. They were always fun, with the best food and theme. Over the years, she had organized incredible celebrations for the entire BAU family. It was her moment to shine. Decorations were always spot on, the altar was always ready for pictures of long-lost loved ones. There were theme cocktails and food, but by far, the most important event of the night was the Halloween costume competition.
It had started as a joke during their first Halloween celebration, and over the years, it had turned into the main event of the night. Each year, Penelope made sure she had a prize for the winner of first place and a little something for second and third. In fact, she usually got something for everybody who participated in the party, 'cos that's the kind of host Garcia was.
And that year wasn't the exception.
The entire team was excited about the celebration. They needed a moment to relax after the last couple of cases they had had. Well, the entire team except for Spencer Walter Reid. Instead of looking forward to the celebration, he was freaking out trying to find the best costume to finally win the BAU Costume Competition. Why? because he was the only member of the team who had never won first place. Hell! He never even got second or third. He just got a participation price every year. And he hated it.
Halloween was Spencer's favorite holiday. He wasn't really into Christmas, it was too emotional and it reminded him of all the holidays he spent alone with his mother growing up, and how sometimes she wouldn't even remember it was Christmas. New Year wasn't his type of celebration 'cos he wasn't a party guy. He didn't enjoy clubbing and his definition of a fun evening included a bunch of books, herbal tea, and his couch. Not to mention Valentines. That was a miserable holiday for Reid. He never had a date that day, and the only girl he wanted to ask out was - at least according to his own words - way out of his league. So, to sum it up, Spencer's favorite holiday was Halloween and he couldn't even win a work costume competition.
He felt it was personal that year. He had to win. He had to have his moment of joy.
- "See you all guys tonight in my house!"- Garcia was beaming as she stood in front of the team that October 31st during their daily morning meeting.- "Everything is ready! We are going to have so much fun!"
- "We'll be there at seven. Savannah is very excited."- Morgan clapped his hands once and chuckled- "And you can all forget about winning this year's costume contest, 'cos me and my girl are gonna kill it."
- "I don't know, me and Will have a matching costume that could be the best one yet."- JJ smiled confidently at Morgan and Spencer frowned.
- "Do couples' costumes get more points?"- the young doctor asked, confused.
- "No, but they are fun!"- Garcia explained with a huge grin. - "Do you have your costume ready, boy wonder?"
- "Yes, and I don't mean to get cocky, but I'm sure this year you are all going to be amazed."- Reid answered with a smirk on his face.
- "No more Doctor Who then?"- Emily teased, chuckling- "You didn't knit any scarf this year."
- "My knitting skills are saved for Whovian's conventions only."- Spencer replied, making Em laugh. - "And I won't say a thing about my costume, it will be a surprise."
- "Hey, Spencer."- Garcia whispered and grabbed his sleeve as they all walked out of the briefing room, forcing him to stay behind with her.- "I was wondering if you are planning to ask (Y/N) out, or if you are going together to the party."
And Spencer's heart stopped. He opened his eyes and stared at his friend in disbelief. Not that he thought no one knew about his crush on his teammate. He just wasn't ready to deal with it just yet.
- "Ok, breathe, Reid!"- Garcia shook his arm as he nearly panicked in silence, standing in front of her. - "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but it's getting painful to watch. She likes you too!"
- "I don't... I don't feel."- Spencer tried to rearrange the words in his head, but failed. Instead, all he managed to do was frown and sigh.
- "Wow, an IQ of 187 slashed to nothing just like that. It's amazing. You hear the legends about it, but when you see it happen, it's disturbing."- Penelope did her best not to laugh at Spencer's humiliated face. His cheeks were burning as he kept trying to explain what was happening inside his brilliant brain.
- "You don't get it, I can't ask (Y/N) out! We work together! We are on the same FBI team! What if it doesn't work? What if I lose my friend all because I thought I had a shot with her? or worse! What if she doesn't like me that way, and she laughs in my face? How do I work with her after that?"
- "But how do you live with yourself now?"- Garcia whispered after Spencer's speech.- "You are alone, loving a girl in silence. That's even worse than failing. That's just being miserable."
Spencer didn't reply. He stared at Garcia in silence as she cut him a short smile and gave him a small hug.
- "I know you love Halloween, maybe tonight could be your night."
That poor man just wanted to win a simple Halloween costume contest, and now he wasn't sure he actually wanted to go to that celebration.
Spencer took his time getting ready for the party. He had picked a Beetlejuice costume that went with his crazy natural hair. He did his makeup, put on the stripped suit, combed his crazy hair, and stared at his reflection in the mirror.
- "You might not get the girl tonight, but you are getting your first prize in that costume competition."- he assured himself in the mirror before leaving his bathroom, ready to go to Garcia's.
- "Reid! Wait for me!"- (Y/N) shouted as she ran to cross the street, holding her bag and wig in place. Spencer turned and stared at her, feeling the wind was knocked out of his lungs. She looked hot. Not good. Hot. Smoking hot. So hot he couldn't help but scan her outfit up and down before he even tried to speak. She was dressed as Lydia Deetz, wearing a red dress that hugged her body in all the right places.
- "Wh... wh... w... wow."- that was all he could say when she smiled at him staring at his costume.
- "I know, right?! I can't believe we are matching!! I had no idea you were coming as Beetlejuice!"
- "I... when I... I really... wow."- Spencer was glad no one could see him making a fool out of himself. Well. no one but the co-worker he loved. Yet, he knew if Morgan or Rossi saw him, it would be worse.
- "You look amazing, Spencer!"- (Y/N) smiled and rubbed his arm as he just stared at her, trying to form an intelligent sentence.
- "Thank you, so do you."- that was all he managed to say. (Y/N) continued smiling as she walked inside the building and into the elevator. Spencer just followed her in silence, trying to make his brain function again.
- "Oh my god!! You look amazing (Y/N)!"- Garcia nearly yelled as she opened the door and found her teammates in the hall. - "And! Oh, Jesus!! You are matching costumes too! This is amazing!"- Spencer smiled, awkwardly, thinking his friend was already one or two cocktails in, which meant that in about half an hour she was potentially going to start embarrassing him in front of (Y/N).
- "So you really wanted the extra point for matching costumes?"- JJ teased Spencer as he and (Y/N) walked into the apartment.
- "You said there were no extra points!"- he replied immediately, hoping no one would start teasing him right away. Because, obviously they would.
- "There are no extra points, but there is extra fun when you get back home."- Morgan teased him, holding Savannah's waist as she stood next to him.- "Is that your plan too, kids?"
- "You guys look amazing!"- (Y/N) ignored Derek's comment and smiled at them. They were dressed as Aladdin and Princess Jazmine.
- "Not really creepy, though."- Spencer added.- "And Halloween is the night to be creepy."
- "You are creepy all year long."- Morgan's snarky comment was ignored when Garcia walked over with drinks for everybody. JJ and Will were dressed as Harley Quinn and The Joker, Rossi was dressed as Dracula, Hotch was Neo, from Matrix, Emily was Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction, and Garcia was Tiffany, Chucky's girlfriend. Sergio, her cat, was walking around the apartment in a tiny Chucky costume.
If you asked Spencer, he was sure he had a chance to win the competition that year. If only he could focus on it. But with (Y/N) dressed as his character's bride, dancing with Em and JJ, he had trouble thinking clearly.
- "Ok, loverboy. How did you manage to keep it in the dark about this?"- Derek asked Spencer after an hour or so into the celebration. Reid was standing next to a table, holding a drink and staring at (Y/N) dancing, not even being subtle.
- "About what?"
- "You two are clearly together. When did that happen?"
- "What? No... we... I am... she doesn't. We aren't.... no!"- he tried to explain and failed in the process. Derek raised an eyebrow staring at him, and Reid made his best effort to explain his mind. - "We didn't plan this, it just happened. I had no idea she was gonna show up dressed as Lydia."
- "Kid, you don't have to lie anymore. I'm glad things worked your way."
- "We are not together. She doesn't... we haven't. It.. it's not gonna happen, Ever!"- Spencer wanted to storm out, but he stayed still. Instead of leaving, he turned around and looked at the table, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room. Morgan walked a step closer and stood next to his friend.
- "You didn't plan this? You are not dating?"- and Reid just shook his head,- "And what are you waiting for?"
- "It's not gonna work."
- "Of course it won't. Not if you have a lousy attitude. She loves you, stop being a coward and kiss her."
- "Easy for you to say, no girl has ever rejected you."
- "Come on, kid. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. As far as I know, she likes you too. Now go there and ask her to dance."- before Spencer could argue, Morgan walked away. And the young doctor stood there, staring at the guacamole bowl, not able to move.
- "What caught your eyes?"- (Y/N)'s voice nearly gave him a heart attack. She just stood next to him with a big smile and stared at the food on the table.- "Hungry?"
- "I'm... I'm... the cheese board looks great."- he mumbled and mentally facepalmed himself for making such a stupid comment.
- "It does! Garcia has really outdone herself this year. And last year was already pretty awesome."- Spencer didn't reply, he just stared at the food, avoiding eye contact, in a desperate attempt to keep his brain working. But (Y/N) just sighed, and after a few seconds of silence, she just walked away. Reid closed his eyes and bit his lips.
- "Well done, asshole. You really know how to look like a jerk."- he argued with himself.
- "Everybody! Get together! we are gonna vote for this year's best costume!"- Penelope clapped a few times and stood in front of the group, next to the altar with pictures of their loved ones.
- "As every year, we'll choose the winner with our clap-o-meter"- which they didn't really have, but the costume with the louder reaction from the team was the winner.
- "First we have the Joker and Harley Quinn."- JJ and Will walked to the front and the entire room started clapping.
- "Then we have Aladdin and Jasmine."- Morgan held Savannah's hand and walked in front of their friends. Everybody clapped as Savannah did a little dance and Morgan rubbed a golden lamp. Spencer looked at (Y/N), she was clapping and smiling, looking as happy as ever.
- "Next one, Beetlejuice and Ly..."
- "No!"- Spencer interrupted Garcia, raising his arm.- "We didn't come together as a couple."- and as soon as he delivered those words, Spencer turned and looked at (Y/N). Her smile was long gone from her face. Instead, she stared at him in shock. She was hurt, she was embarrassed. And most of all, she was storming out of the apartment.
- "Shit!"- Spencer whispered as she quickly followed her, as all their friends stared at them in silence. They were all thinking pretty much the same: he had fucked it up and he better fixed it.
- "(Y/N) wait!"- Spencer ran after her and held her arm before she reached the stairs.-
- "No, Spencer! I'm done! I know you hate me, but you don't have to be so mean! I thought we could work together and be civil, but clearly, you don't stand me! So, please! let me go home so you can enjoy your evening at peace."
Spencer stared at her in shock. That's what he had accomplished. That she thought he hated her. And all because he didn't know how to act around her anymore.
- "(Y/N), no. I don't hate you."
- "Don't lie! You are just gonna make it worse. I know you hate me, you never talk to me, you walk away whenever I show up, and clearly, you don't wanna participate in a silly costume competition with me!"- (Y/N) pulled her arm from Spencer's hand and started walking down the stairs. But before she could go too far, Spencer held her hand and stopped her.
- "I don't hate you, I fucking love you! I have no idea how to act when you are around! I can't even speak when you are looking at me!"- he blurted out, not even thinking. (Y/N) stared at him, frowning. None of them said a word for a few seconds until she managed to whisper.
- "What?"
- "I... love... I love you."- Spencer repeated, in a softer voice. (Y/N) took a step closer and tried to read his face, looking for any sign of deceit. But there wasn't. Instead, he stared at her in adoration, waiting to see if his words had had any kind of effect on her.
- "You do?"- she asked, and Spencer blinked, nodding- "'Cos I love you too. So much."- she whispered, blushing.
- "You... do?"- Spencer nearly choked with the words. (Y/N) nodded and smiled, as the two of them fell silent one more time
- "Now kiss the girl, damn it!!"- Rossi yelled from inside the apartment, making them giggle. Spencer held (Y/N)'s hand and moved closer to her, staring right at her lips. She smiled in anticipation and nearly had a heart attack when she felt Spencer's lips on hers, kissing her so slowly, carefully, and sweetly, like she was made of crystal.
After a few seconds, they moved apart from each other and simply smiled, still in disbelief.
- "Do you... wanna go back inside?"- (Y/N) whispered, and pointed to Garcia's apartment.
- "Or... would you like to go out on a date?"- Spencer suggested, and her eyes shone in excitement.
- "A date on Halloween sounds like the best plan ever. But I thought this year you wanted to win the costume contest."
- "A date with you is the best prize ever."- Spencer replied and held her hand, leading the way downstairs. 
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aurorabayrpg · 1 year ago
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Spooky Season is officially upon us, and after the eventful year Aurora Bay has had so far, the town officials wanted to start the holiday season off with a bang! And so, what better way to do that than to extend festivities for an entire month!
Starting Sunday October 1st and lasting the entire month, Aurora Bay will be completely transformed into a Halloweentown fit for the movies, with all stores and buildings in town pitching in! But decking out the town in pumpkins and cobwebs is just the beginning.
Every weekend this month Sunset Drive-In will be hosting movie nights with back-to-back Halloween movies (earlier showings are family-friendly while nighttime is for the scares!)
And if movies aren't your thing, no worries! Because the fun isn't stopping there. For the entire month, the town will be hosting plenty of fun autumnal activities to get into the spirit, including a pumpkin patch, haunted house, a mile-long corn maze, mulled wine and cider stalls, and a haunted hayride! Not to mention a not-so-haunted hayride in the day for the kiddos, spooky facepaintings, and candy pop-up spots all throughout town for some early trick or treating.
Everything in town though will be culminating to Halloween weekend!
During the daytime, along of course with trick or treating in the evening all throughout town, we're inviting all parents to trunk or treat in the Elementary School parking lot and to deck out their cars!
And then during the night, Aurora Bay residents are invited to Sharky's for their annual Halloween bash! Doors open at 9 with the party going on all night. Prizes will be given out all night and of course-- costumes required!
Here's our next event! and this time we decided to do things a little differently! Firstly, this event will be going on for the entire month! We will still be allowing non-event threads throughout. Secondly, it will be done in two parts.
Part One will be all the activities going on daily in town throughout the month- giving everyone ample opportunity to plot and play! The pumpkin patch, corn maze, haunted house, and hayride will all be running daily, while the movie nights will be weekends only.
Part Two will be the costume party. Part two threads can begin starting on October 27th and going until the event time ends on November 5th.
as this will be going on all month, all threads can of course continue! we are asking though for any starters pertaining to the event to please be tagged with aurorabay.halloween
if anyone would like to host a stall or have their establishments host any specials either at the grounds or in their own places (i.e. restaurants, stores), feel free!
Part One:
the entire town will be decorated for halloween (streets and buildings alike). if you own an establishment, please feel free to whip up some aesthetic posts for how the decor is! food and drink places are encouraged to have themed menus.
the fairgrounds where all our outside events are hosted will also be decked out! during the daytime, the hayride and the corn maze will be for all ages! after dusk, the hayride will turn spooky and the haunted house will be open!
BOOze stalls will be around the grounds with mulled wine and ciders, as well at themed snacks and food stalls.
the grounds will also have halloween face-painting and pumpkin carving for kids and adults alike!
Part Two:
the costume party will be held (in game) at Sharky's on Saturday October 28th.
we will be holding a costume contest! this will be in game but voting will be done ooc. we will be having three categories:
sexiest costume
best couples costume
best costume
we will have every mun vote for each category. voting will go from the Oct 27th until Nov. 4th and we will announce the winners on Nov. 5th!
each category will have 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place with in game prizes for each
please tag @aurorabayaesthetic on your costume posts and post them in the aesthetic channel in our server so everyone can see!
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cigarettesmokerkaite · 3 years ago
Halloween party
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Summary: it's Halloween you,alex and miles decided to have matching costumes for the Halloween party
Word count/631
❥┈┈┈•˼͝ʹ͜ ˓̇͜∙͡∘ ∘͡∙̇͜˓ ͜ʹ͝˼•┈┈┈❥
Halloween my favourite time of the year you can dress up like whatever you want and party the night away
Me and my boyfriend Alex got invited to a Halloween party that one of our friends were holding at this club They owned
They invite us every year last year we dressed as cat woman and the riddler and the year before Alex was Walter white and I was the day of the dead
"Babeh" Alex called from the living room
"What" i asked making my way to him he was on the laptop probably looking at Halloween costumes
"Weh need teh figure out Wha' weh gunna dress as for this parteh" he said once I sat beside him
"Let's have a look then" I said
We were googling couple ideas and we couldn't find any we liked then I idea came into my head
"Oh I know what we can be" I said loudly making Alex jump
"Wha'" he laughed
"Chucky and Tiffany" I said Alex nodded
"Brilliant oh I get another idea for miles" he chuckled
"And" I said
"He can me glen or Glenda" he said laughing I laughed aswell
"Perfect" I said
We ordered the Costumes I decided on wearing a normal white dress instead of the big dress Tiffany wears
I grabbed my phone and text Miles
Miles I got an idea for what you can dress up as
And what's that
Glen from the seed of Chucky 😂
I take it Alex is Chucky and your Tiffany 😂
Fine I'll order the costume
And now it's Halloween Alex's hair was all over the place and since we sprayed orange hairspray over his hair and a few fake scars on his face with a joke knife that Miles bought from the joke shop he looked hot dressed as Chucky 
And for my costume I wore a short white dress my black doc martins and Alex's leather jacket my dark eye makeup with my brownie colour lipgloss and my heart Chucky fake tattoo on my chest I even had the wig to complete the look
Me and Alex arrived to the party the same time as Miles who was dressed as glen from the seed of Chucky
"Yeh look amazing son"Alex joked
"Thanks dad" Miles played along
We walked into the party making our way to the bar "what are you meant to be" a girl dressed as poison Ivy asked us
"I'm Chucky" Alex said
"Tiffany" I answered
"And glen" Miles added
"Glen?" The girl looked confused
"Their kid from the seed of Chucky" Miles explained earning an "oh"
After a few hours of dancing and singing drinking and whatnot
There was a contest who wins best solo costume best couples costume and best trio costume and our mate Chris who is hosting the party announced the winners
The winner for best solo costume was someone dressed as the mystery machine from scooby doo
And winner for best couples costume was a couple dresses as riff raff and magenta from the Rocky horror picture show
The winner for best trio was me alex and miles
We all got a bottle of champagne each and to be honest I was chuffed
We danced longer drinking the champagne out the bottle until we were shitfaced
I began into feel sleepy
"Al can we go home I'm tired" I mumbled nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck
"Yeah come on let's get yeh home" Alex chuckled
Once we were home I collapsed onto the bed not bothering to change or even take my shoes off Alex did that for me even taking off my makeup
"Goodnight babeh"he whispered placing a kiss on top of my head
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prose-for-hire · 4 years ago
How Ats characters would spend Halloween with their s/o:
A/N: Happy October! This is written on the assumption that the s/o really likes Halloween !! 🖤💜
Warning: Reader gets sired in one hc (Darla’s).
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Angel is surprisingly content to celebrate
Doesn’t feel it’ll be bad luck - I mean how more cursed can he get
if you really like Halloween he will do every dumb activity in the name of making sure you’re happy
Will take as much time off for you around the time as you like
He’s the boss anyway
Halloween’s usually pretty quiet
(always is around this time of year)
Won’t like people dressing up as vampires
Will call them all posers
If you do dress up as a vamp he’ll tell you that you look ridiculous
“What are you wearing, huh?” “You don’t want to be like this, y/n”
And will tell you to change
If you pout and sigh he’ll look back at you and instantly feel bad
Explain it’s just a fantasy
And laugh, offering to dress him up as a human
Might protest at first but finds the idea funny
Give him a fake tan and a Hawaiian shirt
Or something brighter anyway
He’ll give you one of those looks
But secretly find it fun when you excitedly pick “human” make up and clothes
If you try and show him off to the others will refuse
Can’t let them know he can get giddy and fun (that’ll just be for you and him)
But you will take pictures
Lots of pictures
he’ll scoop you up and hug you to him, so you can’t see how wide he’s grinning
Spike likes to pretend he hates it
But he loves it
No denying it
Won’t even be good at hiding it
but he will maintain he doesn’t wanna go anywhere
if you really plead will go to a bar with you
won’t dress up
but will get a lot of compliments on his Billy Idol costume
you might have to drag him away from a couple bar fights on Halloween
soul or no, the next person that says that name will be in the ground
if you’d rather stay in, he’s got you covered
he’ll have a tv guide or similar and have made a precise schedule of all the best Halloween shows/movies
and have made a reminder of where and when to switch over 
will ensure you both have plenty of snacks and drinks to last very near twenty four hours
will have a show or a movie lined up for any mood
want to be scared senseless? Here you go
Something cuter and a little spooky themed? Will line it up for you
(but will complain it’s lame)
Will make sure you’re comfortable and not scared if you’re watching horror movies
will take the piss if you jump but if he notices you’re really not enjoying it he’ll have a back-up to watch
will probably have several alternatives at the ready
the man knows his tv
if you’re frightened he’ll pull you into his side and give you as much comfort as you need
She’ll really like the holiday
Especially dressing up
(and the 24 hours off)
she will have planned her outfit (and yours) a few weeks before
Cordy will have conned Angel into letting her throw a party in the hotel
she will be doing a surprise-Halloween part for you
You love Halloween and you had kept hinting that it was getting close
maybe you could make plans
but she kept making excuses
there was a demon you needed to research
she was tired this year after all the work you guys do
she might have even faked a vision to get out of the conversation
Cordy will want everything perfect
she will threaten the entire team
that they have to come or else
and all of them will be there. She’s too scary not to listen
On the day you might look a little sorry for yourself
sat at reception in a costume just waiting for someone to have Halloween plans
You’ll get told to come into the ballroom (there’s a ballroom in the hotel)
Angel or Gunn will have been tasked to bring you
it’ll be a Halloween wonderland
Decorations, great music and all your friends in cool costumes
(except Angel)
Cordy will run at you and squeeze you tight, kissing your forehead
 telling you its all for you
and will give you an amazing costume for you to quickly put on
it’ll be the best Halloween part ever and she will barely leave your side all night
will be a bit unsure about the holiday
Has a bit of insecurity he’s still working on surrounding his demon half
Used to drink his way through the 31st alone
All of the masks and costumes
hard for him not to get a little cynical
Was hard to keep his usual good humour up
also, at this time of year his brooding could have put Angel’s to shame
But will have changed even slightly when he met you
And saw your enthusiasm
How could he deny you that excitable smile you always got around this time of year?
he will literally follow you to any activity you want
just so long as he gets to see you smiling like that
You choose a haunted house or similar
you know all about his demon half, he was open with you
so he doesn’t really find the house scary, although he does jump more than once
finally, he jumps so much he changes and manages to scare the actors away
he gets very pleased with himself
talking about ‘winning the haunted house’
in such a good mood will come with you to a party after
steals a crown from someone’s head
professes he’s the king of Halloween
and you absolutely have no intention of arguing with him
will appreciate all of the extra affection you lay on him through the night
will adore the holiday
And absolutely adore you if you love it as much as her
Will literally vibrate with excitement
moving her hands around as she speaks animatedly
telling everyone your plans loudly
Everyone will have heard at least twice
Ghost trains and candy apples
Pumpkin carving and decorating the entire hotel
Literally every floor
Even the already spooky looking rooms
by the time the actual day comes around you’ll both be suuuper tired
you’ve done something pretty much every day leading up to the 31st
you’ll be laying in bed together and she’ll be threading her fingers through yours
humming contentedly and then talking non-stop
about all of your adventures
you start to giggle speaking of wearing costumes and knocking on the doors of the hotel
so you do
you annoy Angel by doubling back and asking him for candy twice
you knock on every door of the hotel, shouting trick or treat excitedly
one ghost answers and says they would like to see what tricks you have on offer
you both scream
you run, hand in hand, away from the ghost on the far side of the hotel where nobody goes
huddle together, under your shared bedclothes
as if that would protect you from the ghost
you spent the rest of the evening, still in costume, wrapped around the other
used to spend it patrolling his neighbourhood
Making sure all the kids were safe from vamps, etc while they were out
(Didn’t know about the Halloween rule)
When he told you about this, you loved the idea
You both came up with a plan
You managed to get him to dress up a little (an eye patch and a hook or similar) and you dress up too
Taking some of the kids Gunn used to look out for to the posh neighbourhoods so that they can get the best candy
The kids had some great costumes and mountains of candy
You made sure they all got back safely
Luckily no real demons in sight
At the end of the night Gunn would offer to take you out somewhere
Maybe a bar if you’re up for it seeing as you have some costumes on
he will enter you in a costume competition
knowing that you look the best in any room
(Halloween or otherwise)
if you don’t win he will absolutely argue with the person that picked the winner
the disrespect
If you don’t wanna go out he’ll be content to go home with you, telling you he’s gonna scare you senseless with the goriest movies
Will look away from the screen more than you
Insists he’s not scared - I mean he fights worse in real life
it’s just it’s a lot of gore when he could be admiring you duh
You won’t be able to tell if that’s the truth or not but take the compliment lol
And cuddle up to him just in case
wasn’t such a big thing in England when he was growing up
Took himself very seriously as a watcher
So never really celebrated
So if you love it and suggest all of these fun activities
He’ll be straight into reading up all about them
By the next day can tell you the origin of all of the activities
And after a long-winded explanation which you will sit and listen to
Cos he’s very cute when he rambles like that
He’ll nonchalantly add he wants to try pumpkin carving first
so you’ll be looking for the nearest pumpkin patch before he changes his mind
make a day out of it
hold his hand through the entire day 
and maybe hang onto his arm a little
he will absolutely adore you being so physically affectionate
won’t be able to stop smiling
especially if you’re gushing about the 
he’ll offer to carry the pumpkins but may struggle a little as he hauls them to the car
you’ll both stop and not be able to stop smiling at each other
he’ll want to make the best one and will research so many designs
he’ll be really proud of himself and you when you show him yours
Wes will hug you softly to him and whisper his thanks 
you bring that little bit of joy into everything you do together
and Halloween is not different
he will set the carved pumpkins out pride of place on his desk at Angel investigations
or on the mantlepiece at your shared home
Pretty much works through every year
But this year was different
Made up a horrible excuse and spent it with you
She told you not to expect her to ever do this again
will have spent most of the day in bed with you
you don’t get much time around her job as it is
so you really enjoy spending this time with her
will suddenly get up in the afternoon and tell you to get dressed
you’ll frown, but feel she’s got something planned
you skip to the closet and she shakes her head, places a box on the bed
very special, several outfits for you
with a robe to place over the top
has been talking to all of her contacts and has got you both a very special ticket
she knows how much you enjoy Halloween
so has found a way for you to indulge
time travel, something that has been offered by the senior partners for employees to use (a kind of bonus)
she takes you through the decades
to different events/parties/time periods so that you can experience real events
All spooky themed
she’ll come with you and you have an amazing time
she makes you feel really loved
he’s indifferent on the holiday
But will humour you if you like it a lot
Probably went trick or treating and all that growing up
But will have “grown out of it”
One he notices how excited you’re getting for the holiday will have to ask
he’ll smile, maybe chuckle at the way you admit you love it
will say he’ll hope for the time off to spend it with you
won’t want to miss your enthusiasm
they don’t give him any time off.
So you call him in sick, using your most professional voice
they believe you (or at least they don’t need him cos its Halloween so they let it slide)
Introduce him to an escape room or something
One of those properly haunted mazes with the freaky actors that jump out
It might even relax him more than his job
He’ll hold your hand through the entire thing
will find a ‘cosy’ corner
and pull you into the shadows, for a kiss
only you could keep his mind off the stress of Wolfram and Hart for this long
he was actually enjoying himself
and the idea he was protecting you from this made up threat
will start to plan something for next year (maybe a surprise for you)
has mixed feelings on the holiday
Loves that he can walk around without question
But gets annoyed at how many people start to touch his skin and try and “take off his mask”
could get really annoyed, making him hide away more
or, with you there, he may embrace it
If you’re really into it will throw a Halloween party in your honour
In caritas, with 90% of the guests being bemused demons
Some will have never heard of what humans do for Halloween
Apple bobbing would be a hit
Lorne will literally stop at nothing if it’s your favourite
I’m talking cobwebs in the corners, spooky playlists and themed karaoke choices
The cocktails would be brilliant and the regular customers that were invited would get really into it and want there to be an annual party
You would be the guest of honour
Lorne would ofc have practiced at least one number
and shout you out (with a big spotlight on u) at the start and the end
of any and all numbers
i’d be surprised if you weren’t pulled on stage at some point
To ensure everyone knows you’re his s/o and there would be no Halloween fun without you
really won’t know much of Halloween
But might be surprisingly into it
You all worship us? Once a year?
Has visions of walking through the streets and making people sacrifice themselves to her
She will humour you if you want to dress up
but you only have one option: vampire
she wants to turn you anyway, she can’t spend much longing toying with a human
the other demons would talk
she will break into a mall
clear the area and reserve it for you
take you into all of the shops and will help you pick the most expensive items of clothing
will want to dress you up from a period of time she will remember fondly
as soon as you’re in your outfit will not be able to keep her hands off you
will take you out and show you off 
everyone will basically worship you (as she suspected)
she will lure someone away (after she is turned back into a vampire again)
have her fill
and nobody will notice
Halloween will be her new favourite time of year and will love you more for introducing it to her
She will know you like it so much, will offer to sire you that evening
Will want you beside her forever. And knows Halloween is special to you
You accept. It’s the best Halloween you ever spent
will have a plan for you to go to every party she’s been told about
An hour at each and you can double back if there’s a good one
Will wear the least clothing she can get away with
Will look reaally good
Might actually melt if you offer to do a couples costume
She’s a vampire but she’s still used to being a human
Loved Halloween and still does
Great excuse to get drunk and kiss her s/o
She’s very handsy anyway and will try and press as many kisses against you as she can at parties
Might start to nibble on your neck
If you’re into it and don’t tell her to stop she’ll squeal and get excited
And nibble a little harder to test your limits
Either way will be hanging off you in some way
So everyone knows you’re with her
Is surprisingly protective over a s/o
Especially at parties
Loves violence now so will try to get into at least one fight on halloween
You will have to pull her back from slapping the nearest person for looking at one or both of you funny
If her vamp face shows people will assume it’s a costume
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destieltropecollection · 5 years ago
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Destiel Trope Collection 2020 Day 15: Friends to Lovers
The First Thanksgiving | @fangirlingtodeath513
Rating: General Word Count: 1184 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester,Mary Winchester,John Winchester,Dean Winchester,Castiel (Supernatural),Traditions,Established Castiel/Dean Winchester,Thanksgiving,Thanksgiving Dinner,Minor Rowena MacLeod/Sam Winchester,Minor John Winchester/Mary Winchester Summary: Mary has a Thanksgiving tradition she’s carried on for years, but this year’s is particularly special.
For Better or Worse | @deansrightfulangerissue
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1497 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Parental Physical Abuse, Alternate Universe, Fluff and Angst Summary: When they first meet, Cas saves Dean from school bullies. Over the years, their friendship only grows stronger.
Quarantine Roomies | @cloverhighfive
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2038 Main Tags/Warnings: domestic fluff, idiots in love, first kiss, college AU Summary: Cas and Dean roomie together while they have to go in quarantine to wait out the pandemic outbreak. They're friends. But maybe Dean misread Cas.
Sex Ed | @Destielshipper4Cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2324 Main Tags/Warnings: Roommates, Virgin Castiel, Loss of Virginity, First Time, Alpha Dean, Omega Castiel, Barebacking Summary: Cas grew up in a religious family who have kept him sheltered all his life. When he finally gets out of there, his knowledge about sex is seriously lacking. Luckily, his alpha roommate Dean knows all about sex and can teach him a thing or two. It would be so much easier if feelings weren’t involved…
Stay a While | @nickelkeep
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2755 Main Tags/Warnings: AU - Roommates, Friends to Lovers, Moving in Together, Love Confessions Summary: With his brother expecting, Cas needs a place to live. With Sam moving out, Dean needs a roommate. After not living together for several years, can Cas and Dean make things work?
The Archaeologist and the Disco Ball | @saltnhalo
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2761 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - High School, Halloween, Halloween Costumes, Fluff, Love Confessions Summary: When Dean had agreed to take Castiel shopping for a costume to wear to Meg’s Halloween party this Friday, he had not expected the actual expedition to be so… difficult.
Pulling Shivers | @suckerfordeansfreckles
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3200 Main Tags/Warnings: childhood best friends, friends to lovers, skinny dipping, getting together, mutual pining, love confessions Summary: “You ever been skinny dipping?” Dean asks, out of absolutely nowhere. He’s looking up at Cas, upside-down from where he’s hanging off of Cas’ bed, a black controler clasped loosely in his hands. They’ve been hanging out and playing video games in Cas’ childhood bedroom all day, trying to use the days they have left before they inevitably have to start the three-hour drive back to college together. They are roommates now, and still best friends, just like when they were seven years old and missing a few teeth. Cas is also, unfortunately, still as head over heels in love with Dean now, at the age of 23, as he was when Dean was still too small to sit in the Impala without a booster seat, still only sitting and watching as his uncle Bobby tinkered on cars, still loud and laughing unabashedly, still void of worries. Cas stumbles a little over the question. “Um — I. No, never. You?”
Out Of Bed | @saltnhalo
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4145 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Wizard Castiel (Supernatural), Wizard Dean Winchester, Mutual Pining, Love Confessions, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Hufflepuff Dean Winchester, Gryffindor Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: On his way back from the Quidditch Pitch late one night, Dean Winchester finds himself adventuring the deserted corridors of Hogwarts with the Head Boy.
feathers and lightbulbs | @procasdeanating
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4371 Main Tags/Warnings: witch!Cas, incubus!Dean, sharing a bed, mutual pining Summary: A spell gone wrong forces Dean and Cas to keep in physical contact. Easier said than done, when one of them is a succubus and madly and secretly in love with his best friend.
The Fault of Flying | @thebloggerbloggerfun
Rating: General Word Count: 4478 Main Tags/Warnings: Reverse!Verse, Insomniac!Castiel, Angel!Dean Summary: Insomnia can make trying to fall asleep an incredibly frustrating endeavor, and for the human Castiel, it is. Luckily for him, his best friend is an angel with the ability to take him anywhere in the world when the nights get rough, and it makes everything more interesting! And more confusing.
Never Ever | @suckerfordeansfreckles
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4494 Main Tags/Warnings: best friends to lovers, drinking games, alcohol, confessions Summary: Every other week, Charlie and Gilda and Row, Jo, Garth and Kevin, Benny, Chuck, Sam, Dean and Cas get together to get drunk — or, depending on preferences, high. They meet and get drunk and talk about life, most of the time. Sometimes, though, like today, they play drinking games. Today, it’s Never Have I Ever. It’s only a quarter past midnight, all of them are way past tipsy already, when Charlie giggles to herself and slurs: “Never ’ve I ever — ever slapped my partner’s ass durin’ sex.” A mixture of laughter and snorts wanders through their rows, and everyone raises their glasses. Everyone, even Garth — everyone except Cas. Everyone drinks, except Cas, and Dean just stares. He can feel the vodka dribbling down his chin while he drinks, and oggles his best friend some more. As soon as he swallowed and coughed his way through the burning liquor, he blurts: “Dude, seriously, never?” And that's how it begins.
Scent-Bonded | @destielshipper4cas
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4742 Main Tags/Warnings: Friends to Lovers, Best Friends, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Summary: When the alpha Cas is scent-bonded to leaves him, it’s on Dean to pick up the pieces. Since they’re scent-compatible, letting Cas scent him helps the omega feel less despaired. An easy solution—if only Dean wasn’t in love with and scent-bonded to Cas.
Be quiet | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4748 Main Tags/Warnings: 5+1 Things, Semi-Public Sex Summary: 5 Times where Castiel needs Dean to be quiet and one time, where he really wants to hear what Dean has to say.
Pen Pal | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: General Word Count: 5246 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Pen Pals, Fluff, Falling in Love, Friends to Lovers, Summary: Hey, Cas, you wanna be my pen pal?” + (Dean is twelve years old when he asks Castiel to be his pen pal, not knowing that it will change his life completely.)
Not good enough? | @notfunnydean
Rating: General Word Count: 6099 Main Tags/Warnings: hurt!Dean, crying!Dean Summary: When Dean finds a list in Cas’ room, where Cas has written down everything he hates about him, Dean tries to become a brand new person. But Castiel seems to hate that as well.
making the most of the night | @pomegranatedaffodil
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6819 Main Tags/Warnings: Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Birthdays, Fluff and Smut Summary: Dean isn't exactly looking forward to his thirtieth birthday, but at least the party he has planned to mark its passing will be pretty great. Or so he thinks, until a massive snowstorm causes a power outage on the afternoon of the party. One by one, the guests make their excuses for not being able to attend-- all except for Cas, who Dean can't seem to get a hold of. And then there's a knock on his door.
Cuddle Buddies | @Destielshipper4Cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 10056 Main Tags/Warnings: Roommates, Mutual Pining, Couch Cuddles, Idiots in Love, Alpha Dean, Omega Castiel, Massage, Barebacking Summary: Cas just wants some alpha cuddles, but alphas generally aren’t all that interested in cuddling. Luckily, he has an awesome roommate who steps up to the plate.
Kilig | @gii-heylittleangel
Rating: General Word Count: 10397 Main Tags/Warnings: friends to lovers, 5+1 things, secret admirer Summary: Five times Castiel didn't know his secret admirer and the one time he did.
Took Me Long Enough | @confusedcasishere
Rating: Mature Word Count: 15579 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Openly Gay Castiel, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Top Castiel, High School AU, Eventual Smut, Dean Winchester Has A Crush on Castiel Summary: Alright, so you know how in movies the friendzoned BFF always gets the girl in the end? Well what if the girl is a dude and you’re also a dude? Do the same rules apply? Or will this clusterfuck end with me losing my best friend?
Unexpectedly You | @verobatto-angelxhunter
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 30239 Main Tags/Warnings: Destiel, season 8 canon divergent, mutual pining, winged Castiel, Sammy knows, explicit sexual content, Aruiel (OC) Sam/Aruiel (OC), first kiss, love confession. Summary: Cas is back in the bunker after being absent for a couple of weeks, although for Dean were like centuries. So this time he will train Castiel as a hunter, not because he missed him a lot and he wanted him to stay with him at all. Just because they are good friends. But something will ruin his plans, a new danger and an old enemy of Castiel will resurge. Ancient enochian spells and a big secret will be revealed while the hunter will try to figure out his feelings for the angel. Helped by Sammy's insightful mind and a new angel ally, our friends will have to save the world one more time.
Lucky Winner | @natmoose
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 31719 Main Tags/Warnings: General Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Past Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Professor Castiel, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Roommates, Friends to Lovers Warnings: Anxiety Attacks, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Explicit Sexual Content, Non-Penetrative Sex Summary: Dean wins a trip to Paris. In and of itself, that’s an amazing thing, but the problem is: he isn’t in a relationship with Lisa anymore, and the trip requires a romantic partner. The obvious choice is Cas, his roommate and best friend of 3 years, but coming with that are some very very complicated feelings and things Dean absolutely doesn’t want to deal with. But Dean isn’t selfish and also really wants to give his overworked best friend a well deserved holiday, so the only and best solution is to take Cas to Paris, romantic theme be damned. What Dean doesn’t know is that their whole trip will be documented by a photographer from the company - so to avoid their vacation being cut short, Dean and Cas will have to convincingly play a couple.
Because This Moment Simply Is | @ilovelucey
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 32045 Main Tags/Warnings: Highschool/College AU; Neighbor AU; Best friends to lovers; Bottom!Dean/Top!Cas Summary: Dean and Cas have been next-door neighbors and best friends since they were both four years old. They've been through everything together. Cas was there for Dean when his mother died, and his father started going off the rails. Dean was there for Cas while he came to terms with his sexuality and came out to his religious family. Now they’re both eighteen and Cas is secretly, hopelessly in love with Dean. After years of ignoring his burgeoning feelings, Cas finds the courage to come clean just before he moves across the country to attend college in California. Determined, Cas pours his feelings out into a letter and leaves it for Dean to find. It isn't until eight years later that Dean finally receives the letter, and that single sheet of yellowed notebook paper turns his entire world upside down.
Where the Road Leads? (WIP) | lightmyway (AO3)
Rating: Mature Word Count: 141598 Main Tags/Warnings: Friends to Lovers, Hurt/comfort, angst, Photojournalist Cas, Legal Guardian Dean Summary: Castiel took off on his motorcycle at eighteen, ready to let the road take him where it wanted. That plan changed when he met Mary Winchester at a protest rally and shell learned the power of the camera around his neck. He never expected he would move in with her two boys and step back from his up and coming career. Dean never expected to be a parent at the age of eighteen. He also never expected that Cas would dedicate himself to being there for both Winchester boys. Dean, also, never expected that Cas would return to the career he left behind and fly off to some of the most dangerous places in the world. He certainly never thought it would be because of something he let happen. Will he be able to bring Cas home?
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strawberrywritings · 5 years ago
Officer Amaro.
A/N: I’ll be brief: Nick, smut, and cop/officer kink (whatever you wanna call it). Enjoy! xx
/ Masterlist
Warnings: sexual intercourse, oral sex, officer kink, a bit of rought sex
Summer: Halloween calls for costumes and you have no idea that the stranger you met at the bar is not in a costume
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The calendar marked October 31st, people waited a whole year just for this day, to dress up, to get drunk, to play trick or treat, to have a night out… many different reasons. But still, you and your friends had made it a habit to celebrate Halloween, matching group costumes and all.
Last year it was Bratz, this year it was La Casa de Papel: the red suit and the Dalí mask, the distinguishing symbol of the gang. For comfort, you all had opted for red pants and red shirt, instead of the overall suit, the mask in place over your head, and bright red lipstick.
When you got to the bar, it was already crowded, but you could still get inside without pushing too much. Sometime passed, the good music came on, the 3 shots you had were starting to make your body feel warm and your mind a bit easier.
You went with your friend to the counter to get her another drink. She had made her order, when a hand appeared from beside you, placing itself on the counter and you hear a warm voice calling out for a drink. You turned around and almost bumped into the man, for he was tall, broad and much closer to you than you had realized. Your shoulder bumped into his body and you were quick to apologize.“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you”, you looked into his eyes for the first time, and the were as warm as his voice. He smiled.
“It’s alright, not your fault, this place’s crowded”, he tilted his head to towards the makeshift dancefloor, almost packed with people who seemed to be having the time of their lives.
You were in a haze, your eyes fixated on his, before you took in his whole appearance. He was dressed like a cop, every detail: the uniform, the badge, the hat, the handcuffs.
“Are you competing?”, you question caught him off guard, because he furrowed his eyebrows and looked at you. “Compete for what?”. “The… costume contest. They decide who’s got the best costume and every year there’s a winner”. It was not your first time in this place, but you usually came when you and your friends decided to party. Speaking of which, your friend had grabbed her drink and was watching the way you and this mystery guy were interacting. She put a hand om your arm and squeezed, gaining your attention. “I’m going back to the others, wave if you need something… although I don’t think you’ll need to”, she said, loud enough for you to hear, and winking as she left.
“Do you need to get back? I don’t want to keep you from having a good time”, his smile was calming and he was giving you an opportunity to go, but you were not sure if you wanted to. “Who says I’m not having a good time here?”, you smiled and leaned towards the bar, resting your back against it.“Nick”, he stuck his hand out and you smiled, shaking it. “Nice to meet you, Nick”, you introduced yourself, too, and he didn’t let go of your hand.
You were attracted to him and by the way he didn’t let go of your hand, you hoped he was too. He was hot, charming and his uniform had awakened your cop fantasies. He put his now empty glass on the counter, let go of your hand and examined the way you were dressed, not understanding what costume it was… until his eyes fell on the mask over your head. He smirked and tugged it down, covering your face with it, shaking his head.
“Do you have a city name, too? Or just the costume?”, he was now grinning, recognizing the infamous Dalí mask. You laughed and shook your head, getting the mask off your face and back on top of your head.
“I actually never thought about giving myself a name to fit in the gang. But if I had to, it would be Rome, such a wonderful city”. He nodded in agreement.You didn’t think that three shots would’ve loosened you up that much, but you found yourself bringing your hand up to his chest, your finger tracing the nametag where “AMARO” was written in bold letters, his surname, you assumed.
“Do you have a rank?”, you asked, your eyes still on the tag and then meeting his again. His hand came up and grabbed your hand, “Officer is fine”, his hand squeezed yours and you felt electricity going through you at his touch. “Officer Amaro, then? Nick Amaro”, you smiled as you saw his pupils dilate a bit at the use of “his rank” and his full name.
His hand brought yours behind your back, using it as leverage to pull your body against his. “Officer Amaro, yes. I suppose I should seize the moment and arrest you, I know Halloween is not stopping you from planning heists”. Your mouth watered at his implications, was this going where you thought it was going?
You licked your lips and smirked at him, “Arrest me, officer. I’ve been bad”, you batted your lashes at him and you felt how he was starting to grow hard against you. “I think you should tell your friends you’re leaving”, his mouth was right by your ear and his breath tickled you.
You turned to face the spot where your friends were, catching their attention by waving and then giving them a thumbs up, a “code” you had for when the guy was okay, so they didn’t need to be worried. You shot them a quick text in the group chat, saying you would see them tomorrow, and their replies were immediate and full of sexual allusions. You chuckled and looked back at Nick, smiling at him and placing a kiss on the corner of his lips.
“Take me home, officer”, you spoke in ear and he moved quick, almost dragging you out of the bar and leading you to his car, making you get inside and driving home. The car ride was full of sexual tension, his hand was on your thigh the whole time, squeezing and moving around, feeling the skin, and you could barely keep your hands to yourself, too. Nick was handsome and you couldn’t wait to see more of him.
When you got to his apartment, he let you in first and you lingered in the hallway, waiting for him to take the lead. He locked the house and slowly made his way over to where you were standing, one of his hands reached for your shoulder, turning you around, and the other went to grab the handcuffs from his belt. “You have the right to-”, he began the formula, but cut him off, you were becoming more and more impatient. “I know my rights, thank you”. Your tone was firm and you just wanted to tell him to hurry up.
“Very well, then”, he kissed your shoulder and the back of your neck, enclosing the handcuffs on your wrists and clicking them shut. “Is it okay?”, you gave a weak nod, incredibly aware of how damp your underwear was in that moment.Nick lead you to his bedroom, always facing your back, and pulled you to stand in front of the bed. His hand made contact with your body and you let out a sigh, dropping your head back and letting it rest on him.
“Do you want to confess?”, his hands never stayed in one place for too long, nor did they squeeze too much, you felt the need to push back into him and move your hips, just to get some sort of friction.“Yes, officer, I’ve been bad”, you whispered and he pulled you flush against him, his hand sliding from your stomach, between your breasts and all the way up to your throat, taking a hold of it. “This calls for a punishment, don’t you think?”, he flexed his hand and you whined quietly, nodding, “Yes”.“Yes what?”. “Yes, officer”. “Good girl”.
He moved his hand again from your throat and down to your hips, “Get on the bed, face down, ass up”, he ordered and your body moved to its own accord. You were completely under his spell, ready to do anything he asked you. You did as you were told, positioning yourself on the soft duvet with his hand as your hands were still cuffed behind your back.
“Such a nice ass – he gave a slap to it, making you moan and close your eyes – can I taste you?”, he licked his lips and waited for your consent, chuckling and getting on his knees when you told him he could do whatever he wanted.
He pulled down your pants, just enough to be able to eat you out, smiling as he saw the matching red underwear you had on. His fingers pulled your panties to the side, his eyes zeroing on your glistening lips and he used his hands to spread your cheeks, exposing you to his gaze.
The first thing you felt were his lips on the back of your thigh, two soft kisses, and then his mouthed closed in on you, your body melting at his actions.He started slowly, trailing his lips around and then using his tongue, swiping it between your lips and giving a couple of kitten licks at your clit. By now, you were a moaning mess, asking him to go faster, “please please please”. He knew he was teasing you, but he was enjoying it too much.
You heard him get up, pressing his clothed cock against your ass and pussy, making quick work of removing his shirt. “You made me so hard, can you feel it? I could eat you out all day”, you moaned and started grinding back into him, making him hiss, his eyes trained on your movements.He got on his knees again, turning you around and laying you with your back on the bed, the position was a bit uncomfortable due to your hands. He pulled off your pants completely and spread your legs, then kissed your inner tight.
“Just let me open you up, then I’ll get you out of the cuffs”, his voice was hoarse, he was trying to take things slow but all he wanted to do was take his pants off and fuck you.
“I want your hands, sir, please”, he started at you, all spread out before him and mumbled a quiet “fuck”. He did as you asked, covering his pointer and middle finger in your juices and slowly sliding them inside you. You moaned loudly, you were not in a relationship and your hands or dildos could not compare to the real thing.
“Do you want to come, cariño?”, you moaned even louder at the use of the Spanish nickname and he started to move his fingers, angling them just right to hit your g-spot. “Please, sir”. “Ask me properly”. “Please, sir, make me cum”. He smirked at you, he had no idea how much he enjoyed being called “sir” until you were saying it. Your eyes snapped open the moment he put his mouth on you, his tongue playing with your clit.
The sight between your legs was heavenly: he was on his knees, just his pants on, but with the way he was moving his free hand, you were pretty sure his pants were open and he was jerking off. The thought of his dick in his hand and the fact the he got off on eating you out made you cum on his tongue and fingers, his name slipping out of your mouth repeatedly.
He licked everything he could, cleaning you up and sliding his fingers out. He gently helped you sit up, his hands immediately going to unlock the cuffs on your wrists, tossing them on the floor and examining the red marks on the skin.
“It’s fine, I enjoyed it”, your voice broke his thoughts. He smiled and kissed you. The first real kiss since getting into his house and damn was it good.
“Let me repay the favor”, you tried to get on your knees in front of him, your hand enclosing on his head and tugging a few times. He groaned and sneaked a hand into your hair, the other going to grab himself.
“Open”, you smiled as he pulled your head back and slapped his dick against your lips. You obeyed him and opened your mouth wide. He slid his cock in your mouth a few times, never breaking eye contact, relishing the warmth of it and the pleasure it brought, but it wasn’t what he brought you home for.
“How do you want it?”, his hand was still keeping your head back and the other was pumping himself. “From behind”, your answer was determined and he smirked, he could wait to have you. You positioned yourself on the bed just like it had started, your head was on your hands, your knees were apart to make room for him and your cunt was shining with arousal in the low light.
He grabbed a condom from his nightstand and put it on, proceeding to slide his cock against your folds a few times to get it wet. You were soaked and Nick slipped right in, both of you moaning as he stayed still for a couple seconds to let you get accustomed to his size. He was thick and felt delicious. He understood he could move when your hips started grinding against his, but he removed his hands from their place on your hips.
“Fuck yourself on my cock, c’mon”, you gave your ass a soft slap and you moaned, biting your lips and adjusting the position of your arms, so you could rock back on him. Your pace started slow, long and experimental thrusts, leaving just the head inside and then taking him back till the base. His eyes were focused on you, how you worked yourself and him, the sounds you made, everything.
“Look at you, good girl”, his praises only fueled your movements. When your pace quickened, he watched your ass bounce in front of his, what a view. Your moans were getting louder and he knew that you were chasing your orgasm. He put his hands on your hips, keeping you in place as he started to thrust into you at a decent pace, your hands immediately grabbed at the covers underneath you.
“Fuck Nick, just like that”, you huffed and squeezed your eyes, the eroticism of the moment contributing to your upcoming orgasm. He knew he had to give you something more, so he wet his fingers and sneaked one hand around and rubbing your clit. “Are you going to cum, sweetheart?”, he was really holding off, waiting for you to let go first, but with the way your cunt was gripping him he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. “Yes, yes, can I cum? Can I cum, sir? Please”, hearing you ask him for permission to cum made something snap inside of him, his pace becoming impossibly fast.
“Cum, baby. Soak my cock”. The combination of his words, the way he was moving and how he was rubbing your clit had you cumming in an instant. You were moaning loudly and calling out his name, one of your hands had left the bed and now had a death grip on his forearm, to keep yourself grounded, because you were on the verge of passing out from your orgasm. He followed right after you, the way you squeezed him was too much to handle and he emptied himself inside the condom in a few, long thrusts. He said your name and some curse words in Spanish, and if you weren’t so spent, you’d be ready to go again just by hearing that.
Nick stopped his movements, stilling inside of you, both of you panting loudly. Next, you felt his mouth on your upper back, leaving a few kisses there, on of his hands was by your side, supporting his weight, and the other was encircling your waist. “You okay?”, his voice was calm and tender. “Yeah, thanks”, you replied and closed your eyes for a second, until you felt him pull out. He showed you the bathroom, so you could clean up and pee, and he started to tidy up his discarded uniform, and your clothes.
You got out of the bathroom, yawning and rubbing your eyes. You started to get dressed, but he stopped you. “You can sleep here, if you want. I don’t want you going out there, alone, at this hour”. He tried to make it sound like a suggestion, but he failed. There was no room for arguing, you were staying the night. He welcomed you into the bed, you were only wearing a shirt of his and he was wearing sweatpants. You fell asleep right away, barely saying goodnight, too tired to do anything else.
The morning after, you woke up with a pleasant ache between your legs, and it took you a while to actually remember where you were. What helped in you, in fact, was the gun that you saw on the nightstand. It was still sitting in its holster, but there was no doubt that was a gun. And it looked pretty real too. “What the- fuck”, you sat up on the bed, scooting away from that object.
Nick was in the adjacent bathroom and he heard you, a signal that you were awake. He entered the room, still in the same sweatpants, and he looked at you, your eyes wide and staring at the gun. “Why is there a fucking gun on your nightstand”, you didn’t mean to sound so rude and angry, but it wasn’t exactly common for you to wake up to a gun. Nick looked at you with his eyes wide, “What do you mean why ther- it’s my job! Where else should I put the gun?”. “Your job?”, you looked at him, and you had no idea what was going on. “Uh... yeah, my job. The uniform, the gun, the badge. I told I was an officer”, he shook his head at you, brows furrowed. You had told him you only had three shots and that you were “basically sober”, but he was beginning to question the fact.
“Holy shit. Holy shit. So that was not a Halloween costume.”, there it was. The misunderstanding.
He raised his eyebrows and he wanted to smile at your silliness, but seeing the upset state you were in, he decided against it. “I thought it was clear. I mean, costumes usually don’t have nametag, do they?”, he sat beside you, one leg crossed on the bed and the other with the feet still on the floor. You nodded and then shook your head. “No, you’re right, but see, you showed up at a Halloween party, dressed like a cop. Cops are one of the most popular disguises for Halloween and I just thought… you know, that it was a costume”.
You were almost embarrassed saying it out loud, you had just made a fool out of yourself.He nodded and put his hand on yours, “Hey, it doesn’t matter. It’s alright, I see where you’re coming from. But yeah… I’m a cop. Detective, actually”, he saw your eyebrows raised and he didn’t know if this situation was good or bad. Did you have any regrets? Because if you did, he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear it.
“Well, anyways thank you for last night. I enjoyed it”, you murmured and started to get down from the bed, grabbing your clothes and starting to dress yourself.“There’s breakfast, if you want. Coffee, tea, cereal…”, you turned your head and gave him a small smile. “Thank you, but I’m really not the breakfast type”, he nodded, understanding that you probably wanted to leave, this was a one-night stand, after all. “Want me… to show you out?”, he said and you grabbed your purse and your phone, “Please”.
On the threshold of his house, you turned around and looked at him, he was keeping the door open. “Thank you for yesterday”, you smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek, waving at him as you made your  way out.
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justalittleofyourlove-fic · 4 years ago
A LoYL snippet...
Day 6: Trick or Treat from Clextober2020 featured Clarke, Lexa, and Xander!!
Most days, Clarke really loved her job. As a detective, she solved crime that tore families apart. Sometimes she even worked on finding a missing kid. Those days were her favorite. The days where she can find a missing piece and make a family whole again, she loved those days.
Her work as the head of the Polis PD’s Search and Rescue was just as important. Sure, those stories took tragic turns more often than she’d like. Still, she wasn’t ready to give that up yet. She had more helicopters to jump out of before she could even consider giving it up!
But when her work took her away from her family, she hated that. Seeing Xander’s shoulders drop when her phone rang, knowing it meant Clarke had to head to a crime scene or the precinct, she hated it. She knew the little girl was proud of the work she did, but she knew Xander struggled with sharing Kork with others.
It wasn’t often that Clarke pushed her team to the breaking point on missions but that Halloween, she did just that. She’d been able to talk to Lexa and Xander briefly the night before. Lexa made her promise to just be safe, a promise Clarke was ready and willing to make. But then Xander had taken the phone from her mother and told Clarke it was okay if she had to miss Halloween to save someone. She would understand.
And dammit, Clarke didn’t want the six-year-old to have to understand.
She never spoke the words out loud but she’d made a promise to Xander that she’d try her hardest to get home in time to get dressed up and take her trick or treating.
The mission and debriefing really hadn’t been too bad. Maybe that was because Clarke had been given an excuse to leave early though. Needing an x-ray or two was a good way to get out of the boring bits of the job.
Nursing her side, Clarke slowly made her way up the front walk to Lexa’s house. She hadn’t officially moved in or anything but since most of her stuff was there, she might as well have. It was only a matter of time before it was official anyway.
Reaching for the doorknob, she whimpered when she found it locked. Her keys were in her pocket, reaching for them meant moving muscles that had been strained and possibly jostling bones that were bruised. Biting her lip, she breathed heavily through her nose as she dug into her pocket for the keys.
She had to take a few seconds, blinking back tears the whole time, before she slid the key into the lock.
Once inside, she slowly made her way to Badas’ kennel, letting the puppy into the backyard for a little while. She pulled a Gatorade from the fridge, taking a long drink from it before she reached in for the lunch meats. A quick sandwich before an even quicker shower seemed in order.
Badas was ready to join her inside just as she finished her drink and sandwich. He ran to the door, skidding to a stop just before he bashed into the glass, and sat down. Clarke slid the door open, greeting the puppy with scratches to his ears.
“Come on,” She said as she turned toward the living room.
Normally she and Lexa didn’t let him up on their bed. There were times when exceptions were made though, including Clarke feeling like she’d gone white water rafting without the raft.
Badas jumped onto the bed and settled at the foot, lazing onto his side with a grumbled sort of sigh.
“I feel you, buddy,” Clarke muttered as she shuffled by. She grabbed the first set of comfy clothes she spotted in the closet, knowing full well the shirt was Lexa’s and she was only going to stretch it out. She smirked at that. Lexa had a thing for her stretching out her shirts.
The shower wasn’t as quick as Clarke had planned. The hot water spraying at her from the side jets and falling onto her head from the rainfall head... well, it seemed like just what the doctor would have ordered had the doctor known she had access to such wonderfulness.
Soon enough though, Clarke turned off the water and prepared for her first sleep in a real bed in over a week. The cot in her tent had not been the most comfortable. She toweled herself off, pulling her hair up into a messy bun, and pulled on the clothes.
As soon as she exited the bathroom she was snorting out a laugh. Badas was doing his best impression of a starfish. The puppy had grown a great deal in the months since she and Xander had found him in the forest. Clarke knew he still had more goring left to do and he was already huge.
“Better make room for me,” Clarke said as she lifted the blankets. When the puppy only groaned and huffed at her, she slid her knee up onto the bed and shot a glare his way. “Badas, I will fight you. You do not scare me.”
More grumbled huffs came her way, but at least this time the puppy sat up, allowing Clarke to get her legs into the bed. He watched her, and though she may have imagined in her sleep-deprived mind, Clarke was pretty sure he narrowed his eyes at her.
Clarke waved off his grumbling, already half asleep. “I fell down a fucking mountain, Badas. Leave me alone!”
The next thing Clarke knew, she was being gently shaken awake. She opened the eye not buried in the plush pillow, immediately smiling sleepily when she spotted Lexa leaning over her.
“Hey, you,” Clarke whispered, her voice scratchy and huskier than usual. She lifted her arm and scooted back a bit on the bed, eager to feel Lexa pressed against her. “I missed you.”
Lexa obliged without needing to be asked. She slid right into the bed, smiling when Clarke’s arm dropped over her, her hand rubbing at her back. She leaned in, eager for a kiss. It always seemed like she was never convinced Clarke was actually home unless she was given a kiss.
Even three-quarters of the way asleep, Clarke responded to the kiss right away.
“Love you,” Clarke whispered, her hand pulling at Lexa’s back, urging her closer until their legs were tangled and Lexa’s arm was draped over Clarke’s side too.
That was when Lexa noticed the grimace on Clarke’s face when she touched her. And then she spotted the small cuts on her face and neck. She leaned in and kissed each one she could see.
“So… you fell down a mountain?” she asked.
“I was pushed down a mountain,” Clarke corrected, not even bothering to open her eyes. Her hand squeezed Lexa’s hip. “I’m fine, love.”
Arching a brow and pushing herself up onto her elbow, Lexa reached for the hem of Clarke’s shirt. She eased it up. When she spotted the purple and black bruises, she bit her lips. As carefully as she could, she leaned down and pressed soft kisses over the injuries.
“What happened?” She asked as she settled again.
“Fucking Finn,” Clarke bit out. She opened an eye then and pouted. “He’s such a little bitch. Bats he can handle with no issue. The bugs in caves? No big deal to him. But a bumblebee? A goddamn bee buzzing around his head and he turns into the biggest wimp on the East coast.”
Lexa bit back a smile. She nodded and waited for more ranting. It didn’t come though.
“He ran from a bee?”
“He fucking shrieked and ran like he was being chased by killer bees!” Clarke replied. She rolled to her back as carefully as she could. “And did it matter that I was in his way on the path? Do you think that mattered?”
Lexa shook her head and leaned her head on her hand. “No, I don’t suppose it did.”
“It’s been months since I got hurt on a mission. And this time, it wasn’t even the mission!”
“I know, love.”
Clarke groaned and turned her head so she could meet Lexa’s eye. “I could kill him.”
“You’ll have to get in line behind Raven, Octavia, Anya, Lincoln, Kane, your mother, me and Xander.”
“You’re pretty far down that list,” Clarke cocked a brow.
Lexa shrugged. “The others know where he lives. I haven’t been given that information yet.”
Laughing quietly, Clarke clutched at her ribs when they pulled a little. “I did try to not get hurt though. I want that noted!”
“You’re okay? Other than scrapes and bruises?”
“A couple of bruised ribs and strained muscles,” Clarke informed her with a whine. “I’m on desk duty for, like, a month now. I’m going to make Finn clean and sanitize every single piece of equipment in our inventory. Twice! And then I’ll have him disassemble all of our weapons and clean them too.”
Shaking her head, Clarke stuck her tongue out at her girlfriend. “Then, when I’m done with him, I’ll send him to the precinct so Kane can use him too.”
“You don’t have to go tonight, you know that right?” Lexa said softly, reaching to cup Clarke’s face. Her thumb moved back and forth along her cheek. “Xander will understand.”
“I don’t want Xander to have to understand.” Clarke replied quickly. “What time is it?”
“About half four.”
Nodding, Clarke pulled herself into a sitting position, leaning back against the headboard. “Okay. So I have an hour and half to get ready.”
“Clarke, my love,” Lexa breathed and shook her head. “You can stay here.”
“I’ll take some of the pills the doc gave me, spray on some lidocaine stuff and I’ll be good to go.”
Lexa chewed the inside of her cheek for a moment. Then she sighed. “What are the chances I’ll be able to talk you out of this?”
“Slim to none,” Clarke replied. She puckered her lips. “Now give me a kiss and help me out of bed. We’ve got costumes to put on!”
Trick or Treating started at six o’clock sharp. Clarke had managed to finish getting ready ten minutes before the family of three piled into Lexa’s SUV. They drove to the big houses first, Clarke eagerly sharing all the best spots to get the big candy bars with a giddy Xander in the back seat.
She wasn’t wrong about a single house. Xander’s candy haul was massive.
Soon, they ended up at Abby and Kane’s house, the agreed upon meeting place for their friends and family for the night. Abby hosted a costume party every year, offering a gift certificate to a spa to the winner of the costume party. Making their way around to the back yard, Xander took off at a sprint when she spotted Declan and Mags on the impromptu dance floor Kane had set up.
Clarke found herself pulled into the house and up to her old bedroom.
“Are you planning on having your way with me?” She husked as Lexa pushed her inside.
“Yeah, right,” Lexa replied with a laugh. She pulled Clarke’s pills out of the little purse that was part of her costume. “It’s time for you to take some more pills. And,” She pulled out the lidocaine spray, “To reapply this.”
Fifteen minutes later, and only after Lexa agreed to a quick teenage-style make-out, they rejoined the party. This time, Raven and Anya, Lincoln and Octavia, and the rest of their friends were there. As soon as Raven spotted them, she threw her head back and laughed loudly.
“No way!” She breathed before she started laughing again at the sight of them. “No fucking way!”
“Swear jar!” Xander and Declan shouted at the same time, holding out their hands as they raced toward her.
The sight of Xander in her costume was Raven’s undoing. “This is the greatest day of my life. Where’s Abby? Clexander wins this year. Hands down. No way there are better costumes here.”
Lexa looped her arm around Clarke carefully before pressing a smiling kiss to her cheek. She motioned for Xander to join them, each of them placing a hand on her shoulder.
The picture Octavia snapped of them became one of their favorites.
“What?” Clarke asked as she arched a brow. She grinned at her family. “Haven’t you ever seen a goomba just chilling with Princess Peach and Princess Daisy?”
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thebridgehqs · 4 years ago
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One day, there is blinding sunshine and you can’t spend an hour outside without getting a bit burnt in the heat. The next, the rain has come back with a bitterly cold wind that gets into your bones. The seasons have changed, and with it, Halloween is quickly approaching. All over the city, things are happening, and not all of them can be explained.
See under the cut for a list of Halloween events that are running, some all month, and others just for the spookiest night of the year.
ooc information: 
Threads can start any time, but we ask that people do not post event starters past Friday the 13th of November, to bookend the spooky season. Of course, you can take as long as you’d like to continue threads after that.  
Please tag any open starters with thebridge: halloween and the location of the starter to make it easier for other players. 
Platinum Cinema is airing a different scary movie every day of the month and offers a five percent discount on concessions for anyone dressed up. That discount goes up to ten percent if you are dressed as a character from the movie you’re seeing. Don’t ask how they got movies that weren’t made in this time, that’s not a question you want answered.
The Jolly Roger is offering pirate cruises around the harbour. The crew are all pirates – some of them even real pirates – and they’ll teach you how to swordfight if you ask nicely. If you cause trouble, you’ll really walk the plank, so don’t wear a costume that might weigh you down. If you have a little magic to spare, the captain might even arrange for a flight cruise over the city itself.
The Rocks:
Ghost tours are running every night of the month, starting through the Rocks but leading through other parts of the city to showcase the true and often horrifying history of the city. The thing is, the tour guides, they don’t seem to be real, exactly, and you’ll come away wondering where the ghosts really were. 
The Roadhouse is not the type of place ghosts are welcome. You’ll notice the tour guides stay well away from it, but for any people who do go in, there is a chance for a free drink. If you can tell a scary story that impresses owner Jo Harvelle, your next round is free. But fair warning, she does expect realism. 
Want a stunning costume and a guarantee you won’t look exactly like someone else? Marinette Dupain-Cheng has rented out a room here in the Rocks and offers a cheap tailoring service if you’ve bought a costume that doesn’t quite fit, and a more exclusive costume design service where she’ll make you a one of a kind costume.
Darling Point:
Crimson Rooftop is well known for being a classy place, and Halloween is no exception. On the night of Halloween itself, they are offering a free drink with dinner to guests who are dressed as classic characters, nothing gaudy or foolish. There are also rumours that the meals might even just magically appear on your plate.
Harry Osborn has issued an open invitation to a masquerade party at his manor on Halloween night. It is hardly the only party going on that night, even in Darling Point as well, but it will be a fancy night for all guests.
King’s Cross:
Ember’s Club has decorated appropriately for the month, and the dancers have changed costumes for the month to get into the spirit – absolutely no pun intended, no matter what you might see around the place.
On Halloween, Club Loophole will be exclusive to Arcadia members for the night, with the mysterious leader hosting a party for only the gang itself. Costumes are optional but highly encouraged, and everyone knows better that to disappoint the leader.
In contrast to their well-known rivals, The Phantom is opening their doors to everyone, and making a point of it. They’ll also be holding a costume competition – the person with the best costume in the club at midnight will get their tab paid off, meaning they drink free.  
The Whiskey Chef is offering thematic drinks with their meals all month, and on Halloween, they’re offering a lucky raffle. If your name is called out, you’ll dine free.
If you want to party and you’re okay with the odd displays of magic, but don’t want to go somewhere too crazy, then why not stop by Magnus Bane’s party? Please dress up, whether that means just dressing nicely or in a costume, but a good time is guaranteed to be had – if you don’t drink the wrong thing.
One street, popular with university students, is running a series of haunted houses. Some of these are exactly what you’d expected from a bunch of students, while others are more innovative and use creative technology for bigger scares. And if it so happens that maybe some Weirdsister students got involved in the fun to make their house the spookiest, well, it’s all in good fun.
On the night known by most as Halloween, the university campus will find it much harder to deny the allegations that there is a secret magical campus hidden within the school. To fit the actual season of the southern hemisphere, a Beltane feast will be held on the 30th, and it’ll magically appear on the university grounds for all to enjoy. There will be many traditional events surrounding the feast, such as a bonfire, and it will last from sunset on the 30th to sunset on the 31st, where all traces will magically disappear again.
Ever wanted to learn your future? Ron Weasley is offering the chance for you to find out. If you can find him in the haunted houses in the whole week leading Halloween, he’ll take you aside and tell your future. He doesn’t guarantee you’ll like what he tells you, or that it’ll make sense, but it will be true.
Over the weekend before Halloween itself, Bondi will host a series of competitions during the sunny days of the weekend. To enter, you must compete in a costume the entire time. For each competition, you are scored, and the winner of each round gets a free dinner for two at the Beach House, located right on the waterfront, and the ultimate winner gets $1000. The competition includes: a 5km race, surfing, a 5km swim, weightlifting, and long jump. It is possible to just compete in one round and not the whole thing, but you’d lose the chance of the final prize.
It’s not strictly allowed to host parties on the beach, not that it stops smaller gatherings which go ignored. However, it’ll be impossible to ignore the fantastic display put on by Rose Weasley. With fireworks, bonfires, and plenty of alcohol, this party is sure to end up with more than a little trouble by the time it’s over. 
Interested in something family friendly? Well, Balmain is closing off several streets to make a safe zone for children to go trick or treating without worrying about traffic. Each house along those streets will have appropriate décor – nothing too scary for the little ones – and plenty of candy to give away.
One street will also be holding a street party on All Hallows Eve, where everyone is invited. It’s potluck, so consider bringing something to share. There’ll also be dancing, but the party will be over by 1am.
Just outside Parramatta, a large field has been turned into a drive-in theatre. Every day of the month, they’re showing family friendly Halloween movies, and after sunset, the movies are truly horror movies. It doesn’t matter if the movies are from another time, or if characters see their stories played out on the screen, it’s free and it’s fun.
Also just outside Parramatta, Rohirrim Stables is offering spooky horse rides, led by owner Eowyn. Bring a picnic lunch or dinner, depending what time you come by, if you dare to eat in the middle of the woods. 
One farm just outside Liverpool has been turned into a delightfully spooky maze. There are some people who come out of it saying that there are impossible creatures inside the maze, but… at least they got to leave the maze.
Inspired by a legend of a nearby suburb, Liverpool is holding a festival. There will be performers entertaining the crowds, a couple of rides that should certainly not exist in the 20’s, and a parade of spooky costumes. It’s family friendly, and also very popular for daredevils who want to go on the rides.
Note: if you want your muse to win any of the competitions running at any of the locations, please message Admin Mac. You can also message Admin Mac if you want to add any events that are open to muses, whether at someone’s home or their business.
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dxitydoo · 5 years ago
Miraculous Ladybug Fic Recs!
I keep going looking for these and realising there aren’t loads so, while this doesn’t fix my problem, hopefully this helps you if you’re looking for some good fics!
For some reason, I’ve had a bit of a thing for longer fics recently so most of these are over 10k. Hopefully, there’s enough of a mix that you can find something you like!
* - unfinished
M - mature
☆ - favourite
Arranged in alphabetical order.
Allez Savoir Pourquoi by Yilena | 30k - M
After seeing her soulmate for years without knowing his identity, Marinette bumps into him at a newly opened cat café. When he confesses that he needs help, she agrees to work for him on a whim. AU.
breathe— by frostedpuffs | 22k
Adrien had always been fond of Marinette. That was a truth he held close to his heart.
When he nearly meets his fate on an otherwise peaceful autumn afternoon, his world is thrown into typhoon of muddled thoughts and vague memories. Though questions burn at his mind as he lies awake, one particular detail stays constant: a familiar face in the crowd that's been by his side every step of the way.
It's a long road to recovery. But with his partner close, what's there to be afraid of?
☆ A Co-meow-dy of Errors by othellia | 31k
While chasing down a thief, an ancient artifact causes Adrien and Alya to swap bodies. Desperate to keep it a secret from Ladybug, the two decide to try and live life as the other until they can re-track down the thief and switch back.
Things... don't exactly go according to plan.
My thoughts: I read this one on the way to school and boy was it hard to keep from smiling while reading it
☆ Chasing the C/h/atwalk by Inkkerfuffle | 112k
Paris. The city of lights, love and fashion. Follow the progress of Marinette Dupain Cheng as she enters the extremely competitive world of Reality television for a chance to be the winner of Project Runway: France.
My thoughts: this one is literally my all-time MLB fanfic. If you’re willing to read a longer one, then this one is definitely definitely worth it!
☆ Cheaters by 11JJ11 | 8.7k
Alya discovers Adrien kissing Ladybug, and she's not happy that he's cheating on her best friend. Adrien knows that he can't reveal his Lady's identity, and he just might have to take the fall– but he's not going down alone.
My thoughts: Now with an extra 2nd part that makes it even better!
Checking Sources by DOMinMatrix | 10k
Marinette is having a rough day when that night, when she's supposed to have a solo patrol, Chat Noir shows up asking a single question: "Have you revealed your identity to anyone, accidentally or otherwise?"
Derrière l’ecran - ENGLISH TRANSLATION by Mindell | 6.6k
Little virtual conversations between Ladybug and Chat Noir, after which Chat Noir was successful in convincing his co-teammate that it would be very practical for them to have the possibility to contact her when they are not transformed into their hero alter-egos. The Internet is there to guarantee anonymity-- something so dear to the heart of the young girl…
☆ Fermeture by KarmaHope | 9.4k
The hardest part of being a superhero is no longer being a superhero. It’s been five years since Marinette last saw Tikki; since she last saw Chat Noir; and she can’t take it anymore. A reunion/reveal fic.
My thoughts: this one almost made me cry but it was also so good. I couldn’t not put it on this list
fierce competition by Bumblewyn | 3.3k
"I have a problem," Ladybug laments as she theatrically drapes herself across one of the Eiffel Tower's support beams.
"What is it?" Chat Noir asks, curiously looking up at her slumped form.
"I think the boy I like has a crush on me."
"Hold on," Chat says, holding up a finger to halt her as he frowns intensely.
They stare at each other in silence for a couple of seconds.
Chat shrugs and drops his finger. "I give up," he declares. "I have no idea how that could possibly be a problem."
"Because he's got a crush on Ladybug! Only on Ladybug!"
My thoughts: I just love their relationship in this. This one is short but sweet
give ‘em pumpkin to talk about by alooxsnaps | 3.8k
“Wow Marinette, great Ladybug costume!”
Alya’s words reverberated in her head like someone kept hitting pause and rewinding the moment over and over again, until sheer, unadulterated panic swallowed her whole.
She wasn’t IN a costume. She was transformed. ...As LADYBUG.
Alya throws a Halloween party and chaos ensues.
How To Break Superhero Rules by GayFairyRoyalty | 7k*
What happens when Chloe argues with Marinette?
What happens when Marinette finally loses her cool?
What happens when all of Miss Bustier's class find out Marinette's and Adrien's secrets?
If You Give a Kwami a Cracker by PFTones3482 | 5k+
...it might just end up with your best friend figuring out your secret identity. One shot.
In the Middle of a Very Happy Ending by ProbablyVoldemort | 4.3k
Senior Theme Week is fast approaching. But what happens when there's too many real akumas for Marinette to make her and Adrien's Akuma Day costumes?
☆ Paws Fur Coffee by Zaphirite | 32k
He was so sure that Ladybug would already push him off a rooftop if she knew his civilian identity worked at a café called “Paws Fur Coffee” of all names (the owner is a dog person, but he’ll take it), but his flub on the chalkboard menu just topped it all off.
His neat handwriting read back to him: “Chai Noir”.
(In which Adrien Agreste has some really cool ideas about the special drink of the week and gets to know a regular customer.)
☆ Pick-Up and Chase by SKayLanphear | 30k
After she accidentally trips into Adrien and apologizes about "falling for him," Marinette learns that he's no match for cheesy pick-up lines--whether they were unintended or not. And while she finds it flattering that he turns into a flustered mess with only a few words, Marinette comes to regret making him uncomfortable. That is, until she learns he's Chat Noir. At which point the phrase "just deserts" becomes a permanent fixture in her everyday plans.
A story in which Adrien is flustered, Marinette is smooth as glass at dropping lines, and Chat Noir gets the romance he was always asking for--even if he doesn't quite know how to handle it.
My thoughts: this one was hilarious and had me screaming a couple of times
Poster Boy by Amateum
Ladybug let out a relieved sigh and slumped against the wall surrounding the bed they had landed on. “That was close.” She looked over to where Chat was sat on the other side of the bed.
He glanced around the darkened room, taking in the details. He loved having night vision. “How did you know where the key to the house was?” He asked, turning back to Ladybug.
“Because…” An uncomfortable look crossed her face, followed by resignation. “Because this is my room, Chat.”
“Really?!” He immediately perked up and peered over the edge of the bed to get a better look around. Unfortunately, her lack of night vision doesn’t stop Ladybug from finding his ear-the human one- and using it to yank him back to the top of the bed. “Chaton!”
“Right. Secret identity. Sorry,” he said sheepishly. After a beat he said, “Hey, why do you have a collage of Adrien Agreste pictures?”
Shellter Chat by Bridgetinerabbit | 58k
A peek inside Adrien's school bag gives Nino some very unexpected insight as to what makes his good friend tick, but leaves him in a very delicate position. He never expected to strike a deal with the Kwami of Destruction, but now he and Plagg are working together to relieve some of Adrien's (and Chat Noir's) burdens for his own good. But being Adrien's guardian angel isn't as easy as it seems; other secret identities start falling apart, and there's no telling where the falling dominoes will stop.
Sixty Minutes by mikochan_noda, peonydee | 13k
Alya Césaire, award-winning pursuer of truth, is honored with an intimate interview with Ladybug and Chat Noir. However, she doesn't count on finding out certain things that are making her regret asking in the first place.
☆ spotty connections by agrestenoir | 66k
(1:14 pm) So you never told me how you planned to make Gabriel Agreste cry.
(1:20 pm) Oh my god, how drunk was I last night?!
(1:22 pm) They live.
(1:23 pm) Barely.
(1:24 pm) How do I know you again?
(1:24 pm) I don’t think you do? I’m Wrong Number. You were texting me your New Year’s Resolution earlier.
(1:25 pm) …I’m too hungover to deal with this right now.
(1:26 pm) Well who’s fault is that?
(1:40 pm) …Hello?
(2:01 pm) Well this was fun.
(Marinette sends a text to the wrong number, and things progress from there until it becomes the right one.)
My thoughts: I’m an absolute sucker for texting fics and this one is no exception!
something happened on the way to heaven by dragonsinparis | 5.4k
When the two heroes discover that Hawkmoth is Gabriel Agreste, Chat Noir throws him out the window for everyone to see.
Adrien Agreste comes to live with the Dupain-Chengs.
Chat Noir vanishes.
Marinette is fine.
At first.
Tandem by BullySquadess | 11k
Two students get carried away in a friendly game of dodge ball.... and two other students get very suspicious. Its a double reveal fic!
My thoughts: another guilty pleasure of mine. I love gym reveals and this one was great
92 notes · View notes
thehelleniclunarwitch · 5 years ago
31 Days of Halloween (Day 19)
Costume Contest
Prompt: Costume
Sweet Pea x Reader
“Okay, but I have to be honest here,” Sweet Pea started as the two of you walked up the pathway. 
“What?” You asked. 
“We are rocking these costumes and we are so going to win,” Sweet Pea said. 
You laughed. “We did kill it this year,”
“I do love us upping our game every year,” Sweet Pea admitted with a grin. 
“I hope we win again,” You said. 
“No, I’m just hoping to put Cheryl and Toni to shame again,” Sweet Pea teased and you laughed. 
The two of you walked into the house. The party was in full swing. You held onto his hand tightly as he dragged you through the party. Betty and Jughead were over by the snack table dressed as Gomez and Morticia. Archie and Veronica were dancing and they definitely stood out as Jack and Sally. 
“Hey! You guys look great,” Fangs grinned. 
Fangs was dressed as Danny Zuko. You gave Fangs a hug. 
“Where are Toni and Cheryl?” Sweet Pea asked. 
“Scoping out the competition?” Fangs asked with a laugh.
“There is no competition. Y/n and I have won for the past two years,” Sweet Pea said. 
“And now it’s mine and Toni’s turn to denounce the two of you and became the Halloween Queens,” Cheryl said from behind you. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Everybody needs to calm down, honestly, it’s not that serious,” You said. 
Sweet Pea and Cheryl looked so offended. 
“Sorry, I have to agree with Y/n on this one,” Toni said. 
“The two of you have no taste,” Cheryl scoffed. 
You and Toni both laughed. The two of you turned from your significant others to hug each other. Toni and Cheryl were respectfully dressed up as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. Kevin interrupted the party to call for all of the couples to come forward for the contest. Toni winked at you. 
“Good luck,” Toni said 
“You too,” You laughed before Sweet Pea dragged you away. 
“As you can see everyone is dressed to the T tonight,” Kevin said. 
You gripped Sweet Pea’s hand tightly. 
“If we don’t win please don’t be upset,” You whispered. 
Sweet Pea kissed you softly. “Don’t worry I’ll be on my best behavior,”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” You teased. 
“Okay, everyone the winner of the Couple’s Costume is,” Kevin trailed off in anticipation. 
“The iconic Beetlejuice and Lydia in the stunning red wedding dress, worn by the reigning champs, Sweet Pea and Y/n!” Kevin announced. 
Sweet Pea let out the biggest scream of pure victory. You and Toni busted out laughing as the others cheered and clapped. Cheryl stormed off the stage.
“Maybe next year Ms. Bombshell!” Sweet Pea yelled out after her. 
You elbowed him and he grunted. 
“You know she’ll kill you,” You said. 
“Don’t worry I’ll calm her down,” Toni said with a wink before walking off. 
Sweet Pea twirled you a few times and then pulled you off the stage. The music kicked up again and it was a slow song. It was your song to be exact so the two of you fell into a slow dance. You loved moments like this and you loved being in his arms even more. 
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martinnecas · 5 years ago
Quick Guide | Carolina Hurricanes: Meet The Team - Opening Night 2019-20
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New season means a new quick guide to the roster 
2018-19 season
This took me a couple of days to put together so please appreciate it
Want to know how to pronounce a players name? 
Click this link!
*All gifs made by me* 
☞ Sebastian Aho™️ #20
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Yes there is another “Sebastian Aho” from Sweden but he’s usually in the AHL (Bridgeport/Islanders)
Born: July 26, 1997 (22 years old/Leo) from Rauma, Finland
6′0, Centre, 35th overall CAR 2015
Nicknames: Fishy, Seabass, Sepe, Sebu
He’s the face of this franchise and the only player on this team that the Canadian media knows about
Is being held against his will in Raleigh because he wants to play for Montreal if you don’t know the actual story MTL sent him an offer sheet that he signed because he wanted the money and knew Carolina could pay it, but you know how Habs twitter can be.
Possibly the messiest Hurricane 
Who’s my daddy?! 
Spirit animal is a lion, hear him roar
Avid coffee drinker
Baby face
Painted a picture of his cat one time
☞ Ryan Dzingel #18 
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Born: March 9, 1992 (27 years old/Pisces) from Wheaton, Illinois
6′0, Centre, 204th overall OTT 2011
Nicknames: Zinger, Dizzy, Dzingel Bells, D-pingel
Played with the Ohio State Buckeyes for 3 seasons, recorded the first hat trick in Big Ten history against Xichigan
Traded to CBJ Feb ‘19, signed with CAR as a free agent summer ‘19 
Might need glasses, he squints like that ^ a lot 
Golfs... A L O T 
Wants to produce for the team so he can stay here in Raleigh and make it his home ♥︎
Jeep guy 
Looks uncomfortably similar to Tripp Tracy 
UNC fan 
☞ Warren Foegele #13
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Born: April 1, 1996 (23 years old/Aries) from Markham, Ontario 
6′2, Left Wing, 67th overall CAR 2014
Nicknames: Foegs, Foegdaddy 
Best friends with Andrei Svechnikov and Dougie Hamilton
Duke fan 
Accidentally broke Osh*e’s collarbone but TJ and C*p fans will claim he tried to murder him
Spirit animal is a tiger, also hear him roar
Very easily scared 
Duke fan
☞ Erik Haula #56
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Born: March 23, 1991(28 years old/Aries) from Pori, Finland
6′0, Left Wing, 181st overall 2009 MIN
Nicknames: Hauls, Haulsy  
Moved to Minnesota in 2008 to play hockey in boarding school
Played for the University Of Minnesota Gophers for 3 seasons
Signed with MIN in 2013, was picked up by the VGK in 2017 as a free agent in the Expansion Draft, then traded to CAR summer of 2019 (for Nic Roy & draft pick)
Suffered a pretty bad knee injury in the 2018-19 season 
Got married this past summer ♥︎
Currently living in Calvin de Haan’s old house 
☞ Jordan Martinook (A) #48
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Born: July 25, 1992 (27 years old/Leo) from Brandon, Manitoba
6′0, Left Wing, 58th overall 2012 PHX
Nicknames: Marty, Marty Man, Marty Party 
Signed with PHX/ARI in 2012, traded to CAR in 2018 (for Krüger)
Raw chaotic dad energy 
Doesn’t like corndogs and has a very high pitched scream
His wife gave birth to their first son last season before he got his downstairs fixed in the offseason
Spirit animal is a dolphin because he has a great impression 
There is so much more I want to put on here but you should really just follow his Twitter 
☞ Brock McGinn #23
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Born: February 2, 1994 (25 years old/Aquarius) from Fergus, Ontario
6′0, Left Wing, 47th overall 2012 CAR
Nicknames: Ginner, Brock McWinn, McPing, the new Mr. Game Seven (that one is kind of a joke though), Big Cock Brock 
Single handedly defeated evil not only once but twice on April 24th, 2019, earning him the nicknames “Brock McWinn” and the new “Mr. Game Seven”
Has two brothers who also play professionally; Jamie (NHL) and Tye (AHL) McGinn
Co Owner of the Roanoke Rail Road Dawgs with his brothers and father
His daddy is Bob
Has a high probability of burning his whole house down 
Used to be a fighter, but he didn’t fight anyone last season 
Was 3rd in the league with most MsS Post (10) in the 2017-18 season earning him the nickname Brock McPing 
☞ Martin Nečas #88
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Born: January 15, 1999 (20 years old/Capricorn) from Nove Mesto na Morave, Czech Rebublic
6′2, 12th overall 2017 CAR, “He plays, like, Centre”
Nicknames: Neči, Marty, Nacho, Marto 
Your 2019-20 ****** ****** winner 
He’s here to fix out PP units, quote me on that
Little hockey stick chain ^ 
Is known for falling while scoring 
Is it avocado or avocaydo?
Hidden talent: Belly dancing 
Almost killed the entire team with a golf club last season  
Don’t mess with him
Just won the Calder Cup with the Checkers :) 
☞ Nino Niederreiter #21
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Born: September 8, 1992 (27 years old/Virgo) from Chur, Switzerland
6′0, Right Wing, 5th overall 2010 NYI
Nicknames: El Nino
Was the highest drafted Swizz born player until Hischer in 2017 
Signed to the Islanders in 2010, traded to Minnesota in 2013, then traded to Carolina in January 2019 (for Rask)
Was about to take a nap when he was traded
Just when canes fans almost lost hope, Nino showed up and saved our season
When he came to Carolina, someone gave him sweet tea and he really liked it
Was voted best dressed by a couple teammates
Loves the surge
Supports women’s hockey
☞ Jordan Staal (C) #11
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Born: September 10, 1988 (31 years ago/Virgo) from Thunder Bay, Ontario
6′4, Centre, 2nd overall 2006 PIT
Nicknames: Stallsy, Jordad, Gronk
Arrested at his brother’s bachelor party
Won the Stanley Cup with the Penguins in 2009 
Jordan is the youngest out of the other brothers (Eric, Marc) in the league (NHL) 3rd brother is the youngest and is now a coach 
Signed with PIT in 2006, traded to CAR in 2012 (for 8th overall pick, Brandon Sutter and Brian Dumoulin)
Named Captain in the 2017-18 season, became Alternative Captain in 2018-19, is now Captain again in 2019-20 
Great at dad jokes 
☞ Andrei Svechnikov #37
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Born: March 26, 2000 (19 years old/Aries) from Barnaul, Russia
6′2, Right Wing, 2nd overall 2018 CAR
Nicknames: Svech, Mother Russia 
Svech is ready
“Just win every game” 
Wears #37 because that’s what his brother, Evgeny Svechnikov (DET), wears
Russia = Cold, Raleigh = Hot
Apparently his biggest talent outside of hockey is… magic? 
Best friends with Warren Foegele and Dougie Hamilton
Likes to shovel the ice during practice 
Terrible at golf..
.. I mean like really bad  
☞ Teuvo Teräväinen #86
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Born: September 11, 1994 (25 years old/Virgo) from Helsinki, Finland
5′11, Left Wing, 18th overall 2012 CHI 
Nicknames: Turbo, Teukka
Shortest Hurricane 
Began with CHI in 2014, traded to CAR in 2016 (along with Bickell for 2nd round pick)
Won the cup with CHI in 2015 (Along with van Riemsdyk)
Has the worst sense of smell ever
I mean come on.. pumpkin? toothpaste? 
I could keep going with this I don't know what’s wrong with his nose
Most likely the messiest Hurricane 
Would dump Sebastian on the side of the road after 100km 
Gets scared REALLY easily
His sisters plays hockey over in Finland (and is pretty good at it too) 
☞ Lucas Wallmark #71
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Born: September 5, 1995 (24 years old/Virgo) from Umea, Sweden
6′0, Centre, 97th overall 2014 CAR
Nicknames: Wally
My daddy!?
His spirit animal is… a horse? 
^ He enjoys watching horse racing
*Straight face* “Snacks!? Candy!?” 
Deal with it
Showed up to a U12 and U18 team practice to work on skills with kids 
Owns a pug named Lovis
☞ Joel Edmundson #6
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Born: June 28, 1993 (26 years old/Cancer) Brandon, Manitoba
6′4, 46th overall 2011 STL
Nicknames: Crop Top King, Eddy
Won the cup in 2019 with STL and partied in a crop top 
True Canadian, ate poutine out of the cup
Traded in September 2019 to CAR (along with Bokk for Faulk and draft pick)
Going to strengthen our PK I promise 
Finally, an enforcer 
Forgot to take his skate guards off during his CAR preseason debut in front of 18,000 people 
Is a barbie girl, living in a barbie world 
☞ Haydn Fleury #4
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Born: July 8, 1996 (23 years old/Cancer) from Carlyle, Saskatchewan 
6′3, 7th overall 2014 CAR
Nicknames: Fleurs 
Beat his little brother Cale (MTL) during his NHL debut 
Best friends with Trevor van Riemsdyk
Has the cutest dog named Kobe
Won the Calder Cup along with Nečas :)
If you want to giggle watch this 
Has the worst witch cackle you will ever hear 
Apparently the best golfer on the team
Big Duke fan
☞ Jake Gardiner #51
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Born: July 4, 1990 (29 years old/Cancer) from Minnetonka, Minnesota 
6′2, 17th overall 2008 ANA
Nicknames: Gards 
Played for the University of Wisconsin for 3 seasons 
Traded to TOR in 2011, signed as a free agent to CAR in summer 2019
Has the cutest baby 
Denied several offers from other teams mtl to play with us instead 
Hands down had the best Halloween costume two years ago
☞ Dougie Hamilton #19
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Born: June 17, 1993 (26 years old/Gemini) from Toronto, Ontario
6′6, 9th overall 2011 BOS
Nicknames: D-Ham, Doug the Thug, well his real name is Douglas so I guess Dougie is technically a nickname
Tallest Hurricane 
Both of his parents are Olympians, brother also plays professional hockey 
Started with BOS in 2012, traded to CGY in 2015, then traded to CAR in 2018 (Last remaining player from the huge Hamilton, Ferland & Fox for Lindholm and Hanifin trade)
Best friends with Andrei Svechnikov and Warren Foegele 
Porche guy 
Grew out a mullet because his hair salon couldn’t take him as a walk in
Jack Edwards complained that he was wearing a number retired from the Whalers so he taped a 6 over the 1 in 19 to make 69
Goes to children's hospitals dressed as woman characters 
Lowkey shootout king
Another Duke fan
Wears the same blazer to every road game
☞ Brett Pesce #22
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Born: November 15, 1994 (24 years old/Scorpio) from Tarrytown, New York
6′3, 66th overall 2013 CAR
Nicknames: Pesh 
“I play defense bro”
Played for the University of New Hampshire for 3 seasons (2 of those seasons with van Riemsdyk)
Pretty ^
Wears 22 for his dad 
He’ll break your ankles
Fortnite squad
Brought his wonderful brother on the mentors trip
Allergic to cats
☞ Jaccob Slavin (A) #74
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Born: May 1, 1994 (25 years old/Taurus) from Denver, Colorado
6′3, 120th overall 2012 CAR
Nicknames: Slav-o
The second ‘c’ stands for captain
Faith and family
Played for Colorado College for two seasons 
Adopted a beautiful baby girl with his beautiful wife
Has an instagram for his two dogs
His daddy is “Robert” 
Not afraid of snakes at all 
☞ Trevor van Riemsdyk #57
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Born: July 24, 1991 (28 years old/Leo) from Middletown, New Jersey
6′2, Undrafted 
Nicknames: TVR, Riems
Agreed to terms with CHI in 2014 
Won the cup with CHI in 2015 (along with Teräväinen)
Was picked up by the VGK in the 2017 expansion draft 
The next day traded to CAR (for 2nd round pick)
James van Riemsdyk (PHI) is his older brother 
Played with the University of New Hampshire for 3 seasons (2 of those seasons with Pesce) 
He’s too tired to be scared 
March Madness
Best friends with Haydn Fleury 
Pride representative for the team 
☞ Petr Mrázek #34
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Born: February 14, 1992 (27 years old/Aquarius) from Ostrava, Czech Republic
6′1, 141st overall 2010 DET
Nicknames: Mrazzle Dazzle, St. Petr
Moved to Ottawa at age 17 
Signed with DET in 2014
Was HUGE for them during the 2015 playoff run
Traded to PHI in Feb ‘18, signed as a free agent with CAR in July ‘18
He had custom hats made for every player on the team
Always has Peter Griffin in his helmet design 
Signature move: Poke Check  
☞ James Reimer #47
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Born: March 15, 1988 (31 years old/Pisces) from Morweena, Manitoba
6′2, 99th overall 2006 TOR
Nicknames: Optimus Reim, The Statue, Reims
Debuted with TOR in 2010, traded to SJS Feb ‘16
Signed with FLA as a free agent summer ‘16, traded to CAR summer ‘19 (for Darling and a 2020 6th round pick)
Has two kids 
Really good swimmer
You may recognize this famous goalie meme, that’s right, that's him
Optimus Reim helmet art
He looks so much like Weston from Love Island USA 
Honorable Mention
☞ Julien Gauthier #44
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I’m including him because everyone expected him to make the team as he did phenomenal in the preseason (playing all 6 games) but due to cap space (and our horrid pp units), he was sent back down.
Born: October 15, 1997 (turning 22/Libra) from Pointe-aux-Trembles, Quebec
6′4, Right Wing, 21st overall 2016 CAR
Nicknames: Goat, Gauths, Jules
Big boy
Bilingual (French/English)
Cute accent
His uncle played 554 games in the NHL (Denis Gauthier) 
Both his father and grandfather were professional bodybuilders
That explains his muscles
The best thighs in the league (not up for debate) 
Also won the Calder Cup this past season with Haydn Fleury and Martin Nečas
Head Coach
☞ Rod Brind’Amour #17
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Roderick Jean Brind’Amour
Born: August 9, 1970 (age 49 years/Leo) from Ottawa, Canada
6′1, Centre, 9th overall 1988 STL
Nicknames: Rod the Bod, RBA 
Played with Michigan State for one season
Started with STL in the playoffs of ‘88, traded to PHI in ‘91, traded to CAR in 2000
Captain of the 2006 CAR Stanley Cup winning team
Played 20 seasons, 1,484(GP) 452(G) 732(A) 1,184(P)
Became head coach for the 2018-19 season
First year as HC broke the team’s 9 year playoff drought and brought them all the way to the ECF
Is known for his extreme workouts
Still in better shape than 98% of the league
Could very well still lace up and play better than 80% of the league 
Lives rent free in W*lson’s and Reirden’s heads
Gives the best post-game speeches
President & General Manager
☞ Don Waddell
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I really just wanted an excuse to put this gif in here 
Coached the 1998 DET Stanley Cup winning team 
Named Pres. & GM of CAR in May ‘18
☞ Tom Dundon 
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Lives rent free is Habs fans minds
Estimated net worth is $1.1 billion?
Majority owner of TopGolf (55%)
Chairman of the Alliance of American Football
Purchased 52% of CAR in January 2018 for $420million
Likes to hang around team/fan events 
Stays in the same hotel as me lol
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everything-person · 5 years ago
Costume Credit
A/N: So something similar happened today in my class where our instructor told us he wanted us to dress up for Halloween because we had class that day half of the class was like oh don't worry about it and the other half groaned so this is what happened. 
Summary: Killian is a professor. Emma is a single mom trying to better her education. They know each other before they were teacher and student. Idk just something stupid and fun to get me writing again.
Killian walked into his next class satchel on his shoulder trying to remember what they did last week. Placing his bag on the desk he started to unpack his books and notes. He as he set up for his class his students started trickling into their seats, he vaguely heard the occasional greeting which he responded. Three minutes into when class is suppose to begin he was ready but still he acted busy knowing she was always late.
“Sorry I'm late.”
He picked up his head to see the blonde he was waiting for. She was dressed simply in jeans, a white wife beater and of course her red leather jacket, her hair slightly disheveled but she was still gorgeous none the less. “No worries Ms Swan. I was just about to take roll.”
As he called the names, getting grunts and the occasional cheer “Here” in response, he took notice of the date. After the last name was called he took a moment to count out the classes and smiled.
“Class I'm sure you are all aware that it is October.” 
The student responded rather enthusiastically at very least he received a smile from his more quiet students. 
“And I have just realized that we have class on Halloween. So I propose we have a little fun. I would like you all to dress up for class.”
This was met with slightly less enthusiasm. Some students reacted very positively, discussing with the person next to them what they already had planned. While others groaned and shrunk into their desks.
“How is that fun?” One student asked.
“Everyone who dresses up will gain an extra 5 credits to their grade. And we shall have a costume contest whoever wins will get an extra 10 credits to their grade.” 
“That's not fair you'll just pick who has the sluttiest costume.” A student shouted from the back corner.
“How about the class decides who wins and we will have two winners. One male and one female.”
He gave the class a moment before continuing, “And... if everyone dresses up we will watch a film instead of having a lecture.”
The class was in an uproar of excited chatter and students trying to persuade their classmates to dress up.
“Will you be in costume Professor Jones?” One of his female students purred.
“Of course,” he answered flashing his class one of his famous smirks, before continuing the class.
After class was over Emma approached him, eyebrow already raised accusingly. 
“Is there something I can help you with Ms Swan?” He looked at her giving her an innocent smile.
“Really? You want the whole class to dress up for Halloween?”
“And why not? 'Tis the season.”
Emma couldn't help but crack a smile while shaking her head.
“Can I look forward to you dressing in costume Swan?” He asked running his tongue along his lower lip, his eyes scanning her body as his imagination ran rampt with all the costumes he’d love to see her in.
“Not gonna happen.”
They stared into each others eyes neither one backing down both challenging the other. Killian turned his gaze down to his desk starting to pack up his things. “What about your boy? Is he excited for the holiday?”
“He’s a kid, of course he’s excited. He gets to be whatever he wants, stay up late and get free candy.”
“What is he going to be?” 
“I don’t know. He changes his mind every day. Yesterday he wanted to be a Jedi, today he said he wanted to be Batman.”
Killian smiled, he’d grown rather attached to Henry since the first time Emma had to bring him to class. “I’m sure whatever hero he decides to be he’ll look amazing.”
Emma smiled as she nodded. “Are you going to Mary Margret and Davids Halloween bash?”
“Of course. I’m assuming I can look forward to seeing you there?”
“Mary Margret said if I didn’t show up that she would drag me there herself. But I don’t know how I will when I have this professor that insists on giving me 5 chapters of reading for 3 different books,” Emma teased.
“Its is not 5 chapters. One of the books is two pages and one of those pages are pictures.”
“Whatever. I’ll see you around Jones.” Emma waved goodbye as she walked out of the classroom.
In the weeks following the campus progressively looked more like fall. The leaves changed colors, the wind became nippier, and some of the building had sporadic decorations for the upcoming holiday. Classes continued as usual, Emma was admit about not dressing up, students began to speculate on what Killians costume was going to be.
Then it was a week before Halloween. The day of Mary Margret and Davids Halloween bash. Killian was a bit late being stuck in his office finishing up grading midterms. Killian finally arrived while the party was in full swing. He knocked on the door, afraid for a moment that they wouldn’t be able to hear him before the door swung open to Mary Margret dressed as Snow White.
“Killian so glad you can make it.” She ushered him inside. “Wheres your costume,” she asked eyeing him up and down.
Thinking quick on his feet he said, “This is it. I’m the Doctor from Doctor Who.”
“Oh.” Mary Margret scanned his button up, tie, vest and trench coat with more approving eye. “You look great. Go help yourself to some food and drink in the kitchen.”
Killian thanked her and made his way through the house. As he did he couldn’t help but look around and try to guess who people were based on there costume. There was someone dress in a lab coat and black rudder gloves flirting with a woman in a fairy costume, he assumed was Victor Whale. A wicked witch talking to what seemed to be a sexy evil queen, he guessed was Regina and her sister. Then there was an archer, a lion, a puppet?, and a janitor all huddled together, who he knew to be Robin and David as the archer and lion.
He made it into the kitchen to find not only a table full of treats and a fridge full of liquor but Emma talking to a very naughty Little Red Riding Hood and her wolf. 
“Hey Jones, wheres your costume?” Little Red Riding Hood asked, who he could now tell was Dorothy.
“Yeah Mr. Have the Whole Class Dress Up wheres your costume?” Emma snarked as he approached them.
“I’m wearing it. I’m the Doctor from Doctor Who.”
“Oh that's total bullshit. You just made that up so Mary Margret wouldn’t yell at you,” Ruby berated as she took a sip of her drink.
“I think that’s genius. He’s in costume without having to actually dress up.”
“Thank you Dorothy. You both look wonderful in your costumes but Ruby aren’t you usually Little Red?” 
“Yes but this year I have a girlfriend.”
Killian nodded accepting  that he wasn’t going to get a further elaborations on the topic. He turned his attention to Emma. “And what about you Ms Swan? Where’s your costume?”
Emma gestured to the star clipped to her hip. “I’m a sherrif.”
“I can’t tell if that’s cheating or lazy.”
Emma ignores his comment and gestures to him, “You know if you come to class in that your going to disappoint a number of your students.”
“Would you be included in the disappointed students,” He asked taking a step closer. 
“Perhaps I would.”
“Well let me reassure you love I will not be a disappointment.”
For a moment the party and it’s attendants all melted away as they looked at one another. 
“Hey Jones when did you get here,” David all but shouted as he entered the kitchen.
Killian stepped away and greeted his friend. The party went on, laughs were shared, drinks were had, food was eaten. Killian didn't talk to Emma for the rest of the night but his eye always seemed to find her across the room.
Halloween was finally here. Getting out of his car Killian threw on his coat and grabbed his accessory to finish off his costume. Placing his satchel on his shoulder he began to wonder the campus to his office. He was pleasantly surprised by the number of students dressed for the holiday. He went about his routine as normal, just with a few witches and TV characters crossing his path.
Finally came time for his class with Emma came. He made his way down the halls and into the classroom. He set up for class like usual, along with getting the film he had for class ready. Instead of hearing the usual ‘good morning’ he received multiple ‘Happy Halloween’ and ‘Great costume.’  Time to start class, and out of the corner of his eye he saw a vision.
Emma walked into class wearing a flowing champagne colored long sleeved dress that stopped just short of her knees, with a beautiful golden belt just above her hips. Her hair was done in a loose braided crown with pieces of hair artfully framing her face. She looked stunning as she gracefully took her seat in the front row delicately crossing her long legs.
It took everything Killian had to not grab her and ravish her in front of the whole class. Looking away he began class, “Good Morning everyone and Happy Halloween. I’m glad to see some lovely costumes. So lets get started shall we?”
The class cheered in agreement.
“This is how it’s going to work. I’m going to do roll, when I call your name come to the front of the class and show us your costume. I will mark everyone who is dressed and give them the 5 points. When everyone is called you will nominate who you think should win best costume and no you can not vote for yourself.” 
When he finished explaining he began to read names off his list. Each student came to the front of the class showing off what they chose to wear. A couple students decided on wearing themed onesie pajamas, some students he was breaking multiple dress codes, and one male student wore a white t shirt and grey sweatpants saying he was ‘Bob from Bobs Burgers.’ 
“Emma Swan.”
Emma stood from her seat and turned facing the class. She received a couple cat whistles from the males of the class and an appreciative applause.
“She’s not even in costume,” A girl wearing a school girl uniform that would make Brittney Spears blush complained. A few students mutters in agreement.
“Now thats a shame,” Killian began.“None of you have been paying attention in my class have you.” He scolded. 
The class gave him a curious. Emma turned her head to look at him unsure where he was going with this.
“She’s obviously a goddess,” Killian looked at Emma sincerity dripping in his voice. “She’s the goddess Freya to be specific. The goddess of beauty, love, sex, war and death. A marvelous likeness of her if I do say so.”
Emma couldn’t stop the slight blush rising to her cheeks. She took her seat again and Killian continued with the last couple of names. 
After the last name was called Killian stood. “So who do you think should win our little costume contest? Lets start with the females shall we?”
“I think Emma wins.” one student suggested.
“I agree. What better costume to wear to a Mythology class than a goddess.” another commented. Applause broke out throughout the class in agreement.
“Alright. Now how about the males of the class?”
The class came to an agreement that the male student dressed as MALE-ificent was the other winner of the extra credit points. The rest of class was spent watching an interesting documentary about the origins of Halloween and of witches. When class was finally over everyone picked up there things and left, all except Emma who stayed sitting in her seat. 
“Can I help you with something Ms Swan?”
“The goddess Freya? Really?”
Killian smirked, “Excuse me for my assumption but what else was I to assume when you come to class like that?”
Emma couldn’t help the breathless laugh that escaped her, shaking her head at him.
“So Swan why the change in heart?”
Emma stood from her seat and made her way to his desk. “Henry wanted to match. He is a knight and I’m his princess.”
“That you are.” Killian said looking into her eyes.
Emma for once was the first to look away, “So what are you suppose to be? Captain Chest Hair?”
Killian raised his left hand, “Captain Hook.”
“You don’t look like any Captain Hook I’ve ever seen.”
“That’s because you watch the wrong movies.”
They both chuckled at that before Emma spoke up again. “So listen since your already in costume and don’t have anything to do later. Would you want to come Trick-or-Treating with me and Henry? We go with Mary Margret, David and Leo and go around their neighborhood.”
“I would love to accompany you on a quest for candy.”
Killian followed Emma to her house then went to pick up Henry from school. They exited the car trying to spot him amongst all the little ghouls and ghosts racing home. They spotted a little knight with stuffed horse wrapped around his waist to look like he was riding it come charging at them. Once he was in front of them Henry demanded to sword fight with Killian to save his mother from the pirate. They arrived at MM and Davids house to see the family in matching costumes. MM was dressed as Jesse, David as Buzz Lightyear, and Leo dressed as Woody. They all had a quick dinner before heading out. They all had a great time the boys excited about their candy, while the adults commented on peoples costumes and house decorations. Only once did David and Killian have to follow behind the boys up to a house that had scary decorations, which became the boys favorite house for giving them full sized chocolate bars.
The night went on and soon it became dark out. The boys grew tired and they decided it was time to turn around and head back to the house. Upon arriving at the house, Emma explained to Killian that Henry was to sleepover and that she had a few scary movies she was dying to watch back at her place. He informed her that he was a horror movie enthusiast  and would love to join her.
They didn’t even finish the first movie before the pirate claimed the princess.
And thats all she wrote. Hope it was enjoyable. Happy Halloween.
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ruelmp4 · 5 years ago
movie/ show couple costume
-choose your birthday month to get a movie/ show inspired costume!-
January- Jim and Pam (The Office)
February- Mr. and Mrs. Smith (Mr. and Mrs. Smith)
March- Peter and Mary Jane (Spider-Man)
April- Danny and Sandy (Grease)
May- Mr. and Mrs. Incredible (The Incredibles)
June- Jack and Rose (Titanic)
July- The Joker and Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
August- Mario and Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros.)
September- Ken and Barbie (Barbie)
October- Vincent and Mia (Pulp Fiction)
November- Tony and Pepper (Marvel)
December- Han Solo and Princess Leia (Star Wars)
You could see the full moon rising from the large window in Ruel's living room, as you sat on the couch waiting for your boyfriend to come to join everyone in the kitchen. Tonight you guys were going to throw your own little party for yourselves and the rest of the Van Dijks. Ruel had just gotten back from his tour in Asia and all he wanted to do was spend time with his girl and the rest of his family. On every Halloween, the Van Dijks always have a costume competition, and you really wanted to win this year. This was your second time spending Halloween with them and last year you and Ruel took second place as Fred and Daphene. But this year was going to be different. You had come up with the marvelous idea for your costumes and you were for sure you guys were going to win. It was now just up to Ruel to actually finish getting dressed and come out.
You finally hear his door open from down the hall and his head pop around the corner. A panicked look was spread across his face as he beckons you to come here. You stand up in confusion and walk over to him.
"Hey! What's up, bubs?" You ask as you reach him before he intertwined your hands and pulls you into his room. He shut the door behind you guys and turns to face you.
"I need help zipping up the back. I can't reach it," he whines, pushing his bottom lip out and giving you puppy dog eyes. You laugh at his sad attempt to make you give in to his desperate need for help.
"Your long ass arms can't reach all the way back there, huh?" You tease him with a laugh before, grabbing his shoulders and spinning him around so his back was facing you.
"Laugh all you want but we all know that you love themmm!" He says cheekily, before snaking his arms around you, pulling you flush against his body before falling back onto his bed.
"Yo Ruel! Y/N! Stop doing the dirty and come out here! It's time for the costume competition," you hear Coco shout from the kitchen.
As you guys walked out into the kitchen, your cheeks flamed up at everyone standing there staring at you guys with cheeky smiles.
"Aw, don't you guys look adorable in your costumes! Let me get a picture really quick!" Kate smiles grabbing her camera. Ruel reaches down and tugs you towards him, putting his arms around you once again, and pulling you against his body as you both flash a big smile towards to camera.
"Cute, cute! But I think Y/N should get a picture with the two best Van Dijks!" Sylvie butts in, as her and Coco push Ruel out of the way before pulling you in close for a 'group hug type' picture. You can hear Ruel huff from the side, giving his sisters a glare. Kate finishes up taking the pictures before putting her camera down and asking everyone to get in line for the costume competition. She was always the judge, and everyone else would be competing.
Coco was up first. She was dressed up as Cher from Clueless, wearing the yellow and black plaid, with the knee-high white socks and white heels. She was smacking the gum in her mouth and ending her turn with the line, "Ugh! As if!!"
Next was Ralph. He was dressed up as Mr. Clean, rocking the tight white teeshirt with white jeans to match, and stick on white eyebrows. He was holding a bucket of water and reached down to grab the sponge before doing the iconic 'cleaning move' Mr. Clean always does. Of course, to match with him, Kate was dressed up as a female version of Mr. Clean, minus the bald head.
After him was Sylvie. She was dressed up as a stalk of corn and that was it. Before walking off she says with a straight face, "I am a stalk of corn. I chose this because it was corny. Thank you."
Everyone laughs at her corny joke before it was finally you and Ruel's turn. You guys go up dressed as (your costume), and everyone loves it. You guys got lots of laughs and smiles as you spun around in your costumes.
After Kate had gone and consulted the choices, Wilbur going along to help her just in case, she finally returned with the results.
"After much thought was put into the costumes and who would win, I finally came up with the winner as.... Y/N and Ruel!"
What?! You guys had actually won this year! You were so excited! You laughed as Ruel hugged you so tight and he spun you guys around.
The rest of the night was spent with smiles and movies with popcorn and candy. Although the rest of them didn't win, they were still happy and thought you guys deserved it. Cause, not to be cocky or anything, you guys did have the best costumes there.
This was officially the best Halloween you have ever had!
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deanieweaniewrites · 5 years ago
A Party and a Stripper Truck
Rated: E
Words: 1917
For the @supernaturaltropecelebration Halloween mini! My trope was ‘Sexy Costume’
Also shoutout to the Profound Bond Discord for some help with this. Thanks to @nickelkeep for telling me to write about the Stripper Truck, because that made this about 10x better so ily
Read on AO3
Tags: Sexy Costumes, Unestablished Destiel, First Kiss, First Time, Early-Season Vibes
“Dean, why don’t you wear a costume for Halloween?”
Dean nearly jumped out of his seat when the familiar deep voice of his best friend came from behind. He thought he was alone in the motel room, Sam being out for a food and beer run. He turned around and saw Castiel standing right behind his chair. “Dude, first of all, you scared the shit out of me. Secondly, I hate Halloween. I have to live through Halloween every day of my life.”
Castiel took a moment to think about that. “I thought you were telling Sam about crashing that college girl’s Halloween party and wearing a costume.”
“Okay, I was mostly joking. I’m not gonna wear a costume. Also, she’s a grad student.”
“Are you still going to go?”
Dean shrugged. “Probably. What’s better than free booze and a bunch of grad student girls in sexy costumes?”
“I could name a few things…”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Right, ever the heavenly prude.”
Castiel narrowed his eyes at Dean before disappearing with the sound of flapping feathers. Dean turned back around in his seat and took a swig of his beer, frowning when he finished it off. Oh well, Sam would be back with more soon.
Dean just grinned and ignored Sam while he was lectured on why going to the party was stupid. Dean was an adult, he could do whatever he wanted. Maybe he actually wanted to enjoy Halloween this year. Screw research, he wanted to have a good time. 
When the evening came around, Dean just shrugged with a smug smile at Sam, who was pulling a major bitch-face at him for leaving. Dean checked the address he had scribbled on a napkin when the woman throwing the party had given him. He usually didn’t interact this much with people involved with cases he was working, but who was he to turn down this opportunity?
Dean didn’t even remember her name. She was an acquaintance of the family who was being haunted, and she had recognized Dean and Sam in a diner, having seen them at the family’s house when the police were investigating. Dean had put his charm on and earned himself an invitation to her Halloween bash.
Dean took a cab to the party, knowing damn well he’d be too inebriated to drive Baby back to the motel room. The house was already booming with bass, and young adults were pouring out of the front door onto the lawn. Even in the cool Tennesee evening air, almost everyone was in extremely revealing costumes. Dean took in the sight of all the exposed skin with a smirk as he stepped out of the cab and handed the driver a wad of cash.
He stuck his hands in his pockets and waltzed up to the front door, slipping his way inside to find the booze. As he made his way inside, a hand grabbed his shoulder.
“Hey, you made it.”
Dean’s head snapped around and he grinned when he saw his inviter standing there in a sexy cat outfit. Basic, but sexy. The black bodycon dress hugged her curves nicely. “Hey, yeah, I made it.”
“Where’s your costume?”
“Eh, I’m not really a costume guy.” Dean shrugged. “Where can a guy get a drink around here?”
“Over here.” 
Dean followed the girl into the kitchen and found an array of drinks. He poured himself a rum and coke and surveyed the area. There were a few couples making out in dark corners, girls in little groups, chatting up a storm, and guys stalking the floor, looking for a lay for the night. Dean almost wished he went to college just for nights like this.
“Do you remember my name?” The girl asked, taking a swig of her beer.
Dean chuckled. “You remember mine?”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, again, Sarah.” Dean grinned. “Got anything planned for tonight.”
“Well, there’s the costume contest, and then the winners have to perform on the stripper truck.”
“The what?” 
Sarah chuckled. “It’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s a big truck with dancers in it. You get in the truck and watch. It’s a stripper truck. The sexiest costumes have to dance. I think I’ve spotted a couple winners already. The dude in assless chaps is really killing it.”
Dean laughed. “Please point him out if you see him, I’ve got to see that.” He knocked back the rest of his drink and picked up a shot off a tray as it passed him, throwing it back. “I think I’m gonna survey the field a little more. Come find me if you need anything.” Throwing Sarah a wink, Dean disappeared into the crowd to see what other kinds of costumes he could find. 
All of the standards were there. Sarah had the sexy cat, along with at least five other girls. There were devils, angels, and zombies everywhere. The men seemed to all go along with careers rather than creatures. There were sexy policemen, firefighters, priests, and even some guys that were just shirtless.
Dean mingled around the party, laughing at the drunk shenanigans. He played beer pong with a group of guys and beat their asses at it. They challenged him to a game of pool, and Dean only agreed to it with a bet. Dean walked away from the game $100 richer. 
A few hours into the night, a voice came on over the speaker system announcing that the winners of the costume contest were being crowned. Dean slowly made his way back to the living room, the voice continuing on the microphone. By the time he made it to where it was being announced, the winners were being sent to the stripper truck. Dean huffed and walked outside to see a line forming behind the truck. It was about five people deep now, so Dean hopped in on it quickly. He had to see what kind of costumes won this contest, and the idea of a stripper truck was too good to pass up on.
Unfortunately, there was a $10 admission for the truck, but Dean just used some of the money he won from pool to get his spot. There were three costume contest winners, so seven spectators were allowed in at a time. Dean hopped into the truck with a grin. The first thing he saw was a girl in an awesome Lara Croft costume. She looked the part and nailed the costume and makeup. The second winner was a classic playboy bunny costume on one of the bustiest, curviest girls Dean had ever seen. All Dean could see of the last one was from the waist down, and he was in assless chaps. 
Dean grinned widely and took his spectator seat. It was then that the man in chaps started turning around, and Dean’s face paled. “Cas?”
Castiel turned quickly towards Dean, nearly knocking his own cowboy hat off of his head. “Dean?”
Dean stood up. “Cas, what the hell are you doing here in...that?!” He gestured to Castiel’s outfit, which consisted of a cowboy hat, a brown leather vest with fringe, and chaps that only covered his legs and crotch, leaving his ass fully exposed. 
“I tried to find you here, and then these girls, they said I needed a costume, so they gave me this and...now I’m here.”
Dean buried his face in his hands, trying not to stare at any of Castiel. “Oh my god, dude. We’ve got to get you out of here.” Just when Dean was about to start pulling Castiel out of the truck when the door closed and music started pumping. The other two winners pulled Castiel to the middle and started dancing around him. 
Castiel looked like a deer caught in the headlights until one of the girls whispered in his ear and took his hand, urging him to dance. It took a few seconds, but soon Castiel started bouncing a little to the beat of the music. The angel turned to Dean, following the girl’s movement of swinging his hips back and forth to the beat. 
Dean met Castiel’s eyes and his cheeks went beet red. It was hard not to notice how hot Castiel looked in the costume. He tried to avert his gaze, but Castiel’s stare on him was too heavy. Maybe it was the buzz of the alcohol or the atmosphere of the stripper truck, but Dean really wanted Castiel to himself right now. The look on the angel’s face was certainly giving Dean clues as to what he wanted. 
The truck drove around the block before returning in front of the house. Castiel had gotten into the dancing by now, grinning as he swayed around between the two girls. But as soon as the truck stopped and the doors opened, he was being pulled away by Dean. 
“Dean, I-”
Dean pulled Castiel behind the truck and grabbed his vest. “Please tell me I’m not seeing things and that you were starin’ at me how I think you were.”
Castiel paused, hands moving to Dean’s sides. After waiting for a moment, he leaned forward and captured Dean’s lips in his own, pulling him closer.
Dean let out an internal sigh of relief, his eyes slipping closed as he kissed Castiel back. When the angel pulled away, Dean opened his eyes, slightly breathless. “Come back to the motel?”
Castiel nodded quickly. “I think that would be a more appropriate setting than behind a truck.”
Dean laughed and rolled his eyes. “Dork.”
Thirty minutes later, Dean and Castiel were tumbling back into the motel room, hands all over each other, making up for all the time they insisted that they were “just friends”. It was heated, passionate, and a declaration of unspoken love. The door slammed closed and the bed squeaked from their weights underneath it. Breathless moans began when Castiel started opening himself with lubed-up fingers. Breathless moans turned to grunts and groans of pleasure, the bedsprings moaning their own complaints. 
Dean held his lover’s hips and swore at the feeling of leather against his thighs. The fucker didn’t even take the chaps off. The pair desperately grabbed at one another, catching each other’s lips at every chance they got. Castiel came unraveled on top of Dean, all of that angelic poise and grace slipping away.
When Castiel came, light filled the room for a brief second. Dean’s brain short-circuited when he came as well, fingers digging into the angel’s hips. After something as life-altering as that, there wasn’t much more they could do except strip off Castiel’s chaps and curl up together under the blankets.
That was, until the bathroom door opened and a mop of brown hair poked out. Sam had a hand over his eyes. “Don’t say a word. I’m getting another room.”
Dean snorted and laughed hard enough that he threw his head back against the pillow as his poor brother ran out of the motel room. “Aw, poor Sammy.”
Castiel looked to Dean. “You think he’ll be okay?”
“He’s fine. Not the first time he’s gotten stuck in a bathroom while I’ve gotten down and dirty.”
“So, it was good?”
Dean hugged Castiel close. “Cas, that was awesome. Hey, happy Halloween.”
Castiel narrowed his eyes. “I thought you hated Halloween.”
“If you’re going to dress up like that, it’s my new favorite holiday.”
“Ah, so this is a tradition for us now?” 
Dean chuckled. “Guess so. Night, Cas.”
“Goodnight, Dean.”
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