#the whole way thru the ep I was like god why would they make the main character such an unlikable and awful person then it made sense !
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doctorwhommm · 9 months ago
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about to throw hands with l*ndy pepper bean
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cobrasx · 2 months ago
Me siento PÉSIMO, creo que lo único que me puede hacer sentir mejor es UNA RESPUESTA TUYA A MIS PREGUNTAS PREGUNTOSAS QUE MANDO UN SÁBADO A LAS 3 DE LA MAÑANA 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣
Ajam, como sea, yo te dije que te quería hacer más preguntas. Firmaste tu condena MUAJAJAJAJAJJAJAA
• ¿Cuál es tu episodio favorito? ¿Por qué?
• ¿Qué episodio no te gusta? ¿Por qué?
• Headcanon de algún personaje
Eso sería todo, gracias 💙💙💙
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HAVE NO FEAR PESCADITO I GOTCHU BRO (i say, contractually obligated)!!! JOKING LIKE THE JOKLER OFC I LUV UR ASKS PAN TRUST <333 i would have responded so much sooner but i really had to sit and think for these ones HELP AHAHHSHHSHHAHS BEFORE ANYTHING!!! i hope ur doing great gurl!! im so very happy to hear from u, i gen hope ur feeling better! remember to HYDRATE!! NOW ON WITH THIS THANG
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¿Cuál es tu episodio favorito? ¿Por qué?
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i thought there was no other media that could possibly make me worse. then i watched dtmg phantom of the popera... i love this ep sm n im sure this is on many other ppl's s-tier lists too. funniest concept ever - billy having one-sided beef with a child - but honestly there's so much to pick apart here. we got this new superstar sensation that bjc actively wants to sabotage. WHY?? CAUSE HES MAD INSECURE BUT ITS OKAY ITS OKAY SHHSHSHHSHHHHHHH. billys over here taking things too personally, probably thinking that the world will just move on to some other dude, and he cant let that happen cuz he's THE billy joe cobra!! debatably the most influential man of all time! hellooo!? u cant just MOVE ON from that! n u certainly cant cover his super goated songs into steaming dog pile oblivion (ALLEGEDLY.) n it gets to a point. BJCs breaking point. obviously spencer doesn't wanna b on the cobra enemy list and attend the jtt concert. they already experienced a fallout after the mess that was the bjc museum - BUT I MEAN MALLORYS THERE AND ITS NOT LIKE HES GOING FOR JTT,,,, SO MMMMMAYBE HE CAN KEEP IT ALL UNDER WRAPS?? he doesn't. he feels terrible breaking bjcs trust, he feels terrible if he's the one at fault for their second and potentially last do-all end-all fallout. BUT YKW? BJC PULLS THRU. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 OUR MAN PULLS THROUGH YALL 'CAUSE IF THERES ANYTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN HIS PRIDE ITS HIS LOVE FOR HIS LITTLE BROTHER. so willing to set his ego aside for his lil bro and damn dawg i LOVE THAT OMLLLLL IM HEAD OVER HEELS FOR THIS BITCH IM LITERALLY SQUEALING AND KICKING MY FEET AT FREQUENCIES BEYOND MAN'S COMPREHENSION. and the way he says honeyyyy? WITH SO MUCH SOFTNESS???? BABE WHAT A BBBAAAAABBBBEEEEEEE!! THERE HAS NEVER BEEN SMTH SO ATTRACTIVE IN A GHOST BEFORE BBBBBBRRRUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHH SO VERY DOWN BAD I WANNA KISS A TRAIL FROM HIS WRIST UP TO HIS SHOULDER HES SO BEAUTIFUL, MY HEART IS GLOWING, IT'D BE GLOWING 'CAUSE HE! OH MY, OH MY GOD! 예상했어 나 I WAS REALLY HOPING THAT HE WILL COME THROUGH OH MY, OH MY GOD! 단 너뿐이야 ASKING ALL THE TIME ABOUT WHAT I SHOULD DO 너와 나  we do not talk abt hoover.
we do, however, talk abt how buck was so ready to beat a bitch up for assaulting his guest <3333
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Qué episodio no te gusta? ¿Por qué?
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"the sleepover", i feel, is dtmg at its worst. things happen, but there isn't a pay off. the episode wants to treat the plot as some convoluted mystery, but nothing actually leads anywhere. hoover was here until he wasn't; i don't think it would've mattered at all if he wasnt included in the ep. his existence just prolongs the reveal,, N THATS IT LMAOAOA. its obvious that hoover had nothing to do with billys "disappearance", but we follow the kids trying to uphold their end of a non-existent deal for.... NO REAL REASON ACTUALLY. that whole thing w ponzi and lorenzo happens, BUT WHAT PURPOSE DID PONZI SERVE IN ALL THIS LIKE HOOVER GOT HIS 30 DOLLARS YEAH N HE BOOKED IT BUT CRASHED N WTF WHAT WAS IT ALL FOORRRRRRR. HE WAS NEVER ACTUALLY GONNA GET ENOUGH MONEY TO LEAVE MADAME X AND START A PUPPY DRESSUP BUSINESS BFFR. DOES HE THINK HE'S IN A SHOW WHERE CHANGE SHAKES UP THE STATUS QUO??? WHAT IS HE?!?! DELUSIONAL!?!??! HOOVER BABY PLEASE!!!!😓😓😓 WHY DID WE EVEN FOLLOW THIS PLOT THREAD WE GAINED ABSOLUTELY NOTHING-- IT WAS A WASTE OF TIME!!! n it's such a huge BUH BUH BUMMER bc with the resolution in mind - when they finally find out the WHY of billy going m.i.a. - it becomes more apparent that this could have been such an enjoyable episode had they gone for making everything take place during the school dance. SUCH A MISSED OPPORTUNITY. YALL HAD THE ASSETS, WE COULD HAVE DONE SMTH NEW!!! DELICIOUSLY NEW!!! AND WHILE IM AT IT, DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY GAF ABT PONZI AND HIS STUPID ASS PIGEON?? PONZI GETS A PASS I GUESS IK THERES AT LEAST ONE PONZI ENJOYER IN THIS FANDOM BUT THE PIGEON? WE CANT KEEP PROPER CONTINUITY IN THIS SHOW, BUT WE GET TO KEEP THE PIGEON?????? THE PIGEON?????????????? THE ONLY THING SAVING THIS EPISODE FROM TOUCHING THE FIERY PITS OF DOOMED WRITING IS BILLY JOE COBRA NIBBLING ON A SLICE OF PEPPERONI PIZZA. THE SLEEPOVER?? MIGHT AS WELL HAVE BEEN CALLED THE SNOOZFEST - i say, rationally and calmly and
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Headcanon de algún personaje?
YOU WANT TO ASK ME ABOUT MY DTMG CHARACTER HEADCANONS?!?!?!?! IVE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR SOMEONE TO ASK ME ABOUT MY DTMG CHARACTER HEADCANONS!!!!!!! HANG ON, I HAVE A MODEL!!! no but seriously omigosh im so stoked!! id love love LOVE to talk abt hugh wright especially. AND I WILL!!!
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this isn't even an original hc, but it's a narrative that im choosing to believe n abide by cuz it feels so (W)RIGHT! from what i remember, dating way wayyyy back to "spencer spooks", hugh was apparently a rockstar pre- and post- the family move. since theres no indication that hugh has associated w this lifestyle in dtmg, i decided to settle for a little twist that i think exists in another spencer property. that being he's a former rocker, now retired. pretty much, he left that whole situation behind him, turning over a new leaf n all that- opting to take on the responsibility of being a proper father to his kid (kids* later on) than pursuing a now dead dream. besides, there are other creative outlets to explore, and he, for one, loves to tinker around w things!
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there's this episode that mentions how he was a former cheerleading coach. we had no context for this prior to this episode, but i don't necessarily want to ignore that (even if it WAS just mentioned for the sake of one episode). i figure that the whole cheerleading bit also happened while jane was pregnant - a profession more stable in terms of income, but not quite. getting a degree in accounting was that last resort. that, and i also just REALLY REALLY like the idea of "gravity's rainbow" being a stunt that had originated from his past performances. IM TAKING IN HUGH LORE A LITTLE TOO SERIOUSLY HE SAID SMTH ABT MOVING BACK TO COW COUNTRY BRUH WHAT HAVENT YOU DONE BYE
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jane was also a rockstar in the show's prior concepts i think, but uhhh i highkey fw the idea that jane was hugh's former groupie turned hairstylist. they fell in love, obvi, and rather than forego her hobby, she just stuck true and blue with it n ultimately decided to make that her career.
this is such a scatterbrained jumbled mess so im just gonna drop bullet notes in nonsensical order AHHAHAHHSHAHH
. hugh was an underground hard rocker w a few close friends as his bandmates - their bond now rendered a distant memory. he used to live life on the road, jamming from one open venue to another. he was the lead guitarist, certainly no jimi hendrix. anyone within earshot of his sound, n those w even an ounce of sense, could tell he was no disciplined guitarist. he loved to play, and when he played, he played LOUD w a voice to boot. he wrote songs occasionally, and they were pretty straightforward. his lyrics weren’t exactly “highbrow” either, far from it. they were mostly just about how he felt at that moment in time - very "youth rebellion" where either nothing mattered anymore or everything did. he wasn't all too concerned with selling those lyrics out, though. . hugh never really drew in much of a crowd with his music. it didnt warrant a complete audience, not exactly. maybe rounded up a few enjoyers here and there, but none of them were really any dedicated (save for a very enthusiastic red head who kept appearing at every one of his shows). as with his eccentric personality, he never much minded any of that. music for him was just a form of expression. sure, he dreamed big, but it was never about being signed into a label or appealing to people. moreover, he HATED labels and in concept, their controlling nature. . spencer and jessica are completely unaware of their father's past. hugh and jane didnt have a specific reason for not telling them about what they were up to way back when. i have it in mind that at some point, they'd probably mention it through some offhand comment w the excuse that "it just never came up!" . hugh never burned his songs into cds, or any tapes for that matter. a shame, now that his kids would rather much have their hands on audible proof rather than rambunctious nights captured in cheap little polaroids. he'd comment that it had never occurred to him at the time, but jane chimes in. she's got it all covered in a camcorder, stored who knows where, but as far as she knows it's definitely in their home somewhere. a search party montage later they find it, but they can hardly make out the static being recorded - yet another shame. he confesses he still has his guitar, something he could never bring himself to part ways with, and he's asked if he remembers the chords, lyrics - anything. he does, vaguely, but for his family, well, he figures he can come up with something on the spot. that's how he worked after all! (it's certainly something. music? debatable. jane falls in love all over again. as for the kids? opinions are mixed, but one thing is for sure: their dad is pretty cool. a certain ghost seems to agree.) . i hc that the rest of the wrights would eventually be introduced to billy proper. theyd b able to see him - the whole nine yards! i saw this little doodle of dirk n the old man, and im a SUCKER for these kinds of thingssss i dunnooo. im ALSO a sucker for the ppl around billy influencing him for the better, and i can totally see hugh playing a part in potentially inspiring billy to do just that in the hugh-est way possible. i picture them mindlessly jamming together freestyle; bonding over their shared love and appreciation for music not just as an outlet, but as an entity- to reconnect w it by any n every intrinsic means necessary. It's a long way's home from "perfect". composed solely on improv n zero structure, its disorderly at best, but it helps in breaking the habit of having to constantly perform for someone to performing for absolutely no one at all. a sound no one else will hear: an art for no one! its hardly ever that serious with these these two, and ykw that's okay! they get each other. they're on their own little wave-length :)
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. before i call this post quits, there's this one scene that i like to perceive in a specific way. in axe maniac, there's this flashback - a christmas with the wright's and their little spence. one of the wrapped gifts is a guitar, and ik it may seem reasonable to believe that it was given to spencer on billy's behalf, but me personally, i like to think that the gift was from hugh !! as enthusiastic as he was to introduce spence to the world of music, his boy did not end up picking up after him. doesnt matter! it's not in hugh's nature to force this kind of thing onto him. he's always been supportive of spencer's hobbies no matter how peculiar, and if there's one thing that makes him happy and connected enough, it's their shared moments being captured through the lense of his son's camera <333
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thank you so much again for giving me the opportunity to ramble almost endlessly abt dtmg!!! another message in your inbox is closer than u think. BEWARE <33333
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dangermousie · 1 year ago
This is so deeply URGH!!! People dump a lot on Ye Hua (from Three Lives) over Susu's eyes but I was never one of them because Ye Hua, during that part of the story, was operating from position of desperate powerlessness - his creep grandpa had absolute power and would happily murder Susu with extreme prejudice if he and Su Jin weren't satisfied with measures taken in response to Su Jin's supposed injury. I mean, I get why for others it's no go, but it didn't bother me. But the thing here is Gu Jin or whatever nifty god name he's got now, at the peak of power. He's the Top Dog, the Boss, the Big Potato. And yet here he is. He said he didn't want to be like his father; I didn't watch ALP but he's acting very much like that - and the thing is, it would be one thing if it was a choice between a woman he loved or the universe; here it wouldn't just be harmful, it would actually be USEFUL to actually listen and find out wtf is going on so as to make sure there is no hidden danger.
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This is just...I have no idea if it's true or if he's pretending but either of these options makes him a horrible choice for her, ugh. (Side note - why does everyone blame Yin for Daze Mountain calamity? Daze Mountain fell because it took on the brunt of Jin's calamity that HE INCURRED by bargaining to bring back phoenix queen whose spirit HE wrecked. Yin had nothing to do with him getting a calamity and thus the Daze thing. It's YOUR fault, young man! YOURS.)
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This is where I lost my mind and not in a good way. They took all the qualities that made Jin such a rare xianxia hero - common sense, practicality, belief in people he knows are trustworthy, and destroyed it. Where is the man who believed Yin with no evidence because he knows her so he knows he wouldn't lie? Seriously, the evidence is her character, which he KNOWS! The fact that he goes for a looksee later to check doesn't make it much better btw because then WHY not tell her that, why act like a tool or a whole toolshed?
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If his concern for pointless appearances is a new mark of Godhood, he was better off without, when he had none.
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I do love a good grovel but only when I still want the couple together (see me in eps 7-8 of Derailment or once again, Ye Hua from 3 lives), ie when I can get why a character acts like a maniac and won't be repeated but here I don't really care for the grovel at all because his character makes no sense but also what's the guarantee he won't behave like this in the future? In both Derailment and 3 Lives, it's pretty clear that once a premise changes (he calms down and thinks thru the situation or he gets power/realizes how badly it can turn out), ML can be a functional bf. Here, the dude randomly became gaslighter central and he's got all the power already, none of this is changing.
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sundayroadkill · 8 months ago
i started watching btvs because of u. am on episode 1, when does this get good /gen
ok ok lemme give u some vibes for the seasons
season 1: camp camp camp this is the filler vibes lets learn these characters season, they have no budget, and were playing in the goosebumps silly space, the finale is the Best episode of the season
season 2: oh no romance is in the air and what is that? the emotional consequences of our actions? oh god noooo. this season is often people faves and the middle to second half is emotionally devastating. (still beware it has some of the lowest rated episodes) a season of finally some vamps with CHARACTER (if ur interested in spike and buffy then this is when we meet spike as the season antagonisttt)
season 3: the homoerotic subtext is in the AIR and buffy is not ok. this is the last highschool season and it has one of my all time fave fictional characters so i cannot have an unbiased opinion on most of this season (even tho it has the worst romance of the show by far in it) (if ur interested in faith and buffy tHIS is when we meeettt herrrr and god its messsyyy)
season 4: ok listen this is the lowest rated season of the show, but im so in love with it. the vibes are iNSANE, everyons trying to find their way after highschool and its clunky and have such weird polarizing eps but also one of the best episodes of television ive ever seen. also spike is back but this time hes their domesticated pet they have chained up in the bathroom
season 5: if u wanna know when things really pick up and get bonkers crazy its here. widely known as the best seaosn of the show and one of the best finales of all time and god i think its deserves that title. the story pacing is wild, spike is sure something this season, heartbreak, triumph, confusion, clever storytelling, this seasons so well done and u can watch buffys intense struggle into being an adult women
season 6: the most polarizing season. we explore buffys intense depression in the face of her own debilitating trauma and how it affects her ability to caretake for her family as well at take care of herself this season and its personally my favorite season of the whole show. spike and buffy are fucking insane this season, they are fucking a literal house down this season
season 7: final season of the show and it feels like it. the vibes are very oh boy howdy this is it huh. i think they make mostly good decisions this season that send me off to some amazing post series fanfictions so ultimately im happy
ok i got pretty high halfway thru that so if it makes no sense that would be why. but if ur interested in me making an essential episode list to help guide u thru earlier more filler seasons to get to the meat and bones just send an ask my way again 👍👍 id say give it to halfway season 2 and see how u feel
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golbrocklovely · 9 months ago
here is my review of bridgerton season 3 part one, episodes three and four
my review of the first two episodes is here, in case you want to read them.
obvious spoilers ahead for part one and the books
episode three - forces of nature
ngl this episode is a little bit of slogfest for me. like the first half is good, but then you get to the second half, and it's just one ball, and it's the whole entire thing for the rest of the episode. and it's just a wee bit boring. but the polin moments in this episode are top notch so it's still a good ep lol
the dream itself also being just him wishing that she would feel the same as him is honestly so romantic and sweet and god i am DYING
colin fucked his way thru 17 cities and ONE KISS from pen has completely altered his brain chemistry. i love LOVE
the scene of him in the drawing room with his family is honestly my favorite scene out of the entire show. i'm not joking. seeing him so uncomfortable and acting weird bc he doesn't know how to navigate hiding his feelings for her (even at just the mere mention of her name)… i love hopelessly in love men and i'm so serious
also awkward colin is the cutest so there's that lol
that pen and el scene…. how dare you shonda. first time i watched it, cried. writing my review rn, cried again. that shit fucking HURTS
polin's scene under the willow tree, fucking top notch. so funny for no reason other than bc nic and luke are amazing actors. 10/10
i just love that he needs to know why she's ending their lessons. like… cmon now colin lol
her saying we can't be around one another for a while and his "of course :\" i'm cackling my GOD
"i talked to pene-" "whatdidshesay???" that man is a love sick puppy and i'm loving every second of it
i love lady danbury. i feel like i haven't said that yet but i really do love her lol
i wish colin would have seen his shitty friends make their snide remarks at pen. i know we see him later stand up to them but god that would have been sort hot to see now…
lady mondrich… gorgeous dress omg
colin being told that his actions will help pen find a husband, and his absolute face of disappointment… the range luke has is staggering !!
colin's nasty look at pen and debling HOW'S IT FEEL NOW BITCH
finding out that the balloon is cgi was crazy to me. like???? what the hell do you mean that's not real?????
walk him like a dog pen !!
side note, his eyes are absolutely fucking gorgeous like… wow.
the whole scene under that tent, him fidgeting with his hands the whole time, him looking so annoyed at her enjoying her time with debling, STARING AT HER MOUTH WHEN SHE LICKS HER FINGERS !!!! 14/10 i love it here
also here is something i need to note: i don't personally think he bought the cake (or whatever he ate) after she bought one so that he could taste what her mouth tasted like, which is what twitter has been saying. i personally believe that pen gave him the cake she bought when she said "wish me luck". bc we never see her eat, but we see him eat. and we never see him buy something. so… i personally believe she gave him the cake, as a sort of thank you, and he just watched her and ate it. which honestly would be weirdly hotter than him just buying the same cake as her and eating one.
the entire interaction between cressida, el, pen, and debling is so awkward i have to skip thru it. genuinely cannot watch it the secondhand embarrassment is killing me lol
why does he pull such a blue steel look after saying "it's good to be back" sksksk
ben and tilly… don't care. so sorry.
fran and samadani… also don't care lol
it's good to be back…………. but what about the debling guy? he seems weird right? lmaooo
colin springing into action seeing that pen could get hurt? HOT
pen basically almost getting hit bc she was staring too much at colin being hot? HYSTERICAL
danbury's brother is FINE holy shit
side note, claudia looks so much like my aunt it's actually a little bit scary lol
pen and cressida racing to debling…. sweetie you had no chance. cressida is built like a gazelle. take it from this short person here, you were never gonna make it sksks
fran and john meeting for the first time. so sweet.
the scene where colin talks about courage, i wonder if the heartbeat is supposed to be his or hers. i think it's her listening in on him and his words and then when she snaps out of it, that's when she goes to speak to debling.
debling's voice… smooth like BUTTER bb. just thought i would say it
el really gets on my nerves with her saying "it's probably for the best" shit. like i get why she's saying it, but again, it comes from such a place of privilege since she's a bridgerton. some of us have to get with a good match, el. god, you're making me feel sorry for cressida???? fuck me
colin and violet's scene together was just adorable. and her realizing he's in love with pen?? OMG I COULD CRY
i also love that the actress that plays violet wanted to be in the background when colin goes up to tell pen how he feels bc she thought violet would want to watch her son do that. these actors are pulling at my heart strings.
colin genuinely was about to kiss her, in front of everyone, and confess his love. WHY CAN'T MEN BE LIKE THIS
that whole scene was so intense and crazy i love it so much 12/10
i kinda feel like pen wanted colin to say something about his feelings. i don't think she had a clue how he really felt, but i think part of her hoped, even for a split second, that he felt the same about her as she did for him.
again, the english audio descriptor coming in clutch: (watching pen and debling dance) "colin's jaw tightens, he looks away… colin's eyes glistens as he watches, enraptured. helpless." LIKE?????????????
episode four: old friends
we all know why this episode is amazing. but we gotta go thru everything else too lol
her sisters literally not believing she could pull debling and she had to blackmail him… they are the worst and i genuinely hope (and know) that when her and colin get married she will have such a happier life without them in it. truly.
colin going back thru his journal, i wonder if we will get to hear more about what he has written, especially in regards to pen.
him wanting to be recluse bc he's heartbroken… my god colin, pull yourself together and go get your girl!
john really is mister steal your girl lol
for all of portia's faults, her speech on men wanting to explain shit to us otherwise they feel useless… she is 100% correct
colin immediately finding pen in any room he walks into I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT
him being jealous of debling and pen together i could fucking cackle
colin watching her thru a mirror GOD KILL ME NOW
i thought it was sweet the way debling asked pen how he should ask to propose to her. while i don't think he's a perfect match for pen, he's a good man regardless.
i want pen to have a love match, and i'm so happy she has it with colin in the end
you know what song would have been great to use? thinking of you by katy perry. such a gorgeous song and perfect for this whole love triangle going on.
i love that colin tries to get over pen but it's just not happening. he is so in love it's hurting ME lol
what i find fascinating about the scene at mondrich's club is that colin's friends are talking about all the women they have had sex with, right? and they ask him, and he brings up the contessa again, but they go on to explain "yeah but you didn't go into detail"… which basically means that even when he's supposed to be a rake and gross about women, he still couldn't commit to the bit. at most he explained that something happened, but then never went on to talk about her in a gross manner or be un-gentlemen like. god i love colin bridgerton with all of my heart.
his whole speech is so sweet and genuine, it's just a shame that so many men that would learn something from it aren't watching this show. that's just a sad fact.
portia is straight up mother gothel. all she wants is power and what good pen can give her by marrying debling. ew.
colin being fussy and not wanting to outright say he was feeling bad… what a baby lol
violet's speech to him just absolutely pulled at my heart. bc that's the thing, while anthony took the burden of being the man of the house and almost resenting his family for having to grow up so fast, colin was the peacekeeper. he was the one that wanted to make sure everyone was okay and happy. and that's what she means by never putting himself first. he doesn't care if he's in a bad mood or not, it only matters how his love ones feel, which is why he does whatever he can to make them happy and proud. and it's just a shame that so many ppl didn't understand that when they first watched and heard this speech.
pen looked so heartbroken watching the ballet. i think that was her accepting that she would never have that.
i love that in the trailer the candle sparks up, meaning that the love for pen is igniting within him. but in the show, it's blowing out, meaning that he's running out of time to confess his feelings. GOD I LOVE CINEMA
colin pushing past his "friends" THAT'S RIGHT BABY GO GET YOUR GIRL
god my heart breaks for pen. i don't get how anyone could say "debling is the better match" for pen when he literally admits that he doesn't think he'll ever love her. pen DESERVES love. so many ppl in her life have never cared or loved her, not in the way she deserves. and yall want her to continue to feel that emptiness? no way.
colin breaking all the rules to talk to pen when he easily could have waited to speak to her after the dance lmaoooo i love a crazy in love man
eros and psyche battling it OUTTTTT
debling realizing why she's at the window all the time. wow.
i kinda love that he was okay with colin being into pen but not pen reciprocating those feelings lol
portia yet again getting worst mom of the year award
the carriage scene…….. THE CARRIAGE SCENE
the first time i watched this scene, i was sweating SO MUCH by the end of it. genuinely it was obscene how hot i was (in more ways than one lmao)
also immediately after its airing, i watched it like 10-15 times. and i haven't seen it in probably over a week and i'm dying all over again for this review.
him running after the carriage, colin bridgerton the man that you are.
even while he is desperate and pleading, he is still kind and asking for permission GOD HE IS SO HOT WHY CAN'T HE BE REAL
his reasons for why pen shouldn't marry debling is laughable but i love it regardless.
his pleading face before he confesses… his EYES?????? you're fucking joking rn
his confession, hands down, is the best in the series. and hell, it's not even the last one he does omg i'm not gonna make it !!!!!
the fact that for a moment he legit thought she didn't love him back was nuts bro you are BLIND
genuinely anytime i watch this scene, i feel like i'm intruding lol like should i leave? maybe i should go sksks
every single shot of them kissing is hot and sexy and romantic and dear god in heaven i am LONELY
her running her fingers thru his hair…. god luke/colin has never looked hotter. he might as well as rolled his eyes back in head lol
it's titty season yall. TITTY SEASON BABY
i implore anyone reading this to find the clip of this scene without the music. not only bc nic and luke's moans are hot, but bc at one point he calls her beautiful and i think in that moment i died.
i think i could genuinely watch this scene 100 million times and notice something new every time
honest to god, one of the sexiest things about this scene is him watching her feel pleasure. like holy fucking shit, that is so hot.
moaning into each other's mouths??? you guys are absolute fucking FREAKS
colin saying the line about the carriage driver is so much better than pen lol
also in general show!colin is way better than book!colin. hands down.
the look colin gives her, both before their little kiss and than afterwards right before he gets out makes me fucking FERAL
him fixing her dress and hair is literally so cute i could cry
that once over he gives her when he gets out of the carriage…. why is he so hot?????
i just love how exhausted he is of her not understanding him sksksk
in conclusion i love love and i love polin. when part two comes out, no one talk to me bc i will in fact be an absolute wreck thank you and good night :)
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deliciouspirateangel · 1 year ago
just finished binging the entirety of high school musical: the musical: the series in six days and now i'm going to ramble about it for longer than anyone would care to read. it's gonna be generally positive but definitely nini and olivia unfriendly so if you dont wanna read that... dont ♥️♥️
so i suggested to my sister a while ago that i wanted to watch the show bc the videos that youtube commentary channel "pretty much it" did for it were hysterical. and she had watched the first couple of eps by herself and was like "i dont think you'll like it. its not as funny as they make it seem". but we finally decided to start it anyway
(also i dont know the entire casts' real names so i'll mostly refer to them as their character names)
season 1:
that first season was kind of rough. especially the pilot. it got better over time but its definitely my least favorite season over all. im not even a fan of high school musical so it lacked the nostalgia enjoyment for me
and i definitely did not like nini and her main character syndrome. and sorry to say but i think olivia is the least talented cast member over all. pretty privilege is so real like she didnt deserve to be the break out star she was just the most marketable. kourtney and ashlyn's voices were so strong and stellar, and they might not've been Dancers but they could definitely move. and gina was the best dancer in the fucking world and while i do think her voice wasnt as good, she could obviously still sing. nini's best talent moments were when olivia was shining thru imo (that one taking it for gra-a-a-anted song comes to mind first) but i was not here for the acoustic numbers and honestly i dont think she was a great actress
so i definitely wasnt a fan of the whole nini ricky gina ej love square. i know its a tried and true teen show staple but goddamn it got tiring. i just never liked rini and i didnt like how nini treated him right from the start asklfjlds. she was also rude as hell to everyone else, especially gina, being all passive aggressive towards her. literally saying she wanted to kick gina in the face bc gina is a good dancer and she's intimidated?? but also all the talk in general about gina being intimidating or aggressive or a bad seed like ??? the microaggressions were off the charts
not to mention the fucking macroaggression of kourtney's entire s1 "character". i think hattie mcdaniel had a more nuanced role in gone with the wind. it was so fucking painful to watch. she didnt exist to be anything other than nini's personal soundboard, cheerleader, stylist, life coach, and whatever else she needed in the moment. thank god they gave her a real character by s2 bc kourtney was way too talented, too gorgeous, too charismatic to be forced into the role of nini's handmaid the whole time
i dont really have much to say about s1 cause i wasnt into it at the time lol. it was okay. all the actors did a good job, it was kind of funny, the only song that really stood out was miss jenn's fantasy sequence song with lucas. the actually high school musical show they put on was painful to watch but thats high school theater for you babyyy
season 2:
this was such an improvement from s1 and my favorite season over all. there were a handful of eps in the middle where i was constantly like "this is my fave ep" "ok this is my fave ep" "ok now THIS is my fave ep" it was a delight. i love beauty and the beast and was so happy for ashlyn getting belle, and everyone else was very well cast. although idk why seb was chip and not cogsworth?? my sister said it was bc disney didnt want to confirm that they were gay 💔💔
the music was obviously better bc we've got fucking alan menken on the track. all the numbers from the show were perfect. i wish ej had gotten to sing the gaston reprise bc he didnt get to reach his full gaston potential and i think we deserved that 💔
the debacle with the whole rose song was sooo annoying. nini deserved to be that fork. she dragged the whole show down like it was always so much better when she wasnt there aklfjlksd
the rivalry with the other school was lots of fun. i liked all the new characters. my favorite original song was miss jenn's number with derek hough
season 3:
this season was likeee a pleasant mid for me??? idk it was fine and fun but it didnt have anything in it that blew me away. i think this season was screaming for extra episodes more than any other, since we were missing a chunk of the cast. we deserved to cut back to salt lake every now and again and see what the non-camp-goers were up to
kourtney and gina as elsa and anna was a dream. not the biggest fan of frozen but they did a good job. everyone looked so cute in their costumes and kourtney's solo was amazinggg. the new characters were fun but i dont have strong feelings towards them lol. but i loved getting to explore kourtney's character and her struggles with anxiety, that was very real
them filming a documentary was funny bc have they not been filming one this whole time? my headcanon was that the to-the-camera interviews were all in their heads and everyone was practicing for when they became famous lol but then ricky ruined that in s4 by acknowledging them directly rip 💔
i liked after their show ended and they all got sharpies and wrote their names on the walls back stage. that was definitely a potent theater kid memory and got me a lil teary eyed
i liked ej taking on the role of director and copying miss jenn's hand holding and high pitched singing at the first read thru. i liked ej and gina together i thought they were cute. it was disappointing that the show wouldnt commit to them for even a minute and they always had to be teetering on the edge between being a couple and not. that was frustrating
and girl just get nini out of there already. olivia wanted nini to be there as much as i did. she was sooo over it by s3
umm favorite original song was corbin bluh's basketball song
season 4:
very very fun season again. loved the chaos of filming the movie at the school while school is happening. as if every movie set in a real school doesnt shoot in the summer. oh well. gotta have a season!
there was too much mack for me personally. i dont think he gave wanted they wanted to be given. i needed more dani tho. her actress was so good at bad acting. she couldve been a much bigger comedic presence also she looked like a cross between sofia carson and emma roberts but sometimes just looked like a latina emma roberts ??? is that just me??
and still the lack of seb and big red at the beginning like ?? did they specifically piss off the writers so they had to banish them for nearly half the show?
loved that the little girl from camp was there. she stole the show. and maddox and jet are fine alskfjsldk i just didnt form strong opinions on them but i do like them
ashlyn's "i need to give her mouth to mouth! AS A FRIEND!" was the funniest line of the entire show hands down
so happy they finally had a halloween episode! it was lots of fun and everyone looked so cute in their costumes uwu. but that guy from camp that was stalking carlos??? that was so bizarre and it never paid off likeee what was the reason
and gina's mom was pissing us off so bad. she was acting wild this season. like gina has to focus on her studies so no boys but she can work from sun up to sun down on a movie lmao. and her mom had the nerve to be like "well i never came to your shows bc that was just high school theater but THIS is a movie" like wooow. and i swear it felt like she was about to sell gina off to mack bc he was famous. and when she started with that "porters dont wait around" mess and ricky cleared her with a quickness with that whole "well i seem to remember gina waiting around for you on opening night" like damn
and omg when mack was over for dinner and ricky came over with chocolates but saw him thru the window. i was like ugh fuck its gonna be the stupid thing where he sees this and gets the wrong idea and its gonna be a stupid wedge between him and gina that doesnt need to be there bc no one can communicate BUT THEN gina sees him outside and runs to him and i think i screamed bc i was so relieved aslkjskl but their kiss was very cinematic and cute ♥️♥️
and omg on sunday night im sitting there trudging thru s1 like "yeah starting this might've been a mistake" and by friday im bawling my eyes out bc the story is ending 💔💔 sofia deserved the whole fucking egot and a golden globe too for that scene at the end. and i was SO invested in her acting career and like pleading with the show for her not to pass on it and stay at school but fucking genius that she is found a way to do both!!!
and i honestly didnt know what i wanted miss jenn to do like i was rooting for her both ways but of course she staaayed. and the show ended and it had the "skip credits" button and my sister was like "oh there's something after the credits?" and then i saw "for good" listed at the end of the songs and i screamed again. and was bawling again when everyone was singing that. who knew this silly little show would have such a death grip on me by the end???
so over all it was really very good and not a waste of time. i liked pretty much every character and it was just a lot of fun! would definitely watch it again
my over all season ranking would be two, four, three, and one is dead ass last
my favorite characters from the start were gina, miss jenn, carlos, ashlyn, and big red lowkey alskfjdskl. kourtney got up there in s2 and beyond. and i do really like ricky, ej, seb, they're my secondary faves. (kinda wish ricky had more to do bc aside from his parents, i feel like every single one of his issues had to do with a love triangle and i just wish the character was granted a little more texture) and the camp kids were good, they were fine, they're like third-iary faves. and the only ones i dislike are gina's mom and nini lol
and i wasnt like screaming over any ships but generally i liked them all except rini. ej and gina was cute, i liked ashlyn and maddox, i liked ashlyn and big red, carlos and seb probably were my faves if i had to pick, i liked kourtney with howie (wish we saw him again) and jet, and yes by the end i was rooting for rina they just won me over this season and were super cute and im glad they ended where they did ♥️
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antigonewinchester · 2 years ago
15x05 I can’t decide if the “Dean looks way older now” jokes are a double joke, because it’s clearly Jared who looks different/older playing Sam in 2019 than he did in 2005, or if because Dean is the more comedic character they used him for this joke despite Jensen looking more similar to his 2005 self. Again, they’re going for the old school references in bringing back Ford and Hamill as alias, pulling from 1x02 (which isn’t technically a werewolf ep but features a creature similar to it, and one they were right not to reuse and use werewolves instead).
We’ve got three dark mirrors for Sam & Dean in this ep – two dreams from Sam, first of Dean drying to kill Lucifer!Sam with the colt, failing, and Lucifer!Sam killing him; then demon/MoC!Dean killing Sam, and then the werewolf brothers, who have taken to killing humans, and eventually ending in a murder suicide, as the younger bro, tormented by his and his brother’s killing of people, kill his older bro and then himself. Given the discussion of the werewolf bros as “foreshadowing,” there’s also perhaaaps a link to 15x17, in the older bro werewolf being the one who wanted to kill people/wouldn’t stop, and being taken out by his younger bro, and then Dean being willing to sacrifice everything & everyone to kill Chuck… except, ultimately, Sam, who convinces him to stand down and ‘stops him’ without having to kill him. Or perhaps linking to Kripke’s “Sam goes dark, Dean has to hunt him down” ending which one could imagine ending in a murder-suicide, if they’d wanted to go the really tragic route.
Lilith’s return – and the first person to be killed through the randomly stabbed through the back this season, pretty sure. I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to say she acts as a dark foil to Dean in the ep? Dean’s worst impulses are often brought out by his following the script, being the unquestioning loyal soldier, similar to how Lilith is still following Chuck’s script even though she hates him. (They even get somewhat similar cuts on their cheeks.)
LILITH Wouldn’t it be great if everything was just planned out for you? [She laughs.] DEAN Let me guess, one of Chuck’s lines? LILITH Word for word. God… he is not exactly Shakespeare. He’s more of a low-rent Dean Koontz. I had to listen to his whole, quote “writing philosophy”. And his very weird, very pervy obsession with you. Then it always ends the same. One brother killing the other. I mean, this world… he could’ve ended it in so many ways, and… he likes that one. You know, I guess that’s why you had to see the werewolf brothers die the way they did, ‘cause… foreshadowing.  
I thought the “pervy obsession with you” line was going to refer to both Sam and Dean, but the way it’s played it definitely sounds like Lilith is referring specifically to Dean. The ‘Dean gets creeped on by quasi-mentor/father figures’ thread drops off almost entirely in Dabb’s seasons so it’s curious to see it pop up now, although given this ep was written by Yockey, who joined in S12, I’m hesitant to declare it’s intentional. If I had to guess, it would be more that it’s balancing out the ‘Dean looks old’ jokes at the beginning, as well as just making Chuck seem weird & obsessive. (Like the awkward, invasive fans who are obsessively attracted to Jensen/Jared/J2? Idk how many were around by this point in this show but the writers had to be somewhat aware of them historically.) We’ll see if there’s more of this thread thru the rest of the season tho.
SAM Where’s Chuck? LILITH Why would I ever tell you anything? SAM Because I’ve killed you before… [he takes out the demon blade.] and I can do it again. LILITH See, you keep saying that, but you killed me because I let you. Now I’m feeling… less generous. [LILITH’s eyes flash white. The room starts to shake as lights start breaking and falling.]
This dialogue isn’t a retcon per se, as S4 implies that Lilith knew all along she was the last seal, but it certainly does give a certain... framing to Sam and his actions in S4. Definitely an implicit passivity in Lilith “letting” Sam kill her.
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totaldramayuri · 1 year ago
ok fuck if I’m not going to sleep anyway. random 3am thought dump I’ll probably delete later
- I’m soooooo mad that mk got out… I wanted to see her win so bad. Though I did like her n Julia rushing to turn the other contestants against the other, toxic yuri yay <333 The scene at the dock is probably the closest we’ll ever get to mkulia confession and I liked it :] the hug ouhhh
- priyaleb bad
- Damien being constantly tormented by scary girl even in her absence ofc, if we get season 3 I’d love to see if their dynamic changes in any way after Damien’s growth
- speaking of Damien. Cmon really. That elimination was sooooo bullshit (a lot of them were but him + mk annoy me the most bc they’re sooo finalist material wtf are they doinggggg).
- priyaleb sucks so bad
- Julia singlehandedly carrying the final episodes fr
- can someone pleeeease clip the part in ep 12 where Chris says caleb is basic. So real
- god I really wish I could concisely communicate my feelings towards caleb… he could’ve been so good but the writers just have his character go through the td romance circuit over and over repeating the same thing in each episode.. wow u made up with priya.. the. N misunderstanding. Then u make up. Then new conflict that doesn’t get resolved. Yay. Remember at the start of the season how I was excited to see what they did with him. Sighs
- ^same with priya she was so wasted this season. The way winning the show she was literally trained from birth to win barely affected her character… I’ve said this so many times but the only time I actually liked priyaleb is when they used their common conflict with parents as a way to connect to each other. What the hell happened to that
- normal girl just going right back to being scary girl was expected (she was the first boot) but they could’ve done more with it!!! The conflict between being accepted and being yourself… I still don’t get why they designed her a whole ass new outfit just for a one episode bit lol
- mullet julia 👍
- I feel. Conflicted about Wayne winning. Like I get what they’re going for. The most no thoughts head empty player who basically floated through the entire season as comedic relief ends up winning against the two biggest threats of the season. Also I liked him clearly being the other campers favourite, the absolute whiplash between Caleb’s “we just don’t want Julia to win” group vs Wayne’s group being so enthusiastically supportive and hyping him up. On the other hand,, idk it just felt kind of unsatisfying??? like I just had to watch my favourite character of the season get eliminated, immediately followed by the two characters I for sure thought would make it to final 3, and Wayne is the one who ends up winning, when he did. The least anything out of the final group. Idk mannnn I guess I’m just kinda indifferent to him as a finalist. Could’ve had a worse winner but he wasn’t even in my top 5 pick for this seasons winner tbhh
- overall this season was……. Meh. Of course I enjoyed a lot of parts (MKULIA) but between the questionable elimination orders (so many of them felt like they had to jump thru hoops just to make sure they eliminated the character they were sick of writing) and the priyaleb taking up so much screentime when it’s so bland … it definitely holds itself back from being great </3
I’ll post more detailed thoughts on the last few episodes in the morning ig,,
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teresa-moyocoyotzin · 4 years ago
spoilers! under! the cut!!!!!
holy fucking shit!! it’s over!!!! wow wow.
get ready for some ramble-y ass, v unorganized, first reactions to the finale, because i am wine drunk and emotional and still trying to get my heart down to a resting pulse and i have so many thoughts
- okay that was a damn gripping episode, i was on the edge of my damn seat the whole time. i went in with like 99% faith that teresa and james were gonna come out alive but they still had me STRESSED the whole damn time!!!! like even tho i was seeing the little signs throughout the episode that it was all a plan my heart was pounding like crazy!!
- i went into today thinking as long as teresa and james were alive in the end i would be happy but then rewatched a bunch of old episodes right before the finale and remembered that i did indeed care about pote and kellyanne and really actually would be upset if they had died, so i was quite stressed, especially for pote at the end!! when he’s fighting boaz!! which also! was super badass btw. all the sicarios backing off at the end!! lol at the random dude who save pote’s life by making boaz take the “sicario’s challenge” tho (which like? lol what?) like okay haha
- everyone loves chicho so much haha him and pote are so cute!!! i love how much chicho gave his all for pote and KA this episode, i’m sad he couldn’t come w them but it was SO CUTE to see chicho with marcel at the end!!! building a bunch of legit businesses and growing the PCCC!!! i love that journey for them.
- i really didn’t think pote was in on it because honestly i didn’t think he would be able to be that good of an actor (the character, not the actual actor, hemky is amazing lol) but i mean pote really pulled thru. he let all his damn emotions out for that performance cuz i was fully convinced he didn’t know until the end when it shows them telling him. actually i got an inkling when he was saying goodbye to marcel and chicho and gave marcel the ~gift~ from teresa lol.
- i do wish we had gotten more flashbacks because like when exactly did james figure out that devon was gonna order him to kill teresa? when did he tell her? did they figure it out together? teresa said she had a boat on standby for TWO YEARS does this mean the plan had been in place that long??? like before james left phoenix??????? or was the boat just always there and the plan came later??? idk tho. i watched 3.05 today and the “if they come for me, i’ll be ready” “if they come for you, I’LL be ready” REALLY HITS A LIL DIFFERENT NOW TBH what if james already had an inkling and when devon showed up that night it confirmed his suspicions.. and they started planning like. that night after they fucked. dude. idk the wheels are turning too fast in my brain rn. ik they probably just planned it this season after james was “let go” by devon and they knew it was too easy, and maybe just in the past couple weeks’ episodes. but who the fuck knows!!!
- i still wanna know how exactly they faked her death. no confirmation on the powder/ coke theory.. and no discussion of the coke habit if it was one. but if this was the long game situation and they’ve been planning all along.. maybe that theory still holds water.. idk y’all that’s the explanation i’m going w because i can’t think of anything else lol
- okay THE ENDING OMG!!!!! was it a bit cheesy and predictable and entirely too short? yes. did i LOVE IT ANYWAYS OMG LOOK AT THEM THEY’RE ALIVE AND HAPPY!!!!???? YESS BITCH okay by the end i was just so damn relieved that they were alive i honestly didn’t care that the teresa’s-alive-reveal happened like 4mins30secs before the end lmao because they were a beautiful almost five mins. i may get saltier about it but LOOK how happy she is!!! look how happy james is!!! and pote and kellyanne have a sweet lil child that teresa and james can be auntie and uncle to and it’s SO CUTE I NEED ALL THE FANART SINCE TERESA AND JAMES DIDN’T ACTUALLY GET A SCENE W THEIR HONORARY NIECE😭😭😭 FEN?? SOMEONE?? i’ll do it myself if no one else does, maybe even if someone else does because that’s so cute (eventually lol)
- do u think james and kellyanne coordinated their respective swim shorts (surf shorts?? lmfao) and nail polish on purpose because they are THE EXACT SAME SHADE OF HOT PINK and i think that’s so cute for them lmfao
- james in that button up w the wavy hair 😍 teresa in her cute lil beach top and her wavy hair 😍😍 them being happy and in love and alive in a cute lil beach house with their family 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰 i’m so happy for them!!! they made it out!! they outsmarted everyone!! teresa outsmarted everyone!! without shutting out the people in her life!! we love to see it!
- even though we didn’t exactly get a callback to a jeresa moment, we did get a “you okay?” “yeah” which kinda counts and i’ll fucking take it because you know what?? SHE IS ACTUALLY OKAY FOR ONCE. THEY ARE ACTUALLY BOTH OKAY. MORE THAN OKAY. NOW I’M NOT OKAY WHAT THE FUCK.
-also i LOVED the appearance and disappearance of The Queen there at the end!! her little approving nod and willing departure!! and that james was the one to notice her floating off and bring her back to earth from her final vision or hallucination of her queenpin self!! and then he makes a toast to their new life!! the one that she risked it all to build with him!! ahhhh i’m emo y’all!
- i am also still a little confused about some things tho, namely, why exactly did devon suddenly order boaz to back down and send pote to solitary confinement for protection?? was it really just because he believed he was being the “good guy” and that pote was doing his “deserved” time (even tho it wasn’t even for cartel stuff but ok) and he didn’t like the way boaz did business? cuz i feel like he wouldn’t care that much about pote’s safety even if that were the case i mean.. he wanted them all dead like two seconds before that.. i really don’t get that so if anyone has insight please lemme know!!!
- oh my god i don’t even know y’all that was so much!!! i’m sure i have more thoughts but i can’t even think of them rn!! i just wanna reblog all the gifs and see everyone’s thoughts!!! woo! we did it y’all! we made it. they made it!!!! thank fuck! 🥰😍❤️🎉😂
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xsimxx77 · 4 years ago
Dean ❤️😭
So yeah Spn ended and ep20 sucked and it's been days and I still can't process ! (I'm a mess btw so God knows how this will come out)
The finale sucked and dean's death sucked basically I'm devastated !! And no it's not just "another Tv character's death" it's not just "a death" no ! it just sucks and lemme start up with some shit here !
So why his death is just bullshit !
Dean out of no where was put into some circumstances that can't be understood or be dealth with at 4 LIKE 4 ! Like suddenly his life just turned upside down and he was faced with "you gotta take care of ur little brother!" HOW WOULD A 4 YEAR OLD UNDERSTAND WHAT TAKING CARE OF SOMEONE MEAN !!? but he did it anyways and guess what he freaking did amazing job in that !!
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But wait -
HOW OLD WAS DEAN RIGHT HERE !!!? (btw this is the dark side of the moon ep when angels made them relive their fav memories ) he used to do what he was always doing his whole life !!! His father just messed up sth and he just went there and tried to fix it , tried to make it better for his mother ! He just did that !! And Sammy was like wow "never realized how long" ! yeah Sammy apparently he's been doing this his whole freaking life !
He had to do things that weren't even his job even before Mary's death! He was just so good that he couldn't see her anxious or sad about certain stuff ! And HE WAS SO YOUNG BACK THEN OMG !
yeah He never had a childhood thanks to his lovely father ! Been treated his whole life as a soldier , was raised like one !! He was always convinced that he had one job , just one job ! What he felt and how he felt never really mattered !
Reminder: he never got to graduate , never got to college ! And how he was just so proud that his samrtass brother went to Stanford is just so precious !
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"Always wanted to be a fireman" wanted ! What a word huh ! And again sammy went just like wow "never told me that" yeah Sam cuz what he wanted was never important apparently !
He always thought that the things he loved were just never his things , thinking he is nothing and no one. Always thought that he's not really worth anything !!
Imagine being convinced that everyone around u will leave u at certain point and u can't be enough ! and how he's so attached to his family knowing he can't be that for them !!
And don't u dare tell me that John didn't really affect him with so many things !! His whole life Dean was just trying to be good for the man!
Yeah I mean what a bright life right
and yes we can clearly see Dean using sarcasm in facing his problems ! Just all with the "Idc what happens to me" attitude but not bcz he's just careless like that nah not really he's just too scared to admit that he is scared if that makes sense ! U can see that clearly in many seasons
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in s3 Sam was trying to find a way to save his brother ! And dean was just like u can't do anything cuz there's no way and acting with the "careless" sarcastic way he is and Sam was just like "How can you" , "what's wrong with you!" He just can't let himself feel that he will be saved cuz there is nothing that can save him , he even admits that he is scared later on !
and to me Dean is this one dude with that mindset that he can't have hope , he won't allow himself to have hope ! So yeah he can't let himself believe that Sam will save him bcz what if he believed that and it just didn't work ! He's just too scared !! I mean can you imagine that !!
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he was just so scared dammit !!
S10 (this whole season was so heartbreaking tbh)
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and here !! (btw this the paint it black ep) How he just admits that he keeps expecting death ! And how he's just scared !!! "there's people , things feelings I want to experience differently!" And again with the want word !! HE WANTED THINGS FOR HIMSELF but never thought or even made things for HIMSELF !! and u telling me why this hurts so bad !!
He loved cars , wanted to be a mechanic or maybe even a rockstar and we can see that from previous seasons but he gets to talk about it with that girl in the "bad boys" ep ! reminder : that this is the "let him rot in jail" ep ! Imagine Dean with that mind of his and all of those thoughts thinking he's not worth it and shit like that only for his amazing father to leave him out there just like that !!! Thanks again John ! 🙃 YOU CAN'T TELL ME THAT HE DIDN'T HAVE DREAMS OF HIS OWN !! But again he did come back for baby Sammy and I love him !!
I just love him sm and I know he never deserved any of this !!
How he was just convinced that he's just a grunt and couldn't see himself as this smart strong hero he truely is !!!😭 HE'S BEEN FIGHTING HIS WHOLE LIFE ! He'S BEEN SO GOOD HIS WHOLE FREAKING LIFE !!
How he just kept questioning why would an angel save him from hell !! "Why me !!? If there is a God out there why would he give a crap about me ?"
Never really came across his mind that he's worth it !
he never knew , never been told how great he was until Cas happened !! And Cas , this one angel is a wholeee other story !❤️🥺
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"imagine telling someone u love 'em only to have him give u this face !" Yeah lol that was funny but u know what ! imagine believing ur whole freaking life that ur nothing and not really worth anything , that ur just so pathetic and can't do anything and then having soemone just state how good and lovely you are and that they love u ! Like love u ! Yeah I find that funny too u know ! Like look at his face it just feels like "don't tell me that cuz I ain't worth it , I ain't that good Cas "
and I just love Cas so much cuz he just wanted to show Dean how lovely , selfless and just how precious he is !
Cas loved Dean the way he should be loved !! He just saw right thru his soul and loved it all !! Cuz he saw exactly what he is !! saw it all and understood it AND HE FREAKING LOVED HIM FOR EVERYTHING!!
and when we finally see Dean kinda accepting that yes he might be worth it , that yes he might be good just like Cas said ! That he deserves to live a life for himself !! They just kill him off !! Just like that ! Throwing everything away !
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And this this this right here just hits so hard and painfully rn !! Cuz How many times did Dean say this over many seasons !! Like how many times did he say that "a hunt gone wrong" is what gonna end him !! and seriously don't u dare tell me that yeah he was just ok with that or he wasn't really scared or that *the ending* he's got is the perfect one for him cuz nah !! IT'S FREAKING NOT !!! He kept saying that and he was expecting that !! HE WAS EXPECTING GETTING KILLED LIKE THAT ALL HIS FREAKING LIFE !! But he was literally dreading it !!!That's why this sucks !! That's why this is just so messed up and cruel !!
Imagine getting killed the exact way ur dreading for it to happen !
Like When Dean fianlly goes like "We gotta keep living Sammy" he really wanted to give this a shot !! He wanted to finally give it a shot for Cas and for himself! It's like he finally allowed himself to have hope !! Finally got his whole freaking free wil to do literally whatever he wanted !!!! He had a dog u know ! 😭 HE FREAKING APPLIED FOR A JOB !! FOR A JOB !! HE WAS GONNA GIVE THINGS OTHER THAN HUNTING A SHOT !! HE WANTED THIS !!
only to have him lose all of that !! all ripped away from him !! So yeah this is NOT JUST ANOTHER CHARACTER'S DEATH !!
He was so scared , he was freaking so scared and shaking "didn't think that this day would be today" he just wanted Sam close cuz he was so scared !! and u telling me that this is just another character's death!!
my baby boy , my comfort character deserved better !! I love him so much I can't-
i really thought Cas's death was bad (and it was hell tbh) but Dean's ending just messed me up in ways I can't even tell !
like he had to suffer too while dying !! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR !! Like ffs !!
this is literally depressing and so cruel !! And hopeless LIKE SO FUCKING HOPELESS !
he's been suffering his whole freaking life !! ALL HIS LIFE !!
and I know That he kinda got his peace at heaven (and tbh that might be the only thing that will help me go on with my life and the fact that Cas isn't in the empty too !) but that's just still doesn't make things right !! He freaking deserved a life !! HE FREAKING DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER !!
I just hate those writers so bad !
I will just end this with saying THANK U DEAN WINCHESTER , u've helped me thru alot !! u've changed me ❤️😭 ! Hope ur having all happiness u deserve at heaven baby boy ❤️😭😭
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rahleeyah · 3 years ago
I think one of the biggest let downs for me was that I was not surprised by one single EO scene that we got during the crossover. Because so much filming was done outside and covered on Twitter by fans it almost became a little predictable and I was left feeling very… meh by the end of it. That’s not to say both eps weren’t good they definitely were good but it just felt a little boring. Maybe that’s just me. Idk I am very glad that there will be some fresh blood running the show next season like they really gotta pick these story lines up and start making the snowball into an avalanche.
But on another note the whole Donnelly naming his kid after Elliot seems HIGHLY weird to me. Like especially if it’s actually Donnelly plotting all this stuff behind elliots back like what’s the play there? That choice seems suspect to me.
Oh AND mmkay I get it Elliot is struggling with whether his dad was a dirty cop or not that’s hard and he’s working thru it but we get some actual car ride hang time with EO and they talk about work and his dad? That’s it? Like yes Olivia had always been a real sounding board for him but as far as we know the two of them hadn’t spoken in a while and that’s the first thing he brings up? Like ok but…. Feels like an opportunity missed imo.
Honestly a lot of the crossover felt like EO opportunities missed. That’s nothing against marshmelon they are lovely and talented and so wonderful I just wish better writing choices would start getting made for the two of them.
All that being said, I’m sorry if this was super rambling and thank you for reading this far lmao. Your writing is incredible! Every time I’m like damn how does she do it you come back and top yourself it’s unreal! ❤️ thank you for all that you do! 💕💕💕
lemme try to hit this all in order:
i completely agree. this is why i hate spoilers! i hate that i have been sucked into twitter lmao i usually don't go on it day of and i have the biggest spoiler blogs blocked but all it takes is for one person i follow to hit like on a random tweet and bam i'm fucked and i can't unsee what i saw. that frustrates the shit out of me bc i don't wanna abandon twitter completely, but it keeps sabotaging me. if we know everything that happens in advance, what's the fucking point? remember when the i love you was spoiled? that fucking hurt me fam, bc if i had watched that scene not knowing it was coming i would be floored but instead i was thinking "wait, that's it?" bc we'd had just enough time to get ourselves worked up about it, and so we had all these expectations we might have been better off not having, and i just hate it.
but yes, i am also hoping that with some fresh blood we might see some bigger steps forward, esp now that it's confirmed oc's been picked up for another season. thank god.
the donnelly kid thing WAS SO WEIRD bc ok FIRST OF ALL if baby has a different middle name than his daddy he's not a junior that's not how that works who wrote that, and second, wtf frank this guy has only been back in your life for like a month. what are you doing. who would do that.
and it feels like a HUGE missed opportunity that all they talked about was his fucking dad. of course oc is going to center elliot on elliot's show, but it seems like all liv and el have been allowed to talk about is elliot. again, now that we're gonna have a new showrunner, hopefully we'll get to see this be more of a two way street.
it was a nice episode, but it should have happened months ago, not at the end of the season. by now we should have moved forward more, i feel like. but again, we have an eye on the future.
and thank you 😘😘😘 i love writing these stories so much, and i'm so glad you're enjoying them!!
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sanchoyo · 4 years ago
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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sashannarcy · 4 years ago
new ml broke u??? haha that’s crazy u should talk abt it 👉👈
I'm just gonna b clear in saying that this is the first ML ep I've watched in over a year, probably even longer than that but I can't remember. I have no idea what's going on w Adrigami or Lukanette (I mean obv I know now that they broke up), no idea why Marinette is the Guardian now, no idea where all these other kwamis came from, no idea why Hawk Moth.. looks like that????? so I must admit I am a BIT lost but luckily that didn't get in the way of me understanding this episode
BUT. I love Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I love her a lot. I think her character is extremely interesting and I wish the show would get into it more deeply other than just focusing on her romantic problems, so I cannot tell u how THRILLED I am that this episode occurred. at this point I'm probably gonna start watching the show again just for her (ngl I've kinda stopped being into the ships for the most part) bc if we can get more writing like what happened in Gang of Secrets then that's enough for me
SO ANYWAY. um!!!! holy fucking shit!!! after sitting thru three seasons of the plot not rlly taking off I was THOROUGHLY unprepared for that fucking identity reveal and yet they handled it so well... people who are upset that it wasn't to Adrien/Cat Noir.. I mean come on. I think Alya is literally the best person for Marinette to reveal herself to first, they have such a solid friendship and god it will be so good for Marinette to have someone to lean on now... I know I make everything angsty but seriously Marinette's character has always made me sad bc I KNOW that girl is going thru a fuck ton of shit and having to keep such a huge part of herself completely hidden from everyone just weighs her down. we saw her in this episode basically say she was unlovable!!!! that she's not allowed to have a love story!!! that she only sees herself useful as Ladybug, that she can't feel close to anyone anymore.. I have been WAITING to see her have a breakdown over this and FINALLY I GOT THE CONTENT I WANTED TO FUCKING SEE... some of the lines exchanged between her and Alya at the end were SO unexpectedly raw too like "we always have a choice, Marinette" "no, not for me. I've got no choices left" and "it's too heavy to carry" "if it's too heavy we'll carry it together" LIKE HELLO. HELLO? everyone SHUT the FUCK up I was tearing up bc there was just so much!!! coming out into the open!! and the voice acting on Marinette's part was so good just. UGH
and don't even get me started on Alya, holy shit, the way she stayed behind to talk to Marinette at the end bc she just KNEW smth was up, the way she kept a hand on her shoulder p much the whole time, the way she was paying complete and absolute attention to Marinette w/o trying to figure out what the hell she was talking abt, just trying to help her w/o pushing for details, fuck even the way she was just looking at her the whole time she was just SO concerned... and then when Marinette finally reveals herself as Ladybug she just. hugs her, no questions asked, like she just. gets it. she's such a good friend I am so so unbelievably glad she's the first to know. and I really do want to see them grow from here, I want to see Marinette be able to lean on Alya and finally finally have someone that she can be completely transparent with, I'm crossing my fingers that the writers know what they're doing because I want to see more shit like this. this episode was just. so well-handled. thank you for coming to my ted talk I'm literally insane
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finnoky · 4 years ago
Au where Varian looks at the rock problem in Corona and then his amberized father and then he's like ✌Peace out my dudes I'm not staying here. And like packs his bags and ends up in the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow.
•| Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts |•
Oh dip? That's a fun one! Well... in a way
1) Varian dips after sending that scroll to Raps — it's like he vanished without a trace + the mains are worried him but soon get distracted by Rock Antics! [fun for the whole family!] They still see amberfied Quirin + have that adventure, but Raps waits until the rocks are in Corona proper to touch them + start her quest [They probably think Var went off to stay with some relatives since Quirin is.... Unavailable.]
2) Varian is technically going to see family — he heard about the Dark Kingdom digging thru Quirins stuff and figured solve a problem from the source! (or grab the moonstone, whichever is easiest) Adira kept an eye on him, but he somehow wound up in that god forsaken shell house and hates it.
By the time Raps and crew get there Varian has seen EVERYTHING — "That room turns you into a 4 year old version of yourself. Oh. That one has like boucny walls? Weird. Anyway it's cursed you should leave" meanwhile they're all wondering how he got there — he sorta scoffs and says 'on a science adventure' like it's the most obvious thing in the world & gets the joy of sticking with them since they're going to the same place
3) Mirror, Mirror he's still annoyed everyone is here and doesn't believe him about the tricks — basically acts as a voice of reason but Rapunzel is Sus BC Varian doesn't LIKE magic (so he gets suspected of being a mirror person + locked in a bedroom) She realises her mistake and frees him after Eugene is revealed and Varian correctly answers how many experiements where on that hair testing device. Cue him helping retrap the mirror people and getting that tasty respect
Kids ep — Var is one of the guardians, tho he ends up being like an older brother who is equally troublesome to Raps' and Eugene as he goes against them a lot and gets annoyed by their parenting. He relents when the trouble happens and just says they did a good job, but it made him miss Quirin a lot... He didn't like Eugene taking Quirins place which is why he argued back a lot. Concludes with Eugene saying they'll free Quirin yet & until then he'll just keep an eye out for him. "Like a brother?" 'you got it kid" TEAM AWESOME
Uhhhh Rapunzeltopia sorta... Vine him, yeah that's all. Just Photoshop him in.
4) Escape the house yayyy! Varian gets to meet Demanitus and really shines thru that maze they go through and seems genuinely happy with the group — though has a few Sus moments where he knows too many answers about the moondrop & seems very interested by its power (it's brushed off as scientific interest) — But really!! He's so thrilled to learn from Demanitus himself and gets praised for his skills at his age, a real confidence booster
It's good bonding for him and Raps too as they have a riddle contest as they go & just get a nice friendship, though when they think they're about to die Varian admits he was really hurt by the blizzard thing and still is angry at her — he didn't wanna die holding onto it. When they're safe, they get to talk about it around the campfire. Eugene opens the gem and sees the fortune and starts suspecting Varian of being the betrayer... not that he would blame him, kid has a lot to gain by taking the gem! And Eugene doesn't believe he could get over anger so easily
5) Dark Kingdom uhhh he sticks with Lance and finally gets to talk to Adira properly! Eugene vanishes, and says he wants to see the gem to study it... Which Rapunzel agrees to, after all it probably wouldn't hurt to understand it a bit better [plus she wants to prove she trusts Varian and feels she has to make it up to him]
Varian is scared of the ghosts when the attack but gets to slice one, Edmund recognises him as Quirins son and asks how he is to which Var falls silent. Hector and Edmund argue that as proof enough of how dangerous the stone is, Adira says it's proof it should be destroyed. Varian says it should be his decision, and he's deciding to do what Quirin would have wanted... Eugene convinces Edmund to let them into the Moondrop room.
Rapunzel promises to free Quirin if she can and heads up to the stone. As she walks, Eugene holds Varians arm and whispers to just let her destroy the stone, she'll be fine and taking it would be wrong. Varian is confused and hurt as to why Eugene doesn't trust him + because of that they miss Cass stealing the stone for herself.
Varian is bitter and betrayed by Eugene, Rapunzel is betrayed by Cass, and it's time for Season 3 (which I won't do now but I might expand upon if people ask for it)
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marnie1964 · 4 years ago
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
i'm gonna consider myself tagged
It’s the year 2021 and you’re obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?: an unexpected turn of events but it's passing the quarantine, i guess!
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?:  to be completely honest, i don't really like the movies? i didn't vibe with them as a kid and when i went back and tried to watch them this year i couldn't make it all the way through.* i think they're well crafted movies, but i've never liked relatable young boy wish fulfillment (i couldn't even get thru harry potter as a kid), and i think the first one is guilty of burying the lede twice over with regards to mr. miyagi and later the relationship between kreese and johnny. and lucky me--these are exactly the areas that cobra kai delivers on.
*except for the third one, which imo is a camp masterpiece and also genuinely heartbreaking. it's the only one that allows daniel to be an genuine pain in the ass. i think i've finally figured out what the target audience for cobra kai is: people who's favorite karate kid movie was tkk3 (me).
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character: johnny! what is a man but a miserable pile of bruce springsteen lyrics? or aimee mann lyrics? or mountain goats lyrics? or otis redding lyrics? or--fuck, have americans ever written songs about anyone else? i have an unreal amount of good will towards this man and his late-life struggle for recuperation. he's the heart of the show both in terms of his relationships with other characters and in terms of zabka's chemistry with the other actors.
my deep dark double secret fave is kreese. he makes me feel real anger in a way that's usually reserved for characters in vince gilligan shows. i'm a bit obsessed with him and his preoccupation with johnny and later johnny's teenaged son (I Have Thoughts). the show does a great job of making what he did to johnny--and all the years and years and years of fallout from that--feel really real, which makes him one of the most viscerally despicable villains i've ever come across . it's unironically among the best portrayals of domestic abuse i've seen, may god have mercy on our souls. the decision to pop out from behind a fucking cardboard cutout of himself to scare daniel in tkk3 was also a hilarious galaxy brain move. aspirational stuff.
also--shout out to daniel-san. the writers really had to work their asses off to make him into a character that appeals to me, and i think they did a great job of it. he's a cringey tool who's capable of displaying a surprising amount of integrity under the right circumstances! he's tom wambsgans! he's pete campbell! he's wonderful i love him!
Favorite ship:  johnny & daniel (what if mysterious skin was a sports comedy??)
Underrated character: the True and Correct answer to this question can only be aisha, although i don't think she was actually underrated by anyone besides the writers. chozen is also lowkey my favorite katate child because c'mon, he had everything (spear fights! ziplines! teen death matches! formfitting disco-era polyester button down shirts worn with gold chains!)
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):  uhhhh... the only teen couple that could have been interesting is tory/aisha. they were cute together and their friendship rang true to me. it's that thing where you're the new girl and you're conventionally attractive, but on the inside you know you're a freak so you immediately gravitate towards the most obvious female outsider. i lived it, bay-bey!
i also think there are interesting things to explore with carmen and johnny's relationship. i don't know if the writers are even aware of it (i lean towards no b/c men amirite) but the entire premise of carmen's character is that she chose to live in poverty to protect herself and her son from a bad man with power. she's thereby the exact opposite of johnny's mother, who (at least by his understanding) married hollywood film producer shmarvey shmeinstein to provide her son with a better life. so, there's a lot to unpack in his attraction to her. also they're super hot hur hur i like sexy nurse thing hur hur.
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?: i can't look directly at it, but sweep the leg. zabka what the fuck man.
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?:  i don't think i've seen anyone mention this one yet, but the football jersey with the sweatpants. it makes him look so small and huggable, i wanna pick him up and set him on my shelf or something.
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver: bring back ali's lesbian girl gang!!! or else--dutch. he was funny and iconic, i loved his exaggerated offended reaction to everything daniel said or did in tkk. also, i'm tacky so i'm a sucker for aggressively bleach blonde hair. the SCANDALIZED wasp couple standing behind ali and johnny in the spaghetti scene will also do. or terry's secretary (an mvp--i believe the original actress has passed away so in my heart of hearts she's portrayed by j. smith-cameron).
Scene that lives in your head rent-free: the whole character development speed run that johnny does from sweep the leg to crying while handing daniel the trophy to getting strangled in the parking lot by his beloved teacher. i'm especially transfixed by that last bit--what's the thought process of a man who decides to publicly execute his teenage student via strangulation? why did none of the many bystanders call the police? johnny is the real kitty genovese, prison for everyone.
from the cobra kai series proper: daniel's decision to greet johnny with a big hug after not seeing him for 35 years and never actually being friends with him (I Have Thoughts), the heinously creepy scene where johnny is repeating the cobra kai mantra for miguel and his entire disposition completely changes (demonic possession shit), and johnny's tiny go-ahead-and-kill-my-abuser nod (his face is so stoney after being so animated at dinner) coupled with daniel's shaky little sign of relief (macchio is really the cutest when he looks scared).
it goes without saying that every johnny & miguel scene lives rent free in my HEART.
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?: anthony becomes relevant for one (1) episode next season when amanda and daniel finally get around to putting him up for adoption.
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war.  Which dojo do you join?:  i enter the cobra kai dojo decked out in all of my snake-themed clothing and jewelry (it's a lot). i approach kreese and explain to him that the open mouth of a snake, viewed head-on, is a yonic symbol. i am permanently banned from the cobra kai dojo.
(seriously though, assuming i'm a teen in this scenario i think i would have vibed with tory/miguel/aisha. dimitri and sam would have driven high school me up the fucking wall though. the cobra kai style looks like more fun/better exercise. do i also genuinely believe most young girls could actually benefit from someone yelling no mercy down their neck? maybe so 💖)
What’s your training montage song?:  50ft queenie - pj harvey (it takes place in the alison bechdel feminist karate dojo ofc)
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?: it's a full episode flashback to the time johnny got arrested in albuquerque, new mexico. johnny's court-appointed attorney is a weirdly hot babe who seems like a super straight laced killjoy at first, but soon reveals herself to be an unhinged woman. one thing leads to another, and johnny winds up in bed with her and her loser husband. there are lots of great themes about punitive justice, people's ability to change for the better (and worse), and what makes someone "good" or "bad" to begin with, but mostly it's just really hot sex. the husband tries to sell johnny a prepaid cellphone and johnny tell's him that cellphones are never gonna catch on, cause who want's to be bothered by people all the time like that?
better call saul. it's a better call saul crossover ep.
(fwiw think that greg 'hbo succession' hirsch should also be terry's cousin greg on the non-roy side. think about it--the roys are small people, but cousin greg is really tall?? and who else is really tall, and a blue eyed brunette to boot? terry silver. it all adds up! this never becomes relevant to the plot, in any case, i'm just considering it canon until the writers come to my house and explicitly tell me i'm wrong.)
Tagging: anyone who's interested 😘
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eatprayworm · 4 years ago
rose red, will I ever see thee wed: tang fan, sui zhou, and fairytale au
been thinking some thoughts today about my fairytale au (also known as the lil red riding hood au), and i thought it might be fun to expand the au to encompass other fairy tales. i’ve always been partial to snow white & rose red, if solely because i LOVE that, at its heart, it’s about sisterhood and goodness. so many fairytales pit sisters and/or women against each other, but not sw&rr! they’re as close as sisters can be, despite their different personalities, and they agree to always be together and share everything. i love it. :’)
so, i thought it might be neat to make the tang siblings snow white and rose red. my ideas below.
-tang yu is snow white, and tang fan is rose red. in the fairytale, rose red is known to be the more adventurous and outgoing sister, while snow white is quieter and prefers to stay at home. so, seems accurate for the tang sibs, yeah?
-in this au, tang fan and tang yu were still raised by their parents, and when their parents die, they still stick together. tang yu lives in the city with tang fan, so they really do never part. <3 tang yu has her son still, but no horrible husband or in-laws bc it’s my au and i say so!
-one day, cheng’er goes missing!  kidnapped by a human trafficker. they’re able to track down the carriage, which leads into the woods (not The Woods TM, but another wooded area). cheng’er is found and tang yu and tang fan are so relieved. cheng’er says “i’m okay, this nice bear took care of me! he killed the bad guys who took me.” the tang fam is like .......say what now. they think cheng’er is just making things up, but then there’s rustling in the undergrowth: a flash of black fur disappearing into the shadows. an asiatic black bear.
-sometime later, tang fan is out in the city very late, making his way home. he’s about to get attacked by robbers related to the case (think ep 2? of tsomd) but then he’s saved by A Very Handsome Stranger. and tang fan is like :O!!!! ty Hot Hero!!! he’s like let me thank you with food!!! 
-this man is sui zhou, and yes, sui zhou still ends up being the one paying. sz is very....cagey about who he is and what he does. says he’s a soldier, which yes, tf believes. sui zhou walks tang fan home and tang fan is like “can i see you again?????” and sui zhou says “no, it’s better if you don’t.” and tf is ???? :( ???? 
-tf is dreamy over sz and is determined to find him again! he asks his pal wang zhi if he’s heard of him. wz informs him that sui zhou is actually a royal member, but ever since a year ago, he just.... isn’t really around. no one really sees him or talks about him. tf finds this strange.
-tf DOES run into sui zhou again later, but strangely, only at night. tf trying so hard to get more info out of sz, but the latter just doesn’t really wanna talk about it. but they do share late night meals, and both find themselves growing attached.
-then, Something Happens. maybe they get attacked on their way back to tf’s. they’re both okay, but sui zhou passes out in front of tf’s house. tf isn’t about to let him bleed out in the streets, so he brings him in and patches him up the best he can. tang fan brings him to a spare room to sleep for the night.....
-.....and tang fan wakes up to his sister screaming. why? BECAUSE THERE’S A WHOLE ASS BEAR IN THE HOUSE!!!! the bear is freaking, tang yu is freaking, tang fan is like “OMG THIS BEAR ATE SUI ZHOU!!!” but then cheng’er is like “oh it’s my friend! :D” 
-cue cheng’er hugging bear!sui zhou. everyone is.....stunned. 
-turns out, sui zhou is indeed some kind of prince, and he was cursed by a sorcerer who is trying to destroy the empire. by day, sui zhou is in the form of an asiatic black bear. by night, he is human. not sure how the curse is broken quite yet. sui zhou sleeps in hilly areas during the day and then comes to town at night. sometimes he’s run into hunters who have tried to kill him, though, so life is dangerous
-tang fan is like “ok so there’s this cool woods behind the palace that most ppl don’t go to. maybe try sleeping there?” and sui zhou is like yeah sure ok, what could possibly go wrong?
-and then this happens:
wang zhi: so where's the bear now tang fan: oh i sent him to the woods behind the palace wz: oh oka- WAIT. you sent him to those woods??? tf: um yeah lol where else am i gonna put a whole ass bear wz: we gotta go to the woods NOW RIGHT, sui zhou is in danger tf: ?!?!??!?!
-and this is how wang zhi and tang fan find an injured sui zhou squaring off against an incredibly large black wolf, with fur like wispy shadows. local forest god ding rong does not take kindly to strange bears.
-wang zhi breaks them up. ding rong is at first, Very Upset that wang zhi would allow someone to send a bear to HIS woods, but they have a conversation and work thru this argument.
-tang fan begs ding rong to allow sui zhou to sleep in his forest during the day, because he’ll be most protected here. ding rong is ready to just like........eat tang fan, but wang zhi is making Those Pleading Human Eyes and ugh. ding rong says sui zhou can stay in the forest, but as far as hunters, he’s on his own.
-eventually, somehow, the curse is broken. <3 probably for some gay reason like tang fan and sui zhou being Super In Love, and sui zhou finding his purpose. they eventually get married. the end.
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