#the whisper method
bitchy-craft · 3 months
The Whisper Method: Manifestation Methods
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! I decided to make a new series, this time amout manifesting methods. I hope you find this useful and enjoy.
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NOTE: scammer alert, please read. I have recently been scammed and am in financial trouble because of this.
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What it is used for:
Today I will tell you about the whisper method. This manifestation method is mainly used to influence a specific person's thoughts; this can be in romantic ways as well as things such as getting better grades, a job oppertunity etc. Any goal to which a person is related to in one way or another.
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1. Find a quiet space:
Find a place in which you can concentrate and cannot be disturbed; a peaceful place in which you can sit or lay comfortably.
2. Clear your mind:
Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Then continue to breath in a pace and way that is comfortable to you, with all of your focus on said breathing in order to clear your mind.
3. Visualise your person:
Visualise the person you would like to put some thoughts or believes in, do this as detailed as possible. Imagine what they're doing, what they're wearing. You do not need to look 'around' them, simply focus on them and their actions.
4. Whisper your desire:
Walk up to your person and whisper your desires into their ear; tell them what they should do, or what they have to think; speak as if all you wish is fact, as if you are their thoughts speaking to them.
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manifestmagnets · 2 months
So basically in this method, it done when you want your SP (specific person) to do something for you or in your favor.💸✨🧿🤍💕
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╰┈➤ It uses positive intention-setting, meditation, visualization, and goal-setting. The method helps you achieve your desires and advantages in your life. ✨✨✨
╰┈➤How to practice the whisper method,
You first set an intention.
Then get comfortable in your sofa, bed or chair and close your eyes.
What you need to do here visualize whispering your desires into the ear of a specific person.
This person can be anyone you know be it romantic or unromantic it doesn't matter. Imagine your specific person in their natural habitat (like what would they being right now) and visualize yourself creeping up to them like a ghost and whisper into their ear what is it that you want which is your desire.
Whisper it in their ear three times.
And kiss their forehead (like i said this could be romantic or an unromantic SP it doesn't matter. The kiss on the forehead represents you showering love into their body and gratitude of what is that you desire).
╰┈➤The whisper is focused on an improvement to any element of the whisperer’s life, such as financial, professional, personal. Whispering combines elements of meditation and affirmation.
╰┈➤I would recommend doing it for 2-3 times at different times of the day.
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muffintonic · 2 years
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PnF + adult jokes
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inkymaws · 1 year
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thedreadvampy · 10 months
absolutely sucks shit when people are like HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST PUTTING ANY CONDITIONS ON YOUR VOTE as if. the constant shift right doesn't have to do with the belief in major parties that they're owed votes by default on account of not being the other guy.
like they're going to ignore the public's wishes either way but fuck, you don't have to make it that easy for them. literally the second they get in. oh pwetty pwease Mr Biden can you wespect basic human wights? don't worry sir you'll still get my vote if not but I thought I'd ask nicely!!!!
hold their fucking feet to the fire dude. make it clear that your vote is conditional on them listening to the public on the clear and vital points.
(btw 'refusing to vote for Clinton is how Trump got in' no it literally is not. please remember that Trump lost the popular vote anyway and only got in because your country has a weird fucked up system where states are allowed to ignore how their constituents vote.)
(Refusing to vote New Labour after the Iraq War is how the Tories got in over here. Kinda. because what actually happened was we had the first hung parliament since 1979, and then the Lib Dems sold the country up the river for some minor concessions. and then Labour spent the next 10 years actively kneecapping itself by painting its own leadership as a bigger threat than the Tories, and when they had a leftist leading them they still brought the Tories to a hung parliament again in 2017.)
(anyway the point is you all seem to have a majorly inflated sense of how much democracy is involved in elections. Ultimately in cases where the race is close-run it is not the electorate that decide, it's like 100 people in positions of high power, be it the electoral college, the party leadership, or otherwise.)
(none of which is to say your vote is useless. your vote is valuable to politicians. there's a limit to how much they can get away with ignoring the public. but. because your vote is valuable, it's only useful as leverage if there's a possibility you might not give them it. and let's be clear, people WILL change direction if they're worried about losing votes. but unless you're offering them massive funding, then the only reason your opinion would carry any weight is if there's a possibility of your vote being withheld. if you stand up and say VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO YOU'VE GOT MY VOTE WHATEVER HAPPENS then like. You might as well just say 'ignore me, pay attention to those guys who might not vote for you'.)
if the centre and the left's votes are vocally assured regardless of the party's policy or stance, then the party will move right. bc they've already got you, so it's time to court the undecideds. YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT NECESSARY TO A POLITICIAN'S SUCCESS TO LISTEN TO WHAT YOU WANT. they don't care. you have to use what little leverage you have, your vote, to make them care. it's the only form of accountability we can bring about that doesn't involve, like, storming the winter palace 🤷‍♀️
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beastsovrevelation · 10 months
Who's causing me problems?
This bastard of course.
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I already had him with two love interests (in seperate stories). No, he demands a third.
There are the two Millory storylines.
There's the Michael Langdon x Archangel Michael. I need to hurry up with this one it's already a trip to crazy town in Ch 1, and I'm convinced she's more insane than he is.
Now, there's also the Michael x Cordelia idea which sent me into a fever today. Not kidding. I might as well have ingested drugs. What's the ship name, by the way? Because, if he wants it, I'll try to write it, but I'm not making up a ship name.
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justagemini19 · 2 years
How many times do I have to moan your name while masturbating for this manifestation to come through?
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candycryptids · 3 months
I post a Tangy voice claim but it’s just a cat meowing into the microphone a bunch and then sniffing it (you hear the fur ruffling the mic and also the sniffing and purring. This is crucial.)
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There are too many episodes to seed. Please help me out (14)
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straydogsys · 7 months
Struggling rn with alters who don't realise that shipping incest is not a healthy thing.
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whisper-wednesday · 1 year
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may 31st 2023
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eggmixercortex · 1 year
it is 7:18 am and i am filling sausage casings with illegal blood ice cubes
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tyler-is-hot · 2 years
me when the whisper method works
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falseapostle · 2 years
Haruto drew in a deep breath as he started clicking through options and setting things up. It was a brand new computer, a laptop so that he could carry it around with him when he went out places like the cafe. He had been a little opposed to getting a new one, since the internet hadn't really interested him the last time he'd browsed it. Internet forums seemed to be hotbeds of headache-inducing arguments and pretentious know-it-alls trying to throw their weight around on topics that hardly even mattered.
But this had been the suggestion made to him (even if it seemed a bit like a joke), and he was willing to make the attempt. As long as he mostly kept his head down and lurked more than he was active then it would probably be fine, right? It was being active on social media, the suggestion granted to him. When he had made a sideways comment to a member of his congregation at the end of a service when everyone was going home. General talking among his members had led to the conversation about how he was trying to find new outlets of interest for himself and the man had spoken of being online most of the time. And then his children had started harping on and on about it. They'd seemed excited for him to go online and make a name for himself, and he was sure they were making fun of him for being an old man. Not that that really mattered.
But he was here now, with everything finally complete and his looking around the larger few social media sites that were available. He had no interest in running a blog and short-form sites really weren't his cup of tea. But he was likely going to have to keep an account on at least one of these no matter where he eventually found his home because socialization happened through these mediums most, it seemed, even if formal discussion did not always. It was a frustrating revelation, but it was one he was going to have to accept.
So he made up a few different accounts and got himself well settled in before ending his journey at an old school forum website concerning book discussion. If there was nothing else he could do, talking about the books that he read on a regular basis was at least one. And from there perhaps he could make actual friends. Join something of a community, even if it wasn't the kind he was used to. A place to be himself without fear or worry about what he really was.
He wasn't sure yet that he could fit in to such a place, but he at least had hope for it. It was the first time he'd felt anything like it in thousands of years.
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sadilga · 2 years
people will literally call you a dog/cat/whatever whisperer when you just understand the most basic things about the animal's behaviour and body language
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winedark · 1 year
sautéed cabbage u are everything 2 me
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