#the weird demon creature his ex best friend controls
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Tomb raider au but it's just focused on how everyone Jeremy is up against (or catches up with as an ally) is someone Jake has hooked up with.
Needs transportation to their old excavation site? Just as well Jake is still in contact with Brooke from their uni days.
Arranging a meeting for negotiations? Jake has Chloe Valentine's number on hand.
(Perhaps it's best it goes through Chloe instead of him trying to meet up with Madeline, he's fairly certain he's on a hitlist).
The cocky asshole from America that keeps showing up? Yeah, Jake went to school with Dustin Kropp and definitely hooked up.
(The shock to discover Christine also knew Dustin, then having to explain how he knew her cousin. Oh well, Dustin won't be a problem).
Rich, who Jake and Jeremy thought was dead, breaks into the manor and holds them captive while he talks to Jeremy? Jake manages to flirt their way out of being killed because he had a fling with him at university. And it works, somehow. Rich still wants to kill them, but maybe it can wait.
#lohst.txt#jake dillinger#tomb raider au#zero focus on Jeremy's travels#the dangers he gets into#for example the motor bike chases#old traps and giant rolling boulders#the weird demon creature his ex best friend controls#wielding fucking Excalibur#Jeremy's travels are a subplot to realising most of Jeremy's enemies are ex flings#plot wouldnt make much sense this way#from the void
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The Creatures do work like cleaning to earn money, there's a shop near the very bottom so they can buy stuff
Phineas actually takes care of the whales and other marine life, meanwhile Aurla tries to kill them
Spooky's and Eyth's magic seems to make people stop aging or at least stop aging at a certain age, which explains why Spooky is still 12, 15 years later
Speaking of magic involving Spooky and Eyth, they were brought back to life by the ssme thing (along with Taker), that thing being one of the specimen 1s, that being Jeli
The Demon child was a child that was murdered in the kid's hospital and was brought back by Jeli as a demon, although it seemd she's trying to resist the magic that's trying to make her evil by hiding in a mirror
Some of the kill counts for Specimens are inaccurate as those a few were actually caused by the 1s (E.i, Bab, Jasper, Chomper..)
Phineas / Fin really liked marine life, mainly dolphins, Jeli got an idea and used his magic to make him go wild, causing him to operate on himself, everyone thinks he did it for his love of dolphins but Fin was just mind controlled
Lines' body ends at the end of his torso
Lines' speech tends to get distorted (backwards speech, random muting, glitching)
Paina was AI for sunshine academy but got out via Spec.1 magic, yet she can still be developed further
Subject 5s are named 5 as they are the 5th Specimen 3s, the others died either in testing, having to be exterminated or they just. Dissapeared
Lisa and Bab tend to get along very well due to their shyness
Bekka likes to blast music just to make everyone mad lol
Jaime has honks own dimension, it sometimes goes to it to see how everything is going (the dimension being an abandoned theme park)
They let other Specimens, monsters, dolls and unknowns in to play, although xe makes them leave after a while, claiming that staying for too long is risky
Hooky was a runaway and went to the mansion for security, didn't work out as planned for her
Parry isn't just red, xey can be green and blue too
When Parry has a host, xey are asleep and someone enters xem, the host will have trouble knowing where the person is, only when under xey're control or when xey are awake can the host know exactly where they are
Parry and Stanely are like roommates, they get along sometimes but they fight and annoy each other a lot
Stanely also has a furry coat
When first encountering Parry, xey were a greenhouse, xey kept trying to scare him and lock doors but he just kept pulling through, xey tried getting him attacked by ferocious plants and only let him have a scythe but he still lived, Parry got angry and tried xeir last trick was to turn into a mansion and hang him, and it worked
In some of the crates, Aurla has some things like files, or just random papers, in others there's some beach toys, in others theres drawings Bab made for him, that's another reason he doesn't get on the crates, he doesn't wanna accidentally break them
Lines can travel via electricity (through telephone poles, computers, wires.. obv he can't leave the mansion tho)
Taker and White Face are one of the biggest frenemies, they usually only get along when trying to harm others and most of the time they just argue
Tirsiak used to be extremely cold and mean to everyone besides Kanerek, he wanted nothing to do with anyone fearing they'd hurt him or he'd get attached only to lose them, but after a while of basically forced friendship activities he warmed up to Bab first and then slowly to everyone, hes still a prick but he's doing better
The ones made their own mansion, they only took in monsters that were similar to the creatures from Spooky's or made their own
They were created as back up and to challenge the others. They represent what the originals (reffering to the ones in Spooky's) don't wanna be and their trauma. The ones liked to joke and call some of them coincidences and calk them rip offs
Lisa is welsh and has a bit of an accent
None of the hospital monsters have forgiven Eyth for what xey did, it affected them all and Eyth takes it as a joke, xey constantly make fun of the monsters for being "petty"
Bekka and Jon are the only ones fluent in Japanese but their accent shows sometimes
Bekka has a lot of medical and biology based knowledge but is still a complete dumbass when it comes to almost anything else
Lisa hasn't and never will forgive her ex husband for shooting her. Hell she's happy that he's probably dead
Lisa has frequent aches and pains all around her body
Bekka REALLY likes chocolate
Tirsiak is very good at archery and hunting, as apposed to Kanerek who's pretty mediocre
Tirsiak used a spell to give himself antlers and appear more masc
Tirsiak had died in the past but never realized, his necklace kept him somewhat alive and is what gives him his powers
Bab sometimes cleans his sword, he's dissapointed in himself that it got a bit rusty as that sword used to belong to his dad
Aurla can talk to marine creatures and loves to take care of the landsharks
Jasper was interested in how humans made food so he'd often steal recipe books and try making things himself and when he got to the mansion, Otto helped him out
Jasper doesn't like being viewed as a fast food worker or manager, he just wanted to protect his kin from constantly being used as food
Spooper sees Lisa as his mom because his old parents were abusive and Lisa is the mother he never got to have
This makes Lisa very happy
Kal is like an older brother to Spooper
Bekka's hands are black due to frostbite
Noah is very good at reading people, mainly because of his own experience. He's very good at telling if you're lying, sad, happy, sketchy..
Noah had to be bumped down to a hospital patient due to an incident and Bekka was his nurse
Noah usually has to change his bandages, he thinks he looks hideous but most people think otherwise (especially Jon)
Tirsiak used to be very cold and aggressive towards everyone as stated before, his best friend had died thanks to Ben in the past and he lost his tribe and family. He trusted no one
Once he learned how to speak english better he would learn to cuss out and shoo most people away. He only trusted Kanerek
Bab always tried to be his friend but was regularly pushed away even if all Tirsiak wanted deep down was a friend again, he was just afraid of losing everything again so if there was nothing to love there was hardly anything to lose.
It took a long time of lectures but one day he noticed Bab didn't seem to get the hint. Actually it never seemed like they did. Tirsiak gave in and let Bab just hang around, Tirsiak was surprised to find that he somewhat enjoyed Bab's presence.
He started to be less of an ass, he let Bab just hang out with him.
Maybe having friends again wouldn't be a huge risk?
He decided to be a bit nicer, he's still harsh and agressive but makes an effort to make friends and be nice
He found that he really liked Hooky and Ringu, at first he merely thought they were attractive but now he really does love them
Tirsiak learned english via the others teaching him and him repeating what others said. That's where he got his voice lines from, he stole them from Kanerek (and she ended up changing hers)
Lisa knows sign language
Bab's mom was trying to contact him in the afterlife via the cult and the cult tbought she was mother. One day her grasp and connection was slipping and she told thet cult that Bab was the new mother
Despite this, Bab never planned to be a mother, but then came the landsharks
Bab doesn't mind being their mother figure
Lisa sometimes gets carried away and will write their thoughts or make random doodles on notes made for chases
Lisa likes to listen to music while drawing, Bekka will let her borrow her MP3 and headphones when they're hanging out
Lisa has tourretes and autism and often hums and twitches
They'll flail their hands and tip toe as a happiness stim
Jasper has major sensory issues and the slightest High pitch, weird looking thing, anything that feels uncomfortable, or smells bad or extremely strong it'll will drive him off the walls
Lisa was taken away from the hospital while trying to hide from GLA and when she reunited with the hospital monsters, whenever they sense a GLA is coming they get hostile and if Lisa is over, Bekka won't let go of her until they're gone
The dolls sometimes disobey Spooky and GLA because of how bitter they are about what happened
Hooky tends to drown her sorrows in alcohol and it's become a regular thing for her
Because of how GLA treated him, whenever Charles feels any negative emotion coming on he'll go to sleep, it often results in nightmares but the emotions most of the time go away and he feels better when he wakes up
Frenzy has tried helping them but Husker knows all too well that there's no helping them
Clicky doesn't regret killing her dad, she always knew he was a bad man
She also just doesn't care
She never cared if her mom was unwell, she never cared if her friends were hurt. Sure she has some sympathy for the mansion residents but not much
Clicky likes waking people up with her constant clicking
She can detach herself from walls and walk freely, not very easily but she can still do it
Hooky, despite it being part of the reason she's in the doll, treasures hooks and many slim sharp objects
Although she also has an interest for anchors and morning stars
Frenzy often bakes small things like cookies and cupcakes for people and shares it's recipes with Jasper and Otto
Otto, despite seeming like he'd be a dumbass, does have common sense
He takes no shit from White Face, constantly triea to tell off Tirsiak for being a dumbass, gives Lisa the rudest reassurance and just ignores Spooper and Kal
He's friends with Jasper but even he admits that Jasper isn't very bright
Otto can swim and is warerproof
The pizza he gives you is poisoned, but it usually fails or takes a long ass while to kick in no matter how many times he's tried different poisons
Otto is aware of the whole FNAF thing and hates being seen as some FNAF rip off and being called the names of the animatronics from FNAF
Otto used to be a cook before he died and was stuffed inside of Otto The Otter
Spooper will sometimes change his costume to sort of socialize and copy others (dressing in all black because of Bekka, wolf outfit because of Tirsiak, face paint for Jaime..)
Hooky is drunk when he chases you
Husker is emotionally detached and has no desire to be attached to anyone, it just knows they exist and pays no mind to them
Jaime doesn't like scaring people and admits that she wishes she didn't look so ugly
WF used to be bullied to a breaking point
She gets overly attached and easily falls in love with whoever even tolerates her
She is aware people can die from her game but she just wants literally any fun even if it's for a short while
She loves to wear dresses and likes to appear femminine, and HER is unsurprisingly her favorite form to take
WF constantly picks on everyone due to her past, shyer and weaker people are often her main victims
She loves teasing Lisa all the time and is often super rude to them even though deep down, WF does care about Lisa a little
Bekka has a room saved for Lisa for whenever they come over to visit to the hospital
They love watching movies together and hanging out
They're also super comfortable with each other and will fall asleep together
The deformity wing in the hospital is a psychological torture chamber Eyth made
Some of the residents have tried exploring it but either got lost or got scared and ran out
Lector loves to make sure things are spotless and perfect, if it's body bag gets even the smallest stain it'll be pissed
Taker has a collection of stuffed toys but doesn't tell anyone
He thinks they're cute
Bab found out and hasn't said a word about it to anyone
Bab also thinks plushies are cute and will often help him in his collecting
Taker is surprisingly a good babysitter, the kids adore him
It loves to get into mischief with whoever it's supposed to be babysitting and pull pranks
Tirsiak has a stuffed toy of a wolf that Hooky made for it
It treasures it dearly and doesn't let anyone touch it
It even sleeps with the toy
There's a sewed on heart on it too
Sleeping with it reminds him of Hooky
Ringu and Hooky love cuddling Tirsiak because he's fuzzy and Tirsiak and Ringu Love cuddling Hooky because soft
Ringu is also cuddle material to them
Hooky is good at knitting and making plushies
If anyone tries flirting with the creatures it often times leaves them confused or angry or both
The most common one to take the flirt and possibly flirt back is White Face
Bab used to have a girlfriend but they broke up because her gf was an asshole to others
Fleshy is very good at reading people, they're even better than Noah
Kat can too but is too apathetic to care
Kat forces a smiley face and a good attitude when Fleshy is soon about to chase them to give the victim a false sense of hope
Fleshy often has to calm down or stop Kat from being overly angry
Fleshy can hear the other souls but is also capable of tuning them out
Kat is the spirit of a GLA who was used for testing and nya killed Fleshy out of rage
Kat is capable of giving souls and bodies to fleshy but doesn't want to because xe doesn't care
Kat fucking hates other cats, hell xey hate almost everything
Fleshy on the other hand loves everything but doesn't love some organisms enough to let them live
Fleshy loves to cause trouble and is a general nuisance
Bekka hates wearing pink
Ben loves making and trying on outfits and will willingly wear dresses and anything embarrassing
Goop can be mixed with other substances but it makes him uncomfortable
Goop boils and heats up when he's mad
Two and Three are capable of reproducing asexually, but choose not to because they know not a lot of people wanna deal with mini S3s
Lines is quick to anger and violence
Her body is electrical when she's angry
That's gotta hurt
Lisa has dyspraxia and autism
Bekka has ADHD
Whoa. (゜o゜;
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March 30, 2021
They are awake until one in the morning again thumping about and I cannot sleep though I suppose I need to get used to staying up until this hour anyway because soon I will be forced to with work in like two weeks. I ideally want my sleep schedule to be from 2 AM to 10 AM because I feel like that will work the best for me so I am going to try to stay up until then. I want to convince myself that everything is eventually going to be okay. That I am going to get used to this whole apartment, that I am going to eventually not care about the noise and be able to sleep through it, that I am going to one day not crave coming back to my house every single day. I have to believe that’s true because if I don’t, I think I will go absolutely insane. I think I need to build a solid routine that allows me to not feel like I’m getting pulled in all directions. Normally, when I felt as emotionally distressed as I have this week, my first reaction would be to sleep at my parent’s house (my house, because it still feels like my home). But right now, I think I need to face this demon head on and spend the whole week here and force myself to just deal with it. If I can get through this week, I will allow myself to sleepover this Sunday or something. But I have to try to adapt to this life.
I am typing this as Robert is sleeping next to me snoring away and I’m just so jealous of him. I wish I could sleep as easily or as deeply as him. My friend recommended that I just go for a run tomorrow to ease off the anxiety and I think it’s a good idea. I think it will also help me knock out quicker. I think at this point it is an absolutely necessity. I am also shopping for white noise machines as I go. Seeing Rob sleep and looking as innocently as he does fills me with so much love. I am so happy that I get the thing I so desperately crave- to have him in my bed every single night and to come home to him. He already feels like my husband. I can tell it hurts him that I am unhappy in our home together and it hurts me to hurt him. I want to be happy for him, and I want to go back to enjoying our love together where we were carefree and happy and relaxed. I want to take care of him and make sure he is in a place where he just feels love and positivity here. I am so happy that he loves our place and everything that comes with it, and I want to make myself strong enough to get there with him.
They have finally stopped making noise and it feels amazing. Wow. I can just revel in this quiet. I think evening shift is going to be great for me because when I come home from work, they will probably be on the verge of sleeping, which means I can enjoy the quiet of this apartment and be able to sleep in. It’s going to be weird to be a creature of the night, because it feels completely opposite from what I am right now, but I think it will also allow me to feel like an actual young person in my twenties because right now I very much feel like a 40 year old wine mom who just NEEDS to be in bed by 10 PM. Not that there’s anything wrong with that because it’s pretty fucking awesome, but this shift time will keep things more lively. Plus, it is a Monday-Friday, which is pretty rare as far as laboratory positions go, so I am pretty much blessed in that way.
I used to think I was a very adventurous spirit who was meant to live in a big city and constantly live life on the edge and take risks and shit. And maybe that was a part of me, especially when I was a person who did not have much to lose or anything that I particularly cared about. But as I am growing up, I am seeming to discover that I absolutely LOVE my bed, love a clean home, and loveeeee being in my comfort zone. Slowly but surely, I am turning into my mother, which almost feels amusing to me, because I swore I could NEVER be her, but here I am. I am starting to realize that it’s completely okay because she’s a pretty cool person. I miss her and my dad like crazy. They’re my best friends. I realized I was trying to be this overromanticized version of myself that was cool and did shit like backpacking in a foreign country but I feel like I am too fat and cozy for all of that nonsense.
But just maybe it is okay not be in my comfort zone. Maybe this was needed for me to truly learn how not to be a giant baby and how to deal with things that are difficult, things that force me to adapt, situations in which I don’t always have control. I am so used to being in control. I have ALWAYS known what I have wanted in life. I was never really the person to have a crisis about their life position because I usually just made a decision and ran with it. When I want something, I just go for it no matter what. This is the first time in my life I truly feel out of control, where I feel like life is kind of just a giant blur of chaos I cannot predict. And I think I need to change my mindset to revel in that chaos instead of dread it so much. It’s funny because I just have a vision of my ex, Avi, telling me these things, because it is exactly what he would say. In some ways, I miss hearing the advice he would give me that he never really applied to his own life. Although I think he would be petty as shit knowing I am with someone else, I’d like to think he would be proud of me right now. That was my best friend at a certain point, and I think he would enjoy how solid I am in my convictions now and how much I have grown as a person. I know changing my mindset to enjoy all my life stresses is easier said than done, because my anxiety attacks don’t lie, but I am going to try to change my attitude on this whole thing and become more resilient, especially because I do not really have any other choice than to just try.
I have a doctor’s appointment for anxiety medication on Friday, I have plans to exercise this week, and I plan to be in my parents arms and get their comfort and encouragement sometime this week. I plan to kiss Robert and hold him every single night in between those events so I can remember what this was all for. And I plan to pray to God, a metaphorical God that I barely believe in but just hold onto because the concept keeps me stable, to give me strength to get through this weird transition period of my life. I am going to be okay. I am going to be fucking okay.
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Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - June 28th, 2019
Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them. This and all previous Fabulous Olicity Fanfic posts can be found on my blog. There are many great stories out there that I did not read - such as anything from S7, you should check those out too!
C: \Users\Flo>start “Worst Case Scenario”_ multi-chapter Complete by @steelrigged-blog - Oliver is kidnapped. In order to save him, Felicity offers herself in trade. It's his worst case scenario. Or at least it feels like it. The more Oliver works to unravel the problem and get his girl back, the more he realizes that nothing is as it seems... https://archiveofourown.org/works/11304465/chapters/25295535
Nuts About You by @laxit21 - Oliver and Felicity get into a surprising competition at the store. There’s a lot of puns involved. I’m not even sorry. https://laxit21.tumblr.com/post/185753484015/nuts-about-you
Love By Contradiction multi-chapter WIP by @pimsiepim - When Felicity meets Oliver, it’s anything but romantic. Taking her best friend’s spot at a speed-dating event wasn’t exactly how she had pictured spending her Friday night. Meeting said best friend’s soulmate? Even less expected. And even though Felicity never really believed in that silly prediction a fortune teller made ten years ago, the occasion is just too good to pass up. Alena is stuck in a toxic relationship and maybe what she needs to finally get over her ex… is to get underneath someone else. Mission “Get-Alena-And-Oliver-Together” is on the way, and Felicity will stop at nothing to make sure her best friend gets her happily ever after. Nothing. Not even Alena’s lack of interest, or Oliver’s weird tendency to ask Felicity out on fake dates. The plan is perfect, the execution flawless... except for one small detail: it’s not Alena who’s starting to fall for the guy... https://archiveofourown.org/works/18550876/chapters/43969807
The Wedding Garter by @cruzrogue - Oliver and Felicity's wedding day https://archiveofourown.org/works/12222552
Revving It Up by @crazycrystal10 - Mr. Queen comes across a surprising fact about his fiancee, Ms. Smoak. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12226128
The Pull by @theirinrutherfords prompt: gravity - Oliver can’t stop the gravitational pull he feels towards Felicity. He doesn’t want to. Or five times Oliver wanted to marry Felicity. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11034534/chapters/27781116
The Way Back Home multi-chapter WIP by @it-was-a-red-heeler - When Moira Queen agreed to pay the ransom money to get her beautiful boy back she was told to keep silent and wait for instructions. She’s heard nothing for a week. Meanwhile, halfway across the country Felicity Smoak meets a homeless man with beautiful blue eyes. And no memories. https://archiveofourown.org/works/18647716/chapters/44221912
Will Fate Allow? multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Seeing her parent's marriage dissolve at a young age made Felicity yearn for a healthy marriage of her own. She thought she'd finally found what she was looking for when Billy Malone showed up offering her what her heart desired. She thought she was happy and had everything she could want, but things began to unravel. Slowly she turned to someone who had become an unparalleled constant in her life...Oliver Queen. Oliver and Felicity are the definition of polar opposites. He is the mob boss that strikes fear in the hearts many, while she is seen as the sweet girl next door, but there is more to both of them underneath the surface. Along the way, they become connected to one another leading to their lives being intertwined forever. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16521596/chapters/38699951
Ride or Die multi-chapter Complete by @someonesaidcake - They say that life is a series of events that we can neither predict nor control.... And then there is him. He’s a bit of an enigma. ~*~*~*~ Young CEO Felicity Smoak is just trying to make her mark on the world, yes she's a little high strung and stressed, but it was what is was... until he came along. With eyes a girl could lose herself in and shoulder-tapping hair made for hanging on to Oliver Queen was reckless and carefree. Also, he rode a bike. He was everything she wasn't and he was a sucker for those sinful red lips and everything that came with them. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11800128/chapters/26616567
When Did It All Go Wrong multi-chapter WIP by @wrldtravler - After a mission with A.R.G.U.S. goes south, agent Oliver Queen learns something he shouldn't about Director Amanda Waller. Sent on the run when A.R.G.U.S. turns against him, he’s forced to seek out the one person that never wanted to see him again but whom he trusts with his life: his ex, Felicity Smoak. Putting their past behind them, the estranged pair come together along with John Diggle and Lyla Michaels to stop the looming threat. However, the past never stays buried for long. With their renewed connection comes great strength. But where there is strength, there is also great weakness – one that may cost them everything they worked to prevent. https://archiveofourown.org/works/19019845/chapters/45169432
Helplessly Wrecked multi-chapter WIP by @cruzrogue - A very smart, passionate, woman. Worked to get her dual masters from MIT, it may have taken longer being a mother of triplets but at least she has her mother’s support. Oliver Queen still has a yacht incident and was marooned for shorter time frame on a real deserted island. He never flunked out of his Ivy League schooling and is a very sought-after bachelor. His relationships never last more than half a year and is known to throw himself into his work. His motto ‘work hard play harder’. https://archiveofourown.org/works/19194103/chapters/45628978
Time for a Story multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
seemingly impossible (but not untrue) multi-chapter WIP by @alexiablackbriar13 - Young genius historian Dr Felicity Smoak unknowingly and accidentally calls up a bewitched alchemical manuscript within the Oxford Bodleian Libraries - a book that has been lost for centuries. Descended from an old and distinguished line of witches, Felicity wants nothing to do with magic, despite her unruly and powerful abilities. But her discovery of Ashmole 782 sets the world of creatures stirring; with a mystery afoot and new, dangerous magical abilities manifesting for her to navigate, she is approached by the enigmatic vampire biochemist Professor Oliver Queen, who seems to have a deep interest in both the manuscript… and her. Based on A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16224353/chapters/37923743
Summer Lovin' by @theirinrutherfords - A look into Oliver and Felicity's road trip and one of the first few times they're intimate with each other. https://archiveofourown.org/works/19338097
Lights Will Guide You Home multi-chapter WIP by behindblueyes72 - Warning "Lights Will Guide You Home" will be an intense story that will take you to some emotional places. It will be one hell of a ride but our Olicity will land in a beautiful loving spot. https://archiveofourown.org/works/19209877
Providence multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated - Will Queen has struggled in silence in the year since he was shot. But when a shadowy crime lord known as Domino targets the only woman Will’s ever truly loved, fate forces him to confront his demons in ways he never could have imagined… Whether he wants to or not. Amelia Prescott has fought to take control of her life since learning two years ago that her personal and professional worlds were manipulated by others. But nothing can prepare her for just how hard she'll have to fight to set her own course, especially when her heart belongs to a damaged man and a crime lord threatens her every professional move... And her life. Destiny brings them together, but as chaos reigns and personal demons haunt Will and Amelia both, it may also threaten to tear them apart. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17919056/chapters/42308753
If I Tremble multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow - A collection of prompts and ficlets, with all the smut! Olicity sexy times are the best times. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15409122/chapters/35762643
Mother and Daughter multi-chapter WIP by @geneshaven - This story takes place about a month after the end of season four of Arrow. Part 1: https://geneshaven.tumblr.com/post/185514424509/mother-and-daughter Part 2: https://geneshaven.tumblr.com/post/185838451529/mother-and-daughter
Mothers Know Best multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - Since they have been kids, they have been best friends. Since they have been friends, their mothers wanted them to be together. After coming back from the east coast, Felicity takes over a position at Queen Consolidated, the company her best friend will soon take over from his father. Their mothers still jjpush for them to be together, and they seem closer to that goal than ever because wedding bells are ringing. The only problem is that they both plan to get married to someone else. https://archiveofourown.org/works/18921118/chapters/44918146
Miami Heat by @dmichellewrites - Oliver and Felicity have a rousing one night stand, and after six long months, they cross paths again at a Waffle House in Miami. Summer isn't the only thing heating up their long awaited reunion. Will they become more than friends with benefits? https://archiveofourown.org/works/19372870?view_adult=true
Worse Fears Realized by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - When Felicity doesn't answer her phone after already being gone from the Foundry for over an hour, Oliver is sure that something has happened to her. Soon after, Dig receives news from an ARGUS agent that confirms that Oliver's worst fears have been realized- Felicity's apartment has been ransacked, and both she and her mother are missing. Oliver isn't sure he can survive the waiting game that follows. https://archiveofourown.org/works/19373998
Kerosene and Desire multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow - An Olicity Notebook AU with a darker twist. https://archiveofourown.org/works/18082427/chapters/42741014
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Stray Kids as Witches
Christopher Bang
High Priest and gang leader of Stray Kids
Grew up on the edge of the Australian Outback
Lost his family very young and had to provide for himself and his little sister
Had to grow up and become an adult at a very young age
Usually level headed and a positive witch, tries to see the best in everyone
Finds himself in an odd balance of fire and water
He loves the cool and calming of water and uses it with meditation
But is also strongly drawn to flames and the power and passion they thrive on
Built himself a family, his coven are his brothers who he loves dearly and would die for in an instant
Lost his sister, the coven’s ex high priestess, and it nearly killed him
His pull to fire comes from his strong love and fiercely protective nature
So loosing his little sister, his last blood family, he almost fell apart
He still greaves even now. For not only did he loose his beloved sister, but the rest of his coven lost their high priestess as well
Kim Woojin
Eldest of the coven
Has befriended many witches from other neighboring covens
A quiet soul
He’s a gentle man, and a very kind witch
Animals love him
Friends with Youngjae of GOT7 and the two will often speak about plants
Enjoys some Herbology
After the coven lost their High priestess, he stepped up and picked up some of the slack
Always supports Bang Chan and tries to take some of the weight off his shoulders
A very calm and laied back man
He tends to go out and walk when he needs to meditate
A grey witch, he doesn’t practice much left hand magic, but he’s not above it
Thinks it has a time and a place and a very strong use
Very open minded and none judgmental to Stays and other witches
Sometimes feels like he isn’t appreciated in his coven
But he tries to just remember that his covenmates are young and don’t see things quite the same
Lee Minho
Left hand path witch
Dark magic is his favorite thing
Will take the little ones out into the city
For some “family bonding”
Which often entails braking into abandon buildings and graffiti
Ex drug dealer
He doesn’t encourage his coven members to partake in the same stuff he used to
But he doesn’t say it’s all that bad
Primary deity is Dionysus
Believes he’s here to enjoy the pleasures in life and doesn’t really give much of a fuck
Has tried every kind of weird ass alcoholic drink you can think of
Actually has taught himself bar tending and uses it for his craft
It’s just the same as potion making, but with alcohol.
His aura can be hazy, like he’s surrounded by cigarette smoke
He’s a more mysterious witch
No one really knows the full extent of his craft and his gifts
Seo Changbin
An Orphan
Looks a lot scarier then he is
Is actually quite easily intimidated
It took him a while to adjust to the coven and their caring
He had been forgotten and abandoned when he was only a little boy
He’s still quite scared of being alone
Roommates with Felix
Quite experienced with his gifts
He’s gifted with Psychokinesis
Used to spook himself when he was a kid bc he’s get mad or scared and would move things without realizing it
People thought he was haunted, but now he knows it’s just him
His childhood was full of crushing loneliness and a fear of hurting someone without meaning to
If he gets mad or scared furniture can start to scrape across the floor and things will start to shake
He’s been working hard to learn to control his gifts
Hwang Hyunjin
That Witch
He highkey has That Witch aesthetic
Big black hats
Donzens of crystal necklaces
Way to many rings, on every finger
Probably wears sheer jackets and black lace
Smells like sage
Would stand in a dead abandoned wheat field with his arms open and his face up to the overcast sky
Probably hums Stevie Nicks songs under his breath
Has the most beautiful book of shadows ever
Wears feather earrings
Has a gold leaf tarot deck
And a painted black scrying mirror
Yet he also doesn’t understand why other people aren’t shocked when he says he’s a witch
Han Jisung
Ex criminal
Thief and pickpocket mostly
Not surprisingly, his main deity is Hermes
Chan swears that if he has to bail him out of jail one more time he’s out of the coven
Used to snatch Minho’s weed money until he got hexed
Even now, Minho can give him That Look and he can feel the rash coming back
Never keeps on alter in one place
He thinks if you stay in one place for to long it gets stagnant
He starts to feel heavy and full of gunk and he has to stretch his legs
Knows the city and surrounding towns like the back of his hand
Knows where every neighboring coven is, from EXO hidden deep in the woods, ot BTS’ HQ in the heart of the city
He also knows all the hidden paths through to forest, how to find the black lake and the cursed farm
And he knows the underground railway in the city, from GOT7’s home in the sky scrapers to where Stays like to hide in the abandoned subways
hes a witch as cunning as the devil and double as creative
Felix Lee
the survivor
guardian of the coven
he was rejected by his family for his craft
survived alone in the outback for years, as a young boy
when he was found by Chan and his sister, he was hardly recognisable as human anymore
the two took him in, and trained him back to sanity again
he doesn’t talk about it now
but he is by far the most dangerious member of the coven
that beast, the one who came to be out there, alone and helpless to the wild illusions and demonic creatures of the desert,
it still breaths, just beneath his skin
that creature he believes, is his raw magical power, completely unrestrained
his other coven mates finally got a glimps of the monster he is after the Stay he loved was killed, and his big sister abandoned him
the loving and playful witch they knew, melted away and a demonic animal was revealed
there was no sanity left in him, only the madness of rage and abandonment
Felix knows, those embers still burn behind his eyes
no matter the man he tries to become, he knows the demon he is still waits in his shadow
after all, to survive, he too had to become that monster
and he’d do it again, if it ment survival
Kim Seungmin
a psychic
however, he is not really a seer
he is compleatly untrained, and mostly supressed
had horrible nightmares and an ‘overactive imagination’ as a child
all of these he supressed heavaly as he grew up
he fears them greatly
tends to follow other members like a lost puppy
Chan picked him up off the street after he ran away from home
likes wandering near the woods and picking wildflower, but never alone
he is tarrified of being alone
usually drags Jeongin around with him
likes to dry and press the flowers
Woojin will help him add them to his book or shadows, or mold them in resin
makes necklaces for the other members with them
Yang Jeongin
just another troublemaking youth
triple as smart as his usually cute and innocent looks would lead you to believe
second most cunning member, right after Jisung
can get away with anything
another runaway
he has a weird pull, to the void
that kid who you see standing on the edges of rooftops, staring down at the ground
always two seconds away from taking the jump
he also often stares down at storm drains
something down there is calling to him
used Hyunjin’s scrying mirror once, never again
he won’t talk about what he saw, but the other members noticed his staring into the void got a lot worse after
Seungmin is pretty much always not far behind him to pull him away from almost jumping off bridges
he can hear the whispers sometimes too, but he’s never told anyone about them
they told him not too
#witch!stray kids#coven au#gang au#magic au#witch au#stray kids#stray kids au#bang chan#chris bang#woojin#kim woojin#lee know#lee minho#seo changbin#changbin#hwang hyunjin#hyunjin#han#han jisung#lee felix#felix lee#felix#seungmin#kim seungmin#yang jeongin#jeongin#bang chan au#woojin au#lee know au#changbin au
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All of my 5th ed D&D characters together, by order of appearance: Adi the Paladin (Crimson Crow Campaign), Beatrice the Monk/Cleric, Cirilisa the Wizard, Dindelion the Sorceress, Elenor the Ranger/Wizard, and Adi the Cleric (Curse of Strahd Campaign) (yes that’s A B C D E, and then A again)
My characters tend to have rather large issues that would, if they were left on their own without their respective groups/getting caught up in the campaign, ensure they’d never actually succeed in their goals. As such I’ve really enjoyed distilling each of them down to a single word, an essence of what lays behind their entire psyches. And they’re all bad. Yes, even “Justice”, due to the circumstances~ Ramble about each of them after the cut~
Adi the Paladin (of the Crimson Crows) is a bit of a special case, the only one whose impediment to their success isn’t strictly speaking herself. The child of nobles who collected ancient artifacts, it is said one day they lost themselves to madness. Adi was taken in by her aunt and uncle who raised her the best she could, but as she grew they found she too was prone to bouts of madness and hysteria. One day, when the man they had hired to exercise whatever demons lay upon her mind was found upon the floor, the girl bloodying his face with her fists, she was deemed incurable and quietly shipped away to join a peace-keeping force of ex-criminals and other undesirables known as the Crimson Crows.
She always thought of herself as a hero - a warrior of good and bringer of justice. The problem lays in that she was, originally, a warlock/barbarian of a Great Old One (Nyarlathotep), which warped how she saw the world to fit how she saw herself. For example, if she killed someone, it’s because that person deserved to be killed - if not for the reasons she was attacking them, then for something else. A self proclaimed Hero of the People who’s powers came from something far more likely to destroy the world, manipulating her towards its goals.
She had a rather happy ending, though - some of the other PC’s betrayed her trust and managed to sever her connection to Nyarlathotep, afterward she became a Paladin and through the power of friendship (with a colony of Mind Flayers - its a weird story) she managed to become the hero she always thought she was, ending a war with minimal bloodshed and bringing down an ancient evil.
Beatrice the Monk/Cleric of Death The young Bea, in a desperate attempt to save her clan from a powerful and deceptive mage, ended up selling her soul to a litch, turning her into a pseudo-undead herself. As it turns out, her clan who hunted the undead as abominations and mislead by the mage didn’t take kindly to that story, and she joined the Crimson Crows instead of facing their wrath. Faced with the knowledge that she had become the thing she had sworn to destroy to save those that now cast her out, she lost hope that she could ever reclaim her soul and, even among her new family of misfits, feared they would abandon her as well.
Sadly, she never got an end to her story - she got switched out for Adi when the campaign Adi was originally in was abruptly abandoned. Later on her and her wizard friend (another PC who had left the game) who both were hunting that evil mage found themselves mind-controlled into helping him resurrect an ancient draco-litch. She was saved by Adi & co, but now was worse off than ever, having played a pivotal role in bringing back a terrible undead horror, no matter how unwillingly. If we ever play another campaign in that world, I’d love to give her a proper story.
Cirilisa the Wizard Oh precious Ciri, the littlest Drow~ When a rival house murdered her entire family she became a young murder hobo in the underdark, growing up sickly and frail. Eventually she attempted to get her revenge but only managed to steal and sell some artifact from the family, along with getting a massive scar across her midsection from a blast from the family’s matriarch. Somehow escaping to the surface, her unconscious body was found by scouts of the Crimson Crows, who brought her back to relative health and gave her a new home, where she eventually set herself on becoming a moderately accomplished wizard. Her loss in childhood had deadened her already drow heart, but living among the surface world she saw so many people with so many emotions. She didn’t understand them, but she secretly coveted what they had.
I had planned that she would start to fall in love with the first PC that went out of their way to protect or help her from a serious problem - a plan that was designed to end poorly. The three candidates were a loner dwarf who didn’t want anything to do with anyone else, a were-bear orc who was 100% gay, and a minotaur who was already in a committed relationship. But even though the feelings wouldn’t be returned, she would FEEL things and grow as a character... well...
I didn’t expect that character (the orc) to protect her from drow assassins who nearly managed to kill her... and then THE NEXT NIGHT sacrifice his soul to a revenant of a man he had killed to protect the party. Before Ciri even had a chance to start acknowledging or understanding what she was feeling the object of her affections was dead and buried along the roadside. Instead of love, she grew bitter and angry, desperate to find a way to save the orc’s soul, all without really knowing why. She died before she could - her heart ripped from her chest by a wraith of vampiric spirits in a climatic boss battle. But that group’s leader, a PC vampire named Walter, destroyed the wraith, took it’s title and powers as Blood Lord, and raised her as a vampire. She’s still a ball of piss and vinegar, but she’s in a way found herself in a new family, charging herself with constantly keeping the Blood Lord in check and making sure he never gets too full of himself.
Dindelion the Sorceress If you don’t know about Dindel you haven’t been following me long. A homeless vagabond who hides her natural born ability to heal others for fear it would be exploited, she’s internalized many negative things about herself and rarely trusts herself to make decisions that won’t end in disaster. Add in a mother that disappeared when she was young, a drunkard gambler of a father, and a city decades in decline full of poverty and abuse by those in power and she’s got more than a few trust issues for other folks as well. She also has absolutely no idea how a healthy relationship is supposed to work, and a head full of stories and romance that have absolutely not lined up with her experiences since the campaign started.
Her father, the only constant in her life and the other half of a fairly unhealthy co-dependent relationship, got taken away by essentially the mob for not paying debts and it’s up to her to find some way to pay it off. To her great luck, she ran in to the wandering soldier Vale who, apparently wanting to make up for past sins, agrees to take her along to join a new venture he heard about, leading to the campaign proper. She was actually specifically designed to have too many trust issues to actually get in a relationship with anyone, but between how Vale cares for her and how absolutely shitty she’s found the outside world to be, those issues have actually mutated into something new as their romance has grown. Its... not any healthier a mental state though. I’m excited to see where it goes!
Elenor the Ranger/Wizard Elena was once a promising apprentice wizard, learning the weave with 4 other students. Always feeling a step above the others and not content with how slowly their teacher was progressing them, she devised a plan to work with the others to impress their teacher - to show her they were ready for bigger things. They were going to summon a creature from the planes of hell! Specifically, a Lemure, a relatively harmless blob of a twisted soul. An impressive feat and without much risk from the creature being summoned. Definitely within the capability of someone as great as her.
As sharp chains lashed out from the summoning circle her left arm was torn away. A great beast emerged, tossing her across the room. As she looked up she saw her rival, a young man named Osvaldo, brandishing an axe, standing over her, and looking quite pleased with himself. And the axe came down.
She would come to in a crypt standing near a coffin bearing the family crest of Osvaldo. Her body stiff and her mind cloudy, she slowly realized she had not survived that night at all - she was now a reanimated corpse, but had somehow regained her sense of self. She also found the nearby townspeople did not care enough to distinguish between mindless undead and herself. Eventually she found the place she had once studied - destroyed, some time ago it seems, by that night’s events. Lost and adrift, the life she once knew was over, even her memories were fragmented, but she would forever remember the names of the four who had done this. Osvaldo had convinced them to change the ritual - to summon that creature, and to use it to kill her. She was certain of it. And that hatred kept her going as years of nothingness passed her by. One day she was hired by a tunnel elf, a professed seeker of knowledge, as a guide through the wilderness and though she could not stand him they soon encountered others, mostly strange folk - a tabaxi, a triton, and a snake-like dragonborn in particular - and she stuck around to entertain herself.
Little did she know they were about to be pulled into saving the world from consumption by a forgotten and terrible deity. She thinks their chances aren’t even worth mentioning, but still she cannot allow existence to end before she has wrought what vengeance she can on those that wronged her, and so she will fight with everything she has to keep the world going.
Adi the Cleric of Nyarlathotep As Adi of the Crimson Crows discovered as she worked with the mind flayers, she was not the only Adi. Not even close. Hers was a soul connected to a power outside of time and space and finds itself drawn into worlds over and over, each incarnation as much the same as they are different. Perhaps the Crawling Chaos did not want to repeat what had happened before, maybe it was just twisted curiosity, but this iteration of the girl was born through his direct influence, raised in a town he had visited and driven mad. She was his disciple, and she would spread his teachings across the land.
Through a series of misunderstandings she has found herself in the land of Ravenloft, under the watchful eyes of the vampire Strahd, and in this land she came upon a terrible, bewitched house. A house with paintings of the owners and of a woman bearing a striking resemblance to her. A house where the ghostly children said their littlest sister was named Adi. The child had died in infancy, sacrificed in some dark ritual by its father.
And down in the depths of that place Adi found it was the truth. And there, along the alter, sat a book bound in human skin that called to her. A book of rituals devoted to her god, the Faceless Father. And there, upon the alter, she left the corpse of one of those who had traveled with her, who had brought her there.
She isn’t certain why the Faceless Father has guided her to this land, but she will carry out his will or die trying, though all things considered, perhaps the world would be better off with her in the ground, the cult’s voice silenced
#Dungeons and Dragons#D&D#Dnd#5e#characters#Adi#Beatrice#Ciri#Cirilisa#Dindel#Elena#Paladin#Monk#Cleric#Wizard#Sorcerer#Ranger#dreadlock detective
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Gramp vamp Au
So I found this Au while going though @inkspottie page, cause she already had such a great Batim story, and I found this Au! It’s an awesome idea so I just had to make a story out of it!
Henry had always told Joey that patience was best when dealing with people. And Joey never listened. As Henry stood on his doorstep looking down at Joey, he mentally laughed. That the great, GREAT Joey Drew had been reduced to begging on his knees at his former employee and ex-friends door was incredible. This might just be his warped emotions messing with him but he wanted to laugh. He couldn’t laugh, but that was besides the point.
Joey started mumbling somehing bout the studio and Henry put his hand up to stop him. He stared down at him and reached for the small notebook and pen in his pocket. Okay. Start again Joey. Why the hell are you here and what the fuck do you want from me?
Joey froze for a second. “Y-you can’t talk?” Henry sighed. Yes. My larynx got injured when I was in the army. You said to never contact you again so I didn’t.
“I-I didn’t, I mean,” Henry put his hand up again and made a universally known handgesture to tell him to get going on what he was saying. “Ahh uh yes. Well, y-ya see, you, you were right Ross.” Henry raised his eyebrow. Huh. He was right huh?
Joey quickly continued. “I made someone at the studio mad that I shouldn’t have and, and now I need your help. I- I know you said you won’t help anymore, telling me don’t come cryin at your doorstep, but please, I-i need help.”
Henry frowned. Huh. Joey never begged like that. Something bad must have happened. He put his pen to paper again and Joey read it. I will help. Explain to me in the car what happened. But first, come on in. I need to tell Linda what’s happening.
Joey nodded. “Y-yes of course! The misses must know!” Henry shook his head with a sigh as he walked inside. The little house was cozy. It was clean, but you could see the use. A couple dishes sat on the counter, a pizza box was by the trash, there was art on the walls. But as Joey walked in he froze. Linda looked up and froze too. She then stood up, walked over to Joey, and slapped him. He staggered back, then muttered something about how he deserved that. Linda was just staring at him, until Henry walked behind her and hugged her. She leaned back into his embrace as he started signing in front of him. Joey didn’t know what was being said but Linda did. “I’m going to help Joey. I’ll be gone for a bit. Some problem in the studio.”
“Do you have to leave now?” Linda asked quietly “after this morning when you-“ “yes yes I’m fine Linda.” Henry smiled down at her. “That’s the shorted episode I’ve had since the war ended. I’ll be fine.” She sighed and stood up. “No stopping you I guess. Go pack. Joey, stay there. I’ll grab a quick snack for you. Looks like you ran the whole 2 hour ride from there to here.
She walked into the kitchen and Joey gratefully sunk into a couch. Down the hallway in his room Henry sighed before rubbing his head. The voice was urging him not to do it, that it would be a mistake, but he ignored it. It had always been there since he drew his little Bendy on the cels. He always tuned it out.
He finished packing the small bag and picked it up. If there was one good thing about the army, it was that they taught him the importance of packing the most you could without the bag Being too heavy.
He walked into the small living room to see Linda walking in with two small cups of tea. She handed one to Joey and one to Henry, then sighed. Well boys, once your done drinking those you should probably be on your way.
She smiled sadly and turned to Henry. “Dear, promise you’ll come back, please? I have a bad feeling about this, and it’s not just mah old bones.” Henry silent laughed before nodding, kissing her on the cheek. She smiled and grabbed the two cups, and put them in the sink. “Bye Linda.” Henry signed at her. “Bye dear!” Linda called back watching them leave. She sighed as she sat down again, hoping against hope that her feeling of impending doom was wrong. That Henry would be okay.
Henry was driving his car. Apparently Joey had ran all the way here. Joey was explaining what had happened and Haney almost ran of the road. He quickly pulled over. “VAMPIRES??” He signed quickly “JOEY WHAT THE HELL-“ “YOU KNOW I DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR SAYING HENRY!!” Joey yelled at him. “I know it sounds insane, but I’m telling the truth! Look me in the eyes, tell me if I’m lying.”
Henry looked him in the eyes and sighed. His hand ran down his face as he closed his eyes, before taking out his little notepad. Joey. I can tell you believe what your saying but, this, this is insane! “I know Henry. I know. But it’s the truth.” Henry sighed before driving his car back onto the road and continuing to the studio. Joey kept explaining until they got to the studio. They parked and Henry put his head on the steering wheel. He took out his paper. Your telling me, that ol’ Bertie is a vampire? And he has half the staff under his control? What about the other half? He noticed Joey stay quiet and his eyes narrowed. Joey... “they aren’t vampires. Just, just leave it at that. Please.” Henry’s eyes narrowed, but he left that topic.
They started walking into the studio, and Henry just knew in his bones, that this wouldn’t be fun.
God damn it he should have never come here. Linda was right. This was bad. Henry and Joey were running for he door. Some sort of ink monster and a couple bats were running- err flying towards them. Henry reached out his hand. Almost free! Then he heard a creak and a screech tore through his throat, the pain almost making him throw up. He hit the ground and blacked out.
Joey stood, groaning. Damn. Why was that pitfall there? He saw that there was ink covering the floor and went over to the valve on the wall. He turned it and turned around watching the ink level go down before he froze. Staring at he bat that had just leapt off his friends neck. The bat almost seemed to taunt him, before flying deeper into the studio.
“Henry! HENRY!” Joey shook him. Dammit dammit dammit! If he hadn’t brought Henry here, if he hadn’t been such a jerk, this never would have happened.
Henry gasped and spat out ink, which made Joey feel even worse. He also had the demonic ink in him now. How his would change the vampire in him now, he didn’t know. Henry sat up, and opened his eyes to look at Joey. Joey gasped and took a step back, watching as Henry’s pointer teeth grew longer, and one of his green eyes was turning red. “J-Joey?” He signed at the terrified man, before he sighed and took out his paper. Surprisingly it wasn’t stained by the ink. Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. He joked a bit. Joey pointed at a small mirror in the corner and Henry went over there to humor him. He froze when staring at himself. Wh-what? He touched one of his sharp pointer teeth and winced as he cut his finger. He made a face when blood got on his tongue but didn’t do anything else before taking a deep breath and growling. “JoEy!” He screeched out, before coughing and falling on the floor. That hurt like shit.
“I-I’m sorry Henry I-I didn’t want this to happen I- i didn’t know!”
Henry growled, turning around to look at Joey. He took out his paper and started writing. What the actual FUCK JOEY! “I- i don’t know okay?? I’m sorry but I don’t-“ he froze when he looked behind himself as Henry sniffed the air. His eyes looked hungry before he shook himself. God that felt weird. He looked at Joey and He looked terrified. “H-Henry please I-“Henry suddenly pushed him to the side as he snarled at whatever was coming into the room. It looked like a monster made of ink. “A searcher...” Joey murmured. Well Henry was going to call it a snack. He was hungry... and it smelled good... He launched himself at it with a shriek, before he bit where his neck should have been and started drinking its ink. The creature screeched with pain, before dissolving. Henry felt good. He felt strong, stronger than he had since he got drafted in the war. He stood up before realizing what he just did. Henry jumped in the air shrieking in panic before he heard “Henry! Henry calm down! CALM DOWN!”
Henry turned around with a snarl signing fast “HOW THE HELL DO I CALM DOWN DREW I JUST DRANK THE INK BLOOD OF A CREATURE!”
“I DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR SAYING HENRY, BUT CALM DOWN!” JoEy yelled back. “Im sorry This happened to you, but let me explain as much as i know. Please.” Henry huffed before moving to lean on the wall beside the doorway. “O-okay so you were bit by a vampire. But, but you also swallowed demonic ink-“ Henry’s eyes narrowed as he stared straight at him. “A-and Th-that’s also what the searcher was made of. S-so maybe y-you didn’t turn into a n-normal vampire, b-but you d-didn’t turn into a ink monster e-either.” Henry was frowning, staring at his friend. He sighed and drug his hand down his face again. He gave the universal stare of why before sighing and stepping forward. He pulled out his notebook and wrote well old friend. Should we keep moving?
So I was gonna write all of this as a one-shot, but it’s already pretty long so I’m gonna put it on my AO3 account and continue it there. @inkspottie I’ll continue putting it here and tagging you in it. I need to get on my computer so I can copy and paste this, then it’ll be on my account.
#batim#gramp vamp#joey drew#henry ross#vampire#batim au#i had so much fun writing this you wouldnt believe#AO3 account is LoveBug515
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(Since it’s not showing my pages for some reason, I’ll post them here. At least the ones that have the most info anyway)
Mun’s nicknames: Shin (borrowed from my DA nickname) I also like Kitsune
Mun is 30
Muses are Bisexual but there must be chemistry
(Timber is currently taken but I am debating whether to make this blog multi ship. They don’t usually have a lot of interactions from other muses though. But that could change in the future.)
Tags for the brothers:
Timber: The youngest brother and gentle heart
Thompson: The middle brother and clever mind
Canterbury: The eldest brother and protective strength
I am willing to rp NSFW but we need to talk about it if it’s smut or gore related. I realize that Timber and his brothers are demons and these things are possible. However smut makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable and unless it’s cleaned up enough, I will not do it.
Yaoi friendly
DON’T CONTROL MY MUSE (unless we plot it for an rp)
DON’T GIVE MY MUSE HEADCANONS (Ex: How they like the temperature, what kind of food they like, etc. I’m the one who ultimately decides what they want. Discussing it is fine but don’t automatically give them something I haven’t agreed to.)
NO SMUT WITH MINORS ( I MEAN IT. You’ll be blocked if you lie about your age)
I will rp NSFW (We need to discuss it though as I have limits. Smut MIGHT be possible. But it would have to be SUPER clean as I get VERY uncomfortable with it.) I’m fine with blood though.
I love fluff and angst.
Reply length: I am not very good with writing long replies. Let alone super long like paragraphs. However sometimes I can write long ones if I’m in the mood and can actually think of a lot to write. Typically I just try to have more than one sentence written out. But when it comes to an ask, those tend to be short because I have no idea if anyone wants to turn that into an rp. So if you do, either tell me or move it to a text post. (I don’t mind if it’s reblogged from the ask but it seems most people prefer separate text.)
I’m mostly a just wing it rper and I don’t always make big starters. But feel free to message me if you’d like to plot. And I’m sure we can come up with something amazing. I also rp based on my mood. Some days I may not be feeling certain muses and I’m sorry. Also real life stuff can be stressful at times and I tend to play games or listen to music to relax. I’m also an artist so I may draw too.
Please don’t pressure me about replies. I am trying to get to them as best I can. And if I missed one for over a week, DO NOT just send me a link. TELL me if it’s been over a week. Just sending links to me will make me super anxious and less likely to get to it.
Also if my muse meets a character (Say like he knows a Claude) but comes across another one, he will not know who that is. As it is a completely different muse. They will be strangers and he most certainly will NOT say that he’s met another version of said muse. That’s just too weird for me.
(some rules may change or be edited in the future)
Cooking: Timber is an excellent cook. He is very passionate about his creations and even seems to be a prodigy at it. Able to create dishes that taste like heaven.
Gardening: Thompson is one hell of a gardener. While he is a little more mouthy than Timber is, he is actually a gentle soul and cares greatly for plants and animals. Thompson is basically a green thumb when it comes to gardening.
Kindness: The triplets aren’t as bad as they seem. True Canterbury is the most fowl mouthed but they are actually very passionate creatures. They are capable of feeling sympathy towards others.
Fighting: The triplets know how to fight. The eldest triplet, Canterbury, taught his brothers how to do so. He is into martial arts and is very passionate about fighting. Which may explain his reckless attitude towards things. But he isn’t an idiot. Canterbury is smart enough to understand certain things. He is the brawn to Thompson’s brain.
Age: While the triplets are all basically the same age, there is still the order in which they were born. Canterbury is the eldest, Thompson is in the middle and Timber is the youngest.
Powers/Abilities: Being pure blooded demons, the triplets all have supernatural strength, agility and their senses are quite sharp. The trio even have animal forms. Timber has a cat form. Canterbury has a wolf form. And Thompson is a fox. They all also have demon forms which are usually only seen if they are provoked enough.
Transformation: The triplets can transform into their true forms. But this usually only happens if they are provoked into doing so.
Fangs: The triplets all have fangs. But in human form they match the animal they tend to take after. Timber for example has kitten sized fangs.
(more to be added later)
Thompson, Canterbury and Hannah. (She’s like their mother figure)
Timber: Cherish
Thompson: (none yet)
Canterbury: (none yet)
Xeha (asktheprinceofdarkness)
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Hi guys :D
Ok, so the next one is already done and this oen was missing just a few stuff that took a while. I still feel like it’s unecessarely long, but I decided to post liek this anwyays. And also forgive for some typos and mistakes, I’m not using my computer to post this... I tried to clean the most I could but there always one of two words escaping.
Anyways, this was @jantomweek Day 3 prompt: First Kiss
I had a completely different story in my mind first but... this one got a lot better even if the ending feels a bit rushed lol
I hope you enjoy! :)
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
Janna looked at the pink rose frowning. She could feel Star going on hype somewhere behind her looking at the rose directed to her with a shine in her eyes, Jackie was probably around also thinking it was rather cute. Starfan was probably sharing the happiness of Star of watching their ship come true…
As if.
She drew a very controlled breath, “What are you doing?”
“Didn’t you hear?” he said a bit annoyed, “I want to date you.”
Janna sighed her hand massaging the side of her forehead gently, “Tom, cut it off, this isn’t funny.”
“I’m not joking!” he said annoyed.
“Tom we hate each other.” Janna stated, “We can’t stand or agree in anything. In fact I punched you this morning just because I saw your face, remember?”
He did, but thankfully he could recover fast from injuries. “I know, but… I know it’s crazy and sounds insane, but… I don’t know I just want this, ok?! I don’t know why, I don’t have an explanation to give, I just really want to try this!”
Janna crossed her arms unbelieving, “What’s the plan? You’re planning something, some joke on me, aren’t you?”
“I am not!”
“Then explain this to me!” she points to the pink rose, “Because we had been fighting and battling each other non stop for three years and now you just come and say you want to date? Are you sure you didn’t trip and hit your head on the road? And what’s up to the pink rose? Shouldn’t be red?”
“I don’t have an explanation!” Tom exasperated, “All I know is that all that ‘imagine your future’ thing made me wonder and I realize that a future in which you aren’t there it’s plain, boring and I just don’t want that, so I’m trying my best shot here in calling you to go out with me…” Tom then looked at the rose extending for her again blushing slightly and whispering, “And the rose… Well, your favorite is pink so I thought you would like it. I stole from Marco’s garden, don’t tell him.”
“Pink is not my favorite color.”
“Whatever you say” Tom shrugged “So? I’ll meet you at the fair?”
The dark haired girl looked at the rose, then at him and sighed. Part of her was curious about the outcomes of this even if deep inside she felt like she was doing something wrong. He was Star’s ex, even if they were friends now and he even hang out with Marco, it would be weird- it should be weird.
And still Janna reached out for her pink rose and agreed.
“Eh, fine” She shrugged, “But you’re paying and if I find out this is a joke I’ll put a curse on you worse than Nasaya.”
The demon nodded unamused, “Eh I can deal with that it’s only fair.”
“One more thing,” she said as he was about to walk away, “my favorite color is not pink.” Tom smiled teasingly and went on his way, replying without looking back.
“Whatever you say.”
Janna had to admit she was impressed.
Tom was very cool once he got over being annoying all the time, he had some temper problems to solve, but he had confessed to Janna he was taking some potions to help with that (something about two demons of different kinds not mixing the genetics well or something?) so in that night things were fine.
In fact, things were going really well.
When they were both able to set down their anger on each other, it was rather… joyful. They got to talk and find common interests, they liked Love Sentence, he liked Karate movies, but rather zombie ones. She was a fan of old poetry, he… well, he knew the old poet she liked but it was close enough. As they went on talking things began to move smoothly between them, besides Janna had to admit that being on a multiverse fair was fun and interesting.
Janna was eating a piece of cotton candy (or something that looked a lot like it) and sharing with Tom when she suddenly realized they were holding hands. Not just holding hands, they were standing right next to each other in a way she was using his arm as support without realizing. Just… Very couple like.
She didn’t know if she liked or not.
Tom was still talking about the dimension section they were in, talking how was to go there the first time in royal duties and how his mother couldn’t go because it was dangerous on them (well, if she was a cotton living next to a flame demon who cries lava, she would be worried too), so he got a giant cotton candy for his mother as souvenir and all… The filipino realized she didn’t mind enjoying time with him at all, he was indeed trying to be a nice guy for her and she was doing just fine too. She didn’t mind.
Janna found herself tempted to intertwine their fingers.
Maybe she was freaking out too much. There were a lot of people, he probably just hold her hand so she wouldn’t get lost, and there wasn’t much space to walk so that’s why he didn’t say about her standing close, and he… He was the one who invited her on a date. He said he couldn’t imagine a more boring future than to be without her so, that meant something right? Wait, why she cared in first place? She shouldn’t care at all…
Well, she cared. She cared a lot. She wanted this. She wanted him to have meant every word and every part and everything… Since when she had been like that?
Janna frowned at herself. She had been crushing on this guy all along and didn’t know? What the… Well, it explained a lot actually. On why she reacted to violent around him and felt like pranking and teasing him around… It was her way to show affection most of times, she just didn’t know how to be “sweet” and “delicate”. She always know she was the kind of love who would bite… She just didn’t expect the bite back.
Or that it would be Tom of all people.
She was almost convinced herself, the idea of them being together as a couple getting wrapped around her head while she was moving her hands slowly to intertwine their fingers. She felt as if she did something simple as that it would mean everything would change. Like by intertwining their fingers meant to commitment to this - whatever it would be called - it meant a step to never go back… She was overthinking? Maybe. Possibly… Mostly like it. Yep. She was overthinking but who could blame her? Why it had to be him of all people?
Her fingers had already opened from his hands as she tried to move to intertwine with his when he suddenly stopped and so did she. She looked up to him wondering if he realized and would put an end on it, it he planned something or… Why he was staring at somewhere else?
Janna tried to follow his gaze through the crowd trying to find what was that caught his attention so much he forgot he was around her. On the other side of stalls corridors, there was a sweet desserts stand (a very much likely the one they got the cotton candy thing) and in front that the only thing that could have been on his attention was a blond hair… Right beside a red hoodie and dark hair.
She felt the pain in her chest. He was watching those two, now that she think about they had been on the same quarter for a while. The moment the couple turned to each other to talk it was impossible to not recognize their faces or the hearts in her cheek, or miss how Tom flinched in the moment when Marco leaned and kissed her mark making Star giggle.
That was the moment Janna came to realize. They had been hating each other for months why would that suddenly change? It didn’t. Tom didn’t invite her to the fair, he invited the first girl who accepted and had some experience with multidimensional stuff and wouldn’t be overwhelmed. If she had refused he probably would had invited someone else. But he made it all be so fun and romantic and… She was stupid enough to believe in all that.
Janna pulled Tom away and throwing the cotton candy on the floor angrily before stepping on it repeatedly. The action causing a yelp from Tom and some surprised gasps from people around.
“Hey! What was that for?!” Janna ignored him, so he tried to hold her and stop her from keep smashing the candy, “Hey! Janna!” But instead of listening she pushed him again and stormed out the scene, he called after her running right after. It was troubling since Janna was smaller and was getting through the creatures faster than him. It didn’t take much to lose track of her.
Tom went around the fair, he asked the stalls they had been if they had seen her, he asked a few people around, but no one knew where she could be. He was beginning to get worried at this point, those fairs were open to anyone participate, which meant that even monsters who despised humans (or those who eat them) would be around.
“Hey, is everything ok?”
Tom turned around to Star and Marco standing behind him. Star was holding Marco’s hand intertwining their fingers as the other held his arm closer to her, they both looked worried at Tom.
“Oh hey guys… It’s just Janna, she run away and I can’t find her anywhere. I’m starting to get worried, have you seen her?”
Marco looked at Star and she shrugged, “I haven’t seen her around from the moment we got here.”
“Me neither, sorry man.” Marco replied shrugging too.
He sighed tiredly, messing his hair “That’s ok, I’ll try to find her.”
“Did something happen for her to run?” Star asked, “You didn’t get mad, did you?”
“What?! No! I told you guys I’m taking care of that!”
“What was it then?”
“I have no idea, I saw you guys in the other stall and thought on getting to say hi and maybe hangout all together and then- oh…”
Star looked at him quizzically, but Marco seemed to understand the same as him “Well, better find her to explain yourself then.”
“Yeah, see you guys around!”
Tom ran around the stalls for a while until he decided it was no use, he took a breath and then closed two of his eyes leaving just the third one open. There were a lot of creatures around, but only one was a witch descendant. Tom was able to identify the trace of her essence on the stalls corridors and followed them until he was out the fair, the traces led to a hill and going on a tree to one branch where… Where she was sitting on currently.
The demon wouldn’t admit out loud, but it was always mesmerizing to look at Janna with the magic sensible eye, sometimes he did without her noticing. It was an flow of energy and magic unique and beautiful, it was in constant change and movement since it was a magic that still getting used to her body after she got her witch powers. It was one of the reasons he was drawn to her.
He opened his eyes and blinked twice to adjust to his normal vision. Janna was looking right at him with unamused face from the tree, her face with clear determination to not move from there.
“So you can see with the third eye.”
He shrugged, “It isn’t a big deal.”
“I guess.”
She stayed silent and he sighed, “Can you come down?”
“For what?
“I want to talk.”
“We have nothing to talk about.” She drifted her eyes watching the fair from afar again.
Tom took a breath trying to be patient “We just were talking for the most part of the night!”
“That was before I realized you were joking with me.” She replied indifferent.
“I am not joking! Can you just get down?!”
Janna rolled her eyes, but she jumped down the grass and crossed her arms in front of him “Done. So?”
“Look, whatever conclusion you got, it’s wrong.”
Janna gave an exaggerated smile to show her annoyance, “Oh, good to know! So this was indeed all a joke, right?”
“Of course not! Do you think I would spent so much energy and time on you and tonight for a joke?!”
The brunette gave a mocked laugh, “Oh, I’m sorry I’m not worth all that!”
The demon face-palmed at her answer, “That’s not what I meant! Stop twisting my words!”
“I’m not twisting nothing!” She raised her voice, “The only options for you to have called me on a date is either a joke on me or-” Janna nibbled her lower lip and shook her head- “I’m just going with the less-hurting option.”
Tom raised his eyebrows and now he was the one raising his voice, “Stop assuming stuff and hear me out-”
“For what?!” She replied in a loud tone “So you can just hang me around waiting for your first chance with Star-”
“No one is talking about Star!” He screamed frustrated.
“Oh really?!” She yelled back, “Then why you’re getting so angry and messed up by mentioning her name?!”
“I’m angry that you take me so lowy! I’m not that kind of guy!”
“Really cause your angry issues already showed up otherwise back then!”
Tom passed his hand on his hair trying to keep his control “I can’t erase my past, ok?! Yeah I did wrong and as result of those stuff I lost Star, but this had nothing to do with us!”
“There you go! You are trying to win her back by using me to show you got no more issues!”
“I never said that! She’s gone, she moved on and so did I! Why the hell you think you’re here for?!”
“Because you’re trying to fix things with the first one to raise their hand to you! It could have been anyone!”
“But it’s not anyone, it’s you in here!” Tom massaged his temples, “Freaking God, I didn’t think you were so jealous-”
There was an offended gasp from her, “Me?! Jealous?! Are you for real?!”
“Oh I’m sorry,” Tom replied inserting sarcasm into his words, “I saw my friend and her boyfriend across a festival and thought of saying hi and it was enough to make you go nuts!”
“Oh says the one who tried to fry the same guy who’s with her only because of a dance once!”
“Once! And that’s past, I wasn’t over her yet-”
“You also cursed him!”
“I was young and immature! I’m over that, freaking hell!”
“Oh you’re screaming at me doesn’t look like!”
“You started it!”
“Real mature reply!”
“Janna, just shut up so I-”
“So what?!” She screamed even louder than before.
“I’ll make you!” Tom pulled some strands of his own hair in annoyance.
“Oh, make me!”
“I am serious!” his eyes already shining in the dark, but Janna didn’t back down.
“So am I! But we both know you-”
Janna stopped talking because before she even finished her sentence, Tom’s mouth was over hers stopping any possible syllable to leave her lips. She had three seconds of shock in which she didn’t quite reacted, another five in which she just closed her eyes and started kissing back, and only then she got into herself and stepped back.
“Wait- What the hell you think you’re doing!?”
“Shutting you up.”
He didn’t wait her reply as he held her face firmly and leaned on her again, his lips going just as angry and wild as before. Janna tried to push him away again but she was unable to (ok, she would be honest, she didn’t really wanted to, he wasn’t forcing her into it - She could have got free from him if she really wanted so.) So instead she focused her energy and the heat from the fight to kiss him back.
Neither of them really knew how exactly happened, someone had moved (neither knew who was the first to do so or if they both did at the same time), she tripped, but he held her close stopping her from falling or getting her lips apart from him for longer than a moment, her body was just attached to his like they were magnets, then after the tree was giving support to her back and she used his leg to get more support (Thanks Lord, her legs were starting to feel like jelly) and her hands were in his hair while his rested on her hip and the other was closed in a fist as his arm was giving support to his own body. It was a weird - and yet - comfortable position for them.
Tom only stepped away when air was missing in his lungs and he could feel he was missing her breath too.
“I bring you here…” He said catching up his breath, “Because I really… Wanted to start something new… It was never-”
“Tom.” Janna interrupted him in a serious tone.
The demon looked at her a bit nervous, but didn’t let it show by any means, “Yeah?”
“Shut up.”
And just like that she yanked his collar, kissing him just as passionate as before.
#jantomweek#i know i'm still late#but better late than never#my fics#jantom#jantomfic#svtfoe#janna ordonia#tom lucitor#tom#janna#star vs the forces of evil#a bit of starco#star vs evil#svtfoe fic#by me#issues#day 3#first kiss
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A Soukoku Fic Rec List From the Authors Themselves!
Hey everyone! This is gonna be a long rec list, so buckle up! My Soukoku Server alongside Chuuya’s Harem have had an event this past week asking Soukoku writers to rec the fics they’re most proud of writing for skk. It can be hard to get recognition in a big fandom, and sometimes as a fic writer it’s hard to feel proud of your work, so we wanted to spread some positivity and visibility while having fic authors be proud of all the hard work they’ve done!
The submissions we’ve gotten over the past week are amazing! They range from tragedy to angst to fluff to crack and there’s something for everyone. You might know a few of these fics, and a few of them might be new to you, but they all demonstrate our love for soukoku! Here are the fics, with comments from the authors themselves:
This- http://archiveofourown.org/works/10002131 is an abstract piece that is pretty much just poetry and I actually kinda like it and it'd be amazing if it got checked out, although it is one of my older ones (angst ofc)
And this one- http://archiveofourown.org/works/9912410/chapters/22212713 I'm fond of, because it's Hanahaki and even if it was a gift, I enjoyed writing it a lot, and it was really, really fun to write
Oh my- here's one of the most stupid things I have ever written- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wkiRRumJYd_67P1XuOXLZn7b6ANSDdTLvx6QLZiZw0M/edit?usp=sharing Dedicated to @Rose and it's a piece of crack and ridiculousness.
This is a piece I wrote when a certain someone wanted to do a fic trade (I wrote angst for her, she wrote fluff for me) - it's an introspective thing from Chuuya's POV. I enjoyed writing it! http://archiveofourown.org/works/8578450
These fics have been submitted for SKK Week, Days 1, 2, and 6 respectively. All of these are fluff Soukoku fics and I consider them as my best works so far (in my 1 month of going back to writing lol) and I hope you'll enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Wish - http://archiveofourown.org/works/11304546 (Chuuya reminisces that time eight years ago, when he first attended a festival with Dazai.)
Hanami - http://archiveofourown.org/works/11314278 (Dazai appreciates some of the many things he loves about Chuuya.)
Musings - http://archiveofourown.org/works/11362332 (Dazai's thoughts on Chuuya, inspired with quotes from his real life counterpart. Has a chapter 2 ready, this time from Chuuya's POV)
henlo henlo these are my three favorite skk fics and they might be a little (very) shitty but they're the best ones i got!! i hope you enjoy~
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11171838 this one is a recent one and a greek mythology au abt dazai being a merchant and chuuya being a sea nymph! they fall slowly in love and care abt each other a lot (pain level: 2/10)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10841241 this is a fic that im most proud of!! it was a commission fic about chuuya having scars from using corruption for too long and hating his own image but dazai helping him get through it by showing him his own scars (pain level: 100000/10)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9848708 this was VERY long ago but it was a fic for rose on valentine's day abt a fantasy au! chuuya is a white mage and dazai is a wyvern-riding cavalier who always gets himself in trouble!! they fight demons and monsters together while on a quest to find an abandoned city (pain level: 3/10)
these are both old ish
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7919491 - chuuya and dazai make an agreement, it's pretty straightforward lol - the description in the first bit of story was rlly pretty and i spent a lot of time trying to create the flow
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8249605 - soulmate AU and hanahaki AU - used a number of symbolisms thru story also flower language is pretty yeah
I'm going to casually leave my fics here:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9942896 “Bah Humbug”- Christmas by Himself this Year - Summary: Dazai thought he would be spending Christmas alone until he ran into Chuuya, who he supposes is better company than no one. pls I know it's a Christmas fic, but it's my first Soukoku fic, and I'm proud.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11308074 Trust Fall - Summary: '“Don’t worry; you can trust me.” Dazai assured Chuuya, who was at this point already falling. Chuuya tumbled forcefully into Dazai’s extended arms. He squirmed briefly but quickly gave up upon realizing that he could not escape. Chuuya and Dazai had their own trust fall, which worked most of the time.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11336511/chapters/25372383 Conqueror - Summary: After the death of his father, Chuuya inherits the role of the shogun, the most powerful man in Feudal Japan. On the other hand, Dazai is the emperor, a position which holds little to nothing besides money. In their various encounters, Dazai has his heart set on one thing: control of the shogunate. Historical AU. Also my first multi-chapter fic.(edited)
Okay so.......
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10829463/chapters/24033585 - This is probably my most popular fic, "Leather" it's nicknamed The Ass Fic, becuase it's basically all about how much Dazai loves Chuya's perfectly shaped, firm and pert ass. It's a wip at 11chapters so far. However, I treat this like a sitcom fic, each chapter is like an episode of a comedy show.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10742775/chapters/23813706 - This is "The Seasons" and my first multichapter fic I had ever written. Most people who follow and read my humour fics would probably find this a bit weird because this is legitimately a 5 chapter romance fic sorta slow burn skk. It's based on an ADA tempered Dazai coming back and taking the helm of the Port Mafia, (sorta mentioning he's reforming it), with the focus on him realizing he's maybe in love with Chuya. And I aged them up here so it's my take on how older and more mature skk can get together and actually make a healthy relationship.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11009571 - "The Redhead Gets The Upperhand" - I was conflicted on which fic to choose for my third. I have 3 fave oneshots, and I know some of the others are funnier (I have been so told, haha), but I feel like I really got the pacing of my humour writing the best in here. It's basically Chuya playing Dazai and Dazai knowingly and willingly playing along. I had fun with the idea that Chuya sends Dazai increasingly risque selfies while Dazai is at work during the day. XD
𝓐𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴𝔀𝓸𝓸𝓭 (Asher Blackwood)
This is Gospel
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9386330/chapters/21248921 - Description; Okay so I have several fics, all of which are pretty fortunately well-regarded (thanks!), but this one is my first and is by a mile my favorite. Inline with canon and captures the way that I think modern SKK works, with both of them kind of orbiting around each other due to being so closely attached as children but without necessarily being very affectionate. Also, Chuuya gets the upper hand and does not die.
@ch-ch-ch-chuuya ( @hybridempresswriting )
“You Won’t Lose Me (So Don’t Leave Me Behind)” http://archiveofourown.org/works/9352388 I don’t actually expect anyone to read this all this week because it is a multi-chap fic but it is the one that I am the most proud of. It’s the first multi-chap fic that I’ve ever successfully completed, the word count makes it about as long as the third Harry Potter book, and it was written for my friend Lady based on our soukoku rp where Dazai convinces Chuuya to join the ADA. It’s my proudest work, I love it more than anything.
“Fair Enough” http://archiveofourown.org/works/9054943 My longest oneshot ever and something I am particularly proud of because tealillie recced it which absolutely made my day. It’s a flowershop AU with a twist--Dazai is still a detective and Chuuya is an ex-convict, and Chuuya gets it bad for this detective; so bad he develops the hanahaki disease.
“Absolutely Ridiculous” http://archiveofourown.org/works/9607931 a bit short and fluffy about how Chuuya and Dazai like to take baths together. This is what really got me into wanting to write more fluff about these two and I just think it’s really funny? I’m very proud of it.
Yo! Here are my fics! (I had four actually, but oh well, one of them is barely soukoku anyway):
Snow Day(http://archiveofourown.org/works/8838169): Chuuya notices a mysterious brunette collapse in the snow. "the stranger collapsed. He fell face-first into the two-feet snow blanket. Amused, Chuuya watched for a minute, waiting for the strange brunette to push himself out of the snow, but he didn’t, and snow began to lightly accumulate onto the back of his thin brown jacket. Oh shit…"
Still Alive(http://archiveofourown.org/works/11260242): It's Dazai's birthday, and Chuuya finally decides to give him what he wants. "Chuuya inhaled slowly, his breath trembling between his lips, and reentered the apartment. He strolled into the bedroom, sweat dripping down his forehead. 'Okay, Dazai. I’m ready.' "'Okay, Chuuya.' Dazai lay still on the white sheets with a small angelic smile gracing his face. He had even changed into a suit for the occasion. It all hurt Chuuya so much."
The Secret Garden (http://archiveofourown.org/works/11070258/chapters/24687762): Dazai, the son of a rich lord, stumbles upon a servant in the courtyard, but the servant isn't supposed to be there. What will happen next? (a multi-chapter fic in the works) "Amongst the array of wild flowers, blooming festively in a multitude of colors, Dazai spotted the most novel specimen leaning flush against the large, vine coiled trunk of one of the several trees that shaded the area. Dazai crept closer. The creature, which he soon reasoned was one of the younger servants, had bright, unkempt hair that fell to his shoulders in messy curls. The boy had the palest skin Dazai had ever seen, almost as pale as the sanguinaria planted nearby, and was currently asleep. Small splotches of sunlight waltzed across his innocent face through the leaves. It was a sight Dazai wouldn’t dare disturb if his curiosity and longing for novelty had been any less overwhelming."(edited)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11390715 Hey everyone, this is my first and only fic I've written. I'm genuinely proud of it ^^
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11363979 this is the skk fic that i'm happiest with because it's apocalyptic themed and i think i captured the mood of it better than i usually do in my writing ^^
"the beautiful various dreams" http://archiveofourown.org/works/11249238 is a coma au that I thought about for a while and I really like how it turned out because I was scared for a while of trying to write dreams and reality mixing together.
"Mistake" http://archiveofourown.org/works/10609371 I really enjoyed writing this idea that working in the Mafia has effects and dealing with the effects in a place where you can't show weakness is incredibly hard. This one also had a weird format that I had to plan a lot, and I was happy to pull it together.
"Once More" http://archiveofourown.org/works/8897146/chapters/20391742 I don't expect people to read this because it's long af but it's basically my love letter to SKK and exploring their relationship and it's also one of the few longfics that I've actually seen through to a conclusion. So I'm proud that I finished it. It wasn't meant to be a longfic.
"And I Will Chase You Forever, If That's What It Takes" http://archiveofourown.org/works/11354586 This is my favourite fic I did for skk week. I put a lot into it. It's pretty Chuuya centric with lots of young soukoku and it looks at how Chuuya deals with the imbalance between him and Dazai. (Also I'm a sucker for happy endings, even when they're mine)
"Winter Wonderland" http://archiveofourown.org/works/9102799 This is the purest fluff I have ever managed to write. Nobody suffers at all, which in and of itself is an accomplishment. Plus I had a great time writing it!
"Needs" http://archiveofourown.org/works/8541640 I like the different interactions in this one. Lots of Chuuya hurting and Dazai comforting. It highlights a softer side to Dazai and shows how aspects of their dynamic developed.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10768806 You're Insufferable (We're Inseparable) this one is really important to me because it's a detailed look at the growth of their relationship, and is intended to cover everything. it's an intrinsic look at both sides.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10657617 A Typical Tuesday Night This one is a oneshot, set in the same verse as yiwi. I'm really proud of how it came out, the feelings I wanted to convey are, I feel, very well represented.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10817004 A Different Sort Of Dance I really like the interactions I write in this one. it's on going and on pause, but I think what's there is worth a read. I like my writing and description in this one.
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Gotham 4x04: A Liveblog
Once again, friends, I come to you with review and summary of the latest Gotham events. And Ed’s back this time. ...god help us all.
TL;DR - I wonder what’s happening in the REAL Gotham where character motivation still makes sense
Ben, whatever happens, I’m holding you personally responsible
Side Note: what exactly IS an embalming knife? Like... where does a knife come into the embalming process? Is this the knife you use to carve out the mushy bits, is that it? Because like... to my knowledge, embalming is a primary function of embalming liquid. Like... mostly it’s preserving and shit. And I don’t know how a knife preserves fuck all. But maybe someone who knows anthropology or mortician practices can explain this to me.
“That cuneiform is definitely pre-Venetian” ...did... did I just hear that right? Oh, PHOEnician... that makes way more sense. I was just... had a heart attack for a second. Carry on.
Look Bruce, you could have a friend your own age! Or... you know, continue to live alone with your butler like... all normal kids do. I suppose you have Cat but... mmm. mm.
...Ed’s fine. He’s fine. Upside down in his... obsession pit. He’s fine.
It’s a TOTALLY NORMAL and HEALTHY thing to paste thousands of pictures of your ex all over the walls while you contemplate revenge, yeah that... this is fine. It’s all Fine.
You’re uh... looking a little ramshackle and disheveled there Ed, OH HEY KNIFE. HI, uh... Okay. Did you fucking... DRAW sketches of Oswald yourself? Oh my god Ed... oh my god. See you haven’t changed at all really.
Yeah, he seems fine
Meanwhile, stuffed birds all over the place. I’m sure that’s... fine
You know, it’s pretty great how ancient cultures are always keen to write their hellish prophecies on their murder weapons, always appreciate that
Just... just all of the safe. All of the safe.
Maybe uh... maybe don’t talk about the Demon’s Head being a person and then cut to a saber skeleton. Maybe we don’t encourage brutal fledgling serial killers hahahahaha.
That uh... sure is some hair, there, Alexander Siddig. God this show’s aesthetic is fucking weird.
...this whole sequence has been nothing but Hannibal allusions.
They are REALLY pushing for the Hannibal aesthetics. Got a real crush on that show.
Look Bruce! Your new friend has ALSO been traumatized by witnessing the death of his guardian! You have so much in common!
*frowns* Harvey left and didn’t tell Jim??? Like, given what happened this summer, I can totally understand Donal not being around for filming but... write it better than “Harvey left and didn’t tell Jim” Because that’s bullshit.
I also DO NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE in a love triangle where 2 women fight over Jim’s soul NO NO NO NO NO. So if that’s where this is going FUCK OFF, FUCK EVERYTHING, AND FUCK YOU.
Welp, seeing another dead guardian should stir some shit up for Bruce
At least this sends Jim back to Barbara... I mean, that’s not really a positive, but at least I don’t hate Jim and Barbara, mainly because they have the stamp of canon on them
I don’t know how I feel about Babs hair this season, it’s... different
Okay, HARD NO on Ra’s-al-Ghul’s underlings, HARD NO. I just came from American Gods and THAT IS NOT ANUBIS. For one thing he’s white. What.
Intense staring contest with bowler hat. Oswald’s So Over It.
What’re you expecting Ed to jump out of it? Holy shit Oswald, calm down
I... you didn’t want to be disturbed... during your staring contest with the hat??? I... okay. Also, maybe close your fucking door then, it was wide open. Just saying.
Huh... Oswald and Sofia are meeting. Okay. Better put the masturbation hat away then Oswald, it’s a little too revealing
Hmmm... be careful Oswald. You’re right to be wary of her, don’t let her fool you. Also, Maybe Talk To Jim About This.
...White Rabbit. Really. *long, put upon sigh*
AAAAAAAAAAND the worst rap of all time! Well DONE Ed!
Oswald’s reactions to this are everything. Bless you Oswald. I love you. 100% everything I feel too.
Belated Side Note: Zsasz used to work for Falcone, and Falcone has taken control of him back from Oswald on occasion. Why then does Zsasz offer to stab Sofia? Is he truly loyal to Oswald now? Or was his relationship exclusively with Carmine? OR is it a bluff and Sofia’s already tapped him? Or will she tap him later? Lots of questions... lots of questions.
Yeah because WHY would you murder the guy??? It’s WAY more healthy for your psychological state to just... keep him on ice forever. That’s progress.
“I want Ed Nygma” we... we know Oswald. we know.
Always, ALWAYS the fucking docks. Goddddd. PLEASE GET A NEW SPOT YOU TWO.
Also, Oswald, DID YOU NOT LISTEN TO THAT??? That WASN’T a riddle, that was... statements. His brain is SHOT. God knows what a second spell in the ice will do.
Also also, I can guarantee that Ed won’t even be at the docks because he’s a dumbass now. And somehow the obvious answer will be wrong.
Um, frankly, I wouldn’t trust Bruce if I was Alex, Bruce is 100% the person who got Alex’s granddad killed. I’d be super pissed at Bruce. But... y’know, okay, whatever. Moving the plot forward.
Ahhh, Alex is giving Bruce the benefit of the doubt, I see. Nice kid. Very generous in his grief.
Also, why the shit would he come after you? He wanted the KNIFE, that’s it. I mean... I guess you’re a witness, but he didn’t see you so he doesn’t know about you. You’re not in danger kid. At least, not so much danger the police can’t take care of it, for once. You’re very much safe as houses until the plot inevitably fucks this up.
It would be a good idea to give up the knife tho, then you’re really in the clear
How the FUCK is Ra’s-al-Ghul at the library! How does he know to come here? Presumably he knew to come to the antiquities room because he was tracking Bruce because Babs told him to... I guess he could have tracked Bruce here then. Meh.
Ah yes. The creatures. Fuck that.
White people speaking ancient Middle Eastern languages. Mmmm nothing like it.
Ah, the old collapsing book case technique! Because no one thinks to GET OUT OF THE WAY of that shit. Nah, just gotta stand here and be crushed by the 3 ton weight of literature. It was my destiny to die this way.
Oh, I see, you’re just going to make like a harmless academic and this knife has been in your family for generations, of course...
You’re awfully paranoid kid. I mean... I suppose you were attacked now, so... I guess that’s justified
Uhhhh, kid, Bruce is not a Good Example of literally anything. He’s been training to become the world’s most popular vigilante for a few years now and that was born out of this very trauma so... y’know, don’t compare yourself to him. Please don’t. We don’t need more Batmans.
“No, you’re cool” I think you mean wealthy. Wealthy and cool CAN intersect but I feel like this is a classism thing. Let me provide you with a book on Marxism, kid.
If this doesn’t turn into another exploration of sexuality subplot, I’m gonna be disappointed
Uh, if he’s here on international business, like... check his visa Jim, he should have legal paperwork and shit to take that knife back to Nepal
This... this whole interrogation is a shit show, oh my god, not great work, very bad work, the both of you. Awful lying, Get Good.
Welp. I guess Ra’s-al-Ghul can teleport. Or turn fucking invisible. Glad that’s very justified. Everyone know if you get resurrected you get Special Powers. The divine amniotic sack gives to all.
Yeah because Sofia Totally Won’t Challenge Penguin For Power. That Defs Won’t Happen. And It Especially Won’t Involve Jim.
Oswald You Good. You Good Good Good Villain. How I Love Thee.
Brilliant babe who is rightfully suspicious after 3 seasons of this bullshit. Y’all fucking forget that Oswald is a sewer rat, you cannot trick him.
Oh boo hoo Sofia, I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you
Her criticism may be valid, BUT, on the other hand, as I said, Oswald’s lived through 3 seasons of this bullshit, while you lived the high life in Cuba. You might have your father’s perspective, but you don’t have any of Oswald’s hands-on experience. I still stand by Oswald’s decision to just murder them, he’s played the politics here long enough to know there is no loyalty amongst thieves. Not for him.
You know, it’s very considerate of Ra’s-al-Ghul to break shit every time he enters a scene so we know he’s here. Very thoughtful of him.
Oh it’s his fucking creatures again... ugggghhhhhhh...
More quality rapping! Good job Ed! Continuing to be the Best!
HAHAHAHAHA *more Randall Tier flashbacks* HAHAHAHAHAHA! ALL of the Hannibal allusions! Phew!
...no. no to the bone gag. just no.
Yeah, kid’s dead. Good job Ra’s-al-Ghul, at least you come through on your weird ass threats.
I mean... Ra’s totally made you make that call tho Bruce, this is his sick game, it’s on him. No one should have to decide between the death of one innocent or the deaths of millions of innocents. That’s a bullshit moral quandary that doesn’t actually exist. He wants you to think like he thinks, that’s all, this is psychological warfare, that’s the whole point. Remind yourself he did this, not just for the active murder, but more so because he thinks there is something to be gained by making you do this. He’s the asshole responsible.
Ed, I’m just... sweetie, pumpkin, if your point is to prove Oswald is a coward or an idiot, then... you proved it. Running after him sorta... disproves your point. If you want to meet him and murder him then... make that the point. Just... show up and murder him in the first place. *siiiigh* Or invite him to a cordial murder, whatever, but don’t make it a contest of wits if what you rally want is a confrontation. Get your shit together.
*nods* He’s right, they do suck, they were AWFUL
This... that... was bizarre. This was bizarre. What... exactly does Oswald want? I don’t understand. I know Ed isn’t himself anymore, but... you could help him. You could help him become himself again. And you both hate and are afraid of the Riddler. Why... would you want him back? As you just said, you want him only to freeze him. And just... that personality wasn’t even WHOLE, it was a fractured disaster. That wasn’t even a person. Just like this isn’t even a person. Why would you taunt Ed with saying “you’re not him”? I know you want Ed as an equal, but... do you think he can only be your equal as the Riddler? Who you hate and fear? You’ve got some weird ideas floating around in your head, Oswald. I would make the argument that you don’t hate or fear the Riddler nearly as much as you claim to and you want to bang the living daylights out of him, but like... *siiiigh* I dunno. You didn’t always want that. You wanted Ed to be whole and your equal. Nothing you’ve seen of him since he was your chief of staff has been real. None of it, all of it was a mistake, aborted attempts at personalities. And I just don’t know what you want anymore if you won’t take this broken, defunct Ed and help him.
You’re pushing him towards becoming the Riddler again, so I guess that’s what you want. And maybe you’re tired of being his mentor, after all, you tried that, reluctantly, and that went SO well. Maybe you hope/expect him to work it out for himself, and come back to you when he’s ready. That would put your relationship in a WAY different paradigm than it has been... but... okay??? I guess??? I’m having another time of not knowing what the hell the writers want for them
Why. why why why why. I hate everything.
I hate Jim so much
Ben You Done Fucked Up.
#Gotham spoilers#This season might kill my entire interest in the show#Nothing about this episode was satisfying#Everything felt like lukewarm mush#I am not excited about anything that happened#Ugh
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Tom Vs The Forces Of Evil (Au), Chapter 6
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"Tom, are you sure about this?" Marco said, watching Tom straighten his tie in front of his huge mirror. "Of course i'm sure...I can totally do this.." "But she's a demon, Tom..." He turned to his friend, "And what's wrong with that?" 'Well, it's just....It's..She.." Marco couldn't seem to find the right words to answer Tom's question. "Demons aren't monster's, Marco." Tom adjusted his jacket, and started to smooth his hair to stand up, "They're powerful creatures, but they're not really evil....don't focus so much on their appearances Marco...". Marco crossed his arms and Tom laughed, " Star's cool, I promise you....but don't attempt to fight her though, it's almost impossible to win against a demon in a match..." Tom looked over himself, "Can you bring Marshmallow over here for me?" Marco raised an eyebrow, "Why do you need your rabbit?" "Because he's coming with us to see Star...." Tom said happily, "She's going to love him, don't you think?" Marco carefully took the pink rabbit out of it's cage and handed him off to Tom, Tom scratched the bunny behind the ears happily. Marco smiled and pet the bunny's soft head, "Yeah, i guess it's hard not to love this little guy..."
"I want Star to see I've changed..." Tom explained, "I think she'll be impressed when she finds out how anger free I've been lately..." He opened his jacket, that hid a bright red button underneath. In big white text it said "53 days anger free", Tom was happy that he beat the record he destroyed during that mewni incident, now maybe he could fully let that incident die. "Tom, the last time you talked....." Marco started. "She called me on accident and didn't want to talk to me, I know...." Tom answered, "But that was four weeks ago, I've gotten my mewberty wings now, i'm completely mature.....". Four weeks since she called, over 8 since his last incident, that should be enough time to ask her out right? Marco rolled his eyes, "Tom, you know she might say no right?" Tom grinned, "It's worth a shot.....i put this off for way too long, if i don't ask her now...there's no way i'll see the ball tonight.." Marco's eyebrows raised, "Wait what??!! It's tonight and you're asking her now!?" Tom smiled sheepishly, "Yeah.....I know it's close but I've been so busy hanging out with you..". He trailed off, biting his lip, "...that I lost track of time.....". He wasn't lying, Marco had been keeping him company so much these days that he'd forgotten about the dance for weeks, well that, or they were a distraction to put off the awkwardness of asking out his demon ex. Tom suspected after the anger incident, and the mewberty incident, Marco was just trying to be protective over him and try and keep him as happy as possible. Part of him wanted to tell Marco that he didn't want to be pitied, but the attention he received from him was wonderful, he'd never had a relationship like this with anyone. Ponyhead usually ignored his feelings, his parents didn't spend time with him, his kingdom rarely had faith in him. Marco was feeding him so much care and comfort it was refreshing. Tom knew Marco only did so much because he cared. But, it was time for Tom to handle some things himself. He wasn't a baby anymore. Marco face palmed, making Tom laugh. "It's ok Marco, if she says no......" He trailed off, not wanting to think about it. Marco put a comforting hand on his shoulder, attempting to smile, "Annual Movie night?" "Yeah.." the prince said, making an equally forced smile. Holding his rabbit under an arm, Tom grabbed his dimensional scissors and opened a portal to what Marco could only assume was the underworld. Tom went in first and Marco followed after. The wave of heat hit him instantly, making Marco sweat already, they were outside of the Castle and Marco stared in wonder and in fear at how large and intimidating it was. Dark, on a lava waterfall, dark towers perking out front he sides, a faint red moon on the top. Marco walked a little closer to Tom as the demon guards let the Prince and his friend in. "We're allied with the lucitors.." Tom explained, "So we get in much easier...." Tom walked along the halls happily, humming Love Sentence while Marco's eyes scanned the scene for any signs of danger. Demons rushed around, carrying ribbons, food, and things that made Marco very nauseous thinking about. They were preparing for the ball, and Marco started to wonder why Tom would want to go to something this.....different. Tom eventually lead them to the ballroom, "Star is in control of this entire event, she's gotta be here to help plan everything..." "Oh....yay...", Marco said with fake enthusiasm. "No, it looks stupid over there...", came a growl from the center of the room, and upon getting closer Marco saw it came from a girl. Although the closer he got he noticed her skin was a much more inhuman red, she had dark pink markings under her eyes reminiscent of hearts, she had wild blonde hair, small red horns peeking out from the top of her head, what seems to be bat like wings, something resembling a tail was coming out of her dress, and her eyes were blue with a hint of red. She wore a ripped up dress, leggings, and dragon boots that seemed to almost be alive. This had to be Star. and judging by Tom's nervousness and grin, he knew that as well. Tom checked on his hair, suit, and rabbit before approaching the girl and tapping her shoulder to get her attention. She whipped around, almost startled, until she saw who it was. "Oh....you...", She put on her best scowl, while Tom continued to smile under her gaze. "Hey Star..", the prince tried to remain eye contact with the demon as best he could, trying not to look intimidated by her. Marco, on the other hand, was doing the complete opposite. Intimidated, and ready if he needed to pull some karate moves at any sign of trouble, he knew he was supposed to trust Tom's word that Star was alright, but the way she was looking at Tom made Marco keep his guard up. She crossed her arms, continuing to scowl at the prince, "What are you doing here?" Tom took his wand out of his jacket pocket, and magically produced a bouquet of roses, which he handed to the demoness along with a smile. Marco, although still on guard in case of an attack, rolled his eyes at the silly romantic gesture. "Star Lucitor...." Tom said, trying his hardest to be flirty despite his nervousness, "I'm here to ask you to the Blood Moon Ball..." Marco wanted to laugh, Tom was giving her puppy dog eyes and smiling so bizarrely sweet at her. But Star's anger turned into confusion, and Marco decided maybe this wasn't a good time to drawn attention to himself. "You're inviting yourself....to my ball?", She said, "Tom, did you forget already? We. broke. up....period." "Well, I was thinking.." He started, "We could go together.....and try again?" Marshmallow wiggled under Tom's arm and he pulled him up to present to the demon girl, " I've been working on my anger, I have this adorable bunny...he helps me out a lot with my issues, my friend Marco over here took me in...and he's helping me relax and calm down..." Marco froze when the demon eyed him up and down, he felt like she'd pounce on him. "...Oh, and check this out.." Tom said happily, revealing his red button within his jacket, "I'm 53 days anger free, i'm not blowing up like i used to anymore..." He looked so proud of himself, and Star seemed to reconsider a little bit. She reached a clawed hand out and pet the rabbit's soft head, "53 huh?" "Yep.." "Tom, why do you want to go to my ball this badly....?" She asked, "You know i hate traditions....and this princess stuff is kinda lame..." "I love your world..." Tom said happily, "And besides, wouldn't it be a lot more fun with company?" Marco watched the two of them talk, trying to figure out why they'd date, or even why they broke up in the first place. Tom always told him it was his fault, that his anger and his issues ruined their relationship, but watching them now Marco noticed Star's attitude seemed to be making cracks in Tom's shell. He was trying so hard to not feel awful, Marco just wanted to reach out and hug him. "Yeah, but I can invite my friends...." Star said, shrugging. Tom kept his fake smile on, "Well, I think we could have fun again, like the old days...i'm not the same guy you knew, and I think things could be different now..." Star thought for a moment, and called for a servant, it handed her a tiny bell and hammer, which she then passed onto Tom. "I'm not calling you my date but, I guess if you really want to you can come just to see the place for yourself. It's probably not going to be alot of fun, but since my parents aren't here to stop me from doing what I want tonight....I guess having you there won't hurt...", She looked reluctant to proceed with this, but Tom's smile made her grin just a bit. "Thank you Star..." Tom said, "I hope I see you there..." Marco pulled on Tom's arm, trying to lead him away so they could leave as another demon looked at them evilly. "Come on Tom, we better go..." He said, gritting his teeth. Tom lovingly waved at Star and Marco made sure they had everything before he pulled Tom away from the ballroom. Star shook her head and turned back to her eager servants, "No, guys MORE glitter!!" - By the time Marco got Tom back home, Tom was already preparing for his "date" tonight. Rushing to his closet (Only after putting his rabbit down), and trying to find the best suit he could, hoping he could find one that would match Star. Marco wanted to tell him he had plenty of time before the ball and there was no reason to start right now, but then again he knew Tom always put a lot of effort into how he looked most of the time anyway. This was a date with an ex-girlfriend, it's not weird he'd be giving himself enough prep time to look great. Marco left to give Tom some space and watched Tv downstairs, holding Marshmallow and petting his soft head. "Tonight was going to be our weekly movie night..." He sighed to the rabbit, "But Tom really wants to do this and I guess we can always do it tomorrow...". He looked at the pink bunny perched on his legs and resumed talking, "I mean, Star clearly doesn't want him back, why does Tom even want her back so badly...he doesn't need her to feel complete". Marco rubbed his scalp, "She just seems so cold....to him, and yet he's leaving me for her....the girl who dumped him and who could hurt him.." Images of Star humiliating Tom at the ball started to pop into Marco's mind, and it only made him more concerned for the boy above him trying on blazers. Tom was sensitive, he was emotional and he was getting better at handling those emotions: But Tom was still an emotional guy. He'd cry while watching sad scenes in movies (Which he denied), he was visibly upset when being bullied, and it clearly took everything in his power to not break down at Star's words of rejection. Marco didn't want to make any accusations about their relationship, but something about Star seemed.....off to him. He didn't want to admit to himself that he was taking Tom's side in something he didn't understand just because of them being friends. But the sounds of the Tv were drowned out by his inner thoughts about Tom going to this party, being rejected by his ex, and Tom blowing up or breaking down in sadness. This couldn't end well, there was no way. Marco turned off the Tv, maybe he could talk Tom out of it? There had to be something he could do to keep Tom from getting hurt. Marco did everything in his power to tell himself he was doing this for Tom's own good, and that this wasn't selfish of him. Tom would be heartbroken if he didn't go, but he'd also be heartbroken if we went anyway, maybe? Right? Marco held Marshmallow closely, and knocked on Tom's door. This wasn't going to be fun, but he had to say something to his friend. "Come in!!" He heard Tom call out. "Tom, we need to tal-" Marco opened the door, and started to head inside but paused at the sight of Tom brushing off his suit. Tom looked up and saw Marco staring and grew a bit red, which he shook off with a laugh and a shrug. "Heh, what do you think? Too much?" Tom looked like a whole new person, Marco'd never seen him look so....princely before. He was wearing a white tailcoat with gold buttons, along with white pants and black boots, a dark red vest with gold buttons underneath his tailcoat, a white shirt underneath that, a salmon pink ascot that matched his hair, and a red bow tie that matched his eyes perfectly. "Wow...." Marco said, lips forming a smile, "You look just....wow...." Tom relaxed, "I'm taking that as a good thing? I've been trying on nice clothes for awhile....I wasn't sure about this one but..if you really like it..." "You don't have to wear it if you don't want to..." Marco trailed off, blushing. "I trust your judgement", Tom grinned, "Now I just need to work on make-up and hair and I should be ready..." Marco snapped out of looking at Tom and walked up to him, holding the pink rabbit close, "Tom, I-I uh....I want to talk to you..." Tom took his rabbit out of Marco's hands and put him back in his cage, "Sure, what's going on?" Tom took a seat on his bed and Marco sat down next to him, "Look it's- We...I-Are you sure...about this? About the ball? And Star?" Tom looked as if Marco asked him the most ridiculous question ever. "Of course i'm sure Marco, I've been wanting to go to this for years, and if everything goes well, maybe me and Star can get back together again..", He smiled at the thought, but Marco still didn't seem comfortable with his answer. "Look..." Tom started, "I know it's sudden, and Star's a bit cold right now...but it'll be fine...i can keep myself calm, you don't need to keep an eye on me so much..or be so protective of me...." Marco sighed, "I'm just worried about you.....I don't trust Star.." Tom pat his head, "You'll get used to her, I promise you....but..." "But?" "If it makes you feel any better, maybe you can come with me?" He suggested, "I mean, humans aren't typically allowed there but I can have you as my partner and i'm sure they won't mind.." "Are you sure? I-I don't wanna be a burden on your night-" "You're not a burden Marco..." Tom reassured, " If you really want to, you can come...just.....don't do anything unless I need you ok? I can handle Star all by myself.." Marco felt the back of his neck, "Well-" "Marco, promise me you won't interfere unless I need you..." Tom said very sternly, as if Marco was being a troublesome child. He held out his hand for Marco to shake, "I want to know I can trust you to let me handle things by myself...." Marco stared at the hand as if it was a foreign object to him, unsure whether to take it or not. But nervously, he took Tom's hand and shook it. "Ok...." He promised, "I'll be there to support you and help you.....but..I'll back off from Star unless you need me..." Tom smiled and pulled the human into a tight hug, "Thanks Marco....and hey!! You coming sounds kinda nice, you might like it there!! I could talk to you about demon culture and stuff!!". Marco hugged him back, hoping tonight he could keep his promise. "Yeah, sounds fun.." - Tom went into the bathroom and prepared his hair and make-up, only a few hours left to go before the Ball began. As he got ready, Marco sorted through his wardrobe for anything he could possibly wear, but nothing felt really suitable for a demon ball. After wrecking his closest, he went to his parent's room for anything his dad could loan him for the night. An old box caught his eyes and he opened it. It had to be pretty old, his dad probably had this since his high school days, he kept alot of personal things like that. Marco reached inside and pulled out a skull mask. A smile perked his face. "Perfect." - "Tom?" Marco knocked on the bathroom door, "I'm ready when you are..." Tom opened the door immediately, hair perfectly gelled and eyeliner finished. "Yeah, I'm-" He paused to look Marco up and down, "Woah Diaz..." Marco crossed his arms, wearing a white buttoned shirt, a red tie, a black jacket with gold tassels, dark pants, dress shoes, a skull mask, and a large red sombrero. Although he wouldn't admit it, he felt a bit silly dressed like this, but Tom didn't seem to mind at all. "It was my dad's...." Marco started. "Well, I like it...." Tom said, "C'mon...we better get going, i don't wanna be late for Star..." Tom grabbed onto Marco's hand and headed into his room, opening a door to his balcony. He pulled out the bell and hammer Star had given him, "So remember, be careful, don't eat anything with a face, don't play with fire and-" "And don't worry about Star too much.." Marco finished, sighing, "I hope you know what you're doing Tom...." Tom hit the bell, making a surprisingly loud chime, a wall of fire rose up revealing a large demon holding a carriage, making Marco have slight-second thoughts. Tom asked for the bottom floor and as they stepped inside the carriage together, Tom gave Marco a calming grin. "Marco, I'll be fine....." ,He reassured as the doors closed behind them, " You worry too much.." - Marco was starting to feel hot again, the familiar stench of ash and death overflowed his sense of smell, they must've finally arrived to their destination Tom happily excited the carriage when the doors opened, holding his hand out for Marco to join him, Marco smirked and let Tom pull him out of the carriage. Demons of many forms and species were already heading inside that familiar ballroom from this morning, only it looked to be much more elaborate then before. "Star went all out..." Tom admired, "All the traditional demon decor, but with her cute and bright touch all over...it's nice..." Well, at least he thought so. Marco on the other hand, didn't see anything cute about the glittery heads with bows on the walls, or the blood on the walls, or demons playing a game that seemed to melt flesh. Tom's tolerance of this much violence was admirable, he cried at soap operas, and yet this much violence didn't seem to bother him. Tom then started to talk about the ball, as they searched for his ex within the crowds, talking about it's traditions and something about souls and the moon that Marco ignored because he was way too focused on "Not Dying". Tom had his wand with him in case of any issues, and Marco was great at self-defense, but the human didn't know a lot about demons and if Tom and him were separated within this crowd he wasn't sure he'd make it out alive. Then he felt Tom tug him harshly and he started to run through the crowds, seeing a familiar tail with a star at the end slinking through the crowds. "STAR!!" He exclaimed, making the tail stop, and the girl it was attached to turn around to look at the prince. Star had her hair up in a bun, she wore a ripped pink dress covered in white bows and hearts with one shoulder bare, she had matching leggings and gloves, and matching pink and white boots. She didn't look that excited to see Tom, but Marco's presence made an eyebrow go up. Tom noticed and pulled Marco forward, "He's here as my guest, I hope you don't mind...h-he really wanted to enjoy your ball with me.." Star looked between the two boys, a smirk on her lips. "Awww Tom, I thought I was your date tonight?!! But you know what? I like this better..." She said, slightly laughing and making both boys turn bright red. Marco was glad his mask hid his own blush, but Tom's was very noticeable along with his stutter as he tried to ignore what Star just said. "Y-You...He's not....W-we're not like..." Tom crossed his arms, embarrassed, and avoiding Star's gaze. "Relax I'm only teasing..." Star muttered through giggled, before eyeing Marco, "I'm not lying though, feel free to take him off my hands......" Tom didn't seem too amused by Star's jokes about getting rid of him, and Marco could see him starting to lose a bit of his grip. But Tom took a deep breath and seemed to regain himself before attempting a small smile at the princess. "So uh....you look lovely Star..." Star looked at him oddly,"Uh...thanks?" Watching these two was utterly painful for Marco, Tom's attempts to flirt with his ex, and Star's clear uninterest towards him. Marco felt very uncomfortable standing here, but going anywhere else made him feel unsafe. Star looked around for an excuse to leave and saw the snack table, "I'm gonna get some grub....cya later i guess...?" She went into the crowd and Tom started to follow when Marco grabbed his arm, "Tom....you can't keep pushing this....." Tom looked at him sadly. "Marco, I-It's Star......let me go...I-I'll-" "Tom....." Tom sighed. "I know....I just...I don't wanna give up on her..." "I know..." Tom relaxed a bit, "Just...give me some more time with her ok? If..Things don't work right....." Marco lifted his mask to give him a comforting smile, "Movie night?" Tom returned the smile. "Are you gonna be ok on your own for a bit?", He asked Marco, staring him straight in the eyes. "I guess..." Marco answered, "I'll call you if I need help ok?" "Good.." Tom pulled in for a quick hug before straightening his clothes, "Alright, I'll be right back....don't have too much fun without me dork..." He grinned and ran after the princess, who was excitability giggling and talking to some of her friends. She seemed pretty bubbly and excitable when she wasn't talking to Tom as Marco observed, guess he couldn't blame someone like Tom for wanting someone so positive and upbeat all the time. He silently wondered what exactly happened between them as he moved through the crowd. Some demons were dancing, others were participating in dangerous activities, and some were eating. He saw demons covered in blood, demons wearing spiders, demons showing off their powers.... They really didn't pay Marco any mind overall. Marco looked around, part of him wished Tom was still next to him so he could explain a lot of these strange demon customs, he noticed a huge focus especially on red and a crescent red moon. This must have been the moon Tom had been talking about earlier? He looked at it in wonder for a little bit, when he heard the sounds of a microphone go off from the far end of the ballroom and started to make way to the front. A large red demon was testing the mic out, and every single living thing looked at him intently. "Welcome to our annual Blood Moon Ball!!!" He started, "As you know, every 667 years the blood moo-" "Hey Star wait up-", Marco heard whispers among the crowd and caught sight of pink hair. He followed, Tom was out of breath and caught up to Star, who still looked annoyed to see him. Tom blushed, "The dance is about to start....you wanna be my par-" "No." She said. Some demons shushed them, trying to listen to the speech. "-The light will select one lucky couple to be together for eternity within it's ruby brotem..." The ceiling opened up, revealing another moon symbol in the sky. "Let the dance commence!" Demons started to get into pairs, music started, and Marco tried to make his way over to Tom. "C'mon Star...." Tom pleaded, "It'll be fun..." "Tom...I invited you as a friend, I invited you..because I know you wanted to witness this Ball for yourself....but No means No..", Star gave him a look, "My parents think i'm reckless, they hired a life coach for me so i can stop causing so much trouble with my magic!!" Tom winced a bit. "This is the one night they're gone so I can have fun and I don't need my Ex following me around so much!!" She growled, "Tom, it's over....stop trying to change that..". She used her wings and flapped away from the moping boy on the dance floor. Marco, deciding they should just leave, finally got to Tom and grabbed his hand. Tom turned around to see who it was, and that was when he saw nothing but red. Both boys, in shock, looked up to see a red light looking back at both of them. Demons stared all around, moving out of the way and off the dance floor. Tom needed a sec to process everything, "M-Marco?" "Y-yeah?" "We...We're...." He said awkwardly, "We have to dance Marco..." "What?" "Take my shoulder, now...", He moved his free hand to Marco's waist. Marco awkwardly put his free hand on Tom's shoulder as Tom started to waltz with him. Marco feel uncomfortable as many, many eyes watched him dance with the prince. He tried to avoid his gaze to look at Tom, but that only made his stomach drop even more. Tom looked just as awkward about dancing as he did, but he put on a fake smile and tried to lighten the bizarre situation. Marco attempted to smile back, and then Tom spun him around and Marco actually managed a bit of a laugh. Suddenly he felt less scared and embarrassed as they both danced in the Moon's light, laughing and smiling at each other. Marco had no idea how long it went but Tom dipped him, and suddenly the light started to descend above them, and the redness vanished from the room. Marco was pulled back up and the boys stared at each other, Marco wasn't sure what that all was, but by the look on Tom's face he had some idea and he didn't look ready to spill it. Demons whispered around them, looking at the duo and sizing them up, before a familiar cheery demon made it's way over to the boys. "Ok guys!!", Star, "Looks like our celebration has ended!! Our gracious moon has chosen it's candidates and it is fulfilled!! Thanks you all for coming, enjoy the rest of your night!!" The demons slowly stopped looking at Tom and Marco and went to talk, eat, and dance....as if the important dance didn't happen just a bit ago. Star turned to Tom and Marco, looking between the both of them with interest. But if she had anything to say about what happened, she was intentionally ignoring it. "Well, at least this party wasn't a total waste....looks like people liked it...i hope..." She said, "So you guys gonna stay or-?" "No..." Tom finished before Marco could answer, "I think it's about time we head home...." "Ok.." She said, giving Tom one last look and heading off to talk to some others. Tom grabbed Marco's hand, dragging him to the exit. "C'mon....let's get out of here..." - "Tom?" Tom stepped off the carriage and thanked the demon who carried it as he descended back to the underworld. Tom had been silent the entire trip, and it was making Marco worry more and more. Tom had his back to Marco now, so Marco couldn't even see his face to tell what he might be thinking about. He couldn't tell if Tom was happy, angry, sad......he wanted so desperately to say anything to him, to apologize, to laugh it all off.. But nothing came out. He just waited, for Tom to do...something. Anything He took off his hat and mask, tears staring to fall down his face for no reason. "T-Tom...I...", he started. "Marco...", Tom mumbled, turning around, his face was one that mixed of sadness, anger, and confusion. Tom was looking at Marco very strangely, like he was a whole different person. He ran his fingers through his messy hair and looked at the floor. "Tom...I'm sorry, I-" "No, Marco..it's not your fault.." Tom said immediately, " Y-You didn't do anything wrong...you listened to me, respected my wishes.....you let me handle this myself and...and....". He took a few breaths, "I broke down.....I was upset, and you were just trying to comfort me when you saw me so upset...this isn't your fault....". "Tom..I-" "I can't be angry at you seeing me cry and wanting to comfort me...", He wiped the side of his face, "Don't apologize...you....you didn't do anything wrong.." He managed a small smile through his tears, "Thank you for trusting me, and being a good friend....I should've listened to you..stayed here with you. If I hadn't gone....Maybe....maybe it'd be much easier for me...to....y'know..." "Move on?" Tom's lack of an answer was enough of a yes for Marco. He walked up to Tom and wrapped his arms around him, "There are some things you can't change Tom.....and it's ok, maybe Star just isn't the girl for you.....". Tom looked up at the blood moon, still shining in the sky. "Maybe..." "I'm sorry about your night, I know you were looking forward to it.." Tom and Marco separated and Tom managed a smile. "It wasn't awful, I mean....It would've been a lot worse if you weren't there..." "You're glad I came?" Marco asked oddly, "I mean I just felt like a pest.....coming there to invade on your date.." "You weren't a pest Marco....you....I should've listened to you since the beginning.." Marco shook his head, "No Tom, you've been wanting this dance forever, and I shouldn't have been trying to deny that from you...you can make your own choices... ". He put his hand up to stop Tom from talking, "Tom...I've....I haven't been a great friend to you...although I try to leave you be....I can't help but...want to do something...". He sat down, "I worry, about everything....worried you'll get angry, get hurt, that something bad will happen and I won't be there to have your back.....and although It makes me feel better to help you, It also makes me feel like.....like i don't trust you to grow without me...." "A-and I know I let you handle Star on your own....." He continued, "But going to the dance by yourself, mewberty, all the times when I was worried your anger was going to go out of hand and I stepped In without knowing if you'd take care of it yourself..." Tom sat down in front of him, "I get it...." Tom bit his lip and smiled at his friend, "I'm not mad y'know? About you worrying?" "I know, but it makes me feel lik-" "My parents?" Tom finished, Marco nodded. "You're nothing like them Marco.....my parents might not have faith in me to succeed....but....they don't worry much about how I feel..." He put a hand on his shoulder, forcing Marco to look up at him. "You know me....and you know that i'm....not always ok when it comes to my emotions and junk. I've never had someone....care so much about my well-being and how i feel....and i know it might make you feel like you don't trust me to do things on my own, but don't feel guilty about wanting to help..." Tom felt the back of his neck nervously, "Sometimes, yeah...I want to do things for myself, I don't need someone to watch me all the time. But....if something doesn't feel right, just let me know, and if I ever lose myself....I want my best friend by my side..." He picked up Marco's hat and placed tit upon his own head. "We'll work through this, find a balance...." Marco made a small laugh, "Ok...." They both paused for a bit, not sure what to say next to each other, bringing up Star probably wouldn't be a great idea.....so that was out of bounds, but then Marco's mind flashed back to them dancing in a red glow and he felt himself turn a bit red. "You dance really well..." Tom whispered, getting Marco's attention, " i didn't know..." "Well for a prince you dance like you have two left feet...." Marco croaked out in an attempt to make a joke and hide his blush. They stood up, both laughing softly. "That moon....the red.....so weird...." Marco shrugged, "I mean, that was uh....I don't know what all that was..." Tom stopped smiling, instead now lost in thought and looking a bit nervous. "Yeah it was odd....but....don't worry about it.." "Tom? Do you know what the moon was?" Tom didn't answer, face turned away from Marco and rather focusing more on the human's shoulder. "It's been a long day, I wanna get out of this suit...into some pjs....we can still do that movie night if you want?", He mumbled, clearly trying to change the topic. Marco wanted to push for more, but instead he respected Tom's wishes for now, there had been enough drama today. "Yeah, that...that sounds like fun..." They both headed inside, it had been a long day anyway. And as they both laid there, on the couch, in their pjs and watching side by side while making snide comments and once in awhile glancing at each other, the Moon thing was dropped, and so was Star. It was almost like tonight never happened at all. But the dance was still fresh in Marco's mind, and it wasn't leaving anytime soon. How Tom looked, how he smiled and laughed, how ungraceful most of their dance was.... Tom had been here for a few months now, they were close, they hung out all the time, but Marco never though of Tom in this kind of way before. Star made fun, called him Tom's date, but she wasn't being serious and Tom sure didn't seem ok with it. Marco was so lost in thought and confused he almost paid no attention to the movies they were watching. When it was past midnight, Tom thanked him before they parted ways to their rooms. Marco wasn't sure if he was thanking him for distracting him, for being supportive of him, for changing the topic, something else, or all of the above but Tom went to bed that night with a smile and that was good enough for Marco. Marco fell face first on the mattress, sinking into the covers and very drowsy. And as images of Tom, in his suit, laughing as he twirled Marco around in a red glow popped into his mind, Marco closed his eyes and hoped that by tomorrow they would be forgotten. There were some things that were better left not getting involved in.
#tomco#Tom Vs The Forces Of Evil#Tom the demon#marco#marco diaz#star vs the forces of evil#svstfoe#svtfoe#my art#fanfiction#fanfic#star butterfly
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Annabelle me Herman kicked me to the curb he was Batman I was John Doe
Jeremy a rich ghost boy tried to take over my life, but we bonded in the end
Andi Mack was pregnant with Jonah’s child but they weren’t dating and Cyrus was jealous and tried to run away but andi told him it’s okay and to finally confess to Jonah/ Stewie was dating Brian and Brian was a bum ass nigga and an apocalypse happened and Brian proposed to stewie and became a better man, well dog, dog man? Man dog ?/ I was Geralt of rivia and went to a store with vesmer, and we laughed a lot, then I turned into a woman and my husband and his alternate universe selves fought and died and I became an alcoholic and ended up with another alternate in the end/ I was a power ranger, red one, trained a new ranger, all rangers came together after years and the we sang.
A vampire werewolf hybrid boy( he was born a vamp but made into a werewolf) was my friend but my bully and crush and turned me into a werewolf too and we had to do battle at the end and I’m sad cause he had to die but I loved him but I only just realized 😪
Magic world And human one, kinda hidden but not really. / Had massive amount of drugs, was in a true blood esque enviroment.
Club, took mad pills, nick was there, caught up and went on a date. We weren’t compatible, but we Rekindled friendship, I still loved him.
Extremely vivid dreams, lucid ones, feel so real, almost can’t tell I’m dreaming. Had powers and twin, dating same boy, interrogated ninjA turtles human versions, so hot. Fought giant troll beast creatures, killed one but he was cute.
Was in love with king of Spain even tho he’s married, I was his mistress and Assassin, we we’re sharing a cigarette and flirting, then he needed help with his sons’, Avalon, murder. Alex Lilly was there for some reason, all my old friends were Assassins with me actually. We last left off going through old castle ruins, but a spider got in the way, which the king found amusing XP
We were on water and ships and this guy didn’t want this little boy to be gay, so RuPaul raised him but he has to go away, and he cane back to visit with his boyfriend and it was so emotional and happy, then he went back to land and opened a matchmaker cafe and he had powers of love.
A movie about the apocalypse, people were turning into demons and the only way to avoid them was to remain absolutely still, I mean like the slightest movement and you were dead, it was one of the scariest dreams I’ve had. I turned into one and so did my friends, but we could retain our humanity, and we fought and found a way to the heavens and started to live in peace but god was trying to kill us all./ I found a man who could fly, and he lent me the power to do it, but I ended up being a natural with it and didn’t need his power, so he tried to get rid of me but I busted out of there and flew away.
An apocalypse and we had different groups trying to all meet up. I had oral sex with Mikey. Thanos came down and was looking for gamora, we got the help of the astrals from ffxv, but it didn’t work, and then went to destroy half the world. I killed a werewolf, but he had a boyfriend, they were werewolf priests ? It was weird, but I felt terrible and buried him. Then I was a surviver mountain-y guy with a pet bear, zombies were coming so I tried to find a place inside. I was gohan and was trying to steal moonshine from the Archean from ffxv with my friends that had a crush on me ?
My mom was giant, and kissed Eb. Eb cheated on Marcus. I was a white gay married to a bisexual gay that cheated with his old ex gf, we had kids, 4, and I loved them all. I went to a party and made friends except one of them thought I liked him cause I kept accidentally falling into.
Apocalypse I was Bayek of Siwa and then he died and then I was his eagle and it was sad and sweet. Years after apocalypse things are returning to normal in a pair of twins and they’re in love and yeah it was odd and animals evolved and adapted and were dangerous.
We were doing a play in front of the classical and in the basement was a monster witch, she tried to kill us all, even children, we ended up in a castle and the royals had powers too, come to find out she stole her powers from the old king and his magician, and they were the only ones able to get rid of her. I hitch hiked after leaving my brother, fought a bear, then I was at witch school and helping the head master defeat the evil assistant. I gave him head too.
This bitch was fucking with my friends so I destroyed her shit dumb Bitch, and we had a party to go to and she had no clothes
Freaky nightmare ghost
Murders and gore, a haunted house and a rabid buster.
Monsters and werewolves. Rival and me were wolves. In the end I rewrote history to fall in love with him.
Time hopped again, everyone was happy and alive. The best time so far, everyone was alive and I was in love with Anthony(tony).
Saw amazing band, on the ceiling, climbed and crawled around the ceiling and it was amazing. Jen turned a men tried to kill me and the bad mates got really violent, I turned out to be an old girlfriend turned into a man.
Kinda of a vuugle set up but at a restaurant setting but also a daycare. I was magic and he was a vamp and he confessed his love for me.
De-mitri was mad at me, and was my pimp, I lost my virginity. Madelane moved into my house, and Jonah from Andi Mack did too, was in love with Jonah. Stole my dad medicine.
Got shoot at, turned evil and ate my mother, wasn’t my fault, ghost friend made me evil but I got fixed. Joined a team, demitri was there, and healed people of nature, mall setting, couldn’t walk again. Turned out to be a past life. Witches tried to stop me from healing. Had sex with an evil henchmen and I was the top.
Dyed hair but eyebrows got dyed too, Luis cane down and I cleaned myself out for him, gross btw, and then turned into another cute boy who lied to me. So I stole his drugs and money with my mom.
Herman and me, sleep over. Love and stuff and sadness.
Was dating Sharon but he looked like fleury, he died, so I went to a witch, so remade him from clay and his hair took a year of baking and constant streams of my love and own power.
Sea monster, demonic, kidnapped women, criminal minds girls. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Reunion, fleury and me flirted and yeah.
An old entity split into 6 people, and they kept meeting throughout history. They didn’t remember past lives, only one did at a time, and the one who did remember got taken over. Found out that it’s bad side also broke away and was trying to take over the 6 one by one. The only way to stop it was to dispel the negativity they felt.
Boyfriend was demon, loved him. Marcus had a son.
Mona demon, fought him, tried to win.
Boyfriend and Melissa, had sex with him, was too tight for penetration so I fingered him, I had to be the top. I miss him.
Friends stay at cabin, werewolf bites girl. Head werewolf was hot
Witch and powers, haunted house. Huey Dewey and Louie, I was Donald but we were all human ?
Madelane and me were friends again ?
I was getting bullied by a boy from Michigan, but then I fell for him, Jackson, then had to leave, I texted but he didn’t respond, I felt terrible but something happened to his family and he had written me letters, come to find out he was the reason I survived a tragic fall, ended up costing him his football career. We reunited in the end. Also ran into Raymond outside of ronzios. Worked at rack room, but spent a lot of time in game stop which was also a psychiatric place ? And I made friends there, karina especially, but went by rina, and was looking for Skyrim switch but bought Pokémon emerald cards instead.
Was going to classical even tho I graduated and bunked and mr bar found me and I told him off. Then I got an uber in this cool as trolley thing and fell in love with the rider alexgoober?, something Dutch like, and we did it and then he broke up with me but we were looking for each other again.
I was a drug dealer trying to avoid getting arrested. I was looking for Reid, and we found him.
Girl fights off monster bird, after trying to set it free, and then demons. Loses memory, and her amphos weapon. but is saved by mysterious power, fast forward to now she’s living with a new family in the city. Demons exist and the only thing that hurts them is amphos, a plant that contains light. There’s a church that exists dedicated to amphos, a d fighting the demons. There are hunters who have weapons that can’t meld with the amphos, and they’re are nuns that use them too and speak a language to fight the demons off. You can speak the language and you have a necklace that wards off the demons.
Buff boyfriend had sex and I love him. Ticks, cause of rain, one crawled into my thumb.
Demons and It, uncle fester but didn’t want to be called that. I was two brothers and they had a falling out after receiving superpowers cause one received better powers, and it went to his head, and the other felt left out and unimportant and unloved by his brother, and went to demon world and got back together.
I was me, and I was babysitting ravens baby, and Melissa was Chelsea, and Corey was there and victor, but Corey still looked the same, raven had a Disney thing to go to, and when she left an apocalypse type thing happened, sully was there too. I traveled to Spain I guess and was trying to learn more Spanish.
Girl, powers from a alien ai robot, meets other like her, gives some to her best friend.
Boyfriend, first date, cooked for me, lived in veazie, had a cat, six sinks, need him back.
Cameron Boyce moist, went back in time and changed things for the better. Jenny and me. Me and a girl and this gon like boy, loved each other, he could control weather, he got hurt when we were kids, and it was our fault and it changed him and he became possessive as obsessive. We had to kill him but we loved him.
Serial killer brothers, believed they were predators and everyone else was prey. Until they met me, another predator. I got to know and connect with one of the brothers and I knew if things had been different we would’ve been something. We convinced them to have a shoot out, and I won, I shoot him in the throat, but I felt bad, and he seemed so heart broken that I killed him. I held him while he bleed to death in my arms.
Madelane back in life a bit, dating a boy, in love, was Luis at first then it wasn’t m then dating luis gets involved and boy stays instead of leaving for school.
Older robin, killed people, protected best friend Isabel, killed her abusive bf. Then younger robin, flashback to how he became robin and met Isabel at smart school and wanted to date a cute nerd boy.
Are you afraid of the dark/goosebumps. Kids set of nuclear bomb, had powers, before that, main girl (wind/air powers), was dating boy (flame powers), but he was angry, third girl was younger (powers of light and flight). Horror characters like Chucky/slappy tried to kill original victims, plus the new kids. They defeated them and helped past victims. I ended up dating angry boy instead.
Melissa and me in Japan kids, someone has to stay behind in the past She does, her ring breaks like it did before and she finally realizes why, this time our friend stays behind with the ring
Toys could come alive, and wanted freedom to be, but mainly they just wanted to be with loving kids. We fought, and I killed a few. After understanding them, and realizing they just wanted to be loved, I befriended them, and reunited with mine. After everything was said and done, my old friend turned bully, who was trying to help the toys in their rebellion rekindled with me, for some reason he ended up being homeless and moved in with me and family, we fought once more and kissed and lived in love with my toys and each other. My toys lived in the basement floorboards, like the borrowers, and every night and morning I’d knock on them to let them know I still loved them.
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