artgirllullaby · 4 years
Strangers Now, Friends Before
Ok, so... this was @jantomweek Day 5 “Childhood friends”...
Which apparently I finished AND NEVER POSTED????
If this was posted someone send me the link and I’ll delete this one.
I found it while organizing Tumblr and my own files to see if something got lost on the rambles of writing (and yes, there are a few) but i didn’t expect to have a whole thing in my files and never had posted????
Anyways, here it is, later as ever but oh well. I hope you guys like!
Strangers Now, Friends Before
Tom didn’t need much to be happy. A good sleep, his comforter, a cozy place to relax and just do nothing. It wasn’t asking much and it wasn’t that all complicated.
So right then and there he was wondering how such thing seemed so freaking impossible as he stared at his best friend on the bars across the police district in a separate prison than his.
“This is your fault.”
“Oh excuse me, if I cared enough to get in a fight while trying to help you.”
“I told you I was fine.”
“Yeah, sure.” He sighed resting his back on the bars refusing to look at her, “Whatever.”
There was a few minutes of silence, both refusing to look at the other or talk about the fight. On his side he knew why he was avoiding, it wasn’t his fight in first place. He wasn’t even supposed to get into it or knock the guy unconscious, it was Janna thing and she was the one who should solve, but what anyone expected him to do when the guy grabbed her arm  and tried to force her inside the car to do whatever?!
At same time he knew it was none of his business. Not when they haven’t talked to each other in five years. It wasn’t intentional, but as they grew they began to hang out with different people and have different interests. And then when they least expected they had nothing to talk about. He often stared at her contact over social media and  thought on talking to her again, but awkwardness always had got the best of him and he gave up.
A few hours later a police officer came and opened the gates for his and her cell right after, “Ok, you two are clean. The witnesses around proved that you were only defending your friend and that he was indeed trying something on her.” The officer guided them through corridors out the cells and to the police department “The exams gave out the high level of alcohol in his blood, and he is filed by violence against women in the past. Some time in jail for trying to abuse a minor will give him a little reminder after he wake up.” The officer pointed out two seats for them “But next time, please don’t try dating a guy much older than you. For your safety, girl.”
“I didn’t know he was that old,” Janna finally spoke “I actually went to break up with him in my friend place since she was scared of his reaction. I thought he was a jerk on our age, I didn’t know he was over his twenties. I had a spray and a taser I thought it would be enough to make him leave me alone in worst scenario” She hugged herself and shivered “I didn’t think he would follow me on my way home after recovering.”
Tom put a hand on her shoulder to show support, but as she tensed he realized it might not been the best opinion and recoiled.
“Well, since you’re older you can leave. She will have to wait for her parents.”
“I will wait with her, if that’s not a problem.”
“If she doesn’t bother either, it’s up to you”
Janna didn’t said anything as he sat beside her, not even when her parents arrived and decided to file the case. Or when they asked Tom to deliver her to their home since there were still some documents to sign and would take time for those and for their lawyer to get there. Not even when he put his jacket on her since she was shivering from late night cold air. The walk back home was just as silent.
“Why did you care even?” Janna suddenly spoke a few quarters away from their home.
“Because you are my friend and he was hurting you.”
“Are we friends even?”
Tom frowned, “Of course… We are distant, but I never considered you less than a friend.”
“Doesn’t feel like.” She replied quietly.
Tom sighed looking at her “What is this about?”
“This is about you getting into my life. I appreciate, but I don’t understand.”
“What part of ‘I saw you in danger and reacted’ is hard for you to get?”
“The part in which I had got in worse and you didn’t care.”
He tried to defend himself “If I knew…”
“You should, it were your friends who got me on it.” Tom stopped walking to look at her back, hoping she would say it was a lie, but Janna kept walking without looking back “I thought you gave the order. I guess I was wrong about that at least.”
“I never… I would never…” He returned to walk until he was in front of her and held her shoulders so she stopped walking, “Janna, believe me, I had no idea… I’m sorry.”
Janna took a step back to be away from his touch and then continued to walk avoiding him, “Having them being jerks wasn’t worse than having your best friend turning his back on me and being just as cold.”
“That’s not how-”
“Then tell me why,” Janna said suddenly turning around and stopped walking to stare at his eyes “What’s your excuse for being distant?”
Tom gulped and tried to find the words to express himself “I… didn’t know how to deal with it.”
“With what?”
“With you, ok? I just… Couldn’t find a way to talk to you again without being weird.”
Janna frowned and gave him back his jacket, “Keep it, I can go home from here.”
“Janna!” Tom called when she started to walk and had to once again hold her so she wouldn’t escape, “Look, I swear I-”
“Save it.” Janna said taking his hands away from her. “You didn’t know who to deal with me after knowing about my crush on you? You could have said you needed time or whatever. But what I won’t forget is how you walked away from my life without ever looking back right after you ex girlfriend had exposed me to the whole school out of pure jealousy.”
“Why do you think I broke up in first place?!”
“Well, why didn’t come talk to me then?” Janna replied annoyed “I could have take my time away and give you space and whatever more you need… You just ignored me for years and suddenly come as a hero and… What now?!”
“I… We’ll figure out, ok?”
Janna turned around and walked back to her home, just a few more houses ahead. This time without complaining of his company. Tom kept close to her, a bit afraid she would try running away any minute. He put his jacket above her shoulders again, holding it in there.
When they got in her house, Janna put her keys on the door and unlocked, but instead of walking inside, she decided to turn to him and play with the key chains. Tom knew a signal of unwanted departure, so he took a step and stood closer, caressing her arms above his jacket.
“Did he hurt you?”
She shook her head, “Mostly when he grabbed my arm, it stings a bit and probably will be a bit purple tomorrow but that’s it.”
He hesitated for a moment, “Are you ok?”
“Yeah,” she shrugged “just a bit shaken.”
“Do you want me to stay until your parents arrive? Would make you feel safe?”
“I don’t know… You got your stuff to do too.”
“Don’t worry about it, just tell me what you want.”
Janna sighed and rested her forehead on his chest whispering, “I want to know why you walked away in first place, and why you’re back.”
Tom looked beyond her head, to the little white flowers in her garden “It was stupid of me… I’m sorry. I don’t even… I guess I didn’t know how to deal with your feelings” he replied finally, “I didn’t know how to bring it up or how to come close after the whole fiasco my ex did… I was afraid I would hurt you even more or people would mess with you. It was wrong of me to leave you like that… I’m sorry.”
Janna shivered a bit and moved her hand, was she crying? “Why you’re back then? Why now?”
“Because I didn’t want to walk away in first place.” He confessed, “But I did, and you moved on and looked happy with your girlfriend and I thought… It was too late, that I had no right in stepping in your life and messing with your happiness. And I wish I didn’t stepped back like this but… it’s how things happened.”
He was caressing her back in circles when she sniffed and stood back, cleaning her face with her hand of the remaining tears and took a deep breath. “What made you so scared that I had a crush on you?”
“Because I didn’t know how to treat you right.” Tom laughed a bit at that “I always treated you like a stupid jerk and said stupid stuff. I didn’t know how to be other way with you… I still don’t. I couldn’t risk hurting you because I’m a idiot.”
“And ended up hurting a lot more.”
“Yeah… I’m really sorry about that.”
Janna touched his shirt, caressing the fabric gently and his chest as consequence “You know why I liked you in first place?”
“Why?” He asked curious.
“Because you were real.” She replied suddenly very interested in the stamp of his shirt “You didn’t look like a fairy tale or too good to be true. You were just what you’re to everyone else, there’s no difference. You weren’t like a dream or enchanted, but that’s what made you so great and special for me since we were kids. You didn’t mind if I was a girl or a boy who wanted to play pirates, and you didn’t care when I took interest in both boys and girls… You were real and that’s all I wanted.”
“I didn’t know.”
“You couldn’t. We never talked about it” she replied recoiling her hand.
They stood in silent for a minute, letting the night air hung on them and the sounds of night bring the calm around them for finally solving everything after so many years of yearning and longing a solution that none tried to take the step to actually solve.
The red haired boy hugged her and she let her face rest against his chest, taking profit of his warmth by pulling his jacket closer and nuzzling her face gently against his body. He didn’t mind, since he took profit by holding her close to rest his chin on her head (wow, he could actually do that now that he was taller), his arms resting around her gently, so she could pull away whenever she felt like.
“Tom?” Janna suddenly said.
“Yeah?” He replied nuzzling her hair gently without even noticing his own actions.
“As much as I hated myself for this along the years… It hasn’t changed.”
She stepped back just enough to look at his face, and Tom looked at her eyes a bit confused “What?”
“The only difference is that I’m no longer 11 having a silly crush on a older boy who’s 14… I’m older, so are you. And I despised I didn’t move on completely, there were always the thought of you in the back of my mind no matter how much I tried to fool myself.” Janna took a breath before confessing for once, “Things are still the same. I still like you just as much I liked you then…” She gulped looking down before looking at his face again “What do we do now?”
Tom looked at her shocked for a moment, then looked right at her lips and her face. He could feel her trusting his actions right then and there. To either turn  her down or take the chance, she wanted to have a conclusion, to turn the page over or write it together.
He decided to write with her.
It was immediate reaction once he made the decision. His hands left her hips to cup her face and bring her closer, smashing his lips on hers eagerly. Eyes closing just mere seconds after hers. Janna lifted her arms to wrap around his neck, dropping his jacket in the process and kissed him back with hunger, her fingers passing on his hair caressing his scalp, her lips continued glued to his moving a bit tipsy like a first kiss and with too much longing for them to control or think on slowing down to adjust. His hands rested on her hips holding her close to him as before.
It took a few minutes for them to let the years of distance and unnoticed longing to vanish, even after slowing down and separating, both continued to share little kisses, hesitating to separate and stop the moment. Her hand rested on his chest as the other cupped his cheek.
“It’s late” she said between kisses, “I should get in.”
“And it’s cold… you should.”
And still none of them found the will to move out the embrace or stop the kisses for another five minutes.
“I can stay if you want.” He said finally, now tracing his kisses along her face, as apologies for being away for so long when he wanted that just as much as she did.
She nodded slightly to his suggestion, “Ok… I do like that…” she sighed when he kissed her forehead.
Sharing one more kiss, a bit longer than the others, Janna finally opened the door to her house and let him in as she closed the door again behind her. She went to turn the lights on and Tom found himself in a familiar place with few differences of walls and decorations.
“Just… to be sure,” She said resting her back against the wooden door “where do we stand?”
Tom looked back at the door, feeling the hesitation in her voice. It was comprehensive, he was a jerk in those years of distance and leaving her hanging without a “yes” or “no” during five years didn’t do well. He closed the distance between them and held her hand.
“We are together. I’m not leaving this time, Janna.”
He rested his forehead on hers looking into her eyes for a moment. She took her time to let the statement settle in her and smiled at him mischievously as he remembered she always did.
“You better not. I’m not going to give you chances to.”
He smirked, “There’s the Janna I know.”
“Shut up” she rolled her eyes still smiling before wrapping her arms on his neck again pulling him down to her for more kisses.
When her parents got home, they smiled at the two of them cuddling together with blankets and pillows like they used to do when they were younger. Her father turned the lights off and let them sleep, relieved they finally had solved things out. As the lights turned down, Tom held Janna closer, cradling her head against his chest and she nuzzled his chest adjusting to hold him close as they continued to dream.
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jantomweek · 7 years
When is the next jantom week? I must know!
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(Can’t believe I still get asked on this blog lol) I do want to make another one but I’m not sure that many people will participate, so go and try to convince others to participate in the next one. I also wanna do another starco week first before I do another jantom week
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kottcakes-but-jazzy · 3 years
Guess whos doing a very late and i mean very late jantom week
(Fortnite dances)
Day 1: first meet
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Prompts for the jantom week are by @jantomweek since its the only one out there lol
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starcoweek3 · 8 years
Are you the same host of all the other starco weeks?
Yes I am the same host who ran starcoweek2 and jantomweek. The first starco week was created by someone else and this year I’m having help from potatothedog33
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sirtfr · 8 years
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I don’t know what I want to draw for Jantom week :  AU of choice, and then my gamer instinct lead me to draw this. Bioshock infinite AU
Janna as Elizabeth
Tom as Booker Dewitt
I really enjoy draw jantom week, I hope starco or other SVTFOE ship week will come soon :D
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pinkikiwi · 8 years
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Last of jantomweek: Au of your choice
Actually, I don’t know any au of jantom so remember de au of angels and demons of the starcoweek? I mean this drawing  so I made a version for Jantomweek too because I like that AU and the story that I write for it.  Now I’m gonna explain the role of this two in the angels and demons AU:
•Janna: Janna is a witch who lives in the depst of the forest, she is a human who learn all the things about black magic and spells from a fall angel. Eclipsa, she know everything of magic thanks to her and Janna adores her so much that she tattoed her body with a lot of tattoes that represent her (like the eclipsed sun in her shoulders and the all can see eye in her belly) She still wait for her to come back. And for her magic she is now inmortal and all the demons fear her and the angels watch her from afar for her knows of Eclipsa’s magic.
•Tom: Tom is still the prince of the underworld but his kingdome is not much into the world for the middle earth, his tribu is neutral to this war. He loves Star but  unlike the canon the were never a couple. One day he meet Janna by accident and he knows very well who she was: A powerfull and crazy witch who kill a powerfull demon by her own. He had no scape and since that day he visit her everyday because Janna wants to talk to some one and and to make sure he does not leak, she put a spell on him to make sure he's always obeying her.
Welp, and that was the story. The tattos are inspired in the amazing polynesian tattos but with so short time I can’t think in more designs. This week was fun like the Starcoweek and made me realize that I don’t make to much draw of this couple, so now I gonna think in this couple when I started to draw. I hope everyone likes it ✌️ (sorry not sorry for the fanservice 😜)
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disney-n-stuff · 8 years
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Jantom week day 7 - AU of choice
You guessed it; Pirates! You probably also guessed by now I’m too lazy for backgrounds
Wow this week went by fast! I honestly had so much fun this week, and it was really nice to do art for a ship I’ve never actually drawn before! Thank you to everyone that supported my art through the week and of course thank you to @jantomweek for being such an amazing host! ♥
(please do NOT edit/repost/remove caption)
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axis3100 · 8 years
Childhood friends AU
Okay, so I was working on this but ... somehow it came out as some form of sequel to a short I wrote a while ago which can be found here, I recommend reading that first but the bigger question is that I’m no longer sure if this still qualifies as something for @jantomweek but I guess I’ll find out soon enough. In any event, here you go.
Saying Marcus had a strange day would be quite the understatement, first he got his sparkler stolen, then he got dragged through the schoolyard by some insane girl in an attempt to get it back, encountered another insane person who said that he was Stars sworn enemy, and now he got a ‘summons’ from someone proclaiming to be the demon king. “And just when I thought today couldn't get any weirder.” He said as he looked at the note in his hands.
 It had said to meet him in the old broiler room which, while not against the rules, made little sense on account of there wasn't really a reason to be there. It wasn't sound proof, you could hear what was going on there from just about anywhere due to the pipping and it had long been out of use, most likely going to be changed into another classroom in the coming year so it struck Marcus as pointless.
 His curiosity however managed to get the better of him and soon enough, he found himself in front of the door leading to the old room. “Well, I've already met two nuts today, might as well make it three.”
 He slowly opened the door to find it not as dark and empty as he had anticipated, in fact, right in front of the old broiler was a makeshift thrown made from rocks with a boy with red hair and wearing a tattered red T-shirt and jeans sat. He had his hair up all spiked and a third eye sloppily painted on his forehead. “Ah, you must be the pyromancer.” The boy greeted. “I've been waiting for you.”
 “And you must be the third insane person I've met today.” Marcus replied. “Now what do you want?”
 “What do I want?” The boy asked. “I am the prince of the underworld, and I will be making the demands here so watch your tongue!”
 Marcus stepped to the side allowing light to shine in and reveal the person he was talking to. “Wait a second.” Marcus began. “I know you from art class, now what was the name … TOM!”
 “I am the prince of the underworld!” Tom exclaimed.
 “And I didn't say you weren't!” Marcus replied as he held up his hands in defense.
 Tom let out a sigh. “Right … you wanted to know why you were here?”
 “That would be nice to know.” Marcus replied.
 Tom nodded. “Well, I … have been after something … or … someone for some time now. Things is, I haven't had much luck in my endeavor … until recently.”
 “Who are we talking about?” Marcus asked feeling a bit worried.
 “Why the girl who calls herself Star Butterfly of course.”
 Marcus felt a pit form in his stomach, he had just gotten finished with dealing with Star and now this guy might ask him to go back into it. “I think I'll pass.” He began to back up only for someone to slam the door behind him thereby cutting off all the light save for some that came from behind Tom.
 “Now here's the deal.” Tom continued. “Lars was supposed to fight her and force her into a situation where she would need help, from there I would swoop in and save her and win her heart … but that didn't work for some reason.”
 “Don't blame me!” Marcus replied. “I wasn’t the one who took Lars down.”
 “I know.” Tom replied. “What happened was … unexpected.”
 “So what do you want from me?”
 “Your help.” Tom noted. “It would seem that Star has begun to trust you … and I want to use that to my advantage.”
 “What?” Marcus asked incredulously. “Wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight, you want me … to spy on Star?”
 “More like be my agent but yes.” Tom clarified.
 Marcus crossed his arms. “No.”
 “No?” Tom asked.
 “Yeah, I’m not going to do it. Even if I wanted to be near her crazy, why would I do something like that?”
 “Not even for … something you may want?” Tom got up from his throne and stepped right in front of Marcus. “I know about you.” He pulled something out of his pocket and held it in front of him. “And I know what makes you tick.” He flipped something and a flame emerged from the top of the device revealing that it was in fact a lighter that he held in his hands. Marcus quickly made a grab for it but Tom pulled it out of reach before he could get his hands on it. “I will give you this.” Marcus made another grab for it but Tom was still too quick. “And as many as you want … so long as you help me.”
 Marcus paused for a moment. “How did you get that into the school?” Marcus asked.
 Tom walked back to his throne and took a seat. “I have my ways … and I can teach you those as well.”
 Marcus had to think on this for a moment, sure he loved fire and his fireworks but was using someone like what Tom was suggesting really worth it? Marcus decided against it but before he could say anything, Tom added another item to the bargain. “And if you refuse, I will make sure that you will never be able to sneak another sparkler into the school ever again.”
 “Say what?” Marcus asked.
 “I said I will make all the teachers and faculty aware of your obsession with fire, as well as your parents, you won’t be able to spark another flame for a very long time.”
 “That’s blackmail.” Marcus replied.
 “That’s the deal.” Tom replied.
 There wasn’t much of a choice now, given Marcus didn’t really care about the girl who called herself Starr all that much so what was the loss? “Fine, I’ll do it.”
 “Excellent!” Tom proclaimed. “Now … I take it you remember what I tried today?”
 “Well I want to try it again … only this time, it should work.”
 “You’re going to try again?” Marcus asked. “How?”
 “There are plenty of bullies in this school.” Tom replied. “We just need to find the right one and … lend them a little hand.”
 “Then double cross him?” Marcus asked. “I don’t know if you noticed, but the last bully you tried was soundly defeated … by a fifth grader.”
 “Sol, I know.” Tom replied. “He has … he wants to destroy Star but in the end, he may be instrumental to our plan.”
 “Our plan?”
 “He’s talking about me.” Came a voice that seemed to be out of nowhere. Marcus looked around trying to find the source but to no avail. “You are nothing but our puppet.”
 A figure began to move into the light where Marcus could finally get a good look at her;  she was wearing a green shirt and blue coat with a green hoodie and yellow skirt. “And who would you be?”
 “She is my partner, and she is a witch.” Tom replied. “And her name is Janna.”
 “A witch?” Marcus asked. “So there’s a fourth nut, great.”
 She walked over to him and ran her finger underneath his chin. “You should watch who you call a nut.” She replied. “You look a little like Sol, you may make a good replacement for me should I be unable to capture his little heart.”
 “I’m sorry?” Marcus asked as he took a few steps away from Janna.
 “She want’s Sol.” Tom replied. “You see Janna and I have a mutual understanding, she want’s Sol, and I want Star, we’re working on a plan that allows both of us to get what we want and now, you’re going to help us with both.”
 “Both?” Marcus asked incredulously.
 “Yes both.” Janna replied. “As Tom works his magic on Star, I will work mine on Sol, and you’re going to help me with that as well if you want to keep our deal.”
 “And how exactly do you plan on getting Sol?” Marcus asked.
 “By crushing his heart and putting it back together again.” Janna replied. “It’s simple really, I just need to find the strings, which is what you’re going to help me with my getting close to Sol.”
 “You guys want me to get close to two people who are … mortal enemies?”
 Both Janna and Tom nodded.
 “And you expect me to be able to do that?”
 “It’s not a question of if we think you can do it.” Tom began as he held out the lighter once more. “It’s more like you have no choice but to try.”
 Marcus grumbled a little and looked to the side. “Fine … you have a deal.”
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ladyingreen7 · 8 years
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14.12 - Jantom ost Star vs the forces of evil + Jantom week/ Day 3. First kiss
Day 14. Buy new Christmas decorations
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spacewarnicorns · 8 years
The Next Step
Hey, everyone! Because of a lack of time, I decided to do the first kiss and double date prompts for @jantomweek together. You can read the 1st and 2nd parts by clicking the little number doodles :)
The time seemed to drift by. One date turned into two, turned into five. and before they knew it, they were hanging out constantly. The only reminder of their true goals was the necklaces. The ruby at the center glowing with the power they stored in it. All was going to plan.
Tom felt the itch on his arm, letting him know that Janna wanted to talk to him. He really appreciated it when she used the rune of warning before poofing him there. Not too long after that, they were together in her room.
“Sup Demonology?” she asked, as she pulled clothes out of her closet. “Ready to wrap up this plan?” she asked as she kept looking at outfits and tossing them aside.
Tom watched as the pile on her bed grew larger. “umm....yeah. Are you?” He asked as he sifted through the reject clothes.
She shook her head in frustration. “I can’t find something to wear and it’s driving me nuts!” She screamed as she threw another dress on the bed. “Tonight is the night, we’ve got the date all planned and the spell all set and I can’t find a thing to wear.” She walked over to her bed and flopped on the mattress with an exasperated groan.
She rolled over and buried her face in her clothes pile. “Maybe we should just skip it...” She said. He leaned over and rubbed her back.
“No way, you’ve been working so hard for this, we have been working so hard for this. Here, let me help.” He stood up and went through her clothes and grabbed the normal skirt that she always wore and the pea green top that she always matched it with. “Why not go casual? You know, like ‘I’m here but it doesn’t mean I’m trying’ kind of look.” He said holding them out to her.
She looked up. “But I want to look beautiful for this,” she said softly, a light blush on her cheeks from the embarrassment of what she said. Janna was many things, as Tom had learned, but vulnerable was not one of them.
He walked over and rubbed her back again. “But you are beautiful,” he said to her softly. She looked up at him with a deep red face.
“do you really mean that?” she asked, with the start of a tear in her eyes. He smiled down at her sweetly.
“of course I do,” he said standing her up and handing her the clothes. “Marco has no idea how lucky he is to have a girl willing to go as far as dark magic and demon pacts to win his heart,” he said with a laugh. She laughed and wiped her tears away before punching him in the arm.
“You're such a jerk!” she said through laughs. She took the clothes and headed to her bathroom to change.
“I know-” he said to her through the door “but I’m really good at it.” He heard her laugh again and before he knew it she was out in her normal clothes. “See, perfect!”
She shrugged. “I mean, you can’t perfect what’s already perfect right?” She flipped her hair back.
“It’s so true.” he said putting a hand on her shoulder “You’re so brave for handling your condition so well.” He said, feigning concern.
She put her hand on her forehead “I know, but I must push on! Like dad wanted.” The two of them laughed when her dad knocked on the door.
“What did I want?” he asked through the door.
“For me to go on living despite my being perfect.” she yelled back.
“Is that what the kids call it these days?” Tom laughed and she punched him in the arm again.
“Funny dad, super funny.”
“Where do you think you got it from?” He laughed as he walked away.
She huffed and fixed her hair. “let's go to the restaurant.” Tom nodded while trying to hold back a laugh and opened the portal.
Tom and Janna walked through the portal. “Great, we have time. How do we cast this?” Tom asked as he held up the charm.
“What?” She asked, seeming to come out of a head space, “Right! just hold it up when I do and I’ll say the spell.” She said as they walked in to see Star and Marco sitting at a table inside.
They waved them over and started looking at the menus. The waiter came over and took their orders before heading off and leaving them to chat. Tom looked at Star. She looked...exhausted. There were bags under her eyes and her hair was a mess. He didn’t think that her jealousy would drive her this mad. Deep down that made him happy.
“Star, are you alright?” He asked with a half-cocked grin. He knew this was the idea, but part of him wanted to twist the knife just a bit, for the way she had hurt him.
Star shook her head. “Oh yeah! totally....totally great,” she said as she started to drift off again. The rest of the dinner went fairly slow until the food got there.
Marco pointed at their necklaces. “so...what’s with the voodoo thing?” He asked after a bite.
Star perked up almost immediately “yeah! What’s with them? I swear I’ve seen them before.”
Janna grabbed hers and looked at Tom  “That’s because your Great Grandmother Eclipse made the spell for these. It’s a nifty trick, watch!” She and Tom lifted up the charms and Janna shouted the spell. Star and Marco braced themselves, but all that came out of the charms was an ever so soft “pfft”
Star and Marco looked at them as Janna shook the charm and said the spell again. Still, nothing happened but a fart noise. Janna got up in frustration and went to the bathroom while Star and Marco glared at Tom.
“What?!” he asked holding up his hands. Star got her wand out of her purse and pointed it at him.
“What did you do?” she asked, “I’ve been following you for weeks! Watching you two and trying to figure out what your angle is. I swear if you hurt her!” Her wand started to charge up.
“Whoa Whoa starship-” He said putting up his hands. “I may be part of this but it isn’t my plan. I don’t know what is going on with her.”
Star put the wand down and stared him dead in the eye. “Then find out before I decide I don’t need a reason to narwhal blast you back to hell,” She said with a deadly serious tone that made him and Marco both shiver. He stood up and went after Janna.
Tom walked back to the restrooms to see Janna standing there with here head against the wall.
“Hey Banana, what happened back there?” he asked as he put his hand on her shoulder. She shrugged him off and turned around, her face splotched from crying.
“What’s wrong?! The spell didn’t work, that’s what!” fresh tears began to run down her face. Tom put up his hands. “Whoa, yeah I got that part. But why?”
Janna just stood there, glaring into his face, before hanging her head and whispering her answer.
“What?” Tom asked leaning in.
“I said it’s because I like you, ok?!” She said, face beet red. “The spell only works if both people want to separate the two in the blood moon bond. But I realized that if that happened then you would go after Star and I would lose to her again...So...there, I said it,” she said hugging herself. “You can go ahead and hate me now for ruining your sho-”
Tom cut her off by kissing her quickly.
She took a step back. “What was that for?! Are you pity kissing me?” She asked as she put up her fists. “I will destroy you!” Tom grabbed her fist as she went to swing.
“Janna stop.” He said calmly, “Let me explain.” She put her fist down as he took a deep breath. “Look, when we first met I thought you were just another human looking to make a quick deal. but-” He rubbed the back of his head.
“But?” she asked, looking at him through teary eyes.
“But, the more we hung out the more I enjoyed hanging out with you and well...” He blushed, “I think I like you too.” The two of them stood there for a moment.
“Like, like like?” she asked, almost teasingly. His eyes began to glow “yes like like! You’re really cool and I don’t want that loser, Marco, to get you.” He said crossing his arms. She smiled and grabbed him by the collar. “You know you’re such a dork.” she said as she pulled him into a kiss. He put his arms around her and took in the full feel her lips.
Around the corner, Star and Marco watched. “Awww, they really are together!” She said happily.
Marco nodded “This seems about right. If anyone seems like they would end up dating a demon they summoned, it’s her.”
Hope you guys enjoyed this! My Hollywood trip is almost over, but I found some time to knock out the two prompts I really wanted to get out. I’ll have something hopefully by Sunday for the Fave AU prompt! Remember that constructive criticism is always welcome. Special thanks to @allofherbones for helping me with the editing :). Love you all :D
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artgirllullaby · 7 years
Double Trouble
The fact I’m posting this when season 3 just started is purely coincidence.
No, really. I planned to post this 3 days ago, but I had another project that required my attention until yesterday so I couldn’t focus completely.
So here it’s to @jantomweek day 4 prompt “double date”. I admit I had a lot of  fun with this one and even wrote this before day 3 haha.
A special mention to @weather-artz cause I know she loves Jantom, I hope this little bit helps to bright your day my child <3
Anyways I hope you guys like and have fun!
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
There were just a few things in this world that Janna couldn’t understand. For one, she would never get the right value of x (she gave up long ago, but miraculously always got the right answer in math tests even if her whole account was wrong), she wasn’t able to do voodoo (yet!), Tom somehow was hella chill around her… But the biggest mystery and that made Janna break a glass she was holding once (just by her own force) on how much she raged at it, was the fact Star and Marco were just friends.
And they are fine with it.
“I mean…” Janna went on one of her rants as she and Tom were chilling at her sofa forgetting all about Friday the 13th gameplay they were watching after dying once again, “if they were really just friends it would be ok, but they are not! You don’t act to your friends like they do! They are pretty much dating each other without noticing and letting out the kissing part and stuff!”
“Uhm…” Tom murmured listening to her, but it felt like he was paying more attention to the inexistent tangles he was undoing on her hair as she laid on his chest and while he was laying on the couch.
“I am serious! Tom, they have matching keychains! Star has a Yin and Marco has a Yang and if you put they close they glue to each other by the magnets inside! We didn’t have matching keychains before we started dating!”
“To be fair we already used matching wristbands,” Tom replied looking at her ceiling. Was that a blood drop or another mosquito corpse glued in the there?
“I am serious, Tom!” Janna whined turning around so she could look on his face and pulling his leg of the couch by doing so, “We need to do something!”
Tom huffed and rested his hands on her back, “I don’t see the point in that.”
“Don’t you care about our friends?”
“You know I do, but I don’t see why it should concern us.”
“Because it’s making me mad. It’s just so freaking obvious they like each other why they don’t just-” Janna pointed to a random direction with both hands- “Do it.”
Her boyfriend pulled her into his chest gently caressing her hair again (why did he like that so much?), “I understand you want them together and you love them, but force won’t help anyone. It might have the opposite effect even.” She huffed and he gave a light kiss on the top of her head. “We can’t be cupids, you know very well how that ended badly the last time we tried.” They both shivered at the memory of when Janna learned a love spell by accident and had half of Echo Creek falling in love with objects instead of people...
“There must be something we can do!” She pouted.
Tom looked at the wall across him thinking, “Well… The most we can do it’s to call them to tag along on a date. They won’t want to be around for long and will have no other option but to hang out with each other.”
She moved on his chest, “I guess it could work…”
Tom smiled and kissed her forehead, “We can’t do much more than that anyway.”
“Fine…” Janna supported herself on her elbows in his chest, “We gonna use those tickets we got from the park, I’ll get two new ones and say we won the 4 of them”
“Sounds like a plan.” Suddenly there was a voice of a woman speaking and he looked at the screen where showed Jason walking back to his house where his dead mother called him. “Well, new round. We go with who this time?”
Janna didn’t reply, instead of holding his face turning towards her again and smashing her lips against his. The last thing that the demon would do in this world would be complaining about her surprise kisses (he wouldn’t dream of interrupting either, especially when it got this passionate) if was one of the best parts of dating her. Janna simply didn’t give a care on where or who was watching and was able to make him forget about that too when she kissed him.
For good or bad she was like drinking to him and he was past phase of drunk in love.
“Hey, if you two are going to make out at least mute the damn microphone again!”
Janna leaned back smirking at Tom and he blushed frowning at her. The bad part was the huge embarrassment she would put him into (since she didn’t care about it), by parents gasping, disgusted children, groaning in movies, complainings and witness around.
His girlfriend sat up and took the controller setting them to play as Jason and then getting the headphone to use.
“Get ready to get smashed guys!” she said and Tom heard the players groaning, two even got out the server. Janna was a merciless Jason, if you didn’t get to call the cops and have a way to run away before she got the 3 first powers, then there would be no way to win.
She put the microphone on mute again when he sat beside her and kissed his cheek, “If I get to kill all of them you call; if one of them get to escape, I’ll call them. Afterwards, some make out.” she winked at him and then got back in the game that was just starting.
Tom smiled, “Let’s see if you can.” He pulled her towards his lap hugging her by the back giving a sweet kiss on her jaw.
After all his teasing by tickles, kisses and even screaming to the players on where she was going, she called Star and Marco. And only after he got the kisses he wanted. Still worth it.
None of this was worth.
Janna was angrily sipping her smoothie, Star looking at her worried and Tom acting completely indifferent. She was mad, but unless she took the Witchery handbook out her pocket things would be fine.
“Why are you so mad?”
“Because out of all days and out of all people to meet in the freaking park, we had to meet Jackie and she had to come today!” Janna smashed the plastic cup on her hand as she looked at Marco and Jackie friendly talking as they were getting their ice creams.
Star looked confused at Janna, “I thought you were friends too?”
“We are! But not-” Janna sighed heavily- “Just not a good moment for her to be here…”
Tom handed some paper napkins so Janna could clear her hands from the smoothie she smashed, “It’s not like she’ll tag along, she’ll be back to her friends soon.”
“Hey, guys!” Marco said handing an ice cream to Star and eating his as Jackie was still waiting for hers, “Guess what?”
Tom had a bad feeling and made negative signals with his arms doing an X to Marco behind Janna, he looked at it just confused as Star, but paid attention to Janna anyways “Just say it, Marco”
“Uh…” He decided to ignore Tom’s wild signals and replied Janna, “Jackie’s friend got sick in a ride and they are riding back and won’t come back until later, so she’ll be tagging along for the afternoon!”
Janna let out something that sounded like a roar and jumped to Marco’s throat, being stopped by Tom who held her by the waist before getting her on his shoulder and walking off so she could calm down.
“What was that?” Jackie asked as she watched Tom carrying a cursing Janna away.
“No idea.” Both Marco and Star shrugged.
At the end of the day, Jackie was finally back with her friends. To make sure Marco didn’t suddenly decide to turn the “double date” against them, Janna made girls and boys day by doing some rides with Star and Jackie while Tom and Marco went on the other cars.
They were finally eating something waiting for the night show to start in an hour. Janna was happily chatting with Star while eating her fries when suddenly her friend began to feed Marco and giggle as he texted his mother that they had already eaten, but that wasn’t out of ordinary.
What was out of the ordinary was Marco quickly looking around and then going up to Star and giving her a quick peck on the lips.
Janna dropped the french fry on her hand, Tom blinked twice and her jaw dropped to the table. Star giggled at Marco and turned to them again blinked innocently at their shock.
“Uh, you guys ok?”
And then Janna let out a scream while Tom went on laughing hysterically.
“Since when?! How?! Why you didn’t say anything?! How come no one knows?! How I didn’t know?!”
“Uh…” Star thought for a second before replying “Since a year ago… We kinda realized and decided to give a try… Sorry, I lost the other questions.”
“How no one knows and how she didn’t know.” Marco supplied.
“Thanks, honey” Star smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek “We aren’t exactly hiding, we just don’t know how to announce and we aren’t fans of public demonstrations either, so… I guess this answer both questions.”
Tom had finally found a way to stop laughing and fist bumped Marco “Congratulations on your victory man.”
Marco smiles sheepishly “Thanks.”
“You didn’t tell me” Janna pouted sitting back and crossing her arms.
“I'm sorry, we just… decided to let everyone figure it out. It wasn’t my intention to hide.”
Tom hugged Janna by the waist and kissed her cheek “Come on, at least they are together and Jackie wasn’t a threat as you thought. And they to be a thing wasn’t what you wanted?”
“I guess” Janna took another french fry and pouted. Star and Marco laughed in her childish behavior and Tom kissed her cheek again so she gave in and smiled. “Well, I guess this deserves a cheer?”
Everyone grabbed their sodas, Star had a cup since she was sharing hers with Marco. Tom was the one to speak up, “To the most subtle double date ever”
“Agreed, cheers on us!” Marco giggled.
“I never thought I would see my ex-boyfriend with my friend while on a double date with my best friend and current boyfriend. Earth is weird.”
“Well, it makes us wonder what if things went different somehow right?” Marco said laughing.
“Not for me.” Everyone took their drinks, but Janna finished speaking, “I would still be ok since I had a crush on every person in this table.”
Janna took her soda while all the others spilled theirs.
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johnny-spades · 8 years
The Next Step
The time seemed to drift by. One date turned into two, turned into five. and before they knew it, they were hanging out constantly. The only reminder of their true goals was the necklaces. The ruby at the center glowing with the power they stored in it. All was going to plan.
Tom felt the itch on his arm, letting him know that Janna wanted to talk to him. He really appreciated it when she used the rune of warning before poofing him there. Not too long after that, they were together in her room.
“Sup Demonology?” she asked, as she pulled clothes out of her closet. “Ready to wrap up this plan?” she asked as she kept looking at outfits and tossing them aside.
Tom watched as the pile on her bed grew larger. “umm....yeah. Are you?” he asked as he sifted through the reject clothes.
She shook her head in frustration. “I can’t find something to wear and it’s driving me nuts!” she screamed as she through another dress on the bed. “Tonight is the night, we’ve got the date all planned and the spell all set and I can’t find a thing to wear.” she walked over to her bed and flopped on the mattress with an exasperated groan.
She rolled over and buried her face in her clothes pile. “maybe we should just skip it...” she said. He leaned over and rubbed her back.
“No way, you’ve been working so hard for this, we have been working so hard for this. Here, let me help.” he stood up and went through her clothes and grabbed the normal skirt that she always wore and the pea green top that she always matched it with. “Why not go casual? You know, like ‘I’m here but it doesn’t mean I’m trying’ kind of look.” he said holding them out to her.
She looked up. “But I want to look beautiful for this,” she said softly, a light blush on her cheeks from the embarrassment of what she said. Janna was many things, as Tom had learned, but vulnerable was not one of them.
He walked over and rubbed her back again. “But you are beautiful,” he said to her softly. She looked up at him with a deep red face.
“do you really mean that?” she asked, with the start of a tear in her eyes. He smiled down at her sweetly.
“of course I do,” he said standing her up and handing her the clothes. “Marco has no idea how lucky he is to have a girl like you go as far as dark magic to win his heart,” he said with a laugh. She laughed and whipped her tears away before punching him in the arm.
“You're such a jerk!” she said through laughs. She took the clothes and headed to her bathroom to change.
“I know-” he said to her through the door “but I’m really good at it.” He heard her laugh again and before he knew it she was out in her normal clothes. “See, perfect!”
she shrugged “I mean, you can’t perfect what’s already perfect right?” She flipped her hair back.
“It’s so true.” he said putting a hand on her shoulder “You’re so brave for handling your condition so well.” he said, faining concern.
She put her hand on her forehead “I know, but I must push on! Like dad wanted.” the two of them laughed when her dad knocked on the door.
“what did I want?” he asked through the door.
“For me to go on living despite my being perfect.” she yelled back.
“Is that what the kids call it these days?” Tom laughed and she punched him in the arm again.
“Funny dad, super funny.”
“Where do you think you got it from?” he laughed as he walked away.
She huffed and fixed her hair. “let's go to the restaurant.” Tom nodded while trying to hold back a laugh and opened the portal.
Tom and Janna walked through the portal. “Great, we have time. How do we cast this?” Tom asked as he held up the charm.
“what?” she asked, seeming to come out of a head space, “Right! just hold it u when I do and I’ll say the spell.” she said as they walked in to see Star and Marco sitting at a table inside.
They waved them over and started looking at the menus. The waiter came over and took their orders before heading off and leaving them to chat. Tom looked at Star was looking....exhasted. She had bags under her eyes and her hair was a mess. He didn’t think that her jealousy would drive her this mad. Deep down that made him happy.
“Star, are you alright?” He asked with a half cocked grin. He knew this was the idea, but part of him wanted to twist the knife just a bit, for the way she had hurt him.
Star shook her head. “Oh yeah! totally....totally great.” she said as she started to drift off again. The rest of the dinner went fairly slow until the food got their.
Marco pointed at their necklaces. “so...what’s with the voodoo thing?” he asked after a bite.
Star perked up almost immediatly “yeah! What’s with them? I swear I’ve seen them before.”
Janna grabbed hers and looked at Tom  “That’s because your Great Grandmother Eclipsa made the spell for these. It’s a nifty trick, watch!” her and tom lifted up the charms and Janna shouted the spell. Star and Marco braced themselves, but all that came out of the charms was a ever so soft “pffft”
Star and Marco looked at them as Janna shook the charm and said the spell again. Still, nothing happened but a fart noise. Janna got up in frusteration and went to the bathroom while Star and Marco glared at Tom.
“What?!” he asked holding up his hands. Star got her wand out of her purse and pointed it at him.
“What did you do?” she asked, “I’ve been following you for weeks! Watching you two and trying to figure out what your angle is. I swear if you hurt her!” Her wand started to charge up.
“Whoa Whoa starship-” He said putting up his hands. “I may be part of this but it isn’t my plan. I don’t know what is going on with her.”
Star put the wand down and stared him dead in the eye. “Then find out before I decide I don’t need a reason to narwhal blast you back to hell.” she said with a deadly serous tone that made him and Marco both shiver. He Stood up and went after Janna
Tom walked back to the restrooms to see Janna standing there with here head against the wall.
“Janna, what happened back there?” he asked as he put his hand on her shoulder. She shrugged him off and turned around, her face splotched from crying.
“What’s wrong?! The spell didn’t work, that’s what!” fresh tears began to run down her face. Tom put up his hands. “Whoa, yeah I got that part. But why?”
Janna just stood there, glaring into his face, before hanging her head and whispering her answer.
“What?” Tom asked leaning in.
“I said it’s because I like you, ok?!” she said, face beet red. “The spell only works if both people want to seperate the two in the blod moon ball bond. But I realised that if that happened then you would go after Star and I would lose to her again...So...there, I said it.” she said hugging herself. “You can go ahead and hate me now for ruining your sho-”
Tom cut her off by kissing her quickly.
She took a step back. “What was that for?! Are you pitty kissing me?” she asked as she put up her fists. “I will destory you!” Tom grabbed her fist as she went to swing.
“Janna stop.” he said calmly, “Let me explain.” she put her fist down as he took a deep breath. “Look, when we first met I thought you were just another human looking to make a quick deal. but-” He rubbed the back of his head.
“But?” she asked, looking at him through teary eyes.
“But, the more we hung out the more I enjoyed hanging out with you and well...” he blushed “I think I like you too.” the two of them stood there for a moment.
“Like, like like?” she asked, almost teasingly. His eyes glew “yes like like! You’re really cool and I don’t want that loser Marco to get you.” he said crossing his arms. She smiled and grabbed him by the collar. You know you’re such a dork.” she said as she pulled him into a kiss. He put his arms around her and took in the full feel of it.
Around the Corner, Star and Marco watched. “Awww, they really are together!” she said happily.
Marco nodded “This seems about right. If anyone seems like they would end up date a demon they summoned, it’s her.”
Hope you guys enjoyed this! My hollywood trip is almost over, but I found some time to knock out the two prompts I really wanted to get out. I’ll have something hopefully by sunday for the Fave AU prompt! Remember that constructive critisism is always welcome. Special thanks to @allofherbones for helping me with the editing :). Love you all :D
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applepiedragon · 8 years
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I feel like I missed a panel... Oh well! You get the idea of it! Done for today, now if you excuse me, I’m going back into my cave until tomorrows JanTom drawing
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pinkikiwi · 8 years
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Meet the new queen of the underworld
Here my entry for the 6 day of jantom week: Weeding day, with somenthing more “spicy”  (*ノωノ) in the end I like the pose but I think that I can improve it I just need a model for that  (⌒▽⌒)☆
Similar things that I have with the JantomWeek and StarcoWeek:
✔️I only could do some days of the week.
✔️I have not much time to draw  and prepare somenthing (⇀‸↼‶)
✔️I had to ask to my boyfriend to pose so I could draw better the idea that I have  。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。
Welp, tomorrow is the last day and I gonna upload my last draw, I hope everyone likes it ✌️
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disney-n-stuff · 8 years
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Jantom week Day 6 - Wedding
Aww she’s so happy
(please do NOT edit/repost/remove caption)
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axis3100 · 8 years
Double date
Hi, so I know I didn’t do a prompt for yesterday but ... Well, I couldn’t think of anything, sadly, it might not be the last prompt I skip but I won’t be skipping today, in fact, I’ve put more work into this one than any other prompt for @jantomweek ... meaning that it will only be the longest, whether or not it’;s the best is for you to decide so let’s get right to it. Also, I couldn’t get the name of that show Star, Marco, and Ponyhead were watching ... sorry.
Star and Marco were sitting on the living room couch watching he newest episode of their favorite TV show.
 “I don't get it.” Star began. “Why are they wasting an entire episode on the romantic relationship of some side characters when they have a huge cliffhanger that remains unresolved all the way from the middle of the season?”
 “They’re trying to build suspense Star.” Marco replied. “And you can't honestly say that you’re not enjoying seeing Ricky's ex find someone else inside of obsess over him.”
 Star placed her jaw on her palms and pouted. “I just want my ship to be cannon.”
 “Maria just got together with her long time crush Star.” Marco explained. “And they need to break up on mutual terms otherwise it's just cheap, and that will take time.”
 “But it's been five episodes since they got together!” Star exclaimed. “And they have barely even addressed it. At this rate, Maria and Ricky won't get together before the end of the series!”
 “Good things come to those who wait Star.” Marco comforted.
 Just then, a pillar of fire erupted before them and parted revealing none other than the prince of the underworld himself.
 “Tom?” Star asked confused and kinda annoyed. “What are you doing here and why are you blocking the T.V.?”
 “Oh, sorry about that.” Tom said as he moved to the side.
 Marco picked up the remote and paused the show. “Don't worry about it.”
 “Now why are you here?” Star asked impatient to get back to her alone time with Marco.
 “Well … there's this new rock climbing gym that recently opened and-“
 “Let me stop you right there.” Star began as she held up a hand. “You know what my response is going to be so you know that I’M NOT INTERESTED IN GOING ON A DATE WITH YOU!”
 “Easy Star.” Tom replied as he held up his hands in defense. “I would like to point out that I haven't asked you out in a very long time and I have a very good reason for that which I was about to get to.”
 Star crossed her arms and leered at him. “Then hurry up and get to it.”
 Tom shrugged and continued. “Well, not to long ago, I found myself on a date with a girl that, at first, I thought would be a bad idea, but it went rather well and I think I really like her. Thing is, when she called again, I got nervous and recommended we do a double date, to which she agreed and I offered to bring two of my friends and now I'm ten minutes from show time and I need both of you to be the double date on the double date.”
 Star and Marco looked at each other a little concerned until Star grabbed Marco by the collar and dragged him towards the kitchen. “We’ll be back.” She announced.
 When she got to the kitchen with Marco, she quickly checked to make sure that Tom wasn't eavesdropping. “He's clearly up to something.”
 “Ya think?” Marco replied. “He always has an alternate agenda.”
 Star began thinking until her eyes lit up. “I have an idea.” She rushed to Marcos side and wrapped an arm around his side. “Regardless of what he has planned, he can't really make a move on me so long as your with me, right?”
 Marco averted his eyes as he blushed slightly. “Um … well …”
 “Oh come on.” Star pleaded. “We can't force Tom to go alone; this may be his chance to finally move on.”
 Marco rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine.” Marco surrender.
 “Yay!” She shouted as she threw her arms around him. “Now remember, you can't leave my side for a second.”
 “I'll remember.” Marco replied. “Wait.” He paused. “Not even to go to the bathroom?”
 Star smiled as Marco got more concerned, all the while Tom was still in the other room with a strange smile on his face. “All according to plan.” Tom pulled out his phone and began dialing a number. “Hello green cobra? This is red python, dove one and dove two are gathering seeds and will be heading towards the nest shortly.”
 “Copy that red python.” A female voice replied. “Best has spots open and waiter has the script memorized.”
 “Copy that green cobra.” Tom replied before hanging up. He looked at his watch then made his way over to the kitchen. “Guys?” Tom interrupted as he poked his head in. “I don't want to rush you but-“
 “We’re coming.” Star proclaimed as the dragged Marco out of the kitchen.
 “Okay then.” Tom said as he looked at his watch. “So … shall we be off?”
 Star grabbed Marco’s arm and pulled him close to her. “Lets.”
 “Okay then, my carriage is out front.” Tom directed them to his carriage and opened the door for them as well, it was much the same as it was before only now without the tiger.
 “Hasn’t changed much.” Marco noted as he walked in.
 “I like it.” Star added.
 “Why thank you.” Tom replied as he closed the door behind him.
 “Huh?” Star began before reassuring her grip on Marco. “Oh, I … I meant … it’s nice … I think.”
 “I think I get it.” Tom stated. “Now … shall we be on our way?” The carriage started moving causing Star and Marco to wobble a bit. “We should be there in no time.”
 “So.” Marco began as he took a quick look around. “Who is this girl that you’ve scored a date with?”
 “Who?” Tom asked a little worried. “Why … she’s … um … a surprise.”
 “Why does that worry me?” Star asked.
 “It shouldn’t!” Tom replied as he raised his hands in defense. “I assure you, there’s nothing for the two of you to worry about.”
 Tom’s attempts to ease the two only worried Marco more but Star brushed it off as nothing. The ride wasn’t long, they would be just on time when they reached the restaurant but Marco couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
 Within no time, the carnage reached its destination and the group of three made their way out of the carnage.
 As the group continued onward, Marco noticed that Star was still holding tight to his hand. “Uh, Star?” Marco asked.
 “Yeah?” Star replied.
 “You’ve been holding onto me since we left the house … is everything all right?”
 “Well, yeah.” Star said as she looked around. “I already told you why, remember?”
 “Well … yes.” Marco began. “But … you know there is a difference between being close friends and-“
 “Hey.” Tom interrupted. “If you don’t mind me asking, how long have the two of you been dating?”
 Star quickly let go of Marco’s arm with a heated blush. “We’re … we’re not dating.” Star replied.
 Tom stared at the two and shrugged. “Could have fooled me.” He continued on as Marco followed with an embarrassed Star close behind.
 When they reached the entrance of the gym, Star and Marco were both very surprised to find a very familiar face waiting for them. “Janna?!” They both exclaimed.
 “Who were you expecting?” Janna asked. “Now come on, you’re all late.”
 Tom began walking to the door while Star and Marco paused for a moment before joining him. “This I’m not so sure Tom is the one with something up his sleeve anymore.” Marco whispered to Star.
 “Oh hush.” Star replied. “Janna is harmless, it’s Tom we have to keep an eye on.”
 “I’m not so sure.” Marco replied.
 As they all entered the place, they found it much bigger then wither Star or Marco had expected. It was nearly four stories high, not to mention they had walls from beginner which had climbing studs every few inches to expert which looked as if it was just a normal wall with a few climbing studs every few feet.  “This is … larger than I thought.” Marco noted.
 “What did you expect?” Janna asked as she walked up to the main counter. “Four please.”
 Janna and Tom handed her some money and the lady gave them climbing equipment in return. “Your supervisor will be with you shortly.”
 The group waited as the lady walked off leaving them alone. “So.” Star began. “How exactly did you guys get together?”
 “How did we get together?” Janna asked. “You’re joking, right?”
 “It happened on a blind date not that long ago.” Tom added.
 “Blind date?” Star asked. “Wait a second … would this by chance be-“
 “The very same you opted out of?” Janna asked. “Yeah, that’s the one.”
 “Good thing I did then.” Star said as she wiped her forehead. “Otherwise I would have been on a date with Tom.”
 Tom looked a bit nervous as he scratched the back of his head. “Actually … had Marco also not bailed out then you would have gone on a date with him.”
 “What?” Marco asked incredulously. “Hold on a second, I didn’t bail, Tom you asked if you could trade places with me.”
 There was an awkward silence that filled the air as Marco and Star both gave Tom a leer. “You were trying go on a blind date with me, weren’t you?” Star accused.
 Tom scratched the back of his head as he let out a guilty laugh. “You know what … yes, that is what I was originally planning.” Star and Marco were shocked at Tom’s initial honesty. “But if I hadn’t, then I wouldn’t have found that I like Janna.”
 “Well that’s … interesting.” Marco noted as the lady came back with what they assumed to be their instructor.
 “Hello.” The instructor began. “My name is Andrew, and I will be your instructor today.”
 “Nice to meet you Andrew.” Star greeted.
 “It’s nice to meet all of you as well.” Andrew replied.
 The instructor began leading them to one of the walls as Marco stepped back a little to ask Janna a question. “Which wall are we signed up for?”
 “The medium difficulty one.” Janna replied. “Figured that it would be a good place to start.”
 When the group arrived, they found that the wall that Janna had signed up for was much steeper and much more barren then most of the others. “Exactly what qualifies as medium to you?” Marco asked.
 Janna let out a laugh as the instructor gave them a quick overview. “Okay, so only two of you will be on the wall at a time while the other two will be on the ground holding the other up.” He grabbed two of the ropes suspended from the ceiling and handed them to the group. “So who’s going to be supporting?”
 “Just a moment.” Star said as she grabbed Marco’s arm. She guided him a small distance away and began to whisper to him. “As much as I trust that Tom really does like Janna, I would rather not be left alone with him still.”
 “And I don’t trust Janna or Tom to hold me up.”
 Star rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on, it’s not like they would drop you, even if Tom wasn’t trustworthy.”
 “He’s not and I don’t want to trust Janna either.” Marco sighed. “Look, you just need to partner with me and climb the wall with Janna.”
 Star paused for a moment, she wanted to spend some time alone with Marco on a technical date but at the same time, she couldn’t really make a good argument against him. “Okay, sounds like a plan.”
 The two of them walked back to Janna and Tom who already finished putting on their harnesses. “So who’s on what?” The instructor asked.
 “I’m with Star.” Marco added. “And I’m doing whatever Janna’s not doing.”
 “Now that’s not very nice.” Janna replied. “But oh well.”
 The instructor hooked up Star and Marco and before long, they were ready to climb the wall. “I don’t see what the big deal is.” Star noted. “I climb things all the time.”
 “Not many humans do.” Janna replied as she also got ready to climb the wall.
 They took their positions and began to make their climb. They made it look relatively easy, Star with her experience in climbing and Janna was well versed in climbing from all the times she scaled the wall to Marco’s house. “Need me to slow down?” Star asked in a mocking way. “It looks like you’re falling behind.”
 “It’s your imagination.” Janna replied as she began catching up to Star.
 As Star and Janna raced towards the top, Tom and Marco were left at the bottom watching the two. “Hey Marco, mind if I ask you something?” Tom inquired.
 “What’s up?” Marco replied.
 “You said you and Star aren’t dating?” Marco shot Tom a look and Tom eased back a little. “Easy, it’s not what you think; I just want to know why.”
 “Why?” Marco asked.
 “Yeah, and … what would qualify as you two dating seeing as … you two are kinda already doing a lot of things I would expect a couple to do.”
 Marco thought to himself for a moment. “Well … she’s not officially my girlfriend … and for the most part, I guess that’s what really matters.”
 “Okay.” Tom looked back to Janna and Star to find that Star began regaining her lead. “So … mind if I ask you something personal?” Marco turned to him confused as he continued. “Strictly between us, of course, I won’t tell a soul.”
 “What do you want to know?”
 “What’s stopping you?”
 Marco had to pause in thought for a moment, he had thought that it was simply because he didn’t feel that way about her but he was no longer sure of that. “The truth? … I’m actually … not sure about how I feel … and I sure haven’t even considered how she feels.”
 “Sounds like a good enough reason.” Tom replied. “At least for the time being.”
 As Marco and Tom finished up their conversation, Star had managed to beat Janna to the top of the wall and take a seat at the top. “Looks like I win.” Star bragged.
 “This time.” Janna replied as she joined her. “Next time though, I’m totally going to beat you.”
 “You can try, but you will fail.” Star said as she looked down at the rest of the place below them. “It’s so quiet up here.”
 “I know.” Janna replied.
 They sat there for a moment before Star decided to confront Janna on something she had been curious about for some time now. “Janna … why do you like Tom?”
 “Hm?” Janna asked.
 “I mean I don’t want to say anything negative about anyone but … Tom can be …”
 “Temperamental?” Janna asked. “Yeah, it’s funny.”
 “Janna!” Star exclaimed. “You may think it’s funny now but wait until he turns on you. Then you won’t be laughing.”
 “I know.” Janna replied. “Look Star, I know it’s going to be a bumpy road, and we will handle it when we get to it but remember, he is trying to improve.”
 Star sighed as she continued to look down over everyone. “So … how about you and Marco?”
 “We’re not dating yet.” Star replied. “If at all.”
 “You’re still not confident in yourself?” Janna asked. “Star … I would give you a pep talk but they’re not my forte so just tell Marco that you’re feeling down on yourself and pretend I said it.”
 “That’s not helping.” Star replied.
 Janna sighed. “Well … try asking him what he thinks about you; that should do something.” She grabbed the rope and looked down. “Hello down there!” She called.
 “Hey!” Tom shouted back. “You ready to come down?”
 “You bet.” Janna hopped on the wall and started repelling down and Star soon followed.
 “Maybe I should talk to him about it.” Star said to herself.
 As the double date rolled on and the gang climbed a few more walls before it finally got late and they were forced to call it quits. “Yeah, we got to get home or my parents are going to be upset.” Marco noted as he looked at his watch. “Well … not upset … but I like to think they would be.”
 “O-kay.” Tom said slowly. “Um … Janna, would you like a ride home?”
 She shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
 Tom turned to Star and Marco. “How about you two? You guys need a ride, right?”
 “Nah.” Star said as she pulled Marco close to her. “We can walk, it’s not that far.”
 Marco was about to object but Star began dragging him along preventing him from making any comment. “We’ll see you around then!” Tom called out to them.
 “Star, is everything all right?” Marco asked as they got a distance away from the other. “You seem kinda … different.”
 “I just want to get as far away from them as possibly.” She lied. “I mean … it’s not like … I’m happy for the two of them.”
 Marco forced her to a stop and gave her a look. “Star, what’s wrong?”
 Star avoided his eyes but was still unable to keep herself from spilling the beans. “I’m … I want to talk to you … about something important.”
 Marco looked at her curiously. “What’s up?”
 “It’s just …” She took a deep breath. “Do you think I’m someone that a person can fall in love with?”
 Marco looked at her with a mixture of shock and confusion. “You’re Star Butterfly, of course you’re someone people love.”
 “Not what I asked.” She replied. “I know people like me because they think I’m special … and maybe I am a little special … but do you think I’m someone … that a person … can actually have feelings of love for?”
 Marco was at a loss, the answer was obvious to him but what shocked him was that Star felt like she needed to ask. “I … where is this coming from?”
 “You’re avoiding the question.”
 “It’s not the important part!” He replied. “What is important though is that you’re even bothering to ask it at all!”
 She looked away and rubbed her arm. “Can … can you just answer?”
 “The answer is a ‘yes’ now how about you tell me why you asked?”
 She continued to look away from him as she answered. “You … the last time I dated someone … was Tom … and you know how that ended.”
 “Poorly.” Marco replied. “Now go on.”
 “Right, thing is … he’s moved on and found someone else, you’ve had someone who’s loved you, heck, even Britney has had a few boyfriends.”
 “Okay, firstly, Jackie and I grew apart, our breakup was completely mutual.”
 “You keep telling yourself that.” Star whispered.
 “And secondly.” Marco continued trying to pretend he didn’t hear Star. “You’re being too hard on yourself, love comes when love comes, and it’s not something you can just expect to find around the corner.” He placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled. “You’ll find someone … it’s just not your week is all.”
 “It’s not?” Star asked.
 “No, this week belongs to Janna and Tom, maybe next week or the week after you’ll find someone, you just have to keep hope alive.”
 Star threw her arms around him and pulled him into a hug which he was quick to return.
 As the two shared the tender moment, they were unaware of the two pair of eyes that were watching them. “Shoot.” Janna hissed. “I thought for sure this was going to be it.”
 “Marco still doesn’t know what his feelings are.” Tom replied. “Until that happens, we can’t really help them get together now can we?”
 “I know.” Janna replied. “But I was hoping it would be today.”
 “It’s not going to be for some time Janna.” Tom noted. “We’ve done all we can for now. We can’t do more until Marco realizes whether or not he loves Star.”
 Janna pouted. “I just wish there was a way we could make them realize faster.”
 Tom wrapped his arm around Janna’s shoulder and smiled. “It’s still fun to watch them struggle.”
 Janna smiled at him before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “I don’t suppose we could make things a little more painful for them to make it go by faster, can we?”
 Tom smiled back at his girlfriend as he felt a sense of pride come over him. “You read my mind.”
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