#the way you write kisaki is the reason I LIKE HIM NOW
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✮ imagine kisaki dating you just to be closer to hina, your best friend. you knew her since you could remember and kisaki since cram school. you didn't have a real opinion on him and just thought he was the shy, studious type- nothing really special to write home about.
✮ but you were surprised when he confessed a little after hina started talking about a boy named takemichi and how he saved her. you don’t know why he confessed at all. you couldn't even think of a single reason. you never spoke; it was just you standing behind hina, waiting for her to finish complimenting him so you could go get popsicles at the park.
✮ the confession seemed fake- even something a little you could pick up on. it was like a robot, and not in the way he was confessing to himself in the mirror so many times; it was just dry. the confession had no heart to it. he wasn't even blushing and looking down, flickering his eye to you and the ground and spilling out, “i like like you!” it was just bland. so bland, in fact, you forgot every single word of it even while listening to it.
✮ but you were also young and thought a boyfriend would make you cooler, so you accepted it. also because you didn’t want to be left behind from hina and her ever-growing relationship with takemichi.
✮ when you asked him why he liked you a few weeks into the relationship, he said something about how you were like a plant and didn't get on his nerves. you didn't talk to him for a week after that.
✮ but when middle school started is when you were questioning the relationship. sure, it was weird to date someone and then move into middle school. the new personalities and new friend groups would naturally cause conflicts, but you were determined to keep on dating the guy. so determined it clouded your thoughts on the real underlying reason he even wanted to date you. you also didn't want to question if he liked you just to have a repeat of the plant comment.
✮ you were still friends with hina in middle school, going from a friend to a best friend if takemichi didn't already fit that role with a boyfriend. you were jealous of him, spending so much time with her after school. you didn’t know if that was the real reason or maybe jealous of their relationship. kisaki looked at you and spent time with you, yes, but it all seemed so artificial. like some alien trying to blend into the real world disguised as a cow with purple spots in a field of grass.
✮ it all changed, or spiraled when he met some guy, oniinii, osanii, osanai? he said you have your friends and he can have his, so you shouldn't judge, so you didn’t. you let him be. after all, relationships are built on trust and understanding.
✮ now the only time he wants to hang out is when you make an offside comment about how hina was going to be there or you were hanging out with hina. you thought it was just a way for him to be less awkward around you- a third person to brighten up the mood and keep the conversation from coming to an awkward pause. still, when you mentioned other names, he just hummed and continued to study for an upcoming test while you sat on his bed staring at the tv.
✮ after about a month of this, you were a little more than mad. you wanted to stay in the relationship for a reason you couldn’t pin down. you wanted to think it was because you liked him and his calming presence. you shoved down the feeling of being stubborn; a year plus relationship with someone wasn't a lot, but to you, it was. you’ve stuck with him for a year; he’s the first and only guy to confess to you. then you pushed down the feeling of not wanting to be alone, just having friends- nothing special like a boyfriend in sight.
✮ so you started shoving more and more dates in his face if one date a week was bombarding. you just wanted a simple lunch date with him on the weekend, drink something nice, and maybe eat a sweet with him and talk about your week.
✮ but he would slowly start to ditch it more and more as the weeks passed. the first and second week were the best because he actually showed up and stayed. you would carry the conversation, assuming he was awkward, but it was overall a nice time- calm and comfortable.
✮ but he would slowly slip farther and farther from your date plans. you didn’t want to question it the first few times he left as he said osanai needed him and you assumed he was just tutoring the poor guy. you didn't want to judge people based on their appearance, an appearance you had yet to see but from the sound of it he could be a delinquent. besides, kisaki was leaving money to pay for his and maybe your meal if you didn’t talk a lot. yet as the weeks passed, your thoughts of the tutoring switched to your boyfriend getting bullied by the gang member you only know the name of.
✮ kisaki did catch onto your worry and he told you not to worry. he had told you osanai was his friend. he had told you osanai needed some help with homework. he had told you him and osanai needed to finish a last-minute project. excuses, excuses and more excuses.
✮ now the only dates you even get are the spur-of-the-moment ones which you force him to go on. even then, he leaves early, leaving more and more cash on the table each time to cover the bill.
✮ and then came hanma. you remembered that man's name the first time you heard it. you hated the way he looked at you. he had this look as if to tell you he knew so much more than you. like he knew something you didn't. not to mention his laugh whenever you left the room. your room. they would talk and discuss whatever teenagers talk about in your room, food crumbs on your bed left by the new boy.
✮ your boyfriend and his new replacement for osanai even used kisaki's room. you know this from kisaki telling you randomly, as if to diffuse your anger after a long day. but then hanma said he liked the vibe of yours so they used it more. you had a feeling he was just making up excuses so he could get a mini maid, you.
✮ you were afraid of the new replacement of osanai. you don’t even think kisaki remembers him, which pisses you off more than you’d like to admit because he spent more time with him than you.
✮ hanma got under your skin in more ways than one. he never got mad at you, never even raising a hand to hit you. it was that look he gave you that made you hate him so much, not the amount of time he spent with your boyfriend.
✮ when you yelled at the tall boy for smoking in your room, he laughed and told you not to worry about it so much because he did it out the window. you were on the verge of shoving him out the window if he kept up being himself.
✮ but the reason you probably hated hanma so much was that you had more of a relationship with him than the boy you were in a relationship with.
✮ now, you remember those dates kisaki left you for with osanai? now he was leaving with hanma every time he apologized quicker and quicker. each time he left, he would leave a wad of cash greater and greater than the last. you didn’t want to question the money; it was his life after all. it also would mostly cover the tab and sometimes leave you some extra money. one of these times you had enough left over to buy him a present, and with your anniversary coming up, you wanted to buy him something- it was his money after all.
✮ you liked the present having thought about it for a while now. you had decided on a mini pig phone charm, remembering how they were one of the smartest animals in that one documentary you watched a few years ago. you also remembered he didn’t like dumb people, something he brought up when you asked what the amount of money the tip would be. it was the perfect anniversary gift! so perfect in fact you bought a matching one so you could even remember you had a boyfriend!
✮ and a week after your anniversary when you walked into your room, you saw hanma sitting on your bed, looking at his phone while something played in the background. that little pig charm was dangling from his phone, almost taunting you. even that stupid pig was giving you the pitting look hanma would always give you, only this time hanma had a smile on his face watching as your eyes followed the animal sway side to side. side to side on your boyfriends best friends phone.
✮ when you ran to the bathroom to call hina, kisaki was knocking on the door a few minutes after you burst out of your own room. he sounded so… dissatisfied. so unfazed. like he was forced to do it, but you knew better than to believe it was hanma who did it. could it be? your boyfriend was actually trying to care for you? did he actually appreciate all that time you spent trying to love and care for him? did he love your date ideas? did he love you?
✮ no.
✮ no.
✮ no.
“can you stop crying? it’s annoying and i can’t focus.”
✮ tetta kisaki must die.
you slam opened the door to his face, watching as he stumbled back into the wall, paying no attention to the prying eyes and ears of hanma from down the hall. “shut up! just shut up already! why is it the one time i need you to not talk you finally open your mouth?! you’re always so quiet around me! i’m the person you're supposed to open up around, and you don't! the one time you should say something- anything nice to cheer me up, you tell me I'm annoying!”
“are you… breaking up with me?”
“what else do you expect?! i can’t call you by your first name! i get you something for our anniversary and you give it to your best friend! you never spend any time with me! you only want to spend time with hina, who has a boyfriend! i mean seriously, what’s wrong with you? have you just liked her this whole time!?” and with hanma's annoying laugh, it was solidified. he never even liked you in the first place. hanma knew. osanai probably knew. everyone knew but you.
“i hope you and hanma have a great life together kisaki.” you finally try and relax, keeping a steady breath looking down on your ex-boyfriend. “now get out. now.”
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cheesus-doodles · 6 months
I’m definitely being greedy by sending a second but I had to share this… In the Manila timeline where Izzy wins, how would his relationship with reader change? But also, since we know Mikey is under his control at this point, would he let Mikey stay in contact with the reader??
UGHH JUST THINKIN ABOUT THAT MAKES MY SOUL ACHE 😭😭😭 HED have both of them on puppet strings… I’m so curious…
send as many as you want anon hehe, always happy to talk about Izzy!
I did somewhat explore this in my Red Dragonflies AU, specifically latest chapter Swallow the Sun *cough*, but since that was in the circumstance of you being a former gang leader yourself, I'll write this one of you from the POV of you being a regular civilian!
The main difference in Izana's relationship with you is that there would be no reason for him to have to break you and your spirit to keep you with him after he wins, so he doesn't. He actually likes you and all your personality, whatever it may be, and would very much want to keep you as you were when he first fell heads over heels, so with you being unable to fight back against him and his comparatively monstrous strength and instincts, there were much better ways to keep you in line.
Even as a yakuza boss himself, it would be rare for you to ever be allowed to leave his direct eye line no matter what Izzy’s doing in the moment, and if you do, you would only do so only when accompanied by Kakucho. No one else. If neither men are free, that you're staying exactly where you are right by him. Izzy simply can't trust anyone else as far as he can throw them, not with someone as precious and dear to him as you.
Puppet string would be the right description for what would be your relationship with Izana. There will be no decisions that you would have to make outside of what to wear (if Izzy hasn’t already made up his mind what he wanted to see you in), and what to cook for him for meals - everything else in your life has already been decided for you. Truly, you would be no more than a doll that doted and pampered and fawned over Izzy to patch the hole in his heart. He needs your love and attention more than anything, and now that he had you, you were not going to be doing much except tending to his needs.
Of course he didn't like to see you in pain and anguish - you were his darling, his princess - but after losing Shinichiro all those years ago, he couldn't lose you as well.
And that extended to losing you to Mikey. Mikey plays a different role, filled a different hole in Izana's heart - he was supposed to be his Shinichiro replacement. If the two of you had been friends previously, then there was no way in hell Izana would ever let you meet Mikey again. Ever.
For one and most importantly, you are his world, his Sun, and he is your Izzy. You were his. You didn't need anyone else but him, let alone Mikey. He would never give you the opportunity to form an attachment to anyone but him.
For two, Izana needed Mikey to stay in that depressed state to be able to control him. And if Mikey was allowed to meet you, all that hard work might be undone - he and Kisaki had already put so much effort into completely breaking Mikey down to turn him into Shinichiro, and there was no way that he was going to risk you giving any sense of hope or comfort to the former Toman President that would let him break out of his misery.
So the answer would be that no. Absolutely not. You would never be allowed to stay in contact or even see Mikey.
Since the two of you were forcibly separated after Izana's win and Mikey started on his downward spiral, Mikey has never received any update on you and where you were - for all the blond-haired boy knew, you could have already been dead. Izana definitely played heavily into this, making references to you all the time but never confirming if it was you he was talking about. And after a while of the mind games, no doubt Mikey would have given up all hope on ever seeing you again.
Similar to what he does to Mikey, Izzy would also tease and dangle the promise of bringing you to meet the ex-Toman President in front of you as one of the tactics he uses to keep you in line, whispering to you all sorts of things about your former friend. That he was depressed, that he spoke constantly about missing you and if you were dead, that he couldn't go on without you. Lies, but what would you know?
Izzy lamenting that he wants to bring you to go see and even speak with Mikey, but you were so ill-behaved that this tanned man didn't know if he can trust you. Would occasionally gift you photographs of Mikey just to convince you that the other was still alive, but always just a bit out of reach - the photos would never have his face, just his side or his back, or it would be a blurry shot.
After all, his life’s just perfectly right at the moment, so why would he risk ruining it all?
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sleepysnk · 1 year
a/n: i really wanted to write something for hanma because i missed him a lot </3 so i hope you guys enjoy this!! i felt like something fluffy would work with him this time, so <3.
pairings: hanma shuji x fem!reader
warnings: some brief angst, fluff leading to smut, mentions of violence (not towards reader), established relationship, mentions of food, brief jealousy mentions, nsfw, vanilla sex, use of pet names (baby, babydoll, doll), light choking if you squint, breeding kink, creampie, after care, fluffy hanma.
synopsis: you and hanma had been together for two years. he never thought in a million years that you would both last this long, so he wanted to do something special for you on your special day. you deserved the world, and he was going to be the one to give you it. he had many ideas in mind, but the main one was showing you how much he loved you.
his always and forever ft. hanma shuji
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Hanma Shuji was truly blessed to have someone like you in his life. Let alone having you as his girlfriend.
Today was your two year anniversary. It was a date that was imprinted on his brain from the moment you said yes to being his. He was so thrilled to have such a great woman in his life. You were like an angel sent from heaven itself to bless him with your love. You made him such a happier man, and your presence as a whole came at such a difficult moment in his life. In a way, he could say that you saved him from doing the worst to himself or even others.
Hanma had done plenty of bad things in his life. He had fought men who had a debt to the gang he was in, he often drank until his vision was completely blurred, and he even severed ties with family that tried their best to do good for him. He was truly lost before you came. He spent his days wandering his large apartment without a single person to occupy it with him. It was lonely and he despised that feeling more than he would like to admit. He desired someone to share his place with and have someone to come home to every night. Sure, he had hooked up with plenty of women beforehand. Some of them were great and even potential candidates for that lifestyle, but the others were only into him for a cash grab and that was it. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want to be with a woman who only saw him as a piggy bank for whatever shopping spree they wanted to go on. Hanma wanted peace and one person he could rely on, but at the time, he knew that wouldn’t happen. He was a thug, a criminal, no one would want a man like him.
But then, everything changed the day he came across you.
Hanma had a very long day. He was exhausted with all he had to do, so he decided to make a stop at a cafe he had visited many times before. It was sort of busy for a late afternoon day, but that never really provoked the man that much. He paid for his coffee and waited patiently behind a few people. He became distracted by his cell phone because Kisaki had been in his messages for some reason asking about a recent incident that took place. Hanma was about to respond, but when piping hot coffee began to scald his chest that message was discarded.
He looked up, feeling furious about what had just gone down. However, those feelings had disappeared when he made eye contact with you. You were standing there with a very apologetic facial expression. The coffee you once held in your right hand was now splattered onto the floor, and some of it had gotten into Hanma’s plain white shirt. Your cheeks were burning with embarrassment and you wanted to melt into the floor with how shitty you felt. He was a complete stranger, an intimidating one at that. He was taller than you by a few inches, and he honestly had a scary look in his eye that would send any man or woman running for their lives.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t see you there! Oh, god.. let me help clean you up..”
Hanma was stunned at your beauty. He wasn’t even angry about his suit anymore. All his brain was fixated on was you and how your fingertips felt rubbing the thin napkins against his chest and his abdomen. You looked like you were about to burst into tears from how afraid you looked. He began to feel guilty for shooting you such a glare, because you genuinely seemed very sorry for such actions. 
“No worries.. thank you for your help, doll.”
When the pet name slipped from his lips you froze on the spot. Someone as attractive as him was calling you that? It felt almost hard to believe at the time, but you were instantly relieved to hear that he wasn’t angry with you over the accident you created. Hanma honestly began to feel bad for you, though. Your coffee was spilled all over the tiled floor, and many people were still staring at the two of you with these wide eyes that bored into both of your heads. He often hated attention like that. Some people just didn’t know how to mind their own business nowadays. It was a small mistake. It wasn’t like you had a breakdown in the middle of the cafe and threw your coffee at him.
“Let me buy you a new coffee..”
“What? N-No! That was my fault-“
“Doll, it’s fine. I have nowhere else to be and all I need is your order.”
To be honest, you hesitated at such a gesture from the mysterious man. Neither of you knew each other, but he was being so kind to you yet you almost burned his skin with the beverage you swore you were holding onto with all your strength. However, you agreed and gave him your coffee order. He simply went to the barista and paid for it, but you were a bit confused why he was taking so long to come back. You wondered about his motives, but when he grabbed his own coffee and waved as he passed you, you felt disappointed. You thought that maybe you would spark a conversation with him, but alas, that didn’t seem very likely.
Once your coffee was done, you walked past several customers and grabbed it off of the counter. Though, the cup wasn’t blank, and there was something written on the side of it.
“Call me sometime <3 let me buy you an actual drink- Hanma Shuji.”
That’s how your romance had blossomed to what it was today. Hanma wasn’t expecting you to call him that night after the whole incident at the cafe, but he was relieved to hear your voice. The two of you chatted all night about anything that came about in the conversation. Although you didn’t reach very personal levels, Hanma was very interested in knowing things about you. He asked about what you did for a living, if you had any siblings, what kind of food you liked, etc. Talking to you made him so happy and he was so excited to hear that you wanted to go on a date with him at some point. Hearing those words made sunlight shine into his heart, clearing the storm clouds that had surrounded it for such a long time. He knew moving at such a pace could result in some negative reactions, but you seemed different. He was well aware that it sounded cliché of him to say such a thing, but it was how he felt about you. He couldn’t deny that one bit.
Weeks turned to months and eventually two years later you were both still together.
You had zero regrets about saying yes to Hanma all those years ago. He treated you like a princess and spoiled you rotten with whatever you wanted. He was a bit reluctant to let you in at first, considering he had been abandoned many times before by different women, but you assured him that you were sticking around for the long run no matter what. You got to see the real Hanma Shuji, and it was honestly beautiful. He may have had some flaws, but you did too. You were both able to work through those things and be patient with one another. There may have been a few rough days and some fights, but even through that you both fell in love with each other. 
You were able to change Hanma for the better. He was so happy to have found you, and being by your side benefited him in so many ways. He couldn’t ever imagine himself being with another woman besides you. He was fully convinced that he had found his soulmate.
He couldn’t believe that two years had passed. He had so many things planned for the two of you that day, and he couldn’t wait to get started with you by his side. 
The morning began with Hanma making you some delicious breakfast in bed. He was not the greatest cook, but living on his own for almost ten years taught him a lot about cooking and having to rely on home meals rather than ordering take out from the nearest restaurant. He made you some eggs and some really fluffy pancakes with your favorite fruit on top. It was adorable and waking up to the aroma of food made you so happy. The breakfast was delicious and Hanma’s heart warmed when he saw your pretty smile flash when you began to eat your pancakes. He knew they were a favorite of yours. Sometimes you’d only eat his, nobody else’s. It made him feel proud as your boyfriend that he was able to make you happy with his food. 
“Happy Anniversary, babydoll. I love you..”
In the afternoon, he took you out for lunch. He even took you out shopping afterwards to splurge on whatever you wanted. It was adorable to see you walking around the many stores with different items in your hands. You often told Hanma that you didn’t need his money to make you happy, but he insisted that you use it. He made more than enough for all the bills to be paid, so it was no problem at all if he wanted to spoil you for a bit. Despite that, you rarely ever spent more than you needed. You did live a rather comfortable lifestyle, but there was that side of you that wanted to consider Hanma’s feelings as well. 
Once you both arrived home, Hanma was excited to make dinner for you both. There was a toss up between going out and eating at another restaurant somewhere downtown, but you told him you were fine with whatever he wanted to do. He took it upon himself to learn a new recipe for you. He worried he would totally light the kitchen on fire if he wasn’t careful with what he was doing, but it had all gone completely smoothly and he was proud of himself. You were also quite surprised to see that he had been successful in making your supper. Hanma hadn’t always been a fan of working in the kitchen, so seeing him do such a great job made you so happy. The food also smelled divine. Your mouth was watering the second you sat down at the table to eat it. Hanma was a bit worried that you may not like it or you would have a negative reaction to his cooking, but much to his surprise, your face lit up with happiness when the flavors reached your tongue. It was so great. Pride swelled inside his chest when you started smiling at him and looking at him with love in your eyes.
“This is so good, baby! You really outdid yourself with this!”
God, it was like he was falling in love with you all over again.
The feelings Hanma had for you were so overwhelming he could almost break down and cry from how intense it was. He never imagined he would be cooking a meal for a woman he had been dating for two years. He didn’t think the day would ever come that you would move in with him and sleep beside him in the same bed every single night. He felt so lucky to have found someone as great as you even though he had been surrounded with darkness for so long. You helped him escape and surrounded him with such light that the abyss he was once in seemed to be a forgotten memory. 
After dinner was finished, you both retired to your bedroom where Hanma found himself wanting to give you one more anniversary present. 
Hanma was hovering above your naked body. His cock was splitting your cunt apart with every rut of his hips. You two had been at it for quite a bit. He had kept up with quite a slow and tender pace. Hanma told himself he wasn’t going to rush such an intimate moment with you on a day like that. He had plenty of time with you to make it nasty and rough, but right now, all he was focusing on was you. Your pretty voice called for him and made his cock twitch. He had sex with you many times prior to this moment, but you never failed to amaze him with your angelic beauty. Your delicate skin, gorgeous face, there was so much to love about you. He just couldn’t keep his eyes off of your form that was taking him so well. He could make love to you like that all day if he really wanted to. There was nothing to get bored of.
Your nails clawed into the skin of his shoulders. Marks covered his flesh, but he didn’t bat a single eye at that. You were in utter bliss underneath your boyfriend. He never failed to make you feel good. Hanma knew your body better than anybody else and he made you feel so much ecstasy. “Ah..! Hanma! So good..” you made eye contact with the man above you. Your eyes were somewhat blurry from the pleasure that he allowed to ripple through your body.
Hanma was sweating. A few strands of his dual colored hair clung to his forehead from the moisture that had collected itself on his skin. He loved whenever his name slipped off your tongue like he was a prayer. Hanma couldn’t hide the smirk that appeared on his features when he heard your whines for him. You were so beautiful and good for him. You deserved all the pleasure that was coming to you tonight. “Yeah, keep sayin’ my name, baby. Fuck.. I love you so much..” he placed his hand around the base of your throat, holding you in place so he could stare at your pretty face while he thrusted up into you. 
You let your jaw fall slack as the euphoria you felt increased with every movement. He reached spots inside of your pussy that made you see stars within your vision. Hanma couldn’t believe that a whole stupid coffee incident allowed him to meet someone like you. He always imagined that he would reach the end of his life alone without a single person to share himself with, but having you completely changed that outlook for him. Your presence alone lit up his life and allowed him to see things through a different perspective. You truly blessed him more than you realized, and he couldn’t believe that you didn’t leave him in those two years you’ve been together. Hanma sometimes thought he didn’t deserve you. He imagined at some point you would find someone better than him and you’d leave him, but you didn’t and he was so happy that you gave him a chance.
Sure, you had your ugly days, but even through that you both worked on those issues and continued loving one another without having a second thought about it.
Hanma’s free hand went to intertwine with your own. He leaned down to press his forehead against you and allowed eye contact to be connected between you both. His honey eyes were blown with lust and staring at you with such admiration you could melt from just one glance from him. You smiled when your eyes flickered around his handsome face. There was no one cuter than Hanma Shuji. He was perfect in every little aspect. 
He then kissed you, which took you by surprise. It was soft and gentle. His lips felt like you were kissing two soft pillows that you couldn’t pull away from. He was such a good kisser. It was one of the many things you loved about Hanma. His kisses could sweep you right off of your feet and you would grow weak in the knees whenever his lips brushed against yours. It was slow, but his tongue would occasionally brush against your bottom lip to try and gain access to your mouth. You obliged and allowed him in, deepening the kiss between you both. The pleasure was just too good. 
You gasped when he finally reached your g-spot, sending bolts of electricity along your belly. Hanma smirked in the kiss when that pretty noise escaped your lips. He had no problem discovering that delicious spot inside of you. He squeezed your throat slightly, but not hard enough to restrict your breathing. “Heh.. look at you, babydoll. You’re takin’ my cock so well..” he whispered, sending shivers down your spine from how hot his voice sounded in your ears. “Wanna cum, baby? You’re really fucking tight right now..”
Your orgasm was creeping upon you faster than you had expected, but nonetheless you craved it more than anything else. Your hands gripped Hanma’s shoulders tightly, fearing he might disappear from his spot between your legs. With every thrust, the pit in your belly grew larger and you became even more needy than before. “Y-Yes! Hanma, please..! ‘Need you!” you whined, sharply. 
Hanma fucking loved hearing how desperate you were for that release inside your gut. He then began to fuck you just a bit faster this time. It was nothing too aggressive or quick for your liking, but it was just enough to really wind you up. The noises slipping from your throat made him smirk and watch you with seduction. He loved you so much when you were like this. He realized that you were a goddess and nobody else would ever compare to you in any department. It didn’t matter if you left him at some point. Hanma Shuji would always be devoted to you at the end of the day. He was so deeply in love with you that it almost hurt him to not be by your side. 
You’d be the one he would come home to, always and forever.
Your eyes rolled behind your skull as your orgasm grew closer. You couldn’t help but arch upwards whenever he kissed at your g-spot with the tip of his cock. The moans that came from your mouth were neverendless and Hanma was living for how pretty you sounded under him. He grunted when he felt your walls tightening around him. He was close himself, but all he desired was seeing you reach your high. After several thrusts, your cunt clamped around his cock. Hanma couldn’t help but hiss at the sensation of your pussy squeezing the life out of his cock. Your moans were much higher as he fucked you through your orgasm. He loved hearing your voice like that. He could play it like his favorite song and never get tired of you. “Fuckkk, yeah.. where do you want my – shit! – my cum, babydoll? Talk to me.. fuck..” he nodded his head, gritting his teeth as the last curse slipped through his mouth. 
“I-Inside! Hanma, inside!” you then locked your ankles around his waist, keeping him nice and snug inside of your dripping cunt.
He couldn’t help but grin at that statement. He wasn’t against it whatsoever, but he was very excited to hear that. He then looked down at you and began to pick up his pace a little. His high was so fucking close he could practically taste the sensation. “Shit.. ‘gonna fill you good, baby. Give you a baby, yeah..? Pregnant with my baby..” he let his head fall backwards as the euphoria took over him.
Within seconds, Hanma reached his climax. Thick white ropes of his cum filled your pussy and reached your womb. Goosebumps littered your skin from the feeling of his cum filling you to the brim. He let out a groan at the affects of his high. It hit him pretty hard, which caused him to tremble a bit. 
After a few minutes, Hanma lied down beside you and pulled you towards him. Both of you were sweating and panting fairly heavily, but that soon calmed when the activities between you two had come to an end. Your ear pressed against his chest to hear his heart beating. It was quite rapid, but once he had you within his arms his beats began to slow down and calm themselves. There was nothing better than holding you after having sex with you. Your skin was so warm underneath his fingertips that you could melt. He didn’t care if you were both dripping with sweat and the smell of sex was lingering around the room. All that mattered was that you were here with him and you were safe in his arms.
He planted a kiss on the top of your head and rested his chin atop it. He couldn’t help but smile at the results of today. It was quite successful and you two had an amazing anniversary with one another. “I love you, doll..” he whispered, squeezing the flesh of your hips softly. “I love you so much.. don’t forget that.”
You grinned, letting your eyes fall shut. “I love you more, Hanma.”
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youatemylollipop · 2 years
Feral alpha Mikey sano x omega reader where Mikey knocked reader up? Make it dark! And could you end it with reader being forced to marry him? Could you also make fem reader? It’s okay if you chose to not specify gender. It’s just that I have fad this idea for a while, and I liked the way you wrote for yandere Mikey! I understand if you don’t want. You can write when ur request are open again, not pressure !
A/N: I'm sorry if this one-shot turned out to be too dark!😖 For some reason, when I read your request, it was the first thing that came to mind. Additionally, English is not my first language, so please forgive any grammatical errors. They are more likely to occur in a longer piece of writing like this. There’s also this fact that I have never written anything close to being this explicit before, so it might not be the best, just so you are aware.
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Synopsis: Manjirō had always been your guiding light, protecting you from the darkest of nights. But now, you're not so sure anymore.
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Characters: Sano Manjirō X Female Reader
⚠️ WARNING: Forced marriage, a/b/o dynamics, feral alpha Mikey, dark themes, non-con/dub-con, forced orgasm, forced pregnancy, breeding kink, knotting, marking, nipple play, fingering, oral sex (f.receiving), vaginal sex, loss of virginity, forced heat cycles, signs of manipulation, mentions of death, Kisaki Tetta is his own warning, MDNI!!
Word Count: 4.2K
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You still fail to understand how things have turned out the way they did. Back then, you had always seen Manjirō as your knight in shining armor, your protector. He was always there when you needed him, and if not, he would make sure to keep his calling device close, in his pocket, one call away. Then he would dismiss any meeting, no matter how important it was, speeding through the busy streets of Tokyo to your aid.
The two of you first met in your second year of middle school as you browsed through the bookshelves in the school library, trying to find something that would fit your taste. That's when you spotted Manjirō, a 3rd-year student who was commonly known as the commander of the Tokyo Manji Gang, sleeping in the corner of the library with his head resting on the table.
You felt instantly drawn to the sleeping boy and were inclined to approach him, which was new to you. Your inner omega had always been quite picky when it came to attraction, and so far, not one alpha had managed to gain its affection. If the immediate reaction had not been repulsion, indifference would be the most positive response that they would achieve.
Manjirō shone like the sun, radiating brightness that required sunglasses to behold, lest you risk blindness. His smile was always radiant, a stark contrast to his onyx eyes that resembled a starless sky at its darkest hour. Gazing into them was like staring into the abyss, without the glimmer of stars to light the way.
He was like spring, full of life and childish wonder that fueled him to do the most rash yet exciting things. You, on the other hand, were autumn, more calm and collected, but still filled with various warm colors that would not let you turn into winter. Two opposites, drawn to one another like missing pieces of a puzzle.
Manjirō was not like other alphas. He respected omegas and believed that they deserved a better standing in today's society. Sure, they could go to school, but only if their alpha parent allowed it. Once an omega reached the age of eighteen, they were typically married off to the alpha chosen by their family. These arrangements were often made during adolescence, and you were no exception to this rule.
Kisaki Tetta, was the man your father had chosen as your future husband. However, Kisaki was not an alpha but a beta. You did not particularly dislike Tetta-kun, however, there was a certain amount of unease whenever the two of you were together. Your inner omega would always whimper in his presence, telling you that he was best to avoid. But you ignored it in favor of your marriage. Unfortunately there was nothing you could do, and the best way to approach this dilemma was to stay civil with your future husband.
You understood the reason behind your father's actions. Due to your omega's pickiness, it was hard to find a perfect match for it. However, a small part of you would have preferred for your father to let you marry the older Haitian brother at the time. Sure, he was four years older, but the marriage would have only happened once you had stepped into adulthood.
If it were up to you, you wouldn't mind marrying Ran. Unlike Tetta-kun, Ran clearly loved you. You could tell by how heartbroken he was when he found out about the arranged marriage. However, you knew that your father would never agree to marry off his daughter to someone with a notorious reputation within the delinquent world.
Although you did not love Ran in that sense, you were content with letting him love you. At the time, the perfect scenario did not exist in your mind. The chance of falling in love with someone equally fiercely as they have with you seemed like a far away dream.
But then you met Manjirō and the world around you soon ceased to exist. There was only you and him, and for the first time you felt truly happy.
Manjirō was always gentle with you. Sometimes, when you spoke about an interesting book you had recently read or a movie you recently watched, you would catch him staring at you with a look of pure adoration, while smiling dreamily. Whenever this happened, you would suddenly become a stuttering mess, which would cause him to tease you endlessly over how 'cute' he thought it was.
However, as time passed, Manjirō grew more distant. He still took you on rides with his Babu in the middle of the night when the whole neighborhood was off to dreamland. He waited for you near the school gates, but without his bike, knowing how strict your parents were about your associations. Yet the constant shine he once radiated began to fade.
You understood him, of course. Constantly being trailed by death after death would most likely make you emotionally exhausted. A part of you felt like crying every single time the blond would give you one of his now constant melancholic smiles, trying to mask the void that began to spread through his entire being.
But he was not alone. You grieved together. Sure, you did not know his friends for as long as Manjirō did. However, you had still formed a certain bond with a few of them. You still remember how sad Manjirō looked when he had suddenly called you one night, asking you if you could meet him at the hospital. His body shook tremendously as he replayed the scene of his stabbed, and now dead friend. They never even got the chance to reconcile.
You only knew Ryūguji for a few months, but during the time you spent together you began to see him as an older brother. You always felt a certain amount of amazement over the way he managed to deal with Manjirō on a daily basis. And Draken would always turn to you with a kind smile and tell you how it was nothing compared to the way you had managed to handle him.
Then it was Keisuke’s turn, and unlike the rest of the Tokyo Manji Gang, Keisuke was the one you had known the longest. Even before Manjirō. And it broke your heart when the blond had one day broken the news of his sudden death. The rash and brute boy that was the exact opposite of you but somehow became your most reliable confidant had left this world without any goodbye.
You remembered the day you first met vividly. It was raining cats and dogs outside, and you were unfortunate enough to forget your umbrella at home. As you walked down the main road, you suddenly stumbled upon a box lying near the dumpsters. You could hear meows coming from it, which compelled you to open it.
Keisuke must have seen you from the other side of the road, because while you were too busy examining the small kittens inside the box the rain had stopped hitting you. This was something that you realized was rather odd, since you could still hear the aggressive downpours around you. And that was when you had met Baji Keisuke, first division commander of the Tokyo Manji Gang—and surprisingly a big cat lover—holding an umbrella over your head whilst sending you a cheeky grin.
However, what you assumed had become the snapping point was the death of Sano Emma, the younger sister of Sano Manjirō but also your close friend and classmate. It was a truly heartbreaking moment - one second, you were having a normal conversation, and the next, she was lying cold and motionless on the pavement, completely unaware of the world surrounding her. And you honestly did not understand how somebody could be so cruel, that they were willing to kill an innocent teenage girl.
After that day, Manjirō had become a shell of his former self. But you still loved him because, as cold as he was with others, he remained tender with you. He would still smile, even though those smiles were now completely empty. Sometimes the two of you would sit near the river, and he would talk about your future together, how he could not bear to lose you to the hands of the Grim Reaper.
You were skeptical, but could not help but hope that the two of you would indeed have your happy ending. The happy ending where you were married and had a family together. Where you were not forcefully married to another man. To the man that you did not love.
Sometimes you imagined scenarios where you and Manjriō would run away together. Away from your parents. Away from his grief and constant feeling of emptiness. Away from these burdens that were clutching onto the both of you like a goddamn parasite.
Manjirō suddenly spoke up, gaining your attention. A few hours prior your boyfriend had decided to take you to your shared favorite place near the river, where you have been sitting next to each other in silence enjoying the romantic atmosphere.
It was quite common for you and Manjirō to enjoy each other's company like this. You did not need to hold a conversation to feel content. Most often, you would sit with your back against a tree trunk, while Manjirō's head lay in your lap and you read a book. Sometimes, during school hours, Draken would find you in the same position on the rooftop.
You sent him a quizzical look, but he did not return your gaze. Instead, he continued to stare blankly at the river, silently watching as the water slowly continued to flow.
“Kisaki had approached me a few days ago. Said that he knows about our relationship and that he wants to help us.” You hummed in response, taking a hold of Manjirō’s hand and intertwining your fingers.
Truth be told, you still felt a bit skeptical, and now that Tetta-kun was involved it made you grow more uneasy. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Kisaki’s intellect. But you weren’t stupid enough to see past his sometimes unethical ways to deal with things. Even though Tetta-kun had expressed his disinterest in your marriage, claiming that he already was in love with another beta girl, Tachibana Hinata, you couldn’t help but feel unsure.
At that time, the male claimed that he would have interfered with his parents' plans if he had the authority, but neither his opinion nor yours seemed to matter. Although he sounded sincere, a part of you sensed that he might not have been entirely truthful and could have had a hidden agenda. Besides, his parents didn't appear to be excessively controlling.
"Are you sure about this, Manjirō?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows with concern as you pressed your chin onto his broad shoulder. It was the first time during your conversation that the blond had looked at you, but his expression was unreadable. You couldn't help but worry about him.
Manjirō carefully wrapped his right arm around your waist, bringing your body closer to his. He kissed your forehead softly, lips remaining there for a few more seconds before pulling away. But only enough to press his forehead against your own. His expression was still unreadable, but seemed to have softened up a bit.
Lost within the depths of the starless nights that were his eyes, you didn’t notice how his left hand had got up and cupped your cheek until you felt the coolness of his fingertips make contact with your skin. His thumb began to draw small circles across the surface as he continued to look at you with the same dead expression that held only a tiny bit of the usual warmth it did back in the old days.
“Do you still want me, [Name]-chin?” You furrowed your eyebrows at his question, not understanding where this was coming from. Carefully wrapping your arms around his neck, you sent him a look that expressed nothing but worry for him.
“Of course Manjirō, I love you.” The male seemed to visibly relax at your reassurance. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, left arm wrapping around your waist where his other had been. His hot breath fanning over your sensitive skin.
You couldn’t help but feel flustered by this sort of intimacy. Sure, this was far from the first time and Manjirō had always been very affectionate with you, but it still never failed to increase the erratic beating of your heart. Sometimes it made you worry that it would just stop, not having enough stamina to keep up with his advances.
“I love you too.” He whispered, arms unwrapping from your waist as he placed the palms of his hands on your hips before squeezing on the clothed flesh.
“I promise that I will make it work out in the end.” Manjirō’s voice was low as he spoke the last part, finally pulling away from your neck to make eye contact. His gaze was unwavering and you couldn’t help but feel slightly dazed by this whole situation. And it was only then that you were able to pick up on a strange aroma that you’ve never smelled on him before. It was sweet and reminded you of the lavender flower.
Nodding dumbly, you let Manjirō take a hold of your hand as he led you towards his Babu. Everything seemed to go on autopilot afterwards. You did not even notice at what point you had arrived at his place. It felt as if you had been charmed with a serenade that kept your body completely at his mercy.
The blond led you towards his bedroom, and you followed numbly, your mind growing dizzier with each passing second. You thought you could hear the sound of someone locking the door, but you weren't sure. Your body started to heat up, and the sensation was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.
Before long, a pair of muscular arms wrapped around your waist, jolting you back to reality. Manjirō was holding your body tightly against his own, and you could feel his body heat against your back. He was peppering your neck with small kisses, causing your body to heat up even more.
Your breathing was turning increasingly erratic and you were starting to feel uncomfortable. But as you were trying to squeeze yourself out of his grip it only became tighter.
“M-Manjirō, what a-are you doing?” The eighteen year old groaned into your neck as his hands went higher up to knead your breasts.
“This is the only solution we have, [Name]-chin.”
“H-Huh?” He swiftly turned you around so that you would now stand face to face with him, before tearing your shirt into pieces. More pieces of clothing soon followed, until he had you lying completely bare for his predatory gaze to take in. Manjirō growled, feeling cock twitch at the sight of his omega presenting for him.
Puffs of air left your mouth as you watched the alpha undress right in front of you. The sight of his muscular and well trained body, making your cheeks flush in the process. Your head was still spinning, and you had a hard time comprehending what was going on. All you could tell was that your omega’s neediness was growing at an alarming rate.
Not even once in your life had you experienced something like this. Sure, you were aware that at some point you would most likely want to become more intimate with your boyfriend, but not like this. Not this suddenly. You didn’t feel ready. However, your inner omega seemed to disagree as you noticed that Manjirō had already finished undressing.
For the first time in your life did you feel truly small, especially in your boyfriend's presence. Manjrō was hovering over you, his blond hair falling down his handsome face like curtains. His thick scent was growing stronger, which made you question if there was even any oxygen left in the air.
The smell was intoxicating and held a mixture of citrus and spice combined with a sense of earthiness that made you feel grounded. It was a strange fusion that made you both float in the sky whilst a feeling of stability still remained. Yet the control over your body remained nonexistent.
Manjirō tapped your cheek gently, snapping you out from your dazed state. Then proceeded by pressing a tender kiss against the corner of your mouth before going down to your neglected breasts. He enclosed your nipples with his soft lips and started sucking, while his right hand started to play with the other one. This action made you arch your back in pleasure.
Then he pulled away from the left breast in favor of tending the other. His warm and wet tongue encircled it before he once again started to suck. Nipping on the places surrounding it from time to time, leaving purple bruises in that area. He was acting like a starved animal, devouring your breast in a desperate kind of frenzy.
Manjirō then began to descend your body, leaving a trail of kisses down its wake. The lower he got, however, the less comfortable you began to feel. You didn’t want him there. You wanted Manjirō to stop, but something was restraining you from voicing your feelings. Tears began to pour down your cheeks, until a gasp suddenly left your lips.
Manjirō had spread your legs open, leaving your dripping pussy completely exposed. You could feel the amount of slick that had already been produced, dripping down on the bed sheets, which made the streams of air that the blond blew hit far more sensitively than it should have. He groaned as the smell of your sweet essence reached his nostrils, placing his tongue flatly against your sensitive pearl before licking in long and agonizing strokes.
“You taste so good, baby.” You unconsciously moaned, his words causing your womanhood clench around nothing. It was beginning to feel painfully empty and you had no idea what to do.
You bucked your hips against his face, craving more of the pleasure that his tongue was providing you. Noticing your increasing desperation, Manjirō placed his thumb on your clitoris and caressed it while peppering your sex with small sloppy kisses before plunging one finger into your needy little hole.
Clenching around the foreign thing that had entered you, your boyfriend simply continued to caress the outer part of your sex as you got used to the intruder. Once you relaxed a second finger was introduced, which was later followed by a third. His fingers were hitting you so goodly, causing each moan that you were producing to turn into screams of pleasure.
Manjirō let out an animalistic growl, each thrust becoming more forceful than the previous one. The pleasure hit you in increasingly powerful shockwaves as you began to approach your first orgasm. And just as you were about to topple over the edge, your pussy was suddenly left completely empty. However, you did not get to ponder over it for long, as Manjirō’s wet lips were suddenly pressing aggressively against your cunt.
Another moan escaped your lips as he started to tongue fuck you. Your hands flew up, taking a harsh hold of his blond locks as you pressed his face further into your dripping pussy. His grip on your plush thighs was tight, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care, far too gone in the immense pleasure that your alpha was giving you.
Manjirō was groaning, humping onto the mattress, desperate to reach his own orgasm. He was beginning to lose patience, however, the taste of your sweet pussy was too intoxicating to ignore. Then he took a small, barely noticeable bite of your sex, which caused you to spasm all over his face as he continued to eat you out through your orgasm. Letting you ride it out against his face.
Not giving you much time to bask in the afterglow, the alpha pounced on you, kissing you feverishly once your face was close enough for him to reach your delicious lips. You tried to break away in desperate need for air, but the male wouldn’t let go until he was satisfied.
“Need more,” he mumbled, finally pushing himself off of you. His cheeks were flushed and the sultry look that he was giving you made your inner omega preen. Manjirō took once again a hold of your thighs, before he wrapped your legs around his waist. That’s when you finally noticed his engorged cock. It was thick and veiny and a part of you was wondering how that thing was going to fit inside you.
“W-Wait!” You stuttered as his red and angry looking tip began to press against your entrance, heart rate picking up as panic began to flood your system. You didn’t want this.
“Shh…” The male hushed you, pressing his forehead against yours as he began to introduce his tip into your warm and inviting hole. “This is the only way, [Name]-chin.”
The words that were supposed to be encouraging, sounded more like a feral growl. He pushed into you with one single thrust, forcing a loud moan out of you in the process. The sensation felt so foreign, but not unwelcome. Despite the initial state of fear, your inner omega began to purr with content at the feeling of being filled by its alpha.
You, on the other hand, were trembling at the newfound sensation. It felt so weird and uncomfortable to have such a big, warm and throbbing thing inside of you. But Manjirō didn’t give you much time to get used to it as he began to thrust. The first two strokes were lazy and more testing before he began to increase his pace.
Groans and incoherent words were escaping his lips as he continued to fuck into you with intense force. The bed creaked and the headboard slammed into the wall with each of Manjirō’s thrusts. Your moans were increasing in volume, which urged the blond to fuck you harder.
“Fuck, pussy s’tight.”
Soon his thrusts began to slow down and you could feel his dick begin to grow in size. This caused your eyes to widen in realization as you began to trash around trying to push him off of you.
“M-Manjirō please!” But the male ignored you, wrapping his arms around you tightly, immobilizing you completely as he continued to pound into you. Moan after moan escaped your lips as suddenly a wave of pure ecstasy forced its way through your body, causing it to shake aggressively with the force of your second orgasm. It didn’t matter how much you didn't want this to happen. It was obvious that you stood no chance against a strong alpha like Manjirō, especially when your own inner omega seemed to welcome this kind of treatment.
Manjirō, on the other hand, was too far gone to register any of your pleas. His mind clouded by the thought of finally being able to mark you, to knotting you. Thoughts clouded by the images of you walking around in your shared house with a round belly filled with his puppies. Heavy tits bouncing with every step that you take while milk oozes out of your painfully hard nipples.
You feel the male sinking his teeth into your neck, earning yet another purr of contentment from your omega. At this point Manjiō’s knot had grown so large, it was only a matter of seconds before you’d be filled with it. And as if on cue, hot streams of his fertile semen suddenly began to spurt into your womb.
Everything went hazy after that. You still remember the way he would fuck his cum into you through vasts of the night, each time his dick would be ready for another round. You remember lying in your boyfriend’s embrace, his arms keeping you in a possessive hold with his knot buried deep inside of you. Only to fall asleep and wake up with him pounding into you yet again.
Only after six weeks did you find out that you're pregnant, which caused an uproar at home. Your father appeared to be more worried for your well-being, than angry. Your mother, on the other hand, expressed nothing but utter disappointment.
The wedding was held a few months later during your second month of pregnancy. Manjirō did whatever he could to help you during the process. He made sure to be patient with you and didn’t make any advances, remaining completely respectful of your boundaries. But no matter how tender and understanding he was, it couldn’t erase what he had done.
No matter how many times he tried to apologize and express how sorry he was, you began to drift away from him. You felt betrayed and nothing he did would change that. This time, it was you who had become a shell of your former self. Like one of those porcelain dolls that people would put on their shelves as a decor. Pretty in every aspect…
…except for the dead eyes that were now representing every dimension of your soul.
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justauthoring · 2 years
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*catalyst: a person or thing that precipitates an event.
pairing: manjirou “mikey” sano x f!reader
a/n: i have no idea where this is supposed to take place in the canon timeline lol, i just want to write something angst for mikey and i find his character so fascinating.
warnings: kisaki lol, death.
You were the catalyst for everything.
Kisaki Tetta knew that now.
Months of carefully crafted plans repeatedly ruined; his everlasting plan to mold Mikey into the perfect leader for the gang he envisioned had failed right before his own eyes more times than he could count on one hand. Forced to watch as it all fell apart and he’d been made to look like a fool in front of those he demanded respect from enough to have Kisaki fuming with humiliation and anger.
The worst part? You didn’t even know it. 
It wasn’t like you’d figured him out, or had any suspicions like he knew a few others did. You were none the wiser to Kisaki, and every time you had interacted with him, you’d been nothing but completely pleasant and warm. You, with your bright smile and twinkling eyes and that sweet voice of yours that could carry on for hours without fault. You were friendly, incredibly so, able to talk to anyone and everyone and never stumble over your words or wonder what to say. People gravitated towards you, and you let them.
Kisaki was just another face that you greeted occasionally, a member of your boyfriends organization that you always made sure to show respect to. You didn’t have a single idea of what darkness resided in Kisaki’s mind or the things he wanted to do, specifically to your boyfriend.
But you were warm and you were glowing, an ethereal presence amongst Mikey that constantly pulled him back in when he slipped just a little too far into the darkness. Mikey’s eyes shined when he was with you, even had a sparkle of life to them as he smiled at you, giddy and completely in love, and all it took was the mere mention of you, and Mikey would remind himself of who he was and that was that.
Mikey had lost more than he could process, but he still had you.
Kisaki knew that now, as he watched Mikey dote on you, a single poke on your nose that had you blushing as you wiped at the crumbs on the corner of your lips of the snack he’d given you. Mikey never shared with anyone – well, anyone but you. And Kisaki felt positively sick as he watched the two of you, a pure hatred that was so unfairly focused completely on you, a glint in his gaze as let his eyes wander across the reason for all of his failings.
You were the reason for everything, and Kisaki had every intention of changing that.
You were a piece of the puzzle that was no longer needed.
Fingers digging into Mikey’s jacket, you hold fast, feeling the wind whip through your hair, making your eyes sting and your heart race.
Mikey’s laughing, blissfully unaware of the deep fear coursing through your veins as you press your face into his back and shut your eyes. He’d told you this would be fun, and even if you’d been skeptical, you’d believed him. You know how Mikey loves going on rides and you always felt bad that you never go with him; so you’d mustered up your courage and pushed back your fear and agreed to go on one with him.
You were now severely regretting that fact.
If it had been anyone else, you would’ve screamed at them to stop. But you hold back your own terror for Mikey’s sake, trying to take pleasure in the feeling of being so close to him and ignore the way you constantly feel like you’re about to be taken by the wind and go flying off.
When Mikey finally stops, you accept his hand with shaky legs, gripping onto him tightly enough so that you don’t fall flat on your face.
“It wasn’t that bad, was it?” Mikey lightly laughs, taking in the paleness of your skin and the way you can barely stand.
“It was awful,” you huff, bracing yourself against the wall slightly away from him. “I’ve never been more scared before in my life.”
But Mikey just smiles; “I’d never let anything happen to you.”
And your eyes fall on him, stunned by his confession as your lips part and a soft blush falls across your cheeks. But still, despite your surprise, your answer comes with ease; “of course,” you nod, “I know.” Then, almost like an afterthought, you can’t help but pout. “Doesn’t make it any less scary though.”
He makes his way over to you, brushing back a strand of hair that had fallen in your face, letting his fingers run through your hair with a fond smile that is only ever reserved for you. You find yourself mesmerized with the way he stares at you, gaze so soft, so adoring that it takes your breath away every time you’re faced with it.
Only Mikey can ever make you feel this way; an indescribable warmth that flows through you and makes your insides feel like butterflies and your legs feel like jelly (even more than they already do). Mikey had a way about him, always has, for as long as you’ve known him, his charm is soft and gentle but it makes you a blushing mess every single time.
You’d do anything Mikey asked of you – that you’re sure of.
“Was it that scary?”
You concede at that, shoulders falling; “no,” you admit, unable to say anything else with the way he’s looking at you. “Just takes some getting used to.”
His face brightens then, a kid-like glow of excitement washing over his face. “You’ll go on a ride with me again then?”
If it had been anyone else, you would’ve said no; unable to deny the way your heart is still racing and you feel like throwing up.
But, this is Mikey.
“Of course.”
You were entirely too trusting.
Mikey had told you that a million times, that you shouldn’t be, exasperated at the way you trusted anyone's word and simply said yes to anything someone asked of you. It didn’t matter who and it didn’t matter what; if you were capable of helping, you would. 
It’s why when Kisaki asks you to follow him, saying he wants your help for a surprise he’s working on for Mikey, you just smile and nod, letting him lead you away. You’re blissfully unaware of the dark, looming threat that peers over your shoulder. The smirk on Kisaki’s face is perceived as a smile, and you mimic one back to him, head tilted and eyes crinkled in warmth as you nod, not even questioning when Kisaki leads you into what looks like an abandoned building.
He must just want to keep the surprise secret, you figure.
And you continue to think nothing of it until there’s a smack against the back of your head, and your vision blurs, body wobbling as Kisaki’s name leaves your lips in a echoed gasp of a mixture of surprise and pain, collapsing on the ground with a resounding thud. Your vision continues to darken until it turns black completely, the last thing you’re able to register is Kisaki's looming figure over your own, that same smirk that suddenly looks more sinister than you remember it looking staring back at you.
You’re fourteen when Mikey kisses you for the first time.
You’re both young, stupid teenagers that barely know what commitment really means or what the weight of a relationship is supposed to promise. But you don’t really care either way. You’re completely smitten with Mikey, unable to tear yourself from his side, wanting to spend every waking moment with him, even if that involves simply following him around. 
And Mikey feels the exact same.
It’s why he kisses you that day after school.
He can’t hide his feelings anymore. You erupt a fire in him that he can’t ignore, this itch to be closer, be more with you… When Mikey pulls you from class that day, tugging you all the way outside until he tucks you into a corner away from prying eyes, he doesn’t even say anything before his lips press against your own. And yet, there’s not even a moment of hesitation from you. The kiss is a shock, Mikey knows that, but when his lips press against your own, you’re responding with as much want as him.
The kiss is messy, sloppy and just what you’d imagine two fourteen year old's to kiss like.
It’s still the best kiss of your life though.
When Mikey pulls away, he’s breathless, chest rising and falling with every breath he inhales and you’re bright red, embarrassed but completely euphoric at the fact that Mikey had finally, finally kissed you.
You giggle when he meets your eyes and he grins wide.
It’s the first time you see that sparkle in his eyes you haven’t seen since his brother's death, a bit of life returning to his gaze as you set your hand on your cheek. Your touch is gentle, unsure at first, before you let yourself relax, petting his cheek with your thumb, unable to tear your eyes away from his own.
Mikey can’t either.
“I love you,” you admit, breathless.
And he says it back too, just as breathless. Just as smitten. “I love you too.”
You’re both fourteen. Young and dumb and teenagers.
And yet, you know you mean it when you tell him you love him.
You know he means it too.
You’re not returning his texts.
You never go more than a few hours without texting him back. But it’s been two days. 
At first Mikey had tried to convince himself you were just busy – he remembered you saying you had a lot of work to catch up on and so he eases his mind with that; you’re just busy.
But when you’ve been busy in the past, it hasn't stopped you from texting him back. Even a simple “hey <3”. 
Mikey starts to panic. Time starts to tick and the panic worsens, this weight pressing on his chest, making it hard for him to breathe. He can’t think straight, he can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t do anything but worry about where you are. He wants to hold you, wants to have you close, kiss you… anything. He doesn’t care what, Mikey just needs you.
He cannot lose you.
It’s a fact he knows without even the slightest bit of doubt. Mikey perhaps understands himself better than most think he does – he’s not stupid enough to not realize the dark thoughts that course through his mind. He’s found himself slipping into them more than he can count, shrouded in darkness repeatedly, and the person that has always brought him back was you. 
Always you.
Smiling at him, calling for him, hands on his cheeks as you kiss him so passionately, with love unlike he’s ever felt before.
After all he’s lost, all he’s suffered.., sure, he still has his friends… still had Toman. But through the darkness, you’re always on the other side of it, the light at the end of the tunnel, and Mikey knows without a doubt that you are what’s holding him together.
He cannot lose you.
A knock on his door pulls himself from his thoughts. His eyes snap to the door as it slowly opens, Draken’s head popping through.
Mikey straightens, shoulders tensing.
“We found her,” Draken says, “we know where she is.”
The fact that Draken doesn’t elaborate doesn’t escape Mikey, but he hardly cares. The mention of finding you is all that matters and he’s jumping to his feet before he even realizes, grabbing his jacket on the way; “where.” His voice is dark, sharp, demanding the answer right then and there.
He needs to get to you.
“An abandoned building just twenty minutes from here,” Draken explains, eyes never leaving Mikey. He continues to watch him, silent, until Mikey moves to step past him and then Draken’s hand falls on his shoulder, grip tight, halting his steps. “Mikey.”
His voice is low, thick.
Mikey hesitates, eyes turning to his friend, a glare set on his features; “what?”
“What happens if you find her there and she’s…” Draken doesn’t even want to say it. You’re his friend too. “What if she’s dead?”
“She’s not.”
And Mikey isn’t even sure if he believes the words. The fear is crawling up the back of his throat and he’s finding it hard to focus on anything other then this horrible feeling welling deep within him.
“We don’t know who took her, we don’t even know why.” Draken reminds, desperate for him to listen, for Mikey’s sake more than anything. “Mikey…”
“She’s alive,” Mikey says, eyes never turning away from Drakens. “I know it.”
Mikey knew from the moment he saw you, you were the one.
Tears pouring down your face, cheeks red, snot-nosed, your pretty pink blouse all mucked up with dirt and mud – and yet, you stand strong, tall, in front of the boys who’d kicked you down in the first place. You’re scared, shaking, but you don’t let it show in your face. Through the tears, your glare is harsh and your lips are set tight, in a straight line, and you don’t waver from your position.
Behind you, a kitten is curled up on the ground.
Mike doesn’t even really understand it. Doesn’t even realize he’s moved until he has. There’s four boys surrounding you, cornering you, moving to grab at you, pull at you, hurt you and despite knowing that, you don’t move. Your focus is wholly on the cat behind you, desperate to keep it safe, and Mikey likes the way you stand up even if you have no chance of winning.
Even if you’ve already lost.
Reminds him of someone he knows.
He knocks the four boys down with ease. Two of them go down before they even realize what’s happening, and even then the other two don’t manage to do much before they get a nasty kick to their faces, sending them flying and landing straight in the dirt. When they get up, it’s in fear and all four of them go running without even a single glance in your direction.
When it’s just the two of you, MIkey stares back at you only to see you staring at him with awe.
The tears have since dried on your cheeks, just a stained reminder, but you’re no longer sniffling or shaking. Instead, your eyes are glowing with admiration and your fists are clenched in front of you tightly in excitement.
“Can you teach me how to do that?”
Mikey blinks at you, that having been the last thing he expected.
But then, as the surprise fades, he finds himself laughing; “you wouldn’t be able to kick like me.” He says it in with a air of cockiness, hands falling on his hips as he stares back at you.
You pout then, clenching your fists at your side; “I so could!” You declare, “just because I’m a girl, doesn’t mean I can’t fight.”
And Mikey, oddly, believes you.
He doesn’t say anything in response, though, simply lets his gaze lower, to the cat behind you, and it takes you a moment, but slowly you follow his gaze, reminded of why you’d been there in the first place. Your entire demeanor changes then, face softening and body easing as you scoop the cat up in your arms. It doesn’t fight you, easing into the warmth of another, and you pet it softly, hushing it.
“Is it your cat?”
You turn back to Mikey at his question, shaking your head; “no. Just saw them kicking at her,” you explain with a frown. “It’s just a cat.” And it’s simple; as if that’s all the explanation you needed.
It is.
“Yeah,” Mikey shrugs, eyeing the nasty bruise on your cheek, “but you got hurt because of it.”
“I’d rather get hurt than let someone who can’t defend themselves get hurt.” you huff, as if that’s obvious. But the annoyance from your face fades as you turn back to him, beaming brightly as you meet his eyes. “Besides, you came to save me anyways.” 
You send him a toothy grin, and Mikey blinks, face falling with bafflement as he stares back at you. 
He... saved you?
“My hero,” you grin, without wavering confidence. You say it like you’ve known Mikey for years, as if this wasn’t the first the two of you have spoken, like you have no doubt in your mind that Mikey will continue to do just that -- save you.
Then you add, a toothy grin on your lips, “until I can learn to fight like you.”
To be honest, Mikey finds he likes being your hero.
He finds you too late.
You’ve bled out, stabbed twice. Your hands are tied behind your back, your mouth gagged, dried tears streaming from your eyes, staining your cheeks. Your skin is pale, eyes lifeless, and even as Mikey pulls you into his arms, freeing your arms, you don’t move. You don’t say anything. 
You're dead.
He’d been too late.
Draken who stands behind him doesn’t say anything. Nor does the rest of Toman. His friends stay eerily silent, some crying, some in shock, but no one moves. No one says a single thing.
Mikey feels like he’s floating. He’s staring at you, he knows you're dead, can feel your body growing cold in his arms, but he finds himself unable to say anything. When his hands move to remove your gag, there’s a moment where everything freezes.
A long, terrifying moment where nothing happens.
And then he feels his eyes watering and his vision blurring when, as seconds pass, you still don’t move.
Mikey knows you’re dead, somewhere deep in the back of his mind. Of course he does. But half of him still expects you to move, to say something, to smile at him, with those eyes of yours he loves; a stupid, naïve part of him that can’t accept that you are dead. Because, you can’t be. Any moment now, you’d move, smile at him, say his name and it’d all be okay.
You don’t, of course, you’re completely still in his arms, limp and unmoving and gone.
Just gone.
He’s sobbing. Mikey doesn’t even realize it.
He’s screaming your name, screaming for you.
Mikey doesn’t hear himself.
Your hero.
What a joke.
And as his world darkens, and everything slips away from him, he’s unaware of the glinting eyes that stare at his back.
Everything happened according to plan. Finally.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 1 year
hello, can i get a request for tokyo revengers womb tatto pt.2? 😩🙏🏻 with Haitani bros, Baji, and Draken? Only if you want to write of course <33
Oh absolutely! I threw in Izana and Kisaki too because why not? Hope you enjoy~
Finding out you have a womb tattoo pt. 2 - Tokyo Rev Headcannons
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Oh? 👀
You can bet on him being cheeky and teasing you for sure
Don't take his teasing too seriously though, he really loves the fact that you got a tattoo down there
He'll snake one arm around your waist, pull you closer and place his other hand on the tattoo while whispering, “Didja get that just for me, babe?”
I HC him as being very physically affectionate anyways, but he's going to be even more touchy feely now. Always looking for an excuse to touch your waist or anywhere near your tattoo ;)
You try to tease him back by saying he should get one too. He brushes it off but he will think about it sometimes.... what if he surprised you by getting one?
Very nsfw but! He likes seeing it covered in cum after sex now~
Honestly he has to do a double take when he first sees you with it
You walk into the room in a crop top/topless/etc after your appointment and greet him, “Hey Rin”
“Hey y/n” Wait a damn minute, he thinks as his head snaps back towards you
Kinda speechless at first, he's never seen someone with that particular tattoo
But! He comes to really like it, especially on you
Very helpful during the healing process and very sweet when he asks if he can touch it
Once he has permission though, he will also find excuses to touch there or around that area 😊
Such a tsundere about it omg
He acts like he doesn't care about it, but give it a few days or a week and you'll notice that he actually does love it
When you're alone, probably cuddling or maybe taking a nap together, he'll gently brush his fingers against your skin, tracing your tattoo and admiring the design you picked
You start getting dressed or undressing in the same room as him and he secretly stares at you, he already thought you were cute but he thinks you look even cuter now
He'd probably tease you too, but not too often. Just every once in a while
Oh baby he is flustereeeeddd
Just kinda...stares at it when he first sees you
“Ken, you good?”
Yeah totally *coughs* very good, very normal, definitely not blushing at all
He would be extremely flattered if you got some dragons worked into the design. ”Now we match, Kenny!”
He's not horribly overbearing about caring for it, but he will remind you to cover it up when you shower, put lotion on it, etc etc
You slip your hand under his shirt and tell him how cute it'd look on him, caressing his lower abdomen and looking up at him with half-lidded eyes
He tells you to shut up, but you can tell by the way he turns his head away that he's blushing like crazy
Woah cool tattoo :o
He's so curious and he's probably going to ask lots of questions like why you chose that tattoo, what made you go with that design, why that colour ink, etc etc
Not touchy feely unless he knows that it riles you up
If having that area touched gets any sort of reaction out of you, expect his hands on you frequently :)
It's not really something that turns him on, but if it turns you on for any reason, he'll tease you and maybe play into that for you
Also flustereeeeddd af
You lift up your shirt to show off your new tattoo and you swear that he squeaks when he sees it
Looks away very quickly, his face already as hot as the sun
If you want him to touch it, you're going to have to physically put his hand on it yourself 😐
He does really like it though...it's just in such an intimate spot....
You can easily tease him by saying that he should get one, it'd look so good on him ;)
Kisaki.exe has stopped working
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quino7 · 1 year
Finished Tokyo Revengers, my feelings on it are complicated so this is getting a long review, First off before anything else that ending is pretty bad, somehow like 4 different people learned about/had the time powers in the last like 20 chapters for some reason. And yeah the ending was as bad as I’ve heard it was
This series isn’t all bad, in my mind it’s kinda like Jagaaaan in the sense that it’s pretty bad but it has some great parts. Those parts being Mikey and Draken, Draken just has an amazing design and he’s a cool guy not much else to say about him. And Mikey, he’s the only thing that kept me reading this, he’s the only character that got treated with the delicacy needed for characters in a good delinquent manga (at least that’s the word id choose there’s probably a better one). And also he’s kinda just like one of the only well written characters. The final praise I have for Tokyo Revengers, is the fact that it’s willing to kill characters.
Now for all of the bad stuff
First off just a few of the minor gripes I have, 1 these guys are all way too young. 2 the generations were super wacky just on a time scale wise. And I’m kinda reaching with 3 here but there’s a real lack of police here, especially since this takes place in 2007 a few years after some of the anti Bousouzoku laws were passed.
Now for my real problems with this series. One of my main gripes I had throughout reading it was the lack of buildup between and during arcs. Especially with the time travel stuff, it just felt like we were floating from plot point to plot point. Adding on to that, new characters just kept getting introduced right when they needed to serve a purpose, the most glaring example in my memory being Mucho? I think his name was, the 5th captain just shows up to kidnap Takemichi to build more drama for kisaki.
Speaking of kisaki, he did pretty well as a villain but when you think about him he’s kinda a mess story wise, we get no real driver for why he wants to ruin Manji until there’s that bs about him proposing to hina. And like apparently past him knows about that even if he isn’t a leaper. And like I got invested in his scheming and how he kept messing stuff up in the future and masterminding stuff. But like most of the things in this series,What’s the fucking point.
Tokyo revengers had legit potential, but it’s hampered by the fact that Wakui is just bad at writing. There’s even more stuff I could complain about but I’ve made my statement and criticisms clear. My rating for it is a 3-4/10
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gratuiciel · 4 months
(to the tune of running up that hill) you wanna hear about the fics im writing
u dont have to btw, especially if u dont know the fandoms im talking about (dq11 and tokrev) bc this will mostly sound like a bunch of nonsense if u dont
content warning for whump writing and descriptions of violence/injuries/captivity
first one is gonna be jasper//hendrik in a setting where the luminary doesnt show up on time at the last bastion and so hendrik has to surrender himself to save the people living there (bc he Knows they'll keep fighting if he asks them, and he Knows the whole siege is kind of his fault since jasper is doing this specifically to prove his military superiority over him). definitely gonna be whump in there. jasper keeps him captive in his sky fortress (hendrik cant exactly fly away) and mostly fucks with his mind, but then mordegon decides thats not fun enough and takes matters into his own hands (jasper eventually defects to the luminary while hendrik gets turned into a monster. role reversal babey!)
second one is a gen fic in which hendrik manages to go back to the past (eleven passed on his power during the final battle bc he was too injured to heal), so he's like okay ive got this im gonna fix everything also im literally proficient in both combat and magic thanks to the luminary's power so there is nothing i cant do... except that when he has to choose the moment where he wants to return he kind of panics bc there are so many things to fix, and the confusion as he formulates his wish causes him to return just a few weeks before the events of the game, except he's 6 now and he can't lift a sword anymore. get detective conan'd, idiot. (this is mostly bc adult hendrik with luminary powers would be op as fuck and therefore i had to nerf him and also force him to ask for help for once. he knows everything but cant say anything and he'll need to rely on others to save the world) the fic will then follow the canon story order but things will happen in a different way due to hendrik's interference
third one's premise is: chifuyu gets visions of the future instead of takemichi, and when he sees baji's future he jumps to take the hit in his place. when he wakes up in the hospital, he learns that baji took the blame for the stabbing (he's in jail now) and that his new hospital roommate (once his condition has stabilized) is none other than kazutora (he's been punched in the face a whole lot and got broken bones too). they cant get along at all and takemichi is tasked with watching over them (kazutora is in his division now). once kazutora has healed somewhat, he'll try to get revenge on kisaki and hanma for pushing him to stab baji. at this point he's just obsessed with vengeance and doesnt care abt his own personal safety and chifuyu gets visions of him getting into big big trouble and so he has to get him out of it each time. they grow to trust each other eventually. there is also this takemichi//kisaki subplot which i am cooking up, where kazutora sends dudes to fuck up kisaki while he himself is fighting hanma, and takemichi is the one to rescue (sort of) kisaki (he gets his ass kicked lol but him taking half the hits essentially means kisaki doesnt get beaten to death). then takemichi carries kisaki home to tend to his wounds and then the dude gets a fever and takemichi gets to learn somewhat abt his past and why he is like this. main appeal of the kisa//take subplot is that at some point takemichi will have to go to the future for information and find out that kisaki didnt kill hina bc he didnt propose to her bc now he's in love with him?? for some reason?? it's honestly so funny to me. also i just wanna flesh out kisaki as a villain and find out what couldve shaped his world view (needless to say his family life is Fucked up) anyway this will probably also follow the canon timeline except now kazutora is here to fuck shit up and takemichi is trying to understand kisaki (with mixed results), which will drastically change how things go i think (no idea how this will end yet. i havent even figured out how to make chifuyu and kazutora get injured enough to share a hospital room for some time but not too injured that they can make it to the christmas fight (theyll probably still be recovering by that time... possibility of additional angst by having surgery scars reopen and all))
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kokoch4n3l · 5 months
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DEAD GIRL'S BEACH࿐ྂ "just givin' the same care you gave me, bunny. so whatcha' crying 'bout?"
—headcanons and other info about the fic
warnings: DARK CONTENT, all warnings for the general fic apply here too
notes: recommended to be read after chapter 11. format inspired by @highpri3stess
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While this is being posted, I'm writing chapter 12 which is a means to an end of this fic. Chapter 13 is an epilogue of some sort that transitions into the canon events of the manga as well as the things that happen after Mikey dies and after Kakucho shoots Takemichi and Kiskai shoots Naoto. These headcanons follow MY storyline of the main story and will include things from the two bonus chapters I will post once I have finished the main story.
Now, this fic is actually inspired by a character.ai bot: Patient Izana. How I got this fic from that? Honestly, I have no idea.
Introducing antagonist number 1, Kurkokawa Izana.
At first, while writing I thought of making Izana the stereotypical 'psycho' and unstable patient and maybe give him joker vibes but then I changed it and decided that I should fuckin' wing it. While he may not exude the same overt instability as a character like the Joker, Izana possesses a chilling charisma and a cunning intellect that sets him apart as a formidable adversary, especially for someone who doesn't know how or when to quit(i.e. Takemichi and Maya)
Izana is a guy that leaves a lasting impact. Think about Bonten Timeline— Mikey practically turned himself into Izana, and based his entire gang around a guy he knew for a day.
But Izana is more than just a charismatic leader; he's a master manipulator, adept at pulling the strings behind the scenes to achieve his goals. His actions are calculated, his motivations shrouded in mystery, making him all the more captivating to those who seek to unravel the enigma that is Kurkokawa Izana. While his methods may be ruthless and his morality questionable, there's no denying the complexity of his character and the lasting impact he leaves on the narrative as a whole.
At his core, Izana is driven by a complex web of desires and insecurities, many of which stem from his tumultuous past and his fractured relationship with authority figures. Raised in an environment rife with instability and neglect, Izana developed a deep-seated need for control and validation, traits that manifest in his interactions with others. His penchant for manipulation stems from a deep-rooted fear of vulnerability, driving him to assert dominance over those around him as a means of self-preservation.
Moreover, Izana's psychosexual tendencies and mommy issues add another layer to his character, revealing the depths of his psychological turmoil. His attraction to Maya, for example, is not just driven by physical desire but also by a subconscious need to exert control and dominance, mirroring the dynamics of his upbringing. His dehumanizing language and possessive behaviour towards Maya reflect his twisted perceptions of love and affection, rooted in a distorted understanding of intimacy and connection.
In the ever-shifting landscape of the narrative, Izana remains a constant, a dark presence that looms large over the lives of those he encounters, leaving chaos and destruction in his wake.
Now moving on from the fancy words and shit— I think a lot of fans forget that Kisaki isn't the reason Izana is how he is. Kisaki was simply an enabler of sorts. Izana was a crazy bitch even before meeting him. He beat the shit out of a bunch of guys to the point where they would never heal and drove a kill to kill himself and that way before he met Kisaki. This guy is batshit crazy even without outside influences which makes him a pretty good antagonist in comparison to the rest of the Tokyo Revengers 'villans' who were unknowingly manipulated by Kisaki. Izana knows what Kisaki is doing but also doesn't give two shit about it.
He is emotionally constipated and doesn't know how to properly express his emotions as he doesn't exactly have a proper authority figure in his life or someone to guide him. Sure Shinichiro was there but probably not around as often.
Now with Mikey, Izana mentally abuses the shit out of him but on a more vague level. If you remember back in season 3, Izana says "I'll make you suffer bitterly" and he's talking about/to Mikey. Mikey represents power and authority, someone he can exert control over and use to further his own ambitions within Tokyo Manji Gang. Izana plays on Mikey's sense of loyalty and duty to the gang, using their familial ties as leverage to keep him under his thumb.
He sees Mikey as his personal possession and therefore can do what he wants to him hence the "my mikey" thing in season 3. I feel like Izana wanted to own everything Shinichiro had rather than destroy it. Like he said he wanted to in the manga/anime. I mean c'mon this guy looked up to Shin. (Well then again this is fanfiction so I could be wrong.) But anyways...
I had Izana refer to Mikey as Manjiro because Shinichiro calls Mikey that. But I feel like when around a bunch of people he calls him Mikey because it's a business name of some sort??(idk where I'm going with this)
While Izana's abuse towards Mikey may not always be as overt as it is with Maya, it is no less damaging. The psychological toll of Izana's manipulation weighs heavily on Mikey, eroding his sense of self-worth and leaving him vulnerable to Izana's influence. Yet, despite the suffering it causes, Izana derives a twisted sense of satisfaction from seeing Mikey bend to his will, relishing in the power he holds over his younger brother. In Izana's eyes, Mikey is not just a brother, but a pawn in his grand game of manipulation and control—a possession to be used and discarded at his whim.
Maybe Izana does love Mikey deep down but his pettiness is stopping him from really doing anything.
Would you guys believe me if I said Izana actually likes Maya tho? Izana is like “I feel in love but idk what to do so imma absolutely traumatizing the person I’m in love with cuz idk how else to portray my feelings”
Izana never had anything so all he does is take. He takes and takes from you and when you think you've got nothing more to give, he still finds something more to take.
Which makes Maya such a great 'victim'(idk if that's the right word) for him. In chapter 11 I wrote "She always had so much love but nowhere to put it. It's as if she's been searching for something or someone to share her love with, but each time she reaches out, she's met with rejection or betrayal. Whenever there is someone to love, they suck it out of her greedily. Just keeping taking and taking and taking till there's nothing left to take."
The crazy thing about ppl like this(aka me) is that there will always be more for them to give and Izana knows that. So he knows that no matter what he keeps taking, Maya will always have more for him. She is like a wellspring of love and affection, always there to provide him with the validation and attention he craves. It's a dynamic fueled by Izana's insatiable need for control and dominance, where Maya's boundless capacity for love becomes both a source of fascination and exploitation.
Izana sees Maya as a pet. Not even in a cute way. Izana is the reason for the dehumanization tag in the fic. He's not calling her bunny in a cute way or anything like that. He literally sees her like a pet. Izana treats Maya the same way one would treat an abused animal from a shelter(at least when he's not torturing or mentally abusing her). He does care to some extent but not in the same way as one would with a human.
I remember while writing this and seeing someone on TikTok post "You have to say 'what if it was your sister, mother, etc.' for men to see other women as human" and me and my writing have never been the same since and I kind of wrote Izana around that. Izana is such a family guy that it even affects the way he treats other women to an extent. As long as they aren't involved in something that I guess 'betrays' him— knowingly or unknowingly— he probably won't do anything.
If you remember, I put a lot of emphasis on Maya's hair and Izana's feelings toward it. In chapter 5 it's the first thing Izana notices about her. That part was written through Maya's pov and my girl was panicking so she did not notice that he absolutely HATED that shit.
When Emma died, I noticed she had the same haircut as Kurokawa Karen did in the flashback where she revealed to Izana that she wasn't his mother. So lol,,, I feel like Izana agreed to let Emma die because of that. Moving on, Maya cut her hair the same way which brought Izana back 12 years, remembering Emma and then remembering Karen, which brings us to where we are now.
The question is: Would Izana have done all this to Maya had she not cut her hair?
Nope, he wouldn't have.
Maya's decision to cut her hair becomes a catalyst for Izana's descent into madness, dredging up long-buried memories and unresolved traumas.
Ultimately, Izana's obsession with Maya is driven by a profound sense of loss and longing, intertwined with his own twisted desires for control and dominance. Whether Maya is aware of the depths of Izana's feelings towards her remains uncertain, but one thing is clear—her presence in his life has irrevocably changed him, for better or for worse.
Despite Izana's facade of manipulation and control, there's an underlying vulnerability to his character, a fractured psyche shaped by years of trauma and neglect from being in the orphanage. His relationship with Maya is fraught with contradictions, veering between moments of tenderness and brutality, as he grapples with his conflicting emotions towards her.
For Izana, Maya represents both a source of salvation and torment, a reflection of his own fractured identity. In her, he sees echoes of his past, reminders of the love and loss he has experienced(which is somehow just from her haircut and not her person as a whole, but he’s crazy so what can we expect). Yet, he also views her as a means of redemption, a chance to right the wrongs of his past and find solace in her unconditional affection.
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I was a little confused about how to write Kakucho but then I read that in one of the character books that Izana physically punished(beat the shit outta him) him for letting the Haitani brothers have different coloured uniforms in the Tenjiku arc and I was inspired. The revelation of Izana's physical punishment towards Kakucho sheds light on the complexities of their relationship, highlighting the influence of authority and control.
A lot of people forget that Kakucho is younger than Izana. Although Wakui didn't specify his age/the year he was born but I assume it's 1991 like Takemichi which gives Izana and Kakucho a 4 year difference.
Kakucho carries the weight of his responsibilities with a stoic demeanour, displaying maturity beyond his years. His unwavering commitment to his friends and his gang is a testament to his steadfast loyalty and sense of duty.
Kakucho is a relatively good guy. Or as good as someone in a gang gets. I feel like he doesn't really care much about violence until a girl is involved just like past toman!mikey. Idk Kakucho just gives me that vibe.
Like Maya, Kakucho contemplated killing himself until Izana gave him a reason to live as his servant (which btw wtf but at the same time, same kaku cuz I do dumb shit like that too).
His inability to set boundaries with Izana underscores the power dynamics at play within their relationship, wherein Kakucho's loyalty often outweighs his own autonomy. Despite his caring and compassionate nature, Kakucho's actions are ultimately influenced by his allegiance to Izana and the gang, leading him to make difficult and sometimes morally questionable decisions.
Kakucho is a really sweet and caring guy, hence why I wrote him as the healer in the moodboard. But that is crossed off and dark knight is also there. Kakucho is a good guy but he's in a gang. People in gangs are NOT good people no matter what anyone says. Kakucho has killed people with and without Izana's command and I think most of the time he doesn't regret it.
Kakucho 100% loves Izana and would do anything for him, even if that includes going back on his word and telling Maya to stay.
At first, Kakucho wants Maya to run. He sees her as Takemichi(play washing machine heart by mitski). Of course, that is because of her major features which are black curly hair and blue eyes. That and her inability to know when to quit. Kakucho want(s)(ed) to see Maya escape, to see if she can get away the same way Takemichi did— which is why in chapter 5 he opened the door for her even though he knew Izana would beat his ass for it.
Kakucho is a great guy, but also don't forget he's also a man. Men are fucking stupid and do stupid things for their friends and Kakucho is one of those stupid guys.
Everyone is a product of their surroundings and Kakucho has literally grown up with Izana. Growing up in such an environment has desensitized Kakucho to violence and manipulation, making him adept at navigating the complex power dynamics within the gang. However, despite his hardened exterior, there are glimpses of empathy and compassion within him, which are often overshadowed by his loyalty to Izana and the gang's objectives.
Maya's presence serves as a point of intrigue for Kakucho, offering him a glimpse into a different world beyond the confines of the gang. Her resilience and determination in the face of adversity captivate him, prompting him to observe her with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. However, his loyalty to Izana ultimately dictates his actions, leading him to prioritize the Izana’s interests over Maya's well-being.
He is no different even if he is mellowed down. Maya is something to observe for him as well. His interactions with Maya serve as a microcosm of this dynamic, as he observes her with a mixture of curiosity and calculation. While Kakucho may possess a gentler demeanour compared to Izana, his underlying loyalty to Izana and the gang's interests colours his perceptions and actions. Her presence serves as a catalyst for introspection, prompting Kakucho to question his own beliefs and motivations in the context of their tumultuous environment. However, this introspection is tempered by his ingrained loyalty to Izana, leading Kakucho to prioritize the gang's interests even as he grapples with conflicting feelings towards Maya.
In essence, Kakucho's relationship with Maya serves as a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. Through their interactions, he confronts the influence of his upbringing, grapples with his loyalty to Izana, and ultimately begins to forge his own path independent of the toxic dynamics that have defined his existence thus far.
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Writing Mikey was a bit of a challenge. There is very little said about the Manila Future Timeline and what exactly pushes him to go psycho-killer and murder everyone. But because there is so little said about it, there is a lot you can do and it's easy to build on canon by just makin' up your own shit which is how this fic became a thing. Mikey was not in the original cast but then I was like, nah let's add this crazy ass mfer cuz he's me but a guy.
Anyways, Manila Timeline I feel is pretty tragic. Everyone has left him and he's clinging onto the one person he has left, Izana(Sanzu is there too but you guys get the gist). I don't remember if the other captains had left Toman or not but at least in this fic, they all left the gang after high school as I imagine around that time is when things started to get serious.
Shinichiro is dead, Emma is dead, his friends have all left him.
As those closest to him fade away, Mikey finds himself increasingly isolated, clinging desperately to the one remaining pillar of support: Izana.
In the absence of familial and emotional connections, Mikey's bond with Izana takes on a heightened significance. Despite Izana's manipulative tendencies and questionable motives, he becomes Mikey's sole anchor in a world consumed by chaos and uncertainty. Their relationship becomes a lifeline for Mikey, offering a semblance of stability and belonging in the face of overwhelming loss.
As Mikey grapples with the trauma of his past and the bleakness of his present reality, his psyche begins to unravel, paving the way for his descent into darkness. The allure of power and control becomes increasingly seductive as he seeks to reclaim a sense of agency in a world that has stripped him of everything he holds dear.
In the midst of his turmoil, Mikey's relationship with Izana takes on a complex dynamic, marked by a blend of dependence, manipulation, and a twisted sense of loyalty. Despite Izana's questionable actions and motives, Mikey clings to him as a lifeline, perhaps seeing in him a semblance of the family and stability he has lost. However, this reliance on Izana also exposes Mikey to further manipulation and exploitation. Izana, recognizing Mikey's vulnerability and need for connection, may exploit this dependency to further his own agenda, further blurring the lines between ally and adversary in their tumultuous relationship.
Basically, Mikey literally just wants his family back and Izana is being a huge fuckin meanie about it.
Mikey is "if you need to be mean, be mean to me" @ Izana because he loves him so much that it hurts.
Mikey is so sad. His entire character, all his deaths, everything is so tragic(he's my roman empire).
In chapter 3 I wrote: "Had his younger brother not been a depressed little shit right now, Izana would have gotten Ran to gift her to Manjiro. Even if he did now, Izana doubts Manjiro would even do anything. He heard that depression affects the libido. Even before he was admitted into this shitty psychiatric hospital, no matter how many hostess bars he took Manjiro too, how many hookers he called over, how many strip clubs— Manjiro was just bored. For a while, he thought the guy was probably a nervous virgin who only knew how to fight but after a drunken conversation with Sanzu Haruchiyo, Manjiro's childhood friend, he finds out that was in fact not the case. Manjiro was pretty popular with the girls when they were in middle school(due to his shoulder-length blonde hair and girls having a huge thing for pretty boys with deep voices). Manjiro was 100%, not a virgin and just depressed as hell."
That is all written from Izana's point of view which is partially true. Mikey's struggle with depression and loneliness is a central theme that underscores his character arc in the story. While Izana perceives Mikey's lack of interest in casual encounters as a symptom of depression affecting his libido, the reality is more subtle. Mikey's aversion to hookup culture stems not from a lack of desire, but rather from a deeper sense of disillusionment and disconnection from the superficiality of flings and hookups.
Despite his past popularity with girls during middle and high school, Mikey's experiences have left him jaded and yearning for something more meaningful and substantial. His longing for genuine connection in a world consumed by fleeting pleasures and superficial interactions is palpable, casting him as a tragic figure amidst the chaotic backdrop of the Manila Future Timeline.
Mikey's aversion to seeking solace in prostitutes reflects a deeper emotional turmoil rooted in his fear of abandonment and loneliness. As he grapples with the harsh reality of losing those closest to him, Mikey's reluctance to sleep with prostitutes highlights his longing for genuine connection and companionship. The idea of paying for sex serves as a stark reminder of the temporary nature of human relationships, fueling Mikey's growing disillusionment with the superficiality of social interactions. With each passing encounter, he is confronted with the unsettling truth that people may only be with him out of obligation or financial gain, rather than genuine affection.
As Mikey confronts the emptiness of his existence, he recoils from the notion of commodifying human connection, yearning instead for authentic relationships built on trust and mutual respect.
While Izana may exhibit a more manipulative and coercive approach towards Maya, Mikey's actions suggest a more nuanced understanding of consent and autonomy. Despite his own struggles and vulnerabilities, Mikey recognizes the importance of mutual desire and attraction in any intimate relationship. By waiting for Maya to be sober, he seeks to ensure that their interaction is based on genuine desire and consent, rather than coercion or manipulation.
(Mikey wanted Maya to want him back)
However, Mikey's narcissistic tendencies also play a role in his decision-making. His desire for validation and affirmation may influence his interactions with Maya, as he seeks not only physical intimacy but also emotional connection and validation from her. Despite his apparent consideration for Maya's agency, Mikey's actions are still driven by his own needs and desires, highlighting the complex interplay of power dynamics and emotions within their relationship, for example, the utter horror that was chapter 11.
Yes, Mikey had been lying to her this entire time but to him, he was doing the right thing. Naoto, in the manga/anime, calls this timeline the worst of all and that includes for Mikey. Mikey's actions towards Maya are a manifestation of his deep-seated loneliness and longing for connection. Despite his facade of stoicism and authority as the leader of Tokyo Manji Gang, Mikey is profoundly affected by the absence of his loved ones and the emotional manipulation he endures from Izana. Maya represents a glimmer of hope in an otherwise bleak existence, offering Mikey a semblance of his old life and the possibility of genuine connection and affection.
However, Mikey's actions are also tinged with desperation and a warped sense of morality. He gave her drugs during those two weeks Maya can't remember, he lied to her about trying to convince Izana to let her go but that was because he loved her, right?
Mikey's love for Maya is genuine, albeit tainted by his own insecurities and the toxic environment in which he resides. He clings to her as a source of solace and validation, willing to do whatever it takes to keep her by his side, even if it means sacrificing his own moral integrity. In the twisted logic of his world, Mikey believes that his lies and manipulations are justified by his love for Maya, blurring the lines between affection and control.
Mikey's perception of Maya through the lens of Takemichi's resemblance reflects his longing for familiarity and the comfort of the past. Despite their physical differences and distinct personalities, Mikey finds echoes of Takemichi in Maya, particularly in her blue eyes, curly black hair, and their shared trait of perseverance despite adversity. These similarities serve as a poignant reminder of happier times, evoking memories of camaraderie and friendship that Mikey cherishes dearly.
While Mikey recognizes that Maya and Takemichi are not carbon copies of each other, he subconsciously gravitates towards Maya due to these shared attributes, seeking solace in her presence as a connection to his past. Maya's resemblance to Takemichi symbolizes hope and renewal for Mikey, offering him a glimpse of the companionship and loyalty he once shared with his childhood friend.
In Mikey's eyes, Maya embodies the resilience and determination that he admires in Takemichi, despite their individual differences. He sees in her a kindred spirit, someone who, like Takemichi, refuses to back down in the face of adversity, inspiring Mikey to confront his own challenges with renewed courage and determination. As a result, Mikey's bond with Maya transcends mere physical resemblance, evolving into a deeper connection rooted in shared experiences and mutual understanding.
Mikey is possessive. We've seen that from season 3 in the flashback Inupi has where Mikey literally says "Takemichi is mine, I found him first"(which is crazy btw but same mikey, I be doing that shit too). Mikey is canonically possessive of his friends and those he holds dear. This possessive attitude reflects Mikey's intense attachment to his friends and his reluctance to share their loyalty and affection with others. Similarly, in his dynamic with Maya, Mikey's possessiveness emerges as a means of asserting control and dominance, marking her as his own in a world where he feels increasingly isolated and vulnerable.
Despite its potentially suffocating nature, Mikey's possessiveness towards Maya is also a testament to the depth of his feelings for her. It reflects his commitment to safeguarding her well-being and ensuring her safety in a world fraught with danger and uncertainty(which has technically been forced on them by Izana). However, this possessiveness can also veer into darker territory, blurring the lines between protection and control, and posing challenges to their evolving relationship dynamics.
Mikey's awareness of Izana's mistreatment towards him and Maya fuels a sense of protectiveness and responsibility towards her. Despite his own struggles and conflicts with Izana, Mikey is acutely attuned to Maya's well-being, recognizing the parallels between her treatment and his own experiences. This shared adversity deepens Mikey's connection to Maya, fostering a sense of empathy and understanding between them.
Moreover, Mikey's own history of enduring mistreatment from Izana gives him insight into the psychological toll of such abuse.
But like I said before, Mikey is lonely and sad as fucking hell right now. Maya is there with him and having empathy is not enough to make him want to convince Izana to let her go. To him, there is finally someone there that understands him.
Despite his stoic facade and seemingly unshakeable demeanour, Mikey is profoundly affected by the loss of his loved ones and the emotional manipulation he endures from Izana. Maya emerges as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, offering Mikey a semblance of his old life and the possibility of genuine connection and affection—
—and why he's a lying bitch.
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Now the unfortunate star of the show, Maya, I feel so bad for this girl lol. Every time I write a chapter I'm like "yeesh, get this girl a gun" then proceed to traumatize the shit out of her and not give her a gun.
Dead Girl's Beach is my first ever Dark Content fic and I think I've done a pretty good job now that we're at the end. Creating an oc was a little hard though.
I did NOT want to make her like Harley Quin but I also didn't want to make her the type of girl to bite her tongue and fuckin die right away or make her someone that makes you wonder "how tf is this bitch still alive?!"(then again I feel that way after watching any Takemichi fight scene so...)
But that is how we ended up with Maya.
Maya(愛彩) Meaning: 愛 meaning love, affection, favourite. / 彩 meaning colouring, paint, makeup
How accurate that is? Idk tbh but Google said so.
Maya is an orphan. Her parents are dead. She had a relatively happy childhood as her parents did love her but they loved each other way more than they loved her.
Maya's character is a poignant reflection of resilience amidst adversity, her journey marred by tragedy and trauma yet illuminated by moments of strength and resilience. As the unfortunate star of the show in Dead Girl's Beach, Maya's experiences serve as a haunting testament to the darker facets of human existence.
From the outset, Maya's narrative is fraught with challenges and obstacles, her path defined by loss and loneliness. As an orphan, Maya grapples with the absence of familial connections, her parents' untimely demise leaving her adrift in a world devoid of love and support. Despite the love she received from her parents during her childhood, Maya's sense of abandonment and isolation permeates her existence, shaping her worldview and emotional landscape.
In crafting Maya's character, the aim was to strike a delicate balance between vulnerability and resilience, ensuring that she remains relatable and authentic amidst the chaos of the Bad Toman/Manila Future Timeline. Basically, I did not want her to be a stupid bitch.
Whenever I write Maya, for some reason I kept imagining Minji from New Jeans. Maybe it's 'cause me and her are the same age but she's pretty and basically what I described Maya as(minus the blue eyes and curly hair obviously but you guys get it)
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Maya is that one girl in school who's friends with EVERYONE. She knows everyone, and gets along with everyone and it's okay if one of her friend groups didn't come to school or is busy, she's got another. But the problem with that is that she never formed any proper connections in school which is why Chifuyu and Kazutora are the only people she hangs out with now. That as well as in Chapter 10 I wrote: "Maya sees herself being alone as a child, the isolation from her peers as the whereabouts of her family circulated the town..."
Chapter 10(where Izana is literally assaulting her) offers a poignant glimpse into Maya's childhood, revealing the profound impact of her orphaned status on her social development. As rumours swirl about the whereabouts of her family, Maya finds herself ostracized and isolated from her peers, the weight of her loneliness bearing down on her young shoulders. In the absence of familial support and guidance, Maya is left to navigate the complexities of adolescence alone, her isolation becoming a defining feature of her identity.
The portrayal of orphans in jdramas may indeed be colored by stereotypes and misconceptions, yet Maya's experience resonates with a universal truth: the profound impact of loss and abandonment on one's sense of belonging and identity. Despite her outward charm and sociability, Maya remains haunted by the specter of her past, her orphaned status casting a shadow over her present reality.
In Chifuyu and Kazutora, Maya finds solace amidst the chaos of her existence, their shared experiences forging a bond that transcends superficiality. Unlike her fleeting connections with classmates, Maya's friendship with Chifuyu and Kazutora runs deep, rooted in mutual understanding and acceptance. Together, they navigate the complexities of their shared pasts, finding strength and solace in each other's company.
Although Chifuyu and Kazutora did not tell her about their past of being a part of Tokyo Manji Gang in their past, you best believe Maya will forgive them in an instant. She loves them like family.
In Kazutora, Maya finds a surrogate older brother, a source of guidance and protection in a world fraught with danger and uncertainty. Despite the darkness of his past, Kazutora's presence offers Maya a sense of stability and security, his protective instincts mirroring her own desire for familial connection and belonging. Their bond transcends traditional notions of friendship, evolving into a familial relationship built on trust and mutual respect.
Maya never wanted to confess to Chifuyu, nor did she have any intentions of pursing/courting him in the first place. She was perfectly fine with pining from afar. Maya's decision not to confess her feelings to Chifuyu reflects her selfless nature and deep-seated humility. Despite her affection for him, Maya prioritizes their friendship above her own desires, content to cherish their bond from afar rather than risk jeopardizing their relationship. Her willingness to pine silently for Chifuyu underscores her maturity and emotional intelligence, demonstrating her capacity for self-sacrifice and unconditional love.
In Maya's eyes, the depth of her feelings for Chifuyu transcends romantic attraction, encompassing a profound sense of admiration and respect. She treasures their friendship above all else, finding solace and fulfillment in their shared moments of laughter and camaraderie. While others may perceive Maya's unrequited affection as a form of unfulfilled longing, she finds contentment and joy in the simple act of being by Chifuyu's side.
Maya's drunken decision to sleep with Chifuyu weighs heavily on her conscience, haunting her with feelings of regret and self-doubt. What began as a moment of vulnerability and emotional intimacy soon morphed into a source of inner turmoil and conflict for Maya. In the aftermath of their encounter, she finds herself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions, torn between her desire for closeness and her fear of damaging their friendship.
Moving on, Maya is both terrified and fascinated by Izana. Girl has "I can fix him syndrome" but refuses to acknowledge it. Maya's complex feelings towards Izana embody a paradoxical blend of fear and fascination, characterized by a profound sense of unease coupled with an inexplicable allure. Despite recognizing the danger inherent in Izana's manipulative and controlling behaviour, Maya finds herself drawn to him, captivated by his enigmatic presence and magnetic charisma.
Attracted by the veneer of sophistication and power that Izana exudes, Maya is initially intrigued by the aura of mystery that surrounds him. His commanding presence and confident demeanour command her attention, sparking a morbid curiosity that compels her to explore the depths of his psyche, even at her own peril.
However, beneath the surface allure lies a darker truth that Maya cannot ignore. Izana's manipulative tendencies and propensity for emotional abuse cast a shadow over their interactions, leaving Maya feeling both exhilarated and apprehensive in his presence. Despite her better judgment, she finds herself entangled in his web of deceit and manipulation, unable to extricate herself from his grasp.
If you guys read the notes in the beginning of each chapter, they are all taken within the month Maya is taking care of Izana before the beginning of the fic. She knows something is wrong. Izana gives her the uncanny valley effect. She well knows this guy is messed up but isn't sure what. He's good looking that's for sure, but there was just never something right about him.
Moreover, Maya's growing awareness of Izana's true nature is compounded by her own experiences and instincts, which warn her of the dangers inherent in their relationship. Despite the allure of his charm and the allure of his power, Maya remains wary of the hidden depths that lie beneath the surface, recognizing the potential for harm that lurks beneath his facade of charm and sophistication.
Maya's inability to emotionally detach herself from Izana while doing her job as a psychiatrist is what really led to her downfall and the shitty situation she was currently in. Had she not been so keen on keeping his privacy and had straight out asked him why he was at the psychiatric hospital in the first place, the outcome of this fic would have been very different. By prioritizing Izana's privacy over her own safety and well-being, Maya inadvertently sacrifices her own agency and autonomy, falling victim to the very manipulation and coercion she sought to prevent.
Moving on to Mikey, Maya liked him a lot(at least that was until she found out he was lying to her). Maya thought Mikey was amazing and everything she wanted in a lover.
Maya's initial impression of Mikey is coloured by a mixture of admiration and intrigue(then again, girlie was just waterboarded and brought back to life by Kakucho). From the moment they first interact, she is drawn to his enigmatic presence and magnetic charisma, finding herself captivated by his commanding yet vulnerable demeanour. Mikey's reputation precedes him, and Maya is quick to recognize his status as a formidable leader within the Tokyo Manji Gang, a figure both feared and respected by those around him.
As Maya gets to know Mikey on a more personal level, she discovers layers beneath his stoic facade, glimpsing moments of vulnerability and tenderness that belie his tough exterior. Despite his reputation as a ruthless and uncompromising leader, Mikey reveals himself to be surprisingly complex and multifaceted, harbouring a depth of emotion and sincerity that Maya finds both surprising and endearing.
Maya love(s)(ed) being around Mikey. He's sweet and gives her the affection she wants. He knows exactly what to do and what she wants which is Maya melts so fast for him. Maya finds herself irresistibly drawn to Mikey's presence, drawn to his warmth and attentiveness like a moth to a flame. In Mikey, she discovers a source of comfort and security, a sanctuary amidst the chaos and uncertainty of her surroundings. His sweet demeanour and genuine affection make her feel cherished and valued, igniting a spark of joy and happiness within her heart.
Mikey's intuitive understanding of Maya's needs and desires leaves her feeling understood and appreciated in a way she has never experienced before. He possesses an innate ability to anticipate her thoughts and feelings, effortlessly fulfilling her deepest yearnings with a simple gesture or word. Maya is enchanted by Mikey's ability to effortlessly navigate the complexities of their relationship, finding solace in his unwavering presence by her side.
Their moments together are filled with tenderness and affection, each interaction leaving Maya longing for more. In Mikey's arms, she finds solace from the turmoil of her own thoughts, basking in the warmth of his embrace as if nothing else in the world matters. His gentle touch and reassuring words offer her a sense of security and belonging.
Of course, he lied to her but we all already know how she feels about that and how things ended with that(i.e chapter 11).
I often bring up dog analogies when talking about Maya and that is all thanks to this bitch.
Maya's description as a "stray dog" or a "mutt begging for love like it's food" speaks volumes about her character and her emotional state. Like a stray dog, Maya wanders through life, yearning for affection and acceptance, yet always feeling on the outskirts of belonging. She craves love and connection with a hunger that mirrors the desperation of a hungry animal searching for sustenance.
Despite her best efforts to maintain a facade of strength and resilience, Maya's inner vulnerability shines through, revealing a deep-seated need for love and companionship. Like a stray dog, she eagerly seeks out scraps of affection and validation, hoping to fill the emptiness in her heart with the warmth of human connection.
Maya's comparison to a mutt reflects her multifaceted identity and complex background. Just like a mixed-breed dog, she carries within her a blend of different experiences, emotions, and influences. Her upbringing as an orphan has shaped her into a resilient survivor, adaptable to any situation yet longing for stability and belonging.
I went to India once again after 3 years in December 2023 and there is this stray dog I fed outside my dad's childhood the last time I went and I heard from my cousins that the dog usually barks at anyone that comes into the street. I went after 3 years and the dog literally remembered me, following me around when I'd leave the house just to go down the street. Dogs are loyal and have boundless love and I think it's so sad which resulted in all the dog analogies, not just because of the shitty thing my crush said to me.
In essence, Maya's comparison to a stray dog not only reflects her complex character and background but also serves as a testament to the universal human longing for love, acceptance, and belonging, regardless of one's circumstances.
Loving like a dog is a tragic thing and Maya's character is no less than tragic.
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Mikey is the one who convinced Izana to go to rehab
Kakucho had no idea Izana was using drugs until the withdrawals started
EVERYONE knew Maya had a crush on Chifuyu, he was just too fuckin' dense
Maya forgot how her parents look and doesn't want to remember either
Izana does not see Maya as Emma or Karen, he's just making up a bullshit reason to be mean to her
Kakucho is very much attracted to Maya but doesn't say anything about it
Naoto fell in love with her at first sight
Had this shit not happened, Maya and Naoto would have started dating eventually
Izana's first thought seeing Maya was "she'd look hot on her knees"
Mikey's first thought seeing Maya "she looks like babie 🥺" (will be explained better in the next chapter lol)
Maya started dissociating as a way to cope and feel better(which mainly happens after either brother takes advantage of her)
Kakucho often catches Maya staring off into the distance, lost in her thoughts, and quietly brings her back to the present by touching her or a question.
Maya's first love is Chifuyu
After Chifuyu found out he took Maya's virginity he felt like an actual fuckin asshole because he knew he could have let her down a lot easier
Mikey thinks Shinichiro and Maya would have gotten along really well(the in the spin-off they do)
Shinichiro, in the second bonus chapter, practically adopts her
Maya's dream was to become an actor or singer or maybe both but she scratched her dream after hearing how Chifuyu decided to own a pet shop rather than a pilot to fulfill Baji's Dream and she did the same to honour her mother's memory
Kakucho once tried replacing the drugs Izana gave to Maya with vitamins but Izana found out and beat him :(
Maya's necklaces will make a comeback btw, I did not forget about them
Maya has a collection of old vinyl records that once belonged to her parents. She finds solace in listening to their favorite songs, feeling a connection to them through the music but sometimes she can't even look at them
Maya doesn't know Izana and Mikey aren't blood-related(she just thinks they're step-siblings)
Izana and Mikey's favourite time with Maya is in those 2 weeks she doesn't remember
Izana kind of felt bad about the burns(from chapter 9 and 10) and didn't mean for it to happen but he also has too much ego to apologize
Maya is a golddigger
Maya use to pickpocket back in middle and high school
Just like in the fandom, Ran is often mischaracterized by his fellow gang members and actually does not want to be in charge of the whole prostitution part of the business but Izana asked him to so he'd does it anyway
Mikey loves Maya so much he can't do anything with himself
In the bonus chapter(sugar bunny), Izana and Maya have a sugar daddy-sugar baby dynamic
If Maya met Izana instead of Chifuyu at the park in middle school, she would have been in the same situation as Kakucho
Despite the underlying tension, there are fleeting moments of harmony between Mikey, Maya, and Izana, where their guard momentarily drops and they allow themselves to relax in each other's company(lolll not that Maya remembers any of this)
Betrayal is a recurring theme in their relationship, with each member of the trio betraying the others at various points in the story.
The main song for the last chapter is Can't Catch me Now by Olivia Rodrigo and the ending of this fic is heavily influenced by The Hunger Games: The Ballad of The Songbird and Snakes
Izana is inspired by Snow
Mikey is inspired by Lucy Grey
Maya is inspired by Sejanus and Katniss(and Lucy Grey)
Kakucho is inspired by Tigress
If you have watched that movie, then you know exactly how this fic is about to end
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taglist: @highpri3stess @maraya-007 @firstdivisiongirl @dolfiins-art @short-cxke @mysouleaten @reiners-milkbiddies @tenjikusstuff4
28 notes · View notes
garoujo · 2 years
EMMIE I AM BLUSHIN AT UR RB ARE U SRS??? i would visit your blog every night to see if you posted anything new bc i loved ur writing i can’t believe you thought i was cool im 😭<333
DALLAS AAAAAAA !!! pls i am kicking my feet and giggling rn ajhajaka i can’t believe u visited me, i visit your blog now like !!! ur writing is some of my favourites omg <3 yes yes i think you are so cool i’m like akhajka we are moots i’m staring in awe rn anhajaka >////<
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tatakaebomb · 3 years
HASI2NQKFNENJDFBEHS HELLO REN DID U ALREADY DRINK UR COFFEE?? can i request Kisaki x Reader where y/n got this pretty body, she has big booba and ass, but Kisaki won't do "it" to her. she wonders why bcs most of her friends are getting railed by their bfs (y/n's a virgin lol) so one time when she and kisaki are in kisaki's penthouse and just chilling, she tried to seduce him by wearing a shorts and a spaghetti strap tanktop w/o bra but Kisaki ended up rejecting her, saying "we aren't ready for it" but the truth is he doesnt wanna hurt her, bcs he knows he has breeding and corrupting kink 💀 so y/n threatened him by saying "i— i'll fuck Hanma if you wont do it to me!" so Kisaki goes rough with her she thought her cervix gonna give up for her 💀 and cuddles after segs please!! <333
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This is my first time writing Kisaki, you honestly had me at breeding and corruption, and the mention of Hanma because im a whore for that man.
When i said juicy request, you really came through with this one anon.
Noone look at me rn - i wrote this on 4 hours of sleep
- Ren
tw : corruption, breeding, virginity loss, manipulation, creampie, fingering, rough sex, spitting in mouth, jealousy, kisaki has a big dick, cervix fucking, um i dont know what else to say.
NSFW 18+
wc : 1.4k
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" Wait, you mean.. you guys never..."
Your friend stares at you, shocked expression on her face after you told her " must be nice " to her describing every way her boyfriend was fucking her brains out last night.
Truth be told, you tried with Kisaki.
You really did, multiple times in fact, but he never seemed to get the hint.
It was getting old now, the same old story, shamelessly asking your boyfriend to fuck you just for him to turn his eyes back to his phone and mumble something along the lines of " not yet ".
You were a virgin and Kisaki knew this very much so, that was the main reason he kept denying you over and over.
You always looked so disappointed each time, innocently glaring at him as you nodded with a sigh.
He hated seeing it, but more than anything he himself was obsessed with the thought of completely ruining you and draining every last bit of innocence from you as he fucks you dumb.
He held himself back though, he didn't wanna hurt you but you were getting more and more impatient and it drove him insane knowing you wanted something so bad and he didn't provide it for you.
After all, you were his girl - there was nothing else you asked for and wasn't given.
Your relationship with him was pretty solid, however this was the one issue you had and at this point, something had to be done about it.
You're laying in bed after making dinner, mindlessly scrolling through your phone when a thought popped up into your head.
You had a plan, a great one indeed.
Putting on the shortest shorts you could find in your closet along with a white spaghetti strap tank top, you looked at your reflection in the mirror.
Your nipples slightly hardening through the thin material, your hair brushed neatly back over your shoulders.
This was something any man would dream of coming back from work to, well , at least that s what you thought.
Kisaki walks into the bedroom suddenly making you jump up, his hand loosening his tie as you twirl around looking in the mirror.
He sits on the bed, baby blue eyes glued to your figure as you sway your hips with a large smile on your face.
" Y/N, what are you wearing ? " He asks, blunt tone in his voice as he furrows his eyebrows.
You slowly start walking towards him, hands placed on his cheeks as you pull his head closer to your tits giggling.
“ Hm what? you don’t like it ?”
He runs his hand over your thighs, grabbing your ass as he curses under his breath before staring up at you.
“ You look so good - shit “
You smirk, looking down at the obvious bulge in his work pants before lowering your lips to his ear.
“Mm yeah ?” You whisper, hands tangling in his blonde hair as you feel him slap harshly on your ass.
“ Y-yeah baby” He stutters making you smile,
“ Then fuck me, Tetta “
He stops, holding your hips and pushing you away gently before guiding you to sit next to him .
“ We talked about this, we aren’t ready yet “
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms.
Damn it, you thought you had it.
“ Fucks sake, who’s we ? I’m fucking ready “ You pout making him smile as he places a kiss on your cheek.
“ Princess-“
You turn your head to face away from him, impulsively letting your inner thoughts out.
“ Well if you don’t want to fuck me, maybe i’ll let Hanma handle it”
You smile to yourself once you feel him grabbing your wrists, pinning them above your head in an instant as he pushes you into the mattress.
“ Say that again “ He grits his teeth, anger filling his veins at the mere thought of you getting fucked by anyone else but him.
“ I said - if you don’t fuck me, i’ll fuck Hanma”
You smirk as he tightens his hand around your wrists, parting your lips once you feel him get closer to your face.
“ Open that filthy mouth of yours “
You do as he says, lolling out your tongue.
A small gasp leaves your lips when he spits in it, a gentle slap landing on your cheek as he instructs you to swallow.
You obediently do so, breath quickening as you feel his hand travel down your torso , pulling your shorts and panties down.
You arch your back when you feel his fingers brush over your clit, watching the tense expression on his face slowly fade into a smirk at the sight of you squirming under him.
“ You want to be fucked so bad you didn’t know what else to try huh ? “
He pushes one finger into your wet cunt, a small moan leaving your lips when you try to form a sentence.
“ T-Tetta wait-“
He adds another finger, scissoring them inside of you loosening you up as you squeeze down hard. He grunts at the feeling of you sucking him in, barely able to move his long fingers inside of you.
“ Wait for you to fuck Hanma ? Fucking pathetic slut“
You clench down even harder at his words, making him chuckle before placing a kiss on your lips.
“ You like that baby? Like it when i call you a slut ? “
He begins movings his fingers faster, your eyes shutting tightly as you feel your lower stomach start to burn.
��� Mh yeah - more- please-“ You moan out, cursing when you feel his fingers curl inside you as he begins kissing down your neck, biting and marking you as his own.
You chase your high only for him to pull his fingers out last minute, making a whine leave your lips. Watching as he pulls his pants down and frees his cock, your eyes widen at the way it flings up, long and thick length covered in precum twitching in front of your eyes.
He notices your worried expression as he spits in the palm of his hand, letting his hand run over his length with a breathy groan.
“ Gonna ruin this pretty pussy and fill you up “
He throws your legs overs his shoulder, pulling you closer to him until his tip lines up with your throbbing cunt.
You look up at him as he pushes inside, small tears forming in the corner of your eyes as you wince at the stretch.
“ ‘S too much- fuck- “ You cry out as you dig your nails into his back while he watches his cock slowly slip inside of you, a loud groan escaping his lips as he bottoms out. You feel the tip or his long cock hit your cervix as he pauses briefly, giving you time to adjust to his size.
“ Y-you asked for this - shit - riling me up like that “
He groans in your ear, your legs starting to shake once he starts moving in and out of you.
Quickening his pace, tears start falling down your cheeks as the pain quickly eases into pleasure.
You were too drunk on the feeling of him hitting your spot with every stroke to even care about the way your cervix was being fucked into, too cockdrunk to even form a coherent sentence and tell him to slow down.
“ G’nna cum- ‘s so good” You throw your head back, feeling his dick twitch inside you.
The sight of you underneath him, your body shaking and tear filled eyes barely held open as you looked so fucked out for him, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.
“ F-Fuck - Cum on my cock pretty, let go ”
You roll your eyes back, your hands grabbing onto the bedsheets tightly as you let curses leave your lips, coming undone under him.
“ G’nna fill you up baby “
He bites on his lower lip as he thrusts himself slowly deep inside you, and you squirm at the unfamiliar feeling of your cunt being filled up with cum.
He fucks it deeper inside you as you try pushing him away at the overstimulation, body twitching as he finally pulls out and lays down next to you.
You pant, staring at the ceiling in silence as your blurry vision starts clearing up, head completely empty while coming down from your high.
He turns to the side, placing small kisses on your mascara tainted cheek as he pulls you to his chest, wrapping his hands around you.
You giggle, melting into his arms as you finally catch your breath.
Your plan did work out in the end :)
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sanzusbestie · 3 years
tenjiku falling for a female rokkie in their gang🤭🤭.like maybe they saw you punched someone for being disrespectful to you.hc pleasee
♡ Tenjiku falling for the rookie ♡
Characters : Kurokawa Izana, Haitani Ran, Haitani Rindou, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Muto Yasuhiro, Madarame Shion, Hitto Kakucho, Mochizuki Kanji, Hanma Shuji, Kisaki Tetta, Kokonoi Hajime & F!reader
Genre : Crack
Warnings : None
A/n : Sorry for the delay sweet anon ! Idk why but the entire time I was writing this I had the "A quién le estás diciendo shut up tu ? A mí me estás diciendo shut up tu ?" video in my head 😭 Thank you for requesting and have a nice day ♡
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"Yo look ! That's Tenjiku's new slut !"
He did not just say that, did he ? 🗿
He was the leader of a lame gang that had always tried to pick a fight with Tenjiku for some reason
You were tired of being looked down on because you were a girl
That's why when Izana moved, you called him and smiled softly
"I got this," you said
And damn right you did
You took that mf down in a matter of three strong punches
"Who's next ?" you asked
"S-sorry !" one of them yelled
They took their leader and left
But you've made a great impression on the others
None of them would admit it but you looked better than you ever did when you punched the other guy
Added to that, you were strong, really strong, and smart
But as you were still facing away from them, the Tenjiku boys looked at each others and they noticed
They noticed how each one of them suddenly developed a crush on you
They didn't want to talk about it at first
1) It'd be awkward
2) As an official Tenjiku member, you were always there
Yet one day you called sick, Shion seized the opportunity
"Y'all better back down, Y/n's mine."
"She's not yours, you dumbfuck," Rindou stated
"She's a human being, she's nobody's property," his brother Ran completed
"Yeah, epecially not yours and your stupid braids."
It was silent for a moment, all of them waiting for the next move, it was rare to hear Sanzu talk
"What did you say you little pink shit ?"
As they kept on bickering, Mochi said :
"Even if you're right Sanzu, Y/n will never notice your silent ass. And you, Rindou, you're invisible behind your brother. Don't you all know the saying 'The moon is beautiful tonight' ? If there's someone she can fall in love with it's me. My last name literally means "full moon". It perfectly fits."
"It's perfectly full of shit yeah," Hanma laughed, "You sound so fucking stupid man."
"That's big coming from you, Hanma. Y/n deserves someone that can actually take care of her and you're not suited for that."
"Because you think you're suited for that Kakucho," Muto asked, "You're still a kid. And isn't Izana the only love of your life ?"
"Well, do you think she'd like an adult that enjoys beating up some kids," Kisaki said, cleaning his glasses
"And you think she'd like a manipulative bastard ?" Kokonoi chuckled
"Everybody shut up !" Izana yelled
They were now all looking at him in silence
Until Shion broke it
"Now way..." he mumbled, "Don't tell me you like her too."
"Huh ? Don't be stupid Shion."
But they all saw it when he turned, they all saw the beginning of his blush
None of them talked about this matter ever again, they didn't want to fight each other
However, you noticed some changes at the next Tenjiku meeting
Izana smiled at you for the first time
Shion said less bullshit than usual
Sanzu offered two sentences
Ran wore his hair down
Rindou wasn't with his brother
Kisaki wasn't staring at everybody like the devil
Hanma tried to laugh softly, sounded like a pig in agony
Mochi asked you if you liked the moon, that was surprising
Kakucho asked you from time to time if you needed something
Kokonoi offered to pay your ride back home, which you kindly declined saying you had a bus card
Muto straight up went to you and said : "I don't enjoy beating up kids. You know that, right ?" 💀
Yes, they wouldn't ever talk about it again
But would they give up on courting you ?
Taglist : @eriskaitto @smycc
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poohbea · 2 years
Hi 👋
If your still taking requests, can I ask you to write an Kisaki tetta smut where both the reader and kisaki hate each other but secretly like each and the readers is the reason kisaki isn't a heartless monster anymore. If you don't write for kisaki I totally understand and I'll ask for an dom Levi punishing reader for getter too buddy buddy with hange.
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wordcount: 3.1k (i may have gotten carried away)
content: CEO!kisaki, executive assistant fem!reader, you see that big window… guess what we’re doing with that, lots of swearing, degradation, praise, fingering, oral (giving), gaslighting??, reader gets bent over the desk, choking, love hate relationship, corporate power dynamic (but you knew that), implication of death and one mention of a gun, hanma makes a cameo, kisaki being a big softie
— synopsis: kisaki is getting soft, too soft. and there’s only one person to blame for that.
note from pooh: BABY GIRL, of course i can write for Kisaki, i’ve actually got a collab lined up for him which i’m excited for. YOU actually changed my mind about this man, i’m slowly being converted. i’ll be honest you gave me too much creative freedom and i went a little wild with it. i’m hoping it lived up to your expectations because it was fun to write this dynamic. also i’m so sorry this took so long, i’ve been so busy personally and with the deadline for SYLM 2 it’s been a whole mess. P.S since you’re a returning req asker i gave you both (they're unedited for now but i will get on that in the morning). SURPRISE thank you for all the support ♡
WARNING: this is smut, so please ensure you have your age visible on your account before interacting. Minors (below 18+), ageless and blank blogs will be BLOCKED
Hope you enjoy ♡ reblogs are greatly appreciated
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You did this. 
Kisaki’s hand shook as he held the gun, the pleading cries from the man he aimed it at sinking deeper and deeper into his heart. This feeling was forgein to him. Hesitation, guilt, regret. All emotions he’d thought were burned away a long time ago, not having time for pointless feelings in matters that required unquestioned brutality.
He was getting soft and it was all your fault. 
“Shuji.” The man in question rises from his seat in the corner of the room, a deadpan expression on his features. “Take care of this for me. There’s something I need to do.” The gun drops onto the larger man’s hand before Kisaki is pulling on his suit jacket, hearing a resounding bang as he steps through the basement door. 
Fury and frustration floods his veins whilst entering the elevator, thumbing the floor he knew your office was on. The numbers increased frustratingly slow, consumed by a silence within the confined space that drove his jaw to tighten. 
As the ding chimed he strode through the empty corridor, ignoring the curious eyes that followed him through the windows of meeting rooms and private offices. Your frosted glass door was forced open as he burst into the room, meeting your confused and irritated gaze that shifted from the client in front of you. 
“Can I help you, Kisaki?” 
He fixes his glasses calmly, stoic expression set on his features. “Get out.” The demand was aimed at your boyish client sitting stunned in their chair. 
The sheepish man stares at him, bewildered. Eying you desperately, only to find your attention occupied with the blonde haired man. Kisaki kissed his teeth, he wasn’t one to repeat himself twice. 
“What are you looking at her for? Are you deaf?” He bites, clicking his fingers to get his attention. “I said get the fuck out!” 
With a jump your client quickly collects their things and shuffles out the door, keeping their head down the whole way till the glass clicks shut. 
“What do you want?” You voice bluntly, tapping away at your laptop, not even bothering to meet his gaze. 
“You’ve got some nerve.” Kisaki grits. 
A curious brow was all you gave him. “What is it this time?” 
His jaw tenses as you continue to ignore him, the incessant tapping of the keys driving him up the fucking wall. When you hit a key particularly loud he slams the laptop shut, almost crushing your fingers in the process.
“What have you done to me?” He questions with a serious expression while looking you in the eye. 
“I beg your pardon?” The incredulous look you throw him only fuels the fire raging at his core. You were playing dumb and he had no time for your games. 
“I’m not going to repeat myself again, y/n. So I suggest you answer the question.” 
You hide a faint smile behind a dainty manicured hand, the same manicure he paid for. “I only do what you ask of me Tetta. So excuse me for not fully understanding your question.”
“You think this is funny?” He growls, wrapping a hand round your throat. Wiping that frustratingly alluring smile off your face. “You’ve made me weak and you think that’s funny?” 
“How have I-?” You try to protest but your words are cut short as his fingers tighten around your windpipe, just enough so you could still breathe. 
“Get up.” You’re guided by his strong hand to your feet, almost stumbling in your heels at the haphazardness of his grip. He walks you backward till your back hits the window wall with a soft thud, the sound making your heart pulse quicker under Kisaki‘s fingertips. 
“Kisaki…” You manage against his hold, whimpering out an incoherent cry as he eyed you with mild amusement. 
“You still think this is funny?” His head tilts slightly, a smirk growing on his lips. 
You shake your head fervently, your smaller hands clasping around his wrist. “No… I’m sorry.” 
“Good.” He captures your lips in a rough and sloppy kiss, grip around your throat loosening to pull you into him by the back of your neck. 
Your lips were soft, tongue holding the flavour of strawberries as he slipped his own past your lips. His hands anchor themselves in the soft flesh of your ass, squeezing roughly till you gasp. The reaction only made him delve deeper. He could get lost in you all too quickly, from your breath to the way your nails dug into his shoulders. Fuck, it was so hard to stay mad at you. The faces you made didn’t help either. Staring at him with those doe-like eyes of yours, dazed and pleading. 
“‘Saki, we can’t do this here… what if someone walks in on u- fuck!” A surprised moan interrupts your words as he runs his fingers along your unsurprisingly unclothed slit. He didn’t think you’d actually listen when he told you to come to work without panties today. But here he stands corrected. 
“You’ve been walking around in this tight-ass skirt the whole day like this?” Your shaky breath hits his lips as you nod, eye squeezing shut as he plays with your clit between his fingers. “Seeing clients with your pussy on display for everyone to see?” 
“Yes.” You whine, thighs closing around his hand. 
“So what the fuck makes you think I’m going to give a shit if someone walks in, when you’ve been fine with prancing around my building like this, huh?” The way you stutter on his fingers gives him more pleasure than he cared to admit, feeling your weak hand grip his forearm in a frail attempt to pull him away. But from the way your arousal was already coating his fingers he knew you didn’t want him to stop. No, not when he had you right where he wanted you.
“Kisaki, please. Fuck!” There it was, the begging. The desperation he sought after in your voice. He knew how to break you. Being so headstrong and stubborn in the day for the company and your colleagues, it made it all the more rewarding to see you crumble at just the flick of his wrist. 
“Mm, what's wrong, sweetheart~?” He mocks, teasing the pads of his index and forefinger at your soaked entrance, thumb pressed harshly into your clit.
“Please, I can’t…”
“You can’t?” Your head leans into the glass window as his digits slip easily inside, reaching their hilt in no time as your pussy practically sucks them in. “Why don’t you try that again.” The spongy spot on the roof grazes his fingertips, he presses into it gradually and watches your composure unravel. 
“Oh my- shit Tetta, don’t move your fingers like that.” He does it again out of spite, this time using the other hand to encircle your clit mercilessly, while he began pumping his fingers.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to be making demands here, y/n. Especially not after what you’ve done.” Your head rests on his shoulder, teeth and spit making a mess out of the cashmere suit jacket he’d just received from the dry cleaners. Not that he minded when it came to you, it would just be another reminder of the time you spent together. 
“But I didn’t… I didn’t do anything.” Your heated breath at the base of his neck elicits a surge of goosebumps across his skin. The additional spark running down the centre of his spine makes his cock twitch in his pants, straining against the material as you continue. “What have I done?” You whine in his ear, fingers tracing the waistband of his slacks. 
“You, my dear, have turned me soft.” He admits with a soft groan, resolve loosening with the tantalising graze of your fingertips. 
Your low airy chuckle makes his heart pound, the soft sound mixing with the heavy laboured breaths he continued to draw from you. “You don’t seem very soft to me.” He fights a moan as your hand cups him through his pants, fingers moving ever so slightly to add pressure.
“Mm,” he picks up the pace at your core, focusing on your g-spot and synching the movements at your clit in time with each press. “You’re a comedian today aren’t you?”
If he wasn’t pinning you to the window he was sure you’d already be on the floor with the way your thighs were shaking and squeezing around him. Hell, you’d practically put all your weight on him at this point. Your pussy held him in a vice grip of its own, walls growing tighter and tighter with each circle of his middle finger. The intensity invited your fingers to curl into the black belt at his waist, your manicured nails no doubt leaving crescent shaped imprints in the leather. 
“‘Saki, fuck. Kisaki, I can’t… I’m gonna-” 
“Uh-uh.” He grunts. “You really think you deserve to cum just like that?” He withdraws from you entirely and suddenly all at once, slipping free from your feeble grasp you’d still managed to maintain up till now. “This is a punishment after all.”
He was well aware you despised any form of punishment, he was probably to blame for that after spoiling you for as long as he has. Your whines fell on deaf ears, cries ignored while you leant on him, breathing erratic and shallow. No he couldn’t let you have it just yet, he needed to get his point across first. 
“On your knees.” Slowly you slide your way down the glass at your back, falling to your knees softly as he so graciously guided you by your forearms. Not wanting you to hurt yourself on your descent. 
As you looked up at him with a hazy glare he couldn’t help the smile that overcame his lips. Your blouse ruffled and untucked, skirt creased and bunched at your upper thigh, drool drying at the corner of your mouth, slightly ajar with ragged breaths. It was a sight reserved for him and him alone. 
His hand cups your face tenderly, running his thumb over your pillowy bottom lip. “Take it out, y/n.” As if awaiting his instruction your hands immediately start on his belt, slipping the leather out of the buckle and letting it hang loose at his waist. His buttons and zipper followed, his slacks soon pooling at his feet as you kitten-licked his hard on through his briefs. Kisaki chuckles at your brazen attempt at teasing, his ringed fingers lacing themselves in your hair. “Be good and I’ll give you what you want.” 
He witnesses the spark in your eyes as the words leave his mouth, the haze being replaced with a lustful determination he knew very well. You pull the front of his underwear down to let his cock spring free and tap against his dress shirt, pulling it down the rest of the way to let it sit mid thigh. 
The look in your eye is challenging when you take him in your mouth for the first time, tongue out and gaze locked with his. You take him deep, so deep that you can swipe your tongue where his shaft meets his balls effortlessly, a trick he was still figuring out as to where you’d learnt it from. You gag, letting your saliva cover his cock, enough for your hand and mouth to move in a seamless tandem. 
He bunches your hair into a messy ponytail, wrapping it around his fist as you bobbed. His hand moved in time with your head, his own lulling back as your tongue continuously circled his tip and your hand stroked the shaft in a steady twisting motion. You were relentless, chasing the reward he offered you without any disregard as spit covered your chin, pace increasing gradually. 
The moments you took him deep into your throat he could’ve sworn he saw stars, the tight muscle flexing as you gagged every time, taking a deep inhalation of air as you retreated before going back. His hand wrapped around your hair guided you in further, making your nails dig into his hips as he held you there for as long as you let him. With the way his hips were jutting into your mouth he knew he wouldn’t last long and when your hand tightened around him just that bit more he drew you to a halt, thrusting his cock deep, pressing the back of your head against the glass and painting your throat with his cum. 
Each swallow you took milked him more until he unravelled your hair from his fist, letting you sit back on your heels. He watched you continue to stroke him through heavy lids, lapping away any residual cum you were able to draw out, in doing so you made his legs tremble, driving him straight into overstimulation. 
“Fuck, y/n stop.” He hissed, cursing the way your lips curled into a smirk at his plea. “Are you proud of yourself?”
“I can make the CEO Kisaki Tetta tremble, of course I’m proud.” You lick a long stripe along his tip as you speak, making him bite his lip. 
“Enough.” He snaps, dragging you to his level by your jaw. “You’re a brat, you know that right.” 
“Yeah, but that’s what makes it fun.” You chime, batting your lashes innocently as you rebalance yourself to adjust your skirt. 
He catches your hands as you try to re-tuck your blouse, eyeing you with a mockingly sympathetic look. “What are you doing? We made a deal didn’t we?” You lick your lips in anticipation, eyes lighting up at the realisation. “Bend over the desk, skirt up.” 
You didn’t need to be asked twice. Sauntering your way to the mahogany table, cluttered with files and paperwork that you’d been drowning in the past few days. Finding a relatively clean area you lean on your forearms, pulling your skirt up past your thighs, exposing yourself fully for him. He drinks you up as if it was the first time he’s seen you like this, ass high and ready, truth be told he never got tired of seeing you naked, no matter how many times he’s had you under him.  
He steps out of his slacks to approach you, fingers kneading the flesh of your ass, spreading you nicely. Your pussy glistened and clenched around nothing in his mindless exploration, growing increasingly more enticing by the second.  
“‘Saki~” You whine, hips wiggling in his grasp. “Stop teasing.”
“Patience, sweetheart. I’ll give it to you.” The pads of his fingers make quick work over his swollen tip, spreading the pooling residual cum before stroking his shaft leisurely. “Look at you, so needy, you’re practically dripping.” He slots himself between your slit, covering the head in your arousal that he could practically taste on his tongue. With a pause he gathers your skirt in a fist for future leverage. “Let’s let the whole office know who this pussy belongs to.”
With those final words he breaches your entrance, mouth agape as your plush walls welcomed him with open arms. Your gasp mimicked his, fingers tightening around the edge of dark wood while his hips clapped against yours with vigour. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, ‘Saki!” You cry into the desk, hair partially fallen over your face from the force of his thrusts. 
He chuckles maniacally as he pulls you back onto his cock with every stroke, driving himself deeper and deeper. His free hand slips between your thighs to rub your clit, the stimulation on the sensitive bud making your walls clench. 
“That’s it, baby. Taking my cock so well. Creaming all over it like a good little slut.” He revels in your mewls of pleasure, reducing you to an incoherent mess of whimpers and moans. Your volume didn’t let up either, seemingly increasing the longer he nestled himself into that sweet spot he knew would turn you to putty in his hands. “Who makes you feel this good?” He continues, smacking your ass harshly. 
“Kisaki!” Was all you could muster, mind clouded with lust and pleasure. 
“Good girl. Who do you belong to?” His hips hit harder with each syllable, making sure to drive his point home. 
“You wanna cum, baby?” You whine as he ups the pressure on your clit, hips halting as he grinds deep into your dripping cunt. 
“Yes, please. Please, please let me cum ‘Saki!” Your thighs press together, constricting his cock further, drawing a deep growl from his throat. At this rate he wasn’t going to last long either, pushing through the oversensitivity becoming a greater feat. The edge was near and you were dragging him off the precipice with you at full speed. 
“Cum for me, y/n.” With one last circle of his fingers your walls lock him in place as you cum, borderline screaming only to muffle it with your hand. As you fall off that ledge of euphoria so does he, a white wash of silken cum marking your gummy insides as his completely. 
He stops himself from collapsing on you entirely, resting his free palm on the desk beside your waist, out of breath, hair in disarray and glasses partially fogged from the heat radiating from his skin. You lay in the same shape, chest rising and falling rapidly, legs about to give out from under you if not for Kisaki’s hand still between your thighs. 
“What the hell am I going to do with you?” He huffs, withdrawing from your pulsing pussy to tuck himself back in his briefs. 
You sigh at the emptiness, legs finally failing you as you crumple to the floor in a tired sweaty mess. A thick glob of Kisaki’s cum spills from your hole, forming a pool on your skirt that laid ruffled halfway down your ass. 
You muster a chuckle at his question, combing shaky fingers through your ruined hair. “What do you mean?”
He joins you on the floor, resting against the side of the desk with an exhausted breath. Instinctively you cuddle into his side, laying your head on his shoulder. “See this is what I’m talking about when I said you’re making me soft.” You both laugh, reflecting on the situation at hand. 
“You make it sound like it’s such a bad thing. You can’t be a heartless monster all your life.” He looks down at you with a soft smile, love and adoration filling his chest. That was something he had yet to actually admit to you, that he was in love. Working with you so closely, getting to see you at your most vulnerable, those were moments he cherished greatly. 
With a kiss on your forehead he sighs, shaking his head. “In my line of work, sweetheart, there’s no room for feelings.”
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tags: @gardenof-venus, @sailewhoremoon. @okhotel, @xharia, @sakinotfound, @hoohoohope
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© poohbea, all rights reserved. DO NOT copy, reupload or modify my work to other accounts and platforms. if you intend to translate any of my works please ask permission first ♡
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mianavs · 3 years
Love Me Wrong [06 ; Recollect]
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content: amnesia, manipulation, corruption, yandere themes, smut, mentioned fauxcest, angst, oral sex, fingering, rough sex
featuring: mikey x reader, kakucho x reader, ran
note: WE'RE ALMOST DONE! so sorry for the wait but life has been hectic for me and i've had zero energy to write until this week. like always dark content ahead so minors can not-so kindly fuck off! feel free to reblog, drop me an ask, and comment <3
words: 5.4k
other: masterlist ; @tometpd ; @hanayanetwork ; @tokyoredlightdistrict
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If someone had asked Kakucho what the most impactful event in his life had been, he might’ve once responded with the day he met Izana Kurokawa, the man who had been his friend, master, and brother all at the same time. Now a man grown, Kakucho recognized it hadn’t been meeting Izana but rather losing him, Tenjiku, and her, on that frigid February afternoon.
Where his relationship with Izana had just made sense, his relationship with Kisaki’s sister never did. From the moment Tetta Kisaki weaseled his way into Izana’s life, Kakucho hated him. He hated everything about the bespeckled teen who held himself up like some bigshot gang leader. Well, everything except the girl who stubbornly trailed after him.
She called herself Kisaki’s sister even after he bit out the word ‘half’ to amend the title. She was vivacious, kind, caring, and everything Kisaki and Tenjiku weren’t. She didn’t hold back her laughter, didn’t blink away tears; all of her emotions shone on her face–raw and unfiltered.
At first, Kakucho chalked her up as a silly spoiled girl rebelling against her parents by chasing after her gang-member half-brother. It made the most sense given her age and upbringing and not just because Kisaki said so. But as the days went on and Kisaki’s sister continued hanging around Tenjiku, Kakucho accepted the fact that her presence went beyond teenage rebellion to something deeper and more intimate. A reason that mirrored his devotion to Izana– love for her brother.
Kakucho didn’t realize cared for Kisaki’s sister until he found himself gravitating toward her during meetings, escorting her home after Kisaki berated her, and thinking of different ways to clumsily comfort her. He didn’t realize he liked her until he stuffed her cold hands in his pockets, shielded her eyes and ears from Tenjiku’s violence, and held her close after confessing his fears regarding Izana, Kisaki, and the impending war against the Tokyo Manji gang.
And by the time Kakucho realized he loved Y/N, it was toward the end of Kisaki’s memorial service and he had been dragged outside to a dark alley by a seething Hanma.
“Don’t meet with her. Don’t even follow her,” he had growled, slamming the shorter man against a brick wall. “You’ll only lead him to her if you do.”
“And you won’t?” Kakucho had snarled, fighting against the older man. “Mikey’s looking for you too!”
Hanma had laughed then. A bitter broken laugh that was a far cry from the boisterous laughter he usually barked out during fights.
“I can take care of her and myself.” He had released Kakucho then but his next words had hit him harder than any punch Hanma had thrown.
“Besides, who the hell are you to come here and demand to see her?”
By the time Kakucho had found his answer, Hanma had already returned to his spot beside Y/N, leaving no room for Kakucho.
That was the last time Kakucho personally searched for Y/N. He kept tabs on her for a couple of years but stopped when Mikey’s psyche took a turn for the worst and he started talking about Kisaki again.
“I heard you were close to his sister, Kakucho.” Mikey had said, covered in the blood of Bonten’s latest victim and the beginnings of a deranged smile spreading across his thin lips. “Unfair isn’t it? For that bastard to have a living breathing sister while mine is cold and six feet underground.”
Kakucho’s blood had run cold and his throat constricted but he’d managed to choke out a lie that convinced Bonten’s boss and would keep the girl safe for a time.
“Last I heard, her family relocated up north.”
A period of safety that had ended while Kakucho was away on an extended business trip and the girl-turned woman he had loved waltzed into the Bonten penthouse as if she owned the place and not the man who’d wanted her dead for years.
Only, it didn’t seem like he wanted her dead anymore, because he didn’t shoot her or order any of the four other men present to do it for him. In fact, Mikey seemed relieved at the sight of her, exhaling and releasing the tension he’d been sporting since his arrival. His eyes softened in a manner that seemed surreal to Kaku who hadn’t seen that look in the twelve years he’d known Manjiro Sano. His lips parted and twitched into a semblance of a smile.
Seeing Mikey all but melt in the presence of Kisaki’s sister made Kakucho’s stomach turn, but all he could do was stand there frozen in shock as the woman he’d never stopped loving darted toward him; the recognition as clear as day on her beaming face.
Kakucho wanted to bask in the intoxicating glory of her presence. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and press her against him, bend his neck to inhale her sweet scent, and tell her just how much he loved and missed her, but he couldn’t, not with the palpable shift in the air and Mikey’s stare burning two holes into the side of Kakucho’s skull.
Ran had offhandedly mentioned Mikey had taken in a pet he was fond of but never in a million years would Kakucho had guessed it was Y/N Kisaki, so as the woman clinging to him nuzzled his chest and sighed his name, Kakucho glowered at the older Haitani brother who mouthed a warning.
‘Don’t start anything’
A warning that Kakucho promptly ignored the moment Y/N was wrenched away from him by Mikey.
“What the hell are you doing, Manjiro?!” Kaku demanded, taking a step toward said man only for Sanzu to block his path. “Why is she here?!”
Mikey said nothing and just pressed her flush against him, one hand still wrapped around her wrist while the other snaked around her waist possessively, holding her in place. Just like that, the Mikey Kaku knew returned but there was something more unsettling about him and it had everything to do with the way his lips dragged down the side of Y/N’s neck as she squirmed in his grasp.
And Kakucho saw red.
He swung at Sanzu and sent him careening backward the moment his fist made contact with the shorter man’s jaw. The Haitani brothers were instantly at his sides holding him back while Koko restrained a livid Sanzu.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you, Kakucho!” Spittle flew from Sanzu’s scarred mouth as he struggled against Koko. “Just you wait you blind fuck!”
“I’m disappointed, Kakucho” Mikey muttered and silenced Sanzu with just the sound of his voice. “I thought you of all people would've been happy with this arrangement, but it looks like I was wrong.”
He released Y/N’s wrist and retrieved his gun, pointing it at Kakucho’s head and setting off collective alarm amongst Y/N and Bonten’s lower members. “And I don’t like being wrong.”
“I’ll explain the situation to him and make him understand” Ran interjected, tightening his grip on Kakucho’s bicep. “He just needs some time to adjust. That’s all.”
Despite Ran’s plea for his sake, the black metal barrel still pointed at Kakucho’s forehead and Mikey’s chilling glare remained fixed. Shifting his gaze, he saw Y/N’s horror-stricken face as she trembled against Mikey and wondered if he’d live to see her smile again.
The seconds seemed to last forever as Kakucho waited for the gunshot that would end his life. He even closed his eyes in surrender when Mikey’s steady arm didn’t budge.
“Mikey, please!”
His eyes sprung open to see Y/N gripping the gun with one hand while the other cupped Mikey’s cheek, turning his head to face her. Kakucho wished he could say he preferred not being a trigger-pull away from death, but watching the intimate moment unfold between them made him feel like he’d already lost her before even getting a chance to win her over.
“Why can’t the two of you just get along?” She asked and Mikey went rigid before staggering back, dumbfounded by her question. A question she had oftentimes directed at Kakucho and Kisaki after one of their arguments during their Tenjiku days.
“I know that Izana isn’t with us anymore, but you and Kaku should still learn to get along.”
No one uttered a word. No one even moved a muscle. Everyone just froze and peered at Kisaki’s sister with mixed looks of horror, shock, and confusion at the nonsense that spilled from her lips. Because to Kakucho, that was what it was–a nonsensical chiding that should have been directed at Kisaki instead of Mikey.
Mikey’s gun fell to the floor and everyone except him jolted from the clang.
With concern etched on her face, Y/N reached out to Mikey only for him to retract his arm.
He didn’t respond to her, didn’t even spare her a glance. He just stared at the gun on the floor as a flurry of emotions flashed across his face, more emotions than Kakucho ever believed him capable of showing, before settling on anguish and retreating to his room with Sanzu stumbling after him and calling his name.
Only then did the Haitani brothers loosen their grip enough for Kakucho to break free and rush to Y/N’s side, but instead of the enthusiastic greeting of a few moments ago, her reaction to him was cold and non-existent. She glazed over him in favor of Koko.
“What did I do wrong?” She asked him on the verge of tears. “I-I didn’t mean to make him upset.”
She was an arm’s length away and yet farther than ever as Koko wrapped a comforting arm over her shoulders and held her as she cried for the man that had once wanted her dead. And just like all the other moments when it came to her, Kakucho missed his timing and watched her get swept away by another man while he stood there with his arm out and unspoken words dying on his tongue.
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You had often wondered what was worse: Mikey’s possessiveness or indifference, being the source of his pleasure or displeasure, sharing his warmth or lying alone in bed. Whether you would’ve preferred his pre-accident rejection and scorn of you or his suffocating love that went beyond what was appropriate between brother and sister.
Waking up without that familiar limb around your waist and to a cold bed, the answer was obvious–even if your mind was telling you it was wrong.
You distracted yourself by completing your morning routine and fighting the exhaustion from the previous day before venturing to the kitchen. Where it was usually empty that early in the morning except for Koko sipping away at a cup of coffee and checking the stock market, the Haitani brothers were up, dressed for work, and talking to someone just hidden from your field of view.
“Just take your mandatory vacation and look after her,” Rindou grumbled, typing away on his work phone.
“I doubt he actually asked me to look after her.” Kakucho’s rich baritone voice came from the kitchen. “So why are the two of you leaving her in my care?”
“Just a little situation we have to deal with,” Ran chimed in with that smile of his that never met his eyes. “You can think of it as a ‘welcome home’ gift.”
Without turning, he addressed you. “Speaking of, good morning, Y/N.”
“Morning,” you replied, not matching the enthusiasm in his greeting–even if it was forced. “Where is everyone?”
“Mikey left a while ago,” Ran answered and you tried not to wince. “He and the rest of the gang will be out until late tomorrow.”
“I see.”
You didn’t know whether you were relieved at the prospect of not seeing him so soon after your fallout or disappointed that you would spend another night without him. This time the answer wasn’t obvious and you lost yourself in your thoughts until it was just you and Kakucho.
Alone and without Mikey’s disquieting presence, you took in your childhood friend’s changed appearance. He’d grown taller, hair had grown longer, and sported a large muscular torso, unlike the other Bonten members. He was handsome in a rugged way that would’ve made your heart race had it not been for the stifling dread that bubbled in your chest instead.
“I-I need to tell y–”
“Ran… already told me everything,” he interjected, leaning against the breakfast bar and swirling water in a glass. “And it doesn’t change our relationship or how I feel about you.”
Just like that, a weight was lifted off of your shoulders and a sigh of relief broke from your lips. “Really?”
He set the glass on the marble counter and strolled over. You cowered from the intensity of his gaze but he took ahold of your chin and tilted it to face him.
“Really,” he reaffirmed and you let yourself relax against his gentle touch that didn’t match his appearance. He held your chin gingerly as if you would break if he tightened his hold. A touch that was also unlike the other Bonten members and one that triggered a revelation of more lost memories and emotions. They were blurry memories of other gentle touches from your parents, your brother’s mother, and even one of your brother when you pretended to be asleep.
“Is it true you’re recovering your memories?”
Your eyes fluttered open at his words to see him watching you with knitted brows and mouth pressed into a firm line. He released your chin to your dismay, but you nodded.
“It helps if I visit places or meet people from my past.”
His mouth twitched at that before swallowing and his proximity only dawned on you when you could make out the bob of his Adam’s apple. “And do you want to remember?”
And that was the question.
The one you’d been mulling over ever since you regained bits and pieces of your memory. Of course, you wanted to rid yourself of the constant cloud of uncertainty that loomed over you; the oscillating hum in your brain that you’d grown accustomed to; the nagging sensation that things were being kept from you but without the means to prove it.
Yet at the same time, you thought about Mikey and of the fragile sanctuary he’d created for you out of love–and you knew it was love. You saw his love, felt his love. It was right there nestled between melancholy and rage, albeit more hidden at times, but there when you needed it most; when you were moments away from giving everything up. And it was because of the love he reciprocated that gave your life purpose that, you answered Kakucho honestly.
“I-I don’t know.” You stepped away and looked in the direction of Mikey’s bedroom. “I know I should but a part of me thinks it’s easier not remembering.”
You half-expected him to fight you on it, but it was Kakucho you were speaking to, and he never did anything that made you uncomfortable.
“Why don’t we go out,” he suggested, catching your attention. “Take advantage of the nice weather.”
The ‘and Mikey’s absence’ went without saying, and as much as you cared for your brother, you desperately needed a distraction from your crumbling relationship and readily agreed to Kaku’s proposition. And with a bustling city filled with things to do and Kaku’s comforting presence, it was easy to forget about your worries.
You did everything and went everywhere you had ever wanted, with Kaku never so much as showing a sign of disapproval.
He took you to the café on the first floor where Koko always bought his coffee and breakfast pastry and let you order the sweetest drink and the prettiest macarons to indulge in. He let you wander the streets Mikey had prohibited you from doing. He accompanied you to every store that you ventured into and bought everything you picked up.
And when your stomach grumbled with hunger after two hours of karaoke, he took you across town to a small noodle shop nestled in a residential area that seemed familiar. Kaku claimed it was the best noodle shop in all of Tokyo as he led you through the worn-down door and the two of you sat at a small table towards the back of the restaurant next to the large window overlooking the street.
And once you were settled, your hand automatically brushed over the wooden panel beneath the window–particularly over a set of initials carved into the worn wood.
With your fingers still over the set of initials, flashes of a memory played out. The same restaurant but not as rundown. The same table but not as small. The same wooden panel but with fewer carvings. Hanma sitting across from you instead of Kaku, and next to him, a bespectacled teen with bleached hair and a tan complexion saying:
“The spicy noodles here are the best.”
“The spicy noodles here are the best,” Kaku mumbled and only looked up from the menus when a gasp tore from your throat as you simultaneously leapt to your feet. You felt dizzy as you put two and two together.
“You brought me here on purpose!” You bristled, pointing an accusatory finger at his bewildered face. “T-To make me remember!”
“No! Y/N, I swear I had no idea you’d been here before. It was a coincidence!” He pleaded but you were beyond the means of reason.
Your head was pulsing, your heart was racing, and your throat was closing. Tears blurred your vision until everything blended together like one of your paintings. Takeomi had called it the Bokeh technique, and you suddenly longed for the safety of Mikey’s jail. So with that thought in mind, you staggered back a couple of feet before whirling around and darting out of the restaurant.
You didn’t know where you were going, but you didn’t care and just let your legs carry you far away from Kaku, the restaurant, and the memories you were certain would ruin everything with Mikey. A relationship that you were almost certain was based on a lie, an assumption you made that he went along with. For what reason? You didn’t know and didn’t want to know.
You ran until your feet ached and lungs burned. You barreled down countless streets, past buildings of all shapes and sizes, and hordes of people that watched you with an array of expressions that ranged from anger to shock as they rushed to move out of your way. By the time your legs gave out underneath you and you sank to the grassy ground beneath, you looked around and really took in your surroundings.
You found yourself in a park next to a winding path that extended in front of you as far as the eye could see. From behind, the path eventually cut-off next to a set of parallel railings that no doubt flanked a set of stairs. As you caught your breath and rested your legs, you found that there was something strange about the peaceful park and it wasn’t until you wracked your brain that you realized it was the same park you often dreamed about. The park that was calming one moment and filled you with panic the next for reasons unknown.
You let out a bitter laugh when you realized that no matter how much you ran from them, your memories still found a way to catch up to you. Defeated, you stood up and looked both ways before deciding to head toward the stairs that had piqued your interest from the moment you saw them.
They were stone steps and you vividly remembered running down them. The sheer terror that coursed through your veins as you fled from a danger you couldn’t recall. The mantra you repeated to yourself as you careened down then steps.
‘Don’t fall. Don’t fall. Don’t fall.’
Gripping the railing to steady yourself, you carefully made your way down the steps while taking steadying breaths and reminding yourself that you weren’t in danger anymore.
The stone stairs, as it turned out, led to a cemetery with family gravestones in neat rows. Unlike the park, the cemetery was a site you didn’t recognize. It hadn’t been in any of your dreams let alone your memories. Yet, you couldn’t rid yourself of the feeling that you’d been there before and that feeling only increased tenfold when your feet led you down one of the rows of gravestones. Your eyes scanned the family names etched into the stone monuments until you stopped at one of them.
Similar to remembering Hanma, the remainder of your memories dropped on you like a ton of bricks. You remembered the events of your childhood along with the ones right before your accident. You remembered the Haitani brothers, Koko, Mochi, Kaku, and Sanzu from their Tenjiku days. You remembered Sanzu killing Hanma in the park you’d been in just moments ago. You remembered running away from Sanzu at Hanma’s insistence, down those stone steps, and meeting the man who’d wanted you dead–Mikey Sano.
Because he wasn’t your brother. You knew that for certain now that your memories had returned. Your brother had been Tetta Kisaki and he’d passed away on that cold February day but not before killing Izana Kurokawa and Emma Sano, the last of Mikey’s siblings. Because as much as you had loved your brother, he had been a far cry from the person you had wanted him to be and he ended up paying with his life.
Your legs gave out and the sudden movement only made your mind-splitting headache that much more unbearable. The concrete beneath did little to cushion your fall but everything to elicit a cry from your trembling lips.
A cry that turned into a scream. A howl. A wail. It ripped painfully from your throat like a coughing fit but was nothing compared to the pain in your head and chest. With choked sobs tearing from your chest, you reached for the gravestone and ran your fingers over your engraved surname–the name you’d forgotten. Gripping the altar, you rose to your feet and blinked away the onslaught of tears to read the wooden grave markers. Your grandparents, great aunt’s, uncle’s, and Tetta’s markers were all present as they had been the last time you visited but next to them was another marker. One that knocked the air out of you and left you panting for air.
A marker with your name on it.
You didn’t know how much time passed after that, maybe a couple of hours or perhaps only a couple of minutes. Regardless, you remained kneeled before your family’s grave with dried tears staining your cheeks and nursing your stuttering breath as you came to terms with the fact that your own family had given up your search and declared you dead.
You jolted at the sound of your name and turned to the source with fear gripping your heart. But instead of Mikey’s pale white hair and thin frame in the distance, Kakucho stood there wide-eyed and panting, and fear turned into relief as he staggered toward you.
“K-Kaku,” You sobbed, tears dotting your eyes once again. “What am I go–”
His crushing embrace turned your words into wails as you buried your face in his neck and let him coax out the rest of your cries with comforting words against your ear, desperate touches over your back, and chaste kisses on your temple.
“Shhh it’s okay. I’ll help you, Y/N. I’ll always be by your side, no matter what. I’ll keep you safe. I’ll never leave you.”
They were words you’d heard before. The same words Mikey would whisper in your ear as he held you against him after sex. Words that were a threat and a promise whenever they came from his lips. Lips that you wanted to forget–needed to forget.
You started pressing butterfly kisses up Kaku’s neck until you reached his jawline and he pulled away slightly. His good eye peered down at you; a swirl of suspicion and desire.
“Please, Kaku, I need you,” you begged, gripping the collar of his trench coat.
You kissed him again, pouring all of your desperation into it, and this time he returned it, desperation and all.
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Kakucho knew what she was doing even before they stepped into the hotel room–why she was doing it–but he didn’t care. He had already accepted the fact that Y/N would probably never love him the way he loved her, especially after witnessing her interaction with Mikey. So while he knew that she was only using him to forget Mikey, Kakucho was willing to accept whatever scraps of affection she threw his way.
As soon as they made their way to the bed, she pushed him on it and broke their kiss. As he recovered his breath, he watched as she stripped off each article of clothing until she was bare before him. She was beyond everything he had ever imagined and all he wanted to do was worship her.
But she had other plans and kneeled in front of him as her hands tugged his pants down and palmed his half-hard cock.
“W-wait, let me take care of you,” he hissed in protest but Y/N ignored him, pressing on the head of his cock until a bead of precum stained his underwear.
She was all business as she tugged off his underwear and held his cock with a firm grip as a string of saliva fell from her swollen lips to his flushed cockhead. Kakucho watched with lidded eyes as Y/N lubed his shaft with her saliva as she gave him a couple of pumps. He gripped the sheets and cursed when she wrapped her lips around him and hollowed out her cheeks as she bobbed her head, taking more of him each time. He threw his head back when she took all of him, choking until she managed to swallow around his length. And when he felt himself close, he pulled her off him and kissed her hungrily, biting her and sucking on her lips, sliding his tongue against hers.
As Kakucho kissed her, his fingers trailed up her inner thigh to her wet cunt and pumped two digits in and out of her while his thumb worked her swollen nub until she cried her release against his mouth. He moved quickly then, flipping her against the bed and settling between her parted legs.
She was still reeling from her orgasm and Kakucho took advantage of her distracted state to burn the sight of her into his memory. The deep flush of her soft skin; the rise and fall of her chest; the inviting part of her mouth; the alluring haze of her lidded eyes. She was a vision, and Kakucho fell more in love with her as she reached for him and begged him to take her. A request he was more than willing to fulfill.
For years, Kakucho had fantasized slowly burying his length into her inviting warmth and pressing kisses down her neck to her chest to ensure she felt no pain, only pleasure. He pictured her arms wrapped around her neck and fingers combing through his neck as he rolled into her, careful not to go too fast or too hard. Where the other Bonten members had fucked her, Kakucho wanted to make love to her.
But Y/N had others plans.
She suddenly flipped him over and straddled his hips before he realized what she was doing. He tried sitting up but she splayed a hand over his chest and pushed him back down. With knitted brows and focused eyes, she used her other hand to position his erect cock at her entrance before plunging her wet warmth onto him.
Like everything else when it came to her, it was everything he had imagined and nothing like it at all. Her warm cunt squeezed around him as she rode him furiously, slamming onto his length with each bounce until his cockhead brushed her cervix. She threw her head back in ecstasy but instead of whimpers, a litany of curses fell from her lips. Her hand reached for his but instead of letting him caress her, she placed it over her neck and asked him to squeeze.
And as much as he wanted to refuse her–should have refused her–he did what she asked because the alternative was disappointing her and putting their tentative arrangement in jeopardy. So he choked her the way she wanted, thrust his hips upwards into her body as she moved on top of him, and lost himself in the overwhelming intensity of their fucking.
The tight warmth of her cunt brought him close to his release quicker than he would have liked, but Y/N’s choked sobs of pleasure told him he wasn’t the only one that was close. In the end, she was the first to climax, her cunt clenching around his throbbing shaft as her body went rigid above him.
And everything would have been almost perfect had his name been the one she cried out as she came.
“Ah– Mi-Mikey!”
It was like a bucket of frigid water had washed over him, draining the blood from his body until it went limp. He released her throat and let his legs collapse on the bed, not caring that she lost her balance and unceremoniously fell to the side. Because while he’d known she was simply using him, he never imagined it was Mikey she was thinking about while she fucked him.
It was only after she’d been deprived of his dick that she seemed to realize what she’d said. A gasp ripped from her throat, eyes went wide with horror, and trembling hands gripped her head.
“I-I-I don’t– I d-didn’t mean– I-I swear–” Her shaky voice broke off into sobs as she balled her fists and repeatedly hit her skull.
Unable to watch her punish herself, Kakucho scrambled to sit up and pulled her into his lap, tightly wrapping his arms around her and preventing her from hurting herself even more.
“Help me, Kaku.” She cried into the crook of his neck. “Please, save me. I-I can’t go back with him.”
“I will. I swear to God that I will.” He muttered into her hair, holding her against his chest and wracking his brain for a solution. “I’ll save you.”
In his desperation, Kakucho remembered the conversation he’d had with Ran the previous night regarding Y/N, Mikey, and Bonten.
“It’s only a matter of time before she regains the rest of her memory,” Ran had drawled, swishing the whiskey in his glass. “And when it does happen, it’ll be the end of Bonten. Mikey will kill her, kill everyone, and eventually kill himself.”
“I’ll kill him before he does.” Kakucho had growled, slamming his fist on the marble kitchen counter. “And then I’ll run away with her.”
“And you honestly think Sanzu or even Mochi will sit by and let that happen?” Ran had countered with a chuckle. “They’ll shoot her dead before you can even blink.”
Kakucho had opened his mouth to protest but the elder Haitani brother beat him to it.
“You need to hide Y/N first. Leave her with someone you trust and then eliminate Mikey and Sanzu and threaten Mochi and Takeomi.”
“What about Koko?” Kakucho had asked, eyeing the older man suspiciously.
Ran had smiled at that, taking a swig of drink before answering. “Let’s just say Koko is with us and might even know the perfect people to help hide Kisaki’s sister.
“Who?” Kakucho had asked, wondering who on earth could hide Y/N from Mikey.
“Takemichi and Inupi.”
Deciding on accepting Ran and Koko’s proposal, Kakucho pressed a kiss to Y/N’s temple before cradling her head in his hands and tilting her tear-stained face toward his.
“I’m gonna hide you with an old friend of mine and Koko’s but it’ll take a day to arrange it. In the meantime, you’ll have to go back to the penthouse and pretend you still haven’t recovered your memories, okay?”
Her lips quivered and tears glazed over her eyes but she let out a shaky breath and solemnly nodded, determination and something darker swirling behind her depths.
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
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adorzora · 3 years
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do you miss me like i miss you? ~ s. hanma
word count: 935
synopsis: Shuji sees you wearing the matching earring you gave him after you two have broken up.
tw: angst kinda, mild swearing
a/n: here you go hunny @sleepingem ! I hope i was able to bring your ask to life the way you expected! 💓 i honestly loved writing this, hanma and angst two of my fav things😋😌
please do not plagiarize my work.
The clock reads 2am, it was normal for Hanma to be up this late. He sat on his window sill with a lit cigarette watching the city lights. He sighed and ran a tattooed hand through his hair. Hanma usually spends his nights before going to bed wondering what the exact moment was that things went wrong between you two. It was a nightly routine: sit by the window, light a cigarette, regret his life's choices, repeat. He’s never told anyone, not even Kisaki that his life's biggest regret is letting you go.
You were a 2nd year in high school, the first time you remember meeting Shuji Hanma. You first heard about him because he got sent home for beating up another student who “looked at him wrong”. That’s when you caught a glimpse of him, as he was being escorted out of school. A tall and lanky boy, who had brown hair with a blonde streak. You saw the two tattoos on his hands, and you noticed how he wore a single earring. You thought he looked absolutely ridiculous, but another part of you, deep down, thought he looked intriguing. Ever since you saw him that day you couldn’t get his gold eyes out of your head. Little did you know you would come to love everything about him.
The next time you see him he is at the park you like to go to. Again it looks like he just got done beating someone up. He was sitting on a picnic table, his hands bloodied and bruised, smoking a cigarette. “He is sitting at my favorite table” you think to yourself. You like to come to this park and catch up on homework or read and you like sitting at the table that is closest to a tree that offers shade on a warm sunny day. You typically were not someone who is afraid of others so you decided to sit next to him.
Shuji gave you a weird look while wearing that signature smirk he always wears. He couldn't believe someone like you would even dare to sit next to him. Shuji knew who you were of course. You’re popular, always have good grades, and you’re always smiling.
“Why do you get into so many fights?” You ask out of the blue.
Shuji took a minute to register what you said.
“Because people piss me off.”
You thought for a minute before replying,
“Hmmm, that seems as good of a reason as any!” You said while smiling.
Shuji didn’t know the effect your smile had on others until he was on the receiving end of it. His heart swelled and he couldn't help but smile back. He didn’t do his signature smirk but genuinely smiled.
It’s been exactly a year since you and Shuji first met at that picnic table. A place you two have visited often over the course of 365 days. You told him to meet you here because you had a surprise for him. When Shuji arrived you couldn’t wait to give him your gift. You gave him an earring that matched yours. When Shuji opened it he couldn't help but smile a genuine smile, something that only happens around you. He felt tears prick the corner of his eyes but he held them back. He never thought he would be loved so much by anyone.
It’s been years since that day and Shuji still finds himself wearing that same earring even long after you two have broken up. He refuses to take it off, fearing whatever memories he had left of you would disappear. He remembers what it was like to be loved by you so clearly, he never felt that from another person, you were the only one. Shuji often wondered what you were up to now. Were you married to someone and did you have kids? Did you think of him as much as he thought of you? Did you even think about him at all? Do you miss him like he misses you? He decided instead of wallowing in self pity to take a walk to clear his mind. The sun was out and there was a warm breeze. “It’s just like the first time we met” , he thought to himself. He was so caught up in his thoughts of you that he didn’t realize until it was too late that he wandered to the park where you two first met.
He looked over to the picnic table where you had your first conversation. His body went rigid and cold. He saw you sitting there, but you weren’t alone, there was someone else with you. He noticed how your hands were intertwined across the table. Your smile is still the same smile you gave him, all those years ago, only now it was directed towards someone else.
Shuji was just barely able to make out that you were wearing the earring that matches his that you gave to him all those years ago. He smiled at this, and he knows you haven't forgotten about him like he thought. His heart swelled with happiness and he fell in love with you all over again. The relationship between you two must have meant as much to you as it did to him.
That day he decided he would do everything in his power to get you back. He refused to let you slip away a second time. He turned on his heel and headed back to his apartment, where he was going to start planning on how to get you to love him once again.
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hello Can we talk about your talent girl you're shinning ❤💅💅
But seriously you're work is awesome
Tell me plz if I can request this:
Takemitchi coming back to the past not understanding what is missing for the future
He is in one of toman meeting waiting for the "talk" but he hear some noise behind the tree 🌳and when he go to see he find micky and his gf(s/o) kissing and being lovey dovey and then he understands that she is the reason of mickeys dark implusion (dk if i wrot it good)
Like her dying in his arms so like takemitchi want to save both of them (I'm sucker for this type of angst 🤧)
Sorry if this is too much 😅you don't have to do it just wanted to cry
Love 💘😻💜💛💚🧡💘😻💜💛💚🧡
Oh my god! I'm so glad you are enjoying my writing and thank you so much! You have just made my whole week with that! ❤️😭❤️
Of course! I am a sucker for angst (if you couldn't tell from my posts) and this is just amazing!!
Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy this @kimrena-stuff
Mikey X f!reader (fluff with angst)
TW: mentions of death, sadness, blood, violence, canon divergence, alternate timeline
The future still wasn't perfect in Takemichi's eyes. Sure, most of the people he tried saving survived but there still was no happy ending for any of them. And once again, Hinata had been killed.
It was confusing him. Surely he had made sure that everything was fixed in the past? What was he missing that could have caused another bad future. The blond had even asked Chifuyu about any events that could be coming up that would cause Mikey to turn out the same as he had every other future. Was it Kisaki? But Kisaki had been fired from Toman.
Chifuyu could not offer much information, after all, he did not know the future and Mikey hadn't declared a war on any other gangs since last time Takemichi had gone back. So there was no luck in that department. Maybe they were both overlooking something small that would be massive in the future?
Takemichi was sort of thankful that he had been called up about the Toman meeting that was happening that night. He could find his answer there, he was sure. After all, each meeting he had gone to so far had provided him with an idea of what was going to happen.
He had arrived at the shrine earlier than most other members. The only ones he really knew that had arrived were Draken, Mitsuya and Chifuyu considering that was who he hitched a ride with. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary except Mikey wasn't with Draken as he usually would be.
Curiosity had gotten the better of the young Toman, he had went to ask Draken where the captain was. Draken simply pointed over to a gathering of trees, explaining that Mikey could usually be found there before meetings start. That seemed to only make the boy's curiosity worse, wondering what Mikey could be doing in the cover of the trees.
He couldn't be meeting up with Kisaki still, could he? Is that why the future was not getting any better? Panic filled Takemichi as he approached the trees. If he was talking with Kisaki then that could be his only chance to stop it and create the perfect future he wanted!
It was as he was getting closer that he heard what he thought was two voices talking quietly. Not quiet enough where it could be considered whispering but enough where Takemichi couldn't make out the words being exchanged. He could tell one of them was definitely Mikey but the other could have been anyone. Had Mikey decided to ally himself with someone even more dangerous than Kisaki was proving to be? After all, nobody in Toman had been able to see Mikey in the future so it could be possible.
Trying his best to hide himself from Mikey, Takemichi peeked his head around to find a sight that made his cheeks flush a dark red. Mikey had both hands against a tree trunk with an absolute hottie between them. At first, it seemed a little alarming for the younger blond until he had noticed the soft smile and blush that dusted your features.
It was only when Mikey leaned down to press a kiss to your lips that Takemichi had felt he was overstaying his welcome. Especially since he wasn't really welcome in the first place. He was simply a creepy peeper at that moment. Why did he keep ending up in these types of moments that made him look like a creep?! First it was with Emma and now he was essentially watching his captain make out with his girlfriend.
"I love you, Mikey." Your voice was breathless from that kiss, your eyes sparkling as they stared into your lover's dark ones. It was obvious to anyone that you were both so in love with each other. Hell, you were sneaking off together at any moment you could find just to be all lovey dovey with each other.
"I love you more, Y/N."
Takemichi had caught that small snippet of your conversation as he was trying to silently walk away. He really didn't want to be caught by the Invincible Mikey staring at the loving exchange after all. But it did get him thinking. Had you ever been mentioned in the future? Surely if you were this in love, you would remain by Mikey's side forever?
The Toman meeting started as it usually did. You would be sat on the stairs while your boyfriend would address the issues related to the gang. Everyone knew who you were, you would always be at the meetings after all unless you had to attend to other business. That would explain why Takemichi hadn't seen you. You must have been attending to other things every meeting that the blond went to. All throughout the meeting, Takemichi could only try and recall if you're present in some way in the future. Surely you would still be hanging around with the same people 12 years later.
He would have to contact Naoto in the future as soon as he could. After all, if there was something big that was going to happen then he would want to find out as soon as he could. And so, as soon as the meeting was finished, he made his way to the Tachibana household to find young Naoto.
"So, how did it go? Were you able to change anything?" That was the first thing Naoto asked once Takemichi had woken up. It was the same routine each time. Naoto would ask if he had changed anything, knowing that it wasn't enough since Hinata was still dead. But maybe if something had changed, they were a little bit closer to finding out what was causing this chain of reactions.
Takemichi shook his head and then dived headfirst into his question. He had asked if you were ever mentioned in one way or another. Maybe if you were still alive, something must have happened between you and Mikey which he could prevent from occurring. Just thinking back on how in love you both were with each other, he was beginning to doubt that it was a simple break up.
It had taken the two males a full hour until your name had popped up in their searches. It really didn't help that Takemichi only knew your first name and that you would hang out with Toman. The news article had filled the computer screen, a photo of you smiling in the top corner of the page. It gave off a vibe that didn't match the contents of the article.
You had been stabbed 15 times in the chest and stomach during a gang brawl between Toman and a gang Takemichi hadn't heard of yet. You were rushed to the hospital but had died before the doctors could reach you. It stated that it was a boy named Manjiro Sano that had brought you in.
It all started to make sense now. You had been caught up in the brawl and had sustained injuries that had ended your life. So Mikey had lost himself when you had died in his arms as he tried his best to save you.
Takemichi checked the date on which you had died. 2 days from today. Why wasn't this brawl mentioned at the Toman meeting?! Did Mikey keep it a secret or was it a spontaneous confrontation? Takemichi could only guess it was the second option. Especially since the brawl would take place at Toman's meeting spot at the shrine.
"I need to save Y/N from dying. That is what we were missing! If she survives, Mikey won't lose another piece of himself." And with that, the handshake that activated the time leaping had taken place.
Takemichi had explained his plan to Chifuyu. Explained how there would be a brawl the next day at the shrine and how that is possibly the trigger for the bad futures. After all, Mikey might stay sane with you by his side. Chifuyu couldn't believe what he was hearing. A gang would have the balls to enter the meeting place of Toman just to start a fight? They must either hold a huge grudge against them or were just plain insane. No gang was to ever enter another gang's meeting spot as it was seen as sacred.
The blond had vowed that he would do anything he could to protect you from harm and ultimately save Mikey from his dark future. Even if he had to glue himself to your side, he would make sure nothing happened to you. He would make up for the time he had failed to save Baji.
You and Mikey continued with your routine. Enter the tree clearing and spend some quality time together. You both exchanged kisses, splitting the dorayaki you would keep on you for your boyfriend, and joking around. Everything a couple in love should do.
The day of the brawl had arrived and so had the rival gang. It was in the middle of Mikey addressing his gang that the opponent's had arrived. The shock was quickly erased as the fighting began. Mikey had made sure you stayed close behind him so he could keep you safe, even though you could fight. Maybe not as well as most of the Toman members but you were capable of keeping yourself safe.
Takemichi scanned the entire shrine area in search of you. Relief had briefly enveloped the middle schooler. After all, if Mikey was with you, nobody could touch you. Or that's what everyone had thought. You had been separated from Mikey as soon as the gang members discovered you were cared for deeply by him. They had thought that if they got you, they could win the fight.
It was if the world was entering slow motion. Takemichi tried to push his way to where you were being dragged, the determination to save everyone being his main driving force. Mikey had yet to notice you were no longer behind him, too focused on taking out the leader and winning the brawl so he could take you home where you would be safe. However, that plan was quickly becoming less likely.
"Shit! Move out of my way!" Takemichi had panic pumping throughout his veins. If he couldn't get to you in time, there was no second chance. It was times like this that made him realise just how human he was. He was one boy, not a God. He could only do so much. But he was sure as hell gonna try and save you.
"Y/N!" Takemichi's voice carried across the entirety of the battlefield. So much so that everyone had frozen, especially Mikey. He turned his gaze to behind him where he thought you were only to find you were missing. Frantic, his dark eyes scanned the area until they rested on you being held against your will. The boy who held you had his arm across your neck, squeezing so you couldn't call out to your boyfriend. However, it was the knife that he pointed to your chest that had Mikey scared.
Takemichi was the only person who didn't freeze, pushing his way past the bodies that stood like statues. He could make it! He could save everyone with this one action! He was convinced that this was why Mikey had given into his dark impulses and why no-one could get their happily ever afters.
He was too late. The knife had pierced through your chest, narrowly missing any vital organs. This had seemed to spur the younger blond to increase his speed, trying to keep in mind that you could survive if he kept the stabs to a minimum. After all, the news article had explained how you had been stabbed 15 times. One was fixable. One he could deal with.
Mikey couldn't seem to move. His love had been stabbed. For no other reason than they were there and sticking by him. This wasn't fair. You had nothing to do with what the problem was and you shouldn't be paying the price for it either.
It felt like an eternity for Takemichi to reach where you were. His legs were screaming at him to stop and his heart was beating a million miles a minute. In the time it took him to get to you, you had sustained another two stabs in your stomach and chest. The person doing it was nothing short of a monster. He didn't care that you were innocent or that you were a girl. He just continued his mission.
The sound of skin to skin contact echoed, a sickening crack following along. Takemichi had landed the hardest punch he could muster against the side profile of the monster. The crack was the jaw breaking underneath the force. You were released as the perpetrator stumbled backwards, falling as he lost consciousness. Takemichi had made it but he wasn't confident that it was in time. He couldn't help but watch as you smiled and fell sideways. Fueled simply by the adrenaline, he had carefully picked you up in his arms before starting his journey to the hospital.
Draken had been the one to snap Mikey out of his daze, telling him to get his bike. There was no way that Takemichi would get there in time if he was simply thinking of running. And so that's what Mikey did. He fired up his precious bike, ordering the young blond to climb onto the back before speeding his way to the closest medical facility.
Due to all of this, you had survived. Takemichi had succeeded in saving you and thus saving Mikey. There was a possibility that the future would be good this time.
Once he had heard you were alive and doing well, Mikey had finally let himself react. Tears fell one after the other down his cheeks and relief had lifted his heart. He wouldn't lose you. You were alive because of Takemitchy. That is something Mikey couldn't thank the younger blond enough for. He had saved your life when Mikey could do nothing but watch.
Everyone expressed their gratitude for Takemichi. After all, they couldn't imagine what Mikey would turn out like if he had lost you during that fight. Takemichi had an idea but wasn't about to spill what the future he knew was like. Speaking of which, he did wonder how this had affected his future. Would everyone finally have their happy endings? He sure did hope so.
As soon as Naoto had shook his hand, Takemichi had found himself sitting at a table with a can of beer in his hand. Confused on what was going on, he glanced around at his surroundings. He was currently in a home that looked nothing like his apartment. Photos of a couple he vaguely recognised littered the walls, there was the scent of takeout wafting in the air, and the noise was loud yet joyful.
A few days later, Takemichi decided to head back to where he belonged. 12 years in the future. You had been discharged from the hospital and probably on a date with Mikey as he approached the Tachibana residence. Thinking about it, Mikey had seemed to brighten up more ever since you had been allowed out of the hospital. Takemichi laughed as he recalled Mikey buried under a large bouquet of your favourite flowers and a giant plushie of your favourite animal on that day. You had simply laughed before peppering the Toman leader's face in kisses. You had also planted a peck on the younger boy's cheek as a sign of how grateful you were to him. After all, if Takemichi hadn't done any of that, you wouldn't be able to spend anymore time with Mikey. You owed him your life.
That's when Takemichi realised he had done it. Hinata was chatting happily with Yuzuha and Hakkai about their experiences in Europe; Mitsuya, Smiley and Angry were laughing about some inside joke no-one knew about; Pah-chin and Peh-yan were discussing business relating to the real estate agency; Kazutora and Inui were drinking in the corner, simply observing the festivities; and Draken was chatting away happily to Mikey, his arm around Emma's waist as she tried to soothe their baby. Takemichi had saved them all. They were all OK. Most of all, Hinata was alive.
"Anyone needing any refills?" your voice trailed in from where you stood in the doorway connecting the living room and kitchen. You looked almost the same except for a few features. Takemichi knew at that moment that this was the perfect future for everyone, especially when Hinata had come over and kissed his cheek. The discussion around the room had suddenly become one as everyone spoke about the upcoming weddings between you and Mikey as well as the one between Takemichi and Hinata. For the first time in a long time, Takemichi could let go of the weight he had carried around and enjoy his life with his friends and his fiancé.
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