#the way rodimus interacts with others in general is just so interesting to me
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homuleelee · 4 months ago
rodimus really does come off as the type to actively avoid romantic relationships despite desiring one deep down due to the fear of commitment
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in1-nutshell · 2 months ago
And this is sort of where it turns into X-men ‘97 fanfiction.  What if Swerves is playing Magnetos trail.  What if this is the most tense and uncomfortable fearless has ever been seen.  The general conclusion is that they were probably caught in the crossfires of one of Magnetos' attacks.  But let's take this idea a step further.  Shenanigans happen, maybe you’re local x-men villain starts to fuck with the lost light, maybe the crew is on earth during local less then natural disaster, either way LOOK WHOS WORKING TOGETHER NOW!  With Magneto now leading the X-men, things are gonna get interesting.  Fearless is immediately hostile to Magneto.  Which is fucking crazy to everyone, because even when Fearless and Megs were on less then friendly terms, their pranks were just that, pranks.  AND NO ONE KNOWS WHY.  its not like they dont like mutants, not only do they work on a spaceship full of aliens, they’re plenty friendly to the rest of the team.  Magneto is confused because they are close with megs but it's him they have a problem with?  Is it personal?  He starts trying to make a mental timeline to see who he's screwed over before in the past and try to figure it out.  The lost lights confused, and as far as they are concerned, secrets are for losers.  There is now the giant robot equivalent to a cork board with 10 different theories and evidence.  The X-Men are just enjoying their newest form of entertainment.
Y E S ! ! !
You have no idea how long I have been waiting to write for this new AU!? Thank you so much for the ideas!!!
Hope you enjoy!
AU: Magneto is Fearless's Dad
SFW, Platonic, Mention of injuries' and weapons, Mentions of X Men 97, Angst, Familial, Human reader
Fearless didn’t think much was going to happen today.
It was a slow day after all.
Maybe Rodimus would get bored and try something to liven up the place.
They weren’t expecting Swerve to put on the Magneto trial in the bar.
Their eyes widen seeing the man on screen.
It had been many years since they had seen that man.
Apparently, space wasn’t far enough for them to go to escae this man.
Fearless looked down at the juice box in their hand.
They raise an eyebrow at the minibot.
Fearless: “Really Swerve? What happened to the other juices?”
Swerve: “Don’t blame me. That’s what was in the crate, besides don’t you like juice boxes?”
Fearless: “… Touche.”
The strike of the gavel reminds them of what was going on the screen.
Suddenly the juice box labels looks very interesting.
Whirl sits by them.
He notices them staring at the box.
Whirl: “Hey Fearless did your drink commit war crimes? Cause your looking at it like it did some war crimes.”
Fearless: “I’m fine Whirl.”
The voice…
He started talking.
It had been a long time since they heard him.
Not since…
Fearless clenches the juice box too hard, spraying it everywhere, dripping on them and on the table.
Blood rushes to their ears from embarrassment and of something else they couldn’t pin point.
Whirl: “Umm… Aren’t you supposed to drink that?”
Fearless wordlessly gets up from their seat, cleans up most of the juice with some napkins before speed walking out of the bar.
Swerve and Whirl look at Fearless’s direction confused.
Swerve: “You know what that was about?”
Whirl: “Not a clue.”
Fearless sudden behavior caught the attention of many bots on the ship.
Even those who weren’t in the bar.
Fearless dodges questions left and right.
Theories are made by some of the bots who were in the bar when they first saw Fearless acting weird.
There is a general conclusion made by most bots that, while on Earth, Fearless came across Magneto at some point.
Clearly it hadn’t been a good interaction.
A couple days later Fearless is called to go back to Earth alone.
No further instructions, no nothing about Megatron or the bots.
Just to come to Earth, alone.
On hearing the ominous message, it was agreed that some bots would accompany Fearless back to Earth.
Fearless had an uneasy feeling about this trip back to Earth.
It was clear on their face as they glared at the windows with their arms crossed.
Not even Whirl or Swerve’s jokes seemed to crack the tension in their tiny body.
Fearless is called to go to the human’s only sector.
They promise to scream for help if someone tried anything.
This was supposed to be meant as a joke.
The second they enter the building; someone immediately tries to get the jump on them.
Now Fearless knows how to fight, they lived on the Lost Light for crying out loud!
But it had been a while since they had to fight someone their size without a suit and when more people coming in.
Fearless is pinned down on the floor.
On of the people in dark ski masks has a knee digging deep into their back.
The air had momentarily knocked out of their lungs leaving them dizzy and breathless.
Fearless was now staring at the barrel of a gun.
Ski mask 1: “Hope you enjoyed your few seconds here on Earth, alien sympathizer.”
Fearless struggles more but their face keeps being pushed to the floor.
All they need is one scream…
The weight was suddenly tossed off their back, letting them finally breathe.
They gasped for air as someone grabbed them and tossed them over their shoulder.
Fearless: “Hey! Let go!”
Logan gets elbowed in the face.
Logan: “Gah! Will you quit that! We’re trying to save you little—”
Kurt grabs them both.
Fearless: “WHAT THE—”
Fearless, Logan and Kurt are now outside the building.
Fearless looks around seeing some other X men talking with the bots.
Megatron looks over at a very disheveled and injured Fearless.
Megatron: “Fearless!”
The bots look over at Fearless.
Fearless is just looking around very confused.
Fearless: “…what the—"
After the bots check that Fearless was relatively okay, it was time for introductions.
Most of the X men had already introduced themselves to the bots while Logan and Kurt had gone inside to get Fearless.
The group had gotten a tip that someone wanted to ‘unalive’ the human liaison for Earth and Cybertron relations.
Neither team has the slightest clue who would want them gone.
But if Fearless was unalived and the bots didn’t know, it could have caused a rift in Earth and Cybertronian alliances, especially with Fearless being a part of the crew and part of a family unit.
Did anyone ask for a team up?
That’s when Magento makes a dramatic entrance.
Fearless immediately goes stiff and straightens their back.
Magneto: “Greetings. I am—"
Fearless: “Magneto.”
Magneto looks over at the human standing in front of the bots with their arms crossed.
Magneto: “I take that you’ve heard of my reputation?”
Fearless: “Kinda hard not to hear about a mass murder of both human and mutant kind.”
Magneto: “Hm, and here I thought we were going to have civil conversations as equals. Human to Mutant.”
Fearless: “What? Wait, wait. You think I have something against mutants?”
Rogue: “Well by the tone ya using, there’s some room for interpretation.”
Fearless sighs and face palms.
They gesture to the bots behind them.
Fearless: “I live with a giant crew of dysfunctional alien robots. I’m not some heartless monster who’s going to judge or chase you down with a pitchfork because someone can light a candle with their pinkie. Just as long as you aren’t messing with my family, everything will go well.”
Jean: “Wait family? You work with your family?”
Fearless: “Raises their eyebrow.
Fearless: “They are right behind me you know.”
Magneto grunts a bit before reaching out his hand to Fearless to shake.
Ratchet registers a sudden increase in Fearless’s heart rate.
Fearless looks at the hand like it committed first degree murder before shaking it begrudgingly.
Magneto: “I never got your name.”
Fearless: “My name is Fearless, Magneto.”
The bots are very much concern for their human.
Besides the obvious assassination attempt shaking everyone up, they had never seen Fearless this hostile and tense before.
Not even Megatron received this treatment!
The most he received was pranks and some comments here and there.
This was a full on seething hatred.
Fearless is polite with the other members of the X men and tries helping them as much as they can.
After cloaking the ship, it was agreed to head to the X mansion for further development on the case.
The mutants had to do a double take once the bots turned on their holoforms to get inside the building.
Friendships are formed.
Rodimus and Cyclops end up having a friendly rivalry.
The Co-Captain thinks Scotts beams are cool.
Scott gets flashbacks when Rodimus shows off his flames.
Flames that also get Jubilee attention.
Fearless is half certain that he is going to try and smuggle her on the ship.
Thankfully Magnus is keeping an optic out for him and Jubilee.
Drift tries to adopt Kurt, but Ratchet keeps telling him no.
Kurt is fanboying Drift’s massive swords and hearing about his beliefs.
Ratchet somehow develops a sixth sense knowing where the blue mutant was going to pop out.
Rodimus holds Scott out.
Rodimus: “Mine shoots beams out of his eyes!”
Drift holds Kurt out.
Drift: “Mine’s teleports, swings swords around and has a tail!”
He gently pats Kurts head.
Drift: “And he’s fluffy!”
Kurt and Scott look down to Fearless.
Fearless: “Don’t fight it, you’ve already been claimed.”
Kurt: “Vhat do you mean vy that?”
Fearless: “You’ve been chosen that’s all I can say.”
Scott: “You speak from experience.”
Fearless: "I ended up with one of the most trigger-happy bots as my best friend for life. The system works.”
Scott: “What system!?”
Beast gets passed between Brainstorm, Perceptor and Nautica.
Yes, he is a bit confused at first, but quickly gets over it on realizing these were some fellow scientists.
Brainstorm wants to upgrade some of the team’s technology… Beast is thinking about it.
Storm gets stopped by the minibots.
They love her powers!
Ororo indulges them with light rain and little wind funnels.
Rewind is filming everything while Swerve fanboys in the background while Tailgate splashes in some puddles.
Cyclonus in the meantime was taking notes on Storm and Jean’s fashion choices to later upgrade his holoform.
Beast: “Do you think that with enough electricity it can disable your weapons?”
Brainstorm: “…One way to figure that out!”
Storm: “I am not about to blast your weapon with a bolt of lighting. There is no telling what it could do to you.”
Brainstorm: “That is precisely why we need to find out!”
Fearless: “Trust me on this one, just give them a little bit.”
Storm raises an eyebrow.
Storm: “And they will be all right?”
Fearless shrugs.
Fearless: “Wouldn’t be the first time Stormy’s done something like this and it won’t be the last. This is pretty tame of an experiment for him.”
Jean walks over.
Jean: “What do you mean ‘tamest’?”
Fearless: “Well there was the time traveling briefcase.”
Jean: “The what?”
Rogue and Gambit end up in the company of Skids and Rung.
Skids finds Rogues and Gambits powers to be amazing.
Rung offers a good listening ear to Rogue who finds his presscene very comforting and vents.
The orange mech desperately want this woman to book an appointment with a therapist.
No scratch that, get everyone an appointment.
Gambit tried teaching Skids how to throw cards.
He is surprised when Skids gets it on the first try.
Lastly, Logan and Morph end up with Whirl.
Whirl keeps shouting suggestions for Morph to shapeshift into.
Morph happily obliges.
Logan can’t seem to get the strangest feeling of de va ju.
A reminder of a certain merc with a mouth…
Whirl: “Hey Whiskers! Do the claw thing again.”
Logan: “No.”
Whirl: “Do it!”
Morph: “Logan its just a little bit.”
Whirl: “Yeah listen to your outlier buddy and do it!”
Logan: “Outlier?”
Whirl: “Hang on I’ll get a translator. Fearless!”
Fearless comes over.
Whirl points at the two.
Whirl: “Explain what an outlier is.”
Fearless: “An outlier is… hm… how do I explain this… An outlier is kinda like you guys.”
Logan: “What?”
Fearless: “They have special abilities that separate them from the average bot.”
Fearless points over to Skids who was copying Gambit’s card tricks.
Fearless: “Skids over there can near perfect any instruction or action given to him on the first go. If I’m not wrong, Skids and some other bots I know went to a school that helped them with their abilities since society deemed them--”
Morph: “Dangerous?”
Fearless has a bit of a somber look on their face.
Fearless: “With all the former caste systems and alt mode prejudice it was nice for them to have a place to call their own. Sadly, when the founder of the school, a senator, was arrested they dispersed.”
Logan: “Hmm.”
The second Fearless spots Magneto talking with Megatron, they quickly grab Megatron by the arm and pull him away.
This goes the same for any bot that goes anywhere near Magneto.
The glare never leaving their face.
Fearless was offered a room to stay in the mansion, but they insisted on leaving with the bots.
They grab Megatron’s hand and leave.
Megatron felt how tight they were grabbing and the slight tremble in it.
They ignore the questions about their behavior and calls in a night.
Too bad Papa Megatron wants some answers.
Fearless struggles in his loose grip.
Megatron: “Are you going stop acting like a sparkling and start talking sense.”
Fearless lets out a tired sigh as they trace small circles on his digit.
Fearless: “As you might know I’m… not exactly fond of Magneto.”
Megatron: “Understatement of the century.”
Fearless squints their eyes at him.
He places them down on the berth and sits next to them.
Megatron: “… You never acted like this. Not even when I came on this ship and by the way this Magento speaks and his goals… he sounds like me—”
Fearless slaps his leg.
Fearless: “Don’t you EVER compare yourself to him!”
Megatron: “A simple observation and you cannot deny there are similarities between us. But why hate him and not me?”
Fearless: “Your both very different from each other Meg’s! That man is a heartless monster! A murderer! You—You—"
Megatron: “The same.”
Fearless furiously blinks back their tears and looks down.
Fearless: “But you changed!”
Megatron: “And isn’t he trying as well?”
The mech gently runs a digit up and down Fearless’s back.
Megatron: “He is at the start of his redemption Fearless. Don’t you think that it is wise to give him the benefit of the doubt?”
Fearless shakes their head and pulls their legs up and leans on Megatron’s side.
Megatron: “… He did something to you didn’t he?”
Fearless hugs themselves tighter trying to appear smaller.
They start to shake a bit.
Megatron carefully picked them up and hugged them to his chassis.
He can feel the tears running down his chassis.
Megatron: “You don’t need to tell me now if you don’t want to.”
Fearless sniffles a bit before looking up at him.
Fearless: “I-I want to Dad… I really want to—to. But everything that just happened…”
Megatron hushes Fearless while running the digit up and down their back.
They try muffling their sobs in his chassis.
He wonders if they can feel his spark clenching through the armor.
Days are passing by as the teams are still trying to figure out what is going on.
With the assassination attempt and why Fearless hates Magento’s gut so much.
The crew has made a giant board filled with red string trying to figure this out.
Even their new fellow X men friends come and join in on the theories.
The x men are enjoying their latest source of entertainment.
Especially once Fearless starts getting more comfortable around them and their chaotic side starts showing up.
Magento was having a hard time.
He has no idea what he did to this person to make them hate them.
Sure, it’s nothing new, but still!
It doesn’t help that they look familiar to him.
The older man is determined to figure out what he did to this person.
So far no one has managed to have a lick of luck on their side.
Not even a clue.
…Well, there is one person who does have a clue.
Fearless and Magento had a similar scent.
Too similar to be a coincidence…
…But he’ll keep quiet for now…
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ao3wasntenough · 11 months ago
Hehe Friendship is magical! Right back at ya Sam anon! 🫶
Chatter again happy to share some hcs on Ultra Magnus or Mags as Rodinus calls him. He a large mecha and I feel at times he can be intimidating to others even if it’s not his intention. He has seen so much and as Optimus second in command/ leader of the wreckers. The fact he briefly in some transformer series was leading the war on cybertron while the autobot on earth.
Shows a great deal of respect. I enjoyed how in transformer prime series, when we first introduce him, he comes across as in charge and doesn’t want slacking or familiarity. This could be because he lost so many soldiers. He not one to get close to others, this is him coping as for so long it’s been war.
I love the hc that he from the same batch as Optimus hence their similar frames and that they are batch brothers or bonded brothers. He not afraid to raise his opinion or concern.
He more that stoic silent guardian type, but he observes eveything. He the sort who does paperwork to get his mind off things and a way to show he cares. It would be little things like perhaps taking some reports off a bot or taking them off duty. He also very very patient.
For his interactions with bot!Sam I believe he would take a similar role like Prowl did to Sam with providing him tasks/jobs to get him better intergrated into the autobots and for a way to Sam to better get use to his new body (he won’t take dad prowl rights tho). Ultra Magnus possibly hadn’t met Sam as a human so with that prospect he easily over looks.
But he cares for the next generation of his species so Sam unintentionally is a mascot to show there is a chance for Cybertronian to not go extinct and have a future. Mags would also try to take on a teaching role, he feels the need to if he sees other bots like Optimus doing it.
Most of my view of Mags comes from Lost light and Mtmte comics, they can be found for free online and I fully recommend them! Tho warning they are absolutely spark wrenching and wholesome.
That version of him happens to be very intriguing which I won’t spoil in case you read the comics but let’s just say he could understand Sam on the smaller level.
Contrary to belief Ultra Magnus does indeed have emotions, he just doesn’t show them in a usual way. He basically the strict military leader who prefers to address in formal terms then personal ones.
I believe I mentioned Turning point as a good fanfic but I forgot to mention that it is decepticon Prowl redemption centric. But still a great read.
I love so far how you’ve done his character. So just some little thoughts.
I do recommend a YouTube video about Ultra Magnus it’s the Tfp version but it’s cool if you’re interested. It’s called ‘TFP Ultra Magnus Has Emotions. The channel called Emperor Kumquat. He seems to do deep dives into different characters to give perspectives on their personalities.
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The idea He lets prowl or Sam’s many parental candidates because that means he basically gets to be the fun uncle now is amusing to me. Like he doesn’t want one of his own but his brothers kid? That’s his kid too, sometimes you know? Gets to return him to whoever so he can go back to his own mess
I know he and Rodimus are often portrayed in the same materials which feels kinda funny that I’ve come full circle from my first cybertronian Sam ideas being him reborn on cybertron during Rodimus era. Strange ways you always happen to find yourself back where you started in some way.
So I’m just imagining he often invites himself along if HotRod or any of his common team are a hanging with Sam so they don’t play a game “how high can we get Sam”
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aeonix-posts · 2 years ago
what are your current relationships for characters? (including or not including past relationships)
Let me summarize the relationships, I won't be explaining then FULLY since it'll be too long and complex. I'll start with Megatron!
Megatron - starscream: toxic exes, literally "wrong person, right time" hates each other but at the same time sympathizes for each other. Pure hatred and resentment
Megatron - Optimus: bitter exes who still aren't quite over each other just yet
Megatron - ratchet: never really got along, just enemies in general
Megatron - elita-1: really hates each other, megatrons happy that she's 'dead'
Megatron - Jetfire: Only knew each other during war, killed jetfire
Megatron - Thundercracker: Fond but not too fond, finds her useful and competent. She dislikes him for what he did to sts
Megatron - Skywarp: Only finds her teleportation ability useful, otherwise doesn't like her, and finds her annoying. She only uses hm as a source of income, doesn't care if he dies or anything
Megatron - Bumblebee: He dislikes the scout, and vice versa
Megatron - Ultra Magnus: Used to be acquaintances, no longer sees each other that much even on the battlefield
Megatron - Rodimus: Finds Rodi interesting, annoying, and laughable at the same time(in a negative way). Rodi dislikes him because he thinks Optimus is like that because of him, views him as a villain and nothing else
Megatron - windblade: finds her annoying, too assertive. She finds him annoying and will scold or bicker with him any time there's a temporary truce
Megatron - chromia: doesn't know who she is, sees her on the battlefield only. She knows him but never interacts(well, every autobot knows him)
Megatron - smokescreen: Rodimus 2.0 but more childish. Smoke also dislikes megs
Megatron - shockwave: dislikes his lack of emotions, but finds him useful nonetheless. Shockwave is loyal, but questions his choices sometimes
Megatron - soundwave: close, only one he trusts. Vents to him because soundwave prefers to listen rather than talk, close friends in general. Soundwave finds him bratty but still stays loyal and a close friend.
Megatron - lugnut: finds his loyalty and preaching annoying. Lugnut literally looks at him like he's primus.
Megatron - strika: he sees her as valuable asset. She has no opinions on him, still loyal though
Megatron - other seekers: useful and useless at the same time, they're expendable. They see him only as their leader, otherwise they aren't too fond of him in general
Megatron - cyclonus: Bickers with each other. No longer sees cyclonus since tailgate died.
Megatron - tailgate: who? Oh, that minibot STS killed? Ok.
Megatron - wheeljack: doesn't see him in battle often, knows he makes bombs. WJ likes to bomb him.
Megatron - Prowl: avoids each other at all costs
Megatron - Jazz: finds each other annoying
Megatron - cliffjumper: isn't that the guy I killed?
Megatron - blurr: hates each other in general
Megatron - arcee: "who?" Arcee only sees him in battle, finds him intimidating
Tell me if I missed anyone important! I'm trying to remember every character I know from the top of my head so I might have not mentioned the TF chars you were looking for🥲
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tarklesbehindthescenes · 1 year ago
For the ask game: Hot Rod/Rodimus (any continuity) 1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
23. Favorite picture of this character?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Character Ask Game
I'm such a simp for him in general. Here we go.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I love Roddy because he is so funny and flawed! Some versions of him I love more than others, but that all boils down to how the little details of each version of him are written. Most, if not all, versions of him are so full of passion, sarcasm, and stubbornness, and that is something I resonate with!
My number one favorite version of him is G1 (shocker, I know). G1 Roddy starts out as enthusiastic, optimistic, and potentially carefree. He's confident in his abilities and if he falls on his face, he just gets back up and hops back on the saddle of his metaphorical horse. And then he unceremoniously inherits the Matrix of Leadership and is forced to grow up. He becomes bitter, frustrated, and angsty. The falls hit him harder and he needs help getting back on that saddle.
But despite the change in his demeanor, the thing that doesn't change about him is that he sticks to his guns. If something he believes in is challenged, he's going to argue for it, even if he's wrong. That said, when he comes to realize that he's wrong, he does back down and own up to it. Which is refreshing to see. I loved watching him go through his soul-searching in Season 3, and I'm kinda bummed out that the writing for it seemed... a little rushed? Or not quite resolved?
Still, as a fic writer, I guess I should be grateful that the canon allows me to play around with how he grows as a character and resolves his inner conflicts. He is full of potential.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
I haven't really come across any ships of him that I don't like, but I envision that he's paired with Optimus by someone, and that's really just not my thing.
When pairing characters together nowadays, I not only look at how canon has them interact, but also how their personalities would potentially mesh with each other. It's how I come up with so many rarepairs, such as Misfire/Grapple. No canon interaction whatsoever, but their personalities would balance each other out and make for some fun times.
Disregarding the fact that canon shows Optimus being a sort of hero-figure Roddy looks up to and strives to be, I just don't see Optimus and Roddy's personalities meshing well. They're too similar. And I'm well aware that like-minded people can be attracted to each other. My husband and I are in that pool. But I mean there wouldn't be much balance in the relationship. It's about the give-and-take system.
Talking about this ship from the G1 side of things, they have similar views and core beliefs, they have similar methods of handling problems, and they have similar ways of thinking. Roddy is just a younger Optimus. And I'm sure that they have a great platonic relationship.
But I think that Roddy's energy and lack of experience would make Optimus tired. And while the older mech can be patient, one can only handle so much. He's the leader of an entire army and if he was alive to win the war, he would have had to take up the mantel of getting Cybertron back on its feet. He would need someone experienced and a little lower-maintenanced to help him keep from burning himself out.
Roddy tends to be higher-maintenance and runs into trouble more often than he keeps away from it. I do think that he can benefit from having a low-maintenance and patient partner, but I can't see it being Optimus because he doesn't get much out of the relationship in return.
So that's the method behind my madness. ...But also for simplicity's sake, I just don't see Roddy being romantically interested in the hero he looks up to.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
I have so many~ But I will reduce it to two.
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Top pic just looks like Galvatron is struggling with ballroom dancing.
Bottom pic is so wholesome and precious and I just melt~
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Glad you asked~ Recently I've been having a lot of fun comparing Genshin Impact characters to Transformers characters, and the one that matches Roddy the most is Navia. Both have hidden guns, both are stylish, both are determined, energetic, and have conviction, they're both extroverted, and a bunch of other small details that I have fun going through.
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rodismancave · 2 years ago
My first language is not English. I may make grammar mistakes, use a word improperly, or just fuck up in general. You are free to correct me if I make grammar mistakes, or confuse a word, but if I make a lot of typos in a IC post assume that's just Rodimus making his own spelling errors.
Personal blogs: you are allowed to send in asks and I’ll answer IC, but please refrain from reblogging anything that isn’t tagged. If you’re unsure, you can ask.
My portrayal is heavily based on IDW/G1 and headcanons. I can adapt to other universes if asked to do so, but they will be headcanon based. Rodimus is portrayed as per my understanding of his character.
DMs open! Don't be afraid to hmu on DMs or respond to my posts. Talk to me about ideas, dm me for plotting, go crazy. I love interacting with people, and I love participating in IC bits.
I am just here to have fun. Try not to take me too seriously. I can and will RP serious stuff, such as diving in Rodimus' questionable actions, but I will do so in very evasive ways. Don't get frustrated if Rodimus brushes your character off or acts mean.
Please be 18+ when interacting.
I may be selective. Please don't be sad if I don't interact with you. I will always do my best to interact with people, but sometimes it just doesn't click for me. I have a very particular taste for writing, which brings us to the next point.
I have reading difficulties. This may get worse some days but most days it is nearly non-existent. No, this does not mean I have dyslexia, not that I know of, It just means I can misinterpret texts or straight up be unable to read or write texts for a few hours. If I write a response, and it makes 0 sense, sorry. My brain was acting funky and I tried to push forward. The text won’t make sense to me either.
Shipping is okay! But I will be selective. Rodimus will frankly flirt with anyone, and I'd like to state it now that it doesn't mean he is romantically interested. Sometimes thats just how he shows he cares.
OC, AUs, crossovers are free to interact!! Feel free, be not afraid, etc. This does not mean I will always respond but please don't take it personally. Sometimes I just have no idea what certain things are.
Please read my headcanons before interacting. Your character isn’t going to know certain quirks and bits about him, but if you’re going to pretend to be a part of his crew and like you know him at least read a few of the stuff that’s Lost Light-relevant.
Basic DNI criteria goes. Do not interact if you are proship, LGBT+phobic, racist, etc. If you do, and I find out, I’ll soft block you. Upon insistence, I’ll permanently block you. I don’t need to tell you why.
I have the right to refuse any RP and to block whoever I want. If you start any sort of unnecessary trouble, or overall I just don’t feel comfortable with the content you reblog/interact with, I’ll unfollow you and move along. But if there’s insistence on interacting with me, I’ll block you.
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heliopauseentertainments · 2 years ago
1,6, and 15 for Reforged?
Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it
Fic Context: Reforged
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
Originally, for the fic overall, I was inspired by a post by... I think their handle was squid-in-disguise (but I can't find the original post anymore and the ship-centered blog I reblogged it from almost 2 years ago apparently deleted). When I finish and type the final promo post, I'm going to try and tag them if I can verify OP's handle.
It was a fairly general prompt for if Rodimus visited Caminus and was hailed as a deity. I definitely took it in a different direction than was originally asked for. The original idea had "Megatron had secretly been in love with Rodimus the entire time" and I didn't lean into that as much.
I also went way deeper into Camien religion and history than I think anyone asked for, because I think that's interesting.
I also got to draw parallels with the Original Thirteen (from both IDW and Aligned). Added three drops of my experience with Judaism, threw the whole thing in the blender, and BAM.
TL;DR: I saw a post with an idea and no one stopped me. This is how many of my fics happen.
The rest of the answers are under the cut for length
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
We'll take away the sheer length, which far outstrips my other works.
This fic is special/different because:
It gets the most interaction and attention than all of my other fics combined. Something about it resonated with readers and this makes me very proud. I consider myself a very obscure fic author, so I was surprised that anyone even looked at it.
I started writing it on the tail-end of MegaRod being a popular-ish ship. I walked in right when content basically stopped being made (or at least incredibly slowed down to me and two or so other people that I know of). It was just a weird time to get into the ship, which is now almost a rarepair, but especially a weird time to drop a massive novel for it. This ties into the previous point: I'm surprised anyone looked at it.
It's my longest running writing project ever from starting to completion. (I've got up to chapter 98 drafted and only a few chapters after that left to go). Compare that to The Hollow Man, a novella that I slapped out in a month.
It's probably my most obvious example of "canon blending" right now. It's predominantly IDW1, but it's full of both subtle and blatant AU changes, on top of cannibalizing bits and pieces from other continuities, most noticeably Aligned.
It's the first piece I've had that got companion pieces, other little fics set in the same universe or bonus scenes.
It's the only fic of mine that my spouse threatens to write a crack/unhinged version of. For example: trials being based on the Great British Bake-Off
I'm sure there's more but that's what I've got atm.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
Novels are hard. Don't write them. I like to think I'm a one-shot and novella specialist, so 40k+ word beasties are not my normal wheelhouse. Some people are best at novels specifically! I do not think I am one of them! Now watch me put my foot in my mouth for Solar Flare.
If you do write one, give yourself a word count and/or a chapter cap. Do not accidentally write something longer than Lord of the Rings (the novel, not the trilogy, but maybe don't write something the length of a trilogy either).
Your brain will sometimes build in foreshadowing for you. Convenient and terrible all at once!
Characters will sometimes provide a story path that you did not plan for. Sometimes this is good! Sometimes this can get away from you and you're at a runaway word count again.
Outlines can be helpful to keep your plot from wandering too far off. I had a very rough outline for this fic of what I needed to hit and whenever something veered too far off, I had something tether it to rather than completely losing the thread. This doesn't work for everyone.
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rawmeknockout · 3 years ago
who's your fave character to write for? 👀👀👀👀
my fave character to write for changes all the time i used to do a TON of swerve and have a lot of swerve ideas and im not really 'burnt out' on him per se but ive explored his character so much in terms of romance/smut that i feel im rehashing the same ideas and i think a fresh perspective would help
im a sucker for rodimus i have a soft side for arrogant people irl and crush hard on anyone who is just way too confident but i love how he is soft and really cares about people too bc i can relate to that i have so much love for rodimus even if he is a shallow bastard and makes poor decisions for his own ego, i feel like theres a lot of room for improvement there esp if he had someone as his opposite (cough rival cough) to push on him and force him to think outside his own worldview im a big dork for rivals to lovers tho its like enemies to lovers but enemies generally start off VERY antagonistic and rivals are generally antagonistic yes but have room for an underlying respect and admiration and wiggle room to how they could interact as friends
someone i never get requests for but love immensely with my whole heart is bumblebee all bumblebees (i even have a soft spot for bayverse but i will NEVER touch those movies i dont want them within the bi county area stay away from me) i have loved bee since i was a kid bc the first transformers i watched was tfa and i loved characters like jack spicer and bee and other such overconfident jerks with a soft side as ive explored other series that love for bee has only grown i love him when hes a bold leader who wants to earn respect but treats even his enemies with kindness and i love him when he's a scout who gets into trouble bc hes just too gentle and weak i have so many thoughts about bumblebee i love him lots i could go on and on about the different bees (and their relationships with starscream ill die on this hill) hes always such a gentle good guy and deserves the whole world i dont care if transformers is overrun with bumblebee content i want MORE
i also love to write cheetor but strictly beast wars and cyberverse cheetor i feel only terror with beast machines cheetor im a big sucker for anything that has a likeness to cats and the fact that his alt mode is a cheetah i think is so cool im a cat lady through and through i love cat mugs and posters and slippers so ofc one of my fave robots has to be the cat one which also brings up ravage whom i adore in a different way than cheetor they are complete opposites in many regards but they are both loyal which is a quality i treasure in any character or person i think the most interesting thing about ravages story (particularly idw here) is that he is essentially a man with a body that makes others see him as a creature rather than a person i like that the writers took the time to think about all the altmodes the decepticons have and how their original functions made them sympathetic to megatrons cause
i also like writing for rumble and frenzy (all the cassetticons really) although i have a hard time bc two of my friends are big cassette fans and i want to portray them in a way that they would when it comes to transformers or any fandom imma be honest and say,,,,,,,,, ive hardly looked at the source material i havent read much and i havent watched much i saw big sexy robots and i was hooked and i love the story but,,,,,,,,,,, theres no way my attention span would allow me to read a full range of comics man i dont have that in me
other than that i dont want to say that im clinical in how i approach characters but im technical and i know them in a general sense and expand upon them in a way i feel a real person with specific personality traits would act i want them to feel more in depth than just a one or two dimensional character i want to write them in various situations bc deep down we all are just,,,,,, love creatures we all love and we all love to be loved
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decepti-thots · 3 years ago
not for a meme or anything, just curious cause you have wonderful character analyses, but what do you think a good amica pairing for minimus would be? like, what sorts of qualities would he benefit from + what could he offer for someone? i was thinking of amica ships and realized i really couldn’t think of anyone for him lmao
1) awww, thank you anon!
2) sorry this took so long, i spent today poking at writing in between having a meltdown about gay pirates on twitter. UHHH ANYWAYS
I have actually thought about this a few times! It's interesting, because thinking about fanon amica pairings requires that you really think about what role amica plays in the worldbuilding. Romantic shipping is something that is more intuitive, at least to me, in how it mirrors a real world relationship structure. But amica represents something many cultures don't really have: a societally recognised and respected, formalised relationship system/structure that is neither romantic nor familial.
Blatant rodimags propogandist that I am, I've considered that as amica before, for sure. In much the same way as I see them in a romantic context, I think it would take a lot of time for it to reach a point where it would be a stable amica pairing. I don't think they ever got there in canon, but I can see it after some hard work. They have a certain amount of 'recognition of yourself through the other' going on, and at their best they're able to point out and try to help curb the others' worst flaws, and they have a shared understanding of how difficult adjustment to life post-war has been and how it's impacted them... but they also run into these big (and in Rodimus' case, often self-destructive) conflicts about HOW they deal with these things, and how to communicate. It could absolutely go tits up.
Mmmm, in my heart I want to say Swerve, too. Their issues are SO complementary (the self loathing, the isolation, the awkwardness they feel about reaching out) but that's also potentially kind of a curse because sometimes that means you wind up enabling each other's worst feelings. But I could see it, and I could see them finding more common ground than they expected. And their canon interactions are sweet at times, innit. (Mags thanking Swerve after Hedonia... aww.)
A few other candidates came to mind but... mmm. It's tough because it feels to me like our ideas about romance leave a lot more room for intensity of feeling and impulsivity to help to override a little of that sense someone might have of 'ohhh is this REALLY a good idea'. Our ideas about platonic relationships often assume they'll be more... measured, without quite as much 'well maybe not, but I want them anyway', and that assumption interacts kind of interestingly with the idea of committed relationships in a platonic context?
(Of course, it IS an assumption, not a fact, but it's a hard one to shake! I bet there's a whole genre of cybertronian novels about torrid whirlwind amica courtships ;) or, hm, maybe that's more Caminus' deal?)
I think generally Minimus would need someone who can and will challenge him, tbh. His worst habits are ones it's very easy for him to justify, and for other people to let slide, because they aren't as immediately obvious as, say, Rodimus'. And he avoids the introspection he needs to overcome them like the plague, so someone who can actually be like NO we are ADDRESSING IT would be, I think, a real benefit to him. What he could offer someone else would probably depend on who it was.
...aaand now I kinda wanna say Rewind, but THAT would be a WHOLE mess, wouldn't it, hah.
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suite43 · 4 years ago
optimus for the caracter thing??
first impression: you are my daaad youre my dad boogie woogie woogie
impression now: every morning i stare into the mirror and have a 3hr debate session about the politics of optimus prime and megatron in idws first transformers continuity because if i don't ill turn into a mindless creature of violence and raze through the town commiting atrocities
story idea: g1, tfa, and cyberverse optimus meet idw optimus and proceed to have a communal "haha what the fuck 😬" moment. why are you a cop.
unpopular opinion: idw1 optimus did actually have a really interesting POV and i liked reading what barber did with him, i just wish it was a tinge less grimdark. and also just because i think he was morally abhorrent doesnt mean i think the story wasnt worth reading. like it did kind of suck but it was partially interesting and had a lot of potential! barber just needed to commit to some things more than he did. ironically, it was his centrist writing tactics that made optimus prime go from "interesting look at why centrism doesnt work" to "mediocre grimdark cop story".
fav relationship: in idw, its his relationship with rodimus. in general, probably bumblebee. in war for cybertron specifically, megatron & elita. in g1, elita. in tfa, i really liked him and sari interacting, tho im also fond of the dynamic he had with the various members of the elite guard, and if blackarachnia wasnt so Manpain i think that couldve been really cool to see them talk more/to see her get some closure! their dynamic was very batman/catwoman i liked it a lot. also honorable mention to cyberverse megop its the only continuity where megop means anything to me other than "just some guys".
fav headcanon: that he was way smaller pre-matrix and had to get used to being Bigman. also that hes a working-class icon, a communist, and not a cop, ever.
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thanksjro · 4 years ago
Dark Cybertron Chapter 6: This Sure is a Comic I’m Reading.
The Dinobots are chilling out by the standing Titan, because Slag went and got his ass kicked by the super death wave a few issues back.
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Excuse me, Slug.
There’s real-world context for this change- you see, in England, the word “slag” is often used as a derogatory term. Specifically, it’s either used as a stand in for “prostitute” or “whore”, or in more of a generalized “I greatly dislike this person” sort of way. It’s typically aimed at women, which is likely why Arcee said something to him as opposed to anyone else.
This little exchange is interesting, since Dark Cybertron Chapter 6 was published in 2014. Our boy Slug here first showed up in the original cartoon, back in the 80s, and was in the Marvel UK comics, where they didn’t change his name. A good portion of the IDW creative team, including 50% of the writers for this event storyline, are also from the UK. Seems like someone finally got sick of calling a whole-ass robot dinosaur a slut.
Not that there’s anything wrong with enjoying casual sex, or being a sex worker, but slapping labels on other people without their input is sort of a shitty thing to do, especially when you’re doing it in a franchise typically aimed at younger audiences, and with a surprisingly large following in the UK, where that term is used.
Anyway, while this conversation was happening, the Titan moved, and when it did, it kicked up a shit-ton of dust. Astrotrain, who is laying off to the side with his legs and an arm off, offers Swoop his binoculars. When asked why the hell he has binoculars- which doesn’t seem so strange to me, given that they’re standard military equipment in a lot of places- he tries to explain that he’s got shit eyes, and didn’t want Megatron to know about them. This would be an interesting glimpse into the inner workings of the Decepticons and how they view disability, if Swoop actually gave a damn.
But he doesn’t.
So it’s not.
Swoop sees with his special eyes that the guys who went down into the Crystal City have escaped, and are currently trying to outrun the Titan, and also the title of this issue.
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Watch out, that typography’s gonna fuckin’ get you!
The Dinobots start firing on the Titan, which does fuck-all, and Prowl yells at them to head for Iacon, since that’s where the Titan’s going. Bumblebee, Skywarp, and Megatron are revealed to be MIA. Bummer.
Over on that weird water planet the Lost Light landed on a few issues back, the Rod Pod gang have puttered into Metroplex’s eye socket, and are currently making a Fantastic Voyage. Getaway asks where the hell Metroplex’s eyeball got to, but nobody has an answer for him, least of all Metroplex. Strange happenings on this weird water planet.
Ratchet gives everyone the skinny on Titan physiology theory- thank god he came along on the trip so I could at least get a little lore to feed my brain through this slog.
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So, Metroplex’s spark could actually be out right now. Even though the lights are still on, that doesn’t mean anyone’s actually home, because the power of his spark needs time to actually travel through the body, and it needs a lot more time than the average robot, because he’s just so goddamned big. Humans also need time for their animating force… or, uh, blood to travel through the body. This is why we have a pulse. If it was instantaneous, we wouldn’t, but we’d probably also explode, because our squishy little bodies wouldn’t be able to handle that shit.
The gang starts scanning for life signs, even though they’re not even sure if they’ll be able to pick anything up. Brainstorm theorizes that the water could be causing degradation to Metroplex’s body. Getaway is still stuck on the Rod Pod existing. He’s having a moment. He’s been having a moment, really, ever since he saw the damn thing.
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The results from the life-scan come in, and it looks like Metroplex might actually be okay, because there’s a blip for everyone in the Rod Pod, plus one! Hooray!
Nobody tell them about the hanger-on who’s basically glued himself to the ass of the Pod. We’ll let them have this little win, if only for a moment.
Ratchet suggests they head for the brain to check things out. Brainstorm reads back the report on the water sample he took, holding his data pad as precariously as he possibly can as he does. There’s admium flakes in the water. Nobody knows what this means, so they try to call Swerve, who is a metallurgist, for his professional opinion. The call goes to voicemail. Pity, that.
The fellas show up at the cranium, and there’s a small issue; Metroplex’s brain isn’t there. It wasn’t yanked out, either- it’s clean as a whistle in there, all things considered. Next stop- the spark. Hopefully they can get there before all the lights go out, because it’s beginning to look rather grim for ol’ Plexy.
Back on Cybertron, Starscream is asking about the fatality rate of the death wave, which is a bit funny to read now that I’ve typed it out. Tankor- who is our tie-in issue character today- decides he’s going to start some shit with Starscream, even as people are evaporating around him in the medical center he’s volunteered to assist at. Starscream takes the verbal stripping down with a straight face, because at this point, it’s just par for the course for him. Being head honcho of a whole planet kinda sucks, as he’s quickly finding out.
Flatline, who is also here, makes a crack at Starscream’s expense, and Starscream decides that that’s going to be the straw that breaks his camel’s back, as he starts getting dangerously sarcastic with the guy. Too bad this isn’t the time for that, however, because the Titan just showed up at the city limits.
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Wow, Titan really said “fuck those two guys on the left in particular.”
Over in the Dead Universe, it turns out that the massive fiery laser blast from last issue DIDN’T kill everyone, and doesn’t actually seem like it was ever intended to. I suppose it was some sort of transport beam that Nova Prime used for his entrance, like the dramatic bitch he is. That’s neat, I guess.
Hardhead’s pretty upset by Nightbeat’s betrayal, not that Nightbeat really cares- being brainwashed tends to have that effect. Hardhead starts slamming his skull against the containment cube, living up to his name and also making himself look like a fool. Cyclonus is beginning to regret agreeing to this trip. Orion Pax punches the wall and starts yelling at Nightbeat for being a traitor, pretty much breaking his hand in the process. Rodimus tries to get him to chill out, and gets a knuckle sandwich for his troubles.
Also, this whole thing is a ruse. Orion managed to crack the cube, and he’s gonna try to get them out, but he can only do it if Nightbeat doesn’t realize what’s going on. Once Rodimus is let in on the plan, he tries to butter up ol’ Ikea Johnson, who notices the very mysterious something that’s on Rodimus’ palm. The thing that’s NOT his forcefield generator, that we don’t get to know about just yet.
Seeing the mysterious something makes Nightbeat fall to his knees, clutching his head in pain. At least, that’s what Orion says happened. I don’t know what happened or why, or why Orion would fucking know what happened or why. Or even, really, if it was Orion making the claim in the first place.
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Not even any feet to try to connect to characters. I’m just guessing on previous panels.
“Dark Cybertron” makes me so, so tired.
Anyway, Nova Prime tells everyone to get on their knees, lest he shoot them with his big honkin’ back turrets.
Back inside Metroplex, the fellas have exited the Rod Pod and are on the hunt for Metroplex’s spark. Someone’s gone and drawn arrows pointing in the direction of the spark chamber, though who exactly is a mystery. Lots of mystery going on this issue. The boys decide to see where the graffiti takes them, leaving the Rod Pod to whatever fate might befall it while they’re gone.
Nobody likes the Rod Pod very much.
Also, that hanger-on from earlier is still there. This’ll turn out great, surely!
We get treated to a double-page spread of Escher proportions, as the gang tries to traverse the inner workings of Metroplex, until they hit an arrow that seemingly hits a dead end. When they brute force their way through the ceiling, it’s bad news bears; they’re right back where they started. Whirl, our most volatile friend, takes out his frustration on the Rod Pod, only for more bad news to reveal itself: the Pod’s been rigged to explode by the hanger-on!
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And that’s a series wrap on the Rod Pod Squad! Let’s give ‘em a hand, folks!
Back in the Dead Universe, Nova Prime is busy deadnaming Orion, and generally just being an asshole. He notices Cyclonus off in the corner, and starts being an asshole at him too, because that’s how Nova interacts with the world. It’s all he knows.
It’s at this point that Cyclonus gives Hardhead the signal, and Hardhead bashes through the crack in the cube. Too bad it reseals itself directly behind him. Hardhead goes to punch Nova Prime, and gets his hand crushed into pulp for his troubles. Then he dies, because that was his forcefield hand.
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And that’s a series wrap on Hardhead!
Nova Prime informs everyone that he’ll be taking them to visit a pal of his.
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You know, this reveal would be a hell of a lot more poignant if I could FUCKING TELL WHO THE SHIT THAT’S SUPPOSED TO BE.
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rossumtrinity · 4 years ago
i need to talk to my group member about stuff but i refuse to be the first one to message and try to coordinate bc i ALWAYS am and im sick and tired of it. so im going to write a post talking abt my qualms with m*nimegs and put it under a cut for being i guess “ship critical” and rambly
first i need to state that i’m not necessarily opposed to the like Base Concept of the ship. i think it has potential as an interesting character dynamic which, like, displays different facets of both characters? definitely some fun homotheatric potential, the drama of being attracted to someone’s who’s basically on death row and also Your Mortal Enemy. 
however i am EXTREMELY opposed to the general fanon interpretation of it as like, Gay Married Old Men and also rodimus is their son i guess (ben affleck smoking.jpg). i don’t find it interesting, megan doesn’t have the range, i don’t think it’s realistic, and the whole infantilizing rodimus thing is ANOTHER one of my huge fanon pet peeves but we’re not talking about that today.
also in the interests of “transparency” in my stupid post, mims is one of my big comfort characters and megan is like The discomfort character so seeing them paired up isnt something i relish
like, i definitely think mims would be attached/attracted to megan as an authority figure who pays attention to and validates him but like... very much within that framework. and i think as a person he is like, really desperate for that kind of approval but actually receiving it from megs isn’t like, great for him? in terms of development? if that makes sense. supplanting lack of self-esteem with approval from authority figures instead of actually working out your insecurities ykwim
and on megan’s part he is canonically abusive, and a lot of his behavior patterns and the way he interacts with people make me uncomfortable wrt being reminiscent of an abuser. idk if that makes sense. and i can also definitely see him getting attached/attracted to mims but not... in a very healthy way either. this is not a man who has done genuine self reflection and attempted to work on who he is at the core. he still believes he’s right over other people, he is still honestly very selfish, he pretty regularly discounts the emotions of people around him. he is not the kind of person who uses power given to him in a responsible way. he just like, doesn’t do murders now, or whatever. good for you i guess
not necessarily to say that i think the ship would be inherently abusive, which would honestly be a whole other post, but that i don’t think it would move either of their characters in good directions. like i think they would both enable the other’s worst tendencies.
the common fanon take, in order to make the relationship work, involves flattening out both characters but especially megan because his abrasive shitty self just doesn’t neatly slot into fan-favorite cookie cutter ship dynamics. and when it comes to mims i feel like it really discounts his character arc, even moreso than everyone on the lost light had their character dev shoved aside to make room for megs. and while mims has the range megan as presented by m*nimegs is literally so boring. 
(ofc meg*p isn’t “canon” and the canon idw meg*p relationship is honestly pretty lackluster despite jro’s efforts but i cant help but think it would have a, not very positive influence on a mims/megan relationship)
If I Were to try and pair megan up with anyone in what i think would be a healthy dynamic it would *have* to be someone with the self-confidence to stand up to his shit and call him out and i do NOT think that is mims in the slightest. imo a ‘realistic’ take would be like, a) weird tension but not getting together in the first place because *waves my hands vaguely in their direction* Where Do I Even Start, b) really really messy and awkward breakup resulting in anti-character development. character regression, even. megan’s latest, first post-war divorce. 
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years ago
mtmte liveblog issues 4&5
its delphi time babey
I'm sorry but drift & co look like such fuckin nerds on their scooter things on the cover lmaooo
oh god. seeing the first page just reminded me of how horribly confused i was for this whole little arc the first time i read it. i was like ok, who are all these new characters, and also why does everyone look so similar
anyways now i now what's going on. i love first aid
love the running continuity of rung being the literal only psychologist on cybertron (except for fr*id but that's later). no wonder everyone's fucked up they all have to share a single therapist 
ok i find it extremely funny that first aid was demoted from doctor to nurse, as if that's a thing that happens EVER - I mean it'd be one thing if first aid was a nurse practitioner (which i doubt is a position that exists here), at least that demotion would make sense, but like...the doctors i work with don't know how to do most nurse stuff (like BP, cathing, vaccinations, hell even using some of the thermometers - that's all stuff nurses/etc do), so demoting one to a nurse would be a disaster (just like promoting a really good nurse to a doctor would be a bad idea). anyways i know I'm being pedantic but it Be like that when you work in the medical field and read something that has medicine-related stuff in it
i love swerve giving ratchet the tiniest free drink ever lmaooo
is that skids being a rowdy drunk in the bg lmaoooo
unironically i love medical statistics. keep it comin
i love magnus’s giant sternal chestpiece thing. its like a bird’s sternum but without the massive pec muscles attached 
i love magnus and rodimus’s dynamic so much
oh pipes....im so sorry but this fun space adventure is going to be not so much fun for you
ratchets ideologies are certainly interesting, and i liked seeing how they changed over the course of the story
drift: why would i be SCARED of the DJD, I've got a SWORD, two swords even,
hvbhajkhfbsdjkf pipes really said ‘oi, you two - what's this, then?’ that's the most british fucking thing, that's literally something i say when I'm doing an overexaggerated british accent, oh my god,
aaaand now you're covered in dead bodies, pipes. look at your life, look at your choices
drift epic sword moments
drift confirmed for the kinda weird guy who has katanas that he uses to like, cut up fruit and water bottles in his backyard while rodimus films him
‘i thought i heard...bickering’ lmaooooo
ah, so its covid
this arc is how i feel working in healthcare lmaooo especially now that i probably have covid 
so rewind condensed the entire war into an 11 second long cringe compilation. nice
seeing the mechanical stuff past tailgate’s visor is so cool
poor tailgate, this guy is getting slammed with history from multiple sides. and like, bias is inevitable in ANY sort of recounting of events, especially controversial historical events, so poor tg just kinda has to take it all in and decide who to listen to 
that’s...not really how immunity works, guys. also, you shouldn't be exposed to so much disease with proper ppe usage
is there even such thing as ppe in the transformers universe?? there are fluid- and contact-transmitted illnesses, so there SHOULD be
is there even OSHA in this universe??????? unbelievable 
first aid, holding a giant fucking claw clamp: we haven't tried EVERYTHING............
first aid read a human wikihow article on how to jumpstart a car and took notes 
i love tailgate’s ‘mom says its my turn on the xbox’ pose 
tailgate has a point - he’s from pre-war times, where things weren't as grey so of course he would try to divide the two sides into ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’
go get some character development and then maybe you'll feel better
seeing the word quarantine is making me twitchy w/my possible month-long complete isolation quarantine on the horizon
drift pulling his swords on pipes and ratchet pushing down drift’s arms...lmao
poor pipes...even tho this is completely his fault, its still rough
also jesus, pharma and ratchet look so goddamn similar, reading this was so confusing the first time around 
drifts idea of subduing pipes involves turning into a cool car and also posing with his sword
also. never gonna be over drift’s massive thighs. jesus man
ooof now drift has the rona. ouch 
poor drift, his covid realization is getting overshadowed by pharma being flung around
first aid bustin thru w/the epic medical nipple clamps and some Big Boi Backup
ok that's an epic pre-beatdown speech from fort max right there, daym 
im just gonna continue on w/issue 5 now for continuity’s sake. yay!
the cover of tailgate in magnus’s autobot school is so cute
and we open with an incredible shot of fort max str8 up ripping a guy in half. i mean, to be fair, he DID just give an epic speech about how much he was gonna do that, and he certainly followed thru
yeahhhhh, fort max is not doing so well atm
when he puts that dudes head in his chest vent thing and then snaps it shut....man 
also i fucking LOVE when their faces are shaded all in black w/only the eyes/mouth fully drawn...fantastic stuff
ratchet: phew i am not equipped to deal w/this level of Fucked Up Mental Trauma. u good m8?
ratchet is already writing up a referral to rung for fort max as this is happening
drift is just laying on the ground dying like, oh hey yeahh I'm still here too 
i fucking love when punctuation is drawn in story - like here where first aid has a little ? over his head....fav
ratchet holding drifts hand ;_; 
ok tbh ambulon having switched sides 10 yrs ago is wild bc like, 10 years is barely any time for these guys, especially in a war that lasted 4 million years. that would be like a human switching sides in a war like, 3 months before it ends. probably. i sense some math bs, I'm just extrapolating here
all that mexican standoff shit is going down and first aid is just like But That's None Of My Business
ah so ambulon is an asymptomatic carrier 
and there's first aid with the save! iconic
pharma calling ratchet ‘buddy’ hbvakjdsbfhkasdf
ooooh i love that they figured it out - and i love that twist, that transforming is what triggers the start of symptoms. remember when drift turned into a cool car? yep
s/o to Ambulon Transformers for helping me in my medical terminology courses, bc now ill always remember: Leg(tm)
also this explanation makes a ton more sense (in universe, at least) than the whole ‘i guess we as medical staff have been exposed to enough Germz that we’re more immune to this or something’ theory 
ah, i love the meaningless (to me) alien robot medical jargon 
drift and ratchet hhhhhhhhh
‘I'm too wide’ fort max L O R G E
also once again drift is forgotten in favor of a bunch of other dramatic stuff happening vbhjksdfbjhskdf
godddd i love tailgates little flashbacks where we see how Important and Special he is, complete with his ‘bomb disposal’ arm label...augh its so good! 
and tailgate’s autopedia page even reflects his lies! like, did tailgate go edit that first thing upon waking up??? seriously, I'm fascinated by tailgate’s meticulous dedication to his fake life
also the fact that ultra magnus believes everything he read on autopedia is amazing lmao
ultra magnus: you think somebody would just go on the internet and tell lies? 
fuckgin love magnus’s long ass name/title placard 
tailgate hvbahjkdfbjhaskf i mean, he’s gotten the abridged version of everything else, of course he would assume that’d be the case here too...but not on magnus’s watch
magnus cant even say ‘fun’ hvukdasdbjfkjsadf i love my uptight law dad
love rung implying that upon questioning, he would easily divulge a patient’s name and maybe even information about said patient’s treatment while under him....love the disregard for patient confidentiality and hipaa in general 
not that hipaa seems to exist here, at least not in a fully realized form 
also i mean the above genuinely, i think rung’s tendency towards at least slight malpractice is very interesting 
poor red alert....super bad luck that HE was the guy to get roped up in that overlord business 
I'm glad that, at the very least, red alert was able to prove that he was Actually hearing something to rung, rather than get brushed off completely 
god magnus and tailgate’s interactions are golden 
also tg is much more sarcastic/quippy than anyone gives him credit for tbh
‘thought warfare,’ ultra magnus says with complete seriousness. god i fucking love this comic
now i can tell pharma apart from ratchet bc pharma has let his true Petty Bitch nature emerge and you can see it in his expressions
the whole ‘tarn is addicted to transforming’ thing didn't really go anywhere, right? i feel like i noticed that on my second readthru as well 
also pharma is such an interesting character given the context of him like, trying to strike a bargain w/the djd to keep them from destroying delphi, but that arrangement inevitably kinda making him lose it as the situation escalates. he’s also just really entertaining bc i feel like he kins the joker or st and probably gets into really heated arguments w/people on twitter about just abt anything
‘sound bomb’ i love this comic
another important facet of pharma’s character becomes clear around this time as well - how he’s really into ratchet. i also choose to read them as awful exes tbh, it makes their dynamic even more entertaining
‘killmaster, with the wand’ is one of my favorite running remarks lmao
also, was killmaster even a character before mtmte? or, if he was, was he an important one? it would crack me up the most if he literally didn't exist at all, but any way you spin it is still funny 
ratchet’s tiny humansona facing off against pharma is wild
‘I'm miles from anyone i truly care about’ brutal, ratchet, drift is dying like 2 floors away (im p sure)
oh don't worry first aid, that sure isn't the last we’ll be seeing of pharma 
so like, did first aid save everyone by posting that data log to his wreckers fan blog or something? lmao love it 
i love the pretty fucked up reveal of ratchet having stolen pharma’s hands. like, damn dude. 
and that wraps up the delphi arc! our first true ‘arc’ of mtmte, and a fantastic one at that. short and snappy and fresh, with some very clever writing and cool new characters, and a lot of great plot threads to be picked up later. plus, we got to see the beginnings of drift and ratchet’s whole thing (and ratchet and pharmas whole thing). and the lost light gets some much needed extra medical staff, so everyone wins! 
well, we’ll see how fort max feels about this all pretty soon.....
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silentsoundwaves · 6 years ago
How I feel about this character
I haven’t read Transformers, Drift, or the Empire of Stone yet, so most of my opinions come from MTMTE. But I think Drift is cool and I love him a lot, but he generally makes bad decisions and has a martyr complex. He also lacks self-care, but is generally kind and caring toward his friends- sometimes even excessively- and I dig that he’s so kind. But I would hope that Ratchet smacked him on the head at least once.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
It should be noted that once characters have canon love interests only ships I have immediately have a side of polyamory which means that it’s always Drift, Ratchet, and someone else unless it’s pre-Dratchet.
Ratchet & Rodimus
Ratchet & Fulcrum
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Wing. I know almost nothing about the dude but listen the dude who befriended Deadlock has to be Cool.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think this is unpopular but I think that Drift being questioning why Rodimus didn’t look for him (that happened and I’m not imagining it right?) was a bit... questionable, for me personally. Not how I’d like to phrase it but I’m not very eloquent with this opinion, in all honesty.
It’s not to say that it wasn’t a deserved reaction. Drift totally deserved to have a reaction of the sort, but Drift has to remember that he left. He’s the one who decided what was up. Drift was the one who took the blame of his own choice. Rodimus was going to originally. Was it good or healthy of Drift? No. And maybe Rodimus didn’t look for him, but with literally everything going on, can you blame him? Plus, there’s the underlying factor of intense guilt and later Megatron also taking command. There’s a lot of things to consider.
Neither Drift or Rodimus were really in the right in my opinion, though, so there’s that. It’s something that I really think is up to personal perception.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I really think that I would have enjoyed Drift and the Scavengers interacting in an in depth way. Even if it was just a side conversation of something. I think they would have been chill with each other and maybe have had a fun adventure or two.
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notwhelmedyet · 7 years ago
at the risk of being Cliche (or rather, painfully me) i loved the scenes with perceptor in observing drift. i don't find their friendship is explored often enough and i liked how you did it
😏 okay so I was going to bed last night and I saw the first few words of this ask and went “yup, Alice is asking about Percy” and I feel very vindicated to see that I’m right. Since we don’t have a specific scene as per say here I’ll just blather a bit about Drift’s different friendships.
this is in response to the dvd commentary ask meme & is about Observing Drift (presumably, as it’s the only story I’ve written where Drift and Percy interact)
So when I started Observing Drift there were a bunch of relationships that other readers/writers had perceived as ships that I hadn’t imagined that way
& I knew that I wanted to make sure I didn’t throw any of those characters to the wayside, even if I didn’t give their friendship a romantic character. (though I kinda did for Gasket, Megatron and Wing it wasn’t initially planned) So I wanted to give each friendship it’s own dynamic and make sure it was important to Drift.
There aren’t a lot of Perceptor scenes and, as you probably noticed, they’re all pretty functional. I needed something to happen and Perceptor was a character it made sense to have the scene with. While Drift rescuing Percy is what brings them together initially, I didn’t read it as an especially important part of their friendship - they save each other and move on. On the other hand, Drift’s initial acceptance of Percy’s decision to remake his frame is really important to Percy.
I didn’t cover it in great detail, but Percy, Drift and Blurr (…I kinda let blurr fall to the wayside i’m only human i’m sorry there are too many characters) were working as perimeter guards and scouts together and I felt that that probably influenced their friendship a lot as well. @gaymilesedgeworth had some great posts on it awhile back, about the fact that a lot of the ‘strategies’ mentioned seemed to be of the sort ‘sacrifice drift maybe percy will save him’. Which had to build either a lot of trust or resentment and I went with option A.
Percy was the obvious answer for who rebuilt Drift’s frame, once I said that Ratchet wasn’t involved (for story reasons). He’d done frame rebuilds before and Drift trusts him - since Drift is generally kinda messed up about changes to his body and medical care selecting a character he trusted absolutely was important.
They’ve also got going for them that they’re each other’s quiet friend. Both Percy and Drift have at least one boisterous wants to talk / wants to talk about feelings friends and also a lot of responsibilities where they have to be ‘on’ all the time. It makes sense to me that they’d retreat together into Percy’s lab just to have some quiet time and that eventually they’re probably end up talking about important shit just because they were spending time together. They’re interesting in each other’s skills and interests but their skills and interests don’t really overlap at all - they can be supportive or vent without expecting situational advice. Sometimes that’s what you need out of a friend.
but yeah, off the top of my head I can only remember 4 Percy scenes, 3 of them with Drift present:
Talking about death after Perceptor’s remade his frame
Remaking Drift’s frame together
Percy defending Drift from people gossiping about him
The scene where Drift and Magnus are investigating unauthorized access to Percy’s lab
I don’t know Percy very well as a character, or I didn’t when I started writing so I mostly just tread very lightly and kept to some core character traits:
quiet, thoughtful, serious
reluctant to share his spread his problems/traumas to others
secret lurking badass
loyal to his friends
and I guess it worked out if you (the biggest percy fan I know) enjoyed it 🤞
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evilsciencebros · 7 years ago
RP Wishlist
[[Since I’m slowly becoming more active on this blog again, and desperately want more mutuals to interact with, I decided that instead of just posting a series of starter calls, I’d actually write down some potential plots I have wanted to explore for some time now, and would like to find the right person to explore these themes with.
None of these ideas are set in stone, there is plenty of room for growth and re-working, they’re just key themes I’ve always wanted to explore but never could work them into an ongoing plot.
I’m also interested in hearing about your ideas. Roleplaying is a two way street and I’m not asking for someone to dedicate their time effort into my muse’s character arc without helping developing yours in turn. If you have an idea that you think would link together seamlessly with any of these, then do not hesitate in contacting me and telling me about it. Even if it doesn’t quite quite mesh, I may still be interested in it and want to develop a new thread around your idea.]]
[Both/Either Muses]
Elite Squad - Team Chaar and it’s members (Strika, Blackout, Cyclonus, Spittor, Mindswipe, Blot, and Sky-byte.)
This verse would only be open to actual members of Team Chaar. I’m not against the idea of your muse having an au where they are a member of Team Chaar and it’s rotating roster, but I mainly want to see my muses interact with those in their actual canon. To build upon the established dynamic in their single scene and craft some amazing relationships and new headcanons. How was each member introduced, how do they bounce off each other, do they even like each other? Why does Oil Slick find Spittor so disgusting, and how did Scalpel feel about having to repair Mindswipe?
Note: Romance is not necessary for this verse. Actually, I haven’t really considered it since one of the major things that makes a group dynamic so enjoyable to watch is the lack of romance and the empathises on platonic comradery.
Space Bridge 687-030 - Team Athenia and it’s members (Rodimus Prime, Red Alert, Hotshot, Ironhide and Brawn)
Again, another verse that would only be open to muses listed above. Every character needs a good rivalry and I loved seeing Team Athenia step up and take on one of Megatron’s most feared Generals and her personal strike force. I would especially be interested in exploring a possible rivalry with Rodimus Prime, considering the Oil Slick put him out of commission for so long. I bet Rodimus would want some well deserved payback for that cheap stunt.
Note: Can be canon divergent. Relationships are not really necessary for this verse to work, but unlike Elite Squad, I am more open to the idea because I’m a sucker for cross-faction ships (especially if its Red Alert).
[Oil Slick Only]
The Wreckers [au] - Oil Slick searching for Grinder’s murderer.
Grinder was partnered up with Oil Slick during the height of the Great War, before he was killed by the Wreckers under unknown circumstances. Oil Slick, showing actual compassion for someone other than himself, is determined to find the Autobot responsible for his partner’s death and make them pay, slowly.
I am willing to blend elements of the IDW Comic interpretation of the Wreckers into this AU and even help build the foundations for a new Wrecker Team in the TFA universe. Please keep in mind that your muse doesn’t necessarily have to be the one who offlined Grinder, just as long as you identify as a Wrecker, you have Oil Slick’s attention.
If however you did want to take credit for Grinder’s termination, then that would have to be something we discuss in great detail, because Oil Slick is going to be blinded by his emotions and not thinking straight. Your muse would be Oil Slick’s enemy through and through. Someone he doesn’t just want dead, but begging for death.
I would especially love the idea of plotting a thread where Oil Slick develops some kind of relationship with your muse, not knowing what they’ve done, and is eventually confronted by the truth further down the line.
Note: Open to muses (canon or non-canon) who are, or have ever been, part of the Wreckers lineup.
Toxic Deluxe [au] - Based on the Toxic Oil Slick action figure that was never produced
An au where Oil Slick has undergone some horrific modifications (either by his own hand or some freak accident), that has left him unable to take off his outer-armour and glass helmet without infecting any Cybertronian he comes into contact with. This makes him a powerful weapon on the battlefield, but it leaves Oil Slick unable to have any physical contact with another bot. The experience isolates him from everyone, partially because he can never touch anyone again, and also because everyone is afraid to be in the same room as him.
Note: Open to anyone. Possible gore and nsfw material. Romance is not necessary, but possible if there is chemistry between muses.
Human [au] - Exactly what it says on the tin. A human AU
To avoid any confusion I will elaborate right now, I’m not interested in a standard, normal human au that is exactly identical to our own, boring every day existence. If I am going to plot a human au, then there needs to be a niche to it. I love putting humans in different settings and turning that world into a sandbox. Whether it is a sci-fi adventure in space, high fantasy with dragons and witchcraft, post-apocalyptic cyberpunk, or even Victorian era steampunk with vampires! I will write anything that is not the generic, anime slice of life high school setting (although that would be hilarious XD).
Note: I will however plot a modern day earth au if Oil Slick is using his holo avatar
[Scalpel Only]
Tyran Scalpel [au] - Set in the same continuity as the live action Bay movies.
A slight divergent within the main story line where Scalpel is mysteriously absent after his initial introduction in ROTF. Taking bits from the tie-in comics, Scalpel is still alive, acting as medibot for the surviving Decepticons and taking full advantage of his small stature to sneak into military facilities and download any sensitive materials or free captured Decepticons (Seriously, he teams up with Bludgeon helped free all the prisoners. That’s kinda badass)
Note: Open to Tyran muses only
Behind the mask [au] - Scalpel was a normal transformer? Waaa?
Due to the lack of any miniformers in the TFA continuity, I want to explore the idea that Scalpel was not always so tiny. We know he is sentient, has an altmode, and I’m assuming, a spark, but what if he was a regular Autobot before the war? What if something happened to him that ultimately lead to him becoming the irritable mantis-bot he is today?
This au would have to be set with a muse who knew Scalpel before, or during, the Great War on Cybertron. I have a quite a few headcanons as to what Scalpel would be like during this time, how he looked, and even his work at the Ministry of Science with Perceptor and the other scientists, but I want to keep this vague as possible so I can discuss the possible relationship your muse would have with Scalpel, assuming there is one.
Note: This thread in particular would have to be very political, due to the time-frame it is set in, and because TFA is so vague about how Cybertron was run before the revolt. We can move the thread into a future timeline where Scalpel has undergone his change in appearance and reunites with your muse in his new body, but I would like to establish a backstory first before going down that route.
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