#I never tire of talking about Roddy
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tarklesbehindthescenes · 1 year ago
For the ask game: Hot Rod/Rodimus (any continuity) 1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
23. Favorite picture of this character?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Character Ask Game
I'm such a simp for him in general. Here we go.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I love Roddy because he is so funny and flawed! Some versions of him I love more than others, but that all boils down to how the little details of each version of him are written. Most, if not all, versions of him are so full of passion, sarcasm, and stubbornness, and that is something I resonate with!
My number one favorite version of him is G1 (shocker, I know). G1 Roddy starts out as enthusiastic, optimistic, and potentially carefree. He's confident in his abilities and if he falls on his face, he just gets back up and hops back on the saddle of his metaphorical horse. And then he unceremoniously inherits the Matrix of Leadership and is forced to grow up. He becomes bitter, frustrated, and angsty. The falls hit him harder and he needs help getting back on that saddle.
But despite the change in his demeanor, the thing that doesn't change about him is that he sticks to his guns. If something he believes in is challenged, he's going to argue for it, even if he's wrong. That said, when he comes to realize that he's wrong, he does back down and own up to it. Which is refreshing to see. I loved watching him go through his soul-searching in Season 3, and I'm kinda bummed out that the writing for it seemed... a little rushed? Or not quite resolved?
Still, as a fic writer, I guess I should be grateful that the canon allows me to play around with how he grows as a character and resolves his inner conflicts. He is full of potential.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
I haven't really come across any ships of him that I don't like, but I envision that he's paired with Optimus by someone, and that's really just not my thing.
When pairing characters together nowadays, I not only look at how canon has them interact, but also how their personalities would potentially mesh with each other. It's how I come up with so many rarepairs, such as Misfire/Grapple. No canon interaction whatsoever, but their personalities would balance each other out and make for some fun times.
Disregarding the fact that canon shows Optimus being a sort of hero-figure Roddy looks up to and strives to be, I just don't see Optimus and Roddy's personalities meshing well. They're too similar. And I'm well aware that like-minded people can be attracted to each other. My husband and I are in that pool. But I mean there wouldn't be much balance in the relationship. It's about the give-and-take system.
Talking about this ship from the G1 side of things, they have similar views and core beliefs, they have similar methods of handling problems, and they have similar ways of thinking. Roddy is just a younger Optimus. And I'm sure that they have a great platonic relationship.
But I think that Roddy's energy and lack of experience would make Optimus tired. And while the older mech can be patient, one can only handle so much. He's the leader of an entire army and if he was alive to win the war, he would have had to take up the mantel of getting Cybertron back on its feet. He would need someone experienced and a little lower-maintenanced to help him keep from burning himself out.
Roddy tends to be higher-maintenance and runs into trouble more often than he keeps away from it. I do think that he can benefit from having a low-maintenance and patient partner, but I can't see it being Optimus because he doesn't get much out of the relationship in return.
So that's the method behind my madness. ...But also for simplicity's sake, I just don't see Roddy being romantically interested in the hero he looks up to.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
I have so many~ But I will reduce it to two.
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Top pic just looks like Galvatron is struggling with ballroom dancing.
Bottom pic is so wholesome and precious and I just melt~
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Glad you asked~ Recently I've been having a lot of fun comparing Genshin Impact characters to Transformers characters, and the one that matches Roddy the most is Navia. Both have hidden guns, both are stylish, both are determined, energetic, and have conviction, they're both extroverted, and a bunch of other small details that I have fun going through.
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caligulawritesfanfiction · 3 months ago
ꨄ Heather
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pairing ; roderick heffley x f!reader
summary ; roderick finally gets flat out rejected by heather hills after spending his entire summer trying to impress her. despite y/n’s best efforts to console him, he’s not having it. (fluff + angst? reader and roderick are awkward teenagers ofc)
a/n ; sorta my first fanfic? not really a full fic, more like some thoughts of mine. hope y’all like it tho, 😜 lmk if you want a part two because im totally down to write smut idgaf 😍
warnings ; cursing, angst?, arguing, kissing 😚
you and roderick were close friends
roderick developed a big crush on heather hills right before school let out for summer
he would constantly go out of the way to impress heather, each time failing and embarrassing himself, “roddy, it’s okay, heather just hard to impress, you know?… i was impressed, by the way” you would smile and try to laugh it all off with him, trying your best to make him feel better
when roderick finally got flat out rejected by heather, it caused an argument between you two.
“you know what, y/n? this is all your fault! you- you got between me and heather, you’re the reason she didn’t like me!”
you two are standing in his room, after a particularly embarrassing incident at the pool.
“roderick, what the fuck are you saying? i didn’t do anything to make heather not like you! it has nothing to do with me!”
“it has everything to do you with you!”
“how?! please, enlighten me because all i’ve done this entire summer was console you each time heather shut you down! each time you embarrassed yourself right in front of her!”
“i- i, uh…”
“that’s what i fucking thought. stop blaming stupid shit like this on me, rodrick, i’m tired of it. i’ve been here for you through all this dumbass heather hills bullshit. have you ever stopped to think how i felt? huh? rodrick, why do you think i approached you that one day in middle school? it wasn’t because you were nice, definitely not. it was because for some reason, i liked you, i liked you a lot. to this day i like you! i’ve stayed your friend even after you do shit like this to me, because i have a giant stupid fat crush on you, you asshole! ugh! fuck you!”
at that point, you were emotional. a tear or two escaping. you walk away, or at least attempt to walk away. roderick grabs your arm, “let go of me, you prick!” you try to yank it away, but he pulls you back.
“y/n, can you stop? stop trying to walk away from me?” “no! i’m done with you!” “y/n, i didn’t even get say anything about-“ “yeah? well, i don’t want you to!”
he continues to pull you toward him, as you try to pull away. you yell profanities at him as he tries to talk to you. “y/n, why didn’t you tell me? if i’d known, i wouldn’t have done any of this stuff to try and get with heather! i wasn’t a dick to you in 7th grade because i had a crush on you too! and- and i, uh, i still do, okay?”
you scoff and shake your head, stopping your attempts to yank yourself away and out the door.
“i’m being serious!”
“no, you aren’t.”
“i am”
“no, you aren’t. you’re just saying this because you’re hurt about heather, and now need a backup plan to get a girl.”
“y/n, no, i’m being dead serious, it’s not like that.” he walks toward you. maybe, he is being serious. you can tell when he’s lying, you’ve seen him lie to his mom millions of times. your eyebrows furrow, looking all over his face, just to make sure he’s not lying straight to your face.
he sighs, “please, believe me.”
he said please. he never uses the word please, only when he’s really trying to be sincere.
you bite your lip. what are you even supposed to do, right now? you want to kiss him, but you’ve had that urge so many times, and each time you’ve ignored it.
despite your nerves almost eating you alive right now, you quickly move to reach your free arm up, grabbing his shoulder and pushing your lips to his.
he drops your arm from his grasp. his lips don’t move against yours, and even though your eyes are tightly shut, you feel his burning into you.
oh. you remember he’s never kissed anyone. you pull away immediately. when you open your eyes, his are wide and staring right at you. you think he realizes why you pulled away. he attempts to play it cool, per usual.
“um, yeah, that was cool.” he avoids eye contact. scratching his neck, and nodding his head. his face heats up and he turns his head away, occasionally darting his eyes to look at you. “totally cool…”
you sigh, watching his movements. was that the wrong thing to do?
“i, um, im sorry, that was sudden…”
rodrick realizes you might regret it, what if you never want to kiss him again? what then? he’s really going to look like an asshole.
“what? no! no, it was cool, really! um, maybe, we can do it again? sometime? i guess…” he forces out a casual laugh at the end, even though he’s slightly panicking on the inside, fearing he looks like a total loser (past his “cool punk rock” persona he has going on, we all know kind of is LOL).
you raise your eyebrows, trying to mimic this whole ‘if you’re cool, i’m cool’ thing roderick is doing. “yeah, well…i’m free, right now…if you wanna…” you smile mischievously at him, gauging his reaction closely.
he nods frantically, and you laugh at his wide eyed expression. you quickly close the gap between you two, grabbing the sides of his face with both hands and kissing him urgently. his hands find your waist and snake around to hold you close. he kisses you back with a same urgent neediness.
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cosmique-oddity · 2 months ago
Music. I love music its very important for me and you guys dont even imagine how happy i am when i find "the one" who work insanely well with the idea i have of a character.
So now im just going to ramble about Mecha AU and characters and playlist.
Particulary Theme Songs >:D
Here we go
Vortex : Psycho Killer.
Yeaaaay i already shared this idea but i think the messy lyrics that doesnt rhyme and the fact that the singer seems to do drugs in the middle of the song fits Vortex. Its funny to hear that apparently it sound like the singer is yelling at himself. I can imagine Vortex alone in a room, yelling. And the others are confused and go in that room, having the idea of saving the poor people that cross the path of Vortex. But there is no one. Vortex is yelling at his reflection in a mirror. Also all the things about not being able to be relaxed. Cigarette do that. Its stressful.
"Run run run ruuun awayyy".
First Aid : *mischievously* No >:)
First Aid : Red Flags
Dont tell me this situation never happened with someone who was trying to date Felix before and thought he was just sweet and a kind medic. Forget the end. The random ran away and yelled. And i like the pairing Red Flags x Psycho Killer. Fits.
Swindle : Watch me Work/Figure n°9
Watch me Work is how people percieve Swindle. Well sort of. Its the struggle that are not very internal and personal. Its things that people can imagine about him. And i like the energy U.U
FIGURE N°9 ??? AAAOOHHH how can i convert you to my vision. Extracts time ! :
"But didn't realize instead of setting it free
I Took what I hated and made it a part of me"
Satisfied ? OK heres another :
"I can't separate myself from what I've done
Giving up a part of me
I've let myself become you".
HAH *gasp* first time i checked the lyrics i gasped. Thats Swindleeeee !!! Thats him. Talking to the hypothetical person who had his job before him.
Onslaught : In the End
Linkin Park being the theme song of the Combaticons fr. I think like all the things he tried, just failed. That all the things that happened, Vortex Death, Swindle changing post and losing himself into politics and faux semblants, Brawl and Blast Off leaving the base. Yeah.
Blast Off : Nobody's Listening.
LINKIN PARK AGAIN YEAH. Blast off is that silenced voice. He is quite quiet. And the real person that silence him, is himself. Then how do you wish for peoples to listen to you when you dont give yourself the chance to be listened at ?
Shockwave : The Line/Sing for Absolution
I have a lot of feelings about this, The Line song and Shockwave & Orion.
"Keep the memories of who i was before"
Just listen to the other lyrics but hey trust me it kinda WORKS. Shockwave talking to Orion.
Also Sing of Absolution is for the case where Shockwave loved Orion.
Orion : Army Dreamers
Well yeah he died. *trying not to cry, lay down, cry a lot*.
Deadlock : Joga
"All that no-one sees
You see
What's inside of me
Every nerve that hurts
You heal
Deep inside of me
You don't have to speak
I feel"
EM field, Ratchet, healer. You know you know. You KNOW. *yell again*.
I realize im explaining myself very poorly.
Ratchet : Feeling Good.
Theres something about this song. But yes its about Deadlock. Theres a lot of version of this song (one that fit Jazz Prowl absolutely perfectly but not on Mecha AU. Michael Bublé ones)
This one, the tone of the voice being used, hoarse, match with his mental state. Tired.
But yet thats a positive song, very positive. Deadlock is giving him a new life, where he can rest a little, where he can slow down and enjoy....
And "you know how i feel". Is answering to the "You don't have to speak
I feel" of Deadlock song.
Roddy :> ! :
i made a playlist about him so i have a lot of songs. But my personal favorites are All Stars and Im Still Standing.
"You'll never shine if you dont glow"
"Looking like a True survivor, feeling like a little kid, im still standing".
Unkillable warrior.
Jazz : Jazzzzzzzzz. Immortals !
Immortals because "I'm bad behavior, but I do it in the best way".
And : "I try to picture me without you, but I can't
'Cause we could be immortals, immortals
Just not for long, for long"
Prowl :
hmmmmm Prowl i didnt really know. Had troubles. But there was this song about Jazz Prowl that was cool, I was Made for Lovin You
Blurr : Human
LEAVE ME ALONE. I really think about Blurr like a fricking human human. I love him. Leave him alone.
<- when this is your favorite character so you absolutely cannot explain why because there is just too much emotionnal attachement towards him. But yeah go listen to the song. Its famous anyway.
Swerve : Cant Take My Eyes of You
Ah....and he tried ! Trust me he tried.
Muse version. Because muse.
@keferon this is my tribute to your amazing AU today
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in1-nutshell · 1 month ago
I still think rally racer liaison driving Swerve in a sticky situation would be cool as hell. Swerve would be tired as shit but Rally giving him a pep/ you did so well talk would be more effective than the usual sort he gets. Perhaps the exercise cyberdopamine hit would perk him up a bit too.. I wonder if it works like tht if someone is commanding the movement of your body 🤔
Rally Buddy is back!
Hope you enjoy!
Buddy the Rally Racer driving Swerve
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
The off world planetary visit was Rodimus’s idea.
He managed to convince Magnus and Megatron that it was good for the crew.
Rally truthfully thought that he was just getting a bit tired of being in the ship for so long.
The nearest planet was a bit hostile to Cybertronians.
Good thing that the bots could simply go into their holoforms from the ship.
The only problem was getting Rally over there with everyone else.
They couldn’t exactly spawn into the area like they could.
Rally: “What if I just drove in someone’s alt mode?” Rodimus: “Hmm, guess that would make sense. Alright then, who—” Rally: “I choose Swerve.” Rodimus: “What?” Magnus: “What?” Megatron: “What?” Whirl: “What?” Several other bots: “What?” Swerve: “HUH!?” Rodimus: “Why him?” Rally: “He has the least flashy alt mode and small enough not to draw attention.” Swerve deflates a bit. Rally: “And I trust Swerve more to drive me there in one piece and with my lunch still in me.” Swerve perks up a bit as Rodimus groans. Rodimus: “That was one time!” Rally: “One time too many Roddy. Swerve lets start heading out.”
For once everything was going right.
Everyone was behaving, even Whirl was a bit tamer than usual.
The drinks were nice, and it was a nice change in scenery.
And the inevitable bar fight wasn’t even their fault!
The small fight between bar patrons got ugly quickly as Rodimus made the call to have everyone get back to the ship.
Most of the bots holoforms ended up vanishing into thin air as soon as they were in the clear.
Swerve made sure to grab Rally’s hand as they navigated the messy bar to his alt mode.
Only one problem…
It seemed that something was wrong with Swerve’s ability to control his engine and overall ability to move by himself.
But all other functions worked manually.
Swerve: “Ah man! This does not look good! Do you think they noticed we left the bar? Wait do you think that they know what a cybertronian alt mode looks like?” Rally: “Swerve? Swerve buddy listen to me.” They pat the seat to get his attention. Rally: “Listen, we’re going to be just fine.” Swerve: “How?! I can’t move and we need to get to the ship—” Rally: “Which is why I’m going to drive!” Swerve: “Wait what?” Rally: “You can’t exactly move, but all other functions work right?” Swerve: “Yeah.” Rally: “I can drive us back to the ship. Its probably going to feel weird and all, but you gotta trust me on this Swerve.” Swerve: “All right Rally…” Rally pats again, much softer this time. Rally: “Hey, we’ll be okay. Your alt mode isn’t a formula one, but its got speed and durability. And those are two things we need right now. We got this Swerve. Now say it, We’re gonna make it!” Swerve: “We’re gonna make it.” Rally: “C’mon! Louder!” Swerve: “We’re gonna make it!” Rally gets into the driver’s seat. Rally: “Just tell the others to get the door open. We are coming in hot!” Swerve: “Yeah! Wait wh—AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” Rally slams the gas, laughing while Swerve screams a bit.
Now Rally’s reputation of being a former racer isn’t well known on the ship.
It’s more of an obscure fact that gets brought up every blue moon or every other month.
Swerve was one of the first ton the ship to know about Rally’s past.
He has most of their recorded races.
But being the car under Rally’s hands was a completely different experience.
It was exciting and terrifying.
Exciting because Rally was driving and pulling stunts on his alt mode that he would have never thought about doing.
Terrifying because he has to trust the Rally won’t wreck him.
He won’t be able to stop them if something were to happen.
Skids and Chromedome are by the open door. Chromedome: “You think they’re, okay?” Skids: “Have some faith Chromedome. I’m sure they’re fine. See! There’s Swerve right there.” Chromedome: “…Isn’t it a bit weird that he isn’t slowing down?” Skids: “Kind of—GET DOWN!” Both bots duck down as Swerve/Rally used a rock ramp and flew straight into the ship. Swerve/Rally skids a bit before stopping. Skids: “Geez Swerve! A little warning next—” Swerve/Rally suddenly raced down the hall, drifting at the last second at the corner. Skids: “…What was that?” Chromedome: “I don’t think I’ve seen Swerve even drift before.” Meanwhile at the medbay… Swerve: “SLOW DOWN! SLOW DOWN!” Swerve/ Rally drifts straight into the medbay, startling the medics before doing a donut and stopping. Rally: “We did it Swerve! You did amazing!” Swerve was trying to get over the several exciting/ near death experiences. Swerve: “Yay…” Velocity: “Swerve?” Rally opens the door. Rally: “Can someone take a look at Swerve? He can’t move by himself.”
Swerve gets fixed after a couple of minutes.
Rally stayed by his side the entire time.
The minibot going on and on about how exciting yet terrifying the experience was.
Gives so many compliments and praise to the human that they are just a flustered mess.
News about Swerve/Rally’s drifting and tricks gets around fast.
A few days later, Rally gets a bunch of bots asking to put on a show like the one with Swerve and offering themselves to them to drive.
Magnus has to get involved in making sure there is order in check with the line of bots wanting a turn to get driven.
They also get free drinks at Swerve’s for an entire week.
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theoceanoasis · 3 months ago
Rodimus getting courted by a lot of mech on the Lost Light because he's a great catch but he keeps turning them all down, politely citing he's already conjunxed with somebody.
No one believes him because they've never met or heard of his partner so they keep hitting on/trying to court him - Only for a growly and possessive Soundwave to come on board one day and defend his poor partner, annoyed mechs won't leave him be.
Someone came over holding a box of treats offering them to him. He gave them a confused look wondering what they wanted.
"Will you go out with me?"
He gave them an awkward smile.
"I'm already seeing someone."
They gave him a confused look and he shook his head knowing how fast that gossip would spread.
"None of your business."
Before they could say another word Megatron called him and he went to see what he wanted. Which was to ask him out. He immediately told him no citing the same thing.
Megatron frowned pointing out that Drift was with Ratchet.
"I know and he's my Amica not my Conjunx."
He brushed him aside not wanting to deal with anymore questions.
He thought that was the end of it until he was bothered later that day at Swerves.
Someone asked him out not believing the rumors circulating.
He turned them down informing him that the rumors were true. Swerve had leaned in excitedly when he heard this.
"Who is it?"
"I'm not telling."
He shook his head knowing Swerve was the biggest gossip on this ship.
"Roddy you don't have to lie if you're not interested."
Drift frowned in disapproval as he sat next to him with Ratchet.
"I'm not lying. I have a Conjunx."
Swerve gave a doubtful look and he ignored the worried look Drift gave him. He had a Conjunx and didn't have to prove it to anyone.
Later when he was walking down the hall planning to go back to his room Thunderclash stopped him. He looked around noticing his usual entourage wasn't with him and he seemed embarrassed about something. His spark sank as he realized what he was about to ask before he even said it.
"I'm not interested."
"How did you?"
"You're not the only one who's been bothering me.
"So the rumors are true... About you being bonded?"
"To who? Drift is in a relationship and I don't know anyone else you're that close to."
"He's not on the Lost Light."
Thunderclash looked surprised and he could see the doubt in his optics. Like everyone else he thought he was lying. He quickly made an excuse to leave tired of it already.
"There have been rumors going around."
He looked up from his doodles frowning.
"Aw not you too mags."
"I'm not here to ask you out. I understand you're not interested my problem is with you lying."
"I'm not lying."
"None of us have heard about this Conjunx before. Not even Drift."
He winced knowing how bad it must seem.
"All I ask is that you stop lying. Simply reject them as captain you can't go around lying to your crew."
He wanted to argue but instead sunk into his chair with defeat.
He'd been planning on going racing and clearing his mind when Whirl stopped him.
"I heard you have a Conjunx?"
"Yes I do?"
"Who is it I want to win a bet."
"People are betting on me?"
"Of course the whole crew is talking about your mysteriously fake Conjunx."
"He's real."
"Yeah right. Now tell me who it is."
"Because he's not real."
"Yes he is."
"Tell me."
"Tell me."
"Leave him alone Whirl."
They both looked over to see Drift. Whirl ignored him only to shout in surprise when Drift forcefully moved him.
"Rodimus what's going on with you? Why are you lying about a fake Conjunx?"
"I'm not."
Drift gave him a worried look and pulled him towards the medbay.
"Why are we going to see your Conjunx?"
"Because I'm worried about you. What if you have processor damage?"
"I know his processor is damaged but that doesn't explain lying about a fake Conjunx."
"I'm bonded."
Both Drift and Ratchet glanced at each other looking worried.
"What's wrong?"
"Rodimus is this because of us? You know I'll always be there for you."
"Of course not."
He looked between them in shock.
"Do you really think this is about you two? I'm not lying and I'm done having this conversation."
He left the medbay ignoring their protests. He was so tired of this and would prove that he had a Conjunx.
When the Lost Light landed in Cybertron he waited by the doors with everyone else. He could hear people talking about what they planned to do on shore leave. When the conversation shifted.
"Do you think Rodimus"Conjunx?" Is waiting for him?"
A few people laughed and he ignored them.
Drift put a hand on his shoulder which he ignored.
The doors opened and he walked out with the rest of his crew. A few people stood around waiting for their friends or family.
Soundwave appeared out of the shadows and he smiled. His Conjunx walked over ignoring the crowd which quickly moved out of his way.
The two reunited with Soundwave pulling him into his arms. Around him he could hear people muttering in shock but he didn't care.
Soundwave kissed him making sure everyone could see and then pulled away glaring at his crew.
"He's mine."
Soundwave pulled him closer with a possessive growl.
"All mine."
Soundwave kissed him again before carrying him away.
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itscherrylipsforme · 7 months ago
begging for a river cartwright bf headcannons🙏🙏
River Cartwright as a boyfriend
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I am so sorry this took my ages, darling 😓 Uni and family stuff made complicated to post for the last months. But now that I am back there is nothing that can stop from writing something for one of my fave losers (affectionately). Without further ado, let's go! 🫶🏼
Masterlist Characters I write for
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Okay, this man lives for his shitty job. He hates Lamb and the Slough House with all his heart, yet he would never leave it for anything in this world as he needs them to get his career back on the right path and secretly cares about his co-workers there. Being a spy is literally in his DNA and through the seasons we learn that he is indeed a workaholic. With that being told opportunities to date are few, he does not have the time or the interest to look for a partner rn
So that the situation would be that you both met at Slough House where you ended because you fucked it up and were forced to share office with him. Reluctantly you had to adapt to each other. First of all, you thought you had few things in common: being in a place neither of you wanted and feeling like completely losers. But in a job like that with little to no ways to lose time one afternoon you started to chat in hopes that the hours would run faster. To your surprise they did
First weeks were not much different from the usual, tired “Good Morning” 's and “Goodbye” 's which weren’t good at all, exchanging papers, offering to make a cup of coffee for other when needed… Yeah, he did not give much of thought to your bond. There was no need, you were another co-worker. One much less annoying than Roddy, and in fact prettier and kinder than Shirley. But a co-worker nevertheless
Under that annoyed and tired facade, River is quite nice. Pretty intelligent and can keep a sarcastic banter although impatient and impulsive as you later found out in a mission you worked together. In so told mission you ran into Duffy and his dogs, which left River with a bloodied nose, a purple eye, and nasty cuts. He claimed to be fine and able to handle them on his own but as he nearly fell on the floor while trying to stand up you insisted on helping him
And there you were, with him sitting on your desk hissing like a kid being scolded for scratching his knee and you patching him up. Between "I told you we should have asked Shirley to back-up up", "I said we did not have time to wait for here" and other various reproaches you found his gaze casually drifting to your lips too many times to keep playing obvious. So, you went for it. Soft at first, slightly hesitant he thought, before parting away scared you had messed up again
Your doubts were quickly erased by a smirk and his response, more needy and equally sweet, that soon followed after. It was like walking on a tightrope, the thrill of it but also the feeling in your gut that you could fall in any given moment. It felt good… the best, whether it was because he hadn’t kissed someone for longer that he would like to admit or because he truly liked you was a question for another night. At that moment he did not need answers, but somebody to hold and feel alive once again. A night to forget all his past mistakes. So, he lost himself on your touch and your care
-But this is River Cartwright who we are talking about. He would rather get stabbed (again) than talking with his feelings to anyone. The following days and weeks he acts like nothing has happened and you are too proud and hurt to bring it up. It takes another case, and a bullet nearly ending with your life for him to gather the courage to be honest with himself. He is not good with words, so he does not say anything, just holds your hand in the hospital’s bed while trying to plan how to proceed
However, after nights of losing sleep when you finally wake up all intentions fade to nothing. Instead, he wraps his arms around your neck and whispers softly but seriously “Don’t you ever scare me like that again” You can’t help smiling and the moment he parts away realizing the rush of his actions you feel his gaze on your lips. A nod is the only confirmation he needs before making the move for you to forgive him
Let’s be honest, he is not the most “boyfriend material” person you have met. Reckless, stubborn, impulsive… But also, caring and sweet when he wants to so he makes up for it. His love language is probably acts of service and quality time, but he won’t say no to a couple of hugs and kisses (his childhood made him kind of touch starved)
 Your work does not give you much spare time, but he swears he will redeem himself once you are both out of that hell hole giving you the life and treatment you deserve. Meanwhile you are just happy to clean him up after he returns mostly safe and sound from mission and to have him snoring on your bed because that means he actually trusts you enough to rest by your side
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cozzzynook · 8 months ago
Hello! may I offer you a silly idea involving Rodimags?
Hot-Rod and Magnus had a one night stand and one day Hot-rod looks quite guilty and a bit worried when he talks with Magnus a few weeks later. Turns out Roddy is sparked. Ultra Magnus promises to love and care for the both of them no matter what.
Time passes and Roddy s sitting in the Med bay with a tired smile on his face until he sees his Sparkling for the first time. Instead of a blue speedster or a red truck his sparkling is green. He is very confused because he is 100% sure he didn't spend the night with any green Mechs or Femmes before he was sparked.
He turns to look at Magnus who has a sheepish look on his face and asks. "Mags, why is our Bitty green?"
Poor Magnus is now in a Huge Pickle.
Omg yes!
Roddy has just finished straining himself pushing out their sparkling. Delirious from emergence pain and exhaustion when he’s handed this small bitty thats green and has red optics thats crying covered in fluids nuzzling up to him when he coos at them and holds them close.
He’s so out of it all he knows is that he loves his little bitty and that this is his sparkling, his little one he emerged and grew within himself that he finally gets to meet and he’s crying so hard so filled joy and over come with emotions. That when he conks out and wakes the next morning with Magnus looking so guilty and nervous he ‘s wondering why until the nurse bot hands him his fussy sparkling that he immediately takes. He knows they’re his he can feel the spark bond that was created the moment they began to form in his tanks attached to his spark energy line.
So he knows his bitty is suckling from his nozzle getting pure energon milk when he feels something inside of him click as he gazes lovingly at his sparkling only to realize.
‘They’re not my colors…’
“Mags…whose green baby is this?”
And yeah he feels himself shake his helm and reask the question, “Magnus..why is our sparkling green?”
Aaaannnnd Magnus gets so nervous he quite literally…accidentally pops out of the Magnus armor and lands on the hospital berth on Roddy’s legs who looks completely blindsided with his optics wide open and his jaw fully slack. Servo protecting their bitty who drinks uncaring of everything going on around them. As Magnus darts his optics damn near about to combust because he thought he had more time to explain but also really hoped their sparkling took after Roddy or his armor and he wouldn’t have to.
Well..the cats out of the bag..or well..the load bearing turbo fox is anyway.
Roddy..does not judge or hate him.
In fact, he’s very understanding..but he is pissed about, the bot he now knows original designation when Magnus let a good eighty percent of his secrets out to Rodimus right there on his legs, Minimus admitting to planning on never telling Rodimus the truth and wanting to die happy with the secret.
Minimus can’t lie or be cruel. Thats not what pissed Rodimus off, it upset him but it didn’t set him off.
Seeing Minimus had a larger spike on his original frame than the Magnus armor did, is what set him off and thats also how they ended up with another sparkling so soon after having their first one.
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florart98 · 1 year ago
Jackson Lamb in season three.
I just finished my rewatch of the third season for a fanfic I'm thinking about. And I can't stop thinking about Lamb and his whole reaction to Standish's kidnapping.
Lamb is the first to realize that Standish didn't show up for work, and he quickly understands that this means something bad happened, because she never arrives late without warning, nor does her cell phone run out of battery, nor does she take the tube to come. He is worried, even angry at River for not following Donovan when he bumped into him the previous afternoon. (Although it is normal for him to get angry with River, in this case it is more exaggerated than normal, how would River know that they wanted to kidnap Catherine)
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Throughout the season Lamb is violent about getting Catherine back, from the first moment when River doesn't dare to tell him that he saw Donovan before and Lamb says:
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Or when Louisa calls him to tell him that everything indicates that Catherine was kidnapped, she asks why anyone would do that, and Lamb responds:
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And when they release River, he asks him what you would have done if you got this photo and he says:
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There's a great moment where he and Chapman are in the laundromat, Chapman offers him a drink and Lamb declines.
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Chapman's face when he tell him that they took Standish seems perfect to me, because he knows Lamb, he knows how he defends his people, and, of all his people, they took Catherine. This is big. Catherine is not just anyone.
Then, when he discovers that Catherine is not in real danger, he is visibly calmer, at least for a few minutes, until he discovers that the Tiger Team has revealed itself and now Catherine really is a hostage.
We have that great moment where he gets into Sly's car and then into Judd's lunch. He is so angry that he talks to more and more powerful people until someone brings Standish back to him. But that doesn't happen and he has to go look for her himself. Thanks to the help of Standish herself, who pointed to the wall in her kidnapped photo, Roddy is able to discover where they are keeping her locked up.
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So Lamb spends all day doing everything he can to get to Standish back. And he himself is going to rescue her
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And he arrives and she's sitting there playing scrabble. After he home-aloneing the house and getting out of there, comes the big fight and the big reveal.
When they are in the car with Standish, just before the fight at the gas station starts, she talks to Roddy and tells him that she knows how to read people and Lamb makes fun of her. (referring to how he has no idea what Charles did)
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When they park at the station, Lamb is upset, not angry, he's not yelling like he usually does, but instead he's silent, which is why she says he never wants to talk about anything.
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I think Lamb is upset because he spent all day trying to find her but when he gets there she only talks about Charles. And I understand that he hates Charles, the man betrayed them and because of him his companions died. But you have to understand that Catherine doesn't know anything about that, in her eyes he is the perfect man who extended a hand to her when everyone abandoned her.
Catherine has no idea that Charles was worse than Ingrid or Diana, for her he was an honorable man, and Lamb hates that, he hates that she has him on a pedestal, so, knowing that he is going to hurt her, he tells her the truth that he had been hiding from her for years. And not only does he tell her that Charles betrayed them all, but he also used her.
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Also, it really bothers him that she says Charles was an honorable man, because he wasn't. And Lamb may be many things but he truly has honor, he will never betray his people, and he would do whatever is necessary to save them.
So, in my opinion, Lamb didn't think about it, not really, he was tired, he was angry with Charles's betrayal and with Standish for admiring him so much, that he needed to break that illusion in her. I think at the end of the day he regrets doing it. He really does, as he tells Judd, Standish runs my diary, now I don't know what he'll do without her. He did everything to find her and when he finds her, he loses her.
Special mention for Marcus saying what we all think:
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madhatterbri · 1 year ago
First Valentines Day | A.C.
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Summary: Can I have Valentine's Day prompt 3 with Adam Cole?
One of them have never celebrated Valentines Day, so their partner tries to make it the best ever.
Find my Adam Cole Masterlist
Requested by: @adamcolesbaybay
You were dreading the fact that Valentine's Day happened to fall on a Wednesday. This was supposed to be your first real Valentine’s Day celebration. You have had boyfriends in the past, but this one was just more serious. This was an unfortunate reality of dating a wrestler.
Adam was a hot commodity after he betrayed his best friend, MJF, at World's End. The fans ate up the betrayal, and he was enjoying every second of it. Little did you know he was still thinking of surprising you.
Your dread came to a pleasant surprise the moment he asked you to accompany him to the show in Texas. Of course, you agreed. Any time you can soak up with him would be worth it.
During his segment on Dynamite, he constantly caught your eye and winked at you. His big cheesy grin plastered for the world to see. He tried to pass it off like he was happy with what was going on in the ring. You blushed, often looking away from him.
"Did you enjoy the shows?" He asked you as the two of you made it to the car.
"I'm still getting used to you in a wheelchair," you laughed. You were used to him in the crutches that he had been using to move around in for months now. "Did Roddy allow you to use that?"
"I saw the way you looked at me in the wheelchair. You were digging it," he winked. You helped him place his suitcase in the trunk of the car. He placed his crutches in the backseat and hopped to the passenger seat.
The drive to the hotel was filled with talks about the newest video games coming out. Once you parked the car at the hotel, you helped him out. A couple of fans asked for autographs in the lobby. He happily obliged. You continued towards the room, yet he called for you to wait.
A little suspicious, you waited for him to finish up with his fans. He normally allowed you to go to the room without him. The fans didn't take too much of his time. They must have been tired from the three hours of wrestling. Once they were out of ear shot, you spoke to him.
"You didn't let me go to the room without you. Do you have a surprise for me or something?" You asked and placed the room key to the lock. The lock beeped and turned green. Adam remained silent as you walked in the door.
Different colors of heart-shaped balloons took up space on the ceiling. Tea light candles lay on the floor, creating a path towards the bed. You slowly followed the path, unsure of how the man could pull all of this off.
Rose petals surrounded the bed. On the bed, roses spelled out love. Towels were shaped like swans to show them together. Two vases full of red and white roses had been placed on the nightstands. A wine chiller with your favorite wine and two crystal champagne flutes sat by one of the vases.
"I know we couldn't do much this year with my injury and work, but I wanted to spoil you," he spoke. "Happy Valentine’s Day, and thank you for everything,"
"This is beautiful," you whispered. Tears begged to fall from your eyes. "No one has ever done anything like this for me before. Thank you, Adam. I love you,"
He kissed you softly. His hands cupped your cheeks. "I'm glad you love it,"
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visionarystoryteller · 1 year ago
Everybody Talks|| Love For Noella Levesque
*part of ‘Love For Noella Levesque OC World*
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For weeks, all that was talked about was Noellas betrayal to her dad and the WWE. Noella took a break from her socials and went radio silent on a lot of her WWE friends. Her father called almost everyday but she just kept screening his calls.
Noella enjoyed working with AEW and Tony. Tony reminded her a lot of herself and they got a long like brother and sister. She really was enjoying herself a lot.
Then there was Max. Max and Noella kept up quite the flirtation with each other but never really making much of moves. Max was waiting for the right moment and Noella was just trying to not think about everything happening with the dirt sheets and tabloids. It was quite tiresome.
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Noella was sitting at production, on her phone scrolling through her socials. She hadn’t been on them in a minute and knew she would have to release some type of statement soon. Her father and the WWE have still been closed off about commenting on anything which surprised Noella, but she also knew they wanted more from Noella.
“Alright which one of them do I have to punch” Max says upon sitting down next to Noella at production. Noella looks over at him.
“Nobody Max…just thinking about releasing a statement…” Noella says. Max nods slowly.
“You don’t owe anyone anything sweetheart, you know that” Max says. Noella breathes out.
“I hate being looked at like I betrayed people Max.” Noella says with a sad tone. Max gave her a sad smile.
“I did everything for them. To make them proud and happy but nothing worked. I’m tired of it Max” Noella says looking over at max with sad eyes.
“Fuck do I know that…but sweetheart I’m proud of you and I think you’re doing amazing. You don’t owe anyone anything because you know who you are, not them.” Max says. Noella sadly smiles at max.
“Everybody talks sweetheart. Makes them feel less like losers” Max states. Noella nods agreeing.
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@NoellaALev: it is without malice to anyone within my family or the WWE that I left. I wanted to pursue something new and exciting. That is all.
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Noella sat in production watching as Max was in the ring talking. Her eyes were basically glued to the screen.
“You know you both do this thing when y’all stare at each other and it usually looks like your constipated” Austin says sitting down next to Noella. Noella looked over at him and laughed.
“You’re horrible Austin” she laughs. He shrugs.
“I’ve hung around Max to long” He chuckled out.
“Now we both know it was Riley and Roddy get out of here with your shit” Noella laughs moving his foot off her leg.
“So quick to stand up for him, you really do like him don’t you” Austin smirks. Noella rolls her eyes.
“Eat shit Jenkins. Don’t you, oh I don’t know, need to go be a supportive boyfriend to britt?” Noella sasses. Austin raises his hands in defense before standing up.
“Alright alright damn sis” Austin says turning and walking away. Noella giggled before looking back at the monitors. Max was making his way up the ramp and into the back. Noella looked over to where Max walked through and his eyes found hers. He gave her a wink and made his way over to her. She turned her chair a little and Max leaned both his hands on her arm rest and moved into her neck to give her a kiss. Once it was planted he moved out of her neck and kissed the crown of her head.
“You smell so good all the time, makes me wonder if you taste good too “ max says quietly. He quickly moves his head back into her neck and swipes his tongue over her neck, eliciting a giggle out of Noella. Max quietly groaned and pulled away. Noella pulled on Max’s scarf and held it in her hands, keeping Max close. The pair stared at each other for a moment, the air between the two becoming intense. That was until Noellas phone went off. Noella closed her eyes and slowly let go of Max’s scarf. She looked over at the table and picked up her phone and sighed. It was her dad’s bestfriend, her fake uncle, Shawn. She had screened so many of her dad’s calls that now he was resorting to Shawn, at least she thought. Max pulled at her hand and pulled her up and moved her around. He sat where she was sitting and she looked at him with question.
“Max there’s another chai-“ before she could finish her sentence, Max pulled her onto his lap and clicked the accept button on the call for her.
“I’m right here” max whispers holding onto her leg near her knee. Noella nodded and put the phone to her ear.
“Hello?” She says.
“Wow no Hi Uncle Shawn!” Shawn playfully says. Noella wants to break. Shawn was always good to her. Maxs hand soothingly moves up and down her leg.
“Sorry, hi uncle Shawn” she says.
“Hey kiddo. How’s everything?” Shawn asks.
“Is this you asking or my dad…” she sighs out. Shawn releases a breath.
“Myself. Your dad…your dad has been silent on all that’s been going on with you. Vince is on his ass but we both know it’s nothing new for him. I wanted to call to see how you were holding up. I’ve seen whats been going on. I know you Noella Ann, probably better than your father does…talk to me.” Shawn sighs out. Noella felt a tear slip down her face.
“Yea…well. I’m hanging in there…I’ve kinda been screening dad’s calls…our last conversation didn’t go great…told him to not expect me at family gatherings as I saw where I stood” Noella says chewing her lip.
“You can always come spend holidays with me kiddo. You know we love having you around.” Shawn says.
“I know, but I already told Max I’d spend it with him and Piper” Noella says looking over Max who had a smirk on his face. Noella smiles at him and looked down at his hand that was on her leg and saw his dynamite ring, max watching her. She ran her fingers over it absentmindedly as she heard Shawn chuckle through the phone.
“Ooooooohhhh I seeeeee” Shawn laughs. Noella giggles and shakes her head.
“Stop” she whines.
“So I’m assuming you really like him then” Shawn encourages. Noella looks over at Max and pokes his nose, watching him scrunch his face but a small smile trying to break through.
“Yea I think so” she smiles brightly. Max watches as her face lights up and can’t help but smile at her. She was so beautiful to him.
“Does he treat you right?” Shawn asks.
“Without a doubt” Noella says.
“Then I can’t wait to meet him” Shawn says, making Noella smile.
“I know things are rough right now but your dad does love you Noella…I gotta go, I’m guest appearing tonight, if you need anything call me.” Shawn says. Noella chews her lip nodding.
“Okay, good luck” she says.
“I love you Noella, like my own, bye” Shawn says.
“Love you too uncle Shawn, bye” Noella says and hangs up the phone, looking off at the wall. Max pats her thigh.
“Cmon sweetheart, we have a flight to catch in 2 hours” Max says looking at his wrist. Noella looked at him.
“You’re traveling with me this time not Austin and Britt” Max says helping you off his lap.
“Well okay then” Noella says. Max chuckles and grabs ahold of Noellas hand and walks to his locker room to get his bag.
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autobots-in-training · 6 months ago
Do ignore the other question from this account; it was my very chaotic friend. However, I do have a question for two of you and just a little thing to say to one more of you, and I do suggest not letting the others see this question. Hotshot First aid and Springer First off, this one is for first aid. I say as a medic myself quite simply that a lot of bad stuff is going to happen in the future to you and all of your fellow younglings, and you are going to lose a lot of bots under your care, but it will not be our fault, and you will become one of the best medics known to the cybertronian species, and I highly suggest you don't read this out loud to anyone else since I sound insane. Now since this "ask" just got a bit quite dark, let's lighten it a bit. Question for Hotshot: Since you are clearly aware your caretaker Optimus Prime is the greatest autobot to exist, have you ever heard of an autobot by the name of Elita-1?
Question for Springer: Since Prowl is clearly your carrier by the looks of it and just by the way you talk about him, did he ever tell you any stories and did he ever teach you anything cool?
- Medic Knockout (PS Im super srry that this is so long)
First Aid- Woah. Uh. Thanks! Are you from cybertron? I've never heard of you. I can list all the medics i know on one hand. Carrier, Lotty, Pharma, Red Alert and Hoist. Though they are all autobots, are you a neutral?
Arcee- First Aid, are you answering a question without us?
First Aid- Oh! Sorry i was just reading the question. These are for Springer and... Hot Shot? I think he meant Hot Rod. *takes a deep breath*
Arcee- Wait don't yell!-
First Aid- SPRINGS!!! RODDY!!!
Arcee- I hate you.
Springer- Hey Aid, whats up? I brought Roddy with me.
Hot Rod- Hi!
First Aid- Cool. Was your time with Hound and Mirage fun?
Hot Rod- Yeah!! Hound took us around the ship in his alt mode!
Springer- Illy got tired, so they stayed with their creators.
First Aid- Ah. Anyway, i called you guys cause you have a question each.
Springer- Nice!
Hot Rod- I wanna answer first!
First Aid- Do you know Elita?
Hot Rod- Riri talks about her sometimes. She's the autobot leader on Cybertron, since not everyone could or wanted to leave.
First Aid- Yeah, i think you were still too little when we left Cybertron to remember anything. You might have been 2-3 thousand years old when we left. Elita is basically on parr to Optimus. I watched them spar a couple times, they were 50/50 on terms of strength and skill. They were best friends too.
Hot Rod- Woaaah!!
Arcee- I was still a bit shy, so I didn't talk with her much. She was nice the times i talked with her. She's actually why i chose to be pink.
First Aid- It's terrifying sometimes. You look like you are covered in dried energon.
Arcee- Exactly.
Springer- What's my question?
First Aid- Has your carrier taught you anything or told you any stories?
Springer- About what?
First Aid- I dunno, thats just what the question is.
Springer- Hm... my riri has taught me quite a bit! I know some stuff about genetics, he knows a LOT, the study of cybertronian genetics wasn't allowed before the war, but both my carriers studied it in secret. I was actually one of their expiriments.
First Aid- Oooh, so they had you to see what traits you'd have from each of them?
Springer- Uh. Yeah. Kinda. He also tells me about my other carrier. I remember very little of him. His optics were... they were yellow. Carrier says i look a lot like my other carrier when he was younger.
Arcee- Thats really sweet!
Springer- I want to meet him again. I'm hoping he's still out there.
Arcee- When the war is over, we'll team up and look for our carriers together!
First Aid- I'l help! There's nothing we can't do when we work together!
Hot Rod- Can i come too?
First Aid- You're too little for that. And wouldn't you miss your riri?
Hot Rod- Oh... yeah :[. I'll stay then. Illy would be lonely without me too.
Springer- Wanna see your carrier now?
Hot Rod- Yeah!!
Springer- Let's go then!
*end transmission*
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loorain · 2 years ago
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - Like Old Times
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As Sabrina's due date fast approaches, they're trying to take in as much time out that they can before they're busy changing diapers and cleaning barf off of themselves. Today, that meant a leisurely evening out with Lakshmi and Nyla. First, a trip to San Sequoia for a bite to eat at a local restaurant.
Lakshmi: I didn't realize your due date was that close!
Sabrina: Yeah, this little booger is just about ready to make his arrival. I can hardly believe it myself.
Nyla: Welcome to the club! It's truly life-changing.
Sabrina: I'll admit, seeing little Roddy toddling around really warmed my heart. I had never seen myself in a parent role before that moment, but suddenly I could see myself with one too. Just didn't think it would happen quite like this!
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Nyla: Speaking of which... you still don't know who the father is?
Sabrina: I was with Marquise and Alton so close together... I did see a psychic though. She told me who she believes the father is. Now we'll just have to see if it's accurate.
Lakshmi: Well, we'll find out all in due time. Either way, both guys seem committed at least. They'd both seem like they'd be good parents.
Sabrina: I agree. All things considered, I'm glad that the father of my child is one of them.
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The trio are served their meal and enjoy the rest of their time at the restaurant with good food, good drinks, and good company.
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After an enjoyable time at the restaurant, Nyla and Lakshmi drag Sabrina to a cheesy romance film. Sabrina is pretty bored by it, but their two friends are fully engrossed. They don't mind it too much, they enjoy the time with them enough to suffer through the cheesy dialogue and poor acting. Suddenly though, another viewer returns from a bathroom break asking Sabrina what happened while they were gone. Casually, they begin to explain as quietly and briefly as possible, but an attendant catches them. The worker assumes Sabrina is being disruptive and kicks them out! Nyla and Lakshmi try to defend them, but the attendant is insistent.
Sabrina: Don't worry guys, enjoy the rest of the movie. You can tell me all about the rest later.
Nyla: You sure? We can go with you.
Sabrina: Nah, I'm getting tired anyway. Gonna call it a night.
Lakshmi: Okay, get home safe. Talk soon?
Sabrina: You know it.
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So with a bright smile on their face, Sabrina heads out, destination home. Though the night didn't end the way they expected, getting into antics with their closest friends always makes Sabrina happy, and this was no exception. They can't wait to be caught up on the corny plotline of the rest of the film, but for now, it's time to head home for the night.
(and yes once again a sim has changed clothes for no reason when I wasn't paying attention shh just pretend lol)
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arunatheplant · 2 years ago
February 5, 2023
(Bumblebee x Cheetor)
My headcannons! Ps, it's cyberverse and I'm sorry for the wait, I was busy and tired :((
Cheetor is an innocent babe and Bumblebee is a solider tainted by war, yes Cheetor did fight but he mostly hid the allspark with him, so he needs to hide most of the war.
When Cheetor first laid his optics on bee, he was awed, then it turn to respect then admiration and he fell in love.
As for bee, he was scared, then he was shocked and then respect turned to love.
Hot rod kept teasing bee when he found out and almost slipped when Cheetor walked in.
If someone hurts Cheetor indirectly or directly Bumblebee while personal deal with the person, first he'll talk to them if they won't stop it will be their lives at cost, Cheetor while do the same will convince them to stop or he will do something he regret.
(Bee is kinda different here in my AUs)
Bee will have flashbacks and Cheetor is the one of the persons that can calm him down.
Cheetor and bee was fighting bc bee wasn't taking care of his health and Cheetor slipped up and ran out the ark. (They're alone)
He was captured by a small group of decepticons and they put him inside of a cave and was about to message megatron (my AU is different here) but bee manage to knock them out before they could and took Cheetor on a cliffside and he apologized and confessed to Cheetor.
(Cheetor didn't die :)) the deceptions did get the allspark but wasn't successful to unleash its power and the Autobots managed to get back)
They became a couple! They didn't tell the others, everyone arebetting expect for Roddy, ratchet, optimus for different reasons.
Roddy knows, ratchet doesn't like to bet on it and thought that bee didn't have a bf and optimus was just going with his husband's opinion.
The betting was windblade, arcee and a random femme but completely forgot Cheetor XD.
Then bee announced that he was indeed courting someone and it wasn't anyone that they were betting on, ratchet, optimus, and the others we're shocked.
Roddy was shocked for a different reason, he was not expecting that bee has the guts to do it.
Cheetor and bee was almost caught kissing and cuddling by optimus and he got suspicious.
Ratchet tries to pry the answer for bee but he wouldn't budge.
Ratchet then got suspicious of Cheetor and indirectly ask him if he was seeing someone but Cheetor played dumb, so bee wouldn't be caught, he didn't like it but if bee and him was caught, he didn't know what will happen even if there's couples like them.
Their first date and kiss was on the same cliff.
Two years of courting hot rod slipped up and forgot to send a signal to bee that the others we're coming to the dinner that bee and Cheetor while on a date and was caught.
Ratchet was baffled and Cheetor and bee explained what they thought would have happened if he and bee gets caught, both thought they wouldn't approve.
Optimus and ratchet approved and so was the others.
Bee's nicknames for cheetor
My cheetah, love, dear, darling and mine.
Cheetor's nicknames for bee
My bee, honey, darling, honeybee, my love, my dearest.
Hot rod: Are you dating my brother?
Cheetor:...uh no *chuckles nervously*
Hot rod: uh huh? What type of bee makes honey then?
Cheetor: Uhh, a honeybee?
Bumblebee: *pops his head from a corner, smiling happily* yes darling?
Cheetor: *sweating bullets*
Hot rod: Never fragging lie to me again.
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ur-illogical-simp · 4 years ago
MTMTE personalities / characteristics from someone who never read MTMTE.
spoilers btw, also these r all from what I got from the fanfiction, and fan art(etc) I've seen so yeah...
Rodimus: A cute but dumbass captain twink, who gets talked(looked) down upon bc hes not like Optimus Prime, and for being "immature"(I call bs)
Tailgate : a smol but strong minibot that has a stoic ex-con boyfriend
Cyclones : stoic mf who friends with a chaotic ass bitch and got turned into a autobot by a cute ass minibot
Swerve; a cute & funny bartender who is also depressed. And is also friends with Skids aka the vent rat. And apparently obsessed with human things
Whirl: an ex-wrecker, who liked making watches before going through Empurata, who now goes to therapy and regularly gets put in the brig(?) for being a chaotic mf
Rung : apparently hes primus??? I like his goggles, a very cute therapist. Idk why ppl forget his name its easy af to remember
Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus; hes a small green boi inside a big ass frame/body thing. I like his mustache, but he has a huge stick up his ass. And apparently hes apart of the "tyrest acord" idk what that is
Megatron: a ex-con warlord leader who apparently swore pacifism???? At least he regretted his actions(took him long enough), he likes poetry and I vibe with that
Tyrest: a primus obsessed bottom, I kinda feel bad cuz he punishes him self since he thinks he's not being prefect in the eyes of primus
Ratchet; a grumpy medic who reminds me of TFP ratchet due to personality and design. Like tailgate also has a cute con bf. He's good with guns
Drift: also an ex-con with an autobot bf, I read his 4 issue comic and I vibe with him, he's cute af and would totally pet the things on the side of his head. He seems very cat liked ngl
Ten: a tall ass mech, who likes Mags, and making things. He's very cute
Brainstorm: a chaotic science nerd, who simps for Percy, and i think tried to save his crush by creating the multiverse and going back in time ig???, makes cool ass weapons
Preceptor: also a science nerd who prob keeps brainstorms inventions in check, he's very cute i like the lil mini gun thing on his shoulder
Red Alert: haven't seen much about him, but hes cute and the chief security officer
Trailbreaker; dunno much bout him but hes cute
Chromedome; hes very cute! And is conjuxes(married) to rewind i believe.
Rewind: hes also cute
Skids: hes a gremlin who lives in the LL vents, and is buddies with swerve
Gateway - someone who tired to kill Roddy apparently, and the ship??? He's kinda cute but If I met him irl its on site :)
Overlord: a mf with some big ass lips and is butt hurt Megatron never paid any attention to him despite his efforts, he murder some important characters(idk who), he has some big ass lips and hes kinda handsome would totally sleep in his shoulder cones
Tarn: a Megatron stan, who is also the leader of the DJD, and has a sexy ass voice, and apparently is sexy enough to torture ppl with. He's cute I like his face
Kaon: the cybertronian equivalent to an electric eel, apparently his alt mode is a electric chair which is pretty rad ! when your not the victim at least, unless your into it
Vos; a fucking gremlin with a face that has a viraity of nail things. And he puts them on ppl👁👄👁, which is terrifying but hes cute so it kinda makes up for it??? Hes also has a sniper alt mode which makes my hunter heart go boom(snipers r my go too weapon in d2)
Helex; a walking furnace apparently. I think his tiny arms are pretty rad ! would hold if he didn't try to kill me
Tesarus - has some cool ass blades in the middle of his chest. Its fucking terrifying, and I feel bad for his victims. But he looks cool
Nickel: she's like the over protective friend in the group???? She would totally be the most terrifying to piss off
The Pet: apparently this guy in a turbo fox which i think is pretty rad. But what's not rad is that he used to be a person so that kinda sucks :/, would cuddle tho
Sunder : I like this mf, though he scares the absolute shit out of me when he does his mortis shit or whatever. But hes pretty cute! Would give a snuggle
Trepan: haven't seen much about him, but hes rlly cute, I like his frame and color pallet the most honestly. I feel bad since he got kidnapped by OL
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theoceanoasis · 6 months ago
Hope you are better
You could continue the au where Roddy is a mer that his owners want him to have babies but they don't want it to be with a couple so Roddy stays beautiful and they can show him off.
It could be something like Roddy in the absence of his mate and the depression that caused him to start losing his colors because he got sick from loneliness and his owners first try to get him healed, but when he doesn't get better they throw him away. He should be rescued by an aquarium that has a sanctuary of mers that were in captivity. He may find friends there to help him, but whoever saved him (perhaps Ratchet or Perceptor) may look for his mate because he could inevitably die if he remains separated from Soundwave.
I love the drama and You have de touch to write it <3
His owners banged on the glass and he moaned feeling a headache form. His whole body hurt as he laid there wrapping his tail around himself.
He was exhausted and couldn't do anything except sleep. Outside his tank he could hear his master's talking obviously unhappy.
They couldn't shock him because they didn't want to risk the pups he was carrying. The thought made him unbearably sad and he felt like crying because he didn't have a mate.
He was all alone and he didn't want to be alone anymore he wanted his mate. He sobbed uncontrollably calling out for someone who couldn't answer.
Pharma ended up being called and roughly looked him over. Even though he was carrying pups he'd lost weight from not eating. His once vibrant colors were slowly turning gray as he refused to take care of himself. Unable to live without his mate.
Mers swam in pods because they were social creatures. When they mated with someone it was for life and if something happens to their mate they oftentimes don't survive.
Pharma looked irritated as he checked him over and then told his mater's the news. Neither of them looked happy and he found himself listening in.
The facility that was keeping his mate had been seized. The mers had been taken and Pharma couldn't get him.
When he heard this he sobbed and refused to do anything just wanting to die. He didn't care anymore and was tired of living. All he wanted was his mate and now he'd never get him.
His master's were angry by this change and no amount of banging on the glass or threatening could make him do anything.
They were disgusted by how he looked. Instead of the pretty multicolored mer they used to have. They now had a scraggly looking mess who was an ugly gray color.
Whenever they saw him they sneered obviously unhappy with his appearance and wanting Pharma to do something.
The doctor of course informed them there was nothing he could do. Without his mate he was going to die and they might as well get rid of him.
His master's decided to do exactly that and ended up dumping him somewhere. It was a shady facility where the water was always dirty and the mers were starved. None of them said anything too exhausted and sick all of them looking about ready to die with their dull colors.
Then one day police came and the mers were transported to different facilities. He didn't care and just laid there not doing anything as he was loaded up. He was so exhausted and he just wanted to die.
He was introduced to a man named Ratchet who looked him over. Unlike with Pharma his checkup didn't hurt.
When Ratchet realized he was sparked he looked worried and decided to closely monitor him. The facility he was inside was a lot nicer and he had more freedom. The people who worked there treated all of them with respect and no one ever hurt him.
Even though life was better he continued to lay on the floor refusing to move. He barely ate only eating when Ratchet made him as he waited to die. He wanted his mate so badly and he continued crying out for him.
Ratchet and some of the others tried asking questions. All of them thought his mate was dead until he informed them that they'd never even met. He didn't even know his mates name and the only thing he had to remember him by was his pups and his smell.
Even after everything he was determined to remember that much. Just in case they ever had the chance to meet. Even though he knew it was unlikely.
The workers at the facility though seemed determined to help him find his mate something that gave him hope and made him try to live. Which made Ratchet happy.
He didn't know how long they'd been trying to find his mate but he knew his pups would be coming soon. His instincts were telling him to prepare even if it felt wrong not having his mate with him.
He should be helping him set up his nest and get everything ready for their pups. Instead he was having to do it alone and it filled him with sadness.
The staff who worked at the facility couldn't help him because they were busy getting ready for a transfer.
He was a dangerous mer who's last chance at survival was this facility, otherwise he would have to be put down. He couldn't return to the ocean after what's been done to him but he was too violent to keep at a facility. He had hurt numerous people and mers who'd gotten too close and after severely injuring someone at the last facility he was transferred here.
Finishing with his nest he found himself watching as a truck pulled up. He wasn't really paying attention and was just listening to the staff talk amongst each other in the hopes of helping him feel less alone.
The door opened and there was a shout of alarm as a mer crawled out. He looked pissed and his fangs snapped at anyone who came too close.
He watched as the mer looked around the facility and the two of them made optic contact. He froze unable to move as the two stared at each other.
His optics widened when he recognized the smell and he found himself crying out for his mate. The mer must have also realized something because he dragged himself over. Both of them were calling to each other and if it wasn't for his belly getting in the way. He would have jumped out of the tank he was inside.
Soundwave rushed forward ignoring the facilities staff as he climbed into the tank with him. He could hear people frantically talking but he didn't care.
The two of them wrapped their arms and tails around each other and he cried in his arms. The mer touched a gentle hand on his belly looking shocked and happy when he realized he was sparked.
He cuddled against him never wanting to separate from him again.
"My names Hot Rod."
His mate pulled him closer and bit down on his neck to claim him. He shivered from the pain and then moaned when warmth flooded his body.
Soundwave's spike came out and he pressed it into his leaking slit causing him to gasp. He felt him slide all the way inside and it felt like coming home.
The two of them fragged for hours and only stopped when Soundwave ended up inducing labor.
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petitelepus · 3 years ago
My god the yandere bot!reader whit roddy was sooo good! Can we please have a follow up? Maybe the bot!reader confesses?
The day finally came when you couldn't wait anymore. You loved Rodimus so much it came to the point where you could not just watch him. You were tired of being nobody. You needed to talk to him and tell him how you felt!
You knew his routines like the back of your hand so you knew when to approach him. He was just heading towards the captains' meeting when you run up to him.
Rodimus took every chance he got to get out of meetings, so the two of you could catch up and enjoy energon or engex while chitchatting! You waited until he was about to walk past your hideout in the corridor and then you made your move.
"C- Captain Rodimus!" You cried out and he stopped and turned to look at you.
"Oh, hi! Uuh... Who were you again?"
You told him your name and he snapped his fingers, "Right! You were in...?"
"Head of the security!" You said with a smile and Rodimus smiled, "Right! So, how can I help you?"
"I- I have been admiring you from the distance for quite some time...! And I - I was thinking if you would like to enjoy some engex with me?"
"I never say no to engex-!"
"Great, where would you like to meet? When do you think you have time? Oh, you're heading to the meeting now, aren't you? Surely, you could skip and spend time with me? My treat, naturally, of course!"
You couldn't stop yourself from babbling and nervously wriggling your fingers. You were just so excited to finally speak with him...! But why was he looking so uncomfortable?
"We could get to know each other! I know so much about you and I'm dying to get to know you more personally?"
"Yeah..." Rodimus drawled and rubbed the back of his helm.
"Sorry, but I don't know you that well yet-!"
"That's why we should go out for a couple drinks! So we can get to know each other!"
"I would love to, but I really gotta go. I'm late from a meeting with Megatron and Magnus so...?" He smiled, "See ya sometimes later?"
And just like that, he turned and left you standing there in the corridor, alone. You watched after him, the warmth and anxiety inside your chassis were gone, replaced by a cold void.
Did you do something wrong? You had to know! You rushed to the security office and immediately turned on the camera in the meeting room. You clicked the mic on just as Rodimus entered the room.
"Sorry, I'm late! Some bot came at me on my way here. They said they have been looking at me and offered to take me out for drinks." The bright mech said as he took a seat opposite Megatron.
"Are you talking about our chief of security?" Ultra Magnus asked.
"Yeah. They are kind of weird." Rodimus blurted and Ultra Magnus scowled, "Don't speak ill about your crew! They're just doing their job!"
"It's not just that, they were acting super weird about it!" Rodimus frowned, "Like... I don't know like they are really into me?"
"Don't flatter yourself Rodimus," Megatron said and the orange bright mech frowned harder. "I'm not! It's just...! They were really into me and I don't know how to react to that. Like honestly...? It was kinda creepy."
Oh, Rodimus...! He thought you were creepy?
You took a deep breath and turned to look at the pictures of Rodimus you had hung on the walls of your office. You walked to the picture of him smiling and you felt your spark warming again.
"Oh, it's alright Roddy...!" You chuckled as you kissed his image. "You just got a little overwhelmed. Anyone could when their spark mate suddenly appeared before them!"
You smiled.
"Don't worry... I will find a way for us to be together, forever...!"
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