#the way it makes no sense why would he confess get rejected then kiss her like that then LEAVE
retroaria · 25 days
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 boyfriend nagi.ᐟᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ another set of bf headcanons finally !! ⊹ ࣪ ˖
warnings: this is post Blue Lock, not a high school!au
BLUE LOCK M.LIST | enjoy 🌵 - aria
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pre-boyfriend!nagi who spends weeks, months even, questioning what exactly it is he feels for you because he just can’t wrap his head around it. doesn’t know why his heart throbs when you say his name, why his hands get sweaty when you sit close to him, why he feels the need to lie about certain things to make himself look better, why he feels the constant urge to just fall into your arms and lay there forever.
pre-boyfriend!nagi who goes to Reo for advice on the matter only to be called an idiot and have his own feelings explained to him at his big age
pre-boyfriend!nagi who now can associate those feelings with wanting a relationship with you, it’s all he thinks about. he yearns for you so bad. wants to have you in his arms, nap with you, teach you how to play games, let you cook for him (and feed him lol), introduce you to choki, show you all his cool soccer moves. it makes him really sad that he can’t just have you already, and it’s gonna be a hassle to ask you out.
pre-boyfriend!nagi who isn’t ready to ask you out but still wants to share his affections with you. He’s very touchy, always hugging you, leaning on your shoulder, brushing strands of hair out of your face so he can see your eyes. Asks you to hang out with him almost every day, even if he knows you’re gonna be busy, he still has to ask just in case you can.
pre-boyfriend!nagi who realizes that holding his feelings in is way more of a hassle than confessing so he does exactly that. He’s very straightforward about it. “Hey, I’ve liked you for a while now. Wanna go on a date?”. If you say yes he’d probably just kiss you on the spot. He hasn’t even taken you on the first date yet but in his head you guys are already dating.
pre-boyfriend!nagi who takes you to an arcade on the first date, beats you at every game, but then wins you a bunch of claw machine stuffies to make up for it.
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boyfriend!nagi who asks you to come live with him early on the relationship. He has such a straightforward mindset that he can’t wrap his head around how you guys are together but not “together”, as in together all the time (if that makes sense). He has to learn the concept of personal space in a relationship and eventually even after you guys start living together understands why he can’t cling to you every second of every day. He’ll still try sometimes and gets sad when you go off to do your own thing but gets over it once he’s preoccupied watching matches or playing games.
boyfriend!nagi who gets jealous very easily, but not in the stereotypical sense. He doesn’t get mad or aggressive when he’s jealous but he’s totally the type to deadpan you with “do you not love me anymore?” If he sees you giving anyone else more attention than him. This feeling he gets isn’t just towards guys or even people your age, it’s anyone. “Why were you talking to that old woman at the store for so long? I was right there.” “Nagi, she was ringing us up, she’s a cashier, it’s her job.” He actually has very little reaction to other guys flirting with you because he simply thinks that’s a stupid thing for them to do and is confident you’ll reject them.
boyfriend!nagi who lets you dress him up, style his hair, do his makeup for fun, would honestly let you give him a tattoo if you really wanted to. His mind doesn’t have negative preconceived notions about many things, and he thinks it’s adorable watching you have fun with him. Really likes when you do his hair just so he can feel your hands on his scalp. Same with doing his makeup, thinks both activities are relaxing and hassle free bonding moments for you two. All he has to do is sit there and look pretty.
boyfriend!nagi who mentions you unconsciously all the time. Along with football and video games, you’re a focal point of his life and you’ve become integrated in almost everything he does or thinks about. So much so that when responding to questions and such, he’ll say “we” more often than ”I”. “Nagi, did you get a chance to watch that match last week?” / “Yeah we watched it the other night.” / “There’s this new manga that just came out I think you’d be into it Nagi.” / “Oh alright, we’ll definitely check it out.”
boyfriend!nagi who drops the love bomb very early on because if he had feelings for you strong enough to even notice or care about, he’s confident it has to be love. He has different variations of “I love you”, the most commonly used ones are groggy and drawn out, “love youuuu~” or “Mhmm, love.” It’s a pet name and a confession all in one, verbal shortcuts make life easier (nagi logic 101). When he really wants you to hear it, he’ll say “I love you” in full but repeatedly. Either while he’s burying his face in the crook of your neck or following you around the house begging you to forgive him for sleeping all day instead of the chores you asked him to do.
boyfriend!nagi who wants to put more and more effort into himself and his lifestyle now that he has you. He wants to be the best he can be, give you everything you want and need, show his love for you in a million different ways. It’s so bad that he sometimes cries to himself thinking about all the ways he might mess up the relationship, he doesn’t know what he would do if you left him, he’d just feel so empty. :((
boyfriend!nagi who clings to you at every moment that he can, his heart stings at the feeling you leaving his grasp even if it’s just for a moment.
boyfriend!nagi who is absolutely whipped and unafraid to admit it. He’s so open and honest about his feelings with you because it’s a pain to not be able to tell you things. Is constantly reminding you how much he thinks about you and yearns for you. So much love with this boy <3
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multific · 1 year
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Carl Grimes x Reader
Summary: You thought Alexandria will be a place where you could finally be with him. What you didn't expect is another girl trying to steal him from you.
As you stepped out onto your porch, you saw them climbing over the wall. 
This wasn't the first time you saw Carl and Enid leaving together.
You and Carl basically grew up together. 
Lately, you caught yourself catching feelings for the boy and now, you were incredibly jealous.
You shouldn't be, he made his choice, he choose Enid over you. And you had to accept that.
But it was still difficult. 
You loved him. And although you never confessed, you felt his rejection. 
Enid was beautiful, you couldn't argue with that.
"Hey Kid!" yelled Daryl as he walked over to you.
"Wanna come with me on a run? Rick wanted us to get more clothes for everyone and my fashion sense is not the best." Daryl was always like a father to you. Ever since they found you, he always took good care of you and you were extremely thankful for that.
"Yeah, let's go!" you replied, hoping this would take your mind off of Carl.
The run went smoothly, you were able to secure good clothes which for sure will help during the upcoming winter.
You let out a long sigh before exiting the car.
Daryl was quick to follow and he soon grabbed your attention.
"Kid!" you turned and look at him. "I will punch him in the face if you want. He might only have one eye working but he was blind even when he had two if he doesn't choose you."
You almost laughed. Of course, he would notice what was going on with you.
"It's not that... I'm just being stupid, I let myself believe he sees me more than a friend."
"He is the stupid one. You are amazing! And if he doesn't see that, I feel sorry for him." you smiled and walked over to Daryl, giving him a quick hug before the others would storm the car to grab clothes.
"Thank you." you whispered before heading home. 
Night approached quickly. 
It was getting dark when a knock came on your door.
You opened it and sure enough, it was Carl. Before he could speak, you spoke up.
"Oh, you must have not seen, but this is my house. Enid lives further down the road. Good night, Carl." you said as you slammed the door in his face.
Another knock made you groan, opening the door again. "Enid lives down that way, Carl. This is my house."
"What is your problem?"
"My problem? Oh, nothing. Did you come over to brag to me about your little date today? Did you have fun with Enid? I hope you did. I sincerely hope you did. So, go and bother your girlfriend please and stop playing with me!" you wanted to slam the door again but he stopped it with his foot as he walked into your house with you, closing the door behind you. 
"I went with her to keep her safe, it wasn't a date."
"Oh, right. I'm sure it wasn't."
"What is your problem anyway? Do you hate Enid that much?"
"I don't hate her. Can you please leave? I really don't feel like talking." 
"I do. You have to tell me why are you angry with me. I only left with her to make sure she is safe."
"You promised me you would come over today."
"And I did. I'm here!" you rolled your eyes. 
"Right, so you can go now to her. Make sure she is safe while she sleeps and doesn't run off!" you pointed at your door but he didn't move.
"Are you jealous of her?"
"OF COURSE I AM, Carl! I knew you for a longer time, you used to keep me safe! You used to make sure I am okay, but now, all I see is you running off with her. I know I am boring, I get that. You should really leave now, Carl. Let me forget about you and about my feelings so I can move on." you wanted to move to the door but he stopped you, he was meant to grab you but you moved.
"What do you want me to do? Not have friends?!"
"Did she kiss you?" you asked so suddenly it even surprised you. But his silence spoke volumes. "Remember at the prison? I know we were young but... When I was sick, you promised me something Carl. I am not going to be your second choice. The one that you run to when every other choice is gone. If I can't be first, I don't want to be more than friends. You can run off kissing girls as you please. Leave me alone now, please." 
"She kissed me, I didn't kiss her. I stopped her because I love you."
"Love me?! If you loved me you wouldn't go running into every wall whenever a cute girl bats their eyelashes at you!" you were rather sad than angry. "You never kissed me. I was there for you through it all. And she just..." you looked into his eye, you knew boys were rather... stupid like they didn't understand if you don't tell them straight. "I hope you will be happy with her. I just can't wait to see your face when a new kid joins and she runs off with him instead of you."
"What are you talking about?"
"Everyone always wants the newer, shinier things. You are that for now."
"You think that's why she likes me? I saved her. I know the promises we made but we were only kids, Y/N."
"What about the promise you made yesterday?" you felt a tear roll down your cheek. "I was truly stupid wasn't I? Please leave." you turned to walk to your bedroom, leaving him in your living room.
He could hear you crying, but he was torn. And so, he left.
Next couple of days you completely avoided Carl, but you did hear about a scuffle him and Daryl got into.
Daryl walked up to Carl who was on their porch with Rick.
"Carl, I'll give you one warning, playing with people like that!"
"Daryl! What are you-" Rick tried to interject but Daryl was already holding Carl by his collar.
"You playing with Y/N's heart. I do not care if you are my friend's son, you do not play with Y/N!" Rick grabbed Daryl and pulled him off of his son. "If you are big enough to play with people like that, you are big enough to own up to them!" Daryl said before he gave a look to Rick and left.
Rick turned to his son, waiting for an explanation.
You tried your best not to think about him.
But it was extremely difficult given that for almost your entire life he was there.
Every morning you stared at the wall waiting for him or Enid to turn up, neither of them did.
You went back to do your job and take care of the plants.
But every minute was true torture. You had a feeling that this will be better with time.
You could get used to him being gone.
Or so you thought.
You asked Rick if you were allowed to move and live at Hilltop. And he agreed.
Knowing your situation, he apologized in his son's place, but you didn't want to hear that.
You were the silly one.
You shouldn't have fallen in love.
You will be moving in two days.
You will miss your house. It was a rather lovely one, small and comfortable but you needed to move on.
Daryl also understood and supported your decision.
"You are a full on woman now." he said when you told him the news.
Word began to spread of course. Rumours spread like wildfire around here, but you couldn't care less.
First people said it was Carl who sent you away, then somehow the truth began to spread.
Carl soon heard the news of you moving.
He immediately walked to your house.
You saw him walking up the porch as he let himself in.
"I'm not here to argue. I am simply here to ask you to stay." he said as he quietly closed the door behind himself.
"I can't. I kept telling myself that I would be fine if I saw you with someone because at least I would know that you are happy. But I can't."
"I was stupid. I was too overwhelmed, having her and you and I..."
"You enjoyed the attention, I get it. But I need to move on."
"I don't want you to move on. I don't want you to stop loving me, Y/N."
"I'm not going to do the tango with you Carl. Tango is not meant for three."
"I know. I will tell Enid, I never saw her more than a friend, I just didn't realize it before. But I do love you, Y/N."
You nodded once before looking around.
"I'll wait for you to talk with her. Then... then you can bring me on a date." he nodded eagerly. 
You put all of your things back where they belong.
Now, you just waited for Carl to clear the air. 
You not leaving also raised some questions in the community.
The next day, there was a knock on your door, you were about to have dinner but decided to check who it was.
"Carl?" but he didn't say anything, he quickly captured your lips in a sweet yet passionate kiss.
"I was so stupid for doubting anything. I knew I loved you for a long time now, please forgive me." you placed your palm on his cheek.
"It's okay. We are here now."
"And neither of us is leaving." he responded, making you smile as you pulled him in for another kiss.
Next day, as you two walked over Alexandria, hand in hand, you could hear many people saying 'finally'. Including his father and Daryl.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​ @mandoloriancookie​
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booksooks · 16 days
Dyed Hair and Inked Skin
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Author's Note: I wrote this while in my feels and listening to Michael Buble. Idk what more to tell y'all.
Contents: Dyeing hair, tattoos but not in the conventional way. Kissing and confessions.
Word Count: 1924
Summary: You knew Dabi before, as Touya. And then Touya was gone, no matter how much you wished for him to come back.
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You weren’t stupid, contrary to what the rest of the world thought of you.
When you were little, you knew Touya. He was your friend. Maybe not the best of friends, but you still hung out when you could. You didn’t know why he hung out with you, you were quirkless and a bit of a reject, but he insisted he stick by your side. He said it had something to do with his father, but you didn’t press it. Your mother didn’t exactly approve of him as you both got older, but his attitude towards you never changed. He was kind, in his own way, despite his rangy looks and quick tongue.
A “don’t stay up too late, stupid. You don’t need bigger eye bags,” as he left was enough to know he cared, deep down. You were tempted to pull on one of his piercings, just to fuck with him.
But you didn’t. And you walked him to his door, just down the road. He flicked your forehead gently before he went inside, and you just rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out. Neither of you talked much when you were with each other, the understanding for a need of silence heavy on both of your shoulders.
When you got to the end of his (massive) driveway, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You took it out and looked at the message, from Touya.
I meant it. Go to sleep soon
Yea yea. Night, Touya
You were fifteen when he was declared missing, and then dead. You were devastated. Your mother was understanding, perhaps a little too much. “I think she loved him,” you heard her say to your father. They were outside your door, because you had locked yourself inside your room in a silent vigil. For Touya.
Who knew? Maybe you did love him. All you knew was that Touya was gone. Forever. And he wasn’t coming back.
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How you had ended up working for the Shigaraki Tomura, you weren’t aware. Your parents had not approved of your decision to work with “the bad guys” as they had so maturely put it, but you were an adult. You could make your own decisions. And you were their child. They weren’t going to throw you under the bus.
You still called with them every week. You knew your mother would get worried if you didn’t.
You had, in the end, gotten a quirk. Bodily Control, it did exactly what it sounded like. You could control what happened to people, sensed their very breath. Stopped or slowed heartbeats. You could break ribs, paralyze people… you could kill. You had killed, in fact, but it had taken so much out of you that you had refused to work for the next week. You could barely get out of bed without toppling over. Toga took care of you for that week, and by Thursday the fat on your hips had returned, and you could no longer count your ribs. You recovered quickly, but while you were down, you were down and out.
Shigaraki was pretty pissed about that. But what could you do?
Mr. Compress was more understanding about it. You seemed to become Toga’s favorite after that incident, claiming excitedly that you “don’t have to stab the baddies to get them to bleed!” You had just smiled weakly at that and hoped she didn’t stab you.
And Dabi. The only thing Dabi had said when you shuffled into the lounge that Thursday evening was “if you can walk you can fight. Or at least go get some more Jack Daniels.” He held up the empty bottle, waggling his eyebrows lazily.
You had just rolled your eyes, but you grabbed the bottle anyway and handed it to him.
“Thanks,” he muttered, already breaking the seal. You just nodded and left to go lay down again. By Sunday you’d be fine. Your hair would stop falling out by Sunday, and it wouldn’t feel like you were laying on crushed glass, either.
And by Monday, you were ready to go again. Maybe not on another killing spree (it took your body about a month to heal fully, but a week was good enough if you took it way easy). So life continued on.
But you weren’t stupid, as much as Dabi insisted you were. You saw the boxes of dye and bleach in the trash, the way his breath hitched whenever someone mentioned the name Todoroki, or how his body almost shut down when Shigaraki offhandedly mentioned “Father.” How he absolutely refused to call you by your name, the way he seemed to take a sip of whatever he was drinking when the both of you made eye contact. The way he subconsciously leaned towards you, just slightly when you were talking. The way his eyes would follow you for two strides, the flicker away like he was caught, even if you never said anything.
And so it was that you found yourself, somehow, walking up to the roof of the building you all had occupied, a blanket around your shoulders and a bowl of black ink in hand. You saw Dabi on the edge of the roof, leaning back and watching the traffic, the stars, nothing and everything.
“It’s a little cold to be out here in nothing but a tee-shirt,” you say quietly, draping an end of the blanket over his shoulders.
“I am my own heater, dollface.” But he didn’t move away from the blanket.
You held up the bowl of ink. Despite him avoiding you pretty regularly, this was something he let you do often enough. He shrugged the blanket off and pulled his thin white shirt over his head, discarding it next to him. You dipped a brush in the ink and hesitated over his back before deciding on a simple vine pattern. It was nothing like him and didn’t mean anything, but it was easy with the one brush you had. It started at the top of his spine, the vertebrae sticking out making it harder to paint properly, but it worked. It widened quickly, then tightened back up at the base of his spine. You added the leaves and a few thorns and finished the bottom with two ivy leaves facing each other. Then, using your quirk, you sank it into his skin, a tattoo for as long as he wanted it.
“Turn around. I have one more I want to do.”
Dabi looked at you oddly, but he complied, closing his eyes. You painted a capital “T” just over his heart, but didn’t let it sink in. The ink ran down his skin, and he shivered at the feeling.
“Why didn’t you sink it in?” he asked quietly, never opening his eyes.
“Do you really want to let him die completely?” You countered, just as quietly, watching his face for a reaction. You weren’t using your quirk, but if you had been, you were sure you’d hear his heartbeat elevate with that one question.
“I don’t know who the fuck you’re talking about,” Dabi snarled, pushing your hand away.
“I’m not stupid, Touya.” You looked at him, eyes flickering from the T on his chest to his angry blue eyes.
“Don’t call me that. You have no right to go around saying that name.”
“Right. Sorry.”
You both sat in silence for a few more minutes before you picked the blanket back up off the roof and slung it around his shoulders again. He didn’t shrug it off this time, either. You both went back to looking at everything and nothing, the both of you unwilling to look at each other.
Finally looking up at Dabi, you decided to take a risk and lay your head on his shoulder. When your still-sensitive skin hit the cold staples of his shoulder, you both hissed in pain. But neither of you moved away. Dabi was right: he was warm, but he was almost as malnourished as you were. His shoulder was sharp and dug into your cheek, but the pain was worth the comforting heat his body radiated.
“I wish…” you started, not sure if you should finish. When you felt Dabi’s gaze on your face, you continued. For his sake. “I wish someone had gotten to you before all of this.”
“All of what?” He sounded hurt.
“Your death. Your want for revenge. I wish someone had saved you before then.”
“Someone was close,” he said, laying his head on yours. “They were nice to me, no matter what my attitude was, but they didn’t take my bullshit. I think in another life we could have been happy.”
“Oh, yeah?”
You were quiet for a few more minutes, and suddenly you were eleven, he was thirteen, you weren’t Heartrender and he wasn’t Dabi.
Just Y/N and Touya, sitting on the rooftop of your old apartment building with hot coco and popcorn. Maybe you two would share a kiss, maybe not. You broke yourself out of those memories; they weren’t now.
“I’m not saying you should bring him back, Dabi,” you said softly, half-hoping he wouldn’t hear you. But the noise had died down for a little, so you knew he did. “But I am saying you shouldn’t throw him away altogether. There were some good memories, right?”
He sighed, long and low and drawn out, and you knew you were right.
“Put it somewhere else,” Dabi said, not looking at you but lifting his head once more.
“Where?” You asked, using the blanket to wipe away the ink on his chest.
Dabi finally looked at you and then his eyes flickered to somewhere around his waist.
“Your hip?” You suggested, dipping the brush in the ink. Dabi nodded, and you shifted so that you could tug the tight jeans he wore down a bit. “And I thought girls wore tight jeans,” you muttered.
“Hey, you’re not the one putting them on, dollface.”
You started painting the small “T” on his prominent hipbone, and when it was done, you sank the ink into Dabi’s skin. You let his pants snap back over the tattoo, and set the bowl of ink down. Dabi grabbed your hand and pulled it up to just barely hover over his face.
His eyes were clear of anger. Vulnerable. Sweet. Free and blue and beautiful, and then they were closed and he was gripping your hand tighter, almost painfully so. Almost like he was preparing himself for something, or debating an issue with himself, before he let your hand rest fully against his scarred face.
And then he leaned forward and kissed you.
Oh. Oh.
It was surprisingly soft, just a brush of his scarred lips over yours, and you could feel his breath puff against your mouth, but then you were pulling his face closer again for another kiss.
And another, and another, and another, all as gentle and timid and light as the first.
When you both (mutually, for lack of air and dizziness) pulled away, all you managed to breathlessly say was, “so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?”
Dabi nodded hesitantly. “If you want it to, then I’d like… this.”
“This being the – the kissing and stuff?”
“Yeah. If you,” his hand squeezed yours once more, “want to.”
“Hell yes, I want to.” You pulled Dabi in for another sweet kiss, mindful of the staples on his face, the few tears being shed, and the pain in your hand from using your quirk.
The pain was worth it.
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End Notes: Thanks for reading! 💙
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 3 months
Keep thinking about the Jeff and Annie dynamic so anyway here's how I think it should've been done (with the added bonus of me sprinkling in lesbian Annie Edison):
So s1 goes more or less the same it does in canon. Annie dates Vaughn, gets ready to leave with him, but becomes too scared and goes back to Greendale. And actually I think it makes sense for Jeff and Annie to kiss here. Especially on Annie's side. She's scared and nervous, she wants to be more okay with drastic changes and wants a whole new life, but isn't ready for all that so she goes back to Greendale and kisses Jeff to justify to herself why she didn't go with Vaughn. It's just kind of a thing that happens on a wim. And for the first like second Jeff kisses her back because of the whole confession that just happened with Britta, and because he is also confused about what's going on. The kiss is essentially nothing more than trying to do something they have control over in a point in both of their lives when they feel the opposite. But I think, once Jeff gets that realisation on what he's doing, he pulls away. He tries to let her down, but he does it so badly that Annie doesn't quite process it as a rejection. Because instead of talking to her, Jeff just makes some sarcastic comment and assumes that's enough.
So, over the summer, Annie convinces herself that she is in love with Jeff. When s2 starts, Annie thinks they have a real shot at a relationship and tries to pursue him. Jeff, however, doesn't like her that way, but he is still too asshole-ish to just properly have a conversation with her. So instead he goes to the trouble of doing literally everything else to stop her pursuit. He tries to get other guys to show interest in her and comes up with constant elaborate, weird plans to get Annie to be interested in someone else. At least once Jeff gets Abed and Troy to help him. Of course, everyone just tells Jeff to talk to her like a person, and it's not until his plans fail repeatedly that he finally does so. I think what would be cool for s2 as well is that, in the canon Jeff kinda views Annie as a kid and sometimes an adult, and I think in my mind he'd here start understanding that she is an adult. That she's taking care of herself fully and he needs to treat her like that. Jeff still isn't interested in her romantically, but he stops treating her like she's a little kid.
Anyway, Jeff and Annie have an actual conversation and Jeff properly let's her down. Annie is upset obviously, she's spent so much time on the idea of this one relationship. Maybe she lashes out initially to Jeff, idk. What she does end up doing is talking to Britta and Shirley, looking for advice from them. In short what Annie gets from both of them is that she doesn't need to be in a relationship no matter what anyone thinks or says. That there is more to her than who she's dating.
And then this starts an Annie development where she starts to try figure out who/what she really is. Because she has spent years of her life dreaming of the perfect relationship with a man that she doesn't fully know that much about what specifically she wants. She knows some things she likes, but what does Annie want to do in life really?
So then s3 kicks in and Annie spends her time trying to understand who she is. Maybe she joins every club at Greendale and starts trying wildly different things, even stuff that seems completely out of her comfort zone and incredibly strange in general. She finds that she likes some stuff and gains some new interests and friends. And, in this "figuring herself out" plot, Annie eventually realises that she likes women. I don't think she'd necessarily use the word "lesbian" to refer to herself yet, but she acknowledges that she has those feelings. This acknowledgement is maybe at the end of s3.
Then s4 and onwards would be her navigating this new realisation. It'd be her confiding in her friends about this, it'd be her getting a girlfriend, it'd be her learning more about queer history and finding she has a genuine interest in learning about that too. Specifically with the Jeff and Annie dynamic, Jeff would so totally try to give Annie advice on women. All of it wouldn't be good advice, but some of it would be useful and they could have that older/younger sibling dynamic with Annie trusting Jeff and asking him about all this relationship stuff, and he tries his best to be supportive.
Don't have anything specific or detailed for s5 or s6 but it honestly could just be her figuring herself out still. Maybe Annie learning that lesbian is the label that fits her best. Maybe her having her very first sapphic relationship and navigating that. The rest of the study group interacting with her girlfriend. And at the end of the show, there's still some things Annie hasn't figured out fully, but she now knows that's okay and overall she's just much happier and better
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bonjas · 1 month
season 2 predictions:
I feel like I saw way more behind the scenes stuff that I never saw in the actual show, leading me to believe that either A. they already knew they would get a season 2 and filmed it at the same time or B. what was originally filmed was split up, hence why it feels so choppy. BUT probably neither of these things are true I'm just projecting 😩 cuz I still can't wrap my head around this season
I predict season 2 will bring us back to the original plot of Armando and Betty dating on the down-low and sneaking around behind everyone's back and that's how they reignite their relationship, and it's gonna end in another wedding for them.
there's sooooo much to talk about from the last two episodes but I'm too tired to really dive in, I can only think in bullet points lmao:
did I miss something? why did all of a sudden Hugo end the union/strike? that made no sense 😩
how did Mila and them even know about the papero and how to get there.....again did I miss something lol (edit: I forgot they're the original Ecomoda bodegas, but still they were acting like they knew exactly who he was, how lol)
the timeline was so fucked up. so you're telling me they ended the strike, Mila finds out that night about her mom and dads past, the next day Betty goes on the trip to cartagena and they're doing the fashion show at the same time? how did it get done so fast?! no one bothered to ask their president if they could do it, had the funds for it, bothered to ask her to come? HUH????? 💀 showing random shots of sewing and fabric doesn't do shit to show the passage of time 😭😭
the ADR by the beach sucked so bad it looked AI generated lmao. I'd rather have shitty ocean wave audio like in the original lol
Armando's lawyer continues to make no fucking sense as to why she even wants to be with him, it's a useless storyline with no context other than "of course she'd want to be with Armando Mendoza" and just serves as a "see, he's changed he's not hitting on other women" plot device
Betty's lawyer at least got to be cute and have actual interactions with her that help us make sense as to why she'd wanna make out with him 🤪 do yo thang girl
mila and nacho practically living together - huh?????? this novela is HORRIBLE at timelines, sense of time moving, days passing, literally without them saying that we would assume that was their second time sleeping together. bad bad bad.
mila going through the same betrayal as her mom - sorry I rolled my eyes at that one 😭 trying to wrap everything up in a bow having Mila discover the truth by somehow magically guessing his password, finding everything, spilling the beans during the meeting, all in one episode trying to have us connect to her heartbreak, girl we never fucking liked him lmao!!!!!!!! he was always ick as fuck u have horrible judgement 😭
glad her and Betty have essentially mended things but lmfao still have no idea why she was sent off for 5 years like that's not an insignificant time frame, 15 to 20ish is a HUGE stage of life and to have missed that??? like what?? but they depicted Mila so terribly I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop every time there was a "sweet" moment between them because they didn't give me any reason to think she was being genuine, I think that's a huge failing on their part cuz they never showed the love between them only Mila hating her, right to shopping and hanging out, there was a huge disconnect for me.
Mario you were fired, armando "rejected" your firing but what are you even doing here bro
Jeff and his relationship and their drama with Mila is so blah why is it even in this. Mila you suck for kissing him knowing he has a gf wtf? Also her hairstyle at the fashion show was giving Troll doll what did they do to you girl!!!
not letting Betty have a moment with her dad to actually talk about the diary is such a cop out, it could have been a beautiful moment in him confessing that he still failed her after trying so hard to protect her and she married the man that caused her the most pain and she couldve been like yeah it's pretty fucked up it's why I'm getting a divorce, after all that I feel like he still didn't accept us as his family~ or SOMETHING. crumbs, it's all I'm asking.
Ignacio being a sibling instead of a nephew is sooooooooo duuuuuuuumb lmfao literally serves no other purpose than to make people go GASP!!!! no purpose.
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ssss3r4ph1mmmmmm · 2 years
Make Me See
yaya6765 asked:
hey girl, your work is amazing <3 i had a request for neteyam x fem! nav'i reader, where reader has been best friends with kiri since childhood, and she and neteyam don't get along at all. reader recently had her coming of age ritual, and she is finding out ways with kiri to reject potential suitors. and neteyam is trying to get neytiri off his back as well. so kiri and lo'ak suggest that they pretend to court each other for a couple weeks, in order to send gossip overload to the village and get everyone off their back. reader and neteyam reject the idea immediately but then get competitive and place a bet that whoever falls for each other at the end of the deal is a loser or smthg. ends with them confessing their feelings ? thank you!!!!
Anonymous asked:
Hi can I request a Neteyam fic with his female mate where he is upset about something not necessarily his dad or family, just slightly overwhelmed with everything and one day his mate can't find him anywhere for a long time but eventually she does find him deep in the forest near the water lying down looking at he sky. She lies down next to him and asks him where he has been, he just points to this spot not in a talking mood, so dhe moves behind him and pulls him between her llegs so he can rest his head on her stomach and runs her hands through his hair to help him relax. He tries to relax but the pressure of everything is a lot and tears form in his eyes and she can hear his tail moving rapidly she looks down at him and pulls him closer to her letting him lie on her to hear her heartbeat whilst she rubs his forehead softly and kisses him gently and he falls asleep as he feels more relaxed and comfortable knowing that she is there for him? Thanks 😊
pairing: neteyam x omatikaya!fem!reader
summary: you and Neteyam are somehow each other's best option, until you're not
wc: 6167
warnings: cursing/swearing, mentions of blood/injuries
a/n: combining requests bc why not >:) also changed it a bit so that it makes more sense, enjoy!
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Your relationship with the Sully children is interesting, having a unique dynamic with each sibling. Kiri and you first became friends when both of you had separately wandered off into the forest, just old enough to be trusted to go off on your own. Your paths crossed when Kiri was gathering plants her grandmother asked for and you fell out of the tree you were climbing in pursuit of the syaksyuk that stole your snack.
Instead of screaming and running away, Kiri calmly made sure you were okay before asking you to be her friend. You agreed immediately, then asked her to help you find the thieving syaksyuk that caused you to fall out of the tree. The two of you never caught the syaksyuk, but you did become practically inseparable after that adventure. 
Spending a lot of time with Kiri meant spending a lot of time with her brothers, Neteyam and Lo’ak. They’re both annoying in their own ways, but Lo’ak is tolerable. But Neteyam is just irritating, the entire time you’ve known him you have never not been irritated by his presence. 
Since your ceremony becoming one of The People, allowed to carve your bow from the wood of Kelutral (you’re still not sure how you’re supposed to do that) and officially begin courting, you’ve been avoiding every potential suitor. It’s not hard, you can spot most of them from far away with a nervous look in their eyes and a carefully crafted accessory of some sort. Except one of them snuck up on you on your way to meet Kiri, and you’re not sure if you have the heart to reject the others you've been avoiding. 
“Kiri, I’m serious! He looked like he was about to cry,” you say, trudging behind her through the forest.
“I believe you! It’s just funny to think about you making him cry,” Kiri says, laughing as she lays down in the middle of the grassy clearing she found.
“It wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be to make him cry,” you sigh, laying down beside her to stare up through the trees. 
“You’ll get used to it once you turn down the fifth one,” Kiri says, her tone bordering on sarcastic. 
“Yeah? I don’t think I can get through another one,” you say, not wanting to relive the most awkward conversation of your life. 
“Are you just gonna give the next one a pity ‘yes’ then?” Kiri asks. 
“No, maybe, i don’t know,” you answer, turning over to hide your face in your arms, your tail flicking back and forth in frustration. 
“Watch it,” Kiri says, smacking your tail away from her after you accidentally hit her. 
“Sorry, I just don’t know what to do,” you groan, tucking your tail under your arms to hide with your face. 
“We’ll think of something, don’t worry,” Kiri says, softly stroking your back to comfort you. 
The two of you begin listing ideas, but none of them are any good. Eventually Kiri falls silent, you think she’s out of ideas but really she just fell asleep. Oblivious, you continue to rattle off ideas, each one worse than the last. 
“My best options are to avoid all of them forever or give the next one a pity ‘yes’ and hope that by putting on a cold, distant demeanor I can drive them away,” you say, sitting up quickly now that you’ve narrowed down your options. 
“Which would you pick?” You ask Kiri before looking and realizing she had been asleep the whole time. 
“Kiri! Wake up!” You shake her, trying to get her to wake up. 
“Ugh, why?” Kiri whines, sitting up to get you to stop moving her. 
With Kiri still half asleep and you too focused on getting her opinion, neither of you notice the three approaching the clearing. Spider and Lo’ak had been looking for the two of you for a while, knowing neither of you remembered the plans you all had made earlier. Neteyam joined the two when they asked him if he’d seen either of you, since he had seen you and Kiri run off into the forest earlier. 
“What are you two fighting about now?” Lo’ak asks once they enter the clearing the two of you sit in. 
“We’re not fighting,” you answer, quickly turning around to see the three that just arrived. 
“Y/n’s suitors,” Kiri answers at the same time as you, pushing you away as soon as your attention is diverted from her. 
“Like she has any,” Neteyam scoffs, the other two laughing as they all sit down with you and Kiri. 
“Actually, the problem is she has too many,” Kiri defends you as you begin to fume silently beside her at Neteyam’s words. 
“Ooh!” Lo’ak and Spider tease, seeing Neteyam’s angry face when Kiri corrects him. 
“Yeah, a lot of people actually like being around me, believe it or not,” you say, knowing the vexation is mutual between you and Neteyam.
“I can’t imagine why,” Neteyam quips, and somehow you remain seated despite desperately wanting to wring his neck.
“If you just treated all of them like you treat Neteyam you wouldn’t have this problem,” Kiri says, laughing at the two of you.  
“Or, her and Neteyam could fake it and solve both of their problems,” Lo’ak suggests, knowing Neteyam has been trying to dodge the subject every time he talks to their mom. 
“No way,” you immediately disagree.
“Absolutely not,” Neteyam says at the same time as you.
“Shut up, Lo’ak, this isn’t one of Sempul’s dumb bedtime stories,” Kiri scolds him, knowing exactly which story he got the idea from. 
“I think it could actually work,” Spider says, supporting Lo’ak’s suggestion. 
“Thanks, bro,” Lo’ak says, the two of them doing a weird hand thing. 
“Now that I think about it,” Kiri begins to say. 
“Please don’t,” you say. 
“Most, if not all, of the guys would back off if they hear Neteyam is courting you,” Kiri finishes despite your pleading.
“And Sa’nok would stop trying to set Neteyam up with all of the hotties,” Lo’ak says, earning a smack to the head from Neteyam. 
“I hate that it would actually work,” Neteyam says after a bit. 
“The Great Mother must hate me if this is my best option,” you say, unable to think of anything else. 
“Are you two gonna do it or not?” Spider asks impatiently. 
Everyone is quiet, waiting for you or Neteyam to respond. Silently, you and Neteyam communicate through your eyes, sizing each other up. Finally coming to a conclusion, you speak.
“I want a nice necklace,” you demand. 
“Bracelet,” Neteyam counters. 
Both of you quickly leave the clearing in opposite directions after coming to an agreement, leaving Kiri, Lo’ak, and Spider stunned. 
“I can’t believe they actually listened to me,” Lo’ak says, still in disbelief.
“There’s no way they’ll last long,” Spider says, knowing one of you most likely will blow up on the other and ruin the plan. 
“Why would they listen to me?” Lo’ak asks no one. 
“Guys!” Kiri interrupts the two as they begin to spiral. “They’ll be fine. They’re both good actors. What we should be worried about is if it works too well,” Kiri says, confusing the two in front of her. 
“What do you mean?” 
“How could it work ‘too well’?” They ask at the same time. 
“I think they’ll actually fall for each other,” Kiri says confidently, Lo’ak and Spider laughing at her words. 
“There’s no way!” Lo’ak begins to say, cut off from his own laughing. 
“No fucking way!” Spider adds. 
“They will kill each other before they fall for each other!” Lo’ak finishes. 
“Wanna bet?” Kiri wagers. 
“What are we betting?” Lo’ak asks, interested now. 
“I want in!” Spider says. 
“I say Neteyam falls for y/n first. If I win I want you two to do my chores for two weeks,” Kiri answers. 
“I say they blow it. Make it a month,” Lo’ak says. 
“I say y/n falls first, and if I win you guys have to stop your mom from trying to kill me next time something bad happens,” Spiders says. 
“Oh, Spider,” Kiri says, pitying the boy. 
“Sa’nok won’t even give us a chance,” Lo’ak says, his words not making the boy feel any better. 
Thankfully, it doesn’t take long for Neteyam to make your necklace. He only has to have one conversation with his mother about someone’s daughter before he tells her he has already chosen. Neytiri is ecstatic, offering him all kinds of materials to make your gift and guessing who before leaving him alone when he gets annoyed. 
Somehow you manage to avoid the handful of would-be rejects, barely ever going out alone so that you have a buffer. It’s why you spend most of your time with Kiri and Tuk, knowing no one will want to come up to you while you are with the Olo’eyktan’s daughters. Not like you don’t spend most of your time with them anyway. 
It’s not unusual to find you with Kiri and Tuk in the Tsahìk’s healing tent. With the ongoing war against the RDA, Mo’at didn’t mind an extra helper. The three of you were preparing various ingredients for Mo’at, knowing that once the injured begin to trickle in they would have to work quickly. 
Mo’at is able to handle the first few that wander in, but once Neteyam arrives almost everyone is busy. Except you, sending off the warrior you just finished treating. He walks over to you quickly, knowing the sooner he gets it over with, the better. 
“I made this for you,” he says, voice gruff from overuse during the raid. 
“Huh?” You turn around, confused and caught off-guard. 
“I made this for you. Do you accept?” Neteyam asks, holding the necklace out to you.
“You’re bleeding,” you say, noticing the blood slowly trickling down his arm, barely avoiding staining the necklace in his hand. 
“Shit,” he says, not having realized when he fell that he fucked up his arm that badly. 
“Sit,” you instruct, grabbing a few things for his wound. 
“Your necklace—” he begins to say, trying to offer it to you again when you grab his arm to begin tending to the injury.
“Can wait. Besides, you can’t exactly tie it for me when your arm is like this,” you interrupt, working quickly. 
“Right,” he says, moving it to his other hand awkwardly while you work. 
“Okay, all done,” you say after a bit, tying off the wrap for his arm. 
“Will you take the necklace now?” He asks. 
“Yes,” you answer, turning around and moving your hair so that he can tie it for you. 
“Is it too tight?” He asks before he ties the first knot. 
“It’s fine,” you answer, feeling the delicate beading of the accessory around your neck. 
“It looks good,” he says when you turn around, admiring his work. 
“Thank you,” you say, and he only nods before leaving the tent. 
There’s not much time for you to dwell on the interaction, other warriors needing your attention. You get back to work, and soon enough all of the warriors have been seen. Cleaning up isn’t fun, but it has to be done. It’s not so bad, all of you making small talk about the warriors that just came through. 
“Y/n, were you wearing that necklace earlier?” Tuk asks, helping you clean one of the mats. 
“No, actually,” you answer, your face getting hot as you recall your prior interaction with Neteyam. 
“Who gave it to you?” Kiri goads, knowing the answer already.
“Neteyam,” you say, hesitating a bit. 
“AHHH!” Tuk shrieks excitedly, practically tackling you when she hears your answer. 
“Tuk! Get off of her!” Kiri scolds her younger sister, and Tuk quickly lets go of you. 
“Oh, Eywa, I thought I was about to join you,” you groan dramatically as you sit upright. 
“Sorry! I’m just so happy for you and Neteyam!” Tuk apologizes to you. 
“It’s fine, but we’re just courting,” you tell her, knowing it won’t lead to lifelong mates like she believes. 
“Who are you courting?” Mo’at asks, entering the tent after taking one of the warriors back to their own tent. 
“Neteyam,” you answer, a bit nervous for her reaction.
“And what did he say?” Mo’at asks, moving around the tent to organize her supplies. 
“He asked me,” you say, not sure if you should be offended at this point or not. 
“And you said yes?” Mo’at asks, and Kiri can’t hold in her laugh. 
“Sorry, grandmother,” Kiri says when Mo’at looks at her, confused. 
“Why is Tuk the only one happy for me?” You ask, trying to be convincing. 
“Because she is too young to realize you can do better,” Kiri teases. 
“But he’ll be the next Olo’eyktan after Sempul. No one’s better than that,” Tuk defends her oldest brother. 
“I don’t care about that,” you say, not wanting to come off as shallow. 
“Not everything is about status, Tuk,” Mo’at begins to say. “But it is a surprising match.”
It doesn’t take long for the news to travel through the village, but Jake and Neytiri still haven’t heard when they return for dinner. As the kids begin to trickle in, their excitement has already died down. Except Tuk, who is upset that you won’t be attending dinner. 
“Neteyam! Go ask y/n to eat dinner with us!” Tuk demands, running up to her brother as soon as she enters the tent. 
“Why?” Neteyam asks, having blocked out his earlier interaction with you. 
“Because you’re courting her,” Tuk answers, as if that meant he had to invite you to dinner. 
“Kiri’s y/n?” Neytiri asks as soon as Tuk is done talking. 
“Why is she mine?” Kiri asks, no one acknowledging her question. 
“Yes,” Neteyam answers Neytiri’s question, ignoring Kiri. 
“Hm,” is all she says, going back to cooking. 
“What do you mean by that?” Neteyam asks, having thought his mom would be more excited for him. 
“Didn’t the two of you used to use each other as target practice?” Jake asks, knowing that the two of you have never really seen eye to eye with each other over the years. 
“Yes, but—” Neteyam says, about to defend you.
“I just thought you would choose someone else, but if the two of you are happy,” Neytiri trails off, shrugging her shoulders. 
“We’re very happy,” Neteyam answers, lying through his teeth. 
“Is the food almost done?” Lo’ak asks, laid on his side dramatically.
After word got out about you and Neteyam’s courtship the trail of suitors finally disappeared. No longer did you have to constantly look over your shoulder to make sure there wasn’t anyone with a gift trying to catch you alone. Instead you were followed by stares and whispers, the clan gossiping about the new couple. 
Even when you’re with Kiri and Tuk it doesn’t stop, and you’re starting to think maybe it wasn’t such a great idea. Your only reprieve is when Mo’at sends you and Kiri into the forest to gather ingredients. As Kiri leads you into the forest, she tells you about the best reactions to the news, apparently ‘Eäli and Käie took it the hardest, both of them actually crying.
“Ugh, if only they knew how insufferable he actually is,” you say, disgusted by Neteyam’s little fan club.
“He says the same about you,” Kiri teases, knowing neither of you actually mean it. “So what are you gonna make for him?”
“Um, an armband probably,” you say after thinking about it for a bit. 
“Hm, I guess that’s fine,” Kiri hums. 
“What do you mean by that?” You ask, a bit defensive about your idea. 
“It’s just, the necklace he made for you is really pretty. Are you sure an armband will be a proper gift?” She asks, and you realize she’s just messing with you now. 
“Oh, shut up,” you say, ignoring her as she laughs.
Despite Kiri’s teasing, you make a nice enough armband for Neteyam. The leather is carefully braided and shaped, you even managed to match the color of the leather to the cord of your necklace. It’s a small detail that will make everything more believable, at least that’s what you tell yourself when you’re rifling through the abundance of leather strips your family keeps.
Even after you’ve finished the present, you’re hesitant to give it to Neteyam. There’s never a right time, and finally you decide it’s easier to just get it over with. So, instead of heading to Mo’at’s tent to help with Kiri and Tuk, you run to see off the warriors. 
It’s only a scouting mission, nothing too dangerous, so your lack of presence shouldn’t be detrimental in preparations for the Tsahìk. You wait nervously as Olo’eyktan gives the final orders before they depart, following Neteyam quickly as he calls for his ikran. You make it just as he mounts his ikran, managing to stop him before he leaves. 
“Neteyam!” You call his name, getting his attention. “I made this for you,” you say, holding the armband you made for him out so that he can grab it. 
“Thank you,” he says, a shocked expression on his face as he accepts your gift. 
“Safe flying,” you say, nodding your head as you leave to go to Mo’at’s healing tent to meet up with Kiri and Tuk. 
Neteyam quickly puts the armband on, and he can’t help but think of you as he takes off. He hadn’t asked for an armband, and he knows you’re only doing it to keep up the act. But he can’t help the way his stomach flutters as the armband perfectly hugs his bicep, and he realizes you had actually noticed that he lost his previous armband during that raid. When you patched him up and he gave you your necklace. 
It’s another day that Kiri drags you out into the forest to do something that totally could’ve been done at home, but when you remember the stares and whispers everytime you’re in one place for too long in the village, you can’t complain. It’s not a long walk to wherever Kiri is taking you, but you worry the two of you might not be able to make it back in time before eclipse since she plans on doing your hair. 
“Here, it’s perfect,” Kiri decides, sitting down on the grassy bank of one of the streams that flow through the forest. 
“Are you sure you can finish before eclipse?” You ask, sitting in front of her hesitantly. 
“Yes, now get closer. I need to be able to touch your hair to do it,” she says, and you quickly scoot back so she can start. 
Kiri works fast, which is impressive considering she’s also keeping up with the conversation between the two of you. At least, until Spider and Lo’ak show up. The terror twins really aren’t so bad, but you still don’t like them seeing you like this. 
“Damn, that looks painful,” Spider remarks as he sits in front of you and Kiri. 
“It is, Kiri did my hair last time and I swear my scalp was numb for a week,” Lo’ak says, over exaggerating his sister’s sadistic tendency when it comes to doing hair. 
“Next time it’ll be a month if you complain again, ungrateful brat,” Kiri says, accidentally pulling your hair a bit too rough as she continues to braid. 
“Ow! Don’t take it out on me,” you say, hissing in pain. 
“Sorry, I’m almost done,” Kiri apologizes quickly. 
“Better hurry, it’s almost eclipse, and if you’re not home in time sempul will ground you,” Lo’ak goads Kiri. 
“You’ll be grounded too since you’re gonna be just as late as I will,” Kiri reminds him. 
“Oh, shit! Let’s go, cuz,” Lo’ak says, jumping to his feet and pulling Spider with him. 
“Okay, I’m done. Everything feel okay?” Kiri asks, massaging your scalp a bit before you both leave after Lo’ak and Spider. 
“Yeah, I’m good. Thank you, Kiri,” you say, and you both quickly get up to head back, but before you can get far Neteyam comes from where Lo’ak and Spider just left. 
“Good, I found you two. Come on, I already sent Lo’ak and Spider back, let’s go,” Neteyam says, grabbing you to make you walk in front of him. 
“Don’t touch me,” you grumble, pulling your arm away from him as you catch up to Kiri in front of you. 
“Aw, lover’s quarrel?” Kiri teases, laughing when both of you huff in annoyance. 
“Shut up,” you groan, tail flicking in frustration, almost hitting Neteyam as he follows closely behind you. 
“Watch it,” he warns you, but you just roll your eyes. 
“Wow, you guys are so unconvincing. Come on, we’re rooting for you, show us some love,” Kiri says. 
“The rest of the village seems convinced,” Neteyam defends the two of you. 
“Yeah, for now. But you need to do more than just give each other courting gifts,” Kiri goes on.
“I don’t like where you’re going with this,” you say, knowing Kiri’s about to make an absolutely vile suggestion. 
“You two need to go on some dates,” she finally says. 
“Ew.” You and Neteyam say simultaneously.
“The Hunt Festival is coming up and people are going to think it’s weird if you’re not acting like a couple!” Kiri says, and she has a good point. 
“Eywa help me, I completely forgot about that,” you say, realizing you and Neteyam would be expected to spend the celebration together. 
“We have time, it will be fine,” Neteyam says, knowing the Hunt Festival isn’t as soon as Kiri is making it out to be. 
“Just don’t put it off for too long,” Kiri says, and neither of you say anything after that, having reached the edge of the village. 
You and Neteyam both know Kiri is right. If the two of you don’t start acting like more of a couple, the whole facade is ruined. So, the two of you start making your appearances. Making sure you’re seen together and hoping no one hears what the two of you are actually saying to each other with hushed voices. 
“This better not take long,” you mutter, grip tightening around Neteyam’s hand as he leads you into the forest quickly, both of you feeling the stares from the village as you leave. 
“It would go faster if you weren’t so slow,” he replies, letting go of your hand as soon as both of you are deep enough in the forest to no longer be seen. 
The walk through the forest didn’t take long, but with all the bickering it felt like hours. 
“You disgust me,” you say, your words the opposite of the happy smile on your face as you laugh and wipe the food off of Neteyam’s face as the two of you eat together. 
“I’m not a child,” he says, his tone petulant as he pushes your hand away. 
“You eat like one,” you shoot back, your smile turning sly at your own wit. 
Neteyam doesn’t respond verbally, only throwing some of his food at you in response. Playfully, you catch it in your mouth, smirking now as you chew it. Neteyam laughs it off, knowing there’s people watching. 
“Not that impressive,” he says, underestimating your skill. 
“Oh yeah? You try then,” you goad him, hoping this will end with food on his face. 
“Go ahead,” Neteyam says, gesturing for you to throw the food. 
You actually try aiming it so that he can catch the food, but he fails miserably. Just as you hoped, Neteyam gets food all over his face, and you can’t help but laugh. For some reason, Neteyam doesn’t feel as angry. The sound of your laughter is infectious, and he laughs with you as he wipes the food off his face. 
When you and Neteyam go flying, you’re not fighting for once. Instead of the usual harsh digs you exchange lighthearted jabs, and you fall into a comfortable banter as the two of you try one-upping each other with tricks. You’re a show off and Neteyam is competitive, which leads to more than a few dangerous stunts. 
At one point Neteyam loses you after a sharp turn, completely oblivious as you fly high above him on your ikran. Just as you practiced, you dive off of your ikran, knowing she’ll catch you just before you hit the treetops. You smile and wave as you fall through the air right in front of Neteyam and his ikran, laughing when you see his expression of horror as you freefall in front of him. 
You can’t hear Neteyam’s yelling over the sound of your call for your ikran. But you can guess what he’s saying without much effort. Your ikran flies under you, allowing you to fall onto her back before you can fall into the trees, and it doesn’t take long for Neteyam to fly to your side.
“Shit, y/n! That was insane!” He yells, eyes wide and a stunned smile on his face. 
“I know!” You yell back, both of you laughing as you head back to High Camp.
Between your usual responsibilities, preparation duties, and making an outfit suitable for the Hunt Festival, you don’t have much time for Neteyam. The hunters of the clan provide plenty of meat for the celebration, there’s barrels of swoa made, and fruits and vegetables are gathered for the feast as well.
Surprisingly, you actually miss him, having gotten used to being around him the past few weeks. Neteyam misses you too, thinking of you as he hunts with the other hunters, providing the talioang meat for the feast. Even when he assures himself that he will see you that night at the festival, he still can’t focus, but still manages to make his shot. 
Finally finished helping set up, you and Kiri are dismissed to get ready. You change quickly, knowing Kiri and Tuk would be coming to your tent as soon as they changed to get ready with you. Your mother helped you make your outfit, the delicate beading of your top matching the necklace Neteyam gave you.
The Sully girls compliment your outfit as soon as they arrive, ooh-ing and ahh-ing when they see you. Tuk runs to get you flowers for your hair that will match your outfit, coming back with several different vibrant choices. You let her choose which one goes best, and Kiri carefully attaches it to your hair.
“Do you want a flower in your hair as well, Tuk?” You ask her, catching her staring at the flowers still on the floor in front of you. 
“Yes!” She answers eagerly, sitting down in front of you. 
You carefully secure the flower in her hair, and Kiri moves around you to see your work. 
“You look so pretty, Tuk!” Kiri compliments her younger sister. 
“Thank you Kiri! Thank you y/n!” Tuk says, jumping up quickly to run ahead of the two of you to the feast. 
“Of course, Tuk!”
“We’ll see you at the festival!” You and Kiri call out to her as she runs away.
“Are you sure you and Neteyam are ready for this?” Kiri asks as the two of you head towards the festival. 
“Yeah,” you say after a moment. 
“Why so hesitant?” Kiri asks, and you’re not sure how to respond. 
“I don’t know,” you lie, not wanting to admit to Kiri what you’ve been feeling since spending more time with Neteyam. 
“Sure, well, good luck tonight,” she says as the two of you arrive at the festival, leaving you to join her family. 
As soon as Neteyam sees you arrive with Kiri, his attention immediately switches to you, tuning out whatever Lo’ak is saying to him. He’s so distracted by you, his face warming when he notices that your top matches the necklace he made for you, he doesn’t even notice Kiri joining him and Lo’ak.
“I guess Tuk already went with Sa’nok and Sempul,” Kiri says, breaking Neteyam out of his trance. 
“Yeah, she dragged them to get food immediately,” Lo’ak answers, not noticing Neteyam’s odd behavior. 
“Ugh, I should’ve just stayed with y/n then,” Kiri sighs, hoping to get a reaction from Neteyam. 
“I’m going to find her,” Neteyam says, taking his leave rather quickly. 
“You’re so going to be my bitch for a month,” Kiri says to Lo’ak as soon as Neteyam is out of earshot. 
“No way,” Lo’ak says, completely oblivious to the change between you and Neteyam.
It doesn’t take long for Neteyam to find you since he never lost sight of you in the first place. He made his way through the groups of people quickly to follow you as you headed to where the food was. Finally he caught up to you when you were stopped by Tuk.
“Y/n, the food is so good you have to try some!” Tuk greets you enthusiastically.
“Really? Which ones were your favorites?” You ask her, not realizing Neteyam had come up to you until you felt his hand on your lower back. 
“The yerik was pretty good, but the talioang was much better,” Tuk answers thoughtfully. 
“Oh yeah? I caught the talioang,” Neteyam tells Tuk, proud that his contribution was her favorite. 
“Wow!” You and Tuk say at the same time. 
“I’ll definitely have to try some then,” you say, smiling between him and Tuk. 
“Oh, I see Kiri! I’ll see you later!” Tuk says to the two of you before running off to her sister. 
“Do you want to eat?” Neteyam asks as Tuk runs off. 
“Yes, I’m excited to try the talioang,” you say, your tail flicking side to side as Neteyam leads the two of you towards the food, his hand still on your lower back. 
“I only caught it, I didn’t cook it,” Neteyam says, his face warming in embarrassment. 
“Whoever cooked it wouldn’t have been able to cook it if you hadn’t caught it,” you say, both of you grabbing a food wrap that contains talioang.
The two of you find somewhere to sit and eat, the other Sully children joining soon after. Kiri and Lo’ak have their own food wraps, neither of them choosing talioang despite Tuk’s recommendation. Kiri lets you try some of the teylu she chose, and Lo’ak reluctantly lets Neteyam try his yerik. 
The five of you are loud, Neteyam and Lo’ak sharing how their hunts went, Kiri complains about Spider not being able to join in the festivities, and Tuk tells all of you about her lessons. It isn’t until the musicians begin to play that people quiet down, or rather the music is loud enough to drown out the noise. When you look over to Neteyam, he’s already looking at you, and the two of you quickly get up to join the others who’ve already started dancing.
Even though you’re surrounded by others, it feels as if it’s just you and Neteyam. You don’t even register the people that you bump into, only focused on Neteyam’s touch. The air is getting hot and the two of you burn together. 
Kiri and Lo’ak are still sitting, watching the two of you since Tuk ran off to find their parents. Kiri has a knowing smile on her face, the attraction between you and Neteyam becoming more and more obvious. Lo’ak is in disbelief, beginning to realize that the two of you might not have been acting this whole time. 
“There’s no way, they have to still be faking it!” Lo’ak says loudly to Kiri so that she can hear him over the music, unaware of Tuk coming up behind them. 
“Faking it?” Tuk repeats Lo’ak’s words, connecting the dots when she sees you and Neteyam in their eye line. 
“Shit! Tuk, you weren’t supposed to hear that!” Lo’ak says, panicked.
“Dumbass!” Kiri says, slapping Lo’ak upside the head lightly. “Tuk, wait!” She says when Tuk begins to run off. 
Kiri and Lo’ak scramble to follow Tuk, falling behind when she manages to squeeze between people easily. They finally find her crying in their mother’s arms, barely able to make out something about everything being fake between her sobs. Jake clocks Kiri and Lo’ak’s guilty expressions, bringing them over before they can take off. 
“Why is your sister crying?” Jake asks, Tuk still in Neytiri’s lap. 
“Why do you think she’s crying?” Kiri asks, not sure what her parents already know.
“They’re faking it!” Tuk manages to say between her cries. 
“Who is faking what?” Neytiri asks Tuk, still trying to calm her down. 
“Y/n and Neteyam,” Tuk says, her voice muffled by her mother’s shoulder. 
“No, they’re not!” Kiri says, trying to cover for the two of you. 
“Yes, they are!” Lo’ak contradicts, refusing to lose this bet. 
“Lo’ak!” Kiri hisses, her brother’s idiocy ruining everything. 
“Stop! Explain,” Jake interrupts them, tired of their fighting. 
For a moment both Kiri and Lo’ak are silent, and Tuk’s finally calmed down from crying, only sniffling now and then. Kiri is the first to start talking, explaining why the two of you started courting, leaving out the bet between her, Lo’ak, and Spider. She tries telling her parents that the two of you aren’t faking it anymore, that the two of you genuinely have feelings for each other now, but they won’t listen. 
You and Neteyam hadn’t realized people were talking about the two of you, your attention centered on each other. It isn’t until the crowd parts to let Jake through to you and Neteyam that either of you realize something is going on. Jake leads Neteyam away from the festival, passing Kiri and Lo’ak at the edge of the crowd, and you quickly make your way towards them. 
“What’s going on?” You ask, concerned by the sudden interruption. 
“They know,” Kiri says, leading you away from the crowd in a different direction. 
“They know?” You ask, still confused. 
“They know you and Neteyam were faking,” she answers, and you immediately deflate, asi if all of your breath was stolen. 
“Oh,” is all you say, following her numbly into the forest. 
You’re not sure when or how you got separated from Kiri, but you continue walking through the forest nonetheless. You don’t want to return to the festival and subject yourself to stares and whispers, and if you go home your parents will scold you, so you keep walking. Eventually you reach one of the streams that runs through the forest, and walk alongside it until you see a familiar figure sprawled out on the grass up ahead of you. 
Neteyam wasn’t expecting the conversation with his father to be about you. He did expect his father to be upset and disappointed when he found out, but he didn’t expect himself to be so defensive of you. Instead of listening to his father’s lecture, Neteyam left for the forest, laying down when he reached the grassy bank of a small stream. 
Away from his father and the clan, Neteyam tries to let his frustrations go. Just because he sees you now, and you make him feel seen, doesn’t mean you feel the same way he does. Staring up at the sky, trying not to think about what today means for you and Neteyam, he zones out. Too focused, or unfocused, Neteyam doesn’t realize he’s no longer alone until your upside down face blocks his view of the sky. 
“What are you doing out here?” You ask, laying down in the opposite direction next to him, your eye line meeting Neteyam’s jawline.
“Just wanted to get away,” Neteyam answers, turning to face you. 
“Everyone knows,” you say, staring into his eyes, trying to read his emotions.
“Everyone knows,” he repeats your words, staring at you blankly.
Neither of you say anything after that, but you can hear his tail thudding against the ground above you. You move your hand to his face, softly caressing his skin. Neteyam closes his eyes, indulging in your touch. His tail moves faster, the thuds getting louder. Quickly you sit up, about to put his head in your lap, but he sits up too. 
“Sorry,” he says, looking down instead of looking at you.
“Don’t apologize, it’s okay,” you say, moving closer and resting your hands on his shoulders, dropping your head to meet his gaze. 
Neteyam doesn’t respond, instead pulling you into a hug. With his face buried in your neck, you can’t see the tears forming in his eyes. You try holding him up, but end up falling on your back when he puts all of his weight on you. The rhythm of your heartbeat soothes Neteyam, enough for him to finally confess his feelings. 
“I think I’m falling in love with you,” Neteyam says, not moving from where he lays on top of you. 
“I think I’m falling in love with you too,” you say, voice soft as you begin to fall asleep, your breathing syncing with Neteyam’s.
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Treat You Better
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TW: Cheating. Smut. Language. 
SUMMARY: You finally learn why it is Kiara treats you the way she does. 
Treat You Better
You didn't understand why, but it was clear that Kiara Carrera hated you. From the second you were introduced as JJ's girlfriend, her eyes narrowed in the kind of study that came from distrust and annoyance. Any interaction, no matter the context, was always endured with a roll of her eyes and a means to make you uncomfortable. It was enough to keep most of your times with JJ to a minimum on his side of the island. 
But tonight, the sole ally you had would leave you to question your reasoning for remaining. Your eyes fought their focus made on the ceiling as shapes began to manifest from your imagination. All because you were too stubborn to mend the argument against JJ. Some pointless but consistent rejection of support when it came to your lifestyle. 
Your eyes continued to dance until they fell too heavy to fight. Tears dampening your cheeks until you were awoken with the feeling of shuffling at your back. You ignored the attempts he made to slip behind you in the belief you were asleep. Your lips prepared to retort to whatever he would speak against you, but only silence left in place. Once again, you fell asleep. 
Only the next time you awoke it has been to a parting of your thighs and a slow vibration from your personal massager. Your hips rolled immediately as he increased the speed. 
"This doesn't mean I forgive you..." I turned to face him but he only moved closer to me. 
"I might if you make me come..." You teased, as he heightened it again. Making small circles with the head of the device as you moaned softly in response. Those soft winces climbed to gasps as your hand gripped to his wrist. 
Suddenly too dainty. Too soft. Your eyes shot open as you turned to find Kiara behind you. For a moment you were certain you were dreaming. It was the only thing that made sense. And yet, never before had you consciously thought of her in any way that made pleasure like this even a mindless curiosity. And yet, she was perfect at pulling your pleasure forward. 
JJ was skilled. But rough and arguably fast at times. Rushing to the next position or getting you naked. But Kiara was analytical to you. Every circular motion stored as a reason to why you shifted and a repeat offered as she tried something new. 
"I thought you hated me..." You confessed as her body now shifted so your legs intertwined. Smooth legs pinning yours down as you craved more.
"I wanted you...I wanted this..." She pulled herself closer to you. "I didn't know if you did...But...you sound like you're enjoying it." You nodded quickly. 
"I've wanted to touch you for so long..." She confessed. "I always hear you with JJ and I can't tell you how many times I've gotten myself off listening to you moaning..." 
"Kie..." You gasped, the thoughts making you drip down your own thighs. 
"But JJ..." You eyes rolled closed as she placed one perfect finger inside of you, knowing exactly where to rub that had your thighs trembling. 
"Do you want me to stop?" She whined. "I really wanted to make you come," She made the vibrator sing between your lower lips. "But if you don't want me to..." You clutched onto her wrist. 
"I'm gonna! I'm gonna come!" She nodded, her hand slipping beneath your shirt and slowly the sleep of the vibrator. 
"Not yet..." You winced as a second finger slowly pumped within. Your eyes opened as she sucked her fingers clean. 
"You're even sweeter than I thought..." Your mouth hung open as you heard steps outside the bedroom door. Her lips suddenly over yours as her fingers returned to you. She gave a cotton candy kiss. Soft but sweet, making your head spin as you rode into her hand. 
"Ahhh...Kie...." You moaned against her as she grinned. 
"Oh poor baby...you wanna come?" You nodded. 
"Well so do I..." She now straddled you, kneading your breasts as you were left throbbing between your legs, the vibrator now silent. 
"You're impatient..." You nodded again as she squeezed harder. She lowered herself over your nipples, sucking and running her tongue over you as you arched beneath her. 
"We can't..." To this, she pinned your hands above your head. 
"Then why are you moaning so desperately for me?"
"Because I want to..." She nodded. 
"Oh you're gonna feel so good...but first..." She removed her top, her breasts bouncing freely. 
"Touch me...I've wanted you to since we first met...I was so tempted to just finger you beneath a blanket or eat you out in that suit...fuck...that suit..." She massages herself between your legs as you squeezed her breasts. 
"Have you ever been with a girl?" 
"No-but I want to." You confessed as she nodded. 
"Then touch me like you would yourself..." She led your fingers between her legs. 
"Yes! Oh, yes..." She rolled over you, biting her bottom lip as her body moved perfectly for you. Never before had you wanted to please someone. She was so beautiful. 
"Oh my God...You're making me drip already..."
"I already took off your shorts...I couldn't help myself...but I wanna see just  how wet I made you...see if I can do something about that..." She ginned as you were quick to oblige as she pulled your legs apart softly. Soft traces of console making you bite your lip. 
"Oh baby...you poor thing..." She kissed your inner thigh. 
"You really do wanna come for me...but I wanna feel you..." She angled herself until her naked pussy came sfsiant yours. It took a moment to find a grove before the friction was decadent. Clit to clit as she led the pleasure. 
"Yes...oh yes..." She pulled your leg eider. 
"You feel so good...you're making me feel even better." Your mouth pulled open in disbelief. 
"You like it?"
"Oh my God..." Your eyes screwed shut. 
"Let me see that little clit..." She began to rub you as you reached for her. 
"That's okay...I just wanna make you feel good..." She kept your raised knee in place as you bucked against her. The sensations mirrored by her as she drove the charge. Her hand alternated between your breasts and your clit until you were calling out for her in tampered breaths. 
"I'm curious..." Your eye opened at the sight of the vibrator suddenly set at your clit. Not even a moment's notice before it was set to high. Your eyes pressed tight as you shook across from her, stars seen on the backs of your kids as she endorsed you further and further. 
"Yes...you're making me want to come..." 
"Please Kie-" You rasped. "Come..." You were breathless but devoted as she rode against you harder and set the vibrator in faster circles. A mutual combustion soaked the bed beneath you as the door came open in the nick of time. 
Yet through the darkness, JJ wasn't able to make out the fact his girlfriend and best friend had finally found common ground. You were even able to cover yourself and she was able to dress before his eyes adjusted to the scene. 
"You two finally find a way to get along?" You blushed as she lifted her finger to her lips before licking you off of her. 
"Shit, did you have a wet dream or something?" JJ asked as you blushed. Only hoping it would happen again.
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916
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its-jaytothemee · 3 months
Until I Met You - Chapter 25
Chapter 25: Rising Tension
Pairings: Halsin x Tav
Word count: 4,457
Rating: Currently M, will be Explicit in later chapters.
Read on AO3
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Summary: Tav and the others finally make their way to Moonrise Towers. Halsin remains in camp as he contemplates he and Tav's awkward encounter from the morning. Part 25 of the slow burn fic. Tav and Halsin POVs.
Tags: Slow burn, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, eventual love confessions, eventual smut, angst, implied past rape/non-con and abuse, graphic description of injuries, brief suicidal thoughts.
A/N: This chapter is a bit more setup to get us to some more juicy parts of the story :)
Tav wrapped one arm around her chest as she walked. She had made such a fool of herself this morning. The more she thought about it, the more it made sense though. Regardless of the companionship she felt between the two of them, the fact of the matter remained that she was carrying an illithid tadpole. She couldn’t exactly blame Halsin for not wanting to get too close to someone who could turn into a mind flayer at any moment.
“Hey, soldier.” Karlach jogged up to her side and looped her arm around Tav’s. “Why the long face?”
“Just a rough morning is all.” She gave a weak smile in return.
“Oh?” Karlach’s playful grin drove the dagger of shame further into Tav’s gut. “Have a little too much fun with a bear?”
Her teasing words caused tears to well up in her eyes. She cleared her throat to get rid of the lump forming there.
“Oh…” Karlach’s face fell. “Something happen?”
Tav sniffled before telling Karlach of her blunder with Halsin. She felt like a child, sniveling and crying over a crush who rejected her.
“Oh, come on!” Karlach took her arm back to throw her hands in the air. “He says looking at you is like gazing on the beauty of nature and then expects you to not kiss him?!”
“Maybe that’s just how he talks.” Tav took a shaky breath. “Or I’ve just completely lost my touch.”
“Doesn’t talk to me that way. And I mean the way he looks at you? It’s like you’re the last piece of cake on the table and he hasn’t eaten in a decade.”
“Regardless, I’ve made my feelings known on multiple occasions. And he’s done the same.” Tav shrugged, hoping to hide how much it hurt her to admit.
“Maybe he’s just shy. Give it a couple of days, you never know–”
Tav cut her off. “It’s okay, Karlach, really. Maybe it’s like you said before, maybe he just wants a friend.”
“Hmph.” Karlach glared over her shoulder in the direction of their camp but otherwise let the matter drop. The angry twitches in her tail caught Tav in the leg every few steps.
Their somber march to Moonrise was a difficult one for Tav. Bodies of fallen Dark Justiciars and Harpers littered the ground, piles of bone and rusted weapons adorned every corner. Every now and then, one of them would come back to life as a shadow cursed corpse, adding another layer of danger to their stroll.
So many caught in Shar’s dark clutches, so many lives wasted, and for what? What did she gain by choking the light and life out of this entire land? And what in the hells did Ketheric Thorm have to do with the Absolute? Did this mean that Shar was also involved with the cult?
Her mind raced and reeled with question after question. For each one answered, two more took its place, but as they approached the bridge to take them through Reithwin, a faded letter displayed on an old spear caught her eyes.
A formal letter from the leader of the council of High Harpers offering a surrender. They had feared that the fighting would escalate to a full-scale war, decimating the land and inhabitants of Reithwin. Beneath the plea, two words were scribbled on the paper in a harsh hand.
Tears stung her eyes again. Above all, the Harpers and the Emerald Enclave wanted to preserve life, to be a light in darkness, to prevent needless death in their own battles no matter how deeply they believed in the cause for which they fought. This short and hasty reply proved just how little Shar and her followers thought of those caught in that eternal war between light and dark.
This denial of surrender was the reason her squad had been called from Amn to join the Harpers at Moonrise.
“They…they surrendered?” Shadowheart stood behind her, reading over her shoulder.
“Yes,” Tav’s voice was cold, “and he slaughtered them anyway.” Shadowheart’s indifferent exterior wavered for just a moment before she hissed in pain and gripped the hand that carried her Shar-bound wound.
“Come on, best not to linger.” Tav swallowed the grief climbing its way up her throat.
As soon as they crossed the threshold of the tollhouse, she could feel the shadows become heavier, even with the pixie blessing keeping them at bay. The air took on more of a chill as dread clawed at her chest like a caged displacer beast. Her steps were slow and heavy the closer they drew to the entrance to Moonrise Towers. The lead that seemed to suddenly line her boots made it all the more difficult to slog forward through the darkness. Before she knew it, Tav found herself staring down the stone bridge to Moonrise.
Small bubbles of light hovered in the air, moonlanterns hung high above the bridge to protect the cultists from the shadows.
“Well, this certainly looks like the perfect place to hide a murderous cult run by mind flayers.” Gale stood next to her, gripping his staff with both hands.
“Moonrise is also our best chance at a cure for these tadpoles now that my kin hunt us.” Lae’zel reminded her.
“We’ll have to play along for now. We need to find out who’s leading this cult and see if we can find the tiefling prisoners.” Tav fought the urge to run back to the safety of Last Light.
She took a deep breath to steel herself before venturing into the cursed tower.
Halsin sat cross-legged in front of the fire, lost in meditation, hoping to hear Silvanus’s guiding voice. The pixie charm kept the worst of the shadow curse at bay, but the fire helped to keep him warm.
Just a short distance away, he could see the large dome of moonlight protecting Last Light Inn. They had opted to set up a camp just outside of the safe haven, not wanting to be a further burden to the already struggling inhabitants.
Behind him, he could hear Arabella bombarding Withers with constant questions. Their animal companions had curled up together by the fire, the unsettling darkness smothering their usual playful attitudes. Every now and then, Lunari would pop her head up to check the perimeter for Tav’s return before returning her head to the top of her paws.
He shook his head to push her from his mind for now. His shame for his behavior this morning threatened to distract him from his responsibilities, from his promise.
“Oak Father, please, hear me.” His voice was a reverent whisper. “I need your guidance. Show me the way forward.”
Among the darkness and chill of the shadows, a comforting feeling wrapped around Halsin like a soft, favored blanket.
You are already on the right path, my child. You know the way.
Halsin’s breath caught. He didn’t dare draw in another, worried that he had imagined the voice.
“Oak Father, is that you? Do my ears deceive me?”
You listen well, as you always have. Why do I feel your sorrow?
“I feel lost…distracted.”
And this brings you pain?
“Yes. I should have the wisdom to resist such disruptions and yet I find myself torn. Forgive me, I have let my mind stray from this sacred duty.”
There is nothing to forgive.
“But I…I have fallen from my path. The one I set out on so many years ago.”
You have not fallen from your path, you have forged a new one. My child, my Chosen. You know the way.
My Chosen. The words still brought tears to Halsin’s eyes. Yet another title he felt unworthy of receiving.
“What would you ask of me?”
I ask nothing more than you have already given.
“I don’t understand…”
I have given you all that you need. Find your balance. You know the way.
The warm embrace he felt under Silvanus’s voice faded away, leaving him once again cold in the shadows. Every god in the Pantheon was known to speak in riddles and rhymes, preferring their loyal followers to seek the meaning in their words themselves. The Oak Father was no different.
Find your balance. You know the way.
Did he though? Did he truly know the correct path to take? He had studied for years, given himself entirely to Silvanus and his teachings. He knew the ritual by heart, he said it each and every night. But he didn’t know where to find Thaniel yet. Refusing to let his frustrations get the better of him, Halsin took a deep breath and tried to meditate once more. He tried to draw on what little life surrounded him, desperate to find any trace of his old friend.
He wanted nothing more than to hear Thaniel’s voice, nothing more than to see the sun shining on these lands again.
So why was it when he closed his eyes, he only saw her face?
Tav took slow, careful steps as they approached the towers. The light of the moonlanterns here felt cold and detached compared to the warmth of the moon shield at Last Light. Wyll stopped suddenly in the middle of the bridge.
“Ah hells…” He spun in place, looking in all directions around them. “She’s coming.”
Not a moment later, Mizora popped into view. Wyll’s patron stood sneering at them, blocking their path into Moonrise.
“Hey? You guys smell that?” Karlach made a show of sticking her nose in the air and sniffing dramatically. “Smells like one nasty little shit.”
“Delicate as ever, Karlach.” Mizora’s flippant smile set Tav’s teeth on edge. “Now do be quiet so I can have a word with my pet.”
“What do you want, Mizora?” Wyll gave an exasperated sigh as he rolled his eyes.
“Drop the attitude pup and perk up your ears. I have a new mission for you.”
Wyll clenched his jaw but did as he was told. Karlach let out a soft growl behind her.
“The cult has gone and nabbed one of Zariel’s assets, a devil. A powerful one too. You need to break into their fortress and get them out.” Mizora flicked her wrist toward herself, pulling an invisible leash that yanked Wyll forward a few steps. The movement earned her a growl from Karlach.
“Powerful devil? How powerful could they be if they managed to get captured by the cult?” Tav jeered back at her, but Mizora just kept smiling.
“Wyll, pet, should we remind your friend of the terms of your pact? What happens should you refuse to obey or neglect your duty?”
Tav glared back at her. The first night she emerged into their camp from the hells below, she made it clear what would happen the next time he disobeyed. So Wyll could either help free this asset or become a blob of lifeless flesh clawing at the front lines of the Blood War.
However, amidst her arrogant jabs and recitals of the pact, a trace of desperation shone through her words. She could not afford for Wyll to fail, her fate was likely tied to his success. Whether that was due to Zariel or the cult, she couldn’t say. But Tav saw an opportunity.
“We’ll help Wyll rescue this asset, Mizora. On one condition.” Tav crossed her arms as she stared down the cambion before her.
“Oh? I’d love to hear what you plan on using to negotiate.” Mizora’s smug aura wavered.
Panic rose in her mind as her tadpole squirmed in recognition of Wyll’s.
“What are you doing?” His voice rang inside of her head.
“Trust me. I won’t let you get dragged down to Avernus.” He seemed satisfied with her answer as her tadpole stopped wiggling again.
“You break Wyll’s pact, and we’ll rescue this devil.” Tav kept her expression neutral, not wanting to give anything away.
“Hm…and why would I let my favorite pup off of his leash so readily?” She stuck her lip out in an exaggerated pout.
“We could always let this devil be infected. I’m sure they’d make a formidable thrall.” Tav hoped the anxious beating of her heart couldn’t be heard.
Mizora scoffed but took a second to consider the proposition as she looked between the group of ragged adventurers.
“Fine, I’ll play your game.” Tav released her held breath. “But I amend the pact once the job is done, not a moment before.”
Mizora cleared her throat and recited a new line of the pact, stating that Wyll would be released from his contract once they rescued this asset.
“There. Now…run along and fetch, pup. And do watch the shadows, they’ve been especially hungry.” With that, she whisked herself away.
I can’t believe that worked.
Tav stood in the chilly glow of the moonlantern lined bridge with her companions. Wyll stared at the spot where Mizora had stood.
“You okay, soldier?” Karlach nudged his shoulder.
“Yes, I think so.” His brow furrowed in thought before turning toward Tav. “Thank you…for sticking your neck out for me.”
“You’re welcome. Do you think she’ll keep her word?”
“Well, she did amend the pact. She’s as bound by it as I am. Yet even now, I can feel her scheming and plotting.”
“Listen Wyll, you know your happiness is my happiness.” Karlach placed a hand on his shoulder, her words caused Tav’s head to whip around to her. “But you also know as well as I do that when dealing with devils you always draw the short straw.”
“Oh, come on, Karlach, where’s that optimistic attitude that’s kept us company through this perilous expedition of ours?” Gale stepped up beside her. “One more mission and Wyll can have his freedom. As far as the breaking of warlock pacts go, I must say this is presumptively the most affable deal he’ll receive.”
“That’s what worries me.” Karlach looked at the ground. “It’s too easy.”
“Perhaps.” Wyll put a hand over hers resting on his shoulder. “But this could be my only chance. Regardless of her cunning, Mizora was obviously desperate, more so than I’ve ever seen her. That makes her prone to making mistakes, for now I shall hold out hope that this was a lapse in judgement on her part.”
Karlach seemed satisfied enough with his answer and let her hand drop, but Tav noticed how Wyll let his fingers brush over hers afterwards.
“Yes, very heartwarming, my friends. Now, I do believe we have a cult of murderous illithid to either topple or assume control over, so…” Astarion twirled a dagger in one of his hands as he leaned lazily against the stone walls of the bridge.
“Onward, then.”
For once, Tav was the one who could give Karlach a teasing grin as they continued their stroll towards Moonrise. It was hard to tell in the dark with her already dark red skin, but she could have sworn she saw her cheeks flush just a bit. Her playful nudges on Karlach’s arm were returned with a hip check that came close to knocking her to the ground.
Their lighthearted teases were interrupted when they reached the large iron doors that comprised the entrance to Moonrise. Absolute cultists patrolled all around the perimeter of the building. Ghouls stood poised and ready to attack any unwanted guests near the entrance.
“There is no doubt about it. The power I feel here is unlike anything we’ve encountered thus far.” The dream visitor glided into their minds. “This is where we will find the heart of the Absolute.”
“Stop there!” One of the cultists called out as they approached. He winced as their parasite wriggled in recognition of Tav’s
“Play along, get us as close as you can.”
“Ah, always a pleasure to meet another True Soul. What news from the field?” The guard perked back up after their tadpoles calmed.
“Uh, nothing much, rather quiet out here besides the shadows.”
“I’ll say. Even with these lanterns those ghastly screeches give me shivers.” He gave a light chuckle. “Say I don’t recognize you, are you a new recruit?”
Tav looked back to her traveling party, unease prevalent in all their expressions.
“Yep! We were escorted here by the drider, but he fell to the shadows. We had to run the rest of the way here without a moonlantern,” she lied.
“Well at least that explains why he hasn’t checked in. Go on inside, Disciple Z’rell and General Thorm will want to speak with you. You’ll find them in the audience chamber.” He nodded toward the entryway.
General Thorm.
“Play along, Tav. Do not let your personal grievances stop you from completing your mission.” Her dream visitor pleaded with her.
She pushed away the anguish trying to seize her chest.
“Very well, erm, in Her name?” Tav tried to play along as a devout follower, giving a small, two-fingered salute.
“Praise the Absolute!” The True Soul responded with enthusiasm, tapping the butt of his spear against the ground.
They were waved through the large double doors. Astarion came up and slapped her on the arm.
“In Her name?” He said back in a mocking voice.
“I’m sorry! I don’t know how to blend into a murderous cult, I figured random praise for this Absolute would do the trick.”
“I thought it was good!” Karlach called out behind her.
Tav stopped at the bottom of the stairs, taking in the spacious room around her. She had never seen the inside of the towers, only the outer walls from the field of battle. The grand entry was not unlike the one in her family’s estate. Granted, the décor left something to be desired, but one hundred years spent decaying amidst this shadow curse would do that to any building.
“We should take a look around before we seek out Z’rell and Ketheric. Find out exactly what we’re up against here.” Tav dropped her voice to a whisper to deter any eavesdropping. She wasn’t quite sure she could face Ketheric Thorm just yet.
Pulses of psionic energy seemed to thrum all around them with the alarming number of True Souls. Her thundering heartbeat pounded to the same rhythm as they began to explore.
Tav took note of the room’s layout, the beams overhead, the traders conversing in one corner of the room. Another scrying eye floated around the room, its eerie humming sending nervous shivers down her spine.
Gods I hope those aren’t all connected.
She pushed a door to her left open, revealing a dining hall and kitchen of sorts. A woman stood with a couple of gnolls around the fire. Was she…training them? They paid Tav and the others no mind as they strolled through the room.
A strange pillar of pink, sinewy webs seemed to be making its way up through the floors through a small staircase. Tav reached out to touch them but recoiled at their cold, plump texture.
What in the hells…
“I hear more voices in there.” Shadowheart started walking toward another door in the back of the room.
Tav happily followed, not wanting to think about what made those fleshy strands. In the next room, she found a drow woman huddled over a table that was littered with potion bottles and papers. The Elvish scrawl that covered the sheets was familiar in its appearance, but she still couldn’t quite understand the words as they were written.
Likely in a drow dialect.
The woman turned her head to the side and caught Tav peering over her shoulder.
“Another True Soul?” she remarked with an unsettling smile. “It is a pleasure to stand before you…” she trailed off to look behind her at Astarion, “and your pale companion.”
Tav and Astarion shared a quick glance.
“I’m Araj Oblodra, trader in blood and practitioner of the sanguineous arts. I’d love to offer my services, if you’re willing.” Araj’s voice was smooth and soft, but caused chilling bumps to rise up on Tav’s skin.
“What exactly does a trader in blood have to offer me? I’m afraid I’m rather full of the stuff.” she asked, unable to hide the curiosity creeping into her voice.
The drow gave a light laugh in response. “And I would be more than willing to alleviate some of that weight from your system. Put more plainly, I’d like a sample of your blood. Of a True Soul’s blood, specifically.”
“And what do I get out of this other than a nice cut on the finger?”
“With one drop of your blood, I can brew a rather potent potion for you while allowing myself to keep the rest for my research.”
Tav thought for a moment. What was one small vial of blood compared to a useful potion?
“Alright, I’m interested.”
“Very kind of you, True Soul. Just one little prick and it’ll all be over.”
Araj had Tav remove her glove so she could use a small pin to prick her finger. Her blood fell in heavy crimson drops into the small vial the drow held between her fingertips. Once she was satisfied with the amount collected, she turned to start tinkering with her ingredients to make the promised potion.
“Aw, what a waste of blood, Tav.” Astarion stuck his lip out in a fake pout as she pressed a small cloth to her finger to stop the bleeding.
“Well here, there’s still a bit left on my finger if you want it.” She shot a sweet smile back at him as she stuck her bloodied middle finger in the air at him.
“Ew, not off that dirty hand. Gods only know where it’s been.” He stuck his tongue out at her in disgust.
“Here we are.” Araj offered a small vial to Tav. “All of your very best traits in a bottle. Use it well.”
She stashed the vial in her pack with a polite nod. As they turned to walk away, the drow called out to them again.
“Perhaps there’s one more thing we could discuss.” Her eyes once again landed on Astarion. “Your companion. He’s a vampire? Or at least one of their spawn?”
Everyone exchanged uneasy looks as their hands landed on their respective weapons.
“Don’t worry, we’re all friends under the Absolute. I won’t bite.” Astarion gave her a wink to distract her from the hand moving to unsheathe a dagger.
"Oh, I'd prefer if you did."
"What?!" they all exclaimed at the same time.
“I assume he belongs to you?” Araj turned back to Tav.
“Excuse me?” She asked, her temper starting to rise.
“If not you, which of your group currently owns him?”
Her blood started to boil underneath her skin once more.
“No one owns him, he’s a person, not a pet or collectible.” Tav snipped back at her.
“How adorable that you both seem to believe that.” She ignored Tav’s outburst and turned to Astarion. “Do you have a name, spawn?”
The way she spat the word spawn caused Tav’s hands to twitch toward the sword at her belt once more. Seeing the anger on Astarion’s face nearly caused her to lunge at the drow.
“Astarion…but hold on–”
“Good. I’ve always dreamed of being bitten by a vampire since I was a young girl, Astarion. If you’d do me the honors, I’ll compensate you with a potion of legendary power that will forever increase the strength of the one who drinks it. I wasn’t going to offer it for sale, but it’s yours if you bite me.”
Tav started to grind her teeth as she watched Astarion’s reaction carefully. He gave an uncomfortable chuckle before responding.
“I will have to…decline.” He answered with a small wave of his hand.
“Excuse me?” Araj scoffed. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance and you’re squandering it.”
“I gave you my answer.” Astarion tried to keep his voice firm, but Tav caught the slightest waver in it as he scowled at the drow.
“Can’t you talk some sense into your obstinate charge?” Araj whipped around to snap at Tav.
In response she walked up between them to tower over the much shorter woman. She made a show of peeking her sword’s blade from its scabbard as she glared down at her.
“He. Said. No.” Tav lowered her voice to a hissing whisper. “There’s nothing more to discuss.”
Satisfied with the intimidated look on the drow’s face, she spun on her heels to storm from the room. The others followed close behind.
“Tav?” Astarion’s voice was small beside her. She paused her angry strides to turn and face him. “I…” His eyes had the smallest cluster of tears forming in the corners as he stumbled over his words.
“You don’t have to say anything,” she assured him with a smile. “It’s like I told you, you’ll always get the help you need from me.”
He smiled back at her, a smile that seemed more genuine than the ones she was used to seeing.
“Besides, I’m sure you’re not missing out on much by denying her. Anyone who acts like that must taste awful, right?” She tried to tease him to ease the tension.
“Actually, you’d be surprised, darling.” He let out his typical giggle as he looped an arm around hers. “Some of the most hateful foes I’ve bitten in our short time together tasted the best. Or perhaps I was just hungry.”
They all let out a small chorus of laughs as they walked back into the large entry chamber. Her eyes darted to the second set of iron doors that likely led to the audience chamber where Ketheric Thorm would be waiting for them.
“Where to next?” Karlach appeared at her other side, resting one arm on her shoulder.
Tav’s gaze remained fixed on the doors. Fear had a clawed grip in every muscle of her body.
“Tav?” Astarion nudged the arm still wrapped around his.
“I…” Her mouth had gone dry. She thought she could do this. She thought she could face the man responsible for so much of her torment, so much of her grief. Yet standing here in Moonrise, her strength faltered, and a few tears escaped to run down her cheeks.
“You’re not alone, Tav,” Karlach whispered. “We’ll be right here with you every step of the way.”
Slowly, the others walked up to gather around her as well. Even Shadowheart offered her a weak smile. She nodded back, her tears shifting to those of gratitude as her companions echoed Karlach’s assurance.
Tav took one more deep breath to help dry her eyes. “I think it’s time to meet General Ketheric Thorm.”
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writingaboutdreams · 2 years
His Gift Part 6
A/N = Look at that another part, with actual plot. With us finally seeing Death and getting Morpheus actually trying. Thanks to everyone who has been giving all the previous parts so much love, i really appreciate it. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter so yeah thanks.
Warnings = 18+, minors do not interact, swearing, dark!morpheus
Hands pressed against her skin, Morpheus can feel how fast her heart is beating. He can see the fear hiding behind the fury in her eyes. It makes his heart twist and ache. The joy he had felt when he realised she had felt the pull of the bond had been contorted into an hideous anger at her words.
Not just at her open rejection of their bond but her rejection of him. The way she spoke, loathing dripping off of every word. He felt the urge to kiss her, to silence her ugly words. To make her see his love for her. To make her crave his touch and beg for more. To show her their destiny. But he forced himself back. Knowing despite what he wanted it would only make things worse. He disappeared in a swirl of sand retreating into another part of the palace.
He found himself in his throne room. His eyes moved around the room as he slumped on the steps. The palace had been restored to what it was before. As if he had never left. But yet he couldn’t take any pride in it. Not when the one person who he wanted to enjoy it with could barely stand to look at him.
Who was she to deny him, to deny what they were meant to be . The darker part of his mind whispers. To reject his love, to reject the connection between them. He would make her see, force her to understand if he had to. It purred. What was a mortal against him, against an endless.
“Matthew said I would find you here,” Morpheus glanced over to the middle of the room. He saw his sister, standing with her hands in her pockets. “Enjoying your moping session are we?”
“ I am not moping ,” he mutters. Standing from the stairs to approach Death. “ What brings you here my sister .”
“Y/n,” her voice is soft and placating but he hardens his gaze.
“ I warn you sister you have no right to interfere, she is mine ,” the thought of his sister stepping between them, removing Y/n from the dreaming. It frees something dark within him.
“Wow, I wonder why she hasn’t fallen for your charm,” Death tilts her head before continuing, “I am not here to interfere Dream. I couldn’t even if I wanted to.”
He relaxes slightly at that, “ Then why have you come? ”
“I am here to help you little brother.” “ I have no need for your help ,” he growls.
“Really? Because, to me, it looks like you rushed into things again.”
“ I had no other choice. ”
“Oh cut the crap, just because you can’t handle your jealousy does not mean you had to,” Death says bluntly. “When will you learn to stop messing up the basic foundations of a relationship?” Morpheus remains silent, unable to argue with her observations.
Death sighs, hand reaching out and touching his shoulder. “You have been away a long time, dating customs have changed. People like to know the person before they go confessing their eternal love and devotion.”
“ She is my soulmate, we are bound to each other. Matched in every way- ”
“And that means absolutely nothing to her! She’s mortal, a couple days ago she was living a normal life. Now she’s learning that not only are they anthropomorphic representations of human concepts but one of them is in love with her for some reason.”
“ Not just some reason, she is- ”
“If you say soulmate one more time I will be forced to slap sense into you,” she takes in a deep breath, “I know it goes against every instinct in your endless body but you need to go slow. Start small, get to know her, let her know you, make her like you and then try to court her.”
Morpheus moves away from Death, his voice quiet “ I fear it is too late for that, she loathes the sight of me. ”
“Well threatening a woman isn’t exactly conducive to a good relationship.”
“ I am trying but when she rejects our bond it is like I cannot control myself ,” Morpheus sighs, “ Everytime i try I seem to only make things worse. ”
Death smiles sympathetically “You need to stop seeing it as rejection. She’s confused and scared, she doesn’t understand. You need to be gentle, show her your hidden softer side.”
“ I do not have- ”
“You absolutely do have one, don't try and deny it.” Morpheus huffs at that and Death smiles. They sit in silence for a couple minutes before Morpheus finds the courage to say what has been on his mind, “ What if she always hates me? ”
“You said it yourself, she’s your soulmate. It’s your destiny to be in love with each other.”
Y/n forces herself to stand up. She needs to leave this room, as much as she just wants to climb back into bed and pretend this all isn’t happening. Walking along the corridors she realises she’s completely lost. Fucks sake all she wants to do is sleep in her bed. She stops mid step as she realises she just called it her bed . Fuck she really needs to get out of here. Turning around a corner she sees several doors. Opening one at random she finds…her bedroom.
She steps inside suspiciously. Half expecting Morpheus to be lurking around a corner. Instead she finds it empty, well almost empty.
“Finally I was wondering when you would show up,” Matthew caws moving from the balcony to the dresser.
“Did Morpheus send you to spy on me.”
“What? No, I just thought I'd see how you were doing. Sheesh.”
She sighs, “Sorry it’s just, it’s been a rough morning.”
“It’s okay, I understand. I mean I woke up one day to find I'd died in my sleep and I’m now a raven serving the personification of dreams.”
“I don’t even know how to react to that.”
“A laugh maybe.”
“I don’t even know if I can laugh right now.”
“Things will get better, I know he seems like a jerk but he’s really nice if you give him a chance. Well maybe not really nice …”
Y/n wants to argue back. To say she doesn’t intend to be here long enough to give him a chance. But she doesn’t get to before there is a knock at her door. Clearing her throat she calls out, “Come in.”
The door opens to reveal Morpheus and Y/n shuffles awkwardly. “ Hello, may I speak with you? ” Cautiously Y/n nods and he moves further into the room.
“I’ll just give you two some space,” Matthew breaks the silence awkwardly before flying back out the balcony.
“Come to threaten me some more?”
Morpheus takes a small step towards her, she can’t help but observe how uncomfortable he looks. She uncrosses her arms. “ I came to apologise, ” the words sound foreign in his voice.
“ I am not apologising for comforting you last night. I will never allow you to be in that level of distress, ” she scoffs but he continues, “ The way i reacted this morning was wrong. I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or taken advantage of. I should have…understood why you reacted the way you did. My behaviour was abhorrent. I can only reassure you that I will try better in the future and ask for your forgiveness. ”
The anger that she had been holding on to slips away. Not completely but it becomes smaller. He stands with his arms by his side, as if he was wishing to be anywhere else. She swallows down the instinct to insult or shout at him. She needs to be smart now. If she ever wants any hope of getting out of here she has to learn more before she can make a plan. Her best chance of doing that is standing in front of her.
Taking a deep breath she speaks, “I also apologise for my reaction this morning, I was knocked off balance and I went on the defence. I’m not excusing what you did-”
“ I do not expect you to. ”
“But I wasn't blameless,” she sighs, taking the smallest step towards him. “I still think you were wrong for taking me but if i’m going to be here then at the very least we should be civil.”
He smiles at that, his eyes seem to lighten up. She feels a smudge of guilt before she pushes it down. She watches as he leans towards her slightly. As if he wants to wrap his arms around her but is fighting the urge. “ A truce? ” His voice is hopeful.
“A truce,” she holds out her hand before she can think better of it.
His hand is warm and his grip is firm. As soon as they make contact she remembers the feeling from last night. His strong hands wrapped around her. She remembers the strength as they held her up against the wall that night at the club. How smooth they felt and how her skin burned for more contact. She drops his hand but fights the urge to stand back.
She sees Morpheus is not unaffected. He’s breathing harder, his eyes are so dilated they remind her of a clear pitch black sky. His hand stays where it is for a few moments before it falls back to his side.
“ I would like to have dinner with you tonight, if you would be amenable? ”
She steels herself, “I think I could do that.”
He smiles again and it makes her heart ache. “ If you need anything from me before then you need only ask Y/n, ” it’s the first time he’s used her name instead of love or my heart. It’s almost worse. Hearing it in his smooth, rich voice. The way he says it is if it was something holy or precious.
He turns to leave and Y/n feels the urge to do more. Before she can think of a better idea she just blurts it out, “Jeans.”
He turns, eyebrow lifted and clearly confused, “ Jeans? ”
“It’s just you didn’t give me any. The dresses and skirts are lovely but I just wonder if I could get a few pairs.” “ Of course, ” he waves a hand and a pile of jeans appear on top of the dresser. There’s a range of different colours and styles.
“Thank you,” her voice is stilted but he nods. Once he leaves she lets out a breath. Somehow she feels more exhausted, which she didn’t know was possible. A part of her feels angry, as if she’s giving in. Letting him win. But she knows she has to be smart about this. She moves over to the dresser. Examining the different jeans and unintentionally allowing a small smile to creep on her face.
Walking out of her room is the hardest thing Morpheus has had to do. He almost couldn’t believe it. She had forgiven him, touched him voluntarily, and agreed to dinner. It was better than he hoped for.
He glimpsed down at his hand. His palm still tingled. The contact had been brief but the bond had been open. He had felt her emotions. There was hesitation in it but also a rush of lust that had been unexpected. And her voice as she asked him for such a simple request. As if she was afraid he would say no. Like he could deny her anything. He had wanted to take her in his arms, to destroy any doubt of his devotion to her. But he had restrained himself. Moving back to his room he made plans for dinner.
Taglist = @sidekickforlife @cynic-spirit @musemaniac42 @secretdreamlandmentality @supermegapauselouca @ultimatreality @one-loud-mind
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edmundhoward · 4 months
Odd question but was Dereham considered by anybody to have been legally married to Katherine? I've seen some commentators suggest that by the standards of the time the promises that Dereham said they exchanged could have constituted a legal marriage but I'm curious if that's actually accurate?
✨ terfs/zionists fuck off ✨
well, yeah, ostensibly a verbal agreement to marry, followed by sexual consummation, supported by ‘wifely’ acts such as managing goods/money, making his clothes, gift-giving etc. would all count towards a precontract being regarded as valid. all of which qualified katherine and dereham’s relationship to be considered one of marriage. the problem is precontracts lacked formal documentation or witnesses so they’re nebulous and assumed to preclude an official wedding at a later point. which katherine and dereham did not do. that’s why there’s such debate around precontracts.
in terms of the two most intimately involved, it seems like dereham did believe they were precontracted, but katherine steadfastly refused to acknowledge it. from russell: “as far as francis dereham was concerned, he and katherine were bound to one another. she, it seems, did not view the situation in quite the same way”. according to her confession:
“being examined by my lord of canterbury of contracts and communications of marriage between dereham and me: i shall here answer faithfully and truly, as i shall make answer at the last day of judgement; and by the promise that i made in baptism, and the sacrament that i received upon allhallows-day last past. […] that dereham hath many times moved unto me the question of matrimony; whereunto, as far as i remember, i never granted him more than before I have confessed.”
henry clearly believed it to be significant, as the investigation was instructed to omit mention of the pre-contract as it was feared to muddy the investigation. from wilkinson: “henry ordered chancellor audeley to assemble the councillors, lords and judges and ‘declare unto them the abominable demeanour of the queen’. however, there was to be one significant omission. audeley was to make no mention of dereham or the precontract, ‘which might serve for her defence’”. but if he believed it to be valid, he overruled it in order to execute her for treason: henry “rejected the existence of the precontract as a defence” (wilkinson).
as for others, it’s probably impossible to get a full sense of if people accepted the precontract because katherine (and agnes) worked to suppress knowledge of it, including bribing people who knew about it, and it seems to have been kept secret during the investigation. chapuys incorrectly reported that there was never any talk of marriage between katherine and dereham: “chapuys spoke of the ‘most intimate connection’ between katherine and dereham, during which ‘there had been no question nor talk of a marriage between them’” from wilkinson). on the contrary, katherine’s social circle from her days at lambeth testified that they called each other husband and wife. from russell: “they nicknamed each other ‘husband’ and ‘wife’, and he […] constantly brought up ‘the question of marriage’. when his friends teased francis about how he could not kiss katherine often enough, he bantered back by asking why he should not kiss his wife”. but if any of them believed katherine was married to dereham, and was committing bigamy by marrying henry — and was therefore not the true queen, they never acted upon those beliefs or said anything.
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itsasweater · 1 year
Looking back, it was very dumb of people to be outraged at the fact that Gina gave Ricky the big speech/confession at the end of S3 as opposed to Ricky. Like I thought the outrage was dumb at the time, but even more so now after re-watching all the seasons and seeing how the show ended. I do find it funny that most of the outrage came from people who didn't even want Ricky and Gina together anyways.
Here's 3 reasons why Gina making the speech made sense, especially if you actually understand her as a character.
Firstly, the simplest reason being she never does anything right the first time. She mentions this to Ricky during the flashback scene that was filmed during S1 but was shown in S2, how she never gets anything right the first time but she just keeps trying. The flashback sort of confession that she made to Ricky was a bit vague, she just says that she wouldn't quit on them if she wasn't moving away. Where as the confession at the end of S3 was more obvious and straight to the point. She essentially spells it out for him, how he was never the plan, he was a surprise and all the moments that they had which made her fall for him. This was her second chance at getting it right after not doing it right the first time.
The second reason why her making the speech made sense was because this time there was risk involved. When she made the first confession she did it knowing/thinking she was moving away so she would never have to see him again. She tells Ashlyn in S2 about what she did/said and that's when we see the flashback. She says that the plane was going down (she was leaving and not coming back) so she decided to do it because there was no risk involved, so she thought. Doing it this second time was different because she knew for sure she was staying, since her mom was coming back and she would have to see him everyday. This confession was full of risk because if he didn't feel the same she would have to see him everyday and be reminded of the rejection if he didn't feel the same about her.
Lastly, words don't mean as much to her anymore, at least they don't hold as much weight as actions do. This of course all ties back to her Mom and saying she is going to be at her performances but not actually showing up, or saying they are not moving but they do. Also what she experienced in S3 with EJ, him promising to do certain events and activities with her but not doing so. She is tired of people in her life telling her they will do certain things but they never actually do, she needs people to take action instead. Which is why when she makes this big confession to Ricky again, she says she will walk out with her head held high and never bring this up again, unless he stops her. She finally gets her answer and his actions mean more than any words would at that point when he stops her and kisses her. Remember, she likes to know where she stands with people.
Also, S3 saw Ricky actual realize he did/does have feelings for Gina but he thought his chance was gone, he didn't know if she still felt that way for him anymore.
Anyways, after she made that big confession at the end of S3, it was obvious that Ricky would be the one to say I Love You first (media literacy). I mean, we already knew that a 4th season was coming.
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shallyne · 1 year
SJM Crackshipmonth: Roommates
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Only You
Manon and Elide for @sjmcrackshipmonth day five, enjoy
Words: 696
TW: none
Manon has enough of Elide's wallowing after she dumped her boyfriend and confronts her roommate.
The rain splattered on the window in a comforting rhythm as Elide watched Runaway Bride for the fifth time since she had broken up with her boyfriend. She had barricaded herself in her own room since then, only coming out when absolutely necessary and if she could avoid her roommate, Manon. But it seemed like she avoided her one too many times as Manon stormed into her room, the door hitting the wall with a loud bang.
"Knock!" Elide chided. "I could have been dressing myself!"
Manon only let out a snort at that, crossing her arms. "Dressing yourself would mean you would get your ass up and do something. It wasn't much of a gamble that you would not."
Elide looked at Manon. At her white hair, the tank top she wore only when she was about to hit the gym and the golden eyes that were fixed on Elide, who looked back at the TV and slumped farther into her pillows. "Leave."
That only seemed to make Manon more sure of staying. "You're pathetic! Look at you! That stain on your shirt is three days old."
"It's two days old!" Elide replied. "What do you care?"
She ignored Elide's question. "You're doing this," she waved her hand at Elide, "Because of a man?" She almost laughed at Manon's disgusted expression. "He was a dick anyways, you should be glad that he dumped you."
"Why do you assume that he dumped me?" Elide asked, trying to not be offended by that assumption.
Manon blinked in surprise, "You broke up?"
She threw her arms up in exasperation, "That's even better! Why are you so sad then?" she asked. "Why did you even break up in the first place? Everytime I saw you with him you were insanely in love."
Elide looked away from Manon, quietly admitting, "Because I love someone else."
"Oh." Manon said. "It still doesn't make sense why you're brooding in here. You got rid of him, you're free to do whatever you want. Confess your love like they do in these corny romances you always watch." she pointed to the window. "It's even raining, that's your cue."
Elide smiled but shook her head, a strand of Black hair falling out of her ponytail. "I don't think they would reciprocate my feelings."
Manon raised a brow and walked over to the bed, "How would you know?" she asked, plopping down beside Elide. "Do they have a partner?"
"No." Elide answered.
She sighed. "Listen, I'm not the best person to give you advice, I know that, but…" Manon took a deep breath, as if it was hard to even finish her sentence. "Go for it. What's the worst that can happen? They reject you, you're crying for a few days, inhaling all my ice cream again and then you move on." she shrugged. "Or would you rather think about what if for the rest of your life?"
"No." Elide replied, then looked Manon in the eyes. "You really think I should just…risk it?"
"Yes! Why not?" she asked. "Go for it!"
Elide nodded and sat up. She turned the TV off, straightened her stained shirt and looked at Manon. "It's you, Manon." she whispered, her roommates eyes widening. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe she could still turn it into a joke? No, she wouldn't do that. She would confess now. "I am in love with you. I've been for a while. Well, it's certainly not been love at first sight, you scared me when I first met you."
Manon smirked, "Thank you."
Elide chuckled, nervously. "But somewhere along the way, I fell for you. You always had my back, you showed me to never apologize for who I am and to take what I want." She cleared her throat. "I want you, Manon. Only you."
"Are you serious?" Manon asked, making Elide since.
"You're sure?" she asked again.
"Yes Manon, I'm sure. I just told you–"
Elide couldn't finish her sentence, because Manon's lips were already on hers. She couldn't keep herself from sighing into the kiss, leaning farther into Manon. It was everything and so much more than she ever imagined.
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Taglist: @timesconvert
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I love Kanej more than any ship in like, pretty much the last 10 years or something. I love them SM up until this ONE THING.
As an Aro-Ace person, I absolutely feel that pain and rejection on Kaz's behalf when after Kaz makes his confession, Inej responds with something like "So how will you have me? Clothes on?"
And while I understand it's symbolic, because the clothes/gloves is his coping mechanism for the trauma he still has to work through, it hurts ME because it feels like, oh, she won't consider this a relationship unless they fuck. Maybe if not now, because clearly she isn't ready for that either, but the expectation being set for definitely it needs to get there, eventually.
In context, to digest this a bit better, I read into Inej's narrative a bit. Like, okay, being forcibly sold into prostitution. Physicality is all she's ever understood, maybe. Like, maybe she needs to experience sex with someone who actually loves her to redeem herself. Which makes sense if you think about it being like how we are all conditioned to understand relationships being just that, physical.
But that also doesn't make sense when you break it down to brass tacks. Like, prostitution was a highly damaging thing, outlined in the book for what made it both physically and emotionally traumatizing. And, during her hallucination in the show, her fantasy was intimate in nature, but not necessarily romantic - what made it comforting for her was all because Hallucination!Kaz put her in control of the situation (almost to a fault, barely participating when she considered kissing him) when asking for permission even to just hug her.
So on one hand, I understand why Kaz needs to work through the trauma as that is certainly not healthy to keep living with, but on the other I REALLY don't like reading into it as, "physicality is the only healthy conclusion to his development/way to show he's finally healed."
And as for Inej, maybe it could be good for her too, to accept that a relationship with someone who respects her is just as, if not more important, than a any physical one. Maybe that will be her development, too.
Leigh Bardugo, when asked, did say she didn't want to write another Six of Crows story. Maybe because coming up with an ending to this conflict would most definitely piss SOMEONE off, no matter what she chose.
I know I'm really biased, but I think that's the ending to the ship that would please me the most, though.
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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As you guys know, Claire being so into Sugar has been vexing me from the start for obvious, nose-based reasons. I assumed she was either secretly batshit or that Sugar has inherited some hidden sexual talents from Cyn, or both. But finally, I think I’ve cracked the case:
So Claire, like Sugar, has the amazing combo of popularity aspiration + 3 nice points and her LTW is to become a Celebrity Chef. So when I moved her in I thought it’d be cute to give her this ice cream dress like she wants to be a pastry chef and I never thought about it again. But as I was editing pics before, it finally dawned on me: she’s a PASTRY chef and he’s SUGAR. IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW❤️
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Moving on to something significantly less cute, it’s time for Sophito to begin another day of hoeing. Roxie wouldn’t accept our invite to come over so I pulled a pro gamer move and invited her whole household and she accepted, so we’re about to knock out 3 dates at once! I was feeling so proud of my efficiency-
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-that I literally FORGOT ROXIE AND JONAH ARE DATING. LMAO. Literally wtf is my problem, I’ve even done a photoshoot with them. 
-ROXIE WHAT THE FUCK HOW COULD YOU  -I’M SO SORRY JONAH I JUST WANTED TO SEE WHAT IT’S LIKE TO KISS SOMEONE WHOSE MOUTH SITS AT A NORMAL HEIGHT -Dude, can you just be cool? I was gonna date both you and her brother afterwards, you’re ruining my morning.
Another massive dating success under our belt!
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We immediately move on to Edwin without even bothering to say goodbye to his sister whose relationship we just ruined, classic us. I’m like am I cray cray or would Edwin and Sophito actually be a super cute pairing-
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-but it looks like we’ll never find out as EDWIN REJECTS THE FUCK OUT OF SOPH. CRY.ING
-Do I look like my slutty sister who’s just gonna make out with any rando fuckboi with a popped collar?? Fuck off!!
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STAN EDWIN. ABSOLUTE CHAD WTF. I’m definitely marrying him in later!!
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It’s finals day and everyone is frantically last minute studying but Wilfred and Sophito find time to have a nice lunch together!
-Did you poison this burger, Wilfred? -Whaaaat?! Of course not! Do I look like someone who would poison their own cousin over some petty sexual rivalry?
You absolutely do, I didn’t even know ‘cousin-poisoner’ was a social category until now but man you have the entire look down. 
-Alright then, why don’t you just tell me what ingredients you used.
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-The usual! Buns, ground meat, lettuce, tomatoes, ketchup.. drain cleaner.. -Did you just whisper ‘drain cleaner’? -Of course not, that would be stupid and also a criminal confession! Oh man, 8 hours till finals?? Time to get going!!!
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I don’t know how to even react to this information BUT SUGAR WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT GOT AN A+. WHAT IS HAPPENING
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-Maybe if June spent a little less time worrying about Erik’s lack of funds and more time studying she’d have kept the top spot, am I right, darling? HAHA
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-Friendship over with Sugar, now Sophito is my favorite nephew!  -Hi June, what about me? :( -Oh I don’t know, Reginald, how much did you spend on rugs today?? -Never mind :(
Oh is that that Almeric Face 1 Twin Guy? Let’s go ask him out! 
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-Hey Almeric Face 1 Twin Guy ;) -My name is Aldric.  -That sucks, Almeric is a way cooler name. -I know >:( -Don’t worry, it doesn’t really matter-
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-because I just decided during our date that I want to fall in love with Kea!❤️
-Ya, I’ve figured out that Cheerleader Kea is the one for me after all! 
But you only had one date three semesters ago, you don’t even have a crush on her??
-I’ll get one! 
What about Eliza???
-Eliza has a lot of thoughts and opinions and demands and Wilfreds. Cheerleader Kea only has cheers!
Alright then, I guess? We’ll ask her out?
-Great, and then I’ll ask her to marry me! 
-I’m on a date with Almeric here, you’re being rude. -Aldric. -Whatever.
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morethanthatfic · 1 year
Hello, I’m watching the show for the first time and I have some questions if you don’t mind.
When Jim talked with Michael he implied that Karen was a rebound and he also admitted to her that he still had feelings for Pam, so why later on did he turn Pam down and kept being with Karen? What if Pam didn’t leave that note?
Also, why didn’t he do anything when he learned she was single? I understand she rejected him but basically she couldn’t get with him because of Roy but she did have feelings (as she said when she confessed what happened that night) and that’s why she kissed him back and told him she really wanted to do it too, so with no Roy in the way it would have brought me a little bit of hope (or that might just be my delusional tendencies lol).
Lucky you getting to watch the show for the first time!
I'll start with your 2nd question: why didn't Jim do anything when he learned Pam was single? Pam's response to his confession was not that she didn't return his feelings, it was that she *couldn't* at that moment. So why not just call when he finds out she's broken it off? Well, besides the fact that we wouldn't have much S3 plot if that happened, we need to look at Jim's point of view. He was absolutely devastated by casino night. In his words, he put it all on the line (twice) and got rejected (twice). He was not about to do that again, any initiation was going to have to come from Pam. Which I would say the hotter debate in the fandom is why didn't Pam reach out to him, and that's a little more difficult to answer but I think it was a combo of denial that Jim played a major role in her calling off her wedding and also some guilt because she knew she broke Jim's heart.
So now to the first question, why did Jim continue on with Karen even after Pam's beach speech? It stems from casino night. He told Pam he loved her mostly in urgency but also because he was pretty sure she had feelings for him too. So when his confession was met with "your friendship means so much to me", it made him doubt his instincts with Pam. (to be clear he put Pam in a difficult spot and expecting her to say she returned his feelings in that moment was not very reasonable of him, but as I said before love is not known for making us logical!)
His actions and reactions to Pam in S3 make much more sense if you imagine he was always thinking Pam wanted friendship only. He didn't really want that, not because he didn't value Pam's friendship but because most any interaction reminded him he was still very much in love with her and it caused him heartache. On top of that, he was trying to have a relationship with Karen. The result was him being emotionally walled off from both women.
Fast forward to Pam's beach speech. It started off very honest and direct: she called off her wedding because of Jim, she was going through the motions with Roy but Jim made her realize she wanted, needed, deserved more, and she missed Jim desperately. But when she got to "and now you're with someone else", she tripped up. She seemed to realize this was a very public confession in front of a crowd that included Jim's girlfriend. So she tempered her speech with a finishing plea for Jim and her to be friends again. It was still a sincere plea, she loved him and missed him so much she needed something with him. If that was friendship only she would learn to be okay with that.
Jim seemed to hear Pam clearly, his stunned face at the end of Beach Games seemed to say “Wow, she does love me back, she wants to be more too.” But a week later in The Job episode, while his interactions with Pam were definitely more friendly, he was still with Karen and still serious about getting the New York job. It’s hard to say what happened but I imagine his doubt of his Pam instincts kicked back in when thinking about her speech, that he focused too much on the parts where she emphasized missing his friendship (and Karen probably played some part, since corporate job was a chance for her to get Jim away from Scranton and Pam, so her resolved to make it work was as strong as ever).
It took the one-two punch of Jim finding Pam's note in his expense reports and David Wallace asking where Jim sees himself in 10 years to make how Jim truly felt and what he really wanted come into focus: he wanted a future with Pam, and he finally realized Pam wanted that too.
Now what would have happened if Pam didn't leave that note? Thankfully, we'll never know, but if we want to speculate I would point two things. First: the job Jim was going for entailed visiting the branches often. Second: it did not take much for Jim to start falling back into Pam, remember how their brief interactions pranking Andy in The Return made Jim completely spiral? A solo Jim visiting Scranton with a now more confident and honest Pam sitting behind the desk? Might take more time but I think the result is inevitable.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
First things first , hugs and kisses
I have a itch. I always wondered, if Lucien would've come get Elain have he been there when she was taken and not in the continent. Would Az stepped first and said what he said had Lucien been present?
or would Lucien be too put off by they way Elain been thus far? Or would the IC and Nesta prevent him from going.
and what of Elain, would she had come along had it been Lucien that came.
I always thought about Elain in the scenario like, she probably would've had taken Lucien's hand because if what he represent, But something you posted recently had me thinking of other possibilities.
What do you think my dear?
Good Morning to you!! ❤️❤️❤️
At that point in the story I do think Lucien would have absolutely gone after Elain had he not been returning from the continent.
Honestly, I think that's a big part of why SJM had to send him off. Because there is no way that had Lucien been around, he wouldn't have continued being the one to watch over Elain, helping her when necessary. When he left to search for Vassa, SJM notes how he bowed his head in farewell to Elain, "the movement hiding the gleam in his eye - the longing and sadness." So it didn't matter that Elain was still in love with Graysen, it didn't matter that she hadn't run into his arms and declared that they were meant to be together, Lucien still clearly wanted the chance to be near her. And if she were in danger while Lucien was there, he would have been the first to volunteer (not Cassian followed by Az).
And at that point in the story, I do think Elain would have taken Lucien's hand. Because she had just had her heart crushed by Graysen, who she had always believed would be her "knight in shining armor". Though she wasn't really over Graysen, I do think part of her was really suffering from the blow of that rejection and I think anyone who had saved her in that scenario would have earned her gratitude (she seemed surprised that while Graysen wasn't willing to fight for her, others (i.e. Feyre and Az) were. The reason I think Elain would have also been receptive to Lucien is because when they do meet up later in the book, she seems concerned that he's hurt and she does invite him back to Velaris.
SJM didn't give everyone a tidy HEA at the end of ACOWAR but she did close out the trilogy with some sense of, "ok, we can kind of anticipate where the characters might end up." And Elain being somewhat receptive to Lucien, while not a guarantee of anything, leaned in the direction of "they might have a chance".
But when she wrote the novella and started the spin-offs, she had to backtrack on some of the storylines. Because if Elucien is meant to end up together, it doesn't make sense to see them getting along at the start of their book. SJM has created distance between every single one of her endgame couples at the start of their books. After Nesta basically confessed her love for Cassian by being willing to die for him in the war, SJM did a 180 and had her push him away and start sleeping with other males in the novella so when SF began, Nessian was at odds.
What SJM did with Elucien was no different. There seemed to be hope for them at the end of ACOWAR but she forced them apart in the novella and SF. To me that means she's gearing up for their book, which they'll start at odds only to come together by the end.
But back to your actual question, had SJM not planned on continuing the series, I do think she would have had Lucien around during the war so that he could have been the one to save Elain and I do think Elain would have welcomed his rescue.
SJM is a long game slow burn kind of author though, she likes to give her characters a somewhat realistic timeframe to heal and move forward. So having Lucien leave so Elain could deal with Graysen and give her time heal from his rejection makes sense to me. Making it so she doesn't immediately run into his arms because they're mates makes sense to me. Before she completed ACOWAR, she knew that she was getting signed on for the spin-offs which gave her the freedom to stretch out the storylines in a way that felt more authentic.
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