#the way i explain it to myself is like. i feel like im limping towards a finish line so i can collapse the second i cross it except
gibbearish · 11 months
80 years already feels short as hell but it also feels long as hell yknow. whereas if i instead say 29,200 doesnt that feel so much shorter
#ignore me am in a depression bout doing math to make myself feel worse#something about how life is exhausting cause like say i live 80 years total i still have abt 60 yrs to go which is abt 22000 days#which means i have to take 11000 showers and brush my teeth 44000 times and buy groceries 3143 times#and doctors appointments and get a job and pay rent and pay phone bill and pay credit card bill and pay and pay and pay#and clean the litterboxes and clean the bathroom and feed the cats and feed the lizard and clean your room and do laundry#and fold laundry and put away laundry and hang up laundry and get dressed and do laundry again and again and again#its EXHAUSTING#and i have suicidal thoughts repellant aka a severe phobia of death and the afterlife or lack thereof#which sounds great and is certainly helpful however it also induces a certain level of hopelessness#cuz no matter how shit i feel theres no way off this ride for me. i just have to keep goinf#the way i explain it to myself is like. i feel like im limping towards a finish line so i can collapse the second i cross it except#there is no finish line‚ the race is just life and it doesnt matter if i dont have the energy to keep going because#not keeping going just isn't an option#i have no energy. im so tired. n i dunno whats gonna happen when i run out of money but am still out of energy#i suppose i go back to overdrawing the tank again probably n just. hope the drain isnt so fast this time and i#can get to a rest point sooner#one way or another i continue#whether thats a pessimistic or optimistic statement is up to you
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marshatesthisreality · 9 months
I’m telling you now I neeeeeed some Minho fluff maybe a reader is hurt or scared blah blah some classic hurt comfort. PLEAAAAAASEEEE I BEG OF THEE - 🙏
a/n: AHHH YES OMG OK I GOT THIS. im such a drama queen this will be so dramatic also the second part my writing sucks sm. also im so sorry this took so long i was so unmotivated
warnings: swearing, fluff, 1 kiss?, newt being a little shit for like 2 seconds
runner!gn!reader x minho
w/c: 519
(readers pov)
“Shit, shit, shit” I muttered to myself, trying to push myself to run faster. I was already running late and I did NOT want to be stuck in the maze for the night. 
I turned the corner and skidded to a halt. Right in front of me was a griever, it luckily hadn’t noticed me yet. Of course, i thought, just my luck that there’s a fucking griever. I pressed my back against the wall so it wouldn’t notice me and took a deep breath. Please please please go away, big scary griever. I really don't wanna fight you. 
I heard it moving closer and then it let out a screech and ran the other way. I let out a sigh and kept running, I was so close to getting there.
I turned the last corner and saw the exit of the maze and the welcoming sight of the glade just a rough 20 metres away from me. C’mon y/n, this is the final stretch I told myself. Just as I was a few metres away from the doors I heard the all-too-familiar sound of the doors closing. I ran faster, my heart pounding in my chest, managing to squeeze through just as the doors slammed behind me. I leaned my back against the doors and slid down, resting my forehead on my arms and letting all the tiredness I was feeling wash over me. 
“Y/N!” I heard a thick British accent call. I lifted my head and gave the blonde boy limping towards me a reassuring smile.
“Bloody hell, are you ok?” Newt said, furrowing his brows. “Your boyfriend will kill you for being so late, y’know?”
“I’m fine, and Minho’s not my boyfriend.” I replied,  "Where is he anyway?”
“Helping Alby set up the bonfire because otherwise he’d go out running for you” Newt smirked.
“Ok thanks blondie” I said, running off before Newt could add any other remarks about me and Minho.
I ran as quickly as I could to find Minho, accidentally running into someone “shit I’m so sorry” i said before realising the person I ran into was none other than minho. 
“Hey Princess, are you ok? What happened?” Minho said, throwing questions at me and pulling me into a tight hug “I was so worried and I wanted to go find you but Alby wouldn’t let me”
“I’m fine, I just ran into a griever” I explained, hugging him back
“Are you sure? You’re not hurt or anything right?” He said, giving me a onceover to make sure I wasn't lying.
“Yes, I’m fine, I promise”
“M’kay good, can’t lose the second best runner, can we?” Minho teased, his eyes flicking from mine to my lips for a split second. “I’m just glad you’re okay”
“Yeah same” I said, noticing how he looked at my lips and quickly kissed him. I didn’t know why I did that but something compelled me too and just as I was gonna pull away he kissed me back.
“Sure he isn’t your boyfriend, y/n?” I heard Newt call but quite frankly I didn’t care.
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goldengoddess · 3 years
you’re my home - kaz brekker
pairing: kaz brekker x heartrenderi!reader
request: hi!can i request a kaz brekker x reader where they were childhood friends but she had to leave because she was a grisha, and later at the fete they see each other again and she ends up helping the crows?thank you!!have a great day!
a/n: hey i hope this is what you like! i based it more off the show and just switched things around,,,, this is absolutely cheesy and i hate it and i didn’t know how to end it pls forgive me omg
warnings: normal heist stuff, like one curse word?
kaz brekker had changed since the last time you saw him. 
to start, he was taller. he’d grown at least two feet. he’d also grown into himself, he didn’t look like the lanky boy that you had once pulled out of the garbage can that one time. and he had a noticeable limp, something that he hadn’t had when the two of you had last talked. his clothes were different too, he was wearing a little palace guards uniform. 
but you knew who he was anyways. 
his voice was the same, the same comforting sound that invaded your dreams on a good night and had you screaming on a bad night. when you heard him whispering you whipped your head around in panic. he was leaning down talking to suli girl in hushed and angry tones. 
when had he become a palace guard? you wondered to yourself, how hadn’t you noticed before? why was he in ravka of all places?
a silly thought came into your head, was he looking for you?
but you pushed the thought away, moving close enough to listen but not to get caught. 
“take your position” you heard him say to the girl, also in guards uniform.
she moved away silently, too silently. 
kaz straightened himself and surely enough turned his head in your direction.
his eyes were also the same. they were the same color the same look. but they were hardened and cold. the eyes of a boy who had done everything too survive. even the things that he didn’t want to do. 
his face was shocked for only a fraction of a second before he regained his composure and faced the rest of the room. standing straight and poised like any of the other palace guards.
had he not recognized you? no, that couldn’t be it. the two of you had grown up together, yes you had changed but not enough that he wouldn’t know who you were. maybe he resented you. for leaving. for being grisha. for having been taken away and saved from the streets of ketterdam unlike him. 
you remembered the day they had taken you away.
you and kaz were huddled in the corner of the room away from the rest of the kids your age. 
the two of you were been inseparable. stuck together like glue, everyone said.
both of you worked the shitty jobs in the barrel. the ones no one else wanted to do. you ran around the streets delivering packages and messages. you would clean up anything that needed cleaning. the two of you were survivors.
kaz never talked about his brother or how he’d ended up working the streets like this, but you knew, even then as a little kid, you were all he had. 
but nothing good ever lasted for little kaz brekker.
when the grisha examiners landed in the harbor of the city, all of the children running around making trouble on the street were forced to get tested.
you and kaz weren’t any different. 
you tried to hold onto him as the adults gripped to your arm, testing your for abilities in the small science. when they determined that you were grisha, and promised you a wonderful life at the little palace, they had to rip you from kaz’s arms.
the both of you were wailing and protesting, saying that you wouldn't go anywhere without the other. but eventually the fight left you and you let them drag you away from your only family to a country you didn’t know 
you snapped back to the reality of the party going on around you. kaz still looked stoic and unphased a few feet away from you, as if your presence didn’t affect him at all. 
but his presence affected you tremendously. 
you had whined and cried when you first made it to the palace but you had loved your life here. being surrounded by other grisha, other heartrenderers. people who could do the same things as you. understood the need to use your powers. and you couldn’t deny how comforting it had been to settle into a life where you didn’t have to worry about whether you could make enough money to eat. 
you thought of kaz all the time. you thought of everything you had left behind but the only thing that had really mattered to you in that horrible place was kaz. you wondered what had become of the young boy you knew in the years since you had seen him.
just as you were about to make a move to talk to him, two squallers were storming in the direction of kaz and the silent girl he had been talking too before. 
the two of them shared a look and started walking in opposite directions. kaz walked past you, sparing you the fastest look ever. a look no one else would have even noticed. but you did because kaz brekker, your child hood best friend was finally in front of you. 
the hurried and suspicious steps of your fellow grisha, set off an alarm in your head. even when the two fo you were little, kaz was good at getting out of sticky situations. he has a gift for scheming and the sleight of hand.
he was here on a job, you concluded.
you waited a few seconds and then snuck away, following kaz out of the room where the main events of the fete were taking place. 
you walked in just in time to see the inferni make a move to attack kaz. you raised your arms and the grisha dropped like a stone. kaz turned around in a fighting stance and froze when he saw you. he kept his hands in fists, as if he was waiting for you to attack him too. 
you dropped you hands, “what are you doing here kaz?”
he dropped his hands as well but you could tell he was still on guard and looking for a way to leave the room.
"i don't have to explain myself to you” he all but growled at you.
you stepped away from him, like his words had physically wounded you.
he seemed to regret the words and took a couple of steps closer to you. 
“i’m here on a job and i really need to go find my team so if you’ll excuse me” he tried to move to the door that was behind you. 
“let me help” you said, almost desperate. he had just come back into your life, and yes it seemed like he resented you but you couldn’t let him go just yet. 
he looked at you skeptically but nodded his head, “i need to get to the courtyards with the carriages. can you take me there.”
you nodded and started leading the way. you turned through many different hallways, moving up and downstairs. every now and then you held up a hand for kaz to stop, as you listened for a heartbeat nearby. 
“you’re good at that” he mumbled, gesturing towards your heartrender movements. 
you nodded your head, a shy smile. “yeah i’ve had a lot of practice here.”
his face turned gloomy at that and you realized you had said the wrong thing. “yeah. i know” he said curtly. 
you stopped for a minute, turning to look at kaz in the dimly lit hallway.
“i’m sorry i left okay? i know it hurt you, i can only imagine how much it must have sucked. it was horrible here at first, i missed you every day. but i will not apologize for enjoying myself here and taking advantage of what i was taught. i like it here. i have friends, and a life, and im good at what i do and i will not allow you to make me feel bad about that.” you said all in one breath.
kaz didn’t say anything, choosing to look down at the floor instead of you. 
you sighed and took a step closer to him, you noticed he still wore the black gloves similar to the first pair that you had stolen for him when you two were younger.
“kaz,” you said, your voice shaking, “i missed you so much. i still miss you and you’re standing right in front of me. i get why you hate me but i really don’t want you to. so that’s why i’m helping you, that’s why i’m going to get you out of here without getting caught.” 
you turned on your heel, prepared to continue to lead him away. but before you could get away he grabbed your hand and spun you back around. 
he flinched at his own action and let go.
“i don’t hate you y/n. i get why you enjoyed yourself here, this over a life of petty and dangerous crime? of course this is the better opportunity but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt when you left.”
you bit your lip and nodded your head in understanding. 
he looked directly into your eyes, “i knew you would be here but i thought, hey what are the chances of actually running into you. having to see you happy and having to live with the fact that i never came to look for you.”
you took a step closer to him, “kaz i don’t blame you for not coming to get me, i wouldn’t have wanted you to anyway.”
he looked at you and for the first time he looked desperate. kaz brekker was never desperate. and if he was, he didn’t show it.
“come home with us” he said.
you raised your eye brows in surprise.
“come home with me” he corrected, looking at the wall to avoid your eyes
it was the same voice he had used all those years ago, when he was begging for you to stay. he wanted to you stay with him. to come home. to go back to the place that had broke kaz and would probably have broken you.
but it was kaz.
but ketterdam wasn’t your home anymore.
kaz had been your home, but was he still?
the two of you stayed silent. there was still so much the two of you needed to say. how you had probably loved him as a kid. how you probably loved him now. how you regretted never writing, never trying. how you missed ketterdam. how this place would be perfect if kaz was here with you. but there wasn’t enough time or courage to say those things.
so instead, you raised your arms in your fighting grisha stance and smiled at him.
“how about we get you out of here first and then we can decide is i become a fugitive of ravka to go play crime boss in ketterdam?” you teased.
he almost gave you a grin and you continued walking, a new found peace settled between the two of you.
kaz brekker in the little palace, who should have thought.
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gojoslutoru · 3 years
Too close.
Geto Suguru x fem!reader
I’m having the absolute worst writers block so I’m trying to overcome it by forcing myself to write.
Warnings: Smut, bit of angst, a mess honestly, established relationship, quite literally i don’t know what the fuck this is, enjoy.
Wc: 1727
He promised he’d stop, but I guess a promise is just that in the end, a promise. The rain patters on the window as you turn in your bed again, the street light illuminating the wooden floor. You sigh while turning to sit up on the side of the bed, the fur carpet under your feet somewhat soothing the ache in your chest. You grab your phone before sliding off he bed onto the carpet, the soft material easing your slight thud to the ground.
You tap your phone, the time reads 3:41am with your eyes still scanning the screen, searching for Suguru’s name, but to no luck. You unlock your phone going straight to messages and scrolling to Suguru, typing a quick “where are you?” before you lock your phone and place it back to it’s place. Your heart jumps at the ping immediately, your phone lights up the space around it as you strain your neck to read the message: “kitchen”. He’s home. You shift a little as you push yourself up on your legs, your feet patting on the wooden floor as you make your way towards the bedroom door.
You push it open, the faint warm white light slowly flooding into the bedroom. You make your way down the corridor then the stairs as your eyes scan for the source, you open the door to the kitchen hearing a faint creek and immediately smelling the smoke from Sugurus cigarette. It’s placed in the glass ashtray near him as he leans on the kitchen island that centres the space. The plants around the kitchen have grown over time, now almost giving the corner a green backdrop, it’s beautiful, but it’s now just a reminder of all the times you’ve taken care of them, watering them everyday while they grew, while Suguru wasn’t there.
He looks up at you with a faint smile but the same glint of adoration in his eyes as always, he extends his arm offering you his cigarette which you happily take. Your hands brush as you take it from him, pulling a barstool next to his so you can lean over the island. You take a drag while looking at him, your eyes never leaving each other “i didn’t expect you to be home” you blow out the smoke as Suguru does the same “I got home early, but you were already asleep, then the rain woke me up” he explained “you not being there woke me up” the response was too quick for the both of you as you kept looking at each other, all that could be heard was the rain and a faint ‘i’m sorry’ from Suguru.
The sky was clouded, the city lights reflecting off them creating the effect that the world is in a bubble. You looked at Suguru, cautiously reaching your hand out to touch the side of his face his skin was heated as he leaned into your palm while closing his eyes, so ethereal you thought as you looked at him. Slowly you moved your hand up, combing your fingers through his long hair as you caressed his head. It would be a lie to say he didn’t miss you and you knew that. “I love you” he murmurs, his voice vibrating around you. You set your cigarette down into the ashtray before you move your other hand to his head as well, slowly bringing his face close to you “i love you too” a whisper, as if it’s a dirty secret that you love him too. Suguru keeps his hands down as he lets you lead into the kiss, his lips soft against yours, the kiss is slow no desire to rush now that he’s finally here again.
Suguru’s hand reaches up moving the hair away from your face, his hand sliding to the back of your head to push you closer, the movement and placement all too familiar to you and him, evident in the soft sigh you both let out. There’s no going back from here, your body instantly moving closer to him while his other hand pulls you closer by your waist. The kitchen is too open for your liking the panorama windows in the living room exposing the entire main area, luckily up on the 10th floor not a lot of people pass by the window you think to yourself as Suguru’s hands wander under your ass to lift you up onto the counter, your arms immediately dropping around his neck to keep him close despite the kiss being broken.
He looks at you in silence and you know what he’s trying to say, you’ve known it for a while, so before he can say anything you wrap your legs around him, pulling him impossibly close. The kiss is much more demanding this time, the both of you trying to desperately get the words out of your head that are weighing down the space around you, his hand wraps around your neck, his pointer finger pressing just under your jaw and you sigh into him letting his tongue push at yours. Your hand reaches down tucking itself in the band of his sweats as you pull him closer while grinding your hip softly against him “you’re gonna be the death of me” he moans slowly reaching his hand under your shirt to caress your waist “we both know that’s not true” you breathe back as he growls, obviously not pleased with your response.
His head dips to your neck marking it gently, little purple and red bruises appearing under his lips. His hand on your neck now slowly sliding down your torso, getting caught on your erect nipple but not stopping until it’s under your navel, you feel yourself contract at his hand being so close to where you need him. “Su- please” your head falling forward against the back of his as his hand travels further down stopping just above your clit. His other hand possessively grabbing your waist, purposely making you roll your hips so that his hand brushes your clit. Your hand travels lower in his sweats, starting to slowly caress his length as he breathes a little louder than expected “you’re really impatient today” he whispers in your ear sending a shiver down your spine “it doesn’t seem to me like you’ll be able to wait much longer either” evidence to your response clear in the way his hips are now grinding into your hand with his head bowed to your chest.
He gives in, hand moving over your clit to draw small circles on it making you let out soft sighs, your hand falters at the feeling slightly shaking as you move your delicate fingers towards the head of his erection he lets out a grunt “don’t do that or this really will be quick” you chuckle, continuing your movements as he groans into your chest. His hand on your waist finds it’s way between your thighs, prying them apart before dipping his hand in. His fingers brushing your entrance “need you inside” you whisper, your hand stopping as he finally begins to push a finger inside you, making you drop your head and moan next to his ear, your other hand grabbing onto his back. “You’re right i can’t wait” he says as he stands up tall pulling his finger out of you, your hands tremble as you pull his sweats down.
You shift towards the edge of the marble island giving him an easier access, his hand hooks around your back grabbing your hair as you do the same, an action that was now engraved into the both of you. Your other hand is on his waist as you pull him close, chest to chest. His hand positions his length at your entrance before slowly pushing in and he notices the way your body trembles at the contact, slowly grinding into him as he bottoms out now flush against you. You let out the breath you were holding, feeling impossibly full. Adjusting the grip on his hair as he slowly starts to move out of you then slam back in making you moan out against his ear, he does that a couple times, each time a faint slapping noise echoes through the kitchen along with his groans and your muffled moans against his neck. He finds a rhythm after, his length dragging in and out of your walls as your legs shake while closing tighter around him. His hand in your hair tightens as his other hand grabs your waist to steady your hips, the newly gained control making him hit your g-spot repeatedly and your hips twitch each time, your moans getting louder until they’re uncontrollable “fuck su- righ-right there” you moan breathless.
His speed increases but his head always brushes against your sweet spot, you’re shaking against him, body going limp over his shoulder as you feel him shake underneath you. His hand moves down to rub your clit, your stomach tightens at the act making you clench around him which earns you a sweet moan from his lips “i’m cumming” is all you can manage to say before you clench even more around him, the sensation making your legs shake uncontrollably around his waist then going limp, your head is thrown back as high pitched sighs leave your lips. Too busy basking in your orgasm to notice Suguru twitching inside you, you’re pulled out of your trance feeling the overstimulation by Suguru speaking “baby where?” his hand desperately grabbing onto you “inside” you whisper in his ear. All that can be heard is Sugurus desperate grunts as you feel him cumming inside you, his pace speeding up making you whine before slowing down his pace as he stays inside you.
The silence is deafening as you both think of what to say, Suguru is first to break the silence “i never wanted it to be like this, to build a home and then destroy it” his warmth around you keeping you safe from the words he speaks, you know what you’re about to say will change everything, but it’s too late, you love him “i said i’ll stay by your side and that’s what im going to do” Suguru pulls away to look at you, his eyes thankful but deep down he knows, you both know.
This will only end in death.
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rustys-lodge · 3 years
Sleep paralysis. Pt.1
Request by : @supernerdycookietrashblr : I had a fic idea based off the sleep paralysis demon I was wondering if you could write a fic where the reader is younger Winchester sister she around (16-17) whatever up to you and has sleep paralysis and is always waking up with different scratches/bruises and while they think it’s her doing this to herself in her sleep, one night it goes too far and she sees her sleep paralysis demon and she almost dies but the next time she falls asleep TFW is ready to take down the demon
Warnings : Death, strangulation, and a shit father please dont read this if you’re sensitive to bad parenting. 
A/n : Im sorry this took soo long i had just finished the exams and i had a lot of things to do. I hope you liiike it, though. 
“Morning, sunshine.” A voice echoed into the library. “How’d you sleep ?” 
You scratched your hair, dragging your feet up the two stairs. “Good.” You lied, a lie that Dean saw through very easily. 
He bitterly sipped his beer, causing you to cock an eyebrow. 
“What?” He gently spat out. 
“Dean, it’s 9 in the morning.”
“Yeah, well...You’re not the only one who slept good last night” 
You rolled your eyes , walking over to him. You stood with your back facing him and lifted the back of your shirt up a little. “Check.” 
You shivered under his gentle touch. You’d think you’d get used to it after a week, but each day felt like the very first time. 
“Would you stop squirming ?” Dean grumbled, prompting a huff from you, which caused Dean to violently spin you around. “Stop. Squirming.” He extended a warning finger out as he stared at you. 
“What’d you find, Dean ?” You asked in a mumble, terror apparent in your voice. 
“Nothing you need to worry about, bud.” Your brother’s concern washed off after a few seconds of silence, which meant that he was hiding something. “Move.” He tapped the side of your thigh to motion for you to move and walked away, avoiding eye contact. 
You hurried up to your room, turned so that your back was facing the mirror and pulled your shirt up, drawing a sharp breath in and letting go of the shirt. A fresh scratch ran all the way from your waist to the bottom of your back. How the fuck could you have done that to yourself ? You trailed your finger over it, it was inflamed but not an open wound. Explains why you didn’t feel it. 
Later that day, you laid uncomfortable on your bed, two pairs of eyes peering at your from both sides of the bed. You pursed your lips, staring at the ceiling as sleep slowly drifted away from you. 
“I can’t do this.” You shot up, pressing a palm on the bed to keep yourself balanced.
“Why can’t you ? It’s not like you’ve been sleeping for the past week” Dean squited his eyes at you. 
You scuffed. “I don’t know, Dean...Oh yeah, maybe it’s because two grown-ass humans are staring right through my meatsuit and into my fucking soul. Maybe that’s why.” You faked a smile as you narrowed judging eyes at Dean, who slightly gasped in response. 
“First of all, language.” Dean’s warning index was pointed at you. “ And second, you better close those sweet little eyes of yours and sleep or I promise you I'll knock you to sleep myself.” 
You breathed out a small huff, rubbing your eyes together. “I can’t do it. Can one of you at least lay down with me until I fall asleep ?” 
“I’ll do it.” Dean didn’t hesitate. He plopped on your bed, bringing his arm under your head. “Don’t be scared. I’ll be here with you.” 
You watched Dean as he smiled at you, his eyes silently reassuring you. Yours fluttered. And before you knew it, you drifted to sleep. 
“Baby...Come here” A voice, that you recognized immediately, echoed around you. You spun around, smiling as hope flitted inside of you. “Dad ?” You kept spinning around, the space around you suddenly turning white. “Dad, where are you ?” 
“Come...Kiddo, You’re going in the right direction. Just close your eyes and keep going.” John’s voice called again. You did as you were told and started sprinting forward, coming to a forced stop. 
You opened your eyes, to find yourself face to face with your dad. “Daddy, hey.” You whispered as you ran your shaky fingers across his face. 
“Did I ever tell you how much…”
“How much, what, dad ?” 
Your dad placed his hands on your shoulders. “How much I hated you.” In a fraction of a second, they caught your neck,gripping it tightly. 
You tried grasping at his shirt as you gasped in agony. But you couldn’t hold onto anything.  Your body went limp as tears welled up in your eyes. but before they fully closed into darkness, a sudden pressure struck against your belly like lightning. And you shot up, a woeful scream flaring fire through your throat. 
“Hey, hey, hey” 
You clutched your stomach as you took a deep, painful breath in, turning towards the voice. 
Sam was staring at you with watery eyes, cupping your cheeks as he reassuringly nodded at you. “It’s just me...It’s me.” 
“My belly...Wh-what hap-happened- what-” You exhaled a chuckle through the sniffs when you realized. “Did you actually punch me in the belly, Sam ?” You didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The pain was definitely rooting for the latter, but all you could think about is the amount of stress they were put in, to save your from d-
“Death..I almost died..” Realization hit you, causing a lump to quickly grow in your throat. “I almost died, Sammy.” You choked on a sob that quickly turned into uncontrollable crying.
Sam sat on the bed, bringing your head to his chest. He carressed your hair, pulling it away from your tears as he shushed you.
“You’re okay, now, honey. You’re okay”
Yall are welcome to leave a comment iif you liked it. ❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹
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i-simp-for-gintoki · 4 years
Itadori Yuji and Gojo Satoru thinking their s/o died
“Hey If you're comfortable can you do Reader with amazing regeneration power ( like deadpool lol ) For Yuji And Gojou? Like they don't know about their power tought they're dead but they just pop up back like nothing happens and explain their power to them? But if you're not comfortable it's okay! thank you” -anon
Sorry this took so long! I literally completely rewrote this like 6 times and decided in the end just to keep it relatively simple and not overly detailed. Gojo’s part includes spoilers from the manga (specifically the Hidden Inventory arc) only because thats the only time i could ever think of a situation where he would see and be near you when you get that injured.
Despite all these rewrites i still hate it-
Warnings: blood and injuries
Itadori Yuji:
Tumblr media
Gojo had arrived to the classroom 8 minutes late as usual
Instead of training, he decided to hand out some missions to you first years
“Nobara and Megumi, you two are gonna go clean up a hospital and the surrounding area in the xxx district. Meanwhile, Yuji and y/n are gonna go clear out curses from some buildings by a cemetery in the xxx district. Shouldn’t be too difficult”
“You’re not gonna tell us which buildings?” itadori asks and the blindfolded man simply shrugs
“Your lovely y/n can sense the curses out with the power of love” he explains
You sigh and get up from your desk
“Yeah yeah, lets go Yuji” you say pulling your boyfriend’s hand
“Aw, no cute nicknames?” “Shut up Gojo-sensei” you say making your teacher frown
‘Never should have let gojo satoru of all people know that me and yuji are dating’ you think to yourself
And so you and yuji went off to fulfill the mission
It took a bit to get there but luckily it didn’t take long to find the curses
You decided to stick together as you searched the empty buildings
There was a small handful of the usual low grade curses that you guys took out pretty easily
But just when you guys thought you were done, a high level cursed appeared
“Man, I really wished Gojo-sensei would let us know if theres gonna be anything thats grade 2 or above” you say growing nervous and yuji nods his head
“Don’t worry, i’ll protect you” he says giving you a reassuring smile
And so you guys got serious and fought the curse
You both received a few scraps here or there but nothing too serious
Its when the curse switched up its attacks that it got particularly tricky
Instead of throwing cursed energy around, it shot disc blades out of its arm
You barely had enough time to duck out of the way
It went clean through the wall
“Yuji leave him to me” you say but he immediately denies your request
“No way! I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if you got hurt when I could have prevented it”
You were unsure but continued the fight anyways
After both of you sustaining many injuries, Itadori went for the final blow and ended it
Sadly before it fully faded away, it sent one final disc out
Flying straight past yuji, you didn’t have time to react and it went straight through your neck, essentially decapitating you
Your body falling limp onto the ground, the pink haired boy could only slowly turn around to face you
Eyes wide as they could possibly be he called out your name and fell to his knees
“You’re joking right? Theres no way this really just happened...right?!” he yelled, voice cracking as he stared at your ‘corpse’
“Ooh such a shame. See if you just swapped places with me they would have lived. Atleast they wouldn’t have died to some low level curse” Sukuna said, mouth appearing on his cheek
“Shut up!”
At this point he was bawling
Tears were flooding out of his eyes even tho its only been about 10 seconds
As his shaking hands slowly picked your body up he mumbled a bunch of apologies but stopped when he saw something
Your head was beginning to regenerate
And he has to admit
Seeing your head fully regen like that was kinda disgusting
Opening your eyes, the first thing you see is a teary eyed boyfriend
“Yuji?” You ask and he pulls you into a very tight hug
“I’m so sorry y/n, I let you...I-I thought you died” he choked, still shaking as he held you
You sighed and returned his hug with as much love as possible
“I realize i never explained my ability to you huh? So you know reverse techniques? Its like that but much more advanced. Unless im completely blown away, i’m pretty sure I can’t die. I do however still feel the pain”
He nods his head at your explanation
You guys sit there for a bit as you quietly reassure everything is fine while rubbing his back
You kiss his cheek and stand up
For the rest of the day he is stuck onto you, just glomped on as much as you’ll allow him to be
It really scared him
It happened so fast and if you really had died...he doesn’t even wanna think about how he’d react
When you returned to the school, you didn’t bother reporting back to the principle or gojo and instead spent the rest of the day chilling with Yuji in the dorms
You could deal with the consequences later because for now
Loving yuji and making sure he’s happy is all that matters
Manga spoilers for Gojo under the cut
Second year!Gojo Satoru:
Its not completely accurate to what happened but shushhh
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You guys had just come back from Okinawa and despite being on a serious mission you guys had fun
Well you did stay an extra day solely to stay at the beach but no one needed to know that-
But now the fun’s over and you were back at Jujutsu high safe inside its barriers
You could tell Satoru was absolutely finished with this mission, he was completely over it and exhausted
“Im done. No more baby sitting” he said leaning onto you
Resting his chin on top of your head he let out a yawn which made you laugh a bit
“Suguru. You can do the rest with Amanai right? I wanna go sleep and cuddle with y/n” he complained while wrapping his arms around you but suguru snapped back
“Huh? You think you can just walk away with them before the biggest part of this mission??”
He wanted gojo to see the mission through to the very end and not just ditch to go ‘cuddle with y/n’
When the boys continued to argue, gojo unwrapped his arms from you as he stepped closer towards getou
Sighing you gave riko a look and apologized which she simply smiled at
You only meant to take a step forward to intervene
Only a single small step
But your instincts where screaming that you push Satoru away with no second thought
Why did you follow your instincts so quickly? Why shove him so hard that he almost fell over? And why was there a searing hot pain in your gut?
“Im surprised you managed to push him out of the way on time, makes this whole effort for assassinating pointless don’t you think?”
As you slowly looked down you finally realized a sword had been stabbed into you, and that there was a new face right behind you
Ah, thats why then
“Y/n!!” Satoru yelled, blue eyes widening as he saw blood seep through your clothing and onto the concrete
As he and suguru instantly went into battle mode, the sword was harshly ripped out towards your side and cut an arm off in the process
As suguru used curses to hold toji back, satoru swore he teared up a bit as he picked you up and moved to a more safer spot
He couldn’t lose you, literally anyone but you
He’d be willing to die if you got to live
“Y/n your stomach..and arm..!” he yelled watching the blood pour out of you and showing no sign of stopping
Which just made him grow more and more panicked
You could feel his arms tremble as he held you and see that it was taking everything he had to not let the tears spill
“I-I don’t--this..this is my fault! The second i stop using my power this happens to you!” his emotions where spiraling more and more out of control
He couldn’t even see that the blood had already stopped
“Nothing is your fault Satoru. You can deal with the blame game later and instead go deal with the situation at hand” “But-”
“Satoru. i’ll be fine, focus on the enemy and protecting Riko.” you say wincing, already feeling it everything heal itself
“Fine?? Those injuries arent a ‘im fine’ injuries--!” you cut him off by harshly placing your hands onto his face to help him snap out of it
“Satoru. Im perfectly fine okay? So stop panicking.” you say pressing your forehead to his, though it was a bit awkward since he was taller than you
(if your taller than 190cm props to you and just ignore that part)
“Huh? Can reverse techniques be this advanced for shamans?” he asked, eyes still wide as he gently placed his hand on yours
He was in complete awe that your arm was back and looked perfectly normal
“My ability is basically a more advanced version of Shoko’s ability. I can regenerate anything and will be perfectly fine even if i lose my head. So ignore me for the time being and go kick the intruders ass” you say and he takes a deep breath before nodding his head
“wish you could have told me this before so i could have prevented all this panic” he said making you feel really guilty
“sorry! it just never came up before” you say flexing your regenerated arm, seeing if it felt right or not
You watched as he took off his sunglasses and handed them too you and turned towards Toji who was busy slaying a curse suguru threw at him
“Suguru and I will take Riko to Master Tengens place, im leaving this guy to you okay? Not like he’d win anyways, since after all-” he cut off what you were saying with a kiss before smirking
“After all, Im the strongest”
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
folklore - isaac lahey {6/?}
part 6 (again) 😖 ***the timeline/sequence of events is messed up but it doesn’t matter too much it’s just to move the story along faster*** everything about this is a hot mess, i hope you love it ;)
(sorry about this i rlly dont know wtf happened it just spazzed out, sorry yall)
word count: 4k
warnings: blood, tension, kissing ;), mentions of abuse, swearing
taglist: @makeusfreefromthisfandom​, @cece-lives-here​, @chocolate-raspberries​, @belsandthings​, @dancing-tacos-23​, @truly-dionysus​, @britty443​, @tanyaherondale​, @furiouspockettoad​, @yunsh-17​, @random-thoughts-003​, @gloomybrieyxb​, @futuristicslimemongerbanana​, @linkpk88​, @big-galaxy-chaos​, @im-a-stranger-thing​, @riaisnotcool​, @its-evita-here​, @pad-foots​, @sweetpeabellamyblakedracomalfoy​, @bookswillfindyouaway​, @what-the-hap-is-fuckening​, @awkwardnesshabitat​, @pieces-by-me​, @wreny24​ let me know if you’d like to be added <3
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To say Isaac Lahey looked like he’d been beaten to a pulp would have been a colossal understatement. The boy practically limped into school the day after his father demonstrated his dissatisfaction for his youngest son after attending his parent teacher meeting.
It’d been a long night of taking punches, kicks and insults that would plague Isaac’s mind for weeks to come. His voice was raw from screaming to be released from the freezer he’d been locked in after his father grew bored of inflicting pain physically. Deciding psychological pain was just as good as physical pain, his father left him to think about his inferiority for an entire night, only letting him out an hour before he was due to start school.
His lip still dripped scarlet as he walked the halls, both eyes black and ever so slightly swollen and so very tired looking. His steps were taken shakily. It didn’t take him long to notice you standing by his locker, waiting for him as usual. Usually when his eyes flickered over you his body would fill with relief. But after remembering how upset you’d been in your car the day before he found his relief being replaced by guilt and dread.
Isaac ducked his head, he did this purely to avoid your eyes. He still made his way towards you nonetheless.
The first thing to hit you was the scent of blood. Fresh and warm and right from the source, you could tell- you weren’t sure how you could tell but you just knew. You lifted your eyes from the floor. You wished you hadn’t when your eyes landed on Isaac, hobbling towards you with blood dripping down his split bottom lip.
The second thing to hit you, though, was the undeniable feeling of guilt that hit you when Isaac refused to meet your gaze.
As soon as his slow and sluggish steps carried him to you your hands flew to his cheeks, gentle but firm, you cupped them and tried your very hardest to ignore how much you wanted to run your tongue along his bleeding lip. It was proving a lot harder than you would have ever thought it would, in all honesty.
You forced your eyes to stay locked on his, your jaw tight and teeth clenched, your own anger overpowering Isaac’s guilt. “What did he do to you?” You asked him softly, brushing your thumbs along his cheekbones with a feather like touch. The last thing you wanted to do was put him in any more pain than he was already in.
“I may have a C minus in more than just chem.” Isaac explained flatly. Despite the slight ache your hands caused him he couldn’t stop himself from melting into you, loving your warmth as opposed to the cold of the basement freezer. 
At his confession you found yourself unable to hold yourself back any longer. You let out a sigh and Isaac fixed you with a confused gaze as he watched your brows furrow in determination. “Come with me.” 
Isaac followed behind you as you led him towards the basement of the school, nobody ever went down there and your first class, with Isaac, happened to be a free period. It wasn’t until you were standing across from each other again in the narrow dark hallway of the basement that Isaac spoke up in question, “Did you bring me down here to kill me or…”
You let out a shaky sigh, confidence waning as you second guessed yourself. Was this a good idea? Absolutely not. Would it make him feel better, however? Incredibly so, yes.
Deciding you’d probably stretched the whole “keep Isaac out of it” thing as far as you could, there was no point keeping it from him any longer- he was getting hurt whether he knew about the supernatural or not. 
“I’m about to tell you something completely bizarre and I need you to, one, please believe me and don’t freak out and, two, don’t be mad at me for not telling you sooner.” Isaac’s eyebrow rose in concern, “Yeah- yeah sure, ok- what is it?” His voice was filled with worry as were his eyes, that still sparkled despite the dark purple colouring surrounding them paired with the dim lightening of the windowless basement.
“Remember that thing that bit me?” You asked and he nodded mutely, “well, it sort of… gave me something.”
Isaac gasped, “Rabies?” His question was so positively drenched with genuine concern that you had to laugh, grabbing his hand and shaking your head softly. 
“No, I don’t have rabies.” You laughed again, his relieved sigh bouncing off the walls.
“Thank God.”
“It’s probably best if I just show you.” You told him, smiling softly and nodding your head in resolve. You were doing this.
“Show me wha-... holy shit.” Isaac gasped yet again, mouth agape and eyes wide as he stared at your, now slightly changed face, your eyes were a glowing purple and you had fangs? Something in the back of his head told him that, really, he should be afraid. But he wasn’t. Not even in the slightest. He thought the look suited you quite frankly. The way the purple glow of your eyes reflected against your complexion in the dim lighting was, in all honesty, completely mesmerising.
“I’m a vampire.” You clarified, although it was perfectly obvious. Isaac only nodded his head numbly, still trying to comprehend what he was looking at.
When he didn’t say anything after a solid ten seconds you spoke yet again, “I’m telling you because, I hate seeing you hurt…” Your voice trailed off, you weren’t exactly sure what to say in the moment.
It was just then that Isaac spoke up, a sad lilt in his voice while he squeezed your hand, “Come on, (N/n). Don’t do this to yourself, you know there’s nothing you can do-“ You cut him off, voice a mix of anxiety and excitement, “But Isaac! I can! I can do something about it! Okay? Look- I’ve got all these new vampire abilities and one of them…” You paused to take a breath, eyes flying around his face frantically before you finally locked your gaze with his. 
Swallowing the lump on your throat you finished, “I can take your pain away. And physically heal you- but that might not be such a good idea. Your dad would know something was up.”
One thing you loved about Isaac was that he always took your word for things. He never ever doubted you and always believed you when you told him something. Even in a situation like this< he never asked questions< he simply trusted you.
“Will taking my pain away hurt you? Because if it will then absolutely not, I’ll keep it to myself I don’t want you getting hurt because of-“ Isaac fretted anxiously, only stopping when your hands returned to their previous spot on his cheeks, smiling sweetly, “It won’t hurt at all. It’s actually quite enjoyable.”
“How do you do it?” He asked tentatively, hands moving to rest on your waist, an action that wasn’t entirely uncommon but was usually saved for the most intimate of shared moments, which, you supposed, this was.
Nervously you chewed on the inside of your cheek before telling him, “Well, when I feed on someone, its got some kind of euphoric effect- kinda like a drug high or something.” 
Isaac, yet again, nodded his head. “Okay. Go for it.” He told you surely, though hints of anxiety still lingered in his voice. 
You nodded slowly in response. Your hands slipped from his cheeks, the left was now tangled in his curls and tilting his head gently to the side to expose his, already bruised, neck. The other grabbed ahold of his shoulder, bringing him down so that you were level with his neck.
Isaac’s eyes stayed glued to you while you walked him carefully backwards until his back met the wall of the basement, your eyes were still glowing and it was when you nervously peered up at him through your lashes that he realised; he’d do anything you ever asked him to.
“This might sting a bit. Tell me if you start to feel dizzy.” You warned before, hesitantly, moving your fangs towards his neck. His grip on your waist tightening as you bit into him, as gently as you could. He let out a short hiss of pain before you felt him relax against you, his eyes closed and his jaw fell slack the second his blood hit your tongue.
His blood was an entirely new experience. It tasted like, you didn’t actually know, but it was like nothing you’d ever consumed before. If you thought Stiles’ blood was good, Isaac’s was on another level. Maybe all your pinning for him made him taste better to you? You didn’t know.
A satisfied sound unconsciously left your mouth at the flavour while your hand tightened in his hair, but in your close proximity you picked up something more than just the taste of his blood. It felt like… lust? 
The feeling was backed up by the throaty groan falling from Isaac’s mouth, his hands not only tightening on your waist but pulling you closer to his body. Now chest to chest as your lips moved on his neck.
True to your word, Isaac already forgot about the ache in his body- his mind now consumed by the feeling of you, the girl he was not so secretly in love with, with your lips and tongue situated on his neck. And if that alone wasn’t enough to steer his mind away from his pain, the feeling the bite gave to him definitely did the trick.
It was like morphine running straight through his veins. He felt not only like he’d never been hurt to begin with but as well as that, and maybe more importantly, his mind was completely at peace- his thoughts purely consumed by you.
The way you looked when you removed your mouth from his neck was bordering on ethereal, your bodies remained pressed against each other and for a few moments you simply stared at each other with half lidded eyes. Isaac’s breath came out in pants as he stared down at you, your own eyes captivated by the dried blood on his lower lip. Noticing this, and with very little composure what with his current blissed out state, Isaac spoke, “You can take it- the blood. If you want it.”
You weren’t sure at what point it had happened but the lust you felt earlier had magnified tenfold, although you were sure it didn’t all belong to Isaac- you felt it too. He stared at your lips the way you’d been starring at his only seconds ago, did he want you to kiss him? It seemed like it. Did you want to kiss him. Absolutely. A thousand times over.
Again you found yourself wondering; was this a good idea? And, again, you found yourself thinking that, no, it probably wasn’t the best idea. 
Your inhibitions were lowered significantly since you fed, feeding on Stiles’ had been enjoyable but feeding on Isaac, though- that had been intoxicating. Perfectly content to blame what you were about to do on your intoxication if it came back to bite you in the ass, you moved your hands back to their favourite spot cupping Isaac’s cheeks.
Slowly, you pulled him back down to your level, the boy in your grasp complying quite happily, seemingly entranced by your face. Butterflies were erupting violently in your stomach at the way his blue eyes fluttered over your face appreciatively as if admiring art and the way his hands held you to him so tenderly, like he was afraid to hurt you despite knowing you were a supernatural entity. 
What you’d give for him to gaze at you like that, so openly and surely, all the time. 
Without giving it any further thought you gave into what you’d been craving for the longest time and pressed your lips against his, the action feeling more intoxicating than the blood itself. 
Isaac’s hands mirrored yours, sliding up your side before resting against your cheeks. 
His lips moved furiously against yours. The many bruises and injuries that littered his body were long forgotten as he tasted you against his lips, finally.
Your breath came out in pants as you pulled away, your forehead resting against Isaac’s and your chests still pressed against each other. 
It was only when you studied his face that you’d realised you never even got the blood from his split lower lip. What made you feel better though, was the fact that he’d kissed you as passionately as you’d kissed him and his hands that still cupped your cheeks.
“That definitely made me feel better.” Isaac breathed out against your lips, a dopey smile forming on his own.
An airy laugh left your throat at his comment, all your fears of the kiss causing havoc evaporated from your mind with the sound of his voice.
“On a scale of one to ten how drunk do you feel right now?” You asked him teasingly, noticing his eyes were glazed over and his almost static feeling happiness was popping in your chest, almost like fireworks.
Isaac only shrugged, his happiness feeling as though it couldn’t ever be dampened after the kiss he’d just shared with you. “Tipsy at best.” He answered, and true enough you noticed he’d regained his composure a lot faster than Stiles had done the first time you fed on him. Kisses did have a tendency to be sobering, you supposed. 
A silence fell over the pair of you after that. Isaac’s eyes returned their gaze to your lips yet again and you would’ve had to be blind not to notice. By this point your eyes had returned to their usual colour and your fangs reverted back into their dormant form of your regular canines, he was simply looking at you now, just you, no supernatural frills to be seen. But as always, you just being you was enough for him. 
“Would our friendship be destroyed if I told you I really want to kiss you again?” Before you could even answer, he was already dipping his lips back to yours. Not that you minded. 
This time, his lips moved slowly and gently, his thumbs rubbing against your cheekbones before they slipped back down to grasp your waist. As your lips, yet again, meshed perfectly with his, that feeling came over your chest again. That light, fluffy feeling he not only gave you but also radiated. It was only when he pulled away for the second time that you put your finger on exactly what that feeling was- love.
With the realisation- the confirmation that the love you felt towards Isaac was mutual you couldn’t stop the wide smile that formed on your lips, you chased his lips once more after he’d pulled away and tried to keep your giggles quiet when he met you halfway with just as much enthusiasm and his smile just as wide.
It was probably a stupid question but you asked it anyway, “So… you’re not mad that I didn’t tell you about the whole vampire thing?” Isaac shook his head, “I know now. I get why you didn’t tell me.”
“I wanted to.” You told him, a nervous smile taking over your lips as you continue, “But I was kinda warned against it.” He nodded his head, although he was confused, who would’ve even warned you? Were there more supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills that he didn’t know about?
His thoughts didn’t wander too far as your soft voice cut them off, “I’m glad you know now. I missed ranting to you.” 
The boy, still holding your waist, let out a sigh, “I’m glad you told me, too. I knew something was wrong but I didn’t know what. You had me worried.” He told you, laughing airily towards the end.
When he saw the look of guilt beginning to form on your face he immediately changed the course of the conversation. “While we’re confessing stuff…” he began, shy Isaac returning as his eyes fluttered anywhere but your eyes. “We’ve been best friends for a while, and um-  I’ve wanted to tell you for a while- years… yeah for years… but um-“ you couldn’t help but smile as he rambled, you thought you had a clue where he was going. “Isaac.” You cut him off softly, smile never faltering when you finally dropped your palms from his cheeks, placing them over his that were still on your waist and giving them a reassuring squeeze. 
“Take a breath.” You instructed with a laugh. Taking your advice Isaac took a deep breath, manoeuvring his hands to hold yours, your intertwined hands hanging between the both of you now.
“I like you- love you! I love you. A lot. In a more than best friends way. And I have for a… twelve, yeah, no I’ve loved you since we were twelve. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same! I just thought since we kissed just now that maybe you-“ He was rambling again, as he tended to do when he was nervous and in the moment you couldn’t think of any other way to shut him up than to plant your lips against his. Effectively cutting him off as you did so. 
To be perfectly honest, you could definitely get used to kissing him like this all of the time. When you removed your lips from his, for what felt like the millionth time, Isaac’s eyes remained shut. With the absence of blue it really hit you how beaten up he really was, his eyes were black and purple as well as swollen terribly. When you took him in, the words fell from your lips before you could think of some flowery way to present them, “I love you too.”
A sigh of relief left his mouth and he finally found the courage to open his eyes again. The moment was ruined by the class bell ringing in the distance, signifying that your free period was now over and you’d both need to be getting to class.
The pair of you headed off together with wide smiles on your faces that didn’t seem to die down throughout the rest of the day. At the end of the school day, he’d walked you to your car and gave you a kiss goodbye before walking away looking the most pleased you’d ever seen him.
To put it simply, you were on cloud nine. As soon as you entered your kitchen once you got home from school, though, you found yourself crashing straight back down to earth.
Sitting in front of you in all his glory was Derek Hale, it didn’t excite you to see he didn’t look even remotely like he was about to apologise for being a shitty, unloyal pack member, “What do you want?” You snapped, tossing your school bag by his feet rather aggressively for no particular reason. It felt kind of nice to mildly inconvenience him.
“You need to leave.” Was all he said and you rolled your eyes, crossed your arms over your chest and stared at him with a raised eyebrow, “May I remind you, Derek, you don’t fucking live here. So maybe you need to leave.” You snapped, venom seeping from your tone but it didn’t seem to phase him, he knew how things worked with you. You were always hard to lose but once you were gone you were even harder to get back. 
“Beacon Hills, (Y/n). You need to leave Beacon Hills.” He clarified for you, still remaining stoic. “What? Why?” You wanted a good reason. A really good reason. You didn’t just confess your love to your best friend of six years to have Derek swan back into your business and tell you had to leave town for no good reason.
“If I tell you, you won’t leave.” Was he serious? He couldn’t give you a reason to leave but you could think of about ten reasons to stay, he obviously wasn’t one of them at the minute.
“You’re full of shit.” You stated, “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Look I know you don’t exactly like me right now, kid. But for the first time since you turned I’m actually trying to look out for you, alright?” His stoic facade had dropped now, he was practically begging. 
You clenched your jaw, you didn’t want to be difficult but it was hard when the man in front of you wasn’t exactly a smooth operator himself. “If you want me to trust you tell me why.”
“We know who the Alpha is. He’s going to be coming for you next and we need to get you as far away from here as we can before he gets to you.” Derek finally explained, his anxiety bouncy from every cell in his body right into your chest. “Who is it?” You wondered, who could it have been that would make you want to stay? It wasn’t Isaac, it could’ve been Scott but that wasn’t likely seeing as he was looking for the alpha too. It definitely wasn’t Stiles. 
Derek didn’t answer this question. “Your dad is in a meeting with Chris Argent right now. His sister, Kate, was onto you, wants to put your fangs on a necklace. Your dad’s keeping them distracted long enough for me to get you out. So, we need to go. Your stuff is already in my car.” He rushed out grabbing your forearm with a grip you knew you couldn’t wriggle out of. (Not that you didn’t try.)
The wolf had to practically wrestle you into the passenger seat, ignoring all of your colourful threats of what you’d do to his precious car once you got free of his hold as he strapped you in.
Once he got into the driver’s seat, he immediately began to drive, way over the streets speed limit, and it wasn’t until you passed the “Visit Again Soon!” Beacon Hills sign that you piped up.
“Ok, we’re officially out of town. Now tell me what the hell is going on.” You demanded, the tension between you and Derek growing with every mile he drove.
Letting out a deep sigh he finally answered, “The Alpha? It’s Peter.”
The gasp that left you was sharp and Derek knew you’d handle this information with as much disbelief as he had.
Peter couldn’t have been the alpha. The alpha killed Laura Hale- tore her apart. The alpha bit Scott and you, Scott had told you he’d even punched his fist through Derek’s chest and chased him, Stiles, Alison, Jackson and Lydia around the school a few nights ago. Peter wouldn’t have done all of those things… The Peter you knew wouldn’t do all of of those things.
The the more you thought about it the more it began to add up in your mind. The voice, the one you’d heard that night in the hospital, so full of clarity and intention, the voice that consistently rattled your brain with the words of “Don’t let it kill you.” That voice, it belonged to Peter.
“Stiles and I found out last night. He said he had plans for you, he said he wanted the both of his by his side- in his pack. We knew if he got to you right now you’d join him. Even if it was just to spite me.” He explained softly, his brotherly tone making an appearance for the first time in weeks. 
Furrowing your eyebrows, you stared at Derek in confusion, “What makes you think I would’ve gone with him.” You asked, a tiny bit offended by his statement although you had a feeling he was onto something, even if you weren’t ready to admit it to yourself.
“I wouldn’t have blamed you. I’ve been thinking about what you said last night before you ran off and you’re right. I forgot about you when you needed me the most and I’m sorry for that. We both know you and Peter always had a stronger bond than the rest of us. Hating me would make him look better” He told you, not receiving an answer as he watched you stare emptily out the car window, watching the sun as it set.
“You were always so independent growing up, you did things yourself and you loved it. I didn’t know what to make of you becoming a vampire, to be honest I was hoping you’d become a wolf.” Letting out a heavy sigh Derek finished his little speech, “I didn’t know how to help you. It made me feel useless so I focused all of my time on helping Scott. I know it hasn’t been easy for you but where you’re going is going to be really good for you.” 
“And where exactly are you taking me.” You asked suspiciously. “Before you freak out, you’re only staying there until we stop whatever Peter is planning. Two weeks tops.” He tried to reason but it only served to panic you further, “Derek, where are you taking me.”
“I’m dropping you off at the airport and your getting on the next flight to Virginia.” Your eyes widened as you let out a small screech, “Virginia? That’s like a five hour flight! Why Virginia? And for two week? What about the Winter formal?” You rambled, voice high pitched with panic.
Derek shot you a sympathetic look before returning his attention to the highway, “I’ve got a few friends there. One of them is kind of a vampire expert. Says he knows some people that might be able to help train you.” The wolf explained.
Derek had friends? That was truly shocking.
“Who’s your friend?” You asked curiously. 
“His name’s Alaric Saltzman. He’s picking you up at the airport when you land.” 
“So I’m staying with some man I’ve never even met? Cool. Really not worrying at all, Derek. And my parents are on board with this little plan?” You inquired uneasily.
Derek let out a snigger at this, “Seeing as your mother was the one to suggest him, yes. Your dad isn’t so keen on the idea.”
He was chuckling like a little kid and you felt as though you were missing something, “Why isn’t he too keen on it?” 
His laugh came out full voice now as he looked at you with a mischievous grin, “Because before he and your mother got together, she was dating Ric.” 
Your eyes widened and your jaw almost hit the floor, “So your shipping me off to my mother's ex to keep me away from my alpha werewolf uncle? You guys are the fucking worst.”
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Belong To Daddy ~ Im Jaebeom
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WARNINGS: Smut, Daddy Kink, Unprotected Sex (wrap it up), Dom/Sub Scenarios, Choking,  Voyeurism, Slight Yandere, Corruption.
I was expecting Daddy to be home any minute to help me out, and who I thought was Daddy, ended up being Mark...Daddy is gonna be so pissed.
A/N: ah yes, I wrote this a while ago but haven’t been able to post it because I’ve been trying to focus on my Promise You story but of course, I have writer’s block. Anyways, as usual I am tagging @yanderejb​ because I love them and they are gonna get tagged in every Jb fic I post whether they like it or not >:)
 I kept clenching my thighs together to get some type of friction from the arousal I felt. I held the phone to my ear as I called Jaebeom, I knew he was on his way home but I needed something to get me through the next several minutes until he got home.  ”Yes Kitten?” I heard from the other end of the line, ”Daddy, ” I whimpered as I rubbed my thighs against each other. ”What's the matter Kitten?” ”I’ve been a good girl, right?” I asked in a small voice. I heard him chuckle lightly ”You’ve been so good lately, I'm so proud of you, ” he began, ”What do you need Kitten?” ”Can I please touch myself, I promise I won't cum until you get here, I just need some relief” I begged softly. 
There was a moment of silence before he spoke ”Okay Kitten, you can touch yourself, but do not cum until I get there. I'm the only one that's allowed to make you cum, ” he said sternly. ”Of course Daddy! I promise!” ”I’ll be home in a few minutes baby, ” he said to me before he hung up. I put my phone down and quickly slipped my clothes off, I roll onto my side then spread my legs and begin to rub my clit. Soft moans left my mouth and I kept my eyes closed as I tried to imagine Jaebeom being there and being the one touching me, wishing he would get home sooner, then suddenly I felt the bed dip behind me and a mouth attack my neck.
The lips felt strange but I didn't think too much of it because it had to be Jaebeom, he grabbed my hand and replaced it with his, his hands felt different too, and although it didn't stop the moans that were pouring out of me, it still didn't feel right. He pushed two fingers into me and I let out a whine ”Daddy...” ”That’s right baby, let Daddy know how good he's making you feel, ” a voice that wasn't Jaebeom’s said against my neck. I immediately widened my eyes and tense up after turning my head and seeing Mark. ”What’s the matter, baby? I'm making you feel good aren't I?” he smirked and started fingering me faster.
 I let out a moan on accident and tried stopping him ”Mark, what the fuck?! I thought you were Jaebeom!” I shouted as I started pushing him away from me. He pulled his fingers out of me and grabbed my chin, ”You need to watch your fucking mouth, little one, ” he said harshly. I grabbed his hand and pushed it roughly away from my face ”Jaebeom is gonna home any minute now, ” I threatened which made him laugh, ”So?” he pushed me back onto the bed and hovered over me, ”Maybe I should start fucking you and show you how better I am than him, ” he said. My eyes widen as he started to unbuckle his pants, but he was pulled off of me be he could even get his pants down, I look up and see Jaebeom fuming as he held Mark by his shirt.
 I took the opportunity and grabbed Jaebeom’s shirt that I was wearing previously and quickly slipped it on, hugging my legs as I watched everything happen. ”Trying to fuck my Kitten? Like fucking hell you will, ” Jaebeom yelled and threw Mark against the wall, then drawing back and punching him a couple of times. Mark had sunk to the floor in pain and Jaebeom grabbed the rope he had in his closet, it happened to be the same rope he used on Jackson when Jackson tried this same stunt. Jaebeom pulled Mark up and threw him into the chair we had in our room, he tied him up and made sure he couldn't get free
. ”I swear to God. First Jackson, now you? Which friend is next to try and pull this shit?” he muttered darkly. Mark sat there limp in the chair as Jaebeom came over to me, I looked up and quickly moved to the edge of the bed, I threw my arms around him and buried my head in his chest ”Daddy, I'm sorry!  I thought he was you, he was behind me when he started touching me!” I explained quickly to Jaebeom. Jaebeom’s eyes went even darker, he was seething with rage. ”He touched you?” Jaebeom asked. I looked up at him and saw he was staring at Mark, the look in his eyes alone could kill him, Mark cowered in fear and tried to apologize ”I’m so-” ”I don't want to hear it!” Jaebeom shouted ”How dare you even think about touching my Kitten, ” he said as he turned back to me and caressed my face. 
Mark scoffed and quietly mumbled ”Well she liked me touching her, ” Jaebeom turned to go after him but I grabbed him and pulled him back towards me. ”Daddy, he's just trying to get a rise out of you!” I said trying to calm him down. ”You know only you can make me feel good, only you can make me cum.” I softly grab his face and turn it towards mine ”Besides, I wouldn't even want him, he's weak, he wouldn't know how to take care of me, ” I began ”I mean, just look at him Daddy, he's cowering because he's scared of you, he's not a real man, ” I tell him. He glances at Mark and smirks, ”Maybe you should show him what real man is, ” I suggested. 
He looks back at me and grips my ass before slapping it, ”Go to the middle of the bed, Kitten, ” he ordered as he undid his tie. I crawled to the middle of the bed and sat, Jaebeom unbuttoned his shirt then also moved onto the bed, he got behind me and pulled me against his chest. He began kissing my neck,  I melted into him and rubbed my thighs together, seeing this he immediately forced my legs apart, so now everything was on display for Mark. Mark lightly groaned at the sight, his jaw slack as he saw how wet I was. Jaebeom looked at him and chuckled, ”I know, the of sight of her is so...Captivating.” he turned my head towards his as he finished, then kissed me with hunger.
His hand touched my core and he groaned as he pulled back from the kiss, ”Oh Kitten, you’re so ready for me, aren't you?” I frantically nodded which made him slap my thigh, ”Use your words, Kitten.” he growled into my ear, ”Y-Yes, Daddy, ” I whimpered. He rubbed my folds then pushed two fingers into me, I let out a mewl as he pumped his finger in and out of me, curling them so he hit my g spot each time. His head dropped to my neck again and started to mark me, so everyone knew who I belonged to. ”D-Daddy, I'm so close, ” I whine out as I feel my stomach tighten. His pace gets faster and his thumb begins to rub my clit, ”Let go, Kitten, ” he commands.
 My hand reaches behind his neck and my other grabs the bedsheets as I come undone on his fingers, Mark licks his lips as he watches the arousal leak out of me. Jaebeom pulls his fingers out then brings them to his lips, he begins to suck on them and his eyes roll back as he savors the dew I left on them. ”Her taste is so sweet, I would taste her all day if I could.”  Mark shifted in his seat, choking back moans as he tried to conceal his boner. Jaebeom had such an evil smirk displayed on his face, kissing my neck once more, he motioned for to go on all fours, still facing Mark. I arched my back so my ass was in the air and the rest of my body was laying on the bed. 
Jaebeom pushed his pants down and lined up with my entrance, ”Such a good Kitten, ” he praised as he gripped my hips and pushed into me.  I let out a soft moan and he let me adjust to him for a second before he started to slam into me over and over again.  He grabbed my hair and pulled me up to him, ”I think you know what to say to little Markie over there, ” he growled into my ear. I nodded and tried choking down my moans, I look Mark in the eye and begin ”Jaebeom is m-my Daddy, only he c-can be my Daddy, ” Jaebeom’s thrusts got faster, ”Only D-Daddy can make me feel this way, I only belong to him, ” I cry out.
My stomach tightened and I whine to Jaebeom, ”Daddy, I'm close, ” his hand goes to my  throat, ”Cum for me, Kitten.” I whimper as I release around his dick,  his grip gets tighter and he let's go right after me and drops his head onto my shoulder, moaning out and biting down. He let's go of my neck and pulls out, I collapse onto the bed, panting as Jaebeom gets dressed. Mark’s eyes stayed locked onto my worn out figure, Jaebeom walks over to me and pets my head, ”Kitten, you get some rest, I'll be back to play some more. But first Mark and I are going to have a talk about touching what's mine, ” he says while glaring at Mark, making him gulp. I nod and give him a kiss before slipping his shirt back on and lay on his side of the bed, the last thing I see before closing my eyes was Mark getting dragged out of the room
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Only Traitors Consort With The Damned. (Part 13)
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: injury, blood
Context: The boys, (Y/n) and Nico formulate a plan to get out of the cave safely.
A/N: I have a new editor! It is my good friend @jawline-of-steel and she will hopefully be helping me with editing on all of my work!😊💛💛💛
Edited By: @jawline-of-steel
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“What do we do? There’s no way out of here except through there! We’re trapped!” I say quickly, keeping my voice down as much as i can so as not to alert anyone outside of the fact that we are very close by, “Is there anywhere we can hide?”
“In here? Yeah, there is, but I’m not sure how good the hiding places are, especially not for someone as big as him.” Dwayne muses, gesturing to Nico as he turns to David with a questioning look on his face.
“All of the hallways are blocked off by debris, and any of the crawlspaces barely fit us, so it’s doubtful that he will be able to get through.” The platinum blonde responds dismissively, though his tone betrays his nerves, the idea of a team of highly trained Hunters waiting just outside the cave worrying and unnerving to him.
“How is she supposed to walk anywhere? She’s got a busted leg, remember?” Paul interjects, pointing at me.
“One of us could carry her?” Marko suggests, which draws a low growl from Nico, his protective side showing through as he tightens his grip around me, holding me tighter to his chest.
I think for a minute, during which time the other five tense up, clearly having heard something I can't, Marko and Paul starting to look even more worried. Frowning, i look around at them all, as if asking them to clarify, though none of them care to explain; instead, David jerks his head to the side, signalling for the rest of us to follow him as he leads us through a nearby tunnel, which takes us to what i assume is their sleeping quarters, Nico having to duck down the entire time as he struggles to fit his bulk in the space. As we emerge into the area, David quickly starts talking.
“The sun is gonna come up soon, so we don’t really have too much time, but I think we can help you. If one of us carries (Y/n), then she can leave through the way we get in and out of here, which isn’t accessible by foot, so it's the safest way out. As for Nico, there’s a chance we can lure the Hunters around the caves enough for him to have a clear chance at getting out of here, but it will only work if you're fast, because they'll most likely be expecting something like this to happen. There’s a safehouse a little way away, where you can stay until you can find transport, and where one of us can stay whilst the sun is out.” The vampire swiftly explains, the rest of us nodding as we take in the plan, glad that one of us is thinking rationally. 
“Hold on, why do you have a safehouse?” Nico asks, frowning in the dim light.
“Our sire made it in case anyone ever came after us.” Dwayne fills him in, before moving on again just as quickly, “Which one of us is going to carry her?”
“Paul will, he's the fastest out of the four of us, which will mean he can get to the safehouse much quicker.” David says decisively, looking to his friend for confirmation.
“I’ll do it.” The tall vampire nods, reaching out to take me from Nico, who reluctantly hands me over, giving me one last squeeze for reassurance as he passes me to the blonde.
“Hang on a sec, what about Nico? How is he supposed to know where the safehouse is?” I chip in, looking at the towering werewolf as he straightens again.
The vampires are silent for a moment, thinking the question through, clearly as stuck as I am. Eventually, Dwayne pipes up again, having thought of something.
“I guess one of us will have to go with him.” The brunette says, looking around at the others.
“Yeah, I guess that would help.” I agree, adjusting myself in Paul’s arms.
“I can do it, I'm fast enough to get out of here and into cover before the sun comes up.” Dwayne offers, looking over at Nico as the werewolf, nods appreciatively, still uneasy around the vampires, but not as much as before. 
“Ok, Dwayne will go with the werewolf. We’ll stay here and out of sight as much as we can.” David says with finality, watching us all agree before speaking again, “Alright then, let's get going, I can already hear them on the steps.”
“Alright. Thank you for doing this, you really didn't have to.” I say to them all, smiling thankfully.
“No problem, Dwayne is right. We owe you this, you’ve saved our lives too many times to count.” The platinum blonde waves me off, moving to start off into a nearby hallway. 
I go to say something, only for Nico to cut me off, gesturing for Paul and Dwayne to move off immediately, not allowing me to argue with him, as is often the case. Paul starts moving off, carrying me as he turns down a different way to the others, where there is already a cooler breeze blowing in from the sea just outside. I lean back against the vampire’s chest, tensing in his arms in trepidation as i think through the plan in my head, still nervous about what will happen to my friends whilst im gone, particularly David and Marko, who will be stuck in the cave with a bunch of Hunters ready to kill them at a moment’s notice, should they get themselves caught. Part of me is confident that they won’t, but the more rational part of my mind knows that there is a very high probability of things going badly, which will end even worse for the rest of us. 
I am snapped from my thoughts by the sound of the roaring ocean, the cave now widening out into a cavern that is filled with crashing waves, the far end ïleading to the sea itself, the horizon still cloaked in darkness despite the proximity of dawn that is fast approaching.
“You're gonna want to hold on tight.” Paul warns me, waiting for me to grip him with more force before he kicks off the ground, the disorientation that comes with his floating slightly off-putting as I become stiff in his arms.
“Hey, relax. I'm not going to drop you.” The vampire promises, before he starts to move off towards the front of the cave and out into the open. 
My back aches as I slouch in the chair I'm sat in, my fingers knotted together as I watch the doorway, my lip already in shreds from how much I've been biting it, every muscle in my body tense with nerves. Across from me, Paul eyes me in concern, knowing that every movement I'm making is upsetting the injury on my knee, which is throbbing painfully now, though I am ignoring it in favour of staring at the space where Nico and Dwayne should appear. 
"They'll make it, (Y/n), don't worry." The vampire tries to reassure me, though he isn't too convinced, looking just as worried and uneasy as i feel.
"I hope so." I manage back, my jaw clenched and tight, though I am doing my best to relax it.
We wait in silence again for a few moments, neither of us daring to say a word in case we miss the tell tale sounds of someone entering the safe house through the hatch in the abandoned gas station above, the actual door itself squeaky and stiff from disuse. It takes a little while, but eventually we hear it, at which point Paul moves to stand by the doorway, ready to intercept if it should be someone unsavoury, rather than the supernatural beings we are expecting. I sit up straighter, my eyes trained on the doorway, anxiously awaiting whoever it is, the heavy footsteps becoming more and more audible as they approach.
Suddenly, the familiar, lithe silhouette of Dwayne enters the candlelight, the brunette limping a little, his bare chest stained red with blood, Nico just behind him, the werewolf completely bare, his skin covered in sweat, blood and dirt. A few cuts litter his chest, though there is a wound on his shoulder where the shaft of a crossbow bolt is just visible. The German instantly comes over to me as he sees me, ignoring any pain as he chooses instead to pull me into an awkward embrace, glad to see I'm alright.
"Thank God you're ok!" He hums into my hair, pulling back to look me in the eye.
"I'm fine, Nico, though I can't say the same about you. What happened?" I respond, looking between him and Dwayne, who has sat down beside me on a different chair. 
"There were some waiting for us outside the cave. We fought them off, but we both got hurt in the process. Nico took a crossbow bolt for me." The vampire informs me, nodding thankfully at the werewolf.
"And you took a bullet for me. We are even." He responds, smiling at the vampire in his usual crooked way, moving away from me when he finally notices that he is still naked, "Are there any clothes in here that I could wear?"
"Err, yeah man, they're over there. What happened to your first ones?" Paul asks, looking a little confused.
Nico sends him an odd look, obviously wondering if the vampire is joking.
"My clothes were destroyed when I transformed."
"You transformed?!" Paul exclaims, going wide-eyed as he looks over the huge werewolf.
"It was the only way either of us would be fast enough." Dwayne cuts in, groaning as he pulls a bullet out of his shoulder with his fingers.
"Oh, right." His friend nods, going to the brunette's side to offer his aid.
Across from us, Nico roughly yanks out the crossbow bolt, growling as he does so, pulling on a shirt that is much too small for him after, knowing that the wounds will heal themselves in a little while. Once done, he moves to sit on a sofa nearby, only to come and help me up when I gesture to him that I'd like to join him. Carrying me over to the sofa, the werewolf sits down with me, placing me beside him as he leans back, clearly tired.
Tired now, I watch as Paul helps Dwayne with his injuries, the two vampires talking quietly amongst each other, clearly worried about David and Marko, who are most likely still running from the Hunters back at the cave, the two of them in great danger. Unconsciously, I let my head drop onto Nico's shoulder, my eyelids starting to droop as I start to give in to the sleep I've been fighting off all night, the perpetual warmth from his body soothing and calming to me, his arm coming up to support me as he carefully manoeuvres us so that he's lying back against the arm of the sofa, my body resting on his. In this new position I quickly feel myself start to lose consciousness, my muscles finally relaxing as I let myself fall asleep.
Part Fourteen
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gnollface · 3 years
“My time with the Gnolls.”
(Wrote this as a proof of concept for another anthology project, reading it again i want to revisit it.)
"My time with the Gnolls."
(Wrote this as a proof of concept for another anthology project, reading it again i want to revisit it.)
Excerpt from "My time with the Gnolls" by Dr. Jaysis Une
“When i first began informing my colleagues and friends of my desire to begin an in depth study of the Gnoll race the responses were more or less what one might expect and largely (and unsurprisingly uniform.)
The consensus being that I had, quite simply, lost my mind.
What more could there possibly be to know? Gnolls were mindless blood thirsty demon spawn and
To embark on such a course was akin to suicide.
I took no offense,
I like them, knew well the stories of the savage and brutal nature of the minions of Yeenoghu
“The goddess of slaughter”
“The ruler of Ruin” and any number of other terrifying descriptors.
The Gnolls were little more than horrific and infernal automatons focused solely on slaughtering any living thing standing before them so that they may in turn slaughter any that might further be found behind those tragic souls.
And So while this was not my first dangerous subject to pursue, it was far and away the most
And as such i did my full due diligence as a man of science and assembled all the knowledge i had gained personally to that point and sought out master hunters, warriors and soldiers to add any first hand information i was able before crafting a master plan and outline to maximize my safety while still maintaining my ability to study and observe my horrific quarry. My preparations took the better part of a year before i felt comfortable to embark.
But as the old Gnomish saying goes “All great tragedy follows once great plans”
And i am ashamed to admit it was a humblingly short amount of time until,
despite my best efforts,
my worst fears had come to pass and I found myself captured by the Gnoll warband I had,
To this point, thought I was following from a safe distance unseen.
For reasons i even now still do not fully understand the Gnoll scouts did not immediately kill me but brought me back to their makeshift camp and threw me to the bottom of a roughly dug dirt pit
its top covered with a crudely made barred gate of sticks and branches.
I landed awkwardly and the hard soil and clay bottom with a sound that sickens me to recall to this day.
I had only just begun to gather my bearings and assess the nature of my situation when a low and gravelly voice reached me from a darkened corner at the other side of the pit.
"You must go…..out." it said.
I quickly jumped up from my knees to my feet and backed myself against the wall in fear.
I was not alone in my cell
But a very distinct terror washed over me as my eyes, now adjusting to the dark, made out the shape of my new cell mate, another large Gnoll.
A flood of thoughts filled my head, was this some kind of Chieftain?
Was I to be its food?
Perhaps a toy to be sacrificed to their demon goddess?
What should i do?
I was a researcher, a biologist, not a fighter, i would not mount much of a defense against this hulking creature.
"Wuh-what?` `I replied, shaking in fear.
"They keep you….for Flind. ( Referring to a massive gnoll often serving as warchief for the band )
“Flind mad...when others...leave no blood." The Gnoll explained to me quietly seemingly struggly to capture each word in its head before using it
It said all this without looking over.
For whatever reason, perhaps something in its tone, my fear began to subside slightly, something led me to believe perhaps my new cellmate was not the threat to me I immediately feared..
"Why have they thrown you in here?" I asked him (i think it was a him) surprising myself, the words had left my mouth before i even registered the idea of asking it
I cautiously lowered myself to the floor against the wall opposite him.
"I am...broken." He responded meekly and though i can't be certain, i swear he smirked and chuckled as he made this comment.
Gnolls make such a variety of noises it's often hard to determine.
"Broken?" I pressed, confused, perhaps in his shallow grasp of common he had misspoke?
With this he looked down from the barred ceiling and towards me for the first time,
what little light that was reaching us at the bottom of our hole now reflecting in his yellow eyes giving them the appearance of glowing cinders.
It sent chills down my spine like ice water.
"I am….clean of Yeenoghu, I no…..hear yeenoghu, I do not….heed, I am clean.
Broken...they say." he pointed upwards as he explained to clarify whom he was speaking of.
Though his common tongue was not very fluid he definitely demonstrated a level of intelligence i to this point had never seen exhibited in a Gnoll.
The scientist inside me roared to life, my mind overcome with questions and possibilities, no longer considering the very real danger of my predicament. I straightened myself into a more comfortable position and swatted some dirt from my pants.
"My name is Jaysis, well met." I offered.
He turned his head away slightly and side eyed me
seemingly confused and slightly suspicious before returning his gaze skyward.
after a moment or two, perhaps after consideration
"Hoontra, I am Hoontra"
The large gnoll offered back tapping his big clawed hands against his chest as he too straightened to face me better, it was then, as he came more into the limited light that i noticed he was gravely injured,
both his legs were badly broken.
"You're hurt." i pointed to his legs stating what must have seemed obvious.
Hoontra shrugged,
"Dead soon...gone...Home soon." he replied as he looked up at the night sky through the bars as if contemplating the stars, calmly, and remarkably so considering his words.
As the night went on I started to more clearly notice His mannerisms and movements. they expressed a thoughtfulness that surprised me more than his intelligence.
Gnolls with thoughts?
It was then another thought came to me.
If Hoontra was resigned to his imminent demise what hope could i possibly have?
Well if this is how i am to die, I thought to myself, then I shall die as I lived, and I again pressed the Gnoll for more information.
"How did you become Broken?...eh Clean Hoontra?" i asked him
and again the big gnoll shrugged, not breaking his skyward gaze.
"Hoontra battle..and fall...hurt..Hoontra look quiet place to die, find pretty place, many trees.That place... mama call me, I wake up….clean, no mad, no hungry, no red, just Hoontra. Hoontra and Mama." with this Hoontra resignedly smiled, I suppose i can't be certain it was a smile, an exposing of the fangs for a gnoll is no rare thing…...but i like to believe it was.
I took in what he said in stunned silence, here i sat having a conversation with a Gnoll, what would the others think of this story? I’d likely never learn the answer to that question.
There Hoontra sat staring skyward, he showed no sign of pain, no sign of anger, sadness or anxiety, just what seemed contentment as he continued to look out into the night.
But each answer Hoontra gave me only raised more questions in me
"Who is Mama Hoontra? Who cleaned you? " I asked
With this question again Hoontra looked to me and extended his large muscular arm to the dirt wall besides him and gently pressed his large clawed fingers against a roughly carved image of a Unicorn head.
"MeekiLee, Meekilee is mama." The coincidences were too striking to not be comfortable in assuming that "MeekiLee" was his pronunciation or interpretation of Mielikki the forest goddess.
I was gobsmacked, was it true? Could the Gnolls be cleansed of their demonic taint? Had the ranger goddess cleansed this gnoll? But my internal debate was interrupted as Hoontra continued
"Meekilee forgive and clean... soon Hoontra die and run in tall grass...forever, and Meekilee run with me." Hoontra looked to a small wooden circle carved with the image of a unicorn he wore around his neck tied with some shoddy twine. He turned it around in his fingers for a few seconds before shifting onto his back exhaling deeply, as he moved. For the first time it was clear that he was in some pain
"I sleep...you escape...wake up Hoontra...Hoontra help" I nodded and smiled at this most surprising beast and crossed my arms, a million questions rolling through my mind keeping the the reality of my imminent death at bay.
After some time my thoughts however were broken by the sudden sounds of battle above. Hoontra quickly straightened up eyes wide. With a stunning speed he launched himself forward on just his arms, dragging his broken legs behind him and grabbed me.
He pulled me behind his huge body defensively and lowered his head in a gutteral snarl, the black mohawk of hair running down his spine spiking upwards. I tensed in fear suddenly overwhelmed by everything going on around me,
was this it? was this how i die?
I sunk my fingers into the tattered cloak Hoontra wore over his back and I closed my eyes when suddenly a loud BANG rang out from above followed by several gentle thuds.
Hoontras body tensed suddenly and then he exhaled deeply and his body went limp as he collapsed before me.
“Hoontra!” i said loudly as I shook him, paying no mind to whatever was above.
"Jaysis! Jaysis Une! are you down there? " a human voice called down into the hole as light suddenly surrounded me.
"Yes! im here!" I responded as I looked up and saw three armed men holding crossbows and a torch.
"You ok?" another of the men continued.
"Im unharmed!" I yelled back suddenly relieved
but that feeling quickly changed as I looked down at the body of Hoontra.
"Ok just hold on a minute. we'll find some rope and get you out of there." the men said as they walked out of my range of vision.
I rolled Hoontra over onto his back as gently as I was able, he was shockingly heavy, I surveyed his arrow riddled body and sighed as I struggled to pull his arms over to cross his stomach in some feeble attempt at a show of respect.
There was no way the men would have known, How could they? who in a million years would ever believe a Gnoll could be anything, but well...a gnoll?
I sat beside Hoontra for a few minutes collecting my thoughts, now being able to truly appreciate how big a gnoll is, knowing, id likely never be this close to one again.It was then i noticed that his one hand was closed in a fist, grasping the small wooden symbol of his “Meekilee”
a peaceful smile, yes, it was a smile, on his scarred canine face.
"Doctor! we're lowering the rope to you now." the men had returned.
"Gentleman!" i spoke back "I'm going to need to take this corpse back with me….for study " i said to the men.
The leader sighed "Doctor, there are plenty of dead gnolls up here we ...." he tried to explain when i cut him off
"No, I need this one, ten gold for each of you if you help me get it back to my home." With this the men's eyes widened and with smiles they hurried off to find more rope.
Of course there will be no study.
There is a clearing in my garden at the base of an old oak tree surrounded by different flowers and bushes and such. It has a clear view of the sky and the stars at night, I often sit there to read my books by candle light or a small fire.
occasionally, distracted by the infinity of the night sky i stare off and wonder about everything
and nothing.
This is where ill bury my friend Hoontra and perhaps ill leave a carved unicorn so Meekilee will know where to find her son so they may run together in the tall grass forever.
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kyber-kisses · 4 years
I Know
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: character death, angst, cursing, mild descriptions of wounds and torture.
Summary: almost a year after the readers death, Dean finds himself at the mercy of a witch who knows one of his only weaknesses. You.
A/n: because I’m slowly dying of boredom I decided to do Bad Things Happen bingo. Please send in your preference for the next square! 
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Fucking Witches. Dean Winchester was officially done with their shenanigans and messed up thought processes. It was like they had a flare for the dramatic. If they were so into killing folks. Why couldn’t they just do it quickly?
Finding himself bound tightly to the old chair in the rundown house the witch had been residing in, Dean for once wished he had dragged Sam along with him on this case. If Sam was here there was no way the witch would still be alive.
Instead here he was. Tied in place and basically steeping in thick silence. How this bitch has got the drop on him was still beyond him. The last thing he remembered before waking up here was driving to one of the witnesses house. He didn’t remember getting out of the car or being tied up. It was almost as if it had all happened in the blink of an eye.
He had already tried struggling and pulling at his restraints but to no avail. The ropes were probably laced with spell work along with the chair, seeing as he couldn’t even shift the price of furniture across the floor. Either that or it was bolted to the floor.
“Son of a bitch-“ he hissed, slightly out of breath from pulling on the ropes. His head whipping around in hopes of finding something to help him get out, but the room was empty of everything except himself.
“Well look who decided to wake up.” It was like she was waiting for the perfect moment, because not a second later the young witch stepped out from beyond the shadows, her black hair hanging in ringlets as her lips twisted into a bright red smile.
Going through his choices quickly, Dean chose to go with the playing dumb act, pretending he had no idea what was going on. Maybe, just maybe he could somehow gain the upper hand.
“I feel like there’s been a misunderstanding. I don’t have a clue as to what is going on.”
“Oh but I think you do. You're a hunter.”
“A what? I don’t know what that is. I was just in town to meet up with some old friends.”
The witch smiled again, stalking closer to the bound Winchester, a small hexbag gripped in her freshly polished nails, the polish reflecting the orange candle light slightly. “Oh don’t play dumb with me. You're not just a hunter. You're Dean Winchester.”
Oh for fucks sake. Of course this witch knew who he was. Could he ever catch a break?
“Oh well, ya caught me.” He gave in, flashing her a grin. “Now you want an autograph or something?” Time to think of another plan. If he had enough time to that is.
“Oh no, I thought we’d have some fun first.” Her white smile becoming more menacing as she stopped in front of him, tilting his chin upward and fully catching his gaze.
“No offense Sweetheart, but I ain’t interested.”
“Oh I know. You only ever had eyes for miss Y/N Y/L/N, isn’t that right?” She cooed, her smile widening when his face hardened, his mouth snapping shut, eyes blazing. “Oh struck a nerve did I?”
“How do you-“
“How do I know about her? Oh well that’s easy. I’ve been watching you Winchesters for quite sometime.” She explained, moving to tuck the hexbag into one of the inner pockets of his canvas jacket. “Dean and Y/N. Friends to. . .- well not quite lovers. You were too late for that, weren’t you?”
Everything in him wanted to lash out at her, make her regret ever saying your name, but once more the ropes restricted him from doing so. His struggle barely doing anything to loosen the binds. “So help me if you don’t shut up I’m gonna rip your tongue out.” He growled, feeling the pure white hot rage crawl up his spine.
“Must have been painful losing her, especially when you loved her so much. Only- you never did tell her that did you?”
“I said shut the hell up!”
She was toying with him. Pulling at all the loose strands of his soul. If people really knew Dean Winchester they would know that the key to fully unraveling him was to bring you up. You death had crushed him in more ways than one and now this bitch was using it against him.
“Like I said before, Dean. Let’s have some fun.” She smiled, tapping him on the nose before muttering an incantation under her breath, backing away slowly.
“What the hell did you do to me?”
The hunter was met with silence as she gave him a wink, disappearing around the corner. “Just having some fun and games. Good luck, pretty boy!”
And just like before he went back to struggling against the bindings, the thick rope burning his wrists as he twisted and pulled. He had to get the hex bag off him before it- before it-
It was like a switch had been pulled because not a second later he felt his eyes get heavy and his shoulders slumped, pulling him head first into unconsciousness. When he opened them again he found himself no longer in the rundown house but on a darkened hillside,the moon being the only source of light across the black landscape.
It took him a minute before he finally realized where he was. His eyes falling shut in hopes of finding himself anywhere but there. This was where he had found you, your blood caked body sitting limp and cold against the lone tree not too far off.
This was the night he lost you.
It was like a bucket of ice had been dumped down the back of his shirt as memories came knocking into him like bricks. It was just some fight. You had yelled yourself hoarse after Dean and Sam had returned from a hunt they decided not to tell you about. You had been furious and scared when you didn’t know where they were. And Dean ended up yelling right back, saying things that to this day haunt him. He was trying to keep you safe- and yet everything back fired right in his face. You had stormed off in a rage only for some vamps to find you and—
He clenched his jaw, battling down the memory. He had to figure out how to get out of this magically induced nightmare. He couldn’t live through this again. The first time nearly killed him.
At the sudden voice he felt his body seize up. No. No this wasn’t real. It wasn’t you.
“Dean.” This time there was more force in your tone, and Dean let himself turn, his breath leaving his lungs as the sight of you.
When he woke up he was gonna gut that witch six ways from Sunday. That bitch was taking evil to a whole new level.
Sure enough, there you stood. Your hair framing your hollowed face as you bore into him, your throat covered in gashes and cuts littered your arms and legs. You looked exactly the same as when he had found you.
“Y/N-“ struggling to speak, he inhaled.
“Words, Dean. Use them.”
“How is this-“
“Witches Dean. C’mon use your damn brain for once. “ your tone becoming menacing as you stepped closer, your bare feet moving heel to toe as you moved through the grass. “But it’s me.”
“You’re disappointed in me, aren’t you?” He sighed, jade eyes glazing over with unshed tears as he watched you. He had so many things he needed to say and yet? They were caught in his throat, a part of him still telling him you were just a hallucination conjured up by the witch.
“Slightly, yes.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. I never should have yell—“
“Don’t.” You raises a hand, silencing the hunter in front of you. “You don’t get to be sorry. I’m dead, Dean.”
“I know. And I never should have let you walk out of the bunker after that fight.”
“That was the whole reason for the fight in the first place!” You yelled, eyes widening. “Because you wouldn’t let me go on the damn hunt! You put me on lock down without telling me! Do you have any idea what it’s like to wake up and find the people you love the most gone without a word? And then you said you were keeping me safe!” You paused, sucking in a breath. “ Im a hunter, Dean! Or was. Either way you stopped me from helping and doing my job!”
“I know that now, and I am sorry.” His voice breaking as he looked at you. You didn’t deserve this. You deserved so much better. “I loved you too much to risk putting you in danger.”
Your jaw clenched, eyes on the verge of creating tears. “Then why didn’t you tell me that when I was alive?”
“Because I didn’t know how. And you can hate me all you want but I need you to know that I am sorry.”
He could practically see the anger draining from your face- only for it to be replaced with heartbreak and tear stained cheeks. “I bet you are. And do you want to know what the worst part of it all was? I died alone and I died scared.” You own voice wavering as you looked at the older Winchester, successfully shattering his heart all over again. “I died thinking you hated me.”
That. That was what he had always feared. Ever since he found you he had wondered what you had been thinking. With those six little words you broke the remaining pieces that had somehow managed to stay together inside him. He could never make this right. It was too late.
“I think we’re done here. You better wake up.” You have him one last glare before turning on your bare heel, walking off into the dark, the moon casting stark shadows across your frame.
“Y/N, wait!”
With one more blink he found himself back in the falling apart house. He expected to be looking up into the eyes of the witch but instead he was met with the worried cobalt blue eyes of a certain trench coated angel.
“Cas?” The words coming out confused as he felt the hallucination induced tears slide off his face. “What the hell happened?”
The angel tilted his head as he began working on bindings around the hunters wrists. “You prayed earlier. I came.”
“What about the witch?”
“Dead. When I killed her it broke you out of your trance.”
Slowly rising from the chair, Dean rubbed at his tender wrists. “Shame.”
“That I saved you?”
“No, thank you for that by the way. Shame that she’s dead. Would’ve liked to end her myself after what she did to me.”
Heading towards the door, Cas was hot on his heels, curiosity easily getting the best of the celestial. “What did she do?”
“Doesn’t matter anymore. It’s done with.” Digging through his coat pockets, Dean produced the keys to the impala, his new mission already set in stone inside his head.
“Where are you going?”
“Somewhere I have yet to visit in a while.”
“Would you like me to come with?” Cas spoke, knowing exactly where Dean was headed without him having to say so. Whatever the witch had made him see it was the final push Dean needed.
“Nah. It’s alright.I need to do this alone.” Throwing open the driver side door, Dean paused to flip the keys in his hand. “But thanks man. You know for coming and pulling my ass out of the fire. I appreciate it.”
“Of course. Anytime.”
*. *. *. *. * .
Even if the numbers on the dashboard read 1:30AM, Dean still found himself putting the impala in park at the edge of the cemetery on the outskirts of Lebanon. Moonlight curved around headstones and the grass was still damp from the earlier rain. Lampposts still lit up the space partially with orange light as the hunter weaves through the headstone, stopping in his tracks once he found yours.
He and Sam had given you a hunters funeral but he still insisted on getting you a headstone. It gave him a place to visit- even if he had yet to until this moment.
“I know it wasn’t really you in the hallucination.” He breathed, hands stuck deep into his pockets as he stared down your name carved into the piece of granite. “But it didn’t hurt any less. That- that illusion of you said some things that in truth made some sense to me. Things I have been telling myself ever since I lost you.”
A soft warm breeze ran through the cemetery, ever so slightly tickling his skin. It was easier to find words here. It was quiet. It allowed him no worries over who else might be listening. You used to say that the dead speak to those who listen. He was listening as best he could.
“If you really died hating me I am so sorry. I should never have held you back. If I hadn’t we never would have gotten into that fight and you never would have stormed out. In the end it was still my fault.” He paused.”I could never hate you.” He could feel the hot tears gathering in his eyes again as he inhaled, bringing his gaze skyward in hopes of keeping the tears in. “I think I was just scared. When I realized I loved you - that I was in love with you. I just wanted to tuck you away and keep you safe from the world. But that’s not how those things work. It took me too long to realize that and I’m so sorry.”
His eyes went back to the granite headstone, the moonlight catching the polished rock just right so that your name shone. 
Please be listening.
“I should have told you. I should have told you and not tried to bury it.” His voice cracked. “I love you Y/N. Always have and always will.” 
And with that he kissed his index and middle finger, pressing it lightly against the cool granite that was the last piece of you on this earthly plane. It would be the closest he ever came to kissing you.
As he turned to walk back through the cemetery another warm gust of wind went past him, ruffling his hair and he swore- even if it sounded insane out loud that he heard your voice interwoven through the breeze.
“I know.”
SPN Taglist (Still open!)
@familybusinesswritingbro​​​​​​​@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @music-is-all-i-need​ @agusdoti​​​​​​​ @callmekda​​​​​​​ @jordangdelacruz​​​​​​​ @orphiceseum​​​​​​​ @andthatsmyworld​​​​​​​ @marvelfangirllll​​​​​​​ @fandomnerdespressourself​​​​​​​ @gladiosamicitias​​​​​​​ @castielsangelsx​​​​​​​ @lxstgxrl-ck​​​​​​​ @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit​​​​​​​ @amendoise​​​​​​​ @phoenixuprisingsstuff​​​​​​​ @ericalynne007​​ @kaitlaitlaitl​​​​​​​ @neerness​​​​​​​ @totallyluciferr​​​​​​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​​​​​​​ @dolanfivsosxox​​​​​​@supernatural-ocs @emptycanvasposts​​​ @akshi8278​​ @defenderrosetyler​​​ @heyyy-hey-babyyy​
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hogwarts-no1whore · 3 years
Warnings- mention of injury, fainting, small mention of eating, written really badly but it’s my first attempt so we move
Summer loving...
Oliver wood x reader
Your POV
I hate Summer. Its too hot. Not to mention its exam season.
This summer is particularly horrible. It's arguably the hottest one to date. And yet here I sit, or rather here I hover above the ground, as Oliver Wood drones on about practice. Yet again he insists on forcing the entire team onto the pitch in faint worthy conditions, he said something about being better than Slytherin with all the extra practice. Whatever it was I wasn't really listening, my thoughts lay elsewhere, specifically by the black lake basking in the cool waters. Or at breakfast and how I was wishing I'd eaten something before rushing out here.
How I wish he wasn't so obsessed with Quidditch, how I wish he'd take notice of me for more than my ball handling skills or my passing ability. To be considered as a person rather than a player on a team. Still one can but dream of such a time when Oliver Wood is not infatuated with the broomstick sport.
"hey Y/L/N, you gonna join us or just sit there" George shouts at me taking me out of my daze. I look around to see everyone else high above me waiting for me. "erm yes coming sorry" I hastily reply soaring up to join the rest of the team. I fly up next to Fred and wait for Oliver to release the balls, in all honesty I hope this is going to be a quick practice, I feel as though the heats becoming unbearable. "Right everyone, take up your positions and lets go" Oliver utters before releasing the bludgers and tossing the quaffle to me.
I speed off towards the goal where Oliver is now situated pretending to be the opposition. I pass the quaffle to Johnson who slips it into the left hand hoop. "Come on Olly, pay attention" I mock with a slight smile. He simply scoffs at me and turns his focus elsewhere.
After what feels like an eternity of flying up and down, dodging bludgers and the like I see Ginny flying down at something, I really hope she's got the snitch because I simply cannot take much more of the heat....
"Y/N" someone shouts but I don't hear them.
And then it all went black.
Olivers' POV
"Y/N" I shout but it's too late, she's falling from a dangerous height. I don't think I just act, flying directly for her, hoping and praying I can reach her before she almost certainly hits the ground. I can't make it, she's falling too fast, I pull out my wand and utter "Arresto Momentum" to slow her fall. She hits the ground with a soft thud and the entire team flies down to her aid. I cannot help but feel guilty about making her train in the heat. It's quite apparent she's fainted from heat exhaustion, watching her swoon and fall like that, I could never have lived with myself if the fall had been fatal. My dear sweet Y/N.
"Oliver???? Helllooooo earth to captain?" Fred interrupts my thoughts. "infirmary now!" I shout picking her limp body in my arms and rushing towards the medical wing. My feet carried me swiftly towards the looming castle, she felt so light, so delicate, like if I dropped her, she'd smash into a thousand pieces. I had never run so fast in all my years of being at Hogwarts, never had I felt the need to run and to cry more so now. I ran through the court yard which was thankfully empty and pushed on down the never-ending corridor leading to the infirmary. The rest of the team were trailing behind me yelling at me to slow down. But I couldn't. How could I when the girl I have loved since I was 13 was lying limp in my arms? No, I had to keeping going.
The doors to the hospital wing came into view but they were blocked by some irritating first years giggling about god knows what. "move!" I yelled. Surprisingly they did just that, I'm not sure if it was me being so angry in my tone or the fact I was carry a body, either way I was glad. "I need help" I yelled as the white doors swung open hitting the walls as they did. The smell of disinfectant and healing potions filled my senses as Madam Pomfrey came rushing over to me. Her eyes flew from me to Y/N, worry laced her eyes as she ushered me to a free bed where a carefully laid her. After I explained what happened, Madam Pomfrey set to work running tests and to my utmost horror the next words out of her mouth were "there's nothing magic nor I can do, its heat fatigue, she will come around on her accord, in the mean time she will need to rest and stay here"
It's funny. She looks so at peace like this. It reminds me of a muggle story my mum used to read to me, sleeping beauty. Only true loves kiss can awaken the sleeping princess. Worth a shot right?
I leant over her bed, gently brushing some loose hair out of her face and let my lips softly graze over hers. They were warm and soft, she tasted like cherries which I assumed was down to her lip balm. She was never without it. I let soft scent of cherries engulfed me. I was in such a daze I didn't feel her start to kiss back...
Your POV
Someone was kissing me. That was my first thought upon regaining my ability to be aware of the world around me. Broomstick wax. The leather of a brand new Quaffle. Cinnamon gum. They were the first smells to captivate my nose. I knew who was kissing me instantly and so without much need for further thinking I kissed back. I don't think he realised at first but once the kiss was broken as my need to breath took over I heard him gasp.
Third person POV
Oliver gasped as the kiss was broken. He watched carefully as your Y/E/C eyes fluttered open and a large smile was plastered to your face. "Y/N im so sorry I wasn't thinking and..." he trailed off running a hand through his already messed up hair. "Oli" you began. "Don't be sorry ive been wanting to do that for years" You shyly confessed. A deep red blush crept over your face as you met his eyes. His gorgeous brown eyes that were filled with astonishment flickered from your eyes to your lips and back.
He lent in again and whispered "me too Y/N, me too" before crashing his lips into yours again. The kiss was full of passion and hunger and only broke when Oliver could no longer take the burning in his lungs from lack of oxygen.
"I can't believe it took Y/N almost dying for this to happen" a red-haired boy spoke up from the foot of your bed. You look up and blushed a crimson red when your eyes landed on the entire team who had no doubt watched that whole exchange. "shut it Fred why do you have to ruin a perfectly good moment" Oliver fired back. Everyone burst into laughter before leaving the 'happy couple' alone.
Maybe summer was about to be your favourite season after all.
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stfurintaro · 4 years
pairing: loki x reader
warning: reader faints? idk if that’s a warning but im putting it as one incase
word count: 1.8k
a/n: this has been sitting in my revised for a while and since we’re quarantined, i said fuck it and finished it. anyway, hope you like it and tell me if y’all want a part 2!
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The elevator chimed and opened the elevator doors revealing Thor and Loki. Steve gets up from the couch to greet them.
“JARVIS, tell Y/N that Thor is here,” Steve tells JARVIS then walks to the kitchen to get some breakfast with Natasha.
You were changing since you had gotten out of the shower when JARVIS told you that Thor had arrived. “Thank you JARVIS!” You exclaimed. You finished getting dressed then rushed downstairs to see your close friend, Thor.
Once you finally reached the living room area and made eye contact with Thor. You sprinted to him and gave him a giant hug causing him to engulf you.
“I’ve missed you!” You exclaimed into his shoulder.
“I have missed you too little one.” Thor chuckles while hugging you harder, restricting your breathing.
“Thor... need to... breathe..” You say between breaths finally getting him to put you down.
“Sorry about that.” Thor winced while gesturing your attention towards Loki.
When Loki’s eyes met yours, he gently took your hand in his and kissed the back of your hand, your face growing hot from his actions. “Loki. It’s my pleasure to meet you, love.”
The moment he greets you, you start to get dizzy and your body goes limp. When he started to stand upright, you started to lose balance provoking Loki to intercept you before your body clashed with the floor.
“Brother, what did you do to Lady Y/n?” Thor’s voice boomed, causing Nat and Steve to shoot up from the table.
“What happened?” Natasha queried while dashing out of the kitchen with Steve right behind her.
“JARVIS. Get Tony up here. Now.” Steve ordered going into captain mode.
“Yes, Captain.”
“Loki. What happened?” Steve questions while trying to keep a level head, throwing daggers with his eyes at the god.
“What did you need Capsicle?” Tony asks while coming up the stairs nonchalantly until he sees you in Loki’s arms.
Loki shook his head slightly looking up to Thor and the others with worry in his eyes, “I didn’t do anything, I was merely introducing myself.”
“This is no time for one of your tricks, Reindeer Games. Thor get Y/N from Loki, let’s get her/him to the med bay. JARVIS, call Dr. Banner and tell him that it’s urgent.” Tony demanded.
“Calling Dr. Banner,” JARVIS replied while Thor picked you up bridal style bringing you to the med bay with Tony.
Tony and Thor got to the med bay laying you on one of the medical beds while waiting for Banner to get there.
“I got your call. I came as fast as I could,” Dr. Banner stated lightly panting. “What happened with Y/N?” He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows while walking over towards you, starting to examine you.
“Loki told Y/N that it was nice to meet her/him and then she/he... collapsed,” Tony explained to Bruce, observing his facial expression while he studied you, trying to find out what was wrong.
“That’s unusual. Has Y/N been getting lightheaded lately? Has she/he been drinking enough water?” Bruce questioned Tony and Thor while walking them to the door.
“Uhh, I don’t recall Y/N getting lightheaded anytime recently,” Tony responded with uncertainty, hoping it was nothing too serious.
“I’m going to run a few more tests to make sure it’s nothing serious,” Bruce informed them then went back inside the room, shutting the door and the blinds behind him. Bruce went to work, trying every test that linked with symptoms of fainting.
While waiting for Bruce to be done with the testing, Tony and Thor waited outside the room.
Nat and Steve came down to the med bay around noon to see if you had woken up yet. When they got to the medical bay, they see Tony and Thor both hunched over sitting on the benches outside where Y/n was. Nat turns her head to glance at Steve then back at the boys, giving them a sympathetic smile. She walks over to where Tony is sitting and sits next to him. She lays her hand on his shoulder, rubbing his shoulder and back a bit.
"Where is my brother?” Thor asked, looking up at Steve and Nat.
“We thought it would be best to keep him in a cell until we sort this out,” Steve informs him on their decision.
All four of them turned to the door when they heard the door creak open. "I ran every test I could and everything came back negative, I honestly have no idea what’s wrong." Bruce started to explain but a coughing sound brought everyone’s attention inside the room.
“Wait here,” Bruce told them, walking back inside leaving the door open this time.
“What happened? Why am I in the medical bay?” You questioned scanning the room and sitting up in bed.
“You fainted and we brought you here,” Tony states ignoring what Bruce had told him and walked into the room, going to the left side of your bed opposite Bruce.
“Do you know why you collapsed like that?” Bruce inquired while the others decided to follow Tony into the room.
You begin to rake through your brain to find out any reason that had caused you to collapse. “Shit!" You realize what happened, making your eyes grow wider then swinging your legs over the side of the bed to leave.
“Woah, Woah, Woah. Where do you think you’re going?” Tony questions standing in front of you, blocking your way off the bed.
“To see Loki. I have to be certain about what this is.” You say trying to get off the bed but once your feet touch the ground, your knees gave in and you clutch onto the nearest thing to you, that being Tony.
“Y/N, you should sit down and rest. You just woke up from passing out.” Bruce informs you while Tony helps you back on the bed, giving you a stern look to not try to get up again.
“Wait. Did you just say you know what happened and why you collapsed?” Natasha announces seeming to be the only one to catch unto that part.
You shake your head slightly from side to side, giving a so-so expression on your face. “I have a theory but you won’t like it.” You say knowingly getting a look from them to continue. “Like a siren, we can lure men and women with our singing but if we hear our soulmates voice, we essentially pass out upon hearing it for the first time.” You explain while glancing at all them, watching their facial expressions change.
“So you’re telling us that Loki, is your ‘soulmate’?” Steve vocalized looking at you in confusion and disbelief, as if not hearing you correctly.
“Basically, yeah.” You say sheepishly. “Also, where is he?” You ask getting up off the bed and making sure you can walk without falling this time then starts toward the door.
“I can take you to him,” Natasha commented, giving you a helping hand and helped you out of the med bay with Thor trailing a little behind.
“I shall accompany you as well,” Thor claims, catching up to you and Nat in a few long strides.
Natasha led you and Thor to where Loki was being kept. Before arriving you ask Nat if Loki could leave the cell and live in one of the rooms Stark has available.
“I’ll have to ask Stark on that one,” Nat informed you, approaching the opening to where Loki was staying for the time being. “I’m going to go talk to Stark about getting him and Thor a room. Thor watches over them, please.” She insisted, leaving you with the two gods.
Once you made your way into Loki’s line of sight, you could already see that he was standing toward the middle of the cell. You could feel his intense gaze on you the entire time you walked into the room with Thor.
“May I have the pleasure of knowing what I'm here for exactly?” Loki inquired, finally speaking up after a bit, tilting his head slightly to the right watching you like a hawk.
You glanced up towards him to meet his intense stare but before you could think of something to say, Thor had beat you to it.
“Brother, do you know what a Siren is?” Thor questions Loki.
"Yes. Their mythical creatures said to be beautiful and have the power to put anyone in a trance by singing." He said as if he was reading off a script.
“You’re a siren.” He disclosed scanning your face, taking a few steps back to sit on one of the chairs in the little cell. “I'm your soulmate.” He observes you once he sat down. You nod your head slightly, giving him your answer.
You were about to say something when you heard Tony talking to Thor, telling him he could go if he wanted. You looked behind you to see Thor leaving and Tony and Clint coming further into the room, coming up on either side of you.
“This isn’t a good idea. Thor, I’m fine with but Loki? Really?” Clint whispers bitterly, keeping his eyes on Loki.
“We don’t have much choice. I hope you know that.” You tell them turning your head toward Hawkeye then back to Loki.
“What do you mean, ‘We don’t have much of a choice?’, we have plenty of choices and the best one is to send his ass back to Asgard.” Clint practically starts to seethe with anger.
“I’m right here.” Loki remarks throwing daggers at Clint. “Besides, you need me.” He states knowingly slinking back into the chair and continuing to examine your every move allowing him to take in your beauty once more.
Tony rolls his eyes at Loki’s response while Clint scoffed at him, “We don’t need anything from you.” Barton remarked.
“We do. Well, I do.” You correct yourself sheepishly removing your eyes from the god.
“Awe, come on Love. Don’t say that like it’s a bad thing.” Loki sneered, getting up from the chair and striding over to the glass edge.
“Y/N, what do you mean?” Tony asks, turning his head toward you and Clint, locking eyes with you, completely ignoring Loki all together.
“She needs me. If we were to get split up, she would die.” Loki explains for you, making you lose eye contact from Stark.
“Tell me that’s not true,” Clint pleads for reassurance having you turn your head to give him a weak smile.
“I wish I could but he speaks the truth this time.” You inform Stark and Clint, drooping your head lightly looking at the ground.
“Well now that's out of the way, could I get out of this cage?” Loki questions gesturing around himself.
Tony walks over the power grid grumpily and unlocks Loki’s door. He grabs the god's left forearm arm once he walks out of the cage. “If you ever dare hurt her in any way possible; emotionally, physically, or mentally, I will kill you.” He fumed, his eyes never wavering from Loki’s, making sure the god understood.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
blood pact izzy stradlin x reader x axl rose
Yes this is based off the tik Tok and yes I absolutely love the idea of 'boys in skirts on skateboards'🥺
evidently im super good at fusion fics so heres another one lol, it kind of hints at a relationship with axl but its not legit, just friends type situation. also she kinda edited but if i missed anything, sorry lol
the drawing i did as inspo can be found here
Song: black sheep by metric
tag list: @cynic-spirit @satans-arse @slashscowboyboots
i walked through the door behind axl, closing it behind me as he fell into the couch.
"sure make yourself at home."
izzy said sarcastically, poking his head out of the kitchen. i waved, smiling at him as he waved back. i heard the fridge door close before he made his way into the living room.
"ax said you wanted to hang out today?"
i asked, looking to him for answers. when axl arrived at my house he hurried me to get ready, not really explaining why we were heading to izzys place.
"uh yeah i guess, i mentioned i was going skating if he wanted to join."
we both looked over at him, his arm over his face as he lounged, almost falling asleep.
"well that makes more sense as to why he made me bring my board."
i said, scratching the back of my neck. izzy looked at me quizzically.
"i didnt know you skated."
i laughed a little bit.
"yeah i enjoy it from time to time. its nice to get out and shred or whatever."
i joked. he smiled at me.
"are you wearing that?"
he asked, nodding to my ripped jeans and oversize black t-shirt. i shrugged.
"well the only other thing i have with me is a skirt i left in my purse from last time i spent the night at axl's. i didnt end up changing into it."
i laughed nervously, realizing how awkward that sounded.
he said, nodding.
"want something else to wear? i dont mind, im pretty comfortable with pretty girls wearing my clothes."
he smirked at me.
"thats okay iz, you dont have to do that. im sure this will be fine. if anything else i could just wear the skirt. ya know, kick your ass while looking femme as hell."
i laughed and he sent me a look.
"you think you can skate better than me?"
i crossed my arms over my chest, leaning back on my heel.
"in a skirt or in general?"
he scoffed at me.
he said half offended and i laughed.
"hell yeah both."
i torted back and he looked a little mad id dare denounce his skill, dipping his hand into his shorts pocket and plucking his pack of cigarettes out.
"we gonna test that theory?"
he piped back putting one between his lips and lighting it.
"you two done yet?"
axl said.
"this isnt a pissing contest, youre both pretty."
i looked over at him as he sat up.
"i could skate circles around you, no problem."
izzy said at me. i laughed
"Okay, I have a challenge for you then, Mr secure."
I said, dropping my arms. He looked at me with a Stern look, puffing smoke out his nose.
"Hit me with your best shot babes."
I smirked at him before stuffing my hand into my bag and pulling the blue plaid skirt out.
"Boys. In skirts. On skateboards."
I said firmly. He drew his brows together.
"You think I won't?"
He asked, challenging me back. I pushed it towards him and he looked at it for a second, hesitating.
"What's wrong iz? Scared someone's gonna think you're less of a man?"
He made a 'psh' sound with his mouth before snatching it from me.
"Absolutely not."
i sent him a wicked smile.
"great, then i guess youd better go change. we have a skate park to get to."
he glared at me before walking off to the bathroom. i saw axl sit fully up out of the corner of my eye.
"you really making him do that?"
he asked and i nodded.
"if hes so good then it shouldnt be a problem."
he emerged a second later, the skirt sitting low on his hips and part of his ripped tank top tucked into it.
"lets do this."
i heard snickers from the guys at the park as we skated to the far side, the ramps resembling an abandoned pool. izzy seemed a little stern as axl walked beside us.
"still not worried?"
i asked, looking to him.
"of course not."
he said flatly, stopping and kicking his board up.
"you asked me to skate in a skirt, i have nothing to worry about."
he looked to me for a second before smiling and pushing off the edge. i watched as he dipped down into the valley of concrete, the skirt flowing in the wind he created. axl laughed a little to himself.
"do you know how many times duff has tried to get him to wear a skirt? too bad hes not here."
i laughed and shook my head, holding my board up with my foot.
"maybe he should tag along next time."
i said, smirking at him before taking off myself. i watched the other skaters around me as i rode across the concrete, smiling at the feeling of the wind in my hair.
"having fun yet?"
izzy asked as he passed me.
"you know it. its much more fun seeing that thought."
i said pointing to his skirt as he rode up the wall and came back down.
"well im glad youre enjoying yourself."
he said right as i turned, barreling straight into him. the both of us hit the ground at the same time, our legs tangled together as our boards rolled in opposite directions.
i said harshly as he unwove himself from me. my leg was stinging and i was starting to regret not bringing my knee pads.
"oh shit."
he said, kneeling over me. i watched him intently as he pushed my pant leg up, seeing red. i hissed as the air hit the cuts and scrapes across my shin.
"is everything alright?"
axl called, concern lacing his voice. i looked at him and gave him a thumbs-up
"yeah its no big deal."
i called back and izzy looked at me like i was crazy.
"this is more than just a scratch y/n, we should really go get this cleaned up and bandaged."
i shook my head, watching my leg turn redder.
"its fine iz."
there was blood running down my leg but it was nothing i wasnt used to by now. i shifted to stand up, him grabbing my hands to help me. i groaned as i put my weight on it, blood rushing to the surface.
"see, thats not fine. come on, lets get you back to my place and we can come back later."
i sighed, feeling the warm liquid make its way slowly down to my ankle.
""so much for a day at the skate park."
i said a little disappointing, picking up my board that had rolled back to me. izzy did the same before wrapping his free arm around my waist and helping me walk.
"theres always tomorrow."
he said and i smiled.
"you wearing the skirt then too?"
i said slyly and he sent me a testing look.
"dont push it."
i laughed as we made our way back up to where axl was still standing, a worried look on his face.
"you said it was fine!"
he practically yelled, looking over the wound. i shrugged against izzy as he still held me to him.
"it is, but iz suggested we go back home and clean it up."
axl nodded.
"yeah i think i can agree with that. come on."
he said a little protective, standing on the other side of me to help me limp back to the car.
"thanks guys."
i said as izzy packed our boards into the back. he closed it and crossed his arms at me.
"maybe the skirt wasnt a good idea, im too distracting now."
he joked, twisting his hips to make it twirl around him. i laughed, looking at axl who seemed amused and annoyed.
"worth it."
i said, lifting my foot of the ground to relieve the pressure on my leg. izzy smiled widely at me.
"im glad to hear that, now lets go fix you up."
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lillsxd · 4 years
stupid project
peter parker x reader 
requested: no
word count: 1999
hey guys give me notes on what i should fix so i can get better thanks 
what does life mean? what is living? i ask myself that everyday. why am i stuck in this crazy world? “y/n, y/n hello. earth to y/n” i hear snapping out of my thoughts “yes peter” i look over to him sitting in his desk tapping his pen to his mouth. “we have to get started on this paper” the nerdy friend of mine rolls his eyes and sitting back in his seat. i let out a sigh.”Pete i know but i dont wanna its stupid and annoying and” i stop and look at peter confused. He is looking behind me and back at me like there was a bug in my hair. i was about to say something as the blonde teacher slaps two detention notes on my and peters desk. as she walks away.
he whispers “really y/n again” this was the second time this week. “sorry lets get started” i reached for the instructions on peters desk and he stops me. “you know i could just do it later” he scratched the back of his neck. why would he say that. does he not think i can do this.  know this is our last grade of the year and peter dont believe in me  “no” i say with no emotion in my voice. “but y/n-” “no” i cut him off and snatch the paper from his hand and write down what i need to until i get cut off by the bell. i grab all my stuff together and leave as quick as i can before peter can say something to me.
why would he? as i walk down to the hallway to the bathroom to skip my last class i bump into his friends. “oh hey y/n” Ned says waving. i ignore him completely, trying to hold back my tears running to the bathroom locking the stall. he dont trust me. why am i reacting like this i should be mad i should just brush it off. the bathroom door opened and i lifted my feet up so no one sees me in here. “y/n are you in here” mj says. the footsteps get quiet as i dont respond, looking under the door i see her shoes. they are boots with little chains on them her shoelaces are mismatched and she knocks on my stall door. i dont answer looking around the stall. ‘school sucks’, ‘BLM’, ‘spider man is soooo hot’, were written on the stall wall with different handwriting and colors. “y/n are you okay” she knocked again. “im fine mj just ate something that messed up my stomach” i wiped my tears and pulled down my hair to fix it so my puffy eyes arnt noticeable.                                                                                                                                                                                                      As i put my feet down from the toilet about to unlock the door she slides a drawing under my stall. “i know thats not the reason that your in here maybe this will cheer you up, and y/n if you need anyone to talk to girl to girl call me my number is on the back. and if its peter i will kill him. i will let you be but for real text me i am here.” she says walking out of the gross bathroom. the door shuts and i grab the paper. It is a dawing of me and peter. it looks like it took months to finish and i flipped the paper over and it reveled her number. I've known peter for years we have always been the bestest of friends until he met mj and started to hang out more with them. ive been alone most of this school year. in the begging of the class he wouldn't talk to me or look at me or anything. it was like he forgot i existed. i got cut off from my thoughts as my phone lit up buzzing. i opened it to see peter texted me.
Pete: y/n are you okay?
Pete: please answer me
Pete: do you wanna come over and do this project after detention? we can listen to your fav music and watch movies afterwards?
my fingers tap out a message ‘no i dont want to i just wanna go home you dont even tr-’ no i shouldn't say that. i tap on the screen erasing the message i try again ‘sure Pete meet you by the buses’ i type out.looking at my screen for a minute. he will probably just bale on me like last time. so dont get my hopes up. my thumbs tap on the send button.
Pete: okay meet ya, are you coming in the next class?
my face gets all red. i forgot i had two classes with him how stupid ill just tell him im busy or something. ‘no i got called to the office for something dont tell teacher’ i type thinking it was a great excuse. i reach for my bag and grab out my sketch book and flip to an empty page. as my pencil sketched away the rest of the school day peter wad in class writing my notes for me until the bell rang.
After the bell rang i got out of the stall reaching for my bag of makeup going towards the mirror. I see black running down my face and fix it. i get out of the bathroom and start walking to the detention room. Maybe it wont be as bad i thought it would. “y/n over here” peter calls sitting in a empty desk patting a spot next to him i roll my eyes and walk twords him. “hey y/n” peter waves and i just nod and sit down. as the hour of detention goes by peter looks at me time to time seeing me draw something in my sketch book. “hey y/n” he whispers and pokes my arm. i look at him. “i have to do a quick thing before we head to my house okay so just wait for me” he says nervously. “ok” is all i say before the teacher looks at us. The rest of the time passes i get up to leave shoving my book into my bag and walking out to where the buses would usually be. i wait. putting headphones in i play Shawn mendes. listening to music waiting for peter.
As time goes by to 30 minutes to an hour to two hours to three. i get up from my sitting position. he ditched me again. i feel tears hit my cheeks as i start to walk home. walking turned into running hearing leaves crunching under my feet. music blasting in my ears. why. he is probably with mj or Ned. why do i trust him. why did he pick me for the project. why would he. tears getting stronger. running not home just anywhere. my feet taking me wherever they want until i reach the woods. there was smoke and pieces of metal everywhere. i wipe my face looking to see if anyone needs help. moving pieces of metal and wood and i see a blue and red piece of fabric from far away. i run to it..the person is  trapped under a big chunk of metal. “s-spider man?” i question. realizing its him the hero himself. he looks over and sees my puffy red face and coughs a little not being able to talk. i look at him more closely he is all beaten up and dirty. he has holes in his suit and some hair poking out of a rip on his head only revealing the color of his hair. “can you grab a pipe and lift up the metal please” he says trying to deepen his voice. “o-oh yes of course” i say grabbing a big pipe almost to heavy to pick up and shove it under the metal. i try to push it down but it wouldn't budge. so i stood on it and jump and as soon as it lifted a little he managed to push him self out.
“thank you ma’am that i have no clue who is at all” he says in his deep weird voice as he nervous laughs. i furrow my eyebrows and nod “sure Mr spider man who saves the world” i laugh copying his obviously fave voice. he just sits there in silence and i turn on my heals to walk away “wait” he says in a familiar voice “i mean wait” he cuts himself off in a deep voice. i stop and turn around waiting for him to continue. “who ever you are running from he will come back just give him time” he says in his deep voice and starts to limp away and lift his arm up and start swinging away. what was that about and what was that terrible voice. and why did he seem so familiar?
I start to walk home forgetting about peter. after hours i get home seeing no car in the drive way. “looks like its a late night for me” i say under my breathe unlocking the front door and stepping inside. i throw my backpack on the ground and take my shoes off. my body hurts but i still manage to get up the stairs and going to my room. as i lay down on my bed my phone rings. i look at it. ‘Pete’ it says buzzing in my hand i answer it
“what peter” i frown into the phone disappointed and sad.
“y/n i am so sorry i ditched you i was leaving and i got a call from my boss and i had to come in im-” i cut him off  “peter its okay down worry about it goodnight” i say about to hang up
“wait can i come over i can explain everything so much better” he says nervously “ i guess peter” i say hanging up. ten minutes has passed and i hear a knock at my door. i run down stairs and open it to see peter. he has a big coat on with black sweat pants. he has bruises all over his fave and cuts. i gasp and grab his face “ OH my god peter what happened are you ok let me clean you up” i say grabbing his hand bringing him towards the bathroom “y/n im ok its just a scratch” he said squeezing my hand softly. i stop “i swear if flash did this i will kill him.” clenched my jaw, opening the bathroom door and making him go in and i close the door behind me. “no y/n it wasn't him i promise but i do have to talk to you” he says grabbing the rubbing alcohol from my hands. “well what is it peter? if it was about ditching me we can talk about it later let me-” he cut me off by unzipping his jacket showing me his suit “y/n im spider man thats why ive been ditching you someone very dangerous was out there today you helped me get out from under scrap metal today y/n” he says pulling out his beated up mask from his jacket pocket and looked at me.
i was just standing there looking at him in shock. “y/n?” he says “you are spider man?” i say in shock “yeah im sorry i didn't show up after school and been treating you differently” he said holding my cheek “parker is spider man” i smile “ i knew it” i giggle “your man voice is funny” i say looking into his eyes. he leans in “y/n” he licks his lips and looking at your lips and back to your eyes. “hm” i say leaning in to where our lips are almost touching. He kisses me passionately as i kiss back holding onto him. i pull away for air and i say looking in his eyes smiling...
“ive always loved you parker”
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one-spidey-boii · 4 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch six
read ch five here
an; heyo everyone. online schooling is kicking my ass, my cat doesn’t like me anymore, and i keep sleeping until 3pm. no worries tho, cause yesterday i got some starbursts. let me know what you think of this chapter! hearing your feedback is super encouraging :)
**italics indicate flashback**
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 2.7k+
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peter's pov
my blood runs cold as soon as the weight of edie's body falls into mine. her limbs are limp and heavy, making it awkward to keep her steady as i gather her in my arms. everything around me is buzzing. every noise is drowned out by the pounding in my ears, the drumming of my heart beat in my chest.
"oh- oh my god. edie." i rush out with a shaky breath as her eyes struggle to stay open, "look at me, please. please keep looking at me, okay? don't close your eyes." i plead.
she gazes up at me, more like through me, as her head lolls against my chest. i pull her into me and lift her off the ground. i try to control my breathing, knowing how i handle these next few minutes will mean more than anything i've ever done before.
edie's eyes wander around the hallway and i make my way to the medical room with bounding strides. she lets out an occasional whimper when i jostle her too much and my stomach drops every time.
when there, i flip the light switch on and take in the room around me. i've never needed to be here before, making me wish every wound i ever endured had landed me in here- just so i can take better care of the girl in my arms.
i move over to one of the two empty beds that resembles those you would find at a hospital and place her down softly. she stares up at the ceiling, her eyelids grow weaker and heavier as time passes. i bite my bottom lip and grab at my hair. i really don't know what i'm doing.
"my side, pete. 'm hurts." she whispers and rolls her head so that she's looking at me now.
i swallow my fear and put up a strong facade for her, "i know, e. just keep looking at me. can you do that?"
edie just barely nods her head and her eyes follow me as i gather the right supplies to address the source of the bleeding. my hands fumble around as i set everything on the cart next to her bed.
"e, im gonna have to take your suit off, okay? i have to get to your side to stop the bleeding." my voice can't help but shake as i mutter the words to her. she just stares back at me with misty eyes that hold no objections.
"m'kay, jus' press the button." edie instructs, her lips parting as her breaths become softer and weaker. with that, i search for the emblem on her wrist and press it lightly. her suit expands and hangs loosely around her frame. i hesitantly begin pulling it down her shoulders, letting out a sigh of relief when i see the dark purple bra covering her chest.
finally able to get a good look at her side, i try to hold back a gasp. along the length of her torso, a gash runs from just under her ribs on her back all the way to her hip bone in the front. no longer being compressed by the suit, the bleeding gushes faster.
i look over at the supplies i’ve gathered and realize none of it will be much help. this is so much worse than i originally thought. i finally move my eyes from the wound and scan the room once again. so many machines that i have no idea how to operate just stare back at me, taunting me as i stand here helpless.
a hand clasps around my own. edie stares up at me with pleading eyes, small whimpers leaving her lips. i hold back a sob as i squeeze her hand back and reach for my cell phone.
the phone rings three times before he picks up, i don't breath until then.
my words are caught in my throat. "uh, m-mr. stark, i need help. edie's hurt and she must have gotten stabbed or something and there's so much blood and i-i don't know what to do or—"
his voice cuts me off, remaining calm and stern, "are you putting pressure on the wound?"
i let go of edie's hand and grab the gauze from the cart, moving to follow orders. "y-yes, sir."
"peter, you need to go to the back right corner and in the first drawer is a device that looks like a pen. grab it and hold it over the wound. press the side button and let it do its thing." mr. stark explains everything to me slowly. i do as he says, grabbing the small device and removing the now bloodied gauze from edie's side.
as i click the side, a blue light emerges from the tip, analyzing the wound before a cluster of lasers move over the length of it. slowly but surely the horrific gash starts mending before my eyes. i grab edie's hand and squeeze. after a few seconds, i feel the gentle press of her fingers against mine.
"everything okay, kid? give me an update here." tony says into the phone i had put down to tend to my best friend.
"yes, mr. stark." i call out.
edie's eyes flutter to meet mine. they're glassy and wet, unshed tears sitting on the brim of her lower lids. i glance at the healing device, taking notice that it has turned off automatically after it finished its job. i shakily put it down and latch onto edie's hand with both of mine.
"hey. hey, there," i whisper to her. she smiles weakly and closes her eyes, finally letting a single tear slide down her flushed cheeks, "you're okay now, yeah? how do you feel?"
she just squeezes my hand one more time before her body releases all the tension it's holding and she falls unconscious.
"peter, what the hell happened?" i jump when mr. stark's voice sounds from the phone again. hesitantly, i move edie's hand to her side and cover her almost naked chest with the blanket draped at the foot of the bed.
i pick up the phone and take a deep breath before giving an answer.
"i-i don't know, sir."
edie's pov
i never realized how often i put myself in danger. when i go out into the city at night, the thought rarely crosses my mind. it was only when i was face to face with the possibility i wouldn't make it home that night, that's when i realized what wearing a suit really entails.
before i even open my eyes, i'm aware of how cold the air feels around me. it bites into my cheeks and the tip of my nose, making me wiggle it uncomfortably. i can tell i'm not alone too. i hear soft breathing come from a few feet away, the source is asleep from what i can tell. finally, i open my eyes.
my heart swells at the sight of peter sprawled out along the hospital bed next to mine. he lays on his stomach, one hand draping over the side of the bed as his other supports his head. i keep my eyes on his peaceful face- and suddenly i find myself fighting the urge to wrap my fingers around his and hold his hand. i lift my hand away from the side of the bed and i gasp at the pain that shoots from my ribs to my hip.
it's excruciating. my skin feels hot and the red flash of pain brings tears to my eyes. slowly, i move my hand to the blanket covering my torso and push it aside. i raise my head slowly to see a horrible looking scar stretched along my side. it's red and angry and makes me sick to my stomach. i fight to keep a sob from escaping my lips, but the sight of the wound makes it nearly impossible. i let out a whimper and the events of the night before replay in my head.
i stay close to the dark alleyways of the city. my lack of web-slinging and flying makes it difficult to remain discreet, but sticking to the alleyways where most of the crimes take place seems to work well for me. the streets become quiet after rush hour hits and the city is lacking its usual light atmosphere. i've been walking for a while and have yet to find anyone who needs help.
once one am rolls around, i stumble upon a younger couple arguing a few meters down the alley. the man is shouting and seems to tower over the girl. she's scared, that i can tell, but something about her seems tough and hard to crack. i hide behind the corner and bend down to wrap my fingers around the knife in my left boot, ready to make a move if necessary.
the man begins backing the girl up against the wall and making large gestures with his hands. he must've said something the girl didn't like because she takes her hand and brings it down across his face with a sharp crack. he stumble back, hand to his cheek. i tense when he looks back at the girl and growls at her like an animal.
as he raises his hand to hit her, i jump from around the building and sprint in their direction. i manage to grab hold of the man's fist before he brings it down to meet the girls' face. his head snaps in my direction and his attention is suddenly on me. i shoot a quick glance at the girl, pleading with my eyes for her to run.
"mind your business, lady." the man hisses through clenched teeth. i hold my ground, focusing on keeping his attention on me so the girl has a chance of getting away. "are you gonna say anything? or just stand there?" he continues. when i don't answer again, he lunges at me.
quickly dodging his attempt at an attack, i slash my knife along his forearm. he gasps and grabs at his now bleeding arm, holding it to his chest. i sneak one more glance at the girl and let out a sigh of relief to see she has fled the scene. the man makes another move and runs towards me. i grab his injured arm and spin him around to face the nearest wall. with all my strength, i push him against the bricks and hold him there while digging my fingers into his cut flesh.
"let's see how you like it, huh, tough guy?" i speak from behind him. he rests his forehead against the brick wall and begins to laugh. it’s a horrible sound. the noise is surprising and unsettling, but i do my best to remain present for the task at hand. i open my mouth to speak again, but all the comes out is a muffled yell as i feel something sharp tear into my side. my grip weakens and the man slides away as i crash forward into the wall.
it feels like someone has tried to sever my body into two pieces. the pain completely overtakes my senses and i no longer have any control. my glassy eyes move to see the man standing behind me, still clutching his arm. next to him is the girl from before, holding a gnarly looking hunting knife by her side. blood drips from the tip of it onto the concrete below. my blood.
the girl comes towards me and kneels next to me on the ground. i stare into her eyes with numb shock, so thrown off by her actions. she smiles at me. a wide, bright white smile that takes up half of her face. she grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls me towards her.
"see what happens when you try to help people? maybe some people just don't need help from someone like you. go along, try getting back to your secret hideout with this, little girl." her words mean nothing as soon as she pushes me onto my back and delivers one heavy kick into my side, leaving me breathless as she and the man turn to walk away.
images keep flying through my head as i stare down at the scar. i can't look away. this thing is a part of me now and i can't bring myself to terms with it yet, not that i expect it to ever be easy. i slowly move back down until my head hits the pillow. i stretch one hand towards peter as the other one falls along the marred skin of my side. my fingers are just centimeters away from peters limp hand, i try to close the distance but fail as shots of fire emerge from my side.
hopeless and in pain, i finally let a wet sob leave my lips. i squeeze my eyes shut and let all the failure and defeat roll along with my tears. it's embarrassing. i take pride in myself for being a trained fighter both physically and mentally. yet, i had been so blindsided by the situation and it came back to get me, leaving me with a scar to remember it.
clammy fingers meet mine and squeeze tightly. i roll my head to the side and see peter kneeling next to the bed. his eyes are soft and tired. seeing his face makes me cry even harder with both relief and sadness. peter parker is here for me, holding my hand and rubbing the back of it with his thumb as i cry and cry and cry.
eventually, i have nothing left but empty sobs and quiet whimpers. peter has moved closer, his head resting atop of mine as he places soft kisses in my hair. it's intoxicating and warm and i want him to do it for hours on end, but i need to get myself together. as scared as i am right now, i know he is even more so.
"help me sit up, peter, please." i more demand than ask. he obliges and wraps one arm around my shoulders and the other continues to hold onto my hand. i bite my lip to hold in any sounds of protest as my body shutters and writhes against the unwanted movement.
"i need to call mr. stark and tell him what happened. you need to know too." i whisper.
"maybe you just need to rest a little while longer-" peter tries to say.
"no. just... please find my phone." i plead. with a hesitant nod, peter rummages around the floor and comes back up with my phone. he dials mr. stark's number and sets it on speaker.
as it rings, i look over at peter again. he’s sitting on the edge of the other bed, feet dangling a few inches from the floor. i take notice of the empty feeling in my hand. "peter, just listen as i tell mr. stark. i doubt i'll be able to tell it more than once."
the ringing stops and tony starks' voice booms through the speaker.
"edie? are you okay?"
i let out a breath of air i didn't know i was holding, "mr. stark. i-i'm okay." i say weaker than i want to.
"what the hell happened, wolfie?" he asks, almost in a whisper, his voice is laced with sadness and worry.
with that, i tell him. i explain every little detail as best i can. peter lets out a tiny gasp when i get to the part about being stabbed, which makes me glance in his direction. he won't meet my eyes.
mr. stark doesn't say a word until i'm finished.
"im sending happy over. no, yanno what? i'll come myself." my eyes widen at his words. i immediately want to protest, but he wouldn't have it.
"i'll be there in four hours." he says and ends the call. peter and i finally make eye contact. the tired look in his eyes is still there, now laced with sadness and something else. i can't let either of us be sad for much longer. that's not what i want at all.
conjuring up my best smile, i speak with a chipper voice that only cracks once, "well, parker, looks like the boss man is coming home. we better make this place look presentable."
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @whycantileaveyou @lovewolfspirit
let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist. hope you enjoyed the chapter. :)fvgggggg
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