#the way he screams like he’s lost part of himself when dabi pulls katsuki through the warp gate
seagreenstardust · 1 year
Izuku spends the entirety of MHA showing and telling us that Katsuki is his most important person.
#it’s so obvious to me every time I watch this show#he loves and admires and respects and cares for people in general#he wants to save everyone#when katsuki is kidnapped or injured yes#but also the way he calls katsuki his friend incessantly#even before katsuki’s done anything to deserve it#the way he smiles when katsuki is mouthing off#the way he’s wholly unbothered by katsuki’s aggresive personality#and actually finds it endearing at times#the way he doesn’t hold anything against him because he’s rather they move forward together than dwell on the pain of the past#and yes#the way he screams like he’s lost part of himself when dabi pulls katsuki through the warp gate#or how he loses himself entirely when shigaraki brushes aside any hurt he’s caused to Katsuki as ‘for no reason’#to the point that shigaraki himself notices it#and realizes that if he wants to really hurt midoriya he needs to hurt Bakugo#izuku loves katsuki so deeply and so entirely it’s practically bleeding off the screen#and I do consider that canon#you can’t watch this show and not realize how important they are to each other but Izuku’s been telling us that right from the start#from the moment seeing katsuki in danger gave him the push to leap into action right after all might crushed his dream of being a hero#it could be platonic love#but it IS love#regardless#honestly I feel like Izuku looks me straight in the eyes at least once an episode and says ‘please understand that I love him’#it’s that blatant to me#bkdk#bakudeku#listen Izuku is an emotion kid and more power to him for it#but while he gets emotional in rescues (kota) or fights (gentle criminal)#he only loses complete control when katsuki is the one being threatened or hurt
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA Dad scenario: You get your quirk!
Warnings: Blood, death and Shiggy angst!
[Your mom's quirk was self healing it could heal any physical damage on her body in a blink of an eye and so it cancelled your dad's Quirk out, the two Quirks mutated with you so, Your Quirk is called Second chance: you can bring people back from the dead, (like the Piemaker from pushing up daisies) when you touch them, but only once, you touch them again they rapidly decay and turn into dust...Though it varies depending on how long they’ve been reanimated for, recently deceased people don’t decay they just drop dead. Unfortunately you found this out the hard way with your mom... and now you're boyfriend.]
No one knew that your mom was part of the league let alone it's leader's wife! At least that what your parents had thought! You and your mom were at the park together after grocery shopping, Your mom called you from the bench she was sitting on telling you it was time to go home! You said okay and ran over to her when suddenly there was a loud pop! and you felt something wet and sticky hit your cheek... your fingers grazed and saw red, and your mommy was on ground surrounded by red, not moving which confused you.
Your [y/ec] watched as parents ran around grabbing their kids and ran from the park, then it was time to go and patted your mommy's telling her to wake up. "C'mon mommy time to go!" she let out a gasp and shot up looking at you stunned, then down at herself she was shot in the chest and was still bleeding! why wasn't she healing? how is she... Your mom was snapped out of her frantic state by the sound of men shouting.
"She's still alive!" she hissed and snapped at you to run! as she got up and followed you while calling your dad telling him what was happening, when she saw you run into the road and grabbed your hand... next thing you knew you were under your mothers body as the men who were chasing you both caught up, they saw your mom not moving and figure she finally bled out, thought one of them was voicing his confusion; he said he was sure he had shot her with a Quirk erasing bullet?
"What do we do wit' the brat?" they were fighting over whether they should kill you or take you to their boss? when this purple haze suddenly appeared behind them, before they could react two hands shot out of the haze and wrapped their necks, there were no screams as the men’s bodies decayed into dust, then you father walked out the portal. 
His red eyes widened in horror as he lost all the strength in his body and fell to his knees in aguish, when he thought was looking at the bodies of his wife and child... until he heard you whimper and sob, he gasped and carefully removed your mother's dead body to find you alive, crying and cover in blood but otherwise unharmed...
Shigaraki let out out a choked sob as you got up and hugged him, his arms froze realizing he didn't have his gloves and couldn't hug you back! until someone held his gloves out in front of him, he looked up and saw Dabi looking at him with an unreadable expression, he put them on and held onto you, then turned away knowing what the cremator intend to do. "I'll be sure bring back some of her ashes for the brat..." he said calmly your dad just nodded somberly and carried you through the portal...
It was three months after your mother's death when your dad found out about your Quirk, you had brought your cat back to life after it was hit by a car, but then it died again when you went to pet it, he realized what had happened to your mom... but, he didn't blame you how could you have known? you didn't even realize your Quirk had manifest. he did however become very very protective and forbid you from using your Quirk unless he says it was okay.
Ten years later
Your dad was in his room playing God of War, when you barged in with a panic look on your face. "What?" he asked pausing his game very shocked as you always knock before coming in. "Uh...Do you have any spare Quirk cancelling gloves?" you asked timidly as your dad's red eyes narrowed. "Why?..." then his eyes widened he saw your hands covered in blood "did you use it?!" he snapped standing at his full height just as your boyfriend staggered in missing an arm and looking like he got mauled by a bear... well hell!
[Your mom's Quirk is called fairy-lights she can make little balls of light appear out of the palm of her hands that float around when she blows on them, the lights are pretty to look at, but are actually made up of a very combustible gases, which makes it very compatible with Dabi's Cremation, Your Quirk is called: Will-o-Wisp which works like your mom's you can make little blue fireballs manifest from your hands that float around, you can make them explode by snapping your fingers.]
It was winter and you had accidently set your clubhouse on fire! you didn't know how to tell your parents about it, because you thought they'd be mad! so you hid in the wood behind the house, and course they freaked out when they saw the shed a smoldering mess! and you nowhere in sight!
Your mom was screaming and crying your name while digging through the wreckage, While Dabi was just frozen he was standing; staring blankly what was essentially his entire damn world shattering before his eyes; it became hard to breath for him as he felt blood tears dripping down his cheeks, before something told him to look at the ground... he gasped seeing little footsteps in the snow leading into wooded area behind the house.
He called out to your mom and the two of them followed the tracks before finding you hiding out in a hollowed tree crying both your parents where in hysterics as the you scooped you into their arms and started hugging and kissing you like it was their last day on earth, of course you were still scared they were gonna be mad you wrecked the shed.
"Firefly... we don't give a flying rat's ass about some shoddy ass shed!" Dabi said with a tremor in his voice as he calmed down kissing your forehead, Your mom butted in "What we care about is you! do you have any idea how scared we were when we thought you were still in there?!" then your dad noticed your hands, your mittens...they were burnt from the inside. You mom noticed too, they locked eyes then looked back at you.
He asked how the fire happened as he had made sure there were no chemicals or anything flammable inside that shed; Dabi was sure of it when he fixed it! Your mom asked if any of her patrons gave you matches or something? 
You shook your head then bit you lip as your parents kept trying to coaxed you into talking, before bring your hand up and away from your face, Your parents watched as these little blue fire balls manifested in your hand and floated about three feet away before blowing up! sending little sparks everywhere.
Luckily the snow kept the forest from igniting into an inferno, Both your parents were in shock, they expected you to have either a fire-quirk or a chemical-quirk, not a hybrid of the two, and strong one at that! Dabi saw your hand smoking and he took what little remined of you mittens off, and much to his relief you had inherited You know who's heat resistance, don't get him wrong he still hates he who will not named, but he's just glad you won't look like you'll be starring in the next Tim Burton movie anytime soon...
[You inherited your mom's quirk Freeze-Frame, it's a time manipulation Quirk that can pause people and objects by clapping your hands or snapping your fingers and keeping your eyes on them (though your Quirk is much stronger then your mom's as you can freeze things at farther range and longer time frame than she can...) ]
You were about to be hit by a out of control truck during hero visit event at your pre-school, Katsuki saw it at the last second and realized he wouldn't be able to get to you in time! but something stunning happen before you were a smear on the road, there was a loud *CLAP!* 
The truck suddenly stopped, at least that what it looked like to everyone else, Katsuki noticed the truck was starting to move, and immediately launched himself in the air towards you; scooping you up just in time the second your eyes were off that truck it wrapped around the tree you'd standing in front of mere seconds before!
Katsuki wrapped his arms around you and tucked rolled as the two of you hit the ground, He came to sliding halt before starring up at the clear blue sky in shock over what just happened. "Dad...Y-you're crushing me!" your voice whimpered snapping Katsuki out of his stupor, and realizing he had you in a bone crushing bear hug...
He suddenly let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding in, before sitting up and holding you at arms length, he look at the truck then back at you. "Are you hurt?" he croaked keeping his eyes on you checking for any pain or distress in your [y/ec] eyes you shook your head and he has shaking as he pulled you into another tight hug.
Katsuki didn't let go of you and signed you out school as the event was cancelled, when he got home he decided to get his mind off of what happened by testing your newly manifested quirk, by throwing a foam dodgeball at you and ordering you to clap to stop it from hitting you.
Of course he forgot to tell your mother about what had happened! So, when she walked through the front door, Katsuki got one look at her face and knew he was sleeping on the couch tonight!
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 15
Dabi x Reader, Bakugo x Reader
Words : 3491
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together.
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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Dabi was unusually clingy the first couple of days he was back. True to his word, he didn’t let you out of his sight. You needed to take a shower? He was hopping in with you. You were cooking dinner? He was right behind you bugging you to let him taste. You were working out in the gym? He was working out right next to you.
You weren’t sure what happened to him while he was away, and he refused to talk about it. You would have to remember to ask Katsuki. Katsuki never kept anything from you, especially if it had to do with Dabi.
Right now, you were in the kitchen working on dinner while he sat on the kitchen floor with Bravo trying to teach him how to bark on command.
“Okay Bravo… Talk shit.” You rolled your eyes at his dumb command. “Come on dummy… Talk Shit!”
Bravo’s tale wagged as a low hum rumbled from him.
“Say it with your chest!”
Bravo started barking and growling at Dabi. For someone who didn’t like Bravo when he first got here, they were slowly becoming buddies. Dabi was surprisingly really good with training him. You wouldn’t have thought he was patient enough to teach a puppy anything, yet here he was, sitting on the floor, having the time of his life.
You giggled has you continued to stir your noodles, “Look at my boys, finally getting along.”
Dabi growled, “Boys? No, no, no. I am a man.” He stood up and made his way to stand behind you. Arms wrapping around your middle and his chin resting on your shoulder. “I know I was gone for a while, but there’s no way you forgot who the man of the house is?”
You sighed as you turned the stove off and moved a safe distance away from it. “You know your threats are almost as empty as Bravo’s sweet little head.” His grip tightened on you and his lips found the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
“You want to elaborate there, baby?”
You sucked in a nervous breath, you missed teasing this man. He had been so soft lately, and you loved it, but you also missed his rough side. He hadn’t done anything sexual with you since he got back, and it was starting to drive you crazy. “You always say you’re going to bend me over your knee and spank me. You always say you’re going to punish me. You threaten to fuck me until I cry… You said you were going to put a baby in me…but you never follow through.” You bent your neck to give him more access. “Seems to me… you’re all bark and no bite.”
His chest rumbled as he bit into your shoulder. You cried out as his teeth sunk in and his hands slithered under your shirt. “Hmmm sounds to me like my good little girl wants to be a brat today.” His teeth nibbled on your earlobe and his fingers started to tweak your nipple. “If it’s bite you want baby, then I’ll make sure I taste every inch of you.” He roughly shoved you over the island and his hand connected with your ass cheek in a sharp slap. “I didn’t know my good girl wanted me to breed her so badly.” He slapped your other ass cheek and pulled your shorts down. “Desperate for me to own you in every single way possible.”
He bent over and bit your ass cheek. He slapped your thigh, “Open ‘em up for me baby.” Your thighs immediately parted for him. He grunted at the sight of your dripping cunt. “Mmm good giiiiirl. Already dripping for me.” Without any warning his hand found your hair and shoved himself inside of you. “You want it rough? Huh?” He thrust hard inside of you making your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Use. Your. Words.” He punctuated each word with a hard thrust.
You moaned, “Yes! Yes! I want it rough. Oh GOD!” His hand tightened in your hair while the other gripped your hip hard enough to leave bruises.
You groaned loudly and pushed yourself back onto him hard. “Oh shit you really are desperate tonight!”
You felt tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. “You haven’t fucked me in over a month. Of course I’m desperate!”
Dabi stilled inside of you, making you whine. “You better watch that fucking attitude.” He bit your shoulder, “Just for that… I want you to beg for it. Beg me to fuck you.”
You tried to move your hips to fuck yourself on him, but he leaned over and put his full body weight on top of you. Trapping you on the kitchen counter. “Oh you naughty girl. I will stay balls deep in you until you beg me to move. I’m fine with you being my pretty little cock sleeve.”
You huffed in frustration as tears started to leak out of your eyes. “Please DABI! Please fuck me. Please. I missed you…”
His pace was practically feral. His strokes were long and hard and he hit that spot inside you every fucking time. He picked up one of your legs and put it on the counter and this new angle had you screaming. His hand came down in a hard slab to your ass as he continued to pound into you.
Your legs began to shake and his pace slowed. You let out a frustrated whine. “You cum when I say you get to cum. Is that understood?”
You bit your lip and nodded your head.
“Words Princess!”
“YES! I understand.”
“What do you understand?”
You took a huge breath. “I won’t cum until you say I get to cum.”
His pace picked back up, “Atta girl. Listening so well tonight.”
He yanked you up, so your back was flush against his chest. His hot fingers burned through your shirt and tore it away from your body. Still unbearably hot, those same fingers came to play with your nipples making you bite your lip to keep from screaming out.
His thumb brushed over your bottom lip, making you release it from your teeth. He held his thumb up in front of you so you could see the blood. “Hm does it feel that good? Don’t keep it in baby. You wanna scream, then fuckin scream.”
He picked you and walked over to the living room and plopped down in the recliner. He pulled you off his dick and turned you around to face him. “Now… I want you to ride me. I want to see every expression on that pretty little face, and I want to hear every single noise. I want to watch you fall apart.”
You braced yourself on his shoulders and tried to slowly lower yourself onto his dick, but he wasn’t having that. His hands found your hips and shoved you down. “Come on, don’t get shy on me now.”
He leaned forward and started leaving open mouth kisses on your neck and his hands squeezed your ass. You started to rock your hips and almost lost it at the sound of the low rumble that vibrated through his chest as you did. He was giving you control to fuck yourself at your pace. But it was such a mind fuck because you knew that even though you were on top, he would always be in control.
You rode him at a slow pace that was driving him crazy. You could feel his fingers twitch. Your legs began to shake from the exertion, and you could hear his low cocky chuckle in your ear. “Aww are you already tired?” You weren’t, but you also really wanted him to take back over. You weren’t lazy, but after a month of missing his touch, you just wanted to drown in it.
You leaned your forehead on his, “I need you to finish for me.”
He hugged you tight to him and thrust into you. “Just so we’re clear, I don’t believe for a second you’re tired. I know you’ve been in the gym every fucking day since I’ve been gone.” He spread your cheeks apart and railed into you. “But the way you said that was so fucking cute, I don’t even care.”
You could feel your orgasm building and you clutched his shoulders. “Dabi… DABI I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum. Please let me cum!”
“Yeah, baby. Go ahead. Let go for me.”
You felt your climax crash over you, and you screamed into his neck. Your legs shook and you came all over his lap. It felt different this time though.
“Shiiiit. I think you just squirted. God that’s so hot. I can’t keep this up anymore. Fuck you’re so perfect.” His hips snapped in an erratic pace and you could tell he was close. “You wanted me to fuck a baby in you huh? Wanted me to knock you up and make you mine?”
His hips stilled and he pinned you to him as he painted your insides with his cum.
Your head spun with the intensity of how hard you just came. Both of you were sweaty and your chests were heaving. He cupped your cheeks and pulled you back to look at him. “Are you okay? I was rougher with you then usual?”
You nodded your head and leaned into his touch. He brushed your sweaty hair away from your forehead, “Hey I know you’re tired, but I need a verbal answer. Or at least one for yes, two for no.”
You gave him a soft smile and tapped his hand once. He slowly helped you off of him, but he just turned you around so you back was leaning on his chest. He grabbed a blanket and propped the feet of the recliner up. He used his thumb to push his cum back inside of you. “Let’s just lay here a while.”
You hummed and nuzzled into him. His arm wrapped around you and rubbed your back. “Can I ask you something?” His voice sounded so vulnerable.
“Yeah, of course.”
He was quiet for a second before he cleared his throat. “Were you serious? About wanting to have a baby?”
You stiffened, “Were you serious when you said you wanted to put a baby in me?”
His kissed the top of your head. “I know we’re not like… you know… conventional. And we haven’t known each other long. But the other day… I don’t know. I just never wanted a family before, so it surprised me that the thought of having one with you didn’t… it didn’t sound so bad.”
You blushed. “If we’re being honest. I don’t really know I how I feel about it.” You interlaced his fingers with yours. “I’m not saying I’m opposed to the idea forever. Right now just doesn’t seem like the best time.” He was oddly quiet, and you were nervous you upset him. “Like you said we haven’t known each other long. I have god knows how many people out to kill me. We live in a world where people think it’s okay to kidnap and torture people based on their quirk. We both suffered because our quirks didn’t fit into this fucked up system. Can you imagine if we had a kid and they had either or our quirks, or god, what if they got both? They’d have the biggest fucking target on their back.”
His thumb brushed over the back of your hand, “Well that would have been nice to know before I came inside you a few minutes ago.”
You giggled, “It’s okay. I’m pretty sure I’m on birth control.”
“You’re pretty sure?”
Your eyes dimmed, “Yeah well… They liked to “play” with me back at the lab, and it wouldn’t be very fun if I got pregnant. So, I got shots every three months. Except I don’t remember when the last one was. To be safe I guess we could ware condoms from now on.”
He groaned, “I hate how casually you can talk about what those assholes did to you.” He sighed, “But I guess there’s lots of fucked up trauma I’m casual about. I get it. It makes it easier to deal with.”
You smiled at him, “We’re kind of fucked up huh?”
He kissed your nose, “No kinda about it doll. We are most definitely fucked up.”
You felt crazy laughing about how you both have just accepted your trauma. But you had to admit, it did make it feel lighter on your conscious.
“You know if we ever did do it… you know have a kid. They’d be the safest fucking brats on the planet. They’d have to go through us, as well as all of your dumb little hero friends. Only an idiot would even try.”
You rolled your eyes, “Well there’s a lot of steps between us now and us having a kid. You haven’t said you love me yet, and you want me to give you an heir?”
“An heir? Who the fuck are we? The Tudors?”
Your stomach growled really loud which reminded you of the dinner you had abandoned.
He gently maneuvered until he could get up and left you in the chair. “I’ll bring the food to you. I think you earned it.”
He was gone for a few minutes and came back with a plate of food and a big shirt for you.
“I have some business I need to take care of in the office. Some calls to make. So… I’m going to eat in there. Come get me before you go to bed.”
Your stomach sank. You felt like you had really upset him. You knew he would never show it though.
You had just been thinking about he was been so clingy since he got back. So, his sudden absence left you feeling cold. It made you want to follow him into his office and sit in his lap.
You knew that was a bad idea though. You needed to give him some space. If he had wanted you in there with him, he would have said so.
You could hear his muffled conversation and his voice sounded rough and angry. Even when you pushed his last button, he never sounded that angry when he spoke to you. At one point he changed into a different language. Was that Russian? He sounded even angrier in a different language. You could hear your name every so often, so you knew he was talking about you.
There was still a lot about Dabi you didn’t know. Like apparently, he was multilingual. He was a scary businessman. He recently had decided he wanted kids. What else did you not know?
You took your time eating and cleaning up the kitchen. When you couldn’t stall any longer you headed towards the office. Part of you felt guilty for interrupting his calls. But he was the one who told you to come get him before you went to bed.
You gently knocked on the door and opened it. He hadn’t heard you and his back was to the entrance. “For the hundredth time, the answer is no.” There was silence as someone on the other line yelled. “Dabi’s voice dropped to a scary volume. “First of all, you’re going to lower your damn voice when you talk to me. Secondly, if you ever say that shit again… I will burn down your fucking house.”
He sounded angry and you didn’t know if you interrupting him would make it better, or worse.
You tip toed over to him, but right before you could reach him, he slammed a hand on his desk. “SHE’S FUCKING OFF LIMITS!”
You yelped in surprise and took a step back. Dabi whirled around in his chair, his wild eyes connecting with yours and they were blood thirsty.
“I-I’m sorry. I knocked… but you didn’t hear me… a-and you said to come get you—”
You didn’t know why you were stuttering. This was Dabi, the same man who practically worshiped you.
“Get out… now…” The malice in his voice sent a chill down your spine.
Your eyebrows furrowed, “But you said to—”
He pulled the phone away from him and stared through you, “I know what I said. Now I’m telling you to get out.”
You schooled your expression to keep him from seeing the hurt that was now clutching at your heart. You nodded, flipped him off, and stormed off to your old room.
He wanted to play that game? Fine. He can be the big, scary, asshole all he wants. But you don’t have to put up with it.
You locked your door behind you, which really didn’t do much considering there was still a hole in the door from the last time you locked it. You sighed as you stared at the door’s handle before reaching out to unlock it again. You were mad, but you weren’t going to break your own law. Hopefully the fact you were in here would be enough to let him know he fucked up.
You changed into some comfy clothes for bed. Choosing a Dynamight shirt as an extra fuck you. You didn’t waste any time staying up for him. You weren’t going to let his mood swings affect your sleep schedule.
You put in some headphones, played some soothing music to calm your nerves, and went to sleep. You’d deal with Dabi tomorrow.
Well tomorrow came all too soon when your door was slammed open a few hours later, causing you to sit straight up in a panic.
You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes as a frantic hand yanked the headphones out of your ears.
“OW! What was that for?”
Dabi’s hands grabbed your shoulders. “I’ve been fucking yelling your name! I couldn’t find you. What the hell are you doing in here?”
You crossed your arms across your chest, and you saw his eyes darken when he saw the shirt you were wearing. “Why do you think? I’m giving you the space you obviously need to throw your stupid little temper tantrum.”
You could see so many emotions pass over his face in a matter of seconds. Anger, relief, panic, regret, but it seemed the one he decided to settle on was frustration.
“Temper tantrum? You think… I was throwing a temper tantrum. Hm. Interesting. Because the way I see it, when someone threatens to take you away from me… that’s a good enough reason to be pissed!” Your eyes widened but you he wasn’t done with his rant. “You want to know who I was on the phone with? My fucking father. You want to know why? Because he’s helping us fish out crooked heroes… Twice a week since you’ve gotten here, I’ve had to talk to that mother fucker on the phone about progress. Now all of the sudden he’s decided I’m too invested. I’m too close to you. HE THINKS IT CLOUDS MY JUDGEMENT!”
You could see him working himself back up, but the only thing you could do was let him get it all out.
“He thinks you could be more useful working for him. He thinks we’re wasting your talents by hiding you away. HE THINKS, he can snap his fingers and I’m just going to hand you over.” He shook his head and yelled, “And I didn’t tell you to get out because I was mad at you. I told you to get out because I didn’t want you to watch me lose my mind. I didn’t want you to see me when I’m that angry.”
He pointed at your face, “And that’s why. Right there, that fucking look you’re giving me. All the shit I’ve done and said you never look at me like I’m a monster, or like I’m someone to be pitied. I can take that look from anyone else… but not you.”
You saw him start to deflate. His fists unclenched at his sides as he took some deep breaths.
You reached for his hand and pulled him next to you. “Hey. I’m not going anywhere. I don’t care what anyone says, or who comes to fetch me. I’m staying wherever you are.” Your fingers ran through his white hair. “You can tell your dad I said he can go fuck himself. I’m never working for a hero again. Especially not a hero that emotionally traumatized not one, but two of my favorite people.”
He didn’t say anything for a while, he just leaned into your touch.
“I’m sorry I scared you.”
You hummed and kissed the top of his head, “It’s okay, I’m sorry I made you worry.”
“It’s alright, I kinda deserved it… so can you please take it off now.” His hand tugged at the Dynamight shirt you were wearing. “It’s playing dirty and you fucking know it you brat.”
*The Laws* 1. No fucking shrugging 2. No drugs 3. No saying sorry for something that isn’t your fault 4.We work on communication every day 5. Wake up whenever the hell you want 6. No locked doors 7. We eat three full meals a day 8. No means no, no negotiations 9. We work on exercise every day 10. Ice cream must be kept in stock at all times 11. Accept help when it is offered 12. No lying 13. I will not initiate the sexy time without written or verbal consent.
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe@unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602@pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop@bakubby99 @squichymochi @sarahschance @starenemy
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
Can you do Kiri, Iida, Izuku, and Bakugo with a s/o who goes deaf from a concussion received during a fight or even training. (I lost my hearing and I haven't seen much done for deaf readers. Thank you so much if you do respond hun.)
Severe Silence
Words can’t describe how I feel for you honey, Trust me, you’re not alone. I’ve always had hearing issues since I was born and they’re stating I may or may not lose my hearing in the future which hurts because music is my life and I can’t see myself without it. I hope this makes your day and if you need to talk, I’m always here.
Disclaimer: Slight Gore, Abuse and Acts Of Violence
Eijiro Kirishima
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* He remembers the whole accident that day because he was the one who carried you to the infirmary.
* It was training to see how you’d withstand during a earthquake and you were one of the following that was instructed to stand in a building.
* Aizawa wasn’t too keen on it but you insisted that you wanted a challenge.
* When the ground started to shake, wood, chunks of cement started tumbling down. You had your practice dummy to your back, running towards the safe exit with Ochacko and Shoji following close behind.
* Apart from the training, a ding would be heard when there’s another victim close by, you guys had the majority of them. Even though the earthquake ended, parts were still falling.
* You handed your dummy off and went off to find another one, and never returned.
* You were eventually sent to the hospital even though Recovery Girl healed you.
* You weren’t heard of for a while which worried your Sharky lover.
* During a free period, Baku-Squad including Deku, Momo, and Ochacko comes over to visit you.
* You were home alone and when you opened the door to see your friends, you couldn’t help but burst into tears because you couldn’t hear their excited voices to see that you’re fine.
* I do see Kirishima as the type to pull out his phone and ask you if you were okay through the notes app.
* You tell them back when you were grabbing the last dummy, you tripped and slammed your head into a large block of cement.
* Being the amazing boyfriend he is, he’s going to learn every possible way to speak to you.
* To sign language to even speaking as slow as he possibly can.
* He’s willing to do everything to make everything easier for you and to keep that gorgeous smile on your face.
* He knows how hard it is to lose something that you’re so used to having and it pains him to see you a tad bit depressed because you can’t hear him anymore.
* Just know he’s going to do anything that would seem impossible to help you through every step.
* This includes training, If you always relied on your ears he’ll help you try to find another way to smell a villain near you.
* He’s going to encourage you to keep going towards your dream and never give up.
Izuku Midoriya
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* His feet never ran so fast when you were found unconscious.
* During your first internship, You and Izuku were attempting to save Eri that day. Everyone was soon separated.
* When it seemed that it wasn’t going to be well, you sent him to go get Eri while you fought the villains with others.
* The mission was a success but came with painful consequences, You fought with a villain who was a tad bit advanced for you. You fought with all your might while the building warped and swirled.
* The last thing you could remember was the villain's backup appearing behind you and attacking you as everything became black.
* Luckily, One of the pro-heroes rushed over and defended you while their sidekicks quickly took you towards the medic.
* When Deku first found out, not even caring if he was injured or not. He wanted to see you. He wanted to make sure you were okay.
* It took him a while to see you and when he did, he was ecstatic to see you awake and responsive.
* He called your name but..you never responded, which confused him. He had to touch your shoulder, nearly giving you a heart attack as he asked what’s wrong and you just stared.
* Then, he knew..something was wrong.
* Upon finding this out, Izuku being the great and amazing guy he is will also take many precautions to learn to speak to you.
* His sign language is a tad bit rusty and sucks a bit, but give him a chance. He’s trying.
* In each conversation you two have, he’ll always make sure he’s speaking slow and you’re able to see his lips move.
* If he can’t speak or wearing a mask, he’ll either text you or type his words through his phone for you.
* He’s going to tell you that you should keep going on your fight to be a hero.
* Izuku will train with you and see if you two could discover a different method that you could use during battles.
* He will never give up on you and will always help you with your dreams.
Katsuki Bakugo
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* Everything happened so fast that even HE couldn’t keep up.
* One minute, You were kicking ass, destroying every villain in your way.
* Even though the attack was extremely random and with the permission from the teachers to fight these villains who interfere with your training for the fifth time in a span of a few years.
* Hell, you had your hero’s license so you had the right to kick their asses.
* You stood up, cracking your neck and fists before punching another villain back to the ground.
* Katsuki saw the purple blur flash past him as a large Nomu appeared to your turned back.
* Before he could even react, his body ran you over. His corrupted face looked down at what he did as Bakugo’s anger boiled over the surface. He grabbed the villain he was originally fighting and launched him into the Nomo before blasting them with his explosion as hard as he possibly could.
* No one hurts you. No one.
* It took Kirishima, Denki, Izuku, and lastly, a time-limited All Might to get him off the Nomo who he SURPRISINGLY knocked out.
* Once he could relax, he walks to your dorm. When he knocks and you don’t answer, it makes him worried.
* He won’t kick the door down..but..knock it off the hinges and discovers you crying on the bed.
* All the banging, knocking he did and you didn’t react while he was standing in front of him, his heart instantly knew that damn Nomu did something to you.
* He already knew sign language, there’s no lie in that.
* He knows it because his quirk has nearly made him deaf at times and it was told that he’d lose it before he would have a chance to be a hero.
* After the attack, he’s always by your side. He corrects people who try to talk to you and demands that they use sign language or their phones. He hates when others talk fast to you as well.
* He’s like this because he wants to help you in every way he can.
* If you decide to be a hero, despite his warnings. He’s going to help you as much as he can. He’ll ask for help from hero’s who has the same disability as yours if not, he’s going to make a method of teaching you with your other senses.
* He may teach you how to use your sight more, smell, or touch to their full potential.
Iida Tenya
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* It honestly hurts him every time he thinks about it, It shouldn’t have been that.
* He was supposed to protect you but he was separated from everyone else. You were with one of the members of Wild Wild Pussycats when Dabi attacked with his crew.
* You and Ragdoll were walking back after discussing your training in the morning when everything became extremely terrifying for you two.
* You and Ragdoll fought your best, almost moving in sync with each other Magne knew how to just send you flying into a tree each time.
* He created a negative force between you and Ragdoll when sent you two flying apart at a harsh force as you went flying into the woods and collided with a huge bolder.
* Blood dripped from your head as Ragdoll’s scream came to your ears while you reached out to help. Your knees touched the marshy land while your hand shook, pain rushing through your body.
* When the message came through, you passed out.
* Tetsutetsu and Itsuka discovered you and carried your body to safety away from all the chaos.
* When it was discovered that you were among the ones injured along with two missing individuals, It sent chills down his spine.
* Since you two just started dating and he was sure you and your parents wanted to spend time with each other, he wouldn’t come to see you in the hospital.
* It takes him over two weeks and when Aizawa needed someone to take his homework to your home. He immediately offered himself because he’s been dying to see you again.
* A jump, kick, and step later, he appeared at your door. You were checking the mail as he called out to you from a few feet away.
* You didn’t notice him and walked towards your home, not noticing his presence yet.
* He was taken back by your casualness while you walked to the door until he saw the hearing aid in your ear.
* That’s when he knows now why you didn’t react and just watches you walk away.
* One thing I do admire about this man, he’ll do anything when it comes to you. While he’s taking his brother to the physical therapy sessions for him.
* He’s learning every single possible way to talk to you. I mean every way.
* As strange as this may sound, he loves signing into your hand even though you’re not blind.
* It’s close contact and he adores that with you. For example, private things or him simply saying he loves you, he’ll sign it into your hand while everything else is out to the open.
* He often recommends to others and his friends that they speak slower with you so you can comprehend or try not to speak all at once.
* If you wish to continue your path to being a hero, he’s going to support you but he can’t help but constantly worry.
* The last time he let you go, you became deaf and he doesn’t want anything else to ever happen to you again. He wants to be your knight in white amour but he knows how you like to be independent too.
* Just don’t give this man a heart attack, please.
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faulty-writes · 4 years
I read the pirate ask, I didn’t know I needed a pirate au in my life until you posted it!!! Can I request the same boys + Dabi’s reaction to learning their beloved mermaid escaped but then after a while she decides to comes back cause she loves them? Thank you! (P.s Absolutely love you and your stuff)
[ Thank you, I appreciate that you like my work so much. Let’s see what dear old faulty-writes can do. ] 
Previous Pirate!AU here. 
Tomura Shigaraki 
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He should have expected this, no one ever wanted to stay with a ruthless Captain. Okay, maybe he didn’t treat you the best. But damn it, he gave you a room. He let you sleep with him in his bed, he had fought off some pathetic pirates that tried to kidnap you from his ship. What more did you want? Frankly Captain Shigaraki thought you were being ungrateful, despite the fact it hurt without your presence on the ship. Not that he would admit it. 
Still, he had taken his foul mood out on his crew members. “All hands hoay!” he screamed and tapped his foot impatiently, everyone on the ship knew better than to keep the Captain waiting. But, even they knew the Captain was pissed off without you around, he had even hung a few of his lesser-known crew members for talking back to him. 
Weeks had passed since your escape and though Shigaraki wouldn’t admit it, he missed you. “Why should I miss that wench!? Ungrateful ...I should have tied a hempen halter myself and ...” he growled, clearly frustrated as he sat on his bed. Teeth pressing together and his anger boiling, he suddenly shot up. Ready to go hang another crew member when the sound of something caught his ears. He stopped a moment, his eyes widened as he recognized the melody and quickly ran up to the deck. It was night time and the stars were shimmering in the sky and the boat was gently rocking to the rhythm of the sea. 
He looked around before spotting a hand on the edge of his boat. He quickly ran over, though he was surprised to see you climbing up the side of his boat. He reached down and pulled you up. “So ...ye’ve come back have ye?” he questioned before growling. “Why is that?” you smiled in response. “Ye love me something awful, huh?” he said before huffing, “Well ...ye’re still mine. Try and escape again and I swear I’ll ...” his words came to a stop when you wrapped your arms around him. Making his body stiffen in response, though he denied he didn’t want it. His heart still raced knowing that you came back to him. 
Shinsou Hitoshi 
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Despite his promotion due to your capture, he couldn’t help but feel some guilt. During your time on the ship, he had visited you in the holding cell. Offered you food and on occasion he’d take a nap with you. It wasn’t the most stable relationship, but he did notice he happened to smile whenever he was near you. But, part of him was suspicious that someone else had helped you escape as there was no other way you could have gotten out of the holding cell. 
But still, he tried to carry on like nothing bothered him. But those that knew him a little more than the rest had noticed his change in behavior. Though he normally appeared uninterested in anything. There was a certain light in his eye that was gone and it left with you. Shinsou was sighing more than usual and often stayed up at night, writing letters to you and a few pieces of poetry. 
He had begun to sit in his dinghy at night, it was securely tied to the ship so he had no fear he’d be swept out to sea. He would wait until it was quiet and the rest of the crew was asleep. Then he’d sit and look at the moon and stars, notebook in hand as he used a candle for light. One night in particular his heart was aching and he sighed, feeling no motivation to write. “Where are ye ...I miss having ye around,” he muttered before he felt his boat tip over. 
He gasped and the next thing he knew, he was underwater, and hands grabbed onto his waist. He kicked and tried to pry them off before he saw your face come into view, your hair floating all around and your gills pulsing. He was in disbelief and you reached up to cup his cheek before pulling him to the surface. He coughed and glared at you. “Is that how ye greet me when ye finally decide to return?” he questioned as you swam closer to him and wrapped your arms around his torso. Nuzzling your head against his shoulder and an odd purring sound echoed from your throat. Shinsou let out a sigh, “Aye, Aye ...I love ye too. Now can we get back on the ship?” he questioned flatly, annoyed that his notebook was now ruined. 
Bakugou Katsuki 
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He knew he hadn’t treated you the nicest when he tied you up and forced you onto the ship. But damn, he had tried to make up for it. He’d give you cuddles and press soft kisses to your gills. Wasn’t that enough to make you want to stay? Obviously not because sometime during the night you managed to escape, jump off the ship and disappear and it left Bakugou in a sour mood. 
A few months had passed and Bakugou was wreaking havoc on the ship, screaming and terrifying his crew members to the point where some of them had even jumped off the side. “Damn it all!” he growled, ready to pull his hair out. “Uh, Captain Bakugou ...don’t ye think ye should calm down and-” Denki tried to reason with him before receiving Bakugou’s glare in return. “Hey ...uh, what’s that?” Kirishima as he lowered the telescope and pointed to a nearby set of rocks. “Is that ...” the redhead questioned before Bakugou snatched the telescope and looked through it, his heart skipping a beat. 
“That ...that’s me mermaid!” he snapped, “What the hell!?” He ground his teeth together, “Batten down the hatches and get the fishing net, ye dumbasses!” he ordered as the ship slowly navigated toward the rocks where you sat. Bakugou’s nails dug into the railing of the ship as he stared down at you, and watched as you waved your webbed hand at him.  “I SAID HURRY YE LANDLUBEBRS!” he snapped and Kirishima and Denki came stumbling out with the net. “Here ye go, Captain BakuBro.” Kirishima said and Bakugou snatched the net from him. “Don’t call me that!” he growled. 
He looked down at you once more before tossing the net, making sure it was around you before his crew hoisted you up. “Were ye just waiting for me there?!” he snapped at you, but you only smiled from behind the net. Your webbed-hands clinging to it. He growled and stepped closer, looking you in the eye. “How long have ye been planning this!?” he demanded, stepping even closer as his nose brushed against yours. You chuckled and reached through the net to grab his shirt, pulling him forward. He gasped when he felt your cold moist lips touch his, all in all. You knew you could never leave your Captain, for even if he treated you wrongfully. You loved him. 
Izuku Midoriya 
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He didn’t know what he had done wrong, everything seemed fine. Even if you were technically his captive, the fact that you decided to disappear after he had tried to return you back to the sea only to have you refuse was strange. Why did you leave? He treated you well, in fact he loved you and he had told you so. Maybe that was why you ran away, were you afraid of his love? 
The thought weighed down on his heart so much that he had lost some of his motivation and decided to dock in a nearby town. His crew members were happy to finally be on land, despite their love for the sea. Even they needed a break sometimes. But Midoriya spent a majority of the time standing on the dock near his ship. His eyes scanning the water for you day and night, he just wanted to see you one last time. Was that too much to ask? 
After a month of waiting for you, as much as he hated to give up. He needed to get back to the sea, on the night before he left. He once more stood on the dock, looking out on the sea. “I thought she loved me, aye ...but who would ever want to be associated with a Captain?” he questioned, his shoulders slumping before he turned to walk back to the hotel. But then he heard a splashing sound and paused, what was that? He slowly turned to look over the dock and gasped when he saw you sitting on the rocks, he noticed something was in your hands but he didn’t pay it much thought. 
“Y/n!” he called and you smiled up at him before motioning him over with your webbed finger. He felt his heart skip a beat before he jumped off the dock, even though he landed awkwardly on the rocks, he stumbled his way to you and smiled. “Y-Ye, did ye come back for me?” he questioned and nearly felt like crying when you nodded and extended your hands out. He blinked and noticed you were holding a small treasure box. “Is this for me?” he questioned before taking it. “Thank ye,” he said as he opened it, his eyes widening when he saw the small number of gold coins inside. He smiled and pulled you in for a hug, “I knew ye loved me too.” he said as a single tear ran down his cheek. 
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Dabi was more or less, a pirate without a ship. In fact, he preferred to burn them to the ground. He had been accused and charged with arson in various towns and was a wanted man across the seas. He usually changed his identity every now and again and as of late, he had scored himself a boat and though he was associated with Captain Shigaraki, he often went off on his own. That’s how he happened to meet you. 
Unfortunately, like many things in his life. Whenever he got a moment of bliss, it usually blew up in his face. So, he shouldn’t have been surprised when he woke up one day to find you gone. “Guess it was just another dream blown up in smoke,” he muttered before trying to go about his life, but he found himself missing your company. Given it had only been a couple days since you left, still he missed the soft touch of your hair and the smoothness of your skin compared to his. 
He knew there was little chance you’d find him or he’d find you. Despite the emotions that he felt inside his heart when he thought of you, he continued with his dirty work. Believing that burning a ship down might make him feel better. The sound of those screams that echoed from the now-dead pirates was amusing and it did make him laugh. But as he watched the ship burn into ash and the belongings of the various pirates that once occupied that ship float across the surface of the water, he couldn’t help but groan. Maybe this would be more fun if you were around. He shook his head before turning his back, ready to set sail once more when he heard a gentle splash. 
“Hm?” he turned with a suspicious glance in his eye and watched as various items where pulled underneath the water, “What the fuck is happening now ...” he muttered, ready to set up another explosive fire bottle before he watched something shimmer. He paused in disbelief as he watched you emerge from underneath the rubble of broken boards and dead bodies. “So ye decided to come back did ye,” he said, acting as though he didn’t care as you sawm over to his boat and attempted to climb inside. “Well ...least ye have some common sense,” he muttered, though he tried to ignore the fluttering in his heart before turning to you. “I’m glad ye’re back,” he said before leaning over to hug you. The lonely pirate wasn’t so lonely anymore. 
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g-on-ef · 6 years
A Dangerous Mind
Kinktober 3: Edge play || Bakumomo
A/N: Another dark one ^^;
Momo stared at the man who once held her heart, the man who vowed to become a strong hero and surpass All Might in shock and in fear.
In the end, he was nothing more than a snake. Hiding his true intentions from the beginning and only revealing them when she, Izuku, Shouto, Iida, and Kirishima came to ‘rescue’ him from the villains.
It turned out that he, Shouto, and Izuku were part of the League of Villains all along and stealing Bakugou was just part of a plan to bring as many students from class 1-A so that they could show the heroes that no matter how hard they try they couldn’t protect their students.
It broke her heart when she watched Bakugou and Izuku take Iida down while Shouto froze Kirishima in ice.
When the man in the mask put both Iida and Kirishima in his little marbles he turned to Momo and asked what they should do with her.
Momo was paralyze with fear, she could hear herself yell at her to get her body to move, to activate her quirk to do something but the fear she was feeling was all stronger than her desire to defend herself as she felt her body shaking.
“Nothing,” Bakugou’s voice, despite knowing what he really was still had the effect to calm her down.
“You’re joking right? We should go ahead and kill her,” Toga said pulling out a knife. Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki glared at the blond while Tomura stared at the girl or better yet at his cousin.
He’s kept an eye on her since the Master told him that his grandmother had two children and were separated when the little sister-his aunt-was adopted by a rich family.
She had a strong quirk, came from a rich family that loved her, and was dating one of his own.
While a part of him did want to kill her because she looked so much like his grandmother another part wanted her to live, only because she was the only living relative he had left.
Plus, if she died at their hands Bakugou and Todoroki would go off the rails and Dabi would do anything to protect his little brother and Midoriya would kill anyone who laid a hand on his precious ice prince’s hair and of course Twice and Spinner would side with Dabi since the three for some strange reason became good friends.
Taking a deep breath Tomura walked up to the girl who was trying to make herself appear small.
“Momo Yaoyorozu,”
Charcoal grey eyes stared into crimson blood ones.
The blond stood at attention and Shigiraki could see the boy was waiting to see if he was going to attack or obey an order, either way he was not going to let any harm come to Momo.
“Take her to your room, the heroes will be here any second and we need to be prepared for any surprise attacks,”
Momo could see Bakugou’s shoulders relaxing and his eyes filled with relief as he walked over to her, grabbing her hand he pulled her to the back door.
The trip to his room was one filled with silence, Momo had to do something, anything to get away from these people and warn the heroes, she also had to figure a way to get her friends from that man.
Lost in her thoughts she didn’t realized they were in Bakugou’s room, or that Bakugou was already undressing her and handcuffing her hands.
She only became aware of her surroundings when Katsuki slapped her ass.
The poor girl let out a small shriek and saw that they were in his room. She felt a light breeze on her body, looking down she saw that she was stripped of all her clothing.
Embarrassed Momo tried to cover herself but saw that Katsuki chained her to the floor.
“Kat…Katsuki what the hell?”
Bakugou stared at his beautiful girlfriend naked as the day she was born, chained to the floor. Walking up to her he caressed her cheek.
“I heard that a Nomu hurt you, I’m glad to see that you are alright,”
Momo felt her heart being filled with love knowing that Bakugou was worried for her made her broken heart repair itself and beat with joy.
She quickly ignored these feelings and turned her face away from his touch despite her heart begging her to let him hold her.
Katsuki didn’t even look surprise if anything he was sure that her reaction was going to be either anger or disappointment. Still it was good to see that she was okay.
Still, it’s been three days and Bakugou misses his princess.
“Did I fucking stuttered? I said kneel,”
Momo’s face became a dark shade of red before she did as she was told, both Momo and Bakugou had a healthy sex life especially when they both admitted that they wanted to explore BDSM a bit and Bakugou being the Dom that he was wanted his pretty little princess to kneel down before him.
He smirked and was proud that his darling was still being her cute submissive self.
He stripped off his clothes and walked up to her.
“Alright Princess we are gonna do something a little different today,”
Momo looked at him, trying so hard to stop herself from drooling at his God like body.
Bakugou grabbed a remote and turned the TV behind him, Momo lean to the right to see what was on. Her eyes widen in fear as she saw a very beaten Mineta struggling to remain unconscious.
“Wh-what…Katsuki what did you do?!”
Bakugou smirked as he looked into her eyes full of fear and panic while she may have hated Mineta she wouldn’t wish him to suffer at least to the point where he was fighting a battle to remain conscious. He looked at the screen where the grape hair freak was struggling to keep his eyes open. Kidnapping him was easy to do, all he had to do was get one of Twice’s clones to disguise themselves a pretty girl and boom! He and Togoa grabbed him and have been torturing him for the longest time.
“I always hated the perve, always looking at you like you were some piece of meat and trying so hard to feel your body or look at you naked without your knowledge, I don’t even know why the fuck UA gave him a spot in the hero course then again, that school has downgraded a lot since Dabi went there,”
He turned to look at his Beauty’s face and saw how scared she was at the situation.
“Wh-what do you want?”
Bakugou grabbed her chin making her look him in the eyes.
“You my pretty are gonna ride me and make me cum, if you can’t do that in exactly five minutes then well I let my boy Spinner know he can kill the wannabe hero, see he hates pervs more than I do and he will make sure he suffers a slow and painful death.
Tears welled up in her eyes, Bakugou had great self-control and it took her cumming twice before he came.
“Fi-five minutes? Katsuki I don’t think-“
“Wanna make it two? Keep whining and I’ll kill him right in front of you!”
He was bluffing, no way will he bring that fucktard anywhere near his Princess but if it got her to do what he wanted then…
Momo swallowed her words before Bakugo smiled, knowing he got her right where he wanted her.
“Good girl, now I am going to release you just know the minute you try to use your quirk or tried to fight me off, I’ll let Shigaraki know he can kill Mineta, Iida, and Kirishima got it?”
Momo nodded her head as Bakugou pulled out a key.
“Good girl,” he released her from her chains before walking up to his bed, sitting down he watched as his Princess walked over to him.
Taking a deep breath Momo straddled his lap before grabbing his cock and lining it up with her entrance, she slowly sink down knowing Bakugou loved entering her at a slow pace, making sure he feels ever inch of her.
Once he was deep inside Momo looked down before kissing him, she grabs Bakugou’s hands and place them on her hips she then wrapped her arms around his neck. She started at a slow pace; moving back and forth, lifting herself so that only the tip remain inside her before she slammed herself back down.
Bakugou was loving the slow pace that Momo was setting but he was getting a little impatient with her.
“Princess,” he pulled away from her lips, Momo looked at him before she grabbed his hands and placed them on her beasts. Bakugou couldn’t help himself and squeeze them, Momo picked up the pace a little, she wasted 1 min. and 30 seconds, which mean she had didn’t have much time left.
Bakugou removed his hands from her breasts and activated his quirk, Momo’s eyes widen as she saw the tiny sparks of his quirk.
“Alright Princess,” he placed his hands near her hips, just close enough that she could feel the heat of his power but just far enough that it won’t burn her skin…yet.
Momo stopped her movements just enough to show him he had her attention.
“You have less than a minute to get me off, and if you don’t well, not only will I kill that disgusting thing but I will also burn your beautiful skin,”
He brought his hand closer to her hips and send a little heat to his hand before he placed it on her.
Mom couldn’t help but let out a small shriek as she glared at Bakugou.
“Well Princess, start fucking,”
Momo glared at him before she shoved on the blond shoulders making him fall back on the bed, he looked shock for a moment before Momo began to ride him hard and fast Bakugou was shocked for a moment before Momo ran her hands through his chest, she then lean down and kissed him bouncing up and down his lap.
She could feel the heat from his hands getting closer and closer to her so she did what would set Katsuki over the edge.
“Katsuki, so good,” she moan and she lifted herself up and swirl her hips making both her and Bakugou moan out loud.
“Ugh, your cock..damnit I love your cock, it feels so good inside me.”
She let out a loud moan as Bakugou began to his her g-spot.
“You know what I want...ugh fuck me hard Bakugou, tear this pussy apart,”
Bakugou growled as he resist the urge to grab her hips so he settled for jamming his cock inside his princess’s tight pussy, while his hands hover over her skin.
She continued to bounce before she lifted herself off of him.
“Oi! get back here,”
Momo just smirked before she lean down and began to gave him a blow job.
“FUCK PRINCESS!” he couldn't help but scream, freeing one of his hands of his quirk he grabbed her head and shoved his entire cock down her throat.
Momo was always good at giving head and if there was anything that made him cum fast was seeing his princess on her knees and him fucking her face.
He watched as his princess began to finger herself damn his little princess really wanted to make him cum.
Bakugou threw his head back and moan watching his Princess pleasure herself while she sucked on his dick was the greatest pleasure he could receive.
He lifted his hips knowing she had excellent gag reflexes Momo’s eyes met his giving him that o so innocent look that he adore.
“FUCK!” he couldn't help but cum into her mouth as he felt her pull away Bakugo groan as his cum covered Momo’s face, some dripped down to her breasts.
“Fuck Princess are you trying to kill me?”
Momo just giggled as she licked her fingers moaning as she tasted herself on her hand before she gave Bakugo a seductive look, the ashy blond smirk as he lean forward and kissed her rough and hard.
Pulling back he stroke her face.
“Looks like I won't blast your perfect skin,”
Momo looked at him before her eyes widen a bit.
“Oh, right,” he grabbed a phone from the table before he type something and hit send.
He then gesture for Momo to come to him and sit on his lap, the young heroine did as she was told and sat down facing the TV where Mineta was tortured.
Bakugou wrapped his arms around her before he lean forward and whispered,”
“I lied,”
He then flipped them over and shoved his cock inside her and began to fuck her hard and fast.
The screams of pleasure coming from Momo drowned out the screams of pain coming from the TV.
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She was a Raging Ocean
So here is a big little thing I wrote.
Her first memory of using her quirk was bitter.
Ochako was four when she first discovered her quirk. She activated it on a red ball she was playing with and she immediately threw up. On her hands and knees she looked skyward at the ball floating far away. She couldn’t move until it left the atmosphere, but even after she was still. With her stomach tied in every direction and her small body shaking Ochako wondered if she too would disappear. Sometimes she catches herself looking skyward for something lost. She wonders how many things she’ll lose.
Katsuki first memory with his quirk was accidentally blowing up a mailbox. His mom was furious but the children of the neighborhood were amazed. He had never felt such pain and violence flowing through him and it gripped at his hands and left him paralyzed. The other children were amazed and he was proud.
She buries herself in hero training after the incident with the yakuza. Nothing is enough to fill the emptiness in her stomach that screams if only she did something different. She catches Bakugo during his nightly training, but they both have a quiet acceptance to leave eachother alone. She thinks somewhere inside he might understand the feeling she’s trying to bury.
The next time she faces the league of villans she feels prepared. She’s furious that the man that can destroy tried to touch Deku and she grabs bakugou by the shoulder and screams for him to throw her and he doesn’t hesitate as she activates her quirk on herself and flings her towards the enemy. She surprises him as she catapults full of rage into his side. She’s quickly pulled away by Sero’s tape as he screams how crazy that stunt was what if he touched you, but she couldn’t care in the moment she just needs this feeling to go away like she’s drowning and falling at the same time and maybe if she punches enough it’ll disappear. The man looks her in the eyes for the first time and she’s never hated someone yet understood them all at once. Did he feel the same thing as her. That ocean roaring inside.
“I’ll be coming for you”
They disappear
He said it to the crowd, but she has an inkling it was directed towards her.
Bakugou scowls and grabs Ochako by the shoulder “Don’t pull stupid stunts like that. You’re smarter than that.”
Ochako’s cheeks flush, but she doesn’t have time to dissect the new emotion that lays atop the other ones swirling violently inside of her.
The next time the league of villans show up is when she’s alone and she knows the truth of his statement. They catch her after she had been doing training of floating train cars leaving her quirk exhausted. On the empty railroad tracks she fights, but Dabi puts up a ring of fire and Himiko keeps attacking with her knife and Ochako has never felt more tired in her life. Shigaki is standing on the sidelines and she swears he would be smirking under that disgusting hand. His eyes loom over her whispering the answer the sinking feeling surrounding her.
Theres a shot and through the fire Bakugo comes running . He’s wearing civilian clothes so his blasts are more condensed but he quickly distracts Himiko. Shigaki steps towards Ochako’s heaving body
That’s enough
She knows whats going to happen next. She starts running towards Bakugou. Until she’s crashing into his back
“Watch it” He yells but as he turns he sees her body fading away’ URaraka”
She disappears. He pulls the object she had stuffed down his belt. It was a tracking watch.
Katsuki had never felt more sick in his life.
She had known this would happen.
He goes to the school and finds Aizawa sensei they go to the principal. Heros are called meetings are set up to try and locate her. No one else is told. Katsuki is furious. She had brought it up to the faculty and they had told her their would be no reason she would be taken. They had pushed away her fears to the point that she kept a tracking device on her. Things he had noticed about her started to make sense. She had started to frequent the late night gym at UA where he found solace. She seemed to be working harder than her usual self and he would bet it was because of this.
He wouldn’t tell anyone but he also had started to catch her floating on the roof. It was another place he frequented after the kidnap. He went there to cool off and to be alone. The first time she came storming up there he was about to yell at her but she quickly activated her quirk on herself and pushed upwards. He was mesmerized by her flight upwards. Slowly cascading against gravity. He just began to wonder how she planned to come down when she released her quirk and began free falling. She let it go on until she was extremely close to the roof and then activated her quirk again and floated down. It was terrifying to watch and yet breathtaking. Bakugou was always propelling himself around with his quirk but he could never get that level of control over his own flight. It started to become a habit catching her floating and falling. He knew it wasn’t a training excercise but didn’t think it was his place to ask about it.
Now he wished he had. The tracking device didn’t work until she had been gone a week. Then it popped on and everyone went into action. Bakugou was only allowed to go because it was the only way to keep him shut from the classmates who believed she was visiting family.
Uraraka had been put somewhere underground. Shigaki came by often and he was the only one. She tried to escape but every attempt was stopped by him.
“Have you figured it out yet?”
“Stop talking in riddles.”
He took her hand and cut along her pads.
“It’s a shame this won’t stop your quirk, and I don’t think you’ll join us, but you really don’t have another choice” Ochako would spit and gnaw at him until he would stop touching her. She hated how it made her feel. Like she was drowning in her quirk. He would try and convince her that her family would thrive and that the world didn’t need heroes but choas and lots of it, but she would tune him out and think about free falling on the roof of UA. How full it made her feel.
It took her a week to find a way out of the underground hide out. Shigaki was there when she reached the surface, but she knew it was only a matter of time before people came for her. She knew Bakugou would be there.
“You’ve made the wrong choice.”
“Is this the part where you monologue at me because I’m really done with that villain cliche”
“No this is the part where I kill you.” He reached out to her and she activated her quirk on herself to float out of reach, but he disappeared and reappeared behind her. His hand slide around her throat and grasped.
“My quirk is pure destruction. I give and end to things, but as you can see it doesn’t work on you when your using your quirk.” She started struggling against his grasp until she pushed herself away and was floating higher up. “You’re my foil. The perfect enemy for me well until I become something else. I was excited to meet the person destined to destroy me, but all I found was you. Deku is a better option then that. You’re just hollow.”
She felt like she was going to hurl. She released her quirk and tried to keep her composure
“That’s why it makes you so sick to use your quirk because even your body is rejecting what you put inside of it. Your quirk doesn’t make things float it makes them into nothing just an afterimage. That’s why I can’t destroy them and that’s why you’ll have to die.”
Ochako can’t see the black portal opening behind her or the knife being stabbed in her back but she did something reckless anyways and plunged her hands together and activated her quick causing the knife to miss her heart but only just. She toppled over as Shigaki whispers “Hey at least you can fly now.” And she wants to cry. How can he know that ever since she saw that red ball float away she felt empty. Every time she made herself float she felt like drowning and it was only those pure moments of falling that she felt real. Now she has a knife right under her heart and she wonders if she should just float herself up and up until she too disappears.
Bakugou’s voice is the thing that brings her back
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 6
Bakugo x Reader, Dabi x Reader
Words : 4954
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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You had attempted to rush off to your room, but you hardly made it back into the house before your knees gave out. It wasn’t even because your legs were tired. If that were the case, you would have gladly crawled just to get away from him. No, you fell because your head was spinning.
You couldn’t seem to catch your breath as the world spun around you. You curled up on your side and let the tears silently stream down your cheeks. You didn’t know how to make it stop because you didn’t even know what was happening. Were you having another panic attack? Was it a side effect of drowning? Was this what it felt like to break Cogernot’s quirk?
Regardless you did as Dabi taught you. You closed your eyes, you took as deep of breaths as you could manage, and you counted.
You heard him step into the house and you could feel the heat radiating off of him as he sat next to you. He made no attempts to touch you or say anything. Which was probably for the best because you could feel yourself on the verge of a mental break.
This was going to be the thing that pushed you over the edge. The whole time you’ve been here you’ve kept your shit together. In all fairness it was mostly due to Dabi’s strict routine. He didn’t give you time to wallow of feel sorry for yourself. From day one he focused on your recovery. But it wasn’t until now that you realized you never talked to him about what happened to you. It was almost as if he thought if the two of you didn’t talk about it, you would just somehow magically forget it ever happened. You bottled it up and pushed it away, but it was still there. Threatening to explode all over the progress you had made. Today just might be the day.
“I know you want nothing to do with me right now… but –“
Your eyes shot open to see him reaching a hand out to you. You smacked it away. ~Don’t touch~
Dabi visibly flinched. Why had you just signed at him? Had he not just broken you free of that shitty quirk? Had he failed? Was this all for nothing? He almost started to panic himself but then he remembered you HAD spoken. Even if your words dripped with hatred and your eyes cut him to the bone. You spoke… out loud…
He desperately wanted to pull you into his lap. To calm you down. To praise you and comfort you. But he knows he can’t. He’s lost that privilege. You don’t even need him anymore. You’re starting to walk just fine on your own now. You don’t need him… and he was the one who helped you get there.
The thought upset him more than it should have. He didn’t even want you here to begin with. How had you managed to crawl under his skin so much? You had wormed your way into his life and now every thought was consumed by you. Taking care of you, feeding you, making you strong again.
You slowly stood up and gave him one last glare before storming off to your room. Well in your head you stormed off, but in reality, it was more like a drunken wobble. You were still soaked to the bone and you were starting to shiver. You had made a puddle on the kitchen floor where you had been lying, and because that was just the kind of day you were having you slipped right through it.
Dabi was on his feet and hovering behind you. His hand gripped your elbow to steady you. You activated your quirk and let him feel the rage bubbling inside you. You wanted him to know how angry you were, how hurt and betrayed you felt. At first he gripped you tighter, but eventually your emotions overwhelmed him and he had to let go, just so he didn’t have to feel them anymore.
You ripped your arm away the second he dropped it and continued towards your room. You threw the door open and slammed it behind you. You slumped to the floor and did something you had needed to do for weeks now. You screamed. You let all of it out. Your anger, your fear, your heartache. You screamed until your throat was raw and your head pounded.
When you were done you took a deep breath, picked your head up, and let the numb wash over you. You stripped out of your wet clothes and hoped into a warm shower. The whole time the only thought in your head was ‘Why?’
The next few hours passed in a blur. You managed to get out of the shower and get into bed, but you couldn’t sleep. Your adrenaline was pumping. You couldn’t convince your body you were safe enough to sleep. It remained in fight or flight. You sat there in silence hugging the pillow to your chest.
It was so quiet that the creek of the floorboards outside you room made you jump. “Y/n… I know you’re mad at me… but you still need to eat something.” You heard him shuffle around a bit. “I’ll just leave it out here by the door. I’ll be in my room….”
You didn’t move from your spot on the bed until you heard his door close across the hall. Part of you knew that you needed to eat. But a larger part of you just… couldn’t. You didn’t understand. The food was right there, you just needed to open the door. But for some reason you just couldn’t make yourself do it. So instead you rolled over and pulled out your journal.
There was something ironic about you didn’t really need it anymore, yet now was the time you were most desperate to write in it. So you did. You poured your thoughts out page after page. Everything you wanted to say to Dabi, everything you wanted to say to Katsuki, to Izuku, to Todoroki and Kirishima. You started writing down memories of what had happened to you, in as much gory detail as you could remember. You wrote and you wrote and hours passed as you hunched over your notebook just looking for the right words to take the pain away. What would it take? What did you need to do to make yourself feel better?
It wasn’t until there was a soft knock on the door that you realized how deep into it you were. “Y/n… Be mad at me all you want, but don’t take it out on yourself. You need to eat something. Please. I made lunch. I’ll leave it here.” You heard the scraping of a plate being put on the floor outside your room.
How was that man capable of being such a monster, and yet so soft? He literally tried to kill you and now here he is worrying over you because you’re not hungry? Funny how dying tends to fuck with a person’s appetite.
You began to really think about Dabi. His motivation in all of this, what did he gain from helping you? Was he just doing his little brother a favor? Sometimes he treated you like his bratty little sister, and then there were nights like last night… You felt your face heat at the memory of you riding his thigh. It had felt so right at the time, but now it makes your stomach twist.
“Y/N! Can you at least say something, so I know that you’re fucking alive?”
The audacity of this fucking man. He wants to make sure you’re alive… after he almost killed you….
You picked up a cup that had been sitting on your nightstand and threw it at the door. It shattered on impact and it had felt to fucking good. There, that should be enough confirmation for him.
“GOD DAMNIT! ENOUGH Y/N! I’ve let you have your pity party. I don’t care if you’re mad at me. I don’t care if you want to throw a fucking tantrum. But you WILL eat something. This is getting fucking ridiculous.”
You picked up the lamp and threw that next. It was sturdier than the cup had been, so it wasn’t as satisfying but it got your point across none the less.
“Y/n… open the door please. We can talk about this.”
He had to have known your door wasn’t locked. It was one of the laws. It was one of your laws. Yet he made no attempt to open it. He remained on the other side with your uneaten food.
“Well if that’s how you want to be then fine. I guess I’ll just have to sit here and talk to the door then.” You heard him slide down the door as he sat down, leaning against it. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. I need you to know that. I need you to know that I realize how fucked up what I did was. I don’t want to make excuses, but I do want to explain. And I want to do it when you can look me in the eye, so you know I’m not lying.”
Again, he was met with radio silence. He sat there for a long time. Finally, after what felt like hours he stood up, “I guess I’ll go start dinner then…”
You looked at the clock on the wall and was surprised to see how late it was. Usually around this time you’d be finishing up with the pool, you cringed. Yeah safe to safe you won’t be getting back in, probably ever.
Dabi forced himself to leave your door, carrying your second uneaten meal of the day with him. He woke up his laptop and started up the video for today’s lesson for sign language. He watched it as he cooked, but he didn’t absorb anything. He was too focused on trying to find a way to fix this.
His hands kept clenching and unclenching. He knew what he needed to do. But it was going to suck. If it would get you to eat though then he didn’t care.
He wasn’t an idiot. He knew you wouldn’t die from not eating for a day. He was more worried about the psychological part of it. When he got out of the league, he had started messing around this hot shrink. She had a real savior complex, but the one thing she got right about him was his need for control. After being abused for so long he had to have control over every situation. Which sometimes when he really felt helpless included his eating habits. When everything else felt out of control, at least he could control that. At least he could decide when and if he ate. He was nervous you were pulling the same shit. He didn’t want to see you waste away because you were desperate for something you could control.
He’d swallow his pride. He’d do this for you.
A knock on the door had you groaning.
“Hey dork. It’s me. Dabi called and said you weren’t feeling well. I made some spicy ramen with pork… You gonna let me in before it gets cold?”
You jumped to your feet and ran to the door. You cracked it open at first to make sure it really was Katsuki and that he was alone.
He smirked at you through the small gap, “Don’t worry he’s not with me, now let me in before I kick the door down.”
He opened it enough for Katsuki to enter and then quickly shut it again. He waited and followed you over to you bed and took a seat at the foot of it. “So, Scarface was a little vague on the details, but he said you were mad at him and refusing to eat.” He placed the warm bowl of ramen into your hands, “Want to talk about it?”
Your stomach started to rumble at the familiar smell of Katsuki’s cooking. You couldn’t deny yourself any longer. You took a huge bite and almost moaned at how good it tasted. You quickly took a few more bites before wiping you mouth on your sleeve and sighing. You needed to talk about it, but was Katsuki really the best option for that? The chances of him blowing up the house was pretty high.
You reached a hand out and put in on top of his and released a calming feeling. “Uh oh…must be bad you’re already trying to calm me down.”
You gave him a halfhearted smile, “Uh… well…” The sound of your own voice made your skin crawl. It sounded wrong, even though you were pretty sure that’s how it always sounded. It made you pause for a moment to collect yourself.
In that brief pause Katauki’s eyes almost bugged out of his head, “Wait a fuckin minute! You’re talking again? Since when? Holy shit!” You could feel his excitement bubbling up along with pride and admiration. It was sweet, and it gave you the boost you needed to keep going.
You played with a strand of your hair, “Since…. Now…. I guess.” You averted your eyes embarrassed, “Or well… since I… well I kind of drowned… briefly.” You looked back up and saw fire behind Katsuki’s eyes and anger was coming off of him in waves.
“And where was Dabi when this happened?”
You knew you were practically signing Dabi’s death certificate but telling Katsuki this, but you weren’t going to cover for him either. “He was there….”
Katsuki’s fist clenched, “Don’t tell me the bastard watched you almost die and didn’t help you.” You bit your lip. “Y/n… what are you not telling me?”
You put both hands on him now desperately trying to overwhelm him with calm emotions. “He was the one who held me under…”
His hands tore away from yours as they crackled with a very real threat of explosions. He stood and stomped towards your door, not even bothering to ask you to elaborate. You knew you needed to stop him, there was no scenario where this ended well for anyone. “Katsuki stop.” He ignored you as he reached for the door. “Katsuki… please.”
He froze with his hand hovering over the doorknob. His voice was dark and oddly low,“Y/n… there is nothing you could possibly say to me right now that would change my mind about killing the mother fucker.”
You couldn’t believe you were actually about to defend Dabi, but it wouldn’t be fair if you didn’t at least tell Katsuki the whole story. “Even I told you he did so I could talk again?”
He turned to look at you and signed as he spoke, “I still don’t care! You were learning sign… you were communicating just fine.” He threw his hands up in exasperation, “Why was him drowning you even fucking necessary?”
Katsuki was starting to take that familiar condescending tone with you and you honestly were not in the mood for it. He had done this a million times growing up. He’d make up his mind about something and make you feel dumb until you agreed with him. “Look I’m not saying that what he did was right. I’m not saying I’m not furious with him. Me not speaking was because of some guys quirk.” You stood and made your way over to Katsuki and began pushing him away from the door. “Dabi knew the guy and said if my brain thought I was dying it would somehow reverse the quirks affects.”
He stopped walking and it was like pushing against a brick wall. “You could have fucking died y/n!”
“Do you think I DON’T KNOW THAT?” You pushed on him again, “Do you think I’ve just been sitting here all day twiddling my thumbs? Today has been fucking awful! I don’t need you to talk sense into me. I don’t need you to kick the shit out of Dabi. What I need if for you to just sit down with me, and just- just let me be. I don’t know!” You gave him one final hard shove which lead to him sitting back at the end of your bed.
His eyes were a mixture of sadness and hurt. “I’m not trying to make this harder on you, I promise. But he put your life at risk and that’s not just something I can just be okay with.” His hands reached up and cupped your cheeks and brushed away a tear you hadn’t even realized was there. “I don’t know if you’ve realized this yet, but I would kind of prefer you to stay alive… you aren’t allowed to die before me. Especially at the hands of some ugly sociopath.”
You leaned into his touch, “Please, for me. Just let it go for now. Let this be between me and Dabi. Be mad all you want, believe me I’m pissed, but you don’t need to get involved. I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”
He pulled you towards him and moved one hand to cradle the back of your head and pulled you into his arms. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Only because you said please. But I hope you know this means I’m coming to check on you more often now.” His fingers carded through your hair. “Actually… if you’re not comfortable here anymore… You could always come stay with me.”
“I thought that was too dangerous, what with heroes and villains alike apparently looking for me.”
He chuckled, “I’d love to see someone try. They’d have to go through me.”
“Yeah, but you can’t always be around… you have a job to do. An important one.”
He gave a sad sigh as his grip on you loosened enough for you to pull back and look at him, “Yeah… I do.” There were a few tense moments when your eyes connected, and you could see the way his eyes drifted to your lips as he licked his own. Ever so slightly he started leaning in closer to you.
Your breath hitched in your chest, as your brain went a mile a minute. Sure, you always had a feeling things might end up this way between you and Katsuki. There was a time when you went to bed every night fantasizing about the moment he would finally break down and admit he liked you. You had known him since you were children and there was always this feeling that if ever given the opportunity the two of you would end up together. But, for some reason it felt… off.
You leaned your forehead against his. “I don’t think right now is the best time for this.” You watched his eyes close as he tried to school his emotions. “It’s not that I don’t want to, because believe me I’ve thought about it. But right now, my life is in shambles. It’s not your job to fix me. That’s my job. And I need you to let me do it. Okay? I need you to let me do this on my own.”
He groaned but nodded as he pulled his head away from yours. “I don’t like it, but I get that I have to respect it.” His thumb rubbed soothing circles on your thigh. “I don’t want you to have to do this alone. I’ve always… Fuck.” His cheeks tinted the lightest shade of red. “I can’t stand to watch you struggle. It sucks knowing you’re out here stuck with him, dealing with so much shit that you should never have to deal with.” He hung his head low, “I just wish I could fight your demons for you. I wish I could lock you away and keep you safe from all the evil of this world.”
You pulled his chin up to make him look at you. “Katsuki you have always been there for me. There hasn’t been many problems in my life that I haven’t solved leaning on you for help.” You saw a glimmer of pride in his eyes. “But this isn’t something you can punch away. It isn’t something you can yell at until it stops hurting. I have to do this on my own.”
Tension was thick in the air. You knew there was so much he wanted to say. You could tell he was ready to fight you on this. But he surprised you by nodding and untangling himself from you. “I need to get going. I have a lot of work to do.” You could see the subtle sting of rejection in his eyes but he quickly covered it with his trademark smirk. “You say you don’t want my help but I’m going to anyway. I’ll help by locking up every single shithead that anything to do with your kidnapping.” He stood up and gave you one more, quick hug. “And that’s a fucking promise.”
You followed him as he left your room, intent on walking him to the door. You wanted to make sure he actually left instead of picking a fight with Dabi. But luck never had been on your side. You exited the main hallway and Dabi was sitting in his normal recliner. He looked up eyes cold as they landed on Katsuki, much softer when they found yours. You tried to give Katsuki a push in the direction of the door, but he stopped dead in his tracks.
“Oi! When I gave you the fucking list of things to do to help her with her period, I don’t remember drowning her being on it!”
Dabi’s eyes returned to Katsuki’s agitated one and for a while you thought he wasn’t going to answer. “Did you get her to eat something?”
“Don’t avoid the subject. You’re fucking lucky she begged me not to hurt you. Otherwise your ass would be dead.”
You something like surprise flash in Dabi’s expression. “Bold of you to assume that I am the lucky one here. It seems to me she was just trying to protect her little pet Pomeranian from getting hurt.” He grinned at the way Katsuki’s hands popped in anger. “But thank you for getting her to eat. She had me worried.”Bakugo lunged at him but you quickly stepped in the way and put a hand on his chest. You looked him in the eyes shaking your head and have him a shove towards the door.
Dabi could feel his stomach sink at the fact that the only words he had heard you say was “fuck you” He knew you had been in your room chatting away with man boobs and it stressed him out. Even now you refused to speak in his presence, and it killed him. He was the reason you could speak again and yet you refused to speak to him. That idiot Bakugo had nothing to do with it and yet gets to reap the benefit of Dabi’s sacrifice.
Dabi’s blood began to boil. He knew Bakugo would never in a hundred years have the balls to do what he did. He wouldn’t have the nerve to go through with it. Dabi did what he did for you, even if you refused to see it that way. Does he hate that he had to do it? Yes. Is he sorry, of course. But does he regret it… not really.
He watched as you pushed until Bakugo was successfully out of the house. As soon as the door was closed you turned and started to run back towards your room “OH NO YOU DON’T!”
He stood up and chased after you. “We are talking about this weather you want to or not. You can’t hide from me forever. You can’t mope around all day, not eating and expect me to just let that go. Law number seven we eat three full meals a day!” He got to your door just in time for you to slam it in his face. He had been so patient with you today. Not once had he forced himself into your room even the door was unlocked. He respected the fact you needed space. However, when he reached down and noticed that you had locked the door, he didn’t feel so bad about what he was about to do.
“Law number six! No locked doors!” His pressed his palm flat against the wooden door and burned straight through it. He burned a hole big enough for him to reach his hand through and unlock it from the inside.
He carefully avoided all of the broken glass on the ground from earlier. And stomped over to where you were trying to ignore him. You went through your dresser, picking out what you planned to wear to bed. You took a step towards the bathroom, but he stepped in your way.
“Y/n. Can we please talk about this?” You tried to step around him, but he just moved to block you again. “FINE! We don’t have to talk about it, but you will listen to what I have to say!”
You crossed your arms over your chest stubbornly and avoided making eye contact with him.
“I know what I did sucked. But I HAD to DO IT!” His voice was steadily getting louder. “You had to think you were dying. What did you want me to do? Hold your hand, tell you everything was going to be fine, and then pretend to drown you? It wouldn’t have worked!” He leaned over you and grabbed your chin forcing you took look at him. “I knew you’d be mad. I knew it might fuck up all the progress we’ve made. But I did it anyway! I did it for you!”
You slapped his hand away. “You DID IT FOR ME!? YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!”
There it was. Your voice. It hit him like a truck and it was enough to spur him on. “Yes for you! So you could talk again! So you could start to take back what those fuckers took from you! I decided you liking me wasn’t as important as you being able to talk again. Go ahead and hate me, but I need you to understand why I did it! What I was willing to sacrifice!”
Your eyes bore into his and it honestly almost sent shivers down his spine. “I understand just fine! You see me as this sad little broken girl. You thought I was so broken that you were willing to risk my life to fix me. Let that sink in Dabi… you gambled with MY life. What the hell were you sacrificing?”
“YOU!” His voice dripped with emotion. “I was sacrificing any chance I had with you so that one day I could watch you take back your life and get revenge on the people who hurt you.” He ran a hand through his white hair. “I would literally burn every single one of those monsters and piss on their ashes if I thought it’d help. But I know it wouldn’t! That’s a privilege that only belongs to you and I’d do anything to be able to watch you do it. Because I know you’re not broken! You’re a badass who doesn’t need anyone’s help. You are one strong bitch!”
There was pain in his eyes “I didn’t gamble with your life y/n, because I was so sure I wouldn’t let anything happen to you I was so sure nothing would go wrong.” He reached a hand out to touch your cheek, and surprisingly you let him. “Go ahead and activate your quirk. Feel what I feel. Feel what it was like to think I killed you. Feel what it was like to think that I am the monster everyone thinks I am…”
You activated your quirk and was hit so hard with anguish that you practically choked. He was grieving, even now, and somewhere buried under all his pain was something else entirely. But you weren’t ready to address that. “I hate what I did to you, but I don’t regret it, because it worked. It made you stronger. And in this fucked up world, only the strong make it out alive. So yes, Y/n… I did it for you.”
You felt you heart pounding in your chest. This was either the most fucked up or romantic thing you had ever heard, and you couldn’t figure out which one it was. Your hand came up to his that was still on your cheek. For a while you just stood there. Absorbing each other’s presence, then out of nowhere his lips cashed to yours.
Some animalistic instinct took over as you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer. He leaned over cupping your ass in hands and picking you up until your legs wrapped around his waist.
His lips pulled away from yours to start kissing down your neck nipping at your ear before returning to your lips. You squealed when his hand lightly slapped at your ass.
He made his way to the bathroom and sat your ass on the counter, his hands sliding up your thighs as he pulled back to look at you. “Law number thirteen?”
Part of you wanted to say no. You were still furious with him, but all your brain could think about was the orgasm you had just from riding his thigh. Your body was aching to be touched and from the look he was giving you, he was aching to touch you.
You slid your hand under his shirt and so lightly he almost didn’t hear it you muttered, “please.”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime@klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe @unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry @dabislittlemouse @aimee1602 @pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44
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