#the way alba looks at her �� the neck kisses...
wistfulwatcher · 10 months
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Leopard Skin | 1.05 Still Life with Cat and Canary
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wileys-russo · 4 months
can i request something with alexia x reader based off one if the videos post win. the one where olga tried scoring on alexia but instead of missing reader makes it and then copies alexias celebration
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goalscorer II a.putellas
you weren't sure whose hand would break first, yours or albas, with the way you both had a death grip on one another as the extra time slowly ticked down to zero and it felt as though the entire stadium held its breath.
then finally, the whistle.
for a brief moment it was like time stood still as the players raced onto the pitch, your body on fire as every hair stood on end and the ground beneath your feet vibrated with the thunderous roar of a stadium full of culers.
then arms were thrown around your neck as alexia's family all screamed happily and exchanged hugs, your own parents sat in the row behind forever supportive of your fiancé since the moment you'd taken her home to meet them.
you blinked and suddenly snapped back into reality, the screams deafening in your ear as you were drowned in affection from the elated putellas-segura family surrounding you.
your heart swelled with pride as you finally caught alexia's eye, a beaming grin flashed your way and both her hands waving before she was called over for the trophy and medal ceremony.
eventually you were all ushered down toward the front of the barrier, eli and alba going first as they engulfed your fiance in bear hugs, both women with tears streaming down their faces as alexia rolled her eyes playfully and squeezed them tighter.
with a nudge in the back from her uncle and a wink you were next, two strong hands helping you over the barrier as your feet touched the pitch and your eyes remained locked with the blonde grinning down at you.
time once more seemed to stop and suddenly it was just the two of you, your congratulations and how proud you were murmured over and over in her ear as finally your arms wrapped around one another and you'd never felt safer than being within them.
you let out a laugh as you were held tighter and lifted momentarily up into their air, spun around for a moment as alexia's forehead pressed against yours, lips just grazing your cheek both of you well aware that despite the intimacy of your embrace it was anything but a private moment.
"taking your captain title to a new level mi amor." you teased, tugging at the barcelona flag draped around her shoulders like a makeshift cape, reeling in the very slight blush which coated her cheeks at your words which you knew if you called her out on she would dismiss as flush from running around.
"captain catalunya, hero of barcelona." you grinned, kissing her cheek and stepping away for a moment to allow some of her childhood friends to rush in and express their own congratulations, dragged away by alba to speak with your own parents and eli.
"no i did not!" you denied with bright red cheeks as your father embellished a story of how the first time you'd watched one of alexia's games with them at home you'd almost thrown the remote through the screen when your girlfriend at the time was fouled.
"stop laughing! you'll just encourage him." you shoved alba who only threw her head back as you playfully shot your grinning father a glare, relaxing as familiar arms looped around your waist and a chin settled on your shoulder.
"hola amor." the soft raspy murmur as a subtle kiss was placed on your jaw and you melted backwards into your lovers touch as praise for her showered down from those around you.
"hermana! we were just talking about the time that-" alba started as you kicked at her causing the girl to gasp and shove you, alexia's hand shooting out to swat her sisters away and a warning look set in her features as alba rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out, turning around to converse elsewhere.
"aye go speak to maría's parents, mami take him away por favor he has had too much sun!" you groaned catching the teasing look on your fathers face and nodding behind them where your second parents milled around happily, your childhood best friend nowhere in sight.
though it wasn't long before she made an appearance, bursting out of the tunnel yelling at the top of her lungs, brandishing her little barcelona flag that had acted like an emotional support throughout her injury.
you'd tried scheming with ingrid to get rid of it after mapi started to sleep with it in the bed and then almost took your eye out waving it around like a mad woman as you sat beside her at a game, alexia almost snapping it herself after seeing the deep purple bruise under your right eye where your best friend had accidentally poked you with it.
but watching the childlike joy twinkle brightly in her eyes as she raced around like an overgrown toddler, chased by lucy's neice and nephew you couldn't help but smile and shake your head.
"maybe she will retire the flag now we are four for four this season and she will be back on the pitch soon." alexia chuckled, still hugging you tightly as you grinned, leaning your head back to catch her eye as she winked.
"at least it has been a distraction from her making us say thank you every time we go out with her and ingrid." you rolled your eyes, turning in her hold to face your girlfriend who hummed.
it had indeed been mapi who introduced the two of you after a game years ago, a friendship blossoming between you and alexia long before a relationship. but despite that the tattooed defender relished in the ego boost felt from telling anyone with ears that it was all thanks to her that you two were together.
"can you imagine her speech at the wedding?" you sighed with a shake of your head, alexia letting go of you to fiddle about with the flag tied around her, picking at the knot.
"i remember the day they first met, because it was all thanks to me that we are even gathered here today! chica's...you are so welcome." alexia mocked making you laugh as she pulled the flag off.
"maybe i can get her so drunk she will pass out before the speeches?" you suggested, your fiancé instead draping the flag around you and tying it loosely over your shoulders.
"a perfect plan cari." the blonde winked, squeezing your shoulders. "who is captain catalunya now?" the footballer teased, tugging at your new cape and glancing over your head where her name was called for more photos.
"go amor, i'll find you later." you promised, squeezing her hands as she nodded and pulled you into another tight hug, lips grazing the side of your head as you softly rubbed her back and begrudgingly let go, her figure retreating into the swarm of people on the pitch.
you were mid conversation with some of the other girls families, stood beside alba and twisting around your engagement ring on your finger when she struck.
"campeones! campeones! campeones!" you hurtled forward nearly barreling over jana's parents as a body launched themselves onto you, legs wrapping around your torso as panos hurried to steady you.
"gracias! lo siento." you thanked the goalkeeper before profusely apologising to jana's parents as the young midfielder was busy doubled over laughing, your cheeks bright red at the disruption.
"mierda!" the brunette swore as you wrenched her legs off, causing her to drop promptly onto the ground with a wince, jana falling to the floor laughing even harder as alba joined in and mapi glared up at you with a huff.
"algunos bienvenidos. is that a way to greet your best friend!" the girl pouted as you rolled your eyes and pulled her back to her feet. "maría!" you groaned as once more she launched onto you, this time in another forceful koala hug but from the front.
"campeones de europa!" the girl threw her head back and screamed, a smile unable to stay off your face as you held her thighs and she grabbed your cheeks, kissing your forehead over and over with a repeated loud mwah noise.
"vale vale!" you laughed, dropping her again though this time she remained on her feet, the two of you hugging normally as you told her how proud you were. "i did not even play idiota!" the older girl shoved your head as the two of you pulled away.
"no, but your contributions to the team morale and being their biggest supporter even not on the pitch mean just as much. you know that, sí?" you promised, tone softening as did the defenders face. "gracias mi chica." the girl smiled, kissing your cheek and waving her flag around which she snatched up off the ground.
"if you poke her eye with that flag again león we are going to have a problem." you smiled as your fiance slotted herself in behind you again, a warning look at the tattooed footballer in front of you making mapi roll her eyes.
"tan dramática her eye healed fine! and she almost broke my flag." the girl cradled the piece of cloth and plastic tenderly in her arms, stroking it like you might a newborn making you roll your eyes.
"oh i am so sorry my poor face nearly broke your stupid flag maría." you shook your head feeling alexia chuckle as her body vibrated against your back. "gracias, now was that so hard?" mapi smiled as you lunged for her and she raced off.
"idiota." you rolled your eyes allowing alexia to lead you away back toward where your families were milling about.
"mi amor." you looked up from speaking with your mother, raising an eyebrow to your fiance who held up a tiny football in her hands with a suggestive grin.
"really?" you chuckled, but sighing in acceptance when her grin didn't drop, gesturing for her to give you the ball as she rolled it to you and backed into goal.
"vamos bebé, score a goal! if you can." the blonde teased in challenge. "what do i get when i score putellas?" you questioned crossing your arms, foot resting on top of the small childrens football.
"if you score, anything you want preciosa." alexia grinned cockily as you rolled your eyes and backed up a few steps. "remember to kick the ball and not the air amor!" your fiance continued to tease.
"vamos captain barça, maybe we will get you a job as the water girl for the team!" you turned to shoot your best friend a murderous glare as her face paled and she scurried off to find ingrid no doubt, her much better other half.
spurred on by the lack of faith from your loved ones, even your own father joining in with alexia's teasings, you took one more step back and lurched forward.
you made sure to do exactly as you'd watched your fiance do a million times in your backyard, driving your foot forward and following through, the ball zooming forward at a pace alexia clearly didn't anticipate as it shot past her.
you let out a cheer and pumped your fist in the air, racing around in a circle and grabbing the bottom of your alexia's jersey intending to tug it off exactly the way the blonde had an hour prior after her own goal.
"ale!" you laughed as a strong arm wrapped around your waist and another swatted your hand away. "mi amor you are ruining my celebration." you tutted with a shake of her head and a sigh.
"my celebration, and you are keeping that shirt on!" your fiance warned as you rolled your eyes and she teasingly flicked your ear. "oh wait-" you pushed away from her as she looked on curiously.
you cleared your throat and took a dramatic bow, a few onlookers clapping and cheering making you grin and alexia now the one to roll her eyes. "mm hilarious princesa."
"i thought so. now cariño...what was that about anything i wanted?"
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Head Injuries and kisses - Alexia Putellas
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Alexia Putellas x Fem!Reader
Part 1 of 2
Summary: During the championships you go down with a head injury, worrying Alexia, her family, and everyone in the stadium.
Authors Note: Another championship fic guys, I hope you enjoy part 1!
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You had nerves before being subbed on the pitch. Not scared about the game, well kind of. But mostly scared to play bad in front of Alexias family.
Alexia the night before said they would be in attendance, and would like to meet you in the end, making your nerves and fear of not being enough go insanely high.
She reassured you that they had watched you play multiple time on barcelona, telling you how they complemented your goals and skills.
The nerves followed you to now, being subbed on at 34 minute mark.
The crowd when your face was on the subsitution board. Everyone cheering to watch their favorite player do what she does best.
Running on the pitch, you take your position, you glance over at Alexia and she gives you a reassuring smile. One that eases your nerves for a split second.
Now at 48 minutes, you have been running back and forth, getting more frustrated when you notice how the opposing team are being very aggressive.
You spot an open position near the goal, running full force, waiting for a ball to be kicked your way. When it comes, so does a player, crashing into like a brick wall.
Sending you down, moving to clutch your forehead when you feel a sharp sting of a football boot collide with your head on your way down.
Without your knowledge, two player were running at you. When the first one took you down, the other was running too fast and trying to slow down she put her foot out in front of her, which wasn't grass, but your head.
You sit there for a couple seconds until you feel the warm hands of your girlfriend touch your back. Coming around to wonder why you haven't gotten up yet.
You feel warm liquid pool in your hand quickly, running down your face and covering your hand and neck. But from your position, on your knees with you head towards the ground and in your hands, the blood was unseen.
You feel Alexia slowly pull you up from your position, and the look on her face when she sees the blood is gut wrenching. She looked scared and worried at the same time, not knowing what happened completely, but the amount of blood which is now seen by everyone in the stadium is not healthy.
You see the medics run over immediately, you being close to the side lines when you collided helping them get there quicker.
"Alexia what's going on?" You have a shake in your voice as her hands come up to your forehead, trying to lessen the amount of blood spilling from your head, coating her hands as well.
"Shh bebita the medics are coming, you just cut your head, it will be okay." She did seem sure in her sentence, trying to keep calm for you. Patri behind her, rubbing her back which helped her keep her composure.
When the medics arrive they lay you down on your back, and usher your teammates and the opposing teammate who collided with you away to give them space.
Alexia stared daggers into the Lyons head, silently telling them that they fucked up, and if there weren't hundreds if not thousands of people here right now, they would be in a bigger situation then just a stare.
Pina noticing that, walked over, handing her a wet towel to wash the blood off her hand and pulling her away from the opposing woman.
The medics go and grab more bandages, leaving you lying on the pitch with two other medics, they just sit there making sure you don't pass out or walk away.
You start to look around, still feeling blood coating your face which isn't a good feeling but what can you do at the moment?
You heart drops out of your ass and runs away to score a goal when you make eye contact with two women in the sidelines who look like copies of Alexia 100%.
They have worry etched on their face, when you make eye contact with Alba, she waves at you. Well this is just wonderful.
You smile at the sweet women and and lightly lift your hand, feeling too tired to do anything else.
It was a sweet moment, you felt like everything else just shut out, and it was a bonding moment between the two of you, as awkward as it sounds.
The medics come back over and finish up their process. When they tell you that you shouldn't come back on the pitch, you feel overwhelmed.
You worked so hard to get here, and can't even play. You feel tears prickle your eyes as they help you stand up, earning you a round of cheering and claps through out the stadium.
You start crying when you notice you can walk, you lost too much blood, and are too tired to walk.
Your sure the two women can see you crying. But your so overwhelmed that you cancel the thought out.
They medics lay you back down, earning confused faces from everyone.
"We need to carry you off okay-"
"I want Alexia to carry me off" You don't let the man finish before interrupting, you not wanting anyone else in that moment.
They nod before one of them signals to a worried Alexia who was already close and watching while biting her nails.
She runs over full speed and crouches down, listening to them talk while she brushes hair from your tear coated face.
"She has lost too much blood and is unable to walk off, would you carry her?" They ask and worry fills her eyes even more hearing that you cant walk.
Nodding, she kisses the crown of your head before picking you up bridal style.
She carries you with ease, making eye contact with her mother and sister before exiting the pitch entirely.
She walks into the medical room, laying your down on a bed making sure your comfortable.
"Okay amor, I have to go back out and play okay? Te amo mucho." (I love you so much). You nod with tears in your eyes, kissing her on the lips before she walks out.
You look up, trying to keep your tears in but failing, breaking down in the room, full of devastation and disappointment.
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toadtoru · 25 days
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contents: utahime x gn! reader, smut, reader has a strap/cock, overstim, praise, wordcount: 830
alba’s note: i want a girlfriend. who volunteers?
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“He’s so ugh! A– annoying!”
It’s an art form with how quickly Utahime falls apart as soon as she’s stuffed full. A light sheen of sweat coats her body, her cheeks flushed red, as she grips your shoulders for stability. Straddling your lap, she bounces up and down on your length.
You kiss her neck, your hands grabbing her ass as you help her up and down, grinning whenever you hit that spongy spot that makes her whine and gasp.
“Yeah, baby? What did he do today?” you ask, nibbling along her jaw. Utahime groans, her pace somehow speeding up.
“He just, ah– he acts like he’s better than everyone,” she whines, switching to grinding against you. You move your hands to her hips, helping her back and forth. A moan is wretched from her when you hit her g-spot and you smile, grinding up to hit it again. She hides her face in the crook of your neck, moaning into your shoulder. Her swollen cunt is weeping at this point and you can feel her slick dripping down your shaft and her thighs.
“Keep going, pretty girl,” you say.
“He’s not the, fuck–“ she whines when your hand finds her clit, rubbing little circles into the sensitive bud. Her hand comes down to stop you, but you swat it away, still rubbing circles while your other hand returns to her hip, encouraging her to keep going. “I’m close,” Utahime gasps. You kiss the crown of her head.
“Yeah? Let it all out, baby, let go for me,”
“He’s not the only one working hard for jujutsu society! The rest of us, nggh, are working h– hard too,” she whines. Her pace falters, but your grip on her hips tightens, guiding her up and down again.
“You’re almost there, baby, keep going,” you say and Utahime begins bouncing up and down again. You pull at her hair, so you’re face to face again, taking in every little detail. The furrow between her brows has disappeared, the permanent scowl replaced with a little ‘o’ as her jaw goes slack. And god, if Utahime isn’t made to take cock. She looks so pretty, so angelic as she comes, slick gushing out as her face twists in pleasure.
“My pretty girl, thereee you go,” you praise, pressing a kiss to the side of her mouth. Utahime can barely say anything, words turning into incoherent babbles and little thank you’s as her limbs become mush. You help her ride out her orgasm till she stills, her chest heaving, your length still filling her up.
You kiss her cheek, running your fingers through her hair as she comes back to earth. She giggles as you kiss her other cheek, her nose, her forehead, her eyebrow, all tension slowly leaving her. She basks in the afterglow, turning shy all of a sudden.
“Feel better?” you ask and she nods. “Thank you, baby,” she whispers and you smile, kissing her lips this time.
“Anything for you,” you reply, before turning her around so she’s under you, her back against the white sheets of your bed. Settling between her thighs, you slowly pull out, before thrusting in again. Utahime moans, her legs wrapping around your hips. You kiss her again, though she can hardly keep up as you thrust into her, repeatedly hitting her G-spot.
“Ah! I’m sensitive,” Utahime whines, but you ignore her as you continue to fuck her, your hand rubbing her clit.
“C’mon, baby, you can do one more, right?” you ask, coming down to kiss the tears off of her cheeks. “For me?”
Utahime gasps, her back arching into you, as her hands grip the sheets underneath her, searching for something to ground her. It’s such a lovely sight, the way her nose scrunches up in pleasure as she looks at you with tears in her eyes, the sensations overwhelming her. You lean down to whisper sweet nothings into her ear, telling her how lovely she is, how good she’s being for you. It’s enough to push her over the edge, her cunt clenching helplessly around your length as she cries out.
Her body tenses, before she goes limp, melting into the sheets below her, as you fuck her through her orgasm. It’s not until she grows whiny and twitchy that you pull out, kissing her temple, before you go grab a towel to clean her up.
By the time you return, she’s already fast asleep, her pretty little pout having returned. You grin, quickly cleaning her and yourself up before you pull the sheets over her and slip into the bed. She immediately melts into your embrace, snuggling into your body, as you hold her.
“Thank you,” Utahime mutters, nuzzling closer to you, her black hair tickling your face. You giggle, getting comfortable, as you tell her that the pleasure is all yours.
After all, Utahime is the prettiest girl you know, and all pretty girls deserve to have mind-numbing orgasms, don’t they?
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thank you for reading!
first time writing something like this, lemme know what you think!! :D
masterlist | dividers by plutism
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barcaatthemoon · 7 months
caught || jenni hermoso x reader ||
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you and jenni get caught breaking one the team's "no hotel sex" rule.
minors dni, 18+, smut ahead
jenni was going to be the death of you. nobody could know about the two of you, especially not alexia. it was easier to sneak around after trading room assignments to bunk with jenni, but you had indirectly put yourself directly next to alexia's room. you knew that alexia and jenni were on good terms after their breakup, but you also knew that she'd probably flip shit if she found out the two of you were together.
alexia had always been like a big sister to you. she had taken you under her wing whenever the two of you were growing up together. you were just as much a part of her family as her actual sister. alexia and alba had looked out for you like nobody else was willing to. they saw past your troublesome last name and turbulent family life, and for that, you'd never be able to repay her. and you knew that sleeping with her ex was not a good start.
"jenni, stop," you hissed as you pushed jenni away from you. the two of you had been away from each other for quite some time. jenni's transfer to pachuca had come as a bit of a shock to you, despite her having brought it up. the two of you hadn't been serious then, but jenni had confessed that she loved you enough to make the distance work.
"why? i have waited so long to have you in my arms again. must you be so cruel as to make me wait even longer?" jenni asked dramatically. you rolled your eyes as you pulled yourself out of her grip. it was hard on you too, but it would be even harder for you if alexia heard the two of you through the walls.
"i know that look in your eyes jenni. we have to be quiet, and that look means nothing but trouble." you understood now why alexia had a tendency to be a bit stressed. jenni may have been older than you, but the woman was a lot more carefree than you were capable of. the team occasionally teased you about it, claiming that you could be worse than alexia was about being so strict.
"relax, mi amor, there's no reason for you to be so wound up," jenni told you. she sat up on her knees on the bed in front of you. you sighed longingly as she pulled her shirt off and tossed it onto the ground. "see? you want me too, so please just come back over here."
"jenni, you have to keep your hands to yourself," you told her. she nodded as she sat back on the bed. you didn't trust her to keep her word, but you still came over and joined her on her bed.
impressively, jenni did manage to keep her word. you had made her promise you to keep her hands to herself, but had said absolutely nothing about her mouth. jenni's mouth littered kisses and little bites all over your neck. you were in the process of telling her to back away a bit when a moan replaced the words on the tip of your tongue. that noise ended up being the catalyst to jenni completely losing her composure.
she pinned you down onto the bed, grinding herself against your thigh as she pushed the bottom of your shirt up. you could feel the heat from jenni's core against your thigh as she started to get herself off. jenni wouldn't finish that way, but she knew how easily it worked you up to know how turned on jenni was. you wanted to pretend that it wasn't working, but jenni knew better.
"i want to feel you," jenni said, her lips pressed against yours. you pushed her off of your body just enough to allow your clothes to easily come off. jenni could have ripped them off of you, you were certain of it, but that would have raised a lot of questions. you had practice later in the afternoon and would need your kit then.
jenni let out an appreciative hum as her eyes settled on your body. she took in every inch of bare skin and defined muscle. her hands groped at your breasts as her lips met yours in one more heated kiss. after the kiss was broken, jenni spread open your legs and settled in between them.
"i've wanted this for so long," jenni said as she placed a couple of playful bites to the inside of your thighs. you jumped at the sensation with small yelps. jenni was smirking as she ran her fingers through your folds, spreading the wetness from your entrance. jenni withdrew her finger and pushed it past her lips to suck your arousal off of it.
"don't tease, and i believe that i said to keep your hands to yourself," you chastised. jenni took that as a challenge as she put her hands behind her back. you knew that jenni didn't need her hands, and if anything, she'd be even more ruthless with you for the sass. jenni didn't take your brattiness lightly, but you had never really gone far enough to warrant any sort of punishment before.
"you can cover your own mouth then," jenni said smugly. you knew from the new and very dangerous look in her eye that you were fucked. jenni was going to have you screaming out her name, and she was highly unlikely to stop until you were actually doing so.
jenni opted out of any softness or teasing, instead choosing to get right to things by running her tongue against your clit. she knew that even without her hands, she could have you cumming within minutes. it was unfair sometimes how easily jenni hid her dominance in the bedroom around people. you had gone into the relationship expecting her to be all smiles and jokes like she was everywhere else, only to be fucked within an inch of your sanity when you started hooking up with each other.
"you taste so good, mi amor," jenni told you. the small break was not nearly enough for you to collect your bearings. jenni's tongue work had your head spinning in the same little circles it was making. your hips bucked wildly as you ground yourself against jenni's mouth. every bit of the situation made you feel a little pathetic, but you knew that jenni loved it. she loved hearing the breathy little noises that you made as the air was forced out of your lungs. she loved the way that you rode her face with such a devout desperation.
"jenni, please. jenni, i'm gonna cum. jenni!" you were screaming at the top of your lungs. there was no way that alexia and mapi didn't both hear you through the walls. there was also no way that they didn't know exactly what was going on. you were doubtful that the entire floor didn't just find out you and jenni were together from that. even jenni looked a little sheepish when she rose up from between your legs. "fuck."
"hey, don't worry mi vida, it's okay," jenni muttered as she moved to lay beside you. she pulled you into her arms, holding you tightly until the two of you were interrupted by loud knocking. jenni was wearing the most clothing, so she was the one to go over to the door while you got yourself redressed. "ale, what a surprise. can i do something for you, capitana?"
"where is (y/n)?" alexia asked. you scrambled to finish putting on your clothes before opening up the door the rest of the way. alexia looked between the two of you, a slight frown on her face.
"what's the matter ale?" you asked. alexia reached out and grabbed the bottom hem of your shirt, which definitely wasn't one that belonged to you. "ale, i can explain."
"don't worry, there is nothing to explain, i understand what is going on here. that is why jenni has to pack her things and go room with mapi for the rest of camp. you both know the rules, and that we have them for a reason." alexia sent an accusatory glare towards jenni. you had heard rumors about how the rule had been put in place, and as you looked between the exes, you realized that they were true.
"i'll see you later mi amor," jenni said as she pressed a kiss to your cheek. you sighed as you watched her pack up her things. alexia stood by the door until jenni was gone before she came fully inside and set her bag on the bed where your things were laying.
"hey, that one's mine!" you argued. alexia sent you a knowing look, having once been in your position before. "fine, this one smells like jenni anyway."
"i'm sure it smells like a lot of things," alexia grumbled under her breath.
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samkerrworshipper · 8 months
between thighs
short little thigh riding quickie smut blurb lol
warnings: thigh riding, soft smut, porn without plot lol
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Quickies are kind of a rite of passage when you become a professional athlete.
You claw for every single moment in which you can find time to spend with your partner, especially when your schedules are so jam packed.
That’s how you and Alexia got yourself into this position, the two of you jammed against the wall of Alexia’s bedroom with five minutes before she has to leave for an event.
You’re still in the first few months of your relationship, still navigating how to balance work and life, having Alexia looking all dolled up to go out on her night off for the week did things to you, things that had ended up with you pushed up against the plaster with Alexia’s lips mouthing at your neck.
“Ale-Ale, not fair, you have to leave soon.”
You’re mad that you don’t get to accompany her, that you don’t get to galavant around with Alexia. Actually you’re more mad that you won’t get to fully appreciate Alexia in her current outfit. She’s in a skintight pink dress, a piece that you aren't even aware was in her closet until she walked out of the wardrobe with it clad to her body. Whilst you aren’t a big fan of events, you’d push past your social anxiety for the opportunity to ogle at Alexia for the night.
No words would describe just how wet your panties had suddenly become when Alexia waltzed out of her wardrobe, dressed to the nines and looking mouth-watering, your cunt all of a sudden soaked with the sight.
“Lex, what the hell?”
Alexia’s head cocked, a little smile in the corner of her mouth whilst she toyed with the hem of her dress. Your eyes are dragging up and down the pink mesh kind of material that sinches Alexia everywhere.
“This little thing? It’s from my clubbing days.”
You roll your eyes at the way that Alexia implies that she is beyond her partying days, your summer in Ibiza would argue that claim heavily.
“Little is definitely a way to describe it, not leaving a lot to the imagination Lex.”
Alexia blushes, her awkward self shining through as she tries to pull the hem down, all for it to stay put where it was.
You stood up from your seat on the edge of your bed, walking your way towards your spaniard.
“No need to be shy, I’m just jealous that I don’t get the opportunity to appreciate this number fully.”
You bite down on your lip, closing in on Alexia with your voice dropping a few octaves as you speak.
Alexia’s brow lifts in questioning, her hair tilting with her head as she looks you up and down. Whilst Alexia is completely done up, you are quite the opposite, your hair is scruffily mounted on top of your head in a bun, instead of a tight dress you are in a tank top and a plain pair of silk pyjama shorts.
“Jealous? You know I’m only going because it’s opening night and I promised Alba I’d be there. A night that you had an invite to.”
You roll your eyes, groaning at Alexia’s explanation.
“I might have reconsidered had you given me a sneak peek to your little outfit earlier on, are you sure you can’t be a little bit late? I’ll make it worth your while.”
Alexia stares down at you, as you try your hardest to convince her with your pout. She brings her hand up to your cheek, her fingers are long enough to stretch from one end of your jaw to the other, she traces the soft lines of your bones and face, her eyes following her fingers.
“I won’t be late, there are a couple of minutes until Mapi is supposed to be here.”
You nod your head dutifully, standing up on your tiptoes so you are able to pull Alexia into a kiss.
For a few seconds it’s soft, the two of you falling into your normal rhythm, Alexia is pushing you up against the wall of the bedroom, her hands pinning your hips to the wall and slotting her knee in between your legs whilst her tongue explored your mouth and lips.
“Ale-Ale, not fair, you have to leave soon.”
You tried your hardest to grind down on Alexia, but her two hands were big enough to keep you pinned to the wall, unmoving completely.
“You’ve got three minutes, that’s all you’re getting, you can’t touch me and you can’t mess with my outfit, you touch or mess with anything and we stop, understood?”
You nod your head, your mind now completely set on how to achieve your own release.
“Go ahead then babygirl.”
Your hands are nudging at Alexia’s almost immediately, pulling them from your hips so you can slip your shorts off of your ass, leaving you naked in front of Alexia.
There isn’t time for you to be insecure, you instead push yourself off the wall, nudging your way away from Alexia’s knee up to the muscular part of her thigh.
You leave a trail of wetness as you move up and down, your desire spreading up and down Alexia’s olive skin.
Alexia’s lips move to your neck, allowing your mouth to gape open, big deep guttural moans exiting your mouth as you grind up and down Alexia’s skin.
You’ve done it before, but every single time you are once again met with Alexia’s thigh you have to rediscover and locate the different ridges and muscles that felt best against your sensitive clit.
It’s not as good as how fingers or a toy would feel, but it’s something, and something is definitely better than nothing.
“Lex, please, more.”
Alexia’s lips continue at your neck, it’s helping with getting you close but you aren’t sure that you are going to be able to get off solely just from Alexia’s thigh.
“My thigh or nothing, two minutes bebita.”
You nod your head, it’s not the answer you wanted but the upside is that once Alexia is done murmuring against your neck her lips return to your pulsepoint, sucking down hard and undoubtedly leaving a deep red mark.
You force yourself down as hard as you can, allowing gravity to take the reins as you remove the pressure from your feet, relying on Alexia’s muscly quad and your core balance to hold you up.
It’s not the best thing you’ve felt, but with the mixed sensation of Alexia’s mouth, leg muscles and hands on your hips, her fingernails gripping into the bones resting below your skin.
You know that you are on a clock, so you hone in on the sensations, focusing on all of the different things you are feeling.
Raking your eyes up and down Alexia’s outfit of choice seems to be enough, it’s like a rush of endorphins hit your bloodstream as you look at Alexia’s body and all of the features that are being displayed to you.
Your thoughts of lust are shattered by the sound of knocking at the door, Alexia’s lips lit from your chest.
“Are you close, bebita?”
You nod your head furiously at Alexia, pressing yourself down as you nudge your clit hard against one of the particularly accentuated muscles in Alexia’s thigh.
“Quick, Maria’s here and I don’t want to keep her wanting, or walking in and seeing something that belongs to me.”
The possessiveness definitely sends you directly towards the edge, the urgency of your situationship coming to light.
“Ale, fuck, going to cum, Lex I’m coming.”
Alexia’s mouth presses itself to your own, silencing your moans whilst your body spasms against her own body, your pussy pulsing against her warm and wet skin.
As soon as your cunt has stopped spasming and your limbs are reconnected to your brain Alexia lifts you off of her, dumping you unceremoniously onto the mattress of her bed whilst she rushes into the bathroom to clean herself up.
“Drink some water bebita, you don’t have to wait up for me, I'll be back late.”
The pool between your legs is enough of a motivation to stay awake for Alexia, even if it means suffering for a couple of hours.
“I’ll be up, have fun, you look amazing Lex.”
The banging at the door has only grown louder, Alexia is tugging on her shoes aggressively whilst trying to make it out of the door. You enjoy the sight from your spot sitting on her bed, your body covered in the sheets.
“I will, text me if you need anything and no touching without my permission, wait up or sleep, I love you.”
You nod at her, snorting as Alexia clips the corner of her doorway whilst trying to make it out of the room. A string of curses leave her mouth, her body lurching forwards and out of your sight, undoubtedly towards the door to stop Maria’s insistent banging.
You think about the feeling of her cold, big, stong hands on your hips, the heat still spreading from the marks she’d sucked into your neck and the pleasure spread across the apex of your legs from Alexia’s thigh that had fit so perfectly between your own thighs.
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missgavi · 2 years
Omg you’re so right gavi would be such a sucker for his gf!! Imagine like the other way around, him fussing over her cause like that’s HIS baby and he’s so proud 😭 I bet his teammates would be like “what did you do to our gavi ??” Lol He definitely likes to play it off like he’s not into it but he’d love a gf who’d be all over him
First of all , you are now officially my new best friend. Second of all , I would bet all of my life’s savings on Gavi obsessing over the nickname “bebe” 🤭
Another sigh escapes the boys lips. Gavi , Pedri , Pique , Alba and Robert were currently waiting for you and the rest of the girlfriend to join them in the hotel lobby. The lot of you were going out for dinner and to them it seemed you girls were taking ages to get ready.
“How much longer ?” Gavi asked his friends , looking at his watch when a small tsk-ing sound is heard behind him.
All of them turn their head to see their significant others , immediately making their way over to you.
“Tsk tsk tsk , always whining aren’t you ?” You tease but it falls on deaf ears as Pablo is way to busy taking in the way your red dress falls around you , hugging your body in all the right places.
“Ai mi vida , tu eres la chica más hermosa que he visto” you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen your boyfriend says , his lips trying to capture yours in a kiss.
Just as his lips were about to brush yours , you swerved right , the boy kissing your cheek. He tries again and this time you swerve left , giving him the other cheek.
Whining , he tries again only to miss “bebe , dejame besarte” let me kiss you
Smiling you say “you’ll smudge my lipstick” you tease playfully.
Just as he was about to protest Pedri comes out of nowhere with Linda , his girlfriend , on his arm “Stop whining you big baby”
Shooting his friend daggers he begins his rambling “Cállate Pedri. Ella es mi novia y un pintalabios no me impedirá besarla” shut up Pedri. she my girlfriend and some lipstick won’t stop me from kissing her He says before grabbing you by the back of your neck and smashing his lips against yours
Grinning into the kiss , instead of pushing him away you just pull him closer. Breaking apart you look into his deep eyes “Te quiero mucho amor” i love so much love you muse
“También bebe , también” same baby , same
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clarisse0o · 11 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 64
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Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
Alternative Universe : Military School
Words: 5k
Monday, March 1; 6:15 AM - Alexia and Ona's Room
Returning to my roots stings throughout my entire system. I'm exhausted. My first night away from Lucy's arms was a disaster. Needless to say, I didn't get a wink of sleep. Now she's doing her usual rounds around our beds while I yawn so wide it feels like my jaw might unhinge.
"Rough night, Batlle?" she teases kindly.
I groan pitifully, causing my friends to chuckle. She stops in front of me, scanning me from head to toe, checking my outfit before pulling me into her arms. A sigh of relief escapes me instantly. I bury my nose in her neck, inhaling her scent deeply to ensure I remember it. When I finally lift my head, she lingers on my face. One might think she's scrutinizing my barely-there makeup, but it's probably my dark circles she's focused on. Then she kisses me properly, making Alexia clear her throat after a moment.
"We should get going."
"Yep," Lucy exhales. "Go on, off you go," she says.
I head for the door, following my roommate.
"And Ona," she calls as I reach the threshold.
"Don't forget your evening classes. Time to get back into the groove."
I smile and nod. We spent yesterday reviewing my classes and finishing the last bits of homework I had left. I'd already done most of them during the evening classes before the break so I wouldn't be bothered during the two-week vacation. It was a good way to get back on track.
"I don’t plan on missing them. Have a good day, Commander."
A smug smile stretches across her lips as I leave the room. I catch up to Alexia, who had gone ahead. She smiles when I reach her.
"Looks like things are going well, huh?"
"Better, yes, but it could still be better without this decision hanging over me."
"Has she changed her mind?"
"Yes and no. She explained the reasons behind her choice," I reply, shrugging. "We'll see. First, I plan to negotiate at my next meeting. Then, I’ll send a few requests to other galleries, and we'll see."
"That's already something. I hope everything goes well."
We step outside, where most of our friends are waiting. My eyes fall on Alessia, reminding me of yesterday’s anxiety. She and her sister know about Lucy. I don’t expect them to tell anyone, but it's still a situation that could make things awkward. We greet everyone before heading to the cafeteria. Good habits really are coming back.
"Your sister’s not here?" I ask Ale.
"Well, turns out she’s got a girlfriend now."
"Really?" I ask, surprised.
"Yeah, apparently she's here, at school, so I assume she's with her."
"Wasn't she a bit difficult because you were away for two weeks?"
"Nope. Seems like having a girlfriend has its perks. I plan to find out who she is just to thank her."
I laugh. I'm curious too. With everything that happened before the break, I hadn’t noticed her getting close to anyone in particular.
"We’ll do our investigation if you want," I tease.
"Oh, for sure! If she thinks she’s going to keep her in the shadows, she's dreaming."
"And you’re the one saying that?" I tease again.
"My case is different."
"Of course," I mock. "Still, it’s time for her to introduce her at least once."
"Yeah, yeah. Soon, since the year is almost over, and I plan to move in with Jenni after school."
Seems I’m not the only one thinking about the "after school" period. I hope she tells her soon because I have a feeling this situation might backfire given how Alba is. We reach the cafeteria. Once we’re served, we sit at our usual table. From where I am, I can see Lucy join her side with Ingrid. I don’t linger, though, afraid I won’t be able to look away from her. The others start recounting their fantastic vacations. I turn to Alessia, who’s sitting next to me. Best to address the elephant in the room right away.
"How were your holidays?" I ask her.
"Pretty good," she admits. "And yours?"
She’s calm. A bit too calm, and probably a little embarrassed too. Lucy did make a point of kissing me in front of her to stake her claim the day they caught us together. I still don’t know if Alessia saw that. All I know is that Lucy marked me with a huge hickey on my neck again last night, just to be sure. My friends haven’t seen it yet since I’ve kept my scarf on, and I plan to keep it that way for a while.
"Good as well," I reply with a small smile.
"Is your girlfriend planning to keep an eye on me from now on?" she retorts, without much emotion.
I glance over at Lucy and see that, indeed, she’s sneaking looks at us between sentences with Ingrid. I bite my lip to suppress a smile. She’s impossible. Yesterday's lecture about jealousy clearly wasn’t enough for her. Maybe it’s time I tell her how much I love her to get her to relax.
"I'll talk to her. Don’t worry."
"Have you seen the hickey she gave her?" Alexia teases mockingly.
"Stop," I groan, unconsciously covering my neck with my hand. "It was the only way to leave without a ten-hour lecture."
Alessia and Alexia laugh at my expense, making me blush even more. To be honest, I like Lucy’s jealousy, but I’d never admit that to them. After our cold moment, she simply reminded me that she loves me no matter what. She knows how to reassure me.
"Did someone say hickey?" 
We turn toward the voice we all recognize. Alba stands behind me with her tray in hand. I smile softly at her. I’ve missed her, actually. I didn’t expect to get so attached to her personality, but I have. She’s genuinely a good person deep down.
"Mind if we join you?"
It’s only then that I notice someone standing behind her. It’s Misa, and judging by the look she gives me, there’s no doubt she’s the girlfriend Ale mentioned. She never hung out with us much, but it happened occasionally. All I remember about her is that she wasn’t very friendly. Her choice surprises me, but after all, I don’t know her well enough to judge their relationship. The question was mostly for show, as they sit down at the end of our table. I exchange a look with Ale, who doesn’t seem thrilled with what she’s seeing. She’s understood the situation just like I have, but I know from previous conversations that she doesn’t like Misa much either. Neither of us knows how to place her.
"So, what’s this about a hickey? Who’s the victim?" Alba asks again.
"Ona," Alessia replies. "Apparently, from her girlfriend."
"Really?" she asks, surprised. "You’re with someone?"
I run my hand through my hair, feeling awkward. I didn’t want this to spread around the table. I feel like Alessia is challenging me, which is irritating. But if Lucy gave me a hickey, it’s because she wants people to know I’m taken, right? After that little internal debate, I nod.
"Uh, yeah. I’ve been dating someone for a little while," I admit.
"Wow, didn’t see that coming," she smiles. "That’s cool! Is she from here? Do we know her?"
"Alba, that's none of your business," Alexia cuts in. "And you? When were you going to tell me you were dating Misa?"
I'm relieved by her intervention. It gives me time to breathe, and she knows why. I can’t afford to reveal Lucy’s identity.
"If I’d waited as long as you to admit I was seeing someone, I wouldn’t have told you until next year," she retorts proudly.
- "What nonsense," she muttered, rolling her eyes before glancing at me.
I stifled a small laugh. I gave her a sympathetic smile, but in reality, her sister wasn't wrong.
- "So, are we not allowed any juicy details?" Alba returned to the original topic.
Of course, she was back to me. Unfortunately, I hadn't had time to think. I just shrugged. I would like to share with them, but I know I can't reveal everything.
- "She's a girl. A few years older than me, and well, that's it. We've only been together for a few weeks."
Only a few weeks. Now that I say it, it feels like we've been together for months. I'm already eager to reach our first month. Unfortunately, that's in a few days, and we'll still be here. I'm trying to stay positive, reminding myself that we'll be in Barcelona this weekend. At least I’ll have the advantage of being on my home turf. I can plan something for her at a place she doesn’t know, with Mapi as my accomplice.
- "So, you're into girls too?" Misa asked.
I leaned to see her as she was sitting just next to Alessia. She kept eating while glancing at me. Surprisingly, she smiled. Now that she knew she had nothing to worry about with Alba, maybe she’d behave differently.
- "Indeed" I replied, without going into detail.
- "And this girl," Alba asked again, "does she treat you well at least?"
Alexia rolled her eyes again, making me suppress a laugh. Honestly, they should have stayed away from each other if they were going to act like this in each other's presence.
- "Absolutely. She's amazing, even if sometimes she struggles to grasp that she's the only one who matters to me."
I punctuated my words by showing off the huge purple, almost black, hickey on my neck. She had pinned me down against the mattress, leaving me no means to defend myself. My friends gasped in disbelief, making me chuckle slightly.
- "Damn, seeing it again now, I realize she didn’t hold back at all," Ale teased as I quickly covered the evidence. "Think I can tease her about it?"
- "You? Tease her?" I raised an eyebrow. "I’d love to see that," I mocked.
- "Oh, shut up," she mumbled.
- "Wait, you know her?" Alba asked, surprised.
- "Yeah. Who do you think I spent my vacation with?"
- "Any particular reason she marked you like that?" Alessia asked, trying to prevent a sibling argument.
- "I don't know," I admitted, shrugging. "Jealousy, I guess. She knows a bit about my friends... I mean, I tell her about them a lot, so she probably feels threatened," I quickly corrected myself.
- "I wonder why. You practically devour her with your eyes. You'd have to be blind not to notice," Ale commented.
I hid my blush behind my mug of hot chocolate. I knew how true her words were. I just hoped it wouldn't be too obvious here at school. Even though there were only two months left and Lucy had said she didn’t care if she got expelled, I wasn’t on the same page. I wanted her with me until the end, so I hoped we could stay discreet. It had been a while, so I glanced over at her table. I was disappointed to find it empty. I looked quickly toward the line where people were clearing their trays, but I had to admit the truth: she was already gone. Clearly, I was already missing her, judging by the pang I felt at this realization. This day was going to feel longer than I’d like to admit.
Monday, March 1st; 5:15 PM - Lucy and Ingrid's Office.
I tried not to seem too eager when I headed to Lucy's office. First, I had to be patient while Alessia talked to me after class, and then I had to weave through the students in the hallway. If it were up to me, I would have sprinted from class the moment the bell rang. But sadly, that only happens in movies. So here I was, standing in front of her office door, which was wide open. I tapped on the wood to announce my presence before stepping inside. I didn’t wait for permission anymore—I felt at home here after having come so often. I was greeted by an empty desk on the left and Lucy behind the one on the right. We were alone. Perfect.
- "Hello," I said cheerfully.
- "Close the door," she ordered without taking her eyes off the screen.
I was already almost at her desk when she gave the command. Oh, she didn't seem to be in a good mood. I turned back to obey without complaint. A few months ago, I would have already retorted for her to do it herself. But now, I sensed this wasn’t the moment. I hoped everything would be fine. I had missed her so much today, and I didn’t want to spend the little time we had together in a bad mood.
- "You're late," she noted, as if it needed pointing out.
- "Did you miss me?"
I tried to joke to lighten her mood. To my surprise, she stood up abruptly to face me.
- "Hell, yes."
Before I could react, she spun me around and pressed me against her desk. Her slightly cold hands slid under my already open jacket. I smiled against her lips as she took them without asking. She grabbed my thighs firmly, lifting me onto the desk. I welcomed her between my legs, running my hand through her hair. For someone who wanted to keep our two relationships separate, we were far from her long speeches.
- "Take off that scarf," she growled, tugging at it.
I laughed harder as I unwrapped it before she could strangle me with it.
- "You like seeing your marks on me? I got so many comments because of you."
- "Really? I didn’t see you take it off today."
I raised an amused eyebrow. So she was watching me. Good to know. To be fair, I wasn’t any better, but now I understood why I kept running into her in the hallways.
- "You did it on purpose, didn’t you?"
- "I have no idea what you’re talking about."
I laughed, wrapping my arms around her neck. She smiled mischievously in return.
- "Well, just so you know, my friends know I’m taken. I talked to Alba this morning, and the others figured it out. They teased me all through lunch trying to figure out who you are. I said you weren’t from the school, but they think I’m lying."
- "Why would they think I’m from here?"
- "No idea. They think I don’t have a life outside of school."
"Well, aside from Mapi, you don’t see many people from your old life," she reminded me. "They’re not wrong, really. »
- "Well, it's easy to meet people nowadays. There are social media or even dating apps."
- "As if that’s your thing... It isn’t, right? Maybe I should take your phone away…"
- "Hey! No way, you idiot. As if I’d do something like that."
I roll my eyes before she kisses me again. I’ve missed her lips. It’s hard to go from two weeks straight together to a sudden cut. I’ll be happy when we no longer have to deal with the constraints of school.
- "Did Alessia say anything?"
- "No. She thinks you’re very... How do I put it? Vampiric. Or something like that. I don’t think she expected you to devour my neck."
She laughs and kisses the mark. I checked it in the mirror again during lunch and realized it’ll probably stick around for a few more days. She then steps back from between my legs, signaling that our little break is over. I hop off the desk, landing on my feet.
- "As long as she doesn’t hover around you anymore, I don’t care what she calls me."
- "Oh please, like she’d even try to go up against you. It’s a good thing she knows now."
- "Hmm... Alright, get your stuff out so we can tackle your homework. How were your classes?"
- "Boring, as always," I sigh. "I’ll be glad when I finally graduate."
- "I get that, me too," she admits with a small smile. "But we’re not there yet. By the way, I talked to Wiegman about your interview."
- "Already?" I ask, surprised.
- "Yup. The sooner it’s settled, the better. That way, we can avoid unnecessary arguments."
- "What did she say?"
- "She’s giving you permission to go, since it’s after your time here. But she’ll have to inform your mom."
I shrug, indifferent. It’s not like my mom doesn’t already know I had an interview. She’ll figure it out soon enough.
- "Will you come with me?"
- "Of course, I’ll drive you," she smiles. "There are perks to still being your guardian. Now, you just need to call Mr. Fields to find out the date."
- "Yeah... Can we also check out other galleries?"
- "I’ve already done some research," she tells me. "I made a list and sent it to Beth. Since she’s more knowledgeable and knows their reputations, she promised to review them and let me know which ones are worth sending your resume to."
- "Thank you. You’re amazing," I reply sincerely.
- "It’s only natural," she says, linking our hands. "I’ve thought about it a lot, and I want to apologize again for making you think I wanted to push you away. That was never my intention."
- "I know, don’t worry," I smile softly. "Let’s wait to see what Fields says before getting ahead of ourselves. He might offer something else."
- "Don’t get your hopes up too much. He can have as many apprentices as he wants. If you say no, that might be it for him."
- "We’ll see," I say confidently. "He seemed really interested in my profile. Maybe he won’t want to let me go so easily."
- "Babe, seriously. I don’t want you to get your hopes up and be let down. I’ll be happy if he offers you something else, but it’s better not to expect too much."
I nod. She’s right. Ever since I got the positive response, I’ve been feeling confident, but I’m likely setting myself up for a fall. I sigh, sinking into my seat.
- "Shall we get to work?"
- "You’ll get to work," she replies with a small smile. "Try to do it on your own, and I’ll correct it. I’ve still got a lot of work to do since the break is over."
I groan as I pull out the management assignment from this morning. Our teacher didn’t go easy on us, and we’ve already been hit with five exercises under the pretext that we need to be ready for the big day.
- "It’s not as fun without you."
- "Oh, come on. I won’t be sitting next to you during the exams. This is the final stretch. You need to learn to handle it on your own now."
I sigh and pout but still get to work. In a few months, I’ll be sitting through the same kind of exercises, except it’ll be on an exam paper for four hours straight. For now, I have nothing to complain about. The stress is slowly creeping in. I know I won’t be fully prepared, especially in my main subjects. Let’s not forget I’m two years behind. And to top it off, I found out today that we actually have compressed courses. Murphy explained that due to the school’s structure, we’re missing a semester out of the usual three years. After quickly doing the math in my head, we only have three semesters instead of four in a given track. At least I understand now why we’re moving faster than normal. Fortunately, my teachers often revisit points that were covered in previous years during the course. Thanks to Lucy, I’ve started asking for help more often. While I think most of my exams are out of reach, Lucy believes in me. She says I might have some terrible grades, but I can still pass. That’s all the support I need. I’m determined to prove her right. I don’t care about having outstanding grades, just passing is enough. I’ll focus on excelling in the subjects I’m stronger in, like literature and languages. They won’t be the most heavily weighted, given the track I chose, but it’s better than nothing. Time passes, and I finally finish the exercises for my upcoming classes.
- "Can you check my work?" I ask my girlfriend.
- "Of course."
She pushes aside her pile of papers and grabs my assignments. She picks up a pencil and starts reading through them. I take advantage of the calm moment to admire her. She moves her long brown hair to the side, making her even more beautiful. I smile as she unintentionally reveals the mark I gave her. It’s much smaller now and a few days old. Our bubble bursts with a knock at the door, followed by its immediate opening to reveal my management teacher. His sudden presence reminds me that we’re never truly safe from being interrupted, even with the door closed.
- "Oh yes, I forgot about your evening classes," he murmurs. "Good evening, I hope I’m not disturbing you."
- "Not particularly," Lucy replies. "How can I help you?"
- "I was just following up on the field trip, but I can come back later if necessary."
Lucy leans back in her chair, crossing her legs, but she keeps my packet of assignments in her hand and removes her glasses—the ones that make her look so irresistible—with the other. She places them on the desk and massages the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again.
- "I’ve already told you, Ona isn’t a problem. What do you need?"
I can’t help but smile at her cold tone. He’s definitely getting on her nerves. I turn back to my teacher, who looks slightly flustered.
- "Well, I wanted to confirm that Miss Engen and you will be part of the teaching staff accompanying us."
- "Alright. Is that all?"
- "For now. I’ll let you know the date of the trip and which group you’ll be in charge of."
- "Hmm. If you’re organizing the groups, make sure Ona is in mine. Since I’m designated as her guardian until the end of the year, it’ll allow me to keep an eye on her."
I can’t help but laugh at that request. Thank goodness Wiegman put her in charge. We’re definitely taking advantage of it now. I thought I was being discreet, but Lucy must have heard me because she raises an eyebrow as she glances at me. I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing again. I love it when she plays the serious role like that.
- "Any objections?" she asks me.
- "None," my teacher responds.
It’s too much; I have to laugh again. He doesn’t even know who she’s addressing anymore. Lucy doesn’t miss the opportunity to remind him.
"I was talking to Ona. »
- "No problem, Bronze," I replied with as much seriousness as I could muster in that moment.
- "Good. Well, that's settled then. I'll be waiting for your update."
- "Great. Thanks again for agreeing."
Before he turned to leave, I smiled when I noticed him lingering on Lucy's neck. She couldn’t have chosen a better time to show off the mark I left on her. Then his eyes shifted to me, narrowing slightly.
- "See you tomorrow, sir," I said innocently.
- "Hmm... see you tomorrow."
- "Have a good evening," Lucy added just before he left.
I turned back to Lucy, who had resumed correcting my work as if none of that had just happened. Her glasses were back on her nose. With the door closed again, I seized the opportunity.
- "Is he always that annoying?"
- "He never was."
- "Really? I think he is. He tries to get to you at every chance he gets."
- "Well, now you can be sure he won’t come by after class, not with you here."
Her mischievous tone didn’t sit well with me. I slumped back in my chair, crossing my arms. It was obvious that if he wanted to be alone with her, he wouldn’t come by at this time anymore. That idea bothered me a lot.
- "You're not going to sulk, are you?" she teased. "I was as cold as possible. I think I made it pretty clear, didn't I?"
- "Hmm..."
- "Plus, I made sure you’d be in my group for that outing," she added. "I couldn’t really do much more than that."
- "Yes, you could. You could tell him outright that you’re not interested in men."
- "Fine. I’ll do that if that’s what you want."
A silence settled in. My mood lifted a little. I hadn’t expected her to go that far, but I felt relieved. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about him anymore. I watched her as she reached the last page. She had used her pencil several times, so I could already tell there were corrections to make. When she finished, she handed everything back to me.
- "Here you go. You made a few mistakes, but you’ve understood the essentials."
- "Thanks," I replied shyly.
I took my papers and started working on my errors. Most of the time, they were just careless mistakes. Management requires a lot of formulas, and even though I’d memorized them with Lucy’s help before the holidays, I still mixed them up sometimes.
- "How was your night?"
- "Rough," I admitted. "I had trouble getting used to my small bed again, and I didn’t sleep much."
- "Your nightmares came back?"
- "No... I’m a bit afraid they will, but we’ll see. Worst case, I’ll ask to sleep over with Alexia."
I felt close enough to her now that I could ask her for that. I was sure she wouldn’t mind if I did.
- "Hmm... If it’s just her, I think I can accept that," Lucy said with a small smile. "You should take a page out of my book, you know. I know how to control myself."
- "Is that so?" I giggled. "Shall we talk about how you stared down Alessia after I talked to her? I saw you," I accused her shamelessly.
- "I think we should calm down," she laughed. "It’s not like we just spent two weeks living together."
I smiled. She didn’t even try to defend herself.
- "We should, that's true, but I doubt I could resist. I love your jealousy. It makes me feel important in your eyes."
- "You can. You're the most important person to me anyway, baby."
I blushed softly at her unexpected compliment.
- "You are too. Never doubt that. No one even comes close, no matter who I talk to."
- "Noted," she smiled. "Just make sure to remind your friend that you're taken."
- "You do that quite well on your own," I teased, tilting my head to expose my neck. "She knows, don’t worry."
- "Then we have no problem," she smiled wider.
Indeed. Aside from the issue of next year, there didn’t seem to be any more problems between us. I sincerely hoped everything would turn out fine, and even if it didn’t, I was confident we’d find a way through it.
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kayleighjennifer · 2 years
Birthday girl (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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Today is Alexia’s birthday and to say that you’re excited is an underestimation. You’ve planned the whole day with the help of Eli and Alba.
You and Alexia have been together for three years and today is the day, where you will propose to her.
Right now, Alexia is softly snoring next to you and you’re tracing her tattoos on her back with your fingers. “Good morning my love”. Alexia just grumbles and turns on her stomach.
You chuckle softly and press light kisses on her back. Alexia sighs at the feeling of your soft lips on her back but still has her eyes closed. You move her hairs from her neck and start sucking on her favourite spot on her neck. Your actions make her moan and she stirs from her deep sleep.
You grin at her. “Happy birthday darling, I hope you have a wonderful day”. She looks adoringly at you and moves you closer to her. “Thank you, besides this is a great way to wake up”. Her voice is still raspy from her sleep. “Glad to hear, do you wanna continue or eat breakfast?” You say excitedly, happy for the rest of the day.
“Let’s continue first and then eat breakfast”. You straddle Alexia’s lap and capture her lips in a bruising kiss. “I like that idea”.
You move towards her neck and décolleté where you leave many marks and wet kisses. The only thing that you can hear, are Alexia’s moans and the sound of your wet lips on her soft skin.
You suck on one of her breast and the other one gets massaged by your hand. “Oh fuck, you’re doing so great cariño”. Alexia groans out, which turns you even more on. “Glad to hear amore, let me take care of you”. Alexia is only able to nod, feeing overwhelmed by the pleasure she is already receiving.
After a bit you move lower, leaving many hickeys on her inner thighs, but leaving her core out. “Please Y/N, no more teasing”. Her hands are in your hair, guiding you to her pussy.
Since it’s her birthday you decide to give her the pleasure she wants. You harshly suck on her clit, using a little bit of teeth. Alexia’s back starts to arch off the bed, which looks unreal. It’s definitely one of your favourite signs. You start to eat her out and one of your hand is rubbing on her clit and the other one is holding Alexia in place.
“fuck, you’re so so so good baby. Please don’t stop”. You love the way she begs and pick up some speed.
You see her legs trembling as she comes but you don’t stop, shoving her right off the cliff again. You connect your eyes with the Spanish ones and see how tears are already forming.
You stop eating her out. “If it’s too much, just let me know and I’ll stop”. Alexia nods and you move back to her pussy. The taste of her is your favourite and Alexia quickly comes for the third time.
You’re not done yet, wanting to make Alexia squirt for the first time. The hand who’s holding her waist is moving upwards to her breast and starts massaging it harshly. She moans even louder by now and feels a weird feeling inside her.
It feels like she’s coming but needs to pee at the same time. “Y/n, I’m coming!” and with that, she covers your mouth with her squirt. Her body is covered in sweat and you stop. Alexia looks embarrassed at you and blushes.
You lick her squirt and moan at the taste. “Don’t look at me like that Alexia. I knew what I was doing and you taste amazing, I wish I could taste it every second”. You assure her and kiss her passionate. Alexia hums into the kiss.
“It was amazing Y/n, I never felt this before” You just smirk at her and cuddle her into your side. “Great to her, it was an honour. What do you think of pancakes for breakfast? You can relax a bit in bed and I’ll prepare everything” Alexia’s heart swells with love at your behaviour. She never felt that loved before.
“But I can help you cariño, you don’t have to do everything alone”. You just kiss her and put on one of her nike hoodies and panties. “I insist, it’s your birthday after all.”
Breakfast in bed was amazing. You had also cut many fruits and made some coffee for the two of you. After breakfast you stay in bed to watch Alexia’s favourite TV show.
“What do you think of picnicking? It’s the perfect weather”. You ask the women in your arms. “I’d love to, where?” She looks up to you with a smile. “You’ll see”.
While you were watching TV, Eli and Alba set up an amazing picnic in the park, where you’d propose to Alexia.
“Let’s get ready babe”. You say after 2 hours and get up. You change into a beautiful dress with tiny flowers on it. It was Alexia’s favourite dress. Alexia on the other hand changed into black slacks with a beautiful white crop top, looking perfect.
“Wow” You breathe out and kiss her. “You look wow too” She smirks and you blush a bit. “Don’t we need food for a picnic?” Alexia giggles as she don’t see you having any food. “Your sister prepared it, don’t worry”.
When you arrive, there is no sign of Alexia’s mother or sister. You knew that they were hiding so you could propose to her. “Wow, it looks breathtaking”. Alexia is taking in the beautiful view and turns around to you when you’re on your knees.
“Dear Alexia. We met three years ago and after I asked you out for the first time, you asked me to be your girlfriend so I guess it’s my turn again to ask you to be my beautiful wife. Every second we spend together is simply perfect and I can not imagine my life without you anymore, so I ask you, do you want to make me the happiest person alive and be my wife?” You end the speech and look into Alexia’s shocked and teary eyes.
“Of course!” You kiss her and Eli and Alba are stepping out of their hideout. “Congratulations guys” Alba says and Alexia looks surprised around
“This is all so perfect, thank you” She kisses you again and you hold her close. “Everything for my girl”
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milawritesstuff · 11 months
hi girly,
can you pleaseeeeee write a story about pedri where he cheat with reader on his toxic ex (i'm not promoting cheating but idk pedri for life)
You opened the door and in the blink of an eye Pedri rushed into your apartment. Just a few minutes ago he had messaged you asking if you were home and now you turned your body as you closed the door and saw as he threw himself on your couch.
-Que pasa? What's going on? You asked.
-I can't take it anymore, we argue whenever things don't go her way. I told her my parents are coming to stay over for a few days and she didn't like it. She says we need our privacy. It's just a few days.-
You bit your bottom lip and studied your best friend. He had his face cupped in between his hands. You could tell he was frustrated. You took a seat next to him and placed your hands on his knees.
-They can stay here with me, if you want. I'm at work all day and won't bother me. Actually I could get some cooking lessons from your mom.-
Pedri turned around and smiled at you. That smile that always melted you. If a person's facial expression could be your home, that would be yours. Where you felt the safest, when he smiled. -It's not that, I can put them in a hotel if I wanted to, but they're my parents. We have privacy all year, and she can't even agree to just a few days.-
His facial expression finally seemed to rest as he stared into your eyes, almost as if he was waiting for you to say something that would magically fix everything for him. You offered him an apologetic smile because you really didn't know what else to do or say.
Pedri and Alba had been dating for a little over a year now and unfortunately you saw this coming miles away. But you knew your best friend liked her, no scratch that, you knew he was in love with her. So you did what any best friend would, you stayed quiet.
You said nothing when little by little she began to alienate all of his friends and when she asked him to move in with her and leave his brother behind. And Pedri wasn't stupid, he had done the same. He knew what was happening, he knew he was losing friends but its quite possible he was too intoxicated with her to know better. But now that she had tried to mess with his parents you knew things would be different. Maybe now she had taken it too far.
-Why don't you talk to her? Explain how important it is for you to spend time with them?- You offered a solution to his problems without throwing Alba under the bus, despite every bone in your body wanting to do so.
-She won't understand. She's hard headed.- He said.
You laughed and widened your eyes at Pedri. -Then I don't know what you can do Pedri. You either talk to her and try to talk some sense into her or you put up with it and I get my free cooking lessons from Rosy.-
The two of you laughed as your arms touched. He turned to look at you, -Even when you think you don't know what to do, you do always know how to make me feel better.- He said as you smiled in return. You felt your heart skip a beat and bit your bottom lip.
-I'm sorry.- He said.
-It should have been you, not Alba. It should have always been you.- He leaned in a little closer to you.
-Pedri, I - - I don't know what you're talking about.- You answered.
But before either you or he could say anything you felt the warmth of his lips on yours. His shaky yet firm hand on your jaw as he pulled you in closer to his body and as your lips parted his tongue went hungrily inside to find yours.
I knew it was wrong and he did too. But for once I didn't care. I knew he would probably regret it too, and that tomorrow he would be back with Alba but for tonight he was mine.
We got lost in between wet kisses and slight moans. Eventually me on top of him as he leaned his back on my grey couch. He raised the long shirt I was wearing towards my waist and with a slight moment dipped his fingers under my underwear making me moan into his mouth. I closed my eyes and held on to the back of his neck as his long slender fingers made his way deep inside of me once, twice, over and over again. His chest raising high.
I moaned. And felt Pedri' warm mouth as he whispered into my ear -I've missed your moans.-
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freshlyrage · 1 year
Running Like Water
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Chapter 16
pairing: Javier Peña x OFC (written as xReader)
fic warnings: NSFW Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI) language, strained family relationships, mentions of drug abuse, discussions of insecurities and body image issues, daddy and mommy issues
fic tags: Best friends younger sister, Life-long crush, Friends to lovers, Unrequited love, slow burn, Push and Pull, Small Town Dynamics, Secret Relationships, latina MC, Fluff and Angst, OFC!Jessica Alba face claim, sorry Lorraine I'm bringing you into this, Time jumps, 2 year age gap, pre-canon
word count: 4.8k
a/n: OMG babes I'm sorry about the wait. I moved back onto campus and wheww they are working my little english major butt. Heres this little update, dont jump me. Hopefully you can forgive me because we're getting like 3 chapters of New Orleans content so... any way enjoy
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His body still limp over yours; you feel a rush of nerves run up your spine. Burying your face into the space between his shoulder and neck. Perfectly fit. “Javi!” You whisper. His own chuckles dying at the slow realization of how fucked they are. He’s silent for a bit as you two breath slowly in sync. Shutting your eyes tightly half hoping this part of the night is a nightmare. 
“Fuck…” He groans before flopping on his back next to you. The image is dirty too, still in pants but his half hard length exposed sweaty–and you, bare from the waist down. 
The circling thoughts of all the ways this could ruin you runs its course in the silence before you begin to panic. Sitting up in bed quickly, grabbing your pillow to conceal him. Javier sighs as if he doesn't have a care in the world. What are we going to do? What are we going to do? “What are we going to do?” You whisper, bringing your knees to your chest. Your eyes nearly blur as you are still coming down from your orgasm. 
He’s silent, panting still. You could hear your mom in the living room scattering things around. Your chest heaves with each noise she makes, Javier brings his palm flat on your knee, thumb stroking its side. “We’ll come up with something, I’ll leave once we know she’s asleep.”
“She’s going to catch on when I have to explain to her in a few days that I’m catching a ride with you to Louisiana.” You whisper yell, that thought already cripled you since your bath. How in the world were you going to do this? You were so high off of being bathed and fucked by Javi that you hadn’t thought of how to execute this mini vacation and now? He stirs in his bliss, the perfectly placed pillow concealing him falls to the floor.  You look at his waist, groaning, you reach to grab him, he responds in a stomach pitting hiss. You narrow your eyes at him and tuck him back into his boxers. 
 Why is he so calm? How is this not the biggest deal to him? He smirks watching your mind race.
“Something funny?” You snap in the quietest tone possible. And he keeps on that sly little side smile, the mustache doesn’t help the sexiness of it, you’d kiss him in his stupid face if you weren’t panicking inside. He shakes his head, making no effort to sit up and level with you. He just watches your worry. “What.”
“You’re so pretty.”
Your eyes widen, the tips of your ears red hot. You bring your brows in a small pull and a frown, feeling so shy under his gaze. Eyes closed for a moment, he sits up and kisses the line of worry between your brows. His hands holding your cheek. “Javi.” You groan.
He ignores you and kisses your temple, “You’ll tell Melissa I parked the car here,” he kisses your cheekbone next. “And walked to the bar, in case I needed someone sober to drive me home.” His hand moves down to your neck and just above the plane of bone exposed in your tank top. And finally gripping your breast, lips on your ear, “The bar is only a 4 minute walk from here, it was the smartest idea for me. I did it once in high school, remember?” 
Your mouth parts and his thumb grazes over your sensitive nipple. Your brows screw tighter and surprisingly, “No-no I don’t remember.” The idea of him holding onto a memory just like you fills your chest with something unfamiliar. Nails grazing his shoulders, “You’re so touchy.”
He mumbles a complaint before pressing his lips to the side of your face again, “After homecoming, do you remember?”
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October 21st 1979
Lorraine hated the color blue on him anyway. 
When Javier profusely apologized to his girl about homecoming dance or lack thereof, she had sighed and turned her head out the car window. She wasn’t able to accept the idea, the thought of her exclusive partner choosing to keep the company of his best friend's sister instead of showing up to a dance they were made to go together. 
It was a big deal for Lorraine. She had just lost her virginity to Javi and he had called her his girlfriend to his dad just a week before. Homecoming was meant to be them showing themselves to the world. Javier on the other hand couldn’t care for the approval or acknowledgment of others. If people asked, he’d tell them.
 So he apologizes with a hand on her knee. There is no right way to tell her, to explain to her why Javier picked you over her that night. He couldn't tell her that the thought of you being upset makes him sick in some twisted overprotective way. He can't say those things, not to someone who liked him so much. He can't say that to her because he also liked her just as much. 
“I forgive you.” She sniffles, her tear stained nose pointed towards the door. Her blue manicure scraping his knuckles. The color matching the tie he had planned to wear, his chest tightened. 
He hadn’t regretted the night. Telling you the truth, being there for you after being humiliated. He’s known you since you were young, he had developed that need to be in your corner at all times. No one ever was. But, he should’ve called Lorraine, he should’ve told her. She’s understanding, kind, she would have offered to come over and help the situation because that’s just who she was. 
Javier hadn’t called, and shoved deep down in a space too uncomfortable to reach he made the decision not to rather than forgetting. The shameful hope that maybe the fast moving relationship would crash and that fleeting thought made him feel awful. That was the first time he had looked at you, in your pretty dress and felt more scared than he’s ever felt in his entire life. 
His voice dying in his throat the second he saw the way you learned to cry. Quietly, wiping your face with the back of your palm, trying to hide any evidence of discomfort. 
Lorraine cried differently, head turned away but she lets herself go. She doesn’t apologize like you do, she cries and doesn’t wipe away the evidence. 
“You forgive me?” Disbelief and shameful disappointment lacing his voice crack.
It’s silent again but she nods. “You’re not allowed to go to the bar for the rest of the year.”
Javier chuckled, his thumb brushing her knuckle. She faces him now, cheeks still wet. Her blonde hair pulled in a low pony, she was just so classically beautiful. Javier felt silly in her presence, there was no way people thought he was up to her standard. “I’m seventeen.”
She scoffs, “I know you go to the bar on fridays, they let you in. Josie saw your truck there last weekend”
She was right. “How’d she know it was me, it could've been my dad.” He teases, internally wincing knowing this isn’t the time. He had been sort of caught. After being away at the youth academy he had frequented the bars, the small habit urged on when he came home. Despite the owner very well knowing who Javi was and his age, they still let him in. So he’d grab a drink or two and drive home. It was a part of his new routine here, maybe he was escaping something, maybe he hoped his mom would walk through the bar doors. It was no coincidence he only sat in at The Tap, the bar his mother frequented in the late years before she left him.
“I know your dad doesn't drink, I’m not joking. It isn't safe to drive like that.” She brushes her hair out of her face, frowning at him so slightly. Javier nods in agreement. 
“Is it that you don't want me to go or you don't want me to drive there?” 
He was being a hardass he knows, he must have gotten it from his mom because Chucho would never talk back to his woman. He knows the answer, he knows that the question will rile up Lorraine. And still somewhere far in his chest is the desire to argue so much that he can find a way out of this. 
Lorraine’s cheeks flush red like it does when she’s angry, she looks out the window for a moment like she’s wondering if what she’s about to say next is appropriate.
“It isn't healthy. You need to deal with the loss of your mother in better ways.”
Javier’s chest caved in on itself, the tips of his own ears getting hot. His gaze quickly averted from every part of Lorraine's face to see if she was serious, if he had heard her correctly. No one knew the details about Flaca, not even Frankie, not you. All you and your brother know is that she had left when Javier was little, she wasn't around when you met him and he never seemed bothered. It always seemed like a nonissue. “My mother isn't dead.” Javi snaps, impulsively reaching for his car keys. He needed to drop Lorraine off before this conversation goes any further. 
“I know-” Her hand is quicker as she grabs the keys before him. “Your father told me she used to go to that bar, he pointed it out when we had dinner last week.”
“Give me the keys, you're going home.”
Lorraine flares her nostrils and moves the key further, “No Javi. Talk to me, I don't know anything about your childhood, about your mom, about what you do when we’re not together. I know you have abandonment issues I understand-”
Javier cuts her off, “Jesus christ.” Something strange thrums in his chest, an urge– an urge to cry. An urge he hasnt felt in years, this is fucked. 
“Don't scoff like I’m crazy, it's why you do all this shit! It's why you left me stranded on homecoming, you're trying to avoid this commitment. Avoid us, this. ”
There it is. 
“Jesus- I literally told you I had to help Andrea out stop changing the topic–why the fuck would you bring my mother into-”
“No lets talk about it, your weird fucking obsession with that girl. Acting like she’s completely off limits, freaking out because I introduced myself to her. You told me you two were not even close! You said you stopped being friends when you went away last year, go figure.” She laughs dryly.  Javier’s blood runs dry, facing forward and shutting his mouth. “Abandoning your life for a year because of what? The academy? Give me a break.” They had bickered but nothing like this, he hadn't seen this side of Lorraine. Using something as personal as his mother to feed into something as stupid as homecoming. “She was rude to me at the game and you let it slide, if you’re in love with that girl just fucking spare me. I have no interest in competing against a girl like that.” 
Like that. 
He takes a breath before continuing. He needed to be rational.He feared any reaction would reveal some truth in her fear. In love with her, it made the strangest knot in his stomach. He had barely interacted with you in the past year. There was no way. Sure he cares for you, a lot, maybe too much. Maybe you consume more of his thoughts than he’d like to admit. Maybe when the two of you were younger he thought you were the sweetest thing to walk this earth but the 2 year gap felt larger than life then. Maybe he’s just confused seeing you older, mature, prettier and maybe he can't stand seeing you be with anyone else. Maybe he misses being around you right now. Just maybe, maybe when Lorraine brought up his mother he felt a sense of dread, she knows something you don't and why does that feel so wrong? 
“It isn't like that, just–just please give me the keys Lorraine.” 
Without a word she complies and Javier takes her home without a goodbye. 
He drives aimlessly for another hour, around town. He passes where he met you by the bikes all those years ago. He remembers those stupid overalls you wore religiously. He passes your moms boutique, the soft lighting of the shop reflecting on the puddle outside the stoop. And he passes the bar his girlfriend had just banished him from, he's urged to enter it more than ever. Spend a few dead presidents on something to distract him from the unsettling feeling of… he wasn't sure. 
And fuck it, he drives straight to your house. He wasn't sure when his brain started registering it as your house and not his best friend Frankie’s house but he makes the left and heads up the small hill where your home sat perched in all its glory. An empty driveway and a soft glow coming from the curtains. He remembers waiting outside your door waiting for you to enter safely on hot summer nights. 
He parks, eyes skating at the cash in his cup holder, he could leave his truck here and walk to the bar from here. Just in case of course, in case someone catches his truck. His mouth dries when his eye catches the bracelet that belongs to his girlfriend, the word sounding wrong in his own head. He needs a drink. 
Javier’s boots crunch on the–no, your driveway was paved, your mother thought dirt driveways were a messy disgrace. He had been so used to having to lay his shoes on the porch in order to be allowed into his own home. 
He knocks, it’ll probably be Frankie answering the door if he isn't somewhere bothering his girlfriend. But after only a few seconds he hears you giggling behind the door and Javier finds himself forming a smile before you even reach the knob. The door swings open and-
“Jesus christ what's on your face?” He blurts a bit too loud, your eyes widen and somehow through the mess on your face you turn beat red. Your hand is flying to cover your face.
 On your face are red spots at the apple of your cheeks, brows glued down with a thin pencil line mimicking an eyebrow, lips red lined dark and those fake eyelashes Diana Ross wears. 
The back of your palm is covered in lines of makeup, browns, blues and yellows. And to top it all off you're in a large shirt and slippers. “Javi–what are you doing here? Oh my god” You shriek, looking over your shoulder still hiding your face.
Javier can't help but feel a warmth spread through his chest at the sight while something else in him scolds himself for reacting so rudely. “Sorry I was wondering if I could leave my car here for a bit–what-you don't have to keep covering your face I already saw it.” Javier steps up onto the highest ledge and peers over your shoulder, your new friend Liandra coming up behind. 
“Javi! What a nice surprise, I was practicing my stage makeup for Cabaret on Drea, come in!” She urges, and Andrea swiftly drops her hand shooting a glance at her friend with makeup brushes in her hand. Feeling out of place and rather creepy imposing on your sleepover he shakes his head gives you a glance you can only read as, let's talk alone. 
You catch on dismissing yourself for a moment and closing the front door behind you, the light cutting away into the darkness of the night surrounding the two of you. It was a bit chilly for you to be out here, he promised himself he won't keep you long. The two of you haven't spoken since he kept you company last weekend while you detailed your tiny anxieties and insecurities, how you held so much in that tiny body of yours is beyond him. He felt that weird stupid primal instinct of protectiveness when thinking of you being so torn down by the jokes of pathetic men. He hasn't spoken to you in school the following week, attempting to keep you far away from Lorraine. That would have just added salt to the open wound, he wanted a do over. Maybe when they were better together he could properly introduce the two, put out whatever fire Lorraine believes to be between the two of them. 
But you looked exceptionally beautiful in this light, even with your face painted. And a thought like that isn’t okay. Not when your brother could be in the house or heading home. 
Your lips quirk into a small grin, he had been staring this whole time forgetting to speak. “Sorry for this,” You wave a hand over your face, “I was doing Liandra a favor. Didn’t mean for my face to scare you much.”
Javier’s stupid heart skips a beat, “You didn't scare me.”
You shake your head and bite the inside of your lip, who are you, Javi thinks, when did I start to feel like this?
 “Sure, just next time when you bump into me bare faced dont scream, it might hurt my feelings.”
Javi finds no humor in your self depreciation, not after last saturday. Haven't you known? You were so pretty it hurt him bone deep. He’d tell you over and over if it was appropriate but instead he dissents. Looking behind him at the hill that leads to town, to the bar, it was getting dark. 
“Is your brother home? Mom?”
You cross your arms in suspicion, “My mom is staying late doing inventory at the store and Frankie is staying at Genies, doing… whatever they do.” You grimace for a split second thinking of your brother and his second year of the honeymoon phase with his girlfriend. “You need to leave your car here, why is everything okay?”
A small line of worry folds between your brows and like always it causes his stomach to flip. What's gotten into him? 
“Everythings fine, I just planned to get a few drinks at the bar and didn't want to bring my dads truck in the line of sight of all the nosy people in town.”
You get that judgy look in your eye you gave him whenever you’d watch him smoke weed in the basement, “You’re 17, why don't you just go out and drink with your friends.”
“Got an issue with me going to the bar?”
“No.” You did, at the time your stomach had been in knots at the thought of him doing something so adult, he never felt more out of reach than in that moment. “I don't, so what, you're gonna walk up here drunk and drive home. Not happening.”
Bossy, Javier’s eyes fall to the ground trying to hide the spark in his eyes. What the fuck is happening, he’s blushing like a schoolboy at fucking Andrea. “I was hoping If I was too wasted you could just call me a cab.”
“And if I’m not awake?” You stayed awake the whole time, worried about him. 
“I’ll throw a rock at your window, last resort. I rarely get drunk anyway, you can assess the situation.”
You're silent for a moment, your own done up eyes falling to your bunny slippers. You frown for a moment, conspiring all of the ways this could go wrong. Before sighing, “Sure. Be safe or whatever.” 
Javier watches you step away and enter the house again. His hand rising to his chest to try to subside the rapid beating behind it. Why is this happening to me? Wasn’t I angry 30 minutes ago? 
He hears you and your friend let out girlish laughs and for a moment he considers knocking again. Forget the whole thing, just spend time with you instead, it was probably healthier. It would have made him feel better for the moment. But he knew he couldn't do that, how would he explain that to Lorraine. 
Yeah after we argued about Andrea, I went directly to her house to make myself feel better, will you still have me Lorraine?
Surely not.
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“No wonder I blocked that from my memory, I looked horrendous.” 
“You looked cute. Like a flapper from the 20s.” He whispers, since the beginning of the story it seemed your mother had gotten in bed. The two of you stayed quiet anyway, holding onto each other under the covers. Your cheeks crimson at him describing the memory in detail. You hadn't known Lorraine had such a bad taste of you from the start, when you had been introduced to her as his girlfriend just a month later she had been so kind, like she had been on homecoming night. 
And to bring up his mother in the petty argument…you wished you knew how to react. 
You simply knew close to nothing about his mom, to you he made it seem so insignificant. You wished you had known he left to the bar to feed into his unhealthy habit of hoping maybe she’d walk in, if you had known you would have forced Liandra to do that stage makeup on his face. Keep him away from that cycle of grief. 
“Do you remember how you showed up later?” You ask, his retelling brought every detail of that night back to the forefront of your brain. The sweetness of each interaction when he stumbled tipsy to your front door a few hours later ringing in your ears. 
Javier shuts his eyes, “I don't actually, I got a bit drunk huh?”
You giggle, “Yeah… you did.” You just couldn't believe you had forgotten about it, it wasn't like you. 
Javier drops his head in the crook of your neck in boyish embarrassment, “Jesus christ.”
It was 11pm, you were starting to worry that your mother would come home early and unload questions about the situation. Liandra was long gone and so was your painted face. Just you and a bouncing knee as you tried to occupy yourself with a rerun of Different Strokes season 1. Your hair was in its slightly overgrown phase of the layers Genie cut for you in August, pulled in a high ponytail. Face paint still in small dusty crusts on the front strands of your hair, you'd consider another shower if you weren't waiting for a knock. 
“You showed up so late, I was afraid my mom would catch us and tell Frankie.” You tell Javi as you stare at the vanity you used to get ready on every morning before school. 
Javi sighed, sounds familiar. 
Javier knocked half past 11, you sprung to your feet and opened the door. You almost want to laugh thinking of how Javier looked with no mustache, baby faced and glossy eyed. You stare at the grown men next to you and your heart swells at the thought of knowing him for so long. 
I’m drunk, he states the second you open the door. Your brows shooting high, Should I call you a cab? You ask, closing the door behind you. Your eyes switch to his fathers truck and back to him. Javier pulls his lips together in a drunk disagreeing pout.
Would you let me sleep here?
Your heart leaps in your chest, how you wished you could have let him. You were only fifteen then and you protected that small fantasy of being with him, forever, taking care of someone. You wished to just let him in and put him to bed, take care of the boy you had such a crush on. 
It's a funny thing, just 6 months later it was him taking care of your drunken body.
 “I wanted to let you stay.” You tell Javi now, your gaze caught on his side profile under the lowlights of your room. His jaw tightens and the urge to move closer, to kiss him goes bone deep. “I didn't know about your mom, I should have let you stay.”
Javier shakes his head in disapproval and turns to face you. “You did the right thing, you called me a cab right?” He tries to work through his memories, catalog and figure out what happened after he came drunk. He remembers being at the bar, someone asking if he was the son of Flaca and when he lied the patron went on and on about how messy she would get when she stopped by after her shift at the hospital. Javier remembers feeling protective over a mother who had never cared for him in the first place. 
“I offered to drive you.”
I can drive you home. He looked like he sobered up in that moment, the thought of you behind the wheel unsettling beyond anything else. 
Absolutely not
You remember scoffing, I dont have my license yet, but I can drive!
Javier had shook his head aggressively, Not happening, it's unsafe. 
You clamped your mouth shut before forcing him to stay put on your front door step as you head in to call him a cab. You had joined him on the steps again.
How’s high school treating you, he slurs slightly. He was already quite the big teen, broad and tall, his drunk wasn't the same as Frankie’s. Javier’s drunkenness was a small blush on his cheeks and a toothy grin. The opposite of how he presented in school when he walked around with that unapproachable frown and crinkle in his brow. 
Always looking like he was on the brink of either fucking you up or fucking you. 
It’s okay, I wish you would talk to me more, you wanted to say. It's weird to hang out with people that actually chose to be my friend. 
Javier’s drunken glance loaded with discontent cuts into you but he doesnt egg it on. His eyes gaze back down at the solid ground below them. You watched his gaze soften as he lost himself into his own thoughts. You remember looking at his face and feeling lonelier than ever. What lovely feelings at fifteen. 
“You weren't yourself that night, you didn't even argue with me. It felt lonely sitting with you when you weren't yourself.” 
Javier, the one that's yours, frowns and nods. “I was drunk but I remember hoping you would have touched me, at the time I think I needed some sort of comfort.”
In whispers you apologize to him now and he wants none of that, shaking his head. He grabs your hand and kisses the jagged bones of the back of your hand. Being a teenager sucked. Freshman year sucked. “The cab came quickly, what happened when you went home?” 
Javier stares off for a moment and quickly his thick brows furrow. “Lorraine was in my living room when I came home. We made up and she promised me she’d start over with you.” 
Ah, you thought. It made sense, that entire month of watching them slowly get close again until they finally made it official. That month when he ignored you and you watched him trail the halls, blushing behind him wondering if maybe you two just grew apart or if he realized he didn't need to be your friend anymore. Of course until that day in December when Javier found you with your textbooks in hand and a blotchy face. The day Lorraine introduced herself as if none of this happened. 
“Right.” You mumble, pulling up the covers closer to your chest. Nostalgia flooding and crushing you right in bed with Javier, your thoughts spasming and jumping to all the things you promised to get over. And you turn your back against him, smushing your cheek into the pillow. Too confused to cry and Javier wastes no time in pressing his lips on the round of your shoulder. 
“It’s always been you Andrea, you know that.”
Your chin quivers and through it all you smile. With his face pressed against your shoulder you bring your left hand across your body to rough up his hair. “Whatever softie.” He groans, giving your shoulder a nice bite. “I’ll tell my mom it was a bar thing, but I’ll have to lie about Louisiana.”
“Mmm, what are you going to say?” He’s dozing off, you hear his voice getting rougher and smoother. 
You think of your mother for a second. You think of all the times she’s belittled you, made a decision for you, and apologized with a gift. You think of her saying that you have overstayed your welcome here, in the home you were raised. And fuck that, fuck her. 
“I’m just going to leave, she doesn't care enough.” 
Javi stills in his kisses, “And your brother.” 
You roll your eyes, forgetting about that pest.
 “We can figure it out in Louisiana.”
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Little La Reina - Part 5 (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
Alexia and Eli looked at you taken aback by your tone. Then Alexia approached you cautiously, “Y/n, wait. It isn’t what you think I,” She didn’t get to finish. “This is the second time you’ve shown up to my house unannounced. What exactly are you doing here Alexia?” Eli stepped in to try to relieve the tension building up, “Y/n, Ale was just worried about you. She didn’t say anything to me. I promise.”
Before you could respond, Eli spoke up again, “I guessed mija. She’s been worried about you. She just wanted to help.” “How?” you asked and Eli immediately knew what you meant. “I’m a mom Y/n. Mothers are very observant. I’ve seen you leave trainings early when I’ve gone to drop things off to Ale. I’ve seen you show up late to trainings and I know you don’t go to any team outings. I’ve seen what a dedicated player you are and I know the only thing that would keep you from giving 150% of yourself to football is a child. Please don’t be upset with Ale. She’s just worried about you. She doesn’t want you to spread yourself too thin. Please let us help you with Olivia.”
You weren’t sure what to say so you took a moment to respond. “I appreciate the gesture, but Olivia is my responsibility. I promised her mother that I’d take care of her.” Alexia moved closer to you, “Y/n, please. You’re going to wear yourself out,” she said as she placed a hand on your arm. “Y/n, needing help doesn’t mean that you’re not taking care of her. It takes a village to raise a child. Take it from a mother of two,” Eli said as she cupped the back of your neck with one hand.
You finally gave in, and allowed Eli to pull you down into a hug. You knew your captain didn’t mean any harm by telling her mother. “I’m sorry. I’d offer to have you both stay for dinner but I haven’t had a chance to cook anything yet,” you muffled out from where your head was buried in Eli’s shoulder. “That’s alright. We brought some leftover dinner for you and Olivia. Is she allergic to anything?” You shook your head.
“Ale, how about you go and get Olivia washed up for dinner. Y/n and I will get the food ready,” Eli told her daughter. Alexia was about to make her way up the stairs, but she turned to you. Before she could ask, you told her, “her room is the last door on the left. Thank you.” Alexia walked up to you and replaced her mother. She pulled you into her so your face was buried in her neck and used her other hand to rub up and down your back.
After she whispered some comforting words into your ear she pulled away from you but kept her hand around the back of your neck. She pulled you in and placed a kiss to your temple, then made her way up the stairs to Olivia. Neither of you noticed that Eli had been observing your interaction the entire time while she busied herself in your kitchen.
“Who are you?” Olivia asked, as she stared at Eli. You couldn’t blame her for being curious but you were a little surprised by how blunt she was. Eli chuckled, “I’m Eli. I’m Alexia’s mama. It’s nice to meet you Olivia.”
After that night, Alexia, Eli, and soon after, Alba started to have dinner with you and Olivia more frequently. And after a lot of convincing from Eli, and Olivia, Eli had offered to pick Olivia up from school twice a week. It felt like you were a small family, and Olivia loved all three women like family. You and Alexia had started to grow closer as well, each of you had grown feelings for each other, but neither of you had acted on them.
For weeks, Eli and Alba had tried to get you to ask Alexia out but you had given every excuse not to. They ranged from denying your feelings to stating that Alexia didn’t feel that way about you. She was just being a supportive captain. The list of excuses had you rambling to yourself in front of the two women.
“There is no way. She could literally be with anyone. I am a literal mess. No, no, no. They must be seeing something the wrong way. She’s just being nice. Nothing more. It’s just me and Olivia. All we need is each other. I can’t let anyone else in…” you were speaking at an incomprehensible speed and pacing. At that point what you were saying sounded like gibberish to Eli and Alba. “Can I slap her out of it?” Alba asked her mother. “No Alba!” Eli scolded her youngest.
“Y/n? Mija, you’re not making any sense. Can you slow down and talk to us?” Eli was trying to get you to calm down, when the front door opened and Alexia stepped through. “Mama? What’s going on? What’s wrong with Y/n?” she asked concerned. Alba rolled her eyes and walked away, muttering under her breath how impossible both you and Alexia were. Eli just shook her head speechless, and you were still pacing and mumbling to yourself.
Alexia approached you and grabbed you by the shoulders. That got you to stop pacing but you were still speaking gibberish to yourself, unaware that she had even been there. “Y/n,” she said sternly as she cupped your face with her hands, and lifted it so she could make eye contact with you.
When you were able to focus your eyes, they widened slightly as you found yourself looking back at the woman you were spiraling about. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Alexia asked as she tilted her head. “Your mom and sister have been trying to get me to ask you out because they said I like you and you like me but I told them they were crazy because you can’t like me,” you blurted out without meaning to.
Your hands flew to your mouth in an attempt to try and push the words back in. Alexia and Eli were frozen in shock, while Alba was stood at the edge of the room with a smirk on her face. “I have to go,” was all you said before you went in search of Olivia. “But Y/n, this is your house,” Alba said as she facepalmed. “I’m going to go check on Olivia,” was your response as you started to back away. You accidentally bumped into your wall, and in your frazzled state, you turned and apologized to it, which caused Alexia to giggle. Mortified, you made your way up the stairs, with your hands covering your face, to seek refuge in your daughter’s room.
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redahlia-writes · 1 year
you make loving fun. | frankie morales x ofc
six. need your love so bad.
content (for this chapter): family feels (again), marriage talks, cursing, lots of fluff, comfort, slight anxiousness, the boys being menaces, unedited
word count: 4.8k
a/n: i was trying to make this chapter longer because next one will be the last and i'm already missing them, but also it's been almost a month since you've last heard for me. exams aren't over yet, so it'll still take me a while to get the next one going and finished, so thank you for your patience (before and even more now). ily
reblogs and feedback are always greatly appreciated. you can send it here, too
series masterlist | masterlist
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“When I was young, my mama used to tell me I would find love many times throughout my life, and it wouldn’t always look the way I expected it to. Unsurprisingly, she was right–I found love in her, the way she’d care for me even when I was here and she was back home, miles between us that at times felt unbearable; I found it in all of you, who’ve had to bear with me through college–I’m sorry, I love you, thank you for sticking around; and I found it in this family: Alba, who is too busy trying to get to the cake to hear a single word I’m saying–hi, sweetie, we’ll get you a piece right away; Frankie, of course–I’m not sure I knew what love really meant until you came around. You, and the rest of them. Because, you see, what I didn’t know when I first got with Frankie was that he came with addenda, and they are one of the best things that ever happened to me. Santiago, Will, Benny, you–I love you, and I hope you know I will always be there for you, whenever you need me. Growing up I never wondered what it’d be like to have brothers, to be honest, but I now know I just had to wait around to find out. It’s not half as bad, even the maddening moments. No–no, seriously, my hair’s gone almost white these past years dealing with you. But I’d do it all over again. Thank you–thank you for taking me in, for trusting me with your Frankie, and just for being you.”
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The towel on Frankie’s shoulders was warm, and as he padded back towards the bedroom he felt the droplets of water fall from his hair, some escaping the towel and dripping down his neck. A muffled squeal came from the bed, where Camila rested sprawled on her back, Frankie’s phone in her hands as the screen light cast shadows across her face. She was smiling, tilting her head ever so slightly at his coming into the room though her eyes did not wander away from the images playing on the screen.
“Are you seriously watching it again?” he chuckled, climbing on the edge of the bed and carefully straddled her before lowering his frame over hers, threading his head through the needle formed by her arms.
“Yes,” she widened the space between her arms for him to fit in before he leaned fully over her, a quiet oof leaving her at his full weight now on her. He tucked his head in the curve of her neck, nosing gently at her jaw to let her give him more space, a quick kiss to her collarbone before settling down. “You know, I think Alba might become a great filmmaker–she really got your best side.”
“What?” he laughed, pulling his head up just about. “I have a best side?”
“Sure you do,” moving the phone into her left hand, she then proceeded to poke his left side with a quick grin, her eyes darting to the side towards him. The squealing noise came again from his right side, followed by a laughter and a are you fucking kidding me? “Look.”
With one arm wrapped around his shoulders and the other propped up to hold the phone up for both of them, he rested her cheek against hers, making her snort before pressing play again.
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Camila didn’t remember the last time she’d been to the beach.
She used to go all the time back home–though home was now Frankie. Had been for a while.
Frankie, a few steps ahead, being dragged by Alba by his hand right towards the shore, his cap sitting slightly askew on his head as he did his best not to drop his shoes. Unable to help herself, Camila laughed at the sight, arms wrapped around herself as the chill of the sunset set in–she didn’t mind it that much.
Frankie lowered himself at Alba’s side, his hands wrapping around her waist as he leaned in and told her something that got lost in the sound of the waves. The kid was looking at him, eyes wide and mouth set in something akin to determination–as much as a 5-year-old could show, really. She nodded at whatever it was her father said, then freed herself from his hold and ran back towards her, kicking up sand as she went.
“Come, mama,” she said, grabbing the hem of her dress and pulling her along.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” she chuckled, following as quickly as the sand allowed, looking back towards Frankie just once. He’d taken his cap off, shaking his curls a little as he twisted it in his hands, an amused look crossing his face. When she turned back towards Alba, she was heading straight for a large towel set on the sand, the corners held down by rocks. “Sweetie, hold on, that’s not for us,” she warned gently, picking up Alba’s pace.
“It is, actually,” Frankie called, slowly reaching their side. The kid was looking up, her hand still wrapped around Camila’s dress. “Thought it’d be nice to sit and watch it together,” he added, almost bashful, nodding towards the setting sun, sky already tinged of oranges and pinks. Camila grinned, extending her hand towards his.
“Sometimes I think you’re still trying to woo me,” she leaned into his shoulder as he got closer, pressing a kiss to it from above his sleeve. He bowed his head in return, brushing his lips to her temple.
“I absolutely am,” he returned with a firm nod, making her snort.
They dropped their shoes by the towel before sitting down–almost falling, really, Camila the first to drop down and tugging him with her. He made a noise of protest as he landed at her side. Alba moved to Camila's other side, burying her hands and feet in the sand, uninterested in the scene before them.
“Well, it’s working,” she hummed, one last glance towards the child before looking up ahead, tilting her head so that it was resting again on Frankie’s shoulder, inhaling deeply and letting her eyes flutter shut for a moment.
Frankie shuffled at her side, one hand dropping between them as he shifted a little, and then again, as if trying to find a comfortable position. She threaded her arm with his, tugging it gently to her chest and kissing his shoulder again, hooking her chin over it afterwards.
He sighed, hand coming up to brush down her forearm, thumb drawing circles across her skin. He cleared his throat once, twice, and when Camila opened her eyes he straightened his back almost abruptly, his gaze moving from her quickly to look up ahead.
Frankie was restless–though his angst had dimmed throughout the years, there were times he couldn’t sit still for too long without growing agitated. Camila would hold him then, just a few minutes, until they came up with something to do that would keep him occupied, whether it was going out for a walk or a drive or staying at home to make a more complex meal, each step a rule that ground him.
“We don’t have to stay here, honey,” she hummed, her chin still over his shoulder as she detangled their arms and brought both hands over his back, rubbing up and down in slow soothing motions. “Should we keep walking?”
“No, no,” he shook his head, gaze flickering from her to the red-tinged sea and back again. “Shit–I thought it’d be easier.”
“What’s wrong, Frankie?” her hands moved up to his shoulders, a delicate massage up the tensed curve of his neck that had him hum softly, eyelids fluttering shut for a moment.
“Nothing,” he shook his head again, twisting slightly to face her. “Nothing’s wrong. Nothing has been wrong for a while, and I have you to thank for that.”
“Honey–” she called softly, taking off her sunglasses, and he leaned in to kiss her–a quick brush of lips to quieten her.
“I love you,” he murmured, and turned furthermore, “so fucking much. I do. In a way I didn’t think would be possible–would be allowed to someone like me,” she shifted onto her knees, bringing herself closer to his front, the only barrier his crossed legs between them. Her hands fell to his knees, head tilting slightly as her gaze softened. “Every morning I wake up and see you and think that in all that shit I must’ve done something right for you to still be here, and–”
“Frankie,” she almost reprimanded, a small frown knitting her brow.
“Just let me–” he sighed, tipping his head back for a moment before exhaling, turning back to meet her eyes. “I know I want to wake up every day and think that for the rest of my life. I want to wake up to you and go to sleep with you and do everything else in the middle with you, Mila. For the rest of my life, I want–I want–”
From his pocket, Frankie struggled to pick out a small box–Camila’s eyes widened at the sight of the green velvet, a squealing noise leaving her abruptly as he brought it between the two of them. Before he could say anything else, she’d tipped herself forward, arms wrapped around his shoulders that brought them both down towards the sand. Frankie laughed, tightening his grip around the unopened box as he brought his other arm around her.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she called, voice muffled by his shirt. “You had me worried!” again he chuckled, brushing her side gently. “Yes–” 
“I haven’t even asked you anything yet,” he said softly, but let his lips brush her cheek before she pulled her head back. Camila looked down at him, hair falling down as if to curtain them from the world, eyes wide and face flushed.
“Sorry,” she muttered, then pulled back–as much as Frankie’s arms allowed. “Wait, you were–were you asking–”
“Yes,” he laughed again, moving the box between them and opening its lid. Camila’s gaze flickered down to the ring in it, the opal encased in a white gold thin band popping from the dark case. “I know it doesn’t change much, and it doesn’t have to be right away, we’ve got all the time in the world, I just–” he placed the box on his chest, so as to bring his hand up and tuck her hair behind her ear, touch lingering over her cheek. “I want you to be my wife. I want to grow old with you. I want to do all that’s left to do in life with you, and call myself your husband, and be obnoxious and corny about it.”
“Is this why you wanted to come here?” her smile was wide, making her eyes squint and lines form around her mouth. He brushed his thumb along her cheek, nodding slowly and wrapping a lock of her hair around his finger.
“I wanted–I don’t know, thought I’d make it worth the wait,” he tilted his head to the side, nodding past her shoulder. “Even hired the best cameraman around to record it,” he grinned–Camila sat up and turned her head, watching as Alba struggled to keep Frankie’s phone with both her hands from her corner of the towel.
“You knew?” Camila gasped in mock surprise, and Alba’s toothy grin was accompanied by a fierce nod. Frankie sat up after her, making her shift back so that she was sitting between his legs, knees hooked over his thighs.
“Had to ask for her blessing,” he said, pushing her hair behind her shoulder and placing a gentle kiss to her collarbones. The box was back in his hand, still open, the dusk light reflecting across the ring, painting it with pinks and reds. “I know we joked about it before–how we’ve been practically married since the first time we met,” she chuckled, turning back towards him. “We can just make it official–don’t even have to change your name, and the ceremony can be just us, or no ceremony at all, just–”
“Have I ever told you you’re cute when you’re nervous?” she cut him off, amusement in her voice as she placed both hands on his chest. Frankie huffed, looking down for a moment–she hooked one finger under his chin right away, making him look up again.
There was a flush across her cheeks, and her eyes shimmered somewhere between glee and unshed tears, her smile impossibly wide as she pinched his chin, her thumb brushing his bottom lip in the process.
“What do you say?” he asked softly, lifting the ring just slightly, so that it was in the general range of her vision even though she didn’t look away from him.
“What d’you think?” she retorted, taking his face in her hands and pulling him closer. “Yes, Frankie,” she whispered almost against his lips, and his heavy exhale as if of relief made her laugh again, tilting her head to kiss him–just once before pulling back.
She kept one hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze as she brought the other one between them–they weren’t sure who was shaking more, with soft laughter and head bents together as he struggled to pick the ring up and, ever so carefully, slide it on her finger. That was when the tears escaped Camila, before she leaned in again with another squeal, I love yous mumbled between kisses and her arms tight around his shoulders.
From somewhere behind them, sudden hollering and cheering rose broke them apart, both their heads twisting this and that direction to find the source of it, until–
“Tío Santi!” Alba exclaimed, dropping the phone and getting herself up, running–albeit with some difficulty–towards the three men advancing in their direction.
“From your expression I can only assume this was not part of the plan,” Camila chuckled, getting up herself. Frankie scoffed lightly, taking the hands she was offering him–his touch lingered on her ring finger, thumb brushing across the stone.
“It wasn’t,” he confirmed before turning around, just in time to be tackled by an overzealous Benny, both men stumbling back and making her laugh.
With Santi occupied with Alba, though his gaze darted towards them, Will approached Camila and immediately pulled her to his chest. There was an odd look on his face she didn’t have the time to decipher, soft eyes and bright smile mixed with something else.
“Frankie was being weird, so we followed you,” he murmured with a kiss to the top of her head as her own arms wrapped around him, tight. “Benny was the only one who didn’t understand what was going on. He thought we were just crashing a family date.”
“Can you blame me?” Benny protested, while Frankie struggled to escape his hold–he had him locked underneath his arm, the other hand to the top of his head, much like in a fight. “This one has been calling her the wife for years. But proposing? No,” he elongated the o, a huff when Frankie tapped against his forearm. “Gotta ask the wife. Let me tell the wife. No, we’re not married, I’m not asking yet,” he mocked before letting him go, Frankie scoffing and straightening his back as he attempted to fix his ruffled hair, scowling in Benny’s direction.
“Thanks, Ben,” he muttered, glancing in Camila’s direction where she’d tucked herself under Will’s arm. She was beaming, clearly amused.
“It’s true,” the younger Miller shrugged, and then opened his arms towards Camila. “Come here, you,” Will was barely out of the way before he had lifted her off the ground, almost throwing her over his shoulder with a yelp coming from her, shortly followed by laughter as they moved closer to the shore.
“Well, it was about time,” Will grinned, their hands clasping before he pulled Frankie close for a half-hug, half-pat on the back. “I’m surprised it took you this long.”
“Me too, actually,” Frankie chuckled, a little bashful. “I thought about it through the years–multiple times, actually–”
“Oh, I know you did,” Will laughed, looking over his shoulder to where Camila and Benny were. “We all knew. Benny bet you had the ring ready since the moment she moved in but didn’t know how to ask,” Frankie snorted, shaking his head.
“Well, he wasn’t too far off–but don’t tell him,” mock-seriousness on his face, Will nodded. “What about you?”
“I knew it’d happen when you thought the moment was right,” he shrugged, turning ever so slightly. Benny was in the water with Camila still on his shoulder. “Do you think she needs a hand?” he asked at her half-shriek when Benny pretended to drop her in.
“I think he does,” Frankie returned with a chuckle. 
“Right,” Will scoffed, shaking his head slightly. He then lifted his hand again, clasping Frankie’s shoulder and giving it a squeeze as he met his gaze. “Congratulations, Frankie.”
“Thanks,” he murmured, and with one last nod Will moved towards the shore–whether to help Benny or Mila, he didn’t know. Santi was the last to approach, Alba sitting on his shoulders with her arms crossed over the top of his head.
“If you get married while I’m away, I’ll be pissed,” he warned, as they both turned towards the sea, Alba wriggling slightly as if wanting to reach for Frankie and then reconsidering it.
“You’re leaving again?” he returned with a light frown.
“Ah, you know me,” Santi shrugged, making Alba giggle–he then repeated the motion, looking up at her as she shrieked with laughter. “Never staying too long,” he added, while she flopped to one side and then forward. “Wanna get down, chiquitita?”
“No,” she retorted, her voice slightly muffled by her upside down position.
“Alright,” he chuckled, one hand resting for support on the top of her head.
“You might give it a try, you know?” Frankie said, eyeing his daughter and then back to Santi. “Settling down at last. You have people waiting for you.”
“Wasn’t one proposal enough for today?” Santi scoffed, glancing side-ways towards him–Frankie tilted his head slightly, already catching the nervous edge in his voice.
“You know that’s not what I meant,” he said, a little softer, and Santi’s expression wavered for a moment. “Mila and I will always have a place for you with us–”
“Don’t go all homely on me now, Fish,” he quipped, and promptly closed his mouth at Frankie’s reprimanding gaze. He’d spent too much time with Camila.
“But we’re not the ones waiting for you,” he continued, and reached over to take Alba from his arms. “You gotta stop thinking you’re unworthy of this–of her,” Santi’s eyes closed for a moment as he inhaled sharply, hands dropping at his sides. “Just–consider it, for once. Instead of running away again, think about staying.”
“Christ, you’ve gotten soft,” Frankie scoffed, while he started shaking his head, gaze shifting from Alba to Camila, and back–Santi’s stomach twisted, shaking his head again before he sighed. “This ain’t for me. A home, a wife, it’s just–nah,” he cleared his throat, crossing and uncrossing his arms before reaching for Frankie, one hand on his shoulder as he forced a smile–genuine, yet tainted by images of a life he did not get to have. “But I’m glad it’s for you, Frankie. I’m happy for you.”
“Think about it,” Frankie just said, though he offered him a small smile.
“Think about what?” slightly breathless Camila got to Santi’s side, then hopped over his back, making him groan and step forward to refind his balance.
“Did you and your daughter just decide to destroy my knees for good?” he complained, even while he hooked his arms under her knees and fixed her position. With a laugh, Camila placed her chin above his head.
“Think about what?” she asked again.
“My best man’s speech–gotta figure out how to embarrass the both of you,” he retorted.
“Who said you’re gonna be the best man?” Frankie scoffed, and Santi’s brows arched slowly, turning to look at him.
“Oh, I’m gonna.”
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Dinner with the Millers had become a staple at their household–firstly, Benny hankered to be with Alba and see Camila (who he ended up hogging all night); secondly, Will liked the routine. And he liked catching the glimpses into their homely lives, too, though he would not say it out loud. The way they’d sit on the couch always in the same spots, the coordination in setting the table, putting away the dishes, the looks they’d exchange with one another when somebody said something specific that clearly had a meaning for them and nobody else.
It was a life that suited Frankie, he thought. A life he deserved.
A life he hoped they’d eventually all get, though he believed there was not another Camila in the world for that to happen. 
“What’s on the menu, Mrs. Morales?” he chuckled, getting into the kitchen to get to the fridge, the cake he’d bought–never one to show up empty-handed–carefully balanced in his hands. Camila made a tutting noise from in front of the oven, turning around with the towel in her hand and closed the oven door with her hip.
“I thought we’d agreed that wasn’t going to be a thing,” she scolded, and Will laughed, moving closer. “And anyway it’ll be Garcia-Morales.” “Right, right,” he peeked from over her shoulder to look at the oven, then back at her. “Bet Santi’ll be thrilled to have plentiful of jokes to make around that,” he added with a grin.
“Oh, he’s started already,” she scoffed, shaking her head and leaning back against the counter. “Frankie proposed to get married before he comes back just so we don’t have to hear it in the speeches, too,” Will settled at her side, arms crossed and grin still on. “Which reminds me–I’d like to ask you something.”
“I will not be your maid of honor,” she snorted, rolling her eyes as she turned towards him.
“Of course not, that’s Benny,” Will smiled again, turning his head, too. “And Santi is Frankie’s best man–which leaves us with you.”
“I’m fine not picking sides,” he shrugged slightly. “Gonna sit right in the middle of the aisle–you’re gonna have to walk past me to get there.”
“Sounds like you’re trying to sabotage me, then,” she scrunched up her nose, but then shook her head. “But I wasn’t talking about that, exactly, more–” she tilted her head on one side, then the other, as if pondering her words. “Well, sort of–I was wondering if you’d marry us.”
Will startled a moment, lips parting as he looked at her–her head still slightly tilted, her posture mimicking his, with the way they both leaned back and had their arms crossed. She had to look up to keep his gaze, and when she tapped over her elbow the light above them rippled across the stone of her ring, pulling his attention down.
“I appreciate the offer, Cami, but I’m more of a monogamous guy,” she rolled her eyes again.
“Very funny, William,” she scoffed, brows knitting a little. “I meant–”
“I know what you meant,” he chuckled, and she grimaced in his direction.
“Well, too bad, now you’re getting the speech,” she huffed, and trying to keep his grin at bay, Will mimicked a zipper closing across his lips, then reached over to wrap his hand around her wrist, detangling her arms. “You’ve always been there for Frankie, and I love you for that. And I know you weren’t sure about me in the beginning, which–I get it. I understood even then. And I’m glad you’ve still given me a chance despite that.”
“This is sounding a lot like a confession,” he murmured in clear amusement, and she glared at him. “Sorry–I’m sorry,” he chuckled, shaking her arm lightly.
“We’re not doing anything flashy, it’s just–just gonna be us, in our backyard, like many times before. Maybe I’ll wear white and Alba is gonna make me a flower crown because she says that’s what princesses wear in fairytales, maybe there’ll be a proper cake, some decorations, I don’t know. What I know is that it’ll be beautiful, because it’s gonna stay between us–our family, you guys, which is kind of the same thing,” he smiled at that, unable to help himself, a tingling feeling starting at the base of his nose, up between his eyes. “And I’d very much like it if it’d remain between us–which is why I’d very much like it if you’d be the one to officiate our wedding.”
“Shouldn’t you be saving the speeches for the day?” he mused, turning his gaze away with a quick sniffle. At the corner of his eyes, he saw her smile. “I did think Frankie had lost his mind at first. I definitely thought your timings were… odd, to say the least. Still do, actually–who marries after five years of already living together?” when he turned back to look at her, her shoulders were shaking lightly with laughter, big smile on her face that made his expression soften furthermore. “But I stopped having second thoughts about you long ago, Cami. You–”
“Shouldn’t you be saving that for the wedding?” she echoed, almost mockingly.
“You might be right,” he chuckled, and gave a gentle squeeze to her forearm. “I would like that. Thank you.”
“The tears in your eyes were a clear indicator of that, William,” her smile widened furthermore, if possible, amused.
“It’s the heat from the oven. Why are we standing right here?” he protested instead, making her laugh before she leapt forward, bringing her arms about his shoulders and pulling him towards her. Will melted into the hug right away, his eyes closed, his arms wrapping around her with a sigh–there was a comfort in Camila’s touches, they’d found. “Do we have a date?”
“As soon as Santi brings his ass back here,” she was rubbing his shoulders, something he’d seen her do when out with Frankie, too–slow movements right under the nape of his neck that made him relax. “He’s asked us to stay here a couple of months from now, so maybe then.”
“Spring wedding, then,” he announced, pulling back ever so slightly.
Smiling, Camila looked back up at him and nodded.
“Spring wedding,” she moved her hands from his shoulders and held his face in her hands a moment longer–there was so much left unsaid, not for lack of trying but for lack of words that could express it all. Frankie had gotten lucky, sure–but Camila was there for each and one of them, and vice-versa. The best way to say it was a simple, “I love you.”
Will wasn’t sure he could reply to that without crumbling, and he settled for a nod–knowing she’d understand, knowing she’d hold him again and kiss his cheek and complain about his stubble as she did each time. And he’d hold her a little tighter and pretend like everything was normal and tranquil when Frankie came in, red-faced.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” he exhaled, and they slowly detangled each other from the hug, though Camila’s arm remained wound around Will’s waist. “I don’t know where Alba gets all that energy from. Maybe Benny’ll tire her out?”
“Oh, I don’t think that’s possible,” Camila sighed, somewhere between amused and defeated. “Is she still asking you to chase her?”
“Yes,” he sighed, and only then did he manage to focus on them both–Will’s face, specifically. His eyes a little wide and his skin slightly flushed. “So, what’d you say?” he asked, tentatively.
Camila gave a light pinch to Will’s side before moving away from him, reaching for Frankie instead and brushing his hair back from his forehead–there was a smile on her face as she leaned in, chin tilted upwards and neck craned.
“Says he’s monogamous,” she mock-pouted, and the initial perplexity on Frankie’s face melted away with a quick laugh and a glance in Will’s direction. Camila gave him a quick kiss before pulling back. “I’ll let you two talk about it–see if Benny needs a hand. Make sure the dinner doesn’t burn,” she added the last sentence already at the kitchen entrance.
“It’s not odd, right?” Will asked with a little frown, once it was just them two. “Me officiating your wedding.”
“I don’t see why it would,” Frankie shrugged lightly, burying his hands in his pockets. “It’s not, is it?”
“No, no, I just–didn’t expect Cami to think of it,” he murmured, and Frankie’s head tilted.
“I did, actually,” Will’s brows arched carefully. “I mean, I–you’ve always had my back, thought I’d ask you to one more time. Also, I thought you might be the only one who wouldn’t start crying,” the last sentence was added with amusement clear in his voice.
“Yeah, yeah, right–what am I supposed to do?” Will scoffed. “You’re getting married.”
“I am,” Frankie gave a lopsided grin at the words, making the other man shake his head. “Look, whatever you decide, I’ll understand–I just thought we could ask.”
“I already decided,” Will hummed, and it was Frankie’s turn to perk up a little. “You thought I was gonna say no to your wife? Come on.”
“That’s exactly why I sent her first,” the man grinned, making Will scoff lightly. “Can’t say no to the wife, right?”
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Reason ~ ch. 35
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pairing: female oc (devon alba) x levi ackerman
tropes: instructor x cadet, strangers to lovers, male mc falls first
warnings: angst/slow-burn, strong language, upcoming smut(18+ readers only for those chapters pls 🙈)
brief summary: This story takes place a few years after the Fall of Shiganshina. Devon Alba is in her final year of the 101st Training Corps (844-847), due to her success as a cadet she gets the chance to meet Captain Levi. She doesn’t think too much of him until he catches her in the midst of doing something that she isn’t entirely supposed to be doing. But surprisingly, this leads to something unexpected...
ch. 1 [...] ch. 34 | chapter 35 | ch. 36
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She was at the stove, watching the eggs fry until she felt a hand on her hip. She automatically froze.
“Mornin’” Levi’s gruff voice was at her ear.
She immediately flushed—her cheekbone grazing his as she turned around to look at him. The circles around his eyes were noticeably lighter than before. His hair was also a bit rumpled from sleep.
“Did I wake you?”
When she’d left her room he looked as if he were deep asleep on the couch. But she knew he was a light sleeper.
He shook his head, “Been up for an hour.”
What he didn’t say was that he was waiting for her. He’d meant to prepare breakfast for them but once he sat back down on the couch he zoned out. The next thing he knew he’d dozed off into a light sleep.
She nodded at his statement. She thought she had heard the faint sound of someone entering the bathroom an hour ago.
He sidled up close to her, standing close enough that her back was pressed into the counter-their groins millimeters apart. His hand still on her hip.
The second she met his gaze his lips found hers.
She melted under his mouth—a low whimper leaving her lips as he kissed her, hard. He kissed her like he’d gone too long without her.
In fact, he almost always kissed her like that.
Her hands went to this chest. His chest was so firm it was impossible not to notice-it wasn't like the thin material of the long sleeve he wore did much to conceal it either.
His lips moved eagerly over hers, his hand on her hip and the other on the counter beside her were the only thing stopping him from pressing his groin into her. He wanted to say it was morning wood but he knew that wasn’t it, his body always reacted to her.
It didn’t matter if he’d taken care of himself already or not.
Her hand went to his neck, pulling herself away. Her face red and dazed.
Her lips moved reluctantly, “L-Levi, the eggs-“
He quickly reached over and shut off the stove. She moved to prepare the eggs but his hand on her hip pulled her back.
His dark gray eyes unwavering, “Come home for lunch.” he reminded her.
She flushed. They were always thinking of the next time they’d see each other.
Her hand on his neck twitched, “I can’t-“ she realized with a subtle frown.
“I have a short shift at the store and then I have to get to school right after.”
Now that culinary school was in the picture her work shift timings varied. Typically, long shifts she always got breaks but not so much with shorter shifts.
“When do you get back.”
“I think 6? Maybe 7.”
He wasn’t sure when he’d be done so he couldn’t guarantee that he’d be home by that time either.
“Come straight home after.” he muttered.
She chuckled lightly, her hand on his chest sliding down to his forearm.
“Don’t worry—I ran all my errands with you yesterday, remember?”
He merely grunted in response.
Suddenly a short gasp left her lips. His eyes immediately latched onto her.
“Shoot, I actually have to get—“
When his eyes immediately sharpened she couldn’t help but break out in laughter. It was just too easy to set him off.
His scowl deepened, “Tch, don’t mess with me.”
She continued to laugh lightly and he squeezed her hip, inadvertently making her glance up his way.
Her subtle smile and lively eyes sent a tumbling sensation of warmth throughout his body. His gray eyes scanned her face expressionlessly.
Her smile never failed to make him question how he got her. 
He leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers once more. That smile was his to claim. his to cherish. his to undo.
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The morning air felt crisp against her tongue. Maybe it was because the sun had just risen, leaving the sky to be a beautiful blend of orange and pink.
She’d normally be getting up at this hour but the bookstore was receiving an early shipment today, so Larsa wanted her to come in earlier. They still had a couple hours before the store had to open.
She tensed when she felt a hand gently touch her back.
She glanced over her shoulder to see Levi at her side. He wore a brown cloak over his white dress-shirt, a hint of his cravat peeking underneath the cloak’s hood.
His silver eyes searched her face, “What is it.”
She hadn’t realized she’d stopped in the middle of the street.
She blinked, glancing around at the empty street. She supposed she’d subconsciously wanted to take a moment to appreciate the silence that the early morning hours offered. It was rare to see the roads deserted like this.
Her workplace wasn’t much farther either.
She glanced back at him, “Nothing. The sky looked nice, that’s all.”
She watched him glance up. The brightly colored sky almost seemed to bring about a faint glow to his face. The gentle breeze made strands of his dark hair sway underneath his hood.
She belatedly realized that Levi was always up at this hour. He was usually out of the apartment by this time, presumably at Scout headquarters.
She was suddenly filled with this inane sense of jealousy. It didn’t take her long to realize that she was envious he got to see the sunrise everyday—maybe if she’d been a Scout she could’ve got to see the sunrise everyday as well. 
With him..
Her eyes widened as an image flooded her mind.
She stood on the rooftop of what she imagined the Scout headquarters to look like. Her hair was tied back in a low bun at the nape of her neck, similar to the way she’d kept it at the training corps-except it was much neater. She wore a Scout uniform.
Levi stood beside her, also dressed in uniform. His hand in hers. That beautiful sunlit glow to his face as he stared at the sunrise before them.
He turned his head—catching her staring. A flicker of a smile tugged at the end of his lip.
“It is nice.” he muttered.
His deep voice drew her from her thoughts. She quickly faced away from him, feeling a bit disheveled.
She felt his hand at her back shift slightly before she was suddenly pulled against his chest. Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him.
His expression was as stoic as ever.
She flushed, “L-Levi..” her tone held a note of admonishment as she instinctively glanced around, despite there being no people around to watch them.
Her arm shifted slightly under his hold only for his grip to tighten. He dragged her by the elbow into the nearest alleyway.
Before she had the chance to protest she was shoved against the brick wall, his lips insistent on hers.
She gasped, providing him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue through her lips. His hand slipped underneath her cloak—sliding down her side before squeezing the curve of her waist.
She jolted responsively underneath him, her lower lip quivering under his—but his hand against the wall kept them steady.
His lips were relentless, kissing her as if there was nothing he wanted more-as if he couldn’t get enough.
Her body blazed underneath him, her skin warm to his touch. Her hands went to his shoulders, her fingers trembling slightly from his forcefulness. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest, like a dove flying helplessly in its golden cage.
Her hands went to the sides of his neck, pushing him back slightly.
Their kiss broke and she quickly turned her head aside—so he wouldn’t be able to press his lips to hers again.
His cool breaths scattered down her cheek, past her collarbones, as his nose nudged her temple. His lips skimmed her cheekbone.
She squeezed her eyes shut, her heart and mind completely scrambled. She never stood a chance against him, not when his touch did that to her.
She clamped her hand around her mouth, trying to quell the sound of her restless breathing.
Suddenly his grip on her waist tightened. She yelped underneath her hand, instinctively facing forward.
His gray eyes shimmered in the darkness of the alleyway. He shifted closer to her, pressing his forehead to hers.
She noticed he always kept some distance between them whenever they kissed, even if it was just a slim amount-a millimeter or so-he never fully pressed himself against her during their lip lock.
His eyes latched onto her hand covering her mouth. His nose grazed hers as he ordered, gruffly-
“Move that hand.”
She flushed-hard-only to clamp her fingers tighter around her mouth.
She shook her head, too breathless to speak.
“Why.” his deep voice rumbled.
She knew she shouldn’t. Her mind was already too scrambled by his touch-his kisses-as is. More lip-lock would only make it worse. She couldn’t go to work in this state.
“I have to go to w-work.” she managed to rasp out.
His brows furrowed. A subtle frown appearing on his lips as he remembered. It was obvious that it had completely slipped his mind.
For some reason, she couldn’t help but find his expression adorable. A smile lit her lips, although hidden under her hand.
A soft, shy laugh left her lips, “I never thought you would be like this.” she murmured, feeling almost too shy to say the words aloud.
Pale pink instantly spread along his cheekbones. He kept up his natural monotone as he responded, “Is it that bad that I wanna kiss my woman.”
It was her turn to flush, “N-no..”
She looked down, too embarrassed to maintain eye contact.
Her words came out muffled under her hand, “Uh-um.. I just.. I get shocked you like me that much.”
Something flashed across his eyes before his countenance smoothed over. His hand on her waist twitched before he stepped back from her.
He looked away, his dark hair covering his eyes. His hands clenched into fists at his sides.
“Am I..” his flat tone held an odd undercurrent, “too much?”
Her eyes widened as she sputtered out, “N-no. It’s not that..”
His eyes flashed to hers, the relief ever-present in his gaze before his brows furrowed.
“Explain.” he ordered.
She opened her mouth and then closed it. She felt too embarrassed to say it-but she knew he wasn’t going to let it go.
His eyes narrowed.
She swallowed, fighting to keep her voice even, “I don’t know—I’m just surprised you w-want me, that’s all.”
She looked away from him. It wasn’t that she thought herself unworthy of his affection or anything but she supposed after him being so apathetic towards her for so long his passion still shocked her.
She always used to struggle with the idea of whether he wanted her around or not. She used to internally question if she was a burden to him all the time until he finally clarified she wasn’t.
But maybe… there was a bit of insecurity. He was the Scout Regiment’s strongest soldier. While she was just a bookstore worker and culinary student. She lived at his place and didn't pay for a thing-not that he would let her. To anyone else it could easily look as if she were a gold digger.
It didn’t help that she was so much younger than him and her body was already so scarred and damaged from her past. He’d also been through so much himself and yet he’d truly made something of himself. Whether he acknowledged it or not, he was making a difference in the world.
She couldn’t help but wonder… if she truly was the one for him.
“Tch,” the edge to his voice was audible, “Don’t piss me off.”
When she didn’t meet his eyes, he realized she was truly serious. Not that he ever doubted her words but-goddammit—
Suddenly he was grabbing her collar, forcing her to look up at him.
“Do you have the slightest fuckin’ clue what you do to me?” he hissed, the scowl on his lips so harsh she nearly flinched.
His silver eyes raked down her face, “Being alone with you.. is hard for me.”
“Right now—At home—“ he spoke through gritted teeth, “Doesn’t matter where the hell I am..”
His grip on her collar tightened, forcing her forehead to press against his, “You remind me I’m a man every single day.”
His low, severe tone was filled with such bitterness she couldn’t help but shiver. His narrow, gray-blue eyes were dark with something she couldn’t put to words.
She swallowed before murmuring, “Levi..”
Her hands went around his forearm, holding the arm that was gripping her collar. His eyes widened when he realized he was pulling her shirt hard enough that her collar was biting into her skin.
He immediately stepped back, releasing her.
She couldn’t look at him–her mind was left spinning after his words. She couldn’t help but feel aware of the fact that she was alone with him now–despite having always been. Her hand went to her nape, attempting to readjust her collar.
She froze when she heard him grumble quietly, “Question whatever the hell you want, but don’t question how much I want you.”
She glanced over at him. He was looking elsewhere, his posture stiff. She didn’t miss the faint flush on his cheeks.
His eyes flitted towards her, “Okay?”
She nodded, slowly.
A moment of silence ensued–leaving an air of uncertainty between them.
She suddenly stepped up to him. Her steps were purposeful yet hesitant. Her expression was unreadable to him.
He tensed when she stood before him. He wanted to touch her–but he also wanted to see what she would do.
She searched his face before gently slipping her hand under his cloak. When her fingers brushed over his belt loops his eyes widened. 
Before he could react, she deftly slid her hand into his pocket and retrieved his pocket watch. A soft blush decorated her cheeks as she flipped the watch open to check the time.
“I’m late to work.” she muttered before pressing the pocket watch to his chest and releasing it.
He instinctively caught it.
She quickly turned around and moved to head out of the alleyway but he was faster. He caught her wrist and pulled her back to him.
His jaw was clenched as he peered at her, “You thought you could get away with that.”
She fought to hide her little smile, “What? I’m just trying to go to work.”
His grip on her wrist tightened, “You did that on purpose.”
His low tone made her body warm up.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” she mumbled, her nerves buzzing within her body.
His hand on her wrist tugged her closer, their noses brushing against each other.
“Then why are you smiling.”
Her smile immediately widened, she hadn’t realized it had broken loose.
Her eyes sparkled as she murmured, “What. I can’t smile at my man?”
For once, he was speechless. The deep flush that bloomed on his cheeks was unmistakable. To think he could look so flustered because of a simple sentence.. She beamed victoriously.
Her stomach brewed with butterflies as she leaned over to press a gentle kiss to his cheek. His eyes widened.
She kept a hand on his chest as she rose on her tiptoes slightly–to speak softly into his ear, “See you at home.”
She backed away–not waiting for a response as she quickly bolted out of the alleyway. She didn’t want to run any later than she already was.
He watched her disappear onto the street before running a hand over his face.
Since when did I let this woman get such a hold on me?
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thesugarclubs-blog · 1 year
Sweet Tooth - Robin Buckley x OC
warnings: ft. the fruity four, robin's first date, co-workers to lovers, sweet fluff
word count: 7.7k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1358495090-sweet-tooth-alba
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“Robin, would you please just sit still!” Nancy huffed as she tried to run a brush through Robin’s hair while the blonde fidgeted in her seat. 
She stared back at her through the mirror with an almost pained look on her face. Eyebrows knit close together as she bit the inside of her cheek. 
“Look I’m sorry ok, I- I’m just nervous. What if this goes horribly wrong? I’m gonna embarrass myself, I just know I am and she’s gonna hate me and rej-” An exasperated groan sounded from the bed behind them and they both turned towards it. Eddie was splayed out on the bed, looking at the ceiling with his hands up as his fingers danced along motions of the final chords of Wheel in the Sky. Once the song ended he propped himself up on his elbows and stared back at the two girls. “She’s gonna love you water lily, how many times do we have to tell you? Besides, she asked you out, not the other way around.”
Nancy continued to fuss with her hair but Robin stared at Eddie who gave her a soft supportive smile in return. An unusually quiet moment passed between the two of them. Robin and Eddie always saddled between Nancy and Steve. There was an understanding of what it meant to be weird that only they knew. 
“If she doesn’t like you,” Eddie shrugged, “it’s her loss.” He smiled at her. “You saved the world Robin, you’re the coolest person we know.”
“Thanks Eds,” Robin nodded, but the sense of dread and anxiety had already settled into her heart and she felt itchy all over. “Are we sure this is the outfit, I’m pretty sure it’s made of pure wool. It’s giving me hives.”
“Rob,” Steve appeared in the doorway with a bundle of wildflowers in the prettiest colors. His hair was pushed back under a backward cap and he was wearing a loose sleeveless t-shirt that he had clearly stolen from Eddie. 
“Steve,” she whined back.
“I didn’t drive all the way to the grocery store to get these for you all so you could chicken out. And Munson is right,” he set the flowers down on his dresser and slid down on the floor at Eddie’s feet. “We’d all be dead five times over if it wasn’t for you, one date is nothing.”
“One date is everything!” Robin threw her hands in the air and Nancy pulled the hot iron clear of any skin just in time to avoid injury. “It’s talking, and flirting and…” she looked between them all knowing they were going to mock her. “Kissing.” 
“Ooooooh!” Steve and Nancy teased whilst Eddie made smooching noises from the bed.
Robin picked up a tube of mascara from the dressing table and threw it at the two guys but it landed harmlessly on the bedspread.  Eddie picked it up and twirled it between his fingers whilst he eyed Robin curiously in the mirror.
“Why’re you so worked up about this Rob?” He asked, his head tilting to the side.
Robin stayed quiet for a moment, her eyes dropping as a soft flush crept up the back of her neck and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. When she looked back up Eddie was attempting to put the mascara on without the help of a mirror and the ridiculous sight distracted her from her nerves enough for her to answer.
“It’s…been a while since…you know,” she muttered glumly, giving a self-deprecating shrug.  “I’m probably not any good anyway.”
“Pshht!” Steve exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.  “It’s like riding a bike!”
“Easy for you to say, Harrington,” she grumbled back.  “I don’t even remember how to start.”
“Look, all you have to do is…actually, it’s probably better if I show you.”
Robin gaped at her friend in horror and a disgusted shudder caused her shoulders to shake.  Nancy hissed a curse as she had to jump away yet again to avoid burning Robin’s neck.
“Not on you, Rob, jeez!” Steve exclaimed and cast his eyes over Nancy first and then Eddie, where his gaze lingered and a small smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.
“C’mere big boy,” Eddie crooned, puckering his lips and batting his newly-mascara’d lashes at Steve.
“How did he do that so well without a mirror?” Nancy muttered with a furrowed brow and tilted her head to the side.
From beside her, Robin smacked her hand into Nancy’s arm and shook her head, “that’s what you’re focused on right now?” 
The brunette shrugged and spun around, placing the curling iron down and fidgeting with stuff on her dresser as Robin watched the boys. It wasn’t the first time the two of them had kissed in front of their friends but it had generally been Eddie placing teasing kisses on Steve’s cheeks or quick pecks. But the air around them shifted as Steve slid onto the bed beside the metal head. 
Steve and Eddie kept their eyes locked on one another as Steve’s hand grazed across the side of Eddie’s neck and tangled into the curls at the base of his neck. They smiled softly into a slow, gentle kiss, slotting their lips together perfectly. 
Robin stuck her tongue out and chuckled, “Bleh okay I get it!”
The boys pulled back and smiled at each other for a second, but before Steve could turn and speak, Eddie slipped his arm around his waist and in one solid movement, flipped him over underneath him, stealing another kiss through a mess of laughter. 
Once again, something was thrown at them and when they looked up Nancy was standing with her arms crossed and eyes narrowed at them. 
“How exactly is that helping Robin?” She quipped. 
Eddie shrugged his shoulders with a smirk and sat back, helping Steve sit up, “I was just going off Harrington's cues,” he retorted, “is someone offended that he chose to kiss me?”
“What? No! That’s not - no, absolutely not,” 
“Hello! Still freaking out over here!” Robin interrupted. 
“Sorry,” Eddie mumbled. But as fast as he apologized, he continued his ramble. “There’s literally no reason to freak out. Just like I showed you, it’s not that hard to kiss a girl.” 
Robin furrowed her brows and looked over at Steve who was just pointing at himself, sharing Robin's expression which made Eddie realize what he just said. 
“You know what I mean,” he let his hands clap onto his thighs. “You’re my baby girl, Stevie.” he winked at Steve who got flustered at Eddie's remark. 
“Guys! Just…stop the flirting already.” Nancy had her eyes closed, annoyed that they weren’t going anywhere with this conversation. 
“I like it.” Steve shrugged which made Nancy roll her eyes and turn back to do Robin's hair. 
Eddie placed his hand on Steve’s knee and leaned over pressing his lips to his ear. Robin could hear the whispered “she’s just jealous”. Rolling her eyes as Steve held back a snicker while Nancy continued her protests, “I am not, grow up.”
Robin stood up exasperated and started opening up her vest, shrugging it off until it landed on the floor as she paced across the room. 
“Whoa whoa whoa,” Steve jumped up from the bed and headed over to Robin placing his hands on her shoulder to stop her as her breaths picked up, “what’s goin’ on Rob? Look we’ll be good alright this is just us on a normal night think of it as that.” 
“Except it’s very much not Steve,” she huffed, “And- and you guys are just messing around and I don’t want to mess this up tonight. You guys promised you’d help.”
“Be yourself,” Steve sunk lower, resting on his heels and met her nervous stare. “Never be anyone but the sweet, hilarious, observant and clever Robin you are. You don’t give yourself enough credit.” 
“You give me too much,” she said, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.
“You’re my best friend Rob,” he lowered his voice and she knew he was about to give her some classic Steve pep talk. “You’re going to smile like you always do, the real one, you’re going to laugh, the big bright laugh that makes you snort and you’re going to give Alba those flowers I bought cause they were expensive.” 
“Steve,” Nancy huffed. 
“And you're going to show her the Robin we all know because that’s how you’re going to get the girl.” 
“I can get the girl,” Robin nodded, still staring into his encouraging brown eyes. 
“You can get the girl,” he smiled and nodded.
“I’m going to get the girl,” Robin said a little louder and with more confidence. 
As if on queue, a soft knock on the dark wooden front door sounded up the stairs. Before the self-doubt could sneak back in, Robin stomped confidently out of Steve's guest room that she shared with Nancy on the nights they all stayed together. After everything the four of them had been through, it made them realize that the only way they felt the safest was with each other. Three of them did go home a few times during the week to check in but together was where they needed to be. 
“Robin!” Nancy’s voice sounded from behind her as she made it to the top of the stairs. 
She spun around and met the eyes of her friend who was standing there holding the bouquet of flowers with a soft smirk on her lips. Damn it.
Robin sucked in a short breath and smiled sheepishly, “right…” She chuckled walking back and taking the flowers, “thanks,” she muttered. 
Nancy placed her hands on her friends shoulders and squeezed lightly, “go be happy, you deserve it” 
“Thanks Nance,” she replied as she spun back around and for a second time headed out of the house. 
The sounds of laughter and the boys roughhousing, mixed with Nancy telling them to grow up through laughter of her own echoed out the front door as Robin pulled it open with a small smile and heat rose in her cheeks. On the other side of the door stood the most beautiful girl she’d ever seen. Her dark curls cascaded over her shoulders and the way the setting sun caught her brown eyes made Robin’s thoughts go all fuzzy. 
“Hi,” Alba grinned, clasping her hands together in front of herself as her bottom lip found a home between her teeth. 
“Hi.” Robin breathed out with a big smile, heart beat drumming in her ears just from the sound of her soft voice. 
She couldn't help but stare, to get lost and just stand there and admire every part of the beauty in front of her. The way her white floral printed dress flowed in the light breeze, like a dream in slow motion, and the galaxy of freckles dancing over her pink dusted cheeks. Her eyes drifted up to the warmth in hers and a dark brow raised which brought her back from the dream she got lost in.
Get it together, it's not like it's the first time you're seeing her. 
"Are those for me?" Alba nodded her head to the flowers in Robin's hands that she was apparently holding much tighter now than before. 
She nodded back with a smile. "Yeah I don't know if you like flowers but like who doesn't but then again I understand if you're allergic or something like that or is it even possible to be allergic to flowers I don't know-" 
The cutest giggle Robin had ever heard made her rambling stop as it floated through the air between them. "I love flowers. Relax Bee, they're very beautiful. Wildflowers are my favorite. "
Robin handed her the bouquet while gesturing at her, "You're very beautiful as well."
She watched her cheeks grow a touch pinker at the compliment, the hint of yellow in her eyes sparkling brighter under the afternoon sun as her lips curled into a smile. 
“Way to make a girl blush, Buckley. I thought it was the other way around,” she teased. 
The blonde felt the heat creep up her neck, settling onto her cheeks and making her face feel like it was on fire. Jesus Robin, you’re not even in the car yet. She cast her eyes down to her feet with a sheepish smile on her face. 
“There it is, god you look so pretty when you’re flustered.” She felt Alba move a little closer and suddenly her hand was on her cheek, her tender touch urging her blue gaze back to hers. 
“You look beautiful too, Robs.” She declared brushing her thumb along her cheekbone before her hand traveled down her arm. Fingertips grazed her skin, the light touch leaving little fires in their wake until she reached her hand. 
Hovering just above hers for a minute before she linked their pinky fingers together, “Shall we?”
Alba was sweet and opened Robin’s door for her before getting in behind the wheel and turning the engine over. Robin couldn’t believe how pretty she was and found herself staring at Alba more than the world around them. 
“Robin?” Alba said, shit, Robin thought. She had totally asked her a question. 
“Sorry I was distracted,” Robin admitted. 
“I asked if you’ve seen The Princess Bride, at the drive in.” Alba smiled at her, it was big and bright and god was it perfect. 
“No,” Robin said. “I tried to get Ed and Steve to go but they pouted and ganged up on me. We ended up seeing Evil Dead 2. Which was disgusting and completely uncreative.” 
Alba giggled as Robin rambled on about the movie and its faults. “No, don't stop,” she said when Robin’s cheeks flushed. “I love listening to you talk about movies.” 
“You do?” Robin asked.
Alba leaned over, taking her hand off the wheel to give Robin a gentle squeeze. “Why do you think I’m taking you to the drive in?”
Albas hand on her thigh was enough for Robin to freak out again. Not a bad kind of freaking out, rather a ‘Jesus Christ she’s touching me’ kind of freak out. 
“I don’t know, I-I thought that maybe because you like movies and you work with me and that’s why you wanted us to go, besides there’s not really anything else to do in Hawkins but I never really thought that-”
“Robin.” Alba interrupted her rambling with a huge grin on her face.
“Sorry,” she winced and drew her brows together. She did it again: overthink everything out loud. Steve once said she should try to think before she just starts rambling but that only worked once when she and Steve were out to get some lunch and she couldn’t decide what she wanted so instead of deciding multiple different times, she stepped aside and took her time. 
“You don’t have to be sorry at all, just…don’t be nervous,” Alba smiled at her, “there’s nothing to be nervous about, right? It’s just me.” 
“I think that’s easier said than done, really.” She chuckled nervously, looking down to her lap where Alba’s hand was still resting on her thigh.
“Hm, maybe we should try something that makes you less nervous then,” Alba took her hand back and Robin let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “What makes you comfortable, Bee?” 
“Um my friends make me comfortable…sometimes,” Robin muttered, not sure if Alba had even heard her, but from her answering snicker it was clear she had.
“I’m glad about that because it’s their fault we’re here now,” Alba said with a sweet smile. “Well, Steve’s if we’re being specific.”
Robin’s stomach fell through the floor.  “What?!” She squawked, trying to not let panic overtake her.
“Yeah, we were talking in the video store and he noticed that I asked about you a bit too much maybe…he might have mentioned that you thought I was cute so I decided to ask you out.” 
Alba flushed prettily but Robin’s face turned a ghostly pale as panic set in once more.
“I’m gonna kill him. Stop the car, I can’t do this!” She whispered. “I knew it was too good to be true!”
“What are you talking about Bee?” Alba squeezed Robin’s thigh once more. “I’m glad he said something because it gave me the confidence to speak up. We probably wouldn’t be here now if it weren’t for that conversation!”
“He shouldn’t be meddling,” Robin grumbled, but this time the feel of Alba’s hand seemed to calm her a little.
“Yes he should,” Alba said with conviction. “Now, are we seeing this movie or not?”
“We…we’re seeing the movie,” Robin gulped.
A soft giggle came from beside her as a small blush crept across Alba’s cheeks, “I was really hoping you were going to say that” 
“Well how could I say no to that smile of yours?” Robin mumbled shyly, hesitantly placing her hand over Alba’s, sliding her fingers in between and squeezing lightly. 
Alba grinned and nodded in satisfaction, turning her attention back to the road. Her hand remained on Robin’s thigh, with her thumb drawing small, soft circles into her skin. Robin’s eyes fell onto their hands, and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, letting out a short breath. Despite how mad she was at Steve in this moment, if this night went the way she wanted it to, she might actually have to thank him for having a big mouth. 
The butterflies were still swarming every one of her senses, making it hard to concentrate on anything other than her deep seated, burning crush on the girl sitting next to her. It was the first time Robin had actually been out on a proper date and the thought of being out in front of other people plagued her mind. It helped a little knowing that Alba had made the first move, and they were in this together. The sweet, funny girl who had managed to frustrate and bring immense happiness to Robin all at the same time. 
They both fell into a comfortable silence, as they approached the drive in. Fingers still interlocked as Alba’s hand rested comfortably atop Robin’s thigh, the butterflies still fluttering around her insides but her heart beating calmy almost like they had always been meant to be like this. 
When they arrived, Alba purchased the tickets waiting until the very last minute she had to let go of Robin’s hand and pay for them only to find her hand once more just as quickly as she had left it. She found them a parking spot with the best view possible and once they were there, she turned off the engine. 
Alba gave Robin’s hand a squeeze before letting go and reaching towards the back seat to grab a small bag. 
“I brought you these,” she said with a bright smile reaching the bag out to Robin. Her heart soared when she opened and saw some Reece’s and a box of Runts, her favorite candy. 
“I know they’re your favorites. Well, I gathered since you’re always munching on them at the store. We just need popcorn and drinks now. So, you wanna head over there with me, sweets?”
Robin stared at Alba in awe, as if nothing in the world could be more perfect. She had not only remembered her favorite candy but she had made a mental note of which ones Robin preferred without even asking. “I don’t know your favorite candy,” Robin blurted, feeling guilty for never paying close enough attention to Alba’s mouth, she was always lost in her eyes, not paying attention to anything else. 
“My sweet tooth is very specific,” Alba winked, “I’ll tell you later if you’ll let me,” she whispered and climbed from the car, leaving Robin’s mind swimming with the possible answers. 
Alba opened her door for her and extended her hand, lifting her from the car and linking their fingers together. “Are you sure?” Robin looked down at their hands and just knew it would cause trouble. 
“If I wanna hold my girl's hand on our date, I’m going to, Robin, is that okay?” Alba waited for Robin to work through the anxiety that swirled beneath the surface. Her girl. 
Robin stared at her in shock, knowing full well that every emotion that crashed through her in that moment was written all over her face. 
“Yeah,” Robin shook her head, pushing away every terrified thought of what people might say and filling the space in her mind with the image of Alba smiling at her, or the way the string lights reflected in her massive honey brown eyes and especially the way her skin felt against Robin’s as she tightened her hold on her hand. 
The walk to the concession stand wasn’t long but every step felt like walking on clouds with Alba. A group of basketball players whistled and hollered at them as they passed but Alba was quick to shut them up with a dirty look. 
“Do you want to share popcorn?” Alba walked up to the window and looked back to Robin who could only nod. “Perfect, more opportunities to accidentally touch you,” Alba giggled as Robin turned the color of a tomato and ordered a large popcorn and two drinks. 
Robin watched Alba talk with the server, smiling and joking as she swung their joined hands back and forth with a confident nonchalance that Robin could only dream of. As if she could hear her unspoken thoughts, Alba smiled across at Robin and lifted their hands to her lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of Robin’s, crinkling her nose in a sweet smile before turning back to the server.
Robin’s brain short-circuited. 
She stood there with her mouth agape and her fingers still entwined with Alba’s. It was only the gentle tugging and the giggle from the best girl she’d ever met that brought her back down to Earth.
“Bee? Are you functioning? You wanna help me carry these?” Alba giggled.
Robin cleared her throat and did her best to shoot Alba a soft smile, “Ye-yeah, yes of course,” she breathed a chuckle and let go of her girl's hand and grabbed the cold, wet paper cups. 
The cold drinks were soothing to the heat that grew under her skin the longer she was in Alba’s presence. It was still hard to wrap her mind around the fact that they were actually out on a date together, but Robin was determined from here forward to make it a great night. The thoughts of doubt and fear could wait until she got home. 
“What’s uh, what’s your favourite movie?” Robin asked as they made their way back to the car, continuing to ignore the dumb jocks that stared and made not so clever quips about the two of them. 
Alba hummed, and pop a piece of popcorn into her mouth, shimmying her shoulders as she thought, “Okay I’ll tell you, but you can’t laugh”
“I promise,” Robin smiled over at her, her blue eyes tracing the perfect slope of her nose, and watching Alba’s lips as she snuck another kernel. 
“I love The Neverending Story,” she replied quietly, “I know, I know it’s considered a kids movie, but I just love it. And if you ask me, that scene at the beginning where Artax dies was not suitable for kids, it makes me cry!” 
“Not that I’d ever admit it in public but…same,” Robin chuckled, fumbling with the door handle as she balanced the cups in her other hand.
She managed to open the door and stood aside so that Alba could climb in. With a grateful smile Alba slid along the bench seat to the driver’s side, put the popcorn on the dash, and then held out her hands for the drinks so that Robin could sit next to her. 
Once she was inside, Robin leaned forwards to fiddle with the radio, trying to tune it to the right frequency for the movie but she struggled, finding nothing but static. Warm fingers enveloped her own as Alba leaned close, her breath soft against her ear as she murmured.
“There’s a trick to this Bee. You gotta use a soft touch.”
Alba scooted even closer until their arms grazed each other. Feeling the warmth and softness of her skin made goosebumps litter along Robin's skin as waves of heat made an appearance inside her body. Such a simple touch, yet it felt like this girl could light up her whole world to the fullest no matter what she did. 
She was a breathtaking and an addicting kind of light. 
With a helping hand, they searched through the frequencies until voices filled the car along with the opening scene on the big screen in front. 
"See? The softer you are to the touch, the better." Alba smiled while biting down on her lower lip, her thumb drawing soft circles on the back of Robin's hand without breaking eye contact.
If Robin would have caught on fire, she bet this is exactly how it would feel like. She cleared her throat and reached for the cup to take a sip. If she could, she needed to take a whole bucket of just ice to cool down at the moment. 
“I definitely need to remember that trick for the next visit.” Robin smiled softly.
“You have a permanent seat in my car,” Alba cooed as the movie started. The first few moments as the images flickered across the giant screen just beyond the windshelf felt endless. Robin didn’t know what to do with her hands or feet, she felt itchy and warm all over and wasn’t sure how to get comfortable. 
“Are you cold?” Alba asked, reaching over the seat she pulled a large blanket from the back and as Robin lifted the food from her lap, Alba situated them beneath it. “Better?” She asked. 
Robin could tell that Alba knew what was going on, that Robin was just shaking because she was terrified of messing everything up. But she appreciated that Alba just took care of her without question or in need of an explanation. Under the blanket she felt Alba link their hands together carefully, tugging it into her lap as she leaned over into Robin. 
“Favorite color?” Robin asked. She wanted to know everything, all of the little things she had missed while being too distracted with Alba’s eyes. 
“Lavender,” Alba cooed. 
Robin rested her chin against Alba’s head and breathed in the sweet, floral scent of her shampoo. It tickled her nose and made her laugh a little as she felt her body relax against Alba. She had to be the luckiest girl in the world, watching a movie with an angel. 
“Favorite band?” Robin whispered, needing to know more about Alba. 
“Queen,” Alba answered in a lazy, sleepy voice. 
“Don’t tell Eddie that,” Robin giggled. “He’ll have you in the basement of Steve’s house listening to every record he owns if he finds out you like rock music.”
“That wouldn’t be so bad,” Alba peered up at Robin, “spending time with you all outside of work, and if listening to every record he owns gives me more time spent laying in your lap, consider me sold.” 
Robin swallowed tightly and nervously ran her fingers through Alba’s curls, twirling them around her finger at the end. Her hair was smooth and felt like satin against her hot skin. “I’d like that alot.” She finally answered. 
“Well then, I guess you’re gonna have to tell Eddie we’re having a listening party soon.” she mused, a playful glint in her eyes that made Robin’s stomach flip every which way. 
Her tongue jutted along her bottom lip before it found a spot between her teeth, “I can do that for you- us.” She promised, fingers dancing along the curve of Alba’s arm feeling the trace of forming goosebumps that followed in their wake. Chestnut eyes bore into hers as her pretty, plump, pink lips curled into a closed lip smile. 
She lifted her chin up, the warm air from her exhale fanning along Robin’s neck as she did so, blowing away every single thought out of her mind as she registered their current closeness. 
Alba’s lips brushed against her skin as she whispered, “Could we also have one just for us?” Sealing her question with a kiss just below her jawline. Robin could have sworn the breath that hitched in her throat was her last one. This was it, she was a goner. Or it already happened and this is just what her afterlife was. The prettiest and most amazing girl in all of Hawkins pressing kisses to her skin while she laid against her. 
“I would like nothing more,” Robin whispered back, taking in a small shaky breath. 
She felt a wash of short confidence flow through her nerves as her head tilted, meeting Alba’s gaze. The flickering of the screen as the movie played on around them illuminated the green specks that littered her iris’. She swallowed thickly as their lips brushed together, butterflies exploding throughout her belly. 
“Alba…” she whispered again, rubbing the tips of their noses together, “I-...”
“Kiss me,” Alba replied, tilting her head up to meet Robin’s lips. Letting out a small breath, Robin leaned into the soft kiss, pressing her lips against her girls and allowing the feeling to wash over her completely. Alba’s lips were sweeter than she had ever imagined and it felt as though they fit together like two perfect pieces of her favourite puzzle. A hand came up and cupped her cheek, Alba’s thumb gently tracing her cheekbone, as Robin allowed her own to reach forward and lightly rest on Alba’s waist. Robin pulled back to catch her breath quickly before diving back in for a deeper, more passionate kiss. Alba’s tongue teased her bottom lip causing her to part them and allow access, their tongues dancing together. 
With a panting breath, they pulled back once more, Robin catching Alba’s gaze with a shy smile, “That was…” 
“Incredible,” Alba finished for her, brushing a piece of her dark blonde hair behind her ear before resting her hand on the side of Robin’s neck. 
A soft smile spread across her lips. She could feel her own pulse rush against the palm of Alba's hand from the taste and feel of their lips colliding repeating in her mind. Her thumb drawing circles under Robin's jawline made her eyes flutter from the soothing touch. 
Invaded was her mind now. With her touch, her scent, her voice...everything Alba and the beauty of it all.
And she wouldn't have it another way if it meant she could lock it all inside a chest to keep to herself forever. 
Alba's warm eyes glimmered as they searched her face, licking her lips before a playful smile escaped through. She leaned closer to ghost her lips over her ear that brought pleasured goosebumps along Robin's skin.
"Just as you, sweet Bee," She whispered. 
Robin exhaled deeply as she gained another dose of confidence, cheeks dancing in flames. Her lips found a home in the crook of the beautiful girl's neck, planting lazy kisses against her skin as her hands stroked the curves of Alba's waist. 
"Alba..." She breathed out, lips grazing along her skin while the butterflies went wild through her body. "I feel like the luckiest girl in the world because you're-..."
Alba placed her hands on either side of Robin’s face and lifted her head to lock eyes. "My," A kiss to the nose, “dream,” down to the cupid's bow.
“I could say the same about you,” Robin whispered, her lips against Alba’s.  
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” Alba murmured.
Another breath-stealing kiss passed between them and Robin kept her eyes open, not wanting to miss a second of the beautiful girl in her arms. Thick, dark, eyelashes lay against a cheek flushed pink with arousal and Robin groaned with desire.
“You’ve got me Alba,” she promised with a whisper, deepening their kiss once more, opening her mouth and allowing their tongues to meet. 
Shifting even closer together on the seat, Robin slid one arm up Alba’s back pulling her into her chest whilst the other tangled in her wild dark curls. She felt Alba’s fingers teasing along her side and at the front of her shirt, desperate for more contact.
Alba squeezed at her waist, her fingers dug into her supple skin through the fabric of her shirt and Robin gasped into their kiss. The feel of her want sending a wave of electricity through her nerves that made her toes curl inside her sneakers. 
Alba pulled back from the kiss slightly, her brown eyes peering up at Robin’s through her lashes. Her free hand coming up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Bee, if it’s too much you tell me ok?” her voice a low whisper against her lips as her thumb stroked her skin softly. 
Robin slowly moved down the hand she had laid on her sweet girl’s back, bringing her bottom lip between her teeth as their chests rose and fell in tandem. She smiled and hooked a finger onto the belt that cinched her waist, “I will, I promise. And whenever you say stop we will,” she breathed. “But right now, it’s not enough.” She finished, her fingers curled into her hair pulling her lips flush to hers in a wanton kiss as she tugged on Alba’s dress begging her to get closer to her. Alba swung her leg across Robin's, placing her hands on her shoulders as she settled atop her lap.  
Robin looped her arms around Alba, tugging their hips together as they got more comfortable with one another in the front seat. Robin couldn’t get enough of how sweet Alba tasted and found herself chasing the high that her lips gave her. She tickled her fingers across her back, running in small circles that made Alba wriggle under her touch. Robin could feel the fireworks lighting off in her stomach as Alba’s tongue slipped into her mouth and her hands wrapped into the back of her hair tugging her even closer. 
“I’m the luckiest girl in the world,” Robin was breathless when Alba pulled away gently, she lingered close by, their lips practically touching as her brown eyes searched for Robin’s. 
Alba brushed her nose against Robin’s jaw sending sparks through her body down to her toes, “we’re going to miss half the movie,” she giggled. 
“I don’t care,” Robin sighed, tipping her chin and reconnecting their lips in a long, feverish kiss that made the rest of the world turn into nothing but hazy lights and muffled conversations. 
Alba's hands drifted down over Robin's arms to her waist, fingers brushing over the blonde girl's exposed, heated skin as she played with the hem of her shirt. Her touch full of tease and it felt as if flames tickled Robin's skin making her groan into the kiss as Alba took her lips into her mouth and sucked gently with a pop. 
Alba pulled away slightly with their lips still brushing against each other. "You sure about that, angel?" She whispered while her hips wiggled even closer to her.
A playful smile danced across Alba's plump lips before she lowered her head, leaving open mouthed kisses over Robin's neck as those warm and beautiful honey brown eyes peered up at her through her thick lashes. Robin was out of words, her heart now definitely skipping more than one beat and when the girl nibbled on the sweet spot right under her ear, she wondered if she even had a heartbeat at that moment.
A soft whimper left Robin’s lips as her hands skated up Alba’s arms, tangling into her dark brown curls. The chatter from the movie faded into the background as the sweet sounds of Alba’s hums filled her ears. She felt Alba’s hands skate further up her shirt, tracing the lines of her ribs with her soft fingertips as her thumbs teased the hem of her bra. 
The heat under Robin’s skin ignited into a full flame and she could hear the blood rushing around her body. Her breath quickened as her heart crashed against her chest. She couldn’t think about anything other than the feeling of Alba’s lips as they traced every inch of her neck, leaving wet kisses across her throat. 
“Alba wait - I, I can’t-” Robin breathed, shaking her head and dropping her hands stop the movement of Alba’s, “I’m sorry, I just - I need to -” 
“Robin, hey, look at me,” Alba sat back, bringing her hands out of Robin’s shirt and placing them on either side of her face, “It’s okay, you don’t have to explain,” she smiled softly, pressing her lips gently to Robin’s once more, before moving off her and sliding her arm around Robin’s shoulder, “let’s finish the movie, hm?” 
With a small nod, Robin tried to catch her breath and focus her attention back on the screen in front of them, but thoughts of how she’d ruined their evening crept in. She pulled her lip between her teeth and leaned her head over to Alba’s shoulder. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, tilting her head up slightly to catch Alba smiling down at her. 
Alba shook her head, and pressed her lips to Robin’s forehead, “You never have to be sorry for needing a break,” she answered, “I only ever want to make you feel comfortable and safe with me.”
Robin believed her, and usually the unwanted feeling of doubt overwhelmed her in moments like these but something in Alba’s soft voice and warm eyes made Robin feel so secure about it all. It didn’t take much time for Robin to sink into her side and find home in all her curves as the movie played out and the credits rolled on the screen before them. 
She found herself talking in circles about the storyline of The Princess Bride, “realistically, a man would never go to such lengths for a woman. They just don’t understand the emotional turmoil behind loving something that much let alone, putting their lives on the line. If that was me-”
“Bee,” Alba looked down at her, “I should get you home before the brady bunch comes searching for us.” She giggled, showing Robin her watch that read midnight. 
“Oh,” Robin grimaced, “I’m sorry, I get in these head spaces where I’m just consumed and I lose track of time. You’re probably exhausted.” 
“If I didn’t have to take you home, I wouldn’t. But I think Harrington owns a gun,” Alba laughed. 
“Wheeler owns the gun,” Robin laughed, “it's her you should be scared of.”
"Really? Well, I don't want to find out who would look more terrifying with it. Let's get you home safe, sweet pea."  Alba chuckled when a big yawn escaped through Robin's lips, kissing her nose and heavy lids softly before they both buckled up and drove away from the drive-in. 
The ride home was quiet but comfortable, the only sound in the car was the rumbling of the engine. Alba had placed her hand on Robin's thigh and stroked her softly with her thumb in comforting motions as she rested her head on her shoulder. Every now and then she looked away from the road to lock eyes with Robin, smiling so brightly down at her with only pure adoration in her eyes and it felt as if her heart got wings. 
It all felt so peaceful, but it didn't take long until the unwanted thoughts in Robin's mind came to life once more. Although she felt like the true, believable signs were so obvious and there, she couldn't help to think at the same time how it was going to be after she passed the threshold of the house. This couldn't be a one time thing. Having the time of her life with an angel that she thought only existed in her dreams. She wanted everything Alba again. Always...
"You're too adorable when you do that," Alba's velvety voice got her back to reality. Looking out the window, she noticed she'd already arrived back home.
Robin placed her hand over Alba's and squeezed it. She wanted to spend every second that was left holding her before they needed to say goodnight. "Will you walk me to the door?"
Alba grasped her chin and kissed her. "You really thought I wouldn't want to walk you and hold your hand one last time for the night?"
A light blush crept up upon Robin's neck as she bit down on her lower lip with a smile. They climbed out of the car and Alba was quick to round the car to grasp Robin's hand in hers, taking their sweet time in their walk before they stood outside the door. 
Alba turned to embrace Robin in her arms, placing her forehead against hers and Robin took the opportunity to breathe in her sweet scent while she ran her fingers up and down her arms. 
"Thank you for the most perfect and amazing evening, Bee. I mean it, don’t for once think you’re getting rid of me now. I'm glued to you." Her sweet laugh was contagious and made Robin’s body feel all warm and fuzzy. 
She skated her left hand up her arm until she was cupping the side of Alba’s neck, brushing her thumb softly along her jawline as she placed a soft kiss to her lips. 
“Can I see you again tomorrow? Like on a date. I know we see each other at work all the time or well mostly all the time cause we don’t always have the same shifts so if it’s too much just tell me I get it I just really wa-” 
The brunette pressed her lips tightly to Robin’s as her thumb drew small soothing circles against the skin of her hips and backed away with a smile. 
“Sorry,” Robin voiced shyly, the heat creeping up to her cheeks.  
“Don’t, I like your little rambles,” Alba stated, her big brown eyes holding her stare lovingly. “I don’t know if that answered your question but, I’d love that. I mean I don’t even wanna leave you right now,” she laughed. 
“It’s a date then.” 
Robin watched as she bit the corner of her lip trying to hold back her growing smile, longing for it to be her teeth that bit into the plump skin. 
“It’s a date,” She confirmed. 
The blonde dipped her lips to hers one last time, whispering good night against them as they parted. She let her hands fall, her right lingering just inches away from Alba as she turned to open the door of the home she shared with three of the most important people in her life. As the door swung open, she felt Alba’s delicate fingers close around her hand pulling her flush to her body in a wanton kiss. Her hand found purchase at her hips as she tried to keep herself steady. 
A loud wolf whistle sounded from behind them, and Robin let out a loud groan as she spun around, staring daggers at the culprit. It wasn’t like she hadn’t been expecting slack from the guys afterwards, but part of her had hoped they’d at least wait until Alba had left before they started. 
“Munson, are you serious?!” Robin snapped as an embarrassed blush made itself known on her cheeks. 
Alba laughed and pressed her lips to Robin’s cheek, which only made it worse. “What?! It was a compliment!” Eddie justified, tilting his head and smirking playfully at the girls, “Hi Alba, I’ve heard so much about you” Steve slid down the last two carpeted stairs and came to stand beside Eddie, his hands landing on his hips, “And may I ask what your intentions are with our Robin? We’re very protective of our girl,” he teased. 
“Oh my god,” Robin turned back to Alba and pressed her lips into a thin line, “You don’t have to answer that, please ignore them, I’m so sorry” 
“No don’t be, they’re being funny,” She smiled sweetly, pressing another kiss to her lips. “Excuse me, I thought we told you to be home by midnight! It is 12:15 young lady!” Nancy sounded as she rounded the corner from the kitchen. “You have got to be kidding me,” Robin groaned again, bringing her hands up to her face. Alba’s fingers moved to wrap around the blonde’s wrists, pulling her hands gently away before moving to wrap her arms around Robin’s neck, “I should go,” she giggled softly, “But I’ll see you tomorrow” 
With one last soft kiss, ignoring the whopping and hollering that was sounding from her friends behind them, Alba made her way back to her car, saying a quick goodbye to Nancy, Steve and Eddie. Robin couldn’t stop the smile that crept onto her lips as she watched her girl drive away. The whole night seemed like a dream, as if any minute now she was going to wake up, still with her school girl crush on this girl and no idea what to do about it. 
In the back of her mind, Robin knew how grateful she was for her friends pushing her to do this. To allow herself some resemblance of happiness after everything. They had learned that it was better to take these little chances in life instead of letting them pass by. 
As Alba’s car disappeared, Robin’s face fell as she spun around to face her friends, “I am going to kill all three of you,” she stated sternly, as she rushed into the house, and swung the door shut behind her. Laughter and smacks from a couch cushion echoed through into the night air as a new feeling of joy enveloped the large home. 
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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Name: "Honey Ann" NicTuan Species: Zombie Occupation: Security at Creature Comforts  Age: 405 Years Old (Looks about 30) Played By: Eerie Face Claim: Hannah John-Kamen
"Och, piss aff! Am no obsessed. Everybody needs their family."
TW: Memory loss, emotional abuse, child death
Long ago, the woman of many names became familiar with war. The Highlands were no stranger to conflict—her clan would keep her safe. But the outside world continued to change, wishing to do the same to them. Help came in what Honey mistook for luck. Took the form of a group whose proximity to humanity was only in appearances. They offered their assistance, their love, their everything—for the simple price of three heads. With struggle of both body and mind, she was successful. They granted her wish… in a way. Each took a bite of her neck, placing their mark until her body could no longer handle. She was reborn in the pool of her old life. Old it would remain, for she was barred from taking anything from it, even her own family. What luck, then, that the group served as replacement. 
They were Clan Tuan: the Sluagh nan Bithean and Soul Eaters of Alba. They collected souls in not only the ones they ate, but the ones they had experienced themselves. Allegedly. Honey grew to believe it. She grew to believe many things. But mostly, she grew to love. Across the decades, across the land and sea, they indulged themselves in food and tales and merriment. When the smell of death clung too tightly and the locals began to whisper, it was off to a new adventure. But there is a balance to everything—such loveliness had its price. Cruelties, both to her and by her, she justified. Until she couldn’t. The ones overlooked were the easiest prey so hunger made them look to the vulnerable. One was added to the menu: orphans. Children. Her dormant rage awoke to a hellfire. She took the children she could and finally ran. 
The kinless found a family amongst themselves. Honey carved out a home for them and the children grew. Her regret for leaving crept forward the same. But she realized she could have her clan again. A better one. With their permissions, Honey kissed that mark upon her dear ones’ necks—their old lives slipped into a dream. When they awoke, she recognized the hunger in their eyes. It was a joyous time. But everything has its balance. Young and foolish, one easily succumbed to the blade of a slayer. Honey took her time when taking the bastard's life. She saved her remaining dear ones, not knowing the true damage was the sight of her brutality. In their fright and in the night, the rest ran away. Her pleading went unheard. For the first time in over a century, Honey was alone.
Her desperation turned to obsession. She would have a family. She marched to town and forced her mark upon a neck. Slice of the jugular, of the umbilical cord, they were reborn. And they were so ungrateful. So, Honey continued and knew not of the horde rising around her. Until the men came, those who hunted. She ran to the trees and even they abandoned her. As she was about to meet her end, the Earth swallowed her whole. It would become her new home. She ate all the creatures that came to visit, but they never gave her enough strength to escape—only enough to continue her torment. She soon forgot what ‘torment’ meant. What anything meant. Days and decades lost distinction. Until there were new visitors to her tomb: corpses a man intended to hide away. What they awoke was a monster who devoured all.  
Each end of life gave her back a piece of her own. The fog dissipated, the horror settled in, and she could remember. But nothing was as she remembered—her remembering was littered with nothingness. Lost in a strange world with a mind torn to pieces. But she would be persistent: find her clan and have them fix her. Yet, the years passed with more nothing. She traveled the same paths they all had centuries ago, now alone and heartbroken. At least, she thought they were the same. But it was fated, for they led her to someone who had known her family. They spoke of America with an uncertainty that Honey took as gospel.
To America she went. The trees were different and the cities confusing, but there was one consistency: her searching proved futile. She continued. Whispers of oddities lured her like any siren call, for she knew it would do the same to her family. Each ended in nothing more than scraps (the times she were lucky) and a reassurance the next would be different. She was disappointed every time. She continued. Such whisperings eventually led her to Wicked’s Rest. The whisperings paled to the reality. Surely, this would be the one! But time ticked on with that familiar defeat. She went to follow another possibility, but that town in Maine stayed with her. In time, she allowed it to compel her back. 
Such a powerful place would draw in her family, too. All the town needed was a little push to put it on the map. No more running, no more searching. She would make her family find her instead. Wicked’s Rest has all the pieces she needs. Time will tell if she can put those pieces together.
Character Facts:
Personality: Loving, protective, temperamental, unstable, playful, loyal, intuitive, passionate, stubborn, adventurous
Honey had stayed in Wicked’s Rest a few years prior. Now she’s back and ready to cause problems. 
Honey hates being referred to as a zombie. She thinks she is a Sluagh nan Bithean: a host of existence/lives. In other words, a host of souls: those she’s eaten and her past lives. She believes the soul is stored in the head, so when she eats brains she is consuming the soul. Due to the manipulation of her old clan, this belief has manifested into her “feeling” what the being felt right before death, reaffirming this false bias. Similarly to the figure they get their name from, Tuan mac Cairill, Honey and her clan also can access the experiences/knowledge of their past lives. Except, that’s not the case at all. They are able to do this as proficiently as the average person. 
Due to her impervious body and numbed senses, Honey enjoys pushing herself to the limit in a fight. The jolts of pain make her feel alive. But she’s not a sponge—her eagerness is reflective in her fighting style. 
Honey becomes protective of those she sees as “kin.” It’s how she secured her job at Creature Comforts. She considers it a safe place in need of defenders—now she has the bonus of getting paid for it. If you find yourself there and aren’t a jackass, you have a quick friend in Honey. If you are a jackass, well, you might be added to her menu. 
Honey has her trailer parked in the woods next to an abandoned house. Something to do with the residing poltergeist being “too violent,” but she has no need to go inside anyway. She does delight in exacerbated those rumors, though. Plus, the abandoned well is perfect for her flower garden. She adores flowers—in fact, she gave herself a nickname after her favorite: honeysuckle. 
While her physical form eventually gained its vitality, Honey’s mental state never fully recovered from her burial. Her memory is full of empty expanses; the ones she does have, she’s not always sure if they’re true. She believes she is supposed to remember her past lives so the past can live on. It adds to her desperation to find her clan, for they are the only ones who can truly help her.
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