#the vocalization mod is amazing
e17omm · 1 year
Hollow Knight true final boss but vocalization mod is on.
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"So now we can get down to the real fight! The last Sonic standing will be the winner!"
Inspiration: Sonic Vocal Catastrophe FNF Mod - Blur
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Oh god, back to this again-
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foxstens · 1 year
hk fandom is the best????
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blackblooms · 2 months
I just really wanted to talk about VS yourself from the Hit Single Real mod of Friday Night Funkin.
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It does a great job of communicating the essentials of its story through the way the song is presented. At first, boyfriend is meant by a creepy figure, which players would assume is some kind of evil doppelganger, but as the song progresses, you start to connect with yourself and eventually come to understand what he really wants as the song reaches its climax. Everyone of course talks about the amazing vocal part, but i think an underrated part of the songs are those brief but very hype segments where Yourself and Boyfriend begin singing and moving in sync. It's an obvious fit for the mirror imagery but i think it's also a great way to symbolize Yourself and Boyfriend managing to connect for a moment. Knowing the lore of Yourself definitely adds to the experience, but i think the essential part of the story is perfectly communicated through the song itself. Simply someone reaching out to an alternate version of themselves, seeking to find a voice that can empathize and relate to his pain and allow him to feel understood...
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milgram-tournament · 7 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 1, Match 3 THROW DOWN vs. THIS IS HOW TO BE IN LOVE WITH YOU
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for THROW DOWN:
silly point is that throw down was my top song for this past year and i havent even been into milgram that long so. good song. also i sang it on stage once so. anyway
Flower imagery!!!! god i love flower imagery
the vocals are good
it has a banger es cover too
"ethics are a delusion" is singlehandedly the funniest line to come out of the t1 songs
the mv is SO pretty like. holy shit
the first note constantly jumpscares me
also i like the clock sounds in the background of the verses
the instrumental,,,,
throwdown is just a really nice. calmish song that still has the whole desperation thing conveyed through his voice props to va for that cuz its relatively subtle but really adds to it imo
im reiterating that ethics is a delusion is the funniest thing to me
also i really like the bridge (the whisper part)
irrelevant to the song itself but i like his fit in throw down i'd wear that irl
gardening/pruning as imagery is so fun for a surgeon character
also vocally i just really like throw down its calm sounding yet theres a hint of like. desperation? despair? in his voice and thats really cool to me
Jackalope's note: Only one propaganda piece... hmmhehe. Well, I'm glad our resident pretty girl got tons of asks! But I feel a little bad about Shidou, so let's let him argue his case at least! Oi! Shidou! Get over here! Oi! Sheesh, it's like he can't even hear me! This is why I need to send the reminders early...
(mod's propaganda: While I love both songs very much, Throw Down has a special place for me in that I can actually sing it. You sing way too fast, Mappi!! I also just think using flower imagery both made the MV one of the prettiest ones we have yet and helped distance both the viewer and shidou himself to the reality of his sin... I also really like the ethics is a delusion bit lol)
Propaganda for TIHTBILWY:
okay so like the thing im most in love with: the VOCALS!!!! this song has an absolutely AMAZING singer and AMAZING vocals!!!! the way the conversational talk-singing lines still feel so musical!!!! the cute cute cuteeeee mahiru voice!!!! it brings you so much energy!!!! its a song sung with so much love!!!! mahirus va brings such an amazing feel to the song with such amazing talk-singing!!!! its very skillfully done and it happens in i love you too!! mahiru songs r the QUEENS of musical talk singing
the silly phone call bit. kurururu~!
the little vocal flourish and the way her voice raises up like an excited exclamation in the final prechorus!! daijoubu nante kirai DA!
its such a fast song but everything flows so well!!!! it makes it feel so bright and cheery and peppy!!
the instrumental is so underrated just LISTEN to that catchy bass line thats so pretty in the verses!!!! no for real even if u dont vote this is how to be in love with you go listen to the bass line in the verses it works to move both the song and the listener forward at mahirus sweeping breakneck pace. and the cute keyboard sounding and synth instruments!!!! its SUCH a danceable song!!!! i cant listen to it without bopping along in my seat
the way the ominous bits are subtly hidden? it all sounds so cute but there are just these Things that she sings that are really kind of concerning and unhealthy when she sings them!! and the veiled desperation to be in her relationship- listening to that and the cheery tone and breakneck, quick song pace, it really does represent mahiru SO well. she throws in all these little bits that just go noooo teehee the relationships just fine!! when it REALLY isnt
i would listen to mahiru talk for hours
the MV!!!!!! HER FASHION SENSE THE MAGAZINE STYLE!!!! the magazine style especially works so well with her character!!!! its so cute and stunning and just looking at it you have a blast. also her birdcage!!!! her birdcage and the bright orange and the pink bars!!!! the way everything desaturates and becomes more sickly looking when she wakes up at the end!!!! its such a happy carefully curated and designed dream and then it drains away!!!! also god all her outfits are stunning. mahiru call me
the way she sings "overheat de~!" cutest thing in the WORLD.
the little faces she makes!!!! godddd shes so expressive
actually the whole songs so expressive!!!! shes putting her all into it!!!! her words have so much expression in them!!!! once more praising mahirus va the way her voice can soften and become bright or subtly desperate so quickly is MASTERFUL control of expression when singing and its so underrated. join me in being insane over miho okasaki delivers her lines. shes such a perfect mahiru.
funniest es cover. hands down. funniest es cover.
this is how to be in love with you is FREE serotonin!!!! free energy right there!!!! this is how to be in love with you sweep!!!!!
-The song is so cheerful!! I always feel like dancing and singing when this one comes up in my playlists!! Absolute banger, mood definer, kicking sadness in the shin with those high-heels and then hitting its face with a cute purse -THE HIGH-HEELS STEPPING TO THE BEAT OF THE MUSIC IN THAT ONE SCENE (0:50). SIMPLY ICONIC. NO ONE DID IT LIKE HER. -👠💅👝👗 -She is slaying. Look at her outfits. She put so much effort there. She gave it her all. Absolutely serving. -SUKITTE KIMOCHI WAKATTA TSUMORI? NARA KONO MAMA FUTARI O-VA-HI-TO- DE -The storyline of the mv MAKES SENSE and you can form a COHESIVE TIMELINE OF EVENTS (unlike other unspecified contestants' mvs you know 🙄) -look at herr 🥺 she beby 🥺 all she did was love too much 🥺 we all love mappi don't we 🥺 she deserved more let her win this pleease 🥺 -No medical malpractice happened in the making of this mv 👍
I care so much about This is How To Be In Love With You- it's visuals are brilliant in the ways it conveys its themes and narrative. I'm never normal Ever about the "Love as marketing" symbolism that is brought in by the use of magazines. It's a lovely upbeat song but the Horrors are Always Lurking under it, the breakup Ritual line is my Favorite Line cause its so horrifying but its said so casually and its so good oh its so good-
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justenjoythegossip · 5 months
Would it be more “acceptable” if Chris & Abba were exclusively PR?
Chris’ performative political activism
Whether Chris and Abba are a real legitimate couple with a PR spin or exclusively PR, Chris’ political activism has proved to be totally performative. It’s one thing to fight for equality and injustice when it is beneficial to your image, it’s another to do it when voicing that opinion can be costly. Look at Melissa Barrera who expressed her opinion, stuck to her guts and lost the role she is most famous for. Look at Brendan Fraser who refused to stay silent and paid such a heavy price after speaking out on his being sexually assaulted. It took him years to come back and finally take home a much deserved Oscar for his acclaimed performance in the Whale. 
Chris’ persona and brand were utterly destroyed when he was linked to that fat-shaming racist antisemitic Nazi sympathizing girl. The most aggravating part of this PR shitshow is that by accepting to be officially in a “RS” and then be “married” to her, he has helped put her in the spotlight, which was his first mistake. Look at Dylan O’Brien who is in a real relationship with someone extremely problematic as well. They are rather discreet. If Chris and Abba had behaved like a real private couple, if Abba would have stayed in the shadow, then the backlash would have been kept to a minimum. Also by agreeing to this, Chris helped clean her image. Knowing what she has shown to the world publicly, it’s all the more egregious to see the media portraying her as this smart talented great humanitarian who speaks 5 languages and who has perfect eyebrows. The gaslighting is unbearable. 
Of course, Chris has famously said that the industry makes you do things that you don’t want to do. But it is an excuse. It’s a rationalization. The truth is that he had a choice. For sure the two options he was offered probably sucked but he still had a choice. Nobody forced this on him. And he knew the optics were terrible. That’s why he didn’t come back to Twitter, that’s why he took so much distance from his political project ASP. It would have been too hypocritical to be vocal and to be lecturing people when he, himself, was connected to someone that represents what he is allegedly fighting against. 
When he did that infamous asp chat about racism and antisemitism, it wasn’t random. It was very likely a test to monitor the reaction of his fans. This is probably why they left all those negative comments. They wanted to know if Chris had been forgiven...
If their “RS/marriage” was exclusively PR, would that absolve him somehow?  
Certain mods have expressed the opinion that if Chris and Abba were a real legitimate couple, it would be much worse and then they couldn’t support Chris anymore. I don’t mean to judge or criticize anyone’s opinion by the way, especially since I think some of those mods are good, well-intentioned people and I love reading their take on things but I am just trying to ask questions here. 
What is implied here is that it’s ok and preferable to compromise yourself if it’s meant for your career.  And it’s true that we are taught from the earliest age that we have to succeed. Whatever the cost may be. We must have friends, have a career, have money, have a family, have a house… So much emphasis on having and so little on being. This is the darker side of the American dream, it puts way too much importance on money and success. And if you can’t achieve those goals then you are considered to be worthless. Nihilism starts right there. If you are nothing, it’s a lot easier to give up on your morals and ethics… 
To get back to Chris. Yes he’s had an amazing career, the kind of career most actors would kill for. But it’s easy to relate to being terrified to lose what you have and what you have always wanted. I guess the desperation must be unbearable if you have defined yourself by your professional success and you see that things start slipping away from you. And by his looks and demeanor, people can tell he has struggled with it. Although it might be an act of course. But I choose to believe that it’s genuine and that he really feels guilty about it.   
But wouldn’t love make this situation more “acceptable”?
If Chris and Abba were exclusively PR, then it would signify that Chris compromised himself and his beliefs for his career, for roles, for money and for power. 
But wouldn’t it be actually “preferable” and “more acceptable” to compromise yourself out of love? 
Love can be so powerful and nonsensical that certain people have lost their ways because of it. People have betrayed their partners or spouses, some have abandoned their own children because of it. Heck, people have even killed out of passion. And we sometimes free those people in a court of law when a jury decides that the criminal was so blinded by love and passion that they were unable to distinguish right from wrong. We call it temporary insanity! 
If Chris had genuinely fallen in love with Abba (I don’t believe it by the way) to the point of being blind to her problematic stuff, would that be really worse or wouldn’t that serve as more mitigating circumstances? I am merely asking a question: compromising yourself for money and roles is it better than compromising yourself out of love? Did we actually become too cynical? Too materialistic? 
Chris and his treatment of Abba and how it is reflective of our society…
Regardless of what we might think of Abba (and for sure we don’t have a good opinion of her), Chris has treated her very poorly. And this doesn’t reflect well on him. 
Indeed he has done the absolute bare minimum to sell this, has never even said her name once, he has acted all ashamed most times she was nearby, has thrown shade (see the GQ interview where he implied she was judgmental), he has kept repeating how much he likes to be alone and how his dog is his true soulmate. He even said while allegedly being with her that he was looking for a partner to spend the rest of his life with. Ouch!
Of course, people who know about her problematic stuff will have trouble having any kind of empathy for her but that doesn’t make it ok. 
Chris has agreed to this PR shitshow so tacitly he has accepted that Abba is good enough for these PR games and he has accepted to use her. So he should treat her with a minimum of respect. Otherwise he shouldn’t have gone through with it in the first place.  
And it’s very symptomatic of our society these days. With the propaganda pushed by the mass media, we are taught that it’s ok to hate on people as long as they are horrible human beings. And similarly we have seen so many mods troll and comment on Abba‘s appearance as if it was even relevant. Just because someone is horrible, it doesn’t give you a license to behave the same way. Otherwise you become the very same thing you are criticizing. 
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adoremoonie · 6 months
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The Mixed Legacy Challenge for The Sims 3
This is (gonna be) a 10 generation legacy challenge. I came up with this challenge simply because I could not decide what legacy challenge I wanted to do so I did a mix of all my favourite ones. Including Not So Berry, Jam Legacy, Zodiac Legacy & All In One Lepacy! So all credit goes to the creators! ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ
Rules: ☆ Finish the rules of every generation, but there are different options for some generations so you can do whatever fits your gameplay preference more!
☆ There is a color for every generation if you want berry sims etc!
☆ There is a family trait that you choose that every generation heir will have. If you can't have a trait because of your family trait you just swap out that one for one similiar!
☆ You got to have this mod to be able to give your sims all the traits I have given them OR you could cheat them when they age up and change them in CAS OR just give them 1-2 of the traits. Would also recommend NRAAS mod aswell because of the money changes etc!
☆ Most importantly do what you want and have fun!
Now for the generations...
Generation 1: Purple You left everything you know behind, escape your past for a new beginning. Finally start that family you always wanted with someone new. You want to change, but can you?
Traits: Family Trait, Kleptomaniac, Nurturing, Rebellious, Frugal Job: Start at the cemetery then switch to criminal OR kleptomaniac full time LTW: Become a master chief OR The emperor of evil OR Possession is Nine Tenths of the law
☆ Master athletic and martial arts skills ☆ Use the kleptomaniac trait to provide for your family ☆ Get with your partner and marry them fast ☆ Get the death flower (perhaps at the cemetery?) ☆ 3 or more children
Generation 2: Yellow You don’t want to end up like your parent. You have dreams, big dreams! And you will do everything to be the biggest star, hopefully your family name won’t ruin that.
Traits: Family Trait, Star Quality, Diva, Lucky, Ambitious Job: Singer LTW: Vocal Legend OR Lifestyle of the rich and famous
☆ Have a band as a teenager ☆ When you become an YA you quit the band to go solo ☆ Master an instrument (guitar, piano etc) ☆ Become a five star celebrity ☆ Marry a big celebrity ☆ Only have one child
Generation 3: Red You lived in luxury thanks to your parent but did that make you a little spoiled? Maybe. you say as you move to a big mansion in the tropics. But you do actually have a job! You are a lifeguard and you save tons of cute tourists everyday. Yeah, maybe you did buy an hotel just to flex but can't be that hard to run one of those?
Traits: Family, Great kisser, Loves to swim OR Sailor, Party animal, Snob Job: Lifeguard then Resort owner LTW: Resort Empire OR Seaside Savior
☆ Have only one child ☆ Buy and run an hotel when you are an adult ☆ Reach level 5 of scuba diving ☆ Have one of those people you saved OR a mermaid be your future partner ☆ Own a house boat
Generation 4: Blue You had a little bit of a rough childhood, sure you were rich but your snobby parent barely gave you any of that rich money so you start working on cars on the side to make some side money, but turns out you LOVE it. You’ve always craved that big family life and you will spoil your children rotten in ALL the ways.
Traits: Family Trait, Family oriented, Slob, Schmoozer, Vehicle Enthusiast LTW: Surrounded by Family Job: Work at a part-time job OR Daycare before you quit to start making cars for a living
☆ Meet your partner in high school and marry as soon as you both age up to YA ☆ Be best friend with all your children ☆ Fix up ATLEAST 10 cars ☆ Throw family parties every season ☆ Buy every thing your children wishes for
Generation 5: Green You had an amazing but messy childhood. You had everything. A big loving family! But that also meant no privacy and you couldn’t do what you love the most without your siblings disturbing, science. So now you just want to be alone.
Traits: Family Trait, Loner, Eccentric, Neat, Grumpy LTW: Monster Maker Job: Science Career or none
☆ Move to a new town and the house should be as far away from the town as possible and never move out ☆ Make imaginary friend real ☆ Have ONE friend ☆ Marry your (only) friend OR an alien/imaginary friend/simbot ☆ Master the inventing skill ☆ Build two simbots optional: have an alien baby
Generation 6: Pink Having been stuck in the same town, in the same house, you need something new! You need adventure! And you want to capture it all. But you also have to get home to look after your plants.
Traits: Family Trait, Daredevil, Outgoing, Gatherer/Green Fingers, Adventurous LTW: World class gallery OR Great explorer
☆ Go to China, Egypt and France ☆ Master the photographing and gardening skills ☆ Complete atleast 3 thombs at each location ☆ Marry someone from China, France or Egypt ☆ Get atleast one VISA ☆ Have a big garden with every plant
Generation 7: Orange You have always loved horses, a horse girl (or boy, or person) if you will. But having your own horses and a big ranch is expensive and your parent wasted it all on traveling so you work smart not hard!
Traits: Family Trait, Equestrian, Horse Lover, Dislikes children, Mooch LTW: Gold Digger OR The Jockey Job: Any job before you get married then quit
☆ Start with 30 000 simoleons ☆ Marry rich and have them mysteriously die ☆ Master the nectar making skill and riding skills ☆ Win a competition on the highest level for racing ☆ Have 3 or more horses ☆ Have twins
Generation 8: Grey Yes you are twins, you look exactly like each other but your personalities couldn’t be more different. One of you got your nose in the books since you had the chance, always got good grades, got the diploma and finally got your dream job. While the other wasn’t as lucky in school, it was just too hard but you still go to university with your twin and you might have not gotten the best grades but you sure had fun and also met your soulmate.
☆ Have both twins as heir ☆ Go to university with both twins
Twin 1 Traits: Family Trait, Over-emotional, Irresistible, Workaholic, Non-Committal Job: Politcian OR Doctor LTW: Master Romancer OR perfect student ☆ Have a rocky relationship with your partner/partners ☆ Get married for the first time as an older elder ☆ Max charisma skill ☆ Only have one child or none ☆ Good grades ☆ Get the naughty reputation Optional: Get two diplomas
Twin 2 Traits: Family Trait, Loser, Artistic, Easily impressed, Nurturing LTW: Jack of all trades ☆ Have 5 or more different jobs ☆ Get fired from at least 3 jobs ☆ Meet the love of your life in university ☆ Max painting OR sculpting skill ☆ Bad grades ☆ Have two or more children ☆ Help children with all skills ☆ Get the Eternally Faithful reputation
Generation 9: Plum Your parent got you this supernatural book for you when you were a kid about werewolves, witches, vampires… All of it! Ever since then you have been hooked. Can you find it out in the real world too? And of course, your cat is sleeping right beside you while you read.
Traits: Family Trait, Bookworm, Supernatural Fan, Socially Awkward OR Brooding, Cat Lover LTW: Any from the Supernatural expension Job: Fortune teller OR Ghost hunter
☆ Max the writing skill (writing supernatural books) ☆ Don’t have a tv in your house, only books and computer ☆ Marry a supernatural creature ☆ Become a supernatural creature ☆ Own 3 cats or more Optional: Find cure to become human again
Generation 10: Turquoise
In the works...
If you play this challenge you can use the hashtag #mixed legacy or tag me!
and please give any feedback you might have! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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luucypevensie · 3 months
In honor of the Easter holiday (and @ginger-grimm posting AMAZING edits of them), here are my new Glee children!!
First, we have Kathani “Kate” Arya (fc Ambika Mod)
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Kate was born in London to a professor father and reporter mother, so she grew up always being vocal about her beliefs and views. Before she turned sixteen, her father received a job offer for an English professor opening at Ohio State and the family moved to Lima while leaving Kate’s beloved paternal grandfather behind in London. Upon arriving at McKinley, everyone was at first interested in the new student from London. But as soon as Kate began to open her mouth and express her opinions, it solidified her status towards the bottom of the food chain. However, it did bring her to her newfound best friend (and eventual love interest): Tina Cohen-Chang.
Besides Tina, Kate somehow manages to have a “fling” with Quinn that ends their senior year.
Kate is the asexual representation that Glee needs but does not deserve, she is the queen of the dark academia aesthetic (loves thrift stores, museums, used copies of books etc), an EXCELLENT debater, and fluent in French, Hindu, and English.
And now we have Tracey Alexander (fc Jaicy Elliot)
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Tracey has lived her entire life in Lima, and as a child, she never could understand why there weren’t more people that looked like her in magazines. Then, when her mother handed her a needle and thread and taught her how to sew, she immediately knew that she wanted to become a fashion designer that celebrates plus sized fashion because all bodies are beautiful.
Mercedes has been her best friend for as long as she could remember (she’s going to be her designer once they become big). Tracey is a proud bisexual woman: she was the one who helped Brittany realize she was bi when the two of them shared a kiss back in the day, and ever since middle school she’s had a bit of a crush on Finn when they were lab partners in science class (Finn too had a crush on her because he was in awe of how bold and brilliant she was).
She wants to go to Paris for fashion school (her dream place), she has a little sister who is an amazing cello player, and there’s a running joke that her mom and Brittany’s mom were twins separated from birth but none of them can see it
Special thanks to Alexandra @dancingsunflowers-ocs for helping me flush out Kate and Tracey
Tagging the usual suspects: @ginger-grimm and @daughter-of-melpomene
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bibliophilea · 1 year
Through Traps and Overgrown Paths Our Fates Await
Inspired by "Through Traps and Overgrown Paths (Our Fates Await)" by @bubblegumbeech
Album artwork by @kawaiijohn
For @invisobang 2022
It starts with a bed of Poppy Flowers and a stranger holding out a helping hand. How was Danny to know this stranger was anything but and that Family dynamics in the Infinite Realms were even more complicated than back home?
Read the phic here: ao3 | tumblr See Dante's art for the phic here: tumblr Listen to album on bandcamp here: bandcamp
Mastered by @lexosaurus First track mixed by lexosaurus Lyrics and lead vocals in first track by bubblegumbeech
Thank you, @kinglazrus, for being the head organizing force behind Invisobang! It's been a pleasure working with you as a mod and an artist, and your spreadsheets are phantastic!
Firstly, I am so sorry for how late this is! Invisobang 2022 is over, and Invisobang 2023 is well underway! Nevertheless, I loved working on these songs, and working together with the folks above to create this music! Invisobang has been such a great experience for me, and I am so thankful to have worked on it with y'all!
Bee, your phic is amazing - I love how you've developed Flynn and his ghostly family, including Misery Vex, and their relationships to one another! And I adore how you throw Danny into this mess of a family! Very well done, and delightfully written!
And Dante, your art slaps! I love how serious and rugged you draw Flynn, and I love how you do Danny's expressions! And the cover art you made for the phic and for my work is so good - it does a great job catching the vibes of Bee's phic!
Thank you, Lexx, for mastering my work, and for mixing the first song to really capture the vibes! You did and do incredible work!
I hope this music does the phic and the art and all your work justice!
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starscatteredsky · 9 months
nekomimi / general kemonomimi tips please? thanks in advance :3
nekomimi / kemonomimi tips
pt: nekomimi / kemonomimi tips
get/make ears and a tail!
do vocals! use them for fun, expression, or stimming :D
make a picrew of yourself! there are a ton of nekomimi friendly picrews!
collect fun nekomimi / kemonomimi things! hot topic has tons! ear beanies or bucket hats, paw gloves and socks, ears, tails, nails, and so many more!
collect plushes or trinkets of the animal type you have features of!
look into alt culture and see if anything fits! lots of nekomimi and kemonomimi i know (including some of our mods!) love scene, emo, punk, goth, etc!
embrace the “cringe”! it’s fun! neopronouns and alt outfits or music, engage in your hobbies, wear your gear, don’t let people stop you! being nekomimi or other kemonomimi is often made fun of, but it’s so amazing and fun! enjoy it!
watch shows/movies, read books/comics, and otherwise consume media with kemonomimi characters!
enjoy engaging in behaviour that the animal whose features you have would! (ex; knocking things off counters or relaxing in sunlight for nekomimis!)
have fun!! we have lots of nekomimi alters, so we use lots of these tips ourself :D -👾
Requests open!!!
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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moonage-gaydream · 7 months
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Dangitgrandpa Band. What song are they playing?
Also this is kinda sorta a followup to my post from... well over a year ago, where I proposed a rock band featuring these four... still don't have a name for it yet. 💀
Ibuki Mioda, the Ultimate Musician, on lead vocals and guitar, though the mic prop I used is a bit too tall for her, so I got her holdin' it and absolutely vibin' with it. I imagine she has an amazing singin' voice, so yeah.
Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Pianist, on, well... the keyboard (piano). For obvious reasons. Also the keyboard prop is kinda tall as well, or maybe she's just kinda small, idk.
Hajime Hinata, the Ultimate ??? and Leon Kuwata, the Ultimate Baseball Star, are in the band bc reasons I explained in my original post.
This took me a little bit of time cuz I had to fool around with the No Collide tool and figure out what'd work and what wouldn't, regardin' collision in Garry's Mod bein' a bit of an issue at times... oh, and for the background in that last pic, I used a few different Emitters.
Still lookin' for band name ideas, if anyone's got any. :3
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e17omm · 1 year
The worst part about Hallownest Vocalized is that Macebug dream nail dialogue isnt voiced.
And they voiced Menderbug's diary.
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genuinelyjustjd · 2 years
For those of you who do not play the sims 4, there’s a massive scandal hiding under EA’s belt.
The company has been lying to all the active players in the game.
To say it simply, the game has been officially broken for a long time now. There’s reports of many game-breaking bugs, many disgusting items, and far too many cash grabs. 
They have been releasing new content left and right without even bothering to fix the broken content. You know who is fixing this content? Sims’ unpaid modding community.
These amazing individuals are doing all this work, for free, because they love the game. At this point, I wouldn’t imagine playing the game unmodded. These brilliant creators pour in time to fix things that the own developers haven’t even addressed. They are the best of the community, ESPECIALLY those who offer their services for free.
But EA? Maxis? They’re full of shit right now. There’s threats of a “battle pass” being added to a game. What do I mean, “Battle Pass”? You know, that thing in mobile games that won’t let you access the whole game unless you’ve paid money for it. THE SIMS 4 IS CONSIDERING PUTTING IT INTO THE GAME. Though you’ll be able to get the base game packs, chances are, there will be MORE locked in game that you can only get through money. Expansion packs cost 40$. And yet, MOST OF THEM ARE STILL BROKEN. They will not bother to fix their mistakes and instead keep offering cash grab after cash grab to boost money.
You don’t hear from outside the community how dangerously this game has broken. You all remember the legend of No Man’s Sky? That one supposedly amazing game that got rushed and ended up failing miserably because of bugs an the like? Imagine that, but on a bigger scale in an already established community. Base game is broken. You can see your toddlers morph into disgusting creatures before your eyes, with no semblance of continuity. Your game can take forever to load, up to five minutes to get into Create a Sim. Your sim will sometimes actively ignore you. These are the minor things. 
Other things that can happen in game is a whole shutdown of the game if it doesn’t like an action you made your sim do. It can and will corrupt your save. That cute family you spent 3 months grinding on? All gone.
Now, the company behind the game has made it a typical money grabber. They do not hire playtesters anymore, making content creators and us, the players, being the ones to say, “Hey! This is broken!” And they take weeks to fix it, if they ever do.
A good voice of complaint comes from Pixelade’s channel on youtube, as he has been very, VERY vocal in letting the community know that the sims 4 doesn’t care much about the players anymore. A comment under his video “MANIPULATION TACTICS?!...”, by user “You like Krabby Patties, don’t you, Squidward,” has brought a lot of weight into a true perspective into this argument. 
> “ oh i absolutely agree that this is just a publicity stunt and distraction tactic. if they cared, they'd address the elephant in the room, which at this point isn't even us complaining about the bugged-to-hell, barely-playable-if-playable-AT-ALL mess of a game TS4 has become: it's literally just asking for any kind of acknowledgement of our problems. if a company won't give you something that should not only be the bare minimum, but is the single most important part of ANY company - transparency - then you know you can't trust them even the tiniest bit. this was just the last straw for me. i didn't trust them before. now, no matter what they do, they can never earn that trust back. 6+ weeks of some players unable to play the game at all, a game they could have paid hundreds or even over a thousand dollars for (and not even as a result of DLC they chose to purchase but from a free basegame patch!!) and SILENCE from EA...it's unacceptable. and if they think a free kit is going to make up for that (free basegame doesn't count for anything, because simmers experiencing problems with the game clearly already own that. this is them trying to dupe new players into thinking "wow, the basegame for free AND a free kit! what a great company!") then they're sorely fucking mistaken. and then, the cherry on top - some can't even download the free kit! “ 
I truly think that this game, something built with love in the beginning, has turned into a flaming pile of dogshit. They do not care about the players, anymore. The shareholders are the only thing keeping the game going. They have lied to us, bribed us, and to make matters worse, hurt a whole community whose main monetary source comes from making this game better. If I had knew this would be the fate of this game, I never would’ve bought it. Never. Please, those of you considering to get this free version, please reconsider. Look into the problems. If you decide that you can live with them, no fault to you. But do not expect the game it was back in 2018. Do not expect transparency. Let these companies, EA and Maxis, finally understand how they’ve fucked up. And if they don’t change it?
Let them burn.
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yooniesim · 1 year
It’s amazing how you and the other vocal criticizers of Early Access/Patreon users are basically Cassandra. You guys said this would happen with EA taking notes on how cc was monetized and now that they figured out a way to get their cut they did it. As a sims 2 old, i mourn wtf happened to this community because we were so anti paysites back in the day. TS4 community would have you believe “no but see Peggy/Rose/Raon were the good guys actually and MATY was stealing from poor creators!!!”
Yeah, unfortunately there's no satisfaction in being right about this one. It's sad and I don't think it's going to change anytime soon. Because being anti-paywall in the sims 4 community is the unpopular opinion, it's actually controversial. Even if the average person does disagree with it, as with most unpopular opinions on simblr, they don't usually say it on main for fear of being attacked. Paywalling has not only become the norm but has been tightly intertwined with the social status aspect of sims 4 simblr in complicated ways.
Back in the day (and now), clout was important to the top handful of simblrs, and making cc was one of the main ways to earn that clout. Now it's also an income source, but they still have that same clout and popularity from before as well as the connections to other simblrs, and utilize the same methods of attack they did pre-paywall. You notice that many cc creators and larger blogs are very tight knit & that's bc they used to be friends when everyone was (halfway) normal. By criticizing paywalls you are insulting people's "friends" and that will get you on simblr's shit list quick. The tide on here will not change bc by challenging the status quo you risk not only access to the cc (being chain blocked/banned) but being blacklisted/ostracized on simblr in general. As well as the very real possibility of being doxxed. They'll do whatever they can to hurt or discredit you and it works. People simply will not do it and I don't exactly blame them. It will only turn if Sims 4 dies or a lot of big players move on.
I envy the attitudes of the sims 2 community and other modding communities like those for Bethesda games that are anti-monetization. But that time has passed for the Sims 4 community due to the toxic environment that's been gradually created.
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brainpal-gachapon · 2 months
I saw the other mods doing this, so here's my (hopefully fully done) "media mod-madoka knows" list!! (disclaimer i genuinely forget what i like. a lot. its the cisaudhd im so sorry gang.) REGARDLESS HERE IT IS !!!!! -🍓
ALTER EGO (v good game)
Cookie Run
General Lunime Titles (gacha world, gacha life 1&2, gacha club, etc.)
Genshin Impact
Muse Dash
Project Sekai
Monster Prom/Camp/Roadtrip
Blush Blush (im so sorry)
Crush Crush (im so sorry again)
Doki Doki Literature Club
OMORI (very vaguely. i still have yet to actually get further than meeting sweetheart)
Slime Rancher (1 & 2)
The Stanley Parable
FNaF (literally any character not exclusive to the books; ive never read any of the books)
Fran Bow
Little Misfortune
Shelter / Shelter 2 / Meadow
Our Life; Beginning And Always
The Sims
Little Witch Academia
Ouran High School Host Club
Aggretsuko (never finished season 1)
Bojack Horseman (never finished season 1)
Vocal Synths (mostly VOCALOID and UTAU though also a TEENY smidgen of Synth V through Teto and A Friend)
Obey Me! (Nightbringer & One Master To Rule Them all)
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Yandere Sim (unfortunately)
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss
(The start of) Twisted Wonderland
Splatoon (played 2&3 though never did story mode)
Lucky Star (haven't finished season 1)
Kakegurui (& Kakegurui twin!!)
The Amazing Digital Circus
Murder Drones (not seen the whole series yet)
My Little Pony (only FiM; I refuse to watch the new gen in any form)
H*rry P*tter (unfortunately. Also FUCK JK R*wling)
DSMP (and very surface-level exposure to QSMP)
The Coffin of Andy and LeyLey
Rain World
Warrior Cats
Survivors (erin hunter; have NOT finished the full first arc.)
Wings of Fire (have not finished Sunny's book; already spoiled on a lot of things)
Honkai; Star Rail (have not finished Xianzhou Luofu quests, already spoiled on so much late-game content)
Honkai; Impact (i only very vaguely know ANYTHING about it)
Hamilton (the musical)
Mean Girls
Heathers (not actually watched it; ive absorbed so much information that i simply know most of the plot and characters)
Class of 09
Date with Death (highly reccommend; love interest is adorable)
Blooming Panic
Slay the Princess
Not my Neighbor
Among Us
Papers, Please
there's definitely stuff ive accidentally left out, but im tired and forgetful. hope i can steal some more requests soon hehe >:3c
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social-link-showdown · 10 months
Backside of the TV (Lotus Juice) (Persona 4) VS Specialist (Persona 4)
Backside of the TV
Backside of the TV
First of all, Lotus Juice is always a win, so jot that down. Second of all, this is one of the best remixes in all the dancing games and I need more people to hear it.
Backside of the TV is already such a great song, giving off an almost war-like intensity going into the TV World. The Lotus Juice remix adds Lotus Juice's amazing vocals on top of it all, only adding to the strong base that's already there
They took the remix off Spotify bc it was too powerful.
Mod's Statement:
Honestly this song earns the Most Improved award, I didn't care for it as much at first but now I can't stop listening to it.
Mod's Statement:
Why is the actual song from Persona 4 10th on the results from Youtube, under Mass Destruction and Shadow World?
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