#the vocal performance here is fucking unbelievable
danielpowell · 1 year
I'll fall free and hold my breath Hold it to say Hold me in, I'm perfect that way But hardly safe Oh, what you say, boy, goddamn
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dxndjxrin · 1 year
Seventeen, Vocal Unit: how they’d eat you out
Hello!! Here’s the vocal version!! HHU will be coming soon, but I hope u enjoy!!
Performance unit ver.
NSFW under the cut. 18+ only!!
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Jeonghan: okay so evil Jeonghan agenda, yes. He can definitely be quite the evil little tease when he gives you head. But, catch him in the right mood, and this is one of the spaces where he catches himself giving up some control to you. Maybe you pull his hair a little tighter, grind up into him a bit more, and suddenly he’s getting high off of your desperation, and he wants to give you more and more, and all the teasing remarks go quiet. He loses himself in the sensations of you, and the reactions he pulls; your whines and praise have him grinding into the mattress, his cheeks flushing even further as he doubles down to make you cum. When he comes up to look at you in your post-orgasmic bliss, his eyes are hazy, he's panting, and boy is it a sight to see Jeonghan so speechless.
Joshua: oh my god. The amount of praise rolling off his tongue is nearly too much, but you’re his baby, and he’s gonna make sure you know how lucky he feels to have you like this. Maybe at the beginning of your relationship, you weren’t all that experienced, so Joshua definitely eases you into new things, so he feels a strange sense of pride when he can really get you to let go, get lost in the pleasure he’s bringing you, and just feel in a way you hadn’t before. Joshua makes you feel so unbelievably sexy, with his words of praise and the attentive way he caresses your body. No matter the pace or dynamics, it's always loving.
Woozi: Jihoon, by nature of his job, doesn't get as much time with you as he wishes. So when he does get time with you, he won’t waste it by rushing. He could eat you out for hours, and probably would if you didn’t break before then. He also just loves edging you. He memorizes every micro-expression on your face, every little whimper you make, how your muscles clench when he flicks his tongue a certain way. He loves every part of it, so he doesn’t want it to end, and there’s something so intoxicating about seeing you finally cum after endless teasing, almost-enough stimulation from him. He likes to talk you through it as well, sometimes he’ll get a little strict with it, like “behave baby, or I can’t make you cum, hmm?” As he hums, he tilts his head, just a hint of that cockiness slipping out, but it’s warranted; he can make you fall apart so easily. After he finally lets you cum on his tongue, he’s panting, trying to hide is (frankly obvious) burning need to fuck you, and if you’re not too sensitive, you’ll gladly grant that wish.
Dk: sit on his face, please sit on his face, he’ll do anything, and he’ll love every second of you practically suffocating him. You do check in with him to make sure he’s okay, because the way he’s eating you alive, you think there’s no way he’s comfortable, but he just groans out an “ ‘s okay,” and locks you tighter around his face. He’s pulling noises out of you with every flick of his tongue, and he’s matching them, moaning and frankly whimpering into you, which just heightens every sensation. He derives so much pleasure from the act that he’s so desperate after you finish; he obviously waits for you to recover, but the second you are, he’s shyly asking to fuck you because he’s so hard it hurts. It’s so intoxicating to see just how much he wants to pleasure you.
Seungkwan: kind of similar to Dino, but instead of being less experienced, he’s holding back. Seungkwan likes what he likes; he’d love to see you nearly crying with pleasure, writhing and panting in overstimulation, but he doesn’t want to freak you out! After a few times, you can tell something’s off, because he always looks back up at you with a careful, watchful eye (which is so sweet of him). But you tell him that he can be rougher with you, that you can handle it. He asks if you’re sure (you are), and the next time he settles to eat you out, it's absolutely mindblowing. His hands are all over you, but he tells you to be good and stay still for him so he can treat you right because, “how can I make you feel good if you don’t let me, baby?” You surrender yourself to him and let him do what he wants, he’s stopped holding back, and damn does it feel good.
Divider by @cafekitsune
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smytherines · 7 months
Overly long staircase scene acting analysis because I'm autistic
Watched the staircase scene again, because this is my life now. But I just cannot get over how incredible Joey Richter is in this scene. Every beat is absolutely heartbreaking. The anger and hurt in his voice as he yells "I'm going to single-handedly dismantle everything you've ever believed in," the way his voice breaks.
During the reprise he does a stunning job of "guy trying to be cold and intimidating but is actually incredibly sad and unbelievably angry." The way Owen says "a world without agencies, a world without spies, a world without secrets" with so much quiet contempt for the thing that ruined his life.
Maybe the best piece of acting in the entire show is when Curt steps up into Owen's gun and says "the feelings we had for each other." And Owen looks pained, he looks wistful for a second. His gun lowers to Curt's heart and his hand repositions like he's really struggling with what he believes he has to do. The thing he's been wanting to do for four years. But he just can't manage to pull the trigger, despite having ample opportunity to do so.
When Curt finally shoots his gun out of his hand and aims the gun at his head, the way Joey Richter plays Owen just feels incredibly sad. To me it reads as Owen, not being able to kill Curt, thinking Curt wouldn't be able to kill him either, and realizing too late that he was wrong about that. There's a kind of incredulous disappointment in his voice as he says "so what are you doing?"
I know I get ridiculous with my Owen Carvour headcanon, but this one scene just gives SO much insight into his character and motivations, without outright telling you pretty much anything. That's partially clever writing, but its also just Joey Richter absolutely killing this role, making Owen feel like a real person with real anguish and doubt and anger. Its spectacular.
And it's wild because Curt Mega is also really fucking good in this scene, but kind of in different ways? His delivery doesn't subvert what we know about Agent Mega, it reinforces it. Curt has been grieving for four years. He fell apart after Owen's "death," his alcohol use turning into a full-on disorder, making him incapable of doing the one thing he loves, the thing he feels he does best. And actor Curt Mega does an incredible job at conveying all of that without even saying a word. Curt's stance, the way he braces against the staircase just kind of numb with the realization that Owen is alive, the anger and resentment that he mourned Owen for so long only for him to be out there doing evil schemes. It's all played perfectly.
As an Owen Carvour defender I have issues with what agent Mega does here that are mostly subtextual, so I'm gonna stick to the acting choices within the actual text of the show:
The thing that stands out the most about Joey Richter's performance to me is the little vocal breaks and how raw the line deliveries are, but what stands out to me about Curt Mega's performance is his body language and facial expressions, which are just pitch perfect from start to finish.
Our guy is speedrunning the five stages of grief on that staircase.
First is denial and anger, kinda wrapped up in one package- denying that Owen has the upper hand, there's something about the stance here that feels like he's planting himself with a false confidence, like he doesn't want Owen to know how scared and overwhelmed and sad he is about this. How angry he is that his life fell apart mourning someone who isn't even dead.
Then bargaining- when Curt is pleading with Owen, telling him that he's sure the agencies can pull some strings and get him pardoned if he agrees to give up Chimera. It's hard to describe the expressions & body language in a way that doesn't sound kinda weird, but there's a flash on Curt's face that reads to me like "if you give up Chimera maybe there's a chance for us," which is of course cut off by Owen's anger. There's a desperation, and even a little hint of optimism- it isn't too late to fix this.
Then depression- the expressions here are just heartbreaking, as Owen pontificates Curt is just slowly unraveling, leaning back into the staircase his face just crumbles. Like every word Owen says is physically hurting him. Like he's realizing slowly that there is no going back, that the time they shared & the feelings they had aren't going to be enough. Actor Curt Mega makes so many interesting acting choices here that say so much more than you could say through dialogue alone. The way Curt steps into the gun very much feels like he is accepting that baring his heart to Owen could get him killed, and that it's worth the risk to try (damn, just gave myself more empathy for agent mega here)
And then- acceptance. After Curt has his big moment of vulnerability, appealing to Owen's memories of their time together, and Owen rejects him by telling him to move on, Curt accepts that he has to kill Owen. It reads to me like he isn't doing it to save the world (or at least not exclusively for that) he's doing it to save himself. To remove the spectre of Owen that has been haunting him for the last four years. That as long as Owen is alive he will be haunting Curt.
(As an Owen Carvour defender I have to point out that Owen is *disarmed* at this point, so I personally have a whole big rant I could make but this shit is too long already)
Again it's weird to describe someone's facial expressions and body language, but all of the emotions you can infer from this scene are down to just great acting. Two really good actors doing a well-written scene spectacularly. As good as the rest of the show is- and its very good- this scene is why there's still an active fanbase for a comedy spy parody musical, still making art and writing fanfiction and doing edits and memes about the relationship between Owen Carvour and Agent Curt Mega nearly eight years later.
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imaginidol · 1 year
Kyungsoo: Recording My Thoughts Out Loud
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"Could we maybe try that line again?" You speak into the small microphone that projects your voice into Kyungsoo's recording booth. He scrunches his face in annoyance, though he is not annoyed at you particularly.
"Okay, ready," he signals a thumbs-up in your direction, and you replay the soundtrack from the demo's pre-chorus.
You and Kyungsoo were currently recording his lines for one of EXO's B-sides for an upcoming comeback. The only issue was that, surprisingly, Kyungsoo wasn't performing as well as he usually did.
"I started thinking of you, but not in the same way that I used to," Kyungsoo sung, pouring his everything into the lyric. He finished, let out a grunt, and motioned for you to re-record it again.
And so, you did.
Followed by another grunt,
and one last re-recording after that.
He was flustered, and you could see it. For a moment, you watched fondly in awe as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, completely focused on his own thoughts as he wrote something next to the lyric pages in front of him, quietly humming the tune of his adlibs in strive of perfection.
At this point, you weren't even sure if keeping him to record so late at night was truly a mishap or a blessing in disguise.
"I don't know," he muttered into the microphone, "if this even sounds good. This line, right here. What do you think of some improv?" He bit his lower lip, then shot his eyes up to make straight and sudden eye-contact with you, which made your heart skip a heavy beat and force you out of your daydreaming.
"Oh, uhm, okay. What did you have in mind?"
He cleared his throat. "Give me a few minutes, let me try to figure something out," he smiled once he got your approval.
Once again, you found yourself secretly admiring the sight of a deep-in-thought Kyungsoo humming different harmonizations that would better suit the line he was assigned.
"Hmmm-hmmmm," you could, through your own pair of studio headphones, quietly listen into his voice as he did so.
Shit, he sounds so fucking beautiful, you thought quietly to yourself.
"Hmm, hmm, hmm," he continued on, unaware of your admiration.
I could listen to you aaallllll day, you smiled sheepishly to yourself, putting your fingers over your mouth to hide your now obvious blushing. I need to calm down, I can't be unfocused right now!
If anyone ever finds out I'm crushing badly on this fucker, I'll probably get fired or something. Maybe. I've only been here a week. I'm not about to find out.
But who knew... Kyungsoo of EXO is so unbelievably attractive... and he doesn't even try!
His quiet but thoughtful personality, matched with an angelic voice...
Fuck, I love my new job.
"Okay," he shifted his focus back to you, "I think I got it now."
You proceeded to finish recording the rest of his lines flawlessly, and his contribution certainly gave the song more of an EXO vibe than it had before.
"Okay, I'm going to look over the adlibs for the bridge, and then the outro stuff," he smiled. "One minute, please."
"You can have all of my damn time if you want it," you muttered quietly under your breath, once again enjoying the sounds of his harmonization through your headphones.
"This line..." he examined his papers, singing up a scale to slowly make his way to the high note he needed to reach.
"Come with me 'cause I need you right... nooooooooooooww!" He closed his eyes as he gracefully reached the most beautiful vocal note you'd ever possibly heard.
"You're so fucking HOT for that," you whispered into your hand, covering the stupid smile that spread vulnerably across your face.
He tried it once more, this time probably more perfect than the last, if that was even possible.
"I need an inhaler," you giggled and whispered quietly to yourself, "because this man sounds prettier than Baekhyun. Than fucking Baekhyun!"
After about ten or so minutes, you finally ended the recording session, giving Kyungsoo a big thumbs-up as you proceeded to save the computer audio files appropriately while he gathered his things in the booth to leave.
"Well done today, Kyungsoo," you said as encouragingly but also professionally as you possibly could. You were still working, after all, and had to respect him regardless of being co-workers, a fan, a mutual, or not.
"Thank you," he smiled at you, and you offered a smile back as he motioned his way to open the door for you both to exit the recording room.
"Oh," he turned to look at you, placing one hand against the doorknob, "I have a quick question."
"Sure," you looked up at him as you finished zipping up your coat.
"Do you really think I'm better than Baek?"
Your heart dropped. No wait, your face dropped first. Matter of fact, you almost nearly collapsed at the words that slipped his mouth.
"You-- what?"
"Baekhyun," he said, a gentle smile with perfect teeth now spreading curiously over his face. "And I'm hot too, apparently."
"I'm-- WHAT!?"
He let out a comfortable laugh as you felt your face redden, your palms dampening intensely, and your heart practically racing out of your chest.
"You know," he said, motioning towards the desk of the computer and pointing toward a small switch on the left center of the audio console. "This right here mutes your mic. You mute it and unmute it when you want to talk to me in the booth. I think I forgot to show you that when I went over this console's basic things, but I figured you'd find it since you're a session recorder, after all. I guess not."
Shit, you defeatedly cover your face in total embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry, Kyungsoo! I'm really taking this job seriously and I'm not some creepy crazy fan--"
"Don't worry about it," he laughed, wrapping a gentle arm around your shoulders and bringing you into a hug.
Fuck, you thought as the scent of his elegant cologne hit your face.
"I won't tell anyone," he winked, "just as long as you promise to keep doing it. But just with me."
You smiled awkwardly, nodding at his request.
Well, now he just knows what he's doing. And he's good at it.
"Let me walk you out to your car tonight."
Offering you his sweetest smile and gentlest hand to grab, he opened the door for you and, like the gentleman he was, allowed you to walk out first.
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YES! BPP! YES! I KNEW YOU'D SHARE MY EXCITEMENT!!!! I don't know anyone in real life who is an army and shares my love for BTS' music and story, so it's so awesome to see a fellow enthusiast gush over such a stellar magnificent artist!!! Yoongi looks so in the zone on the stage. Like he can finally breathe again, like he has found himself again, like he is finding the meaning of his life over and over again. He looks so at home. It's mind boggling how at ease he is in front of 15k(?) ppl?? +
Ask 2: His command of the stage, much less the audience and his music, is impeccable. "Electric" is definitely the word for it. I mean how does he look more relaxed here than his variety/advertisement gigs!? The word natural comes to my mind but I know that's not quite it. It's like how gravity works, like how water flows. He just is. With his music. And I'm just in awe watching him, and thankful. Every time I look at them perform their music, my worry kinda vanishes and it's unbelievably addicting. +
Ask 3: Sorry! I thought I was done but I wasn't!!! Did you know that this is the VERY FIRST MINIMINI LIVE TOGETHER EVER!?!?@! Like what?!? But you know what that's ok cuz they were hilarious and lovely and made me so happy! lol Don't worry tannies, I'm confused about barking thingy, too. haha. Also did you see the crowd control wristband and the arena lightning colors (prudential was awful tho, UBS ftw!!)?? It has to be intentional, right? Along with that rainbow cake, everything is just chef's kiss
Ask 4: BPP, pretty pretty please can you try to describe Yoongi's music? What does he sound like to you?
Hi Anon(s),
Yoongi's music sounds like nothing I've heard anywhere else. Nobody, past or present, sounds like Yoongi.
But if I were to make a rough approximation, I'd say his sound is something close to if Hans Zimmer, Jimi Hendrix, Pop Smoke, and Andre 3000 had a four-way, with Eminem directing and filming the whole affair. The product of whatever that is, is kinda close to Yoongi's core soundscape. In my opinion. Yoongi too, more than any other member, loves infusing Korean texture, sounds, and proverbs, into his music and it’s something I really can’t get enough of. In terms of lyrical focus, he's similar to Kendrick Lamar, Lupe Fiasco, and Tablo. Also, from the way Yoongi makes music, you can tell that he plays musical instruments. Yoongi's songs are some of the most fun to play on guitar or keyboard/piano. If any of my followers play guitar, I'd like y'all to actually let me know if you've tried playing Amygdala, and tell me how you felt playing it. (You can DM me if you like.) The music Yoongi makes is angst, it's unapologetically emo, and I'm an emo girl who refuses to outgrow this phase. He makes music for people like me. People who want to scream "burn it!" on the disgusting beat he crafted from scratch. Yoongi makes music for carpenters, sluts, philosophers, queers, parents, rebels, misfits, for anybody who finds themselves caring too much about the world around them, and those who sometimes struggle to know themselves.
I'm just going to stop here because I can't do this. Writing about him is hard.
Let's just talk about how hot he is instead. :)
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(Even his scars are pretty)
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(…he deadass looks like that. In real life.)
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(Yoongi’s vocal inflections fuck me up. By the way. He reveals what he is, every time he uses his tone to make his point. He reveals just how insane he is every time he does that. It drives me mad.)
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(He likes to be tied and spanked fyi. He’s recently taken to pouting a lot too. And now barking apparently gets him excited. Any way you look at it, he’s trouble.)
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(Yoongi is so beautiful.)
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Anon in ask 3, Yoonmin’s live was the cutest, sweetest, most wholesome and queer interaction I’d seen from the tannies in a good while. I love what they have. Jikook is jikook, but I mean, I actually bias Yoongi. Seeing how he is with Jimin, how he’s always been with Jimin, is impossible for me to ignore. It’s one reason I started paying attention to Jimin in the first place. Anyway, everything about their conversation - the way Yoongi introduced him, the Tony Montana sneak, their mutual barking, the smiles, jokes and stares, the cutting sarcasm and bickering rallies - I’d missed seeing that and I’m glad they shared that moment with us.
I’m really hoping Yoongi is able to keep his health up the whole tour. He goes all out 100% every time he’s on stage, and that would put a strain on even the most fit person alive. His shoulder surgery was ~3 years ago yeah, but he likely still does physical therapy, and excessive use during the tour could strain it again. My hope is for him to be healthy the whole time. And ARMYs who always show up for BTS, being there to be the energy he needs. He deserves all the support he gets.
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mini-yoongers · 2 years
impressions of a newborn atiny
k i've been into Ateez for maybe almost a month now, and in a nutshell my stanning process is as follows:
• absolutely binge on nothing but music videos • after a couple weeks graduate to performances/relays • start learning names/watching fan vids
last night i started watching fanvids and got all their names down. here is what i think of the Ateez members so far.
San - San is 100% the only reason I even glanced at Ateez. I saw that story their hair stylist posted on her instagram of him absolutely wrecking his tresses during a Guerrilla performance and I was like Ok. I need to know this guy. And he's pretty much everything I expected. I am infatuated with not only his dedication to dancing but his harsh appearance and the way you can see his true nature is that of an artist. He seems like he tries very hard in all avenues of life. His sex appeal is off the charts. His face is my ideal and I want him to slice me open with his cheekbones. Knowing he is 5'9" makes me want to go feral. I will stan this man til I die, I suppose.
Hongjoong - he is drugs and I need more.
Seonghwa -Seong reminds me so much of Saga from Alice Nine to the point where it makes me want to screech and cry. He seems like the best hyung. He's so caring and is always just... there??? Also his nose. Jesus fuck don't let any plastic surgeons near that gorgeous masterpiece of evolution. A good boy. A great boy. I want to love him with all my heart.
Wooyoung - He is Yeonjun's boyfriend. His face is comforting. I feel like he's still figuring out a lot about himself.
Yeosang - Visuals are out of this world. Seriously. Every time I see him out of the corner of my eye I'm like wtf is that GORGEOUS THING THERE??? Oh tis Yeosang. Reminds me so much of Ren from Nu'est, both in appearance and personality. Seems like a very comfortable, comfy person. I love his body proportions and general energy/aura. Feels very calm and stable to me. Contender for bias.
Yunho - Unbelievably sweet energy. Can't imagine he's ever done a bad thing in his life. Tall enough to be friends with TXT. I will inevitably be falling extremely hard for him at some point. Soft soft soft soft soft boy.
Mingi - I love how when he raps he has that sorta heavy/draggy sound to his words. Super attractive. He's like a hot jock. Seems super sweet tho.
Jongho - Body so smol. Voice so big. Obsessed with his singing. Love how every time he has a line my brain goes "yep it's that guy." Very curious to learn more about what his personality is like.
As a group, Ateez seem to jive really well with each other and in my mind they really stand out amongst a lot of the mediocre groups in terms of their raw talent. I really love the way they utilize/use MR in their live performances, and don't shy away from it but rather use it for a consistency throughout the performance that really accomplishes what they're going for. Their use of MR allows them to go all in on the choreography. I think the way they separate their incredible vocals into studio recording and their incredible dancing into the live performances is really admirable, and demonstrates a clear vision for the group that a lot don't even come close to in their live performances.
Honestly I was... quite taken aback by how much more attractive they look in live performances than in MVs. Ha.
What strikes me the most are two things -- visually they're all very different from one another, which gives me the impression they were chosen for the group based on talent rather than strictly visuals/etc. They're definitely one of the BTS-modeled 4th gen groups, with their hyung not being the leader and the level of quality they push for in their dancing and performances. The sense of wholesomeness, and the involvement of members in music production, so on and so forth.
They also seem to really like each other, which is nice. I love the songs, and need to spend some time seeing which ones Hongjoong and other members took part in.
Ultimately, I think Ateez is a perfect blend of classic kpop styles and visuals with the modern 4th gen emphasis on talent and great personality.
I think that's all! Tell me how on or off I was with my impressions, I'm curious. Oh and spam me with San pics kthxbye.
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liquidisedfrogs · 1 year
Tonight, the night where... some... of Europe comes together and sings in an ..... something way, is the night I am willing to barf my brain out onto a page and commentate on the entire thing start to finish. THIS IS JUST MY OPINION!! Strap in motherfuckers....
We started the evening with the performance of last year's winner Ukraine (MWAH) starring Kate Middleton for some reason and Sam Ryder stood on top of some building in Liverpool. I had totally forgotten how earwormy that song was. I literally can't get it out of my head even now. We saw the countries come out onto stage to a very random compilation it seemed. I think Australia stole Germany's flag though.
PERFORMANCE 1 : ALBANIA- WHO THE HELL IS EDGAR? - TEYA & SALENA I'm not lying here when I say I LOVED this song. I loved how it took so much inspiration from Michael Jackson in the dance moves. The girl with the black hair was mind-blowing. Like, she was unbelievably gorgeous. I'm not saying the other one wasn't- they were both incredible. I loved how much colour and enthusiasm they seemed to have. IT WAS SO RANDOM AND I FREAKING LOVED IT. Rank no.5
PERFORMANCE 2 : PORTUGAL- AI CORAÇÃO- MIMICAT The dress. Oh my god that dress was DIVINE. I loved how like bright it was to be honest. It was just so dramatic and it felt like it had a lot of variety. I don't really know why it just really appealed to me. Her voice is DIVINE too. Rank no.6
PERFORMANCE 3 : SWITZERLAND- WATERGUN- REMO FORRER I'm not lying when I say that this song brought a tear to my eye. It was so moving but god, that guy needed to put a few more clothes on. I really liked it. Remo Forrer can sing so beatifully and yet I didn't know who he was before tonight. That low note made my jaw drop. Powerful. All I can say really. The guy also reminded me of Noah Schnapp for some goddamn insane reason. Rank no.7
PERFORMANCE 4 : POLAND- SOLO- BLANKA I had to rewatch it cause it was kind of forgettable. Felt like it had been done so much before. I don't mean any hate by this but I just didn't like it. I wasn't as WOW as other songs have been. It gave me the vibe of the Stuck In The Middle theme mixed with Despacito. It just didn't feel if you know what I mean. Rank no.23
PERFORMANCE 5 : SERBIA- SAMO MI SE SPAVA- LUKE BLACK Perfection. It was so.... I don't have words for it. It was just fantastic. It showed so much talent and I loved the Graham Norton description of the nerdiness and that definitely came across so incredibly in the performance. It was just like smoke sweat and tears. I LOVED THE VIDEO GAME BIT. It's a great song, it's a wonderful performance. It's the best. Also, take a moment to consider how fit the guy was. This was no doubt the best act in my opinion but I know not many people have the same opinions as me so I'm accepting the fact that he's probably not gonna win. Rank no.1
PERFORMANCE 6 : FRANCE- LA ZARRA- Évidement It had such a french vibe to it for some reason. It's stuck in my head. I really enjoyed it to be honest. The outfit was genuinely on point and the vocals were stunning. The chorus kinda gave me Dua Lipa vibes but there's nothing wrong with that is there. The lyrics were kinda dramatic. Overall, I ate it up. Freaking glorious song there was just a lot of good competition. Rank no.10
PERFORMANCE 7 : CYPRUS- BREAK A BROKEN HEART- ANDREW LAMBROU Not memorable. It was quite sad. He's got a good voice, there were just better songs to be honest. It was quite repetetitive. I didn't enjoy it particularly it was just there. A few more layers would be nice. He sung quite high and it wasn't necessarilly appealing. THE FIRE THO. That arena must have been so hot. His voice at the end was beautiful, fight me. Rank no.16
PERFORMANCE 8 : SPAIN- EAEA- BLANCA PALOMA The bit at the beginning with the vocalisations (I think that's what they're called) was incredible. It gave off quite a middle eastern movie vibe which I wasn't expecting from Spain. Her top genuinely looked like it had been melted by heat which made me laugh. It gave off a Satanic ritual vibe. I liked the song but the electronic parts really didn't fit her talented and gorgeous voice. Rank no.22
PERFORMANCE 9 : SWEDEN- TATTOO- LOREEN I loved the vibes she gave off espescially in the introduction bit to the song, she looked like a batty pintrest witch which is a look I adore. Her hair was just stunning but for some reason it didn't look real, I don't know. THE NAILS!! God, they were so long. Her whole set was just tattooine(hmm maybe she thought about that) to me. It gave Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. I really liked it. The whole song was so nice. There's not really any other way to say it than that. I really liked it though. I'm happy it was her that won. Rank no.12
PERFORMANCE 10 : ALBANIA- DUJE- ALBINA & FAMILJA KELMENDI I really looked forward to this one because it was a family quite like me and my siblings but I felt quite sorry because only one of the girls really got to sing in it. You could tell who was the favourite child. I loved the sister's outfits and the bit where it basically turned into the parents' love song was great. It was a good performance but it wasn't anything special. Rank no.15
10 down, 16 to go!
PERFORMANCE 11 : ITALY- DUE VITA- MARCO MENGONI I liked the top, make me one. He has a gorgeous voice. It was quite moving in some ways but I did get distracted by the trampoline guys in the back. I LOVED THEM. The lyrics were a bit random, I had it on translating subtitles. It was okay, I didn't think it was anything special though. It was a sway with your arms in the air type of song. He's such a good singer, I swear, I just didn't love the song. Rank no.19
PERFORMANCE 12 : ESTONIA- BRIDGES- ALIKA It was a magical song. I really enjoyed how it gave off fairy Elsa vibes for some reason. I don't really have many words it was just lovely. She has such an incredible voice. I loved her outfit as well it was fabulous. It was just a gorgeous song, I really liked it. She has such a powerful voice. It was divine. Rank no.8
PERFORMANCE 13 : FINLAND- CHA CHA CHA- KÄÄRIJÄ If you're here for a specific song, it's probably gonna be this one. The hulk forgets to put on his chestpiece and he's on the stage at Eurovision singing a heavy-metal-techno-pop number. I still can't understand what the fuck this song was about. It's really confusing but it's a bop. I'm just blasting out CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA in my brain the whole time. I really liked it. It was a proper random Eurovision song and I LIVE for em. The guy's got a good voice on him though, the prolonged shouting must have been hard. Rank no.9
PERFORMANCE 14 : CZECHIA- MY SISTER'S CROWN- VESNA It gave ballet recital gone wrong for me. It sounded a bit too like the winning song from last year for my liking but it was incredible with the harmonies. I didn't really get the hair message. They were doing feminism stuff but sticking directly to the gender roles traditionally set which I didn't understand. It was powerful and I did like it. Rank no.18
PERFORMANCE 15 : AUSTRALIA- PROMISE- VOYAGER I love watching forty odd year olds dance around on stage like they're twenty one. It felt like someone had gone through my playlist, taken the best bits from each song and melted them into a pot together. It is an anthem and I adore that. I loved the woman on guitar. She was so good. I loved the vibes it sounded like it could be in a video game and honest to god it was one of my favourites of the night. Rank no.3
PERFORMANCE 16 : BELGIUM- BECAUSE OF YOU- GUSTAPH The Boy George vibes were real. His outfit gave rich man goes on safari but there's been an incident with a red sock. It was a BOP like literally. I just wanted to do the macerena the whole time. The start bit reminded me of a musical I can't remember the name of. It was kind of repetetive which I didn't like. It was okay to be honest. Shoutout to the guy who was willing to be a furry stripper for this. Rank no.17
PERFORMANCE 17 : ARMENIA- FUTURE LOVER- BRUNETTE The singer gave me Ariana Grande vibes. It was average. It was a bit like an I'm not like other girls. She has a lovely voice but it did get quite lost in the other countries amazingnesses. It didn't really stick in my head so I had to rewatch the full thing whereas with most of the others I either don't have to watch it or I only need a memory jog. The getup was stunning. The boots should have had black laces though, it would've fit do much better. She's incredibly talented but there were better songs. Rank no.21
PERFORMANCE 18 : MOLDOVA- SOARELE ŞI LUNA- PASHA PARFENI Welcome to the stage... satanic yoga teacher. I liked it. It was so European. It was a great watch. It reminded me of the Mandolorian theme which is a massive compliment in my book. The horny women were great. (They had horns in their hair.) It was very Eurovision esque and I really liked it. It was quite funny and my little brother voted for it. Great song. Rank no.13
PERFORMANCE 19 : UKRAINE- HEART OF STEEL- TVORCHI After last year, I had very high hopes for Ukraine. I enjoyed it. I really liked all the staging it was stunning but it didn't stand out to me very much. The phantom of the opera guy got the night off though! It was a great song. It would be great at a festival, I can see it now. I don't have a ton to say about it. It was good but not mind-blowing. Rank no.14
PERFORMANCE 20 : NORWAY- QUEEN OF THE KINGS- ALESSANDRA This whole song makes make me want to yell with happiness. It just like scratches my brain for some reason. It was the only song this year that I had heard before and even though I had, it did not disappoint. I swear it was a whole vibe. Her outfit was literally straight from SIX, bite me. I loved it. I loved every second of it but there were better songs. The high note showed talent. I mean, I can do it but, but it still shows years of effort and training. Rank no.11
Only 6 left!
PERFORMANCE 21 : GERMANY- BLOOD & GLITTER- LORD OF THE LOST HUGE SLAY. I loved it. In my honest opinion, I would've loved it to be in German but I do speak German so it wouldn't be that hard to understand. They really reminded me of Ghost with the whole red satan type vibe and the song itself. The makeup was FINE! I mean that in an attractive way. The start was so INCREDIBLE. He looked and sounded quite like Bowie and if you know me, you know I love Bowie. The heavy metal singing was on point. I'm suprised that they came last because they were pretty much tied with Serbia in my book I decided the ranks at like 1 am and my 1 am thoughts are always the best. Rank no.2
PERFORMANCE 22 : LITHUANIA- STAY- MONIKA LINKYTÉ The start made me think of the Lion King- just getting that off my chest before I dive into this one. It was lovely, it was beautiful but that's not really the winning characteristics. It was incredible. It gave off the sort of 2014 'Fight Song' vibe which I feel has been done so much already. I want to be able to mark this one higher but I feel I can't because of how high rated the other songs are. Rank no.20
PERFORMANCE 23 : ISRAEL- UNICORN- NOA KIREL Before I say anything, this is just me putting my opinions out there to get them off my head. I really didn't like this song. It was weird and it wasn't a song that I enjoyed watching. It's started off okay with a slight Melanie Martinez vibe but honestly shit hit the fan pretty quickly. It turned into a feminine anthem and, to me, all those songs sound the same. The worst bit was the bit where she said watch me dance and stripped off and basically became a stripper in her dance moves. There were children watching. You can't do that. Rank no.26
PERFORMANCE 24 : SLOVENIA- CARPE DIEM- JOKER OUT This was one of my favourite songs of the night. I adored the whole performance. It was like a step back into the past when Eurovision wasn't as big of an event and they didn't have all the feathers and glitter. It felt quite wholesome to me for an unknown reason. Personally, I don't think it was Eurovision standard. It was a lot more indie than all the other songs and it popped out of the page because of that. It had a very different view and appearance to the viewers. I have listened to this song about five times this morning I like it so much. Special mention to the guitarist because you look fantabulous. Like, you're so good-looking I can't understand wether it's gender envy or attraction. I loved the fits by the way. Rank no.4
PERFORMANCE 25 : CROATIA- MAMA ŠČ- Let 3 This performance made me really uncomfortable. They looked like a rip off of the YMCA and the song wasn't that good to be honest. It was just a bunch of people's grandads singing a dumb army style song and then stripping off. It wasn't enjoyable, it was very mildly funny and I just really didn't like it. It wasn't as bad as Israel or the UK though. Rank no.24
PERFORMANCE 26 : UK- I WROTE A SONG- MAE MULLER It was really just a mid song. She doesn't have the nicest voice and the song choice emphasised that. It was really repetetive and definately deserved the ranking it got. I do feel sorry for Mae though, she must have tried so hard. The staging wasn't that appealing and her outfit didn't fit the set. I would probably rate it 5/10 if I was doing that but I'm not. There was a lot of good competition and it simply wasn't as good. Rank no.25
I think Tattoo winning was a great descision. It isn't one I would've made but it really stood out. I do think Germany deserved a lot more than it was given and I feel extremely sorry for Spain who only got 5 points for the public because that must've hurt.
Shoutout to Sam Ryder with his really nice song at the end, I though it was great. Also, they managed to get ROGER TAYLOR for it. FREAKING ROGER TAYLOR!!!
Have a nice day/night reader and I hope you return next year for another unnecessarily long Eurovision rant.
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goongiveusnothing · 2 years
remember how harry wouldn't let those other singers get the credit for singing in his song with him, and were told if they didn't like it he'd find someone who would accept that?///
Omg. I completely blocked that from my mind. That was the first time it really hit how greedy he is. I’m remembering his fans made it seem like an honor that he was stealing from the girl group. They would get more “exposure” due to the kindness of their fairy godmother Harry sharing credits. Except no one would have even known they performed the majority of vocals since Harry didn’t bother mentioning it.
He’s hell bent on being seen as some boy genius (loool 😂) who does it all even though we can see a whole ass village manufacturing his image. With how tight he holds on to his purse strings though, I cannot imagine him willingly giving anything beyond the bare minimum to anyone, not even people on his own team. This is a person who needed others to chip in on a donation so he would have enough money for his $250,000 Ferrari. He be greedy af. His downfall will be enjoyed by many. I’m here for it 🍿 🥤
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some of his stans are still delusional about this, so this is what they said again. "AND IF YOU DON'T WANT THAT, THEN WE'LL JUST TAKE YOUR VOICES OFF AND REPLACE THEM." i know the harry style translators are very busy these days trying to turn all the stupid shit he says into something coherent and intellectual, but the meaning behind this comment was if they refused to engage with this shitty practice of just having a regular credit, the harry styles TPWK machine told them to get fucked, and they'd just simply replace them... with people who would agree to those terms. you either agree to them or walk. so they had to agree to get some money and attention from this. because harry knows people will agree to it because they'll want the association to him.
so if you think how he was like with them... it's absolutely how he is like with his song writers and producers. you have to give him the big credit no matter what, or he'll find someone who'll agree to it. he's not the only major celeb who acts like this.
and yes, the man is greedy as sin! i keep thinking that to cover up his all his bad PR he'll try some charity thing, but he doesn't! because to do charity would require his own money and he's not doing that! he gave that donation to a hospital via part of his tour money where they both put together some money to have a $100,000 donation, which meant harry could've literally only made a $10,000 to be part of it. unbelievable greed from someone with all that.
his shitty pleasing crap, his awful merchandise, the lack of any stage concepts or production at all, data mining, ticketmaster, residencies in US cities, all of these are to cut costs and increase how much he earns. there's zero doubt in my mind that he treats the people who make his albums in the exact same scrooge like way.
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This Game of Yours
Father of Mine – Part 1 and Part 2
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Jason was beautiful.
And somehow that scar that went from the right corner of his mouth up to his temple only made him that much more beautiful to Y/N.
Those blue eyes were the same color of water on a stormy day in the Irish sea. And somehow Y/N knew they held the same tempestuousness.
The white streak weaved with his jet black hair so naturally that Y/N would’ve believed he was born with it.
His shoulders were so broad, making his 6’3 height feel even more imposing. He had a presence. People noticed every time he walked into a room. It made Y/N wonder how he was ever able to sneak up on people as Red Hood.
He was wearing a black hoodie underneath his black moto jacket.
Y/N knew Jason didn’t give a shit about fashion. Yet he was well-dressed without any effort – more so than most of the models Y/N had shot throughout her career.
Not being able to control herself any longer, Y/N raised her camera and took a photo.
Jason stopped surveying their surroundings and his gaze snapped to her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
But his growl didn’t scare her in the slightest.
“Anyone who’s by me when I have a camera is at risk of getting their picture taken. No one is safe. Not even you,” she answered his question unapologetically.
Y/N was working on a personal passion project for her next show. Her collection would be about the poverty and crime of Gotham. Half of the photos would show the heaviest crime areas of the city. And the other half would expose the lifestyles of the wealthiest people in Gotham.
Why did so many suffer from the same system that helped the rich get even richer?
When Bruce found out Y/N was going to Crime Alley and the Bowery by herself, he was visibly upset.
But he realized that Y/N would do as she pleased, so his plan b was to give her protective detail.
However, Y/N didn’t know that Jason had volunteered, almost immediately.
Instead, all she heard was Jason grimly telling her, “You’re lucky you haven’t been fucking murdered yet.”
She had only responded with a roll of her eyes.
“I’m not your escort so you can take my picture. I’m here so you don’t get raped or murdered.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you have a way with words?”
His only response was a glare.
Jason loved playing this game. The game of pretending to be irritated with her when actually he was absolutely infatuated with Y/F/N Y/L/N.
“The easiest way to stop getting your picture taken is to always be the one holding the camera,” Y/N added with a smirk and wink.
Jason didn’t answer, only thinking what a shame it was that no one got to photograph her.
Suddenly, the sunlight hit the top of his head perfectly, creating a halo around that thick and messy hair of his.
Y/N snapped another photo.
“Will you stop?” He warned.
It only succeeded in making her laugh.
And that just excited his heart even more.
“Jason, you were born to get your photo taken.” 
There was no joke underneath her words, only sincerity.
“Whatever,” he mumbled.
Jason had a hard time believing that. His skin was riddled with scars. And he was convinced that she’d be singing a different song if she saw his chest, with its thick autopsy scar amongst the so many others. The absolute last word he’d use to describe himself was beautiful. Strong and imposing? Yes. But never beautiful – or any other positive adjective, for that matter.
“I’m not kidding. If you ever want to stop the whole vigilante thing, you can easily become a model.”
Y/N had noticed it as soon as Jason took of his helmet that night. His domino mask had done nothing to prevent her from noting the obvious.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to realize Jason wasn’t like his “brothers.”
“Brothers.” What a strange word.
Should she consider all of them as hers?
Only Damian was actually related to her – and technically he was only her half-brother.
Y/N had watched Jason get on his motorcycle and leave the cave that night she’d almost died.
She’d agreed to stay for dinner and get to know everyone. And a part of her brain was excited to get a better read on the masked man that sat by her bedside as she’d recovered.
“He’s not staying?” Y/N had asked Bruce as he guided her to the stairs that led back up to the manor.
He only shook his head, but she noticed the disappointed expression.
Soon she found out that Jason was the black sheep of this strange family that had taken her in.
Dick was the one who told her about Jason’s dark past. All of it seemed unbelievable: murdered by Joker and brought back to life from a mysterious pit. Only to return to the family who appeared to have replaced him and never sought vengeance on Jason’s behalf. 
But it was true; Y/N had seen no lie in Dick’s eyes when he filled her in.
Suddenly there was yelling coming from around the corner.
Without hesitation, Jason shoved Y/N behind him.
He reached for one of his guns and then realized that he didn’t have any.
Y/N was rather vocal about hating them, claiming they made her extremely uncomfortable.
Her expression alone as she said it was enough for Jason to swallow his stubbornness and leave the things at home.
Bruce was rather taken aback by the gesture. Nothing he’d ever said was enough to get Jason to do that.
A gang of young men came marching around the corner like they owned the place…because they did. This was their territory.
Jason immediately recognized them as some of the Russian mob.
Despite pulling Y/N behind him, they still caught sight of her and looked her up and down without an ounce of shame.
“Hey, beautiful. How you doing?”
“Продолжай идти, придурки,” Jason growled at them.
He was outnumbered. But there must’ve been something about his body language that made the gang realize they shouldn’t pick a fight with him. Maybe it was the muscles or his height or that he looked like he wouldn’t even blink before murdering them.
So they just…walked away. Some of them mumbled threats or insults at him. But they realized they shouldn’t even so much as look at Y/N.
A split second before they were gone, Y/N took a picture of Jason.
“Really?” He asked.
She shrugged. “You look like a different person when you’re protective.”
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Y/N was beautiful.
Jason watched as she passionately explained her work to a potential buyer.
He recognized the man as a local politician – luckily, one of the few that hadn’t been corrupted from this shitty city.
Y/N had the intimidating energy of her father, but the kind eyes of her mother. At least, that was what Bruce had told everyone, and they all took his word for it.
She wore a stylish white jumpsuit that made her look like a 1980s villain and black stiletto heels. 
Jason watched as men cowered in her presence, hating the fact that she proudly stood taller than them. She was just one less woman they could intimidate or manipulate – and they couldn’t stand it.
But Jason loved watching the emasculation in real time.
The bastards didn’t deserve her anyway.
Dick was one of the very few men Jason knew who didn’t blink at a woman towering over him. In fact, his older brother had a track record of preferring it.
“Surprised to see you here,” Bruce said beside him, catching Jason watching Y/N.
“Well, I was her personal bodyguard through all this. Figured I should see if it was worth me wasting my time or not.” Then he tossed back his champagne and slammed it on the tray of a waiter passing by. “Plus, free alcohol.”
Bruce just quirked an eyebrow, silently telling Jason that he knew he was lying.
“Are you buying something?” Jason asked, trying to change the subject.
“I have been strictly forbidden,” Bruce sighed.
Jason chuckled.
He knew if Bruce had his way, he’d buy every single on of Y/N’s pieces.
“I have to know,” Bruce began. “What exactly is holding you back?”
Jason finally ripped his gaze away from Y/N to give Bruce a questioning look.
“What are you talking about?”
“Y/N. You care about her.”
“All of us do,” Jason brushed off. “Even the demon spawn.”
Bruce knew there wasn’t a chance Jason would admit his feelings – especially to him.
“Not that I think you care…but you have my approval.”
Little did Bruce know, Jason did care.
Jason had convinced himself that their rocky relationship and past fights meant that Bruce would die before he let Jason be anywhere near his daughter.
And Jason could hardly blame him.
He didn’t deserve to be loved. He lost that right after he died and came back a monster. And that was the story Jason told himself over and over again.
So he would love Y/N from afar. And hope she would pick someone who was worthy of her love.
“She’s basically my sister,” Jason groaned in fake disgust.
It was quite the performance.
Bruce narrowed his eyes. “We both know that isn’t what’s stopping you. And you’ve made it clear you don’t consider us your family.”
“Whatever, Bruce.”
Jason walked away, having enough of the subject.
“What was that about?” Clark asked as he joined Bruce’s side.
“Jason refusing to let himself be happy,” Bruce sighed.
Clark already knew what Bruce was talking about. He’d seen Y/N and Jason dancing around each other for months now. He’d never really seen Y/N take an interest in anyone before, so it was all new for Clark.
“Don’t worry. Y/N won’t let him get away with it for much longer,” Clark said through a smirk. “She gets what she wants.”
And Bruce believed him.
“It doesn’t bother you – the two of them together?” Clark asked with genuine curiosity.
“Jason reminds me every day that I’m not his father. And I’m hardly Y/N’s.” A soft smile formed on Bruce’s lips. “He’ll look after her. And she…I think she’d be good for him. I just want them to be happy. Both of them.”
Jason headed home rather early.
He’d never actually went to say congratulations or even hello to Y/N.
Every time he was about to go over, someone else stole her attention. He didn’t want to get in the way of her talking to potential buyers or even just friends.
Jason was just about to make himself something to eat when there was a knock at his door.
He froze.
Very few people knew where his apartment was.
Jason grabbed a gun and tiptoed to his front door.
With a peak through the peephole, he let out a irritated sigh.
Jason whipped the door open, “You’re lucky I didn’t shoot your head off.”
“Maybe don’t own guns and you wouldn’t have to worry about shit like that,” Y/N snapped back.
“What are you doing here?”
“You come to my gallery opening and don’t even say hi?” Y/N accused as she stepped around him and into the apartment, not waiting for an invitation.
Jason eyed the paper bag that was in one of her hands.
“By all means, come on in,” he called sarcastically as he slammed the door behind her.
Y/N started searching through his cabinets. “Where are your glasses?”
“The one to your right. What are you doing here?”
Y/N had the brightest and almost mischievous smile as she pulled a bottle of champagne from the paper bag.
“I brought this as my thanks for you making sure I don’t – and I quote – ‘get raped and murdered.’”
Jason glared at her.
Here was the game again.
Y/N being charming and hilariously provoking..and Jason pretending like he hadn’t fallen for her.
She poured them both a glass. They weren’t flutes or coupes, but she couldn’t care less.
“We’re chugging these, by the way,” Y/N informed Jason as she handed him a glass.
He sighed, but obediently clinked his glass with hers and tossed it back.
Barely giving them a second, Y/N immediately refilled them.
“So, why didn’t you come over and say hi?” She repeated.
“Didn’t want to bother you,” Jason mumbled with a shrug.
She narrowed her eyes at his answer. “You’ve never bothered me before, Jason.”
Now he felt guilty.
Jason bowed his head. “I should’ve come and talked to you,” he agreed. “Your work…it looked – it’s amazing, Y/N. Congratulations.”
Apparently Y/N hadn’t expected such a sincere compliment from him, and she was stunned to silence.
“Thank you,” she managed to whisper once she’d recovered.
She cleared her throat, trying to maintain her edge. “And really…thank you for being my own little security detail.”
If Jason was healthy about expressing is thoughts and feelings, he would’ve told her that it was the highlight of his weeks. That he looked forward to her calls or texts, telling him that she was going to photograph another shady area. “Be there or don’t. I’m going no matter what,” she’d text him with her usual snark.
But Jason didn’t express his thoughts and feelings.
He kept them bottled up – with the same energy he used to keep Y/N at a distance.
So instead, Jason said, “If it wasn’t me, one of the others would’ve done it.”
Y/N winced slightly at that.
‘You’re such a fucking asshole,’ Jason told himself.
“You know…we can see each other even you’re not my bodyguard.”
Jason was impressed by her boldness. But she didn’t know what she was doing. She didn’t understand that he wasn’t good. He couldn’t play the loving boyfriend role. She belonged with someone like Dick or Clark – or literally anyone but him. And Jason was willing to be an asshole to make sure she understood that.
Y/N took a step closer to him, invading his personal space.
Without breaking eye contact, she threw back her second glass of champagne and then placed it on the nearest counter space.
She stepped even closer.
This was simultaneously Jason’s worst nightmare and most desired dream.
Her eyes moved from his eyes to his lips.
But before she could make her final push, Jason took a step back and cleared his throat.
He looked down at the ground as he said, “You should go.”
When he looked up, he expected to find Y/N heartbroken or embarrassed.
But she was neither.
No. She looked irritated.
Not because she wasn’t getting what she wanted, but because she was sick of his games.
Y/N sighed and stepped back. “Fine.”
Jason rubbed his face in frustration as she grabbed her purse and started for the door she had walked through only minutes ago.
She opened it and paused.
“You know what? No. Fuck that,” Y/N snapped before slamming the door closed.
She whipped around and strutted back to him with purpose.
Jason was suspended with both fervor and awe.
Y/N grabbed his face and pulled him down to her lips.
All self control went out the window. Jason couldn’t continue his game. It was all over for him.
He kissed her back almost immediately. How could he not?
Y/N bit his lip slightly, making him hiss in surprise. It was his punishment for making her wait all this time.
Eventually they needed a moment to breathe.
But Y/N didn’t let go of his face when their lips finally parted.
“Choose your next words very carefully,” she breathed.
He swallowed nervously. “You’re kind of fucking terrifying. You know that?”
Her smile was pure evil.
Apparently this was the right response.
“Are you done being an idiot?” She asked.
He nodded quickly.
Her hands moved down and then lingered on his neck, tracing the bottom lines of his jaw.
She smiled again and then looked him up and down.
“What?” He questioned.
“Nothing,” she laughed. “I’m just…I’m not used to being shorter than men.”
“Is that the only reason you like me? Huh? My height?” Jason goaded.
“Of course not,” Y/N scoffed. “It was the whole ‘I look like I could murder everyone and I can, but deep down I’m a big softie’ that did it for me.”
Jason’s grip tightened on her waist. “Oh, yeah? You’re one to talk…”
“Me?!” She yelped. “I couldn’t kill anyone, even if my life depended on it.”
“Maybe. But your terrifying in basically every other way.”
Y/N laughed at that.
Jason couldn’t stop himself from smiling at the sound
“So…still want me to leave?” She asked.
And this time, she would if that’s really what he wanted.
“Fuck no,” Jason answered, almost threateningly.
Then, for good measure, he picked her up by the back of her thighs and carried her to the couch, before he started to kiss her once again.
Y/N knew things weren’t always going to be this simple.
Jason had his demons. 
And honestly, so did she. They were nothing like his. And maybe they were silly in comparison. But she wouldn’t be the perfect partner. Just like he wouldn’t be. 
They’d drive each other crazy. But it would be the good kind of crazy.
+ Childhood
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this-phenomenal-cat · 2 years
it’s just gonna be a lot of just me saying it was amazing but here’s song by song of my thoughts from seeing the Cats US Tour!
Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats
Phenomenal! I was impressed during this whole song!
Everything was just *chef’s kiss*
Naming Of Cats
This song is such a better experience live
I wish they would’ve went out into the aisles during this song, but alas, they did not
Invitation To The Jellicle
Hyla was just so amazing as Victoria and I could not keep my eyes off her during the whole show
Paul Giarratano was spectacular as Mistoffelees and was so extra ✨
Gumbie Cat
Nick Davis was absolutely fantastic
Rum Tum Tugger
Grizabella’s Entrance
Tayler Harris was so great as Grizabella
Lauren Louis’s Voice was so pretty
Bustopher Jones
I just love Bustopher Jones and it was absolutely perfect here
I remember my sister whispered to me at the start of the song, “James Corden”
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
It was just so fun
Max Craven and Allison Lian were just outstanding
Old Deuteronomy
Nick and Zach’s singing was so good
When Victoria when up closer to the left before Deuteronomy’s entrance 🥺
Jellicle Ball
The Macavity scare was really cool
The dancing was so crazy amazing and I was in awe the whole time
I thought it was really cool seeing Grizabella trying to like copy their movements behind them
The singing was just so phenomenal
Moments of Happiness
Brianna Kim was absolutely excellent as Sillabub
Gus: The Theater Cat
John Anker Bow and Kayli Jamison performed this song so well
The whole audience would laugh at all the funny parts which just the song feel so joyous
Pekes and the Pollicles
I thought it was really fun to watch
Christopher Salvaggio was so good as Skimbleshanks and he had great energy
Seeing the train get built was so fucking cool
The singing was so unbelievably good and it was just one big wow moment
Macavity like hypnotizing the Jellicles was so cool
The fight was so amazing to see
Magical Mr Mistoffelees
Zach Bravo’s vocals were so on point and wondeful
Paul Giarratano’s dancing was so so so incredible
Seeing the lights move around the stage was so beautiful to watch
I don’t even have the words to describe just how amazing it was
I have never felt such an emotional connection to this song until now
Journey to the Heaviside Layer
It was so beautiful with the tire being raised
I did cry
Addressing of Cats
Indalecio De Jesus Valentin had such a gorgeous voice
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rufusrant · 2 years
Florence + the Machine - Ceremonials: Album Review
I can't believe how long it took me to do this, considering the fun I had reviewing Lungs. But late is better than never.
As different songs are present and absent on both the standard and deluxe versions of Ceremonials, I've decided to combine the two. That means Breath of Life is present, along with the bonus tracks. However, I've cut out reviewing the acoustic and demo tracks of songs already present on the album, with the exception of Landscape.
With that said, let's plunge in headfirst!
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#1: Only If For A Night
This was inspired by a dream Florence had about her late grandmother, in which she told Florence to, ad verbatim, “concentrate on her perfect career”. It’s such a bittersweet, ethereal song that sets us up so well for recurring themes of loss and grief on this album.
For me, this song is so tame compared to the dive of darkness the album takes later — and even though I like the song overall and love the story it tells, I regret to say that although it works as an opening song I find it the weakest one yet out of all 5 albums so far from a musical standpoint. 6/10.
#2: Shake It Out
HHHHHH. I’m sorry. I can’t stand this one. I feel that this is very much the Dog Days Are Over of Ceremonials, but even Dog Days is enjoyable to listen to. Though I appreciate the triumph in Florence’s vocals and the vow to renew and restart herself in the lyrics, I mostly find the production of this one so overblown that it strips the song of its rightful poignancy, and has thus truthfully never struck that much of a chord with me. 4/10.
#3: What The Water Gave Me
Florence said My Drowning Obsession’s Back, Baby! 
The subtle rock beat, harp and shivery yet strong, solid vocals inspired by Virginia Woolf really shine here. Though it doesn’t have as huge or overwhelming a sound as compared to some of the band’s other water songs, there’s no doubt that you still feel Florence’s deep, cavernous body of water lapping at your knees as the harp trills and her voice glides over the surface. 7.5/10.
#4: Never Let Me Go
This song always reduces me to tears. I don’t think I’ve any way to aptly express what exactly this song means to me without having a crisis, so here’s the gist:
It’s a love song, a Don’t Forget About Me song, a grief song, a song about someone making peace with dying even though they’d like to stay and heading back to the source of all life — the arms of the ocean. The lyrics and Florence’s delivery of them are so unbelievably beautiful, sad and mournfully heartfelt. The instrumentals all around enhance the melancholy that just consumes you like a wave, and for this reason I can absolutely understand why Florence avoided performing this for the past 10 years. But nowadays I’m genuinely so glad that she’s in a better place than when she wrote this and is willing to perform it once again. 10/10. 
#5: Breaking Down
I know this is meant to be a song about depression but for screwball reasons that even I can’t fully understand, I’ve always thought this song had such “hey there demons it’s me ya boi” vibes. But I can’t help but think that it also describes Florence and the personification of her said depression holding hands so well, like they’re friends keeping each other company, repeating I think I’m breaking down again like a mantra that’s ironically supposed to keep them grounded. And I think that’s a huge mood.
But despite that, I find that I don’t really think very much about this song, and it doesn’t stand out that much in this album. 6/10.
#6: Lover To Lover
The sheer POWER of this song. It’s a fuck-all song, that’s why. There’s no salvation for me now and I’m gonna go to hell, but that’s alright. Florence stated that she wanted to make this song feel like it’s sung by a male soul singer, and thank you Florence because I feel that this showcases one of her most excellent hurricane-force vocals ever. 9/10. 
#7: No Light, No Light
Florence delivers a double act here with yet another of her best vocals. She goes from soft morning shy to loud, pounding cathedral voice. I find it so interesting that in both these songs one is about not giving a damn about herself anymore and this one here is about feeling insecure and immensely troubled by love. Coupled with the poetic lyrics conveying feelings of trepidation, of having to face fears and ugly truths, the song is so palpable; the song feels like an almighty plea for some higher power to lighten the pain yet a chastise of a partner who just can’t see eye to eye with her. The duality of this woman. 9/10.
#8: Seven Devils
This song is in hell. It’s so atmospheric and it really feels like a war or disaster is about to rage on. The slow, dark crawl of the drums and piano during the chorus is so skin-crawling, I can feel it drip over me like water. 9/10.
#9: Heartlines
A much-needed levity in the middle of the dark — surprising, but much needed. With upbeat drums, Florence’s inspiring message of simply following your heart and the grand imagery of journeying there delivers. It paints luscious, rejoicing visuals that fittingly feel like a reprieve from the siege that happened in the previous track. Unlike the last time she did a breather song in Lungs (Between Two Lungs after the epic Drumming Song), this song definitely feels more solid, more of its own thing and undoubtedly catchier. 7.5/10.
#10: Spectrum
GAY RIGHTS GAY RIGHTS. It feels so fun and starry and is a proper club-jumper, but because of that this song feels jarringly out of place on this album, even with the lightheartedness of both the preceding and succeeding track. 5.5/10. 
#11: All This And Heaven Too
One of the best songs there is about writer’s block. Because what is writer’s block if not your heart trying to express itself with all the best words and then screaming when it can’t. Creation is a divine thing and Florence really makes us feel it with this.
I really adore this from a musical standpoint because it sounds so harmonic and falls into place in a somehow easier way than any other song on this album. And I love how despite it’s really about frustration, Florence sings so hopefully, and why not, because writer’s block is always meant to be temporary and soon we’ll be up and creating again. 9/10.
#12: Leave My Body
I used to be so frightened of this song. Now it’s one of my favourites off the album. In the vein of grieving and with the themes of death on Ceremonials, Florence really does give one final grand moment with this one — it’s so strikingly mournful and has so much strength in it, especially when we discover that this song is how Florence describes the all-encompassing feeling of ascending as she performs live: it appears to be a song about dying and your soul exiting your body, but it’s actually about living purely in the moment and being here now, and I think that is such a beautifully genius, absolutely perfect duality to end the album on. Her melismatic vocals enhance the ocean of sound, both a send-off and yet a fully-live thrumming of the soul. 10/10.
#13: Breath Of Life
Recorded and released for the 2012 film Snow White and the Huntsman, this song is exactly what Florence + the Machine were MADE to do. The annihilating orchestral sound, Florence singing majestically with a backup choir, and the heart-pounding drums make this a brilliant dark fantasy song, albeit more PG than the holy terrors of Seven Devils but on a louder, more majestic-feeling scale. 9/10.
#14: Take Care - BBC Live At Maida Vale
A Drake cover. I did not realise this cover existed until fairly recently this year, but it’s definitely more of a pleasant surprise. In terms of a live cover it sounds much better than Florence’s cover of The Beatles’ Oh! Darling and I like the use of the piano, but when compared to the original song, I find that I like them both an equal amount. 5/10.
#15: Remain Nameless
I can never remember anything about this song. It’s one of the Florence songs I know exist, but always forget about. To me it just sounds so stilted, way too downbeat and repetitive. And I’m sorry, but Florence just sounds like she’s on the verge of falling asleep and jolting awake to go higher at random points. 1.5/10.
#16: Strangeness And Charm
Florence wakes up fully and kicks it up a notch immediately, matching the reactive, almost explosive quality of this chemistry-inspired song. The lyrics here incorporate scientific terms so naturally, combined with the general upbeat quality of the melody and Florence just sounding like she’s having a gas make for a generally cool song! However, as compared to what we’re going to hear next… 6.5/10.
#17: Bedroom Hymns 
I’m an asexual, but this song FUCKS SO HARD. This has been my top-played song on Spotify for the past two years. This song is the definition of le petite mort. This song resurrects the dead. This song is both Creation and the Apocalypse. It’s so tight, infectious, demonically horny, shoots both light and darkness out of it all at once, and that howl of Florence’s is primally perfect. 11/10. 
#18: Landscape - Demo
This is the most finished demo I have ever heard. It’s almost a pop number with the lively drums and Florence’s striding vocals, but the lyrics speak of a woman seeming to struggle with herself and her mental health, complete with a past that’s not exactly bright. Still, I all around like this one, and is definitely the other track next to Bedroom Hymns that I wish had made it onto the standard version! 7.5/10.
Overview: There's no doubt that this is the band's darkest and most emotionally fraught work to date, with so many songs about death, drowning, and straight-up leaving your body. Florence herself was going through the worst of her own pain and addiction at this era of her life, and thus I think that speaks for itself. Looking back on this album must not be the most joyous experience in the world, and I can't blame her at all.
Ceremonials was my favourite album for the majority of my time as an F+TM fan, because I discovered it during a rough period in my own life and it made me feel truly seen and heard. But that doesn't mean that as I heal and move on I don't love this album as dearly as when I first found it. Ceremonials is made from pain, because of pain, and for that I love it even more for being there when I needed it, with Florence's almighty sound to wash over me and remind me that I should pick myself up while I am very much alive. 9/10.
Stream Ceremonials on Spotify!
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louis-in-red · 3 years
Top ten AFHF moments, Steph go!!!! ❤️
Hi Sea! As the rest of the Louies, I’m still processing the whole thing. I woke up feeling so proud of this person I may never meet, but somehow feels like a friend from my childhood who I am watching grow up into this amazing performer and singer.
Here are my top ten moments (to be honest the whole thing is my favourite thing in the world right now)
1. His voice at the beginning: hearing his talking voice after so long, was so important. This year was hard, almost zero content, no interviews… so just hearing him speak (…I understood how important people are) was healing. I could honestly spend hours listening him talk 🖤
2. Him interacting with the crowd with the Spanish fans at the Madrid show 🔥 he looked so in his element and so proud (I felt like a fucking God). Kudos to the fan who said Louis is the puto amo 💙
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Credits to louisgalaxy for the gif
3. His little dance with Charlie when he arrives to film the Live From London Livestream 😭 I really like his relationship with Charlie and how Louis is always so silly with him. Plus, we get so see how Charlie is directing the whole thing which is HOT! Louis talking about how cool the livestreams are and a great opportunity for fans to see him for the first time… such a good soul that man 😔
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Credits to Sanju for the gif 💙
4. His little feet when he is jamming with his guitar 🥲 also him talking about the lack of inspiration and how difficult this time has been not just for him but for everyone else… it felt so human
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5. His excitement when speaking on the phone to Matt (I’m guessing it’s him) about the free concert. He said he wanted to be the first to doing one and being ahead of everyone else… 😫 plus he was so flirty, playing with his hair… 😮‍💨. I’m adding here as a fave bonus part, Louis being so involved in the whole process, choosing the venue, checking how the stage was going to be, also him being concern of respecting the distance with fans due to restrictions (the way he says Corona… 😳🤤)
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Credits to Sanju for the gif 💙
6. His relationship with Helene, from seeing how they rehearsed together, to knowing they have been working this whole last year through video calls (when the media and “his close friend from the band” said he was just drinking beer and probably chilling)… to know he was working during all this time into improving his voice because he is a perfectionist… I LOVE HIMMSO MUCH!! ALSO! Louis just LISTENS, doesn’t he? Like you can see how he listens to Helene. She could probably give harsh feedback sometimes and he would take it in the most positive way, because he knows Helene only just wants the best for him and her feedback will only be constructive. Her being a huge important part of his life, not just as vocal coach but as part of his support system makes me so emotional 😩 Louis my god! I’m watching again those clips and I’m crying again 😭 (PS: who is John??? wtf 😩 that name has been mentioned way too many times now and I’m clowning)
7. His confidence through the whole show but specially in We Made It??? Like he went out there to WIN!! He gave his all from the beginning to the end. I have to say I’m wasn’t a fan of 7 (😳) because I didn’t really listened to a cleaned version (only the ones from Madrid)… but NOW??? I’m a FAN! The band was so SICK and so INTO IT! It was hot to watch! They really killed it and it was one of my favourite moments from the concert 🤤 kudos to Charlie for capturing Louis’ beautiful eyes during DLIBYH.
8. The fans and how they reacted to everything Louis did or say! Him saying it’s fucking unbelievable and that it’s only posible for the fans 😪😪😪 what the fuck I was worried about? 🥲 and the fans during CHANGE… I don’t think they were expecting that quality of a song and you could tell in their faces that he exceeded their expectations (kudos once again to Charlie for beautifully capture the relationship between Louis and the fans). It was cute that Louis said the song it’s name CHANGE and not CHANGES 🙂
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Credits to setsfiretohistory for the gif
9. The band!!!! My GOD THEY ROCKED!!! They were so into it, they jammed through the whole thing and you could tell they really enjoyed it and that they love playing for Louis!! Steve was so 🔥🔥🔥 the drums were on FIRE!!! Michale and Isaac being a cute guitar duo during OTB and Matt being beautiful and cute during 7 just jamming and rocking 😫 Zak on the keyboards doing his little head movements 🥰 I don’t know what else to say I just love them and I love that Louis has them as a band. Kudos to the string ladies who sounded amazing and were so cool (drinking the encore shots)!!! I hope they go to tour with Louis 🥺
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Credits to Sanju for the gif 💙
10. The after show moments: From the group hug (that shot did some magic as well), to his family and his best friends being there, from Helene being the most proud (crying because Louis sounded amazing) to Louis talking about how he can get lost in his head sometimes but it was different during the festival and that he trusted Helene saying he smashed it… I think he truly felt it! He knew he gave his all and since it’s been a year and a half since he had that feeling… maybe he was afraid he wasn’t going to be that good but now he knows he was the best he has ever been and he feels more confidente than ever. I can’t wait for next year when will get the tour (please let him tour 😭) and probably (hopefully) we’ll get more bts footage since Charlie will be there with him for some dates (I hope).
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Credits to Manu for this gif 💙
Well… this was an emotional rollercoaster. I laughed, I cried, I was horny, I was sad, I was happy, I was proud… It was everything 😌😮‍💨 I’ll watch it again later 💙
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BUTCHER BABIES' HEIDI SHEPHERD Defends Return To 'Nipple Tape' For 'Freak On A Leash' Music Video
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Los Angeles-based rock band GINA AND THE EASTERN BLOCK has teamed up with the "provocative rock 'n' roll dance troupe" Little Miss Nasty and BUTCHER BABIES co-vocalist Heidi Shepherd to record a cover of the KORN classic "Freak On A Leash". The NSFW music video for the track, directed by GINA AND THE EASTERN BLOCK vocalist Gina Katon and Jonathan Covert, can be seen below.
Shepherd has since taken to her Instagram to explain her decision to return to the "nipple tape" look for the clip, having previously performed topless with tape over her nipples in the BUTCHER BABIES' early days.
Heidi wrote: "Let's talk.. Over the past 14 years of my career, Ive grown into a woman in front of the whole world. Over those 14 years, Ive also seen the industry change. In metal, we've been told that its 'not metal' to embrace your feminine qualities but, Ive also seen the same women called ugly & gross when we dont. We've seen 'them' say that we women should tone down the bold but, then say that we need to be extra bold to play w the boys. THEY tell us (we all are) to be unique, then immediately pin us against & compare us to each other. We've seen them say that, 'people dont want to see women scream, we should sing & be pretty', then say that 'we're all clones' after THEY are the ones that shoved us in that corner to begin w.
"Ive felt the whiplash over the past decade of 'do this'.. Actually, 'do that'. And I have to be honest, I lost myself in all of that. Ive always been a girl to push boundaries and give [the middle finger] to the box that people have tried to put me in. As time has gone on, I feel like I steered away from the things that made me unique. Ive realized, that subsequently ended up in some pretty, little box with a bow that would make others feel comfortable.
"When approached to dive back into [nipple] tape for this music video, I admit, I was apprehensive cause 'OMG what would THEY think?' Then @henryflury reminded me of how hard Ive worked. He reminded me that I came into this industry as a BAMF & I still am. He reminded me that I'm here to FUCKSHITUP! He reminded me that the female body is a goddamn piece of art & I should feel comfortable in the body that Ive worked so hard for. From surviving gastroschisis, to overcoming a debilitating eating disorder, to breaking my back, to NOW crushing the gym; I should feel grateful & proud of the body I have. We all should! I deserve to embrace my feminine qualities in any form I want, whether its nipple tape or turtlenecks. Cause we all have those moments of feeling like a badass, sexy woman, then also where we wanna rock our sweats and a baggy-ass tshirt. We should be empowered by both!
"So thank you @ginaandtheeasternblock for the reminder & the opportunity to rewind & reflect! So stoked about the video. THIS BITCH IS BACK! -SMD"
Regarding the music video, Katon commented: "Our version of 'Freak On A Leash' has so many of my favorite musical elements in it — it's dark, trippy, beautiful, weird, massive, and of course, nasty. When Marc (the producer) first played me the track, my mind was immediately flooded with ideas for the video. So the video is honestly the perfect reflection of the music. And it was such an honor to be able to work with Heidi on the song and the video. She's a true pro, an all-around great human being, and immensely talented. Heidi embodies the fierce darkness, power, and beautiful eroticism of this track perfectly. We also brought in some of the badass women from Little Miss Nasty to sing additional vocals on the song and to be the unbelievably gorgeous and powerful co-stars of this truly timeless video."
Shepherd stated about the clip: "Diving back to my roots with Gina and the talented ladies of Little Miss Nasty was the perfect reminder that we women are fierce as fuck and should be celebrated for how unique and beautiful we ALL are! Embracing our feminine qualities while attacking a classically sexy song felt like the perfect mix of confidence and empowerment that I needed to be reminded of. I'm honored to be a part of Gina's vision that touches on all senses."
Four years ago, Heidi said that she has no regrets about the period in BUTCHER BABIES' history when she and co-vocalist Carla Harvey used to perform topless with tape over their nipples, explaining that it was meant as an ode to PLASMATICS frontwoman Wendy O. Williams, who had a song called "Butcher Baby".
While Shepherd and Harvey's look earned them plenty of attention, they were labeled a gimmick by some metal fans, with purists accusing the women of oversexualizing themselves in order to gain popularity.
Asked in an interview with the "Talk Toomey" podcast if she looked back on the nipple-tape look as a good idea or a bad idea, Heidi responded: "I think it was a good idea. It was something that people were, like, 'What?' We did in our band previous to BUTCHER BABIES too, so it wasn't something new to us."
She continued: "It's an interesting question, because I think that, in a lot of ways, it definitely hurt how we've grown, but I also think that it was a message that we stood for. The people who didn't get it and it got lost in translation, well, now they know. But in Europe, it seems like more people understood, which kind of makes sense. But it seems like in the U.S., I'm, like, did people forget about [Wendy]? [Laughs] Does the metal community not understand this? But I don't think that it was a bad idea. I think it was something that I did and I'm proud of. I don't really hold any regrets. I think that in life in general, these situations build to the bigger picture, and I think that having had that past and where we are now, it's kind of a cool evolution of the band too. It's unique. We went from being these young girls, bouncing around in nipple tape, screaming hateful things into microphones, to women, almost a decade later, grown up in the industry, helped with this women's movement, if you will. And I think that that sort of thing helped me become the woman I am today."
Heidi said that the changes in BUTCHER BABIES' visual appearance in recent years happened naturally as the band toured around the world playing to thousands of impressionable fans.
"It's really interesting, because when we realized that young girls were looking up to us and we had a responsibility of being a positive role model, it really changed my life for the better too; I started living my life more positively," she said. "And I think you can see that in the evolution of our look; you can hear it in the evolution of our music. So, in that sense, I'm fucking proud of it."
Heidi also reiterated that BUTCHER BABIES' early image wasn't meant as a clever marketing ploy designed to ensure maximum exposure. "That was not ever anything that ever went through my mind: 'Oh, this will help us get attention.' Because I was in a band for a year prior to that, that I did that," she explained. "I didn't think that it would ever end up here. I didn't think that it would ever amount to anything. I just thought we were gonna have some fun playing some original music with our friends along the Sunset Strip, 'cause that's what we did before. The only difference was, before, it was five girls and [we were playing] covers. And that's the reason we created BUTCHER BABIES — to do original stuff."
Heidi's comments echoed those made by Carla, who told Metal Underground in a 2016 interview that the band's nipple-tape look "was completely blown out of proportion. When we first started this band, we didn't do it to go out there and strut around on stage like Playboy models; we did it as kind of a 'fuck you' to the cookie-cutter music industry," she explained. "We were paying tribute to a woman in metal that we respected, Wendy O. Williams. And that was it. And the show has never been sexual — ever."
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catxsnow · 4 years
I’m bored so I complied all the Tim smut alphabet requests that I got several weeks back into one post so it’s easier to read lol. None of these are new, they’ve all been posted before, just making it for you new comers! 
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Tim likes to have a shower with you after. There’s nothing more sensual to him than washing each other’s bodies. The mix of sweat and cum that you guys made together, are washed away together. He just wants to take care of you at all times.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your favourite body part of his is his back. He’s got the nicest, muscular back and it’s the sole reason that you always offer to give him massages (which nearly always end up with sex)
His favorite of yours is lips/mouth. He loves kissing you, the sounds that you make, and mostly when their wrapped around his dick.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
As I said in the body part ^ Tim loves your mouth and he sure as fuck loves to cum in it. There’s nothing sexier to him than watching you swallow his load. It’s his favourite place to cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Tim once jacked off while he was out on patrol. You begged him all evening to stay home and he promised he wouldn’t be long. That was a lie, he had been out all night and you needed him. So, you sent him a rather extensive video of you pleasuring yourself and he couldn’t take the wait to get back across the city to see you.
E = Experience 
Tim knows what he’s doing, but he hasn’t been with that many people. He’s mostly learned and adapted to what you like rather than base what he knows off of his past. It’s more important to specialize in exactly what feels good for you rather than what he assumes you like. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Tim’s favourite is the face off (idk what it’s actually called sorry) When he’s sitting up and you’re riding his cock. He loves this because he get’s to have that closeness to you and it’s more sensual. It’s a versatile position - the bed, his office chair, the batcave chair, the training mat - His office chair.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.
Depends on the location. In his room? Tim will crack a joke here and there just to keep you entertained. In his office though, boy oh boy is he completely different. Tim’s already got his big boss attitude from his long day’s work and he definitely keeps it up with you. Bossy Tim is a whole new level of hot. 
H = Harmony (do they like music in the background?)
If he’s in his room, he’ll put some music on in the background. Nothing with lyrics, just instrumentals. Never too loud either, he wants to hear you more than he wants to hear the music. However, if any of his brother’s are staying in the same house as him, he always turns the music up loud enough to drown out your sounds. No way is he letting his brother’s know just how hot you sound when he’s fucking you.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Tim’s pretty romantic. He doesn’t want to fuck you like you’re some kind of whore (but enjoys it on the occasion). He’d rather praise you and enjoy how close the two of you are.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Since dating you, Tim doesn’t jack off very often. He only ever does if you’re apart and you ask him for a video of him. Just because Tim doesn’t feel the need to masturbate while he’s away doesn’t mean the same for you. You’re begging him through text and telling him how much you miss his cock in you. Tim makes sure he’s extra vocal as he’s thinking about you sucking him off rather than only having his hand.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Tim likes some light bondage. He loves when your hands are tied up and you can’t aid to your own pleasure (even though he does a good enough job on his own). Nothing too crazy. He hates when you do it to him though, Tim needs to have his hands on you at all times.
Orgasm control. He doesn’t pull this very often but he’ll make you wait to cum. If you cum without him saying, he’ll go through it again and again until you get it right.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Like I said in my previous post, he’ll fuck you in his office. It might not be the most comfortable place, but there’s no better feeling that having you bent over his desk while he’s pounding into you. He sound proofed his office just so you didn’t have to hold back your moans.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Tim see’s you in lingerie and he’s done for. He think’s it’s unbelievably sexy and he won’t waste a second to fuck you without taking it off. The worst is when you send him a picture of you in it while he’s at work. Half the time he leaves the building just to show you how hard you make him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Tim hates the idea of cuckholding. Literally the idea of another man fucking you while he just watches is his worst nightmare. He’s the only one allowed to bring you pleasure. Tim wouldn’t be opposed to a threesome though
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers to receive. Tim loves getting head from you. However, he also loves when you sit on his face too and boy is he good at it. Tim’s learned just the right combo of licking and sucking. You put a kink in his neck one time from it and Bruce questioned what had happened. Thank god he was a great liar.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Tim’s more slow and hard. He doesn’t want to rush things with you but he wants to slam his hips so hard that you’re seeing spots. He’s more about getting as deep as he can rather than as fast as he can.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s not a huge fan. Tim likes to prolong fucking you when he can, so when you guys are rushed, he knows that he’s not doing his best performance. He’ll do them when need be but it’s not his ideal time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Look all I’m saying is that Tim would, has, and will fuck you in his WE office. It’s his company and he can do as he pleases in his building.
Tim has his classic positions that he preferences but he is willing to try new things if you bring it up.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Tim can go a lot of rounds, like a lot. However, he doesn’t last particularly long. He loves being inside you, and the pleasure of it all is sometimes just too much for him to handle. He never quits until you’re tired though - he could go all night if you wished. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Tim doesn’t own toys for himself but he bought some for you. He encourages you to use them when he’s away on missions and he nearly cums in his pants when you send a lengthy video of you using them. He uses them in bed occasionally too if he’s on the mood to over stimulate.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He teases you just enough to get frustrated. Tim knows your limits better than anyone else, he knows when you’re on the edge of cumming and he knows exactly when to stop. He’ll deny your orgasm but if he does it more than once then he’ll make it up to you for the rest of the night.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not that loud. Tim will express how he’s feeling rather than making noises. He’s king of dirty talk which came out of nowhere with how awkward he can be. Tim constantly praises you for what you do and you know if you get a long moan out of him then you’re doing one hell of a good job.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
As CEO of WE, he had important business dinners he attended to and most times you went with him.  Tim was feeling ridiculously bold one night. You guys saw side by side and not even ten minutes into the night he was slipping his hand between your thighs and teasing you through your underwear. It was the first time that you had worn a short dress to the dinner meeting and you regretted it. Tim never brought you close enough to an orgasm but the endless teasing all night had led to the most intense sex you ever had with him.
X = X-marks the spot (where’s their favourite place to give/receive hickies)
Tim loves to leave them all over his chest. He knows they’re there, but no one else does. He only wants you and him to see the marks he leaves on you. As much as you like leaving them where everyone can see, he’s got a multi-billion dollar company to run and people already see him as childish they don’t need another excuse. You settle for right where the edge of his suit would be, sometimes they just barely peak out.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Tim can fuck as much as he wants. He’s not constantly horny, but if you’re in the mood then he’s not gonna deny it. Tim’s sex drive isn’t intense, but he can’t go over a week without you either, he’ll go crazy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends. Tim’s used to being awake for a while so if he needs to stay up afterwards he can. However, he loves falling asleep with you in his arms right afterwards if he can Cockwarming maybe. 
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lwt28brave · 3 years
Top ten AFHF documentary moments, go!
Hi Sea!
I wasn't home yesterday and when I arrived I was knackered so I had to pospone this for today when I was more awake and present. I'm rewatching the documentary right now so I will be doing both !!!!!
(Two hours later: i'm only 16 minutes in). (I started at 12 and its almost 5pm. I keep... pausing).
1. Helene. I love Louis to the moon and back and I feel like Helene is all of us. She represents us. She cares about him so much and is such a good mentor ♥ I adored both the before concert moments when she's here for him to help him battle his nerves and the post concert hug. She was crying, I was crying, we were all crying.
2. HIM PLAYING THE GUITAR. THIS IS EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED (and I'm greedy, I want much more of it). Louis shut up I'm listening to the guitar. Long haired Louis playing guitar at the beach ;;_;;
3. His confidence. There were moments of doubt (him stress cleaning!), which I think are not only normal and realistic but also a testament to his perseverance both with his voice and his solo career in spite of everything. "I was fucking feeling like I was flying" this has to be one of my favorite quotes even if he said it when he was nervous. His facial expressions looking at the public.
4. Change. I loved how we got a glimpse of him practicing it too. Not my favorite song from him, but I like the general sound of it and I'm really excited for every new song we get. It has such a classic rock touch, his voice sounds amazing in it and the instruments are immaculate.
5. His grandparents. I love to see he has this support system in his family and how close he is to them. How they speak about this at the beginning and also the hugs afterwards and how he worried about how his grandpa was getting there (♥).
//This leaves me with only two points to talk about my favorite things about the performance...//
6. Him starting the concert with We Made It and the transition between the documentary and the concert are amazing choices. The filming and editing in general were top notch. TOU...The aerial shots. The torchs...The strings (The "hah"). Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Too Young already had a special place in my heart but I think I appreciate Perfect Now a little more every time. VOCALS. As for OTB... again... the shots. The flags. His face. It makes me feel so seen and loved.
7. This is already the longest post in the story of posts because I wanted to talk about how much I love everything related to Louis so a general shout out to COACOAC, Fearless, Defenceless, Walls, KMM and most importantly the covers! He owns these songs now, I don't make the rules. VOCALS. VOCALS. Yes that's all I will say. I'm so glad to have another audio for my collection of audios of 7.
8. Every time we see him interact with the band. The shots. The hugs. Both the individual ones and the group one. I'm so glad to see he picked people he feels so comfortable to be around AND they're all amazing musicians.
9. I just think it's so hot to read "Louis Tomlinson Presents", "in association with 78 Productions" by Producer Louis Tomlinson. This is truly Louis baby isn't it. In general I absolutely loved how involved with everything he seemed to be, he truly had every little detail under control. Him being bossy with Matt Vines and nagging him. Nothing else to add here. Just like, making sure it's when not if.
(Yes, this is just a compilation of Louis saying he loves us)
10. All of this is a mutual thing, all of us feeling that moment // So not quite touching distance? And we have gone as close as we can with that? // Putting on something big, and free and for the fans, you know, as a kind gift from us to them // This is only possible because of you lot // And then I get on stage and I fucking see you lot... what the fuck was I worried about // I fucking love you all // I feel you crystal palace // Throughout this whole gig all I felt is excited, about what's to come, the tour ahead of us. And that, that's thanks to all of you in here. I try in these moments to show you me thanks. But honestly, I can't- I can't even articulate. I just fucking love all of you. And everyone who's not here today, you know, anyone who's...fucking, I love you, I love you a lot // I fucked up your moment now, we will save it, we will save it // As per fucking usual got way beyond me expectations. And that's thank to you lot. And I want you to know... every single time I get up in stage... that's why I put today on....any opportunity that I can thank you lot, cause you're fucking unbelievable. Every fucking time I get up in stage you guys make me feel fucking invincible. I fucking love that feeling // If I've got this lot behind me, who the fuck is gonna stop us, you know what I mean?
(Also, very mememememe (diva?) moment but: when I saw me in the Barcelona footage. And the close-up of my friend's face).
Top 10 things I disliked:
1. Him saying "I haven't given it much a thought" about LT2.
2. Him saying "I haven't given it much a thought" about LT2.
3. Him saying "I haven't given it much a thought" about LT2.
4. Him saying "I haven't given it much a thought" about LT2.
5. Him saying "I haven't given it much a thought" about LT2.
6. Him saying "I haven't given it much a thought" about LT2.
7. Him saying "I haven't given it much a thought" about LT2.
8. Him saying "I haven't given it much a thought" about LT2.
9. Him saying "I haven't given it much a thought" about LT2.
10. Him saying "I haven't given it much a thought" about LT2.
(And his t-shirt. I disliked his t-shirt. Please don't kick me out of the fandom. Also him letting the fans to sing Defenceless bridge. Not allowed. Don't do that again).
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bradtomlovesya · 4 years
𝕀 𝕞𝕖𝕥 𝕙𝕚𝕞 𝕒𝕥 𝕒 𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝
Based on this request ---here---
I hope you like it ;)
Word counter: 1.9k
"Seriously you need to calm down" My friend Luna says.
"I'm trying but, the vamps is going to do a presentation and you know how i love that band" I say looking in every direction just to being attentive.
"The band or the principal vocalist? What was his name... Bradsey Braden, Bruno?"
"Bradley" i correct her rolling my eyes "and yes, maybe i have a crush on him but i really love the band too" i cross my arms.
"Sure, of course" She laugh and we walk searching for a place to buy a two bottles od water.
Maybe she gets a point, i have a big crush on the leader singer but since i was sixteen i wanted to come to one of them concerts and now that i have twenty-two, i have my own money so i could came and watch them.
"Where's the fucking store. I'm tired" i complain
"That's filthy language, miss" i hear a masculine voice behind me.
"Well, that's not your bussi-" i turn on my heel and shut myself up when i see the owner of the voice.
"Do i have something in my face?" He laughs a little.
"No but, she is your biggest fan" Luna says while i'm just petrified.
"Really?" He asks.
"Not your biggest fan but yes, i'm fan" I smile softly and look at his eyes.
Bradley Will Simpson is in front of me, looking at me and talking to me! Ok, y/n control yourself. Keep calm.
"I would say my name but you know it already so... What's yours?" He looks at luna and then looks at me.
"She's the beauty and perfect y/n and i'm Luna who is leaving now because needs a bottle of water" Luna says and leaves me alone with Brad after wink at me.
"It's a beautifull name, y/n" He smiles.
"Thanks" i smirk. After a few seconds of looks i decide to say something more to break the silence. "So... are you exciting for your presetantion?"
"Yes but, i'm so nervous too" he scratches the back of his neck nervously.
"You? Nervous?" I put my hands inside my pockets.
"Yes, we are going to play some of our firsts songs and-" he walks closer to me "i shouldn't being telling you this but, held by me is really hard to sing" he whispers on my ear.
"Omg! I love that song" i say in a happy tone.
"Everybody says that" he laughs shortly "but it's really hard to sing, i swear"
"I believe you, due to your vocal range?"
"I think so, do you know something about music?"
"Oh yeah, Of course, my bottles of shampoo and my sponge are impressed" i joke.
"You're funny" He laughs.
"That's the point so, thanks for notice"
"You're welcome" we keep looking into each others eyes in a competely silence, but it's not an uncomfortable one. Is just a silence when you have a lot to say but decide to take a little moment to enjoy and appreciate the company.
"So..." He breaks the silence "i guess your friend and you will come to our presentation"
"Yes, that's the plan but first i think i have to find her. See you later, Brad" i smile and start walking to wherever my friend is.
"Wait!" Brad grabs my hand.
"Yes?" I laugh a little and stop walking.
"Do you want to come to our dressing room when the perfomance is over?"
"Amm... and my friend? I can't leave her alone"
"Of course" Brad smirks "She is invited too"
"Well... being so, okay"
"Amazing" he lends me a pen "write your name and your last name in my hand. And your friend's too, of course. I will tell the guard to put your names on the list"
"Oki doki" i did what he said.
"See you soon. Was really pleasure meeting you"
"You too" i smirk and then we both get away form each other.
He is so much Hoter in person. And i can't not think about what it would it be like to have a date with him. I know It's like an impossible think but yes... a girl can dream.
"Where have you been all this time" I way to my friend who now is in front of me next to a hot dog stand.
"Well... you too were talking and i didn't wanna interrupt and being a violinist so i went for the water and then i came here for a hot dog" she took the food when the seller give it to her and after pay she give it a big bit.e Like a dinosaur bite.
"Ok but. I have news and i don't know if you will like it"
"Spit it out. You know i hate when you go around" She continues eating her hot dog.
"Brad invited us to go to the vamp's dress room after the perfomance"
"I said yes, of course" i roll my eyes.
"And what's the problem" she frowns.
"Amm, that i said "yes" without asking you" i shrug.
"You're stupid" burst of laughter.
"Why?" I ask confused.
"Because of course i want to go with you. If you had said no i would punch you in the face right now for idiot".
I burst of laugher too.
"Come on, we have to see their perfomance" she says
“Walk, bitch. I follow you” i answer.
We walk to the place of their perfomance and we cut through the crowd to get to the front. After 30 minutes they came to the stage and started to fo their actuation.
I have yo say that the perfomance was really and completely fantastic! Amazing! Wonderfull! I need more adjetives to describe how unbelievable it was. They sang like 7 songs incluiding Held by me wich is one of my favorites. 
I scream all the songs at the top my lungs and Luna just danced them, she is not a big fan, she just came here to see the other performances and i came here just to see them. But that doesn't mean that she didn't enjoy it.
"Y/n?" Luna take my hand and we start walking to the the vamp's dress room.
"Yes?" I looked at her.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, why shouldn't i be?"
"I don't know. You're just like with your mind in another planet" she giggle
"I'm just-"
"Yes, you know where are we going?" My hands start shaking.
"Hey... keep calm, they are just guys, Brad is just a guy"
"It's not just a guy, is Bradley William Simpson, i've had a crush with him since i know about his existence"
"I know but, he's still being a person. And a guy too so if he invited you was because he liked you"
"Thank you" I say sacastically.
"Why are you using that tone?" She frown.
"Because you made me more nervous than before" i sigh.
"I'm sorry, was not my intention" Luna shrugs and knock the door.
"Come in!" Someone screams from inside.
Luna opens the door and i enter with her, My heart is beating faster than ever.
"Hi girls" Brad says.
"Hi" i answer and he walks closer to me.
"They are Tristan, James and Connor" He points to each one.
"I'm y/n and she's luna" i introduce us both.
"Nice to meet you" James says and Tris walks to luna
"Do you want something to drink?" Tris asks Luna.
"Yes, please" She answers.
"We finished all the bottles of water, Tris" Connor Says.
"No problem, i can go for more" Brad says and looks at me "Wanna go with me?"
"Yes" I nod and I go with him to a room where they keep food, water bottles and other things. There are a lot of boxes and we don't know what is the box of the water bottles.
"I didn't know there were so many boxes" He laughs
"Yeah, there's a lot" i laugh
"Okay, Let's try with the top box"
"Brad, neither of us can reach that box"
"I know but i can carry you so you can reach it, iit's okay?"
"Yeah, okay" i nod and he grabs my waist to carry me and help me reach the box but that stack is too unstable so wen i tried to reach it all of that boxes end up on the floor like me and Brad. The only difference is that i was on top of Brad. We both burst of laugh and he looks at my eyes.
"Are you okay" He laugh.
"Yes" i look at his eyes laughing "I'm sorry, did i hurt you?" Neither of us make a move.
"No, i'm okay" He puts a lock of my hair behind my ear.
"Thanks god" I murmur and look at his lips.
"Yeah... Thanks god" He murmurs and then kisses me, i kiss him back hypnotized by the way our lips move together in sync.
We change positions, now he is in top of me kissing my neck and caressing my waist and as much as I want to stay like this with him, this is not the time.
"Brad, stop" i murmur and he keeps his lips on my neck.
"What?" he murmurs.
"Brad, stop please" i push his body away from mine and after getting up i run through the hall, i open the door of the dress room and there's my friend. "Luna" i say fastly.
"Hey, are you okay?" she walks forwards me.
"Can we leave now?" I look at her.
"What?" She frowns.
"Please..." I beg.
"Y/n!" Brad run through the Hall.
"Okay okay, Bye guys" She grabs my hand and we start runing, we don't stop until we live that pleace and we're hiding of Brad behind a sausage stand.
"Are you gonna tell me what is happening?" She asks.
"He just wanted to fuck me, there's nothing more to say"
"What?!" She yells
"Shh" i use my hand to cover her mouth.
"Are you serious?" she murmur.
"Yes" i sigh. "Can we go home?"
She nods an we start walking to her car, i don't want to stay in this festival.
"y/n! Stop please!" He runs trying to reach me and when he does he grabs my hand.
"No Brad, i got it. you just want a one night thing"
"I'll be in the car" Luna says and gets in the car.
"That's not the truth" He sighs "i'm sorry, i don't want you to think i'm a Jerk"
"I' not a one night girl" I shrug "i'm sorry but i'm not like that"
"I don't want you to be like that, i really wanted to ask you to go on a date with me. Is just... i really like you, you were on top of me and that really turned me on so i kissed your neck but i didn't want to have sex with you there, i swear"
"So... you wanna have a date with me?" i ask
"Yes, of course yes" he smiles softly and run a hand through his hair "I'm sorry again, please believe me"
I sigh and look at his eyes "give me your phone"
"Why?" he frowns.
"I'm going to put my number on it, you want a date or not?" i asks and he lends me his phone fastly, i put my number on it and then i give it back to him "I like roses, by the way" I smile.
"At seven is okay?" he smiles.
"Yes, don't be late" i smile and then i get in the car, Luna starts driving and i look at the window.
"So?" She asks.
"I have a date with Bradley Simpson" i answer in to giggles.
Let me know if you want to be added/removed
Hello, i'm sorry for being so innactive, i've had a lot of things to do but i'm back. Love you all and i hope you enjoy this one.
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