#the villainess’s older brother is not a capture target!!
yanyandere · 8 months
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悪役令嬢のお兄様は攻略対象外です!! / The Villainess’s Older Brother is Not a Capture Target!! // support the artist (jp)
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littlelateteaparty · 1 month
"The villainess's older brother is not a capture target!!" - Vol 3 chapter 11 (part 2)
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This chapter took a bit longer to type set, but we got there in the end.
The next chapter will take a bit longer for us to release since we want to do a double upload of both the final main chapter and the bonus chapter together. That's about 50+ pages to work on and some pages require extra effort, so we'll take a while to get there.
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web-novel-polls · 6 days
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Ilvalino from I’ve Been Reincarnated as a Villainess’ Older Brother
Was trained as an assassin since childhood, already did assassinations by the age of 6.
In the original story - an otome game - he continues with this career until he's 17, and is known to kill people for minor offenses such as bumping into him or stepping on his foot. Moreover, in his route, he's driven insane by inner conflict and kills all the other capture targets to be alone with the heroine.
In the story after titular reincarnation, he's picked up by the reincarnator/MC instead, and ultimately quits assassination altogether - although, again, he already Did Some Murder by that time.
Wu Yanzi from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (SVSSS)
Submission: Known criminal and murderer, scum shizun to the scum shizun
[Please be kind and respectful in the notes. Anti-Propaganda is NOT allowed.]
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Why Did I Have To Reincarnate As The Yandere Capture Target!?
Okay, I have this story made up 2 years ago and it never really went anywhere. I guess I’ve been having a bit of a crisis when it comes to creativity for the last 2 years.
Anyway I kept going back and forth so fucking much on this wip if I was gonna scarp it or not. I don't like the gen story idea anymore but I REALLY love how I outlined the childhood arc so I though I might as well dump that shit here and be done w/ this damn thing. Not gonna bother saving the basic outline plot or save the first two chapters that were actually posted nor the wip of ch3 & 4.
He’s the ‘yandere’ one. Anyway MC is the typical ‘normal guy’, college age maybe. Has a younger sister in HS. They’re both otakus or something. She got him into otome games. (He was already into romance novels so it was easy for him to get into them.) Develops malusdomesticaphobia after death. Forever internally screaming. Unsure how to act most of the time so he just stands behind powerful/influential ppl. 
OG yandere was abused or had bad stuff happen to him. Gave him a twisted view of things. Outwardly appears very docile and soft but when the Protag shows him kindness and blah blah he quickly becomes obsessed bc it’s been a long time since someone has/no one really treats him like that/like they’re equals. Uses his rep as a wall flower weakling to get his way and take out ppl (like will pit capture targets against each other so he can have Protag all to himself.)
There is a prince character. He’s the 2nd prince. I like the idea of him being the younger one or the less important one. Maybe that can even cause more plot. Yes MC has the favor of the prince, but this is the 2nd prince and is not favored by his father, the king. 
The protag girl who’s just a little doll. A bby who needs to be protected. A smile worth fighting for. For wars to break out and ppl to—you get the point. Stereotypical yes, but you need to keep in mind she’s a blank slate, so this is what it defaults on based off of marketing. Daughter of a Baron. Looks plain but still very cute w/ doe eyes.
The villainess is the second child to a powerful noble family (Marquess) and younger sister to one of the possible capture targets. Family sees her as a tool, not a person outside of the brother. Puts on a strong front that can only be seen through by the brother. 
The villainess’s older brother is the only person in her family who treats them with genuine affection as they are a siscon. The older brother type character. Charismatic but laid back. 
Plot twist due to MC’s meddling: was not aware of the abuse sister suffered due to being away at academy with the crown prince, simply thought it was tough love. 
A cute short boy character. Probably has the plot twist of being a little shit. Like, maybe he hates women but pretends to be a ladies man. Or he has a group of boys following him that do his bidding and he bullies ppl w/ them. MC meets him early on and leaves a powerful impression on him. So later in the timeskip this character is still the same, more or less; but has that added layer of following the MC around to try and get his attention. Not really a crush, but that weird anime admiration thing. 
Smart nerd character. He can be the commoner who gets into the school via smarts and/or powerful magic ability. He’s the one standoffish character who stays quiet. Turns out he harbors a haten of aristocats and is planning to summon some sealed monster under the school or the city near the school. He has the surprising routes where he kinda corners the Protag to help with this stuff. This is the MC's biggest concern bc he knows this guy is planning to harm a lot of people and doesn’t really know how to find him ‘cuz he’s a commoner from a big city.
Bio dad and uncle are twins. Dad is the younger twin. Is kidnapped when 4-5 and kidnappers demand ransom. During that time commoners mob the place and kill everyone. (Turns out some of the butlers and/or maids are apart of the slave trade and the ppl assumed everyone in the house was associated with it as well.) Uncle rescues him and adopts him but doesn’t tell his wife or anyone that this is his nephew, not his bastard son. Claims he is that bc during the period between his brother’s easter being ransacked to finding him. It’s revealed a chef of his brother’s house escaped but was later found and lynched by the ppl.
The wife is angered by the child and completely ignores him and in turn so does her servants (which are half of the workers) The staff loyal to the Uncle just do the bare minimum for him. This is about a 5-6 month period. He is barely taken care of unless his uncle was around (Uncle’s servants and very fond of their master so they’re so shocked by this ‘bastard child’ that appeared out of nowhere, they think his mother must’ve been a provocative whore or smth bc the Uncle is so nice and caring about his family.)
This is where he learns how to appeal and get sympathy from staff/commoners. Bc he can’t take it anymore after a few months and starts begging for things or to be taken care of. A few of the Aunt’s staff pity him a little and throw him a bone while looking the other way, while the Uncle’s staff will act a little nicer and give him some extra stuff. (During this time he doesn’t really interact with his cousins [two boys, one girl] bc the staff aways rush them away from him since the mother forbids him from interacting with her kids.)
Around this time the Aunt blows up on the Uncle about this and the Uncle breaks under pressure and tells her the truth. She had mixed feelings about this. After this she starts acknowledging him but only takes care of him on the sake of her duty.
She ‘warms’ up to him when she overhears him having an intelligent conversation with the staff or they talk about a concept too advanced for his age. OR he reads some complex book she or her husband left out.
She’s shocked bc she just assumed him to be a country bumpkin, but realizes he knows how to read and write and is a genius for his age. So she takes advantage of this. Bc of the fact word gets out her husband cheated on her and has taken in his bastard child, her reputation has taken a hit in the social circles and there has been some nasty gossip about her being spread as a result. So she has lost face bc of him and takes her anger out on him by ignoring him and treating him coldly. So she turns this around by giving him a chance. Dumps a bunch of classes on him and gives him high expectations to live up to.
And for the most part he does, and he gets treated nicer as a result. She gets impressed, but he still walks on eggshells bc he’ll get punished for things his cousins won’t. And in general held to a higher standard.
She takes advantage of this by treating him like a son when out in public and receiving all these compliments about how well mannered and obedient he is, how smart, blah blah. So ppl are like, oh she must be a good teacher, he’s so well taught. And ppl say things like how generous and nice she is to take in her husband's bastard son of unknown origins like he was her own and blah blah. Which makes up for the lost rep she got before when he initially came to the house. This turns into a thing of her flaunting him and he’s just a prop for her. He realizes this but doesn’t do anything about it bc this is a good exchange for him. She gets to use him to boost her image and raise her rep in social circles and he gets a better disposition in the house and gets treated much better. He’s allowed to interact with his cousins now.
Eventually she gets invited by a lady who lives in the royal castle/is allowed access there who’s a very high ranking lady who she’s friends with. She’s like ‘hey, come to the castle, bring ALL of your children, even that one.’ For like playdates with her kids (also wants to see her friend’s kids). So Aunt brings all of them there and this is how the MC meets the 2nd prince.
The 2nd prince gets along well with his older brother, but when he hits 15, he gets sent away for more proper education since he’s the heir to the throne. So he’s sad his brother isn’t around anymore and that they’re no one to play with him. His sister’s an infant so the staff are like ‘prince plz, you can’t play w her she’s too little’. He wants to play like swords or chess but a baby can’t do that. He moops around in the castle and meets the MC.
Now the MC isn’t playing with the other children bc when his cousins tried to have him included in games with the other kids in the castle, those kids didn’t want to play with him bc of what their parents told them. (after a couple of times) This keeps happening that his cousins hesitate to add him in and eventually just tell him they can’t bc the kids of higher families didn’t want him there and even at this age they know they can’t do anything about that. (His cousins get along with him at this point and like but and are sad they can’t include him but the situation calls for it and they can’t do anything about it.) So he’s just moping and talking to some of the staff and bonding with them.
The prince isn’t playing with the other kids bc even as a kid he can tell most noble children are being fake nice to him and are just wanting to shake hands. He doesn’t know why they’re doing this, but he can’t tell they are trying real hard to be chummy with him and it’s forced. (you know, how like little kids can even tell when an adult is being fake nice?)
When he meets the MC, the MC doesn’t know that this is the prince bc so many noble children have blond hair. (It’s common in this place, for nobles at least.) So to him, he’s just another blond, lilac eyed boy. The princes ends up liking him bc he’s A-quiet and reserved B-smart and likes playing chess or smth C-doesn't have that fake nicety that the other children give off & isn’t super eager to please him. So he’s like ‘oh, you’re like a normal person, let's play.’ That how they initially become friends and bond and like on his 6th visit with the prince, he either A-has a patch over his check and when MC asks about it the prince tells him what happened and it makes the way the in-game prince got his cheek scar and it hits the MC then who he’s talking too. (It was never said in the game how old he got the scar, only how.)
OR B-MC is called into a waiting room by some workers and leads him into a room with guards on standby. He’s wondering just who the heck his buddy is the kid of to get this treatment. As he sits across from him he realizes the prince has a bandage over his ear. When he asks what happened, the prince whines about almost being assassinated and the tip of his ears was cut off in the struggle. It’s then the MC realizes this is the prince bc he has the tip of his left/right ear cut off and hides his ears with his hair bc of it. The guards in and out of the room is bc his parents are on high alarm rn and they have to play in a closed room. It’s only him and MC bc the prince whined and wanted his ‘rabbit friend’ to play with. (MC is like, ‘oh lucky me, I managed to befriend the prince w/o knowing/trying’.)
Anyway, around this point the Aunt just straight up says, ‘I do not love you, but I do respect you.’ And the MC just comes to terms with this bc he just realizes that she’s just never going to be that person for him. And he’s like ‘That’s okay.’ He gets along very well w/ his Uncle and cousins and it feels like a family again to him. He just has a ‘you scratch my back, I scratch yours’ relationship. He doesn’t love her, but understands her. (He is surprised when he gets older like, he knows before his 11 birthday, he’s supposed to be nearly killed by something his Aunt pulled, it’s revealed she did it and was taken away, putting the Yandere strains on the rest of the manor. Alas that never comes to pass and this happens instead, surprising him. Making him realize she’s being very honest, and in her own way, this is the kindest she’ll ever be to him.)
As for the cousins, they’re just innocent little kids, they just think he’s their half brother and accept him. The girl is the youngest, she’s the spoiled little princess bc she’s the only girl and the youngest so she’s mommy’s favorite. The middle child is a boy and the closest to the MC. He’s the quieter, shyer one who's nerdier. Him and the MC are gonna have the same book series as their fav, some type of mystery novels for kids. They eagerly await every release and bond over that. The oldest is going to be the more playful, energetic, and wants to fight sword type of boy. They all like MC and he loves them like cousins and thinks of them as such.
His Uncle is a sweet family man or at the very least loves his family. He really loved his brother and when he inherited the title, he made sure to pull strings to get his younger brother a title and some land. The Father got the title of baron bc of him. Instead of becoming a knight or butler to another noble house. He’s crestfallen when his brother and sister-in-law dies so when he finds out his nephew is still alive, he’s overjoyed and loves him. (As a strange way of grieving.)
Around 12-13ish his Uncle and Aunt are like ‘hey we got new information about your real parents. We’re trying to keep this under wraps but, there are a trusted few who know the truth as well.’ The MC already knows what they mean bc of the game. So before they tell him it or the whole truth, smth happens and his new family dies.
At this point, he’s already good friends with the prince. Their relationship is him being a spineless pale and the prince treating him like a bunny. Like, not really acknowledging his agency. Kinda brushing him aside like a pet and dragging him to things w/o considering his feelings a lot. As far as the prince is concerned, they're close. The MC is just there bc being friends with the prince gives him a shield and ways to get more connections. So he can’t really do anything about this sort of treatment he gets. The prince isn’t being malicious just that he’s been given everything he wants so he doesn’t stop to think about the other party.
So when MC’s 3rd family is wiped out, the prince goes up to his parents and is like, ‘hey can you do smth about my friend? He’s an orphan again, I don’t want him to get sent to the Church, I’ll never see him again!’ The king and queen are like ‘ok’ and that’s how the MC gets into the house of the Villainess and Siscon capture target. Their parents are like MC’s Aunt but way worse. So in the OG game they got their daughter engaged to the 2nd prince by orchestrating an accident to happen while she was somewhere with the prince. She ends up w/ a few inch long cut on her forearm, the family uses that as leverage for them to get engaged since their daughter is ‘unmarriageable’ now. So they see him as an opportunity to get more favors from the crown. Not only are they initially reimbursed for taking him in but… So, basically they bring him to a business party, and him not knowing who these ppl are talk to some ppl are when it is revealed that he’s who he is, the couple are repulsed by the family sponsoring a bastard of unknown origins. So they cut off business ties with them. They use this as a way to complain to the crown that taking him in causes them to lose on a partnership that went back generations. (This business partner is in on this bc they get like, idk exclusive rights to some mines for whatever. But they still do business through a shell company.) And that's how they worm their way in to wed off their daughter. MC is completely caught off guard with this when he thought he was already on guard. This just further convinces him not to try and make connections here. Being outside is his solace.
The last thing to note is that the prince only starts respecting him and treating the MC more like a proper friend when they're a little older (like, about to go into the academy age). The MC sticks up for himself and grows a spine which surprised the prince bc up until this point he had always been obedient, timid, and mild. The pushback he gets from it kinda bitchslaps him in the face and he is like ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t- I apologize for that. Blah blah blah.’ He doesn’t do a complete 180* right then and there. But it kinda wakes him up a little bit. Like ‘Oh, I’ve been treating you like you’re my dog and you’re not. You’re more important to me than that. I don’t want to lose you. I’m sorry about that, I’ll change my behavior towards you.’ This is when their friendship turns into a bromance. He treats the MC more like an equal, with respect.
The main reason why I stopped myself from scaping this many times before is bc I really ended up liking how I characterized the aunt.
Anyway, a few details I though I should throw in here. I had planned for the ppl crushing on MC as the heroine, villainess, commoner guy, and npc/mob #1 (male) & 2 (female).
The npc/mob friends where gonna be his respite from the colorful cast of main characters. I would've written it where you couldn't tell who end game was for awhile bc he had soft moments w/ all of them.
Expect villainess who he see as a sister even tho she don't. Her and Heroine would later lost interest in MC and kiss each other instead. (fluffy sapphics!!!).
He'd get commoner guy to back down eventually or whatever and it was a really question of which mob friend he'd end up w/. Male friend was the answer!
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niubie-draws · 4 years
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here is another capture target this time is the villainess older brother zero!!
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fantasyinvader · 3 years
What the hell. This is the Bakarina fic trilogy that I had planned.
Book 1: A bullied middle-schooler tries to use magic to summon a flame elemental to burn the school down, only to accidentally summon a 13 year old Geordo instead. Stuck in this strange land and with his existence being hushed up by the school, Geordo begins attending as a normal student (living with an older teacher and his wife). He befriends the Monkey girl and Acchan after the Monkey Girl’s antics catches his eye.
The fic covers the next few years of his life, exploring the new world with his new friends, dealing with the possibility of never returning home, a brief chuuni phase (where Geordo really gets into Bond films), learning to avoid the wrestling moves of Monkey girl’s brothers, and making a few other friends.
At age 17, Fortune Lover comes out with him as one of the capture targets. He’s upset when Monkey Girl does Keith’s route first but doesn’t understand why it bothers him, and it’s made worse when the Ministry has finally been able to locate him (the former bullied middle-schooler ends up recruited). While he can see that his parents missed him, and that Fortune Lover played out some sort of reverse harem route without him, the thought of leaving his friends is too much. It’s at this point he realizes he loves the Monkey Girl, so he goes to see her one last time. He ends up confessing to being upset she didn’t choose him in the game, to which she replies the Geordo in the game isn’t like him as his experiences in Japan have changed him. They stay up all night, playing through his route and miss school the following day (with the implication Monkey Girl avoided her death from the series).
Geordo manages to convince his parents to let him continue his schooling in Japan, as well as court Monkey Girl.
Book 2: Is Monkey Girl adjusting to being Geordo’s girlfriend (and everyone who knows them being like “finally!”). She also meets the Fortune Lover cast, but it turns out the reverse harem ending isn’t all sunshine and roses. People were hurt by it, and it causes Monkey Girl to realize there was more to the story than what the game presented. Making matters worse is the return of villainess Katarina, with Monkey and Maria both in her sights.
This is where I’m having trouble planning out specifics.
Book 3: After making amends to Katarina and even getting her blessing, Geordo thinks the worst is behind him. That is, until an accident moving between worlds leaves him in another version of Japan. Waiting to be picked up, he browses a store and finds an otome game in a bargain bin. Monkey Daze!!!
He buys it for his girlfriend thinking it would be funny, but then notices her name on the back of the box as the heroine of the game. What’s more, the friends he made in Japan are the capture targets except 1. He gives the game to Acchan to see what it’s like, swearing her to secrecy.
Acchan initially calls the game a masterpiece, as she relates the happy end of each route she’s unlocked. However, once each route is done new options pop up when interacting with that character. It gives them a good ending at the cost of the romantic relationship. And you need to do this for every character in order to unlock the “true” ending with the last capture target.
In the true ending, Monkey girl’s selfless behavior woos the final capture target, a recent transfer who is also Keith’s VA (Game Monkey Girl says she played the hell out of the game, and leading to a near accident where she could have died). Said character is also dying of a heart condition, and her smile makes him believe that the world isn’t so dark. Then...Monkey Girl dies when she saves a kid from being hit by a truck, and her heart is transplanted into the final love interest. He lives, saying they’ll be together forever.
Acchan is horrified by this ending, as is Geordo. Especially when he realizes his actions have basically given the non-romantic good ends to the capture targets. Keith’s VA transfers in like the game said, and takes an interest in her. Then he’s overheard talking about how the script is off, and how he’s going to live. This guy reincarnated into the game, and it turns out he was the game’s director, and the true ending was his brainchild in order to show how awesome the protagonist was by having the player sacrifice her good endings to reflect her selfless nature.
Geordo recruits his friends, both in Japan and his homeworld, to come together to save Monkey Girl from someone determined to see her die in order to save his own life. They prevent the accident from happening,causing the VA to freak out, He gets so worked  up his heart can’t take it anymore and he collapses. He survives, but is in no condition to continue schooling. They know he has another year of life, tops.
After that, it’s Geordo and Monkey Girl’s happy ending.
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littlelateteaparty · 1 month
"The villainess's older brother is not a capture target!!" - Vol 3 chapter 11 (part 1)
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littlelateteaparty · 3 months
"The villainess's older brother is not a capture target!!" - Vol 3 chapter 10 (part 2)
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For future refence: DO NOT scanlate during your finals
Now that exams are over, we can get back to working on this (sorry for the unexpected hiatus) we won't be able to upload every other week like we used to, but we promise that we will get though this series
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littlelateteaparty · 10 months
"The villainess's older brother is not a capture target!!" - Vol 1 chapter 1 (part 1)
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littlelateteaparty · 9 months
"The villainess's older brother is not a capture target!!" - Vol 1 (bonus chapter)
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Here's the bonus chapter for vol 1, it's only a few pages long so we were able to work on this quite quickly
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Manga Dex // Bato
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littlelateteaparty · 3 months
"The villainess's older brother is not a capture target!!" - Vol 3 chapter 10 (part 1)
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littlelateteaparty · 6 months
"The villainess's older brother is not a capture target!!" - Vol 3 chapter 9 (part 2)
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After all this time, we are finally now on the last volume, thank you for your support
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littlelateteaparty · 6 months
"The villainess's older brother is not a capture target!!" - Vol 3 chapter 9 (part 1)
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littlelateteaparty · 7 months
"The villainess's older brother is not a capture target!!" - Vol 2 chapter 8 (part 2)
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We are now at the chapter that made us want to pick this series up in the first place, thank you for reading.
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Manga Dex // Bato
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littlelateteaparty · 7 months
"The villainess's older brother is not a capture target!!" - Vol 2 chapter 8 (part 1)
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littlelateteaparty · 7 months
"The villainess's older brother is not a capture target!!" - Vol 2 chapter 7 (part 2)
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