#the vicar in white
hitchell-mope · 6 months
Great ending to a great show.
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glitterypin · 28 days
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I don't even know how to caption this, I think this collection speaks for itself, right? right.
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Daemons
The Master, posing as a rural vicar, summons a cloven-hoofed demon-like creature named Azal in a church crypt. Seeking to gain the ancient titan's demonic power, he gathers a cult and then corrupts or controls the residents of Devil's End to bow to his will. Dark elemental forces begin to disturb the village on the eve of May Day: unexplained murders, a stone gargoyle come to life, and a nigh-impenetrable infernal energy dome. With the Master fully prepared to destroy the Earth, the Doctor and UNIT — aided by a benevolent practitioner of witchcraft — battle the wicked rites of a secret science wielded by an alien from another world.
what is the most important quality of a good doctor who story, to have a strong plot, something to say, something new to try. all of these are positives, yes, but sometimes the best doctor who stories are just fun. sometimes they feature the master pretending to be the leader of a satanic cult pretending to be an anglican priest, remote control bessie, an alien who's basically the devil, a living gargoyle, a witch, and the doctor escaping being tied to a maypole by pretending to be a wizard. truly, this is the heights of doctor who, it is beyond fun to watch, i love it so much. If that’s not enough, then surely the fact that this has THE ‘the brigs an alcoholic and mike yates is gay’ moment (anonymous)
An Unearthly Child
Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton, two humble teachers during 1963, are surprised by a bright student named Susan Foreman. Confused by the contradictions in Susan's knowledge, Barbara had decided to visit her home, only to learn that the address on record is a junkyard. She and Ian decide to wait at the location until Susan or her grandfather show up. There, they discover a junkyard inhabited by her grandfather, simply known as "the Doctor", and he doesn't want them lurking about.
When the teachers refuse to leave, they discover that an ordinary police box is actually bigger on the inside. The Doctor decides they know too much about his and Susan's otherworldly origins and takes them on a journey across space and time in his TARDIS, the place he and Susan now call home.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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bowietea · 1 year
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Fucken Art style range my ass-
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marsbotz · 2 months
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also i need u guys to see this sorry.
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lucifer-kane · 1 year
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Watching someones first Bloodborne playthrough and fooling around in my sketchbook, a little Laurence concept comes out
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sandymybeloved · 4 months
why am i so hyped to be watching the daemons tonight. i mean yes its my favourite serial but i need to like, chill
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agronian · 6 months
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this bad bitch right here y’all aren’t even ready to see
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Stella Mavka the Borzoi Nun, Protector of Enjoli and Charlie, and She-Werewolf Mate of Nanarno: [?]
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Art by @joanathedummy
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Art by @fanofrandomawesomeness
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getoheaven · 2 years
i can’t believe tom hollander is one of the gays trying to kill jennifer coolidge……. that’s insane to me
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pheadrus · 2 years
went to the community quiz which was ultimately very boring but I have zero regrets bc I was reminded how fucking hot the vicar is
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hitchell-mope · 6 months
Geraldine has the final line.
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jaskierx · 2 months
3000 - three thousand - anti-racist counter protestors forming a barrier around the beacon centre in newcastle, holding signs saying ‘geordies are of all colours’.
£12,000 raised by a local resident in hartlepool who wanted to show appreciation to the mosque after it was targeted.
sunderland residents joining a mass clean up after the riots, many wearing safc football shirts as they swept up broken glass and helped board up broken windows.
hundreds of people gathering in middlesbrough at 7 in the morning and bringing cleaning equipment to share so they could put the town back how it should be.
white people standing shoulder to shoulder with their neighbours of colour, vicars and rabbis and imams standing together to condemn the violence, folks offering to walk people of colour home or accompany them on public transport if they feel unsafe alone.
this is what working class northern england looks like. this is who we are. racists and fascists are not welcome here. they do not define us.
the riots are terrible. the people participating in them are scum. but do not write off my entire community as ‘stupid racist northeners in shitty post industrial towns’ when we are doing all we can and proving that that could not be further from the truth
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‘You left me for Mary?’
On the one hand, it’s obvious why Ed is upset by this. It is framed as a betrayal, an infidelity, directly in conflict with what Stede and Ed shared previously, however briefly.
But I think there’s a little more to this.
Ed’s angry. Because to Ed, Stede left him for a lie. Stede’s sexuality is complex, but however it can be defined, it does not involve a cis woman. Ed knows this. He knows this. You only have to observe the incredulity on Ed’s face when Anne Bonny says Stede kissed her. He is flummoxed and bewildered and so, so hurt by learning Stede returned to Mary.
The hurt runs much deeper than Stede’s single act. Stede has colluded with society’s norms after appearing to reject them, social mores which actively hurt someone such as Ed - I trusted you.
Ed knows he lives in a comphet society, even if on the fringes, within a pirate subculture with differing norms and values. It’s the reason why Ed attacks the wedding party. It’s the reason why he keeps the cake-toppers and attempts to imprint a version of himself over the top of the bride. Ed tries desperately to erase the smooth-faced, upper-class white woman, the perfect companion to the smooth-faced, upper-class white man. The thing he can never be. It’s what society upholds as correct sexual, emotional and moral behaviour. We hear the words of the vicar at the wedding on the ship clear as day: ‘The natural condition of humanity is base and vile. It’s the obligation of people of standing, such as yourselves [white, hetro, upper class] to elevate the common human rabble through the sacred transaction of matrimony’.
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Ed cannot belong to a man like Stede. Ed is too male, too brown, too low-born. He is part of the ‘rabble’. After painting himself upon the bride, he pushes both figures out of the broken window into the sea. To kill the thing that can never be, the ‘base and vile’ want within him. A want that is condemned. And by pushing the bride figurine into the sea, he foreshadows the death of the man who would ever think such a love and life could be his. Himself. It is a truly desperate moment of self-loathing.
But Stede does come back. His actions did not occur in isolation. He is as much a victim of a comphet society as Ed, despite some of the privileges being white and upper-class bring. He rejects finally the comphet grand narrative lie of his upbringing and returns to the truth of his heart and being.
Stede finally tells the too male, too brown, too low-born Ed that actually, he is endgame for him. Not within a society which will crush them, but in a world they can build and create for themselves.
This can be whatever we want it to be.
Eventually, eventually, Ed heals enough to listen and believe a little, and see enough of a future in which he can simply be loved by Stede and love Stede in return.
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Which is one of the many, many reasons this show will break and remake my heart forever.
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humanpurposes · 1 year
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(1950s AU) A housewife reaches breaking point and seeks medical advice at her husband's request // Main Masterlist
Aemond x nameless female character
Warnings: 18+, smut, period typical sexism, dub-con,
Words: 5400
A/n: inspired by this ask on @lightningandfireinmybones 's blog, shout out to @b-vvitched for the prompt, I couldn't stop thinking about it :) Also available to read on AO3.
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She reads over the gold painted letters on the door to make sure she has the right room.
Dr A. Targaryen
General Practitioner
She brings her hand up to the door, hesitating for a moment before she softly taps her knuckles against the wood, thrice.
She holds her breath, unsure if a moment passes or a minute.
His voice comes soft and distant from the other side. “Enter.”
The room is simply four white walls, a dark wood desk and cabinets and an examination table with black leather upholstery. The harsh afternoon sun and a slight breeze bleed in from the open windows, floating through thin, white curtains. It’s surprisingly serene but still plain and inoffensive.
Dr Targaryen– Aemond as he insists as he shakes her hand– has harsh blue eyes, the left framed by a long scar slicing down his face, a pointed nose, curved lips, a sharp jaw and pale blond hair, stylishly gelled like some movie star. Something about him is unsettling despite the small smile and the impeccable manners as he offers her a seat in the green leather chair on the other side of his desk.
She contracts her hand slightly once he lets go of her. His grip had been rather firm.
He opens a brown leather notebook and flicks through a clipboard on the desk, frowning and tapping a pen against it as he goes over some paperwork and basic information she had given the nurse, as instructed.
She holds her hands together in her lap and winces at how damp her palms are. She’s sure it’s just the weather, and smooths them over her pale blue, rayon skirt. She checks her nails while she’s at it too. She had painted them red the night before, but they are already starting to chip from where she’d started her day with washing the dishes and doing a deep clean of the kitchen.
“You said your husband recommended you seek medical advice, is that right?” he asks, his head tilted down and his eyes meeting hers, expecting a prompt answer, she realises.
She swallows through the scratchy feeling in her throat, wishing she had accepted the receptionist’s offer of water. “Yes, that’s right.”
His eyes move over the page again and he gives a cryptic “hmm.”
The specifics often change but lately she’s realised that each day of her life feels the same. Wake up before her husband, make his coffee and his breakfast, make sure he wants for nothing and see him off to work. Help the mother-in-law with her shopping and her laundry. Bake a cake for the village fundraiser and drop it off at the the Church. Make polite conversation with the vicar and the other women helping out, compliment their babies, ask about the older children. Try not to cry when she’s bombarded with the dreaded question. “How soon can we expect little ones from you?”
Two weeks ago her husband had come home from work and found her on the sofa, staring into space, too tired to even reach for a book or a magazine. Everything had seemed to be going wrong for her that day, evidenced by the broken washing machine, the broken heel on her shoe, the cuts and blisters on her feet, the shopping left unceremoniously on the kitchen counter. She was absolutely exhausted, but when his dinner wasn't ready and waiting for him, her husband hit the roof.
Something snapped. Before she knew it, she was screaming, eyes hot and streaming with tears as she choked on her own sobs. She had never been so loud in her life. She can hardly even remember what she said.
Her husband’s voice screams inside her head. “Emotional… irrational… hysterical…”
“And you went to the nurse first?” Aemond asks. 
He looks back at the notes. “What did she tell you?”
She shifts in her chair. It should all be right there in front of him, why does she have to say it?
She takes a deep breath, as subtly as she can. “She suggested it could be a hormonal imbalance, or a symptom of…”
Aemond raises a brow, expectantly.
She feels a warmth rushing to her cheeks “... monthly courses,” she says quietly.
“And have you had issues with those?” he asks.
“They can be irregular.”
He hums again and writes something in his notebook.
She clenches her fist around her skirt and notices the soft ticking of the clock on the wall over the desk. It’s not too obtrusive, and the rhythm gives her something to focus on while neither of them are speaking.
Aemond shifts back in his chair, crossing a leg over the other, absentmindedly pressing the lid of his pen to his lips like he’s trying to solve a crossword in the morning paper. “What exactly was your husband’s main concern?”
There comes a familiar feeling, an emptiness in her chest like her body might concave, and a swelling in her eyes. She bites down on her lip to dispel the urge to cry.
Everyone around her loves to comment on how happy she is, how blessed she is to have such a happy marriage and a loving husband.
“He says I’ve been too emotional.”
“Emotional in what way?”
She tells him about the outburst two weeks ago, expecting him to tut and shake his head and chide her for her behaviour. Instead he watches her and listens.
“He says he doesn’t know what else to do with me. He says he does everything he can to make me happy, but that it’ll never be enough for me,” she says.
“And does he make you happy?” he asks.
Her answer hitches in her throat. The obvious response would be of course. He does what any good husband does, works, brings home a salary, sweet talks her mother and smokes cigars with her father when they visit every other Sunday. 
Happiness seems to be an external factor, something people comment on and praise her. When other people say she is happy she wears it with pride, like a medal or a precious piece of jewellery.
She loves her husband, as well as any self respecting woman does. She reminds herself that’s the whole reason why she’s here.
At her silence Aemond smiles to himself and begins to write. She follows how his fingertips grip the pen and how the tendons in his hands flex.
“Wait!” she says, shuffling forward in her seat.
He pauses and looks at her like he did before, with his chin tilted down.
“No– I meant to say yes. Yes, he makes me happy.”
His eyes move around her face and briefly down, over the pearl charm hanging from her neck, her white blouse and her hands bunched in her blue skirt. She releases them when she realises he’s looking and rests them on the arms of the chair instead.
This feels like a test, one in which every word and gesture will be put to scrutiny, earning either a curious “hmm” or a scratching of the pen against the paper. She wonders which is worse.
“How long have you been married?” he asks.
“A year in July.”
“No children?”
“Why not?”
His question leaves a tight feeling in her chest and in her gut. 
Aemond sets the pen down on the desk without making a sound. “Sorry, I know these questions can be obtrusive. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but it would be useful to know what I’m working with.”
That’s an odd way to phrase it, she thinks.
“No it’s alright,” she says, her fingers moving anxiously over each other. “It’s not for lack of trying. We… try a few times a week. Usually on the weekends or when he’s not tired– he’s often tired after work.”
“And how is it?”
“Oh, um–” without thinking her hands move back into her lap and she starts to pick at the red nail polish. “He says there’s something wrong with me.”
Aemond tilts his head. “Wrong with you?”
She squeezes her thighs together at the familiar memory of her husband’s downright painful attempts to make love to her. He practically has to force his way inside of her and she can never stand it for more than a few thrusts before she pushes him off. 
He was understanding for the first few months, but she can tell it’s starting to irritate him now. She doesn’t understand why it doesn’t work, what she could possibly be doing wrong.
“Does he prepare you?” 
She looks up with a knitted brow. “Prepare me?”
He tuts and mutters something that sounds like “poor thing,” before scrawling another quick note. 
Then he stands, rolling up the sleeves of his white coat and the black shirt underneath. “I want to check a few things,” he says, cocking his head towards the examination table on the other side of the room.
She follows dutifully, propping her hands against the leather upholstery and pushing herself up to sit on it. Her black heels don’t reach the floor. She crosses them at the ankle and lets them swing a little. 
Once Aemond has washed his hands he approaches her. He’s tall, she realises as he stands before her. His hips are level with her knees and the edge of the table and while he’s not quite close enough to touch her, her legs twitch at the proximity.
She tries to avert her gaze from the somewhat intense expression in his eyes as he simply looks at her. Her eyes don’t stop moving, looking past his shoulder or down at her sides, but there’s not anything interesting to look at.
She focuses on the steady ticking of the clock, counting ten long seconds before she realises she’s holding her breath.
When she finally releases she finds herself focusing instead on the gentle sounds of Aemond’s breath through his nose, the smell of his hair gel, musky aftershave and the lingering scent of smoke. 
Warm fingertips brush against her jaw as he brings her to look at him. She can feel the slight roughness of the pads of his fingers, but he’s gentle when he touches her, almost cautious. 
He leans in a little closer until he’s touching her knees. She doesn’t let herself react but her heart is drumming furiously, more so when his thumb strokes over her cheek. He moves back and forth, grazing the corner of her mouth, before he swipes it over her lower lip. 
She relaxes her mouth as he presses and tugs on the soft flesh. It’s somehow both terrifying and oddly reassuring.
And then he settles, pressing both of her lips into a slight pout while his fingertips rest against her jaw and the top of her neck.
“Open your mouth for me,” he says.
She stares back at him with wide eyes. Had she heard that correctly?
The corners of his mouth curl politely, waiting for her compliance.
So she does as he asks.
With his fingers holding her chin, Aemond inches his thumb into her mouth, settling on her tongue. His skin tastes clean and faintly medicinal from the amber soap.
“You can close your mouth,” he says.
She keeps her eyes on his as she closes her lips around him, careful not to touch him with her teeth.
He hums again, low and contentedly. “Good girl.”
She shudders at the sudden weightlessness in her belly.
“Are you alright?” he asks.
She gives him a small nod.
"Good," he utters, "just breathe."
She loses count of the seconds on the clock as he simply settles inside of her. She does as he says, breathing deeply through her nose, looking up at him through her eyelashes, trying to read if he's pleased or not.
When he starts to withdraw and she instinctively drags her tongue along his thumb. She looks down at his hand, the imprint of her mauve lipstick on his skin, the glistening digit and the small line of spit that trails from her mouth, which he wipes away with his fingers.
“How did that feel?” he asks.
She thinks for a moment. “Good.”
He glances down and her eyes follow, to the fabric of her skirt. When she stands it falls to her shin, but seated, the hem rides up to just below her knees. He places a wide hand on her left knee, their skin separated only by a thin layer of nylon stockings.
“These outbursts of yours,” he mutters, “are they a regular occurrence?”
“Not really,” she says.
“What do you think caused it?”
She presses her teeth together and looks away from him to think. “Lots of things I suppose. It all piles up.”
“How did it feel, to shout at your husband?”
She huffs a laugh at the instinct that appears in her head, it’s not something she should ever admit, but there’s something about Aemond’s eyes and the feeling of his hands that make her want to tell him the truth,
“I liked it, I was just so…” she shakes her head looking for the right word, but she supposes there’s a simpler explanation. “I was so angry, angrier than I’ve ever been in my life.”
“What were you angry at?” Aemond asks, his thumb starting to stroke against her thigh. 
Would it be too much to list every aspect of her life that irritates her?
She hates a lot of things. She hates tidying the house just for it to get messy again. She hates it when her new shoes dig into her skin and make her bleed. She hates that she seems incapable of interacting with another person without suffering their scrutiny. She hates it when people tell her that her life is perfect.
Everything races around in her head, screaming and shouting at her until the noise becomes silent, just a throbbing pain in her head.
“Just… everything,” she groans, rubbing her fingertips against her temple. “I don’t understand it, everyone says our life together is so perfect, but I don’t feel perfect.”
His hand moves away from her and she looks up at the absence.
Aemond takes a slow breath. “Are you familiar with hysteria?”
Her heart sinks and he seems to see it in her face.
He purses his lips for a moment before he explains, “it’s essentially an excess of ill-managed emotions. It can lead to irrational behaviour and quite severe distress.”
She’s heard of the condition before, sparse stories here and there of men who had no choice but to seek proper treatment for their wives when they are too emotional… irrational… hysterical.
She’s not like those women, surely, and her husband knows that, right?
“Is that what's wrong with me?” she asks.
His mouth quirks. “Quite possibly.”
“But I’ve heard of women with this condition before. I’ve heard what their husbands do to them, I—” she can feel her eyes beginning to well with hot, stinging tears. “That’s not going to happen to me, is it?”
She hangs her head, dread pooling in her belly, until his hands cup the sides of her face. Aemond brings her gaze up into his eyes.
“Don’t send me away,” she whispers, blinking the tears from her eyes so they roll down her cheeks. “Please, there must be something you can do–”
“There there, pet,” he says, tracing his thumbs along her teartracks, “everything is going to be alright, hmm? We can sort you out.”
She nods at his reassurance and the feeling of his hands against her skin. It must be entirely improper to be so close to another man, even more so when she starts to realise just how much she likes it, a sweet sort of unease. Perhaps that’s just his nature, perhaps he’s just good at this part of his job.
For a moment he presses his lips together in a strange way, like he’s holding something back. “There is one treatment I’m keen to suggest,” he says.
“What treatment?” she asks.
He tilts his head slightly. “Hysteria is an instability of emotion. You need a release.”
“Like when I shouted at my husband?”
He smiles at that. “It felt good, didn’t it?”
She nods.
“We can undergo controlled releases,” he says, “you’ll be much happier for it.”
She takes a sharp breath when one of his hands moves down from her cheek to rest casually at her waist.
“I can start the treatment today, if you’d like?”
His face is close to hers now, She feels every flutter of his breath, the heat of his body separated by inches of empty space.
“Yes please,” she says quietly, like she might disturb the peacefulness in the room if she speaks any louder. “If it’s not too much trouble?”
“Don’t worry, pet, we’ve still got plenty of time left,” he says, stepping away. “Take your skirt off, and lie back.”
Suddenly her skin feels tight. “My skirt?”
“If you don’t mind?” he says over his shoulder as he walks towards his desk. “It just makes things a little easier, maybe the blouse too.”
She hops down from the table, heels clicking against the floor.  While Aemond’s pen scratches against paper, she turns her back and starts to pick at the buttons on the top of her blouse. She pulls it over her head and folds it, setting it down on the table, where her head will go. Then she pulls down the zip on her skirt and lets it fall around her. For the slightly mortifying prospect of standing there in her stockings and undergarments, the breeze from the window washes over the bare skin of her arms and torso. It’s quite nice, a welcome relief.
She waits with her heels close together and her hands clasped in front of her. Aemond has his back to her and she watches the way the sunlight catches in the silvery streaks of his hair. He tears a sheet from the pad of prescription papers and leaves it on his desk before he moves to the sink to wash his hands. It’s methodical, like before, well rehearsed and memorised for efficiency. Does he even have to think about what he’s doing, she wonders?
Once his hands are dried he reaches into a drawer under his desk. He keeps his eyes on the small object in his hands as he walks towards her.
She straightens her back and puts her hands on the table behind her, testing her weight so she can shuffle on top of it. 
Aemond looks up and she pauses.
His eyes dart up and down her body. “Shoes and stockings off too.”
Blood rushes to her cheeks but she complies, reaching down to undo the small buckles on each shoe. Once they’re under the table she stands straight and curls her thumbs around her stockings.
She looks up to Aemond. He gives her a small nod.
She starts to pull the thin material down her legs, so thin it should hardly make a difference. She shivers as the breeze meets a new part of her body. She straightens again, dutifully awaiting her next instruction. 
The corners of Aemond’s mouth curl. “Perfect,” he mutters. 
He steps closer to her, until she can make out the object in his hands. It’s a coppery colour, gleaming like metal, and no smaller than a tube of lipstick. He slips it into his coat pocket.
She follows Aemond’s hand as he reaches out and runs a slender finger under the strap of her brassiere. “I think we’ll keep this on,” he says.
She nods, though she doesn’t really know why.
A hum sounds in his throat and his eyes look over her face. “Lie back.”
She does as he says and fiddles with her hands, unsure of where to put them until she decides to keep them by her sides. Anticipation sets her nerves alight. She listens to every breath, each taunting footstep as Aemond comes to stand at the foot of the bed.
He moves slowly so as not to agitate her, but her whole body tenses when his hands clasp around her ankles. It’s obvious he’s trying to be gentle, but even when softly spoken his voice leaves a restless feeling in her gut. “Shh, try to relax, and just let me…” he lifts her legs up along her body until her knees are by her hips. His hands go to her thighs next and she lets out a short whimper of surprise when he pulls her closer to him.
“There we go,” he muses to himself, one hand on her thigh while he gently rests the other on her navel, over the hem of her panties.
Her hands are restless, fists clenching and nails digging into her palms.
Aemond looks down at her with a hint of concern. “You can tell me if you want to stop, at any point.”
“No it’s alright,” she breathes, suppressing the urge to arch her back.
His brows raise as he looks down, grazing his fingertips over her skin. Each movement has her breath hitching or her body squirming, no matter how hard she tries to relax, just as he’d instructed.
He brings both hands to her knees, closing them together before he reaches for her panties and slides them from her legs. She doesn’t see where he drops them. Her hands come into fists again as he gradually spreads her legs. 
She’s not sure what to expect or how this is supposed to help her control her emotions, but she tries to concentrate on staying still, keeping whatever dignity she has left.
“Look at that,” Aemond hums, circling his thumbs against her inner thighs, “you’re already getting wet.”
She can feel it, the warmth pooling between her legs. No one has ever told her it’s bad, but it’s one of those things she wonders if she should be ashamed of. She tries to shift but there’s nowhere for her body to go, nowhere she can hide from him.
“I’m sorry,” she mutters, “it’s not bad, is it?”
Aemond frowns. “You mean you don’t…” he trails off as his face melts into an amused sort of sympathy, like he’s piecing together a puzzle. “Bad news for your husband maybe. It means you’re aroused.”
Aroused. She repeats the word to herself a few times. 
Surely it is a bad thing to find herself in such a state, only she finds herself turning her attention to Aemond. Her gaze trails shamelessly over the veins and tendons of his hands and forearms as he kneads at her thighs, the curve of his upper lip and the tip of his tongue swiping between his teeth. If only she could read his mind, figure out what he’s thinking behind those pretty blue eyes, what hypothesis he’s playing around with inside his head. 
And then he reaches into his pocket. She lifts her head to try and get a better look. The coppery object looks more like an oversized bullet, with a slightly pointed head and a black button at its base. When Aemond presses the button it starts to hum. Even the noise of it sparks a reaction from her. She feels something strange, like a shockwave flashing through her body.
“Relax,” Aemond says, bringing his other hand to her hip. “I don’t want to have to tie you down.”
“No,” she utters, “sorry.” She lets her head fall against the upholstery and stares up at the ceiling, determined not to react.
Until something presses to her centre, humming against her. Pleasure pulses through her, unfamiliar but hot and bright. Her eyes snap shut and her hips try to buck but Aemond’s hand holds her down. 
“How does it feel?” he says.
Her first attempt to speak comes out as a broken whimper. “Good,” she manages, stilling her hips from trying to rock against the bullet. “Fuck…”
Something inside of her feels tight, tensing and tensing until she’s sure she can’t take any more. But he keeps it against her, making small, rhythmic movements through her folds, edging her closer to that rising feeling only to relieve her of it.
Her nails start to drag along the leather, clawing at it for purchase. She tries to stay still, to keep her hips steady but something has to give. She turns her head to the side, whimpering and groaning into her shoulder.
“There you go,” Aemond hums, as he finds a truly torturous pattern, slowly swiping upwards from her entrance to the sweet spot of her pearl, only to start over. 
“Please,” she whimpers as he tears her away from that feeling again. Blissful tears blur her vision and she feels utterly weightless. “I can’t stand it…”
He lingers the bullet just below her pearl. She’s so close to something. She can feel it. 
“Do you want to stop?” Aemond asks.
“No!” she cries.
He starts to move in small circles now and her body feels like it’s burning. “Just take it,” he says, “you can take it, just be a good girl for me, hmm?”
“Yes… yes…” she utters like a dreamy chant. 
The button clicks and the vibrations increase. She hardly registers the wanton noises she makes, but she’s all too aware of wet sounds of her arousal and Aemond’s short hums when her hips start to buck again.
“You’re so close, aren’t you?” Aemond says. “Come on, pet, you can do it, you’re almost there…”
She feels the hum of her throat as she groans his name and suddenly the tight feeling snaps. Her whole body releases, just as Aemond promised, and she feels herself come undone. He guides her through it, the bullet whirring against her and his hand steady on her hip.
When he finally withdraws, her limbs don’t feel like her own. She listens to her own breath and feels the rise and fall of her chest as she wills herself into a state of awareness. She props herself onto her elbows and her eyes meet Aemond’s.
He smirks, and looks down again, gently drawing a thumb through her folds. 
Her back arches and her breath hitches, though not as intensely as before. She can feel how slick she is now, how easily he moves against her. She eases under his touch and just lets it feel good.
“You did so well,” he says, “fuck, the way your cunt twitches when you come…”
She gazes at him with a bewildered kind of awe, at his parted lips, the golden glow of sunlight trailing down his jaw and his neck, and now the dark, almost hungry look in his eyes. She can already feel the desire rising again, the wanting for more.
“There’s something else I want to try,” he says. His thumb slips further down, teasing her entrance. “If you’ll let me?”
She holds her bottom lip between her teeth and nods.
“Good girl,” he hums.
That alone has her trying to roll her hips against him, but then he’s gone. She wants to groan in protest but keeps her mouth shut as she watches him remove his white coat and black shirt, both of which he drapes over his chair. For his seemingly slender frame, he’s surprisingly muscular. 
With his back still turned to her she watches his hands move to his trousers. She hears the clinking of his belt buckle and the sound of his fly coming undone. He reaches back into the same drawer, tears something between his teeth and discards a small, white packet on the desk. 
As he comes to stand before her once more she can’t help the small smile that graces her lips, unashamedly appreciating the muscles of his torso, his pectorals and the lines of his abdominals, and his now freed cock, already hard, and certainly larger than her husband’s.
He stands before her once again, bringing her knees down so he can slot himself between her legs.
She can already feel herself twitching and her heart racing. 
He doesn’t waste much time on preamble. “You’re fucking soaked,” he mutters, lining the his cock to her entrance and taking a hold of her thigh, “be a shame to waste it.”
She expects it to hurt when he pushes inside of her, and for a moment it does. She feels the way he stretches her out with just the tip. He moves slowly, dragging in and out of her, each time pushing in a little more. She can take the pain, at least until it starts to melt away. After a few strokes it feels effortless.
Aemond lets out a sharp grunt as he comes close to bottoming out. “How does it feel?” he asks with a small amount of strain.
It’s a different kind of pleasure, it’s duller and deeper, less frantic but it still burns in the best way.
“Good,” she breathes.
Aemond’s hands take hold of her waist as he increases his pace, dragging her into him to match his thrusts.
The air feels hot and thick now, the ticking of the clock drowned out by laboured panting, breathless moans and the soft sounds of skin meeting skin.
“Fuck you’re tight,” he hisses, sinking his fingertips deeper into her flesh.
“I don’t suppose that’s a medical term?” she says with a dazed grin.
Aemond huffs a laugh but it seems to spur him on, his jaw slack and his brow furrowed in determination. 
She wraps her legs around his hips and reaches up for him, but all she manages is to graze her fingertips over his torso. He snatches her wrists, leaning over to pin them on either side of her head as he brutally starts to snap her hips into hers. Like this he fucks her deeper and harder against the leather.
She feels her release building slowly, his cock brushing against a spot that has her eyes watering again.
“Going to come for me?” Aemond grits out, pressing his forehead to hers. 
“I want to,” she whimpers, arching her back to get closer to him, “fuck–”
He releases one of her wrists and slips his hand between them, circling her pearl with the pads of his fingers. 
He brings his lips to the shell of her ear. “You’re squeezing me so good,” he whispers harshly, “nearly there, nearly there sweetheart…”
Her legs start to shake as her pleasure peaks and her climax washes over her. Every part of her body tenses and moulds itself into him. Aemond doesn’t relent, he keeps fucking her until she’s whining and squirming, until finally he lets out a guttural groan into her neck. His hips still and she feels him throbbing inside of her, spilling himself into the condom.
For a moment she’s content to lie there, no matter how uncomfortable the surface of the bed is. She likes Aemond’s weight on top of her, his breath on her neck, the scent of him, the sweat from his brow against her skin. But they don’t stay like that for long. He pulls away from her and makes quick work of disposing of the condom and tucking himself back into his trousers.
“Nothing wrong in that regard,” he says, reaching for her hand to help her sit up. “If you’re having trouble it’s the fault of your husband. He needs to prepare you before he tries to fuck you.”
She flicks her hair from her neck to relieve some of the heat. “Oh, right.” She can feel herself trembling, but she feels light, like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. 
“How are you feeling now?” he asks, placing a reassuring hold to her arm.
“Good,” she says.
Aemond carefully helps her back into her panties, stockings, shoes, blouse and skirt. He rights her necklace, wipes the dried tears from her cheeks, drags his thumb around her mouth where her lipstick has smudged and helps her down from the bed, keeping a firm hand on her until she nods to let him know she’s alright. 
He tears off a prescription paper and hands it to her. She quickly skims over it. He’s not prescribed any medication or recommended a lobotomy, thank God. 
“Contraction therapy?” she reads, looking up at him with a raised brow.
“I want to see you twice weekly,” he says, buttoning up his shirt. “Maybe we can go for three times a week, if you feel it would be beneficial.”
She tries her best to hide her smile. “Well I’m sure you know best, doctor.”
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General Taglist (comment if you wanna be added): @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy
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na-bird-of-the-day · 3 months
BOTD: Eared Poorwill
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Photo: Luke Seitz
"Small nightjar of brushy oak woodland in foothills and highlands; endemic to west Mexico. Heard far more often than seen. Feeds from perches on the ground (including quiet roads) and in trees. Usually sings from a concealed perch. Sexes look similar: cryptic gray-brown to rusty overall with a rather plain face and throat, white 'vicar’s collar,' white spots on the wings, and narrow white tail tip. Its 'ears' are erectile head feathers rarely visible in the field. Loud, resonant whistled 'preeOO' song is repeated steadily."
- eBird
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