#the urge to try and lose weight is always present but im doing my best to just eat good and right and see where my body settles under that
stellewriites · 4 months
just tried on some swim shorts for my weekend away with some friends and they’re actualllyyyyyyyy So Cute????
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artist-issues · 3 years
I’ve seen the logic behind both schools of thought: that Old Steve could only have sat back and allowed events like Bucky’s torture to unfold (thereby being super out of character) OR that he created an alternate timeline where he stayed in character by solving all sorts of problems while living out his happily ever after. And I’m not going to go into that, I’m not going to swing one way or the other. But suffice to say, I don’t think that the portrayal of time travel rules in Endgame supports the idea that Old Steve could only return to prime 2023 via the same portal he left from, because if that were true, how do you explain the Avengers’ big push to get the Infinity Gauntlet into Scott’s van in the final battle? If the only way they could be returned to the timeline they were snatched from was with the same portal, tossing them into the van, a DIFFERENT portal, would’ve been reality-suicide for our heroes.
But I’m not here to argue about what Steve Rogers did when we DIDN’T get to watch his actions. I’m here to argue about what we DO know for sure based on what we WERE given to watch. I’m here to prove that if you think it’s not like Steve Rogers to leave Bucky in the present to live his days out with Peggy, you’ve missed his whole character arc. You’re one of those people who doesn’t see that he HAS a character arc. Captain America has DEPTH. He has LAYERS to who he is. It’s not just “do the right thing,” as close as that may sound to the truth.
He is not the same exact guy Bucky had to lead out of back-alley fights in the 40s. He might have all of the same excellent qualities that we know and love, the BEST qualities, but we’re not at the same point in his story. He’s learned and he’s grown and Peggy Carter is symbolic of him moving on.
Now, that may sound oxymoronic to you, “because he literALLY TIME TRAVELED TO THE PAST to be with the lady he missed out on! HOW IS THAT MOVING ON?!” you ask. Because you’re missing it. Let’s rewind and look at Steve Rogers and his character development, shall we?
In Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers goes from a guy with everything to prove, who is so willing to take on the world and all it’s evil that it doesn’t matter if he’s 90lbs of asthmatic shortness, he’ll fight bullies and stand up for what’s right! And he’ll do it ALONE if he has to! That’s important, the word “alone.” He’s so committed to that identity that Bucky Barnes, his best friend and brother figure, keeps having to remind Steve that through all of life’s challenges, he’s not alone, that he’s got someone with him “til’ the end of the line.” And Steve believes it: Bucky will be there for him when he needs dragging out of the gutter and cleaning up, when he has nobody else and nothing else. But Steve knows, or thinks he knows, (AND YOU AND I DO TOO, if we pay attention to the actual movie instead of our fill-in-the-blanks headcanons) that however LOYAL AND TRUE Bucky is to him, he doesn’t believe Steve can win. Bucky doesn’t believe in Steve. Now hold your offense: it’s okay that Bucky didn’t believe in Steve. Have you seen Skinny Steve? He’s an amazing moral giant, but physically he’s not going to live past middle-aged. Bucky believed Skinny Steve was righteous, and a hero, and would never give up, but Bucky was resigned to having to help that righteous hero or watch him die eventually because all that gold was locked up in the wrong-sized package. Sebastian Stan has hinted at what the films portray subtly; that Bucky’s is more cynical than his friend Steve from the get-go. He’s always poised and worried that he’s about to watch his hero Steve get killed standing up to the darkness of the world—not WIN against it. Bucky was ready to help Steve out of fights, but—and here’s BUCKY’S character development in that first film—he’s not ready to follow Steve into fights until after Azzano, when Steve finally has the physical capabilities to back up what Bucky has always known was there on the inside: the will to fight the darkness of the world and win. That’s when he realizes, “he’s the little guy from Brooklyn, too dumb to run away from a fight—and now someone’s actually gone and juiced him up with the means to literally take on the jaws of death.” All that heroism and goodness Bucky’s always seen in Steve has gone from being what might get him killed to something that Steve can actually use to do the right thing, however dangerous. And Bucky chooses to keep his promise and follow Steve back into battle after enduring torture, because he is with him til the end of the line. But initially, cynical yet loyal Bucky Barnes didn’t believe his best friend could win.
Steve sees this about Bucky. He knows how Bucky sees him. In the Erskine Enlistment Scene, this line from Steve is so telling: “Look, I know you don’t think I can do this...” and Bucky responds after Steve’s ‘men-laying-down-their-lives’ speech with “right...cause you got nothing to prove.” sarcastically. Steve knows that Bucky loves him and is there for him, but he sees that Bucky doesn’t believe in him. And they’re still friends. They’re still brothers and everything we know them to be, because the word that defines their relationship is “LOYAL.” But you know who did believe in Steve?
Peggy Carter.
She takes notice of Steve’s heart of gold while he’s still skinny, and asthmatic, and everything that Bucky has seen since they were kids. But where Bucky sees a heart of gold about to be snuffed out by harsh circumstances, PEGGY sees something else. She sees something else because she has a similar hopeful outlook on life, a kindred spirit with Steve’s forever-the-fighter character. Peggy Carter, a woman in the 40s, has had to fight and fight and take one step forward for every three steps she’s been pushed back. She’s had to prove herself over and over, every moment of her career, when nobody (except her brother Michael) believed in her. That’s their conversation in the cab. That’s the crux of why they love each other. Peggy has always noticed Steve as never giving up, but until he talks to her in the car on the way to get Super Soldiered, she might have assumed that he was just trying to prove himself for HIMSELF. Then he explains that he doesn’t have anything against running away, and his philosophy about bullies. And she relates to him. She sees that heart of gold and she wants to STOKE it, not just protect it. She knows what it is to want someone to not only acknowledge her potential, but BELIEVE in it. That’s why she has a picture of Skinny Steve on her desk and not a newspaper clipping of Captain America; she loves Steve Rogers for what is inside, for his moral character, and for their kindred fighter spirits. You can see that through her urging him to not settle for being a dancing monkey. “You were meant for more than this, you know.” “If it could only work once, he would be glad it was you.”
And Steve Rogers recognizes that Peggy Carter believes in him. Here’s how. When Bucky and Steve argue at the World Fair before Bucky’s deployment, Bucky leaves with a sort of “I give up,” so-done, snarky “don’t do anything stupid until I get back” attitude. We know and love it. But that’s important. Steve is about to go lie on his enlistment and try to go to war. He’s about to do this risky thing. And Bucky leaves it like “even though I’m against it, I know I can’t stop you, so please just be careful.” When Peggy is faced with a more extreme, but still similar situation where Steve is about to jump headfirst into a risky thing, that’s not her attitude. “I can do more than that.” “Get back here! We’re taking you ALL the way in!” She’s not going to follow him, and she’s not going to shrug and say “fine, go get yourself killed.” She’s not even going to say, like Bucky might’ve, “if you’re dying, I’m dying with you.” JEEZ, the last thing she says to him before he gets on a plane that becomes his tomb is “GO GET ‘IM.” When he says to her “this is my choice” before he ‘dies’ she accepts it, but she still makes that appointment for the dance- almost like a sad, sweet little ‘if you can get out of this, I’ll still be waiting.’ But whenever he goes into danger, throughout that film, she’s going to HELP him. Because she believes in him. She really believes he can do this. She has faith. That’s the word that describes Peggy and Steve’s relationship. “FAITH.”
Bucky = Loyalty.
Peggy = Faith.
And how does Steve grow in this movie? He learned from both Bucky and Peggy: “I don’t have to fight alone.”  Whether it’s because he’s scrawny and everybody else would run away from a fight they can’t win, or because he’s an icon and the world’s first super-soldier-miracle, he’s always had this loneliness complex. He lifts the weight of the world because he knows that if you can, you should. But Peggy says to him “you won’t be alone.” It’s a quote important enough for him to experience it in a flashback the first time we see him in The Avengers.
In The Avengers, Steve has to share the spotlight with a whole other cast of heroes, PLUS the writers had to show us what it would be like for a 1940s superhero to lose 70 years of time and wake up with nobody left of his old life, so his growth is smaller. It’s setting up for more growth later. But still, there’s that quote. “You won’t be alone.” And now here he is. Alone. In the 21st century. Worse than a skinny kid nobody believes in, now he’s a cultural phenomenon in a world where everyone looks up to him but nobody believes in him, really, not directly. Whether it’s how well he can stand up against gods and iron men, what makes him special, or why cops should listen to him in the heat of interplanetary battle—in this bold new world he’s woken up in, Steve is on a lonelier pedestal than ever. He’s quickly disillusioned with the government that used to give him order and structure when it loses the Tesseract, which it was making weapons of mass destruction out of, then tries to nuke an island full of innocent people to win one battle. But Steve finally realizes, toward the end of the film, that just because SHIELD and the larger world are new and different and don’t know who he really is, that doesn’t mean he’s alone. When the other Avengers join him in going to take on Loki in their own way, and when Tony, in particular, proves that he’ll sacrifice himself for the greater good, Steve remembers his lesson from Peggy. He’s still not alone.
But being surrounded by other misfits, even ones who are willing to sacrifice everything for the greater good like he is, isn’t the same as being surrounded by people who know Steve Rogers, the punch-drunk kid from Brooklyn. He’s looking for purpose at the end of the Avengers. What do we see the other characters doing? Thor’s off to deal with the family drama that defines a lot of his character arcs in his movies. Tony is seen embracing the whole “work with others” thing by starting construction on Avengers Tower. Bruce is going with Tony, proving that he’s learning to trust himself with the Hulk like Tony suggested, and Nat hands him the bag, meaning she trusts him too. Clint is reunited with her and getting in a car with the SHIELD logo stamped on it, and where is Steve? What’s his foreshadowing/cap to the movie character arc? Is he getting in the SHIELD car, too? No. He’s on a motorcycle. Alone. Driving off to Lord-knows-where. He’s the only Avenger that drives off alone—but before he went, he shook Tony’s hand. That send-off says he’s willing to be on this team, with these other fighters and misfits...but he’s still lonely. Nobody really knows him yet. He’s not alone in fighting, but he doesn’t know what he wants or where he’s going.
In Captain America: The Winter Soldier Steve’s character development is centered around solidifying what parts of him need to change now that he’s “The Man Out of Time” and what parts of him stay true. The whole film is about trust. And yes, that trust is best driven him when Steve is literally willing to die rather than give up on Bucky, the man literally beating him to death. Because loyalty. But don’t miss the scene with Peggy, however brief. Their conversation has nuances, especially in light of Endgame. There’s a lot going on in the scene that shows how in love he is with her, but the part that’s most important is just his reaction when she relapses and realizes that he’s alive all over again. The last thing Old Peggy says is “it’s been so long.” And she repeats it, for emphasis. And he points out the dance. Because remember, there’s this theme that she would have waited for him. That’s their relationship: faith. But she didn’t know he was alive, and how could she? It’s been so long. She’s not smiling. She’s crying when she realizes he’s still alive. Because they missed all that time they would have had together. And his face is the perfect micro expression of grief. To me, it doesn’t read “I’m so sad because I missed out on Peggy,” though I’m sure there’s some of that in there. To me it reads more like Steve always reads because he thinks of others first: “I’m so sad because Peggy had to mourn me and our relationship for so long.” I mean, look, it’s 70 years later and she’s devastated that he’s alive but they weren’t together. (You can be devastated about your lost love AND accepting of your life and other children without him, it doesn’t have to be one or the other, but more on that another time.) Steve never moves on from Peggy because that’s not the kind of guy he is. It’s not nothing to say she was the love of his life. And he wanted to go back to her not just for himself, but for her. Because he’d seen the future where she was still heartbroken that he missed their dance, and I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s literally RIGHT THERE in probably the best-written Marvel Film, Winter Soldier.
In a film that’s all about how what he thought was good and right is literally crumbling or growing Hydra tentacles around him, there are two things he doesn’t let go of. The first is Bucky. Bucky is an assassin now who any other hero would have put down. Heck, STEVE would have mournfully put down any other threat to the greater good, for the sake of Doing What’s Right. But there’s two (2) exceptions to that rule, and the first is Bucky. Loyalty. He won’t kill or even fight his best friend. And the second thing he won’t let go of, thematically, is Peggy. It’s how we go from “I’m alone in the future” in the Avengers to, “and if I’m the only one, so be it. But I’m willing to bet I’m not.” Peggy founded SHIELD. Steve didn’t have to take time out of the very carefully synchronized and tense mission to stop Project: Insight to make that announcement. He could have assumed everyone was HYDRA and got to work. But he stopped, he made a FAITH-BASED decision to let HYDRA know they were there and shoutout to any good people in the building because the movie was about trust. And Peggy showed Steve how to have faith and trust in people because she extended it to him. He puts so many eggs in the Big Risk basket during this movie based on trusting others even though Nick Fury’s crucial words were “Don’t Trust Anyone.” That’s the part of Steve that won’t get corroded away by the new world he’s come out of the ice into. And he shows it by loyalty to Bucky, brainwashed warts and all, and belief in people, which Peggy taught him. There’s a lot that could also be said about Sam and Natasha, too, but more on them later.
The main thing, in CA:TWS and Avengers, to remember about Steve’s character arc is that while he’s learning to hold on to IDEALS like belief in people and defending freedom and innocent people from bullies like HYDRA and Loki, how does he express those ideals? The only way he knows how. By fighting. By finding a mission to complete or a cause to serve and going for it. How else? He doesn’t know how to do anything else. “I guess I just like to know who I’m fighting.” Sam asks, “You thinking about getting out?” And hid knee-jerk reaction is “no.” Then, “I don’t know.” AND WHY DOESN’T HE KNOW? Because he doesn’t know what makes him happy. Seriously! What makes him happy?? People who know him. He won’t go on a date because he has “no shared life experience”. He has no fun plans Saturday because his “barbershop quartet are dead.” Hes straight up politely walking away, kind-celebrity-style, from a potential new friend in Sam until Sam starts talking about being a veteran. He tries to relate to others through fights because that seems to be the only thing left. People see Steve as Captain America, leader of the Avengers, Fighter for Freedom, in the future. Nobody sees the kid from Brooklyn anymore. And he doesn’t know who he is without a war.
Bringing us to Avengers: Age of Ultron. This one’s character development is so obvious it feels like they’re beating you over the head with it Hulk-style if you just take half a second to focus on Steve’s scenes. It starts with how he views the Maximoff twins—he can relate to their lab-rats-of-justice ideals, but nobody else shares that sympathy, as seen in the conversation with Maria Hill by the elevator. Then there’s the scene at the party. No, not the one where he reminds Bruce that he waited too long for Peggy, although HELLO HE’S STILL IN LOVE WITH PEGGY. But I’m talking about Steve and Sam’s conversation. Sam mentions home. In the middle of a party, Steve is asking about Bucky, his one remaining person who knows him, and reminiscing about Peggy, the other person who knew him. Home is in the people who know you. Steve wants that to be the Avengers. He wants them to be the people who get who he is, and I think they come close. Nat, Sam, and Tony especially. But Tony never separates who Steve is from this idea of him handed down from Howard Stark, and Steve is made aware of that over and over. Plus Tony doesn’t trust Steve; the team keeps clashing over trust issues in this film. And Tony even says, in the pivotal argument with Steve over the lumber pile, “isn’t this why we fight? So we can END the fight? So we can go HOME?” Steve can’t go home because Steve feels he has no home. He’s made The Fight his home. And he defaults right back to it in this argument: “every time someone tries to stop a war before it starts, innocent people die.” So, again, he’s not ALONE anymore, in the sense that others will fight with him. But he’s still stuck on FIGHTING. And nobody really knows him. At the end of the film he says, almost reluctantly, “I’m home” and proceeds to go in and try to train new Avengers. Sam comes flying in among them—that’s a subtle reason why Steve is willing to make the Avengers/the Fight his new home. The one guy who might actually know him and represent who he is when he’s not behind the shield is missing, and Sam was supposed to be looking for him. Sam is with the Avengers, NOT looking for him.
But all of that is wrecked in Captain America: Civil War. Peggy, the love of his life, dies. Bucky, the friend he’d all but given up on finding, reappears and is in trouble. Without Peggy, there’s only one person left who knows who Steve really is, and with all that Bucky means to him, Steve isn’t going to give him up. It just so happens that that goal of remaining loyal to Bucky is synonymous with hanging on to his ideals: combatting the Sokovia Accords with a little moral kick in the seat from posthumous Peggy. I’m not going to go into why his actions about the Accords were in-character in this film. But it should be obvious from everything I’ve written, anyway. And remember, his faith is in people. Peggy taught him that, as we’ve established.
The main point of character development in this film for Steve is that he’s realized that he can’t give up who Steve Rogers is to be who everyone thinks Captain America is. When the rest of the world says that the Avengers should be little better than Government weapons and operate out of fear, Steve remembers that he’s the kid from Brooklyn who will fight for what’s right, shield or no shield. And Bucky symbolizes that aspect of who he really is, because Bucky knows him in a way that no remaining living character does. So when Steve is fighting Tony to keep Bucky safe, it’s not devoid of their conflict over ideals, either. Stave drops the shield but promises to still be there for Tony if he needs him. He’s not going to be everyone’s Captain America. He’s going to stay the good man Erskine gave a chance to, the good man Peggy believed in, and the good man only Bucky is alive to remember.
Now we get to Infinity War. And here there’s so much going on with so many characters that for Steve, it’s just important to realize that, although he’s finally hit a rhythm in this post-ice life as Steve Rogers, Fighter from Brooklyn, HOW is he hitting that rhythm? Settling down in Wakanda to hang with Bucky and the goats? Leaving the justice and peacekeeping to Tony Stark and the law-abiding heroes? No. He’s still fighting. And not just in response to Thanos—we’re shown hints and evidences that Cap and his Secret Avengers have been doing some behind-the-scenes peacekeeping. So why isn’t Steve finding peace with Bucky? Ask yourself that. He had time. He had anonymity, in Wakanda. He’d given up the Captain America mantle. They could’ve been roomies in that little hut, like when they were kids, right?
Wrong. But why?
It’s not because the Russos didn’t think of it. It’s not because of lazy writing. It’s because of Bucky.
Bucky is still Steve’s friend and Steve is still loyal to him. They don’t mean any less to each other than they did in 1945. But Bucky is not Bucky anymore. If you believe that Sebastian Stan did a good job playing Bucky, you have to remember that Sebastian Stan played him as if he would “never go back to being that guy you see in The First Avenger.” Bucky has evolved. He’s part Winter Soldier, now. Does he still know Steve better than anyone? Yes. But that is corrupted by the fact that Bucky was programmed to see Steve, the country Steve represented, and all of Steve’s ideals of freedom as targets to be destroyed for 90 years. That changes things. Steve is always going to do what is best for Bucky, because that’s the kind of friend he is. It was the kind of friend he was in 1945 when he rescued Bucky from Azzano, it’s the kind of friend he was when he wouldn’t fight him aboard Project: Insight, it’s the kind of friend he was when he gave up the Avengers and the shield for Bucky...and it’s the kind of friend he was when he left Bucky in the present.
In Avengers: Endgame Steve Rogers has experienced what it’s like to fight and lose again. He’s lost everything. He’s lost Peggy, and now Bucky, too. He’s lost everything and everyone that ever symbolized home...except, perhaps, Natasha. His friend who knows what it’s like to give up everything for ideals and fight to prove yourself. His friend who can’t stop fighting, either. But he loses her, too. Before he does, though, what does Steve say? In that first conversation before everything sets into motion? He says that maybe the fight doesn’t need to be fought by them. He says they need to get a life. But Nat says “you first.”
Who knows him the closest at this point? Nat. So who’s the best-qualified to point out where he’s at, character-development-wise? Nat. He sees his flaw. Steve Rogers sees that he can’t figure out who he is, without someone who knows him helping him. He sees that he defaults to finding a cause, a mission, a fight. Heck, the posters of him say “one last mission.” Not “one last sacrifice (of everything for Bucky).” One last MISSION, because that’s the only thing Steve knows how to do when he has nothing else.
“But he DID have something else! He had BUCKY! And his new family with the Avengers!”
Now we get to the part people don’t understand. They think, “how could Steve just leave everybody, especially Bucky, to fend for themselves?”
You didn’t see all that character development, especially in the first film where the differences between what Bucky means to Steve and what Peggy means to Steve are established.
Bucky is not the streetsmart protective charming brother figure he was in TFA. But listen. He’s not the broken Winter Soldier anymore either. Not in a way that needs Steve’s help. He’s not on the run. He’s got his memory back. He’s pardoned. He’s got Sam. Don’t you see, Bucky’s biggest problem is Steve’s, at this point? They MIRROR each other. Steve can’t figure out who he is if he isn’t fighting for everyone else because he’s been fighting for so long. And Bucky can’t figure out who he is with his friend, his brother figure, doing that and him. Because if Steve is fighting, Bucky will always be there to have his back. But fighting isn’t what Bucky needed anymore. It’s not what he wanted. Fighting is what Bucky is tired of.
And Steve Rogers can’t not be where the fight is.
Because without a fight, who is he?
Peggy Carter knows.
Steve Rogers left Bucky because Bucky needed him to leave. They needed to be friends from afar. And Steve left Bucky because Peggy Carter was home. Being with the woman who knew who he really was, as Steve “Kid From Brooklyn” Rogers, was the right move for his character because it shows that he’s finally ready to stop fighting. Stop being Captain America, lonely hero, man out of time. He’s ready to go and figure out who he is apart from all of that, with someone who really knows him. Could he have done that with Bucky? I don’t know. Seems to me, from what we’ve seen, that Bucky represented passively understanding  Steve while Peggy, at the point they were separated, represented understanding Steve and moving him forward.
Bucky was “I’m with you ‘til the end of the line.”
Peggy is “I had faith.”
Bucky was the guy to have Steve’s back in the fight. Peggy was the woman to show him he was meant for more. She represents his potential. She represents his ability to move on, see who he is when he’s doing more than following orders or standing up for honor or proving himself. It would have been out of character for him to stay in the present because new fights would have arisen, and he never would’ve put down the shield. He would’ve fought until someone killed him. And guess what? Bucky would’ve been right behind him, dragging himself into a fight when what he really needs is to step away from Steve and the baggage of his past for a bit. Not completely, but enough.
But this way? With Peggy? We get to see the guy who was always lonely and always learning how to be less alone actually do it. If you miss how significant that is, and you miss how much sense it makes, you don’t understand Steve Rogers at all.
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honnybunnie · 4 years
Can I request MC dressing up fancy in the brothers specific colour (maybe even an access of their animal or something close to it) at an event that Lord Diavolo was throwing Whether they already set with the brothers as a date or doing this to get their attention is up to you
Of course! A event or party hosted by Diavolo is sure to be be grand. when you say their color, im hoping the color they usually wear or the colors they have on during their demon forms.
I apologize for how long it took, I can’t go in blind, I had to design some clothes to get a better picture of the fancy outfits<3 <3
There were only 2 reasons you decided to work the party. Diavolo offered to pay for your service, and second once you saw Barbatos display your outfit it became motivation. Lucifer along with Diavolo was the talk of these parties. Even with all seven brothers you weren’t even able to attend a party with a date, so it didn’t hurt to work at a party.
This party was to celebrate Lucifer’s thousands of years of serving as Diavolo’s loyal friend.
You Stood there welcoming the guests with a bow. The guests smitten by the attire that draped your body. A white laced choker with a red bow, White corset in addition to a red blazer with stilted tails in the back, tight high waist black pants with a damark pattern. The last detail was the red peacock feathers embellished with black and gold eyes. Diavolo acknowledged that even his wait staff needed to be well suited for every occasion. You were at the command of every guest, still not having a sight of Lucifer. There was a slight touch felt on the lower back. Reacting with a full body turn, you didn’t see anyone. Sighing at the action, you resumed your duty of collecting empty champagne glasses, and handing out horderves. Barbatos sent you on a run to the kitchen to get more champagne.
Pouring the champagne into empty glasses, you jolted at the sudden touch that was felt on your lower back. Swinging a hand to hit who the culprit, only to have it caught spinning you around to face them. Lucifer with a smirk pulled you closer by the lower back. “I apologize was this not what you wanted?,” he mumbled adjusting his lips to your ear, “Didn’t you wear this outfit to finally receive my attention. Don’t think I haven’t notice how great you look dressed as my animal, and in my color no less.”
You had told Diavolo about the hotels with gambling as a main attraction. Though gambling was illegal in devildom, he decided to make it into a little charity. As soon as Mammon had gotten wind of it and he needed his lady luck to attend with him. “Mc, as ya first demon, ya should know that you will be attending the gambling charity with me,” he demanded with a slight smirk, “Make sure to wear something that a lucky Lady would wear.” The night of the event you were running late, because Asmodeus kept making adjustments to your look. He said its no good looking like a cheap whore for an extravagant event.
Mammon was already at the event gambling... losing and acquiring more debt as time passed.
Emerging into the event hall multiple eyes turned to glance at your appearance, You wore a ruffled black shirt, tucked into a yellow skirt with a slit on each side of the skirt, topped with gold chandeliers earrings, and a crow pendant necklace. which Asmodeus claimed were both charmed to bring good luck. One demon already approaching them, “why Hello, you must be the hum-,” he was stopped by a knock to the teeth. “Hey they’re spoken for, don’t pursue just any human,” he growled, “this is my lucky charm.”
Walking away with arm around your shoulder, “gold really suits you,” he cooed. The night was mainly you plastered onto his lap, and when you weren’t directing touching him coincidentally he’d lose.
Diavolo wanted to hold an event to help gather the otaku’s of devildom, and so he planned to host a cosplay cafe in a month, at rad. All the server’s were going to wear different outfits, and Barbatos had jolted down the measurements for the cosplay outfits that the seamstress to sew. Barbotos stated that the seamstress was going to make the outfits and design them. You were excited to see what the outfit was going be designed and sewed for you.
You were excited to tell Levi about the event, but he was always busy in the room, and when he left it was always to run to the craft store. He was definitely working on a big project. The day of the event Levi knocked on your door with a bag stretched out into your face. “th-this will look g-great on you,” he stuttered, “see you at the c-cosplay c-cafe.” Was he the one that made the cosplay, shrugging you stormed to rad.
As the cosplay Cafe was about to begin. You gazed at the cosplay in the mirror. Just wow. White collared purple tank top romper, a black tie, black bunny ears and tail. The top part of the romper was very revealing. Ready to work you picked up a plate and placed some starting treats.
You skimmed the cafe, hoping to find the purple haired otaku. Once in sight you rushed over with a skip. "Welcome back master, I hope these treats will find you well," you voiced. "M-mc!?!?! Huh.. h-huh," Levi panicking concealing his red tinted face with his arm, "t-thank YOU FOR THE TREATS... You LOOK GOOD IN THE OUTFIT I MADE." Your hunch earlier was right, you smiled and bowed, "thank you master, I hope you and I can put it to good use again." "Y-yes we will," he muttered.
They caught your attention at Cat Cafe. Diavolo wanted you and Satan to be at the event as helpers, because he was horrified at the thought of some of the demons would eat the cats. You both were instructed to wear a something formal with some cat ears that they will provide. Hearing this you constructed a outfit in your mind.
At the Cat Cafe you presented your self, in a green button shirt, black sailor high waist shorts, cat apron, and green cat ears to match. Satan was stealing glances at you often, and you wanted to confront him about him. “MC... you should wear those ears more often,” he whispered into your ear. He patted your butt, “Maybe next week to the library. lets make it a date while we are at it.”
You blushed at his comment. “I noticed that you choose carefully on the color too, you choose my demon color.” he added.
You knew that when ever their was a Diavolo hosted party at the fall, Asmo was always tailing someone to make them his that evening. You wanted to be the next pray, you observed his motions, and types he would pick up at every party whenever both of you attended. He prayed on the ones that covered up more. I guess he was the type to reveal what was kept to the imagination. He also really love people who showed some shoulder showing.
Arriving at the fall, with a long sleeve pink knitted shirt with the shoulders, burgundy leather pants, some caramel high knee boots, and a black scorpion brooch located on the heart. He was already prowling around, but when you swiftly swung the doors opened and strolled in, his eyes locked onto your hips. they swayed side to side, the confidence that build with ever stride.
He approached you. “Mc, what a breathtaking look,” he purred “who exactly are you trying to impress, so I can destroy them. You grin, “well then your gonna have to destroy you self,” replying calmly to his comment. Smitten by the comment he cupped your check, “Oh Mc, this color really bring out the color in your shoulders.”
You were to attend as a maid to Diavolo's tea and treat tasting party, he would compensate you for your time. Honestly all you cared about was being able to dress as a maid to impress the cute Gluttony demon. Barbatos prepared a puffy orange maid dress, that have a black leather apron, and gloves for the party. When the party was on its way, you were to offer tea to anyone who requested.
You weren't surprised to oversee the ginger take in every treat in sight. Of course wasn't there for the tea, so you walked passed him to pour some tea for someone who was asking. He must have not noticed you, continuing the duties tasked to you. There were already 2  times that Barbatos had to restock the food that Beelzebub had already consumed. Pouting that not once did he ask for tea. This time Barbatos wanted you to replenish the food that was to be laid out in front of him.
“MC, thank you, I’ve been hoping you would serve me treats and tea,’ he smiled patting your head “you look very cute in orange. Please be my maid again soon.”
A sleepover party was enough to make this cowboy excited. You could see it in his texts. Lately Belphie’s been urging you for more naps, although he thought that maybe you slept too little to begin with. He was always upset your sleep schedules clashed. If he was tired you’d be wide awake, and vise versa.
He knew that when ever Diavolo organized an event, You would always make time for it, sleepy or not. The best part was that pajama’s were a must, and you needed to make the final tug on the reel. Your attire was a satin cow patterned printed shirt, and satin navy blue shorts. though the type of fabric wasn’t as breathable, and was too nice for a sleepover. The night was spent wide awake lounging around on the bean bag chair. Closing your eyes, enjoying the rain and thunder sound a sudden weight sinked onto your lap. Glancing at a groggy Belphie, “you look adorable, so Im going to sleep here with you,” he demanded “maybe if you were my sweater you’d look cuter.”
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jack-kellys · 5 years
hey y’all so this is the fic I wrote for Saph’s contest!
no such thing
words: 1500
warnings: angst, implied death, swearing
Jack felt like he was doing well. Social outings were becoming more frequent, him even hosting more than a few of them. He was painting again, after such a lack of inspiration. He’d jumped into work more than before, busying himself with his job.
Distracting himself, Davey would correct him.
Distracting, okay, fine. But it was working. Things were better than they’d been before.
Jack had just come home from Race’s that night, tired from the night’s excitement but with a clear vision in his head he just had to get down on a canvas.
He was about to put his brush to it when he was interrupted.
“What are we painting this time, Jacky?”
The brush froze after it nearly dropped from his hand, Jack letting out a humorless laugh. “Jesus Christ, Dave. Don’t scare me like that.”
“Sorry,” Davey whispered his apology with a smile. “Habit.”
Jack only nodded, resisting the urge to turn around. His brush travelled in short lines up and across the bottom, a dulled aqua color as he tried to conjure what was in his head.
“You know,” Davey continued to speak, “we haven’t had a date night in a while.”
Jack hummed in agreement, eyes narrowed at the canvas now. The previous vision he had was fading, suddenly.
“We should plan one out, I think. I know we’re both busy, but we deserve a break. You deserve a break, honey.”
“Dave,” Jack did allow himself to turn towards his husband, who was perched on their armchair.
A mistake, really. Davey glowed tonight, his pale skin illuminated by the moon waiting over the railing of their fire escape. The slight breeze from the open terrace ruffled his chestnut hair, displacing it just right.
Jack snapped his gaze back to his canvas. “You’re distractin’ me, sweetheart, c’mon.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” Davey sighed. “You’ve just been so tense lately. I thought that was my job.”
Jack chuckled, wincing internally. He had shoved himself under a lot lately; typical of Dave to see it before Jack said anything.
“It was. I wish it still was,” Jack joked, earning a small, tinkly laugh from Davey.
Davey nodded his agreement, but still looked ready to add something.
Jack relented in his concentration again, sliding his deadpanned gaze to Davey’s. “Say it, come on,” he sighed with a tired smile.
“It’s just that- well,” Davey immediately let the words fall out. “You should allow yourself a break if the tensity is weighing on you, right?”
“Right…” Jack raised an eyebrow, signaling for Davey to continue.
The brunette stood, coming up behind Jack and placing his hands on his shoulders. Jack couldn’t help leaning back into it, a little.
“Let me share the weight,” Davey murmured. “Please, baby. You're hurting.”
Davey’s arms came around Jack’s torso, his head placed in his shoulder, and Jack’s vision of the canvas vanished from his mind. He turned in Davey’s embrace, wrapping his arms around his neck and inhaling deeply as he tucked his head under Davey’s chin. Dave’s arms squeezed around Jack’s back, warm and waiting and everything he wanted. Jack let his eyes close, pictures of memories passing through his mind, sweet and smooth like honey. He didn’t want to be anywhere else but with Davey. Couldn’t imagine it.
Jack’s eyes opened.
Yes, he could imagine it. He didn’t even have to.
“Okay, Dave. Lemme go,” he asked.
“Nope,” Davey hummed. The embrace grew closer.
Was Davey even warm?
“Dave. Let go, come on.”
“I regret nothing,” Davey sang.
No, Jack didn’t think he was. He was cold, actually.
“Davey, I love you, but please. Don’t touch me,” Jack whispered.
Davey let out a long sigh, but did release Jack. “Don’t worry, that was just plan A anyway.”
Jack stepped further away from him at that. “Dave, what does—”
“I know you can’t really let me go, Jacky, that’s why I’m still here,” Davey said, in that knowing tone he used when Jack was wrong. His arms were crossed now, too, like a father about to lecture his son.
“No,” Jack said anyway, shaking his head. “You ain’t here, I let you go, I watched them—”
“—lower me into the ground, yes,” Davey sighed. “You know that doesn’t mean I’m gone to you, right?”
Jack averted his gaze. Of course he knew. He’d been seeing Davey for weeks, each time making his heart strings heavier and heavier. He physically ached for David some days, the days Dave didn’t appear. Jack was told those were actually his healthiest days, despite them feeling the worst.
Jack decided against replying, hunching himself on the couch as he sat down. “But why is my vision gone?” he murmured instead, partially to himself.
“Your what?”
“My...ah, my- what I was gonna paint,” Jack said, staring in disbelief at the small amount of blue on the canvas. It had been so clear in his head just minutes ago. “I can’t think of it anymore.”
A thought struck him as his head snapped back up to Davey. “You did that,” Jack said slowly, not wanting to admit it. “You yanked it right outta me, didn’t you. I needed that, I coulda made commission on that. Fucking- goddammit.”
Davey sighed, shrugging as he gave up on playing dumb. “Technically...you did that, Jack.” When Jack still glared, Davey continued. “What’s the only thing you can think about, right now?”
Jack leaned back on the couch, eyes narrowed not only at Davey but also in thought. He definitely couldn’t think of his previous artistic vision, thanks to Dave. Jack remembered when Davey used to give him little inklings all the time, in menial things he said, even in the lilt of his voice sometimes. Occasionally Davey would actually try and give Jack an idea, but when he did, they'd always be slightly off, not belonging on a page. There was one time when Davey was furious at Albert for something and Davey practically demanded Jack to paint—on the largest canvas he could find, too—the most realistic rendering of flipping the bird, and send it straight to Al’s door. Of course Jack did, gleefully did, and then—
“You,” Jack said quietly. “Just you.” He sat forward and resumed his hunched position, placing his head in his hands as memories of Davey continued to station themselves in his head.
Jack felt the couch sink next to him, then Davey’s hand rubbing up and down his back.
“I’m not asking you to not think of me,” Davey said, matching Jack’s previous volume. “I just need you to let me go, every once and awhile, okay?”
“I can’t, Davey, I-I—” Fuck. Jack felt his throat close slightly and cursed himself for it. “I need you. I need you to do this with me, I can’t live like this anymore.”
“Honey...” Davey soothed, brows creased in concern. “Jack, you have been. You’ve been doing so well, I swear it. You just gotta go the extra step now, okay? Just one more for me.”
“But I won’t see you,” Jack whispered inwardly, fearfully almost. Davey felt like the last thin strand of sanity he was clinging to, if he snipped that… “I don’t know what to do without you, Dave.”
“You’ll never be without me, hun, really,” Davey added as Jack looked up. He let Davey swipe his thumb under his eye. “You can let go and still hold on.”
“How?” Jack asked hollowly. His eyes were wide, desperate. He hated how afraid he was, still, of losing Davey, even though he already had.
“Well,” Davey said, sitting up more in that way he used to when he was about to make a point, “when you think of me, let it make you happy instead of...despairing, shall we say. Let it remind you that you are capable of being happy again. Let my memory...let me make you happy again. Allow it, it’s alright.”
Jack stayed quiet for a long while, staring at Davey’s hands now laid over his own. He still couldn’t picture anyone else’s hands looking like that on his.
“You sound like you’re presenting a damn PowerPoint presentation,” Jack mumbled, the barest trace of a smile on his face.
“It’s what I do best,” Davey laughed, and Jack could see the tears in his eyes, too. “...Are you ready, honey?”
Jack let out a breath he’d been holding since the funeral.
“Yeah- oh, wait,” he smirked, cradling Davey’s face in his hands and softly pressing their lips together, one last time and impossibly close as usual, before pulling away slightly.
“Now I’m ready,” Jack managed to smile, leaning his cheek into Davey’s hand when he brought it up to cup Jack’s face.
“I’ll see you around, Jacky,” Davey whispered with a nod. “I love you. You can do this.”
Jack nodded back. “Love you too.”
The feel of Davey’s hand disappeared. Jack blinked, and Davey was gone.
A few minutes later, Jack let himself get up from the couch and back to his canvas. He paused, staring at the lonely blue again more intently.
....Wasn’t that the color of Davey’s button down he had just been wearing?
He gazed at it longer, before finally deciding to pick up his brush again. A pale yellowed pink, a chestnut brown, and a maple syrup color made their ways onto the canvas eventually. A portrait of Davey gazed back at Jack after a few hours of work, his knowing smile reaching Jack through the paint.
And Jack smiled back. After all, it made him happy.
so I wouldn’t say I’m back, but I’m happy I wrote this :)
@suddenly-im-respecsable @getchapapes @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @stopthe-presses @technically-whizzy @papesdontsellthemselves @starrysence @seasickdolphin @iamliterallyaghost @beep-beep-byler @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @thomasbeingthomas @the-king-of-brooklyn @localfakeitalian @thebroadwayaesthetic @spot-me50-papes @i-got-no-clue-what-im-doing @iwontfallinlovewfalling @gahbliz @kingofsantafe @we-dont-sell-papes @eveningpaper @sure-as-a-star @godhatesjordan @awkwardstranger98 @ireallyloveiainyoungwow @big-potato-asshole @have-we-got-news-for-you @bxnesof92 @backgroundensemble @orollyitsracetrackhiggins @a-most-auspicious-erster @modern-race-owns-airpods @asphodelnerd @albert-eats-cookie-cake @infinity-fandom-trash @whateva-ya-want
hey so obvious a lot of these don’t work so pls message me, URLs have changed a LOT recently!
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fairycosmos · 5 years
Will u please give a poor soul a wee bit of advice as you’re a goddess of wisdom. I’m going into my last year of high school in a month & I feel so overwhelmed with the stress of the final exams and the application process for college. I’m mentally ill & while I used to be a good student, I have fallen down a slippery slope & I don’t know if I can deal with the pressure. Should I take a gap year before I go to college? I think it may lift some weight off, but it may also do more harm than good.
hey babeyyyy :(( i'm really sorry to hear that!! school is so fucking stressful and it's natural to worry about your final year, it just means you care about doing well. that's to be expected. but if you have preexisting mental health issues, your brain may force you to compulsively wonder about worst case scenarios and uncontrollable factors, as a way to induce self hatred or anxiety. it's a tactic, a side effect. but a lot of these thoughts do not reflect your reality or what the future will actually be like. there's no way of knowing, and you still have a whole year to adapt and to learn. the most likely outcome is that you will find a middle ground eventually. so breathe. i know it feels unimaginably awful at the moment, but identifying the difference between fact and fear will allow you to stay grounded in the present. it's ok if it takes a while to get to that point, or if your emotions overwhelm you at times. you've gotten through it before and you will again. sometimes all you can do is cry and lose it and let the 'episode' run its course. but as long as you're even just attempting to cope in a healthy way, through talking to someone you trust or distracting yourself, then you're doing great. better than you realize. another important thing to keep in mind is that your mental health is always more important than your education. just because it's your last year, doesn't mean you have to drop everything, no matter what the adults tell you. your academic career doesn't have to be linear, doesn't have to look like everyone else's. if you have to take a mental health day, or ask your teachers for additional support, you are TOTALLY entitled to that. in fact i encourage it. 'that' part of your brain may try to twist the narrative, may try to place blame or guilt, but your mental illness is not a reflection of your capability or your worth. and neither are your grades. don't ascribe morality or personhood to a letter on a page. the actual experience of leaving high school will probably teach you more than your lessons, in a good and bad way. anyway it's cool if you don't quite believe me right now, but i just hope that concept sticks in your head. ultimately though, all you have to do is take it a day at a time. create a simple short term plan and stick to it as best you can, repeatedly. with regular breaks of course. and make sure at least one of your teachers knows the gist of what's going on so you can keep an honest dialogue with them. it's a matter of finding what works for you, and adjusting accordingly. prioritising your mental well being should always be your goal, because everything starts with you. if you're not practicing self compassion, everything else feels a hundred times more daunting.
anywhere as far as the gap year goes, i think it's a good idea if it makes the upcoming year feel less scary. it's your life and your desicion. and theres literally no wrong answer. and you have a while to mull on it, you don't have to know for sure right now. if you need some time to truly focus on yourself then there's no harm in that. in fact i kind of think it's a sign of maturity when you know what you need and how to give it to yourself. if you can recognize that you're slipping, then that's actually a good sign. because you understand that you need help. you're not buying into any illusions. as a side note - of course, school brings structure which alleviates the impact of many mental health issues. when i briefly left college, i had no excuse to leave the house, and everything festered and i became even more isolated. though i did need that break to figure some shit out. as with everything, there's positives and negatives. so just be sure to keep up with smaller goals if you take time off, that's all. use the break to look into getting professional help if you haven't already. and try to practice self soothing exercises on a weekly or daily basis, even if you feel dumb. gap years are great tools if utilized correctly and fuck anyone who has anything to say about it. college will always be there, and even if you don't go at all for any reason - it wouldn't be the end of the world. there must be a lot of pressure rn for you but so much of it is just,,, bullshit. hindsight will allow you to see that. just gotta let yourself get to that point by living the natural solutions to your worries, and getting by a day at a time. when that feels like too much, an hour at a time. you're obviously still young as hell and your future is so much wider than your brain is allowing you to see. i promise! above all though, keep in mind that there are people to talk to and countless resources out there whenever you're struggling - whether it's at school, or in your community or your family, or through your doctor - there is always someone to turn to and always a way forward. the biggest trick of mental illness is that it convinces you otherwise, but it's a notorious liar. so. try not to self isolate even when the urge is there, and done be afraid to talk about what's going on in your head. let it be embarrassing. block everything else out and look at what will make you feel happier with your own existence from an objective perspective. cause that's all that matters really. anyway i'm wishing you so much luck with your final year and whatever happens, i hope you make some decent memories :) be sure to cut yourself some slack when possible. remember, the desicion is yours, no matter what. sending a lot of love to you!! let me know if you need a friend or want to walk more about it. (also goddess of wisdom sfhjhsdhh im a whole dumbass but. thank you lil peach 💞)
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War of Attrition: Chapter 18
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x Reader Summary: Best friends with Steve Rogers, renowned Howling Commando, and married to one James Buchanan Barnes, your life wasn’t perfect, but it was as close as it could possibly be in the middle of World War II. Then you fell from a train in the Alps, and everything changed. You spent nearly 70 years as a tool of Hydra alongside your beloved, though your past with him was more often than not forgotten. You visit an old, dangerous person, knowing full well that you might not come out of the confrontation alive. Warnings: Swearing (always), mentions of: past torture, death, blood, weapons. Allusions to PTSD. Word Count: ~4,704 A/N: Not dead, I promise. Finally out of school, though.
Masterlist // Book One // Book Two
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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Bucky’s smile was melancholy, too, the destruction of the city a fresh horror in his mind, along with the fear of losing you. Again.
“That’s… that’s good,” he said finally, looking up at you with what could only be adoration.
Your smile turned a little lighter- a little more genuine- and you nodded. “Yeah. I think so, too.”
Bucky was quiet next to you as you walked down the street. He hadn’t talked since you got on the boat to Japan, having long since realized there wasn’t a point in trying to talk you out of your latest endeavor.
Not that you blamed him. Your idea would almost definitely end with you and Bucky being killed or heavily wounded. Still, your conscience didn’t let you sit still after what you’d remembered a few days ago.
A small clearing. Cherry trees blossoming, petals bright even in the gloom of early night. Blood seeping into cherry wood floors. Two smiling faces looking up at you in black and white. Flashing claws of bone. Bucky’s pained groan and steely gaze.
Between the tiny glimpses and uneasy feeling in your gut you’d long suspected you’d done something as the Soldiers, but then you’d woken up in a cold sweat a few weeks ago and told Bucky everything you could before your mind lost the memories again.
The next two weeks had been spent yelling and fighting and eventually you put your foot down, saying you were going to apologize to Logan face to face, regardless of the possible outcomes (most of which, if you were being honest with yourself, entailed ending up in a pool of your own blood).
Bucky twitched as someone turned onto the small street you were walking down, jarring you back into the present. The area was so low-tech that you hadn’t bothered with the nano skin, relying on clothes and sunglasses to keep your enhancements hidden. You had a sinking feeling that trying to hide your true identities would only incense Logan further, and you needed every advantage you could get if you wanted more than a snowball’s chance in hell of getting out.
You reached out for Bucky’s hand nearly without thinking, the action subconscious at this point.
“Why’s he gotta live in the middle of nowhere?” Bucky muttered as soon as the civilian was out of earshot. He was still as annoyed about the whole affair as he had been the entire last two days.
You glanced at Bucky for only a second then quickly returned to scanning the area for threats. “Can you really imagine Logan living in the middle of a busy city?” you asked quietly. Bucky only huffed out an annoyed sigh but all that did was make your lips quirk up in a smirk. “‘Sides, this works out better for us anyway.”
“We stick out like sore thumbs,” Bucky countered, annoyance clear as day in his tone.
You shrugged, gently jostling your intertwined hands. “Maybe. I figure an area as pretty as this gets tourists, even if it is a bit rural.”
Bucky’s steel blue eyes finally turned on you, disbelief barely noticeable in the set of his jaw and the lines around his eyes. “They don’t even have electricity out here, Doll.”
You bit back a smirk. “That’s why it took us so long to find ‘im, though. Maybe he’s got the right idea.”
“You’d go insane within the week,” Bucky said flatly, obviously guessing where you were going with that line of thought.
You fought the urge to pout and gently nudged him with your shoulder instead. “Not if I set up next to a river and made a hydro-electric dam for myself. Or finally finished my portable nuclear reactor.”
Bucky’s gaze turned worried and perhaps a shade frantic. “Please don’t do either of those things. I’m beggin’ ya.”
The Brooklyn accent slipped in whenever you caught him off guard and you couldn’t help but smile whenever it returned with a vengeance like that. “Fine, fine. This is our turn, anyhow. Gotta be on alert now.”
Bucky’s face turned stony again and you missed the light in his eyes that had been there just a moment ago as he stared down the narrow dirt road. He was nervous, but you knew his fear wasn’t for his own well being. It was reserved for you.
You gave his hand a gentle squeeze which he returned. In perfect synchronization you both stepped forward and began walking down the road.
The farther you walked, the jumpier you and Bucky became. Even with your backscatter vision and Bucky’s enhanced hearing you were loath to underestimate the short, angry man.
The cabin came into vision without incident, though, and a quick backscatter peek inside told you he wasn’t home.
You stopped at the edge of the clearing, skin prickling uncomfortably as your scattered memories overlaid with the present. The house that Logan had built was eerily similar to the one he’d shared with his wife (Itsu. Japanese. Married Logan in 1946. Skilled swordswoman. Pregnant. Clean kill; slash to the throat and stomach. Weapon: Katana.).
You shook the clinical thoughts from your head and tugged Bucky to a stop. He looked down at you warily. “Not here,” you said, answering his unasked question. He nodded, but didn’t relax at all.
“How long do we wait?” he asked eyes darting around the clearing.
You frowned and tried to ground yourself more firmly in the present by leaning against Bucky, who stilled marginally at the contact. “As long as it takes,” you whispered as the image of a happy, young Japanese woman in 40′s clothing flashed in your mind.
The first sign was Bucky tensing next to you, going so still he could be mistaken for a statue. You flicked your eyes to backscatter without hesitation, eyelids closed as you searched every direction, not that you had to look very hard.
Logan was frozen maybe two hundred feet down the path, nostrils flaring and brows drawing low over his eyes.
What surprised you, though, was the metal attached brutally to his skeleton. You’d heard the rumors and scavenged what information you could on the Weapon X program (only to shut it down if you found any traces of it, not that you’d been successful in either capacity). Still, seeing it in person- well, mostly in person- was something else entirely.
You tensed and stood slowly. Bucky was already on his feet and staring down the road at exactly where Logan was, though you knew vision of him would still be blocked by the trees. Any second now Logan would charge through the trees and rip you and Bucky to shreds with those wicked metal-covered claws.
Logan drew a deep breath and you knew if he was any harrier than he already was you’d be able to see his hair stand on end. As it was, he was even tenser than Bucky.
The two of you had barely been able to run away last time and that was before he’d been infused with adamantium. You’d both had a few upgrades between now and 1946, but you doubted that’d mean much in the end.
When he stepped forward calmly, almost serenely, you couldn’t help the surprise that leapt to your face. The sudden change in expression made Bucky glance down at you and, while he looked confused by your reaction, he didn’t relax at all.
In fact, his confused frown only turned into a glower once Logan walked into view.
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He paused as soon as he laid eyes on the two of you, dark brown eyes assessing and less hostile than you’d expected. He was maybe a hundred feet/thirty meters away, so close you could reach him in a second if you used your cybernetics.
He looked you and Bucky up and down and you fought the urge to flinch under his stare. The last time you’d seen him he was trying to kill you, and you couldn’t even blame him. You’d just murdered his wife and unborn child, after all.
The silence stretched on for what felt like a small eternity. You’d had so many things you’d wanted to say the moment you saw him, but everything seemed inadequate now that you were looking at him, the weight of your sins bearing down on you like a physical weight.
Then, “Guess I owe Romanoff ten bucks.”
Your eyes widened in shock and even Bucky shifted next to you. You opened your mouth to ask... something, anything... but Logan was already turning away from you and walking towards the house. The old fashioned doors didn’t even have a lock; he merely slid the bamboo doors open and stepped inside, pausing only long enough to take his shoes off.
You and Bucky stared after him in stunned surprise, not expecting that sort of reaction in a hundred years.
“You comin’ in or what?” came a gruff, half-yelled question from inside the house.
Bucky looked at you, uncertainty narrowing his eyes and making that ever-present tension return twofold.
“I doubt you two came from god-knows-where just to sit out there and gawk at my house like a coupla idiots.” He sounded even more annoyed this time.
Your legs moved of their own accord, not having listen to any conscious command from your mind. The house loomed over you as you walked closer but you didn’t dare stop now, afraid you’d turn and run if you stopped to think for a moment.
Bucky was silent but you knew he was following you; he’d already agreed to do this with you, after all, no matter what came.
The house was traditional in nearly every sense of the word. The flats you’d been wearing came off instantly (you felt more comfortable without shoes on, anyway) and Bucky’s muddy, scuffed boots followed a half second later. You used backscatter to find Logan and tilted your head in the right direction so Bucky would know where to go.
You’d half expected to find a TV or refrigerator or microwave, but every modern appliance was missing. The sitting room Logan was in had a tatami mat floor with a single low, long table and a few pillows for sitting. The floor and table were nice, obviously hand-crafted with care, but the pillows were old and raggedy.
Logan was already sitting at the far end of the table, looking almost lazy as he leaned against it, though his eyes were sharply assessing as you and Bucky appeared in the doorway.
“So? Who am I talking to? The Barneses or the Winter Soldiers?” he asked, tone carefully neutral, almost disinterested.
You winced and opened your mouth to speak, but no sound came out. All of those hours spent agonizing over what you’d say, how you’d apologize, and now that you were finally here-
Logan scoffed and reached into a small box on the table. Bucky shuffled, obviously expecting a weapon, but your hand on his arm stilled him instantly.
“Guess that answers that,” he said flatly. Logan pulled out a long cigar and cut it with the tip of a metal-covered claw, which peeked out of the skin between his knuckles and flashed ominously in the low light. The sharp edge disappeared back into his skin, though, and you and Bucky both relaxed ever so slightly. “Sit down, assholes,” he said gruffly as he placed the cigar between his lips and lit it with a match from a book he pulled from his pocket.
You and Bucky exchanged a glance. You could tell from a split-second assessment that he was still unsure about how this would end. But... if Logan was going to attack he would have by now... right?
A second later you stepped forward, tugging a reluctant Bucky with you. You sat at the opposite end of the table from Logan, who was watching the two of you closely.
You settled down on a lumpy pillow and Bucky sat down next to you, forgoing a pillow in lieu of being as close to you as possible. You could tell he didn’t like having his back to a door, but the walls were made of paper and thin wood- it wasn’t like you couldn’t make an escape in any direction if the need arose.
The silence stretched on again, with neither you nor Bucky able to come up with a coherent sentence. Logan puffed quietly at his cigar, seemingly content to let the two of you stew in silence.
“Y’know, if I got cell service out here I woulda called Rogers and Romanoff by now.”
You and Bucky froze again, eyes widening slightly. It was Bucky who managed to talk first. “You’ve been- They contacted you?” he asked, not quite able to keep the fear out of his voice.
Logan let out a long exhale and you fought the urge to wrinkle your nose at the smoke. “They thought you two might come knockin’. Guess they know you better‘n ya think.” That made both you and Bucky clam up, unsure of what to say next. This wasn’t going how either of you thought it would. When it was clear neither of you would speak any time soon, Logan let out an annoyed huff. “I don’t have enough saké for this...” he muttered, running a rough hand down his face. When he looked at you again, his eyes were a bit harder. “And I don’t got all day, either. Speak up or I’m kickin’ you out.”
You frowned and reached for Bucky’s hand, needing the comfort it provided to get you through what you were about to say. He met you halfway and gave you a gentle squeeze that bolstered you enough that you were able to find the courage to speak, though your gaze was fixed on the table.
“How much do you know?” you asked, almost fearing the answer.
Logan puffed on his cigar and took his time responding. “Natasha and Rogers handed me a file. Told me everything they knew, which I’m guessing isn’t even the half of it. Still, there were enough damn nightmares in that folder that, for the first time in seventy years, I didn’t wanna kill ya.” Your and Bucky’s gazes flicked to him then, surprise lining your features. Logan took one look at you and scoffed. “Don’t go gettin’ all doe eyed, ya damn idiots. You’re way too old and badass to be lookin’ like that.”
Your mouth twitched up in a sort of aborted smile, but your frown returned with a vengeance. “We’re sorry. I know words can never make up for what we did... what I did-” Bucky made a distressed, angry noise beside you, but your gaze was glued to Logan. “-But we are.” You scooted away from Bucky and got on your knees, then slowly lowered your forehead to the ground, hands set on either side of your head. A second later you felt Bucky shift next to you and you could glimpse him mirroring your position out of the corner of your eye. Lowering his guard like this in front of Logan must have been killing him, but he stayed doggedly in place.
For a second, there was only the sound of Logan smoking his cigar, but you didn’t have long to wait. “Dogeza? Really? Get up, you fucking idiots,” he sounded irritated and conflicted.
You raised your head at the same time Bucky did and immediately gravitated back towards his side. His arm was around your waist a second later and you practically melted into his side.
Logan was glaring at the two of you and you fought the urge to grab Bucky and run. He seemed to take a moment to gather his thoughts before he spoke again. “I know what happened wasn’t your damn fault. That much was clear.” Another pause, then, “A lot of shit happened after that night. The kid lived, then tried to kill me at least a half dozen times. I got experimented on. Fell in love a few times. Got married to a woman who wanted to kill me. Joined the X-Men and dealt with their bullshit for a few decades...” he trailed off, annoyance obviously growing by the second. He blinked once or twice and seemed to refocus on you and Bucky. “Point is, between what’s happened to me and what Rogers and Natasha told me... I ain’t gonna hold it against you.”
You knew you were staring at Logan, slack-jawed, but you couldn’t help it. Never in a million years did you expect this response and- “But how, Logan? I killed her and she-”
Logan’s face turned thunderous. “If you could go back right now- to that night- would you do it again? Slit her throat with her own katana and leave her to die in a pool of her own blood?”
You flinched as if struck by a physical blow, memories flashing behind your eyes. “No-” your voice failed for a second and you had to swallow thickly. “No, I wouldn’t- I don’t want to-” Your words failed you again and you barely registered Bucky pulling you to his chest.
Logan’s face returned to something a little more neutral. If you weren’t mistaken, his deep brown eyes were a little sad. “Yeah, well, there’s the answer, right? Wasn’t you; wasn’t your choice.”
Bucky was running his hands gently over your arms, an obvious attempt to ground and comfort you. Your eyes, however, were fixed on Logan’s deceptively relaxed form. “But I did it,” you breathed. Now that Logan had all but forgiven you, you found yourself at a loss. Why didn’t he hate you? He should. You should have just stopped talking and taken what he gave you, but you almost needed his hate. You deserved it.
“Yeah, you did.” His voice was carefully neutral, not accusatory, just stating a fact.
“Then why?” Your voice was strained, your mind unable to process what was happening.
Logan sighed, wafting a large plume of smoke into the room. “Nah, we’re not gonna talk each other in circles all night. I’ve said my piece and you’ve said yours.” You stared at him, wanting to say more, but he continued speaking before you could. “How’d you find me? More of your tech mumbo jumbo?” 
The sudden change of subject had you reeling and Bucky recovered before you.
“Wade,” he said hoarsely.
Logan looked truly annoyed now. “Wade? As in Wade Wilson?” he growled.
Bucky’s smile was more of a grimace. “The one and only.”
“And how the hell does that bastard know where I am?” He looked peeved at the very prospect.
You shrugged. “Dunno. I asked if he’d seen you around lately and he said he’d- and I quote- ‘ask Tin Man to call in a favor with Wheels’.“
Logan groaned, took the cigar from his mouth with one hand, and ran his other hand down his face in exasperation. “I hate that kid. Doesn’t know when to shut up... S’pose he could be worse, though...” The look on Logan’s face was a little haunted and you wondered, momentarily, what Wade had done to him. When you’d talked to him a few weeks ago Wade had been polite to a fault, if not a bit weird. You’d had trouble keeping up with whatever he was talking about, but the moment you’d asked for help locating Logan he’d said “Whatever it takes to help move the plot along! You haven’t had a new chapter in weeks!” You’d stared at him as though he’d grown a second head, but he got on his cell phone and within ten minutes you had Logan’s location. One long drive and a nauseating boat ride later and you were in Japan.
Logan groaned and nearly bit his cigar in half. “Shit, I need to move. I just finished the damn tatami, too.” He ran a hand over the mats covering the floor, scowling at them as though it was somehow the floor’s fault.
You grimaced. “Sorry. I didn’t know how else to find you.“
Logan waved a hand, dismissing your apology. “It’s done now. Didn’t plan on stayin’ here forever anyway.” He reached the end of his cigar and snubbed the end against his palm, wincing only slightly before placing the small, gently-smoking end on the table.
You shifted nervously, unsure of what to do now that you’d more or less gotten your thoughts and feelings across to Logan. Bucky ended up deciding for you and stood, extending a hand to help you up once he was on his feet. You stared at the paper wall, trying your best to avoid Logan’s assessing gaze and Bucky’s concerned looks. “We’ll... be on our way, then. We don’t want to impose any more than we already have. Goodbye, Logan.” You turned to leave with Bucky following closely behind, but Logan’s gruff voice stopped you in your tracks.
This was it. This was when he unsheathed those deadly sharp claws and tried to kill both of you. You tensed and turned around slowly, not wanting to startle Logan into attacking any sooner than necessary.
“I’m sorry.” Logan’s face was twisted into a grimace, as though the words hurt him to say.
Those two words shocked you so thoroughly that your arms dropped limply to your side and you felt your shoulders slump. You knew your mouth was open and your eyes were wide but you couldn’t do anything about that just then.
Logan’s dark eyes met yours and you could tell it was him that was having trouble keeping eye contact now. “I shoulda looked for you. Both of you.” He glanced up at Bucky, who shifted restlessly next to you, likely caught even more off guard by Logan’s declaration than you, as they’d never really gotten along. “By the time Dugan told me what happened, Rogers had already put the plane in the ice. I knew it was suspicious that we hadn’t found either of you, even if it was in the middle of nowhere. I was one’a the only people who probably coulda found ya, and I didn’t. Didn’t even try. I shoulda-” he growled, and reached into the cigar box, prepping his next cigar in a flash. Barely a few seconds later he had the fat cigar in his mouth, scowl lining his brow.
“Thanks for saying that, Logan, but it ain’t nobody’s fault but Hydra’s.” Bucky’s voice was the softest you’d ever heard it when speaking to Logan and the shorter man glared at him, probably feeling as awkward as Bucky had felt at Logan’s words.
“And Logan?” you said with a small frown.
“Mm?” Logan grunted, brown eyes flicking back to your face, brow quirked ever-so-slightly in question.
“If you ever want to talk- or need some backup- you got two people who understand and will be more than willing to help.” You tried to give him what you hoped was a kind smile, though happy expressions were hard to make unless it was Bucky eliciting them.
“Not that we’re exactly the picture of mental health,” Bucky added dryly.
That, at least, drew an amused snort from Logan. “You and me both, pal,” he said gruffly. “So, what? You gonna give me some piece of crap cellphone with your number in it, too?” When you raised an eyebrow Logan rummaged around in one of his jacket’s pockets, eventually managing to extricate an ancient flip phone. He held it in the air and waved it once before shoving it back in his pocket. “Rogers gave it to me in case I managed to get a lead on you two.”
That made you frown and you fought the urge to fry it to pieces; that would almost definitely lead to a fight between you and Logan. However, you had a hunch that you were eager to prove. “But you’re not gonna tell them anything.”
Logan sighed out a puff of smoke. “Nope.”
Bucky tilted his head to the side and regarded Logan with a quizzical expression. “Why not?”
It was only after he took another puff of his cigar and blew it into the air that he responded. “Because you don’t wanna be found.”
You and Bucky stared at him for a moment then exchanged disbelieving glances before returning your gazes to him. “Just like that?” you asked with a small frown. It was too good to be true. All of this was. Neither of you were that lucky. Hell, Logan wasn’t that lucky.
Logan’s gaze turned hard. “Guess there is one more part. If you two go off the rails again it’ll be my duty to stop you.”
You felt your blood run cold at the thought. As far as you knew, the number of people who could stop you and Bucky could be counted on your hands at this point. One of them was definitely Logan.
It made sense, though. He was honorable. By letting you go now he was at least partially responsible for anything you did from this point onward. If Hydra got a hold of you again or if both of you regressed... he’d hunt you down.
“That’s fair,” you said after a pregnant pause, mouth in a hard, grim line. Bucky shifted restlessly next to you, upset at the prospect but knowing that, ultimately, it was probably for the best. “I don’t think either of us would want-” you bit your lip, eyes once again falling to the mats.
“If we become the Soldiers again, that’s for the best,” Bucky said quietly. You glanced at him, but he was staring Logan dead in the eyes, jaw set grimly.
Logan nodded once to him before his eyes flicked to you, features softening a bit. “Go on, then. I’d offer you a room fro the night, but I know you’re itching to get outta here.” The words could have been harsh, but they were said with just a bit too much fondness for them to come off that way.
“Thank you, Logan,” you said earnestly. Bucky nodded his agreement, blue-grey eyes tumultuous.
He barked out a laugh. “That’s not my real name, y’know.”
You frowned, not in on the joke that had made him laugh. “I wasn’t aware ‘Logan’ was a false name.”
Logan’s grin turned a little smug. “Name’s James.”
That drew a startled laugh out of you and even a glance at Bucky revealed his lip shad turned up in a begrudging smile. “‘Course it is...” he muttered, not quite managing to sound annoyed.
Your laughs quieted after a moment, leaving an uncomfortable silence in their wake. Unspoken comments about how rare laughs came these days and how young you sounded when you did hung stale in the air between you, but you put on a small smile. “See you ‘round, Jimmy,” you said, tossing him a wink you hoped was playful and not flirty before turning and heading for the door.
Bucky snorted and you could hear Logan groan. The guys didn’t speak for a second (you were sure you’d be able to hear them through the paper-thin walls if they had), but after a pause, Logan grumbled a “See you, bub,” which was the closest you’d ever heard Logan get to sounding fond when it came to Bucky.
Another pause, then, “Be safe, old man.”
An annoyed grumble. “I only got thirty five years on ya, ya fucking shithead.”
You couldn’t help the smile that came to your face. That was so close to how you remembered their interactions being back in the day that it nearly shocked you back seventy years. The sarcastic response you were half expecting didn’t come, however, and Bucky was beside you a moment later, taking his time to lace up his boots carefully while you waited just outside the door, watching the area for any threats.
“Ready to go?” he asked a moment later as he stepped up beside you. His blue-grey eyes searched your face for any flicker of emotion that would set off warning bells, but for the first time in a long time, your head wasn’t a complete mess. Or, at least, you had one burden among hundreds taken from your shoulders.
“Yeah, Buck. Let’s go home.”
Next Chapter
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☕ Buy Me a Coffee! ☕
175 notes · View notes
s3hsw-replies · 8 years
I didn’t do replies in a few days lmao and you guys are awesome and comment my garbage ;-; but because it’s a lot of them I decided to do them this way, they’re from my activity page which is a bit wonky so if I missed any of your comments, I’m sorry, I didn’t do that on purpose and I’m not ignoring you. ;-;
use ctr+F to search for your username, please
@willky12 @my-simension @lavisims @soloriya @pottery-sims @treason-and-plot @rollo-rolls @davidmont @declarations-of-drama @acquiresimoleons  @mimilkybaby @mimisapje @dreadpiratevinna @sims-ninja
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“this is how kirkor makes friends haha”
He's mental haha!
he just tried to be funny lmao, and I think he was because they became good friends. ;-;
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“then she wanted to kiss him but he was like f u now”
Yeah Kirkor, treat her mean and keep her keen ;D
tbh it may be the good method because she kept wanting to kiss him haha.
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“this is how kirkor makes friends haha”
Lmfaooo in the end of the day he’s ego is as big as his penis so he must introduce himself loudly haha
my-simension skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
I love the second pic. Sooo pretty!
;-; thank you Mimi, I love Anne Arbor + Uranesian lighting combo. I think the trees makes the scenery so pretty.
pottery-sims skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
I was looking at this is and I couldn't figure out if it was sims 3 or real lmao it's so beautiful
Thank you! It’s a big compliment for me, because I barely edit my pictures now. It’s just resized, combined and sharpened.
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“then she wanted to kiss him but he was like f u now”
lol Crazy couple!
they are! that’s why I ship them so much even when they fight haha!
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“he wanted to flirt but she dumped him, as always. :(”
Aww comere Kirkor. :"(
I would invite him to my bed too *grin face*
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“Kirkor’s new tank top ��”
lmbo xD
biy you can’t say it’s not accurate! I have new ideas for him ajsjlslls;k because I was thinking about them at night lololol
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“tfw you don’t know if they have fun or are gonna kill each other”
what Soloriya said xD
lmfao yaaaas, it was 10/10 xD
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
aww haha
lmfao, why all my pets pee everywhere, my sims constantly mop their pee.
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“he wanted to flirt but she dumped him, as always. :(”
These two just need to move on :'(
true. ;-; I shipped them together tho. but few more posts and real drama comes in haha.
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“tfw you don’t know if they have fun or are gonna kill each other”
I say Kill!
haha, I would bet my money on that too, but in fact they were playing and I was like ??????? it that how enemies have fun together ??????
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My pets never do that :P
instead you have their barfs :P
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“omg, hag, there are many better places to have fun!”
Yeah, go play in the dumpster with Kirkor!
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“Kirkor’s new tank top ��”
That's never good with a mouth full of coffee!
girls in my game are gonna have mouths full of something else ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“he wanted to flirt but she dumped him, as always. :(”
<//3 D:
I knoooow, it’s devastating ;-;
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“tfw you don’t know if they have fun or are gonna kill each other”
Calla and Kirkor xD
10/10 it’s so accurate because Hag is Calla’s cat and Dutchess is Kirkor’s ;-; lmfao at least Calla and Kirkor don’t pee everywhere hahaha
willky12 skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
She needs a Manny ;-)
omg I had to check urban dictionary for manny haha xD she does need a huge d but she keeps rejecting one so that’s why she’s frustrated hahaha
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“Kirkor met his sister on the beach. He gave her a lil gift, but she...”
She hasn't even opened it yet, ungrateful cow XD
lmfaoooo, she has big expectations and she was disapointed - the box was too small and she wanted something large xD
my-simension skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
Ah where's Kirkor?
probably diving in the dumpster xD
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“Abelard was here as well!”
Who is he?
He’s Balladyna’s ex boyfriend :) he’s made by awesome andhisrabbits!
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“she doesn’t look like she’s enjoying swimming!”
Maybe she's smiling behind her sunglasses....nah...
she should be smiling tho because she started swimming free willingly and kept doing it for several sim hours haha. btw do you know any mod preventing sims from changing their body shapes when exercising? I found one preventing them from losing weight when swimming.
lavisims skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
Motherly love <3
lmfao she would throw her to that dumpster so Kirkor would have another excuse to dive in hahaha
rollo-rolls skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
ja mam zawsze taką minę przy dzieciach, jakichkolwiek
to samo tutaj. Im bardziej obserwuję matki z dzieciorami, tym bardziej mi się odechciewa mieć jakiekolwiek w przyszłości.
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“Kirkor met his sister on the beach. He gave her a lil gift, but she...”
Perhaps it wasn't a shore thing?
it was f mosquito repellent tbh xD
skomentował(a) Twój post
“@treason-and-plot I see you, girl. I’m hiding in those wet bushy...”
*strolls past whistling and twirling a cane*
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skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“lmao i have the urge to make this my new icon xD”
perfect xD
I should draw a penis in his mouth xDDD
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“ok guys, contest for the best caption for this picture xD”
I liked her face in that picture, she was adorable ^^
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“no smoochy smoochy for kirkor :(”
poor Kirkor :(
lmao I love how y’all feel sorry for Kirkor xD
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“well, apparently the raccoon had a lot to say”
lmao xDD
hahahaha, it happens every few sim days. I think raccoon wants to be my new friends but doesn’t know what to say so he’s like heeeyyyy I’m hereee
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“Abelard was here as well!”
ooooh look at those bushes enjoying the sunshine
everyone wants to get that damn tan xD
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“Kirkor met his sister on the beach. He gave her a lil gift, but she...”
who takes presents to the beach ffs?
lmfaooo if yougave me the gift on the beach I would take it xD of course if it wasn’t the mosquito repellent xDDD
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“she doesn’t look like she’s enjoying swimming!”
I'm surprised she didn't sink like a stone
girl pls, her butt is like a f buoy
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“well, apparently the raccoon had a lot to say”
it's like he's saying WAZZZZZZUUUPPPPPPPP
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treason-and-plot skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie “no smoochy smoochy for kirkor :(”
that potted bush is trying to steal the limelight
it surely stole cat’s heart and claws tho
treason-and-plot skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie “two little guys from Failures garden :)”
where the fuck is the bush??
idk, several years ago he was seen in the white house
treason-and-plot skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie “calla: “hey, dude, calm your penis, no hoohah for you today” kirkor:...”
no bush for you, loser
hahahaha on point xD 10/10 he has only garbage in the dumpster
treason-and-plot skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie “ok guys, contest for the best caption for this picture xD”
'You too can have luxuriant tresses like mine if you wash your hair three times a day in your own urine'.
I was expecting semen face masks
treason-and-plot skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie “kirkor: “aw, you won, how wonderful!” balladyna: “could it be...”
you don't hear ppl calling each other dickhead enough these days
it’s a beautiful word, isn’t it? idk if it’s an insult ir a complement in the end haha.
treason-and-plot skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
wet bush ��
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davidmont skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie “Kirkor met his sister on the beach. He gave her a lil gift, but she...”
oooohh was it cheap?
haha yeees, my sims always give each other cheap trash and useless things ;-;
willky12 skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie “she doesn’t look like she’s enjoying swimming!”
She doesn't look she enjoys much haha!
she didn’t xD she was like wth i am doing with my life
willky12 skomentował(a) Twój zestaw zdjęć “Calla met Esme in the pub. As you can see their chitchat wasn’t so...”
hahahaha! What a Dumbo! still laughing..
lmfao I had a huge face palm too
willky12 skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie “well, apparently the raccoon had a lot to say”
Quiet Szop ;)
it’s suspicious when someone is too quiet, he’s planning how to rule the world :P
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“lmfao everyone was yelling xD”
Looks like they are BBQ'ing Goplana hahaha!
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“no smoochy smoochy for kirkor :(”
I love that dress on her, shame it doesn't improve her attitude any though :'(
she’s already done with this relationship :( for now she just wants to be free like a bird
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“calla: “hey, dude, calm your penis, no hoohah for you today” kirkor:...”
lmfao now imagine that scene from Scary movie, when guy takes girl’s panties off and bats fly out xD
skomentował(a) Twój zestaw zdjęć
“Calla met Esme in the pub. As you can see their chitchat wasn’t so...”
I thought Esme and Calla were best friends...
Apparently they WERE. Of course Calla had to do 192107891298 mean interactions >.>
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“well, apparently the raccoon had a lot to say”
Means he's speechless.
his little face doesn’t seem to be so happy tho hahaha
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“lmfao everyone was yelling xD”
hahaha it’s a must be of every night xD
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“no smoochy smoochy for kirkor :(”
Oh man. :(
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“two little guys from Failures garden :)”
Ka-ching, ka-ching!
Noooo ;-; I never sell those cute little guys, look at them, how adorable they are, could you sell them? *puss in boots face*
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“calla: “hey, dude, calm your penis, no hoohah for you today” kirkor:...”
lololololol xD omg dat face! xD
his face is not important because his peen is more sad xD
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“well, apparently the raccoon had a lot to say”
i tak odkryłam swojego duszo-zwierza
od dziś będę Cię nazywać szopem :D
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“well, apparently the raccoon had a lot to say”
hahahaha dokładnie xD
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“lmfao everyone was yelling xD”
Omg i thought that was cigarette smoke
naaah, they were just chillin. grillin.
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“this thing is weird. i’d suspect calla for creating it, not you,...”
Penis monster
omfg you just remined me of weird japanese porn ;----;
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“i had to wake her up, because fridge was empty and everybody was...”
I make that face when my man pulls me out of bed to cook too. So much rage.
yeees! I have this face everytime I enter the kitchen tbh haha
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“lmao i have the urge to make this my new icon xD”
Rofl derpy derp
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“calla: “hey, dude, calm your penis, no hoohah for you today” kirkor:...”
The saddest face D:
the saddest face and the saddest peen :<
skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
“no smoochy smoochy for kirkor :(”
Their relationship look like a rollercoaster ride to me
because it is tbh, but for now it just gets worse and worse and worse.... :(
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“calla: “hey, dude, calm your penis, no hoohah for you today” kirkor:...”
Aww <//3 that sad face :'(
ikr, she breaks his heart ;-;
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“ok guys, contest for the best caption for this picture xD”
I can't ��
lmfao this is how she looks at him when she wants him to buy her something xD
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“lmfao I really should take less pictures because the more stuff I...”
Your garbage is another simmer's treasure.
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“ok guys, contest for the best caption for this picture xD”
Kirkor's thoughts - "If I could only please you". It kinda pulls at my heartstrings actually :'(
omg yaaas, your comment is on point ;-;
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“lmfao I really should take less pictures because the more stuff I...”
I like your garbage ;)
y’all can dive in that dumpster like Kirkor xD
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“kirkor: “aw, you won, how wonderful!” balladyna: “could it be...”
I would let him win hee hee
balladyna is like lmfao no f way xD
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“more jks with sister. :)”
I think that shirt actually makes him look a lot bulkier though!
yes! it’s quite big mesh but I like it tho, it’s quite pretty!
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“can u not”
A little bit of hair never hurt anybody :P
it’s not just a bit of hair xD it’s MAX hair xD
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“lmao i have the urge to make this my new icon xD”
Though I can't say that I want to see the icon of Kirkor eating the fly go yet, no way! XD
lmfao tbh I won’t change it because I got attached xd
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“lmao i have the urge to make this my new icon xD”
He is fantasising about that black thing he got for Christmas ;-DDD
hahaha did you watch deadpool??? if yes do you remember that scene with international women’s day? xD
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“kirkor: “aw, you won, how wonderful!” balladyna: “could it be...”
Love Balladyna's facial expression.
yaaas! that’s why I love this picture so much because their facial expressions are so accurate xD
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“can u not”
max- hairy lmaoooooo
it sounds a bit scary xD
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“more jks with sister. :)”
they are so cute together, because he’s so tall and she’s small ;-;
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“look how unhappy goplana is! i bet she likes her dad better. ;)”
Me too Goplana, me too.��
everyone does like him better I think :P
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“lmao i have the urge to make this my new icon xD”
He looks like a inflatable boyfriend there. xD ;p
hahaha typical rugby player from highschool in beverly hills. xD
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“can u not”
i block ten porn blogs a day, I swear!
I don’t get them as much as you but I always block them too!
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“ok guys, contest for the best caption for this picture xD”
^^ omfg
when everybody laughs in the comment section xD
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“lmao i have the urge to make this my new icon xD”
tempting! Our most beautiful sims make not so beautiful faces sometimes. XD
that’s why I love gameplay, because they’re all hilarious and dramatic xD
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“ok guys, contest for the best caption for this picture xD”
"is that a knife poking me or-oh, it really is knife"
hahahaha it could be a knife xD that’s why he never lets  her fully rage xD
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“lmao i have the urge to make this my new icon xD”
has he just swallowed a bush?
Calla’s all shaved so nope xD
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“more jks with sister. :)”
The fun never stops!
it stops when knife job starts
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“look how unhappy goplana is! i bet she likes her dad better. ;)”
her Dad does't breathe second-hand smoke all over her
he just tries to grill her on the changing table
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“goodbye westerberg! it was nice to live here!”
*good bush shot* *dirty snickering*
max-hairy started following you
treason-and-plot skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
interesting bush placement. B+
all bushes deserve at least B
treason-and-plot skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie
that bushiness of those bushes is superior to previous bushiness. A+ bush.
supreme-bushy-clit likes your post
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“are you kidding me?!”
this reminds me of my mother telling me how she smoked during labour, lulz
did she at least give you one when you were already born???
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“i had to wake her up, because fridge was empty and everybody was...”
I thought that was her happy face 0_o
Tumblr media
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“this thing is weird. i’d suspect calla for creating it, not you,...”
I totally ship that with one of Naomi's penis sculptures
japanese weird porn, I told y’all
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“lmao i have the urge to make this my new icon xD”
for a second there I thought he had a mullet
sorry but wtf is a mullet? xD
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“lmao i have the urge to make this my new icon xD”
...such a beautiful and poetic picture! You should use i
one day I will haha. :D
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