#the urge to run away forever and only be close to animals
worldswewrite · 9 months
“Why don’t you invite me to Christmas with your family?”
“Idk just seems like a romantic partner thing”
What does that even meeeeeeeeaaaannnn?
I would invite my intimate besties to my family Christmas if I could.
I’m so sad. Why is our relationship not as important because it’s not romantic?
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A Quiet Love
Sorry for the lack of updates. Been very busy with schoolwork and fell sick today. Still, here's my latest need to cuddle with Astarion.
Oh I also went to Anime Impulse at Seattle and gosh that was fun. Bought an Astarion print and a standee to start my Astarion shrine in my cupboard, bought a wooden magnet carving of a rly cute egg sushi, bought some stuff for my friends back home too.
Summary: You have a nightmare and Astarion chases it away in his own way.
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Ragged breaths tear through you as you run through the trees, clutching your bleeding side with one hand and wiping away your sweat with the other. You can hear the shouts of your pursuers, hear the thundering hooves of the horses some of them are riding, all of which spur your feet onwards in spite of the screams from your muscles.
Your head spins and you nearly fall over. You won’t last long in this chase, they will catch and torture you before executing you in front of the whole town, exactly as the oracle had predicted. Still, if that is your destiny, you’re not about to just roll over and let them have you. If they want you, they are going to have to work for it.
You stumble in a zigzag pattern, darting in and out of your pursuers’ sight and hear their hollers of frustration, causing you to grin. Your pursuers are terrible at their job if they can’t even catch a wounded target. You nearly laugh out loud, stopped only by the blood that bubbles up your throat when you try.
Even so, they inevitably catch up to you. With how your vision keeps giving way, there is no other outcome, but you continue to be defiant, resisting their capture even as the black spots worm their way in.
“Come on, scared of injured prey?” You cough, sending a bloody grin their way. Your pursuers move closer, encircling you but they maintain their distance, much to your amusement. You can feel your lifeblood leaving your body, you won’t last much longer and yet they’re still so afraid of you.
Your fingers curl, ready to fight as hard as you can before they take you when a fireball incinerates half the pursuers, leaving nothing but blackened ash. A war cry follows suit, revealing a tiefling with one horn and a githyanki warrior charging into the fray swinging their weapons which takes out most of the remaining pursuers.
Your gaze flicks about the battlefield, looking for a particular pale elf but you don’t see him amidst the chaos of it all. One of your remaining pursuers, however, spots you and moves in from behind, gladius primed to strike but a dagger plunges into his neck before he gets the chance.
“You really need to watch your back more, my love. I can’t watch it for you forever.”
Your eyes light up when you see who it is, the urge to run over and jump into his arms tugging at your heart but all you can manage is a hasty stumble in his direction, a silent yelp leaving your lips as gravity pulls your body downwards, straight at the ground.
“Falling for me again?” A pair of cold arms wrap themselves around you, stopping your descent. You heave a relieved sigh, closing your eyes as you lean into the cooling embrace of your vampire lover, feeling your body give out without an adrenaline high to sustain it anymore.
“I will always fall for you,” you murmur tiredly. You feel your body sag against his, feel his panic as he realises you’re bleeding out all over the ground. His voice rises a pitch, sharp fingernails digging ever so slightly into your flesh and you want to comfort him, reassure him that you’re not going anywhere but your muscles refuse to move and you can’t do anything about it.
“Darling, stay with me. As tasty as you look leaking blood, you’re leaking too much blood.” He holds you close, trying to staunch the bleeding with one hand while the other haphazardly rummages through the bag for a healing potion.
“Too…much…? I thought…you’d…appreciate it…” You’re getting dizzier and dizzier, with more of your vision fading to black. His red eyes pierce the veil that’s being drawn over your eyes, willing you to stay awake but the pull of the void is too strong, you can’t hold on anymore.
“Well, you see love…love? Love!”
And the world turns black.
You wake up with a start, chest heaving and sweat running down your back.
A nightmare. A rather vivid one at that.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, willing your thundering heart to calm down before it can wake the trancing vampire next to you but his movements suggest that he has already woken up.
“Nightmare?” He murmurs quietly, his tone a far cry from his usual way of speaking.
“Hrm,” you reply, blood pounding in your ears. The world refocuses, showing you the vampire who is gazing at you with such concern in his eyes, his eyebrows creased in worry.
“I’m alright, Star. Just need to…get a breath of fresh air,” you wave him off. “Sorry for interrupting your trance.”
“I was about to head off for a hunt.” He pauses for a moment. “Would you like to come along, my dear?”
“That…sounds nice.” You rub your eyes, feeling his hand brush against yours. Giving his hand a squeeze, you push yourself up, wiping the night’s terrors away and step out into the cool fresh air, taking a deep breath. You hear him stop just behind you, his shoulder brushing against yours and you take his hand once more.
“I just need you,” you whisper, the words meant only for his ears. He nods, pressing closer to you and swallows the honeyed words that almost fall from his lips out of habit. What you need now is him, not the words his tongue can form, not the services he can provide.
You just need him.
It’s not something anyone else can provide, it’s something unique to him and something he’s comfortable with providing. If all you want is for him to sit by your side, he will happily do just that.
Astarion lets you lead the way, sitting on the steps next to you with a clear view of the city. He wants to know what your nightmare was about so that he can reassure you better, but watching you take in the city’s night lights with quiet awe, he decides that dredging up the past can wait and patiently sits next to you, exactly like he promised. He takes your hand, relishing in the way your fingers automatically curl around his hand.
“I’m right here, my love.” he says for no other reason than he wants to say it. You nod, squeezing his hand before resting your head on his shoulder, letting out a deep breath.
“Thank you,” you whisper. The quiet night beckons the words from your lips, the words you have yet to say to him and mean it with all your heart. You feel him slip an arm around your waist, pulling you closer and feel his lips ghost over your hair.
“I love you.”
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wiliowisp · 1 year
The Act of Recovery ❦
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Word Count ➻ 2.1k
Pairings ➻ Ominis Gaunt x gn!MC
Warnings ➻ injury, mention of childhood abuse, mention of death
Tags ➻ third person POV, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, tending to wounds, animagus!Ominis, a lil smoochin
A/N ➻ funnily enough this idea came from a dream i had where i smooched ominis. my subconcious got my back fr. it ended up being more plotty and angsty than i intended but im physically incapable of writing something without angst so here we are.
୧ send me prompts! i may write them! ୨
Ominis attends his late father's wake, finding his family abhorrent—as usual. He escapes in his animagus form, before running into poachers. Gravely wounded, he finds himself in the cottage of an old friend, and their familiarly gentle hands.
The morning was still, the chirping of various birds creating a sweet symphony beyond their window. The sky was daffodil-yellow and power-blue, the last vestiges of sunrise folding themselves behind the horizon. Beyond their kitchen window, a blue jay cried its song from their tree.
It was a quiet life. ‘The new fifth year,’ as they had been addressed for so long, managed to carve out a peaceful, safe home for themselves post-graduation. Death had found them at every corner when they were only fifteen, with that realization of its imminence, the want for simplicity became their only desire. They had been a hero, now they wanted to rest.
Of course, they could not avoid trouble forever. Sebastian had his way of bringing it to them, but never to the capacity which he did in his fifth year. He had been spared Azkaban, so he repented, spending tireless days in St. Mungos, soothing those struck by the same curses he used to wield. As in everything, he excelled as a healer and devoted his life to furthering research in that field. This did not stop him from causing trouble from time to time, reading things he shouldn’t, but he had learned to stop himself. He had grown.
At their table, they cradled the tea that was steaming away in their mug. The curls of water vapour caressed their matured face.
Ominis would be seeing his father off today. It was the wake, as he had explained in his owls, and despite loathing to see his family, he would attend to pay whatever respects he could muster within him. They fretted about him, alone in the nest of snakes.
However, the morning was still, the blue jay sang its stilted song. Everything would be okay.
Until it wasn’t.
Their front door smashed open, splinters careening across the floor as a pale shape hurtled through it. The animal dashed across the entirety of their cottage, slamming against the back wall in distress, before sliding across the floor into the kitchen, where its energy left it.
They immediately recognised the beast. Alabaster white fur, thick strong paws; an albino puma with milky, unseeing eyes.
“Ominis,” they gasped.
The puma hissed at them, baring its gleaming fangs. They then took in Ominis properly, across his white body, several gashes had torn into his fur, along his legs, face, and back. They stained his pristine coat a sickly red.
“Ominis, it's me—you’re okay,” they cooed. Ominis was still backed into their kitchen hissing and rearing as though he might strike.
They pressed forward, hands out in a soothing gesture, urging him to return to his senses. Slowly, Ominis became less hostile, clearly weak from the blood loss. His head thumped to the ground. They crouched, gently placing their fingers against his soft fur, soothing him with tentative strokes.
Ominis’ eyes closed, and a great breath left him. Gradually, his form shifted. The fur melted away to reveal pale skin. His great paws shrunk back into delicate fingers. Then, he was a man once more.
Ominis was unconscious and naked on their floor. The blue jay had gone quiet.
Ominis returned to consciousness in stages. He first felt gentle hands and soft brushes on his skin. Then, his nose deciphered the metallic tint of blood in the air. Next, he heard a velvety voice, chanting soothing mantras. He opened his eyes and—familiarly—saw nothing.
“You’re awake,” they said.
Ominis had slept for the remainder of the day. Now, dusk fell upon them and the steady crackle of the hearth could be heard.
Ominis tried to sit up, but his spine protested, as did the gashes along his body.
“Relax, you’re safe,” they breathed, “we’re in my cottage.”
Ominis returned to the pillows, exhaling. He brought a hand to his hair and tried to pull it through the knots. He didn’t want to burden them, he hadn’t even meant to come here, he was just hurt and scared.
“Did Marvolo—?”
“No, no, he didn’t,” Ominis finally spoke. “My family are a vile bunch but they are mostly bark and no bite. These were poachers.”
Ominis heard them sigh, but could discern nothing beyond that.
“My wand—”
“Yes, I have it here,” they found Ominis’ fingers and placed his wand in them. The room immediately became clear, the contours and shapes, the body of his friend beside him. “You were conscious enough to transfigure with your wand but must have forgotten your clothes,” they commented.
“Oh Merlin.” Ominis considered curling up and dying right there. “I’m sorry.”
They chuckled. “Your modesty is quite safe with me, Ominis,” he could sense their smile, “I put a blanket over you, I didn’t see anything.”
Ominis sat up properly then, his back protesting with the effort—there was sure to be an ugly bruise there. It was clear now that they had moved him to the sofa, where he was wrapped in said blanket.
Something cold pressed into his hand.
“Drink,” they said.
So he did.
“How was it?”
Ominis knew they weren’t asking about the water. The wake. A room filled with all the Gaunts—or what was left of them—and other families like leeches, offering empty condolences.
“My father was a horrible man,” he said.
There was a heavy silence.
“Yes, I know,” they replied.
“He was a horrible man,” Ominis said again, hoping it would turn his father in his grave, “he was.”
A warm hand came to his bare shoulder, rubbed circles into it. “I know.”
Ominis was crying, he realized absently. Hot tears slid from his eyes and down his sharp jaw. They ran over the cuts in his face and reignited the wound.
“But I couldn’t bear it,” he gasped, “I couldn’t be in that room with my brothers and sister—hear them talk about him like he was good. It was all lies and we knew it.”
A sob left him.
“We were re-writing him. Making up a story. I wanted to scream at them, shake them and tell them the truth. He was an abusive, disgusting man. He hated me. He wished I wasn’t born and yet—” the words fought against his throat, “and yet it didn’t make it any easier.”
Their friend pulled him into a hug, letting his head rest against their shoulder, letting him cry into it.
“You get one consolation. That one day he will be gone and you will be done with it. I should be relieved,” Ominis gritted.
“He was still your father,” they said.
Despite it all, he was. He raised Ominis, regardless of what that looked like. He raised his brothers, his sister. He brought them into the world, was all that remained after his mother passed. Ominis owed everything he had to him, the ugly, the good. Now he was dead. And it still hurt.
Ominis clutched them back, buried his head into the crook of their neck. He let himself cry as he hadn’t in so long, until it was all drained out of him. All the while, they rubbed soothing patterns into his bare skin, around the cuts that still stung.
Eventually, he wore himself out. His face was red and puffy, no doubt completely undignified, and he felt weak and tired. They pulled away from him, wiping his wet face with a handkerchief.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” they asserted, “but I need to treat your wounds Ominis.”
Ominis had almost forgotten. His gashes just seemed to reflect his stinging, beating heart, as though they were one of the same.
His friend raised their wand.
“They’re cursed—”
“I know, I already tried every healing spell Sebastian taught me before I realized. We’ll have to do this the muggle way.”
Their wand simply summoned over a first aid kit from the shelf, and Ominis stiffened slightly.
“This will hurt, won’t it.”
“A little, but it’s better than an infection.”
They retrieved a small phenol solution from the kit, with a spray cap—to disinfect. Some bandages were also brought out.
They began their work on his back, crouched on the floor while Ominis gritted his teeth each time they sprayed a cut with disinfectant. Gentle fingers wound bandaged around his midsection, their fingertips stroking lines around his body. The process was painful and slow, but entirely tender. No wound was left unattended, each treated with merciful care.
“Now, your face,” they said.
Ominis heard them rise, dragging a chair to face opposite him. Cool fingertips graced his hot skin.
As the minutes passed, his usually restrained affection for his friend only swelled. A sticky, saccharine feeling in his chest. Like his heart had grown twice its size and was trying to escape out of the gaps in his ribcage.
He had scarcely known such benevolence. The Gaunt household had no space for it, amongst the cruelty and mania they fostered. Only once he had left, wandered the labyrinthine halls of Hogwarts, had his child body been held. Sebastian was the first, but Sebastian was fire and molten heat, warm to the touch but known to burn just as quickly.
The ‘new fifth year’ as he had so ungraciously titled them, was entirely different. They were sunshine on a spring day, the soft breeze that would steal the sweat from your skin before warming it again in the next breath. They were coral pools and clear water, stick your hand in and see the light dance on your skin. When they touched him he didn’t burn. Nor freeze like the touch of his family. He was just the same, he was Ominis, being held. That was all they ever wanted him to be.
Now, dabbing antiseptic into the cuts on his face, he felt more himself than ever. The version of him entirely unencumbered by fear, by sight, by magic.
Their warm breath kissed his cheek and their fingers held his jaw in place.
He cupped their face, running his own fingers across the planes of their cheeks, mapping the expression, committing the texture to memory.
He kissed them.
Undemanding, chaste, not a capturing of lips so much as holding them. Pressing into them like a question, will you be yourself with me? You have only ever made me feel worthy.
He pulled away slowly, face inches from theirs.
They dived back in. Yes, yes I will. They were unafraid to capture his mouth, answer earnestly. Move their lips against his. Soft, always so tender. But hungry, parched, the savouring of a good meal.
Ominis met their fervour, letting his tongue slide along their bottom lip, feeling it open greedily for him. Their hand was placed on his waist, above the wound they had lovingly tended. Ominis wrapped his into their hair, feeling their scalp, pulling them closer—please, closer.
Minutes burned, time inconsequential as they found each other in the wet heat of their tongues. They pulled away from Ominis, and latched their mouth to his neck, tasting salt on the skin. Ominis tilted his head, allowing them to create more bruises on his skin. Bruises he wanted to never heal.
Then they stopped.
“You’re injured Omi,” they breathed.
Ominis’ brows pinched.
“We must stop,” they said, “you need to rest.”
“I don’t want to rest,” Ominis protested.
“I don’t want you to either, but you must—to heal.”
Ominis heard the squeak of the floorboards, then the opening of a door. They left the room.
He began to panic. Was it too much? He had concealed his affection for them for so long that perhaps—perhaps they did not want it. Perhaps he was wrong.
They re-entered the room.
“I didn’t do this on a whim, you know,” he pleaded.
“I know.”
“Then why—"
“Today was your father’s wake. Not only that, you were gravely hurt. I know this wasn't an impulse, but regardless, you need to heal, you need to process today.”
“This wasn’t because of my father.”
A beat.
“I know,” they stated, “prove it to me. Stay the night tonight. In a week’s time, come back, and share dinner with me. Then we can try again.”
Soft clothes were pressed into his hands.
“I’ll wait for you," they whispered, "in the bedroom.”
Then they left.
Ominis sighed in relief. He ran his fingers over the nightclothes given to him, the silky fabric.
When he entered their bedroom, slipped into the sheets, and entangled their limbs. Wrapped his arm around their middle. He felt grateful to be Ominis Gaunt and no one else. Ominis Gaunt was the boy who met them, who fell in love, who has now tasted their sweet lips. He is not perfect, that he will never deny, but cocooned next to them, there is no scar he could bear that would not be lovingly tended to and kissed. There is no ugliness that would not be embraced.
He slept deeply and comfortably with this knowledge. Come daybreak, a blue jay sang its screeching song, not beautiful, not sonorous like its neighbours, but to the two inhabitants of that cottage, there was no better sound.
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cvlutos · 2 years
WARNINGS: Characters 18+ | Blood | Aggression | Mentions of Violence | Implied Kidnapping | Yandere | Dark Content | Etc | Proceed with Caution, Dove |
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Vampires have existed for millennia. Evolving. Just as humans do, spread all across Twisted Wonderland. With the ability to drink blood. Shapeshift. Immortality. Control minds. To grow and expand.
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There are several breeds of vampires.
——Pure-Bloods: They are the First Vampires to Exist. They have that of royal blood within them. The purest vampires can turn humans and half-bloods into full-blooded vampires. They’re rarely ever seen, and many believe them to be extinct or simply choose to hide from society, both humans and vampires. Not much is known about them, but to fear and or respect them. 
——Full-Bloods: Humans or Half-Blood Vampires that were turned into Full-bloods by the Purest Form of Vampires. They’re also born from two Full-bloods. Most Full-bloods run large covens and form families with other Full-Bloods and create their own hierarchy. They can also turn humans into a lesser form of vampires.
——Half-Blood: Born from a Vampire and a Human. They’re very similar to Full-Bloods, but can also walk within the sun, unlike Full-Bloods. They have a harder time controlling their urges for blood and are seen as a disgrace amongst certain vampiric communities. Most Half-Bloods are killed before they can fully grow or before they're even born.
——Hybrids: Born from a Vampire and a different Non-Human Species. They’re especially rare and insanely strong, with a mix of vampiric powers, and whatever else they’re mixed with. You can’t tell most have vampire blood within them since it’s rare for them to feel certain instincts unless they’re around a general weakness. 
——Turned: Humans were bitten by a Full-Blood and drank their blood in return. This makes the once human, now forever tied to the vampire that turned them. 
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Located within a land of mazes and roses. Heartslabyul is by far the largest coven. Taking in all those that seek refuge as long as they can provide. Most of those that live within the large manor, was on the verge of death, before pledging their life to Riddle Rosehearts. Heartslabyul is strict, yet doesn’t hide away from humans. Instead, they keep to themselves and are cordial.
Coven Leader: Riddle Rosehearts
—Vampiric Breed: Full-Blood Vampire [Turned by Malleus Draconia]
—Age: 219 [Turned at age 19]
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes. [Only when Donated and or Given.]
Born as a human and studied Vampiric Law, he often spoke up and out for Vampires and other supernatural creatures. Making him a prime target of hate within the Queendom of Roses. During his work, he was attacked and nearly left for dead, before Malleus found him. Both meeting once by chance and having mutual respect, Malleus offered to turn him into a Full-Blood and Riddle agreed. Riddle soon went on then to gather others, similar to him, and created a home for the rejected. He still follows his rules, that the immortal and mortal can coexist.
Right Hand: Trey Clover
—Vampiric Breed: Turned Vampire [Turned by Riddle Rosehearts]
—Age: 218
—Does he Drink Human Blood: No. [Only animal blood]
Born as a human, and a close friend to Riddle. Offering to help him no matter what, and staying by his side. He was the one who asked Riddle to turn him so that he could be of greater use. Many view him as human, and see nothing out of the ordinary. Seeing as he drinks only animal blood.
Key Figures:
Cater Diamond
—Vampiric Breed: Turned Vampire [Turned by Riddle Rosehearts]
—Age: 128
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Sometimes.
Born as a human, and was close to death. He was running out of his home and was on the run. Riddle gave him a safe home and turned to him.
Ace Trappola
—Vampiric Breed: Half-Blood Vampire
--Age: 156
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes.
His mother was a human and his father a vampire. He lived an average life until his village was attacked and he was ran out of his village. He lived as a rogue for years, before Riddle found him and offered him a home.
Deuce Spade
—Vampiric Breed: Turned Vampire [Turned by Rouge Full-Blood]
—Age: 108 
—Does he Drink Human Blood: No. [Tempted]
Born as a human, his village was attacked, and he was saved by a rogue vampire. Who enjoyed him and used him to participate in other village raids. He couldn’t fight against the Vampire and was forced to hurt humans until Riddle found the rogue and killed him. Ultimately saving Deuce
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Located within a land of savannas and jungles. SavannaClaw is the 2nd largest coven. A coven that still participates in the old ways of drinking blood, but they as well interact with humans on occasion. They’re very secluded and keep to themselves. Yet he’s seen as a monster in human form. Savannaclaw is wild, with their only rules being to protect the weak, but they follow the rules of the world. 
Coven Leader: Leona Kingscholar
—Vampiric Breed: Hybrid Vampire
—Age: 421
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes.
His mother was a lion beastman, and his father was a vampiric lion beastman, a hybrid. Born as the 2nd Prince, as an outcast, Leona soon left home and ran into the past vampire hybrid that ruled SavannaClaw. The two didn’t get along, and Leona decided he wanted the position, and thus killed the old leader and took his place easily.
Right Hand: Ruggie Bucchi
—Vampiric Breed: Turned Vampire [Turned by Leona Kingscholar]
—Age: 326
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Sometimes.
A thief that tried to steal from Leona, only to be caught and almost killed. Leona decided to take pity in turn, that Ruggie listen to his every whim and desire. Which the hyena beastman did and did well. So Leona turned to him and kept him by his side.
Key Figures:
Jack Howl
—Vampiric Breed: Full-Blooded Vampire [Turned By Vil Schoenheit]
—Age: 119
—Does he Drink Human Blood: No.
Friends with Vil Schoenheit, he became a vampire willingly, until betrayed. He ran away from the Pomefiore coven and stumbled across SavannaClaw. Though he is seen as an outcast for his association with Vil. 
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Located within the oceans and deep sea. Octavinelle is the 2nd smallest coven. A coven that still participates in the ways of the ocean. In the harshness, the absolute violence. They don’t interact with humans, they only view humans as food. Blood bags. Yet they sometimes pretend to be seen as humans to lure. They’re very secluded, yet pretend to be accepting. Yet this coven has many traitors, all which escape to the Scarabia Coven.
Coven Leader: Azul Ashengrotto
—Vampiric Breed: Hybrid Vampire
—Age: 326
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes.
Born from an octopus and vampire, he spends most of his time ignoring the portion of him that's a a vampire and often rejects it. He often vows about the separation of vampires, humans, and other merpeople and beastmen. He believes that they should remain separate and not intermingle. He has grown quite a fraction and even those non-merpeople align with his ideas.
Right Hand: Jade Leech
—Vampiric Breed: Hybrid Vampire
—Age: 329
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes
Carries out all of Azul’s orders. Though he doesn’t share the same sentiment. He likes the idea that humans, vampires, and merpeople mingle. He finds it entertaining in what mixes can create. Yet he doesn’t deny that the separation also brings entertainment. He truly doesn’t care either way.
Key Figures:
Floyd Leech
—Vampiric Breed: Hybrid Vampire
—Age: 329
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes
Enjoys the chaos. Enjoys the violence. He likes the part of him that is a vampire and everyone knows as much. He doesn’t hide it. Many of those within Octavinelle view him as a traitor, yet can’t do anything about it.
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Located within the heated deserts. The third largest coven that houses not only vampires, but humans, and anyone else. One of the safest covens that accepts vampires, everyone and everything. They don’t participate in violence nor anything else and keep to themselves, while offering help. An extremely safe coven. 
Coven Leader: Kalim Al-Asim
—Vampiric Breed: Full-Blooded Vampire
—Age: 230
—Does he Drink Human Blood: No.
Kalim Al-Asim was born as a half-blood but his mother turned him into a full-blooded vampire. He keeps up the already functioning traditions of working alongside humans and offering them homes. He is kind and sweet and often houses vampires and humans, protecting them from other covens. Which also makes him disagreeable to covens with traitorous vampires and or humans.
Right Hand: Jamil Viper
—Vampiric Breed: Turned Vampire [Turned by Kalim Al-Asim]
—Age: 226
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes.
Born human and turned by Kalim at a young age to bind the two together for a lifetime together. Not much is known about Jamil except that he is a dedicated and faithful servant.
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Located within the frigid mountains and pretty forests. One of the most popular covens where vampires and humans mingle. Where pleasure, beauty, lust and love thrive. With a large population of turned vampires who wished to be turned. The entire city is a coven. Most don’t know that they stepped into the Coven.
Coven Leader: Vil Schoenheit
—Vampiric Breed: Pure-Blood Vampire
—Age: 419
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes.
One of the only known Pure-Bloods that constantly mingles with humans. Seens as a very selfish vampire that loves the blood of beautiful men and women, and only accepts those of beauty into his coven. He’s harsh and almost antagonistic, yet well beloved.
Right Hand: Rook Hunt
—Vampiric Breed: Full Blooded Vampire [Turned by Vil Schoenheit]
—Age: 410
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes.
Once a human that went to Vil and asked to be a vampire. Promising to devote his very life to Vil. He’s odd, and no one knows much about him except that the coven of SavannaClaw hates him.
Key Figures:
Epel Felmier
—Vampiric Breed: Turned Vampire [Turned by Vil Schoenheit]
—Age: 329
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes
A human that fled to the Pomefiore Coven to escape a group of vampires that assumed he was a woman. Yet unaware that Pomefiore doesn’t do kind deeds without being repaid. So in turn for Epel’s protection, he turned him into a vampire.
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Located within misty mountains and underground caves. It's a small and very forgettable coven. With very few vampires. Most are unaware of its existence and it’s more of a myth than an actual coven.
Coven Leader: Idia Shroud
—Vampiric Breed: Pure-Blood Vampire
—Age: 521
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Sometimes.
Loner Pure-Blood that fits the description of unknown. He purposely chooses to remain hidden away and secret from the world. Yet his caves are insanely eccentric and house the most advanced technology in the world. All built by him.
Right Hand: Ortho Shroud
—Vampiric Breed: ?????
—Age: 494
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes.
No one is sure of what Ortho is and settles that he’s a machine but needs blood to run his systems. Odd.
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Location is unknown. Everything about Diasomnia is unknown except the name and that no humans can ever join them.
Coven Leader: Malleus Draconia
—Vampiric Breed: Pure-Blood Vampire
—Age: 632
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Sometimes.
The oldest known direct descendant of a royal Pure-Blood line. Yet no one has seen his face, they know that all covens must bow down to him and only him.
Right Hand: Lilia Vanrouge
—Vampiric Breed: Pure-Blood Vampire
—Age: ????
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes.
He’s existed forever, some even believe before Malleus. In a time of war and heartache, yet many are unsure and don’t bother to learn from the strange vampire.
Key Figures:
—Vampiric Breed: Turned Vampire [Turned by Lilia Vanrouge]
—Age: 253
—Does he Drink Human Blood: No
A human that is bound to Malleus. There’s not much more to him, is there?
Sebek Zigvolt
—Vampiric Breed: Half-Blood Vampire
—Age: 248
—Does he Drink Human Blood: Yes.
Very proudly, does he hate humans. And very proudly does he drink their blood to show clear superiority. Even though human blood exists within his veins. Malleus and Lilia have both refused to change him fully.
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—NRC [NIGHT RAVEN COVEN]: The meeting place of all Covens. All coven leaders and their selected members must gather to fix grudges and prevent coven wars.
—RSA [ROYAL SWORD ASYLUM]: Those that protect humans from vampires and fight against the spreading of covens. Some believe that RSA is trying to learn a way to unturn vampires and return them back to humans.
—NBC [NOBLE BELL CHURCH]: Vampires are demonic and NBC specializes in raising vampire hunters. They are quite successful in their talents.
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“NRC asks for our presence. You will accompany us.”
His words are familiar demands, yet they have no force behind them, no sneer, no anger, no threat. Yet a demand in which he stares, with eyes of emerald, with the slightest hint of red. You merely nod, back still towards him. Keeping your eyes on the black lacy pattern of the tablecloth, feeling fangs pierce deeper into your wrist. You grimace. There is no pleasure that comes when giving blood, not if the one taking does not desire it. And he is keen on taking without giving.
“Sebek~ Be a little gentle. Before you hurt our little Dove.” A different voice, one that is sultry, purring almost, as he sits across the dining table, elbows pressed against the wood and chin within his palms. Yet magenta eyes are ever so amused.
No matter how much you hate that nickname, he continues to refer to you as such. You wince as the man nearly growls, annoyed by his elders words, yet listening. Feeling his teeth leave your skin and listening to his heavy exhale, steam rolling past his lips as he relishes in the moment. You pull your wrist away, using the already red splotchy towel to cover the wound, a towel that has been used two times prior to this moment. The pain is quick to fade, yet you know the marks won’t. They never do.
“Dove. Did you hear me?”
You turn to your capture. The one who said your blood had the sweetest smell and the most unique taste. The best type to every grace of his immortal tongue. That made him feel almost human again. Almost. He leans back in his chair, sitting at the head of the table, one that isn’t any different from the others, yet seems like a throne amongst mere stools. Staring with unblinking eyes, as he holds a half empty wine glass, one that he occasionally sips. “… Yes… My Lord…” The words are forced past your lips as your semi-bow, rising your seat, still gingerly covering your arm. He dismisses you with a simple nod, yet a promise to visit later.
Cause blood in his glass is merely never enough to satisfy him.
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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ryndicate · 1 year
The Light of No Moon ⨳ Michael Kaiser
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This man has too much favor from the gods, you realize with terror. You should never have come here.
notes: this took me way too long but i do not have to tell you how perfect it is that Michael Kaiser is playing the role of Narcissus??
event: for @dark-mnjiro ‘s Taste of Divine Rush collab. My absolute bad for posting it so late, but aha! Now I get to have a post that says ~happy birthday to you~ now forever on my blog to last through the ages. 
warnings: starts soft and whimsical ends kinda dark and spooky ish. At least for me. Implied noncon, might add to this another time! I never say his name but i describe him! its definitely him~
Blog Rules/DNI
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You’d stumbled across the man on accident, really. Some of the elder women had asked you to climb the mountain path to dig up some roots for a meal they were planning for the village. Not one to make those older than you do unnecessary work, you’d found your way to the footpaths, but after straying away in search of the roots you’d gotten lost. 
The sun was beginning to set, and you had been growing more worried; you’d never been out of the village past dark without your brothers or uncle before. The summer was just beginning, and the pack animals were flourishing this year. You were easy prey for young wolves or bears. You had almost lost hope when you saw him, breaking through the trees—and there you see him.
Maybe it’s because you’re already so frightened, but to you, you’ve never seen a man whose presence is more calming than his. Your heart settles immediately. He sits serenely, in pure quiet, gazing into the water. No part of him moves as you approach, nothing to show that he knows you’re there.
“Hello?” you call to him softly, but he gives no sign of hearing you, and with a fresh trickle of worry you wonder if he might be deaf. If you are not safe out here, then neither is he. You consider calling into the woods, because surely a man like him wasn’t left to his own? But after a long clear cry of a wolf in the distance, you decide it unwise.
You circle the man, calling to him once more, but again he doesn’t answer and so you sit by his side, and peer closely at his face as the full moon begins to shine down on you both. Suddenly your breath feels stuck in your throat.
His face is more beautiful than any woman’s in your village, more handsome than any of the hunter’s. His skin is sunkissed and smooth, looking as soft as a flower petal. You lean closer to see thick lashes framing eyes just as blue as the cool water at your feet, brighter than the starlight beginning to spread across the sky. You resist a deep urge to thread your finger through his hair, an odd yet entrancing honey color with berry blue streaks. You’ve seen reds, even herbal green dyes on your spiritual elders, but never a color as this. It’s as if Aphrodite herself had created the lover of her dreams from the sun and the sky, and somehow here he sits in wait for her, in blissful ease of his sole purpose to be admired.
With nothing else to do, and no desire to be once again lost in the woods, you sit with him. But despite his obvious contentment for quietude, you feel unrest, and so you speak to him. All through the night, it’s as if you do not exist. You tell him things you never thought you’d get to say to anyone; you tell him all the things of him you find lovely in the words that you know, knowing full well he’s probably heard more eloquent phrase in both song and epic—but you tell him nonetheless, and he does naught but sit, because you cannot claim to know if he listens.
The stars glitter in full, brighter, expanding, until they begin to dim and then fade and only then do you hear the howls of creatures you don’t fear: the hunting dogs of home. You scramble to your feet and give the handsome stranger one last glance before running through the trees towards the clamoring cries that lead you towards home. 
It’s a long time before you manage to sneak out of the village again. Uncle didn’t mind so much, but your brothers barely let you out of their sight. It wasn’t until the half moon, the night all the men in village retired to their beds early in preparation for a competitive hunt, that you managed to to evade their protective gazes. You were tearing through the woods at once, eager and apprehensive, half-convinced the beautiful man was something you imagined that night lost in the woods. Surely a man like him is couldn’t possibly exist? But as you break through the trees to the familiar little pond, all your musings are left to dust.
It seems as if he hasn’t moved even a breath, just as you left him. You return to his side as if you belong there and regale his wall of silence with every tale of your past fortnight that you can think of. How the women brought you berries and cream the morning you made your way home, ridden with guilt for sending you into the mountains alone. You tell him of the shell bracelet your uncle bought you at the gypsy market, and stories of the ocean that the travelers had told him. You even tell him of the night Meguru put a spider's nest into Yoichi’s bed and the fight that followed—you don’t think you’ve ever seen your brothers so angry with each other. Your favorite dinners, the constellations you were learning, how frustrating the textile patterns are that you’re trying to perfect for the end summer markets; you tell him of every little mundane thing in your small village life, things he’s probably never had to deal with. You talk until there’s nothing left to talk about, and then you stare. You stare until you start to feel cold and realize the sun in beginning to set once more and scramble to your feet. If you don’t make it home before your brothers then who knows when you’ll be able to come back?
You sprint through the trees, the path towards home becoming more familiar as your wistfulness to go back grows. Each day that passes is filled with apprehension that one day he’ll be gone before you can look at him one last time. But each day you manage to go see him assauges that fear, now drifting further and further from your mind as the village settles and everyone and your brothers seem to forget the night you went missing. It gets easier slipping from your home both day and night to disappear into the woods.
Tonight you bring a lantern with you, no moon to light your way and the stars covered by cloud. The forest seems colder and every cracked twig makes you want to jump, in fear that an animal is tracking your step. But the festering, obsessive desire to see his face again consumes you and drives you forward, until you break through the trees—and you stop dead.
There’s no one sitting by the pool of water.
You nearly drop the lantern in upset and dash forward, looking back and forth frantically as a thick bubble of panic swells up in your chest. He’s gone? Will you ever get to see that beautiful face again? Something akin to grief breaks through you like a flood that you can’t even begin to scold yourself for. It truly feels as if you’ve lost something precious. Your beautiful little secret in the woods. For the past moon, your every thought has revolved around him and now he’s suddenly torn from your grasp. How are you supposed to just…go back to the way things were.
“Is that you?”
Your whole body lurches away from the sound as a voice trills up behind you. You can’t explain why you drop the lantern and run, you can’t explain why you hide among the trees any more than you could explain why you don’t just go home. Your pulse thunders in your ears, scratchy bark against your arms as you try you settle your heart and listen. Maybe you imagined the voice? Even now the memory of it is already fading, you can’t recall if it had come from a man or a woman, you simply had fled. 
It rings out again, and you inhale sharply. Man, it’s definitely man.
“I can hear you, I know you’ve been watching me. I understand, little one—now won’t you come out? I must repay you for your company.”
You would think for a man who spends his existence staring silently into a pool of water would have a voice as terrifying as he is lovely, and in many ways you’re right, but it’s not quite as you thought. He shouldn’t sound so beautiful. His voice should be ragged and hoarse, not kitten soft; it should be rasping and choked, not warm and syrupy. But for all its sweetness, something unsavory makes you want to run and run and never stop.
But he’s so very close. He’s right behind the tree you hidden yourself behind. He’s already found you and yet he waits. Calm. Sure of himself.
This man has too much favor from the gods, you realize with terror. You should never have come here. 
Swallowing back a whimper, you peek around the tree to see his darkened silhouette. You’ve spent so long watching him that you don’t need light to recognize him. You can barely see the glint in his eyes, but it feels as if you’re a bunny caught in the eyes of a fox. 
“Oh, so this is the little thing who comes to see me?” He smiles, eyeing you up and down and you don’t know what to make of the critical gaze he sets on you.
But you manage to find your voice. “I didn’t know you’d heard me. I thought you didn’t… you never—”
“There is nothing more interesting than myself, I’m sure you would agree,” he says, his voice softer than silk. “But on a night like this, the one thing I care about is taken from me. I usually spend the night wandering in darkness but you’re here. My little admirer. How fortunate am I? I was just thinking how unfair it is to be left here like this, that I deserved something in return for what was taken from me.”
“I don’t- I should be getting home,” you whisper, rooted to the spot as he takes another step forward.
“But what if you stayed with me awhile, don’t you usually?” He coos invitingly, sending a shiver up your spine.
You nod, helpless as he draws a finger under your chin, raising it. You jump as his other hand splays across your covered breast, too dark to have expected his touch. You see a hint of blue in the darkness this time, his eyes so close to yours; a muted flash of white as he grins, apparently pleased with the way you wilt at his touch, now pressing you harshly into the very tree that had been your haven just a few moments ago.
Despite the way he closes around you the way thorns choke a rose, your thoughts still rise to the heavens in apology and pray that nothing you do upsets him, for fear that any of his patrons would take their anger out for displeasing one of their favored creations.
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reblogs & comments appreciated!~
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
no guys see robooty itager is the slowest burn fucking imaginable. because i think that 1) italy would have to initiate them dating since germany thinks hes rejected forever after buon san valentino (my boy loves one sided crush) and 2) if they dont slow burn theyll crash and explode. because i think italy takes forever to realize he genuinely really fucking love germany and ONLY loves him and is willing to be loyal 'n treat him well to have him. Since i think italy isnt the type to really love ever since his kindergarten crush so he takes forever to recognize what he feels is genuine love (plus his love is born from a sense of entitlement but thats a whole 'nother enchilada). but yeah and because they take forever and are fully developed in their feelings when they date things are happy happy sunshine swag peace and love ❤️ they do stupid shit as bros the only difference now is they make out sometimes and japan cries himself to sleep everyday ^_^
but in a world where somehow they started dating BEFORE italy completely sorts out his feelings then OHHHH MY GOD. HELLWORLD. LITERAL HELLWORLD. because italy would totally cheat on germany and germanys heart would have youtube poop glass shattering effect explosion and italy would be #unloyal and #mean #scumgong and he would break up with germany for being so clingy and upset about him breaking his heart everyday or germany would break up with italy because everyone in his entire life (2 people: japan and prussia) is telling him that he needs to because italys making him chew glass (they take like 6 years to convince him and have to resort to saying its for italys own good if he breaks up with him). and then when they break up germany would hashtag die and explode because he obviously still loves italy but hes held back by prussia to not come back to him and tries to satiate his autistic brain by thinking "he was mean to me and told me to leave. im sorry ill leave now sorry for bothering you" and he also doesnt feel close to anybody except italy and has to go "brother....... i am.... not feeling good right now........" and cant say much else bc WE SAW IN THE ANIME GERMANY WANTED TO VENT ABT ITALY AND REALIZED HE HAS NOBODY BC HE ONLY IS CLOSE ENOUGH IN THAT WAY TO ITALY. and then cut to italy and hes partying it up because hes pissed off at germany for being on his ass hardcore every single day for the past god knows how long (hate my wife syndrome) until a while later the partying slows down and he has a bunch of moments where he thinks "well usually right now germany would do [thing]" and that builds up until he is hit with the full realization that germany is not going to stay by his side anymore. because hes run away now and hes never ever coming back. and that realization is like the evil version of italy realizing that he loves germany and wants him to ALWAYS be by his side; so much so that hes willing to do what it takes and compromise and be loyal n shit to make that happen. and now italy is freaking out because he doesnt feel this urge ever and now hes already fumbled the dude hes fr in gays with. but this realization is evil because its under a sense of panic and shit so its also motivated by italy feeling a sense of entitlement to having germany by his side and like HES SUPPOSED TO BE HERE.
and from there italy would get back together with germany either easily bc he would just ask and say sorry and germany would go "well to be fair I should have been better as well. yes we should try again i want to too, i will try my best to not fail you this time." or it would be hard because germany would have his mind made up (with prussias support and urging and shit) to be like no italy we arent good for eachother and i cant (shouldnt) forgive you for doing those things to me and italy would be like Oh. and chew glass and freak the fuck out until he decides hes going to use #emotional manipulation and sob to everyone about how germany wont take him back and make everyone hate on germany and call him a terrible guy n shit to make germany feel so guilty and think hes an awful person to italy that he takes italy back. but even then their relationship is now fucked up forever because they live in perfect symbiosis thats their entire thing but now they dont because germany now has doubt of italy because of how he went into their relationship before and didnt give a fuck and italy unlocked his evil paranoia because now when he gets scared that germany will leave him he cant be comforted by thinking that would never happen because IT DID. HE WAS SEPERATED FROM HIM IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE GERMANY RUN AWAY. and because of that italy gets a lot more freaky about not wanting anyone to like germany so germany wont like them more than him and being emotionally manipulative and possessive and yandere shit because his paranoia is driving him to it. itager is great because it has so much potential to be evil like italy could emotionally manipulate germany so hard and all that shit but it would never happen because germany is so loyal and obsessed with italy that he never makes italy feel paranoid and like he has to. theyre like imagine if someone who has potential yandere gene in them dated a person who loved them more than anything in the entire universe and bends to their every will and never even glances at another person. that yandere gene is never getting activated bruh and at most manifests when italys like WAHHHH GERMANY YOU WONT LIKE RUSSIA MORE THAN ME RIGHT?? WHY DONT I HAVE THE MOST GERMAN TOURISTS IN THE WORLD WTF IS THERE SOMETHING ABOUT ME I NEED TO CHANGE????? but in the world where they rush things they break up and it disrupts all this homeostasis and makes them a little evil afterwards because italy has excessive paranoia that cant be quenched and germany has autism doubt because "he betrayed me once...... so hell probably betray me again *cries*"
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It's eight in the fucking morning in my time zone Amane why
(T2) Q9: What does love mean to you?
Who asked that?! You knew it was going to go horrendously wrong! You had to have known how much emotional pain Amane would inflict by answering this!
Amane: To spread mercy without limits
audgsh bkh sahlmd0ifpm,<ADSXPXÑ
[Magic] But it’s not scary at all, because it’s love I can really think it’s great. See isn’t it a great thing?
"It" being, you know, getting punished and tortured.
Mercy. It's mercy. Being judged. Being punished. Because she's weak and sinful and horrible and an Animal and-
[Magic] Only if, only if, only if I could be a good girl I hope, I hope everyone can be happy and smile Forever, forever together would be a dream
Because Amane doesn't deserve happiness, does she? She doesn't deserve a second chance or an opportunity to change, because she's awful and horrible and how dare she want to eat cake, how dare she show compassion and put a little napkin on a cat's leg, how dare she get something wrong and not be perfect at all times and how dare she not know exactly what the people who love her so so much don't want her to do. Come on, she's fucking 12, surely she shouldn't make any mistakes ever no matter what.
[Purge March] If you become a bad girl, monsters will come out This is the magic that stops that from happening
Can't you see how horrible she is? If she eats cake or goes to an amusement park or dares to be a child, then horrible horrible things will happen. She's so ruinous and corrupt and sinful, can't you see the damage she causes?
That's why it's mercy, you see? Because if they punish her and teach her how wrong she is for having any desires of her own ever, then she can change and be better and be a good girl! See, she's such a good girl! She doesn't even complain when she's electrocuted and drowned and beaten and- because she knows running away from pain is sinful and horrible and how dare she want to be safe and healthy, but by getting punished she can change and become better! She can reach paradise! She has to live like this, she needs to repent for her sins, because she can't bear the thought of having regrets when she dies because she's always so close she needs to be good and now because what if the next time they don't pull her head out of the water until her heart stops beating-
They could give up on her entirely and just put down this sick animal like a cat, but they don't! Because they love her! See, they're merciful! Because they haven't given up on the horrible monster that *gasp* put a napkin on a cat's leg! That can only mean they're being merciful. They still have hope she can discard her entire personality and become the perfect little girl who never does anything wrong.
And she loves them too, you know. That's why she needs to show them when they're wrong. That way their souls can be saved. She can't hate, because hating someone is selfish and horrible and she doesn't deserve the ability to hate. To not punish them would be giving up on them, that wouldn't be very merciful, would it? So she needs to show them when they did something wrong.
Her mother killed a cat, she broke the rules, she broke her vows. She wasn't strong enough to control her urges. So now Amane needs to show her mercy by accepting her weakness and fixing her. And oh, what's this? She's begging Amane to stop? That's weakness too, you know, you're not supposed to run away from punishment. So Amane will have mercy on her by punishing her for that, too.
Maybe once she stops moving, she'll go to heaven instead of hell like the sinful blasphemer unforgiving monster unrepentant sadist Amane hates her so much die die die disappear she is. Isn't Amane just so merciful?
I have so many more thoughts. I just- I can't, I can't put them in order right now. I probably got things wrong in this manifestation of my sadness, I don't have the mental power to think properly right now. She's just- Amane, audhgigcmNULÑkl m
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bizkitsnuggets · 6 months
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After satisfying her stomach with the Hello Kitty Spicy Noodle Soup she bought, [Y/N] headed back to class before the bell could ring.
This time, she took the normal route. She didn’t want to be in the same cramped up alley way with her classmate as he smoked his ass away. Not to mention his glare that could kill if he tried hard enough. It was just too suffocating, literally.
The normal route was… as normal as a route could be. Some old decorations from summer laid around, neatly cut grass on the side, a pile of leaves that's been tidied, etcetera. [Y/N] recognized some people from her school, most of them walking hand in hand with someone.
She fought back her reflexes of cringing at couples in school, especially if they were a freshman and a senior. The age gap wasn’t the problem, it was the mental gap. It just didn’t sit right with her how a person who just entered Highschool is dating someone who is leaving Highschool very soon.
Just ignore them [Y/N], keep walking.
The girl thought to herself as she passed by a couple who was making out on the benches. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Teenagers are scary these days, one moment you think, “they’re so innocent!” and the next you find yourself wanting to bleach your eyes after seeing the shit they do. Hormones and urges happen, sure. But not that far…
While everyone else is finding their ‘true love’, [Y/N] is stuck with her sketchbook and pencil. Drawing away any fish she took a liking to or found interesting enough. That was all she had. She never had any friends, even in her freshman year. All she had were the oranda fish her aunt had in her little tea shop. [Y/N] named them all.
But enough of that, it’s time she actually gets in class instead of roaming around the school grounds like some lost zoo animal.
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She sat neatly in her chair, letting her head lean into her palm as she rested her body from the little adventure she had. It was quite relaxing, to say the least.
Well, as relaxing as having thirteen (almost adult) teen boys running around the class like some untamed monkeys. Despite the headache she was receiving, she missed the loud screeching voices of her classmates. It made her feel… not empty.
[Y/N] didn’t do much through the summer break. She had no friends to hangout with and going out just by herself is too embarrassing. So, she volunteered to work part-time in her aunt’s tea shop. Of course, bribing her aunt to give her a decent amount of salary since she was helping when a lot of tourists came.
Truthfully, the money was just a plus for her. [Y/N] only volunteered so her life didn’t feel so empty. So miserable every single day. Just rotting in her room, waiting and waiting until summer break ends so she’d have something to do everyday again.
Well anyways, those times are over (for now).
The teacher finally came in, after being late for almost ten minutes. “Hello class, good seeing most of you here.”
Most of us? What does he mea—… Oh.
It wasn’t that much of a surprise, honestly it was to be expected from him. Of course he’d skip the third class on the first day of school. He’s been doing that since forever. No teacher would dare to scold him or call his guardian because they were all too afraid of him.
I don’t blame them for being scared, but c’mon! Wait, come to think of it, Kujo wasn’t always like this. Back in first year… he was… sweet…?
[Y/N] couldn’t believe what she was saying in her head. Kujo Jotaro, described as ‘sweet’? Yeah, in your dreams. But before the girl could expand her thoughts, the one who’s been on her mind makes his way into the classroom.
“Kujo-san!” The klutzy teacher dropped his chalk on the floor by the sudden appearance of the missing student. Jotaro doesn’t spare him a glance and takes his seat.
So much for skipping…
The teacher stood frozen for about five seconds before he realized his pupils were watching him. He quickly closed the sliding door and picked up his chalk. “Well, now that all of you are here,” he started. “I think it’s a good time to tell you guys about the group project we’ll be doing”.
Groans and sighs could be heard from [Y/N]’s classmates. The first day of school and already a project straight away. “I see all of you are dreading this, but don’t worry. It’s due in a month, so you’ll have plenty of time”.
Plenty of time my ass.
“I’ll be picking your partners now, Hideyama-san and Aeri-san…” The teacher started reading off of the roll call paper, therefore he’s picking at random. [Y/N] could feel the ground shake because of the person beside her. Their foot was bouncing up and down uncontrollably, they had a nervous expression. The girl felt slightly bad for them. But she couldn’t control who’s gonna be with who, right?
To be honest, she didn’t really care who her partner would be. She more so cared about the project itself. It’s due in a month, so it should be something a little hard. Maybe it’s about scrapbooking how our summer went. Well, that’d be a piece of cake for [Y/N] because she did the same routine every day. Wake up, shower, water the plants, make breakfast, walk around the beach, sketch at the beach, head to work, go home, shower, and—
“[L/N]-san and Kujo-san”.
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engelfeather · 6 months
Fangs and Fur: chapter 1
Xavier's breathing was slow as he opened his eyes. The past few hours were nothing but a blur. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he looked around. Nothing but strands of strange white...something... Surrounded him. He carefully reached out to grab a hold of one of the strands. It felt like fur, a lot of it. Where was h—Suddenly all the memories came flooding back to him. He was in the beasts fur.
The beast that had tortured and killed every single person in the city he lived in. In the city he grew up in. The city he had built so many memories in.
No no no. This couldn't be reality. It had to be a dream.. a ..a nightmare!
Hastily he tried untangling his body from the giants fur. His movements were frantic, uncoordinated, doing nothing more but making him more stuck like a fly in a spider's web. His heart began pounding again, the adrenaline filling every inch of his body. He wanted nothing more but to get away, to run, to flee like he was nothing more than prey. . . That's what he was to It after all. Glancing around to his arms and legs, he realised that squirming around wouldn't do anything, but make his situation worse. Taking deep breaths he slowed his breathing, trying to stay calm. He wasn't some animal that only knew to fight back or to run. Closing his eyes he focused on relaxing his body. As he did so, he carefully began to try and remove the strands of fur that twisted around his body, like a snake ready to devour its meal. With some effort and patience, the fur let go of him, allowing him to slowly make his way out of the walls of fur surrounding him.
His heart began to pound again as it seemed that the waves of fur would never end. Was he trapped here forever? Like a curse that prevented any of its victims to leave? He had to get out of here quickly, if he didn't the creature could find him squirming around in his fur...and god knows what it would do to him. The memories of watching his fellow people be slaughtered by its claws, devoured like a child gone crazy for candy or stepped on was haunting. Tears began to form and he had to hold the urge to cry out and scream at how cruel the fate of those people were. He didn't even realise he almost reached the "exit" as the fur began to part more, making it easier to crawl through. Dim light was visible now, marking the end of this maze of fur.
With a few more careful, yet quick motions, he wiggled his way out of the fluff, taking deep breaths. Slowly he got up on shaking legs. He took in the cooler air that brushed against his face, expecting fresh air, he closing his eyes to enjoy the moment just for a second, as a musky smell wormed its way into his nose. Was that..alcohol? Opening his eyes back open, he looked around to study his surroundings better. After his eyes adjusted to his new surroundings they widened in surprise. He wasn't expecting the view he was met with. Dumbfounded, he gazed around.
He had expected a forest..or a cave, something primitive where a beast like this one would've awakened and came from. But that wasn't the cause at all, no, instead he was met with wooden floorboards, painted blue walls, with paint already cracking up, revealing yet to be patched holes, and a ceiling with a lamp hanging from it. Next to him on his right was a gigantic, unmade, bed. With a nightstand beside it. Looking through the window of where the bed was, he could see the sky, which showcased the coloured of the setting sun, Even if from that angle he couldn't see it. Looking back at the nightstand, he noticed that a bottle of brightly coloured pills were on them, though that wasn't in interest to him. Rather his attention was pointed towards the terrible smell that lingered. The gross smell came from several bottles of all sorts of alcohol laying around, the floor looked like it hadn't been cleaned in days..months even! Disgusting. Not just that, but the buds of used cigarettes were on the ground. They were practically screaming to be cleaned up. This was a ...house..or, better, an apartment by how "small" it looked. Well, small for a giant perhaps. Though that left questions for him.
An...apartment? This creature lived in an apartment, where...Where on earth was he?
Xavier couldn't understand where this place would be on earth. The authorities would've found out about a gigantic apartment, house or anything that resembled a living space like this one by now. He couldn't ponder for long though as he heard a sigh from behind him. Snapping back to reality he felt Hot, humid air blowing against his body, causing him to shiver. His heart made a jump as his head spun around, just to be almost face to face with the gargantuan visage of the giant. For a second he thought he was caught, causing him to back away, trembling, stumbling over his own legs and falling on his bum. Fear rose up again as he continued to scoot away, shutting his eyes.
No no no, he couldn't have come so far just to be caught so easily.
Tears rolled down his cheeks, dropping to the floor like his blood would soon follow. Awaiting the death by its claws that would tear his body to shreds, he felt. . . nothing. Instead his body remained in tact. There was nothing, but the cool air that was still surrounding him. With caution he opened his shaking eyes, he was surprised with realisation following soon after. The giant was asleep. Relief washed over him, he was glad he hadn't been caught, that would've ended it all.
Observing the huge creature further, he saw how it laid on the floor, eyes closed shut, with its maw reeking of blood and death. He could even see its fangs glistering with the crimson fluid covering them. Shivering at the thought, he gulped, that could have been him. Looking back up at it, he noticed he was slightly bigger now. Whereas before he had been but a mere speck to it, which allowed him to hide better, now he could probably reach the lower lips of the giant. He grimaced as he looked into its maw.. Now getting a better look at its impressive form, due to his size, he could make out all of the details. From its huge curved ebony horns, down to its long tail with a fluffy, yet slick, end. Its hair had covered part of its face, as if to prevent him from seeing the whole showcase of this monster before him. Though he didn't mind, no, he was glad.. It had hooves for feet, still covered in the dry blood of its victims. It even wore clothing, though they were torn, shredded from all the knocking down buildings, with dust and gore all over them.
Despite all of those horrid features, it looked oddly adorable, as if it were at peace.. As if it could have never even hurt all of those... innocent lives. Those.. innocent . . . lives. He couldn't help but laugh, a laugh so hysterical, one could think he lost his mind. However, this wasn't a laugh of happiness, rather a laugh of pure agony. Frustration. Hate. Fear.. all of those and more emotions combined. His hollow laugh broke the unnerving silence, but was it really better? Tears streamed down his face, as he continued. His hands balled into a fist, pounding against the floor until they were wound, glowing red. But he didn't care, as his crazed laugh turned into a scream. He screamed at the giant that had taken everything.
Getting up on his legs he approached the humongous beast. His face and eyes red with nothing but anger in them. Rage was the only thing he felt for this.. thing. His voice shaky yet prominent as it echoed through the room
”How..dare.. How DARE you! How dare you come and do whatever you want! We aren't playthings, we are people! People with...dreams, ambitions, all of the things you dastardly creature will NEVER have! Do you stupid beast get that!? You..monster...you don't even deserve to be called a monster, that wouldn't give it justice! Oh I could..i- I could just rip out your stupid fur or your stupid...stupid..— “
His mouth shut the moment he felt another wave of heat wash over him. As if it showed just what power it held over him... How useless, pathetic, a literal nobody, he was to it. The anger vanished with the heat of the giants breath. Fear was the only thing it left behind. He felt small again. Smaller than ever before, literally and mentally. Realising just how close he was to it now, the only thing coming out of his mouth was a squeak. With shaking limbs he stumbled back again, luckily catching himself, as he turned around and ran away from what he deemed the embodiment of cruelty itself.
Not knowing where his legs were leading him, he could only dodge the huge bottles of beer, whiskey and whatnot, that laid around. Just by the smell of it, he could tell it was cheap. Frowning at the sight, he carefully circled around the pools of alcohol that dripped from the empty glass's. The gross smell that came with it including just how overall messy it looked, made him hate his new situation even more. Looking back at the sleeping "beauty" , he sneered. Fumbling over his legs as he did so, he landed in a puddle of alcohol. Drenching his already dirty clothing in the old, disgusting liquid. He cried in disbelief and horror, wanting nothing more but to marinate in his own pitiful situation. But he couldn't. He had to survive..he had to live! Even if it's just to prove he is deserving of it.
Taking a much needed breath, he got up again. Fringing his shirt, he continued his speed running. This time with a goal, one of the cracks. He was sure one of them could allow him to rest whilst also being hidden from the monster behind him. That..monster..urgh. He didn't wish to even think about it. Not now. Not when he had to secure his safety first.. his survival was more important than a few tears.
It felt like he had walked several hours until he Reached the wall. Looking at it from the left and then right side, he noticed a larger crack in the wall to his left. He couldn't help but sigh. Glad he was, yet also annoyed at the fact he had to continue walking. With that, he continued his march to safety. Nearing the larger holes he had previously spotted. As he arrived, he stood proudly in front of it, this could be his new sanctuary for a while. With another sigh escaping his lips, he glanced inside  to ensure it was big enough for him to settle down in.
He slipped through the crack and walked around, checking how durable and stable the walls were. They felt dense enough, surely the beast couldn't easily break through these walls. The "room" seemed warm enough as well, not as cramped as he had assumed. He walked backwards to take in the size fully. In doing so, bumping his head against something metal. He groaned in pain, holding the back of his head, as suddenly a splash of water hit his head. Due to its size, it drenched him completely, he shivered in displeasure, though was glad it wasn't any more alcohol. Glancing up he saw that right above his head was, what seemed like, a metal bar, with a few cracks in it. Taking a few steps back, he pounded one of his hands against it, the force vibrating slightly through the rod. A drop of water formed, because of that, as it dropped down to the floor. Perfect! If he found something to catch the water in, he could use it to shower.
He was glad to have found a place he could call his own for a while. Sitting down and leaning against the wall that faced the exit. It felt...strange, surreal to be sitting in a hole, in a house of a gargantuan monster that just destroyed the normality and comfort of his old life. Sure, he often complained about working at the cash register... He always wanted a higher paying job, he tried hard to work for it, to get the money for a proper education. Though the bills kept piling up and it didn't seem like his boss was even considering raising his paycheck or getting him into a higher position. And sure, it could be stressful if the wrong people came to the store, nagging about stupid things, but at least there he still felt...free? He wasn't trapped in someone else's house, that was for sure. He could still go on walks, relax and do what he wanted after a busy day. Even if that was usually reading a book or sleeping.
He looked down at his knees, wrapping his arms around them. As he hugged them, the survivors guilt began trickling in. He truly was a no one, he didn't...deserve to survive. Someone with actual importance, someone like...a doctor, should have survived. Not him. A pitiful cashier who barely afforded to live. His old apartment wasn't all too different from this sad excuse of a living place. Why did he survive out of all people..? Should he have just...given up? Maybe.. maybe he should have.With those dark thoughts lingering in his head he rested it on his arms. Laying down, all curled up, he looked like a pitiful roly poly. Despite the warmth, his body shivered, he felt cold... despair. With small sobs he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep once more.
( Prologue: )
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bluiex · 2 years
Hullo! First off, loved your double life cheating one-shot. It hurt in all the good ways. Second, I'm glad to announce that I am almost done with this hurt/comfort third life desert duo fic I've been writing for the past, like almost 4 months at this point lol. So, in terms of celebration for all of my suffering, here's a little extract from a scene I wasn't gonna add, but decided to anyways. Warning, mention of animal death, hehe
Scar stared at the carrot, out of focus. He could almost see Mr. Bubbles, if he was smaller. He lost his giant bee too, he realized. Dogwarts not only killed Pizza, but they kill the innocent Mr. Bubbles. His hands trembled. This was all his fault.
He was the one who got attached to those animals. He made himself vulnerable, he knew that. And yet, it still hurt. And yet, the urge to kill them didn’t fade away, no matter how slow he breathed. They were gone, forever erased from this world, leaving him alone.
Scar gasped a breath, noting how heavy his body felt, noting how he couldn’t bring his arm higher to eat the golden carrot, noting his vision was blurry, not out of focus. 
He heard the flutter of wings and the footsteps before hearing and feeling Grian’s panic. Grian fell onto his knees, putting his hand on Scar’s cheek to raise his head. For red eyes to meet green ones. Scar turned to look away, drip landing on his forearm, cold against his warm skin. Grian tried to hold his wings still, but they flapped and ruffled, making him slightly groan. He focused back on Scar, hand on his thigh and, woah, since when was Grian’s hand so warm?
“Scar, buddy, what’s wrong?”
Scar sniffled and tried to swallow the ball in his throat, to no success. Cheeks became wet quicker than his fall in the ravine. 
“Is—” his throat constricted, and he swallowed again, “—is she truly gone?”
He didn’t know how Grian understood what he said, his voice was merely a whisper, jumbling over words, it even sounded wrong to his ears. But when he looked back to his partner, his concerned look was back. 
“Oh, Scar,” he murmured.
Scar let out a sob and curled on himself, ignoring every tear in his body, ignoring the stretch on his wound and the piercing pain it gave, ignoring his surroundings. He just couldn’t understand, even if it made perfect sense. 
Pizza was gone. 
Pizza was dead.
And that’s when it hit him. They were all gonna die eventually. All disappear from this world. No survivors, no more alliances, no more wars, no more stealing cookies. Just like Pizza, everyone’s life held on a string, just waiting for the punchline to cut it. 
But Pizza was dead.
And it hurt.
Something hit his lips, and when he opened his eyes, his appreciation for Grian only grew. The avian had the golden carrot in his hand and helping Scar eat to close up the wound. Scar obliged, and they sat in the silence of the crunch and the slight moos from the cow deep underground. 
A wave of energy spread throughout his body, easing the tension but not the ache in his hips. It seemed the rest of the day was crutches day.
“Can we have a funeral?” he asked, voice quivering and quiet. 
Grian gave him a warm smile.
“Of course.”
Grian was the one who did most of the work. Digging a hole large enough to bury Pizza, dragging her corpse in it, and helping Scar build a coffin to cover the uneven ground. He placed the headstone while Scar wrote the epitaph on a wooden plank. Grian hammered it above the coffin and join Scar, both staring at it as the sun turned to dusk. 
Rest In Peece Pizza. Friend, Sister, Moter
Scar could only stare at the wooden structure. He couldn’t shed any tears anymore. The ball around his throat became bigger, and Scar was ever so grateful when Grian placed his hand on top of his, running his thumb across his knuckles. The cries of mobs surrounded them when the sun disappeared in the horizon. Grian nudged him to come inside, but Scar remained impassive, gaze never leaving the coffin.
Grian grew a bit more restless, wings fluttering behind him. 
Scar shook his head, grip tightening around the handles of his crutches. Grian sighed, let go of his hand and went back inside. Scar tried to make his mind stop wandering, stop thinking of taking his netherite sword and plunged it on Grian’s back, stop contemplating blowing their base to the ground. 
He rested one of his crutches on the coffin and placed his hand on top of it.
“They’ll get what they deserve,” he murmured in the cold wind, not that he could feel it. “They’ll regret the day they took you out of this world.”
He took back the crutch and joined Grian inside. His partner was sharpening his sword but jumped when he heard the door opening. He poked his head out of the door that lead to the kitchen, eyebrows frowned. Scar sent him a wavering smile and passed him to sit on their bed. 
His mobility aids were both leaning against the wall close to him, in case he woke up one morning not being able to do much. Even with this enhance senses and strength being red gave him, it wouldn’t dim the consequences of whatever affected his body. 
The shuffling of feet approaching dragged him out of his head. Grian had a hand on the door frame, wings held tight together. Scar simply sighed and patted the bed. Grian cautiously joined him, wings itching to wrap around them. 
Scar let out a chuckle, leaning against him despite their height difference. Grian opened his mouth, only to close it promptly, red on the face, and let his wing wrapped the both of them against the chill of the night—or Scar assumed, since Grian’s chin wasn’t trembling anymore. 
Grian placed his hand on Scar’s thigh, and despite Scar absolutely beaming at the touch, it felt like this little weight made the ache even frailer than it already was. He took his partner hand and settled it on Grian’s thigh instead. 
Grian squeezed his hand and they stayed like this for a while, in the silence of the desert. No more buzzing of wings, no more small braying, just their breathing and the far away awakening of mobs at the foot of their mountain. Scar had never wished for the world to be louder.
-- tired Bloop anon bc it is 1 am in the morning when I sent this
Hehe thank you I'm glad you liked it an it hurt <3
AYO THIS IS JUST *yells and sobs into a pillow* I CANT-- SCAR POOR SCAR hnnhgfbhd dude I'm really excited for the full fic
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saltysaccharin · 1 year
Three Words
— [???] {SEMICANON}
• characters :: shiro <insert last name>, baxter ward
• genre :: narrative, mild angst
• warnings :: kind of hurt no comfort but we don't really expound on the hurt much so it's f i n e
synopsis / prompt :: "i love you." "you love me? i thought we had decided not to fall in love."
word count :: 477
a/n :: @trashbynn sent me the fucking tiktok sound and i was hurt so like the wounded animal i am, i attacked
baxter ward is not mine he is from our life: forever and always it's a very good game where he broke my heart fifty times over the span of two months but ANYWAY
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"I love you."
Shiro gulped as they forced themselves to look at Baxter despite the almost overwhelming urge to look (and run) away. Nails dug into their palm in an attempt to anchor themselves. Their dark irises filled with many different shades of fear, only for a glint of hope to find its way in.
Meanwhile, the person they had said it to froze — an uncharacteristic action for Baxter Ward, the tourist who always seemed so suave and self-assured.
It was reminiscent of the time Shiro first confessed that he was their first crush. Back then, he'd stumbled over his words, blushing like a schoolgirl at the revelation. But back then, he'd reverted back to his usual confidence and replaced his shock with pride.
Now, it looked extremely difficult for him to simply brush off this particular declaration.
Baxter stared back at the other, mouth slightly agape although no words came out of it. His rich brown eyes locked onto Shiro's black ones, and then—
He was the first to look away.
After a few awkward — no, tense — moments, Baxter cleared his throat and spoke. "You.. love me?" His voice was barely above a whisper as his eyes searched for something to look at, something that wasn't Shiro's uneasy expression. He couldn't bring himself to look.
Even before he said anything concrete, Shiro sighed in resignation; they knew. And still, they nodded. A small, timid nod that made their heart feel like it was about to combust.
Another dull beat of silence passed as they waited for a reply.
"I thought that we had decided not to fall in love."
There it was.
The tourist still couldn't look. He rubbed his arms in withdrawal while his feet shuffled — Shiro could tell he wanted to run as much as they did.
Whether Baxter wanted to admit it or not, Shiro knew him. At least, to some extent. At least, to the extent he'd allow.
Cracks showed up often in his façade that not a lot of people noticed anyway so he never taught himself how to fix them. He realized that was a mistake.. because Shiro noticed. They always noticed. They were always so caring and patient and observant with him.
...And he should have known better than to let them get as close as they did.
"I know."
Shiro's reply caught Baxter off-guard, causing him to finally meet their gaze once more on impulse. He wanted to retort; to clarify that he didn't want this to ruin their summer together; to make it absolutely clear that even if he couldn't love, he still liked them.
At least, to some extent.
The naturally white-haired of the two shrugged, an affectionate smirk adorning their expression as they nonchalantly took Baxter's hand and began dragging him along the shore as if nothing had happened.
"I just wanted to say it."
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bells-of-black-sunday · 10 months
Vaguely in line with @witchcraftandburialdirt 's wonderful character study on Haru because it got me thinking-
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Tarhos is very aware of his godhood, it's one of the few things he could cling to while being trappped within his own blade. How he desperately clung to how he looked, his idealist vision of how the empire was, everything that made him him. He doesn't remember being human, he had no reason to cling to it which leads to this disconnect he has with mortality. He doesn't understand the the trivial things people cling to or their struggles, he doesn't value them or their lives. Their empires will rise and fall in a flutter of a lash and countless will perish before the thought is even formed. Still-
Through being so connected to Haru to the point where they are basically one person in two separate bodies, he does have a certain fondness for those that are close to Haru or those that flock to him whenever they go to the market. Those get his full attention. However very select few get his admiration and fondness and over time he'll have to learn humility, but for right now he really does see most of humanity as lesser. The only thing stopping him from consuming those that they stumble upon lost in the forest or needing directions at a crossroad is Haru's kindness.
He only sticks to Noxians, because of his fondness for the land and the people that inhabit it. Though in truth Tarhos sees Noxians as even lower than humans and those that sit by and do nothing while theor people are slaughtered like animals are just barely above that foor him. Haru's views of other people bleed into his own: He doesn't hate people like Kayn who were born Noxian even of he finds him and Rhaasts situation a bit silly, but he does hate Karma for striving for peace while bodies of innocent people filled the water. He respects and admires Irelia for her sheer battle prowess alone ignoring how fond Haru is of her, but he'd absolutely skin the council with his teeth given the chance.
Ionia is his home now that the sands of time have eradicated the empire that he felt abandoned all of them. This leads me to: Tarhos doesn't really know what he's going to do of Noxus is ever fully eradicated from the land, though he doubts they ever will. With how passive the mainland was during the invasion he's expecting them to want to exploit that weakness, that's how war works and if they're willing to stoop as low as gassing villages and using kids as soldier's he won't put them above coming back with something worse.
Still- on the off chance they don't. He doesn't know what he'll do, conflict is all either of them have known for so long and while they do settle into normal routines and their domestic life in camp, he can't just keep drinking Haru's blood to satisfy cravings that'll never fully go away. It's more than a hunger. It's a urge to rip and tear and bring nothing but carnage to the land like they used to. To dig his claws into flesh and skin the bodies with his beak, he would never do that to Haru. There's not many places he can turn the urge to other than Ionia unless they decide to uproot their home and travel.
He also knows it's not going to be pretty when his beloved is eventually going to have to face the emotions he keeps running from. He can't hide them forever. The darkin felt a fraction of them the first time Haru woke up and he wasn't there. The pain, anguish, sorrow, but overpoweringly how abandoned he felt. He wants to untangle those emotions, but he knows better than to corner a rabid animal. All he can do is acknowledge their existence and press a tiny bit occasionally when he does feel them flare. He's freely shared the horrors of the void with Haru already, he's just waiting to share how the horrors Haru has seen have actually effected him.
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It doesn't fit with the above so I'm putting it here: Tarhos like most darkin due to their corruption through hemomancy does absorb blood and consume it to fuel the vessel he has especially to keep it from burning out when he uses his magic, no surprise there. However- he does feed off of Haru frequently especially if it's been a day or two since they found something he can eat. He heals him with the blood he takes so he doesn't bleed out, but there's something so intimate about it. How they share not only their headspace, but also eachother's life essence.
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Ohhhh I hadn’t seen the prompts!
One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss.
For Alfred and Ale during the Mexican American war?
This one got quite toxic, so fair warning.
He was so groggy that he barely registered the touch at first. He slowly realized that someone was running a thumb over his lower lip. The awareness sent a surge of panic through his body. He sat bolt upright, and his eyes shot open.
He saw that America was leaning in so close that Mexico could see all the flecks of color in his blue eyes. Mexico attempted to scoot back to get away from him, but he hit the headboard and realized there was nowhere to go. He felt distinctly like a trapped animal.
America smiled and continued to hold his chin and touch Mexico’s lower lip, “Shhh, you’re with me. You’re safe.”
Mexico snapped back, “Like hell I am!”
He was a prisoner, and he could not stand when America acted like they didn’t both know it. America was completely unfazed and used his free hand to stroke his hair like he was a child that needed soothing. There was a chilling smirk on his lips when he said, “Calm down. I would never hurt you.”
Mexico could tell that he was staring at his lips, as if the thumb running over his lip was not a clear enough sign of what he wanted. He held back his bitter response. The wound on his lower back contradicted that empty reassurance.
In his silence, America started talking again, “I was thinking about us while you were sleeping. I am ready to have you with me forever. It’s going to be perfect.”
He was practically purring, like he could think of nothing better. Mexico could hear what he meant under what he was saying. His little euphemisms did not hide that he was talking about annexation, being kept in the house like a plundered treasure until America inevitably got bored of him.
Mexico wanted to tell him that it would never happen, but he held his tongue.
Seemingly overwhelmed by the power of his own fantasy, he leaned forward and tilted Mexico's chin up. He kissed Mexico on the lips, slowly like he intended it to be romantic.
Mexico felt himself gag the moment that their lips met. On instinct, he bit America’s lower lip to get him to stop. America growled in the back of his throat and kissed him more deeply.
The hand in Mexico’s hair tightened as a warning. Mexico tried to repress the urge to fight back, but his hands itched to push him away. The way America made a pleased noise in the back of his throat made Mexico feel ill.
When America pushed his tongue into his mouth, his body reacted on impulse. He used his hands to push America away as far as he could. It worked only enough to get America’s lips off of his.
But it came at the cost of an undeniable rage flashing across America’s face. He used the hand in Mexico’s hair to grab a handful of hair and pull until it hurt. He hissed, “Stop being stubborn. Do you really think that Santa Anna is going to agree to anything I ask? Or do you think he’s going to balk and let me have you?”
Against his better judgement, Mexico snapped back, "That's not going to happen. I won't let it."
He was so close that he was speaking almost directly into his ear. Mexico could feel bile rising in his throat as America continued, “I think he’s going to save himself. And when he does, I am going to take you home and marry you. You better start getting used to the idea.”
With that, he left. Mexico sunk back into the pillows and tried to calm his heart, which was pounding like it was trying to escape his ribs.
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dailybeastarsthings · 2 years
Chapter 54 – A Crack In History
After another day of saving the city from criminals, Yafya decided to pay one of his mistresses a visit. After a gourmet dinner and a couple glasses of Merlot, they decided to take things somewhere more private, where they spent the night together.
It was still pitch black when Yafya got up to get dressed. As he was fumbling around with his pants, he woke his mistress, who sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes.
‘You’re leaving already?’ she asked.
‘It’s time for work. But you should get back to sleep’ Yafya replied.
‘I see’ the mistress said while he scooched over to Yafya. ‘But before you go, I have a question for you.’
‘Go ahead.’
‘What is it exactly that you like about me?’ she asked as she started to caress the back of the Sublime Beastar.
‘Well, a lot of things really. Your short and beautiful fur, your strong legs and well-developed muscles and also, the beautiful way you run.’
‘Hold on a minute. How does that make me special from any of the other horses?’ the mistress furrowed her brows. Yafya chuckled.
‘Same species love is the symbol of peace. Thank you for your time.’
Yafya closed the door and started walking to his office. He didn’t like to take the public transport because everyone was staring at him – either in awe if they knew who he was, or in terror because of his blindfold.
‘A Beastar is ought to be alone’ he thought on his way. ‘Interspecial love… Heterosexual love… It’s normal for animals to be attracted to those who are different from them… But being devoted leads to utter disaster. A leader should never deal with such distractions. That’s something I etched into my heart a long time ago…’
‘Thanks to your duties these past six months, the district’s crime rate dropped by 40%!’ a baboon police officer said proudly.
Before him stood Yafya and a Komodo dragon, called Gosha, who was two years older than Yafya himself, being 17 and 15 respectively.
‘I wonder which one of you will become the next Beastar!’ the officer continued as he patted the boys on their shoulders. ‘After all, you’re both young aspirants. I hope the two of you will continue protecting the townsfolk and continue to be rivals for the Beastar title. But only friendly rivals, boys. Understood?’
‘Yes, sir’ the boys nodded in discipline.
After leaving the station, Yafya and Gosha hopped on to Yafya’s motorcycle and drove away into the night. As they were crossing the Gazura Bridge, Gosha reached into his pocket.
‘Hey, do you still have your medal he gave you?’ he asked.
‘Yeah, I do.’ Yafya replied. ‘Same thing as usual?’ he asked.
‘You bet!’ Gosha said and together, they threw the medals away.
The reason for such a surprising act was quite simple. The two were not competing for the Beastar title. They were partners who wanted to become the “Beastars”.
‘Who does that guy think he is to call us rivals?’ Yafya laughed. ‘We’re partners and we’ll stay that way forever. Right?’ he looked at Gosha.
Gosha didn’t say anything, he just smiled and nodded, the moonlight reflecting on his scales. As most of the reptiles, he didn’t speak much, but his eyes were always filled with genuine strength and emotion. Yafya liked those eyes… among many other things.
‘How about some more patrolling?’ Gosha asked as he suddenly stood up.
‘But it’s three in the morning! Do you even sleep!?’ Yafya asked.
‘Busy lives and bad sleep go hand in hand’ Gosha replied.
Yafya admired his friend for always being ready for duty, but he was also worried for him. He knew that things at home weren’t all sunshine and happiness for his friend, but he could never imagine that things were so difficult that he didn’t even want to go home.
‘I wonder if he’s ever going to tell me about his past’ he thought as they sat on the motorcycle.
It turned out that Gosha’s urge to patrol some more was the good thing to do. As they were driving around alleyways, they suddenly heard a drunk cackling from one of them.
‘You’ll make a nice fur coat!’ the voice said. ‘I’ll start by pulling out your fangs so you can’t bite me!’
Yafya and Gosha got off the bike and carefully walked towards the voice, who turned out to be a male hippopotamus, about twice their size combined.
‘Behind you!’ they heard another voice, but it was already too late for the hippo. Yafya went in with a kick to the head, pulling his arms back after he was in a daze, while Gosha took some of his poison from his poison glands and swept it along the hippo’s tongue, putting him into a coma. This was standard procedure for the boys then. While seemingly dangerous, Gosha’s poison only knocked out their opponents for a few hours.
When they looked around for the other voice, they saw a female wolf, sitting in silence on the floor.
‘Thank you’ she said nervously.
The boys helped her stand up and walked back to the main street with her.
‘There’s been a strong cold wave for three to four years now, motivating a lot of animals to pelt longhair animals like yourself. For a female wolf like you, walking around alone in the night is basically suicide’ Yafya scolded the wolf.
‘I see’ the wolf sighed. ‘So, I was about to become a fur coat then, huh?’
‘She doesn’t seem to be the brightest bulb…’ Yafya thought.
After some time, they got to an intersection, where they usually met and parted ways every day.
‘It seems that her house is relatively close to mine’ Gosha said. ‘I’ll walk her home.’
‘You do that. See you tomorrow’ Yafya said.
Gosha couldn’t help but notice the wolf staring at him from the corner of his eyes.
‘Why are you staring at me like that?’ Gosha asked the wolf.
‘Oh, I’m sorry’ she said, turning her head away. ‘It’s just that I don’t have any reptile friends, and this is the first time, I’ve ever seen one up close. Couldn’t help myself.’
‘I knew it was because of my weird looks…’ Gosha thought.
‘Well, if you must know, Komodo dragons have poison in their mouths and also in our bodies, hidden under our scales…’ Gosha explained on their way to the wolf’s house. ‘To you mammals, we must seem like a bunch of monsters…’
The wolf suddenly stopped and grabbed Gosha’s hand.
‘But your scales are beautiful’ she said. ‘They look like jewels, especially with the moon reflecting on them!’
They were finally at the wolf’s home where they said their goodbyes. Gosha left as soon as the wolf closed her door.
‘Don’t get carried away, she was just complimenting you. She probably didn’t even mean it. Females are dangerous with their compliments!’ Gosha thought, trying his best to keep himself from any unwanted emotions. ‘Then again, she was wagging her tail the whole time…’
A few months later, Yafya and Gosha were standing on the Gazura Bridge, looking at the ships coming and going.
‘So, you actually started dating her’ Yafya said. ‘Well, a Komodo dragon and a wolf is probably the most incredible interspecial couple I’ve ever heard of… Do you have good chemistry with her?’
‘If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have been dating her for the past six months’ Gosha said, almost coldly.
‘Six months!? And you kept that a secret from me!?’ Yafya thought. He was disappointed in his friend. They always shared everything with each other.
‘Well, they say that interspecial love is something you should enjoy while you’re still young, so I suppose this is fine… Anyway, what did you want to tell me?’
Gosha gulped.
‘She… She’s pregnant. And the baby is mine…’
Yafya’s eyes widened at the news. He didn’t exactly know how to react. Having a baby at such a young age without any jobs or background was one thing, but to have unprotected sex as a venomous animal with someone who was of another species was something else.
‘Whose baby!?’ Yafya yelled out.
‘Mine’ Gosha said calmly.
‘But Komodo dragons lay eggs! How is this even possible.
‘The doctor said it was basically a miracle. He said it was about a 1 in 500 chance… Toki is really happy about it. I must support her’ Gosha said with determination in his eyes.
‘But it’s dangerous for her to conceive. Don’t you understand? It’s lucky you didn’t kill her during sex! What if something goes wrong!? You’re not even in the position where you can just start a family!’ A tear rolled down Yafya’s face. ‘I thought we were going to become Beastars together. Protectors of the society’ he said with childlike innocence and heartbreak in his voice.
‘I’m stepping down… I did want us to become Beastars so we could fight for peace and co-existence… But I found co-existence with someone who I treasure more than society…’
‘Don’t you dare say it…’
‘This is where we part ways…’
Yafya and Gosha haven’t spoken to each other since then. Gosha tried to reach out to his friend multiple times, but Yafya was simply heartbroken. Their partnership meant more to him than just friendship… He was looking up to Gosha… He admired him… And, while he didn’t want to admit it at the time, he had feelings for him.
Now as someone, who spent most of his life without friends or family, he was sitting on top of the society as Sublime Beastar… alone.
When he got to his office, he immediately pulled out the document about the predatory offender to take a closer look at him.
‘Slanted eyes and drooping eyebrows… Your grandson maybe a different species but he sure looks like you, Gosha… I think I’ll have some fun with him… Just for old times’ sake…’
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 8 months
All It Took Was One Look - Chapter 8
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*Warning Adult Content*
I felt like my skin was on fire all night.
All I could think of was my mate a few rows down and his intoxicating smell.
It was a mixture of fabric softener and fragrant shower gel but there was an unknown sweet smell.
Compared to him Gee smelt like hot sewage and she was sitting right next to me.
So here I am sitting in a movie theater paying no attention to the movie I paid for, instead I was staring at the back of the most handsome head I have ever seen.
He was fidgeting a lot making his scent come off him in waves traveling towards me, giving me a painful tightening in my groin.
I could feel my eyes changing as I suppressed a growl, shaking my head I sat straighter in my seat.
Georgina placed her hand over mine.
"Babe, are you okay?" she whispered squeezing my hand in hers.
I resisted the urge to snatch it back.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Yeah so fine... just felling like crawling out of my skin because your touching me or I want to attack the guy a few seats away, make him moan my name and kiss those soft lips of his.
My wolf wanted to roll in his scent and bite into his soft neck marking him his forever.
I need him right now.
Taking deep breaths I tried to relax the best I could.
I do have to say that this movie was the longest three hours of my life but eventually I watched him jump from his seat and rush out of the theater the moment it ended.
I couldn't ignore the chase but running after his would just make me look like a weirdo so I followed after him at a quick pace, dragging a whining Gee along with me since she refused to let of my damn hand.
I was right behind him which made his smell hit me extra hard.
This time I didn't hold back a growl.
"Liam," Gee whined but I tuned her out.
The second we were outside I realized that I was heading straight towards him, like I was approaching my pray.
I changed my direction when the girl he was with ran past me to grab him.
"Damn Aiden. Where the hell's the fire?" she exclaimed.
So that was his name... I liked it.
My gaze was still stuck on him when I realized he was staring straight at me too.
My steps faulted a little as his beautiful sky blue eyes pieced into my hazel ones.
Jeez I could drown in them.
His dark hair was hanging in his eyes, his mouth slightly open, his cheek flushed a little.
He look like a model, if only I had a camera.
My wolf was howling to get out, to stand next to him, rub against him and lick him till his skin was raw till he carried out scent making sure no one could claim him from me.
My breath was beginning to labor, why is he doing this to me.
"Liam?" Gee tugged my arm and I regrettably looked down at her.
"What?" I said a little angrier than necessary.
She narrowed her eyes at me then.
"What is your problem tonight?" she snapped at me.
I shook my head sighing.
"Nothing, I'm sorry. What is it that you want?" I honeyed my words this time which brought a huge smile to her face.
"Well I was thinking since it's late you could spend the night at my house tonight," she said hopefully and I was shivering with disgust at the mere thought.
How do I let her down gently?
"Um... I actually want to sleep in my own bed tonight if that's ok with you?"
I knew she was pouting, this is why I kept my eyes straight ahead.
We were buckling up in the car when I felt her hand on my thigh moving upwards.
"Oh come on baby. You know why I want you to come to my house, so why are you being bashful? You're never been before," she purred moving close to my ear, her lips touching it.
"You're an animal in bed," she whispered seductively or should I say tired.
My jaw tightened, my wolf desperately wanted to snap at her to back off.
"Not tonight, okay?" I said taking her hand from my junk and put the car it to drive.
She huffed crossing her arms over her chest.
"Whatever," she mumbled.
Arriving at her house I watched as she got out and slammed my door shut marching her way up to her front door without even looking back.
Yep she's pissed.
I couldn't blame her, we use to do the dirty all the time and now I can't even look at her much less in that way.
The drive home was a somewhat peaceful one, when I pulled up I noticed that the lights were on and Uncle Jim's car was in the drive way.
I walked in... my dad and Jim were at the dinner table talking in hushed tones, my guess would be them trying to not wake mom.
I strolled over pulling out a chair.
"What are you guys up too?" I asked them as they both looked at me.
"Just pack stuff, rogues and whatnot," my dad answered.
I nodded and sat as they talked.
"So it's almost a full moon," Uncle Jim said out of the blue.
My dad nodded with a huge smile I was confused.
"So," I said frowning at them.
My dad chuckled as did Jim.
"Well Liam that's when you wolfs needs are at its highest," Dad said and I could hear the hidden message.
"What are you talking about?"
They both laughed at me.
"Let's just say I'm going to be around you mother a lot more in the next two week or so," he said with a faraway look.
Then it registered.
"Eww dad," I exclaimed in disgust.
"I really didn't need that mental image."
He chuckled as he took a sip of coffee.
"So that happened every full moon? I thought it was all the time."
"No, see you want your mate all the time it's hard to resist naturally but when a full moon comes around it's a whole different story. It starts about a week to two weeks before a full moon... your wolf begins to push through your humans bond a little bit more, so every feeling you have is enhanced," Jim explained.
"Wait... if this happened every full moon why haven't I felt this?" I asked.
"It only happened to mated wolves because you're finally whole when you find your other half, it's like you've developed into your wolf. You get me?" he said.
I nodded but I was starting to freak.
This meant that I wouldn't be able to avoid Aiden much longer.
"So if you found your mate but haven't marked them are you free from the yearning of your wolf?" I asked.
This time my dad answered.
"No those days will be the worst for you if you haven't claimed your mate and when a full moon is close you most likely will bite them willingly or not. You have to understand you wolf is potent at this time every month, so you can resist all you want but his needs will over power your restraints on him. So it's best to mark your mate before those days arrive or you will not be able to do a single thing but think about your mate and let me tell you those thoughts will leave you with bigger problems in the southern region if you get my meaning." he said clearing his throat.
Jim laughed.
"And you sure as hell would know all about that wouldn't you Rob," Jim said laughing as dad pushed him.
"Shut up Jim," he muttered taking another sip of coffee.
"So these urges start now?" I asked curiously
"Yep... it just started today and I'm going crazy already," dad said looking longingly up the stairs.
I grimaced at that. Gross.
"Does it affect the women?" I asked them.
"Not as much as the men but they get a fair share of what us men experience," Jim said with a smirk.
"Even if they aren't marked?"
"Well it depends on if there a wolf of not. If they are wolves they go through it with us but if they are humans not so much. I mean they feel something but not as strong as us. Man or woman," Dad said getting to his feet his eyes still glued to the stairs.
"I'm going to go to sleep now, night," he said quickly taking the stairs two at a time.
I watched him with a grimace.
I looked over to Jim and his eyes were staring intently on my face.
Frowning I said...
"You know exactly what," he said knowingly.
"All those questions, you're feeling your wolfs pull to you mate aren't you?" he asked.
I sighed and nodded placing my head on the table.
"Have you mated with him yet?" he asked me surprisingly.
My head shot up to look at him in shock.
"No I haven't."
He shook his head.
"You better get on it because you're not going to be able to resist it for long, trust and believe," he said with a knowing look.
"I just can't let myself do it."
"I'm sorry to say but this full moons not going to stop just because you're scared to claim your mate. And you wolf is not embarrassed to claim this kid," he told me.
"I know."
What do I do?
"If I do mate him my parents will find out," I said.
Jim sighed.
"I'm telling you they won't care that much, they'll know this is what the wolf spirits wanted."
This full moon is going to fuck me up.
Jim left a few minutes later and I went to my room took a quick shower and laid on my bed staring up at the ceiling but my mind was stuck on Aiden.
I know what they were talking about.
I felt like I was losing control all night, I could have let my wolf win and I bet he would have bit Aiden in front of everyone.
Then there was Gee and my wolf was seriously rejecting her and soon I won't be able to stand being next to her the more I prolong this.
I turned my head to peer out of my window to see the moon slowly appearing from behind dark clouds illuminating my room in its lunar glory.
Two weeks and I claim Aiden and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
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seokjinsonlyone · 3 years
this is how i think it’d go if you went to visit bts at work and gave them a little peck on the lips
you’d probably walk into his studio and he’d be at his desk headphones in playing back some beat or revising some lyrics
you’d come up behind him and wrap your arms around his neck effectively stealing his attention away from the track
and that’s when you’d place a nice little peck on his lips
but that wouldn’t be enough for him so before you could even fully break apart he’d already be chasing your lips
he’d roll his chair around to properly face you placing one hand at the back of your neck bringing you back to him immediately slipping his tongue in your mouth
what once was a cute little greeting turned into a sensual experience as he gently massaged your tongue with his
and when he felt like he had his fill of you for the time being he pulled back, smiling, dimples on full display and said “hey, baby.”
the depth of his voice would send shivers down your spine and you would settle into his lap wrapping your arms around his neck picking up where he left off just bc he was done didn’t mean you were
you’d probably end up at hybe headquarters after seokjin called you when he was done with his day to get dinner together
you’d call him to let him know you’re outside and within a minute he’d be in your car
you’d lean over the center console to give him a peck to which he’d immediately complain
“woooowww i’ve been at work all day and that’s all i get”
you’d swallow down the urge to tell him that he not the only one that work in favor of rolling your eyes and pressing your lips to his again for a little longer
that wouldn’t be enough for him though “just one more,” he’d request.
“one more.”
“one more.”
he knew that asking for a kiss from you was a dangerous game
could feel it in the way he melted against you
could tell by the way he seriously thought about giving you one of his rolex watches you jokingly said you’d steal and sell
or one of his cars you said you’d steal and sell
thought about giving you the world just for one more kiss
with yoongi you’d probably enter his studio (he’s always in the studio) with the code he gave you
which the fact that you were the only one other than himself that had the code did inexplicable things to your heart you couldn’t really delve into without feeling like you were gonna explode
anyway you’d walk in the room and he already knew it was you like you said you were the only other one who could freely enter and he’d be at his monitor doing whatever producers do
“hey just gimme one sec”
and you knew how that one went sometimes it was actually just a few seconds sometimes it was a few hours until you had his attention but you didn’t mind you ain’t have anything else to do just wanted some company
you didn’t wanna disturb him too much but you couldn’t help yourself so you walked to him turned his head to face you and quickly kissed him before recoiling to the couch a few feet away
10-15 minutes later he was summoning you over to him, pulling you into his lap, and using his thumb and index finger to trap your chin bringing your lips back to his for a proper kiss
you sighed contentedly afterwards laying your head on top of his as he wrapped his arms around your waist, showing you what he was working on
hobi was usually a super organized person liked for everything to have a place and everything to be in that place
but you were his little chaos and organization was definitely not his top priority when he was with you taking second place to soaking up every ounce of your presence in whichever way you would allow him
so really it was no surprise when he texted you asking if you’d seen his little notebook where he wrote his lyrics and whatever other ideas or thoughts popped into his head
it took a bit of searching to find but you had it and he was very fortunate you liked him it was the only reason you were willing to drop it off before work
you made sure to let him know he was the reason you looked ugly today the trip to his office severely cutting your usual routine and he made sure to let you know that a) you were beautiful no matter what and b) he would make it up to you
it was only your second time at the new building your first time was when he invited you along for their first look at the hybe insight museum so it was safe to say you had absolutely no idea where you were going despite the detailed instructions one of the staff gave you upon entry if you hadn’t run into taehyun you probably would’ve been running around that building for another hour
you were thoroughly unamused with the situation but hobi looked so cute and sheepish when you entered the practice room wrapping his arms around you immediately alternating between expressing his gratitude and regretfulness that you couldn’t help but press a small kiss to his mouth
an action you instantly regretted bc a) it caused him to start pressing kisses all over your face in return b) it caused an eruption of various forms of shouting from the six other boys you failed to notice upon entry
you pushed at his chest as heat flooded your body from embarrassment preparing to leave you were going to be late for work “be good” you told him personally before shouting “have fun!” at the other members
your days off hardly coincided with jimin’s days off mostly bc he never really had days off always had to go in for one thing or another
but his days weren’t always jam packed some days like today he had a meeting in the morning and a meeting in the evening and not much else to do besides that
and he was the absolute worst at entertaining himself always needed to find someone else’s business to get into and as the object of his affection you were always his first choice
he tried not to bother you too much when you were busy though no matter how clingy he was and he was awfully clingy
if you two weren’t able to be joined at the hip in your free time you were definitely on the phone and if he wasn’t the object of your affection as well you would’ve started ignoring him a long time ago as it stands he was the best company
anyway he knew you were off today and had no plans other than finding a new anime to start so naturally when he found himself bored out of his mind he was in your ear purring down the line for you to come to him
it didn’t take too much convincing your attention span wasn’t on your side so you couldn’t really get into anything and even though you literally saw jimin yesterday you missed him :\
it’s why you didn’t hesitate to land a peck on his lips upon meeting him again and latching onto his arm firmly as he led you to one of the small practice rooms they had
“so tell me about your day”
you looked him over suspiciously he had that mischievous glint in his eye so you knew he was up to something
and you were right you weren’t more than two sentences in to your answer before he was pressing his lips to yours in a long lingering kiss
“i’m sorry continue”
“um...” your attention span really wasn’t with you and it was hard to retrace your train of thought with your lips tingling and the hairs on the back of your neck raised
you eventually found your mental footing and continued speaking about your day which had more or less turned into you ranting about haikyuu when again mid sentence he captured your lips between his own one hand tracing up and down your spine while the other held your head into place so he could lick into your mouth just the way he liked
“go on” he panted slightly breathless once you finally broke apart
“jimin...” you whined
he giggled at his own antics loved riling you up found it so cute how you couldn’t even try to keep the dreamy look off your face “you like me so much don’t you?” he asked with a self assured grin etched onto his face
you did
sometimes he felt so sorry to you hated cancelling on you because something came up or another thing ran over time
you were always cool with it tho never made a huge fuss of it which he was forever grateful for bc he really did love his job
but he really loved you too
he had to cancel three separate times just this week alone and he was missing you something bad
and even though he really wanted to take you out and do something nice for you like you deserved at this point he just wanted to see you
missed seeing you in person and having you in his arms
that’s how you found yourself on a bench tucked into a quiet corner of the upper garden at a table chairs side by side his hands toying with yours as you caught him up on your week so far
he was kinda obsessed with you and you loved it because having his undivided attention felt so so good
so you couldn’t help but close the gap, briefly pressing your lips to his
the slight blush that took over his cheeks had an insane amount of serotonin flooding your brain you loved him so much
even more so when he surpassed his bout of shyness and unabashedly brought you closer to him and attempted to make up for a week’s worth of lost kisses
sometimes life got busy for the both of you and even though you meant to meet up it just didn’t happen
but once you finished your work week you made it your mission to see him as soon as possible
you’d texted him when you got off and he told you he was finishing vocal practice then going to workout which left you with enough time to stop home and freshen up before he was done
as expected his trainer told you he was in the shower when you popped up so you decided to wait in the hallway for him to come out
“heeeeey what are you doing here”
you looked up from your phone to see your slightly damp very buff boyfriend grinning down at you
almost instantly you were hugging him arms wrapped around his waist before pulling back slightly pecking him on the lips
which set something off inside jungkook a shock ran down his body just from the feeling of your lips pressed against his
“let’s hang out” you agreed immediately “i just need to grab something from my studio first”
he laced your hands together dragging you alongside him and as soon as you entered the room he had you pinned against the door hands on your hips kissing you with far greater ferocity than you could have anticipated
and it’s like jungkook knew he missed you but he didn’t realize just how much until he had you in his arms your lips on his
kissing you felt like home and his introverted self never wanted to leave the house couldn’t even help the groan that escaped the back of his throat as you took control of the kiss and made a mental note to remember to never deprive himself of this pleasure again
one of his hands slid down your thigh lifting your leg until you got the hint to wrap both of them around his waist allowing him to show off his strength and grope you at the same time
“jk,” you said breathlessly, breaking the kiss
his lips were chasing yours the second you broke contact he didn’t care about breathing when a fire was spreading through his body
you indulged him for a few more seconds before breaking apart again
this time his lips traveled down your neck kissing and sucking until you were making the prettiest sounds for him
you felt like you were going to explode his hands were squeezing your butt and his lips were on your neck and you were going to explode
“jk...” you whined again tugging lightly at the hair on the nape of his neck
he made his way back up your neck pressing a hard kiss on your cheek before gently nudging your nose with his “hmmm?”
and suddenly you were staring directly into his eyes big and pretty and filled with stars shining just for you
you were going to explode “let’s get out of here”
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