#the uniform is so cute i wish we had more first year girlies
marchenhare · 6 months
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how soon we forget......
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honeyandbloodpoetry · 3 years
Abuse and Gender Expression - Gender Thoughts Part Three
Huuuuuge trigger warnings for peer abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, religious abuse, a murder attempt and mentions of self harm, suicidal ideation and an eating disorder. 18+ talk of sexual activity also included. Discretion advised!
I feel like the first time I realized I needed to perform high femininity to be accepted was in sixth grade. I was slotted into a rotating elective class, and the first one was a careers class. That careers class was utter hell for me. Every single day, I was tormented by an entire classroom of about twenty of my peers. I was bullied, no, abused for being fat and ugly and weird. I was called a whore, and told the only way I could ever be loved was someone raping me. Things were thrown at me, I was shoved down and tripped. I was bullied for my special interest in Transformers. I was told I was so fat and ugly I should be killed and be made into meat and cheese and fed to starving people because that was my only worth. Every single day I was told I should kill myself in varying ways. And all of that is just a quick summary. It was intense and brutal abuse for an entire semester, and I distinctly remember a day where there was a literal pool of tears on my desk. I couldn’t understand. I reached out to the teacher for help, and genuinely can’t remember exactly what he said. All I know is that he simply watched, and sometimes even joined in with “jokes” of his own. This was also the year abuse from my mother amped up, and home was a warzone--we were constantly arguing, and she became a professional at gaslighting and poking and prodding me until I exploded so I could be blamed for fighting back. My father would vacantly stand by and remind me not to fight back. This was also the year I began to self harm as a way of release. 
I remember thinking that if I looked more like the girls in my class, I wouldn’t be bullied so much. I was told I was ugly and unlovable, so I thought that if I performed more femininely, maybe I could be like those who tormented me and therefore not be a target. I thought there was something inherently wrong with the way I presented myself. I convinced my mother to take me to the store, and I bought wedge heels and gaudy jewelry I did not like to wear with my uniform--replacing my autobot necklace and sweatband. In another class I was teased for not shaving and for having ugly feet, so I learned to paint my nails, file my heels, and shave every bit of hair on my body--the echo of my father saying that since I grew pubic hair, I was now a woman and held accountable for all of my sins an echo on the cusp of my mind. I did everything in my power to be more pretty and girly. I used to be loud and rambunctious, and began to go silent and demure.
I remember walking up to the class in the new get-up that was certainly not me. I felt that I would be accepted but as I walked up...I fell flat on my ass. I couldn’t walk in the heels. They all pointed and laughed at me, and the abuse continued in even higher intensity. It was until the next semester that I fought back by throwing a desk at two of my abusers who followed me to the next rotating elective, screaming and snarling at them to leave me alone. Those two in particular stopped, but abuse from others continued for many years in many instances. I developed an eating disorder, continued self harming, and began to try and form femininity and “attractiveness” to the best of my ability. I added things like bows and kitty ears and flower crowns to my wardrobe--sure they were cute, and I did like them in a way, but it felt like putting on a costume or some sort of womanly obligation. It didn’t feel like me. Years later, I was told by someone I trusted that I was “too fat to wear pants”, which I internalized and began to only wear dresses--same thing with feeling like I was wearing a costume. I tried to be beautiful. I wanted to be butch, be myself, but I felt that if I was a cute and girly girl, demure and sweet, I wouldn’t be a target. I would be loved. 
And so I locked myself away. 
My relationship with my mother was a rocky one. She is definitely a sick and broken person, but I doubt she will ever get help. She swings between extremes, and I was always her doll and punching bag. She had a habit of pushing and pushing, finding all the littles holes in me that triggered autistic meltdowns and despair. She criticized everything about me, from my weight and height to my blaming me for how tangled my hair was. She entered me in sports and spelling bees with gentle but insisting prodding about how good I would be when I would rather be reading or playing, and when I got frustrated she would say it was my choice...when in reality I just wanted her approval. When I got older, and especially after my father killed himself, I began to fight back and question her authority though--sometimes violently. She didn’t like that, and was violent right back, and oftentimes first. I struggled my whole life with blaming myself for my outbursts and reactions, but through therapy I have learned I was a child being gaslit and abused, shown that violence was the only answer… And through therapy, I have learned to do better and grow. The worst instance of abuse was me having an autistic meltdown where I said that we should both just die and her response was to pull out a gun and point it at me--I collapsed down into our trash covered room (I was forced to share a bed with her) and pleaded with her to stop. She threatened to kill me and help me out since I was so suicidal, then turned the gun on herself and threatened to kill herself, in which I had to talk her down. When the gun was down, I fled in a flurry of tears and barely contained screams. It was truly the most horrible moment of my life, and I still struggle with the ptsd of that moment to this day. I was only fourteen.
All that background to say, my mother was extremely possessive of my body. She seemed to love to touch my breasts and butt, jerk me around, slap my butt, watch me get dressed. When I begged her to stop, she would tell me that she made that body and could do whatever she wanted to it. I found messages on her phone of her talking to guys about having sex with me and stealing my panties. She wouldn’t let me do my own hair because I couldn’t do it right. She wouldn’t let me bathe alone until I was over ten years old. I didn’t ever have my own room until I was 18 and shared it with my partner. She never let me play with my hair and kept a close eye on what I wore. This combined with my very religious Christian father, who said things like “if you know more song lyrics than bible verses when you die, you’ll go to hell” and the aforementioned accountability, along with things like letting me know he loved God more than me and always seeming to walk in while I was changing… I always felt owned by something. I never felt like my body or my identity belonged to me alone. And so it was extremely difficult to explore myself.
Sexual exploration became an outlet. I was asexual and didn’t possess sexual attraction or a desire for coital sex (still don’t), but I enjoyed kink play with my partner and playing with myself. I enjoyed porn, mostly stories. I always felt drawn to mlm porn, but never understood why. I saw myself in the big, fat men of the stories. I wished it could be me, wished I was a big hairy man like that. Wished I could be loved like that. Reading those types of erotica always got me off and made me feel relaxed and fulfilled, no matter what kink it regarded. Of course my mom would slutshame me without even knowing what I got up to, but sexual activity and pornography helped me find solace and ownership of my body. When I was aroused and taking care of myself, being taken care of, or taking care of someone else, I felt like I was finally in control of my body and my happiness. I had been sexually abused in different ways by different people throughout my life, and finding a certain safety and security in the kind of sexual activity I explored made me feel like...me. I found myself in those big men, but still didn’t make the connection that I was not cis. 
It wasn’t until many years that I began to question my gender. First nonbinary, then agender, then genderfluid, then bigender, then nonbinary again, now finally transmasc. I am autistic and struggle with a resistance to change. I have struggled with shifting my name because it feels like a betrayal to become something new. So I have become Charis instead of Charissa...but I think I may be Myles instead. Since I have struggled with abuse and feeling owned my whole life, it is scary to take my self creation into my own hands. People I am close to have expressed concern and dislike for my transition--especially my mother. I came out to her two days ago over the phone when she guessed I was transgender--or “wanted a sex change” as she put it. She outed me to her anti-lgbt boyfriend without my consent, and now they want to have a discussion. She cried and told me it was too much and she couldn’t talk yet. I am still unsure of what to do about it. I know my mother is broken, and has come far from the cruelty she was once capable of--but she still swings. I see those shattered pieces and their sharp edges and know they have the ability to cut. It is terrifying. 
Coming out, especially after so many years of abuse, has been absolutely terrifying and difficult. I am still navigating how to do it, especially with a name change. The clinic I am going to for hrt screwed up with their scheduling and had to reschedule me for later this month, a frustrating thing. I am looking forward to starting hrt, but also scared how people will treat me once those changes begin happening. Even with these fears and struggling with my interpersonal relationships...this is the greatest choice I have ever made. It is my truth and my freedom, and I will fight against that fear to become my most authentic self. I have an incredible partner by my side, and with their support and my own self love, I can do anything. 
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 ☁︎
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Summary // Chenle finds Tali such a precious thing in his life, especially her eyes that have this shine that he wishes that would never go away.
Characters // Talia Flores + Dreamies(except Jisung)
Era / Years // May 2016
Word Count //
⚠️Warning⚠️ // bullying mention
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It's no secret that Chenle LOVES Tali. Everyone in SM knows that, ever since they partnered up during the trainee days he has been attached to her. Honestly Tali finds it adorable and doesn’t mind. Chenle just loves being in her presence since he feels so loved around her.
But the thing that Chenle loves the most about Tali is her eyes.They are so pretty to him and her eyes, he can tell how much she loves him.As people say the eyes are the window to the soul, and when he looks into her eyes, he couldn’t agree more.              
He always tried to look into her eyes at least once everyday to reassure himself the light was still there .Sometimes he would look at them for so long Tail would get flustered.He would just smile and coo at her and say “Aww I'm sorry didn’t mean to make you flustered.” then he would hug her and giggle cutely.
There have been many moments fans love of either Chenle or another member complementing Talis eyes and her getting flustered.Most of them is of Chenle just admiring her and complementing than the other members.
Chenle has heard about Tali’s talent and her beauty, especially her eyes, so when he was partnered with her and Renjun he was ecstatic. When he first saw her boy he was amazed with her eyes, prettier than he thought they would be, vibrant.
When he met her, he was so shy yet out there. Over time when they were trainees he had gained confidence and complemented her eyes, but was disappointed with what he discovered.
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Tali just came out of vocal practice for a 30 minute break to eat lunch.She went to the cafeteria to grab some food and she saw a familiar group of boys eating.
”Heyy,” Mark said, dragging his voice first to notice his female friend.Tali smiled and responded.
"Hey Marky." She sat between Mark and Chenle, Chenle hugging her.Jaemin started feeding her since she forgot to grab her food.
Chenle started to stare at Tali admiring her eyes, unlucky for the Chinese boy, Haechan noticed and started to tease him.
“Ohh~ is out Chenle checking out Tali, ahh~ he's crushing on her, Chenle has a crush on Tali ,Chenle has a crush on Tali.” Haechan said with a high pitched teasing voice, with a smirk on his face.
Everyone in the group knew that he just finds her precious, so they  were now either teasing or pitied the flustered Chinese boy in front of them.
“N- no it's not like that” They poor boy was trying to explain, but he was still too flustered to speak properly.
“Then what is it?” Jaemin said in a teasing voice while handing Tali her water that she couldn’t open. Tali just shook her head at the boy handing her the water, feeling bad for the flustered boy that couldn’t seem to get his words out.
That's when Chenle finally had the courage to say something that caught Tali off guard.But something the boys all agreed on.
“I- i was just staring at her because I wanted to look at her eyes.”Chenle said with embarrassment, all the boys laughed in agreement. He then looked up at Tali expecting her to be smiling but instead she looked shocked and confused.
He was surprised when she was shocked. Did he do something wrong? She could tell that he was worried that he said something wrong.
“Oh uh sorry you didn't do anything...it's just." She said hesitantly while shaking her head.
”It's just I don’t get complimented on my eyes” She said with a shy smile.
They boys were surprised over that, everyone gushes over her eyes, and talks about it what does she mean she doesn’t get compliments.
“No~ it's just I get the opposite...some female trainees in my dance practice say I don’t look pretty because of my eyes or I should have colored contacts because I look weird.”She said hesitantly but with a cute head tilt and a sad smile.
Everything went quiet
Tali looked at all the boys and she could tell they were mad
But before any of the guys could say or do anything she gave them a smile 
 “ Hey it's fine, I'm used to it, and it doesn't bother me much. I've always been called weird or been told my eyes make me look ugly it's okay, either way I gotta go back to vocal practice, please behave. I don't wanna cause problems.”
The boys were quiet when she left, all thinking who the hell would do that to Tali, their noona. 
Chenle was conflicted, how can people be so insensitive, he was mad really mad.Who would do that to his noona she was always sweet and caring-
“We have to do something”
Everyone looked up to see a pissed off Haechan.
“You know what she said-” “Oh please Mark, you really think it doesn’t bother her anymore, she bottles up her  emotions, we can’t just sit here and not do anything when we know what is happening.” Haechan snapped at Mark.
“Haechan we know, but we also have to respect her wishes. ” Jeno said with a stern voice trying to calm him down.
”but Haechan has a point we need to at least do something.”Renjun said with a sad tone.
They were all conflicted on what to do.Part of them want to have a “talk” with those girls while the other part of them want to respect their noona’s wishes.It was getting late and they decided the older ones to try to figure out who did it secretly.
While Chenle distracts her which he did to his excitement since even tho how long he has been clinging on to her, he never got the chance to hang out with her alone.
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“We are….what?” Tali said with a surprised voice wondering what's going on with the adorable boy infront of her brain.
“We are going to go out together just the two of us!” Chenle said with such excitement in his face excited to finally have time with his noona alone and get to know her better.
Chenle could never see if she was sad or mad or any negative emotion from her so at times it was hard to read her.So he took this as an opportunity to get to know her better.
Tali looked at him confused on why out of all people, why her.She thought about it while looking at his face thinking to herself...how can I reject that face. She sighed while looking at him with a sweet smile,
”Sure, why not”. 
With all of that Chenle melted, her eyes looked at him so lovingly, and when she accepted, happiness filled him and he started to drag her to the mall.He wanted to buy her everything thinking she deserves the world.But she stops him and it doesn’t take a lot of convincing either. It just takes one caring look in her eyes and everything doesn’t matter anymore.
The things he has learned about her is that she is not that girly; she is more of a soft person and her color palette in clothes wise is around the warm colors like pinks and browns, yet also blacks, grays, whites. He finds her style pretty simple.Then realized he has never seen her in a dress or skirts even tho she has a uniform mostly cause she changes pretty quickly after school.So when he gave her the puppy eyes when he asked her to put on a dress and she couldn’t say no.
She came out with a short flowy white flower dress off the shoulders.He was shook on how pretty it looked on her.He noticed how she became shy about to run back in dressing room her quickly back hugged her while she hid her face in her hands, “NOOooNa yOur SO PreTty….can we please buy it and the next time we go out can you wear?” He asked so cutely knowing at this point, that's the trick.She looked at him embarrassed and she huffed.
They left the mall with smiles on their faces.Chenle excitement knowing he is probably the only member that has seen her in a proper dress.Then Tali is just looking at him with adortion knowing that she made his day, and honestly that was her goal for the whole day.
Just to make him happy. 
Then the more he thinks about it the more he realizes that it seems like he likes her like a girlfriend. But both Tali and him know that is platonic and he just loves her so much and finds her the most precious thing in his life.He came to the conclusion that he doesn’t care what people think as long as Tali knows he loves her.
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Chenle was looking at Tali writing in her note book some lyrics that came to her mind, remembering the memory about the mall.Tali noticed him looking at her, she looked up tilting her head with a confused but cute look on her face. He smiled at her knowing exactly what he was gonna say.
“Noona….can we go buy a dress for you” he said with a cheeky smile.Tali looked at him with confusion still written all over her face wondering why he wants to go buy a dress for her right now?
“Why?” she looked at him with her eyes so innocently his heart could burst about how cute she looks at the moment.
”Yeah, it's been a while you been in a dress, and it's been a while since I bought you one, last time i bought you one I'm pretty sure it was during the trainee days and i'm pretty sure you outgrew it.” He said with a smirk putting his head on his hand looking at her.
She looked at him in thought but realized he is probably gonna whine if she doesn’t accept his invitation on buying her a dress.So she tilted her head while  she looked at him with the same loving eyes as before maybe even more that he loves to look at with so much emotion coming from them that he could just explode from just a gaze.
“Sure, why not.”
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galaxina-the-pyro · 4 years
Isabella!! For the character ask
Bless your heart, I love you, thank you.
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Favorite Thing About Them: Isabella is such an adorable bean and such a potent badass. Every time I see her in an episode, even for a moment, the enjoyment just increases. I guess you could say that I appreciate that she’s...a girl. She’s not a tomboy, not a girly-girl, not some kinda stereotype even though the show makes you think that at first, she’s just a girl. A girl who likes selling cupcakes, singing songs, being cute, all the stuff girls are stereotypically known for to the point of pink being her iconic color - and then you see her doing stuff like making a manly announcement about a truck rally, taking on Buford, being incredibly competitive and loving extreme sports, earning insane, non-conventional patches, FIGHTING ROBOTS, she’s a flipping beast. And she does it as HERSELF - there’s no one telling Isabella she shouldn’t like pink or should conform to one line of thinking. Heck, her whole shtick is just having a crush on a boy - and even though fans may complain about that, and even if the universe seems against Isabella at times, her friends never show disdain toward her feelings, it’s never implied that Isabella is WRONG for doing or liking things. She’s just...being her. She’s a girl - and a girl can like dolls and they can like bb guns. Heck, Isabella’s the character who made me realize how stupid labels really are, and that I should just focus on being me instead of trying to avoid being a stereotype.
I can also very much relate TO her crush on Phineas - I’ve felt that same fear whenever I had a crush on a boy. Heck, my favorite Isabella centered episode, “Operation Crumb Cake” really nails down all the aspects of Isabella that I ESPECIALLY adore. Isabella’s loyalty to Phineas is just...so wholesome and loving. More on that later.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: Isabella is a feminist icon - probably more-so than even Candace, Vanessa, or any other female in the show. As a result, though it’s not TOO often, she’s usually the mouthpiece for certain propaganda regarding the whole “girls are better than boys” fallacy that seems to be littered in children’s programming, Phineas and Ferb sadly being no exception. On one hand, it can be done relatively well - I liked her interactions with Buford in “Got Game?”, as she never once implied that girls were necessarily better than boys, rather that girls COULD beat boys.
On the other hand, you have Mission Marvel, where Isabella complains that there are NO superheroines in the group, even though she’s never had a problem being the only female in the group in the past. It greatly weakens her character whenever she plays a propaganda mouthpiece - this goes without saying for any character, but a character like Isabella especially.
Favorite Line: “Oh, Phineas, yes! I've been right here in front of you all along just waiting for you to...oh...wait. You were talking about the puppet, weren’t you?” 
(Much like Phineas, Isabella has A LOT of good lines that are underappreciated - “Do we have chopped liver? What do you think this place is? Chopped li-- oh, that doesn’t really work.”, “See what I mean? One woman’s capris pants is another’s...what’d I miss?”, and ya’ll know how much I love her “IT’S EXTREME!” tangents.)
brOTP: Isabella’s got a good list of brOTPs, namely with the Fireside Girls, Candace, Ferb, and of course Phineas - since I’m just gonna be gushing about Phinabella in the next part, I’m just gonna talk about the obvious:
I like how The Fireside Girls are in sync, but they’re also not perfect. They’re a clique of sorts, but not necessarily in a bad way. They still make mistakes, like pick on Ginger, and they seem to follow Isabella a little too easily, but their bond is, regardless, part of what makes them all so likable. I really wish we had more Fireside Girls episodes, because those girls deserved more development, and Isabella ROCKS that uniform.
Isabella and Candace’s relationship isn’t as forward as the others, but I really like their interactions - Isabella’s always willing to give Candace advice even if it wasn’t asked for, and Candace was so earnest in comforting Isabella when Pinky went missing and was even supportive of Isabella’s crush on Phineas even though she personally didn’t get the attraction. These two are gonna be rad sister inlaws.
Then there’s Ferb, which was a very interesting development. Isabella went from simply acknowledging him, to outright trying to push him and the others out of the picture, to appreciating him, and finally to really truly getting to know how he thinks. Ferb is an awesome wingman, and a supportive friend - he’s also a total troll, and I love him all the same.
Edit: Adding this here, I also really love Isabella’s friendship/rivalry with Doofenshmirtz, like, they were kinda hostile at first but then she became like? So supportive? She gave him a patch and everything, and I think that’s like, so important, because not many people believe in Doofenshmirtz and assume the worst, and then here’s Isabella who’s gotten to know him and believes he can accomplish his goal enough to give him a patch revolving around it - it’s so wonderful, and if we ever get more content I want them to interact again because any positive reinforcement for Doof is fantastic.
OTP: Phinabella. That’s a given, let’s all be real here. Isabella’s love for Phineas has always been a personal source of joy for me, and I hope to be as devoted as her when I find that special someone. Phineas and Isabella are just...so very in sync, and have such a great bond with each other. Sure, it’s hilarious whenever Isabella’s shot down, but what REALLY makes this ship is just their interactions. Whenever they dance together, whenever Phineas involves Isabella with a project or asks her what they should do, the puns they shared in “De Plane! De Plane!”, how protective they are of each other, how much they care for their feelings - it’s just so darn sweet.
It actually is all the stronger given how oblivious Phineas is, because that let’s you know that those gestures are ALL the more sincere. Phineas just so very deeply cares for Isabella, and Isabella cares very deeply for Phineas. I wish “Act Your Age” showcased this more instead of tearing them a part for a while, because I have a hard time believing they’d lose touch even if Isabella were to try to move on from Phineas - because their friendship isn’t just BECAUSE of Isabella’s crush, and their chemistry isn’t because of romance itself, it’s from the fact that they’re deeply connected in the most pure ways imaginable. I just...love them so much.
I like shipping Isabella with other characters, mostly OCs and...well...Buford oddly enough, but I can’t really see any of those ships being truly endgame. It’s always Phinabella in my heart, it always has to be.
nOTP: Let’s see, uh...Doofbella, Isabella/Candace, Isabella x any of the Fireside Girls, Isabella x Perry...I’d put Ferbella here, but I’m actually okay with that ship. I don’t CARE for it, but I don’t outright despise it either.
Random Headcanon: Based on the events of “La Candace-Cabra”, pulling Isabella’s dress inside out reveals that it doubles as a goat costume; she claims that all the dresses of this particular style and brand do this, and that she only has this dress because “there was a sale at the Googleplex mall”. She ultimately despises the fact her dresses have this feature, but appreciates how soft the goat-costume fur makes the outfit.
Unpopular Opinion: I kinda sorta wish that there was an episode where Buford won against Isabella? Or maybe, just put Isabella in a position where she didn’t necessarily SUCCEED against an opponent. I’d find that kinda conflict interesting.
Song I Associate With Them: “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri
Favorite Picture of Them:
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To be fair there’s like...too many pictures to count, but if I had to choose, it’d be this one...oh, and uh, this one too (I know it’s a gif, but c’mon, this is amazing):
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Wow...I talked about Isabella A LOT. Maybe she really IS my favorite...
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...nope. Still a three-way draw.
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crybabytoy59 · 4 years
The Meeting (reworking)
The meeting.
I was so aroused that day my first weekend to myself in a long time my business consuming most but all of my time. Often i wished i was not such a product of my own success. looking through all the ad’s I had found on Craig’s list that evening a warm sunny day i had left work at lunchtime giving my staff the afternoon off as i did each Friday of a “Play Weekend”.
Now sat on my favourite wee leather kneeling stool in my pink pvc maids dress, a pink cartoon fairy disposable Nappy, with two large 4000ml pads both i had cut to let my pee pass through to the next this made for a very swollen Nappy plus i could wet multiple times, over them my pink pvc popper nappy cover i loved the softness of them plus i found the smell of the soft pink rubber Very overpowering. Next my huge frilly silk pants I had custom-made they had a Huge frilly heart at the rear inside the huge frilly white layered heart was embroidered the word “crybaby” ! Around the pants layers of silk and lace stood out ward around six inches! With the nappy under them my butt looked huge, the hem of the pink maids uniform only just hid the bulky Sissy Pants my petticoat pushing the huge hemlines upwards to almost 90deg such was the fullness of the handmade garments custom-made for me by an ebay seller i had become friends with she had made all of my wardrobe.
I decided to place an ad of my own on craigslist working on a small window of who I was as a sissy Abdl/bondage play Thing....posting it my heart was racing...
I went back to my usual internet bank of clips and pictures, feeling more and more aroused i put the first Baby bottle to my lips the huge teat filling my mouth as the warm milk slid over my tongue i swallowed compressing the teat as i did made it refill starting an almost siphoning effect i gulped it down.
I was going to have the weekend to myself to play my self bondage games, taking myself further each time I played....
But this was interrupted by a ping from Craig’s list..I had a reply to my ad?...it was from a couple they had read my ad and felt very sad for me that I felt I would never get to be who lived inside of me, they also said they had followed the link to my tumblr and that my stories were very good....We need to talk “Baby”..was all they put ..a link appearing to a WhatsApp page...this I followed I typed in a simple “Hi I found your reply to my ad ...would you like to talk?” I waited but nothing came back, so I went to close it and noticed someone was typing...
A reply came ! “Clever Baby...that was your first “Little” step...Now as it’s Friday night are you playing by yourself? ( my ad told of my self play at weekends to
Fuel my Kink) I typed in “Yes” no my keyboard, almost instantly a reply came ...how long do you play Baby?  I replied that I was off this weekend so I am going to play All weekend 😜....a reply came...Well you have read our ad would you like to meet for a drink and a chat?....”Eh yes please but it’s getting late?” ..Don’t fret we stay Very close to you....I was confused by this as their ad said a different area..so I typed a message back...
I think we stay in different areas? ...it’s ok Baby our ad is old we have moved..Ok you have 30mins ! are you dressed? If so put on something to cover up to go outside, if Not go and get dressed Now ! I typed back that i was already dressed for the evening.
Then we will see you in 30mins at  M* ,*******y,s in the car park we will be parked under the sign...park up then come to our Car under the sign 29mins “Baby”...
That was it even though I sent an Ok ..nothing more came back, so I rushed to get one of my boiler suit’s on as the bulk was so large I could fit nothing else on!...driving there I felt very nervous also my adrenaline was pumping so hard I felt I needed the toilet but time was ticking away... so I took Breath’s through the Need to go and they passed, sitting in the car with all my padding felt strange but nice I had never driven dressed up, in fact i had never went out in public with anything more than a simple Tena nappy in plain white so if I was discovered it could be explained away with a medical excuses, but this?...this was different i was in full sissy AB attire a huge padded rear with a swollen straining “Clittie” !!
As I drove into the car park there was a 4x4 under the sign! But only one person in it?... I parked up but was hesitant due to the single occupant, so thought to myself I would simply go over and ask for directions that way if I was wrong no harm..
As I got to the car the door opened to my surprise a man got out opening the back door...as I walked up he spoke “In the back Baby”. I did as I was Told,there was a girl in the back she spoke to me....”In Baby Kneel on the floor face me...Clever Baby..Open Wide!”
The car had one of the back seats removed so there was a space on the floor with a changing mat in its place,this mat had Winnie the Pooh bear characters on it ! I felt something being put around my ankles & I panicked slightly....Blurting out ...”P,p,please are we not going for a chat?” Suddenly my mouth was pulled open from behind as the girl pushed in a rubber ball gag with a face harnessing, this was pulled Very tightly! My arms were forced behind me and locked In cuffs! I was spun around and a hood pulled over my face, next I was in the seat with a seatbelt put over me.m The door shut then the second door shut as the car started up.....she spoke to me.... “Clever Baby Sit Still just a short drive and we will be home....Then Cutie The Fun Will Begin....Baby we Are going to make Your stories seem like a soft fairytale.....tell me Cuteness are you a bit afraid at the moment ? (I nodded) Clever Baby...You Have Good reason to be Afraid....what’s this all under here Eh? you can Hardly Sit !...don’t fret Baby... we are going to make sitting Very uncomfortable for You!” They both laughed but not a funny laugh ...a Deeply wicked laughter.....That’s us here Baby let’s get you inside so we can have a better Look at You Babyslave!!”....I was taken into their home...the hood was Not removed... they put a spreader bar on my ankles then he spoke “Now Baby I want you to wet and mess yourself in a moment so kneel for us...Eh Now Babyslave!”..... (if any of you have knelt with a spreader bar on its quite difficult) ..I collapsed to My Knees, The hood was bellowing in and out over my face as I gasped, she spoke to me “Ok let me explain what is happening as You potty for us....(the hood was being unfastened as she spoke to me) My Name is Mistress M....that is Master D when we allow You to talk you will talk with a lisp like the Little You Are....a Three year old girlie Got that ?” I nodded as the hood came off...I was blinking because there was a bright light in my face I could see her but only a shadow figure, she continued “Baby we are going to have a weekend together, if after that you would like us to keep You we will take that next step... should you wish to leave your free to do so...Ok? You can answer past the gag we will understand You...” I told them Yes lisping best I could past the gag, she spoke again.......”Now The Hard Part Babyslave!....You will have No Safeword  & No limits!! We will not hurt you permanently or leave you scared in any way...Only perhaps mentality ! Now Babyslave Master D is going to uncuff you, if you want to leave put your arms out in front of you, But if You fully understands what I just told You & are the person in your “stories” I Want You to put your handies behind your head keeping them there..Ok Babyslave Toy..time too choose ??”
I could now start to focus on her she was stunning! Long black hair in a ponytail she was very slim around 5’9″ tall smiling down at me...
I put my hands together behind my head interlocking My fingers.....
This was what they had hoped for they had spent hours looking over ads reading through them they had come across his ad it was very different from most as it held an Abdl content as she read over this Mistress Mandy smiled she knew of abdl but had not chosen that path in her FEM DOM career, but now older looking to retirement both her and her husband were looking towards having her Deepest Fantasy fulfilled to use a genuine submissive without bounds other than the physical limits of the human body the Mind ..well that was a different thing altogether !! Reading his ad she had become very wet....asking her husband over to look at the ad she was grinning ear to ear ! Turning to his wife he smiled are You sure ?...but he could already tell this new Toys fate was sealed, she smiled “yes darling am sure the abdl will give us a huge Humiliation element to his training, plus i kind of like that I could have him collapsing into a Babyslave’....Ok message him I lets see what happens darling was all he said.
They could not believe there luck not only was he Deeply submissive he was alone at home for the weekend already Playing !! The next bit was simple as she typed “Baby you have 30mins !” Heading in the car too there home she was throbbing with want a Deep Want of Dominance her way, a wish about to be fulfilled, they parked up...five mins latter a silver Bmw drove into the car park facing them as he stepped out she turned smiling “That him look at the shape”...he got out opening the door....
Her thoughts returned to her she spoke to him “Clever Babyslave Ok lets begin Get her up on her feet Master D”. I was pulled upright! She unzipped the suit as Master D pulled it down I felt a tug at the side then a ripping sound then a second tug followed by a second ripping sound as the hook on the blade cut through the black overalls....
I now stood before them in my pink maids uniform with the huge Nappy on, Master D lifted the dress at the sides then spoke “My my Mistress M look at this Sissy is already dressed to go to work for us!...” Mistress M spoke “Yes indeed Master D...But She has her very first task to do ..Don’t You Crybaby! Do it Now!....push Hard I want to see that Crybaby Face go red with Effort!,”
They both came around to watch the spectacle as I went Potty’Pants in front of them both ! I felt so Very ashamed but strangely I found I was Very turned on at the same time...she spoke to me “Clever girlie Crybaby is that it all out? ...then turn the fuck around so we can get a good look at your poopies” as I turned in the spreader bar I couldn’t believe my eyes I was in a dungeon!! It had every bondage Toy around whips,paddles,leather straps,hoods, cases with strange-looking equipment in them....
She patted my rear lightly Sit Down!” As I bent I could feel the mess spreading up my back. Suddenly my hips was held and I was slowly lowered on to something? It was a knee ? Mistress M came around in front of me then bent forwards “Bounce on Master Daddy’s Knee Crybaby! ....this was something I knew about them from there page..they were both heavily into Humiliation !! As I bounced I felt a smack to My rear! Then Master Daddy Spoke taking my hips “No Crybaby like this !” He forced me up & down getting more & more forceful as he did, Mistress M spoke “Clever girlie Crybaby that’s better isn’t it!..yes ? (They both giggled as I listed out a Wess) Louder Crybaby! Say it !..Clever girlie you bounce for Master Daddy as I get your first punishment set up....its time to see You Crying....
She wheeled over a large box it was black the top had a hole around 8” Mistress M opened the top, inside was what looked like a saddle with a back to it, this had straps on it.
She loved this box a friend had given her the saddle and another carpenter friend had built the box, inside the black leather saddle was mounted on a leather-covered platform 2ft high this was oval so the Slave in the saddle had to both bend their knees wide but angled under them once in the leather ankle cuffs, the back had a padded angular back rest with a built-in arm binder that laced up the rear once the slates hands were made immobile by the ball mittens, above this the lid had a round leather covered top a hole at its centre that was in two half’s so the slaves head would be the only thing seen once closed up tight. It’s Was truly a wicked bit of  BDSM furniture !!
Master Daddy was still Bouncing me at this point he then stopped, I still had my hands behind my head as I was genuinely afraid to move them ! Master Daddy then lifted me up the mess was spread everywhere I could now smell it, he pushed me forward towards the box he spoke to his wife “ Let’s hurry up as stinky butt here needs to appreciate The Gift we let her have Mistress Mummy” He then took the spreader bar off as she stood in front of me....
Mistress M spoke “Ok into the box for us Crybaby leggies Down the side of the saddle for Mistress Mummy..Clever girlie Crybaby arms down the back so Master Daddy can strap You into your armbinder” my arms were slowly being pulled together tighter and tighter, i started whimpering as my chest was forced forwards the more my arms tightened my shoulders became taut pulled relentlessly back, the last two straps crossed over my chest down over my shoulders to the waiting buckles these he wrenched upwards ! as I jerked due to the force he spoke “Clever girlie Crybaby..lets close this up”  patting my head He positioned the top rear part then spoke “headie all the way back....Clever Crybaby Hold Still for us “Master Daddy pushed closed the front part then locked the two half’s together now only my head was out the box, Mistress Mummy had a rubber hood this one went on tightly it covered my head but left my face open framed by black rubber, Master Daddy had what looked like a large helmet in two half’s with buckles all over it to join the two half’s together, at the mouth it had a short oval tube, Mistress Mummy spoke to me “Open Wide Crybaby! “ as I did the tube was forced into my mouth i had to open really wide to accept it...I whimpered as he pushed it on Very hard pulling the two half’s together the oval passed behind my teeth holding my mouth open, he strapped it on tightly! I heard pumping as the inside of the helmet Got tighter!.. It was inflatable !!
Master Daddy put a tube from the back of the box to the helmet at the rear, then patted my head walking off, Mistress Mummy squatted down at my side as she spoke “Ok Crybaby Master Daddy and I have to get something set up for you so sit here till we’re Ready for you Crybaby, as there was not much time to prepare Your punishment equipment for this evening...So as you Sit here contemplating what we’re going to do to You Crybaby here is a wee taster so too speak’ she giggled as Master Daddy came over with a red funnel this had a tube from it around six inches long, handing it to Mistress Mummy she started pushing it in my nostril hole! Next Master Daddy did something to the box and it tilted backwards! As she held the funnel he lifted A condom full of a huge load ! Without warning he poured it into the funnel! I could feel it go down the back of my throat, it was still warm! I started to tear up as I knew this pair meant every word of their Dominance over me...with her other hand Mistress Mummy pushed a cock gag into my mouth making me hold it!  As she strapped it behind my head.
“Clever Baby hold that until we get back did you like Mummy & Daddy’s Gift ...Yes Cutie it was from us both You made us so het we had to Make love..But we didn’t want our Baby to miss out so Mistress Mummy squatted Over the wee funnel as she climaxed Master Daddy’s Gift Out to mix with hers...Clever girlie... Crybaby cock sucker!”
She removed the tube from my nose then pulled mask over my nose and mouth that clipped to the helmet via holes in its sides..I Suddenly heard a sound like the hollow tubes as a kid we would spin around our heads to make different sounds..but this tube echoed to my Breaths as I slowly started to smell my rear only much stronger !!!
Mistress loved this bit of the Box as it had a built in fan that made the slave have to endure whatever they decided to put in the box, she had put many things into the Box at her clients ask, But this time ? This was her choice her devious plan to slowly reprogram his mind to her will..Her wants and needs...
They seemed to have been away for ages, with me sat in the box kneeling over the saddle smelling my own mess!..I tested the bonds but it made the smell stronger as I moved spreading my mess even further around my now soaking wet nappy !! when the door opened Mistress Mummy was first to walk in she had changed into a black rubber skirt and white rubber top it was sleeveless she had on black rubber tights and hold ups...She strode over without a word then picked up an item a strange two foot long tube, it had a shaft from it with a handle the inner and outer shaft were threaded at the base of the inner it looked like an oval leather pad...Mistress went behind me screwed it to the back of the box....as Master Daddy came in he had on a black rubber shirt and rubber pants on the front of these was a pouch...He stood in front of me then spoke “Now Crybaby we have everything set up for You so now let’s give You a look at what Is ahead” ..then Mistress Mummy Spoke “Right Crybaby look back at me..Clever girlie Crybaby Keep looking at Me!!” Suddenly I felt something in my back pushing me forward into more of an arch....”Clever girlie Crybaby Keep looking at Me !” It started to hurt being bent in an arch the more I arched the less movement I had till I could simply Not move! I started crying...
“Awww Clever girlie Crybaby...tears already look Master Daddy real tears, seems Crybaby has very low limits poor thing”...Master Daddy just chuckled as he took the pouch off his shorts, Mistress Mummy removed the harness then the gag. In front of me he was already swollen, straddling the box pushing into the mouth hole..”Right Crybaby lets give You a good skull Fucking...then we can take you to get cleaned up for your Obedience Training!”....he started slowly entering my mouth!!....mistress mummy held my head  looking down at me as I gagged for air as I was throat fucked by this man i had only just met !!
“Clever girlie Crybaby work Master Daddy’s Dummy nice and you get air ! if not ? No Air cuteness...that’s a girlie!” Master Daddy withdrew as I gasped for air, he spoke “Clever girlie Crybaby just like that suck with your cute Baby tongue under Master Daddy’s Dummy....Clever girlie Crybaby here we go Deeper this time though cuteness ! Hold her nice and tightly Mistress Mummy, she needs to learn To sallow !”....Mistress mummy forced me on his shaft as I wrenched I felt him swelling then the first spasm! Mistress mummy barked at me “Don’t You Dare pass out Crybaby!! Swallow! ..Do it every last drop of Master Daddy’s gift!”
Fuck this was all she had hoped for he was a true submissive as they worked there trade he had simply collapsed tears streaming from him at the realisation they were Very much in control a control they would use to train him to total submission a compliment Babyslave that they and there friends would use...Yes she would take her time show her DOMINANT friends just how she could mould a SLAVE....
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emilyjunk · 5 years
hi im sad do you have an hcs about bemily meeting at an ice cream shop?
during beca’s senior year of high school her dad makes her get a job and the only place hiring is fucking baskin robbins so... beca starts working at baskin robbins
she hates it obviously... people suck and they’re always dropping their ice cream and she has to clean it up ://///
also sometimes people come in and get like twelve samples and then end up picking vanilla and becas like wtf why??? vanilla is the most boring flavor on the whole dumb menu????
anyway the WORST is when they get HUUUUGE groups coming in like after sporting events and things... it’s so busy and chaotic
the second worst thing is when she sees people from school because that’s embarrassing. beca always pretends she doesn’t know them.
the ultra worst thing is when people from school are in a huge group
and thats what happens every fucking saturday afternoon
this huge group of girls from school comes in after their soccer game. every saturday without fail. they’re obnoxious and always make a mess and never can decide what they want
and beca like, totally doesnt even like any of them because jocks are so lame? theyre dumb and usually dicks. the soccer girls aren’t the worst but they also arent that great
so one day beca is stressing because the soccer girls are gossipping in line and becas just fucking standing there waiting for them to pick an ice cream flavor and her shift isnt over for another hour so everything just sucks... and then... then it doesnt suck so much. bc then one of the girls is like “hey guys... let’s order and take this outside so we dont hold up the line!” and she gives beca a knowing smile... so pretty and soft and empathetic
beca recognizes her, but isn’t one hundred percent sure of her name. she’s in the grade under beca, about to be a junior, and they’ve never had a class together. but beca recognizes her face from the halls.
beca decides this girl doesnt completely suck. at least as much as the others. 
after that, beca starts seeing her around all the time. she sees her in the halls at school, talking with friends at her locker. she sees her saturdays after soccer games at baskin robbins. she even sees her once at the movies when her stupid neighbor jesse drags her along to the newest superhero flick
it gets to the point where beca randomly thinks about this girl she doesnt know on and off throughout the day, and it makes her roll her eyes at herself but whatever. the girl is nice and she’s pretty and beca’s never had a gf, but she knows she really likes girls, and so just... whatever. she can think about people in her head alright? it doesnt mean anything!
“look,” cynthia rose says when the soccer girls come every saturday. “it’s beca’s crushtomer.”
“my what?” beca asks the first time this happens.
“crushtomer,” tssks her manager aubrey. “it’s when you have a crush on one of your regulars. and it’s obviously unprofessional beca.”
“she’s not my... crushtomer.”
“please. we can see your custoner from space.” beca stares and aubrey rolls her eyes. “customer boner. obviously.”
“you guys are weird.” beca scoffs.
but then the girl’s ordering and becas smiling... yeah... smiling wtf... as she scoops vanilla ice cream onto a waffle cone and god fucking dammit... she totally has a crushtomer.
alright so whatever beca has it bad for this customer but it’s whatever. she doesn’t even know the girl’s nam-
the girl whips her head around as her teammate comes jogging up to her and fine!!! beca knows her name.
it wouldn’t be that crazy or anything, until one time at school in the hall they make eye contact and emily is like “hey beca” and beca totally freezes.
“uh. hi emily. you, like, know my name?”
emily tilts her head to the side, her cheeks a pretty pink. “oh. yeah... i mean ive seen your nametag at baskin robbins.”
“i just thought i’d say hi.”
beca never thought they’d speak outside of the obligatory ice cream order and cash exchange so she’s not really sure what to do next in this situation. “uh. hi. but uh..... gotta get to class so um. bye?”
emily laughs, so cute and nice. “okay. see you around.”
and then beca is walking away and hearing giggles behind her as chloe beale whispers something in emilys ear and emily swats at her playfully. becas pretty sure she’s being laughed at, but she books it out of there too quick to care.
the next saturday, beca hates to admit it, but she’s kind of looking forward to seeing the soccer girls. it’s NOT because of her crushtomer though, okay? it’s because her shift is boring as fuck because it’s raining outside and nobody is coming in. so at least she’ll have something to do when they come
so beca waits in anticipation as her shift passes, the clock ticking down to her clock-out time... and they never come. beca finds herself almost disappointed to get off work... then she shakes out of it. fuck work. wtf?
the next saturday, beca initiates her very first small talk with emily. “so, you guys didnt come in last week. it was weird not seeing you.”
“oh,” emily pouts. “our game got rained out.” then she tilts her head, looking at beca curiously. “aw, did you miss us?” she teases.
beca snorts. “no.”
“Just me then right?”
and beca knows she’s teasing, but she feels the heat of it in her soul... and she blushes. “very funny.”
emily laughs, so bright and bubbly, the kind of laugh beca would normally hate. but she doesn’t. god she doesn’t.
emilys teammates have already all paid and taken their cones outside and it’s just beca and emily there at the register. plus CR down the counter mopping the floor but whatever, she has headphones in as she cleans so it may as well just be beca and emily okay?
“anyway.” beca says, clearing her throat. “that’s uh. $3.49.”
emily freezes, her eyes widening. she looks down at herself, pats her thighs where her pockets would be if soccer uniforms had pockets. 
“shoot,” she whispers, looking around helplessly. “one sec i forgot my wallet in my car i gotta go grab it.”
“oh,” beca says. “no, it’s cool, it’s uh... on me.”
“what? no, it’s okay. i can go get it.”
“no,” beca says, already putting her employee numbers into the register. “we get free ice cream every shift and i uh... don’t need it. so you can just use my free one. it’s cool.”
emily beams at her. “wow that’s so nice. oh my god.”
“it’s nothing, no problem.”
“no, i have to make it up to you now.”
“that’s really not necessary.”
“let me.”
beca hesitates but emily is giving her this look like a fucking puppy, all cute and persuasive. “...alright... how?”
“are you working tomorrow?”
“um no?”
“let me buy you lunch.”
beca blinks. “this was literally 3 dollars. you wanna go to like mcdonalds or something?”
emily laughs. “no i think i can afford more than the dollar menu. consider it interest.”
“what the hell? what is this? wolf of wall street?”
“oh my god beca.” emily grins. “im trying to hang out with you.”
beca stares. “hang out... with me?”
“yeah? like friends?”
“so...?” emily leans forward, her long ponytail swishing over her shoulder. “lunch tomorrow?”
“uh... yeah okay.”
emily gives beca her phone and beca inputs her number in some kind of daze. 
it’s not a date, beca reminds herself all during the lunch. even if emily pays and holds doors for her and is super touchy feely. it’s a friend thing. it’s just hard because they really get along. beca wasnt sure they would, because emily is smiley and nice and into sports. beca is surly and rude and fakes sick to escape gym every other week. 
but they do get along. they get along great... emily is into music and beca shows emily the mashups she makes in her free time and they bond over bands they like and beca learns emily plays like 5 different instruments.
emily is also funny, in a weird way, and her smile makes beca’s heart do weird things that hearts probably shouldn’t do.
after, emily gives her a hug and beca totally isnt a hug person but it’s the best hug she’s ever had and emily smells good, like scented girly lotion.
after that, they’re kind of friends for real. they hang out sometimes, and beca teases emily about her ice cream order (vanilla... the most boring flavor on the menu), and she even drags jesse to one of the girls’ soccer games and they text here and there, sending song recs back and forth. once emily sends beca a recording of her playing the guitar and beca swears she falls in love a little with emily’s singing voice. 
so yeah, they’re friends. then one day ... everything changes
becas just getting off her shift at baskin robbins and the soccer girls are hanging out at the tables outside, chatting and enjoying their ice cream. beca waves at emily as she walks to her car.
“beca, wait!”
emily jogs up and beca has to pretend she doesn’t think emily’s athleticism isnt the hottest thing she’s ever seen. they’re friends, she reminds herself. friends, beca. friends.
she throws her work bag in the back and shuts the door, turning to look at emily.
emily has a strange expression on her face. almost nervous. which is weird because emily is outgoing and friendly and talking to people doesnt really make her nervous.
“um, so.” emily glances behind her and beca peeks over her shoulder to see all the other soccer girls staring at them. emily frowns, pulling beca to the other side of her car by the arm so they’re out of view. “can i ask you something?”
“uh... sure dude?”
“what’s a crushtomer?”
beca literally almost dies on the spot. “what?”
“a crushtomer.” emily blushes, her fingers tugging at her ponytail nervously.
“oh. um. it’s like......... it’s stupid really, just some made up term thats like when a worker has a crush on one of their regulars, you know? it’s totally lame.”
“huh.” emily nods, her lips twisting. “so like, if i accidentally heard cynthia rose say im your crushtomer, then..............?”
beca really wishes she could crawl in a hole and die. “oh. you... you heard that.”
“it’s just like... i mean.. we’re friends and stuff,” beca stammers. “you know, they know we’re like... fond of each other or something.”
“i see.” emily tilts her head to the side, looking beca up and down. “so it’s just a friend thing.”
“um i mean, well--”
“because like, say i didn’t want it to be a friend thing. say i wanted it to be a crush thing, like what would that mean?”
beca nearly stops breathing. “what?”
“like say maybe i think you’re cute and i like being your friend, but maybe i also have... once or twice thought about being more than friends and i dont know if you even like girls or anything and if you dont im really sorry like sooooooo sorry for making it awkward but it’s just i overheard that and i thought well just... what if it wasnt a friend thing but a real crush thing and just...” emily blushes cutely, glancing away quickly before looking back at beca. “the term is CRUSHtomer i mean it implies a romantic crush, i don’t know how to make this clearer so please just shut me up now”
“okay just... wait,” beca says, her heart going a mile a second in her chest. “You want to be my crushtomer. in a liking girls romantic way type of thing?”
“i mean...” emily shrugs. “only if you mean it that way. otherwise forgetting about this would be amazing and we could still be friends because i... i really like being your friend.”
“yes,” beca interrupts as emily opens her mouth to keep going. “no god yes. it’s stupid. crushtomer is stupid okay but yeah fine you’re my crushtomer. like... in a crush way. it’s a stupid term.”
emily stares at her for the briefest of seconds. then her face breaks open in the widest smile beca’s ever seen. “i think it’s cute.”
“it’s dumb” beca snorts.
“you wanna like, go out then?”
beca’s whole body is warm. “yeah. that’d be... cool.”
“hm.” emily is so smiley it kills. she scrunches her nose at beca. “i mean i kinda feel like we already were going out. i mean, you showed me your mixes,” she teases. “so romantic.”
“kay,” beca rolls her eyes, but she can’t stop smiling. “whatever. cant believe im gonna go out with a jock.”
emily laughs, her hand coming out to grip the top of beca’s car and effectively sandwiching beca in. “you ever kiss a jock before?”
“no,” beca murmurs, trying to keep her voice from squeaking, but emily is like, really close and holy shit she’s so pretty oh man... 
“you want to?”
beca’s breath gets caught in her throat. “yeah.”
all beca can think when they kiss is that emily tastes like ice cream and for the first time in her life, beca maybe just maybe thinks vanilla might be the most exciting flavor on the menu
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sailorportia · 6 years
Three Englands and an American
Ficlet Valentine for @cwjhunt
Roses are red Bamboo is for pandas I think you’re a star So here’s some Hamanda!
Fandom: Little Witch Academia Pairing: Hannah England x Amanda O’Neill
approx. 1650 words, rated T
In which Hannah receives some unexpected assistance taking care of her two younger cousins.
One kid? Hannah could handle that just fine. Two kids? Pushing the limits, but still manageable. But three kids?
"Kill me now."
Hannah had been press-ganged by her family into taking care of her younger cousins for an afternoon during their visit to Blytonbury. The girls were pleasant enough to spend time with, but they needed all of her attention. The last person Hannah wanted to see right now was Amanda O'Neill, who happened to be walking toward them.
The girls noticed that their cousin recognized Amanda.
"Who's that, Hannah?" The younger of the two girls, Gabriella tugged at Hannah's sleeve. Like all the Englands, she had auburn hair, tied back in two pigtails, and dressed in clothes as similar to the Luna Nova uniform as she could get—Gabriella couldn't wait to go to the same school as her cousin. The eight year-old was Hannah's favourite of the two, sweet, well-mannered, and shaping up to be a proper witch.
"Is that your girlfriend?" The older of the two girls, Danielle, had learned the previous summer that Hannah was bisexual and brought it up at every available opportunity. The twelve year-old had developed an attitude and was old enough to resent having a babysitter, on whom she took out her frustrations through relentless teasing. Danielle couldn't have been more different from her sister; she had recently shorn her long hair into a rough pixie cut in a gesture of rebellion against her parents, and her current outfit was a pair of artfully ripped jeans and a black t-shirt with a crude slogan plastered across it.
"Absolutely not," Hannah protested. "She's nothing but trouble." Particularly what she did to Hannah. And her feelings. Hannah would never have expected that she would actually look forward to Amanda's attention. Unfortunately, the American's interest in her seemed to be strictly intended to frustrate her.
Amanda spotted the three of them, smirked and made a beeline for them. "Kids already?" she said. "I heard teen pregnancy was on the rise but this is ridiculous."
Hannah rolled her eyes. "They're not mine, jackass. They're my cousins."
"I'm Gabriella England. How do you do?" She held out her hand and Amanda shook it solemnly.
"I'm Amanda O'Neill," the American replied. "Coolest witch at Luna Nova."
Hannah elbowed her other cousin. "Introduce yourself, Danielle."
"Ugh," Danielle scoffed. "My name is so frickin' girly. I hate it."
"Danni, then," Amanda said. She held out her first for the twelve year-old to bump. Danni smiled and obliged.
"What are you doing here, Amanda?" Hannah asked. She hoped that she was in Blytonbury for something important so she'd go on her way and leave her alone.
"I was just killing time looking for something to do," Amanda said. "And look what I found." She laughed. "Three Englands? Is this the War of the Roses or something?"
"That reference almost makes sense, so I'll give it a pass," Hannah said. "Now get the hell out of here."
Gabriella tugged at Hannah's sleeve again. "Hannah, you said a bad word."
"Yeah," Danni said. "And earlier you called Amanda a jackass." Gabriella reprimanded her sister for repeating the word.
"Urk!" Hannah had forgotten to watch her mouth around the two younger girls. Amanda really did bring out the worst in her.
"Wow, Hannah," Amanda said, smirking even more obnoxiously. "Looks like you don't have what it takes to take care of kids."
Hannah put her hands on her hips. "And you do?"
"I'm actually great with kids."
"Yeah, because you are one!"
"As fun is it is to watch your lover's spat," Danni said, "I thought we were going to the park."
"Yeah!" Gabriella said. "You said we were going to see the ducks and go to a café!"
"We are not having a lover's spat!" Hannah blushed.
"Like I'd be having a lover's spat with her!" Amanda said, forcing a laugh.
"Amanda should come with us too!" Gabriella grabbed Amanda's arm.
"Yeah," Danni chimed in. "Amanda seems like way more fun than you." She grabbed Amanda's other arm.
"I've been captured," Amanda said dramatically. "I guess I have no choice."
"No way," Hannah said. "I'm not watching three kids."
"Please?" Gabriella and Danni gave Hannah their best wobbly lip
Hannah considered her options. She didn't need Amanda complicating her task of taking care of her cousins, but on the other hand, Gabriella and Danni rarely agreed on anything, and if she could mollify both at once, that was a win. And if Amanda was as good with kids as she said she was...
"Fine," Hannah sighed. "But you better behave yourself." She pointed at Amanda accusingly.
"Yes, mom."
The group of three became four and made their way to the park. Hannah led the way, holding Gabriella's hand; Danni trailing at Amanda's heels like a puppy. Once at the park, Gabriella went straight to the pond to feed the ducks, and Amanda magicked up a ball for her and Danni to kick around. Hannah noticed that Amanda had intuited Danni's boundless energy and chosen an activity that would tire her out. In theory. Danni ended up climbing a tree to show off to Amanda. While Hannah chased her back down to the ground, Amanda gave Gabriella a piggyback ride. Once the energy was wrung out of the two girls, they lazed around on the grass in front of the lake—Hannah chastised Amanda for her unladylike sitting position.
"I wish Amanda were my cousin," Danni said wistfully. "She's so much cooler than Hannah."
Hannah frowned, but before she could respond, Amanda chimed in. "You have no idea. Hannah's such a bossy-pants."
"I know how bossy she is way better than you," Danni said competitively. "She's always lecturing me on manners 'cause she's the queen of being ladylike."
Amanda scoffed. "Hannah? Ladylike? She challenged me to a duel for pulling a prank on her." She neglected to mention it was the eighth prank that week.
"Whoa!" Danni looked at Hannah with stars in her eyes. "You challenged someone to a duel!?"
"That's nothing," Amanda said. She smirked at Hannah. "Didn't you spit at Chloe after she trash-talked Diana?"
"That was supposed to be a secret!"
"Hannah, spitting is bad," Gabriella said earnestly.
"Well," Hannah scrambled for an appropriate answer. "If someone is being rude, they aren't deserving of a lady's finer manners and should be treated accordingly."
Gabriella considered this, while Danni stared at Hannah incredulously, apparently reassessing her opinion of her cousin.
Their time in the park came to an end and Hannah ushered the others in the direction of the café. As the girls walked (Amanda joking with the girls along the way), Hannah tried to puzzle out Amanda's behaviour. Not only was she actually being helpful, her revelations that Hannah wasn't as stiff as she seemed gave her a huge boost in Danni's books. Was Amanda trying to make things easier on her? Naturally Hannah appreciated the effort, but the thought of Amanda going out of her way for her put butterflies in her stomach.
They got to the café and Amanda took the others' orders. When it came for Hannah's turn, Amanda put a finger on her lips before she could speak.
"I know exactly what you want," Amanda said before walking off mysteriously.
"Ooh!" Gabriella and Danni voiced in unison. Hannah shushed them and herded them off to a table.
Amanda returned with their orders; she handed Hannah a scone and a coffee with a single cream—just how she liked it.
"How'd I do?" Amanda asked cockily.
"H-h-how do you know what I like?" Hannah spluttered.
"I asked Barbara and she said that was your fave." Amanda waved her phone.
"You have Barbara's number?"
Amanda smirked. "Jealous?"
"As if!"
"Damn, I try to impress you and this is what I get?" A crack appeared in Amanda’s suave facade at that slip of the tongue.
Hannah raised an eyebrow. "Since when do you care about impressing anybody?"
"That's the thing," Amanda replied nervously. "You're not anybody; you're nobody!" 
"Hey!" Hannah felt her face grow hot with indignation. And then she processed that, posturing aside, Amanda had admitted to trying to impress her, and her face grew even hotter out of embarrassment.
"Awww, you two are so such a cute couple," Danni said, taking a self-satisfied bite of her donut.
"We are not a couple!" Hannah yelped.
"Amanda, Hannah won't tell us if she has a boyfriend," Gabriella said. "Does she have a boyfriend?"
"Does she have a girlfriend?" Danni asked.
"Not yet," Amanda said, winking at Hannah, who made a strangled noise in response.
Is Amanda flirting with me!? The thought was more than she could bear. Is that what she's been doing all along!? Or is just trying to annoy me? Did she come along with us because she wanted to spend time with me? Impress me?
"Just have your snacks, children," Hannah said in a high-pitched voice. The girls grinned and did as they were told. Even Amanda.
For a while, anyway.
"Admit it," she said, nudging Hannah with her elbow, "you're glad I'm here to help you out."
Hannah couldn't disagree. Amanda had made the afternoon easier on Hannah. She was good with kids after all, and they actually made quite the team. Taking care of kids. Together.
And following that line of thought made Hannah choke on her coffee.
"I had lots of fun with Amanda," Danni said.
"Me too!" Gabriella added.
The hopeful tones in their voices pushed Hannah to make a decision. She ignored her own apprehensions and the jittering of her heartbeats and pushed forward. "I'm in charge of Gabriella and Danni tomorrow too," she said. "I... I would appreciate it if you helped me baby-sit them again."
"It's a date." Amanda smiled so sincerely that Hannah was left speechless.
"I guess I'll be getting Amanda as a cousin after all," Danni said slyly.
"Danni England!"
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rcsordinaryworld · 6 years
Daisy Outfit Compilation
Daisy from @bittersweetcandybowl usually dons her simple pearl necklace by itself, but occasionally she gets all dolled up and I think that’s really cute. I think of the cast, she’s the most interesting clothing-wise. She doesn’t wear it consistently, but she wears it more often than pretty much any of the not-always-clothed characters, if that makes sense. So I decided that, instead of doing my day job, I was going to make a compilation of all of Daisy’s outfits.
This probably won’t be an analysis, more of a dump with images and chapters listed. I like to draw her wearing clothing a lot and I like basing her outfits on things I think she would actually wear. I think her taste has remained pretty consistent through the years, so let’s see if that’s true! And also, sorry if I missed any, and please feel free to reply with any that I do miss.
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The very first outfit we see Daisy wear is her cheerleader outfit (right). This one is her middle school one, which is a little different from high school, but I couldn’t find a color version. I also included a shot from when Augustus recalls seeing her in this in a later chapter, though it looks like she’s wearing her pearls on that one. Don’t you know you’re not supposed to wear accessories in uniform, Daisy?!
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Not sure if it counts (since it was for a gag) but she did dress up as a lobster with the rest of the gang for Mike’s birthday. I love the little smile on her hat.
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Next, the gang surprises her with a Daisy dress, of the Mario variety. Unfortunately, she doesn’t appreciate it very much. A shame, considering how much that thing must have cost! 
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This shows up in a flashback scene with Paulo, but I can’t really tell what it is. A coat I think? It’s not something she wore all the time though, since we’ve seen her as a child and she’s not been in it.
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The first Christmas outfit, at Tess’s first party. All of the crew’s outfits are Santa inspired this year, but Daisy’s is particularly adorable thanks to a big bell she wears around her neck.
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As it warms up, their PE class involves swim lessons, where Daisy’s donning a black T-shirt. I didn’t even think she would own one, considering how much she loved pastels, but she really is quite self conscious. I can’t tell if she’s wearing any bottoms, since it is a long shirt. I imagine she probably has those boyshort type bottoms, probably also in black.
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Hush, no, you’re perfect.
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At least she seem comfortable in her cheer outfit! Chapter 38 features the first appearance of her high school cheer outfit, which is different from her middle school one, most notably, that she seems allowed to wear jewelry. (she’s not the only one, as Katie is wearing a necklace.) Also, her new outfit shows off her middriff and has a different pattern on the front chest panel. This one shows up in a few different chapters (list not comprehensive) as well as in the Candybooru. Also interesting, is that it looks like their school colors are sky blue and black. Go Roseville High!
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AYOO meme time
But seriously what a weird but cute outfit! It’s so unique!! She was really laying it on thick to impress Mike, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she made it herself. It has a bit of a modified-from-thrift-store-finds feel doesn’t it? I have no idea if Daisy can sew but I am choosing to believe she does. Sadly, the night goes horribly wrong, but hey, at least she looked cute right? 
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It’s kinda messed up that Tess was pushing so hard for Mike and Lucy to go to Acapulco, but totally doesn’t seem to care if Daisy and Abbey skipped out. Daisy helped you pass your classes, Tess! I mean, I guess Abbey did need the support, and we did get to see Daisy wear a cute dress to see them off. There’s lots of shots with it being all flowy and girly, I love it so much. That sash is great.
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Speaking of cute dresses, she wore a simple but pretty one on her first date with Abbey. They went to a therapy session slash picnic which is a... non traditional choice, but a very sweet one. You can tell she’s really into Abbey by how she’s dressing up for him, and that Taeshi had a lot of fun drawing the flowiness of it.
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Bonus silly cute images featuring glasses Daisy. She also sports glasses in the student gov chapter, and whenever she’s shown in the future, she also has them. Adorable.
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Halloween costumes are always fun, and Daisy’s costume for freshman year was a traditional one-- a witch. I love the off-the-shoulders look of it. It’s a shame she wasn’t really important that chapter. I’m interested to see what the current Halloween chapter will have her wearing, if she’s in it. 
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Pillow Talk is still one of my favorite chapters, because who doesn’t love gossip? What’s interesting is all of them wear pjs, even if they don’t normally wear clothing. Daisy showed up just wearing her pearls, and then put on a sleep dress (gown?) at the actual party. I included a shot of her room from this chapter too, since how she decorates her space is just as interesting as how she decorates her body, right?
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Parties are definitely where Daisy likes to show off her fashion sense the most. Tess also hosts the Christmas party the next year, and it’s very cute. She’s got like... a poncho style thing, which actually became a trend way after this I think, since this chapter came out in about 2012, but a sort of Mexican inspired flowy top seems like something that definitely became super common in 2018. She’s ahead of her time! I think I love the flower ornament by her ear too. I couldn’t find a good shot of the length of the dress though.
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But enough happy times. The day after the party, she wore this bright navy blue trench coat when she and Abbey went to visit Charlotte’s grave. Usually her fur is enough to keep her warm, so wherever Charlotte is, must be freezing. I wonder if she’s got anything under it, or if that’s not a prerequisite for coats in the BCB universe?
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Looks like the trip to the cemetery got her too bummed out to plan an outfit for the New Year’s party. She’s just wearing her standard pearls for that one. Tess has a cute dress though.
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She’s in a much better mood by Rachel’s party. I love that her shoes match perfectly. Off-the-shoulders is a great look for her, just like with her witch costume. This one is also reminiscent of the Mexican style blouses I mentioned earlier. I don’t think the waist-cinching has the effect she was probably going for though, at least not without a belt. She really seems to like baby blue huh?
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But moving on! Remember how we found out she’s a huge weeb? That was great.The lanyard and backpack are such a great touch of realism. Con badges are the worst part about cosplaying at cons, since if you’re caught off guard you’ll have it in the shot, ruining all of your hard work. She obviously did put some effort into it too-- her costume is really well sewn and intricate and poofy. Notice all those panels on the chest and skirt. My theory that Daisy can sew intensifies. Also those bows are just too cute! I wish she wore them more often.
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The same night she’s wearing some pjs again, this time a blue slip. Nothing fancy.
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While not an outfit, Love Again opens with the first canon appearance of Daisy’s hip curls, inspired by Kit’s lovely fanart. I’m pretty sure they have a tumblr but I don’t know it, sorry!! I’ll edit it if I find out.
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An intermission comic featuring all of their days starts Daisy off in pjs. These look like the one from Lucy’s birthday sleepover, judging by the collar frills. Looks like it might be getting more snug on her as she grows up.
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Speaking of growing up, here’s Daisy all dressed up for her birthday, sporting a very cute bow. Her actual dress is made of a really strange material that’s presumably extremely thin, and sewn with plenty of elastic, judging by the wrinkles. I think it’s an interesting experimental outfit, but it’s so detailed it doesn’t really look the best in small scale. I’m not a huge fan of the wrinkled look in general, but the colors are very flattering on her, and the overskirt thing is pretty nice.
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Daisy makes a brief appearance in Escape Route, a chapter mostly about Augustus and Lucy. Normally she wears dresses, but this time she’s rocking a cupcake liner. Okay, so it’s not really her, but I can’t not include this cute cupcake!
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Last but not least, here’s her outfit for Mady’s birthday party. I adore this outfit so much! It’s amusingly similar to one of Lucy’s mother’s outfits, though her mother pairs it with pants.  That being said, I think this is my absolute favorite outfit of hers. The cardigan pairs great with her necklace, and the belted dress is just so flattering and and adds just enough detail. I think it’s simple, classy, flirty, and just so cute. Most of her looks have been blue, and this is actually one of the few pink outfits she owns, but we know she does like it based on her room. Pink pairs with her apricot/cream fur for a fun, girly look that’s just right for her.
And with that, we’ve finished compiling all of her outfits from the comic, though I didn’t gather any outfits that are Booru-exclusives, like her prom(?) dress. I thought about including those, but there’s so many to go through, and their canonity was so iffy that I decided against it for this post.
It seems safe to say Daisy has very simple tastes, with a rather timeless but definitely girly feel to them. Flowy, mid thigh dresses and skirts are her favorites, and seems to prefer sleeveless or off-the-shoulder looks. She also has a tendency to dress up to impress boys, but she does genuinely seem to enjoy making outfits, and she’s quite fashionable! 
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed making it. Daisy deserves all the love in the world.
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a-pretty-nerd · 7 years
New in Town: Part Two
Ryan (Trick) Tribesky x reader
A/N: Last one, settin up the story. This one, is beginning of the story! As always, your requests and feedback are what keep me goin!✌❤
Warnings: NSFW, cursing, etc.
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Only a month had passed since you were hired. And only a month was needed for you to develop a full blown crush on your coworker. Who, to a certain extent, worked above you. Since he had been there for almost over a year, they were more likley to have Trick boss you around than your manager. Which Trick took delight in. Teasing you. Telling you things like:
“I could have you fired for that, yknow?”
“Slackin’ on the job Y/N? Tsk tsk.”
And your personal favorite:
“Better do as I say.”
Of course, he said all these things with that smile of his. That kind of sweet smile that made sure you knew he was kidding. You had a flirty, friendship with Trick. The kind of friendship that made you leave work with a smile and pink cheeks as you walked out the door. The kind of friendship, you desperately wished was more.
Sometimes, when you were on lunchbreak together, you’d sit and eat outside, back behind the building. It was mostly where boxes and furniture were unloaded by trucks. But Trick parked his grey van back there. Somedays, when you both just needed a few minutes of escape. He’d open the back doors, and you’d sit together on the mattress and blankets he put back there. And you’d seat and eat your lunch.
One day in particular, things were rough. The manager had taken this day specifically to be unreasonable, and difficult on the two of you. Trick never really talked about himself and his life outside of work. But some days, were just worse than others. You could tell when something was wrong. So you sat in Trick’s van, having finished your meal. You looked up at the sky as snowflakes started to fall from the grey clouds above.
“It’s snowing.” You stated. Trick turned his attention, and looked up.
“Oh yeah.” He said, not being very intrigued by this fact.
“Do you like the snow?” You ask. He gives and half-hearted shrug.
“It’s alright I guess.” He doesn’t seem all there today, and you lean in a little closer. He’s been avoiding eye contact with you.
“Are you alright?” You ask him. Again, he shrugs, and doesn’t look at you. “Something wrong?”
“Not really. Just…been a rough day.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Eh, not your fault. Actually, you make my days better.” He looks up at you, and gives a small smile. You smile back.
“Yeah?” He nods.
“Mmhm. I don’t know how you’ve done it, but you make me not hate work now. So…” He trails off. He’s leaning back, practically laying down. Propped up by his elbow. He looks up at you as you watch the snow fall. “You’re fuckin’ gorgeous yknow that?” He blurts out. It catches you off gaurd and your cheeks get bright red in a matter of seconds. You try to laugh it off.
“What?” You smile down at him. He just looks up at you, calm, cool, collected. Meanwhile you’re heart is going a thousand miles an hour and panic is flooding your system. What is happening.
“I said you’re gorgeous. It’s just a fact Y/N.” He leans up, and sits up. “You’re the cute girl in the office.” He chuckles.
“First of all, we do not work in an office, and second of all.” You make the decision to play along with him. “I cannot believe how unprofessional you are being.” He smiles, and laughs slightly as he looks away.
“I’m serious though, I think you’re awesome.” You could have swarn that he was blushing.
“Well, thank you Trick. You’re not too bad yourself.” You smile, and he scootches closer.
“You’ve got some snow in your hair.” He says, and he reaches out to wipe away the melting flakes. All the while inching closer and closer to you. This smooth motherfucker. You freeze, and when he leans in to kiss you. You don’t dare pull away. You kiss him back. A sweet, soft kiss. He only pulls away to look into your eyes, and that playful smile stretches across his face. You smile back, taking the advantage, and kissing him while he’s busy. He lets out a small whimper of surprise and happiness. You feel a hand make its way to your hip, and you smile into the kiss.
His lips are sweet, and soft. He takes his time, enjoying you. Making you take deep breathes as he holds you closer to him. He’s enjoying himself way too much to let you go as you kiss back. Gently biting his bottom lip to edge him on a little. Asking for more. Your hand finds it’s way into his hair, and he moans softly. The kiss, turns passionate, quickly. You can guess, that you’re on the same page.
“Look who’s being unprofessional now.” He jokes, and the two of you laugh a little. The heat of your bodies and breath combat the cold so well. You just want to crawl inside the van. Which, is exactly what you do. He crawls in after you, and over you. Leaning down to kiss you, and caress you as the heavy petting begins. Clothes sort of find their way off your body. However, only taking off what is necessary for Trick to get at you. Your baggy uniform pants come off easily arounf your ankles, along with your panties as Trick kisses down your neck. He gently nibbles and sucks. Making you moan as your hands roam his body. Eagerly pulling down his pants to reveal his erection.
“Protection?” You ask, and Trick snaps his fingers in remembrance. He pulls a condom out of his bag, and rolls in one before positioning himself. However, he stops to lean down and kiss you. A reassuring, and brilliant kiss that fills your chest. As he rubs your clit. The sensation of his warm hands against your cold skin almost shocks you. He plays with you, happy to have you moan his name as you lay there. You find yourself begging for him almost. “Fucks sake, Trick. S-Stop teasing me.” You ball up the baggy shirt of his uniform, slightly disappointed you didn’t have the time to completely undress.
“As you wish.” He smiles, and kisses down your neck as your face changes expression drastically. You gasp as you feel him enter you. Filling, and slightly stretching. You hold him close, as he slowly starts to thrust in and out of you. Already, you feel a tightness in your stomach. Which is only made more painful by his slow movements.
“God, Trick, come on.” You whine, making him smile into your skin. You feel him gently scrape his teeth against your skin. He picks up pace. Building, and building. Until he’s fucking you into the mattress. You throw your head back in pleasure and hold his hips.
“Fuuuuck yes baby.” He sighs, keeping himself close to you. Almost leaning on you. You curse over and over again as he fucks you wildly. So hard the van begins to bounce. You go weak, and you feel yourself about to cum. When suddenly his lips are on your, desperate to keep himself grounded to you. You let out a muffled moan into his lips as your orgasm washes over you. “O-Oh shit.” Trick pants, pulling away and looking down and back up at you. “I-I’m gonna cum.” His brow is furrowed, and he looks weak almost. You hear him gasp and pants as you feel him grow closer. He holds completely still as he climaxes. His mouth hanging open and his eyes shut tight. When the moment passes, he lays over you. “Fuck Y/N.” He moans. You smile and chuckle slightly in the afterglow. Until he pulls himself up and looks down at you. “I could get you fired for that.” He teases, and you push him off with a smile. You stand on the street and bounce as you pull up your pants. Tightening the loose fabric again. Trick takes care of the condom, and then stands to do the same. Suddenly the loud sound of a door crashing startles the two of you.
“Ryan! Y/N!” Your manager shouts. You look up, wide eyed, your face almost completely red. “Your lunch break was over five minutes ago! Get back to work!” She screams. You nodd, and hurry to get inside as Trick follows close behind.
You’d like to say your relationship didn’t effect your work. But you’d be lying since Trick took great pleasure in sneaking a passionate kiss, or small spanking every now and then. That mischievous smile, it almost hurt to look at.
Don’t pretend like you and Trick don’t play small pranks and tricks on each other and your coworkers. Trick’s favorite thing, is to hide behind the boxes in the huge storage unit in the back. And pop out to scare you. You got him back though. Forcing a good, shrill, girly scream from him. You’d never let him live that down.
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thefun41 · 6 years
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Next up is Lesbian!Maya This one was definitely a challenge! I’ve drawn Maya a few times but I think this one is the best so far!
I’ll be blabing under the cut but in the meantime look forward to Gay!Klavier (hopefully) on Wednesday!
Edit: I have been informed that this is not the flag currently used. :/ I was wondering why kept seeing a pink one, just not where I was looking.
(Warning : rage and bitching below)
*deep breath* OH BOY! OH GOLLY AHH JEEZ Like DAMN was this a challenge. This took me an entire week!!! Other then Sebastian (because of that jacket) all of the pride requeswts have taken 3 days or less. During those 3 days I research an outfit, make a sketch, normally have a goofy side image to post before it because my brain is hyperactive, obsess over how to pose them and make the final image. Not this time!!! Even though this was an incredible struggle there was a lot that was learned by this… experience. 
So let’s break it down. 
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Struggle #1 : Which flag are we using again? On the Ace Attorney Amino, the requester requested a Lesbian Maya. Here is the issue, in my research I have found a lot of lesbian pride flags and narrowed it down to 2. The lesbian pride flag which is  purple one with the black triangle and the battle axe (which was used) and lipstick lesbian, which is this pink one (see above). Now this bodes the question : What’s the difference? Well as far as I can tell, The purple one came first and is generally an umbrella flag for lesbians, while the pink one was made spicifically for a lesbian subculture : lipstick lesbians. There is a stereotype that lesbians are “masculine”, lipstick lesbians are very comfortable with their femininity, in fact very “girly” and seemed to be underrepresented sooooooo they have their own flag and subculture, kinda like the opposite of gay bear that we covered last time.  It seems like the Pink flag overtook the purple one in popularity OR whoever made the pink one was just better at marketing, who knows. Now the requested went with “a regular lesbian” so battle ax flag it is. Also battle axes are cool, so there’s that.  
Lesson learned : the LGBTQ+ community is waaaaaaay bigger then I thought with subcultures and whatnot. Knowlage is half the battle! 
Struggle #2 : Fashion is hard guys.  Picking the outfit took at least 2 days, and then I changed it at least a half dozen times. there are 3 issues I had (lists within lists, listception) : Maya’s limited style,  using the colour pallette with my messed up, self-restricted viewpoint, and Maya’s age. First Item, off the top of my head, I believe Maya is only seen in 5 outfits, her usual outfit, iris outfit for a moment, a waitress outfit for an hour, a red dress in that one promotional image where the case is super fancy, a white suit outfit thing for soundtrack stuff and a conductor uniform??? Out of the ones I can rememer, mostof thesse are dresses. When debating on weather or not I should put her in a dress I decided no because (as far as I can remember) she’s always ion a dress. and then my brain went nuts with questions.
Why is she always in a dress? is that sexist? It is a problem? What’s wrong with with her always being in a dress? Why do I want to really get her out of a dress? Am I sexist? why do only women were dresses? Is it the hips? Why don”t men wear dresses? Can they? They don’t really have hips so they can’t really wear skirts. Wait a minute men do kinda wear dresses, I mean kilts and kimono’s exist. would the bulge be an issue? Would men emphasize their bulge like women emphasize their breasts? Can men look good in dresses? Can any man look good in a dress? Can I put Edgeworth in a dress and make him look good? I’ve seen a ton of Phoenix in dresses but why not Edgey? … So yeah a lot of useless questions taking up my time for no reason. The point is I purposely designed an outfit with pants … this obviously did not happen. I had this idea of a cozy look in a cute sweater but this leads to the next issue. The issue with this cozy look? It’s too simple.Yes that look is cute but it’s not for me, it’s for the person who requested it. Any it’s entirely possible that this person may have seen the other works from this pride project and the outfits I made for them and then they just get Maya in a sweater? It’s a cute sweater but it didn’t seem fair. A similar issue happened with Phoenix but the solution to that was just to open his shirt and BOOM, extra layers and thus a more complex look. Now maybe the the OG requester wouldn’t mind but I just couldn’t do it, I feel like I needed to give her an outfit with more effort into it. And thuys Maya went back into skirt, now this lead to the third issue : Maya’s age. I found a lot of nice outfits, outfits that would look great on Maya! … When she was a teenager. Now maya is most definitely a full grown women and not a child. Now weather or not I pulled off the 28 year old Maya will be discussed later but nonetheless, all of those cute outfits I found? Out the window. I was so indecisive that I just asked my brother to pick one. Honestly? I really liked what he picked, and I confirmed with my dad that, yes, you can put this outfit on a almost 30 year old. The scarf ended up being omitted in favour of her magatama, otherwise we ended up with the same problem as before, it’s too simple. this time with a few days of work under our belt so there was no way I was going to start over. The solution to this was a nice floral pattern based on a cherry blossom. this makes it more visually simple. I think it looks pretty! After all that work I do like the end result. 
Lesson learned : Stop. Over. Thinking. Things. And for the love of god sketch it out. Just looking on google and imagining on the character  sometimes will not cut it. If I don’t get it relatively quickly, doodle, draw and scribble some more.  
Struggle #3 : Why can’t I draw women?? I am one?!?! Like seriously, why, it makes no sense. Well actually it does make sense because I am fairly sure I can count the amount of women I’ve drawn with one hand. It’s a simple measure of practice. I was foolish to think that simply drawing human’s would be enough. sadly that is not the case. Men and women are built differently and of course I failed to accommodate… many many times. The amount of times I have modified maya and changed her proportions is unreal. One thing I do all the time is make the abdomen too long and I have no idea why this is. Her face! I have no cluw what went wrong the first dozen times but it just didn’t work! I wish I could explain why but it just didn’t look right. you”ll notice that she doesn’t have lips even though she does in her new design, It’s because I have never been able to draw lips. Ever. Not once. Does she even look like an adult? I can’t even tell anymore. She is a little thicker then her concept art but making her look thinner just didn’t work out. Her arms, I had to hid them since the preportions were all off, the hands were held together in front of her checkl and they were too lanky and there was nothing I could do to make it look good and don’t get me started on her hands please don’t. If I didn’t cut off her legs I would have issues with that too. Her breasts, how on earth do you shade those??? Does not compute. DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!  So yeah the struggle is real. The solution? Trial and error. Just keep trying until it looks good. Play with your strengths. A friend of mine told me that she reminder her of Tina from Bob’s Burgers… ok? Sure. So after all that while I do like the end result I also see what can be improved, and sadly we have reached the limits of my skill at this time. 
Lessons learned : Practice practice practice. I don’t draw enough women, I need to draw more women. I can’t quite comprehend how cloths fall on the chest area and obviously looking the mirror is not a solution. What is the solution? Drawing naked people. … No seriously. Once I learn proper anatomy and human proportions and how muscles distribute over the body not only will I have a lot easier time drawing these characters I will also be able to figure out how clothing would fall on their bodies and i’ll have a easier time shading. Right now I’m drawing and shading clothing without knowing WHY it’s folding like that or why the light is hitting this area. Of course I’ll be doing this for both men and women because as started before, they are built differently. do you know what I also can’t draw? Children. I am NOT applying this to the kiddies. That’s weird and gross. The kids will have t deal with being freaks. I’m cool with that.
Struggle #04 :  Life How did we break 3 fuses at my house while I was at work? Why did it effect half my room upstairs, the computer setup that is downstairs and the WiFi on the main floor when the thing used to blow the fuse was in an upstairs room across the hall. why did no one fix it until the next day? Why just leave it like that? Why did I sleep in until 1 when I’ve been consistently waking up at 9? I had things to do what gives? Why did I accept a split shift the next day when I’m exhausted? Why do I get super stressed out when I set an alarm that I can’t sleep? Why am I spending 3 hours writing this when I never bothered to put this much effort in school work? How have I not punched someone yet?
Lessons learned : Don’t rely on anyone but yourself. Do what you can with the time allowed. Pat yourself on the back for not resorting to violence. How to change fuses. Writing this is very therapeutic.  Did you last this long? Who knows! All I do know is that yes this was a struggle but I plan on learning from this. Next up is Gay!Klaver and I’m REALLY looking forward to it!
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Happy Ending
One-Shot from the “My Eyes” Universe.
Spoiler-y (and confusing) if you haven’t read the series.
My Eyes Masterlist
Request: @prettyyoungtragedy
Prompt: Frankie’s school D.C. trip makes a stop at the Smithsonian.  
Pairing: Dad!Bucky & Frankie; Dad!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Words Count: 2,796
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Frankie looked at the airplanes in awe. She wondered what the thrill would be like to fly in some of the old models, completely exposed and feeling the wind in her hair. She’d convinced Sam and Rhodey to teach her a few things at the compound. But they wouldn’t let her take anything off the ground yet.
Suddenly Frankie’s enhanced hearing caught whispering. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as she recognized immediately that she was the subject of it.
“Do you think she knows it’s here?”
“Has she seen it yet?”
“I wonder if it’s even true…”
“It’s the Smithsonian, you fucking idiots. Do you even know how much research goes into these exhibits?”
Frankie smirked as her best friend snapped at the other teenagers. She turned around just as the group of people were scurrying away and her friend, Taylor, came walking toward her. She was the complete opposite of Frankie: girly, short, and a little quiet, but feisty when she needed to be. She was a cheerleader and a rule follower too. But somehow the two of them just understood each other.
Frankie had gone from a cute child to a beautiful young woman. The super-soldier serum affected her similarly to how it did with Jimmy. She’d finally stopped growing once she hit 5’ll. She was strong, much stronger than she looked. Her mom always said she had the body of a ballerina. “Graceful and beautiful, but you don’t realize how powerful they are until you see them move.” Y/N had always told Frankie that when she complained about being taller than most of the boys in high school.
Frankie dressed not too differently than her father, always wearing dark colors and jeans. But she’d copied Jimmy’s style of grungy, band t-shirts and combat boots. And Frankie was rarely without her leather moto jacket. Despite her tomboy attire, she always kept her hair long. It was permanently wavy and windblown, like she just finished a photoshoot.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know.” Frankie sighed as she continued looking at the planes.
“They were being rude.” Taylor snapped.
“People forget who I’m related to… and the moment they get even slightly reminded of it, they freak out. I’m used to it.” Frankie shrugged.
Unlike her older brother, she was one of the popular kids. She didn’t have a clique; just her best friends and a charming personality. Frankie didn’t want the attention. She just existed and had an air around her that seemed to attract her peers.
“Did you know it was here?” Taylor asked gently.
Frankie’s brow furrowed and she finally looked away from the planes to fully address her friend. “Mom mentioned there was a museum once. But I never knew what one. It slipped my mind until I saw the signs outside when we walked in.”
Taylor’s expression softened. “Do you want me to go with you?”
Frankie nodded.
Together, they slowly made their way to the Captain America exhibit.
Luckily, most of the other kids from their school had rushed there first. Therefore it wasn’t crowded and Frankie didn’t have to worry about people watching her every reaction.
“The Living Legend and Symbol of Courage” was the quote as they entered.
A sad smile crept on Frankie’s lips as she was met with a giant mural of Steve Rogers.
“I’ll never get over how much your brother looks like him…” Taylor muttered lowly.
Frankie hummed in agreement.
The first sign of her father was in old footage playing on various screens. It was black & white, the film distressed and jumpy. He looked younger and… different. His hair was short and slicked back. His eyes seemed brighter and happier. He was smaller too; still muscular for the time, but nothing like he was after the serum.
Then Frankie turned around and let out a breath at the sight before her.
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“A Fallen Comrade” with a giant etching of her father.
Frankie and Taylor quietly read the text that accompanied the mural.
“Captured by Hydra troops later that fall, Barnes endured long periods of isolation, depravation and torture.” A pit formed in Frankie’s stomach.
“…Torture?” Taylor gasped quietly. “Did he…did he ever tell you any of this?”
Frankie shook her head. “My dad…he thinks the less he tells me about that time, the more normal my life would be. He just always wanted me to see him like any other dad.”
Sometimes Frankie wondered how Steve would’ve parented Jimmy. Would he have ignored the questions like Bucky had ignored his daughter’s?
“I guess you could’ve just always googled it though.” Taylor commented.
“I never have.” Frankie retorted casually.
This made Taylor stop in her tracks. “Why the hell not?”
Frankie shrugged. “The internet is full of lies. Then there was the whole Accords mess. The media isn’t always nice to my family. No one knows the full story but my dad. I figured if I want to know the truth, I should hear it from him and no one else.”
Taylor slowly nodded in understanding.
When they kept walking, there was another mural of Bucky. This must have been a newer addition because it picked up after The Battle of Washington, D.C.
“The world was astounded to find that James Buchanan Barnes survived his fall in 1944, only to become the longest surviving prisoner of war in history. Barnes was forced into a new identity as Hydra’s The Winter Soldier.”
Frankie quickly looked away, not wanting to read the rest.
Taylor instantly noticed her distress and looped an arm with her’s, gently pulling them from the mural. She sat them on a bench that was near the display of all The Howling Commando uniforms.
“You okay?” Taylor asked quietly.
Frankie nodded, staring back and forth between the mural of Steve Rogers and her dad. They were the two men that had taken her mother’s heart. Y/N was more open talking about things than Bucky.
“The older I get, the more it makes sense that I love them both.” Y/N had said to her once. “Steve and your father were two sides of the same coin. They needed each other. Both born with the best of hearts, they were too reckless and selfless to look out for themselves. So they had to look after each other.”
“You think if the rest of The Howling Commandos managed to get frozen, you’re mom would’ve slept with them too?” A guy from their high school brought Y/N out of her head.
His name was Greg and he happened to be one of the burnouts at their high school. He rarely was in class because he was too busy skipping class and getting suspended. How he was able to even attend their class trip to DC was beyond her.
In the corner of her eye, Frankie saw a few of her guy friends start walking in his direction to defend her. They were all the star players of basically every sports team at their school. But she motioned with her hand for them to leave it.
Frankie slowly got up from the bench and smirked when the guy was reminded that she had a good few inches on him.
She raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, Greg. Do you want to say that again a little louder for me?”
Greg scoffed at her. “I asked if your mom would’ve slept with the rest of them if she had gotten the chance.”
Frankie smiled brightly at him and nodded. “That’s what I thought…” But the remark was immediately followed by her fist slamming into his face.
“What the fuck!” Greg screamed out as he clutched his now bleeding nose.
Her friends clapped and cheered.
Frankie leaned forward. “Next time you talk shit about my family, I’ll break it.” Her voice was a low and threatening whisper.
There was a chance she’d get in trouble for that one. If Greg was cowardly enough to tell on her, she’d most likely be able to charm her way out of it. Frankie didn’t go around picking fights like Jimmy had at her age. But she wasn’t one to back away from a fight either. Plus she had a way with words that her brother didn’t, and it managed to keep her record fairly clean.
“I wish you’d just done your Darth Vader choke…probably would have made him pee his pants in terror.” Taylor joked as they started walking out of the exhibit.
Frankie smirked mischievously. “You know I can’t, Tay.”
She groaned dramatically. “I know, I know. It’s against your mom and dad’s rules. No using your freaky superpowers against anyone unless it’s for self-defense.”
When she was around 10-years-old, Frankie got a life threatening fever, just like Jimmy. Her parents knew what to expect this time, but it still terrified Y/N and Bucky. A few days later, she started accidentally moving things in the room. Sometimes objects would randomly float in the air. There was even one time when Frankie accidentally shattered the glass in one of the training rooms at the compound. She refused to use her telekinesis for weeks after that incident.
Through help with her “aunts” and “uncles,” as well as other new Avengers, Frankie learned how to master her powers. With her telekinesis matched with her father’s super-soldier genes, Frankie was one of the world’s deadliest weapons. And she was only 16.
“Bucky, will you stop it with the pacing. You’re driving me insane.” Y/N snapped. He was aimlessly walking around her garden as she tried to pick vegetables. If he wasn’t pacing, he was shifting his weight and hands so much that he somehow still appeared to be moving.
“I’m sorry, doll.” He sighed.
“You said you were going to help me garden, so help me and stop worrying about her.”
“I’m not worried about her.” Bucky mumbled grumpily.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “You’re such a bad liar. Go water the tomatoes while I pick these carrots.”
Bucky couldn’t stop his smirk. “So bossy…”
She laughed. “I know you love it.”
Just as Bucky finished watering a patch, his senses heard Frankie walking in the front door. He smiled to himself but managed to stay put. It was the farthest she’d ever gone without one of her parents accompanying her.
Frankie didn’t bother calling out for her parents. She always knew where to find her mom.
Bucky straightened up when his daughter came outside.
She gave him a look and carefully walked to him. Her face held a distant, yet heartbroken expression. Without saying anything, she wrapped him into a tight hug. Her face buried into his neck. She hadn’t held onto him like this since she was little.
“I love you, dad.” Frankie murmured softly.
“I love you too, babydoll.” Bucky replied instantly, holding her tightly.
Y/N read Frankie’s emotions, trying to figure out if something terrible happened. That’s when she put it together. There was no way her school hadn’t taken them to DC without going to the Smithsonian Institution.
“Everything okay, Frankie?” Bucky whispered to his daughter as he pulled away to look into her matching blue eyes.
She nodded with a shy smile. “I’m gonna go shower and unpack.”
Bucky nodded, but remained unconvinced.
Frankie quickly gave her mother a hug before going back inside.
Bucky looked at Y/N and silently asked for some sort of explanation.
“You need to talk to her.” Y/N stated firmly.
Somehow her words helped him figure it out.
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “What am I supposed to say?” Bucky’s voice was desperate.
Y/N stopped her work and got back to her feet, walking over to him. “All she wants is the truth, Buck. She’s always going to love you. You’re her hero.”
To further reassure him, she gave him a loving kiss.
Frankie was in sweats with hair still wet, unpacking her bag when Bucky knocked on her door.
She said he could come in and continued moving about her room.
Bucky leaned in the doorway with his arms crossed. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
She didn’t pause. “I’ve wanted to talk about it since I was a kid. It was you that never wanted to, dad.” Then she gave him an accusatory look.
“Frankie, I just…” He stopped to take a breath. “I just wanted you to see me as your dad and not the way the rest of the world does.”
She finally stopped to stare at him. “I’m never going to think less of you, dad.”
Bucky didn’t know what to say.
Frankie looked at the floor. “Did they really torture you?” She whispered.
Bucky saw how much his past was already hurting his daughter. But she deserved to hear his story. Because she was a part of it now. It brought him to Y/N and life gave them her.
“How about I make us some coffee and I’ll start from the beginning?” He finally answered. She nodded.
Bucky didn’t finish telling Frankie everything until long after the sun had set. Y/N stayed clear of the kitchen, knowing that the two of them needed to have this talk alone. If Frankie ever needed her to fill in the gaps, she would. But that would come later.
Bucky told Frankie about his time in the war, even before Steve got the serum and joined the army. He didn’t leave out the gory details after she gave him warning after warning that she didn’t want him to sugar coat it.
It got tougher once he got to the part when he got captured by Hydra. There was a twisted edge of happiness as he remembered The Howling Commando days. But that quickly disappeared when Bucky got to his assumed death.
Then it got even harder when he couldn’t tell her everything. Because he still couldn’t remember it all. Frankie’s face became more and more dejected as she picked out the patches of time that her father didn’t live. It was simply filled with a frozen sleep.
Frankie’s eyes started to water when he told her about The Accords and how Tony reacted when he found out what The Winter Soldier had done to his parents. After all this time and Tony’s forgiveness, Bucky’s eyes were still filled with guilt.
Once Bucky finished his story, the room went so silent that they both could hear the ticking of a clock coming from the other room.
“Dad, you have to realize that I don’t judge you for any of those things, right?” Frankie finally broke the silence with her whisper.
“Your mom and I wanted your life to be as normal as possible. I figured if I kept my past from you, then you’d have a better shot. I didn’t want my issues to affect you.”
Frankie nodded slowly. “I understand.”
But she still looked like her heart was broken after hearing everything her dad went through. Even her darkest imagination could never have come up with any of that.
Bucky reached across the table and gripped her hand tightly. “Don’t feel sorry for me, Frankie.”
“But-But all of that shit you went through… It-It’s terrible! No one deserves to go through that! Least of all you!” Tears streamed down her face as the words stuttered out. She had managed to keep it together through the story, mostly in fear that her dad would stop if he saw how upset it was making her. But now the floodgates were open.
“Hey, hey, hey…” Bucky gripped her hand tighter to get her attention. “You’re missing the most important part.”
Frankie squinted in confusion and sniffled to stop her runny nose.
“Everything that came after.” Bucky clarified. “I got your mom and Jimmy…and then we got you, Frankie.”
“If I’m the happy ending to your story, then I want to hear a new one. What a terrible resolution after all of that.” Frankie joked and roughly wiped away her tears with the back of her hand.
Bucky smiled at her teasing. “I have to firmly disagree, babydoll.”
“You have to say that; you’re my dad.”
He smiled and shook his head.
“We have a really fucked up family, you know that?” Frankie laughed, her voice filled with congestion after crying so hard.
Bucky smiled. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean we love each other any less.”
She nodded gently in agreement. “Come here.” He stood with his arms open. Frankie obliged and moved into his embrace. “I love you so much, Frankie. The three of you are always going to be my happy ending.”
“God, you’re such a cheesy old man now.”
So I had so much fun writing this. It was the easiest thing I’ve ever written, honestly. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love hearing from you guys so please review, reblog, and react <3
Shout out to @prettyyoungtragedy for the amazing request.
Keep em coming guys!
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My Royal Punishment (A ChanSoo Fic)
Yo guys! Chansoo Princess here. This is my first time to post my stories here on Tumblr. I would like to expand and improve my writing skills and to of course share it to all of you > u <. I have already been making this story since 2016, but this will by my first time to post it here since I will get back on track and update my stories on Asian Fanfics as well. You can my stories on this site below:
Again, I hope you’ll enjpy this story. Read away ~!!
Hi, I am Do Kyungsoo.
An average medical student who is in his second year in college.
By means of average, I am not that average anymore.
You see, I am Do Kyungsoo.
The Crowned Prince's Fiancé.
And soon to be husband.
How did that happen? I ran into it.
I made a crime. And that was sneaking into the Prince's space.
And my punishment? Was to marry him.
There and then.
Chapter One:
Kyungsoo POV: 
All I just wanted was a normal, very normal morning when something very nice happened to me. I never meant it to happen nor do I want it to happen but well, it did. 
Can I die now? 
"Kyungsoo. . ." his voice was deep, raspy and above all sickening, calling out to me as if we were best friends, shaking his hands in front of my face as if I haven't heard. 
"Yeah, yeah, I heard. You don't need to repeat it. . . you twat", I whispered the last part as I shoved his large, dirty hand away from my face.
"So it is settled then, we will have to make the preparations for tomorrow", my mom happily said, making a silent clap as she looked at me and him. I just lazily rolled my eyes as I looked away, leaning my head at the palm of my hand. 
"This will bring honor to both our families, and I assure you the public will accept him as part of the Crowned Family", Another deep and raspy voice came into the background, although it wasn't that annoying as the first one, his tone was calm and kind, at the same time delighted that this day had to come. 
I just wished this day never happened or had to come at all. Gosh, Kyungsoo, just accept it. 
"Are you happy to accept this, Kyungie?" Dad's voice was still sore from the intense coughing a minute or so earlier, I just hope he drank the maintenance drugs that he was supposed to drink for today. I looked at him with worried eyes, making a faint smile together with a small nod. 
If it wasn't for Appa, I swear I would want to run away from this right now, run so far away from here where no one would find me. I don't want any of this. I never wanted it. 
But I have to. 
"Then it's settled then, we shall prepare the rites and the event soon, we will inform the media as soon as possible. . ." A gentle voice said, her eyes filled with wisdom and kindness, the King's wife surely is a woman of her age, as she looked at me with crescent eyes, seeing the genuine happiness that was sincere. 
How I wish I could be that happy. I wish I could feel happy about this, but if you were in my place, who the hell would? 
". . . And Kyungsoo", she added as her crescent eyes faded, showing me her elegant brown eyes that showered me with worry and sympathy. I guess she knew what I was feeling right about now, but she still kept the smile on her face intact. 
"Yes, Your Highness?" 
"If there is anything you want to tell me or my husband, please don't hesitate to do so, we are going to be your family soon, so if there is anything you need, we'll always be here for you." 
On top of that, what was I thinking. I guess she just thinks I feel nervous. Okay, I was kinda wrong when I said she sympathizes 'cause like I don't even know if she had a clue that I was kinda 'forced' into this --snap that get back to reality.
I looked at her as she held on to the King's hand tightly, making the latter respond at the action as well. They both looked at each other for a quick moment then returned their gazes at me with warm smiles. They were being true to their word, and I probably felt welcomed at the words that she said. 
But you know the part where it feels like you want to accept it, but then at the same time you don't want to because of some parasite that probably took you into this kind of situation, and because of its unappreciated characteristics, you probably couldn't even run away and you just have to get attached to it with no other options, and maybe would make you its host for the rest of your fucking life. 
Probably even when you sleep, it will stick in the pits of your dreams.
And that parasite goes by the name of Park Chanyeol.
The Park Chanyeol.
The 'soon-to-be' Crowned Prince of who knows what --- of Korea.
How did I even get into this situation? Probably what happened the day before in school was definitely an accessory to this crime that I wasn't supposed to be sentenced guilty since I was all the while so INNOCENT. 
- Flashback -
May 20 -- the day where spring has bloomed and it was probably another beginning of a new semester. It was actually the 3rd week of school and everyone was on a rush today since there were some who had to reach deadlines for make-up projects that they haven't finished on the last semester. Lucky them, they were given a chance. 
It was afternoon. And we just had our dismissal.
I, Do Kyungsoo, your average, black-haired, short height, quiet all the time guy, wearing the same old black blazer, white polo with a green and yellow striped tie, and the logo on the left chest pocket uniform and some brown slacks, is actually a medical student in this presitgious institution. A doctor-to-be, as some would say and I am practically one of the normal, not-so-noticed ones in school. I am now in my second year and still struggling to know why you don't use most of your muscles when you smile.
Because, I don't smile that often. 
"Kyung-ah, can you ever surpass this day without looking like someone who's gonna eat me alive", my best friend and forever a sassy, talkative type of an annoyance, Byun Baekhyun. Dramatic, as I would describe, sitting in front of me making the most disgusting puppy faces as I gave him a boring glare. 
"Are we done with the trying hard to be a sick pup thing? 'Cause I am not gonna need one of those for the next hour" I rolled my eyes as I laid my head on my arms that were lying helplessly on my table. 
"You are no fun, Kyung, I swear. But I still love you though." He smiled at me, teeth white and glistening as he stood up from his seat and gave me a kiss in the forehead. 
It wasn't as if guys being touchy and giving out all the love with kisses and hugs were awkward for me, no it wasn't. I grew up to that kind of thing, where you can just drape your arms around them and hugging them like there's no tomorrow, no one will think of it as some kind of sexual or romantic thing. It's practically normal in this society to have guys to even hold hands while walking around the mall, be them a couple or a best friend it was fine, no one will judge you. They accept you nevertheless.
Baekhyun was always the clingy type, ever since we were kids, he always likes pushing all his scents and what not to me, hugging me, cuddling and everything that deals with skin interaction like he is some kind of koala who wants to always stick behind his mother's back. 
"By the way, have you heard? The Prince is going to be crowned soon, but he has to look for someone to get married to before he can claim his crown as the Crowned Prince", the beagle said, and there I grunted as I looked up to Baekhyun, eventually he was staring at the ceiling with sparkling eyes as if the Prince was actually there. 
"That means he has to find the love of his life as soon as possible." 
"I thought his mom and dad would be the one to choose whom he has to marry?"
"That's the usual setting, but rumors said that the reason why the Prince chose to school in this University is because he had the privilege to choose the candidate here~!!!" Baekhyun sing-songed as he made weird shaking gestures with his hands excitedly.
"Ahhh. Okay. So has he chosen anyone?" I asked as I rolled my eyes, making my tone sound like it was in between sarcasm with a tad bit effort to sound like I was interested just to not to hurt his feelings, because to be honestly speaking, my best friend, is one of the few, no wait scratch that -- one of the many people who are so into the Prince in this school. 
Ever since the Prince came here everyone was all trying their best to get his attention and to their dismay, all they get were cold stares and emotionless nods. I don't even know how many people he had rejected and made them cry after confessing.
Although I would totally understand that he is not allowed to show emotions and weakness in public, since he is the Prince and he has to act like royalty all the time.
Tough for a guy, I would say. I would have been a better Prince if I was to be in his place. 
"Rumors had it crazy!!! Everyone around said that he has already found his match!!!", he squealed excitedly as he made cute faces in front of me. 
"And you are hoping that it's you?" I chuckled lightly, as my best friend soon showed a tinge of pink on his cheeks, pondering at the question that I told him. 
"W-well, yeah of course, it's not bad to hope right?" Baekhyun replied as he poked his fingers together. 
It was kinda cute of him to actually act all girly and chomped up like a tomato whenever we talk about the Prince. Ever since he came, Baekhyun was like a headline newscaster of the happenings in the life of the Prince. Ever since we were kids, he already had a huge crush at the latter, and eventually had pictures and posters posted and scattered around his room if you would see it. 
And eventually, there has always been a glint of sparkle in his eyes whenever he talks about it, it's not just any other spark of some kind like that of an obsessed fan or of a hopeless romantic crush thing, it was something else -- something even more than that. 
Or should I have to say it for myself in my own opinion, he is madly in love with the Prince. I know love is somewhat a very big feeling that not everyone can experience everyday, but that's just how I see Baekhyun and his dreams to be with the Prince, and even his hopes of reaching them.
I, for one, hasn't even wondered why I never felt that kind of love. Up until now, but that doesn't matter to me right now since all I want is to be a doctor who can actually help a lot of people. 
Eventually, help my Appa too.
"Yah? From Earth to Kyung, are you listening to me?" Baek shook my shoulders lightly as I realized that I was just staring blankly at my folded arms on the table, taking note to myself that I was thinking deeply again.
"Ugh yeah, I was listening, so uhm, by the way, I need to go now. I have to buy my dad's medicine." I stood from my seat as I hooked my bag onto my back, making Baekhyun stand up as well as he placed a hand on my right shoulder giving it a small pat.
"I hope your Appa will recover soon, I kinda miss visiting your house, I mind as well sleepover for the weekend" he gave me a gentle smile as I gave his hand a pat, slowly putting it away. 
"Thanks Byun", was the last thing I told him before I walked away and exited the classroom. But before I had to go further, I stopped for a while as I looked back at him.
"Aren't you gonna go home?"
"I'll wait for my mom to arrive, she says she's gonna fetch me since we'll be having dinner out tonight" he smiled widely, as I gave him a nod and a small smile in reply.
"Enjoy dinner then, I'll see you tomorrow!" Without waiting for a response, I waved at him and soon pranced away from the classroom. When I knew I was at a far distance, I stopped prancing and began to just walk slowly on the corridors of the school.
Most of the classrooms still had students sitting around and happily talking about what has happened for the day, some transfers from the other section just to happily greet their best friends that they haven't seen for quite some time. While I am here, blankly walking and still at the thought of my father who is ill right now, heart failure isn't actually a joke, and it has already been a chronic disease for him ever since.
I just seriously was staring on the floor tiles as I stepped on them, walking past every classroom or office, probably I never actually knew where I was going, and I do hope I was heading off to the exit. 
Maybe this is the reason why I don't know how to smile anymore. . .
I stopped on my tracks for a little while, as my brows furrowed at the thought that I still have three more years before I could finally take the medical exams and have my career as a doctor, but right now, all I have that is of me, is to actually work part-time at a near coffee shop just to pay for all the daily expenses, and eventually for my father's medicine. 
If you think I am a son born on and bred from a golden spoon, then that's where you're wrong. I wasn't. I am a scholar of this prestigious University, bless my knowledge and IQ, mostly rich kids dominated the campus, actually. I have always made sure that my grades were of the highest among all, to at least make my parents proud at the end of the day. The struggle is hard, and I have to always give out extra effort since Appa isn't able to work anymore ---
'But why can't you at least have me?' 
Wait, I can't have you? But I never said anything like tha --- 
'Why can't you marry me instead?' 
I shook my head as I looked through my surroundings to see where I lost trail now. There I realized I was already at the far end of the building, where the fire exit was in front of my sight, and two empty classrooms on my right. 
Where could that voice come from? 
After a few look at the corners and corridors, I heard muffled sobs on the second to the last classroom, where the door was half open. The sobs turned a little louder as I kind of processed that it was actually a voice of a crying girl. 
Out of my uncontrollable curiosity, I walked rather slowly, trying not to make any footstep sounds and I went toward the half open door, to take a peek of what was going on. I slowly moved my head sideways so that my left eye could have at least a sight of what the hell made some school girl cry in this time of the day. 
And there I saw her, sitting on top of the right edge of the teacher's table, as her light brown hair flowed down on her shoulders, slouching as she was giving out small hiccups, still crying, as she covered her face with both her hands. I bet she was beautiful, judging by the way she dresses her uniform and probably one of the fortunate ones.
I squint my eyes a little to see if she was the only one crying when I immediately saw a shadow walking towards the crying girl. I watched silently as the figure slowly stood into view, standing in front of her, hands on his pockets, facing her with the most distasteful look that I have ever seen in my entire existence. 
And by the gold emblem with the national flower etched on it, I knew there and then who that person was.
The Prince. 
Oh this is just great, he made another girl cry. Just really. Wow. How consistent. 
I rolled my eyes at the scene, as I just realized how fucking stupid he was, since he never actually comforted her nor even at least gave her a handkerchief, he just blatantly stood there with eyes that looks as if he was gonna eat the girl alive there and then.
Wait, was that supposed to be how people would describe me? 
My brow eventually raised as I was battling at the thought of actually just walking away right now like nothing happened and go home or watch this uninteresting drama that was taking place before my eyes.
"You know I can't. . ." I looked up from my 'staring on the floor thinking' as I heard a deep voice echo around the classroom. 
"You know I cannot just choose you, you're an elite I know, and even though my parents would agree to it, I still won't choose you. . ." his tone was cold, you couldn't even guess if it was a sad one or none at all, because he sounds exactly like me when I get so pissed at people -- monotonous.
The girl looked up to the Prince, her hands laid down on her lap as she stopped her sobbing, her eyes were astonishingly beautiful despite the tears in her eyes, with her long hair, having little curls at the end were beautifully laced down on her shoulders, with thin lips that seemed too perfect for me. In fact she was, for the least, beautiful.
The Prince looked away and was about to walk away, when she gripped him by the arm, making him go to a stop.
"Why Chanyeol? Why can't you learn to love me? We have had so much together, why can't it be just the two of us?" Her voice was hoarse, probably from the crying that she was in prior, as I saw her looking up into the Prince in a desperate manner. 
Ahh, his name's Chanyeol. What a happy name for an emotionless fellow.
He wasn't looking at her, he was just plainly looking at the tiled floor, standing there like a statue, as he gave out a sigh, sparing the girl a glance.
"Because, I don't love you. You are like a sister to me and I can never look at you that way." That stare, I swear when he looks at her it's like he is gonna suck the life out of her. His eyes doesn't even have life, it's like pitched black with no shine. 
"BUT I LOVE YOU CHANYEOL!!! PLEASE LET ME LOVE YOU. . ." she sobbed even hard as she tugged in the sleeve of the Prince, crying ever so desperately, as she gripped on the Prince's arm tighter. 
The Prince, being a persistent lad, pulled his arm away in just a swift move, the girl jerked a little and continued on to crying as the Prince just stood there looking away from the girl as he slowly walked to the exit.
Wait, did I just say exit? 
Oh fuck. 
The Prince stopped on his steps as he just looked straight at the exit. There I actually realized I was still there, standing and in constant wide eye as I locked gazes with him. My heartbeat tunes up a little as it sped up a notch, feeling a churn on my stomach as I felt uneasy and frozen. 
"You. . ." he said in a very faint tone.
I don't know if the girl had cleaned her ears ever so often because like she immediately raised her head from crying and stared exactly where the Prince was staring --- at me.
Am I supposed to actually scramble and run now? Why am I still stuck here like a sweaty frozen ice cube? If that was possible. 
I was supposed to move right now, but I couldn't understand why I had this instinct of just standing there and staring at him with fear. I just really stood there silent. My body wasn't even shaking. I was anxious but at the same time I wasn't. 
I actually don't know anymore.
"You. . ." I heard from him again as he walked a little faster towards my direction. 
Okay that's it. Heart racing. Mind-blowing. I got to go.
I abruptly looked away from the scene as I just ran away before the Prince could have actually reached the door to hold onto it, as I heard the door swiftly creak open, and guessing he actually opened it wide, after a few seconds, I then heard large footsteps pattering fast. 
I took a little glance from behind as I realized the Prince was chasing me.
Oh fuck, he is chasing me. Great. Was sneaking into his drama a crime now? Am I gonna die today? Oh well nice one, Kyungsoo.
My eyes widened at the sight as I saw that he was just inches far away from me as I heightened my speed a little running through a swarm of people as I was hoping to reach the locker space. 
"Come back here?!" He exclaimed, people were now staring at me and I can hear constant hisses which wete actually whispers as I have finally reached the locker space where there were a bunch of students walking and standing around. Seeing that his footsteps were now getting fainter by the minute, I felt a little calmer for the least.
News flash: Do Kyungsoo being now a fucking criminal for sneaking at the Prince's space. The school paper will be wrecked.
I was gonna earn a little smile at the victory of not getting captured when I felt a grip of a large hand on my arm as it slowed me down to my steps, and eventually stopped me from running. I was supposed to trip down flat on my stomach at the sudden stop, but then the pair of large hands were now gripping on both of my shoulders securely, as it shifted me to fall back on the body that was behind me. I looked back and practically had to raise my head to see his face.
I never knew he was THIS tall up-close. I feel like a midget right now. I swear. 
I looked up at the Prince and saw no signs of anger nor being pissed off. It was the same pitched black, emotionless expression as he locked gazes at me. He then helped me up my balance as his large pair of hands rotated my body to face him.
"You shouldn't run away like that or you'll slip, the floor is kinda slippery don't make me chase you like that again. . ." he said to me as he gripped my shoulders tighter, enough for me to muffle a groan as my brows furrowed at what he just said. 
What the fuck is he talking about? 
Students gathered around and stared at us as if it was some kind of entertainment as I heard a few gossips and whispers yet again, I looked down to my pair of shoes as I have no idea what was going on or where to even look at.
"It's okay, I am sorry, I won't do it again. . ." was the last thing I ever heard from him, I was shockingly dragged up close to him as his arms were actually now wrapped around my entire body frame. 
I heard a mouthful of gasps as the Prince did this. I couldn't understand what was going on or what he was actually trying to do.
"W-what are y-you trying to p-prove?" I asked him in a faint whisper, taking on the advantage of the fact that I was close to the side of his face. I stuttered a bit, feeling even more nervous than I was before.
"Just go with it, and don't say anything", the vibrations of his deep voice on my ear soon sent shivers down my spine, as I unconsciously let out a faint muffled moan. It was a tad bit nice to feel, and I couldn't help but give in to it. 
"Chanyeol. . ." a female voice was then heard as pitter-patters of small footsteps also came to a stop. The Prince put me down as I moved to face at the entrance of the locker space. 
It was the girl from before. 
Her brown eyes were probably filled with confusion and sadness right now, giving the fact that she doesn't understand what was going on, she gave me a glance but it was more of an angry gaze before she could make a huff and look back at the Prince. 
Don't worry, I don't even understand a thing or two either. I swear I was so out of this minutes ago.
"Who is he?" After she generated her curiosity to ask so, everyone on the locker space went all silent. The chatter lowered down and not even a hum of a voice was heard, I looked into the my right to see people staring at me with questionable eyes and looking back at the girl with the same stare. After examining a few more times, I then noticed a short guy from behind a senior female wearing a pony tail, he was between one of my guy classmates and probably a freshman based on the red tie that he was wearing. 
Judging by the dark brown brushed up hair, and a sharp chin, I then recognized him as my one and only best friend, Byun Baekhyun.
I looked at him with confused eyes as he shot me with the same as well, his brows furrowed as he made a pout at his mouth, pointing out and telling me why was I with the Prince. My nose crunched as I gave him a small shrug, telling him that I have no idea at all.
But what made me feel kinda hurt was that he just then lowered his gaze on me showing a worried and a sad expression, and just gave out a slight nod as if he was half-heartedly accepting my explanation. I know he has something about the Prince, but why can't he trust this one explanation his best friend is telling him.
Wow. My heart cracked a fourth.
I decided to look away and instead focus more on the situation at hand, I looked back at the Prince who was still staring blankly at the girl. The girl seems to have stabilized her breathing from running, and I just went on giving a relieved sigh, looking at the floor where sunlight was hitting on.
"Chanyeol, please answer me. . . who is he?" The girl asked again, now her tone wasn't calm anymore, it was more forceful, demanding the least. I couldn't have the guts to look at anyone and all I did was make fists with my hands every now and then just to soothe my anxiousness. 
"He's mine. . ." deep voice rang, I couldn't understand why I suddenly felt a pang of shock, my eyes were just fixated on the ground and I was struggling to pay such attention to what the Prince had just said. I didn't hear much of what he said since his voice was even lower to mumbling something.
"He is what Chanyeol?!" The girl was now angry, her voice rose up a note as she demanded to hear Chanyeol's answer once more. I looked up to him with widened eyes, as if I could make it even wider, he was sparing a glance at the girl one last time before looking straight to me in the eye. 
Why does his eyes spark so remarkably now?
"I said. . ." he replied a little louder for everyone to actually hear, he looked up to spare everyone a glance, and at unexpectedly gave out a gentle yet meaningful smile to everyone before he fixated his gaze back at me, now giving me a more genuine smile, as I saw his teeth appear from his mouth.
He is so majestic. . . his smile. . . just so. . . perfect, he is so ---
". . . He is mine."
I was cut off by my thoughts that were musing over him as I felt a sudden pair of lips on my plumpy, chapped ones. 
Wait. . . WHAT?!!!!!
My eyes inhumanely grew wider at the realization as reality hit me so hard in the head. Large arms holding me in each side of my shoulders as it softly and securely held me in place, faces close, his eyes closed and ---
His lips were on mine. 
He kissed me. 
He kissed me. In front of everyone. 
He kissed me. In front of everyone. In front of Baekhyun.
He kissed me. In front of everyone. In front of Baekhyun. In front of the girl.
. . . dear sweet heavens, take me now. 
I was in total paralysis, I didn't lean in to the kiss nor did I respond, my body, mind and soul were now in total malfunction - scratch that, total black out of what just actually happened. I can hear small gasps and there were some that were sounds of happiness as I stood there, frozen to everything and every thought that was processed in my head very slowly. 
Oh dear, when was the last time my heart beat was this loud? 
A few more seconds and he broke away, leaving me just staring at who knows where as he rotated my body to let me face everyone on the locker space.
"Everyone, I would like all of you to know that I have already chosen the person to marry. . ." his voice was now more dominant, 'prince-ly' if you would ask me, as he pulled me closed to his side, squeezing me in, as his hands were draped around my shoulders. 
I just plainly stared on the shoes of my classmates, they are far more interesting now that I realized it.
"This, pretty boy here, is going to be my fiancé." 
My mouth was now in agape, as I looked up to him, he wasn't looking back at me now, and he was more focused on the announcement at hand. I went back to looking at the floor, with an even lower head down -- I didn't know when was the last time my body moves were this limited, but hell I just felt like a statue who just cannot move and run anymore.
"We are gonna get married as soon as possible right? Kyungsoo?" He gave my shoulder a pat as he tried to trudge my body back to reality.
"A-augh. . . uhm. . . y-yeah. . ." I gave out a senseless nod as he squeezed his arms warmly on my shoulder, silently telling me that what I did was a very good job.
Then I heard small claps that echoed, from one clap it came down to a many, and as those made me a calm again, I had the chance to at least have the strength to look up. Everyone was nodding in agreement with smiles on their faces, some shouting a little congratulations at the given announcement.
I looked back to only see the girl now giving the Prince a mad glare before she stormed out of the locker space. I faced back to the front only ro realize that there was also one person that was actually missing from the crowd. 
Byun Baekhyun.
I don't know what I was supposed to feel anymore, but there was only one thing that I had in mind, was to explain the whole thing to Baekhyun. He knows I never lie and I never kept any secrets, but this one thing, especially the fact that this idiotic Prince has announced that we are getting engaged is clearly one of the things I need to tell, before he breaks loose and we lose each other entirely.
I don't care if he stabs me, as long as I tell him the truth.
A few more minutes, people were shaking the Prince's hand, giving their blessing and greetings, and slowly everyone exited the locker space. After a few more of the seconds counted, no one was found on the corridors, and it was only me and the Prince left around. 
"We'll talk about the arrangements tomorrow, and don't worry, I will let my drivers drive you home from now on" his tone went back to its original monotonous state, as he walked away from my side, slowly towards the exit of the locker space. I looked back at him a now deadly glare, I knew I was gonna be pissed the moment he did that scene, and I couldn't hide it any longer.
"That was it? That was it?! What do you think you're doing?"
His steps stopped for a moment, looking back at me as he walked back to where I was, his face was close to mine as he gave out the most disgusting scoff that I have ever heard. 
"You think it was a joke? I am marrying you. I don't just make a scene and take it as play pretend, wouldn't I?"
"Just because that girl of yours was so consistent on insisting you to marry her, doesn't mean you have to drag other people in it." If he thinks he was the only one who could let out that monotonous tone, then he was entirely wrong about that. I looked up at him straight in the eye, as I made sure to pierce my sight inside his eye sockets.
He chuckled, it wasn't a dark one, but was more of a playful tone, his breath be felt on my entire face, hot and all the while soothing and at the same time poisonous to the touch.
"I am sorry. . . but I am the Prince, and what I say is what I do, and what I tell you is what you intend to do. . ." He smiled, although he lowered his gaze, it didn't seem like a confident one, it was much more like a saddened or miserable kind of smile, though I couldn't really pinpoint where and what. 
It's like as if he didn't intend to say those words, but he painstakingly had to say it in front of my face because ---
Maybe because he was the Prince.
The furrows and the creases on softened I felt that his apology prior to his royal explanation was sincere, and he just had to add it up since he needed to impale a pang of fear on me.
We stood there for a little moment of awkward silence before he gave out a sigh and backed out on me. How rude. 
"Anyways, I shall send word to my parents, and tomorrow they shall visit your house, if you have any questions, better save for another time we can meet alone, I don't have much time for you right now, I have more important things than yours." 
Wow. Wow. Important my ass. You dragged me into this and now I am just a thrown subject?! Wow. Excellent motherfucker we have here.
His blank tone irritates me so much I want to slit his throat fresh and open. He soon walked out of the locker space, leaving me confused, mad and all the equal -- miserable.
I hate him so much. So much for the sincere damn apology the hell he is such a stone-hearted bastard.
- End of Flashback -
And so that was basically how I got into this mess, fortunate enough, as he promised that day, his driver took me home and my mom had to jump out of the house since they have already heard the news in such a flash. My Appa was delighted which at least made me happy. 
And after that day, I am right here, sitting in the dining room and making plans with the Royal family and mine, on what is supposed to happen to me tomorrow as not the 'not so noticed normal student' anymore.
But more so evidently as Do Kyungsoo --- 
The Crowned Prince's 'forced-to-be' fiancé. 
Now, how am I ever gonna get through this day without swallowing everyone to the black hole? 
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jonasmaurer · 4 years
20 summer dresses and coverups I’m loving
 Sharing some of my favorite casual and date night dresses for summer.
Hi friends! How’s the morning going? I’m catching a barre class on demand and then heading out for a walk with the fam before it gets too hot. I hope you have a wonderful day ahead.
For today’s post, I thought it would be fun to chat about summer dresses! To be honest, my streak of getting dressed in “real” (aka non-athletic) clothes didn’t last very long. I wear lululemon until mid afternoon, we head to the pool, and then I’m in a swimsuit and coverup the rest of the day. Even though I haven’t been getting dressed up much – the Pilot and I haven’t been on a date since the end of February – I’ve still bought a handful of cute summer dresses. I LOVE dresses in the summer. They feel girly and cute and the convenience factor is a win since they’re an entire outfit in one. They make me happy, so I’ve still been adding to my collection despite the circumstances. When we can be out in the real world again, I’ll be ready.
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I wanted to share some of the best ones I’ve found online lately including some coverups because #summerlife. If you have any dresses you love right now, please share the love in the comments section!
20 summer dresses and coverups I’m loving
This camo dress. I’ll wear this one in the fall with low-top sneakers.
*Paige midi dress. I’ve had this one for about a year and I love it with sandals or low tops. It’s also a great travel dress.
*Madewell tee dress. I have this dress in a few colors! It’s casual while still feeling put-together and I like it with a jean jacket or chambray around my waist.
*This gingham off-shoulder dress.
*Frida dress. Beautiful lightweight fabric and easy to dress up with wedges or everyday with sandals.
*This dress! Choose what you pay right now and it transitions well into fall.
*This side tie dress. It’s currently sold out but I’m crossing my fingers they restock because I’d love another color. The fit is super flattering and the fabric is slightly textured.
*The infamous Leith dress (only $40 right now!). I have this one in a few colors and it’s so flattering and comfortable. I wear it with low-top sneakers and a jacket like this one (<— my current fave jacket).
Date night:
Obsessed with the fabric and print of this dress!
This dress is gorgeous with the tiered fabric. Would be cute with statement earrings and a bun.
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Love the leg slit on this one!
Little white dress.
Bird tiered dress.
Love the color and smocked top of this one.
This beautiful floral dress.
Swim coverups:
*I got this coverup for our cruise and it totally passes as a dress. Cute with a jean jacket and on sale in pink here.
*This coverup is very inexpensive and I was surprised by the quality – a heads up that it shrinks in the wash. (I accidentally dried mine and the sleeves are a bit snug.)
*The print on this one is unique and fun. I only wish the side slits weren’t quite so high.
Beautiful v-neck maxi dress in a few different colors.
Lace coverup maxi dress.
* = something I already own and love.
Where do you shop for cute dresses? I find the best ones at Revolve, Nordstrom, and through my Trunk Club shipments.
Have a great day and thank you for stopping by the blog today.
Heads up: this post isn’t sponsored but affiliate links are included above. These links don’t impact purchase price but enable me to earn a small kickback that I use to keep this lil blog running. 
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My favorite mom swimsuits
5 casual mom uniforms
The post 20 summer dresses and coverups I’m loving appeared first on The Fitnessista.
20 summer dresses and coverups I’m loving published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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crybabytoy59 · 5 years
“Crybaby gets some Emotional Tear time.”
I was so aroused that day, looking through all the as I had found on Craig’s list...sat on my favourite wee leather kneeling stool in my pink pvc maids dress,pink cartoon disposable Nappy on with the pink popper nappy cover then my huge frilly silk pants I had custom made they had Huge frilly heat at the rear,the layers of silk and lace stood outward around six inches! With the nappy under them my butt looked huge, the hem of the pink maids uniform only just hid the bulky Sissy Pants....I decided to place an ad of my own working on a small window of who I was as a sissy Abdl/bondage play Thing....posting it my heart was racing...
I went back to my usual internet bank of clips and pictures,feeling more and more aroused, as I was going to have the weekend to myself to play my selfish bondage games taking myself further each time I played....
But this was interrupted by a ping from Craig’s list..I had a reply to my ad?...it was from a couple they had read my ad and felt very sad for me that I felt I would never get to be who lived inside of me, they also said they had followed the link to my tumblr and that my stories were very good....We need to talk “Baby”..was all they put ..a link appearing to a WhatsApp page...this I followed I typed in Hi I found your reply to my ad ...would you like to talk?....I waited but nothing came back, I went to close it and noticed someone was typing...
A reply came ! “Clever Baby...that was your first Little step...Now as it Friday night are you playing with your self? ( my ad told of my self play at weekends to
Fuel my Kink) I sent a simple Yes...how long do you play Baby? Am off this weekend so am going to play the whole weekend 😜....Well you have read our ad would you like to meet for a drink and a chat?....Eh yes please but it’s getting late? ...Don’t fret we stay Very close to you....I was very confused by this as there ad said a different area..so I typed a message back...
I think we stay in different areas? ...it’s ok Baby our ad is old we have moved..Ok you have 30mins...are you dressed? If so put on something to cover up..if Not get dressed...we will see you in 29mins at  M* ,*******y,s in the car park we will be parked under the sign...park up then come to our Car....28mins “Baby”...
That was it even though I sent an Ok ..nothing more came back,so I rushed to get one of my boiler suit’s on as the bulk was so large I could fit nothing else on!...driving there I felt very nervous also my adrenaline was pumping so hard I felt I needed the toilet but time was ticking away... so I took Breaths through the need to go...they passed..as I drove in there was a 4x4 under the sign! But only one person in it?... I parked up but was hesitant so thought to myself I would simply go over and ask for directions that way if I was wrong no harm..
As I got to the car the door opened to my surprise a man got out opening the back door...as I walked up he spoke “In the back Baby”. I did as I was Told,there was a girl in the back she spoke to me....”In Baby Kneel on the floor face me...Clever Baby..Open Wide!” I felt something being put around my ankles & I panicked slightly..”P,p,please are we not going for a chat?” Suddenly my mouth was pulled open from behind as the girl pushed in a rubber ball gag with a face harnessing this was pulled Very tightly! My arms were pulled behind me and locked In cuffs! I was spun around and a hood pulled over my face, next I was at in the seat with a seatbelt put over me, the door shut then the second door shut as the car started up.....she spoke to me.... Clever Baby Sit Still just a short drive and we will be home....Then Cutie The Fun Will Begin....Baby we Are going to make Your stories seem like a soft fairytale.....tell me Cuteness are you a bit of a scaredy-cat right now? (I nodded) Clever Baby...You Have Good reason to be Afraid....what’s this all under here Eh you can Hardly Sit !...don’t fret Bay we are going to make sitting Very uncomfortable for You!” They both laughed but not a funny laugh ...a Deeply wicked laughter.....That’s us here Baby let’s get you inside so we can have a better Look at You Babyslave!!”....I was taken into there home...the hood was Not removed... they put a spreader bar on my ankles then he spoke “Now Baby I want you to wet and mess yourself in a moment so kneel down for us...Eh Now Babyslave!”..... if any of you have knelt with a spreader bar on its quite difficult, I collapsed to My Knees, The hood was bellowing in and out over my face as I gasped, she spoke to me “Ok let me explain what is happening as You potty for us....(the hood was being unfastened as she spoke to me) My Name is Mistress M....that is Master D when we allow You to talk you will talk with a lisp like the Little You Are....a Three year old girlie Got that ?” I nodded as the hood came off...I was blinking due to the fact there was a bright light in my face I could see her but only a shadow figure, she continued “Baby we are going to have a weekend together if after that you would like us to keep You we will take that next step... should you wish to leave your free to do so...Ok? You can answer past the gag we will understand You...” I told them Yes lisping best I could past the gag, she spoke again.......”Now The Hard Part Babyslave!....You will have Now Safeword & No limit....We will not hurts you permanently or leave you scared in any way...Only perhaps mentality...Now Babyslave Master D is going to uncuff you if you want to leave put your arms up...if You fully understands what I just told You & are the person in your stories I Want You to put your handies behind your head keeping them there..Ok Babyslave Toy..time too choose..” I could now start to focus on her she was stunning! Long black hair in a ponytail she was very slim around 5’6” tall smiling down at me...
I put my hands together behind my head interlocking My fingers.....
Clever Babyslave Ok lets begin Get her up on her feet Master D..I was hauled upright! She unzipped the suit as Master D pulled it down I felt a tug at the side then a ripping sound then a second tug followed by a second ripping sound..
I now stood before them in my pink maids uniform with the huge Nappy on, Master D lifted the dress at the sides then spoke “My my Mistress M look at this Sissy is already dressed to go to work for us!...” Mistress M spoke “Yes indeed Master D...But She has her very first test to do ..Don’t You Crybaby! Do it Now!....push hared I want too see that Crybaby Face go red with Effort!,”
They both came around to watch the spectacle as I went Potty’s in front of them both ! I felt so Very ashamed but strangely I found i was Very turned on at the same time...she spoke to me “Clever girlie Crybaby is that it all out? ...then turn the fuck around so we can get a good look” as I turned in the spreader bar I couldn’t believe my eyes I was in a dungeon!! It had every bondage Toy around....
She patted my rear lightly Sit Down!” As I bent I could feel the mess Suddenly my hips was held and I was slowly lowered onto something? It was a knee, Mistress M came around in front of me then bent forwards “Bounce on Master Daddy’s Knee Crybaby! ....this was something I knew about them from there page..they were both heavily into Humiliation!! As I bounced I felt a smack to My rear! Then Master Daddy Spoke taking my hips again “No Crybaby like this !” He forced me up & down getting more & more forceful as he did, Mistress M spoke “Clever girlie Crybaby that’s better isn’t it!..yes ? (They both giggled) Louder Crybaby! Say it !..Clever girlie you bounce for Master Daddy as I get your first punishment set up....its time too see You Crying....
She wheeled over a large box it was black the top had a hole around 8” Mistress M opens the top inside was what looked like a saddle with a back to it, this had straps on it, Master Daddy was still Bouncing me at this point he then stopped. I still had my hands behind my head as I was genuinely afraid to move them, Master Daddy lifted me up the mess was spread everywhere I could now smell it, he pushed me forward till at the box then took the spreader bar off.
Mistress M spoke to me “Ok into the box for us Crybaby leggies Down the side of the saddle for Mistress Mummy..Clever girlie Crybaby arms down the back so Master Daddy can strap You in..Clever girlie Crybaby..lets close this up” she positioned the top rear part then spoke “headie all the way backwards Girlie..Clever Crybaby Hold Still” Master Daddy pushed closed the front part then locked the two half’s together now only my head was out the box, Mistress Mummy had a rubber hood this one went on tightly it covered my head but left my face open framed by black rubber, Master Daddy had what looked like a large helmet in two half’s with buckles all over it to join the two half’s, at the mouth it had a short oval tube, Mistress Mummy spoke to me “Open Wide Crybaby! “ as I did the tube was forced into my mouth i had to open really wide to accept it...I whimpered as he pushed it on Very hard pulling the two half’s together strapping it on tightly! I heard pumping as the inside of the helmet Got tighter!.. it was inflatable, Master Daddy put a tube from the back of the box to the helmet at the rear, then patted my head walking off, Mistress Mummy squatted down at my side as she spoke “Ok Crybaby Master Daddy and I have to get something set up for you so sit here till we’re Ready for you as there was not much time to prepare Your punishment equipment...so as you Sit here contemplating what we’re going to do to You Crybaby here is a wee taster so too speak “ Master Daddy came over with a red funnel this had a tube from it around six inches long, handing it too Mistress Mummy she started pushing it in my nose hole! Next Master Daddy did something too the box and it tilted backwards! As she held the funnel he lifted A condom full of a load ! Without warning he pored it into the funnel! I could feel it go down the back of my throat, it was still warm! I started to tear up as I knew this pair meant every word of there Dominance over me...with her other hand Mistress Mummy pushed a cock gag into my mouth making me hold it! “Clever girlie hold that until we get back...Clever girlie Crybaby cock sucker!” She removed the tube then pulled a flap over the nose part..I Suddenly heard a sound like the hollow tubes as a kid we would spin around our heads to make different sounds..but this tube echoed to my Breaths as I slowly started to smell my own rear only much stronger !!!
They seemed to be away for ages, with me sat in the box kneeling over the saddle smelling my own mess!.. when the door opened Mistress Mummy was first to walk in she had changed into a black rubber skirt and white rubber top it was sleeveless she had on black rubber tights and hold ups...She strode over with out a word then picked up an item a strange two foot long tube, it had a shaft from it with a handle the inner and outer shaft were threaded at the base of the inner it looked like an oval leather pad...Mistress went behind me screwed it to the back of the box....as Master Daddy came in he had on a black rubber shirt and rubber pants on the front of these was a pouch...He stood in front of me then spoke “Now Crybaby we have everything set up for You so now let’s give You a look at what Is ahead” ..then Mistress Mummy Spoke “Right Crybaby look back at me..Clever girlie Crybaby Keep looking at Me!!” Suddenly I felt something in my back pushing me forward into more of an arch....”Clever girlie Crybaby Keep looking at Me !” It started to hurt being bent the more I moved away the less movement I had till I could simply Not move! I started crying....
Awww Clever girlie Crybaby...tears already look Master Daddy real tears seems Crybaby has very low limits poor thing”...Master Daddy just chuckled as he took the pouch off his shorts, he was already swollen as He straddled the box pushing into the mouth hole..”Right Crybaby lets give You a good skull Fucking...then we can take you to get cleaned up for your Obedience Training!”....he started fucking my mouth!!....mistress mummy held my head backwards looking down at me as I gagging for air as I was being fucked, “Clever girlie Crybaby work it nice and you get air if not..No Air cuteness...that’s a girlie!” Master Daddy withdrew as I gasped for air, he spoke “Clever girlie Crybaby just like that suck with your cute Baby tongue under Master Daddy’s Dummy, Clever girlie Crybaby here we go Deeper this time though cuteness ! Hold her nice and tightly Mistress Mummy, she needs to learn To sallow !”....Mistress mummy forced me on his shaft as I wrenched I felt him swelling then the first spasm! Mistress mummy barked at me “Don’t You Dare pass out Crybaby!! Swallow! ..Do it every last drop of Master Daddy’s gift!” ....they both giggled as Master Daddy withdrew to me gasping for air..... Mistress mummy straddled the box “Now Crybaby get to work ..as I did I realised she must have had sex with him before they got changed!! As I could taste it.... what had I gotten myself into!! I burst out crying as she spoke “Clever girlie Crybaby that’s the way in Deep...poor girlie Crybaby You have such a weekend ahead All of it with no sleep as were going to use You both physical and emotional pain sweetheart...by the time we’re done you will beg to be Obedient....trust me Crybaby tears won’t stop us....we love seeing genuine tears Crybaby” just then she gushed into my mouth....”That’s a Clever girlie swallow it all down .....Now Crybaby clean me up....The we can get You through so we can get our New girlie cleaned up...your such a wee stinky pants aren’t you? Louder Crybaby! We want to hear Our girlie admit too what she is !!” As I lapped Up lisping Out the words they both giggled kissing...Master Daddy pushed the box & it moved it was on wheels !.lets get you to the wet room Crybaby!..So we can clean you up for Your first Crybaby punishment session.....Mistress Mummy I think Crybaby like her own smells “ they both giggled.......to be continued..
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bellringermal · 7 years
I have a low key headcanon that gherman used to craft things like dolls in his spare time before the hunters workshop perhaps as a means to make extra money, albeit smaller ones for children, which explains why he made such a lifelike doll so easily and maybe even why he's good at making clothes and weapons for hunters
Daisy and I have a pretty similar headcanon :)
Gehrman was always fascinated by small, pretty things since childhood. He used to cut figurines from newspapers and make little toys out of straw and scraps of clothing that he then had to keep hidden in a box under the floorboards because his father would’ve considered them girly and infantile.
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[Pic from “Andersen. Zhizn bezlyubvi” because obscure period dramas are my jam. And if you read some of my posts before, you probably know that my fan fiction, from which 90% of my lore theories stemmed from, is a massive mixture of period dramas/gothic novels/historical figures’ biographies and even fucking Tchaikovsky ballets that I like very very VERY much.)
He hadn’t the worst childhood ever, but it was tough for a scrawny, quiet boy like him to be forced into combat training at such a young age. When he got hired at Byrgenwerth (and escaped his father’s clutches, so to speak) he could finally do whatever the heck he wanted in his free time and Dores and Edmund, being respectively a scholar and a handyman, encouraged his love for books and for tinkering with anything within range.
In our story, Master Willem selects his students and assistants because of their special talents and is (to an almost unbelievable level :P) able to ‘see greatness’ in them even before said greatness manifests. Willem is, to put it simply, a talent scout :P That is why he often recruits extremely young people like Caryll (9) and Micolash (14) only to then groom them into loyal students while enhancing their innate abilities.
With Gehrman, it was no different. And when many of his ‘hobbies’ became an integral part of his job, he began to take them really seriously and actually devoted entire years of work and research to the development of the spring mechanisms that made trick weapons possible and basic hunting gear, reason why all future hunter uniforms are based on that first model that he made out his own everyday clothes. When asked about his profession, he doesn’t see himself as a ‘weaponsmith’ but as ‘something more akin to a clockmaker’.
He obviously has his own (quite creepy) collection of little dolls and carillons but he keeps it in his room reason why not many of his students are aware of it, just like they don’t know about his secret stash of cheap romance novels :P. The rough instruments of death that he crafts at the workshop with Archibald’s assistance are in stark contrast with the delicate clockwork toys that are found on his desk next to the tiny tools and watchmaker magnifying glasses.
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[Pics from “Nutcracker the motion picture” 1986]
Lil extract from my fanfic below the cut because I think I’m getting decent at translating this crap XD
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[Picture from ‘Crimson Peak’. Thomas Sharpe lil workshop in the attic. It’s a trope and I love it.]
As she looked around, Maria could see that that wasn’t the workplace of an amateur. Screwdrivers, pincers and labeled boxes brimming with bolts and stain springs of any size filled the dustless shelves of cedar wood as two big oil lamps lit the quiet, humble room of the First Hunter uniformly projecting their glow on the desk. The floral wallpaper was almost completely hidden by three huge cork boards covered in blueprints and heavy metal chains ran down from the ceiling just like they did in the actual Workshop. But instead of dangling siderite blades, what floated over the noblewoman’s head were cogs as big as those she has seen on the pedestal of the Lunarium’s telescope.
It was then that she remembered that Gehrman was also asked to keep the elevator at the edge of the woods in working order so that students could get from Yharnam’s outskirts straight to the college without venturing too far into the forest.
How many tasks was that man assigned to, again? Hunter Chief, groundskeeper, weaponsmith, handyman… Master Willem better be paying him generously, she thought as she wondered if her teacher’s room was always that organized and clean or if he had tidied it up for the occasion.
No matter the answer, it felt like something WAS out of place. Actually, it felt like something was missing. As she scanned the shelves, one in particular caught her eye. Like the others, it was perfectly clean but instead of harboring meticulously organized tools and parts it was empty except for one small, bizarre shiny thing that Maria mistook for a golden egg at first glance. She took the weird object in her hands only to discover a small key inserted in its round side. A wind-up toy? She herself owned a few of those when she was little, one had the shape of a carousel and its curtains lifted once the key was turned, revealing a row of tiny running horses. What was hidden inside that golden egg? A mechanical goose, perhaps? She knew the fairytale by heart.
Won by her own curiosity and without even asking herself why stern old Gehrman would even possess such a thing, she turned the key three times, balancing the egg on the palm of her gloved hand. When the mechanism clicked, she realized that something was not working as intended since the petals in which the golden-finished surface was split into could barely move. Perhaps it was broken, or some parts were missing. Still, the tiny clockwork prisoner trapped inside the shell kept bouncing and clicking inside the egg, almost begging to be freed. She gently pressed upon the tip, parting the petals with her thumbs as a twinkling sound filled the silent room with a familiar tune. It was the central portion of a folk song often sang during weddings and Spring celebrations. Finally free from its golden shell, a graceful female figure now danced on the huntress palm. The little automata was unpainted and naked, clearly unfinished, with only a ribbon tied around her metal torso, probably marking her waist point before a dress could be made for her. Her hair was cast in copper, each lock finely chiseled.
Gehrman snatched the toy from her fingers before she could even realize he had entered the room. How did she remain oblivious to his presence for so long, she didn’t know, but the entrancing dance of the little figure was most likely to be blamed.
“I-it’s not finished! Don’t look at it!”
“Have you made it?” She asked with a smile, seeing how he cradled the little thing in the cup of his large, bony hands. “It’s lovely. I am no expert, but it looks really well made.”
He nervously brushed the back of his head “Well… thanks.”
“I didn’t know you were into such cute little things. It… suits you. Somehow.” The ballerina was still spinning on her pointy feet when the First Hunter placed the carillon on the shelf and turned to the desk.
“Have you brought your gun, Maria? Let me see what’s wrong with it.”
She blinked. She had almost forgotten why she came to the hunter’s room in the first place. “Oh, yes I believe the flintlock is broken. Or at least parts of it.“
“Let me see it.” She handed the Evelyn to her teacher, but her attention was still on the little doll. “Have you made more of these?” She asked as the mechanism came to a stop and the ballerina froze in place, her body tilted in a slightly unnatural position.
“Of what?”
Maria raised an eyebrow, unamused. “Wind-up toys, Gehrman.”
The silver screwdriver he was using to remove the flintlock from the beautiful wooden frame of the Cainhurst gun shook between his fingers, but a warm smile appeared on his lips. “It’s a guilty pleasure of mine.”
Maria rested her back against one of the shelves “Why ‘guilty’? I know people that would pay a fortune for stuff like this.”
“I guess I could devote myself to it once I retire. If I don’t get killed first.” “Gehrman’s toyshop, mh? Doesn’t sound bad. You could make tiny stain hunters and beasts that open their jaws and roar. I used to steal my cousin’s stain soldiers and wooden swords. Why do boys always get the better toys?“
“Not fond of your dolls, I presume.”
“I had so many, but truly cherished only one of them, Janice, a brunette. She was engaged to one of Ghislain’s stain officers even if she was almost three times his size. Perhaps he went to war because he was afraid of her.”
Gehrman chuckled, as his capable hands carefully replaced the gun’s splinter “I’m not sure about that, as our dear Konrad proves, some men really like their women tall.”
Maria sat down on the desk next to him to watch him work, oblivious to the sudden blushing of his cheeks now that her well-toned thighs were so close to his elbow.
“Janice really looked a bit like Gratia now that I think about it. Now… why don’t you tell me where you hid all your other creations? That empty shelf is really suspicious, you know?” She teased him, crossing her legs.
It was in moments like that that Gehrman questioned his own judgemental skills. Was she truly flirting with him or was it all just wishful thinking?
He snapped out of confusion bringing back his attention to the Evelyn “You have a good eye.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“I stored them all in the drawer right under the shelf. Not so imaginative. Nor that far from their original placement.”
She didn’t move, her eyes wandering on the First Hunter’s angular face. “Why have you hid them?”
“At times I just feel more comfortable around machines than people.” he admitted, letting out a long sigh. “At times I even prefer beasts to people.”
Maria threw her head back, dangling her legs like a child on a swing. “Don’t we all?”
He moved the gun closer to the oil lamp “…it should work now. But let’s wait till it’s morning to try it. We don’t want to scare everyone to death by firing a few shots so late at night.”
“Definitely not. Thank you so much, Gehrman.” She took the short musket from the man’s hand and placed it back in her holster. “So, about that drawer…” “FINE! I’ll show you.” He blurted and Maria returned his slightly annoyed glance with a smile.
Gehrman rose from his chair, suddenly reminding the young woman of his impressive height. Considering his quiet and reserved behavior, it was easy to imagine him as one of those small fellows who always get trampled upon in boisterous crowds, but his appearance didn’t fit such a mental image at all.
He crossed the room and pull out a key from the pocket of his sage green vest to open the mysterious drawer. “Promise me you won’t laugh.”
Maria tilted her head “I can’t promise such a thing. Your expression is already pretty hilarious to look at.”
He sighed again, slowly opening the drawer.  It was well worth the risk. After all, Maria looked even prettier when she smiled.
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10. “Trust me, I wish we werehaving sex instead.” 
“It’s creepy.”
“No, Betty, it’s creepy;utterly and overwhelmingly chill rising.”
Gripping the glass of soda tighterinside his hand, Jughead moved an inch further behind Betty’s shoulder, herlose blonde curls ticking the tip of his nose as he rested a palm at the smallof her waist. They were firing hushed whispers back and forth all this timethat they were sulking by the rich red and mahogany decorated buffet table, examining the scene of female gushing and gibberish baby coos in front of them.
“Explain to me one more timehow your mom agreed on this birthday fiesta taking place in hell?” Jughead raised botheyebrows, eyeing his girlfriend’s profile, illuminated by the huge chandelierat the center of the gothic living area, now decorated with dark blue and bloody red ribbons.
“Polly wants the twins to havea normal childhood.” Betty quoted her sister for the hundredth time. “Thisincludes them getting to know all their grandparents; at least the ones thatare left and the ones that are not cold-blooded killers.” It had been a year and ahalf since the Jason Blossom case had been solved and even though everyone wasstill grieving, the twins’ birth had been a silver lightening mist thedarkness of it all.
“Having their first birthdayparty at Thornhill is highly beyond normal, if you ask me.” He returned insarcasm behind her, as always.
“When Cheryl puts something inmind, she rarely gives up.” Betty reminded him, shrugging a shoulder.
From her spot on the carpet,holding little Lizzie up, Poly announced that it was time for presents, makingall the guests around murmur in excitement. The new mother grabbed Betty’s andJughead’s first and smiled to the couple, the two teens sending a genuine grinback.
“When can we go?” Jughead’smurmured through his smiley teeth.
“Are you not having fun?” hisgirlfriend teased in fake disbelief, sending him an amused glare over hershoulder.
“Oh, as enjoyable as it iswatching two oblivious looking babies being tossed around while that great-grandmother from Hades is practicing witchcraft in the shadows,” Jugheadfrowned, sending a glance at nana Rose that was sitting by the fireplace “I’mreally ready to flee at any moment now.” He nodded in uneasiness, taking a sipfrom his drink and gulping loudly.
“That bad?” Betty bit her lipnot to laugh.
“Trust me, I wish we were having sex instead.” He threw in totalapathy.
“Wow…” Betty dragged the word.“The horror, indeed…” she teased him more at the luck of enthusiasm in histone regarding their love life.
He just shrugged, teasingsmirk dancing on his chapped lips.
“So what do you say?” hebrushed his chest against her back, the hand that was creeping on her waist,moving a little further down to play with the hem of her skirt on her hipbone. “Me,you, the backseat of the truck?” he proposed deliciously against her ear, smirkingwhen feeling her shiver lightly at his words and biting her lip.
“Jughead!” Alice Cooper’simposing voice made the couple jump and Jughead lash backwards a few feetaway from Betty in fear. “Come take some pictures of the moment.”
“Why did I agree on this?” hehissed in a groan and grabbed his professional camera from beside him on thetable, a birthday gift from his father that he quite enjoyed lately. Apart from beingBetty’s official boyfriend, he was responsible for capturing in film thatsickening lovely family gathering.
Betty laughed, giving him ashort but sweet peck on the lips. “You love me that’s why.” She beamed up athim and he just rolled his eyes, a blush coloring his cheeks and an equal happysmile tugging his lips upward. “Stop brooding; I promise you’ll have me nakedin that truck by the end of the night.” She winked and he snapped a pictureof her, while walking cockily to her family in front of them, sending her a slysmile full of promises before doing a character one-eighty in a blink, dropping to his knees and pulling faces to the birthday babies, appearing like he was the most mother-approved boyfriend material. If only they knew, Betty smirked foxily against her glass, feeling a blush creeping at her cheeks.
16.   “Please, don’t wear those jeans.”
“I thought women took longerto get ready.” Betty formed a teasing smile, plopping on the twin-sized bed onJughead’s old bedroom back at his dad’s trailer.
“Thank God our relationshipisn’t based on ridiculous gender roles then, little miss proud suffragette.” Heshouted from the bathroom in his own teasing tone of voice.
Betty rolled her eyes. “Whatis taking you so long anyway?”
“I couldn’t decide amongst mywide range of ‘smart casual’ options of attire.” His snarky voice travelledthrough the small hall, earning a laugh from Betty and FP that was enjoying afootball match in the living room.
“Ronnie just set thatetiquette to help us. It’s just a normal Friday night out at Pop’s but with her friendsfrom New York, no big deal.”  She statedwhile scanning the book Jughead had left open against his covers.
“Whatever. I’m ready to getthis over with.” He admitted with a sigh, lazy and squeaky footsteps bringinghim at the threshold of his bedroom.
“Finally.” Betty groanedplayfully, rolling over to get off the bed but stopping when looking at hisoutfit. “Oh no!” she formed a horrified expression. “Please, don’t wear those jeans.”
Upon seeing her reaction,Jughead’s face dropped. “Why not?”
“Just don’t.” Betty offeredvaguely. “We still have time for you to go change.”
“Um, that’s my only cleanpair?” he replied sheepishly. “Plus, I don’t see the deal breaker here.” Risinghis eyebrows in confusion, he buried his hands in the front pockets of thejeans in question.
“Maybe it’s the fact that youhave them since sophomore year?” she offered back with a cute grimace.
“So what?” Jughead continuedbeing clueless.
“So everything!” hisgirlfriend replied in exaggeration. “Juggie, they are too small.” She bit herlip not to laugh.
“No, they are fine.” He refusedwith a firm shake of his head.
“I’ve mended that back pocketmore times than I can remember.” She replied cleverly. “Plus, don’t get mestarted about how worn out they look.”
Jughead’s mouth opened inshock. “You don’t like my clothes?”
Betty rushed to correct him. “Idon’t like those jeans.” She nodded in confirmation. “I hate them, to behonest.” Her statement earned an offended gasp from the boy across her.
“I was wearing those jeanswhen I first kissed you.” He admitted in a small voice, examining the jeans andrunning a palm at the side of his thigh in thought. “I can’t just throw themaway.” He spat incredulously.
Betty smiled, standing up andwalking to him. “Well, as sweet as this is,” she took his face in her palms,caressing his cheeks lovingly “I promise you, you can still kiss me all youwant with a new pair of those.” She bopped her nose against his, Jugheadbouncing his head back to look at her concerned.
“Are they really that bad?” hefrowned defeated.
Betty tilted her head inthought, amusement painted on her pretty face. “Let’s just say that they’ll look better on JB at this point.”
“Geez, thanks a lot, babe.”Jughead sent her a side glance filled with offence.
“You’re welcome.” She laughed.“Now go get changed; put on those nice black ones you got.” She suggested witha smile and a caress to the end of his hair on the back of his neck.
He thought for a second beforeagreeing with a sigh. “What about my shirt?” he wondered, fisting the material ofhis flannel and looking at her with clueless boyish eyes.
“Oh, the shirt looks damn fine.” Betty colored the word withgirly appreciation before leaning in to whisper against his lips. “So fine thatmaybe I’ll get to take that off later tonight.”
24.   “The skirt is short on purpose.”
“You should come pick me up fromcheerleading practice more often.” Betty sighed against Jughead’s lips, fingersgripping the lapels of his denim jacket tighter and angling her head to deepentheir kiss. They were at the school parking lot inside FP’s truck, making outfor what seemed like hours now, relishing in the feeling that there were nomore killers threatening the calm of their small town.
“And you should wear thisuniform more often, period.” Jughead replied in a husky voice, his palm drawingentire maps at the extent of her long legs that were bare and sprawled over hislap, loving how smooth and shapely they felt under his wandering hand.
The girl giggled against his openedmouth, sliding even closer to his muscular chest. “I thought sensitive andtortured artists like you didn’t give a damn about silly stereotypical malefantasies.” She teased him, running a palm down the front of his S t-shirt.
Jughead tugged her lower lipbetween his teeth, groaning a little under her touch. “Some things areconsidered classic for a reason. And I’m not an alien; the fact that I don’tdrool like a jackass Bulldog over every scantily clad cheerleader doesn’t meanthat I don’t have dreams about mine.” He breathed deeply while attacking heragain, his bony fingers reaching the hem of her blue and gold skirt, as histongue kept twirling sensually against hers making Betty whine and mewl inexcitement. They had started testing the waters and exploring each other withevery chance they had, experiencing the fire of this new world of intimacy andleaving each other breathless and begging for more every time they were alonein the darkness of her room or the small space of his father’s truck.
“What kind of dreams do youhave about me, Juggie?” she whispered, fingers caressing down his jawline andhooded eyes connecting with his hazy ones.
“You don’t even wanna know.”He replied in the same tone, stealing a glance of her legs and licking his lipsinvoluntarily.
“Maybe I do.” She went onsensually, dropping some kisses against his neck that made him start pantingand throw his head back against the glass in pleasure, bony fingers slidingagainst the hair at the back of her scalp as her teeth started gettingdemanding and bruising. “Tell me.” He felt her breathing against his irritatedskin and he shivered, the fingers of his other hand gripping the side of herthigh.
“It’s mostly about you in that tinyskirt.” He choked on his words, eyes darting down to catch a glimpse of herexpression and decide whether or not to continue. Upon seeing her green orbsdilated with desire and her lips bee-stung and dark red from his kisses, hewent on in a raspy, sexy voice. “And nothing more.”
He watched her bit her lip,bringing a thump to free it before caressing the abused skin, making her lipspart in wonder, the action making his mind go spiraling in dark imaginativeplaces. “You know, the skirt is short onpurpose.” She teased in a low whisper, taking his hand that was resting onher thigh in hers and guiding it further under her skirt, the pads of hisfingers touching the lace of her tiny panties and making his Adam’s apple bopat the nervous excitement that was building up at the tip of his stomach. “Menot wearing the uniform’s boy shorts? Again, on purpose.” She leaned to whisper in his ear before licking hisearlobe and moaning slightly as the feeling of his fingers traveling up to thewaistline of her underwear.
His own lips went to herear and ghosted for a minute there before starting a sinful dance incoordination with his fingers. “I’m gonna dream about you again tonight. Butfirst, I’m gonna show you what my dream will be about.”
46.   “Babe, I need you to stop kissing me and letme do my jo-OH my God!”
“Juggie, are you done with thechapter?” Betty’s voice travelled down the hallway of their apartment beforeher bare feet brought her to her husband’s study, her five month pregnant bellymaking an appearance at the door seconds before her.
Barely looking up and sendingher a tiny smile, Jughead’s typing fingers never stopped their marathon on thekeys of his laptop. “In a minute.” He murmured, drowned in his world ofingenious plots and murder mysteries.
“I want you to come cuddlewith me.” She pouted ever so lightly, one of Jughead’s flannels dancing justbelow her behind with every step she took towards him on the desk. She roundedhis chair and laced her arms around his neck from behind, making him huff achuckle at how more demanding she had gotten during those five months.
“Go lay down, stardust. Ipromise you, I’ll be next to you right away.” He kissed the back of her palm lovinglybefore going back to typing.
“You’ve been inside this roomall day now. And I’ve missed you. Bad.”She colored the word with a tiny moan, leaning to scatter light kisses againsthis cheek, ear, neck, her palms caressing the front of his chest over his greyt-shirt. Pregnant hormones and all, she wanted him 24/7 in every and eachsituation they were in.
“You are distracting me andthis is going to take me longer to finish.” He pointed out in his usual smartassvoice, his eyes fluttering a tad at the sensation of her soft lips against hisskin.
“Juggie, when was the lasttime we had fun in this room?” a deep sigh left her lips before they landed onthe sensitive spot behind his ear, nibbling the skin there, as her hands creptunder the hem of his t-shirt, fingers brushing over his collarbones and diggingat the top of his bare chest, making him shiver.
Her husband could feel hiseyes roll inside his skull at her words and the images of them multiple timeson top of that very desk, his office chair, the couch next to the door, against the door. Blinking a few timesto regain sanity, he brushed his fingertips over her forearm to stop her fromcontinuing. “Babe, I need you to stopkissing me and let me do my jo-OH my God!” his husky words of sexual hazeand warning turned louder in alarm as he left something poking his side frombehind. “Were you seriously going to try tickling me right now?” he threw heran incredulous side glance over his shoulder.
“I was not—” she paused indisbelief herself “did you feel that too?” she loosened her hold of him,standing a little more straight up, lips pushed together in thought.
“Yeah, I did…” he turnedaround in his chair to face her, eyes scanning her in concern upon seeing herdrop her hands to rub the sides of her round stomach. “Is everything alright?”he lashed forward to place a palm against one of hers.
“I think maybe-OH!” Betty’swords cut midsentence as she jumped, palms going to the center of her bellywhere she felt the force of a fierce kick, green eyes round and in the verge oftears upon looking down at her husband in glee.
“Is he…?” following her palms,Jughead tried to utter the words but the confirmation of another kick stoppedhim as he watched in bewilderment the plaid material of his shirt stretch underhis slayed fingers.
“Our son is kicking, Juggie.”Betty confirmed his own thoughts in a high pitched sob, happy tears streamingdown her glowing face, before taking her husband’s hand in hers and guidingit against her skin to the place their son was communicating with them forthe first time. “You are asking for daddy’s attention too, aren’t you, lovebug,huh?” she laughed despite her salty tears, biting her lip to prevent her facefrom breaking from immense love and joy upon seeing Jughead teared up too,leaning to place a fierce and loving kiss against her belly.
“Hey there, little man, I’myour daddy… And you will always have my devoted love and attention, no need toworry about that…”
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