#ily cam!
scoutartzz · 10 months
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they r so stupid i love them
(also ignore my shitty ass style changing throughout i drew it rushed)
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My favorite funny girl !!
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birues · 1 month
Finished nona the ninth!
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ask-the-ducklings · 4 months
you are all invited to mine and wilsons wedding, please fight over who is our maid of honour and best men
Uh, yeah so we're getting married.
(Again I can't change the blog- just pretend it's @ask-mr-well-adjusted-things again 😭)
*unanimous clapping and aws and congratulations, except foreman*
aww, finally you guys are tying the knot! i guess there’s no real competition for maid of honor, i mean, thirteen probably doesn’t want it
cam’s right, i’ll take ringbearer.
oh, congrats. can i invite rachael? she says ‘we don’t do anything other than sleep, watch tv, or go out to dinner’.
ehh, when? i’m going on vacation soon.
i’m happy being just a bridesmaid or flower girl or something :)
i know you’re gonna pick me for best man.
naur, they’re gonna pick me, obviously
*is dead*
*is also dead*
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jack-kellys · 4 months
Kindly asking for some ralbert 🤲🤲
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missed them dearly....
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lictvison · 2 years
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Mucho texto
Scp-1381 o como el se hace llamar “Nill” es un humanoide con la particular habilidad de que cualquier persona en un radio de 5 metros, sienta una gran curiosidad con verle el rostro, si la víctima cae en esto va a caer perdidamente enamorada de SCP-1381 al punto de una enfermiza obsesión. Si 1381 se aburre de la víctima o ya consiguió lo que quiso de esta, una simple beso bastará para asesinar a su víctima (algo similar como el toque de SCP-049).
Cualquiera que haya estado en con tan yo con Nill y a sobrevivido (ya sea separándolo de la entidad o que esté lo deje vivir) sentirá una gran desesperación por volver con SCP-1381, luego de cierto tiempo en insolación volverá a la normalidad; aunque sin poder experimentar cariño por otra persona que no sea Nill. Las personas que han visto su rostro siempre lo van a describir como: “La criatura más bella en el mundo”
A pesar de estas cualidades, Nill es alguien egocéntrico, egoísta, avaricioso y manipulador. Siempre intentará endulzarte a que le mires el rostro o que directamente lo adores, pocas veces se le a visto siendo genuinamente amistoso con alguien y en si es alguien bastante difícil de tratar.
Se conoce que a vivido desde la época victoriana, acerca de su modus operandi en ese entonces y algunas vivencias que tuvo en el pasado, pero no habla más allá de su origen o si es que conoce a otro SCP (mencionó muy por encima que sabe de la existencia de SCP-035 por haber vivido ambos por esa época).
Coopera muy poco y es común verlo haciéndose el que sabe más solo para salir con un “Si me liberas, te lo digo” en si: odia estar contenido y es normal verlo intentando atraer a alguien para poder escapar.
-No le agrada ser llamado por el número que le asignaron; aunque igual la Fundación ignora esto.
-Cuando lo atraparon se le fue confiscado un montón de joyería que este llevaba encima.
-Es muy raro verlo perder el temperamento, siempre mantendrá una imagen limpia e impecable.
-Si llegas a insultar su imagen es común que actúe pasivo agresivo contigo.
SCP-1381, or as he calls himself, "Nill", is an humanoid witch particular ability manages to attract anyone within a 5-meter radius, generating curiosity on the person. If the victim falls for this effect, they will fall head over heels in love with SCP-1381 to the point of transforming it into an unhealthy obsession. If SCP-1381 gets bored with the victim, or has already gotten what it wanted from the victim, a simple kiss will suffice to kill his victim (similar to SCP-049's touch).
Anyone who has had contact with Nill and survived (whether separating them from the entity or him letting them live) will feel desperation to return to SCP-1381, after some time in heatstroke, he will return to normal; without being able to experience affection for anyone other than Nill.
People who have seen his face describe him as: "The most beautiful creature in the world." Despite these qualities, Nill is self-centered, selfish, greedy, and manipulative. He will always try to convince you into looking at his face or directly adore him. He has rarely been seen being genuinely friendly with someone, and he is someone quite difficult to deal with.
It's known that he has lived since Victorian times, about his work form at that time and some experiences he had in the past, but he doesn't speak about his origin or if he does know another SCP (he mentioned that he knows of the existence of SCP-035 for having both lived around that time).
He's very uncooperative and it is common to see him pretending to be the smart one just to come out with "If you free me, I'll tell you", in fact: he doesn't like being contained and it's normal to see him from time to time trying to attract someone to escape.
— He don't like being called by the number assigned to; the Foundation ignores this anyway.
— When he got caught, a lot of jewelry he was wearing was confiscated.
— It's very rare to see him lose his temper, he will always maintain a clean and impeccable image.
— If you come to insult his image, it's common for him to act passive aggressive towards you.
Thanks to one of my friends for helping me traducing this 💕
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createacamillahect · 6 months
what kind of dirty talk would Camilla be into?
Definitely getting inspirations/ideas from these three: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3621301 + https://archiveofourown.org/works/53485345 + https://archiveofourown.org/works/51415648
which you should definitely read if you want to.
Palamedes "Thank God for that mad, stubborn, lovely girl" Sextus would definitely lavish her in praise. She would love being told that she looks beautiful riding you, that her thighs are so pretty flexing like that, etc.
I also think she would love praise disguised as slut talk. What a good cavalier she is, so flexible in her back arches as you pull her hair, that her practice with Palamedes and Pyrrha has paid off. Palamedes fucking her with Dulcie and Pyrrha in the room, telling her they love the show they're getting, that she's just like that sexy cavalier in the book he drafted a sequel to. When Dulcie tells her how athletic she is riding Palamedes. She would give it as well, pinning you to a wall: "You look so good riding my thigh, my little slut." Telling Coronabeth how easily she take her entire fist, does she do this regularly?
She also loves vulgarity. When you tell her she feels so good inside you or that you'll feel her for days, when Pyrrha says she's going to come on her pretty tits, when Palamedes tells her she's going to be pregnant when he's done with her, Dulcie reading erotica as you all have sex.
She loves your sounds: the sighs you make when she slides inside you, your choked gasp as she hits that one spot repeatedly, your breathy orgasm as her fingers wrap around your throat. Palamedes' groans, Pyrrha's grunt as she empties herself inside Camilla, Dulcie's airy gasps into her cunt as Camilla licks her through orgasm.
She loves being direct too: telling Pyrrha to fuck her ass, that she wants Palamedes' cock (in her mouth in three seconds), that she wants to kneel between Dulcie's legs. She says, "More." "Do you want to have sex on my break?" and tells you to touch yourself under the table.
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wellcollapse · 1 year
seven sentence sunday
thank u for the tags @housewifebuck & @shitouttabuck 🥰
from a writing prompt that cam sent me: 33 - ("I love you.")
Things could be better, though. They could be better in a lot of ways, which is why he finds himself sprawled upside down on the hard, cold tile floor of Evan Buckley’s loft, staring up at the ceiling with his feet propped up on one of the armchairs and fingers loosely wrapped around a near-empty beer bottle, listening to Buck ramble on and on about how Atlantic puffins mate for life. It’s not the most comfortable position to be in, but it was either this or sitting on the gray, admittedly nice couch that Buck chose with Natalia and didn’t have the heart to get rid of once she left — “It felt like me, Eddie. I might’ve chosen it with her, but it really, really feels like me” — that the bitter, less charitable part of Eddie doesn’t want to touch with a ten foot pole. “They come back, y’know?” Buck slurs from where he’s lying in a similar position on the ground. Eddie nods, mumbling out something that he hopes sounds like agreement but comes sounding more like a whine. Buck doesn’t take any notice, segueing into a rant about how puffins keep in contact during the months that they’re not together, and Eddie, drunk as he is, still smiles because it’s hard to feel lonely surrounded by the comforting warmth of Evan Buckley’s booming voice echoing across the loft. 
no pressure tagging @captain-hen @basiltonpitch @diazblunt @likegoldintheair and anyone else who would like to do this ❤
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leviiackrman · 1 year
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OTP: AT THE DEEP END - “collapse into me. Just once. I promise you’ll never fall again…”
@confidentandgood - “A3 for Mineyo x Rin” || @indorilnerevarine - “3B for my babies mineyo and rin” || original post
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @risingsh0t @sstewyhosseini @chuckhansen @statichvm @roofgeese @unholymilf @florbelles @confidentandgood @detectivelokis @jinfromyarikawa @simonxriley @queennymeria @marivenah @denerims @arklay @shellibisshe @nokstella @noonfaerie @liurnia @indorilnerevarine @jacobseed @jackiesarch
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boabelboo · 1 month
me wheb bel in the notifications:
BEL IN THE NOTIFICATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😁😁‼️💥😆
me when cam in the notifications: CAM IN THE NOTIFICATIONS!!!!!!1!!1! 🔥🔥😱😱😱😱🔥🔥🔥🔥🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😁😁😁 THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!1!!!1
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tarantulas4davey · 2 years
last sentence tag game
tagged by: @lailuhhh
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
It takes until Race is sitting up sharply on the couch, the warm, dark hands of his older brother tight around his wrists, to realize that the person screaming is him. He breathes harshly, rough in and out of his spasming lungs, throat raw from all the noise he was making. His face is wet with tears, he realizes.
Albert’s laugh is still echoing in his ears.
@we-are-inevitable @roideny @jack-kellys @enter-plot-holes-here
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scoutartzz · 4 months
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i did a collab with @cookiedough77
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ryoko-san · 2 years
a proper will/cam art as promised 🌹
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ofcowardiceandkings · 5 months
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im gonna need to get a hair tie soon
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20cm · 5 months
being assigned 🪩/a disc (💽📀💿)/🍊 like ah yes all is right in the world <3 📸 is also cute... digital friend :)
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glorysbody · 6 months
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camgrl :p
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