#the true gay and lesbian solidarity
mjgwcns · 1 year
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happy pride month to them!!!
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Source: Dyke Strippers; Lesbian Cartoonists A to Z , edited by Roz Warren
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decolonize-the-left · 9 months
If your opinions and actions and political goals overlap on a venn diagram with Nazis then you have no room to call yourself a feminist.
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Further, if Nazis show up in support of your TERF/radfem events but you only take issue with how they make you look bad to human rights activists (HELLO????).... Maybe you're kind've Nazi.
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Women have a long history of fighting fascism and Nazis specifically. This is well within the capabilities of women. Hannie Schaft comes to mind as she was on their most wanted list. The teenaged Dutch sisters who who joined the resistance and became assassins.
When you, as a woman, defend yourself by denying the capability of half of the planet you stop being a feminist in that moment.
Women can do anything.
"How are we supposed to stop Nazis?"
If you run PR just to distance yourself from the fact that Nazis showed up in support but you don't actually change anything about your views to stop them from coming back because you just don't want to be perceived as a Nazi. Maybe you kind've are one.
Women can educate themselves and learn and fight Nazis just like men can. Men aren't inherently better than women at anything.
Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.
Because I can guarantee you that whatever they're trying to sell you its not feminism. And it's probably white supremacy in a trench cloak.
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oohhgh so much yuri you reblog sooo much girls kissing,,, waow
you draw boys kissing. we are the world’s balance
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atinystraykid · 1 year
Me and the bad bitch I didn’t pull because we are both gay but in opposite directions
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radiofreederry · 10 months
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Happy birthday, Leslie Feinberg! (September 1, 1949)
A prominent butch lesbian author and activist, Leslie Feinberg grew up in Buffalo, New York in a working class Jewish family. Ze discovered hir sexuality sometime in hir teens, and ze began frequenting Buffalo's gay bars. Ze became involved in radical politics in hir twenties, joining the Workers World Party and becoming a contributor and later editor of its newspaper. Ze would take part in many radical actions and demonstrations both in Buffalo and after moving to New York City. Hir experiences as a butch lesbian in Buffalo and NYC informed the semi-autobiographical Stone Butch Blues, hir most famous work, which went on to have an extremely influential place in the lesbian community. Ze also wrote Transgender Warriors, an influential work of popular history on the subject of gender, as well as other books and writings related to sex, gender, and revolutionary politics. Feinberg died in 2014, hir final words being a plea to remember hir as a revolutionary communist. Ze was later honored as an inaugural inductee to the National LGBT Wall of Honor.
“Like racism and all forms of prejudice, bigotry against transgendered people is a deadly carcinogen. We are pitted against each other in order to keep us from seeing each other as allies. Genuine bonds of solidarity can be forged between people who respect each other's differences and are willing to fight their enemy together. We are the class that does the work of the world, and can revolutionize it. We can win true liberation.”
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cryinhell · 11 months
so no one asked for this, but here's a post about my favorite Hazbin Hotel ships ( romantic and platonic) and what I hope they explore with them in the show.
1) Huskerdust/Angelhusk/Casino Hearts (Romantic)
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Obviously, I got to start with my favorite romantic pairing in the fandom. Angel and Husk are my favorite characters in the HelluvaVerse, and both mean a lot to me. They are both old men born around the same time with a lot in common, and I know they would be close buds. From everything we have gotten in canon( fake instagrams which are not canon but in character, the fun hunicast streams, viv admitting to shipping them and allowing huskerdust into the merch, the fact that Husk was made to be Angel's bestie, and a lot of unnecessary information I know lmao, I do not doubt these two will be canon. I can't wait to see their friendship grow and all the trials and tribulations they will go through to become better for themselves and each other. And hopefully, the fun shenanigans that they do because I love me some shenanigans.
2) RadioHusk (Platonic)
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Okay, so Husk's relationships with everyone interests me, but this one is probably the most after AngelHusk. It's clear these two have a past and that Alastor is comfortable enough with Husk to be incredibly annoying around him. Alastor is Husk's boss and most likely owns his soul, but there's also a strange bond between them I really want explored. I think Al loves Husk in a platonic and weird way because he's most likely his best friend, but Alastor may not be able to always express this normally. Husk is a good guy and a bit complacent, so he just deals with this shitheads nonsense and doesn't seem to fear him. Maybe there's some fucked up things between them and maybe their friendships has cons and pros. I'm not entirely sure, but I can't wait to find out
3) Angel and Vaggie (Platonic)
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Okay, most of these are platonic ships, but whatever friendships are important. I love these two judgemental assholes and the way they judge people together. It truly is gay and lesbian solidarity, heh. They are gonna be the best of frienemies, and I can't wait for their relationship to be explored.
4) Voxval (Romantic)
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Okay, I hate these bastards with a burning passion, but that doesn't mean their relationship does not interest me. Vox, Val, and Velvette are going to be the main villains of Hazbin Hotel, and without knowing too much about them, I'm excited. I want to know how Val and Vox are going to be as a couple. Since the instagram accounts are not canon, it is hard to tell if Val will be abusive or not. This is a possibility since the accounts seemed to be in character, but I want a different approach. I think it would be interesting for these two to genuinely love and respect each other and no one else. To see themselves as the true rightful kings of Hell and work together to destroy and belittle whoever they deem below them. It's an interesting dynamic that I prefer more than just "Val is abusive to poor baby Vox" cause Vox is also evil, and I want him to do evil shit.
5) Chaggie (Romantic)
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There's not much to say about these two. I just think they are cute, and I want to see more of them.
6) The Hazbin Gang (Platonic)
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And lastly, I can't wait to see how all of these fuckers get along and interact. As a group, I'm sure they will be very entertaining and I will enjoy every minute of it. Also, I am including Pentious because I know he's part of the main cast now, and I love that. Can't wait for these idiots to try and make this hotel work and hopefully grow together in the process.
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hmsindecision · 4 months
I hope one day you realize how horrid bigotry is, and can look back on these days with shame and embarrassment, but also with pride how one became a better person. When the people who want to oppress us are done with trans people they'll go after bisexuality next, then lesbians and gays, then women. We need to stand together or they will push us back into the 1700s.
In order to become an adult you need to release this “us vs. them”, black and white, dichotomous vision of the world. It doesn’t exist. There is no cohesive “they” that I must bond with any ally I can in order to resist.
Do you really think that I have gone any period of time without suffering from systemic homophobia and misogyny? Do you really think that I am sitting from a place of privilege looking down at people who are “one rung below me on the oppression ladder”? What a childish way of thinking.
A large proportion of the homophobia and misogyny that I have experienced has been from people who identified themselves as on the left, as trans, and whose values in some ways align with my own. That really sucks. It really sucks that I have been verbally berated and called slurs by both conservatives and trans people alike. Those who believe that performatively being homophobic or anti-lesbian to me have varied values, religions, creed, and political beliefs. They are a deeply heterozygous group. People approaching my short haired wife to ask her for her pronouns and therefore implying that she is improperly signaling womanhood are the most frequent gender police I encounter.
Why is it that I must accept things like being called names for being exclusively same sex attracted? I by should I accept that because other people have been targeted by the same people who have targeted me?
Why is it my womanly duty to provide solidarity with people who tell me I deserve to be raped, beaten, my career destroyed, my friendships rescinded…. Because I don’t ascribe to their philosophical beliefs? I don’t believe in gender as a framework to be upheld. I hold gender in the same regard as capitalism or the divine right of kings. It is a system of oppression designed to place men over women. It has had loopholes in many societies, mostly to create a third sex for homosexual men. It operates differently in different societies. But I think it’s anti-woman and anti-human. To ask me to believe that someone has an inborn gender identity/gendered spirit is like asking me to believe that corporations are people, that God chose a king, or that the world is flat. There is simply no evidence for that to be true, because it would require there to be something that makes us men or women beyond biology.
There is not. Non-biological differences between men and women are purely socialized. If it isn’t inscribed on the X or Y chromosomes, it’s something you were taught. The clothes you wear, the way you act, the things you like, they are all influenced by the society you live in. The associations of colors, toys, interests, and other things to our sex assignation is partially arbitrary and party about subjugation. Women aren’t born loving makeup any more than serfs are born loving to serve.
I believe everyone should express their vision of themselves as they please. I hate the micro labels that are now applied to all aspects of appearance because people cannot conceive of human difference. I think that even things which I consider anti-self and anti-human can be things which adults do to themselves. If you need surgery or pills, then it isn’t about identity, it’s about fantasy. I understand the necessity of fantasy in an oppressive system.
But gender isn’t just a source of oppression against women. It is also fuel to create and sustain oppressors. That is part of why the anti-feminism of the trans movement feels so comfortable to people raised in patriarchy (all of us). Because the idea that we all have a muliplicity of gender identities is also about absolving men of thousands of years of terrorism and oppression against us XX chromosome havers. Why should I assume my oppressed has good intentions because of their clothing? Because they got surgery? Does that make a trans woman any safer than any other male under patriarchy? Or is that just a safe illusion so you don’t have to deal with the reality?
Even your trajectory in this ask—you think they started with trans people, then bi people are next? How are they going to go after bi people without going after gay people? Unless you mean just angry social opinions as opposed to systemic oppression? Then women last? Literally what fucking planet do you live on? I’m assuming you are American based on… this ask lmao… but…
They have already come for women. Abortion is illegal in many places. Rape is such a constant that we can’t even meaningfully address it. Teen girls are killing themselves over male violence just into puberty. Famous rapists and abusers are constantly fawned over. In my state, DV services are so taxed with women that last year they turned down over 50,000 asks for shelter in the statewide network.
And my local LGBTQ community center has a ban of events that say they are for lesbians, or even AFAB people. Did you ever think that maybe *you* need to start showing some solidarity?
When it comes down to it, men always, always choose each other.
I’m doing the most radical thing I can think of, and choosing women every time.
I don’t hate you. But you sure are good at falling for propoganda. Are you wasting your time fighting feminists because it’s easier to attack women than to stand up to your oppressors?
I’m very proud of myself and the woman that I am, and the activism I do (which.. is not on tumblr). I hope you can find the things that make you deeply proud of yourself as an individual, and that you live in accordance with your own values.
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trans-androgyne · 3 months
It feels like such a small thing go focus on but remembering the “transmisandrist transfem flag”… it’s all literally just a cycle.
There was a genuine flag made back in 2021 on Twitter which was “anti-mlm/wlw solidarity / gay-hating lesbian” because this same type of person was mad that the ocean gay and achillean flags exist.
(and were strangely updet that both of those flags they hated were made by and included transmascs. A lot of bashing on “only whiny insecure transmascs like or use these so they’re garbage for us Real Gays” which I still see around)
And before that it was “panphobic lgbt pride flags” And before that there were plenty of “aphobic lgbt pride flags” and entire joke pride flag blogs mocking the concepts of things like Xenogenders or Neopronouns.
It’s all just one big bullshit cycle and they bury it once they move on and ignore everyone going “none of what you said what true and you hurt me?” with “lol old discourse”. It’s getting harder and harder to forget and forgive. I don’t know if I will either.
(I’m literally not on Testosterone so anyone weird towards you for your post will have to blame my Estrogen)
It’s exhausting. Something desperately needs to change in the online queer community but I don’t know how.
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
im getting really annoyed at people saying that gay and mspec people can’t use the terms femme and butch because “only lesbians can use them” anyone can use butch or femme, as a butch bi lesbian you don’t have to be a lesbian to use them and it’s not offensive or lesbphobic if a gay or mspec person uses them
yeah, i agree, it's an argument that's not even true to begin with. while butch and femme are commonly used in (white) lesbian spaces, the terms are not owned by lesbians, and even then an mspec lesbian is a lesbian so why should that theoretically matter? they are to be used by any and all queer folk and it's pointless
lesbians do not own the terms butch or femme- historically a butch lesbian would call themselves butch and then in the same breath refer to their trans men and gay bear friends as butches. femme lesbians would group themselves in with trans women and drag queens. just because these terms are commonly used in (white) lesbian spaces doesn't dictate ownership, and all that argument promotes is erasure of actual queer history
i'm glad you understand and agree, i hope this argument dies down. it's not lesbophobic, it's an argument that erases queer history and denies people from rightfully identifying as themselves. it's not in the spirit of queer solidarity. i hope things improve from here
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lucydacusgirl · 1 month
I resent the assumption that because I’m bi I must fit in better with straight women than a lesbian would. I have never fit in with straight women. I love straight women and I have solidarity with them but we are not the same just because we’re attracted to men. The way that I am attracted to men and the men that I am attracted to has ALWAYS made me an outlier in straight circles. Since I was a kid. And actually also I resent the assumptions about straight women!! I have straight girl friends who love to talk to me about their shitty situationship boy of the month and love to have a boy to complain about and I have straight girl friends who don’t actually give a fuck about dating or men and not in ‘I wish I was gay it would be so much easier’ way in a they genuinely don’t see that as a priority way. Like actually I changed my mind this isn’t a post about bi women it’s a post about how the way people sometimes talk about straight women as a monolith of vapid girls who just care about men and don’t understand solidarity makes me crazy!! It’s so deeply misogynistic my straight girl friends have loved me so deeply and created space for my bisexuality even though they don’t relate. I don’t know maybe I’ve just been lucky to be friends with straight people who are affirming and don’t make everything about men but I don’t appreciate the assumption that straight women will always put men above everything because for the straight women I know that isn’t true.
Assuming that being attracted to men is synonymous with ‘centring’ men is misogynistic.
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Here’s some positivity for mlm headmates in mostly wlw systems, and wlw headmates in mostly mlm systems!
(Note: our definitions of mlm and wlw include he/him lesbians, she/her gays, bi/pan lesbians and gays, nonbinary lesbians and gays, and ANYONE else who identifies with the mlm or wlw label!)
System life can be really messy, especially when it comes to sorting each member’s sexual and romantic orientations! For some headmates, it can feel isolating or uncomfortable being the only MLM headmate in a mostly WLW system, or vice versa. This post is for all the headmates who find themselves in this position!
We want you to know that you are a valid and cherished member of your system, regardless of your orientation and how it compares to the rest of your system! We know how isolating it can feel to be the only WLW or MLM member in a system made up of the opposite, but this doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to find love, joy, and others who can accept you for who you are!
It’s okay to feel influenced by the orientations of your system members! It’s okay to feel confused about your orientations, to question for a long time or to experiment with labels as you try to find what works best for you! It’s okay to get your orientation mixed up with another member’s, to not understand your sexuality or romantic attraction, or to feel frustrated that hardly anyone in your system experiences attraction in the same way you do! You’re allowed to explore, to question, to feel your wants and desires to the fullest, and to act on those when safe to do so!
Your identity as MLM in no way invalidates the identities of your WLW headmates, and the same goes for WLW headmates in mostly MLM systems! We promise you are just as queer as the rest of your system, and identifying the way you do doesn’t cause anyone any harm! Please don’t feel guilty for your attraction - something that you can’t choose and is outside of your control! You are a brilliant, shining member of your system just the way you are, orientation included!
Remember MLM-WLW solidarity is for everyone! We hope you and your system can grow and flourish together despite your differing attractions. Even if the way your system identifies means you won’t have the chance to find fulfilling romantic or sexual relationships, we truly hope that you can find joy in your life and ultimately come to terms with how your orientation fits in with your system. Life is never black and white - it is often incredibly complicated, and this is doubly true for those who are plural!
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(id in alt text!)
We’re wishing you a future full of love, peace, and kindness from those around you. You are loved, you are an important and vital member of your system, and we are rooting for you in all that you do! Thanks for reading, and please show yourself some self-compassion today!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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Who’s next???
No literally I think that any adaptation where she’s dating a man it’s odd.
I just can’t see her with a man.
She and Shaggy have a best friend pact where if they can’t find a partner by the time they’re like 40 they’ll both get married.
She definitely had a crush on Daphne at some point (or still does in some versions). I’m versions where they don’t meet until they’re teens she misjudged Daphne and thought she was one of those spoilt and rude rich girls but once she gets to know her and becomes her friend she likes her and then develops feelings it’s a gradual thing. In versions where they met as kids the crush happens quicker because Velma knew her true side sooner.
Velma finds stereotypes absolutely ridiculous. She acts the way she likes.
She was definitely in a relationship with Marcie (Hot Dog Water) in Mystery Incorporated. Rivals to lovers stuff.
I think the whole gang are Queer tbh. Velma is a lesbian, Shaggy is gay, Daphne is Bisexual but maybe with a small preference towards men and Fred is Pansexual.
The first people she came out to was the gang. They were super supportive and I 100% believe that because Fred is a himbo he bought her a bunch of pride stuff. She thinks it’s sweet though because even if it’s a bit excessive it’s coming from a good place and it shows that he supports her.
She and Shaggy are mlm/wlm solidarity.
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ghouliax · 1 year
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Hello queer tumblr!!
A while ago I made this flag you see above you. I call it the Artemis Lesbian flag. It’s a flag and term created to represent aspec lesbians who love and protect other sapphics, aspec individuals, and women in general. 
I chose Artemis as the inspiration as She is the Greek Goddess who protects women (especially asexuals and sapphics). Greens and turquoise are chosen to represent Her here as they’re colors I associate with Her, and it’s also a color I associate with aromanticism. Silver and grey were also chosen to represent the moon and it’s feminine energy, as I see the moon as an empowerment symbol for femininity.
I created this term relatively a while ago. Back then I saw queer discourse in black and white, and I wasn’t able to stay true to my own flag’s meaning as I was bigoted towards mspec lesbians. Though as my views towards the queer community grew, I would like for this term to grow as well.
Today, I would like for the Artemis label to expand to include all queer labels. All you need to identify with the label is to be on the ace/aro spectrum, and be in solidarity with women, aspecs and sapphics. Femininity should be something to celebrate in a world where allocishet men are the biggest queer oppressors, and you shouldn’t have to be strictly a woman, feminine or wlw to appreciate that!!
Below the cut I have made more flags for more orientations to be included in this term. I also encourage anyone who wishes to create more flags like these. You may also edit/color shift them to your liking. Thank you very much for reading!!
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Above: Artemis Sapphic. The dandelion was chosen as the representing flower as they symbolize growth, strength and power.
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Above: Artemis Bi(sexual)
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Above: Artemis Pan(sexual)
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Above: Artemis Veldian/Turian (a variation of gay/mlm)
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Above: Artemis Cinthean (a variation of gay/mlm)
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lightningcrashes · 1 year
i do enjoy how they didn't explicitly put rebecca and renfield in a romantic relationship. in my head they're true lesbian / gay man solidarity
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transgender-png · 1 year
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thinking about how aimsey said there's no universe where anyone ships scott and her together. so true king
they are peak lesbian/gay man solidarity
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