#the time I declined an asskicking
ourimpavidheroine · 4 years
The Time Someone Tried To Fight Me But Was Denied
When I was in the 8th grade, a girl in my grade, Trina, approached me during gym class and told me to me to meet her in the parking lot of the school afterschool where she would, and I quote, “Kick your stupid ass.”
Now, let me clarify a few things. Trina and I were the in the same grade, but the only class we had together was gym. I did not know her very well at all, other than the fact that she was our class’s version of She Hulk and that she was a very good softball player. I was in the university prep/advanced placement classes and she was most certainly not. We did not have the same friends or run in the same circles. I don’t believe, before that day, we had actually ever exchanged a single word.
To this day I have no idea why my particular ass needed kicking.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The conversation went like this:
Trina: Hey. You. Yeah you. Come here.
Me: Sure?
Trina: You’re going to meet me after school today. West parking lot.
Me: Am I? Why would I do that?
Trina: Because I’m going to kick your stupid ass, that’s why.
Me. Hmmm. Well. I’m afraid I must decline.
Trina: Huh?
Me: I am declining what I assume is meant to be a generous offer on your part. 
Trina: What the fuck?
Me: I mean, far be it from me to disparage your particular ass-kicking prowess. I’m sure you are wholly capable of kicking my ass, let me make it clear. In fact, I venture to say that you could easily annihilate my ass in no short order. Nevertheless, I must decline.
Trina: What the fuck?
Me: Ah, I see we’re not communicating well here. So let me elucidate. You would like me to, for some reason which is entirely unclear to me, meet you in the west parking lot after school where you will, again, for a reason that has yet to be clarified, inflict physical violence upon my person. And while I thank you for your frankly unanticipated offer of said physical violence, I am politely declining to have, as you so colorfully put it, my stupid ass kicked today.
Trina: Are you fucking with me?
Me: How very astute of you.
Trina: Are you gonna be there or not? Yes or no?
Me: No.
Trina: Whaddya mean, no?
Me: I mean, no. I am not going to meet you to have my ass kicked. I really thought I had made that clear, Trina. Please do try to keep up.
Trina: I’m gonna kick your ass!
Me: (a long suffering sigh) Trina. Trina, Trina, Trina. You offered, I declined. What more is there to be said?
Trina: You can’t stop me!
Me: Probably not, no. However, there is something I just don’t understand, so maybe you can help me out? Say you do kick my ass. Then what?
Trina: Whaddya mean, then what?
Me: I mean, then what happens? Is the idea that I will just go away, ass thoroughly kicked, and remain mute? That you will beat me without any consequences whatsoever? 
Trina: (takes in a breath but I interrupt her)
Me: In small words that your porcine brain can understand, then. Do you think I am going to be one of those girls who just say nothing when you kick their ass? Because I have to tell you, Trina, that if you do lay a finger on me I will immediately call the cops, as would my father.
Trina: Like they’d care!
Me: Well, you could take that risk. It’s up to you, really. But I imagine that the reason you get away with your petty little eighth grade despot behavior is because the girls you like to pick on remain silent. I just want to make it clear to you that I’m not that girl. In short, Trina, I will tell everyone that you beat me up. Everyone. And unlike your parents, my parents actually care about what happen to me. They care a lot. Enough to make a big stink to the school, the cops, etc. 
Trina: (backs away a few steps.) You’re a fucking stuck-up bitch.
Me: Yes, Trina. Yes, I am. Now if you don’t mind, I have band next period and I need to get going.
Trina: (mutters) Fuck you.
Me: (waving as I walk away) Good luck in finding another more compliant ass to kick!
And there you have it! The time I declined an asskicking!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 years
The Double Izumi AU
The Double Izumi AU is an AU where Izumi Curtis from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is reincarnated as Fem!Midoriya Izuku from Boku No Hero Academia. (Posts are HERE and HERE)
In this AU, Fem!Izuku is called Izumi, and contains her memories and her alchemy. She is not mentally an adult though, but is more mature then other children her age. As she gets older, the more her memories feel like hers and not like a story she was told about someone else.
Izumi is terrifying and powerful. It's known she has a reincarnation Quirk plus her 'Creation Quirk'. Izumi claims she had the same ability in her past life and it's Alchemy. In this AU, Reincation Quirks are separated from plain Quirks.
A famous example is Present Mic, AKA Yamada Hizashi, who is the reincarnation of Maes Hughes. He is often heard on his radio show raving about his handsome husband, their son and the many cats they have. Maes blurs faces of his husband due to his job as an underground hero, but it is well known.
Izumi has no interest in being a hero, wanting to be a housewife instead. Her mother is happy while society isn't. This is the start of people bullying her... for a month. She then kicks their asses without Quirks and proves she did so because they were bugging her. She and Bakugou at this time start a rivalry that continues until she breaks his arm in three places at age eleven when he will NOT leave her alone. After that, they avoid each other. (Bakugou may have a tiny-tiny crush on her though. Because it's me and I'm a dick.)
Izumi in this AU still loves Quirks and analyzes them. It's not a Midoriya Izuku who doesn't. It's just she does it strictly as a hobby and a 'side business. She plans on being a housewife and if her husband doesn't have a well-paying job she wants to help.
Izumi gets into UA in general studies, where she meets Present Mic. In one second, the two figure out they knew people.
Izumi: I taught Edward and Alphonse everything I knew.
Present Mic: They were terrifying. Edward was like twelve and a military officer
Izumi: I kicked his ass for that.
Mic: You're terrifying... and remind me of my husband for some reason.
Around this time, Izumi also meets a few others who were reincarnated- Todoroki Shouto who was Roy Mustang and Yaoyorozu Momo who was Riza Hawkeye (More about that HERE along with a list of other reincarnations.)
Izumi meets Shinsou Hitoshi and upon learning of her Quirk, he becomes angry and belligerent. She proceeds to kick his ass up one side of the school and down the other, threatening him and making his life HELL.
Shinsou develops a crush and Maes!Mic coos about how much his son is like him, falling for someone who can kick his ass. Lots of rambling on his radio show. Shinsou breaks in to yell at Mic that SHE LISTENS TO THIS YOU DICK.
ANYWAY! More reincarnations show up, such as Hatsume Mei as the former Winry Rockbell and Togata Mirio as Alex Armstrong. Izumi kinda hopes Sig is out there, but is content with moving on, much like Mic did.
Izumi makes friends with Uraraka, Iida and Asui thanks to her often hanging out with Todoroki and Momo because familiarity. Due to her analysis skills she goes to USJ with them. She then proceeds to kick ass, get permission to use Alchemy and terrifies most villains.
Todoroki: This is completely normal for her and her students.
Momo: Indeed.
Sports festival happens, and Izumi places third out of all. She then publically declines being a hero student cause: I want to be a housewife! *skips off into the sunset imagining a handsome man sweeping her off her feet while everyone is groaning in pain from her royal ass kicking*
This asskicking is shown on screen, plus her general attitude. A little girl named Eri sees it. Eri who once was Alphonse Elri who has been quietly going along with everything out of a sense of belief that due to human transmutation she is being punished.
Eri who sees her former teacher and then rips through the base to get to her.
Izumi is worried for Iida and goes to Hosu with permission from her mother, her teacher and Manual to harass him with friendship. Stain attacks... Izumi kicks his ass, terrifyies him and then drags Iida and Native out of the alley with loud scolding.
Iida: *has a thing for authority figures and strength* Ah this is attraction.
Native: *a pro hero who gets it* Do not let this woman go.
Stain: *is beaten up by this person* Maybe the kid is a hero after all if he acknowledges the strength of this person.
Eri shows up here, and beats the nomu with her Quirk.
Eri: TEACHER~!!!
Izumi: *double take* ALPHONSE?!
(Side note, Alphonse is the only one not born in the body the same sex as his past self. His life as a disembodies soul kinda made gender a huge: fuck it I don't care thing.)
Eri is adopted by Izumi. Eri's love of cats plus Mic has her often with the Aizawa/Yamada/Shinsou family. Lots of huggles and cats.
Now, due to her skills, Izumi is targeted by the LOV who kidnap her like around midterms which I think is a week after Internships. (The stupidity of the timeline is always stupid) She proceeds to terrify them, mom them and skips off into the sunset. All are confused.
Due to all this, she goes to the summer camp where she meets Kouta... AKA EDWARD ELRIC. Eri is with her.
Big hugs, tears and a lovely runion... then Izumi trains them into the ground cackling.
So... Pairings for this AU: IiDeku or ShinDeku.
Oliver Armstrong. Ling. Mei. Probably Greed to. (What is Greed is Shigaraki or Dabi? I kinda like the idea of it being Dabi and when his memories unlock he ditches the LOV cause fuck, he's got a family who wants him? Todoroki as Mustang: Sort of.)
Hohenheim is a maybe. Considering him as Midoriya Hisashi who is searching for a way to defeat his father AFO. The irony does not surprise him.
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twdeadfanfic · 6 years
Life at the end of the world Pt.18
Summary: Your life as a zombie apocalypse survivor. It starts with the Reader settling into the camp at the quarry, before s1 and then follows the show events and storyline, more or less, but with the Reader in it.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Slow burn, violence, language.
Author’s note:  I’ve been itching to write a fic like this for a long while and I write it for fun, I don’t claim to be a writer so if you find you dislike this fic, please be kind and just stop reading. English’s not my first language so maybe there’re some mistakes, I apologize in advance. For the same reason, I can’t write character’s accents and things like that. At any rate, I hope you enjoy it. There’d be several parts to this.
You watched anxiously as Rick, Daryl, and Hershel got ready for the meeting. You couldn’t quite shake the uneasy feeling off you.
The day before Andrea had come to tell you the Governor wanted to meet with Rick to try and make a deal, end the violence and finally solve everything. It sounded good, but your group was sceptical and there was the fear of it being a trap, no matter Andrea promised you it wasn’t. You trusted her, but not the Governor. Still, you had to give it a chance.
Rick had decided he’d take Hershel and Daryl with him, leaving you and the others at the prison to get ready in case things went wrong or there was another attack.
Merle had been very vocal with his thoughts about the meeting, demanding Rick to take him with him when the group decided to go despite Merle’s protests, but obviously, Rick declined him. Merle had been so enraged that Rick had threatened to lock him down again or kick him out and Daryl had had to drag him out of the cellblock.
“You are going to solve this.” You said to Rick before he got into the car. He nodded, giving you a small smile even though his face was still showing the anxiety and the pressure he was feeling. At least, he seemed to be almost the old Rick and you trusted he’d do what was best to your family.
Daryl was going to lead the car on his bike and you walked to him before he drove away, the engine already running.
“Be careful, okay?” You couldn’t help but worry.
“I still think this meeting is good for nothing.” He shrugged. “We have to try anyway I guess.”
“Yeah...” You didn’t know what to say. You understood where he was coming from, the Governor didn’t like the kind of person who’d leave you alone easily, but Andrea had promised he’d listen to you and try to solve this. You had to give it a try.
Things with Merle went from bad to worse as he kept going and going about Rick’s stupidity and how your family was willingly walking to their doom and what not, oblivious to all of you glaring at him and deaf to all the times you told him to shut up.
He wanted to go and ambush the meeting, taking the Governor by surprise and he didn’t care to consider that it might end up with yours getting hurt on the attack too. He seemed to be sure the meeting was a trap or that at the very least it was your only chance to end the Governor.
He was starting to make you doubt. You knew Merle’s plan was bad but still, you feared your friends had gone right into a trap. Tired of listening to Merle’s nonsense, which was only making you feel more anxious, you left the hall, looking for Carol.
You found her in a cell, sorting some clothes.
“If I keep listening to Merle I’m gonna throw all our bean cans at him.” You complained, sitting down on the bed.
“Then ignore him,” Carol said without stopping to look at you. “He annoys you because you let him.”
“He annoys me because he has a big mouth and love to talk nonsense loudly with it.” You replied.
Carol just chuckled but said nothing else and you got up to help her with the clothes.
You had just finished your task when you heard a gunshot coming from the hall and you rushed there, fearing Merle had managed to shot someone. When you got there, though, you saw the older Dixon was on the floor holding down Glenn while Maggie tried to drag him away, although the tree of them seemed kind of frozen in place, staring at Beth who was standing there, gun in hand, seemingly the one who had shot.
“What the hell...” You muttered, looking as Merle shook Maggie off him and retreated away. Beth dropped the gun and stormed off the hall, seeming about to cry.
“Hey, you okay?” You called, going after her.
“Yeah, yeah.” She nodded, but she was obviously upset, eyes wet. “Just...they were fighting and I didn’t know how to make Merle stop so...”
“You did great, girl!” You congratulated her. “What a way to stop them, well done.”
“Thanks...” Beth gave you a small smile. “I guess I took them by surprise.”
“Sure thing you did!” You laughed, nobody would have expected that from sweet little Beth. “You might as well babysit Merle from now on instead of Judith.” You teased, and the girl grimaced.
“Please, no.”
You couldn’t be happier when you finally heard the sound of the motorbike and the car driving closer, your friends seemingly unhurt although the look on Daryl’s face told you everything you needed to know. Soon Rick confirmed what all of you feared. There was no deal, the Governor wanted you dead.
Soon your group was arguing again about what was best, leave the prison, prepare for the Governor’s attack and fight for your home, or go to Woodbury and attack first. You had to almost chuckle at the irony of Merle and Glenn agreeing for once, along with Michonne, as they stated the only option was to attack first.
You didn’t know what to think, you didn’t want to risk anyone of your family in a fight but you were sure you couldn’t leave the prison and survive out there, you had barely made it the winter. Still, going to enemy territory sounded dangerous, but so did waiting for them to attack you with all their force...but at least you knew the prison better than them, you might stand a chance...though you were long past trying to be positive, it had only brought you disappointments.
Rick had left before deciding anything, seeming overwhelmed again, leaving Hershel trying to deal with the situation and listening to everyone’s opinions.
“How does the Governor look?” You asked, flopping down next to Daryl when Hershel went to find Rick.
“Like an asshole.” Daryl shrugged, making you chuckle. “His men weren’t really that bad though...” He added, seeming thoughtful.
“So we fight now...” You said mournfully after a moment of silence.
“Yeah...” He nodded. “I know Carol said we should leave cos we are outnumbered but we can’t survive our there with Hershel missing a leg and with Lil Asskicker.”
“I know...” You agreed with him. “But I don’t know what should we do now.”
“Rick’d come up with something...” Daryl replied but you weren’t that sure. “He’ll do, it’s just he has a lot to do now, tough decisions to make.” He added when he saw your face. “But he’ll get us out of this, he’ll do the right thing.”
You had to admire Daryl’s loyalty and trust on his friend, it only made you like him more. You could understand Rick was under a lot of pressure. Still, you felt uncertain and more scared than you wanted to show, so you had wished Rick had reassured you a bit instead of just walking away. But the man had a lot on him.
You let out a tired sigh and leaned your head on Daryl’s shoulder, half expecting he’d shrug you off, but he didn’t and you took comfort in the closeness while you waited for Rick to tell you his decision, what to do next.
Morning arrived but Rick hadn’t tell you any plan yet, though you saw him talking with Hershel and Daryl so you figured they might have been making plans. When you asked the archer, though, he wouldn’t tell you anything, replying evasively and telling you to wait for Rick’s orders.
You didn’t like the feeling of it, afraid they might not have been able to come up with a plan and you were all in danger. It that was the case, they should just tell you, the rest of you could also help and think something, Rick didn’t have to do everything alone. You didn’t have much time to worry about it because Merle seemed to have gotten mad, ripping open the linens and mattresses of the cells.
You rushed to him, ready to tell him off and try to stop him, telling him all the things you thought about him, but then saw Rick storming into the cellblock and decided to leave it to him. Merle probably wouldn’t listen to you and you’d just work yourself up and get angry and upset for nothing. You had been trying to follow Carol advice and ignore the older Dixon, but he was not making it easy.
You walked past Rick and out of the cellblock, right into Daryl who was outside. He saw you and tried to avoid you not very subtly and you glared at him.
“Control your brother! Fucking waste of good mattresses...” You growled at Daryl, earning you a puzzled look from the archer.
You were angry at Merle but also at yourself because you had let him anger you again without even talk to him. Daryl’s weird behavior wasn’t helping either and you tried to find Carol so you could vent to someone before you exploded again.
You found her with Maggie and Michonne, helping to prepare things in case the Governor decided to attack. You felt bad you had been so caught up in your own bubble of moodiness you hadn’t been helping them so you set up to work too and soon the hard work and the company of the other women made you feel better.
Not much later you found Daryl perched up on the picnic table of the yard, looking rather miserable and you made your way towards him.
“You okay?” You asked sitting down next to him, wondering if this had something do with Rick’s plan or lack of it.
“Yeah.” It seemed Daryl wasn’t going to say anything else but then he spoke again. “Just had a talk with my brother that didn’t go that well.”
“I can figure.” Merle was a pain for all you but even more for his brother because he actually cared for the asshole and had to answer for him. “Did you figure out why he was killing mattresses?”
“Was looking for drugs,” Daryl replied and you shook your head, letting out a sigh.
“Daryl, why are you avoiding me?” You directly asked after a moment of silence. “Why don’t you want to tell me about Rick’s plan?”
“He doesn’t want to tell anyone yet, I can’t just go and tell you...” The archer frowned.
“It’s because he doesn’t have a plan?” You were getting more worried. “Cos then he should tell us, we could think something together.”
“He has a plan...” Daryl shifted, seeming uncomfortable, which did nothing to ease your fears.
“So then why he doesn’t tell us?”
“Cos it’s not good...” Daryl finally gave up. “Cos he didn’t say the truth, the Governor offered him a deal.”
“And Rick doesn’t want to take it?” You didn’t understand.
“He wants to...” Daryl nodded. “But the deal it’s we give him Michonne and then the asshole leaves us alone. So Rick didn’t tell you cos you wouldn’t like it.”
“What?” You were confused. “The Governor wants Michonne? He doesn’t want us dead?”
“Seems he really hates the woman.” Daryl shrugged. “But I think he does want us dead.”
“And Rick is just going to give her to that psycho?!” You couldn’t believe it. The Governor would kill Michonne, would do horrible things to her, you were sure. Rick couldn’t just give her like that. “He can’t do that! We are killing her!”
“I don’t like it either.” Daryl said and you could see he was genuine, you wouldn’t believe Daryl would agree with something like that.“But Rick’s trying to protect us, it’s the only way he’s found.”
“Still, he can’t do it! She’s one of us too!” You had just spent the last couple of hours with her, messing around, trying to make each other feel better, sharing your frustrations and worries. “We can’t give up one of our own...even if she weren’t, we are sending her to her death, to torture. What kind of people are we?” You couldn’t believe your family would agree to something like this.
“I know...But I don’t think Rick will do it, tho. He neither wants to, he just feels he has to do it to protect us. But he’ll change his mind, he won’t do it.” Daryl assured you.
“He better, cos I’m not letting him take Michonne.” You weren’t sure you could stop him but you damn sure were going to try.
“Just don’t tell anyone else yet.” Daryl sounded worried again. “Give Rick the chance to change his mind, he’ll do it.”
“Alright...” You conceded. Daryl thought Rick wouldn’t do it and these days it seemed the archer was the one who understood the sheriff the most, so you hoped he was right.
You couldn’t believe Rick would do something like that. He had done some things in order to protect you, sure, and he could be cold and hard sometimes, but still... you couldn’t see him doing something like that.
Daryl gave you the smallest smile and nudged you with his shoulder, you weren’t sure if as a way of saying thank you or if to comfort you, before getting on his feet and leaving you alone on the table, lost in thought.
Later that day you were working on the fence, trying to reinforce it, when you noticed Daryl running to you.
“Ey Y/N, have you seen Michonne?” He asked, worry all over his face.
“No, why?” You looked at him warily. If he wanted you to give up Michonne to Rick, you weren’t going to do it, but you hadn’t seen her since earlier, when you worked with her, Carol and Maggie.
“Rick changed his mind, I told you he would,” Daryl said as if reading your mind. “But nobody has seen her and Merle’s gone too. He knew about the plan, told me he too knew Rick wouldn’t do it. I think he might have just taken her himself.”
“Oh, no!” Your relief at Rick’s change of plans was sort lived, fear getting a hold of you again. “What do we do?”
“Nothing.” Daryl shook his head at you. “Don’t tell anyone, I’ll find her.”
Before you could say anything else, the archer was already running away from you, rushing into the building with Rick on his heels.
You itched to tell Carol what was going on, Maggie too, but you knew Rick wouldn’t want any trouble of fight going on in the cellblock until he had solved this thing. He had changed his mind so you wanted to give him the opportunity to explain himself.
Still, when you saw Daryl got into his bike and drove off the prison, you made your way towards Rick, who was just watching him go, anxiety all over his face.
“You were really going to give Michonne to that psycho man?” You said unceremoniously.
Rick frowned at you but didn’t seem surprised you knew. “It was our chance, the only way I had to stop us from fighting. But I couldn’t do it.” He shook his head and you didn’t know if he regretted considering taking the deal or being unable to do so.
“You better couldn’t. You were going to let Michonne being tortured and killed.” You replied. “How could we live knowing that?”
“Yeah...” Rick nodded but he was still frowning. He always looked stressed these days. “And the Governor might have attacked us anyway. And now Merle might just give Michonne to him.”
You saw him looking anxiously at the road ahead of the prison.
You took on his tired and worried face and couldn’t help but feel sorry for him, for everything that had happened to him, everything he still had to endure. You may or may not argue with him a lot, may or may not agree with half of his decisions, but still, over everything, he was not your leader but your friend, and you cared for him.
“Daryl will find them. He’ll stop Merle.” You assured him.
Rick gave you a small, tired smile, wrapping his arm around your shoulders in a silent thank you briefly before he walked to your group who had gathered together at the commotion, to explain to them what was going on.
You were happy to hear everyone in your family agreed on this, giving up Michonne was not the solution, but for now, there wasn’t much you could do besides waiting for Daryl to come back, hoping he’d bring Michonne with him.
You worked on the fence for a bit, killing the walkers that were gathering outside, pushing the fences, before you retreated into the watchtower, scanning the road, hoping to see the familiar motorbike appear soon.
You had been up there for a couple of hours, your anxiety growing, when you heard footsteps running up the watchtower. You turned around to see Maggie rushing outside where you were sitting.
“I gotta show you something.” She panted, an excited grin on her face.
“What?” You were confused about what could have her smiling like that in your situation.
“Look!” Maggie sat down next to you and waved her hand in front of your face, a ring with a big diamond on her ring finger.
“Woa...you have a taste for big jewelry now? A big bold if you ask me.” You teased.
“Shut up!” Maggie pushed you playfully. “No, silly! Glenn proposed!”
“He did?!” Now you understood her dreaming smile and you couldn’t help but smile too, truly happy for your friends. “Congratulations, girl!”
“And now we are like...married?!” Maggie’s grin went even bigger if that was possible and you laughed, you could almost feel her vibrate with happiness.
“But what about the wedding?”
“Well, it’s not like we can do an actual wedding and all that.” Maggie shrugged. “So we decided, why being engaged when we can just actually be married?”
“But we are missing the party!” You complained playfully. “And the bridesmaids and all that! I want an actual wedding. You have robbed us.”
Maggie just laughed at your words, eyes bright, and you couldn’t remember ever seeing her this happy. You were glad your friends had managed to find each other and something like this, this piece of happiness and peace in the middle of such a cruel word.
“We are doing a wedding party as soon as all this shit is dealt with.” You said determinedly.
“You think this will ever end...?” Maggie’s face turned serious.
“Of course it will, you’ll see.” You wanted to see her big smile back. “And maybe you won’t have a white dress but we have that long dress we found in a car, the one which doesn’t have many holes in it...we won’t have a cake but we’ll have Carol’s biscuit and there will be no waltz but Beth can sing and we are going to party the whole night!”
“Yeah...” There was her smile again, mirroring your own. “Beth cried when I told her! She was so excited! And dad...I hadn’t seen him looking so happy in so long.”
“I’m so glad, you deserve this, girl.” You threw your arm around her for a hug and she leaned her head on your shoulder, giggling. Even if just for a moment, you let yourself have hope in the future of your family, you heart content for a short while.
You sat down together until you saw Michonne walking up the road to the prison and you both jumped to help her in, rushing down the watchtower to open the doors for her.
“Are you okay?”
“What happened?”
“Where’s Daryl?”
Maggie and you shot your questions at Michonne as soon as she was safe inside and she stepped back, seeming a bit overwhelmed, so you tried to calm down and give her some space, which wasn’t easy worried as you were for Daryl. She looked like she had been through something.
“I’ll explain inside.” She said tiredly, probably wanting to tell you all at the same time and not wanting to repeat herself over and over.
Once inside everyone alternated from welcoming her back and bombarding her with questions like Maggie and you had just done.
“I found Daryl on my way here, he’s fine but he has gone looking for Merle .” Michonne began explaining after finishing a bottle of water, not doing much to ease your worries. “Merle knocked me off and tied me up, he wanted to bring me to the Governor He thought that way the Governor would forgive you and his brother would be safe. He wanted Daryl to be safe, that was what drove him.”
She looked at you when she said that, you weren’t sure why. You didn’t know if you were happy or not that Merle actually cared for his brother. Maybe he, indeed, loved him on his own, weird way.
“But at the end Merle let me go and went alone to the meeting place, he was going to try to kill the Governor’s men, maybe the Governor himself.” Michonne’s words surprised you all. “At the very least he’ll give us more time to get ready for them.”
Could it something good in Merle? You weren’t stupid enough to think he did it for any of you but for Daryl. Another proof he did care for his little brother. But he had let Michonne go, had done the right thing and it took you by surprise. Maybe there was something good in Merle after all, even if something ever so tiny.
You stomach twisted in worry for Daryl. If Merle had gone after the Governor’s men and Daryl had gone after his brother, he might be in danger, he might be fighting them right now. Or maybe he was captured, or killed...and no, you had to stop that train of thoughts. Daryl would be fine. He wasn’t stupid, he knew better than to go alone against those men. He’d get his brother and drag him back to the prison.
You shared a look with Rick and saw in his face he neither knew what to make of the situation.
“Daryl will be back soon, he’ll be fine,” Rick assured you as he walked past you.
You wanted to go and keep watch in the watchtower to wait for Daryl, but Maggie and Glenn went there first and you guessed they wanted some alone time, so you forced yourself to help Carol around, doing any task she deemed necessary, trying to keep your mind occupied.
After what seemed like an eternity, sun already going down, Rick came into the hall to tell your group that Daryl’s motorbike was approaching. You all waited anxiously until he reached the door, Maggie and Glenn opening it for him, and you exchanged a worried look with Carol when you saw Merle was not with him.
Daryl parked his bike and walked closer to the expecting group, staring at the ground as if trying to ignore your questioning eyes. When he got close enough, you couldn’t stop yourself from gasping aloud when you saw the blood that spattered his face and stained his hands. Daryl looked at you when he heard your gasp, his eyes clouded and rimmed red, but then he was looking down again as he headed towards the cellblock.
“Merle?” Rick asked before Daryl could get inside.
“Dead.” The archer muttered without looking up, disappearing inside the building.
You exchanged a pained look with Carol. No matter what you thought of his brother, your heart was breaking for Daryl. You wanted to follow him, comfort him, but you didn’t know how, and didn’t know how he’d take it.
For now, he seemed to want to be alone, having disappeared somewhere inside the cellblock. He reappeared later, when you all were having dinner, clean of blood. Carol handed him a plate and he took it but he seemed far from there, eyes vacant, and you didn’t think he ate anything at all.
When Rick questioned him gently about what had happened, he told him everything, how Merle had fought the Governor’s men, how he had given you time, but his voice sounded as if he were half lost in thought, somewhere away from there.
One by one, your family began retreating to their cells after dinner, Daryl being one of the firsts when he usually was the last, if he went to the cell at all.
Before heading to your cell, you decided to stop and check on Daryl first. You still hadn’t talked to him and you couldn’t bear it anymore.
He was sitting on his bed, seemingly lost in thought still, absentmindedly playing with a loose thread on his ripped trousers. He looked up and towards you when he heard you at the door. You opened your mouth to ask if he was okay but closed it again. Of course he wasn’t okay, but you didn’t know what else to say.
Daryl seemed to catch the sentiment because he shrugged before tilting his head as an invitation for you to come inside. You did and sat down on the bed next to him.
“I’m sorry...” You murmured, fully aware of how empty it sounded. Daryl said nothing as he kept playing with the loose thread, eyes trained on it.
“I killed him.” He rasped after a long moment of silence. “Had to. Was a walker already.”
“Daryl...” The pain in his voice was killing you. You knew that no matter what, Merle had been important for him, Daryl had always cared for his brother, and what he had been forced to do must have broken him. “I’m so sorry...”
You wrapped your arms around him and he let you pull him close, hiding his face on the crook of your shoulder.
“I know he was an ass, that he wasn’t good...” Daryl half sobbed, voice muffled against your shirt. “That he had it coming.”
“He was your brother nonetheless...” You wanted to comfort him but weren’t sure how. “And he did the right thing at the end, letting Michonne go, giving us more time...And he did what he did because he truly cared for you.”
Daryl scoffed at your words but you felt your shirt getting wet with tears.
You felt words wouldn’t comfort him and weren’t sure of what else you could say, so you just held him in silence, absentmindedly running your fingers through his hair and letting him cry his pain away.
Eventually, you felt him stop shaking but you didn’t let go, waiting for him to pull away first but he didn’t, remaining still in your arms. For a moment you thought he might have fallen asleep after exhausting himself crying but then Daryl slowly lifted his head from your shoulder, not meeting your eyes.
He did seem exhausted, eyes red and glossy with silent tears and your heart broke for him, almost hurting you physically. Your own eyes felt heavy, worn off by the events of the day, and you bit your lip, unsure of how the archer would take your next move.
You wanted him to sleep and rest but you weren’t able to leave him to mourn alone, so slowly you pushed him, ever so gently, to make him lie down on the bed. He gave you a confused, startled look that reminded you of a scared horse but let you push him down. Before he could say anything, you lied down next to him, squeezing yourself against the wall as much as possible and holding yourself tense in case he wanted you to go away.
He didn’t say anything but didn’t push you away, turning so his back was to you and you let out a relieved sigh, glad he wasn’t bothered by your company. Tentatively, you reached out your arm, gingerly wrapping it against his waist to hold him again. He stiffed at the contact and you were about to pull away when he took your hand and pulled you closer, and you couldn’t help your smile as you curled up against his back.
You fell asleep like that, holding him close through the night, waking up only when you felt him shaking with silent tears again. You kissed his shoulder, holding him tight in silence until he fell asleep again, you following him soon after.
Next time you woke up the sun was already starting to come up, dim sunbeams beginning to filter through the bars of the cell. You were still curled up with Daryl, your arms loosely wrapped around him and you felt him shifting as he woke up. He opened his eyes slowly and blinked at you confused, and then he’ was blushing a deep shade of red. He quickly pulled himself away from your arms, sitting up on the bed, his back to you, before getting onto his feet, still looking away.
You didn’t take it personally, knowing Daryl was just embarrassed he’d showed emotion yesterday night, allowing himself to be vulnerable and crying in your arms. You knew it was still hard for him to show his vulnerable, emotional side, and that it still made him feel embarrassed.
“Morning.” You ventured, sitting up.
“Morning,” Daryl muttered, looking at you over his shoulder before quickly looking away again, cheeks red.
He shouldered his crossbow and walked out of the room without another word. You didn’t try to follow him, knowing Daryl needed his space. You could hear your family beginning to wake up so you got up and went to see if you could be of some help to anyone. There was a long, tough day ahead, and plans needed to be made.
NA: I just want to take care of Daryl forever.
@momc95@jodiereedus22@osweetdevilo@sapphire1727@coffeebooksandfandom  @the-destielr @checkintoreality@aislingsartistry@daddys-little-princess67 @sesshomaru-lover
I never thought anyone’d like to be tag in any of my stories so thank you! It means the world! <3
If you want to be tagged please let me know.
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klarolinedrabbles · 7 years
I don't know why I still watch Arrow, it's been in a decline since S2, all I do is either nap during it or have it in the background while doing work or reading non-Arrow fanfics. Plus they did Laurel dirty and ruined Felicity in the process (I did like her in S1), I stopped after Laurel died, only went back because of the end of the 100 episode. Still did her dirty and I should be happy she's back, even as BS. But they are still doing dirty on her as BC. S6 will just be BS appear in-
-a handful of the episodes despite being a regular and she'll always be in the 'wrong' and have her asskicked by Oliver and Felicity. Hell, they'll even be assholes and have her beaten by BC! The finale was trash, the flashback were contradictory af. S1 Oliver came back for Laurel, in love with Laurel but the whole time he bone and was in love with Sara. I honestly stopped paying attention in S2 when Sara and Oliver reunited in present day - that was trash and I hated how self righteous she-
-across during Arrow. It was like the writers really didn't want Laurel to be BC. LoT has done Sara a lot of favours, I find her less irritating. But she is the most overrated character in the Arrowverse and an ensemble show like LoT - it really isn't an ensemble, it's Sara and the rest. They've gradually pushed her to the lead that can do no wrong. While Rip was the captain of the ship, the most experience and he messes up but he can't lead according to writers.
Can’t speak for LoT cause I quit a few episode’s into S1 since it lined up with when Arrow killed off my bby. But daaaamn did I ghost write this. 
They had no incentive to ever let Laurel succeed, or be the character that they could’ve made her into. Constantly being torn down/undermined by others, specifically by Oliver and Felicity, And bringing in a fake ass BC when they had already done such a disservice to the OG, I just---I truly despise that show.
But I’m a sucker and I’ll sit through anything for Laurel, bc she deserves my views.
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