#the things you find in the field
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wren-ravenheart · 2 years ago
Texting pictures of hawk pellets to my sister in law while cackling because I know she'll love them and the teeny bones and also be jealous she does not have the access to Too Many hawk pellets.
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madamemiz · 6 months ago
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kels n kerfs ft 10 ft tall wife
when does he get to be carried around like a purse dog
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seiwas · 5 months ago
hi, sel! i hope you’re doing great <3 for your little exercise, can you do bakugou + vulnerability 🤔 thank you so much!
hi, zee! i'm doing very well, thank you! i hope you're doing amazing too 🥺 thank you for sending in a lil prompt 💗
contains: aged up papa bakugo, mentions of a baby, mentions of past near-death experience
bakugo + vulnerability
it hits him all at once.
bakugo goes back into the field after eight months of paternity leave and instead of the pumping in his veins, all he feels is fear―unlike anything he's ever felt before.
it rings deep in his bones, crawls up his spine and into the back of his head; it rattles around his heartbeat. he didn't feel this at 15, with no pulse, near death with blood splattered all over his chest.
yet here he is now, at 35, standing face-to-face with a villain not any larger than he is. there's no real threat besides the explosives strapped to the pillars of this evacuated building; the worst that could happen is that the entire structure could collapse if they're set off.
―which, he can avoid; could hightail out of the area using cluster easily. but the pressure feels bigger somehow, the possibility of a failure weighs heavier. his first thought is you and the baby. his little family.
"you should start going back to the field," you whispered one night, your arms wrapped around his waist as he cradled his little girl to sleep.
he'd wanted to take the whole year off, just until she would start walking. just until you were more rested. settled.
but, you know bakugo and what makes him who he is, you know being a hero is more than just his job; how he misses the thrill of it, sneaking looks at his phone every time he hears anything from the news.
so he's here now, a few months too early, and it terrifies him―how he doesn't feel the same way he used to. it's paralyzing; one wrong move, one reckless mistake and it could all be over.
there's so much more to lose.
help me get back into the writing groove! send me a character + any word and i'll write a short blurb about it!
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multiheadcanons · 7 days ago
mikhail did not want to do this.
he has been avoiding the infirmary like the plague, and avoiding its sole inhabitant moreover. it’s too much to even be in there anymore. he can’t think, he can’t reason, he can’t speak, he can’t exist in there anymore without looking like a fool. without feeling his face flush.
he can’t even go in for a visit anymore without his mind wandering. without slipping away into some asinine fantasy of him, and his own doctor.
it feels so stupid. they were fine as friends. they were fine as friends and mikhail got desperate. seemed fritz was too. and then they just… never stopped past the desperation.
and he knows it’s just him. it’s just him who’s feeling this way. the doctor never seemed to skip a beat. even as he wiped the fluids from his face, thanked the russian for a good time, ensured the cleanliness of his uniform and promptly exited whatever bedroom, bathroom, closet, or vehicle they had momentarily commandeered. even as mikhail stood alone, dazed from the flurry of action, the moment they were done the doctor was too, and they were to never speak of it. he never stayed long enough to talk afterwards. it pissed him off that he even thought about aftercare. what would they even have to talk about?
he can’t go in there anymore.
but he has to.
he took a deep breath and shut his eyes. he can’t blink in there or he’ll lose himself.
the swing of the infirmary door was silent. he was thankful for that. it meant he didn’t have to speak until he was ready to. he took stock of the infirmary. clean. organized. a dull scent of chemical, a whisper of blood under that. it smells too clean. he could change that.
but that’s not what he’s here for.
“ah, heavy! lovely to see you here, it’s been a while. you’ve been avoiding me. is there something i can do for you today?” well, there went his element of surprise. and the jab didn’t go unnoticed either. and that desk. that stupid desk. purposefully moved where it was not visible from the door, but the door was visible from its location.
a passing thought of whether the desk was free from paperwork entered mikhail’s mind, and exited just as quickly. he fully entered the infirmary and allowed the door to swing shut behind him. it’s cold in here. he could change that.
but that’s not what he’s here for.
“i need to speak with you. spare me a moment.”
“ah, i’d love to, but i can’t. i’m busy.”
busy? he walked towards the sound of the voice, rounding the corner to see stacks of paperwork.
“…with paperwork. you’ve never denied me before.”
the doctor gave an uninterested stare over his lenses. “well, the lack of denial towards you, specifically, is why i have all this paperwork. so i can’t today. perhaps another time? i’m sure i can fit you in tomorrow—”
“i am not your patient. we need to speak. today. now.” the doctor’s eyes narrowed, and his response was calculatedly slow. the ice they stand on was already melting, and neither seemed to care about the repercussions of falling into the deep.
“if i’ve never denied you before today, why would you continue to press the matter when i insist i don’t have the time? is it a medical emergency? are you dying? i could’ve caught it if you had come in to your scheduled visits.”
“alright, then one more day of waiting won’t hurt, will it? i’ll see you tomorrow.” and with that, the doctor was done with the interaction. just that simply.
if mikhail were an emotional man he’d scream. but he isn’t. so he took a deep breath, and looked around. the blue clad doctor may not be an absolute psychopath like his counterpart, but he’s sure the man has something lying around here somewhere.
“should i leave?”
“if you want.”
jesus christ, he hates this man. if this man were to drop dead within the hour mikhail would celebrate. he perused the infirmary, opening cabinets, purposefully not shutting them, moving things out of the meticulous order the doctor kept them in, waiting for a reaction. and nothing came but silence and the scratching of pen on paper.
very well, he’ll up the ante.
he started peering through files. brute forcing the locks on the filing cabinets to go through them. leaving them open. rearranging the papers with others.
“are you having fun over there?” the doctor called out, the scratch of the pen never stopping. a crack in the stone. maybe.
fritz was not going to be happy when he realizes the extent of the damage. this is not a new tactic for mikhail to pull when he attempted to get his way, but the absolute decimation of the doctor’s filing system was grounds for death.
this is a hurdle he will handle later. he needs to focus on the task at hand.
“you don’t have a file for yourself?”
“i don’t need one.”
“hm.” this tactic was a no-go. it’s time to up the ante again. he looked around again. “where do you keep your bonesaw?”
“just curious.” the silence told him that he probably should look elsewhere.
“if i give you the bonesaw will you get out? you’re distracting me.” oh, that’s perfect. he gave a satisfied smile.
“yes.” he heard the desk drawer open and metal skid across the floor, stopping at his feet. he grabbed it, finding the most comfortable way to hold it in his hands. “thank you, doctor. i’ll leave you be.” a neutral noise of acknowledgement came from the doctor, and with it, mikhail left.
and all fritz could do was put the pen down, and rub his temples. great. now his infirmary was trashed. he had just cleaned it. did he want to know the extent of it? not right now. he’ll explode if he dared look up now.
there wasn’t enough time to stew on it or let it go when something slapped the desk; spattering red across the stacks of paperwork. he did not bother to look at whatever was just thrown. he knows the sight of blood. his eyes slowly trailed upward. and he was absolutely unsurprised to see the russian standing before him, a pleasant smile on his face. the doctor’s eyes twitch.
“are you kidding me.”
“medical emergency. i need your aid.”
“you are an unequivocal nuisance.”
“i have feelings for you.” and the infirmary went silent. they stared at each other. “will you sew my hand back on?”
“get. on. the fucking. table.” mikhail complied. holding his stump out as the doctor grabbed a needle and thread.
“i don’t know why i like you so much. you’re horrible, when i think about it. you’re rude, and a liar, and—” he played up a wince as the doctor began to harshly sew his hand back on. “heartless.”
“shut up.” the doctor snapped. “i can’t focus.”
“really.” he honored the man’s request with a moment of silence. “i have feelings for you.”
“everyone has feelings for everyone. the sky is blue today. i’ve surgically removed two thousand four hundred and thirty seven various organs from a minimum of eight hundred twenty people and four hundred thirty two cadavers before i lost count. is there anything else obvious we would like to state today?”
“you are a cruel bastard.” that got a smirk. he liked that smirk. “i won’t repeat myself. i know you like hearing things repeated. sad little man with bad hearing.”
“i am already at my limit with you.”
“should i leave?”
“i’d say yes, but knowing you you’d just come back in five minutes.” they stared at each other, and the doctor took a deep breath and refocused on his task at hand. “i don’t want to know what feelings you have. we are coworkers. we shouldn’t be having sex with each other at all.”
“that’s an easy exit.”
“why make it hard?”
“ah. right. your need for efficiency. why live at all?” that stopped the doctor. he took a deep breath.
“you have no. idea. what i know about our lives. if you want to live, go. live freely, live wildly, kill yourself in the effort. be my guest. but that’s not what we’re here for and it will never be.” and he continued to sew. “i liked you better as a friend.” he added, softer.
“as a friend?”
“friend, teammate, coworker. whatever you want to call it. i liked you better then. you were happier. we worked better together. we talked more. but this?” he couldn’t help the snort that left him, though none of this was funny. “i— i hate this! i’m anxious, and i’m irritated, and i’m annoyed, all the time! and it feels like nothing helps, because all i think about is you! and you— you can’t help me. because you are anxious, and irritated, and annoyed. and we are fools.” he tied off a knot on the string, and gave the man’s hand a tug to ensure the stitches were tight. but he didn’t let go. “i’m infatuated with you, if it makes you feel better.”
mikhail processed the doctor’s words as he turned for his medigun to finish the job. they didn’t hurt as much as he thought they would, but he also wasn’t sure if this could be considered a rejection. he wasn’t sure why he was so concerned about this conversation.
“so, how do we go back to friendship? is it possible?” he asked.
“to tell the truth, i don’t know.” he said, flicking the medigun on.
the rays were cold. they are usually cold. it felt nice.
“… friends it is. we can be friends. i can treat you better. we can see what happens from there.” he slowly clenched his now re-attached hand, the feeling returning, and with it, the realization that the doctor never let his hand go.
“don’t say you’re going to treat me better. just do it.” the doctor regained the sense to release the man, turning to shut off the medigun and put it away.
“very well… friend.” the doctor could not help the gag that escaped him. and the stare he gave was palpable.
“actually, i hate you. vehemently. get out.”
mikhail laughed. this stupid little man. how could he ever avoid him? he’s never been so humored. and the smile the doctor fights.
perhaps they would be better off friends.
“so. honest question. do we stop having sex.”
“oh, god, no. that’s the best part of the day.”
“so, what, twice a week?”
“…that’s the best part of the day.”
…what kind of friends does the doctor keep? “you are… strange.” and the doctor’s brow quirked. “i like it.”
“aren’t you sweet. clean your mess and get out. i have to finish— ugh. i have to restart this.”
ah, right. that hurdle he said he’d handle later. he really thought this would go differently. but somehow this still ended up being the repercussions of his actions. so he supposes it went exactly how he expected it to. mikhail gave the doctor a final glance as he returned to his desk, and looked around at the infirmary. the files haphazardly stuffed into already overfilled drawers, the papers within the files no longer matching. this will take him a while.
he’s okay with that.
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finemealprompt · 10 months ago
DP x DC Prompt #85
Bart was told he could run track as long as he didn’t break any records and didn’t win all the time. And he isn’t! But this is the first race where he’s running against a fellow meta! He’s just gotta not lose control in the heat of the competition. And he won’t … probably.
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malacandrax · 11 months ago
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I found so many cool things in the fields today! Mal is probably for malton but STILL. I also found my first ever pipe stems 💪😤. Also a squashed thimble, and a cute marble!
I washed them in the stream and left a few behind after thinking abt it haha. I do love the beige and browns but they're very common here, I also found a few more blue rimmed pieces but I've already got a lot!
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abirddogmoment · 6 months ago
I love seeing Rory run in the field!! Bird dog doing bird dog things!! You said in the tags you had different training and priorities with her vs Mav re: offleash running like that. What kinds of things did you do differently with Rory to be comfortable having her offleash at a distance with reliable recall?
I was writing a whole novel but really it boils down to this chart. Under the cut because it's (vertically) long.
In short, it's just as much about what I didn't do with Maverick as what I did do with Aurora.
(Edited to add: I am extremely fortunate to live in the prairies where the kind of visibility I need is easy to find. Use my experience to inspire your own training if you like, but don't use it as a recipe. I have my own goals and my own priorities and those are likely different than yours.)
🔵 Supremely confident from day 1
🔵 Came home in August (extremely good and exciting time for outdoor adventures)
🔵 Prioritized specific sports behaviours over foundational building blocks like engagement and cooperation
🔵 Learned bad habits from my older dog at the time (prey drive > recall)
🔵 Was indiscriminately prey driven. If it moved, he wanted to kill it.
🔵 I phased out treats too fast and didn't want to use an ecollar or long line
🔵 I focused on "social media dog behaviours" (think like walking extremely close to me on trails) and got frustrated when we couldn't meet these rather than meeting my dog where he was at. This created a lot of frustration in our dog adventures.
🔵 I practiced recalls constantly when I didn't have to, making them a tedious behaviour for him. I would recall him 20-50 times a hike for everything from "you're too far away from me" to "I want to take a photo".
🟣 Came to me a little insecure and looked to me for reassurance
🟣 Came home in December (a cold and relatively boring time for outdoor adventures)
🟣 I prioritized engagement, cooperation, and name recognition from day 1
🟣 Practiced good habits by walking offleash in the snow either alone or with Pike (amazing recall)
🟣 Is extremely birdy, but is very very focused. She easily calls off deer or people/dogs in the distance because she mostly cares about birds.
🟣 Literally always gets offered a high value snack for recalling or voluntary check ins (I will never phase this out, I will carry chunks of cheese on offleash walks for the rest of her life)
🟣 I never practice recalls if I don't need them. This one is hard to explain, but once Rory understood that long whistle = come back as fast as you can, I don't whistle unless I really need to. I recall her an average of 0-3 times per hike (*based on visibility or wildlife*) and trust her to make good decisions otherwise. I keep my eyeballs on her 100% of the time and choose areas with good visibility, but I don't recall her just for being far away.
🟣 I limit hikes where I have to nag her often (think, in the woods where I dont have a great line of sight and have to remind her to stay close to me) to a few times a month or less so she doesn't start getting frustrated about it.
🟣 I trust the training I put into her and choose to run her in areas with (relatively) reduced risk if she makes the "wrong" choice. I don't nitpick everything she does and I let her make her own choices, within reason.
🟣 I have an interrupter cue to ask her to stop doing something before I call her back (if she's digging a hole and I want her to move on, I use "Rory, enough! Here!") instead of whistling at her.
🟣 I don't force her attention on check ins. If she runs back to me and doesn't want a snack and wants to run straight back out, I let her run back out.
🟣 I have anticipatory cues for the end of a walk so I don't have to recall her when we get to the end of the field.
I want to say that it's nerve wracking to watch my dog sprint at full speed hundreds of yards away from me. I have to fight the impulse to recall her just because she's far away. It's an exercise in trust because I'm always worried about her going over the horizon, or running into a wildlife, or falling into a hole, but it's an important thing to work on if you have a dog that needs that trust to thrive.
Mav and I were a good team, but I never fully trusted him outdoors. I always had my finger on the ecollar buttons ready for him to do an evil and need to be vibrated. It was exhilarating to watch him in the field, but it wasn't really fun or relaxing.
Rory and I built a much stronger foundation of trust (I personally never would have been able to do this if I had more than one dog). She doesn't know any tricks yet, but I'm super confident in her recall and ability to take direction in the field, even when she's sprinting as fast as possible.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 11 months ago
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womp-womp-waa · 8 months ago
When Centipede-sama first saw the group of teens in the car it knew that they were probably tired. As much as it loves it's home. Centipede-sama isn't stupid, it knows it's a hard place to get use to. And it's home wasn't made for humans. So it knew what it had to do.
Play a game with them, of course!
Sure, they may be teenagers. But who doesn't love a game? Also they could use something to remind them of their world. So Centipede-sama decided to play one of it's favourite games. Tag! Oh, they were going to have so much fun. As soon as it started chasing the group in the car they immediately sped up. Perfect they know how the game works already, saves it explaining the rules to them. As they spun around a rock, Centipede-sama heard something break. And then they saw a boy fall out of the car.
Nobody was meant to get hurt while playing this game. It's just a game. Nobody gets injured while playing tag. Did that boy really get hurt? O-Or maybe they just were really good at playing tag! Yes, of course. They knew that it would follow the group so the boy jumped out of the car and rolled away. That boy was clever. He must have played alot of tag when they were younger.
It was just about to finally reach the car. It was a tiring chase, but a fun one. Centipede-sama could only hope that they were having just as much fun as it was.
Just before it could tag the car a fellow Centipede came out and smashed into it. W-Why would someone do that to it? Turning around to face the attacker, it saw a familiar face of a centipede. It was him, Kyle. The bully. Kyle had been bothering Centipede-sama ever since it was young. They used to be friends, but eventually Kyle moved on and Centipede-sama stayed in place. It stayed at the old park where they use to go together.
No matter how much he battered and bruised it. The attacks never stopped hurting. Every single time it felt like it was being betrayed all over again. The feeling always brought them back to the memory of the first attack.
Centipede-sama learnt the lesson long ago that it wasn't strong enough to fight back against him. So, like always, it ran away. Like a coward. Running away from it's problems like always.
The next day Centipede-sama knew they had to find the group to apologise for cutting their game short and making sure that the young boy who jumped out of the car was okay. It heard from Tree-kun that the boy (Tyler?) Fell on top of him. And then was taken away from Tree-kun. It remembered how distraught Tree-kun was and it could only imagine how broken Tyler was feeling.
After a bit of searching it finally found the group in the school. So, Centipede-sama poked it's head through the windows to try and spot the gang. Finally, it saw the group and they stared back at it. It waved excitedly at them, but they started running away. Oh! They must still think they were playing tag. It quickly broke into the building and started chasing after them. It had to make sure they were okay. Especially Tyler, who it could see being carried by one of the taller boys. Poor kid. So heart broken that he couldn't even stand.
It was about to call out to the group, but then something small and sharp pierced it's skin. It cried out in pain as more bullets joined in on the assault. "S-Stop it!" It tried to call out voice weak and fragile. "P-Please, just l-leave me alone." It pleaded weakly. It was no use though as eventually it's vision started to fade and the sharp bullets became a dull ache in it's mind.
There was no way it wouldn't die. It would probably be for the best anyway. It's not like it ever did anything useful.
Slowly, it started to regain consciousness. Something was laying by it's side. Gradually, it found the will to turn it's head and see the presence beside it. Fighting through the pain, it was shocked it find Kyle laying next to it. "K-Kyle..?" It's voice was hoarse and scratchy. Suddenly, Kyle's head snapped towards it as he huffed. "Took you long enough." His harsh voice cut through the tranquility of the forest. "You need to be more careful. One day you're gonna get seriously hurt." Centipede-sama wanted to ask more questions. But he was being shockingly nice to it and it didn't want to ruin it.
So the questions remain unspoken and unanswered... For now
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acebytaemin · 2 months ago
I want to hear about your fave recent scientific discoveries, Ana!!
what do i know abt science though LMAOFIODJF
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aiscapades · 2 months ago
shit's so fucked my mom whom i never talk to is checking up on me. bro where was this energy my entire life lmao
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nepholog · 9 months ago
A list of all the interactive fiction WIPs I loved/unreleased WIPs I'm hyped for so I could keep track of them:
Released Demos:
Apartment 502 (Dashington) by @/apt502-if
Our Life: Now and Forever (Steam, itch.io) by @/gb-patch
Infamous (Dashington) by @/infamous-if
Chop Shop (Twine) by @/losergames
Eyes of Shan (Dashington) by @/eyesofshan-if
Checkmate in 3 Moves (Dashington) by @/checkmatein3moves
Honor Amongst Thieves (Dashington) by @/leoneliterary
Court of the Guilded Roses (Dashington) by @/crazerk
Summer of Love (Twine) by @/summeroflove-if
Body Count (Twine) by @/bodycountgame
Seven Days in Purgatory (Dashington) by @/sevendaysinpurgatory-if
The Night Market Book 2 (Twine) by @/night-market-if
Gods and Villains (Dashington) by @/godsandvillains-if
Vendetta (Dashington) by @/vendetta-if
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - An affair of the heart (Dashington) by @/doriana-gray-games
Fields of Asphodel (Steam) by @/chrysanthemumgames
Breach: Chicago War Zone (Dashington) by @/breachverse
SLAUGHTER SQUAD (Twine) by @/harlequinoccult
The Haunting Shadows (Twine) by @/thehauntingshadows-if
Drink Your Villain Juice (Dashington) by @/drinkyourvillainjuice
Press Play (Dashington) by @/pressplay-if (@/girlfromthecrypt)
Unreleased Demos:
Stardoomed by @/stardoomed-if
Riptide by @/riptide-if
Death Looks Good On You by @/deathlooksgoodonyou-if
Zombie Kombi by @/zombiekombi-if
The Muse by @/themuse-if
Alistar: Ascendance by @/alistarascendance
Elysium Circus by @/elysiumcircusif
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energeticpoltergeist · 3 months ago
Part 1: Mad King's War
Prologue: Diverged History(pages 17-21)
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jimmyspades · 11 months ago
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hazmatmaid · 2 months ago
how's the weather on bluesky?
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 4 months ago
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