#the sunshine court headcanon
hatfordheadquarters · 2 months
So I’ve seen this hc before and I’ve had the same one since I finished tsc, and I feel like this is genuinely a shared theory by a lot of us.
I just need to voice it again.
So Wymack has Jeremy’s file, and nobody knows it but the two of them.
He tried to recruit him, but Jeremy stayed in California because of his family. The foxes reputation would have destroyed the image Jeremy’s family already believes he messed up. They need him within distance.
one of the best hc’s to come out of tsc tbh.
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linecrosser · 5 months
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so, i saw This Post by @moreau29 and... yes. all the yes. headcanon accepted.
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walkingcorpse03 · 10 months
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i fell to my knees in kmart
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hyperboleigh91 · 2 months
Kevin going to California to help Jean with his first ever interview, and the interviewer(s) being really horrible to Jean and Kevin absolutely losing his shit over it on live TV.
And Jean sitting there with his mouth hanging open, watching Kevin, who was supposed to always be the perfect public face for Exy, throw all of that out the window because Kevin will be damned if people mistreat Jean on his watch ever again.
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adamsrcnan · 5 months
i can't believe i'm living in a reality where a book about jean transferring to usc Actually exists and that it's called "the sunshine court" and that jean calls jeremy "captain sunshine" and they both drool over each other in secret but like it's so obvious at the same time, and jean lives with cat and laila and shares a room with jeremy, and jean was actually in love with kevin, and he and neil are essentially friends, and jean had a little sister that he loved and missed. like it's been 2 weeks and i still can't believe it's real
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lemonboyjosten · 1 year
it was incredibly poetic of nora to begin andreil’s storyline with andrew hitting neil with a racquet and ending it with andrew protecting neil from being hit with a racquet.
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johnsinclairlover · 3 months
neil can definitely speak french in a canadian accent and he uses it exclusively to piss jean off
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kevinsdsy · 4 months
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the trojans social media au (pt. 13): i’m fighting for my life trying to keep coming up with new parts i fear we’re going to see a decline in parts soon
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lolhex12 · 4 months
broke: Jeremy is captain sunshine golden retriever boy who hides his feelings and his fucked up family situation
woke: actually🤓☝️ Jeremy first met Andrew in juvie when they were 15 & 13 respectively
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parasocialqueen · 5 months
saw someone say that Jean’s number 29 for the Trojans is Kevin’s number and Renee’s number put together and I have not been the same since
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hatfordheadquarters · 3 months
‼️new Jeremy Knox headcanon👀
What if Jeremy killed his brother?
So we know that Jeremy has done something that his family, or at least his sister believes, has ruined their lives. He has a bad relationship with his living brother and is constantly being told to make sure he doesn’t do anything else that would cause trouble for his family. Especially since he is the step son of a political figure.
There’s also the theory that he has a brother who died (idk if it’s been confirmed or not, and I can’t remember if it’s stated in the book)
He is also wary of law enforcement, and actively avoids them. It’s probably because of whatever went down with his parents and the thing he did that ‘ruined’ everything.
What if Jeremy killed his brother, but by accident? Like imagine they were fighting out on a balcony or something during this political event he’s forced to go to because of his family. Even a small gathering of sorts.
Maybe his brother started it because he found out Jeremy was gay. Maybe Jeremy started it because there was something small that he didn’t agree with that his brother had done. It can be a small spat or a big thing. They could have a pretty good relationship normally, or bad one. Whichever you vibe with more.
Regardless, imagine they fight, and Jeremy pushed him not realizing how close his brother was to the railing, or how uneven or slippery the ground was, and off the balcony his brother goes.
His family knows what he did. He knows what he did. But what if nobody else does?
Like his step dad is powerful and a figure of authority, so he could potentially cover up an accident like this. To everyone else, his brother committed suicide. That would also be bad press for an influential family, so maybe they also controlled that news circulation. Slapping people with NDA’s or just covering it up before anyone becomes aware of it.
Something like this would definitely cause his family to believe he ruined them. It also is something they could use against him to get him to come when they call, and do things for them he’d rather not do.
To make sure he takes them seriously, they could threaten him with the police. This could be why he’s nervous about being recognized, not just as a politicians son, but as a murder. He can’t be sure if his family would throw him under the bus if the story being out would be more beneficial to them now as time has passed and Jeremy is an exy star. A star in a sport they don’t even want him doing.
They have an image to protect, and Jeremy can either make or break it.
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my-smial · 3 months
Hello hello. I have come with random The Sunshine Court language headcanons for Jean Moreau, because I cannot stop thinking about him.
Neil picks up on Jean's discomfort with speaking French at higher than a whisper and eventually decides to use Nicky's desensitization tactics about it. He ropes in Kevin, and the two of them will not stop yelling at him in French until Jean stops flinching whenever he hears it.
Neil lived in Montreal for 8 months; when he wants to get under Jean's skin, he switches to a strong Québécois accent and Jean acts like his ears are getting burned off.
Jeremy and a little Cat and Laila start learning French, mostly "picked up a tourist phrasebook at the library" level. It's 2008, they don't even have Duolingo. It's years and years before Jean deigns to actually speak French to him, but Jeremy eventually figures out that if he pronounces a phrase badly enough, Jean will correct him out of shear pain. Jean probably picks up that Jeremy knows more than he's letting on when he makes a comment in one of Jean and Kevin's conversations.
The most unlikely, but I find it fun: Jean's family is old money enough that they actually still speak the local Provençal language of southeast France. Jean mostly speaks standard French, but his parents ensured that he can carry a conversation in Provençal out of some twisted disdain for Paris as a power center. Evidence: this is also the kind of person who would name their child Jean-Yves, lmao, a name that was most popular in the 1960s.
Matching with 4, growing up speaking French, Provençal, and English in a massive port city means that Jean can get through a few phrases in most western Mediterranean languages. In addition, being raised as the theoretical heir to a smuggling empire meant he had to learn enough languages to "not get ripped off," as his father would say. He says he speaks 3 languages, because he's fluent in 3 (and it's common to consider Provençal just a backwards dialect, not a full language). But he can also understand random bits of Italian, Spanish, and Algerian Arabic. Some he learned formally, some he picked up from other kids while playing little league exy.
When he gets comfortable on the Trojan's court, he starts yelling back sometimes when little multilingual groups form and chatter, and every time he demonstrates a new language the Trojans lose their shit. Jean has his typical disdain for their excitement; his childhood exy court sounded exactly like this and he doesn't get why they're so impressed.
They keep pulling the "sorry, he doesn't speak English" trick to get annoying fans and reporters off their back for a long time after it should have stopped working. He's given full interviews, come on. Use your brain.
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walkingcorpse03 · 6 months
my favorite thing is neil judging andrew so immensely hard at first for being weird when he’s literally neil josten
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hyperboleigh91 · 2 months
Wymack informing the USC coaches that if they want any of Jean's files, they're gonna have to go to EAU unannounced and demand them.
One of the coaches doing exactly that, and it turns out the nurse that Jean assumed had some hostility/irritation towards him actually kept extremely detailed records of everything Jean experienced because he knew it was wrong.
That nurse going missing because once he handed the records over, he ran for the hills.
The USC coaches realizing that there was something extremely sinister happening at EAU and trying to decide how they should handle it.
(I want Wymack and the other coaches to take down the Moriyamas or something, and I feel like Jean could be the key to that)
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feelingthedisaster · 5 months
random aftg headcanons
dan gets a video camara and starts filming the foxes. years later, she founds all the tapes and makes a compilation
matt gives the freshman a brooklyn 99 style introduction of everyone
kevin chews gum, like, a lot. gum 24/7. its either mint or watermelon flavoured
the foxes give wymack a "n1 coach" mug for father's day one year. he pretends he is annoyed but he uses it everyday
jean likes to draw
kevin starts getting grey hairs at like 28 (wymack's genes)
renee knows how to tatto and she is actually pretty good, but doesnt do them often.
+she gave allison a butterfly tattoo on her shoulder
later in life, aaron gets a lot of people asking him for autographs thinking he is andrew. he just says "sorry, wrong twin" except when it's a little kid asking, only then he pretends he is andrew, he even learnt his signature
cat goes full gay panic when laila calls her catalina or cata, laila knows it so she does it on purpose
even though kevin prefers and mostly plays left-handed, sometimes he will just switch hands mid-games. like, "you thought you could mark me? sorry pal" and changes hands. it drives his opponements insane. they get used to him playing right-handed, he just switches back to his left. every defense player and coach hates him for that.
king mirrors andrew and sir mirrors neil
andrew and king have staring contents. king sits in the kitchen counter and andrew has to cook but doesnt want to move her so they stare at each other for entire minutes in complete silence. (king loses and leaves on her own to the couch). this happens more often than one would think
the cats LOVE neil's lap, specially sir. neil cant sit without getting a cat on his lap almost inmediately
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kairospy · 7 months
The sheer amount of fans the Foxes would have just because they’re attractive.
Imagine the fan wars.
“You just like Josten because he’s hot, you poser. Name every fake identity.”
“Oh, you like Kevin Day? Where, when, and why did he change his tattoo and how much did it cost, huh?? HUH. Thought so.”
“People only started liking the Foxes after Josten got kidnapped smh. Real ones were here from the start.”
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