#the struggle with his hair is so real rn
aria0fgold · 2 years
oh luca winterwald... i love you but GODDAMMIT YOURE SO HARD TO DRAW
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zandiks-note · 10 months
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second and third faves
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meownotgood · 1 year
my brain rewarded me for working hard, last night I had a dream about aki sex ❤️
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charlottesbookclub · 2 months
i'm here (ser gwayne hightower x reader) 💚💚
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Summary: you have a nightmare, but gwayne is there to comfort you 💚
Warnings/Tags: spouse!reader; gn!reader; established relationship (marriage); nightmares; angst/anxiety brought on by the nightmares; absolutely catastrophic levels of tooth-rotting fluff; let me know if I've missed anything! ☺️
Words: 2870
Author’s Note: as I mentioned in this post, gwayne hightower has absolutely consumed my life and I am down sooooooo bad for him rn, so voilá, this fic has emerged as a result of that! 💕 as I also say in that linked post, I'm not super familiar with hotd, so I'm sorry if any of the terms I use aren't canon-accurate (I watched game of thrones a few years ago and I tried my best to make it feel authentic to the world of canon, but something may have slipped through 😅). and I hope this feels in-character to gwayne! I've rewatched the scenes of his that I have access to many times for...... uhh ~Research Purposes~ but I haven't seen all his scenes yet, so I apologize if it feels ooc at all – I did my best to make it feel like him! 🥰
oh and this is key: we've all seen the necklace, right?? we know about the necklace, right????? that fucking necklace makes me absolutely feral so I've given it a backstory, because it truly has me foaming at the fucking mouth 😌 (also, if you haven't seen the necklace, may I please direct you to this incredible gifset so we can descend into madness over it together?)
as always, I hope you enjoy!! 🥰🥰 (also please feel free to share any gwayne thoughts you have – I'd love to scream about the precious man with y'all! ☺️💕)
            The memory was not yours, but in this moment, it felt like it was. Gwayne had only told you the story once, with hushed words and averted eyes. You had asked, and he could never find it in himself to keep anything from you, even if it made his chest seize with shame. He told you that the whole ordeal had been a result of foolishness on his part, something he would admit only to you. He said that he recalled the memory with great embarrassment now. But you felt nothing but terror.
            You stood on a large, grassy plain ringed with trees, a few wispy clouds scuddling across the blue sky above you. This was a place you had never seen, never been – but one thing was familiar. As you struggled to gain your bearings in the strange location, you saw a group of men on horseback just a short distance ahead. You recognized your lord husband instantly: the delicate silver interlace of his steed’s armor and the auburn glow of his hair in the sunlight were as familiar to you as your own heartbeat.
            You called out to him, but he didn’t respond; he seemed to be in conversation with one of the other men. You ran toward the small group and cried his name again, but even at close range he appeared not to hear you. Panic grew in your chest by the moment as you hurried closer still, coming near enough that you could almost reach out and touch Gwayne’s mount. You stretched out your hand to do just that when your arm was stopped by some invisible force. There was nothing in front of you, just empty air that you should have been able to move through with no difficulty. But you were trapped mere feet from your beloved, unable to reach him.
            Something was terribly wrong. You screamed his name this time, desperation compressing your lungs with the force of your yell. But it was clear that he could not hear you, since neither he nor any of the gathered men so much as turned toward the sound of your cries. Real fear gripped you now, shooting ice through your veins as you cast about you for something – anything – that you could do. And that was when a new kind of fear crept over you, one so old and visceral you could feel it down to your very bones. Shudders wracked your body as you turned your eyes toward the sky, suddenly certain that you were being watched. But not just watched – no, you were being hunted.
            At a loss for what else you could do, you renewed your efforts to alert Gwayne to the danger that you could feel but not yet see. You screamed until your voice was hoarse, but you were forced to watch in horror as Gwayne continued his conversation as though nothing was wrong, even flashing that charming smile that you knew and loved so well. It was just then that the other man finally noticed that something was wrong. He cast his eyes toward the sky as you had mere moments before, saying something to the gathered men. A wave of fear seemed to run through the horses, as there was a flurry of shifting hooves and nervous snorts. You could only watch in terror as realization washed over Gwayne’s face, twisting his handsome features into a terrifying expression of horror.
            You screamed at him to run just as everything burst into motion, the horses tearing off across the plain toward the cover of the trees. You found yourself moving along with them, though you had no mount of your own. Instead, it was the same terrible invisible force, dragging you along, forcing you to watch as the scene unfolded before you.
            And then you saw it: the dragon. It swooped down from the sky as though it had erupted into existence from nothing, filling the empty air with huge grey wings that seemed to blot out the sun. You screamed again, but this time without the intention of forming any coherent words – the noise that escaped your throat was an expression of the fear that was buried deep in your bones upon the sight of the creature. Its lean body shot across the plain toward the fleeing men with a kind of focus and intention that proved what you had thought from the beginning: the dragon was hunting. And worse than that, it was hunting Gwayne.
            Voice rubbed raw from screaming, and realizing your cries to him did nothing anyway, you watched in terrible silence as his steed thundered across the ground, its legs eating up the distance as fast as it could. And yet the dragon gained. If this was some cruel trick played by the gods, you couldn’t think what you could possibly have done to deserve this kind of torment. You could do nothing but watch, utterly powerless, as Gwayne – your Gwayne – fled for his life, his beautiful face contorted into an expression of fear that cut you to the core like a knife to the stomach. You held your breath, fearing each moment would be the one when you were forced to watch your love be consumed by dragonfire, ending both his life and yours in one swift blow of unimaginable anguish and heartbreak from which you knew you would never recover. Just as you had resolved to try calling to him one last time – if nothing else, to assure him of your love – the treeline broke around you and the horses cantered to a stop beneath the cover of the forest.
            The world was still again, but the fear lingered. You could sense the dragon above you, even hear its thin, unearthly cries as it searched for its hidden quarry. Your eyes instantly found Gwayne, needing to make sure he had survived the ordeal. Indeed, he still sat upon his steed, and you watched his chest heave as he attempted to steady his breathing. The fear that still permeated the forest remained etched on his face as well, changing his features from those of the man you had courted and married to those of a young boy, trembling and horror-struck and so helpless and small.
            You longed with every fiber of your being to run up to him and pull him into your arms, to feel his warm breath on your neck as he folded into your embrace. You ached to hold his face in your hands and wipe away the single lingering tear he likely didn’t even know was still glistening on his cheek. You yearned to kiss the terror away from his brow and his nose and his lips, to tell him he was safe – to tell him that you were here. 
            But you were trapped just feet from him, all these longings locked into your body as you pressed toward him as far as the strange invisible barrier would allow. You watched as the fear slowly faded from his face, his features once again becoming warm and familiar. You couldn’t help but smile as he seemed to return to himself somewhat. Turning to one of his companions, he opened his mouth to say something when both of their eyes snapped up to the sky, reacting to some sound you must not have heard. You followed their gaze, and didn’t even have a chance to scream as a column of fire descended from above, ready to devour you all.
            You woke with a gasp. Your heart was pounding loudly enough that you could hear it in your ears, and you pushed yourself up into a sitting position as you struggled to calm your ragged breathing. The darkness in the room was soft, and your eyes adjusted slowly to your surroundings, only to find them all comforting and familiar – this was your room, your home. Instantly, you turned to your side, and let out a small sigh of relief when you saw Gwayne sleeping peacefully next to you. He was here, he was home, he was safe – you both were.
            When your breathing had calmed back to a normal rate, you eased yourself back down under the covers, burrowing into his arms as he sleepily adjusted his position to accommodate you.
            “Hmmm—is everything… alright?” he muttered, blinking his eyes open.
            “Everything’s fine,” you assured him, “I just had a nightmare.”
            He seemed to waken a little more at your words, propping himself up slightly on one arm as he reached the other hand out to stroke your cheek.
            “Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?” his voice was still thick with sleep, but you knew the questions were genuine.
            “It was about you,” you reached up to cup his hand that still rested on your cheek, intertwining his fingers with yours. “And the dragon,” you added, your words barely above a whisper. Hearing his sharp intake of breath, you were certain he was reliving the memory himself, and instantly regretted your words.
            “But it was nothing,” you hurried to assure him, “I just—I just wish I had been there. Or that I could have helped or—” you were distinctly aware that your jumbled words made very little sense, even to you. “I just felt so helpless,” you ended with a sigh. Gwayne watched you with soft eyes, his fingers squeezing yours in reassurance.
            “You were there, though,” he responded, smiling gently, “and you did help.” You just stared at him incredulously, wondering if he was the one who was dreaming now. He read the question in your eyes with a small chuckle and disentangled his hand from yours, pushing himself up to sit. 
            Pressing a hand to his chest, his fingers found the chain of the necklace that he always wore. The charm was a delicate circle of beaten metal hanging from a simple coppery chain. You had bought it in the market one day when the two of you were still courting. The rich auburn sheen of the metal had reminded you of Gwayne’s hair, and you were determined to have it. The seller assured you that the little ring symbolized unending love and devotion – a never-ending cycle, an unbroken vow. You were doubtful that had been the original intention of the maker, but rather a ploy on the seller’s part to drive up the price after he realized you intended it as a gift for your beloved. Had it been that obvious how love-struck you were? 
            Regardless of whether it was intended or not, you liked the idea of the simple circle as a token of promise and loyalty, as well as a celebration of one of Gwayne’s most striking features. You had given it to him wrapped in a carefully-embroidered handkerchief when he had gallantly asked for your favor before a tourney. You cherished the memory of him asking you to help him put it on, and the fleeting touch of his skin and flaming hair you were able to steal as you clasped it around his neck. He won the tourney, and insisted that his victory was due at least in part to the precious charm you had given him, imbued with your affection and devotion. To your knowledge, he had never taken it off since.
            Now, in the dim light of your shared chambers, he held the little ring out for you to see. It was slightly more battered now than it had been, and though its original shine was gone, it still seemed to glow with a warm coppery light. Reaching out, you took the small circle in your fingers, feeling all the tiny knicks and ridges it had acquired over time, each one of them proof of Gwayne’s promise to always return to you – an unbroken vow.
            “See, you’re always with me, right here,” he gestured to the charm in your fingers. The feeling of the metal against your skin and the sweet memories that swirled through your mind caused tears to prick at the corners of your eyes, chasing away the lingering cobwebs of fear that the nightmare had spun. Gently, you released the ring and Gwayne’s fingers replaced yours on the circle, guiding it back to where it always sat on his chest, just above his heart. He pressed it there, emphasizing his words: “right here, right where you always have been – and always will be.”
            Ducking your head away, you tried to hide the tears that were now threatening to slide down your cheeks as his words. But before you could wipe them on the sheets, Gwayne’s hand caught your chin, gently pulling him back to you, the rough pad of his thumb banishing the tears from your face. His eyes sparkled with affection and mirth, and you found yourself unable to stop yourself from echoing his smile.
            “Hmmm… it’s more serious than I thought,” he said with mock-concern, tilting your face as though he was examining it, “you appear to be desperately and madly in love with me – a very serious condition indeed.”
            You couldn’t help the laugh that spilled out of your mouth as you nudged him playfully, causing him to break into bright chuckles of his own. Your chest, which just moments ago had been compressed with terror, was now so full of love and happiness you were certain it might burst.
            “And tell me, Ser Gwayne, what is the cure for this most dire of conditions?” you matched his tone of feigned worry as your laughter subsided.
            “Hmmm,” he rubbed his chin thoughtfully, unable to hide to hide the dimples forming on his cheeks, proof of his barely-suppressed smile, “perhaps marriage? I have heard many esteemed lords claim that the institution of matrimony is bound to cure an ailment such as yours.”
            “Oh, but I fear I’ve tried that,” you exclaimed, “and it has only made my condition worse.”
            “Then this is indeed one of the most serious cases I’ve ever seen.” He pondered for a moment, then his eyes lit up: “There is one more cure, but it’s risky. You could try true love’s kiss. One does read about those sorts of things working miracles after all.”
            “What’s the risk?”
            “The risk is that the kiss renders your condition utterly uncurable by any other means.” Gwayne’s lips tilted up into your favorite lopsided smile as he grinned at you, dimples glowing like twin suns, sending the delicate freckles on his face colliding into each other like falling stars.
            “That’s a risk I’m more than willing to take,” you breathed as he reached out to cup your face and bring it close to his. You closed your eyes as your lips met in a burst of warm sunlight that seemed to fill your whole body with its radiance. You weren’t sure how long you remined pressed against him, feeling his heartbeat against your skin, his auburn locks twisted in your fingers, his necklace hanging between your entwined forms. 
            “Did it work?” he whispered when he finally pulled away, his forehead still resting against yours.
            “No,” you responded happily, your fingers once again finding the thin metal of the little circular charm, “I fear I’m even more madly and desperately in love with you than before.” You met his eyes, finding them bright and soft and just as madly and desperately in love as you were certain yours were.
            “Well, I like to think of myself as chivalrous, but I don’t think I can find it in myself to regret your condition,” he whispered, a teasing smile on his face as he reached a hand up to run his fingers through your hair.
            “Nor can I,” you whispered back, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
            He pulled you fully into his grasp then, maneuvering you both back under the covers without relinquishing his hold on you. You rested on his chest, head tucked under his chin as he wrapped both arms around you. Your fingers found his necklace, and you clasped it in your hand. He echoed your motion until both of your hands were intertwined around the metal circle, resting just above his heart. You could feel it beating against your skin, and you snuggled yourself even closer to him.
            “This is what I imagine,” Gwayne said softly to the darkness, “when I’m on the road without you, and all I have is this small charm to remind me of what it feels like to rest in your embrace. This is what I dream of.” He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead and squeezed your hand where it entwined with his on the necklace. “You’re always right here.”
            “I’m always right here,” you echo, your words a promise, a vow.
            “But thank the gods I don’t have to imagine right now,” you felt his words as his lips moved against your forehead, “because I am right here.” Gwayne wrapped his arms even more tightly around you, and you gladly tucked yourself further into his warm embrace. You felt yourself drifting back into a pleasant sleep in the comfort and safety of his arms. You heard his words echo softly in the gentle quiet of the room:
            “I’m right here.”
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saturngalore · 7 months
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☆ one ~ solange hair by darknightt (tsr warning) ☆ two ~ loretta hair by @simtric ☆ three ~ bahati braids by @sheabuttyr ☆ four ~ isonoe hair by octetsica ☆ five ~ binah braids by @sheabuttyr ☆ six ~ cornrows & curls hair by @leeleesims1 ☆ seven ~ indie hair by @sashima ☆ eight ~ loc petals by @shespeakssimlish ☆ nine ~ mnemosyne hair by octetsica ☆
mini dedication essay to black simmers and ts4 creators below! pls read if you have the chance! <3
this edit is a small homage to afrofuturism and the various unique black hairstyles (and especially the black creators of most of these hairs) that i have downloaded and admired over the years! some of these are old and some of these are new.
to me, afrofuturism means constantly honoring/reclaiming/challenging the past while constantly creating/dreaming of a better society/world/future. a society/world/future that embraces and empowers all of our differences, ingenuity, aspirations, and unique lived/cultural experiences. a society/world/future that does not limit us through the various systems of marginalization and oppression (racism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, sexism, xenophobia, ableism, classism, colorism, etc.) that often affects how we, as black people, live today.
blackness is so diverse and intricate yet it's always been a struggle to find my culture within a game that's known for being so limiting, bland, and extremely eurocentric when it comes to hairstyles, clothing, food traditions/events, etc. black simmers have always had to figure out how to make this game more inclusive and make it resemble either more like how our ancestors lived, how our current lives are, or how we would want our lives (and even our children's lives) to look like in the future no matter how dystopian the real world look and feel now. fortunately, these hairs and their uniqueness bring a huge sense of culture and style to this game. they have always inspired me and made me feel extremely proud to a part of the lovely african diaspora (and the ever-growing black simmer community).
in a way, being a black simmer and cc creator usually means that we are often digitally creating our own worlds as afrofuturists to varying degrees (whether we know it or not) every time we open our game, make our sims, make houses, and/or make black cultural cc. also, now i know that cc making is not easy to do and is extremely time-consuming so this post is also just me giving all black cc creators especially those who create for free their well-deserved flowers! here are some other black cc creators who created cc that have greatly impacted my game since i first started playing sims 4: @/leeleesims1 @/simtric @/hi-land @/yuyulie @/sims4bradshaw @/ebonixsims @/xmiramira @/sheabuttyr @/qwertysims @/oplerims @/sleepingsims @/shespeakssimlish and so many more im forgetting probably (im too shy rn to tag ppl but i greatly appreciate y’all fr i hope y’all telepathically get this message somehow 😭).
last but not least, i am hoping that this inspires somebody to keep creating or start creating regardless of what they think their skill level is! somebody will absolutely fall in love with your work and/or your art/work will 100% change someone's game forever <333
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rubiehart · 6 months
if you’re taking requests rn, can you write a blurb of jj x gf!reader after their first time. but hes just so emotional and mushy bc it was his first time having real intimate sex and he just feels so good abt it
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you’re both laying in bed, sheets ruffled and limbs tangled, both of your bodies still warm, smushed together in a comfortable silence since he’d rolled off of you after giving you the best orgasm of your life.
your face is tucked into his neck, his arms wrapped protectively around you, chin rested on top of your head as you breath in heavily, basking in the feeling of being together at last.
a sniffle breaks the silence and you blink slowly, opening your eyes to look up at your boyfriend, his eyes are glassy and sad, you immediately reach a hand up to cradle his face, furrowing your eyebrows together and speaking quietly to him.
“why’re you crying?” you ask and he chuckles dryly, reaching up to swat away the tears that threatened to fall. “i dunno- just-“
he sniffles again, and you nod urging him to go on, your attentiveness making his heart melt further. “i just- damn- i just love you so much n’-“ he struggles for words as you frown.
“jesus- i’m cryin’ like a fuckin’ baby cause i just love you so fuckin’ much.” you feel your walls crumble then and you let a tear slip, laughing as you push his hair back from his forehead as his eyes flicker all over your face but inevitably land on your lips. “yeah?” you ask, a little wobbly and he smiles.
“yeah. so fuckin’ much- like you don’t even know.” and you smile. “i love you more jj, for so long. i love you so much i don’t even know how to say it.” you admit, tears falling and and he swipes them away, hanging onto your every word as you both see eachother’s vulnerability in this situation, two idiots in love.
“god damn- gonna marry you- i swear i will.” he promises, chuckling, cupping your face and giving you the sloppiest kiss ever, you receive it eagerly, kissing him back desperately. “you better after this.” you laugh, and he does too, a genuine one that makes your heart leap, you loved this boy so much and you were never getting over it.
“jesus-“ he mutters, attempting to wipe another fallen tear, failing as you crash your lips against his again, a new found passion and desire within you, you were never getting over this boy.
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seungisms · 2 years
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, angst and smut, do not interact if you’re under 18
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: unprotected sex, public sex, oral (female receiving), fingering, overstimulation, edging, degradation, soft!skz, hints of degenerate!jisung (might make a longer post for him in future cause i'm obsessed)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: had this requested a bunch so thought i’d finally give u filthies what u want - ik i said soft sex with lix would be next but uh, plans changed (aka danni is struggling to write anything that isn’t a reaction/headcannons rn) so please forgive 🧎‍♀️reblog for a kiss, feedback much appreciated!
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soso in love with the thought of turning you into the prettiest mess he’s ever seen during sex so it’s no surprise that he can get a little carried away :( doesn’t mean to though, he swears!! is just too busy lapping up the messy heaven between your legs to notice your choked begs to ‘slow down’, coaxing you towards orgasm again and again with fat licks against your pussy. lets out the m o s t obscene groans into your cunt, spit and cum covering his chin and sheets and he’s looking up at you with the most dreamiest eyes ever that it almost made you forget the stinging of your core from his relentless worship. you try your hardest to hold out, reminding yourself he wouldn’t even think about overstimulating you to this point if he knew how sensitive you currently felt, but you can’t help the safeword from tumbling out between your cries - and he’s off you within in a second. his hands are shaking, careful not to touch you and there’s so much shame and guilt swimming in his pretty eyes that you could almost cry, please just kiss this man!! will cup your face ever so softly and lean into the kiss, letting out small sniffles and apologies against your lips - and you can still taste yourself on his tongue, making you whine into the kiss and he would’ve thought it was the hottest thing ever if he wasn’t so focused on making it up to you. will overthink this so much and will spend the rest of the night doting on you, even if you insist you’re fine. no ma’am he’s gonna be loving on you until you’re sick of him <3
“oh baby, i’m so sorry :( i just get a little carried away with you sometimes.”
if there’s one thing this guy l o v e s it’s fucking you in public - just gets such a kick out of the sight of you trying your absolute hardest to hold in your whines and whimpers while he’s stretching you out real good and deep, knowing that any second someone could walk in and witness you being fucked like the slut he loves to claim you are. obsessed with risk of it all, rutting into you against some random dressing room door he pulled you into after a performance, filled with adrenaline and your pretty pussy being the only thing he could think about. every time this mf hears a voice approaching closer he’ll only fuck into you even harder, covering your whole body in his own until all you can see, taste, feel is him. normally you’d be all for public sex, clenching around and milking his cock until you were fucked dumb and covered in his hot cum, but hearing his managers and the other boys so close to the door made you panic and you couldn’t stop the safeword from coming out against his flushed skin. wouldn’t ever take your begs to stop seriously before, cause your hips rutting against his and the tugging of his hair only proved to him how much you actually wanted his dick despite your words. but he’ll do a complete 180 as soon as hears that safeword, pulling you skirt over you cum soaked thighs as you both stilled, finally hearing the voice (that he swore was jisung) fading away into another room. will be extremely pissy that he didn’t get to shoot his load (please he’ll be like a moody teenage boy) but he has to admit he does like the sight of you being left hanging, begging him to fuck you again even though you couldn’t handle the risk.
“gonna kill that mf.”
can be such a meany with you during sex sometimes, especially after a rough day in the studio. takes all his frustrations out on you and won’t hesitate to manhandle you if you’re being bratty, his only goal in sight being painting your plush walls in his hot cum and your dumb little back talk won’t stop him. angry sex will be such a blur with him, one minute he has his fingers shoved deep inside your pussy and the next they’re wrapped tightly around your neck with his cock drilling into you with so much force the only thing you could let out were choked moans and he was practically eating them up. normally you like when he manhandles you like this, but something about tonight - with his fingers pressing down on your windpipes, tears blurring your sight and the feeling of your cunt all puffy and sensitive from his constant poundings had you choking out the safeword. despite having pretty bad pussy tunnel vision, he’ll snap out of it as soon as he registers your words and before you know it the pressure on your neck has ceased and the strange feeling of your cunt being filled to the brim one minute and empty the next settling in. changbin will be soso ashamed of himself for getting so carried away to the point he made you uncomfortable - crying out the very same safeword he’d never thought either of you would ever have to use. will brush away the tears spilling over onto your flushed cheeks so lovingly and will be so attentive and caring towards you after. please this man will be so afraid to even touch you following this and will probably ban sex fo awhile so just help this stupid mf out, he doesn’t know how to handle this type of shit 😭
“were never having sex again, idc how much you want it.”
“really changbin, cause you’re always the one begging me for it??? 🤨🤨”
gets pussy drunk so fucking easily. so much time will pass without him even realising it while he’s busy playing with your pussy - please he’s been late to practice and chewed out by both chan and minho more times than he can count cause he gets so carried away between your legs. his hands will keep your pretty folds spread wide open for his tongue to leave fat swipes against your slit, nose nudging into your pussy and humming lowly as your sweet taste hit his tongue - your tummy tightening painfully as he stimulates you even further towards another orgasm. it was all just too much, you could feel him all over you and instead of that overwhelming pleasure you were so used to that makes you oh so lightheaded and pushing his head even further into your heat was instead replaced with a stinging ache, your cunt crying our for him to stop but your voice failed you yet again. as soon as you feel his long digits dip into your pussy - gathering up your wetness and spreading them around your puffy pussy lips - finally you were sobbing out your safeword. istg he’ll be so 🥺 as he pulls away from you, not even hesitating to wrap you up in a fluffy blanket and laying small kisses over your sore body, muttering muffled apologies against the warm skin. extremely understanding and accepts that this sort of stuff will happen sometimes, and you’re just so thankful how mature and sensitive he is to the whole thing. he’ll try not show it but he’ll be extra careful the next few times you have sex, his normally rough words replaced with soft touches and worried eyes, and you could just tell he was afraid of it happening again. 
#1 contributor to your misery istg. is all over you and makes sure the only thing you can see, feel and taste is him. will have a vibrator shoved deep into your cunt as he fingers work on your clit, tongue lapping up the sweat that collected between your tits from his torture and you swear this man is such a degenerate but that doesn’t stop you from spreading your legs open even further for him, even though it was all on the brink of being too much. he was eating up all your soft cries but you were just trying your best to focus on one thing, mind completely empty as he upped the speed of the vibrator and went back to rubbing your slit even harder and you were just so overwhelmed from the amount of stimulation he was putting your through that you couldn’t even think straight. as soon as you feel the pads of his fingers pinching your tender bud you were choking out the safeword. jisung doesn’t even notice at first, too caught up in replacing the toy with his fingers, muttering something about how ‘a useless piece of plastic dick’ couldn’t please you the way he could while curling his digits deep inside your swollen pussy, groaning out against your warm skin as he felt you close in around them. takes him a little while before his mind finally catches up with his ears but as soon as it does he’ll look up at you all :( - stilling his fingers inside of you for a second before slowly pulling them out. and you just can’t look into those pretty eyes of his cause theres so much worry and shame spilling over them that it almost makes you wanna cry. radiates 100% comfort and will n o t stop apologising the rest of the night, cleaning you up and holding you real close against him, almost as if he was afraid you’d slip right through his fingers fort hat one dumb mistake. will defiantly be more attentive during sex afterwards and will look for signs that you’re about to crumble before it’s too late, extremely intent on you not having to use that damn safeword again in future!!
“i’m sorry sweetheart, let me make it up to you.”
this boy lives to please you so it’ll break his little heart that he made you so uncomfortable that you had to resort to your safeword, he’ll try his best to prevent it anyway possible :( no surprises that he finds himself with his head buried between those heavenly thighs of yours more times than he can count, could probably pass away feeding on your pussy and he’d die a happy man. very attentive to your sounds and he’ll perk up every time you let out a choked sob or whimper, tongue leaving slow, long licks up your slit as he keeps your pussy folds spread open for job - tongue fucking into your tight hole every now and then. probably notices right away when your pleased cries turn to whines of pain and he’ll be ceasing his worship on your clit immediately without you even having to utter your safeword yet. he could practically see it dangling from your lips. and you just wondering how you got so lucky to be with such an angel, knowing exactly what you’re feeling no matter what and having no problem to stop even if it pains him. leaves one last kiss to your puffy folds before crawling up to face you, hovering over your exhausted form before his mouth is on you, kissing you so sweetly as a gentle reminder that he’d never intentionally make you uncomfortable or cause you any sort of pain 🥺👍 you’d probably never have to resort to using your safeword while having sex with him, he’s practically obsessed with you and is so attentive to your body language and sounds - he probably knows when you’ve had enough before you even do, would be the most perfect boyfriend ever <333
the meanest!! has got carried away with his cruel words on more than one occasion. will say shit like, ‘you’re such a cum slut, good for nothing but shooting my load into’ and, ‘look at you begging for my cock, such a dumb girl’ while fucking into you, fingers rubbing at your swollen cunt and the filthy sounds of your wetness coating his dick with every buck of his hips filling the room. normally you’d be eating those words right up, playing into it and looking up at him with the most desperate, cock hungry eyes ever, pussy clenching around nothing when he pulls out of you just to be mean and he’ll laugh straight in your face at the sight, slapping your aching cunt to see those cute tears stinging at your eyes. but it was all too much right now. he was working your clit so roughly and you weren’t sure you could handle it much longer, begging him to slow down but he’s soso pussy drunk rn that he’d think you were just acting up to be brat, fingers leaving bruises on your hips as he continued pounding into you, vile words still spilling from his lips. but as soon as that safeword hits his ears he’ll be stilling instead of you, his cock still twitching deep against your walls and he doesn’t know what to do at first. couldn’t take his eyes off you, you were such a mess; hair messed and limbs twitching, eyes glossy with tears and lips slick and bruised from his kisses. normally he’d get such a kick out of such a sight but all he could feel in that moment was guilt - guilt that he actually went too far this time and was late to notice. gets so soft afterwards and its such a stark contrast to his attitude from when he was fucking you that you couldn’t help but lean into every soft touch and sniffle at every gentle word, desperate for some kind of affection and he was eager to give it. you’re gonna have to assure him that you were just feeling extra sensitive cause he’ll overthink tf out of everything he did and be extremely careful with you in future, will be at least a month until meany!seungmin makes an appearance again - unless you beg prettily enough of course <3
sometimes doesn’t realise how much bigger his cock and fingers are compared to you, and doesn’t work hard enough to stretch your cunt open enough to be able to take him when he’s being needy. especially now as he’s forcing two digits into your hole, pumping them into you at a pace you could hardly keep up with - your choked sobs of ‘slow down’ getting lost into the room as his lips lapped at your neck, groaning into the flushed skin when he felt how tight you were around his fingers. mutters something about ‘if you struggle this much taking my fingers i can’t wait to see you taking my cock.’ and before you know it he’s adding a third, cunt crying out for some type of relief and you just couldn’t take it anymore, the feeling of your pussy closing in around him causing you more pain than anything. so extremely distressed when he registers the safeword spilling from your lips, eyes all round and shining with worry and you wished you weren’t the one to cause that type of expression on such a pretty face. kisses and massages all your sore muscles and will run a nice hot shower for you, letting you lean into his chest as he shampoos your hair. won’t stop apologising so just kiss him to shut him up <3 sometimes doesn’t realise his own strength so he’ll be extra attentive in future, making sure to prep your pussy well and get you nice and wet for his cock before taking you, anything to make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable for you he’s doing it :(
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© 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐬 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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anantaru · 1 year
im imagining kazuha eating us out rn but but imagine hes being a real tease omg
cw. oral (fem! receiving), fem! reader
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"stay patient.. my love."
oh my, kazuha really knows his way around your body and on how to make you feel lightheaded, in especial on how adorable you seem whenever you begin to throw a tantrum the moment he decides to tease you— what an angelic, soft, and tasty thing you were to him— he could watch you struggle for hours on end while he's only grazing over your folds with his slicked up tongue, humming all cutely at you when you jerk your hips up, only to be forcibly pushed back against the mattress.
"please..." you mewl out weakly, curling your fingers into his ruffled hair to have him just a little closer to your aching sex, "i can't take it anymore!"
"hmm, really? already?" how much he adored witnessing the burden of your distressed desperation permeating strongly on your entire frame that it had you twitch and turn right under his handle.
and there it is, you feel him close on your tender flesh when he runs his tongue in between your folds again, this time flattening his wet muscle and rolling it from bottom to top, so he could get a really good lick out of it, you know? so kazuha can coax out everything from you— starting from your pitchy whines playing like ethereal tunes over his ears or all the cute, little vibrations of your body twitching against his strong hold keeping you in place, you're the most perfect being in his eyes, crafting a connection of your minds with an ever burning passion and he'll do anything to keep his angel satiated, even though he loved having his way with you right now.
he presses into you deeper and your hips involuntarily jolt up into his mouth again, the tingles of his tongue messily crushing over your puffy cunt having your toes curl inwards, your dampened folds being squished against his lips as he suddenly wiggles his head from left to right, again, this time faster, left to right and slicking you up with his saliva, a helpless cry of his name sliding past your throat when he begins to muse against your stinging skin, stopping his mouth on top of your clit before giving the needful place a quick, wet kiss.
"just a little more.. i promise."
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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hailsatanacab · 8 months
I'm a sucker for Twin Reveals, idk if you know that. So I have to ask about "you're joking, right? gala pranking turned twin reveal"
ngl this is the flavour of the month for me rn, I've really hopped straight back on the demon twins au with a passion! you get 500 words of the intro here because I have no restraint :)
Tonight is becoming, as often happens with a gala, a dismal affair.
Bruce has (finally) managed to extract himself from a torturous conversation with Mrs. Johnson, and is allowing himself a quiet breath with a glass of apple juice masquerading as whiskey when someone taps him on his shoulder.
“Mr. Wayne?”
It’s a voice he recognises, despite only meeting the man once. He doesn’t groan—he even resists the urge to throw his glass at him and make a break for it—but it’s a close affair. He’s not Superman, after all, and there’s a limit to his strength.
With a deep breath and the customary ditzy smile of Brucie Wayne plastered on his face, he turns towards Mr. Masters.
Only to immediately freeze.
“Ah, yes, I don’t believe you’ve met.” Mr. Masters turns and presents a young boy to him, gently pushing him forward slightly. His dark hair is ruffled and there’s a thunderous look on his face as he flashes Bruce a glare before stubbornly fixing his gaze back on the floor. “May I introduce to you my son, Daniel Masters?”
This is the fourth gala Vladimir Masters has been to since his reintroduction into high society, only the second one he and Bruce have attended together, and, as Bruce is silently lamenting, there is still so little known about the man. Yet, he doesn’t strike Bruce as someone that would pull a joke like this.
After 20 years locked away in his house suffering from an unnamed illness, his return had been completely unexpected and not entirely welcome, from what Bruce has heard. Too many years spent away shrouded in mystery has people weary about forging new connections, but his recent successes with his business might persuade a few brave—or foolhardy—individuals into making some investments.
Which must be why he’s now back on the gala scene.
Which must be why he’s chosen to become Mayor of a little unknown town in Illinois, as baffling as the choice may be.
Which must be why he’s pulling this stunt. This practical joke. Something to break the ice, to share a laugh with Bruce. To start a conversation.
The only real question is why Damian is going along with it.
“I’m sorry?” Bruce says, chuckling awkwardly.
Poor Damian looks just about ready to pull out a sword and start swinging, so perhaps he’s not as comfortable in going along with it as Bruce first thought. There's a tension in his shoulders, his whole body as taut as a bow string. Did Dick put him up to this? It’s definitely something his eldest would find funny.
“My son, Daniel. Daniel, say hello to Mr. Wayne.” There’s a flash of annoyance in Mr. Masters’ eyes as he gives Damian another nudge to introduce himself.
“Hello, Mr. Wayne.” Damian growls out, eyes still stubbornly lowered, his jaw tensing painfully. His voice sounds different, almost like he’s affecting Mr. Masters’ accent. Just what is he playing at? Bruce is struggling to find the funny side in all this.
Is this a case they’re working on? Not a prank, but rather some investigation that Bruce isn’t privy to? It wouldn’t be the first time his children have kept him out of the loop, but to do it in a gala, and a Wayne gala at that, where they’re sure to be recognised…
No, it has to be a joke. They’re planning to embarrass him, they have to be.
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roseglazedlens · 10 months
⦑ seeking the light ⦒ ✧.*
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NANAMI KENTO X FEM! READER SYNOPSIS: Nanami receives his final wish before passing, with you by his side in Kuantan, Malaysia. CONTENT: character death. SMUT MDNI. S2E18. hurt/comfort, unprotected p in v, oral (f! receiving), body worship (lots), missionary, slow sex, light choking, pet names (darling). briefly mentions haibara, gojo. A/N: nanami girlies, hope you guys are recovering (i am still struggling rn)... sending you all hugs and a care package. « 3.3 k words | masterlist | ao3 | reblogs appreciated! »
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A body moves on its own accord in its nature to protect. For Nanami, it comes with a cost this time. Even now, at his final breath, even when his numbed, scorched body pleads otherwise, fractured beyond repairable, Nanami chooses someone else’s life over his. There isn’t a doubt about this choice in his mind. All this fighting, all this suffering, this sacrifice—it was for someone worthwhile. For a generation with bright futures ahead of them, not meant for battles like these.
Nanami doesn’t see his act as a virtuous gesture. After all, this is his job, and protecting children is his duty. Perhaps part of him thinks he a coward to stand compliantly and let Mahito end his life, taking the easy way out.
His only regret—not being able to say goodbye to you. Even when all that remains is a silver of consciousness, you are his last memory. He thinks about how you are praying and waiting for his safe return at home, hating himself for not being able to give you the simplest things in life.
In his hazy mist, he hears Itadori’s voice. Lost of vigor, echoing through the isolated platform of Shibuya station with the two of them burrowed deep in this mess. Poor child, he’s about to cry. That’s not a good look on a young man like him.
“Itadori-kun… You’ve got it from here.”
His eyelids are forced to close as the pain becomes unbearable, embracing the cold blackness behind his eyes.
But in that darkness, Nanami isn’t alone.
Rays of light catches up to him, scorching the path ahead of him: burning, igniting, freeing. It illuminates a straight road that leads him into the end of darkness. Nanami had never seen this road in his life, but when he did just now, for some reason, an overwhelming urge makes him walk down this path.
As he tries to walk, something behind his ear cries out his name, asking him to close his eyes once more. Something in him obliges to do so.
“Kento?” Someone calls out.
There are sounds of children giggling away, adults conversing casually in another language accompanied by tunes from local street performances. And most prominently, Nanami hears the waves, rhythmically resonates when it crashes against the shore. He blinks open his eyes.
Light sharply enters his sight, wincing, shielding his face with a risen hand. A shadowed figure stands in front of his sight, slowly becoming apparent as his eyes adjust to the light.
And it’s you, clutching a smile on your face. Your hair catches sun streaks in beachy strands, cheeks sparkle with sand speckles that illuminates your face in some kind of holy light. The clouds, voices and shore freeze when you giggle in your own little world.
“Darling...?” He speaks hollowly as if this is just a memory, fearing that it is, that means it’s all over for real. “Where—am I?”
The world moves again, sounds beginning to rise up into murmured chatter, and his gaze raises in line with the horizon where the sky meets the sea, looking into the deep blue beyond.
“By the beach, sleepyhead. The book’s no good?” You giggle once more, but this time the world doesn’t stop with you.
Nanami has a finger prop up a page in an opened book. He finds himself wearing a tropical button up and pants sitting on an inflatable chair with sand between his toes. “I guess not.”
He doesn’t remember when he got here or how he got here. But Nanami knows exactly where this place is. A famous beach in the east coast of Kuantan, Malaysia—Teluk Cempedak. He saw this view on a magazine once and told himself he would travel here on his day off. That was two years ago. So this is what it looks like in person?
“Did I sleep for long?” He asks.
“Long enough for me to get the both of us something to eat.” You say as you pass an ice cream cone to him. He turns to grab it, and when he does, Nanami’s neck snaps to the seat next to him. A monkey sits comfortably by his side with its grin stretched wide, surprising him so much he drops the ice cream onto the hot sand.
Nanami hears a few tiny click of shutters as both the monkey and you giggle in unison. The camera lens point directly at him.
“You got me. Very funny now.” Nanami sighs, but behind that irritated frown, there is a smile that he reserves only in your presence.
On cue, the monkey reaches over you as you try to enjoy your ice cream, snatches it off your hands, and escapes across the beach.
The two of you stand in shock for a moment, staring at each other, before bursting into quiet smirks and giggles. When the laughter subsides, Nanami brings you close, landing a kiss on your soft lips. He sees his own reflection in the glaze of your eyes, and he realises he haven’t seen himself so carefree in a long time, especially not since he went to Shibuya.
“So, does that mean you won’t make me delete the photos?”
“Since I’m in a good mood, I’ll let you keep it this time.” He says, then corrects himself as you light up. “As long as Gojo doesn’t get his hands on it.”
“What’s he going to do with a picture or two?” You play with your phone, nervously fumbling the screen.
“Knowing that guy, blackmail. Probably.”
“Well… please don’t get mad at me.”
That is when something dings in his pocket consecutively. He reaches for his phone, and he sees the name Gojo Satoru on his screen, spamming rows of laughing emojis.
“I’m sorry! Gojo already saved it. I can’t unsend it anymore.” You whisper, retreating with your head hang low.
Nanami sighs again, but this time with forgiveness. It doesn’t matter to Nanami anyway. Small things doesn’t matter when he’s with you. He kisses your lips to reassure you. “That’s okay. You’re okay. I’m not really upset.”
And it is at this moment, you can hear a roar of music in the background. Some local nostalgic tune, even if he had never heard this song before. Nanami’s feet taps to the beat of rhythm, and an idea surfaces in his head.
“My lady.” He stands to lean his torso into you, mesmerizingly gentleman. “May I have this dance?”
You hesitate at first, an onslaught of eyes staring at his bold gesture in the middle of a fairly crowded beach. Nanami looks up at you, his drooping eyelids and focused gaze only makes him ever the more persuasive. His charms can’t be denied. Reluctantly, you reach for his hand.
Nanami immediately pulls you in to a dance. Jiving through the sand forming love trails with your bare feet, letting the humid wind sweep and sway through the air. He spins you with a raised hand, and when you do, you notice the many pair of eyes on you, momentarily embarrassed.
“They’re watching, Kento…” You whisper.
“Let them watch.” He whispers back into your ear.
It starts with lively children weaving through the crowd to find the lone couple dancing. They punch their fists clumsily in the air, people cheering and awwing, and suddenly, more people joins, forming a circle. Dancing without any concern of the world. A conga line forms, and the crowd livens in cheers and chants when the two of you leaves the dance circle.
“Look what you’ve done.” You say.
“You know I am only charming when I’m not at work.”
He picks up his phone, finding almost ten texts from Gojo with his face Photoshopped in different memes. You laugh at some of them, even though Nanami seem annoyed. He powers down his phone before you get to see more, in case it gives you any ideas.  
“That’s it. No more work texts on vacation. This trip is about us, and I’ll make sure you have a great time.”
And so he did. He took you to the best curry mee in town, and you had a sip of your teh tarik while overlooking onto the tide. He teases you with a tired loving smile over how you gawk at your food as you eat the kampung delicacies. Something you two would never have eaten in Japan, or Denmark, when he brings you home to meet his grandfather—and shows you that he intends to marry you.
But that’s not just all of his plans. Kuantan has much bigger delights than just the countryside; you took a taxi to all these places that Nanami briefly saw in a magazine. He tries painting batiks (and finds out it’s harder than it looks), walking and admiring local vendors, shop displays until it’s time for dinner again and you had the loveliest Nyonya style seafood that fuses between two cultures.
As the sun sets, there is one final spot Nanami wants to take you. You see the big Kuantan sign as you take a high speed elevator all the way to the top of the Skydeck. And it’s just you and him alone in the breeze of the night, watching streets light up with traffic, illuminating into the same horizon as before.
“Thank you for making my last day memorable.” He speaks into the deep dark sky, not a moon or star in sight.
And at that moment, you know he realises that none of this is real. That his body—or whatever’s left of it—is still back at Shibuya. But for whatever reason, even when he knows he’s already dead, Nanami is smiling. His blond hair reminds you of the moon hanging high in the sky, shining brighter than any spark of light on the streets.
“Mm-hm.” You reply, no other words needed.
Nanami’s arms come around your waist, pulling you close to him, until your bodies connect as one. He leans his head on top of yours, and breathes in your scent, your bashful reciprocation, and all of you that he will most definitely miss.
“Hey.” Nanami says, barely louder than a cricket. “I have one last request.”
“I want to taste you one last time.”
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The two of you scramble through the linoleum flooring, giggling through the hotel lobby as you share private jokes between each other without a care for the world. Passerbys wonder: ‘I wonder if they’re on a honeymoon’. And it doesn’t matter if it’s the beginning or many nights, or the end of them, your love for each other remains just as passionate.
When Nanami touches the key pass against his door, you try to push him in while he’s distracted, but he smirks at your boldness, but ultimately he turns you around to kiss you instead. He likes how you try even if it always ends with him turning the tables on you, kissing you while his whole body pins you against the hard wall.
He kisses you with the same fervour as he did the first night you spent together in the bedroom, and even after many years together, that doesn’t change.
Nanami helps you out of your clothes, one article at a time, savouring the look of you with each piece undressed, until you lay stark naked in front of him. He removes his glasses to place them against a bedside table, then he gets to work.
Guiding you to plop your hips onto the edge of the bed, Nanami positions himself on his knees to face you. He nudges your legs to open first, and he can’t help but fall in love again with how beautiful you look down there. His instinct is to put your bud in his mouth, and a cold rush of shiver frights you on your lower body. Your fingers curl slightly in reaction to his forwardness.
“Sorry to keep you waiting. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” Nanami smirks, kissing on your clit a few more times before his tongue peeks out, tasting at your delicate bud. He does that for a few minutes, varying the intensity and speed to edge you until it fizzes your lower body. Occasionally, if he thinks you sound cute, he’ll impress you by pressing down his tongue on your clit that makes your fingers curl and uncurl over and over. “You like this?” Nanami asks innocently.
Oh, he knows that you do. But of course, Nanami likes hearing you confess his charms from your own mouth.
“Kento…” You lower your voice. “I love everything you do. That goes without saying.”  
He hums, satisfied by your obedience.
“Now do th-that thing you always d-do, please…”
“As you wish, darling.”
Nanami loves to satisfy you, loves to obey you and make him yours. He takes your bud in his mouth, his tongue inside, circling along your clit while his middle finger dips in your wet coated slit. Long finger curls to meet your g-spot with ease, moving only his last knuckle on his hand so he can repeatedly rap at your sensitive spot until your whole body feels drowned in your own pleasure.
“Oh god…”
His tongue darts out in quick succession, letting the needy bud smack against the tip of his tongue until it grows swollen and sensitive to the touch. Nanami wonders if you are enjoying yourself until he hears a weak noise, back arching, cunt pulsing as the pleasure lightly tips you off the edge like a gentle ripple.
“H-Hey, that’s enough.” You say through huffed breaths.
“Five more minutes.” Nanami says, his breath just as uneasy.
You hesitate. “One.”
“Fine by me.”
Every passing of his tongue on you can’t seem to satiate him, he laps at your taste over and over again. Until foams of saliva bubble over your wet clit and you are soaking under his finger. His chin coats wet with you, with how delicious you are, but he doesn’t mind one bit of the mess. Taking his time is his priority.
“Nnh.” Just like he promised, almost sixty seconds later, he parts himself away through a throaty huff, withdrawing himself to lick his lips clean and wiping streaks of drool from his face with the back of his wrist.
Nanami moves in quickly for another kiss on your lips, and you respond with equal enthusiasm. He shuffles you backwards to accommodate him to enter the bed, lips bound together through the awkward motions. Naturally, you prop your legs on top of his thighs, and you feel his length taking advantage of you without obstructions, closing the distance until his tip meets you at your entrance.
He guides your torso flat against the bed through the firm pad of his palm, pressing them up form your pelvis all the way to your belly, your chest, your collarbone…
He stops moving. “How hard do you want it this time?”
“As you wish, my darling.”
His left hand continues upwards to find your neck, curling around the circumference of your neck. Some pressure is applied, and you roll your eyes back. Gentle at first, until you’re comfortable with his hand, he settles his tip inside of you. Quiet grunts leave his body as he puts you in missionary, overcome by the need to probe at you further until he feels all of himself buried.
But he restrains, for your sake. Nanami knows, with his size, bottoming out in one go only hurts you more. So he takes his time when he does so, easing himself in and fucks you with the intent to make eternal love, letting him continue this dreamlike state that will soon come to an end.
“You’re gorgeous…” He grunts, simply gazing at you, into your heart and into your soul. You do the same, admiring all his worn-out features relax like creased fabric undoing in the presence of you.
Nanami blinks away a watery glimmer between the speckles of his eyes, hoping you didn’t see it even though you did, and moves again.
Throughout the whole time, he only wants to stare at you, think of you through the burning sensation in his body that continues to remind him his time is almost up. But that doesn’t deter him, in fact, it only makes him want to take as long as the both of you need with no urge to climax hastily.
Each part of this is an experience, one final pleasure before the curse of reality hits them. You, in front of him, probably isn’t real. But it feels so real. It feels like Nanami has been granted his final wish. You, and this lovely scenery.
Soft, sensual pulses throb below you in a flowing state, crashing like the low tide on the evening beach, just like the view outside your fancy hotel window. Until the orgasm comes, in due time, through the labour of his efforts. How Nanami comes down to kiss you in gratitude as come spills inside of you, and the both of you grin into the kiss.
As you snuggle under the sheets next to Nanami, he brings his arm around your belly, grazing, pressing, worshipping—that this is the last time his hands will feel the warm plush again.
“I don’t want this night to over.” You mumble weakly.
He pulls you in with a hand that weighs a thousand of thoughts in his mind.
“I know, darling. I know.”
He sees himself in your eyes for the final time. Looking through the clearness, Nanami’s real body, burned and bruised on one half. Yet you still look at him with eyes that would stay by his side forever.
But this is not your time yet.
You blink back the tears, a rainfall along your cheek. He brushes it away with a look of yearning.
“Promise me you’ll have a good life, darling.”
You nod, unable to say anything else, knowing the tears will return if you do. Between you two, no words are needed. He can read you, and you can read him without any words uttered. Reaching for his jaw at first, you graze your fingers along Nanami’s cheek, and rests his eyes to a close. He mouths something inaudibly in his sleep before he departs.
You do the same, but he can’t see you.
Nanami opens his eyes in the middle of nowhere. He fell asleep at a bus stop sitting afloat above the sea’s surface. He sees now, the same path as before, ablaze above the sea levels, leading into the horizon where the sun falls into evening glory. At the start of the road, stands a figure.
Yooo, Nanamin. There you are!
The blinding lights on the path dims when the figure takes big, energised strides towards Nanami. Upon closer inspection, it’s a man in uniform. He has a distinct lean of someone he used to know a long time ago.
“Haibara?” Nanami asks.
Long time no see, bud. You don’t have to suffer anymore.
What is this feeling? Overwhelming pain, or relief when meeting a long, lost friend? There is so much Nanami wants to say he doesn’t know where to begin.
That he should have been stronger ten years ago, should have rescued Haibara in a battle beyond both their abilities even though he was just a kid. How he spent the rest of his life repenting, dedicating himself to protect the children who didn’t deserve to be in war. How he tried and failed and made it here…
… but none of that matters anymore after death.
Nanami jumps into his arms, bringing Haibara into his tight embrace. He hugs back. Nanami closes his eyes when he feels a sting behind his cheeks, then opens it again with newfound determination. Haibara bellows a laugh, pointing at Nanami’s reddened eyes which he fails to rub away.
Let’s head on to the other side, shall we?
Nanami nods. And they walk forward, side by side, towards the end of the path. He knows it’s all going to be all okay.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. —yours truly, rose. ITINERARY: > Teluk Cempedak > Lunch (Hoi Yin Restaurant) > Dessert (Kula Cakes - not mentioned) > Natural Batik Village (batik painting) > Kuantan 188 Skydeck taglist (open): @valsthea @kennedyswhore @emilzke @daydreamrot @navstuffs @j3llyd0nut @ovaryacted © roseglazedlens — please do not repost, plagiarise, or use in ai & other machine learning programs.
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deathbxnny · 5 months
omg bxnny I saw that your requests are open!!
I love your writing and I've been WAITING to request something (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
so I'm a sucker for platonic pairings, and was wondering if you could do something like Aventurine having a child sibling (fem if possible) and she's like his lucky charm and stuck to his side 24/7. Literally, he goes playing poker? they're sitting beside him and he ALWAYS wins with her there and things like that (and obviously he spoils her absolutely rotten and everyone who is willing to listen to him for more than 5 minutes knows about his baby sister), I hope it's not too detailed! 🩷🩷
love you and take care!!
Hey there, dear moot!! Thank you so much for the cute request!! I'm sick rn, so I hope this is okay and coherent lmao-
Content: Vague gambling, the IPC is it's own warning, angst, fluff, sfw
Reader is afab!
((Not proofread))
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His little sister is his most important person in the world, and he makes that crystal clear to everyone and especially her, for that matter. He doesn't take any slight against her lightly in any way and protects her with his life. He would stop at nothing for her to be happy, which is why he works so hard to free her from the IPC one day, even if he has to take the fall in the process. She is all he has left after all.
He wears a golden necklace of her initials around his neck and even proudly displays the brightly colored bracelets she made him on his wrists, despite them not fitting his lavish attire at all. He let's her play with his hair, apply makeup on his face even if it looks silly, and also definitely has grand tea parties with her that he takes very seriously.
With that said, as his little sister, she's absolutely spoiled rotten. She couldn't ask for more if she tried, and even if she did, he'd try even harder for her. It's a way to compensate for all they went through together, and whilst he knows it may never repair the mental damage she went through, he hopes it can distract her from the reality she's living for just a little longer.
His baby sister being his "lucky charm" is definitely something everyone knows about. He'd have her sitting on his lap or next to him whilst he plays, slyly showing her his cards with a knowing grin. He never lost a singular bet with her around and knows that his final plan would only succeed through the light of motivation she shone down on him every day.
Whenever he has moments of self-doubt and guilt, he reminds himself of what he's still living for, and it's her. His sister deserves a good life, one free from all troubles, and he's glad that she is still young enough to have a chance at it. And as much as it hurts, that future would be one without him once his plans proceed. He hopes that she can live on and remember him through the freedom he gave her, even when she one day inevitably forgets his face, voice, and name.
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Alright... I hope this was okay!! I'm not feeling the best at the moment, so writing is a real struggle. But either way, thank you again for the request!!<33
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dumb-bitchass · 10 months
Fight Club~ dating headcanons
a/n. i did NOT know other people were actively reading fight club fics here- thought i was the only one who checked the tags religiously. so anyway thank you guys for liking my first one
• bro has 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦 trademarked
• and probably kinky too so you better be prepared
• literally like the best person to cuddle (it grows on him the longer you date)
• he can def support all your weight and likes to completely envelop you with his arms and body
• this man will protect you with his life 100%
• like seriously if someone even looks at you wrong he will throw hands like nothing
• will end someone if you ask him
• will try to teach you martial arts (will he succeed...? do you know yourself enough to answer that question...?)
• if you deal with the strange behaviors and odd hobbies and likes, he'll deal with yours
• struggles showing any real vulnerable emotion with you
• but he's trying for you, i feel like he has it in him
• but right now he shows he loves you in a more physical way
• you know what i mean
• i also feel like he'd be pretty chill in a real relationship so if you want to go somewhere, watch a certain movie, or play with his hair he'll just be like "okay"
• enjoys having deep conversations with you, if you talk with him or just sit and stare and listen
• won't force you to join project mayhem but may entice you
Jack (narrator):
• dating you just thaws his cold emotionless heart
• will get emotionally attached to you after a couple weeks
• bbg
• the only way he can fall asleep is if you're right there next to him
• bonus points if you hold him and let him rest his head on your chest (while running your fingers through his hair)
• writing this has got me giggling and kicking my legs rn
• likes holding your hand while out (or even at home cause he just likes knowing your there)
• is actually a really good listener and will talk you through your problems in a casual way
• and he knows you'll do the same for him which makes him feel safe
• your guyses favorite store to go to is ikea
• you guys like to explore the showrooms and lay on the beds, giggling and pretending to be asleep
• i could fr write ikea headcanons should i do it
• watching a movie on the couch close together until you both fall asleep
• and making fun of all the characters' bad choices along the way
• trying very hard to make breakfast together the next morning (he just ends up making toast cause there's not much in that fridge)
• sleepy kisses :(
• basically he's a sweet baby who needs to be taken care of and if you don't i will find you
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be3per · 1 month
needy satoru drabbles bc i haven’t written in a while…
needy baby.. smut :3
fem.reader x satoru gojo
synopsis: your beloved boyfriend is on a mission and misses you. a lot. he has lots of images of you in his head and finds himself in an alleyway, getting off to you while he sends you a voice mail.. before coming home and fucking you for real.
includes: swearing, pet names (baby, MY pretty), masturbating.. in an alleyway, fingering, p in v, pussy eating, NEEDY GOJOOO (frothing rn), aftercare :3, scars from missions, fluff at the end !!
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enjoy! 💗
needy!satoru who misses you deeply. i mean.. he always does. but this mission was going to be for 3 days and he couldn’t stand being away from you. his head drifts off to your soft body, his hands desperately needing to squish your tummy and soft thighs while you play with his hair and his head was in between the valley of your breasts, listening to your heart. he loves soft moments with you.. but feels angry when he isn’t with you. frustrated… and his cock knew since his anger goes down to his hardening length, along with the thoughts turning dirty. the sounds of your pretty moans, tugging on his hair. your delicate touches with you cup his cheek or when you push down on his abs. your eyes roaming all over his body while he does the same. the taste of you.. how you feel. he couldn’t stand it. so he decided to show you how much he missed you.
needy!satoru who sends you voice messages during said mission of his breathy gasps and moans while he jerks himself off to the thought of you in an alleyway. this man is whining, even crying out for you. he couldn’t handle being away from you, even if tomorrow he was going to come back from his mission. he just wanted you. “babyyyy.. fuck.. i miss you and your pretty cunt so bad.. ughhh.. this is t-torture!”
needy!satoru who whines about him about to cum, needily babbling into the phone. “can i cum? o-oh.. please baby.. i need you.. to let me c-cum..—!” and he groans loudly when he does, sticky globs of white covering his hand as his head droops low. his legs felt wobbly but he remained standing, the sight of your smile in his head as he slowly lets go of his softening cock and ends the message with a babbled, “i wished.. it was your hands getting me off— nnhgg.. i love you, baby. i-i’ll be home soon.” his breathy pants echoed in the alleyway as he lets out a ‘tsk’ and a mumble “ugh.. how will i clean up t-this mess?”
needy!satoru who immediately barges through the door as soon as he makes it home, running to the bedroom in search of you. coincidentally, you were already knuckle deep in your pretty wet pussy, phone to your ear and listening to satoru’s moans from the voice message he sent you yesterday. his pupils blown wide as he shut the door with his foot, making his way over to you and turning your phone off and throwing it across the room, mumbling something about ‘buying you a new one’.
needy!satoru who’s face goes down to your pretty cunt, a hand intertwined with yours as he slowly licks your slick. he groans in pleasure as he tasted you on his tongue, immediately moving to go messy on that lewd and squelching pussy. your back arched in pleasure as your free hand gripped on those soft white locks, his mouth sucking on your pretty clit as your hips rocked up and down on his mouth to reach your high. “oh.. baby you taste so— mhhppff! …so good..”
needy!satoru who plunges two long, slender fingers into your needy slit. he’s surprised to see it enter you without struggle but it lasts short as he immediately starts to finger you quicker than normal.. like an animal. he quickly finds your sweet spot, hitting it over and over as his lips kiss and suck all over your inner thighs and quivering pussy. you cry out his name as you cum all over his pretty face, satoru licking and swallowing it all up without wasting a drop in return.
needy!satoru who had his pants down already as soon as his lips made contact with your pussy. he was humping the mattress so furiously that he didn’t care if he got carpet burn from how animalistic his hips bucked into the soft fabric. his cock was throbbing, veins prominent and bulging out as his angry red tip leaked out precum all over the sheets. he was so damn pent up.. the sounds of your pussy and moans not helping. “baby.. fuck.. ohmygod— so.. so—“
needy!satoru who came as soon as you did all over his face, a loud groan leaving his lips and sending the vibrations up your pussy to the tip of your spine. his cum stained the sheets, slowly dripping down the length of his cock and down to the hardwood floor. “fuck.. made me such a mess, pretty.” he groaned, smirking as he stood up. your juices was dripping down his chin and he wiped it with the back of his hand, letting go of your hand and flipping you over to your stomach. “i— i’m not done yet.”
needy!satoru who wastes no time to plunge his— somehow still hard— dick into that pretty cunt. he watched as it enters with ease, an embarrassingly loud squelch followed with a loud moan leaving your lips making his dick twitch inside you. his hands immediately go to your hips, letting you get comfortable before thrusting into you like there was no tomorrow. he panted heavily, mumbling something about filling you up and saying how ‘you’d look adorable with my babies’. he continued to thrust, watching the white ring form around the base of his pretty cock. “so damn.. tight.. around me..—“
needy!satoru who falls on top of you, keeping one hand on your hip and the other planting right beside your head to not squish you as he presses kisses to your neck, sucking and nipping at the soft skin. he could roam his hands all over your body for hours.. but all he wanted was you. you, you, you. “baby.. baby i— i might.. c-cummm..—!”
needy!satoru who buries his face into the crook of your neck, babbling praises and whines as he thrusts faster and faster into your tight hole. his thumb caresses your hip as he groans out a pathetically whiny, ‘c-cumming!!’ and fills you right up.. with you following shortly after. your back arches and he can’t help but moan at the feeling of your hole tightening further around him. he swears his dick will fall off from how you’re squeezing him.
needy!satoru who slumps into bed beside you, pulling you to his chest and holding you tenderly as he whispers apologies and affirmations of love. “i’ll clean you up.. i just w-want to hold you, baby.” he whispers into your ear, closing his baby blue eyes and feeling you nod against his chest. you both relax against each other for a moment, savouring the afterglow as he slowly pulls out of you.
needy!satoru who still gives the best aftercare even though he feels like his legs will break. he carries you to the bathtub, filling it with water at your desired temperature before fully stripping, his pants and boxers discarded somewhere in the room from eating you out, before hopping in with you. he pulls your back to his chest, his hands gently cupping your breasts and kissing your shoulder. “mm.. i’ll always savour this with you, my pretty.”
needy!satoru who swears he’ll fall asleep in the bath with you before he— although reluctantly —snaps out of it and begins to gently wash your delicate body. you were silent throughout the whole process while he praises you, voice low and gentle. “so pretty.. my baby is so pretty.” “your skin is so soft.. so beautiful.” “mind if I press a button harder..? i feel a knot under your skin..” he takes the best care of you, even if he’s tired from pounding into you.
needy!satoru who swiftly washes himself and carries you out the washroom after draining the tub and lazily dries you with a towel before hopping into bed naked with you. he doesn’t care that your hair is wet, as is his. he just wants to feel the warmth of your body against his. he lets out a deep sigh, tugging you closer as you gaze up at him adoringly. your gaze falls to his torso, his eyebrow quirking up.
needy!satoru who’s eyes widen when your delicate finger grazes the scars on his skin. he remains quiet as his snowy white eyelashes flutter upon seeing the focused look on your face, as if reminiscing the memories of each scar with him. he smiles and lightly chuckles before he places his hand on top of yours, pressing your palm against the warmth of his chest. “so sweet to me, ain’tcha?”
needy!satoru who falls asleep with you in his arms, hugging your smaller body against his own. his hand unconsciously rubs your back while the other remains tangled in your hair. he hums a quiet tune to you as you both surrender to sleep, legs tangled together and your hearts in your throat. “love you, baby.” he whispers. even if he’s asleep, he won’t ever regret or forget saying it. over and over if he will.
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sl-ut · 10 months
cool with it
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content warnings: very nsfw (no actual smut but just barely), voyeurism (ellie and jesse are both little pervs in this), smoking weed, all characters are high, swearing, reader is implied to be bi (or at least comfortable being sexual with or around men)
ellie thought very little of it when dina pulled y/n out of her grasp, tugging her to squeeze into the dirty old chair across from the sofa that the auburn haired girl was sitting on. jesse had taken up the spot next to her, bickering back and forth with her as she struggled to roll the fattest blunt anyone had ever seen, jesse attempting to talk her out of potentially wasting any bud. 
ellie thought very little of it when she could no longer hear the chittering and giggling of the two girls, instead focusing on swatting her best friend’s hands away and she groggily folded the paper. she really didn’t even think that much of it when she first heard the gentle smacking noises and girlish moans that she knew all too well. honestly, if it weren’t for jesse slapping her arm and gesturing across the room with wide eyes and a hanging jaw, she probably wouldn’t have noticed the fact that dina was shoving her tongue down her girlfriend’s throat.
both girls seemed to be on cloud nine, neither pulling apart for more than a short breath or even taking a glance over at their respective partners, both of whom were watching in utter disbelief and awe. 
dina’s hands were wandering across every inch of y/n’s body as she could reach, which y/n’s found purchase in dina’s dark locks that, for once, were left hanging loose around her shoulders. y/n’s bottom lip became trapped between dina’s teeth, pulling a weak whimper from her throat as she pressed her body closer to the girl’s. 
“should we…” jesse started, though he could barely finish his sentence with how entranced he was by the scene. he shifted in his seat, reaching across and pulling a spare cushion onto his lap, very indiscreetly covering up how much he was actually enjoying this. 
part of ellie wanted to be mad, how dare dina go after her girl when she’s so clearly under the influence, and how dare y/n makeout with someone right in front of her own girlfriend? still, that part of her was almost non-existent in comparison to the other part that was getting so much enjoyment out of this. she felt the wet spot in her boxers growing rapidly, and she felt the sudden urge to move closer, to force your faces together more firmly. 
“i mean…” she glanced over at his very quickly, “i’m cool with it.”
the boy nodded excitedly, “yeah, me too.”
the pair turned away from each other, their red-rimmed gazes falling on their girlfriends as dina moved her attention down y/n’s throat and began mouthing at the low neckline of her tank top. she grinned wickedly at the reaction, her long fingers curling around her thigh and grazing her covered heat. y/n sighed wantonly, her hazy stare falling over to her girlfriend. 
her hooded eyes showed only three things: exactly how much the weed was affecting her, how much she was enjoying dina’s mouth moving lower and tugging one of her hardened nippled between her teeth, and concern for how her girlfriend was feeling about all of this. recognizing her confliction, ellie leaned forward, elbows pressing into her knees as she sent her a curt nod, a silent keep going. 
though, none of them seemed aware of exactly how far it would go as dina began forcing the girl to rub herself against her thigh, smirking at ellie across the room as she asked her the night-changing question.
“ellie, can i pretty please eat your girlfriend’s pussy?”
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d1ana-m0nd · 2 months
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╭─► ❝The Servant: Umbrella Academy's Servant❞
Five Hargreeves × Female! Reader || Written by Diana (d1ana-m0nd)
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➢ Description : A Q&A video with Y/R/N and Aidan Ghallagher featuring a special guest that no one expected.
➢ Word Count : 2,390
➢ Links : Masterlist && Character Profile
➢ Note : Not gonna lie, I am uncomfortable about writing a real person 😭, well, real people in general. That's why in this fanfic, Mr. Gallagher may come off as OOC. So please don't be surprised that I focused more on the reader's chaotic energy to contrast with Mr. Gallagher's tame personality. For the record, Y/R/N means your real name.
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Q&A with Aidan Gallagher and Y/R/N ft. Special Guest
Aidan Gallagher smiled, his dimples defining his cheeks, and smiled, “Hey guys! So today we will be having a Q&A again with Y/R/N.”
The actress beside Aidan wore a big smile, she raised her hands and her limbs while the stool she sat on was unbalanced which ended up with her falling on her back. “Ow! Ow!”
“I already warned you, so I’m not even gonna bother saying it.” The brunette chuckled lightly, as he assisted his fellow co-actor to stand up.
“Shut it, Gallagher.” Y/R/N rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the camera, “Anywho, the Q&A will be brief since there were only two questions sent to us.”
The actor noticed the co-actor wore a slightly disappointed look, prompting an amused look to settle on his face. “I thought you didn’t want to stay in the studio that long.”
“I mean, yeah, I don’t wanna stay that long,” She rolled her eyes along with the card she was reading, “But, why does my manager get a lot of questions!?”
“It's not my fault, I’m more interesting than you.” A voice behind the camera called in, prompting the actress to flip off the bird at her manager. Conveniently, the camera cuts off.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
The brown-haired male read the question out loud, “So the first question is from @groovydazephantom - My question for both Aidan and Y/R/N is whether they have played any pranks on each other or have they played a prank together on an unsuspecting victim?”
“This doesn’t count as a prank. One time, my manager and I were making maruya, it is called ‘banana barbeque’ in English, and well, Aidan walked in on us making them. He asked what we were making. And at the time, I was not paying attention to the conversation because I was watching over the bananas, though my manager had a brain fart at the time. After all, she forgot what maruya was called in English so she just said ‘vegan barbeque’.” The girl recounted as she struggled to bite back a laugh.
“Imagine my surprise when I found out that the barbeque was very sweet.”
The actors laughed in unison, Y/RN was leaning her arm on Aidan’s shoulder as she was laughing as the boy covered the lower part of his face and used his free hand to settle on his thigh. Once they both calmed down, the actress retracted her arm from her friend’s shoulder.
Aidan answered, “Though to answer that question, we have never played any pranks on one another. Well, not intentionally, at least.”
The (your hair color) haired girl read it loudly. “Moving onto the second question, the second question is from @inkedeye2345 - I have a question for Y/R/N and Aidan, do you guys romantically like each other, or just in a friendly kind of way? Cause I kinda ship-”
With a confused expression on her face, the actress turned to the co-star. “Am I too affectionate on camera, enough for them to misinterpret it?”
“Well, I can see why they would misinterpret it but,” The actor grinned at his friend, “You're just physically affectionate. Behind the scenes, Y/R/N is very affectionate with the other actors and staff, she gives surprise hugs from behind or tackles them with hugs. That’s why most of the posts with Y/R/N are just her holding onto someone or hugging them.”
“Well, besides me being physically affectionate to my co-workers and my friends. Please remember that we are friends first, and coworkers second, who are working in the same show, so we would appreciate it if you did not ship us so our working environment isn’t affected. You can ship the characters we play as because, obviously, they are meant to be each other’s love interests but, please don’t let your shipping be overwhelming to the point that it affects our careers.”
The brunette looked at the actress mildly surprised though he seemed proud but, instead took advantage of the situation to tease her. “Oh wow, I didn’t think you had a brain in there-” The girl got off her stool and was ready to wrestle him then, the cameras cut.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
A girl with a light blue pixie bob cut comes into the frame and sits on the stool. She straightened herself and fixed her bangs a bit even though it still covered her eyes. Several hair accessories decorated her hair as she wore a black long-sleeved shirt underneath, layered with a graphic t-shirt and a pair of green cargo pants.
She shyly waves at the camera and then speaks, “Hi! I’m Diana, Y/R/N’s manager and today I’m here to answer the questions that were sent to me.”
“For this special chapter- And yes, I am breaking the fourth wall because, at the moment I am drained from writing the fifth chapter.” Diana ‘looks’ away with a strained expression as she covers the lower half of her face, “I don’t think my brain and back can handle another writing session. That’s pretty much why this chapter is very scuffed.”
“Besides, I wanted to spoil you guys for my eight-month absence so I went out of my way to write a long chapter and a bonus chapter for you guys. So here you go! And just for clarification, I would have done a Q&A between Aidan and Y/R/N for this chapter special but I didn’t receive enough questions from the last chapter so I decided to just make a chapter special focused on (what I believe to be) questions the readers have in mind.”
Q1: What’s your writing process?
This is rather complicated since I have two writing processes. However, I took the time to make two flowcharts just to show the process with a brief explanation included. By the way, the flow chart templates used in this post do not belong to me, I used the free templates that were available in Canva.
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If you want an in-depth explanation regarding the process, just ask me in the comments or send an ask regarding it because I’m willing to delve further into the process. I’m not going to go into detail here because I don’t think some people are interested in that but, I am allowing you guys to reach out to me if you want writing advice or want to learn more about writing.
Q2: Why do you take so long to publish a chapter?
Firstly, I have ADHD. For the record, I am not using it as an excuse, just dropping it off because you guys need context. Due to my late discovery of the disability, I started with a messy life with me struggling with school, my hobbies, and my mental health. Thus, led me to keep pushing off my passion projects, like this writing blog.
Secondly, I had a boyfriend at one point, and now he’s my ex-boyfriend. Before I discovered my ADHD, I made an unwise decision to confess to that jerk, then, later on, dedicate my 6 months to that jackass, only to realize how it was one-sided, only to find out that he accepted my confession out of pity then, and then found out from him that he cheated on me. Besides that unwise decision, at the time, I thought I would dedicate more of my time to him if I stopped my hobbies to spend more time with him.
And lastly, I am in college, like everyone else I was cursed with growing up, and I am taking a lot of time to adjust to this new environment. It doesn’t help either that I am still trying to organize my life with the help of professionals and a lot of research on my end. At the moment, I want to focus on adjusting to this environment before I integrate my hobby.
In conclusion, external factors like my disability and my new environment are the reasons why I take so long to publish. We do not talk about thy ‘boyfriend ’ since he doesn’t exist in Ba Sing Se.
Q3: What do you use for your writing?
Google Document / Notes - auto-save, on the phone you can write offline
Google Translate - read the text(s) out loud to analyze if it sounds natural
Tumblr / Pinterest - prompts, dialogues, ideas
Grammarly - edit
Wordtune / Quillbot - paraphrase
Power Thesaurus - gives definition and synonyms
Q4: Do you plan on making another fanfic series in the future?
I plan to make two more fanfic series for ‘One Piece’ and ‘Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse’.
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If you have any questions regarding making fanfic or writing in general, feel free to drop them in my ask box or the comments in this post! I’ll answer them to the best of my ability but, I cannot promise I will respond on time though. So I apologize in advance for the late response.
Q1: Why did you discontinue ‘The Servant’ fanfic series? Do you plan to pick it up and finish it in the future?
If you missed the announcement, here's the post. And I responded to the second question in this ask. If I do change my mind in the near future, I will make an announcement regarding it.
Q2: What are the things you wanted to add in the fanfic but never got to?
➢ In season 2, I was debating whether Y/N would be a bartender or a pole dancer. I couldn’t really decide so I planned to make a poll once I finished writing season 1.
➢ In season 2, I was thinking of giving Y/N a scythe. However, I dismissed the idea since I was not sure how the fight scene with Lila worked, the final battle I mean.
➢ In season 3, Y/N is a bellgirl assisting around the hotel, and a girl tries to flirt with her but the girl is awkward about it and ends up asking her friend (in their native language) what she should do. Y/N understands their conversation and misinterprets it as the girl being unable to speak English so she speaks to them in their native tongue. You can imagine how that ends lol.
➢ In season 3, when Victor comes out, Y/N is supportive but is awkward and unsure about what to do. Kinda acts like those parents who try too hard to be supportive.
Q3: Who is Y/N Rosseweisse based on?
The Servant is based on Rita Rosseweisse (HI3), Noelle (GI), and Baam 25th (TOG).
I don’t recall why I based Y/N on Rita Rosseweisse but, I think my decision was influenced by the fact that I was playing HI3 at the time. I liked how elegant and graceful she was, and how she held herself. As for Noelle and Baam 25th (S1), most of their personality influenced her character, the same can be applied to Baam 25th (S2) and Rita but it will only become more apparent in the TUA S2 though.
Here are the traits that Y/N got from the mentioned characters: humble, polite, obedient, will do any means to attain the goal (in S2), commendable work ethic, eager to learn, hard worker, empathetic, calculating (in S2), put the academy’s needs first before her’s (more will be revealed on S1 Chapter 8 or 9), naive, socially awkward, inexperienced, perfectionist, detached from society, distant.
Baam 25th’s ability to master things at first glance / Technique Replication / Instant Learn is one of the powers I gave her. In season 1, I don’t get to focus on this but, in season 2 when she gains more experience in the real world and learns new things, she will start to use it more often though it’s more treated like something she can’t control, since she was never trained properly by Reginald Hargreeves.
Q4: What is your biggest struggles when writing the series?
You guys won’t believe this but my biggest struggle is actually writing a chapter. It’s a common struggle for writers but, I think this is a common struggle for any creative individual. It sounds so bloody ridiculous but, I can’t bring myself to sit my ass down and pull out my google docs. I always end up getting distracted with things that aren’t related to the task at hand. One minute I’m researching adrenaline, then the next thing I know I’m looking up ‘Which side of the body hurts the most when stabbed? ’ If you're curious, the answer is front because that’s where most of the organs and pain receptors are, you can still survive if stabbed from the back though your lungs and spine will be the main target, and there is a slim chance of you surviving if your spine got bye-bye.
If you have any questions regarding the fanfic, feel free to drop them in my ask box or the comments in this post! I’ll answer them to the best of my ability but, I cannot promise I will respond on time though. So I apologize in advance for the late response.
The (your hair color) haired girl read it loudly. “Moving onto the second question, the second question is from @inkedeye2345 - I have a question for Y/R/N and Aidan, do you guys romantically like each other, or just in a friendly kind of way? Cause I kinda ship-”
Y/R/N looks at Aidan excitedly, to which the boy nods. “Well, I and Aidan weren't sure when to share this but, we are seeing each other. At the moment, we are still in the courting stage.”
The brunette grabs her hand and begins drawing circles on the back of her hand, “I'll be honest, I didn't think she was old-fashioned.”
His girlfriend puffed out her cheeks at him then blew a raspberry as she averted her gaze, and covered the lower half of her face as she spoke in a muffled tone. “I'm an old-fashioned romantic, you're lucky I didn't force you to sing something cheesy.”
“Why are you covering your face? You know I'd willingly do that.” He laughed.
“CUT THE CAMS BEFORE YOU START FEELING EVEN MORE SINGLE!” Diana screamed from behind the camera.
( Note : This bonus scene isn't real or canon in the behind-the-scenes AU, I just made it for fun so please don't take it seriously. )
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antiwhores · 2 years
My dock - human!Bakugou x Mermaid!Reader
Part 1?
Part 2
Part 3
Y/n, a curious mermaid with a knack for trouble meets a human named Bakugou Katsuki. Bakugou, a curious human also with a knack for trouble meets a mermaid named y/n. Interspecies relationships- and even friendships are not allowed in the Mer-creature kingdom. And if people found out Mermaids are real then Y/n would be fish food. Love is hard as fuck.
Quirkless au cause im not tryna deal with him rn, eventual smut, near death experience, suggestive themes, violence, multiple parts.
Sorry ive been gone, im depressed and dont find joy in anything anymore LOL
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You first met the blonde human when you were swimming near the shore. You obviously went supposed to be doing that but you were curious. You wanted to see humans even though the danger they hold could kill you.
He was walking on a bridge- well, more like stomping. He looked absolutely pissed, red face with steam practically radiating off of him. He was mumbling things under his breath that you couldn’t make out.
You left after a while of watching him, the sun was setting and you had to go home and catch fish.
The next time you saw him he was lounging by a doc in your special spot. Your beach was in the woods, secluded off unless you knew where you were going. There was a round, yet deep swimming area that sparkled a beautiful light blue. There was also a waterfall that was pretty high up. It was a magical place that you were glad to claim.
You watched from behind a big rock as he fed the ducks. He had a whole loaf of bread that he would break off into small pieces to aggressively throw at the ducks.
You called a duck over with a water wave made by your tail. Most mer-creature could talk to a selective few of animal.
“Who is he?” You whispered. The duck cackled, “Just some human boy. He comes here to feed us every day.” You asked for his name but the duck just flapped his wings. “I think his name was Katsu? I dont know, I’ll try to listen in.”
You thanked the duck and let him go fight for his snack.
Katsu? You thought that name rolled nicely off the tongue.
You continued to watch him from secluded areas for the next 3 weeks. You almost got caught a few times. He would hear you speak a little too loud or make too big of a splash and he would yell “WHOS THERE?” It started you enough each time to not come look for a whole day.
One day when you went up to look for him he wasn’t alone. He was at beach side of it this time with a couple other humans. One with red hair, one with green hair, pink hair, and brown hair. You picked up on their names after a while. Kirishima, Midoriya/Deku (?), Mina, and Uraraka. Later on some more named Kaminari and Iida showed up.
You watched them play around and practically beat each other up. Humans are so weird.
Apparently, Katsu lost a bet. Well, you learned his name was also Bakugou, Katsuki, and Kacchan. You’ll stick to Katsu since theres so many.
Kirishima dared Bakugou to jump off of the water fountain. You almost yelped out a protest once Bakugou agreed. It wasn’t safe! There were weeds at the bottom which would grab you and never let go! You had been working on getting rid of them all but there were still a few left.
And just as you thought, once he jumped he was stuck. You watched as he struggled under the grip of the weeds. You couldn’t just let him die! Before you knew it you were swimming over there full speed.
He looked at you threw wide eyes, you could tell he was loosing his breath. He tried to say something but only bubbles came out. You grabbed his face ad signaled for him to open his mouth. He did almost immediately, he must’ve been getting desperate.
You shoved your mouth against his, blowing air into his mouth which he greedily sucked up. You weren’t supposed to do that and you knew you’d be questioned and scolded for even letting a human know you existed. It was called the eternal breath. It allowed him to breath and talk under water with out it being drowned out for up to five minutes depending on how much you blew.
You signaled for him to breath and he gave you a crazy look. His cheeks were flustered and he didn’t know what to do. You hoped that wasn’t his first kiss or something, even though it was yours. You leaned into his ear and whispered, “Trust me Katsu.”
A wave of relief hit you once he did it. He looked at you in bewilderment, “What the fuck?! What the FUCK?!” You flinched but still made you way down to his feet. “You have a fucking tail?! What the fuck is going on?!” You shook your head, “No I don’t.” “What the FUCK!?”
You cut him free with your nails and signaled for him to go. He shook his head, “No! What kind of shit is this?! You have a tail!” You groaned, started to blush at the way he looked at you. He was even more handsome up close like this. “Either you leave or your gonna die in 1 minute once my breath wears out.”
You heard him yell after you once you began to swim away. You hid behind the entrance just to make sure he got up okay. You were on the verge of tears, you could get in so much trouble. What if he’s a bad guy and he’s gonna call his human hunters on you?
You practically gasped when he decided not to tell anyone of you. His friends crowded him, some in tears asking if he was okay. He just swatted them away and told them to fuck off. On that note you left.
You didn’t come back for 2 weeks. You were scared of coming back to traps and spears. The ducks reported to you instead. He has been coming every single day and staying for not just his usual 10 minutes but 3 hours. He sits there studying the water and calling out to any sudden movement from nature.
You couldn’t help your curiosity after that and the next day you showed up to watch him. You watched as he ate from his basket of what you think is called… Fruits? He lounged on the dock with no shirt on. His skin was tanned and golden.
You practically jumped once he called out to you. “Hey!” You dove back behind the rock. He rose to his feet, “No, no, no! Come back!” You slowly peaked behind the rock. He smirked, whispering “I knew you were real” before holding out a red fruit. “I got this for you.”
You came out behind the rock more to study the apple. You hissed at him thinking it was poisonous. He gave you an offended look, “What’re you scared of a fucking apple? Look.” He took a huge bite out of the thing and chewed. You watched closely as he swallowed it. “See?”
You sighed and finally just swam over to him. He sat down right off the edge and held the apple out to you. You quickly grabbed it and swam as fast as you could behind the rock.
You took a suspicious bite, it was… delicious! He chuckled as your face lit up. You took another bite, giving him a quizzical look. “Come here, ill give you another one.” You hesitantly swan over to him. But just as you were about to grab the apple he yanked it above his head. “Tell me your name.”
You glared at him, crossing your arms around your chest. “You can have all my fruits if you tell me your name.” You thought about it for a second. You could be hunted down for this. And you could be in deep shit if the council found out. But for some reason, you trusted this man.
A loud huff came out of your mouth, “y/n.”
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