#the story of the faithful wookie
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atomic-chronoscaph · 4 months ago
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The Story of the Faithful Wookie - The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)
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bo-katan · 2 years ago
Whoever animated Luke in this legacy short had a personal vendetta against him because it was the most terrifying thing to watch, especially his close-ups!
But just as I thought that was the worst of it, we got a close up of Han and that was so much worse!
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meowhariel · 2 years ago
doc from swtor is arospec. here's why.
disclaimer: obviously this is a headcanon. i consider it based on canonical stuff, but there has been no in-game or in-lore mentions of doc's romantic or sexual orientation. i'm also basing this on my experience as an aromantic person, which may not be the same as your experience as an aromantic person. it's also perfectly fine to disagree as long as you're not a fucking dickhead in my notes.
now to the actual reasoning.
he does not get into serious relationships until he meets the knight. there's that story with the twi'lek woman and him abandoning her at their wedding, but we don't really know how that happened. this does not make him less of a dick for doing that, to be clear -- in the context provided by the game there isn't any evidence to support he was justified in doing that. at the same time though, there is very little we know about the whole situation. was he pressured into it by his or his fiancee's relatives? did he not want to be in a relationship, but agreed to it to not hurt her feelings and didn't have the guts to end it until it was too late? was his fiancee just unhinged and organized a wedding without getting the groom-to-be's consent? is doc just an idiot with commitment issues? we don't know. i mean, we do know that he is an idiot (affectionately) with commitment issues, but whether that was the reason for the failed wedding is unknown. i'm kinda derailing, but the point is, the only serious relationship we know of was a disaster and it's not even known how it came to be like that. his romance dialogue also suggests this is the case, from him thinking he's going crazy for actually falling in love with someone, to saying stuff like "normally, i'd kiss you for talking like that. but i'm trying to do this right", which is, again, not definite proof, but substantial evidence for me.
also based on his dialogue, he finds the concept of non-casual relationships weird. "...wookies mate for life. that's not normal!". of course this can just be him being the whore he is, but i don't think your average "sleeps around with everyone" character would find the concept of marriage for life abnormal. not fit for them, sure, but not an insane thing either.
his opinion clearly changes when he is in a relationship with the knight though. he goes from being the guy who thinks marrying for life is insane to being the only romance option in the game to have an on-screen marriage ceremony and even referencing the wookie thing in a positive context this time: "i want us to be together. like the wookies". he also stays completely faithful despite what some people in this fandom try to claim. you know who you are which is admittedly an incredibly low bar to have but it's not like it's completely unprecedented in bioware games sealene please stop the salt and he is still just as madly in love with her as he was seven years ago.
considering his bafflement with what (i assume) is a normal human romantic experience and literally thinking he's going insane for falling in love with someone, i think it's safe to say he could very well be demiromantic. i don't identify as demi myself, so please correct me if i misrepresent the experience, but the definition for demiros is "describes people who do not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone" which checks out, it takes him about a year and a half (according to the "1 chapter = 1 year "thing) to get to the point where he realizes he has feelings for the knight. checks out.
so yeah. diversity win! the womanizer guy is queer.
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daxromana · 1 year ago
KotOR companions from my least to most favorite (based exclusively on the first game)
9. Canderous — I have this thing where I don’t like evil guys, especially not ones that revel in violence. Sorry :/ I do think he’s fun sometimes, like his open admiration for Revan is pretty great, but he’s like my least favorite type of Mandalorian
8. Zaalbar — IDK he’s fine. He’s a Wookie. His story is about what you’d get if you were writing a Wookie story (in that it feels ripped from older adventure stories about “primitive” but noble societies). It’s whatever.
7. HK 47 — He’s more fun than Canderous bc he’s a murderdroid instead of a murderhuman. I like the “true master” stuff, it throws in some fun consequences and drives home some things about Revan.
6. Bastila — I should like Bastila more than I do, like dedicated Jedi who is psychically linked to me and is keeping secrets from me should be my favorite character, but she mostly bores me. Sorry :(
5. Mission — I think her character sidequest works pretty well! Also she is a teenager and that’s fun. A stock character but a stock character I don’t mind.
4. Carth — I like angst and I like him but once we started to talk about his still-alive Sith son I lost interest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I liked him a lot more in the first half of the game.
3. Juhani — She’s this high on the list mostly for the potential story evoked by the game than for what actually happens in the game. Her faith in you after you save her parallels her faith in Revan, the Jedi who saved her when she was younger. Like a tortured soul who wants to believe in the Light so bad.
2. T3 M4 — The only thing I don’t like about him is that I can’t talk to him. Like please let me have a conversation where he just beeps at me :)
1. Jolee — The game got Jolee so right. He’s a grey Jedi, he has a purple light saber, and he’s a grumpy old man. I adore him. I also adore that he’s like “I’m here to see what happens” like I like him so much!
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takadasaiko · 1 year ago
A Flicker of Light Chapter Twenty-Two
Story Summary: A canon divergent AU in which Luke Skywalker is raised within the Empire to be either his father's heir as a Sith Lord… or his replacement.
Chapter Summary: Luke, Leia, and Han arrive on Jedha.
Dust kicked up as she stepped out into the bright sun, the winds causing street merchants to grab for the tarps shielding a few goods from the tiny grains determined to lodge their way in. Leia hadn't known exactly what to expect from the Imperial-occupied city that was exporting crystals that had once been used to power Jedi lightsabers, but now that she was there, she could practically feel the beaten down and desperate spirit of the people. Just like so many others across the galaxy that suffered under Palpatine's reign.
"… once considered a sacred city for a variety of different religions spanning back to the High Republic and perhaps —"
"Fascinating," Solo grumbled, effectively cutting C-3PO's history lesson short as he and her family's protocol droid followed Leia and Luke out into the surprisingly chilly open air. Chewbacca had remained on the ship, opting to stay out of the Imperials' line of sight so that they didn't risk closer scrutiny on a rarely-free Wookie roaming about. Luke had encouraged Threepio to stay as well, but that particular wish had been lost to another sharp squabble between the two men on if Solo would be leaving during their search. He'd lost that one, and while Leia hadn't approved of the Sith's son's methods, she had agreed with the reasoning. All intention was to get in, snoop around, and leave again undetected, but if they found themselves in any other scenario outside of the best of them, they would need a quick exit.
Leia turned to Luke who stood in earth tones rather than his usual blacks, blue eyes scanning from beneath his hood that shadowed his face.
"Remind me why you needed to come along?" Solo snapped at something Threepio said, but it was Luke that cut in.
"We'll take the long way around to the old temple's entrance. The majority of the mining is happening in the northern sector, so we'll aim for the southern entrance to avoid as many prying eyes as we can."
"And stormtroopers," Leia said quietly.
"That too."
"If I may," Threepio interjected, "according to my archives the temple was destroyed two standard years ago."
Solo balked at that. "You couldn't have said that before?"
"It's fine," Luke answered, waving the worry off. "We're here to see the site. The temple doesn't matter."
There was something in his tone that caught Leia's attention. He was lying. Why or about what exactly, she wasn't sure, but he was lying.
He rocked forward, starting into the crowd, and she joined him, not letting him take a full lead of their little band as he was likely accustomed to doing. "These people think it mattered," she said quietly. "The pilgrims that used to travel here for a central location of their faith likely think it matters too."
"Most of them are dead," Luke ground out, his voice tight and controlled. "You may be here to get a feel for the people, but I need to understand exactly what we're up against. The temple doesn't matter to me. Only stopping the flow of crystals out of the ruins."
His pace quickened and Leia's lips twitched down. He was still lying.
There were planets under Imperial control and then there were Imperial-occupied planets. The difference could be seen in the number of troopers filling the cities and in the very visible Star Destroyers that hovered close enough to the surface at times to kick up windstorms below. If a planet were to be occupied, the goal wasn't loyalty. No, it was well past that point. The goal was subjugated.
Jedha was an occupied planet in every sense of the word. Jedha City was a step further. It was strange. Just a year before, Luke was sure he would have had an excuse for the violent reaction in the streets and the beaten down spirit of the people. Peace came at a cost, after all, and a firm hand secured peace for the ages. Now, though, he kept his thoughts carefully tucked away as they wound their way through markets filled with beggars and desperate people of every kind. Strangely enough, he had to fight the urge to do something seeing a stormtrooper extract a tax - legitimate or not - from a trembling old woman with a basket full of hardened fruit. All interfering would cause the woman was more heartache.
And then another variable was added. A boy. He was small but nimble, and he moved with accurate speed as he slipped passed the trooper and plucked the payment directly from his gloved hand with no subtlety to cover his tracks. He picked up speed, the white clad stormtrooper followed with a shout, and Luke firmly and deliberately planted his feet, fighting the strange sensation that was only growing.
Leia did not.
"Princess—!" her protocol droid squeaked, his voice half cut off as if he remembered the word of the day was discretion.
Luke and Solo were already on her heels though as she darted after the child being pursued by stormtroopers and rounded into an alley after them.
"Blast it," Solo swore softly at the scene. The kid hadn't quite made it to the small hole in the wall that he would have been small enough to scoot through. Instead one of the stormtroopers had caught hold of him, hauling him back roughly by his dirty hair. The stolen credits lay scattered on the alley floor.
Leia stalked right past the trooper bent over for the fallen money with purpose and authority that she didn't actually have there. "Let him go!"
The trooper turned what was likely a startled expression hidden behind his mask, but it was quickly boiling over into irritation. "Move along, Lady. This doesn't concern you."
The Alderaanian princess stood firm and Luke glanced at Solo. "Stay here," he ordered softly, and though a flicker of confusion followed him the smuggler did as instructed as he started into the alley.
"He's a child," Leia countered, motioning to the boy that was still squirming despite the hold the stormtrooper had on his dark hair. "Clearly hungry and desperate. You have your credits. There's no reason to —"
Luke was steps away as the second trooper came up behind her, taking her roughly by her arm. "Looks like a co-conspirator," he offered and his partner nodded. "You'll both face the Emperor's justice."
Leia fought and Luke pulled in a steadying breath, the Force flowing through him and back out to touch the bullish minds beneath the helmets and both fell silent and still, as if frozen in place. "Release them."
Gloved hands dropped immediately, the boy tumbling to the ground in surprise. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Luke registered that he made it to his feet and was scurrying off, but there was nothing he could do to stop it. Not without releasing his hold on the two real threats. So he held on, coming to stand in front of them and speaking firmly with the smallest wave of his hand. "The boy escaped, but you recovered the credits. He wasn't worth chasing. You saw no one else."
"No one else," they agreed sluggishly.
And like the good little soldiers they were, the two stormtroopers turned, passing by a gaping Solo like he wasn't there at all.
"What the hell was that?" he demanded, but Luke turned on Leia, and the rage must have made it through his calm mask if her expression was anything to go by.
"You wanted me here to get you through the protocols. That —" he motioned to where the boy had run — "could have gotten us all killed or worse, discovered. Do you know what the Empire does to defectors?"
Her expression hardened and she squared her shoulders, unwilling to back down. "Did you see what the Empire was doing to that child? I couldn't just —"
"Yes you could. You chose not to," he said tightly. "You need to learn, Senator, you can't save everyone. Sometimes to reach a goal you have to make difficult decisions."
"Like striking down a youngling's guardian?" she snapped back.
The blow struck harder than he expected it to and he hardened his expression.
"I hate to break this up, but shouldn't we get moving?" Solo called from the side.
Luke nodded and turned, feeling Leia's stubborn irritation join them as a fifth companion as they moved back into the crowd.
Han had seen his share of oddities in the galaxy. Cultures and faiths and old stories whispered across planets. But every time, they were just that: stories. They might be told to children to instill a set of values or to a dying being that was desperate for a scrap of hope, but they were never true. Even those that claimed to hold powers eventually showed themselves simply to be talented at a slight of hand. It was never real.
The old Jedi religion about an all-powerful Force that governed the galaxy wasn't any different. Or at least he thought it wasn't until the day a kid that stood a good head shorter than him had hauled him off his feet by his throat without ever laying a hand on him. He'd been trying to piece together since that day just how he'd done it, and Han had almost convinced himself that it had been some kind of incredibly clever trick until he'd watched what must have been what the Princess had referred to as a Sith Mind Trick. The kid had bent those stormtroopers' wills in the direction of the exit they hadn't been at all interested in. If Han were honest, he'd probably saved their lives. A shootout wouldn't have been pretty when all their white-clad buddies had come running to find them cornered in an alleyway.
Han wasn't ready to admit he believed in the Force, but he thought he'd inched a little further from blatant disbelief.
They were halfway through the city - avoiding the kid and the Princess' private feud as best he could - when he saw the boy that had them to thank for not being in an Imperial holding cell for the stunt he'd pulled. All dark hair and large, brown eyes, his clothes were tattered and his feet were bare. Han remembered those days.
The boy was watching them, only briefly caught in Han's line of vision, but he knew how this worked. Small and agile, he was ducking into places that kept him out of their line of sight, but they were in his. Why was the question. Typically even a child knew better than to turn over his saviors, but maybe that had just been on Corellia. Han had no idea what loyalty looked like on Jedha.
Without warning, Luke slammed to a stop. Han couldn't see his expression from under the hood that shadowed his face, but Threepio did call out for Leia - a handful of steps ahead - to stop. She whirled, ready to lay into someone for something, but her burning irritation lowered to a simmer when her dark gaze fell on the kid. Despite whatever had been stirred up by Luke's response to her actions, there was something there that caused her to pause. "What?"
The head beneath the cloak tilted a little. "Not sure yet."
"Anything to do with the kid you saved?" Han asked, nodding towards the edge of the crowd where he saw a flash of the boy's dirty tunic as he ducked out of sight.
Luke's back straightened and his shoulders squared at that, but the boy was gone.
Instead, a voice from Han's back sounded in his ear. "Do you wish to have a glimpse into your future?"
The smuggler spun, cursing as he did, and nearly tumbled into the Princess' protocol droid. Leia startled a litte, but Luke remained still, his sharp eyes fixed on the pale ones of a man with dark hair and a walking stick. The man offered him a friendly smile, though his gaze was fixed unseeingly past the kid who was studying him closely.
"Or, perhaps, you see your own," the blind man said and Luke tensed just a little. His head tilted again as he studied the newcomer intently.
Well, whatever powers the kid might or might not have, he'd been taken on this one. Han snorted. "Good try, pal. I clocked your pint sized friend that's feeding you information in the crowd. You're not fooling anyone."
It was like he hadn't said a damned thing. The charlatan took a step closer to Luke and he pursed his lips. "Someone called you here."
And just like that, the spell broke. Curiosity was replaced with that same cold expression Han was quickly getting used to. "You know nothing."
"I know only what the Force reveals to me," the dark haired man said, unworried by the change in stance.
Leia perked up at that. "You're a Jedi?"
"Much more likely a Guardian of the Whills," Threepio piped up. "An ancient order that was tasked with protecting the temple and those that traveled to it."
"There are still those that seek the old ways," their newcomer answered. "Those that seek the will of the Force."
"Chirrut!" a voice called out and Han's gaze darted towards it. Where their visitor was small in stature and pleasantly unimposing, the other that had called his name was a bulk of a man with wild hair and dressed in partial armor. A monk and a warrior. Great. Just what they needed.
The monk waved his companion over and somehow Luke managed to look even more irritated at that. His jaw dropped a bit like he was ready to give an order, but the princess stepped forward.
"I understand your temple was destroyed," she said softly, her tone holding more empathy than Han would have immediately attributed to a royal. Funny thing, he didn't think she was faking it either. He prided himself on being able to spot a tell, and the spitfire seemed genuinely saddened.
"Much of it was," the monk - Chirrut - answered as his friend came to loom protectively at his side. "Not all of it though. Not for those that are meant to enter."
"For a price, though," Han groused, drawing the bodyguard's attention. His frown was pronounced.
"Let's go."
"Baze here used to listen to the Force too," Chirrut said, "but claims he can no longer hear it." He shot his friend a knowing look and received a glare that the other had to know he couldn't see. He turned his pale gaze somewhere between Leia and Luke. "Only because he stopped listening."
There was something strange in the princess' expression. "Will you show us?"
"Leia," Luke snapped at the same time Han managed a small sound of protest.
Even the droid chimed in. "Prin— Mistress, I must protest! The odds that these two are charlatans looking for a way to exploit you are —"
"They're not," she cut him off with more confidence than she likely had a right to have. She turned to Luke, some sort of strange, silent conversation seeming to happen between them. One that he did not look like he wanted to give to. "You know I'm right," she pressed. "I may not be like you, I know people. I'm not wrong here."
With that, the kid's shoulders slumped, and Han knew that once Luke gave to her, it wasn't like any of the rest of them had a snowball's chance on Mustafar.
Senator Organa was a clever woman. The adopted - and only - daughter of Bail and Breha Organa, she was royalty on her mother's side, but had decided to follow in her father's political footsteps that were often borderline treasonous. The ISB had watched Bail Organa for years, but had never found the kind of evidence damning enough to go after him. The man was beloved both on and off his home planet, as was his daughter. Mara would need to approach this with care to ensure it did not come back on the Emperor.
The young princess traveled more than most of her colleagues in the Senate, at least according to the records. Most of that travel took place between her home planet of Alderaan and Coruscant on a CR90 corvette that was filed under the Organa royal family's ownership with the occasional trip that was always marked as humanitarian aid in the flight logs. Notes from her father's time in the Senate had shown a similar pattern, and while it was possible that a family full of royals and diplomats cared deeply for the suffering of others that would never have an affect one way or the other on the power they retained, Mara doubted it. There was usually more in her experience, and it usually came down to personal gain at the expense of the Empire.
The CR90 corvette was missing from the docking bay, as was a small transport ship also owned by the Alderaanian royal family. Both had submitted travel logs that put them in route to their homeworld rather suddenly. That had been two and a half standard days prior, giving them more than enough time to reach their destination. Though the Alderaanian logs declared both ships' arrival, a trustworthy contact Mara had on planet could find no sight of the smaller transport. If it had landed, it had left immediately after.
Confirming if the princess had been the one that took the transport was near to impossible without going to Alderaan herself. She simply didn't have enough eyes and ears there to provide that kind of high confidence intel, but if she searched out the transport and it was the distraction, she would waste valuable time in the other direction. That was the job, though, and her hunches were often right.
Mara reached forward, keying in a comm code and the transport details. Unless the princess knew how to scramble her signal, the port she'd actually landed in should have some record of her arrival.
With the time it took for her contact to get back to her, she thought maybe she'd underestimated Organa. The transport had finally turned up on a planet that they didn't have nearly as heavy a presence on. There was no reason to. Jakku was a dust ball that had never proven useful or problematic to the Empire. Perhaps it was time to take a closer look if the Senator had taken interest in it.
There were no sources she could pull from on the planet, so it looked like she would be making a trip there herself to see exactly what was so interesting on Jakku.
He didn't like it. This Guardian Chirrut and his companion Baze were impossible to get a good read on from his vantage. The blind monk was cheerful and played well at being open while simultaneously tucking every real thought and feeling behind a carefully constructed wall. Luke would have required brute force of a manner that typically only the Inquisitors used to get through to those thoughts. His friend didn't bother with the façade, content to glare every chance he had. It didn't matter if one hid and one didn't though. The results were the same: he would give too much of himself away if he were to force the situation. Which meant he had to wait. And be patient. The Force had led him here, he had to trust it to continue that path forward, no matter how much he preferred to do otherwise.
"You're really good with this?" Solo asked from his side as they followed the two Guardians.
"I don't like it," he admitted softly, "but I trust Leia."
"Aren't you supposed to be the one with all the —" his hands danced in a theatrical manner that Luke could only assume was supposed to represent the Force. He quirked an eyebrow and Solo frowned. "You know what I mean."
"Do I?"
Solo snorted at that and Luke's lips twitched up ever so slightly at the corners. The smuggler's eyes narrowed and his lips parted as if he were ready to go off on a grumbling fit when suddenly he seemed to clue in that Luke was toying with him. He weighed that for a fraction of a moment before snorting a laugh.
"No, he's not a Jedi," Leia's voice broke through from a few paces ahead where she walked with Chirrut, his friend Baze on the other side of him, and Threepio just behind her. Luke took a few extra steps to catch up as casually as he could manage.
"Not everyone the Force speaks to is a Jedi," Chirrut answered her. "There are many that still hear it."
Baze huffed, his head on a swivel and his guard up. "Exactly what do you hope to find at the temple ruins?" If the question was directed at Leia or any of the others - or perhaps whoever decided to answer first - it was impossible to say, but it was his own friend's voice that chimed back in.
"They will find what they are meant to find."
"Real sure of that, aren'tcha?" Solo asked, but if Chirrut answered, Luke didn't hear him. In fact, the buzz of the crowds had faded to the back of his mind, moved aside by a stronger hum that reminded him vaguely of a lightsaber on low power. It reverberated through the ground and up through the soles of his boots. He could feel it in his chest and down into his fingers. It left him feeling like he was floating. Untethered either by gravity or anything else. He was simply drifting towards —
A large hang on his shoulder snapped him out of it and Luke moved on instinct, the Force leaping to his command and slamming into the mountainous Baze, but thankfully not hard enough to cause a stir. He hadn't realized his eyes had been closed, but as they snapped open and their surroundings came crashing back into focus, he saw the stormtroopers moving around them. They weren't paying them any mind yet, but if he'd kept moving in the direction his feet had wanted to go, he would have gotten a fair amount of attention. Just past a glaring Baze was a cordoned off entrance to what Luke thought might have once been the temple. Now, it was more of a mining shaft at the edge of the city.
"This way," Chirrut murmured, shuffling his way down a side street, seemingly further away from what must have been an excavation site for the Kyber crystals. Even though they moved in the opposite direction, Luke could still feel the reverberations under his feet.
No one spoke as they made their way to the city's edge and passed through a crack in the wall. The desert winds kicked up around them and Luke pulled his cloak closer to his face. A quick glance placed his companions and verified that they were not only there, but they hadn't been led into a trap.
"Where are you taking them?" Baze grumbled, the winds catching it so that it was difficult to hear.
Chirrut didn't miss a step. "Where they need to go."
"I don't like this," Solo grumbled almost directly into Luke's ear. "No telling who they have out here. A brown cloak and a few minutes laying flat and you could get a jump on someone easy enough."
"We're not going that far," Luke answered automatically, but he couldn't have told him anymore. All he knew was that he still felt it, and as they walked, the trembling beneath his boots grew stronger to the point that he was surprised no one else was reacting. Finally he stopped, dropping into a squat and tugged his gloves off to lay bare palms against the ground.
"What do you feel?" Chirrut called, the wind picking up around him.
Luke's fingers touched something hard. A rock… no. A slab. He began pushing sand aside to find the stone reverberating beneath his fingertips and, somewhere in the wind, he could have sworn he heard his name.
Eyes fluttering closed he pressed his palms flat again and stretched out with the Force. A flicker of warning was all he received as the ground cracked beneath them, splintering out and opening up to swallow them up into the darkness below.
Notes: This is one of those chapters (that has turned into an arc) that I've been looking forward to for a long time. It's definitely grown and expanded with the rest of the story, but it's also bringing things together nicely.
Just a heads up, I don't know how quickly the next chapter will be out. I have some family stuff about to take precedence. Hopefully I'll still have some time to write though!
Next Time: Mara follows Leia's trail while Luke and the others are presented with a difficult choice. 
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albumnight · 4 months ago
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45. 12/6/24- Sorcerer by Miles Davis side 2(1967); 5.1 mix of L.A. Woman by The Doors(1971); 5.1 mix of Morrison Hotel by The Doors(1970); The Story Of The Faithful Wookie(1978); Talking Heads 12/20/1980
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nwbeerguide · 5 months ago
Available in all markets in six-packs Firestone Walker Brewing announces the return of Wookie Jack Black IPA.
https://bit.ly/3YAM2rJ image courtesy Firestone Walker Brewing Company Press Release Paso Robles, CA: Firestone Walker’s mythic Wookey Jack is back for a limited seasonal release. Born more than a dozen years ago, Wookey Jack (8.3%) is a Black Rye IPA whose legend continues to grow. This latest edition is rolling out to all Firestone Walker markets in six pack (12-ounce can) and draft formats for a limited time, adding to the lore of this three-time gold medalist at the Great American Beer Festival. “Wookey Jack has a hardcore following and we get asked about it all the time,” said Brewmaster Matt Brynildson. “It’s a beer for those in the know and those who want to discover something different. Everyone loves the visual trick of Wookey Jack—it’s as black as a stout but drinks like an IPA.” The latest edition of Wookey Jack remains faithful to the original recipe, which includes loads of pearled dark malts with rye adding a rustic grain element. The hops are sticky Citra and dank, pungent Amarillo, both of which are incorporated into a massive dry-hop regimen. As always, the brewing team claims to have incorporated a bit of “Wookey Dust” as well. Wookey Jack now reaffirms its title Firestone Walker’s wooliest IPA, offering big, toasty malted rye flavors with a balanced bite on the finish. It is, in Brynildson’s words, “gnarly on the outside, yet refined on the inside.”   Origin Story Wookey Jack was first brewed in 2012 as Firestone Walker’s riff on the emerging Black IPA style. Wookey Jack came into the world at a time when Cascadian Dark Ales were starting to storm into California from the Pacific Northwest. Also known as Black IPAs, these beers brought a unique regional expression to the exploding IPA genre.  With Black Rye IPAs gaining a foothold, Brynildson decided to put his own stamp on the style, adding rye malt to bring a spicy, rustic element to the beer he would call Wookey Jack. It was an instant hit that would spawn many imitators. After later going on hiatus, Wookey Jack has re-emerged in recent years as a seasonal release.  “It’s a beer that just seems right for fall and winter,” Brynildson said. “The Wookey never dies—it just hibernates.” # # # Founded in 1996 by brothers-in-law Adam Firestone and David Walker, Firestone Walker is a second-generation, family-led brewery based on California’s Central Coast. Helmed by highly decorated Brewmaster Matt Brynildson, Firestone Walker's main brewery in Paso Robles produces a diverse portfolio including 805, California's #1 craft beer brand; Mind Haze, a top 5 national hazy IPA; and Cali Squeeze, one of the nation's fastest-growing beer brands. The Firestone brand family also includes iconic beers such as DBA, Union Jack, and Pivo Pils, as well as the storied Vintage Series of barrel-aged strong ales led by Parabola. As a California beer company, Firestone Walker also has two additional locations: the Barrelworks wild ale cellar in Santa Barbara County and the Propagator R&D brewhouse in Venice. Firestone Walker was recently named “Best American Brewery of the Decade” by Paste Magazine. More at 805beer.com and FirestoneWalker.com from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/48B6Rrs
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revengeofthespacecowboys · 4 years ago
So Disney+ just put this on there today
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Nobody talk to me for the next 24 hours I’m busy watching them:D
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disneytva · 4 years ago
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Disney+ USA April Highlights
Rio 4/16
Genndy Tartakovsky’s Star Wars: Clone Wars 4/2
Higglytown Heroes 4/2
Star Wars Ewoks 4/2
Future-Worm! 4/9
Kick Buttowski Surbuban Daredevil  4/9
Puppy Dog Pals Season 3 4/23
DuckTales 2017 The Final Season 4/30
Mira Royal Detective Season 1 4/30
Star Wars The Story of the Faithful Wookiee 4/2
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violetheart77 · 2 years ago
Happy 1 Year Anniversary to this post that somehow still manages to keep getting reblogs despite being well outside the “T-Minus 2 Weeks” window
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T-Minus 2 weeks
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strag · 4 years ago
Mok x Boba Fett | Good As Hell
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atomic-chronoscaph · 5 years ago
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Boba Fett - Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)
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jessiebanethedragon · 4 years ago
White Sands Warm the Cold Sea (pt 9)
Summary: the reader, betrothed to a disgusting Coruscanti Lord flees her home world and lands herself in a plethora of trouble, a ship of clones, and one pirate captain whose cold exterior needs much more than the tropical seaside sun.
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Warnings: Swearing, takes place in time periods where women have dowery's and suchlike. The readers' dad and betrothed are asses.
Chapter Nine: The Night at Sea
The second you attempt to reach behind to untie your corset, your arm spasms. The collision with the hull of the ship has left you shaken and battered and in no position to twist your body to undo the double knotted ties Seil, your handmaiden, would have tied. And your heart aches when you think of her.
You know that you shouldn’t sleep in the dirty clothes and the corset, but with the secure double knots there is no way to undo the ties yourself. And so you pull yourself into the hammock, landing face first, when your back muscles give out, into the netting tied to the wall. With a groan, you don’t even bother trying to move, and you pass out on the ship - having been through the ringer for what feels like a million times in one day.
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“Where is she?” Hunter grumbles when Tech returns to the group, looking up at the stars Hunter was using to calculate their ETA.
“Probably asleep in Echo’s hammock I'd guess.” Tech says plainly, and he watches as his sergeant’s face hardens.
“You need to learn how to follow orders.” He snaps, before going back to the map.
“Sarge,” Tech starts, “you’re displaying worrying symptoms.” He decides on. And under the hat he sees his eye twitch.
The barrage never ended, and the cannons never ceased. How much ammunition either side had left was impossible to guess. This creeping barrage was working. But only just. All they had to do was keep the separatists busy, the regs should be able to manage that at least. And rescue missions were the best kind of mission out there these days…
In the medical bay, Hunter shakes, the wookie child is long gone, and his vod have returned to keep their sergeant company while he heals. They’re angry, and resent him for the return-to-ship order from before. But the carnage that was left of Kashyyyk proved how right he was in securing the safety of Clone Force 99.
“Hunter, your hand.” Tech says looking at the cuts and mangled tissue.
“Kriffing door wouldn’t open.” He explains through drugged eyes. Thinking that the war is over. It has to be over. If not now, it has to be over soon. They can’t continue like this, there can’t be more missions like this. The war has got to be over soon.
Outside, the artillery starts firing again.
Hunter looks at Tech, watching the goggles reflect moonlight, and realises something that, in the chaos of the day, went unnoticed.
“Did Wrecker even lock the cell door?” He interrogates the shorter man in front of him.
“I don’t know.” Tech answers honestly with a shrug. “But even if he didn’t. You know he made the right call.” Hunter grunts in response.
“She’s a Aaray. A danger to us all” He says.
“We’ve been in worse predicaments.” Tech states. Watching as Hunter walks away from yet another conversation of theirs, and he wonders to himself, how long it will take for his captain to start screaming because of nightmares on this clear, calm, night at sea.
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Everything on your left side hurts. The hit from the ship has battered your skin, muscles, and bones. Sleep evades you because the only thing you can focus on is the pain. And when even laying down becomes too much, Gonk moves herself out of where she was curled on your back as you clumsy step out of the hammock, and begin to tread outside.
The three boys are asleep, and part of you chides yourself for being vulnerable in front of them. They could have thrown you in the birg - or worse. But a bigger part of yourself says that you can trust them. Probably more so than you’ve trusted anyone in your life. It’s a naive thought - and perhaps it’s built off of never having someone you can trust before, but a part deep inside of you jumps onto and clings to the idea of putting your faith in these men.
Maybe Crosshair was rough around the edges, and from what you can see, his glare stays with him while he sleeps. It makes you smile a little. And Wreckers exposed scars, they scare you, but the eye patch was so typical of the pirate stories you heard as a child, it’s like living in a fairy tale.
Someone clears their voice behind you.
It’s the Captain, or rather Hunter. Now only in his pants, and tunic, that's been bunched around his forearms in his sleep.
“Plotting something else perhaps?” He asks, crossing his arms in front of him.
“N-no,” you say, annoyed at how easily he makes you nervous. “I couldn’t sleep, I wanted fresh air, and they…” You pause, looking back at the crew. “They’re more manageable when they’re asleep.” The captain lets out a puff of air that's not in annoyance, and you take that as a small victory. And he watches when you crane your neck to look at the stars. He knows it’s because you feel awkward, but in another life, he would’ve found your curious eyes endearing.
“Am I missing something?” Crosshair asks, having woken on his own, and deciding to investigate the scuffle outside.
“Didn’t want the Aaray skulking around the ship.” Hunter answers, “nightmares?” he asks his brother, watching him shake his head no, and with that, one tension is lifted from the sergeants shoulders.
“Are you in pain?” Your voice comes out softly, and they both stare at you unabashedly. “I only mean, i just,” You go to explain. “From earlier the side of the…”
“Hull.” Hunter corrects on instinct, before chiding himself for doing so.
“The Hull, when you caught me…” You motion randomly with your hands as if that helps communicate to Crosshair what you mean, and he stares at you looking tired and vaguely annoyed.
“You’re in pain.” He tells you. And you’re a tad taken back because it hadn't shown on his face that he knew what you meant, let alone made the connection as to why you were awake and hence asked if he too, was hurting.
“I’m okay, I just wanted to…” you try to brush it off
“There’s no point in lying.” Crosshair interrupts, watching at Hunter’s features soften when he also takes in your appearance, leaning against the door, tense and radiating anxiety. He wonders if you’ve ever felt pain like this in your life. Living on a velvet cushion of upper class coruscant would call for little more than flimsiplast cuts. He watches you shrug off Crosshair's comment, intent on being the smallest problem you can possibly be. The man that Hunter was before would be reaching out for you, your messy hair, soft features, and innocence that he knows lesser men are itching to take advantage of.
“You should take that off.” Crosshair nods towards your dress and you gape at him.
“Crosshair!” Hunter barks on instinct, and not standing for the disrespect. He sees your face flush and your arms go around your waist protectively.
“Have I missed something?” A forth voice joins them outside of the bunks and Hunter inwardly groans. Now Tech is awake, what he hoped would’ve been a private nightly stroll has turned into some kind of situation report.
“Shockingly the Aaray is being uptight.” Crosshair moves to the opposite side of the doorway you’re leaning on.
“I don’t think it is fundamentally uptight to want to preserve my own modesty.” You say incredulously, and Hunter notes that you resort to your training as a lady when you become nervous. Just like his men resort to being soldiers when faced with problems.
“Crosshair!” Tech exclaims, glaring at his brother - he really needed lessons in things that are appropriate to say, and things that are not.
“I’m only asking you to take the corset off.” Crosshair says smirking, enjoying how flustered everyone is. And Hunter sees something flash in your eyes.
“Do you think you’re funny?” You snap, and the sniper stops smiling. “Is this a game to you? Clearly you have no concept of the ramifications on a woman should she ever do something like that. Or you have no concept of how dresses and corsets work - which wouldn't surprise me given your temperament.”
Hunter catches a small grin on his face, you’re alive tonight and he hates to admit that he likes it. The inference that Crosshair is too unintelligent to understand womens garments or that no women has let him close enough to understand them is both funny and potentially accurate.
“He does have a point.” Tech chimes in.
“Tech!” Hunter shouts, expecting better from him.
“I mean it might be adding pressure to areas already in pain.” He says quickly, his face as red as a zarrabak. And no one is surprised that he’s caught himself up in the conversation.
Behind all of you - Wrecker snores.
“I-I… can’t.” Your voice is small, and you’re looking at the floor, embarrassment pings in everyone's hearts when they realise that this is an important issue to you, and they’re talking about it like you’re not even present.
“We can give you private space if that's what you require.” Tech speaks up. And when you pause you can hear the waves crash in the night.
“Thank you.” You stammer out. This whole ordeal has become very embarrassing and as much as you want to deny the pain and tell the clones it’s nothing, you know both Crosshair and Tech will see right through whatever lie you construct.
“It’s, it’s just that…” You pause again. Maker if you tell them you can’t do it yourself you’re going to look as pathetic as you feel. “I would need assistance with the ties…” You mumble the last part to your bare feet that poke out under your dress. When you have the courage to look up again, all eyes are looking at Tech. The latter of the three simultaneously having decided he was most equipped for the job.
“Have at it, loverboy.” Crosshair jeers at his brother, and now both you and Tech are blushing madly.
“I’m surprised you're not jumping to the occasion.” Tech cracks back at him. And if you weren’t so self conscious in this moment you’d roll your eyes at how much they argue. Hunter remains deathly quiet.
“Unless she wants it cut off as i’m usually-” “Alright! Alright!” Tech cuts him off, and moves towards you while Crosshair snickers.
“Turn ‘round.” Hunter barks, and while you might think he’s telling you, he’s actually giving an order to Crosshair, as the trooper made no move to divert his eyes. And as Tech undoes just enough buttons to start loosening the corset he sees how taught the ties have become and yanks it towards him for leverage.
“Tech!” You squeal and gasp, trying to get away from him and he accidentally constricts you more. Sending pain shooting all over you as your injured body is put under more stress.
Hunter turns around at the sound of pain and sees both of you shaking, he knows you must be beyond embarrassed and Tech even more so. Your moss coloured dress is unbuttoned and the back pushed aside to reveal the cream corset. Hunter sighs, and pushes his brother aside.
You hear an ‘ow’ from Tech as well as what you suspect is Crosshair's hand connecting with the back of his shorter brother's head. As they walk away you shiver as you realize the captain is standing behind you.
“You’re fine.” He says plainly. Nimble fingers working at the knots quickly, you shake in the absurdity of it all, and the feeling of Hunter exhaling into your hair and neck as he works.
“This is so unbecoming.” You mumble to yourself in shame, jerking when you feel the tips of his hair brush against your skin.
“I recall you saying ‘fuck’ earlier.” Hunter scoffs at you, “I think you’re past unbecoming.” silently praising himself when one knot becomes free, whoever tied them must have known what they were doing because it feels more complicated than half the sail ties on the Muraduer. Then again, your activities of the day probably didn't help the situation.
“Captain, you’re basically undressing me.” You tell him, looking over your shoulder just in time to watch him still at your words. The part of his face you can see in this position is covered by the tattoo, but what the moon and stars manage to light up is stunning nevertheless.
“If you’re worried about modesty, I can’t see any more of your skin than I could before.” He reassures you, and you’re beginning to wonder what kind of man he really is. Hunter is so tender at this moment, so gentle. And yet you know what lies underneath.
Technically what he just told you is a lie, he can see the expanse of your back, and parts of your shoulders. But the way your brows creased in concern as you look back at him makes lying worth it as you relax a little bit. Trying to be annoyed at you for causing him grief, he goes back to the knots.
You gasp and clutch your chest as you feel him loosening the string as the last knot comes free. And you see the shock in Hunter's face when you whip around so he barely catches a glimpse of the slip that sits underneath the corset.
Maker, he thinks to himself, you’re so disheveled and scared by a simple act. He grits his teeth at the thought of how Nython would treat you, someone like you needed soft and gentle touches, words of affirmation. Hunter’s grinding his teeth together as he realizes the pride Nython would have in hurting someone as defenceless as yourself.
But then he thinks about how you held your own against his own crew today. And the captain of the Havoc Marauder thinks you’re not as defenceless as you look.
Tags: @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @peacefulwizardfox @rex-meshla @s1st37 @and-claudia @kamino-mermaid @thelambandthewolffe @starwarsmeninhelmets
@bronvin @myeternalsin @sweetsunflowerkisses @loverofclones @beizm @gunsmoke-blu
@logina6 @wondergal2001 @lafy-taffy @lafy-taffy @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s
@starskenobiwan @lordellbell @kaetavlos @violetjedisylveon @​​vergol @Lackofhonor
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kyberphilosopher · 5 years ago
You looked beautiful in the sun- all two of them. 
Word Count: 2006
Requested: Obi Wan heated fluff on Tatooine. Delivered. (I hope)
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apricity. PRONUNCIATION: (a-PRIS-i-tee)/ the warmth of sun in the Winter.
Obi-Wan did not know what had happened to you, after. 
He could recall your last meeting, however. He could recall it so vividly. It was the day before he was sent to Utapau, and the day you had been sent to the other side of Kashyyyk to assist Master Yoda. Your Clones, who you were immensely proud of, had painted their armor differing shades of camouflage green with little white markings and a bright green streak down their right arms. Even your closest confidant, Commander Syphers, had modified his appearance to match both the jungle of a system, and your lightsaber. 
He had approached you while you and Commander Syphers were nudging at each other while giggling at something. Obi-Wan couldn’t remember what. When you had seen him, a big grin came over your face. You told him your clones had planned something special for your birthday (which was the next day) and that they were all very excited to participate in battle. This was followed with applause from the soldiers on the gunship, and you beginning to walk away from Obi-Wan. 
“You’re not even going to wish me a happy birthday?” you said with a smirk, walking backwards. Obi-Wan didn’t remember what he had said. He could only remember you rolling your eyes, and your final interaction towards him being a playful salute as your gunship lifted up into the air. 
Obi-Wan had not realized that Order Sixty-Six had been executed on your birthday- and possibly you along with it- until much later. You probably hadn’t even gotten to see or experience what your men had done for your birthday. They had already turned on you. 
He had been so focused and finding Anakin after, that he had completely forgotten about you. It wasn’t until his first night on Tatooine that you began to suddenly bombard his thoughts, and he was forced to assume that you had died. 
So this did not explain why you were standing in front of him.
Obi-Wan understood that this was no trick of the suns, nor the heat. The clouds were fluffy in the baby blue sky, the sand mustard and deep, and the plains infinite and distant. You were there, clear as day, in the middle. You didn’t look real, but you were. If anything at all, Obi-Wan Kenobi would’ve described you as surreal. 
You were dressed in a grey cloak and poncho, with the hood up and your makeshift face mask pulled down so he could see and confirm your whole face. Your hair color, which was peaking out from the bun by your neck, had not changed. Your eye color, eyebrows, lips, nose- hadn’t changed. Despite a few sunspots, the shadow of a scar on your collar bone, and the hollow look in your eyes, you were you. And you were real. And you were alive. 
“I thought you were dead,” Obi-Wan said. It was the first words he spoke to you since you had come into his little hovel, and it sounded like a confession of some kind. He knew he shouldn’t have felt silly for it, but he did. He felt ashamed for not having faith in you, even though he knew you wouldn’t have cared much about that. You would’ve understood- you did understand. 
“Me too,” you said. Your thumb rubbed against the clay cup of a warm liquid Obi-Wan had made for you. It was comforting to know that even after tragedy, the man’s manners were unbreakable. “How long have you been here?”
“About nine months,” Obi-Wan guessed. His hands rung together in thought and nervousness. You noticed his voice was so much more soft now, like whatever authority he once had had been shaken. You knew, with a deep sadness, that this was because he didn’t feel he was worthy of authority anymore. It was a shame, because you would’ve followed him anywhere. That’s why you were here now. “How did you find me?” he asked sincerely, his eyes crinkling as he thought about all the options. 
“Master Yoda wasn’t the only one who could see things,” you told him. This too sounded like a confession. Holding his eyes a second longer, you averted them to the table and your cup. “Is he...?”
Obi-Wan took in a silent, shaky breath. “No,” he promised. “He’s alive. On Dagobah, I believe.”
You nodded your head in understanding, looking anywhere but Obi-Wan’s eyes. He was disturbed that you were not the same person as you were, but he didn’t blame you for that. He wasn’t the same person either. 
But you were, at one time, a rather charismatic person. Intelligent and cunning, you were known for your sarcasm and quips. Obi-Wan liked that about you. You were refreshing to be around. Although you two were not the closest, it was a treat working together, and Obi-Wan was sure there was a mutual respect. Now it wasn’t the same. You were more serious, more sad and lonely. You were like a shadow of what you once were. 
“May I ask...” You looked up at Obi-Wan’s words. He knew he shouldn’t have asked, but he was not a man to just leave his words hanging. “What happened? On your birthday?”
Your eyes fluttered shut sharply. “I apologize,” Obi-Wan said quickly.
“No,” you ushered, talking over him slightly. “No, I...just...” you inhaled. “Sometimes, I feel like I’m back in that moment, when I can’t breathe. And I just feel like I’m dying.” Obi-Wan gave you a moment to compose yourself, deciding against placing his hand over your own comfortingly. After another breath, you spoke again. “It was during one of the attacks,” you began. “Wookies everywhere, Seppie scum all around- we were winning. I was looking over it when I heard him say something and then...” your eyebrows scrunched together, almost in confusion, as you recounted the memory. “He raised his gun at me.”
Obi-Wan found himself leaning forward as he listened to your tale. He understood what you meant about the feeling. He could imagine the rocks falling all around him and the breath leaving his lungs as he was shot down. But Cody didn’t look Obi-Wan in the eyes, no. 
“Who did?” Obi-Wan asked quietly. He felt like it was such a forbidden thing to ask, and maybe it was. But this also felt like an interrogation, and it didn’t feel right to let it hang. 
“Syphers.” Maker, he could hear your voice breaking. 
“And, what about your birthday?”
You shook your head softly, and in the most lost and confused voice, you told him: “I don’t know.” 
You were always there when Obi-Wan would wake up. When he stretched his muscles, and wandered outside to watch the twin suns rise into the sky, you were there. Whether sitting or standing, you would watch him when he watched you. Sometimes, he could’ve sworn you had tears in your eyes, almost as if you were saying that you couldn’t believe you had finally gotten to see the sun again.
In the beginning, Obi-Wan Kenobi thought you were simply exquisite in this way. 
Your light colored outfit was simple and contrasted the orange and red light of the world. It seemed distant and far away to think that you were someone the Jedi once knew, almost as if you were from a past life. Although, he supposed that you were. But you were a woman, a companion, someone he trusted with everything inside of his chest. Obi-Wan knew, at least, that there was one person in the world who understood. 
Soon enough, the Jedi would realize you were more than just exquisite- you were beautiful. 
You always had been an attractive woman, though Kenobi supposed he had not given it much thought in the past. There had never been a reason, nor opportunity to until this point. You were a colleague. Now you weren’t. You had bonded through the pain of Anakin’s betrayal, which had become Anakin’s last favor for his old Master. 
Obi-Wan was beautiful too, in the mornings. When you looked over to him, the suns always cast an orange glow across his features, which looked sorrowful. Although he had begun developing tired wrinkles from focusing everything into the force, he had remained the same Kenobi you had always known. Thoughtful, methodical, and handsome. 
The love that grew between the two of you was unsaid for a while. It was all just a poem, a hazy dream that only seemed to become hazier. The mornings that you shared with him wordlessly seemed to melt into nights, and when you had finally begun accepting food from him, dinners. 
You would tell Obi-Wan about your life before the Jedi, and the Master you wondered about so much. In turn, he revealed how he had cradled Qui-Gon in his arms while he died, and Satine’s death sometime later. You were not jealous at the latter, instead admitting you had fallen in love one of your men- a Clone named Ace who had died on the battlefield. That was the first time you had held hands. 
In the low light of the candles and the dry wind that came from the window, Obi-Wan put his hand over your own tentatively, sharing the pain. It did not seem as heavy as it had been before, and it didn’t take long to melt into his touch. 
In the nights, Obi-Wan and you began to sleep on the same blanket. You did not sleep for a long time, instead looking into his eyes and wondering, wondering if you were supposed to die that day. You became hyper aware that you were glad you hadn’t, because then you wouldn’t have been with Obi-Wan now, who was becoming the only thing in the world that brought you peace. 
The mornings became shorter. The way he watched you in the tangerine light never seemed to last long enough. Obi-Wan agreed. 
Following the mornings, the days without his touch and his dialogue seemed to become unsatisfactory. On those days, all food tasted like ash. The blanket you shared seemed scratchy. All the stories you would think of telling him didn’t seem worthy anymore. All you wanted was him in his entirety, even his pain. More than that, you wanted his peace, and he wanted yours.
You could not recall how it happened, because everything up to that point didn’t seem to matter. Obi-Wan didn’t mind. All he focused on was you and your skin, and how the horizon contrasted your back and the suns made the tips of your hair buzz in different shades. 
The both of you were completely naked, you on his lap with your chests pressed together. Your face, which Obi-Wan had accepted as a work of art, was buried in the crook of his neck. Your eyes watched the view behind him, quite literally watching his back while your fingers dug into it so he didn’t turn to dust. 
Similarly, Obi Wan held you as close as he could while he watched the suns rise. Your skin and aura had seemed to fall together, creating a golden glow that he deemed worthy of defining you. Your core- your heart along with your sex- seemed to be a part of him in the best way. You were not Satine or anyone from his past life, you were the trusted companion who understood. And quite frankly, neither of you could fully recall if he was inside of you or not. 
Whether he was or wasn’t didn’t matter. Obi-Wan was a part of you now. You didn’t want that to stop, and Obi-Wan had become too lost and guided by you to stop it. 
But that moment in the sand as the suns rose into the heavens above, and the two lovers entangled as they watched the air all seemed very much like a painting, in which the artist had decided to paint over something very sad, with something very sunny. 
Taglist: @omg-we-really-doo​ @chokemeanakin​ @haztory @laorme34
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passionoffett · 4 years ago
First issue of "War of the Bounty Hunters" will be released on June, "The Story of the Faithful Wookie" out on Disney + on April...
Just good news over here, Fett fans! #HelmetNod
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doomedandstoned · 4 years ago
Adventures of the Starkiller
May The Fourth Be With You!
It was the first movie I ever saw. One of my earliest memories, too. Me and dad held hands as we stood in line that stretched around the block of a small theater in Seattle, waiting for a chance to see Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope (1977). I must have been three or four years old at the time. One watch was all it took for me to become a Star Wars fanatic! I have fond memories playing with that original line of action figures and a Death Star plastic and cardboard set (complete with an elevator to take you to three different stories -- oh yes, and to the trash compactor, too!).
Not surprising, my first crush was Princess Leah, who I always imagined I would grow up to marry. Definitely was a big fan of Han Solo, who I had a crush on in my own way. He was the role model of what it meant to be cool, confident, and put together. But Luke Skywalker was the one I actually identified with them most. He seemed somehow relatable, little human that I was just starting to explore the world around me.
So it is only natural that as an adult, I revisit the childhood film that still manages to pull me in every time (particularly those amazingly shot scenes of the Tatooine outback, where Luke and the droids were jumped by Sandpeople, only to be rescued by one Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Originally scripted under the working title, 'Adventures of the Starkiller - Episode 1,' with conceptual art by Ralph McQuarrie, Star wars would capture the imaginations of Generation X and beyond.
This is a hard rock and heavy metal tribute to the film that ruled those innocent days of childhood, consuming many hours of imagination and play, much to my mother's chagrin, but thankfully with my father's enthusiastic support (though he never did buy me that expensive Millenium Falcon that my friend Eric had down the street).
There are a few audio clips that piece together a narrative that stops short of completing the story, leaving the listener at a cliffhanger right as our heroes have hired a ship to take them to Alderan and are now speeding through space unaware that their greatest adventure lies still ahead!
Give ear now to...
                              ...Adventures of the Starkiller!
May the force be with you, always.
Billy Goate Editor in Chief DOOMED & STONED
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INTRO (00:00)   1. Haunt - "Heroes" (00:36)
WE'RE DOOMED! (05:11)   2. Candlemass - "Droid" (05:46)
FATHER DARKNESS (10:25)   3. Space Metal - "Shroud" (11:08)   4. Mercy - "Tyrant" (16:25)
WHEN DARTH MET LEAH (19:20)   5. Ice Princess - "Eternal Night" (19:58)
THE GREAT ESCAPE (24:13)   6. Eats Batteries - "Droids on Roids" (24:46)
NO ONE TO STOP US (29:31)   7. High on Fire - "The Black Plot" (30:21)
OF DROIDS & JAWAS (35:53)   8. Bantha Rider - "Sandcrawler" (37:31)
GOLDENROD'S JOB INTERVIEW (43:51)   9. Droid - "Unorganic Man" (44:24)
SUCH DISGUSTING CREATURES! (49:41) 10. Bantha Rider - "Jawa Juice" (49:50)
TELEPORT ME OFF THIS ROCK (58:48) 11. Robots of the Ancient World - "Cosmic Riders" (1:00:08)
RUNAWAY ROBOT (1:07:25) 12. Clutch - "Droid" (1:08:07)
SANDPEOPLE! (1:12:49) 13. High on Fire - "Fire, Flood & Plague" (1:14:15)
DESERT WIZARD (1:20:22) 14. Mos Generator - "Lonely One Kenobi" (1:21:49)
SHADY ORIGINS (1:26:53) 15. The Hot Wires - "Dark Energy" (1:28:03)
THROUGH ALL LIVING THINGS (1:31:57) 16. Major Kong - "Energy Whip" (1:32:08)
ROUSING REBELS (1:35:11) 17. Stonegriff - "Come Taste The Blood" (1:36:04)
INVITATION, HESITATION (1:41:25) 18. Kaiser - "Galactic Crusade" (1:42:24)
EMPIRE'S FALSE FLAG (1:48:27) 19. Adobe Homes - "Burnt House On Tatooine" (1:49:16)
WANNA BE A JEDI (1:52:26) 20. Space Metal - "New Blood" (1:52:48) 21. Black Sabbath - "Zero The Hero" (1:59:53)
TRAFFIC STOP (2:07:24) 22. Jupiter - Stonetrooper(2:07:58)
THE WEAK-MINDED (2:16:17) 23. Kvasir - "The Emperor" (2:16:38)
READY FOR ANYTHING (2:20:11) 24. Black Rainbows - "Minor Monster Galaxy Message" (2:20:32)
BOT BIGOTS (2:27:29) 25. Skunk - "Star Power" (2:27:47)
CANTINA CONFRONTATION (2:31:42) 26. Demonic Death Judge - "Taxbear" (2:32:36)
NEGOTIATING A SHIP (2:37:28) 27. Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard - "The Spaceships of Ezekiel" (2:38:25)
SHOWDOWN IN THE HIVE OF VILLAINY (2:46:51) 28. Bantha Rider - "Uta tuta Solo (Greedo's Funeral)" (2:48:09)
FEAR. OF. THIS. BATTLESTATION. (2:54:04) 29. Beyond Belief - "Tyrants Of The Sun" (2:55:29) 30. Raven - "Space Station No.l 5 (Montrose Cover)" (3:00:45)
DISTURBING LACK OF FAITH (3:04:49) 31. General Grievous - "More Machine Than Alive" (3:05:55)
QUICK GETAWAY (3:10:04) 32. Stonetroopers - "Wookie Boogie" (3:10:50)
HYPERSPACE AT HYPERSPEED (3:14:30) 33. Mastodon - "Divinations" (3:15:25)
BLUE PLANET GO BYE-BYE (3:18:56) 34. Doom Machine - "At Last...We Reign!" (3:20:32) 35. Cosmonaut Fuzz - "Rings of Saturn" (3:25:36)
DISTURBANCE IN THE FORCE (3:33:24) 36. Bossk - "Heliopause" (3:33:40) 37. Gypsy Chief Goliath - "Masters of Space and Time" (3:37:27)
OUTRO - ONE MORE THING (3:46:17) 38. Teepee Creeper - "Far, Far Away" (3:47:32)
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All imagery and sound clips belong to Lucasfilm and appear in this podcast under the assumption of fair/transformative use. This is a tribute to Star Wars & bears no official connection to the film.
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