#the stories my parents tell would make your skin crawl
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completely unrelated to 5sos - i just rewatched chernobyl, the hbo series, and its literally rocked my world all over again
you all have to watch it if you haven't yet
not joking its probably one of the most impactful shows ive ever seen
#i cried many many times watching it#im eastern European (first generation aussie) so it just hit so close to home#coming from a very recently communist country it just was such a window into the world my parents grew up in#the corruption of communist governments is truly unimaginable#and if you think communism is good or can be performed in an ethical way on a large scale you are nothing but naive#the stories my parents tell would make your skin crawl#my mums neighbour literally disappeared one day because he was speaking out about the state#and he returned on the doorstep dead in a box#so fucked#and to see how many lives it affected in a dramatised way rather than just numbers in a book was so impactful#if you think your government is immune to that kind of corruption again youre just so naive#our country was a great country before communism too#it cn happen anywhere#anytime#youre not safe if you have blind trust in any government#youre the problem
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the siren and the sun (portgas d. ace x reader) [pt2]
a/n: i have been very obsessed with Ace recently :0c anyways here’s part 2!
contents: brief mentions of death, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, pining!Ace, kidnapping (+ rescue), allusions to human trafficking
wc. 3.3k
wanna be on my taglist?
part 1 || part 3
you’d entered the forest hoping to die.
only a week had passed since your parents set sail on the open seas, claiming their yearning for adventure was far too strong to ignore any longer. “we’d bring you with us but you’re too young,” they said but even at the young age of eleven you knew they were more than happy to leave you behind.
the air was fresh–much fresher than the usual stink of the Grey Terminal–and dotted rays of sunlight shone through the thick canopy of leaves above. you could hear the faint running of water and feel the breeze brushing past your skin.
it was a pleasant experience but you still wished to die.
instead, you came face-to-face with a boy who had large round eyes and a straw hat atop his head.
you’re gently woken up from your sleep by the feeling of your mattress dipping and the sound of sheets rustling. the room is still dark, only barely illuminated by the moonlight shining through your window, and yet it doesn’t take much effort to recognise the culprit.
Ace crawls across the length of your mattress, tossing your blanket out of his way as he moves. his hair is tousled and his signature orange hat is nowhere to be found. once he’s close enough, he slumps forward and spreads his arms out–one of which plops right across your chest.
“y’know they’re just gonna drag you out again, right?” you mumble, shifting slightly to lay on your side to face the boy whose face is now planted downward on one of your pillows. Ace mutters something you can’t quite make out as he hooks his arm around you to pull you closer before his muscles visibly relax, preparing for sleep.
you learned the boy’s name was Luffy and that his caregiver had a habit of adopting stray children. upon sharing with your new friend your desire to no longer be alive, he’d simply called you silly and lent you his straw hat. you kept it on your head as he held your hand and led you deeper into the forest.
Luffy spoke the entire trip to Dadan’s house and had practically shared his entire life story by the time you reached the cabin. you didn’t share anything about yourself, content with simply listening.
Dadan yelled at Luffy for bringing home another random kid but stopped once she laid her eyes on you. though she maintained her scowl and crossed arms, you could tell she wasn’t truly as angry as she was pretending to be.
“whatever,” she said with a nonchalant wave of her hand, “stay if you want. you can’t possibly be as troublesome as Ace and Luffy are anyway.”
that night, without saying a word, she handed you a fresh set of clothes and a sleeping mat and pillow.
you listen as Ace’s breathing slows down and evens out. as usual, he’s out cold within the span of several seconds. you’d love to go back to sleep yourself but if the past week has taught you anything, you know someone else is about to show up in just a few more seconds.
right on cue, your bedroom door slams open and there stands a bleary-eyed Marco in his pajamas.
“how many times do we have to do this before you stop?” he groans as he shuffles over to the side of the bed where Ace is sleeping. the older man grabs Ace by the collar of his shirt–much like a mother cat would pick up their cub by the scruff of their neck–and yanks him off the bed.
“let go of me, you fuck!” Ace yells a split second after he’s startled awake. through half-lidded eyes, you watch him struggle to break out of Marco’s iron-grip as he’s pulled across your room like a sack of potatoes towards your open door.
“Ace can sleep with me, Marco, it’s alright,” you say, already missing the warmth, but all the first division commander does is shrug.
“Pops’ orders. ‘night, (Y/N),” Marco yawns before he shuts your door, completely unbothered by the young man wriggling in an almost feral manner. he swings his flaming fists around threateningly but makes no actual attempt to start a fight.
you can’t help but drift off to sleep with a smile on your face and a funny tingling feeling deep in your chest at the thought of Ace’s desperation to sleep simply beside you.
Ace hated you the moment he laid his eyes on you. though he kept it to himself, not wanting to ruin Luffy’s fun of having a new friend, he despised your presence. no matter how he tried to look at the situation, he couldn’t help but feel as though you were trying to be Sabo’s replacement.
he hated how you tried to keep talking to him every day, gradually growing more bold over time despite his repeated rejection.
he hated how Luffy loved swinging through the trees with you (he’d invited Ace before but the older boy called it childish and dumb).
he hated how you actually listened to Dadan and helped out with household chores.
he hated how you were so clumsy and awkward whenever Luffy invited you to explore the forest with them.
he especially hated how you never cried even after falling down or spraining an ankle.
“let’s go fishing, Ace,” you chirped one day with a wide smile on your face. there was a bruise on your forehead from the day before when you tripped over a root. the boy merely scoffed and turned away, already feeling the burning in his chest that manifested everytime you tried to spend time with him.
“yea, let’s fish!” Luffy cheered, grabbing both your hands before taking off towards the nearest river. Ace didn’t fight it, telling himself he relented just because he didn’t want to disappoint Luffy.
if his younger brother wanted so badly for you to join then so be it. Ace didn’t care.
it didn’t take much time before Ace realised he did kind of care–but only because for some reason you were so much better at fishing than he was and Luffy thought that was super cool.
he gritted his teeth and stewed in his anger for a while longer, determined to keep his rising frustration under control but your laughter intermingling with Luffy’s just pissed him off. if looks could kill, you would’ve dropped dead from his glaring ages ago.
“you’re so fun, (Y/N)!” Luffy giggled and something inexplicable within Ace snapped.
before he knew it, he’d snatched your fishing pole out of your hands and broke it in half before tossing it into the river. ignoring his younger brother’s pleas for him to calm down and be nice to you, Ace grabbed your shoulder and pushed you towards the cold running water. as you stumbled backwards, your ankle collided with something hard causing you to fall. you yelped from the shock and pain as you felt your clothes get soaked with freezing river water.
Ace’s anger had mostly dissipated by then, only to be replaced swiftly by a deep sense of guilt. it felt like cold, frigid fingers were gripping his heart and squeezing with all their might. he could hear Luffy yelling at him but everything sounded muffled except for one thing: your crying.
there’s a bet amongst the commanders on how many attempts on Whitebeard’s life will it take for Ace to finally give up and join the crew.
it’s only been a little over a week since your reunion but most of the commanders have already lost since they made their bets assuming Ace was a sane person. the only three left in the game are Marco, Jozu and Vista–though, judging by the ruckus coming from inside Whitebeard’s room, you suspect Jozu might be out soon.
the newly-replaced door flies straight off its hinges and into the ocean as Ace is once again thrown out of the room, his back slamming into the deck railing with a sickening thud. breathless, he lays on the ground for a few minutes, completely ignored by passers-by–at this point, it’s just another Thursday afternoon.
“hey,” you call out from where you sit on the deck floor with a book in your hands, just a few metres away. you can’t help but smile when you see how he perks up almost instantaneously. getting on his hands and knees, Ace shuffles over until he’s sitting right beside you, his thigh pressing against yours.
you were avoiding him and a part of him wished he didn’t know why. if he was in the dark, he could at least default to being angry but it was hard to ignore the guilt nagging at his brain whenever he saw the way you limped or the bruise that had blossomed on your shoulder.
Luffy had been mad at him, too, for the rest of the day for hurting his new friend. he’d only warmed back up to his older brother after nightfall when the two spoke in uncharacteristically hushed tones under the blanket. Ace wasn’t afraid to admit he’d done something wrong and that he felt bad about it, he just didn’t really know what to do next.
“how’s killing Pops’ going?” you ask, setting the book aside on the floor before you reach out to brush some stray strands of hair out of his face. he always looks so messy after trying to kill your captain, it’s endearing only because you know it’s probably the one thing he’ll never succeed in.
“not great, clearly,” he sighs as he leans against you while absentmindedly playing with the hem of your shorts. “i knew it wasn’t going to be easy but not this hard… why don’t we just leave together? we can find my old crew and you can be my second first mate.”
you chuckle at his offer. “i didn’t know it was possible for you to become even more stubborn than when you were a kid.” Ace’s pout grows deeper so you decide to appease him by combing your fingers through his hair–a habit you picked back up pretty quick after reuniting with him, much to his visible pleasure. “you already know i’m never leaving this crew. they’re my family.”
“i thought i was your family?” he replies, though he knows deep in his heart that’s not the most accurate word he’d use to describe your relationship–even back when you were children.
Makino was surprised to see a familiar face enter Partys Bar on a random Tuesday afternoon. thankfully, it was a slow day for business.
“how do i… say sorry to someone?” Ace asked, perched on one of the barstools with his eyes glued to his hands on his lap. Makino couldn’t help but smile at the innocence in his question.
“well, it depends,” she replied. “what did you do?”
“i hurt (Y/N). i got mad and pushed her and she fell.”
“did she do something to you?”
“... no.”
as much as she wanted to chide the boy for his actions, she could tell from the look on his face that he’d beat himself up over it more than enough already. besides, he came asking for help righting the wrong, who was she to deny such a request?
that night, Ace ran back to Dadan’s cabin with a handful of wildflowers clutched carefully in his hand. his heart pounded not only from the running but from the sheer nerves of what he was about to do. he rehearsed the words he practiced with Makino in his head over and over until he was certain he could recite them in his sleep.
when he’d finally reached his destination, though, he was greeted by a panicked Dogra and Magra.
“(Y/N)’s been taken. Dadan and Luffy went looking for her!”
“of course you’re my family,” you tell Ace as you continue to scratch his scalp, chuckling when you see his eyes flutter close as he leans into your touch. “you know you’ll always be my best friend.” he ignores the sudden pang in his chest. “i just owe too much to Pops and the others. i know they won’t stop me if i try to leave but i’ve found my place here. this could be your place, too, y’know?”
Ace doesn’t reply but he doesn’t reject the idea entirely either like he would’ve done a week ago.
Ace is startled awake when he hears the sound of the door creaking open. setting his hand ablaze on instinct, he readies himself for a fight. ‘this is it,’ he thinks to himself, ‘the cards are off the table now. i knew the Whitebeard pirates were just putting up a front to get my guard down.’
“chill out, dude,” your voice floats across the room in a frantic whisper as you quietly close the door behind you. “it’s just me.” the flames engulfing his hand disappear instantly as he feels his initial apprehension melt into relief.
“what’re you doing here?” Ace asks in his own whispered tone, scooting over to make space for you on the small bed he’d been given as Whitebeard’s ‘prisoner’. “won’t your Pops get mad?” he feels his face heat up as he watches you make yourself comfortable, eventually settling down with your face just mere inches away from his as you both lay on your sides.
“Pops’ll never get mad at me, i’m his darling daughter,” you reply half heartedly as you snuggle your face into his pillow. the action causes your loose shirt collar to slip off your shoulder enough to reveal a scar Ace hasn’t thought about in a long time.
without a second thought, he reaches out to trace his finger across the marred skin. it’s a jagged line from the base of the side of your neck, perpendicular to your collarbone, ending just a few centimetres below it. it’s a weird place for a scar but he knows it’s real: he was there to witness the injury that caused it.
he’d found you trapped in the arms of an unfamiliar man as he held a knife to your neck. Ace could see the sheen of sweat covering your skin as you trembled, your fingernails dug into your captor’s forearm in a futile attempt to make him let go.
“drop the knife, asshole,” Ace warned, pipe at the ready.
“fuck off, kid! she’s mine! i’m gonna get off this fucking island and bring this bitch to Sabaody.” he laughed in an almost manical manner. “if her limp’s permanent, it might reduce her value but i know the Celestial Dragons love pretty girls.”
you couldn’t help but let out a sob at the man’s crude words as well as the pain shooting through your re-twisted ankle. it was close to full recovering when you were snatched from the riverside where you sat earlier in the day, only to get hurt all over again in your struggle for freedom.
the sound of your cries set something in Ace’s chest ablaze as he felt rage cloud every thought in his mind other than one: save you. with gritted teeth and boiling blood pumping through his veins, Ace charged at your kidnapper and swung his pipe.
“that was a crazy day, huh?” you mumble, feeling goosebumps ripple across your skin as he continues to trace his index finger over your scar.
“if i wasn’t so reckless, you wouldn’t have been hurt.” he bites down on the inside of his cheek as a familiar wave of guilt washing over him. you sigh and grab the hand that’s touching your skin, maneuvering it so that your palm presses against his. through the darkness of the room, you can see him smile a little as he curls his fingers, interlocking them with your own. as you expect, his skin feels warm.
“technically, your recklessness saved me from a lifetime of being a Celestial Dragon’s pet,” you point out. “i don’t think he was prepared to fight off a feral child.”
“how dare you call me feral,” he laughs.
“you were super feral! both you and Luffy. i was the only sane one, just ask Dadan.”
“sure,” Ace replies with a roll of his eyes, dragging out the word in a playful manner.
“i really mean it, though. you saved my life that day, Ace.” you lower your interlocked hands to rest in between your faces on top of the pillow. “so you better stop getting all mopey whenever you see the scar.”
the man laid on the forest ground, beaten to a pulp. if it weren’t for the occasional rising of his chest, you would’ve thought he was dead. Ace heaved as he stood over the unconscious man, the pipe he used as a weapon now coated in blood and dented in several areas.
it had been a few minutes since the fight ended but the boy still breathed heavily and his hand still gripped the pipe in his hand so hard his knuckles were deathly pale.
“Ace?” you called out apprehensively from where you sat a few metres behind him, voice slightly hoarse from crying. you could see him tense up but he remained silent. “are you okay?”
the pipe fell to the ground with a muffled thud as he turned around, eyebrows still deeply furrowed. his eyes flickered to the hand you kept pressed against the junction between your shoulder and neck. without saying a word, he closed the gap between him and you before dropping to his knees.
“here,” Ace said, pulling out a handful of crumpled flowers. he held them up to you expectedly. “i’m sorry i hurt you the other day. i was mad at something else and took it out on you. please forgive me.”
dumbfounded, you found yourself staring at him for a few silent seconds. his lip was busted and his entire body was littered in little cuts and blossoming bruises. he’d nearly killed a man; and yet here he was.
Ace gulped when his apology went unacknowledged. he nearly even started to panic when he realised Makino hadn’t told him what to do if you chose to not forgive him.
thankfully, you reached out and took the flowers as a smile stretched across your teary face.
his heart, which had been calming down after the intense fight, revved back up again as he felt something burst in his chest. a strange tingling feeling spread across his entire body and suddenly all the pain from his injuries melted away. Ace felt a warmth envelop his face and he nearly covered his cheeks with his hands–stopping himself only because he knew it would make it too obvious.
you’d fallen asleep with your hand still in his. your face was so close to his own he could feel your gentle breaths brush across his skin. although he himself feels the pull of sleep, he resists the urge for a little while more, needing time to gather his thoughts.
Ace thinks about his experience so far on the Moby Dick; how he’s been trying relentlessly to kill Whitebeard and yet everyone’s been treating him with such patience. hell, they’ve never threatened to slap sea prism stone cuffs on him even once.
he realises he’s already familiarised himself with some of the commanders, namely Marco and Thatch; and how even though he’s been acting like such a brat, the two older men have still been nothing but kind. as much as he hates that Marco takes up so much of your time, Ace can’t deny how much chemistry you have with the whole crew and how much they seem to love you so sincerely and unconditionally.
could i have that, too, one day?
he recalls something you said during a conversation earlier in the day.
“i’ve found my place here. this could be your place, too, y’know?”
and suddenly the answer seems so simple.

gen taglist: @irethepotato @i-reblog-fics-i-like @grierpilots @appalost @hyper-fic-ation @dressycobra7 @38lyra38 @chaseyui @paraparakiss
series taglist: @captainportgasdace @mitskisaveme @graveyardsweethearts @vaniiiavengeance @stuckinmymind22
#one piece#one piece x reader#one piece x yn#one piece x you#op x reader#op#portgas d ace#portgas d ace x reader#portgas ace x reader#portgas ace#imagine#fanfic#fluff#angst
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gabe perreault imagine please 🙏🙏
long time coming | gabe perreault 💌🌊⭐️

gabe perreault x fem!reader
summary: you're sick and the only person who can cure you is your best friend, gabe!
warning(s): fluff, fluff, fluff
author's note: eee this is my first gabe fic! thank u anon for suggesting him, i was in a huge writers slump so ty ty ty! enjoy!
You had heard stories of people falling in love with their best friend; it happened to your parents, your older sister and her boyfriend, all of your cousins, but to you, love just felt unattainable, like maybe you were the exception. The love bug skipped a generation and was already preparing for the next—but now? Now you felt it. You felt it crawl underneath your skin and bubble in your stomach. You felt your chest tighten and the heat rise to your cheeks.
You were in love, true love.
“Gabe,” you groaned over the phone, his breathing sounding staticy over the line. You had been sick for a few days, only a slight cough and an itchy throat, but today felt 10 times worse. Your stomach was aching, your head felt like it was getting hit by a basketball every couple of seconds, and you sniffled so frequently you were sure that something was going to go up the wrong pipe and straight up to your brain.
And you felt bad, not only because of your illness, but because it was nearly 2 AM and you could hear Gabe shuffle underneath his dark blue sheets in the dorm he shared with his best friend, Will Smith. You knew it was late and this was wrong. I mean, the boy had a game against Boston University in the morning, now was not the time to wake him, but you just didn’t know what to do. You felt like you were dying and all you needed was one of Gabe’s famous hugs and maybe a back rub (he was really good at those).
“Hey,” he said quietly, trying not to wake the snoring Will on the other side of the room. His eyes were fighting to stay open, determined not to lean onto his fluffy white pillow and fall back to sleep. “You okay?”
You sniffled, grabbing another tissue from the box that laid beside your bed. “I feel like I’m dying,” you responded, your voice sounding congested and nasally—not in the slightest like your normal tone.
You could hear shuffling on the other side of the phone. Then, you could hear keys jangling and his closet door opening, a hoodie getting thrown over his body, and then the door to his dorm being pulled open. You wanted to protest because you knew what he was doing, where he was going, but you had no energy to speak. Instead, your stubborn voice turned to loud coughs that made Gabe want to pull you in his arms and hold you until they faded into oblivion.
But he couldn’t. It was too much for you. It would be weird. You wouldn’t feel the same. It was the exact same thing he’s been telling himself for months (really what he’s been telling himself since the moment he met you). It would ruin your guys’ friendship and you will never want to speak to him again. If only he could hear your thoughts because then, maybe he’d be thinking differently, and it wouldn’t be so hard.
Three soft knocks on the door of your dorm signaled exactly what you suspected would happen. Gabe was your best friend and if he caught the flu, you would be there holding his hand and making him a bowl of chicken noodle soup. If you were crying about a failed test, he would buy you ice cream and agree to watch countless episodes of The Bachelor until you were feeling okay again. One time you were sick with Covid and Gabe didn’t even care. He stayed with you during quarantine, snuggled under mountains of blankets, watching movies until you were sick of them, and gossiping about anyone and anything. It wasn’t a surprise that he caught the sickness a couple days later. Your moms laughed about the memory, finding it endearing that you two loved each other so much that you were willing to be sick together.
Gabe settled some medicine on your bedside table before lifting your light pink covers and crawling into bed with you. You fit perfectly into his arms, like this spot was made just for you. Despite your sweaty forehead and aching body, he held you tightly, placing small kisses on the crown of your head. Your parents had always joked about you two getting married someday, but sometimes you wished that it was real; that you would grow old with him and live in a big white house with a white picket fence and a large rose garden in the backyard. You truly couldn’t see your life with anyone else.
But that was silly. Gabe was your best friend. That would just be weird—right?
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. He walked all the way from his building to yours in the middle of the night despite having a ginormous game tomorrow. He felt unreal, like how could a person be so perfect and somehow be yours?
“Don’t be,” his words were just as soft. His chin resting on the top of your head as yours fit in the space between his neck and shoulder, leaving delicate kisses on his adams apple. This isn’t what best friends do, you told yourself. Best friends don’t kiss each other. Best friends don’t cuddle underneath sheets and hold hands to “warm each other up.” It was confusing and you hated it. You hated not knowing how he was feeling when you knew exactly how you felt about Gabe.
“You didn’t have to come here.”
“You called.”
You laughed. “That doesn’t mean anything. You could’ve stayed in bed and slept longer and had good dreams and—”
“Hey,” he smiled down softly at you, lifting your chin to look up at him. His hand lingered there for a while, not wanting to move away from you. There was something about you that made Gabe want to be closer and closer. There was something that made him want to parade you around campus, telling everyone that you were his. He wanted to see you in his jersey and kiss you after games and hold you tight at parties. He wanted to take you with him to New York when he plays for the Rangers after college and introduce you to his family as his girlfriend instead of just his best friend. Gabe was ready for more, but he hated thinking that you might not be. “I wasn’t just going to let you die, okay?”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, like that one time you pushed me down that water slide at Hurricane Harbor.”
“Pft, you wanted to go down that.”
You chuckled incredulously. “There is no way you just said that.”
“‘Oh, Gabe, please take me on this waterslide. I’ve been dying to go with you.’”
“I don’t sound like that.”
He grinned. “Yeah, you sound like this,” he said, pinching his nose with his fingers, his voice sounding blocked and nasally.
You pushed his hands away, hiding your face in his clothed chest. “Shut up.”
“C’mon, you love it.”
“I will fight you.”
He ran his hand up and down your arm, your eyes fluttering closed and your breathing steadying. He held you tighter, wrapping both arms around you and snuggling deeper into the bed. His last words before you fell into hypnosis lingered in your mind as you couldn’t even escape your lovestruck dreams of the perfect boy. “Keep telling yourself that, sicko.”
By the time the sun rose, you were sure that he would be gone; that his hoodie would be collected from the carpet, that his legs would no longer be intertwined with yours, and that his belongings would be gone, but he was still there and you were still in his arms and everything was still perfect. His breathing was soft and slow, his little curls were a bit tussled, his cheeks were pale, and you wondered what he was dreaming about that left a ghost of a smile on his face.
You wanted to wake up like this everyday and everyday after that. So yeah, maybe you were in love. Maybe you were in deep. And maybe you were ready to tell him.
He rustled around before lifting his eyes open, his smile growing wider when he saw your pink face, knowing he caught you staring at him as you glanced around the room, trying not to make eye contact with the boy.
“Feeling better?” he asked, turning to his side and facing you.
A strand slipped through your loose ponytail and settled on the front of your face, covering your eyes as he allowed his hands to work faster than his mind. He slowly brought his hand up, carefully moving the strand behind your ear. And you would expect the moment to be over but when his hand lingered on your cheek, his thumb lightly running over the smooth skin of your face, you knew that maybe just maybe there could be something more.
You nodded slowly. “I’m okay.”
“I’m glad. I hate seeing my girl sick,” he spoke softly as if speaking any louder would shatter the calming atmosphere.
My girl. You wanted to allow your mind to toss and turn, investigate the meaning behind those two words, search for his thought-process, his feelings, anything, but for the first time in forever, you felt serene and calm with him. You didn’t feel the need to wonder what this meant for the two of you. You were perfectly content where you were now, where you were going, and what you were going to do next.
You placed your hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat fast yet gentle. His eyes wandered down to your place of connection and when they met yours again, you could’ve sworn you saw something: a spark, hope, clarity, confirmation.
And when he leaned in, holding your face close with the hand still resting on your cheek, his lips hovering over yours, desperate to connect, you knew nothing would be the same. He would never be just your best friend anymore. And you were perfectly okay with that.
As Gabe leaned in, his lips met yours in a tender, yet passionate kiss. It was a moment that felt suspended in time, where every sensation was heightened—the warmth of his touch, the softness of his lips, the racing of your heart. In that instant, all doubts melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of certainty and bliss.
The kiss deepened, as if both of you were pouring all the unspoken feelings and desires into this one act. Your hands found their way to his hair, fingers threading through the soft strands as you pulled him closer, wanting to feel every part of him against you. His arms tightened around you, pulling you impossibly closer as if he never wanted to let go.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourselves in each other, the outside world fading into insignificance. When you finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, you found yourselves gazing into each other's eyes, the realization of what had just happened sinking in. But there was no fear, no uncertainty, only a profound sense of connection and joy.
“I’m sick,” you said, making Gabe chuckle softly. Of course your first words after a long-anticipated kiss would be that. But that’s what Gabe loved about you. You were you in every sense of the word. You are the reason his stomach hurts from laughing every time he comes back to his dorm, staring into space as he thinks about your giggle and your smile and your stupid humor. You are everything. You’re the world.
I just kissed the world, Gabe thought. My girl.
With a smile that spoke volumes, Gabe whispered, "I don’t care."
“You will when you get sick.”
“And will you be here? When I get sick?” he asked, his thumb running back and forth on the exposed space of skin on your pelvis.
You nodded. You would be there for him through anything no matter what. “Always.”
“Then I’m okay with it.”
And in that moment, as you nestled into his embrace once more, you knew that the stories were real and true; that love is real and true, because you just fell in it and you couldn’t be happier.
#gabe perreault#boston college#boston college hockey#gabe perreault x reader#gabe perreault imagines#gabe perreault imagine#gabe perreault fluff
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Meta reader anon here! (Got nervous when I asked 😭)
Anyways, how would the Batman react to a reader who’s kinda been through a situation like the one Jason was in? (Lowkey trauma dump I’m so sorry-) like my father’s a really manipulative and narcissistic person so I have a much easier time picking up on stuff like that. Reader would legit already be on high suspicion (not like they weren’t already but like 10x more-)
Also keep up the good work! Really enjoy your stories!
A/N okay but learning about duke in the moonlight verse hours
”Why are you so afraid of me?” Duke asks curiously, some of thier braids swishing into their face.
You shrug, not meeting their eyes because you know that if you do then they’ll know something you don’t want them to. they’ve always been too observant for your tastes and looking at them makes something under your skin crawl.
You know hat Duke is a meta because signal is a meta even though they’ve never used thier powers around you, never made you feel afraid on purpose.
In fact Duke is always gentle with you, like you’re something that could break, something that they’re choosing to keep whole.
“Who are you?” You ask, staring them straight in the face. They smile (it’s not real), “I’m duke, your sibling.” YOu want to scream liar because they aren’t your sibling, because there is something wrong with the way that they are.
“What happened to you?” you try, keeping your expression gentle, open because there’s somethign that they just aren’t telling you.
They laugh,, “nothing, I’m all good.”
“Liar.” You snap, abandoning your game of pretend.
Duke gives you a too sharp smile, says, “I’ll tell you what happened to me if you tell me why you’re always avoiding me.”
That’s an easy choice to make. “You’re off. It’s like you’re constantly hiding something under your kindness.”
They laugh bitterly, the first sharp sounds that you’ve ever heard from them. “I was adopted two years before you. My parents were caught in a fight between Joker and batman. My mother was immunocompromised and joker used his gas to try and finally kill the terror of our city, the batman. Bruce found me, holding her dead body and he took me in. I didn’t have a choice and there was no one there to keep me from making mistakes.”
They pull back their sweater enough for you to see seven tally marks. “One for every member of the family,” Duke says absently.
“So they never forget where they belong,” Bruce cuts in, appearing out of nowhere. He puts a hand on Duke’s shoulder and you watch the way they bristle, but don;t bother moving.
There’s an implied threat in the way that bruce speaks, a warning that you could share the same scars with one addition, Duke’s.
#yandere#yandere writing prompts#platonic yandere#yandere platonic#yandere batfamily#yandere batfam#batboy tag#duke thomas#yandere duke thomas#bruce wayne#yandere bruce wayne#moonlight verse
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Cruel Summer ❆ JJ Maybank

☃︎ SUMMARY: jj is love sick for a kook, much to his friends' dismay
☃︎ WARNINGS: fluff, cussing, that's it really
☃︎ NOTE: welcome to swiftmas 2023! we're happy to have you here!
swiftmas masterlist
And I snuck through the garden gate, every night that summer just to seal my fate.
JJ knew John B would tease the shit out of him if he knew what was going on. He could hear the way Kiara would yell at him as he pulled himself up to the top of the fence. JJ!, she would say, for a fucking kook! He couldn’t bring himself to be embarrassed or ashamed about his current situation. Not when you were on the other side.
He could see the subtle glow of your fairy lights from where his feet dropped into your family’s garden. He walked a few paces, stopping at the pink azaleas he had seen your mom caring for a few weeks back. He was almost caught that night. Had it not been for the fact that he dropped his hat and had to circle back for it, your mom definitely would’ve noticed the tall blonde creeping around her backyard.
In a way, he thinks it was fate. He wasn’t meant to be caught because he needed to make it to you. But, seeing your mom had him longing to be able to come in through the front door. He wanted to come in and say hello to your parents and pet the over-excitedly family dog. He wanted them to ask him how he was and listen to them talk about their days at work. He wanted to be a part of your family.
He shakes his head to remove any of these longing thoughts. He knew if he wanted it, he had to do something about it. That was the plan for tonight.
He bent down to pick two or three of the pink flowers, neatly tucking them in the back pocket of his jean shorts. He made his way to the trellis that led right up to your bedroom window. He used to hate the way kooks decorated the outside of their houses with stupid shit like this, but it has proven to be incredibly useful.
The gentle knocks on your window pulled your attention away from the book that was open in your lap. Your tummy erupted into butterflies, knowing JJ was on the other side. Your cheeks were starting to hurt from the amount of smiling you were doing as you opened the window for him.
He crawled into the room quickly, much smoother than he did when your arrangement first started. At first, he would come over to hook up. You’d met at a party and instantly made a connection, or you thought you did. When he walked away from where you stood and talked, returning to the pogues. Even with the lack of light at the party, you could see the dirty looks JJ’s group of friends sent your way.
And I scream, “For whatever it’s worth, I love you. Ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?”
“Hi, JJ!” You excitedly greet him, pulling him in for a hug. Your undefined relationship had grown past just friends with benefits but was still up in the air. “Hey, princess,” he smiled, pulling you flush against him. “How’s your day been?” You smiled at his question, retreating to sit crisscross at the edge of your bed.
JJ looked very out of place as he took the spot next to you. He looked dirty, worn, compared to the bright, beautiful colors of your room. Even compared to you and your glowing skin and bright smile. Maybe that’s why he felt so light when he was in your room.
You began telling him about your day, using your hands to animate the very mundane stories from your day at the private school you attend. Usually, rich people droning on and on about the minor inconveniences they faced throughout their day would be enough to set JJ off. However, the way you lit up as you told your stories and emphasized different parts with your hands and facial expressions made it intriguing.
JJ laughed at your jokes and looked sad when you told him about your struggles. What always made him feel the best, however, was when you finished your stories and turned to him. You always asked the same question, “And what went down in JJ’s world today?” It was silly and some would even call it cringey, but he loved it.
He tells you about his time mowing a few of your neighbor’s yards, and how one of the older ladies had given him a free lunch. He watched your facial expressions as he talked, knowing you couldn’t hide your emotions if you wanted to. He saw your “aww” at the mention of the old lady, knowing who he was talking about.
He also saw the way your face twisted up as he started telling you about the dirtbike races the pogues had gone on today and how John B. scrapped the shit out of his knees. JJ stopped talking once he noticed how unhappy you looked, turning away from you and tensing up.
“Why do you always have to do that?” He said with an attitude. You were learning how easily he could get upset, but you couldn’t really blame him due to how his family life is. Still, you rolled your eyes at his words, “Do what, JJ?” You mirrored his tone, the joyful air that had surrounded you when he first arrived quickly dissipated.
“Get upset when I mention my friends. Sorry they’re not kooky bitches who cry when they get a bad grade.” You rolled your eyes again at his words, shifting your body away from him. “You know I don’t care what or who your friends are.”
“Then what’s your issue then?” He turned back to face you, raising his voice as he spoke, “I listen to you talk about your rich friends and I can’t even tell you one fucking story?” You were getting quickly annoyed as he was making assumptions about your intentions. “JJ, that’s not-” He cut you off, “What is it then?” He was almost yelling now, not caring that your family was still in the house.
“I fucking love you, JJ! I love you and your fucking friends are gonna ruin it! It’s the worst fucking thing that could’ve happened to you, to us! But I fucking love you!” It was your turn to raise your voice. You were ranting, almost, just trying to get your feelings out there. You loved him, but the pogues would never let that happen. You’re not Sarah Cameron, queen of the kooks. You’re just you, and they won’t like that.
You think you’re about to lose your mind when JJ’s smile spreads across his face. He’s grinning like a Cheshire cat, and it’s pissing you off. You open your mouth to speak, but he stops you by pulling you in for a kiss. The most passionate one you two had shared up until this point.
Once he pulls away, he holds your hands in his lap as he speaks, “When have I ever given a shit about what they think?” In his own, messed up kind of way, this is JJ’s way of telling you he loved you too. This was confirmed when he stood up and retrieved the crushed flowers from his back pocket. He handed them to you and you both erupted into laughter at the state of them.
#jj maybank x you#jj maybank x y/n#jj maybank x reader#jj maybank imagine#jjk x reader#jj maybank#obx x reader#obx imagine#obx blurb#obx x y/n#obx#outer banks blurb#outer banks x you#outer banks x reader#outer banks imagine#swiftmas 2023!
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oh, sister, I am sorry. your eyes are sunken and your skin is bruised. your lips are chapped, your nailbeds bitten raw. your husband's hand on your waist is a ghost's touch held by the band on your left ring finger and I-
I am dead.
I got on the train, Su. Nevermind your tears, nevermind the plea you could not shape with words, nevermind your fingers on the pulse point of my wrist. "stay", you'd said, as you have always done, dictionary in hand and baby teeth yet lodged in your jaw. "don't go where i cannot."
I step through a wardrobe and you follow, damned be reason. I slay a wolf and you follow, I cling to the little ones and you follow, I am crowned and you follow, I am-
I go past a lamp post, and you follow, damned be dread. I go to a train station and you follow, trembling hands and tender heart. I go, and I go, and I go, and you follow. Sun of my skies. Light of my life.
I go. you stop.
are we too old for stories, now? ten-and-four and ten-and-three, budding bodies and steel bones, we are cast from our home. i hold the little ones until i drown in them. you grip your skirts until no iron can press the shape of your palms from them. and you have ever been, cruelly reasonable and logically callous.
say you, glass shard eyes and rouge-red lips: we are english. we are children. she thinks she has found a magical land in the upstairs wardrobe.
say I, trembling hands and coiling guts: we are narnian. we are monarchs. if she's not mad and she's not lying, then logically she must be telling the truth.
my sister Susan, beautiful as folk tales are and twice as sharp, did you intend every invitation you took for me to twist the knife a godly animal once thrust into my guts? perhaps it was the way your eyes turned blue, or the sound of your laughter losing its bells. perhaps it was just my trembling fingers at the back of your legs, drawing stocking lines where no stockings had ever lain.
the line came out shaking, and you rubbed it off until your skin cried red. the hem of your dress still dripped wet when you left that day, turning on heels too narrow for you to walk in.
do you remember? it took you days to come home, and mother wailed for all of them. you crawled into my bed that night, as you did when we were parents to our little ones, those terrible months. your head on my shoulder, your breath in my ear, I held you until morning.
your mouth in my throat, eyes heavy with sleep, tongue heavy with champagne: we are here now. we must make the best of it. he cannot have all our lives, and all our joys. i wish you would laugh again.
doesn't little lucy, shrieking mouth and tumbling legs, laugh enough for us all?
lucy's manic. if she didn't laugh she'd cry.
i think sometimes, in the parts of my guts that are still a schoolboy, and are mean and cruel to match, that the alcohol makes you softer than the daylight ever could. i do not tell you.
i press my lips to your forehead. i wrap my arms around you. the year between us rings heavy, and when I get up in the morning, you do not follow.
I tried, Su. I did. I applied for university, I saw that girl with that smile. with those eyes. I let you take sections from the paper before I ever touched it, I held the little ones in my arms, and I made coffee in the morning. I sat all my exams.
I smiled when the little ones came back smelling of home.
Aslan's wounds, did I try. but-
I have ever been a thing made for stories. brave the way knights are, bloody knuckles and buckling pride. a horse between my calves, a sword in my hands.
I think, sometimes, that I was born for my sword, for the hollow ringing of my heart when I first held it. a part of me, even then, ten-and-three and soaked to the bone.
such bravery is not made for real world boys and real world taunts. there is a map, I think, from the summits of my knuckles to the jaws of every boy who ever looked at me and bared his teeth.
I am sovereign. I am the skies for your sun to burn in.
I am made wrong, for this england, and I cannot take this life you want. I belong, I think, into myths and legend, the star-studded shards of our home.
so I went on the train, Susan. so I died, and I named what you have chosen. so I banned you from their scorning mouths. so you grip your husband's hand, realest of us all, and you cry. you do not follow.
Forgive me.
#tcon#narnia#peter pevensie#susan pevensie#sibling relationships#in which peter is a story of a man more than he is a boy#in which susan is a girl more than she is a story of a queen#on diverging paths#on following#and staying#death tw#the last battle#alcohol abuse#brief implications of lucy having manic episodes#hello#i have brainworms#it is 3am#susan is real in a way peter isnt#he is a story and she is a person#the chronicles of narnia#narnia fanfic#narnia fanfiction
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Hello, hello <3 How are you?
I loved your writing!
The HC from the Heartslabyul group as parents left me thinking: how would Deuce react if, after getting married and having his own girls (Deuce is 1000% the father of a girl), he met an ex "friend" of his time as a delinquent who hasn't changed much in his ways and REALLY wants to piss off poor Deuce
(sorry, my English is unga bunga ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)
Hey 🌙! Mx Tattly is happy to share what she knows on the matter. He's happy to see you're sharing the same girl dad!Deuce vision. Here is the information you've requested!
Show of power, show of growth
Characters: Deuce x GN!Reader (romantic), unnamed older daughter and unnamed younger daughter
Warnings: threats, mentions of violence
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of confidentiality.

Being part of an elite anti-mage division was an achievement both you and Deuce were infinitely proud of, but he had to admit the job was very time consuming
And, since he now was a father of two girls that he bent over backwards for to fulfill their every whim, Deuce has his schedule full to the brim
Despite his busy schedule, he loves taking his girls out for walks especially during the evening, an activity he has been doing ever since his cuties were just babies
It started as a chance to give you, his spouse, a few moments to yourself to relax and destress while he bonded with the babies
He'd point at various trees, shops, the sky, and talk about them to his kids, until they were old enough to start doing the same on their own
It was a late summer evening when Deuce came home after a stressful day, and the only thing he could think of to destress was to spend time with his family
Deuce was not lucky enough for his daughters to want any indoor activities, though
So he just accepted his fate and took his little ones for a walk in the neighborhood
His older daughter, the cutest chatterbox in the world, was swinging his left hand back and forth as she pointed with her free hand at the neighborhood cats, giving them names and making up stories about their lives
His younger daughter, a quiet observer, was holding his other hand while she occasionally asked her older sister or dad questions
It was an evening like any other, nothing seemingly out of the ordinary
Yet, something felt...off
Even without his specialized training, Deuce had always been able to tell when someone was watching him, overly curious eyes burning holes in his back
He turned his head around, and saw the person looking at him
A young man about the same age as him was walking towards him
He was wearing a jacket Deuce recognized as a sign of one of the city's smaller gangs, whose members focused on shoplifting and public disturbances
Why was this person approaching him?
“Oi, Spade. Been a while since I last saw ya. Middle school, maybe?"
At first, Deuce had no idea who the guy in front of him was
"Sorry, do I know you?"
The guy scoffed, looking offended by the idea of Deuce not remembering him
"Come on, man. Heard through the grapevine you're a cop now, but that doesn't mean you have to forget your old shoplifting buddy."
The words made his eyes widen and he tightened the hold he had on his girls as an old memory came to him
He was in middle school when him and an old classmate, Kateur Pilla, stole a few bags of chips off a shelf in a local shop without getting caught
"There ya go, ya remember me after all!'"
The memory brought a bitter taste to Deuce's mouth and his face was burning with shame, but he was brought back to reality by a small hand squeezing his
"Daddy, what's shoplifting?"
The guy's eyes fell on the source of the tiny voice, Deuce's oldest child, making Deuce shiver and pull his daughter behind him
“You even have kids now! Damn, man, you really became a good-for-nothing goody-two-shoes.”
The entire existence of this guy in his family's vicinity made his skin crawl
His grip on his older daughter tightened and he picked up his youngest
"At least I did something worthwhile with my life. Now scram."
“Aw, come on, you really can't spare me a chat?”
"No, not really.”
Deuce's response came through gritted teeth
His self control improved tremendously during the years, only because he has learned how to redirect his attention towards something else
In this case, his seemingly oblivious daughters
But he still felt the burning urge to grab this guy by the collar
“Not even if I promise to give you some info? Paid info, of course. Some guys I know got their hands on some stuff that's for sure illegal. How about we have a chat, hm? Or are you still that dumb to refuse such a golden opportunity? Man, cops really are stupid.”
His tone changed into something more condescending, even though he was still a small nobody compared to Officer Spade, member of the Queendom of Roses' anti-mage division
…but Deuce felt his younger daughter cling onto his jacket, feeling the intimidating air Kateur was trying to scare Deuce with
His blood pressure started rising, and he started slightly shaking, trying his best to control the urge to kick Kateur away from the innocent eyes of his kids
"Maybe you didn't change after all. What's that badge for if you're still the same dumbass you were years ago? Wanna go steal some cigs?"
Deuce felt his hands shaking
But before he got to push his girls away and do something he regretted, he heard a familiar voice call his name
"Deuce? Honey, what's happening?"
With your talent for appearing wherever there's trouble, you made a beeline to your family, disregarding the presence of the guy and picking up your oldest kid
Without a second through, he handed you your second child
“Go home. I have something to deal with.”
You nodded and walked away with your confused and slightly scared little girls
Now that Deuce was finally alone, he had the opportunity to punch this guy for daring to disturb his family
...but he chose not to
“Listen here, ya punk.”
The guy flinched back as Deuce's voice boomed, obviously not expecting to be so rattled
"I am a good man now. I have a family. And I don't allow any human trash to speak to me that way.”
Cracking his knuckles, Deuce stepped closer, and the guy was backed into a corner
“Scram. Don't bother me or my family again, or I’ll forget I'm a good man.”
Kateur realized he has crossed a line, so he just tsked and walked away empty handed
Before he returned home, Deuce walked around a bit to shake off his anger, directed at Kateur... and directed at himself
Why wasn't he able to just ignore the guy?
Was Kateur right after all? Did Deuce really not change at all?
..No, he must be wrong, Deuce did not use violence, which was good
But he still threatened the guy, and that wasn't good
…Not arriving at any satisfactory conclusion, he eventually decided to just go home
You watched how Deuce walked into the living room of your small apartment, your girls welcoming him with open arms and high spirits, a striking contrast to not too long ago
The moment Deuce saw them, he smiled warmly and thought to himself how they inherited your talent to make him better
When your older daughter kept asking Deuce again about what "shoplifting” meant, you sent the girls to their room so you could discuss with your husband what happened
He told you everything that went down before your arrival, expecting to be scolded for losing his temper, like a small child waiting to be sent to the corner to think about what he'd done
"To be honest, you did great! The girls are safe and happy, and you managed to shoo away the guy without getting physical. That's the best outcome I can ask for."
..You were right
He thanked you and gave you a kiss on the forehead for reassuring him before you walked together to your daughters' room to spend some time together
And you sighed with relief after watching Deuce relax as he played together with his daughters
He would have to change his usual route for a while, just to make sure they wouldn't be bothered again
But if he'd have to face the guy again, he knew he could do even better than that
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Beautiful Disaster (12)
← Chapter 11 • series masterlist • Chapter 13 →
12 | Okinawa
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x f!Reader
The group takes a trip to Okinawa
words: 3.8k
AN: Hey guys! Not sure if anyone is even reading this story anymore, but I fell of the face of the planet for a while, sorry about that. Things IRL were crazy with work and my personal life, and I just didn't have it in me to write anything. I actually had this chapter already done but forgot to post it here. It was posted on wattpad and Ao3 previously.
Ao3 • Discord 18+ • Social Media • Series Masterlists
March 2012
You’re running late - class got out late, and then you wanted to go back to your dorm to take a quick shower. You would normally just do that at his place, but you also needed to finish packing a few items for your weekend getaway.
Satoru was able to talk his parents into letting him use their vacation home in Okinawa. Apparently, they have a few to choose from, but the beaches are supposed to be amazing and it’s close enough that you can go there for the weekend without having to spend too much time traveling back and forth.
From what you’ve gathered, this is a trip Satoru, Suguru, Shoko, and Utahime plan every year. They were partying and hanging out one night, and spur of the moment Satoru wanted to get away and have some fun elsewhere so they jumped on a plane and spent the weekend there.
It’s a little cold this time of year, but you guys will make the most of it nonetheless. It’ll be nice, getting away, spending a relaxing weekend with your boyfriend and closest friends, not having to worry about school or anything else getting in the way.
When you walk into the off-campus house, your eyes immediately land on Satoru, leaning against the wall with his little round sunglasses covering his eyes. He turns and smiles as you walk over, wrapping your arms around his waist and giving him a soft peck on the lips.
You apologize for being late, but nobody seems to mind. It’s still early enough in the day that when you arrive in Okinawa everyone will have a chance to unpack and relax before heading to bed.
While everyone does a few last-minute checks to make sure they have everything they need, you hear a crisp high-pitched laugh come from the kitchen that makes your skin crawl.
Your eyes lock with Satoru’s while kissing your teeth in automatic annoyance.
“Oh boy,” Utahime sighs heavily as you wait for an explanation as to why Mei is walking into the living room with her suitcase in tow.
“Dude… You didn’t tell her Mei was coming?” Suguru states grimly before you have a chance to say anything.
You tilt your head to the side, incredibly annoyed, “You knew she was coming and didn’t say anything?”
Satoru shrugs, “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. Sukuna invited her, not me.”
Your unamused expression is obvious as you quirk your eyebrow and glare at Sukuna from across the room. He grins, sharp canines on full display as he laughs quietly to himself, mischief in his eyes.
An irritated sigh leaves your lips but you decide to let it go. You were hoping to have a good weekend with your friends, and you’re still determined to do that, despite this little … hiccup.
The plus of dating someone who comes from an incredibly rich family, means there are times when you get to reap the benefits of his families hard earned money.
Case in point: taking their private jet to Okinawa.
And how could you possibly complain when being showered with complimentary champagne, spacious seating, and plenty of time to start your relaxing weekend?
Even Mei was bearable. But that’s mostly because she was tucked away at the back of the plane with Sukuna.
As expected, the Gojo’s vacation home - more of an estate really - is massive. The front is covered is lush, green grass with small areas of sand around a stone path that leads to the house - the front is covered with large, floor-to-ceiling windows to allow plenty of light.
The back is all white sand with a large pool - a hut off to the side with a hot tub, and another brick path that leads out to a dock with the ocean at your disposal. The water is so clean and beautiful here. Not as pretty as Satoru’s eyes, but a close second.
Inside the house is just as grand, with marble flooring, a huge kitchen with the latest appliances, and not a speck of dust in sight - it’s as if they have someone clean it, even though they don’t come here very often.
There are also more rooms than you know what to do with - enough space for everyone to have their own space without having to worry about sharing. Unless they choose to.
After deciding rooms - from which Sukuna and Mei don’t reappear, you leave Shoko, Utahime, and Suguru to their own devices, following Satoru down to the beach - only after promising to get into the hot tub with the girls tomorrow and spend time with them.
Tonight you’re spending the evening with Satoru.
He looks happy here, truly at peace. More than you’ve ever seen as he stands on the beach, sand between his toes, staring off into the wonders of the sea.
It’s reminiscent of the little beach he brought you to on your first date. Only this time there are no surfboards. He admitted, not long after you started officially dating, that he only used that as an excuse to touch you.
Dipping your toe in the cool water, a shiver runs through your spine moments before you’re splashed, head to toe, by salty freezing water.
Glaring at Satoru, he grins playfully before splashing you again and running into the ocean without a care in the world.
“Oh, you asshole!”
You run after him, laughing until he dives into the water. Huffing, you continue going out to where he submerged, legs kicking you out to see before yelping when large arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into that familiar hard chest.
“You really are a dickhead, you know that?” You’re not too upset, clearly, with the way your legs automatically wrap around his waist, his hands on your ass holding you in place.
He grins mischievously, “I’ll let you give my dick head, baby.”
“Don’t be gross.” You splash him gently with water before his lips connect with yours, and your arms wrap gently around his neck.
He pulls away to run his nose down the length of yours, causing you to sigh at the loss of contact before he’s back to nibbling your lower lip and kissing along your jaw.
Satoru is more loving than you ever could have imagined, especially after spilling your heart and telling him what happened between you and your mother. There was a part of you that was afraid he would think you’re too much of a mess, and wouldn’t want to deal with that part of your life.
But he’s proven you wrong. And this new direction your relationship has taken has made you really truly happy. You haven’t told him - or anyone really - but there have been thoughts lately that you can see yourself by his side for the rest of your life.
After what feels like forever, with kiss-swollen lips and pruney fingers from being out in the ocean, you make your way back to land. Shoko is there, smoking a cigarette and lying on one of the beach chairs.
Your cheeks heat because you didn’t realize she had made her way out here, but she doesn’t seem to be bothered. She does, however, hand you your phone and you eye is suspiciously wondering why she has it.
She shrugs, like she knows what you’re thinking, “Thought you’d want some pics. The sun was setting. You know, romance and all that.”
Shoko waves her hand in the direction of the ocean and you see what she means. The sun has started setting, and the pink, red, and purple hues from the sunset cast over the ocean.
“Wow,” you breathe, flipping through the few photos she took, “These are beautiful.”
Satoru lays his arms over your shoulders, looking at the pictures from over top your head, “Send me that one.”
You smile and do as he asks - you have your arm wrapped around his neck, foreheads pressed together, and smiling with the colors from the sunset in the background. It’s the perfect picture.
“I thought you said you were going to stop smoking,” Utahime scolds, startling all three of you. She’s marching towards Shoko with a fierce expression, Suguru walking behind her with his hands in his pockets, a small smile on his lips.
Satoru chuckles, kissing your forehead, and lacing his fingers with yours.
“We’ll… See you guys tomorrow.” He says, flashing his eyebrows at his friends before Utahime can continue her argument with Shoko.
Your cheeks flame immediately, giggling as you awkwardly wave to them. They mutter half-hearted good nights, not really paying attention to either of you.
The weekend is peaceful - spending the day exploring around the estate, going to the ocean and swimming, laying out reading and just having quality time with your friends.
Mei is still around but hasn’t shown up a lot, off doing her own this with Sukuna. Which is a weird thought, the two of them together, but to each their own. And at any rate, you’re happy she’s not hanging around and overstaying her welcome.
By evening the two of them are hanging out in the kitchen when the rest of you come inside from lounging at the beach. You don’t acknowledge either of them - annoyed, yet not surprised - Sukuna would invite Mei just to piss you off.
Wrapping your arms around Satoru, you hold him close as he places his hand loosely around your shoulder, talking with Suguru. You’re not paying much attention as you flash your eyebrows to Shoko and purse your lips, the awkwardness of the unwanted guests - at least unwanted to you - setting in the space.
Shoko gasps, causing everyone's attention to fall on her, “We should play a game!”
Everyone chuckles at the slight slur of her words - she’s been nursing several beers and a few mixed drinks all day, taking full advantage of her absence from clinicals or work.
“What’d you have in mind?” Suguru asks, laughing when Shoko lifts her empty beer bottle in the air.
“Spin the bottle.” Shoko grins like it’s the best idea in the world while you roll your eyes.
Everyone agrees to appease her drunken state, moving into the living room, moving chairs, and getting comfortable around the coffee table.
“Alright, if you don’t kiss the person the bottle lands on,” Shoko announces, pointing her index finger in your direction, “Then you have to drink.”
You purse your lips. You know why she decided to point at you, and only you when making this announcement, but you really didn’t need the direct call out. Sure, everyone would assume it’s because of you but this was just unnecessary.
A sigh leaves your lips as you nod once, letting it go. Shoko’s drunk and you’re sure she didn’t intentionally mean it to come across like that.
During the game Shoko and Suguru kiss, Satoru and Suguru (causing several giggles), Mei and Sukuna. Utahime’s spin lands on Satoru - he grins at her boyishly but she makes a disgruntled face, opting to drink.
Not that you would have cared - you know Utahime can barely stand him and even if they did, or even Shoko kissed him - it wouldn’t have meant anything between them.
When Satoru leans forward and spins the bottle, it lands on Mei to your annoyance. She smiles, moving from her spot on the couch, closer to Satoru across the table. You glare at Sakuna who smiles wickedly, smoking his cigarette before passing it to Shoko.
When Satoru doesn’t reach for his cup, you hand him yours. He raises an eyebrow like the cup has personally offended him in some way, “What’s that for?”
“To drink?” You explain slowly, “Since you’re passing.”
He scoffs, narrowing his eyes, “It’s just a kiss. In a game everyone wanted to play.”
“And there was an added rule if you don’t want to do the kiss, you drink.”
Your heart is racing, jaw clenched as you stare each other down. Part of you wonders if you’re being unreasonable right now. It’s a game, and to his point, everyone did agree to play. But if Choso were here, and you spun and it landed on him, you would have skipped in a heartbeat knowing Satoru doesn’t like your dynamic.
Hell, you were planning on skipping if it landed on Sukuna or Suguru too… and Mei.
A heavy sigh leaves your lips, shaking your head slightly, defeated because you don’t want to argue right now and ruin everyone’s good time, even though you know it’s already happening.
“Fine,” You wave your hand in his direction, “Do what you want.”
Satoru rolls his eyes, grabbing the cup and downing all of his contents while his eyes bore into you, glaring.
“Maybe we… should head to the hot tub?” Suguru suggests, eyes flickering between you and Satoru.
“Ooh, yeah!” Shoko perks up, eyes bright after watching the scene in front of her.
You don’t reply, going back to your room to change and cool off for a few minutes. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Satoru appears but doesn’t speak. You can feel the tension rolling off him as he grabs his swim trunks and goes into the bathroom - away from you - to change before leaving the room.
There’s a part of you that doesn’t want to go back out there, and just stay in the room until you leave tomorrow. But at the same time, you do want to get into the hot tub one last time, forget about the stupid, childish game, and just move on.
When you come out of hiding and go to the hot tub, everyone is chatting happily. Satoru, still annoyed you can tell, helps you step into the water without falling and pulls you into his lap, resting his head on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist.
You listen to the many conversations happening - Suguru and Satoru talking, one of his hands running up and down the length of your leg, the tension slowly dissipating. Utahime and Shoko are talking about their work schedules and the classes they have coming up during the next semester.
Mei sits next to Sukuna, whose long arms are wrapped around the back of the hot tub. He has more tattoos than you realized. Not only on his face but on his chest, back, biceps, and wrists.
You’re about to ask Sukuna if they mean anything or if they’re religious - satanic being your first guess, or ritualistic in some way when Mei’s sharp voice cuts through your thoughts about Sukuna and wondering if he sacrifices puppies - you wouldn’t be shocked knowing him.
“Satoru. I’m so excited for Bora Bora this summer.”
Your brows furrow and jaw clenches, and not just because, to you, her voice is as grating as nails on a chalkboard.
Satoru nods, but you cut in before he has a chance to say anything, “You’re going on vacation… together?”
He shrugs nonchalantly, “Apparently. Mom started planning it after Winter break.”
“And your families are going together?” You clarify.
“Yeah. Several of Dad’s closest business partners are going.”
“Okay…” You exhale slowly, “How long will you be gone?”
Satoru shrugs again, “Not sure. Maybe a month? The details aren’t finalized yet.”
Kissing your teeth, you stare at him, bewildered for a moment. The earlier… disagreement causing your heart to ache and being told a vacation with Mei’s family has been in the works for months without anyone mentioning it to you.
And you know why Mei brought it up.
“Were you going to tell me? Or maybe you were planning on ghosting me again.”
You go to move, not wanting to sit on his lap any longer, but his grip on your waist halts your movements.
“I’m telling you now.”
A short, unamused scoff comes out, “You’re only saying it now because Mei brought it up in front of me.”
He sighs, frustrated, “Yes, I was planning to tell you. I’ve been trying to talk Mom into letting you come, but she’s been adamant about it only being business partners and their families.”
“Of course she is. I’m not good enough for her precious image.”
“And,” Satoru interjects, “I wasn’t sure if your mom would let you come.”
This time you successfully wriggle out of his lap and get out of the hot tub, “That’s a lie and you know it. Mom doesn’t give a shit as long as I tell her where I’m at and call her once a week.”
“Where are you going?” Satoru asks, watching you wrap a towel around your frame and head inside.
“Bed. I’ve been humiliated enough for the night.”
You can hear Satoru sigh heavily before Mei says just loud enough for you to hear, “Isn’t it tiresome having to chase after her every time she gets a little upset or something doesn’t go her way?”
You don’t stick around to hear Satoru’s answer. So annoyed you don’t care, or afraid of what he might say, you’re not entirely sure at the moment.
Satoru doesn’t come after you, which you’re partially thankful for. You need some time to yourself.
He’s been so adamant things are over between them, and you want to believe him so badly, but things keep happening to pull them back together.
Their families are business partners, there’s no getting around that. And it’s not like you can ask his dad to just stop that - that would be insane. They’re going to be around each other, a lot, whether you like it or not.
His mom is clearly pushing them to be together - probably wanting to merge their business or expand their support. Things only the filthy rich think about - marrying their children off like that for more growth in the business world.
Maybe it is supposed to be them together - Satoru and Mei. Maybe you’re the one getting in the way of their happily ever after. After all, she did come first in terms of romantic interest.
Despite what Satoru says, there had to be some sort of attraction between them for him to stick around. He wouldn’t do that only for his mom’s sake, you don’t think at least.
But you also don’t bring anything of real value to the table - in terms of familial ties. You’re not rich, your family has nothing to offer him, and yet he still insists you’re the one he wants to be with, despite Mei’s best efforts.
And maybe you need to look at things from his point of view - he and Mei grew up together, and yes, they have a history with one another. Nothing you do or say will ever stop that being a fact. Maybe you just need to put up with it and deal with the hardships and the families pushing them together until you’ve graduated and can move on.
But that presents other issues. If you and Satoru are still together, once he finishes law school, is guaranteed he’ll be working at his dad’s firm, so they’ll still likely be around each other.
You groan, pulling at your hair slightly in frustration before running your palms down your face as the bedroom door opens and closes quietly.
Satoru sighs, the bed dipping under his weight. He’s leaning forward, his forearms on his knees as he speaks calmly, “You know if I wanted to still be with Mei, I would be.” He watches you through the corner of his eye, “Why are you so insecure around her?”
You think about it for a moment, chewing on your cheek, “She’s beautiful, and-”
“You’re gorgeous,” he interrupts.
Normally your heart would flutter at his words but instead, your lips form a straight line before continuing, “She’s rich and her family means something to yours. It’s painfully obvious she wants you back, and she’s willing to do anything to break us up. You act like a different person when she’s around - and when there’s an argument or I bring up the fact that I don’t like her, you continue to say the same things: that nothing is going on, rather than hearing me out. You take her side over mine. It’s like… you’re ashamed of me.”
“I’m not. At all.” He says quickly, “And there isn’t anything going on. It doesn’t matter if you think she’s trying to break us up -”
“God. This! I mean, do you even listen when you talk to me? I just want to rip out my hair and scream sometimes because of you.”
Satoru raises his eyebrows, before asking incredulously, “Because of me?”
“Yes! All you do is defend her and tell me I should just deal with the shit she says or the fact that she’s trying to weasel her way in between us. But my boyfriend won't fucking do that, because everything is just my problem to deal with on my own.”
“That’s not what I said at all. Jesus, you’re so dramatic, about everything.” He stands, taking several steps away from you and leaning against the wall.
You stare at him, tears welling in your eyes. “You’re right,” you resign, trying to not let the tears escape and failing, “Clearly, I’m the problem, not her. You can just… go do what you want. I won’t stop you anymore.
“Are you serious?” He asks in disbelief as you stand, gathering your belongings, but you don’t reply.
It’s quiet in the room, aside from a few sniffles you can’t help. When you make your way to the bathroom to gather your toiletries, Satoru’s hand grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
“Stop. We’re not doing this,” He motions between the two of you. “You’re not leaving, or breaking up with me, or whatever it is you’re trying to do right now. If I wanted to be with Mei, or anyone else, I would be. But I’m not, I’m with you. Okay?”
A few stray tears stream down your cheek as you look off to the side, anywhere but him while whispering, “Sometimes it’s hard to tell.”
Gently, he reaches out and grabs your cheeks, forcing your face up, “Look at me,” he says quietly.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly let your eyes meet his ocean-blue ones as he rubs his thumbs over your cheeks, wiping away the few stray tears, “I love you, okay?”
Swallowing thickly, you nod your head a few times, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath before his lips meet yours.
Your heart still feels heavy, despite his words. They used to make you feel better, but it’s just the same thing over and over again.
At the start of the weekend, you thought you’d be happy spending your life by Satoru’s side - but now you wonder how much longer you can keep this up. The same pain and heartache on repeat with no real changes.
@petalsrdead @sofiaconlaz @lovelylashawnalee @s-witch-bitch @watyousayin @desthevirgo @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @musababy @sagejin @ritsatoru @faewithsnakes @erenputurchildreninsideme @lex-dear @hvziers @babybae-shisui @sugurunicorn @niki-sun @lilith412426 @sofiaconlaz @lxvephxbic @iam-mia9 @laylasbunbunny @creolequeen11210 @xiaosie @lem-hhn @yogurttea @slut-jr @crystxlline @ritsatoru @abba-simp @myabae @etherealkakashi @hyperfixationsporfavor @yihona-san06 @ambersea7 @knightoflove
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A Sweet Mishap - Chapter 26
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader
A/N: I just want to start by thanking everyone for all the love on this story so far. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. I'm so sorry for being MIA - been a bit held up on the writing (so I may drop back to one chapter a week for a little while), but hopefully, I can get ahead again quickly and return to normal soon. But this is a longer one so I hope that makes up for it. Anyways, please heed the TW below and only read if you feel comfortable - otherwise I hope you enjoy!
Potential Trigger Warnings: mentions of violence, rape,
A Sweet Mishap Masterlist | Main Masterlist
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
It’s just past two in the morning when I wake up drenched in sweat with my heart racing. I feel a hand on my arm and I instantly recoil into the pillows as close to the headboard as I can get. As my eyes slowly adjust to the sudden brightness of the room I see Jensen kneeling in front of me in a plain black henley and sweatpants with his hands up in surrender.
“It was just a nightmare. It’s to be expected. You’re safe.”
I wipe at my wet cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I would’ve been surprised if you weren’t having nightmares. I expected this, that’s why I wanted you to be here. So, at least you wouldn’t wake up alone.”
He reaches over to the far bedside table and grabs a water bottle. He breaks the seal and holds it out to me. I take it and a take a few small sips. He watches me intently to make sure I’m okay. I slowly relax, put the water bottle to the side and lay back down on my side. He moves to climb off the bed. “C-Can you stay? I-I don’t want to b-be alone.”
“Of course.” He crawls up to the top of the bed and sits beside me. His arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the headboard. I try to close my eyes but I instantly flash back to being crushed into my couch. He senses me jump and places one hand on my shoulder. “Tell me about your time in Texas. That white horse.”
I look up at him and his eyes are closed. The guilt at keeping him up comes rushing back. He continues, “Snowball, right? Did you rear her from a foal?”
I nod. “I-I wanted a pony, but my dad said no. We, uh, we always had horses but they were all so big and I was scared of them. So I begged him to get me a pony. But then one of our mares got pregnant. Starla. She was a beautiful horse, black with white speckles. I loved her too. Generally, my dad would sell the foals to keep numbers down but my birthday was coming up around the time she was due and she actually did end up giving birth on my birthday. So, my dad let me name her and said she was mine. Of course, I had just turned 10 so my dad did most of the work, but I did come down and check on her daily and brushed her. And as she got bigger and older I learned to ride on her. She was such a well mannered horse, thanks to my dad. Once I got confident, I used to ride her all the time. Whenever I was mad at my parents or friends, or stressed about finals, I’d just get on and ride her into the hills. I miss it.”
As I tell him, I picture myself on her back amongst the trees in a forestry behind my childhood home. The wind in my hair, the warm sunlight on my skin. I start to relax.
The bed is empty when I wake up. I stretch, feeling slightly better. On the end of the bed is a pair of thick blue jeans, and a black long sleeved shirt and socks that I don’t recognise. I get out of bed and slip into the ensuite to shower and then change into the outfit. That’s when I spot a pair of black riding boots. My jaw drops. I rush out to the living room in search of Jensen, still with my hairbrush in hand. “Jensen, what is all this?”
He runs his eyes over my body as he saunters over to me. “Good mornin’ beautiful. It’s the break you need.”
“But…Work and my classes and broadway.”
“It’ll just be a couple of hours. We’ll be back in time for you to go to your afternoon class and for tonight’s show. And you’ve got the day off.”
“But my rent and bills and…”
He places his hand on my cheek softly to make me look up at him. “You have a doctor’s certificate, it’s all paid. It’s all handled. Just let me look after you. I leave tomorrow, it’s all I could get, so just let me have today.”
I take a step back. “Wait…How’d you know I have class this afternoon?”
“I asked Stella for your schedule. Sorry, I should’ve asked you, but I just…I’m sorry if I overstepped.”
“No, it’s okay. It just-”
“I understand. I just wanted to know so I could make plans before you woke up. Plans that can be cancelled if you really don’t want to, but I think you’ll enjoy it and that you need it.”
I nod and finish brushing my hair before securing it back in a low braid, slipping on the boots and then following Jensen downstairs to the car.
Less than an hour later we’re walking hand-in-hand into a large stable. A wave of nostalgia hits me as I breathe in the smells – they’re not exactly pleasant but to me it’s home. None of the horses are white like my beautiful mare, but they’re all beautiful in their own way. As we’re taking it all in, a lady with short brown hair, blue eyes and dressed similar to myself just with a little extra dirt approaches us.
“Welcome to our stables! You must be Jensen and Y/N. My name is Mia and I’ll be your guide today. Let’s go meet the horses and get them all saddled up.”
She leads us over to the stables one by one introducing us to each horse and letting us pet them. She pairs me up with a sweet and gentle, tan and white patched mare and helps me saddle her up while Jensen gets a larger black stallion. Once our horses are saddled and we clip on our helmets we climb onto our horses backs and trot out of the stable side-by side with Mia out slightly infront on a slightly younger and more unruly brown stallion. As I look over at Jensen the sight of him on horseback makes my breath catch. He winks at me and I blush as I turn to look ahead at Mia.
She leads us through a winding trail through the trees to an open field where she lets us have a little more free reign once establishing that we’re both seasoned riders. He speeds out in front and I chase him. My horse handles well and the longer I’m on her back the more at ease and at home I feel. That’s when I realize why I feel so at ease with Jensen. Unlike Travis and Tyler who took me away from my home, Jensen keeps bringing home to me. As I slow to a trot, he turns his horse to come back over to me with a smile.
“You okay?” he asks once he gets close.
I nod. “Better than. Thank you for continually making me feel at home.”
“Anytime. I know what it’s like to miss home. I spend more time in my trailer in Vancouver or on a plane or in foreign hotel rooms than I do in my house in Austin or with my parents in Dallas. Home is where your heart is. Once you realise that, anywhere is home. It’s just about finding those experiences.”
He rides his horse up so he’s next to me before leaning over and kissing my cheek. He’s gone before I can react or protest. He rides off, leaving me to chase after him again. As the sun beats down on us, we finally get the first taste of spring. Everything else falls away and it’s just the two of us riding together and I can’t help but imagine a future like this, with him. No insecurities, no fear, no traumatic past, just me and him finding home together in different cities.
We make it back just in time for my classes, but I can’t seem to focus on any of my notes. My head is still in that field on that horse with Jensen. I’m honestly just going through the motions as I copy down the notes from the board and even during the show. I only finally come back to reality when I get in the car with Jensen at the end of the night. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me to his chest as we ride in comfortable silence back to the hotel.
On his couch he reminds me of the early morning with him flying out. That’s when my mom texts me, reminding me that they’re also arriving bright and early tomorrow. It’s perfect timing really because now I can see him off before going back to my apartment with my parents and I won’t have to be alone. As it gets late we both take turns to shower and then lay down in the large king-size bed together. He initially leaves space between us, but I snuggle close in search of comfort. In the back of my mind, I know I’m falling fast and hard again, but I can’t make myself stop. I’m too far gone. As I rest my head on his chest, he places his hand on my arm.
Eventually I cut through the darkness, “When do you finish filming?”
“The end of March. What about broadway?”
“Same. How d’you feel about Summer in Texas?”
“I can’t think of anything better. Do I get to see you in that dress?”
“Let’s work towards that then. But for now, get some sleep, beautiful. And if you have any nightmares I’ll be right here.”
“Good night, Jensen.” I snuggle into his embrace and let my eyes fall closed as I relive the morning until I drift off.
I get through the night without any nightmares, but I’m not convinced that’s the last of the other night’s ordeal. I still have to tell Anna afterall and when that happens I know they’ll return. I quickly pack my few things back into the bag that Stella brought over for me while Jensen shoves everything into his backpack. Despite being the first time we’ve ever done this, it feels like a well-oiled machine. I smile over at him as we each zip up our bags. Within seconds his hands are around my waist. I let myself get swept up in the passion, feeling safe and at home in his hold.
“I’m gonna miss you,” he says.
“Me too. Thank you.”
“Anytime, Darlin’. Come on, Clif’s waiting. I’m gonna be in so much trouble if I miss this flight.” He throws his bag over his shoulder and takes my hand. The ride to the airport is tense. Neither of us are ready to say goodbye. I can tell he’s still worried about me, while I’m worried about being without him and what it means to be with him. With his sweet talking, he gets me into the VIP lounge to wait with him until either his flight leaves or my parents’ arrives. We both have a coffee and some light pastries while we wait. I’m convinced that despite the early morning there’ll be photos to contend with later, but with Jensen in this with me, I let the anxiety wait.
When they call for boarding he pulls me in for a quick hug before standing up and making his way towards the boarding gate.
As he hands over his ticket I call out, “Call me when you get there!”
He turns and nods briefly before boarding. I wave until I can’t see him anymore. I wipe away a stray tear as I make my way to the gate where my parents’ will be collecting their bags once they land. I distract myself by going over some of the readings on my phone for the classes that I’ve been neglecting.
Once they finally arrive and collect their bags, we hail a cab back to my apartment and my dad pays the driver.
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. Groggily, I reach over and answer it, my heart skipping a beat when I hear Jensen's voice on the other end.
“Good afternoon,” he says softly. “I just landed. I wanted to let you know I made it back safe and sound.”
A smile tugs at my lips as I sit up, suddenly wide awake. “Hey, Thanks.”
“Shouldn’t you be with your parents or getting ready for work?”
“Yeah, good timing. They’re out being tourists, but yeah, I gotta work soon. How was the flight?”
“Uneventful,” he chuckles. “But now that I'm back, I wish I could teleport back to you. I already miss you.”
I can't help but blush at his words, feeling a warmth spreading through my chest. “I miss you too,” I admit shyly. There's a brief pause on the line before I speak again, “I should let you go. I have to go to work anyways. Thanks for the wake up call and for letting me know you got back safe.”
“Have a good day. Don’t over work yourself.”
I smile as I hang up and jump off the couch where I fell asleep to rush around to get ready for work.
After my shift, I spend the little time I have between that and the show to I move out of my room to let them have the queen-sized bed while I take the couch. Despite the bad memories, it’s the best option. I just hope that with them around I’ll feel better.
One of the first things my mom notices is the now-wilted roses sticking out of the top of the bin. “Did Stella and Nick get you those for your debut? I know roses are the done thing. We wanted to send you something but we thought we would come here instead. I’m sorry we couldn’t make last weekend.”
I try to avoid the question, “You’re here now. That’s what matters.”
As she takes a seat at the bench she sees the card and being the curious and border-line nosy mother that she is, opens it. “J? That one of your co-stars?”
“Uh…No. He’s the guy a told you about…from Texas.”
“The movie star? This mean you’re putting yourself out there again?”
“I guess…Maybe…” I look at the roses and blush. “He’s great guy, but it’s a complicated situation. He works in Canada and I’m just getting my shot on broadway.”
“He works in Canada and flew back here for the show?”
“Yeah…It was a surprise.”
“Sounds like you might finally have a winner on your hands. Someone who’s willing to fly to you rather than making you move for them. Eventhough I know New York is where you want to be now…The move was never really your choice, was it?”
“Yeah. I hope so…We haven’t known each other long, but I think I like him, Mom.”
She rounds the island to pull me in for a hug. “I’m glad to finally see you happy, especially after that call about wanting to throw it all in and come home. You’re so strong and it’s finally your time to shine. Of course I wish you never went through such dark times but it’s all so far in the past now. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks, Mom.” My dad then comes and joins, wrapping his arms around both of us. He missed the whole conversation since he was busy setting up their bags and using the bathroom, but I can tell from his squeeze that he shares her sentiments.
When I go to the theater they stay back to relax after the long flight and from walking around the city. But they go to the show the next night and then out for the most New York-style food we can find; New-York-Style Pizza, hot dogs, cheesecake, and bagels. While I work, they take the chance to sightsee around the city. It’s not the first time they’ve visited since I’ve lived alone in New York, but there’s always more to see.
After waking them up with my yelling from a nightmare, I end up recounting the terrible tale of the attack. It’s hard to tell them and for them to hear, but they provide support and help me through yet another bad boy experience. Despite what I expect, my mom doesn’t pressure me to come home. She just encourages me to talk with Anna and lean on Stella and stop letting the actions of bad guys dictate the state of my life. I can’t help but smile at the similarity to Jensen’s sentiments. Just knowing I have people on my side makes me feel more confident and at peace. My dad offers to take the couch, despite my protests and his bad back, while my mom and I share my bed.
We talk until I can fall back asleep. I end up telling her more about Jensen and how he helped my through the days until they got here. I tell her about the horse riding and the Texas Barbecue and how everything he does is to make me feel more at home. She tells me he sounds like a good man, but to be cautious, because we thought the same of Travis and Tyler in the beginning, and insists to meet him one day. So, I tell her about our plans to spend summer in Texas and promise that if those plans eventuate, then I’ll bring him home with me.
The rest of their trip flows quickly and we’re all a little disappointed that I don’t get to spend more time with them over the few days that they’re in the city, but they understand I can’t afford to take anymore time off or skip any of my classes. They insist that I come home during the summer at least for a little while, regardless of whether the plans work out with Jensen, and promise to buy the tickets for me if he doesn’t. And once their seemingly whirlwind visit comes to an end all too soon, I catch an Uber to the airport with them to see them off.
Once they’re on the plane I go back to Stella’s place, ready to face the music and tell Anna everything. I’ve already left it way longer than I should. I sit down on the couch with her and slowly and carefully explain everything: what happened, why I haven’t been around, why it took me so long to tell her. She seems to understand and accept everything I tell her. While her first instinct is to go back to him to stop him from hurting anyone else, I try to persuade her that it would be more beneficial for her to go to the police and corroborate my story. Whether any charges will stick, they at least have a better chance if she’s willing to share her story. She agrees and so we both go to the police station together before my class. I sit in the waiting area while she talks to the same detective I did. She’s in the room for a long time, but it’s to be expected, I imagine she has a lot to tell.
When Anna finally emerges from the interview room, she looks drained but determined. She tells me that she's given a statement, and the detective seems to believe her. I pull her into a hug, and there’s a changed energy and understanding between us. We both know we’re forever changed and bonded through this experience, but as I pull back and look at her, we silently agree to help each other through it. And for the first time in a long time, I feel like everything is gonna be okay. Despite everything, I know I have people on my side that want to help me, and someone that I know I can help. We catch the next available subways in opposite directions, she goes back to Stella’s while I go to class.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Taglist: @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27, @n-o-p-e-never, @deansimpalababy,
@winchesterwild78, @kr804573, @chriszgirl92, @smoothdogsgirl
@speakinvain, @deans-baby-momma, @1967winchesterimpala
@lmg14, @superrey, @kamisobsessed
#jensen ackles imagine#jensen ackles fic#jensen ackles x y/n#jensen ackles x reader#jensen ackles#supernatural imagine#supernatural fic
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The Test - Johnny Knoxville
Pairing: Johnny Knoxville x Fem!Reader (goes by “Babydoll”)
Author’s Note: I needed to get this one out because the next story I’ve had in my drafts for MONTHS and she needs to be seen!
Y/N paced around her office when she heard the door open. Whitney entered, closing the door behind her with one hand while the other held onto a plastic bag.
“Special delivery,” Whitney beamed, handing over the bag.
“You’re an angel,” Y/N sighed, reaching into the bag. She paused for a moment, and then pulled out a bag of gummies.
“Those are mine,” Whitney said, grabbing the bag. “The rest is yours.”
Y/N grabbed the can of Arizona tea and began chugging it.
“Are you really that dehydrated?” Whitney remarked.
Y/N shot her a look. “Well I need to be able to pee, Whit.”
“Ok, but you don’t have water to - you know what? Not my problem. Drink up.”
Y/N continued chugging as her best friend watched while lying on the couch.
“So you’re doing this life changing event while your husband is at a meeting?” Whitney asked, putting a gummy worm in her mouth.
“Honestly, I just got the idea this morning,” Y/N admitted. “Like, I got it and then I called you and here we are.”
Whitney nodded her head. “I love that even though you’re married, you still go to me first for all your impromptu decisions.”
“Oh you always knew you would be my go-to regardless.”
Whitney hummed in delight as she threw another gummy worm in her mouth. “So what do we do now?”
“We wait until I have to pee,” Y/N said, leaning back against her desk.
“Ok, so while we’re waiting, you wanna tell me what you’re feeling right now?”
Y/N sighed. “I have, like, million thoughts going through my mind right now.”
“Want to talk about one-.”
“I’m fucking terrified.”
“Ok good. Let’s focus on that one.” Whitney sat up straight. “It’s ok to be scared-.”
“I said ‘terrified’ not scared.”
“Terrified, scared. Potato, pohtatoh.”
“No, scared is liked I don’t want anything to do with it, period,” Y/N said. “Terrified is like the idea of it makes my skin crawl.”
“That’s not-ok,” Whitney gave up. “Look, what are. You terrified of? Do you not want kids or-?”
Just then, the door opened and Johnny strolled in.
“Hey Whitney!” he greeted with a big smile.
“Hey! Look who it is!” Whitney said. “I’m gonna leave you two kids alone for a bit and make a phone call.”
She grabbed her purse and patted Johnny on the shoulder.
He turned to Y/N and placed his hands on her hips. “Everything ok, Babydoll?”
Y/N sighed, leaning her forehead against his. “Please don’t be mad.”
Johnny pouted. “What’s up?”
“Ok, so you know I haven’t been feeling well, right?”Y/N began.
Johnny nodded when his eyes widened. “Are you…?”
“I don’t know, but I’m taking a test. How do you feel about that?”
Johnny thought for a moment before asking, “Can I come in the bathroom with you?”
“Now, we wait,” she said, setting the test on the counter top.
Y/N and Johnny sat in the bathroom, their backs against the wall. Johnny rubbed his wife’s bare thigh, giving it an occasional squeeze.
“I chose a good day to wear a dress,” she spoke up.
Johnny cracked a smile. “I do like when you wear them. Easy access for me.”
She shot him a look, pulling back her lips. “You would.”
“You don’t fight me on it, Cutie.”
She sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder. “How are you feeling about possibly being a dad?”
“I would love to have kids,” he said. “And having kids with you? Dream come true. Technically, we’re parents to the Jackass gang. Although, I’m more of the mother and you take on the dad role.”
She chuckled as Johnny turned to her. “At the end of the day, kids is a partnership thing. If you’re not ready, we can wait until you are.”
“I am,” she said, feeling the weight of the situation lift off her body. “I’m just scared, you know? I mean, what if I’m a terrible mom?”
“You? Not a chance.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do. You would be the best mother in the whole goddamn world.”
She opened her mouth to respond when she remembered something. She threw her head back against the wall. “Shit!”
“What? What is it?” Johnny asked, turning his body to face her.
“The meeting today. You got the role in ‘Dukes of Hazzard’, didn’t you?”
“Yeah but-.”
“But I’ll be pregnant while you’re filming.”
He shrugged. “So you come with me.”
“Come with you? It’s not filming in LA?”
“Nope. Louisiana. Two months beginning in February.”
Two months didn’t sound terrible. “But still, what about appointments? What am I gonna do while you’re filming? I don’t want to burden you, babe. You should be having fun.”
“I won’t be if I’m constantly worrying about you being thousands of miles away from me,” he said. “Look, if you end up getting pregnant, you can come with me. You can work from the trailer or from the hotel. We’ll get a temporary doctor to check in on you. We’ll…”
As he listed out all the things he would do, Y/N realized how lucky she was to have Johnny as a partner. When she saw obstacles, he saw ways to overcome them together.
Parenting would be hard, but with Johnny it would be worth it. That kid would have two parents doing everything and anything for them.
“All I know this that I don’t want to miss a single moment of you growing our kid,” he concluded. “I want to be there for everything.”
“Ok,” she said, taking his hand. “I’ll go with you.”
His eyes lit up. “Yeah?”
“As long as you can handle the good and the bad that comes with pregnancy,” she said.
“Babydoll, you know I can handle anything,” he said.
He gave her a kiss when his watch went off. “It’s time to check. You ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Johnny helped her off the ground and Y/N grabbed the stick from the bathroom counter. She stared down at it as Johnny watched on bated breath.
Her lack of a reaction made him sick to his stomach. “What? What’d it say?”
He looked at the stick and then back at her, tears streaming down.
Whitney laid on the office couch when Y/N and Johnny walked in. The red head shot up, smoothing out her jeans.
“What’s the verdict?” Whitney asked.
The couple exchanged a look, smiled growing on their faces.
“I’m pregnant,” Y/N said with a small laugh.
Whitney screamed before throwing her arms around Y/N. “I’m so happy for you two!” she exclaimed, squeezing her best friend.
She then moved to Johnny, giving him a big hug. When she pulled back, Y/N noticed tears pouring down her best friend’s face.
“Are you…Whitney you’re…” Y/N couldn’t believe it.
“I never thought it was possible,” Johnny remarked, shaking his head.
“Shut up, this is a special day,” she sniffled. “My best friend is having a baby.”
She grabbed a tissue off of Y/N’s desk and blew her nose.
Y/N and Johnny exchanged smiles. Not only did they get the best news ever, but they made Whitney cry.
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blue skies
chapter: three
note: 5x11 5x13
despite what others may believe, aaron wasn’t the type to get angry so easily. it took a lot of will power to get under his skin.
the man had to have thick skin being a prosecutor and looking sadistic killers in the eye. he learned to control his temper at a very young age. having the parents that he had, the man had no choice.
knowing what he knows now, knowing he had a daughter out there, his own flesh and blood, a little girl who grew up without him for three years, he was livid.
how could she not tell him? how long had she known? why would she keep it a secret for three fucking years?!
aaron had another kid. a precious little girl out there that was half him. jack had a baby sister. god, jack was a big brother!
aaron asked penelope to send any photos on file of his daughter. he knew yn had socials. despite his protest on her keeping them, she still lived her life on social media. aaron just wanted her to be safe. he knows what kind of crazy psychopaths were out there. he knew they could do anything with the blurriest photos. its why he didn’t have social media himself.
knowing her, she’d probably posted one or two photos of their kid on instagram. he had to see what she looked like.
when he did his breath hitched. she was beautiful. his little girl looked so much like him. she had his nose, his eyes, her hair was dark just likes his. she definitely had yn smile though. she was his little girl.
aaron didn’t know what he’d say when he meets her. what would be appropriate? “sorry it took me so long to find you, baby. daddy didn’t know you existed.”
he had no clue. but he promises himself right there, he’s gonna make it right to her. she deserves her father in her life.
when he arrived to texas he rents a car and drives to the address garcia sent him. once he arrives at the apartment buildings, he walks around until he finds hers. he knocks on the door and patiently waits for someone to open the door.
you just arrived home from a long day at work. the only thing you wanted was the relax with your daughter and forget about the horrible day you had.
you send your babysitter on her way after paying her. you and jane play with elizabeth while she continues to play with her toys when you hear a knock on the door.
“must be sara. she probably forgot something, again.” you giggle before getting up to open the door. your eyes widened when you see who it was. you step in the hallway and closed the door behind you.
aaron gives you a blank look. you hated when he stared at you like that. almost as if you weren’t there. you knew he was upset when he looked at you like that.
“what are you doing here? how did you find me?”
“im an fbi agent, yn! i have connections. the real question is, when were you gonna tell me about our daughter?!”
your heart felt like it was gonna rip out of your chest. of course he’d find out before you had the opportunity to tell him yourself.
you stood there and cross your arms over yourself protectively. something you’ve done since you were a child.
“you hid this from me yn. three years! three years of me missing every milestone my daughter went through! crawling, her first words, first steps, her first tooth, all of it, yn! how dare you,”
“i tried!”
aaron stops. he looks at you waiting for you to continue.
“i tried, aaron! the night i gave birth to lizzy, i called you! it was the same night i found out i was blocked. you don’t get to be angry at me for keeping our daughter a secret. you left us aaron. you left us behind while i raised that little girl all by myself. do not make me look like the bad guy when you made the choice of cutting me out of your life!”
you tried to keep it together. you didn’t need aaron to see you fall apart. you wiped the single tear drop that fell from your eye.
aaron looks at you with those sad eyes he used to whenever you’d tell him the horrendous stories of your childhood. he runs his fingers through his hair and sighs.
“i—you’re right. i cut you out and im sorry. I’m mad at myself and taking it out on you. i just—i just lost haley and suddenly gained a daughter all in less than a week.” he shrugs his shoulders.
you completely understand. it had to be a lot of information to have in such a short time. you felt bad for aaron. you nod your head slowly.
“she knows about you. of you anyway. she thinks you’re a real life superhero.”
aaron smiles at that. you knew he didn’t feel much like anyone’s hero. but you knew that his son and lizzy thought otherwise made him feel special. you would do anything in your power to keep it that way.
“can i—when can i meet her?”
you give him a sympathetic looks.
“aar, i want to, i do, but how can i trust you? having my heart broken was enough. i won’t let you break lizzy’s heart. you have to be sure this is what you want. you have to be sure you want to be her father. if not, if you can’t bring yourself to be her dad, be in her life for the rest of it, you might as well leave. i won’t let you hurt my baby.”
aaron nods understanding. you knew he’d do the same if the roles were reversed.
“i promise.”
yn nods her head.
“i was suppose to work tomorrow. i still have vacation time so ill take off. you remember the cafe we use to go to?”
“there is a park across the street. you can meet us there, alright?”
after giving him a good time to meet he left and you walked right back inside. jane stood right in front of you with her arms crossed and one of her infamous cold glares. you looked to see that your daughter wasn’t where she was when you left. you knew it was normally the time she took a nap. when you walked in the kitchen you poured yourself a cup of wine. jane walks right behind you.
“please don’t start, jane.”
“he doesn’t deserve to meet her, yn. he deserves nothing!”
“aaron is her father, jane.”
“who left before he knew she existed. yn, come on, you know im right. how could you let that man meet lizzy?”
you simply roll your eyes. you knew she would never forgive aaron. it wasn’t up to her to forgive. you knew in the end aaron deserved to be in lizzy’s life no matter what you thought about him. even if you hated aaron, which you didn’t, no one could tell you what to do with the child you shared with him.
jane was your best friend. Has been since the moment you met her on the streets. the two of you had similar stories. you loved her like a sister. when she found out you were pregnant and aaron had left you, she was there to help raise elizabeth with you. you will forever be grateful for her! but you told her the if its any moment in your lives where aaron comes back or tires to contact you, you’d introduce him to his daughter. she should have known you would never change your mind.
“jane, i love you. you know that right?”
she nods her head. “good, because what im about to tell you might piss you off. its none of your business what i do when it comes to my kid. what i think is best for her is my decision because she’s my daughter. i am so grateful that for the past few years you have helped me with lizzy. i will forever love and cherish you for that! but in the beginning i told you that if aaron were to come back, she will know who her father is and he will help raise her with me. this doesn’t mean that you arent a huge part of lizzy’s life, but her other parent is still alive and well and wants to know his daughter. I have to give him the opportunity to be lizzy’s dad. you understand that right? please tell me you understand?”
your best friend simply shakes her head angrily. “i don’t, yn. i will never understand why you’re giving aaron another chance.” she states before walking away and slamming the door to her bedroom. you sigh before going to your own bedroom.
about twenty minutes go by and you hear the front door open and closed. you knew it was jane leaving to go blow off some steam. you start crying. you felt like you were letting everyone down. you didn’t know what you could do to fix your relationship with your best friend.
most importantly you didn’t know what to tell your daughter tomorrow. do you just blurt it our. tell her that the man in front of you was her father? should you lie? tell her he was a good friend of yours? should you find something in between. maybe tell her he was an old family friend, maybe call him her uncle hotch? you didn’t know.
suddenly you feel arms wrapped around you.
“mamma, crying. why?”
you look your daughter in the eyes as she wipes away your tears. “im sorry, bug. mamma’s just a little emotional.”
“don’t cry, mamma. don’t like when you sad.”
you kiss the top of her head. “mamma will stop. she feels so much better when you’re around. always making her smile.”
lizzy kisses your cheek. just how you do whenever she cries.
the rest of the night you spent with your daughter. you watched a little tv, played an educational game, fed her, read her a book, and finally put her to bed. when you went to sleep yourself, after a much needed shower, you hear a small knock on your bedroom door. when you opened it you see jane.
“im sorry, yn. you’re right. Its none of my business what you decide is best for lizzy. i just, i don’t wanna see either of you get hurt. it took so long to get you back on your feet when that asshole left. i don’t want him to do that to you again or to my favorite little lizard.” she explains. you nod your head before hugging her tightly.
“i know you’re upset. i promise you, if he fucks this up, i will not forgive him and will do everything in my power to protect my daughter. she comes first in my life, always!” you state. jane nods her head happily with that answer.
“i should probably get some sleep. ill see you tomorrow.”
when you were alone again you finish up the last chapter of your book before drifting off to sleep.
aaron parks his car and waits patiently for yn to arrive, he was completely nervous. he didn’t know what to expect. he was a new father once again. aaron remembered this feeling when he found out that haley had been pregnant with jack.he had nine months to prepare for jacks arrive. nine months to figure out how to be a father to a human being. when finding out that jack was a boy, he had nine months to prepare to care for his son. now being a dad to a little girl, a three year old girl at that, he had less than twenty four hours to be a dad to his daughter.
he takes a deep breath before seeing yn and his little girl walk over to him. he smiles as they get closer. once they were close enough he gets out of the car. his daughter looks at his confused. she looks back over to her mom before whispering.
“whos this, mamma?” she asked in her adorable little voice.
“this is my friend, aaron. say hi, bug.”
the little girl buries her head into her mothers shoulder shyly.
“its okay, bug, aaron is friendly. he won’t hurt you.”
she looks back at aaron. she gives him a shy smile. aaron heart pounds. she was the cutest. she looks a lot like jack did when he was her age.
“hi.” she responds.
“hi! my name is aaron,”
“thats right, bug. he’s gonna play with us at the park. is that okay,baby?”
lizzy nods her head. the three of you walk to the park. aaron played with her for the next thirty minutes. he was getting to know more and more about the little girl.
like the fact that she liked the color blue. “mamma says blue are for girls and boys.”
she was a big fan of pixar movies. “i love toy stowy and cars oh, and finding nemo! but my favorite is the mownster movie.” he knew she meant monsters inc.
she hated strawberries but loved strawberry ice cream. “mamma hates strawberries too, awen. she says they icky.”
when aaron got a bit tired he told his daughter he’d be back. he walks over to where yn was. she was currently reading a book. aaron sits beside her.
“tired already?”
aaron nods his head. he stares at her for a minute before she sets her book down and looks at him. “problem?”
“i just–i cant believe you took care of her for three years. i–i can! just feels like i missed so much. i did miss so much. im sorry, yn! If i would have known or even suspected you were carrying all of this on your own, i wouldn’t have left. you and haley deserved so much better. you both took on the responsibility of raising my children without me.” aaron shakes his head in disappoint. he should have been there. even if that meant not being with yn. he should have never blocked her number to begin with. allowing her to contact him when she needed him. when she was carrying his baby. especially with knowing her story. knowing what she went through in the past, knowing she’s been abandoned before, knowing she’s been knocked down, knowing she’s been lost. aaron truly felt like a failure.
yn shakes her head and grabs his hand. “you’re here right now, aar. you could have found out this piece of information and decided you wanted nothing to do with me or lizzy. Instead, however you found out, you still decided to come to us. that’s what matters.”
aaron nods his head. they stay silent as they watch their daughter. she was now playing in the sandbox. aaron smiles lovingly. he looks over at yn once again. the sight was beautiful. the only thing missing was jack. if jack was here he’d feel like a family. suddenly he felt guilty. he shouldn’t be imagining this right now. he shouldn’t be thinking about his life with yn. not in this moment. he just buried haley! he should be focus on building a relationship with his kid. thats whats important.
“i want to be able to see her more, yn. i will do everything i can to see my little girl. i won’t miss anything else!”
she nods her head. “we can talk about when you’re free to visit. i can make sure both of our schedules are aligned. but, i don’t want her knowing who you are just yet, aar. baby steps, okay?”
aaron simply nods before he walks back over to his daughter and helps her build a sandcastle.
after three nights of being in texas, aaron had to head back home. yn made a promise to keep him updated on anything that happens with lizzy. he wasn’t gonna miss anything in elizabeth’s life ever again.
his first day back at work was a rollercoaster ride. a ex con, dan strader kidnapped his daughter as a ploy to get an uncover cop to commit a series of crimes after stealing the man’s family.
once he closed the case and they arrived back home he called penelope to his office.
“shut the door, please?”
penelope does as told before standing nervously by the door.
“you can relax, garcia. you’re not in any trouble.”
garcia lets out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding.
“i just want to thank you for keeping my secret. i know it’s a lot for you, but i appreciate it.”
“of course, sir.”
“that being said, i need you to keep it, penelope. it’s crucial that this stays between us.”
“is that a problem?”
“no, sir. well, yeah, kinda! you know how i am with keeping secrets. it’s why it’s a rule not to tell me any christmas gifts the teams got each other.”
aaron gestures to the seat. penelope sits down across from her stoic boss.
“penelope, i lost someone from an evil man. these people, knowing about jack scares me everyday. my son doesn’t deserve to be targeted because of me. i will do whatever it takes to keep him safe knowing what’s out there. i need people to know little about me and this team as possible. that includes everything in our private lives. this—penelope i can’t lose her, jack or my daughter. i won’t recover from that. i just—i won’t.” aaron voice breaks at the thought.
penelope nods understandably.
“your secrets safe with me, hotch. i—i will do everything in my power to keep it to myself. even if i have to super glue my mouth.”
aaron gives her one of his winning smiles he rarely pulls out. “that won’t be necessary, garcia. thank you!”
penelope nods her head before getting up and walking towards the door. she grabs the knob before stopping and turning back around.
“for what it’s worth, sir, she’s really beautiful. yn and your daughter.”
“thank you.” aaron whispers before he gets back to his paperwork and penelope leaves.
“she says she misses you. she asked when you’re coming back.” you state over the phone.
it’s been two months since aaron found out about lizzy. he came to visit a few times. lizzy really enjoyed whenever he was around. you’ve never seen her smile so widely.
last time when he visited lizzy cried. the only way you got her to calm down was to call aaron. he promised that he’d be back before she knows it.
you still haven’t told lizzy aaron was her father. you weren’t quite there yet.
“i miss her too. i hate being away from her. have you thought about the conversation we had?”
you bite the bottom of your lip. aaron had asked you if you’d ever consider to move to washington. you knew what he meant by that. aaron wasn’t asking just to be closer to lizzy. he was asking so you’ll be closer to each other. potentially getting back together. even if it’s in the far future.
you wanted to, you truly did, but you weren’t one sure you wanted to move your kid a few miles away this young.
“im still thinking, aar. it’s not as simple as you think. my whole life’s here.”
“hone—yn, i just want my family together. is there anything i can do or say to change your mind?”
“you’re just gonna have to let me think things through, aar.”
you hear his sigh through the phone. “im sorry. im rushing you. i just wished i could see lizzy whenever.”
“i know. i promise that once i have everything figure out you will be the first one to know.”
“thank you. i should go. i think we might have another case. ill call you back later tonight.”
you smiled before ending the call and getting back to making your daughter lunch.
aaron looks at jj before she speaks.
“sorry, hotch. is this a bad time?”
“no, its fine. what’s going on jj?”
aaron noticed the look of despair on her face. normally when jj gets nervous its a case that affects her in a personal light.
jj tells him about a potential case in wyoming. two teenagers were found hanging in their bedroom in the same rural county. aaron didn’t know if it was a case but he wasn’t gonna take the risk of it being something bigger.
after presenting the case to the team they took the jet and headed straight to wyoming. once they arrived they got to work immediately. the whole team trying to determine if it was homicides or suicides.
once they figured out it was definitely homicides they start to investigate further. aaron was in the middle of watching derek and spencer interview their main suspect when his phone rings. he looks at the caller id and sees its yn calling.
he sent her straight to voicemail. he focused back on the case, leaving her a message before turning his phone off and giving his attention back to the case.
after they solved the case, aaron and the team went back on the jet and were on their way back home. aaron turns his phone back on and instantly get many notifications from yn. he reads her text and begins to panic. he walks away from the team and calls her back immediately.
“i just got your message. im sorry, i was working. i turned off my phone. is she alright?”
“she broke her arm, aar. she’s in a cast.”
aaron runs his hands through his hair. “im flying there! as soon as i get off—”
“that’s not necessary, aaron.”
“she’s hurt, yn. i should be there!”
“what about jack?”
aaron knew she was being reasonable. he just felt guilty for not being there. he should be there now.
“ill bring him with.”
“please don’t fight be on this, yn? i wanna be there. i told you im not missing anything else from her life. the good or bad.”
she sighs. “okay. just—let me know when you’re on the plane, okay?”
“yeah. is she asleep?”
“no. she’s laying beside me. do you wanna talk to her?”
“may i?”
aaron hears some static before hearing his little girls voice. “awen?”
“hi, lizzy. i heard you got hurt?”
“yeah. owchy.” she sniffles.
“im sorry, sweetheart. im sure you’ll get better soon.”
“when you coming back, awen. miss you.”
aaron’s heart breaks. he feels the same way whenever jack tells him he missed him. it hurts him every time. but he’d do whatever it takes to put these evil murders behind bars to make it a little safer for his children.
“how ‘bout i come over in the morning?”
“yeah?! pwomise?”
aaron smiles. “i promise.”
“okay! love ya, awen!”
now his heart pounds happily. “i love you too, sweetie. can you give the phone back to mamma?”
aaron hears static once more before hearing yn voice. “hey. you made her happy again. thank you.”
“im her dad. ill always try and make her happy. her and her mom.” aaron whispers the last part. he knew she heard. he could tell she’s now smiling herself.
“we’ll see you soon, okay?”
“okay. bye.” aaron ends the call with a small smirk. dave walks over to him with a glass of scotch.
“who is she?”
“come on, aaron! ive known you for decades. i can tell when you’re smitten. that’s the same look i saw on your face a few years ago when you were seeing that—what was her name? yn?”
aaron looks at dave and he caught on quickly.
“ah. since when?”
“a month. but we’re not—we’re not back together.”
“yet.” dave smirks as he takes a sip of his scotch.
aaron looks around to make sure no one was listening. when he saw spencer and emily playing poker, derek listening this his music, and jj and penelope talking he gets back to talking to dave.
“it’s complicated.”
“how so?”
aaron sighs. “after we broke up i made the mistake of blocking her number,”
“i get it. you were still freshly divorced and jack was barely a year old. you still had faith in getting your family back together. im sure she understands that.”
“dave, i just lost haley.”
dave nods understandably.
“but that’s not even the biggest problem. she—she was pregnant when i left her, dave. i have another kid. a daughter.”
“wow. does jack know he has a sister?”
aaron shakes his head. “he just lost his mom. she doesn’t even know im her dad, yet. yn isn’t ready to tell her. it’s fine, you know? i just don’t wanna miss anything else, dave. ive already missed three years. i refuse to miss anymore.”
“you shouldn’t. but she lives in texas right?”
aaron sighs before nodding. “yeah. i asked her to move to washington. she’s considering it.”
“that’s a big step?”
“is it?”
“aaron, this isn’t some woman. look, i know you loved haley. a part of you will forever love haley. but we both know that relationship you had with her died a long time ago. you tried to convince yourself that it could still work after the divorce because she was the mother of your only child at the time. truth is you fell in love with this yn woman. and honestly, i don’t think you’ve ever stopped. and now that you have a kid with her, you want to make it work, be a family. you both may need time. with haley’s passing still fresh and her trying to trust you again, its still something you want. im sure its still something she wants to. the fact that she’s even considering moving a thousand miles to be closer to you tells me she’s wouldn’t be moving just for your daughter, but because she knows its a chance of you getting back together.” dave finished.
“i do still love her, dave. never stopped. i just feel completely guilty for feeling this way about anyone other than haley.”
“you don’t need to rush this, aaron.”
aaron nods. he’s glad he has a friend like dave. one to help him navigate his life.
“so, what’s my god daughters name? gotta start a trust fund for her.”
aaron smiles. “elizabeth.”
“got any photos?”
“only tens of thousands. since finding out yn sends me one or two every day. plus the few ive taken.” aaron states while he opens his cellphone and hands it to dave.
“she’s adorable, aaron. looks like you!”
“she does, doesn’t she?” aaron smiles.
for the rest of the ride back home aaron tried to get some sleep. preparing himself for another flight.
when aaron arrived lizzy was taking a nap. he was holding a sleeping jack in his arms. you let them in.
“you can set him down on the couch if you like.”
aaron nods his head before he sets him down. “is she asleep?”
you simply nod your head. “sorry? you missed her by five minutes.”
“it’s alright.”
you walk into the kitchen. “do you want anything to drink?”
“a water would be nice, thank you.”
you simply nod your head before handing him a bottle of water.
“how is she?”
“as good as she can be. she’s still a bit emotional. i had to tell her we couldn’t go to the park for awhile. that made her cry more.”
aaron nods.
“but she remembered you were on your way. she stood by the door for a good ten minutes before i told her it’ll be awhile before you got here. she kept saying she needed to stay for her best friend aaron.” you smiled at that knowledgement.
aaron smiles at that. you loved that smile more than anything. it’s why what you’re about to tell him made you feel happy. it was a difficult decision but you knew it was the right one. jane on the other hand was upset but she knew in the end you were right.
“aar, i—i thought really hard about what we spoke about a few days ago. i—it was hard for me to decide this. i didnt wanna uproot lizzy’s life at at such a young age. but she needs you around more. and after her arm broke she cried for you as well. our kid, she’s pretty smart. i think—i think deep down she knows you’re her dad. it’s why she has this deep attachment to you already. you’re so important to her. you’re—you’re important to me too.”
“does this mean you’re gonna move to washington?”
“yes. with jane and i’s credentials, we already have so many offices wanting to hire us in washington. we’ll be flying out there in two weeks for our interviews and hopefully we each get one of the secretary jobs. if we do we’ll move as soon as we find a place.”
aaron smiles the biggest you’ve seen him smile. he walks over to you and hug you tightly. “thank you, yn. this—this means a lot.” he states before pulling away. you were inches away from your lips touching until you cleaned your throat.
you weren’t ready yet. and you highly doubt aaron was either.
“it’s fine.” you simply shake your head before speaking again. “does jack know?”
aaron shakes his head. “i—i figured we should tell them around the same time. jack doesn’t need to know just yet.”
you nod understandably. you were relieved he hadn’t told jack yet. you wanted lizzy to know before jack. that way jack won’t accidentally spill it to lizzy.
“daddy?” aaron walks over to his son.
“hey, buddy. how was your nap?”
“good. where are we?”
“um—we’re at a friends house. jack, this is yn. yn, this is my son jack.”
you wanted to meet aarons son for the longest. he looks so much like aaron. you bend down to his height before shaking his hand.
“hi, jack! im your dads friend. ive heard so much about you!”
“mhm. heard you liked legos. is that true?” jack nods his head.
“well, you’re in luck! i happen to have a ton of legos. my daughter loves playing with them too. wanna help build a firehouse?”
jack eyes widened. he turns to his dad with the most adorable bug eyes. it must be a genetic trait jack and lizzy get from aaron.
“can i, daddy?”
“absolutely, buddy! come on.”
you knew lizzy would be up soon. you walk into her room and seen her sit up. she rubs her eyes slowly.
“look who’s here, baby?!”
lizzy opens her eyes wider and smiles when she sees aaron. you looked over at him seeing him frown at her sky blue cask.
“awen!” she jumps out of bed and hugs him after he picks her up.
“careful, sweetie. don’t wanna hurt yourself more.”
“miss you, awen.”
“i miss you as well.”
“who’s this daddy?”
“jack, this is yn daughter lizzy.”
“hi, im jack!”
lizzy looks at you shyly. “it’s okay, bug. jack is aaron’s son.”
lizzy gasped. “weally?!”
aaron laughs. “yeah!”
“hi, jack. i lizzy! your daddy very nice! he my fwiend. wight awen?”
“that’s right, sweetie.”
“daddy, cool!” jack states matter of factly.
“i was thinking we could build the lego firehouse mamma just bought. how’s that sound?”
“yeah, mamma! awen and jack help too?”
“absolutely, bug!”
lizzy claps her hands. aaron sets her down before the four of you start playing with the legos. if this was what life was gonna be like forever you could definitely get use to this.
#jqhotchner#jqhotchner masterlist#aaron hotchner x fem!reader#aaron hotchner x black!reader#aaron hotchner series#aaron hotchner x black fem!reader#aaron hotch imagine#aaron hotchner fic#aaron hotchner#blue skies jqhotchner
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august 26, 2021 4:00 a.m. a balcony, somewhere
time somehow seems to simultaneously slow to a crawl and race beyond the speed of light. grant doesn’t remember when they’d ended up perched like lovebirds at the pinnacle of a staircase, peering out over the night-drenched landscape, but it must have been a while ago. customers have long since stopped streaming in and out of the restaurant on the street below.
he remembers in better detail the stream of their conversation–they’d shifted from food and a strangely peaceful, humorous discussion of kicking the bucket to movies, and at some point, paranormal stories came up along the way.
it’d be hard to forget talking to yunha.
there’s something curiously enrapturing about her, something that had drawn him to her when he first made eye-contact with her.
the look in her eyes, maybe. it’s piercing, like she’s baring right through your skin and into your soul, but not malicious or judgmental. it’s friendly, it’s curious, it’s playful.
the way she speaks, maybe. she’s the most engaged conversationalist he’s ever encountered. everything you say, whether she agrees or disagrees, is met with affirmations and a lot of nodding. yes, yes, of course. i see, i see. i understand. ohhh, wow! really?
she’s unraveling every shard of the puzzle that is his personality and piecing it back together in one whole picture, analyzing it. figuring it out. appreciating it.
or maybe it’s the sweetness that radiates off her. she appears unafraid to smile, instead all too happy to flash those pretty, crooked bunny teeth for the world to see.
“so, i'm going to guess you’re not accidentally good at singing.”
she seems not to mind revealing her own puzzle pieces either, and the more she says about herself, the more fascinated he is with her. with who she is. with what makes her tick.
“i hope it’s not an accident,” yunha replies, laughing, “because shit, then years worth of practice was a waste.”
“time enjoyed is never time wasted.”
the unabashed cringe of the line garners an immediate eye roll, but she still seems to find it funny.
they’ve definitely been sitting here a while. grant straightens his back, fixing his gradually slouching posture, and is is met with an immediate flash of pain, distinct from the chronic dull ache underlying every day of his life, that radiates down every vertebra.
“what got you into music, though?”
yunha’s rosy pink lips purse in thought as she dwells on the question.
“a lot of things. my parents like music. i listened to a lot of different kinds of songs my whole life, first with them, and then later with my friends. i had some time between classes and studying to spend having fun, but i couldn't spend any money, so my friends and i would go to this music store. we walked around and picked random albums to listen to on the headphones. we never bought anything.”
grant nods supportively. “what’s, like, the first album you remember really liking? or albums. you don’t have to pick one.”
“ah! i treasure so many albums. seo taiji and boys IV. i think that’s still my favorite nostalgic album ever. i also remember fondly, um, this girl’s in love with you by aretha franklin. i heard that at the music store, and i was so impressed by her talent. i still am.”
“i'm not a music expert. surprise! i know, i know, i'm sorry to tell you, i did not practice for centuries for that wonderful spice girls performance earlier. no, but seriously, i most often just listen to the same old emo stuff i liked when i was 13. so, unfortunately i don’t know the first album at all, at least not yet, but i do know the second one. you have fantastic taste, that’s a classic.”
despite his ignorance, yunha still smiles from ear to ear. “you should look up the first one! look up, like, seo taiji ‘come back home.’ that’s the most popular song on the album. i don’t wanna bias you, so listen on your own and make your own opinions.”
“wilco. and if you don’t mind me asking, how’d you turn the interest in music into a skill? you are talented, but i know it's very much a skill. it does take a lot of practice to become tangibly good at music.”
“to express myself,” yunha says plainly, “it’s easier to tell your story in art than talking about it, and singing is free. you don’t need supplies to learn it. but yes, i needed that kind of outlet, you know? i always liked singing, always did it, but i needed more than only entertainment from it over time.”
“oh yeah, art is helpful. i really should have gotten on that train earlier. i got on board about a year ago. it's much better for you than intellectualizing everything. or at least that's what i tend to do. do you perform, by the way? outside of karaoke, that is."
"sometimes. but also, not in a long time."
there falls a brief, but peaceful lull in the conversation. grant’s eyes draw to black night sky as he recalls the last haphazard art he’d created–the mushy-gushy attempt at processing the universe. seeing it hanging above him now, his thoughts are no less conflicting. light pollution washes out the shining sea of stars, but the sky still retains its beauty, its bewilderment. visible or not, an infinite chain of dimensions and celestial bodies exist in the vacuum of space, orbiting independent of him, yet factoring in the tiny fraction of his mass on the mass of the earth in their delicate ballerina dance across the fabric of spacetime.
the universe must have created me for some reason, for something other than anguish.
his own words. again. ever-present.
“i miss seeing the stars.” yunha’s buttery soft voice breaks his concentration. “you can’t see anything here.”
“polaris.” grant raises his left arm and draws his index finger across the sky until it hovers above the only star he’s seen thus far. “technically, that means we should be able to see sirius, too, but we don’t need to get all science-y and talk about magnitude and that polaris isn’t–”
“i would like it if you did.”
she was thinking of the stars, too.
“aw shucks! well. i’ll say this, polaris isn’t the brightest star. we just talk about it way more frequently because it has the most cultural significance in the northern hemisphere for, you know, navigation reasons. but hey, give it about 12,000 more years, and it even won’t be the north star anymore. thank you, wobbly earth axis. but also boo, woobly earth axis, because it's a little sad to think about.”
yunha’s eyes glitter with fascination. “it’ll be something else?”
“yep! the next north star will be vega,” he explains, “come on down, you’re the next contestant!”
“maybe we’ll see it happen.”
“if my consciousness is still floating around as little dust particles, that’d be pretty sick. you know? forget fly me to the moon, fly me to vega. why not?”
“i don’t think i'll be dust,” yunha says, not missing a beat at all, even as her focus remains fixed on the faintest twinkle emanating from polaris, “it’s kind of troubling. you don’t want to be, like, stuck in the whole cycle of the universe, but if you’re still here, you can see some really beautiful things.”
“ah. reincarnation?”
“if you’re asking me, you’re not going to be dust. either you escape the suffering or you come back in some kind of physical form, human or not, and you try again.”
grant thinks about it for a moment. and then the feelings, like usual, spill out at once.
“i'm not going to lie, that idea has always given me the heebie-jeebies. i think it’s very cool as a concept, but i'm, like, man, i don’t want to do this shit again. also, look, we're doing the thing again. oh, and shit, that sounded judgmental. i just run my mouth too much."
"most people don't know they lived before. you can't really remember your other lives without a lot of study," she answers, "and no, you don't. i prefer to hear your real opinion. it's actually stupid when people tell you what they think you want to hear."
"do you ever wonder what you were up to last go-around?"
"not too much, but i always heard strange birthmarks and scars are signs from your last death. fears, too. things you avoid. so, i guess, like, a clown stabbed me in the neck with needles."
"are you afraid of storm drains, by any chance? if so, i think pennywise had it out for you."
"hahaha." yunha shakes her head. "wait, i have to ask. is it not worse thinking you can only live once? that's not uncomfortable? feeling like you have to make everything perfect in your one lifetime?"
"oh no, it's terrifying. dying and just being done with everything is eerie, too, because there are nice things to do and see here in the real world. you’re right about that. and yeah, there is a lot of pressure to get it all right. also, that's not even mentioning that there are people i love that i don’t want to be gone forever. i'd like to think they remain somehow. conscious or not. i kind of think they do, but i don’t know. am i contradicting myself? capital-P probably."
“you don’t know what to think.”
grant immediately bursts out laughing. “yeah, no, absolutely not. i do not know. i just kinda waffle around and hope some scientist throws out some numbers and whatnot that proves some explanation of everything correct. but that’s impossible. it’s literally impossible. we can’t even simulate or predict the wacky physics that were going on at the exact moment the big bang happened.”
“not to be, like, all quirky, but...” yunha reaches over, patting him on the shoulder. “maybe don’t think about it? you’re gonna go crazy. you can just not know? and it's fine. this doesn’t mean anything anyway. the answer to anything is already in you, it’s not out there.”
and then she, too, starts giggling all over again and her cheeks blush deep red from sheepish cringe.
another stereotypical line, but he doesn't mind. they sound better coming from her than him anyhow.
a second later and she checks the time on her phone. her cheesy smile erodes into a slight frown.
“ahh, i really need to leave soon. i have a schedule in the morning.”
grant checks the time as well, drawing the sleeve of his hoodie up just enough to read the minuscule roman numerals on his watch.
on the watch an ex-girlfriend gifted him. not päivi, but...
4:00 a.m.
you’re leaving the country in two hours.
#ts4#the sims 4#sims 4#sims 4 story#sims 4 storytelling#simblr#hlcn: everything the stars promised#GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS#*screams into the void*#i have too many thoughts and i need to WATCH IT in my tags gushing because i will reveal too much either way#all i'm gonna say for now is ermmmmm i've been thinking about these scenes for literal years and i am pretty happy with how they came out#also i needed to advance the plot a bit for [REDACTED] story elements hence the unusual conversations#but nonetheless i love people getting to be a little funky and weird with each other and idk i've had similar encounters with random people#classmates and whatnot and you just find yourself talking about topics that are hard to get into but somehow you did#holocene.docx#holocene.png#hlcn: grant#hlcn: yunha
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Alright. I caved. Here's how ya' girl fell into the lores of the Appalachian territories, and almost ended up becoming a motherfucking missing-persons case.
For my lovely ladies: @themonotonysyndrome @silly-lovestruck-em (Em, I'm expecting hot cocoa for my troubles. 👀
I have many stories. This is one of them. Part 1/?
So, let me start by giving you the slightest bit of context. My uncle had owned a cabin a bit north.
I had personally never been, only my parents, who had only been once before. And since this I've been at least 10 times. This wasn't super long ago, it was actually in 2022, and a bitch just wanted to get out of her house.
Spirits, though complex 'beings', solely look for one thing alike. Primarily individuals who experience fear, anxiety, anger, and despair. Even something simply as having trauma could lure them to you. Think of it this way, they feed off of negative energy. It's a constant rotunda of negative feelings and emotions. Their main key point is they target those who are vulnerable.
I'm not exactly sure how to explain this, but the constant feeling of being watched never went away. It was always gnawing at me, and if my general anxiety before wasn't enough, it completely sent my brain on a haywire goose chase. I've always been a dramatic little shit, but it felt so real. And if I can be completely honest, at some points I felt like I was going fucking insane. Being hyper-aware 24/7 drains the life outta you.
This is a bit of a personal tidbit: When I get stressed out, or something feels wrong, red splotches are most common on my neck, arms, and legs. It's my telltale sign that my brain has officially tricked itself into believing the worst has happened, and shits hit the fan. At least, that what I thought all of it was caused by. Now, on some level, I like to use the reaction to tell if there's any danger encompassing an area, or what my body interprets as dangerous before my head registers it.
If this doesn't make sense, what I'm trying to say, is my body recognizes danger before my brain does, and it's been proven to be both a blessing and a curse for me. Knowing that now, I take it as a cautionary sign to proceed with all eyes and all ears.
I just want to clarify, there are many de-bunked myths about the mountains in general. It's a beautiful space, who's reputation is unfortunately forever tainted by media and reports. But hey, my stay only proved that they live up to reputation, though it may be a bit exaggerated for the sake of the camera and outsider viewership. It's fortunately not as intense as it's portrayed to be.
If you follow up on TikTok with the lore at least a bit, you know that there are very odd rules for the nighttime. I hadn't believed them. However, it all felt a bit more real when my family told both me and my brother the same thing. I'd like to believe that they thought they were doing me a favor, after all, getting too curious is never a safe thing. It's an all or nothing deal. There are a few key points, and there are a few that I truly believed saved my life at times. A few of those rules being: If you hear something, you didn't. If you see something, you didn't.
Acknowledging a spirits presence automatically draws them closer to you, giving them somewhat of an invite. In a way, you're giving them power.
Another few of these are just considered to be common safety, but it didn't help with festering fear. Especially the ones to abide by at night. Such as: don't look into the distance too hard, close your blinds, shut your windows.
The 'rules', though simple, would make anyone's skin crawl, mine included. Feeding into my fear wasn't necessarily healthy, but I did some research that wasn't just on TikTok. From my perspective, it felt good to know I wasn't genuinely someone who had extreme potential of becoming a psychiatric patient.
Spirits aren't all inherently bad, and they're manifestation creatures. Those lines can get blurred very easily, and they walk a fine line.
Now, with that information, I can tell you about one of the several times I believe I encountered a mimic.
This is at this point about a week and a half into our stay, and nothing has well and truly triggered me yet. During the daytime, it's presumed to be relatively safe for pedestrians or tourists to take their tours around various trails and lakes.
So, I had indirectly asked my brother to stay by my side, and I'm sure at some point he recognized my fears and decided to oblige. Which now, I'm very grateful for. Out of the two of us, I've always carried the overthinking, and he's carried the rationality. So I knew he could help me keep my brain straight, because most of the time my parent's believed I was lying.
If you haven't read up on the basics of a mimic, I gotchu. Essentially, A mimic spirit is basically a supernatural entity that imitates the appearance, voice, or mannerisms of people, animals, or even other spirits. For what intentions? Well, it varies. I believe mine was trying to hurt me.
I'll stop yappin' and just set the fuckin' scene for you.
At this point, it's completely dark outside, me and my family are all sort of scattered on the back porch. My uncles' backyard was minimally sized, and facing the house was dense woodland territory. There is a small fire going, and my senses were extremely sensitive at this point. The adults were talking, and my brother had just went inside to use the restroom because he was already ready to call it a night. If memory serves me correctly, it was about maybe 11:00pm?
Unfortunately I'm someone who experiences dissociation often, it I can explain it as sort of being just… stuck. Time moves, people talk, and I react automatically, but all feeling is sort of lost? The best way I can explain it, is I get disconnected. Upon other research, I've found out this is something that most likely made me prone.
It's been about 10 minutes since my brother and mother went inside, and I actually hadn't paid much attention too it? Idk, it was odd to me too.
This is the part that'll make me seem like I'm in need of medication and a white padded room, but you'll just need to trust my word on this.
As I've said, about ten minutes at this point, and I'm just mindlessly staring into a fire like it's the most entertaining thing I've ever seen. All of a sudden, my right ear begins ringing. It caught me off guard a bit, but I didn't see it as unusual. About fifteen seconds after, I hear my name being called, and it was my mother. Followed by a 'hello'.
Except, the call wasn't from the house or the porch. It was coming from the fence line.
I can't express this enough, but my entire body froze. Fight or flight mode is something everyone has enabled, but my 'fight' sense? I'd rather call it freeze. I turned my head towards the fence area, and there was of course, nothing there. It then immediately clicked in my mind to remember what I'd learned, and not call back out to it.
But the thing is, rather than leaving, I gaslit myself into believing I was literally just hearing things. I think it was just my way of acting like I wasn't afraid, and it's a natural defense mechanism to danger.
So now I'm sitting, my heartrate is spiked, I know for a fact my entire body is covered in hives, and I seriously contemplated just jumping into the fire because at least then I'd have a better fucking chance at surviving than running back up to the house.
After my heartbeat slowed down a bit, consoling myself with the idea I was just imagining whack ass shit, I heard it again. This time, I heard it in both ears, and it was loud. Not eardrum-bursting loud, but loud. and it was very quick.
It was different this time. It was so fucking eerie and terrifying in all ways there are because it sounded like my mother, but.. younger? More of a light voice. But of course, I recognized it.
Whatever it was had said, "Scared. Why." I felt myself stop breathing, and thank god, my legs moved before anything else could, and I could've qualified for the Olympics with the way I ran I swear to every and all gods there are.
I had reached the door, and immediately hurled myself over the sink and threw up. It wasn't pretty at all. I tend to vomit from anxiety, so it wasn't a shock, but it felt like more than that. It kinda felt like I was releasing something from my body, but it wouldn't leave? Long story short, I was hurling for two minutes straight, and thankfully no one was there to see it.
After that, my memory goes foggy. I think I grabbed water, and cried a little bit, and I definitely couldn't sleep. That's my first encounter with one, and it's the tip of the iceberg.
I still have nightmares about it, but it's only once every month now. It used to be awful.
I've kinda eased up to it though.
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All right, this scene is a contentious one to say the least.
I want to look at the elements that make up this part, starting from the very beginning.
After waking up in Gresit, Alucard had one goal: Kill Dracula. Throughout Season 2, he’s determined, he has points of dry, sarcastic humor, but as a whole, his personality is pretty grim. He is absolutely unwavering in his determination.
Once Dracula was dead, though, he now has to live with the guilt of not only killing the father who loved and raised him but also the guilt over being unable to save his mother when she needed him. When Lisa was taken, Alucard was traveling, and though he never explicitly says this, I would bet anything that ever since that night he has asked himself, “Why wasn’t I there? What could I have done differently? If I had done _______, she would be here right now and none of this would have ever happened.” Alucard is a rational character. He understands that what happened to Lisa was a cruel accident of fate. She was accused of witchcraft, and he and his father were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. They couldn’t have predicted her death, they couldn’t have changed it.
But this is how the Bargaining Stage of Grief plays out. This is what sets him apart from Trevor and Sypha by the end of Season 2. Between the three of them, Sypha still has her family waiting for her. She still has her people and the optimism to still see the brighter future. (Which is a trait she never fully loses.) As for Trevor, he had already lost everyone he’d ever loved, and so he definitely already went through all the messy stages of grief to the point of sad acceptance that his family is dead and now he has to live with that.

Alucard can’t identify with that kind of acceptance yet, for either of his parents. The grief is too raw, and so I believe his decision to remain behind while his companions left without him was a form of self-punishment. In spite of the understanding it wasn’t his fault, he doesn’t believe he deserves to be happy after everything that happened. Sure, he says he needs to protect the accumulation of his father’s knowledge, and while that might have been true, I feel like he had other options. The show demonstrates that magic is capable of the impossible, so I feel like there should have been some kind of spell that could be engineered to keep his father’s/the Hold’s collection from being destroyed or looted. If he asked Sypha and Trevor to stay and help him, I think they would have. Instead, he watches them leave without asking them to visit or even expecting to see them ever again. And we leave him finally breaking down over his losses.
All this to say he was not in a good headspace when Sumi and Taka showed up, which they picked up on and exploited to their advantage. (The guy was talking to dolls he’d made to resemble his friends, and he was mimicking their voices in pseudo-conversation. Funny conversations, yes, but damn, that coping mechanism…)
The first thing Alucard tells them is he ‘will not be hunted,’ but there is a disturbing irony here.
Attacking them indicates that his guard was up and he was ready to end lives if he had to. Self-preservation is on point. It’s Sumi and Taka who de-escalate the situation. “We mean you no harm. We came to ask you for help.” They’re smiling and laughing by the end of this initial encounter. They tell him their story. “We’re these poor, innocent waifs from a distant land searching for a way to save our people. Pity us.” They present themselves as non-threatening, wide-eyed victims who only need help, which is a ruse he unfortunately falls for.

“It’s time for your reward.”
It makes my skin crawl how despicable that one line of manipulation is. This is the chink in Alucard’s armor: the idea of guilt that persists after the mother he couldn’t save and the father he killed, especially the latter. Understandably, although Alucard recognizes what he did was necessary, the fact he’s committed patricide is weighing on him. There was Sypha’s words of comfort at the end of Season 2 that was it was ‘okay to love the man,’ but neither she or Trevor are around. This leaves the opening for the toxic, false comfort of Sumi and Taka’s manipulation. Here they are introducing the conflicting idea that what he did is worthy of praise.
Couple that with the factor that at this point, he’s only known them for a few days at most. Obviously, that’s nowhere near long enough to establish an emotional connection that’s strong enough to say, “Yes, I want to be with this person.” But his silence is not consent; in fact, I see this as fear that if he does not go through with this like they want, it will make them leave him like Sypha and Trevor did. Again, they are playing on that fatal loneliness. Coercion.
Soft words, soft voices, and that is he what he needed to hear.
And Sumi and Taka knew exactly what to say.

Back in their flashback about Cho, Sumi and Taka talk how they ‘studied’ her, studied the way she fought, and learned about her weaknesses for years. This is the subtlest bit of foreshadowing I’ve found so far in the series. It shows that Sumi and Taka don’t hunt vampires the way Trevor does. They’re formidable fighters, yes, but they were not born and raised to hunt like the Belmonts were. They don’t have that specific training or discipline, so they make up for it with deceit. They ingratiate themselves with their prey, observing them and looking for the weak point.
Alucard said he would not be hunted.
But he was.
The entire time they were there, Sumi and Taka were studying him the way they studied Cho. They saw Alucard’s loneliness and they took full advantage of the trust he gave them. He invited them into his home, fed, and looked after them, he saw himself as their friend while the whole time they were looking for a way to kill him. They were continuously asking about weapons, magic, off-limits rooms in the Castle, when the Castle could be fixed, etc. They were trying to zero in on the ‘kill room’ where he would be at his most vulnerable.

It’s hard to say how much of Sumi and Taka’s story was true given the outcome, but I’m inclined to believe it was but with one caveat. I don’t think they helped their fellow prisoners escape. I think they were the only survivors. There’s no evidence of this other than the fact I think it’s suspicious that they left their friends behind to seek help. Okay…Japan is a long way from Wallachia. They couldn’t find anyone closer? They didn’t try to smuggle more people away? They don’t even mention their people in their angry ranting before they try to kill Alucard.
There’s also the brief line where they say they were given to Cho’s court as children. It’s not clear whether or not their parents were forced to give them up as tribute to Cho, but that’s irrelevant if they themselves felt betrayed and abandoned by the people who should have loved and protected them. There is the later line where they say everyone lies to them. With that, I think they were so far in the fog of grief and anger that in their minds, they were unable to recognize Alucard could have been a genuine ally to them, and they only saw him as just another vampire who was evil and needed to be killed.

The beauty and the tragedy of both Alucard and Lisa’s characters is that they are both so incredibly kind and selfless, and they want to believe in people. Even when the Bishop’s henchmen came to her home, Lisa didn’t immediately jump to the conclusion of witchcraft and fear. She asked if the Archbishop was ill and if they needed her help. When they started tearing apart her home, she told them whatever they wanted she would give it to them. She didn’t try to run. She tried to explain calmly about her medical practice and that what she did helped people. Her undoing was a man who meant her harm.
Lisa’s arrest is mirrored in the moments before Alucard kills Sumi and Taka. Even though he realizes what’s happened and the situation he’s in, realizing they aren’t with him out of love and this was all a manipulation, a trap, and even rape——even though he realized all that, he still wanted to help them.
Right before they die, he is begging them to listen, that is their friend, and he can help them. The world is not against them. These aren’t the words of a man trying to save himself. He is living admirably up to the virtues he learned from his mother. He waited until the last possible moment before choosing to save his own life over theirs. And his last line to them is, “I never lied to you.”
There’s no condoning what Sumi and Taka did to Alucard, that is an undeniably fucked up thing to do to a person and the plot accounted for it by killing off their characters. However, I do feel these two are a testament to how anger and hatred will destroy a person and are a kind of foil to characters like Isaac. Isaac was horribly abused in his past and he had every reason to resent humanity, and yet by the end of his arc, he was beginning to let go of his anger and start a new life where he could be happy. This is the lesson Isaac learns by the end of Season 3 whereas we leave Alucard again weeping alone with the memory of people he couldn’t save: his mother and father and the two people he thought were his friends. Again, he is grieving. “I was a good friend to them, wasn’t I? I helped them, didn’t I? What did I do wrong?’
The answers are yes, yes, and no, he did nothing wrong. Grieving is coming to terms with that.

And finally, we have the gruesome way in which he ‘displays’ their bodies outside the Castle as a means to warn off other travelers or intruders. Impalement was a very degrading means of execution. It was excruciatingly slow, extremely painful, and those who faced this sentence would suffer for hours if not days in public. You see the rage and humiliation he feels, and so by impaling the corpses, he in turn inflicted that humiliation on Sumi and Taka. It’s probably as close to the ‘eye for an eye’ mentality as he gets.
A recurring theme throughout the series is innocence against the brutality of a cruel world. Characters like Sypha, Alucard, and Lisa can give all the kindness they have to offer, but they can’t change the fact that people like the Judge and Bishop exist. Characters like Trevor and Isaac lost their faith in humanity and found it again with the help of people like Sypha and the Ship Captain. And characters like Dracula, Carmilla, and even Sumi and Taka, lost their way entirely and were swallowed up by their rage and pain.
#castlevania#alucard tepes#sumi and taka#lisa tepes#cho#castlevania netflix#character analysis#character development#alucard and lisa#isaac#castlevania dracula#character comparison#trevor belmont#sypha belnades#grieving characters#grief#this one was hard to write
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This is love I just can’t live without Ch. 1
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x f!kazansky!reader
“This is love I just can’t live without” masterlist
Ch. 1 “Oh how can it be” Baby Ice
Chapter trigger warnings: loss of a parent.
You take a deep, calming breath as you stare at your childhood home with your bag slung over your shoulder. The one story ranch house seemed a lot bigger when you were younger. But the house aged just the same as you. The paint’s looking a little duller than you remember. Bleached from the bright California sun. The black shutters are looking a little more grey than black. You’re surprised to see your mother’s flowerbeds in good shape. No weeds. Fresh mulch. Your dad must have kept up with them to keep them nice for your mom even though you know he hated those flower beds. Your eyes water again for the thousandth time today and you try and blink back the tears. You knew this was going to be hard, you just didn’t expect it to be this hard.
You didn’t want to be here. You swore you’d never come back. If it was up to you you would have never set foot in this town again. Wouldn’t come anywhere near it. Not after what happened. Not after what he did. He ruined a whole town for you. Ruined a lot more than just that.
You had to come back. It wasn’t a choice. Not really. There’s no getting out of this. You know you would forever regret not attending your own mother’s funeral. You had to suck it up. You had to. You’re here for her. And your dad. And the rest of your family. Not him. Never him. He could fall off the face of the earth for all you care. In fact he should do that for you. Do something good for a change.
When your dad called to give you the news, you begged him not to let him come to the funeral but no matter how much you begged and pleaded it was met with something along the lines of, “Baby girl, it would hurt your mama just as much if you didn’t show up, if he didn’t show. You know she thought the world of that boy. Thought of him as her son regardless of what went down between the two of you. Plus, it would be disrespectful if he didn’t come. He’s coming. That’s final.”
Didn’t mean you didn’t try and beg some more but you were just met with silence on the other end until you gave in with a, “Fine, make me miserable. See if I care.”
So here you were, back home for a week. Just a week. You told your dad you wouldn’t stay any longer than that. You couldn’t. Just being here now made your skin crawl. You need to get in the house. The only promise your dad said he would make you is he wouldn’t let him in the house while you were home this week. He couldn’t say the same about anywhere else but he promised that the house would be your safe haven. Small victories.
The driveway was always covered with various cars and bikes so you couldn’t even tell if anyone was over or if your dad was home when you arrived. You don’t even know what anyone’s bikes look like anymore. Everyone could have new bikes by now or painted their old ones. Five years is a long time. You figure everyone would be at the clubhouse. You hoped everyone would be at the clubhouse at least. You were tired. Driving for four hours straight immediately after work was rough on you. You just wanted to lay down in bed and sleep. You didn’t want to deal with socializing until after you at least decompressed a little if you couldn’t sleep.
The front door flies open. There goes your nap.
“Baby Ice!” a man yells before he comes barreling towards you. You barely have time to brace yourself before you’re lifted up in a bear hug, a yelp escaping your mouth as your feet dangle below you.
You squirm in the arms, “Uncle Slider! Can you put me down! Please!”
You swear the arms tighten and a kiss is placed on the side of your head, “No, I cannot Baby Ice but thank you for asking politely. I’m so glad the manners we taught you stuck through the years. It was a group effort.”
“Slider!” you hear your dad yell. “Put my daughter down or I’m kicking your bike over!”
“You wouldn’t dare!” Your uncle yells back. “Your dad clearly was not a part of the group effort to teach you manners since he seems to have none,” he whispers to you then he started to awkwardly waddle towards the house with you still dangling from his arms.
“Wanna bet?” Your dad says, you can practically hear the smirk in in his voice that you know is plastered on his face.
Slider lets you slide through his arms and gently sets you back down safely before scowling at your dad, “You’re no fun, Ice.”
“I’m plenty fun,” you dad says shaking his head at his Sergeant at Arms, he opens his arms out towards you and takes a few steps out onto the porch, letting the screen door slam closed behind him.
As soon as your feet hit the ground you’re racing into your father’s arms, “Dad!”
Ice Man smiles and holds you close, rocking softly from side to side with a hand cupping the back of your head to hold you close. You stay that way for a few minutes before he pulls away to look at you, wiping the tears from your cheeks that you didn’t even realize were there, “How’s about you come inside, baby girl?”
You nod and let go of your father who keeps an arm around you to lead you inside. He opens the screen door for the both of you and you step into the house.
You held onto that small sliver of hope that you’d be able to nap, that maybe Uncle Slider and your dad were the only ones here, the sliver is gone when you step inside and see all the other officers of the Top Gun MC.
“Do my eyes deceive me, Wolf, or is that Baby Ice? Finally come home where she belongs. C’mere, baby girl,” your Uncle Hollywood says as he stands up and beckons you over for a hug, which you happily give him.
“Hey now, you got hugs for all of us or is he just special?” Your Uncle Wolfie asks holding his arms out. You laugh and walk over and give him a hug too. “Missed you, baby girl.”
You roll your eyes, “You act like I didn’t see you less than a month ago.”
Wolfman flops back against the couch dramatically, “Seeing you once every couple a months is not the same as seeing you every day.”
You shrug, “You’re welcome to move to where I live now if you’d rather. If not then every couple of months it is.” It’s what you can offer. You weren’t itching to come back here again after this. You’re still not sure if this was a mistake or not. You’re not too proud to admit you’re scared and anxious.
“Hey Baby Ice,” your Uncle Mav says to you with a nod when your eyes meet his. You’ve seen all your uncles quite frequently over the years, all except one, Maverick. You understand. You didn’t leave on the best of terms with his nephew/adopted son, to put it lightly. Kinda puts a strain on the relationship. You missed your uncle, of course, but you would never want to make him choose sides. You wouldn’t want to force any of your uncles to choose sides, though you know which one Mav would choose time and time again, not that you’d blame him. It’s a different relationship between him and Mav than between you and Mav.
You nod back to Mav and tuck some hair back behind your ears before quietly replying, “Hey Mav” back to him with a little wave that he returns. You didn’t quite know where you stood with him. Didn’t want to push the “uncle” on him since he technically wasn’t your uncle. None of them “technically” were but they were the closest thing you had to uncles and they always treated you like family. But Mav had a duty to his nephew that takes precedence over you. You’re sure your dad would be the same way. At least you think so.
You never once thought of how your dad would have to act around him after you left. Did anything change? Knowing he was the reason your dad’s only child left to get as far away from her home as she could? Knowing he was the reason you sobbed for months whenever your dad called you? You know your dad can be diplomatic but where was the line? Did the joking end? Did your dad stop calling him son since at one time he was on track to being his son in law? Or did nothing at all change? Did your dad still call him son? You hoped not. There’s no way he would ever be his son in law. No way in hell. Not now. Not ever.
#bradley bradshaw x reader#bradley bradshaw x female!reader#rooster x f!reader#biker!rooster#top gun biker!au#this is love I just can’t live without
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it's always a surprise when the tide comes in
note: this is a writing exercise for exposition. I hate hate HATEEEEE writing it!! it makes my skin crawl i just want everything to happen at once!!!! -_- anywho. this story is the background story of this drabble
i love the idea of gojo in an office setting bc he’s already so silly like that would be a 10 times silly buff. Also the thought of him and yuuji having deep conversations about pop culture scratches a very good itch in my heart :3
note 2: this is literally yuuji n gojo in this au im going to HURL !!!
PAIRING. gojo/reader SETTING. work husband au (or, "you keep being suggestive in front of all our coworkers to the point where everyone knows we're not dating but we COULD be and it's silly so I'll go along with it!!!! ...wait why are you asking me out on an actual date?" au) WARNINGS. twilight references. shitting as a threat. hime n gojo hating each other bc they both love oc =3= SUMMARY. He’s a liar, but only for good reason. WORD COUNT. 2.5k
Someone is going to die today.
You’d been so diligent in choosing your hiding spot in the break room fridge. Your one yogurt cup—the one with the strawberry bits swirled in the vanilla—sitting behind the giant bottle of mustard at the bottom of the fridge door shelf. Gone. You try in vain to scour for your snack, but there’s nothing else save for labeled Tupperware and three quarters of a cake from Mei Mei’s birthday celebration yesterday.
The list of culprits shouldn’t be that long, anyway.
First: Nanami. He wouldn’t. Your boss is built on black coffee and the occasional vegan bao from the restaurant across the street. You’ve never seen him eat anything else.
Utahime, the freak owner of the mustard bottle because she eats it with her pretzels, is lactose-intolerant. There’s no way she’s risking an explosive gut when she’s always busy at reception.
Nobara’s too new to the office to try inciting violence against her seniors. You’d probably let her off the hook, regardless—she’s too hardworking to stay mad at.
You’d brood more over The Case of Your Missing Yogurt, but Satoru’s loud talking at the lunch table cuts right through your ruminations.
“—like I know it’s personal preference, but I think it’s so lazy,” he grumbles. “My uncle: Hiro. His son? Hiro, junior. God. Corny people piss me off.”
“Right.” Yuuji, the other new junior associate, hangs off Satoru’s every word. “It’s kind of like Bella from Twilight.”
Satoru slaps the table with passion. Yuuji hastily clings to his cup of coffee from spilling over. “Exactly, Yuuji. Exactly! You named your kid not only after the dad but also your ex who wasn’t even your ex?! The combination didn’t even sound good.”
“Edward Jacob,” Yuuji recalls.
“Disgusting.” Satoru shivers. “I don’t—Jesus. Don’t let me think about that. It’s so vile.”
You close the fridge door, trek a sad path to the chair next to Satoru. Yuuji gives you a quick smile. You decide to scheme your murder plan later, because now you just want to pinch Yuuji’s cheeks off—your juniors are so cute! “Hello,” he greets politely.
Satoru sneaks an arm around your shoulders, resting it on the back of the chair. “What’s up with you?”
Is your sadness that obvious? God, you were waiting for that yogurt all morning.
“I’ll tell you later,” you say, because you might start languishing if you think one more second about your lost snack. “Hi, Yuuji. What were you guys saying about naming babies?”
Satoru huffs. “I hate parents who name their kids stupid names.”
(Yuuji takes a sip of coffee.)
“You wouldn’t do that with our kids, right?” Satoru asks you next.
(Yuuji, promptly, chokes on his coffee.)
“Absolutely not,” you answer, just as nonchalant.
“Hek.” Yuuji dissolves into five seconds of hard coughing. “You—you two are married?”
“Nope,” you both chirp at the same time.
The poor boy just stares, coffee blushing on his shirt. “Ah,” he says. “I see.”
Satoru shrugs. “Don’t get me wrong. I’d have babies with her. But she makes my coffee wrong every time I ask for it. I don’t think I could share my bank account with someone like that.”
Yuuji looks at you for a response. You reach over to pat his hand. “Don’t listen to him. You just keep working hard. And don’t tell Nanami that we gossip too much.”
“Right. I guess—well.” Yuuji stammers. “Does..? Am I? Is this… a secret?”
He sticks a hesitant finger up, pointing it at you, then at Satoru. Satoru wiggles a finger right back.
“Whatever Utahime tells you is wrong,” Satoru says, and Yuuji stares at him like he’s waiting for an explanation, but all Satoru does is wave him off. “Lunch is done.”
“Oh. Right.” Yuuji stands up, bows quickly, then remembers his mug. He runs to the sink to drop it off, then says, “I’ll–I’ll be careful around Utahime!”
He doesn’t wait for a response; he scampers out the room like he’s got a secret to share.
Satoru’s always been lax with new hires—you wouldn’t be surprised if he’d explained his entire life story to Yuuji in the last hour. But his ongoing charade of touting you as his much-more-than-coworker co-worker is the oldest secret of Office Drama there is.
Utahime, your best and first co-worker friend who worked in the same room with you as clerks. Satoru, whose first day was the last day of your probation period, booted her out of the office because she got the full-time reception position she applied for. He proved himself a competent coworker. Steadfast in work ethic, a little too up the ass about gelling his hair properly in the morning. Had to look good to do good, he claimed.
Utahime’s been out for his ass ever since, complaining that he was using his good looks to steal you away from her. Satoru took the bait right away. Made it his mission everyday to make Utahime green with explosive jealousy for having taken her rightful spot as your Worker Bestie for the Resties.
It started with the little gestures. A gentle hand on your lower back when you passed by reception (Utahime, who zeroed in on the touch from her desk, scoffing loudly). Complimenting your outfit choice of the day (“I think she’s beautiful everyday!”). Making you laugh with his stupid Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions (she hated this the most; she said he sounded like an ugly troll).
“That’s the love of my life you cad!” Utahime bellowed, once, when Satoru trailed after you from the elevator one morning. Nanami said she had to stop playing sad Drake songs every morning when you passed by her desk because the melancholy brought the office morale down.
“You know I take good care of her,” Satoru called back. “And nobody says cad anymore, harlot!”
(They insulted each other for two more minutes using outdated expletives. After Nanami came to intervene, you gave him five bucks for his vegan bao to calm him down.)
You don’t really know when Satoru’s attempts to establish workplace dominance turned into straight-up flirting, though. Utahime didn’t need to be around anymore for him to butter you up. He’d leave little sticky notes he left on your monitor to remind you about deadlines, the next fire drill, drawing those little hearts at the ends of his sentences. The hand on your back turning into an arm draped on your shoulder.
You told Utahime about it when Satoru took a sick day. She was livid. Then, immediately, she started tearing up.
“So I’m demoted from Bestie for the Resties and he’s trying to get into your pants?!” She moaned, sliding dramatically down her chair in the lunch room. “I’m going to pass away right now.”
“It’s not like he’s being serious,” you contended.
Utahime gave you a hard look. “Please don’t tell me you actually believe that.”
You looked at her blankly. Wholly unfazed, because you really did believe Satoru had no other motive. He was just your stupid coworker–who sat across from you and did nice things and said nice stuff and you were pretty sure the older lady from accounting had a crush on him, anyway.
“It’s nothing,” you decided, and Utahime shook her head, scoffing.
“Look. That garbage can’s been going after you since day one. You may not see it, but I have eyes, my pumpy-wumpkin bugaboo.” She tapped your nose. “You owe me twenty when you see I’m right.”
And that was all she had to say about it.
If anything, you figure it’s better for Yuuji to learn right from the source than be wrongfully convinced by Utahime that Satoru was a piece of shit homewrecker who lived to piss her off. Regardless of whatever lie is being fed to the junior staffers, there is one universal truth: you are the crowned jewel of this office floor, and that means everyone’s being lit on fire till you find the person who stole your fucking yogurt.
The second the door closes behind Yuuji, you glare daggers at Satoru. He still has his arm around you.
“I might kill you,” you start.
“You say that everyday.” Satoru grins. “Don’t tell me the thought of having my babies scares you that much.”
Steam might actually blow out of your ears. “That’s not—stop trying to confuse me! My yogurt! It’s gone from the fridge!”
Satoru stares at you. Then his face morphs into a mix of shock and disbelief, and he screeches: “Are you saying I took it?!”
You sag in your seat, give him a look that tells him he should just confess before you find the closest sharp thing in this room. He just levels your stare with the same offended look, and you give in first because you don’t have time to argue anymore. Lunch really is over.
“Fine,” you sneer. “But if I find anything incriminating I will crucify you.”
Satoru fakes a shiver. “Ooh. Threaten me again. I can take it.”
He screams when you pinch the sensitive spot just below his armpit.
Right when the clock hits 4:59, Satoru hauls himself up from his seat.
“Meet me outside. I’m getting my stuff then ripping ass in the bathroom,” Satoru tells you.
You snort. “Which one?”
“The one closest to the elevators.” In other words, right next to reception where Utahime is closing right now. Satoru is nothing if not calculating in his efforts to vex that poor woman. “See you.”
At this point in the day, the despair of losing your yogurt has simmered down to lazy indifference. You’ll just have to interrogate everyone tomorrow. Maybe print out a missing yogurt paper to stick on the fridge with no reward but your sincere gratitude and the promise to stick out for their missing lunch, should the same depravity befall them too.
You turn your monitor off, make sure your desk is neat. Swiping off any crumbs from Satoru’s desk because he snuck in a sandwich today after forgetting to eat when he was talking to Yuuji.
And then you see it.
The silver shine of ripped plastic in the trash.
At first, you’re skeptical. You’re too tired to spark another match of anger. But surely enough, when you hunch over to look, an empty can of yogurt sits innocent, perfect. All your strawberry vanilla goodness wiped clean.
You think of all the spectacular ways you could beat the shit out of Satoru, because he didn’t only lie; he thought you were stupid enough not to see the evidence right across from you. He could have at least thrown it into Mei Mei’s trash. Snuck it into Yuuji’s bag when he wasn’t looking. If there’s one thing you hate, it’s being underestimated.
So when you meet Satoru outside the elevators, the first thing you say is:
“You’re a giant fucking oaf and I want you to stay exactly one metre away from me till we get to our cars.”
He always parks his car next to yours.
“O-kay.” He puts his hands up in surrender, maintaining his distance. “Actually, that’s a good thing. My ass. It’s weeping. Ow.”
You quickly realize that this is the best course of action you could have taken, because you know the one thing Satoru hates, and it’s being ignored.
And you do it well.
“Your hair looks pretty today,” he says when you step out into the garage.
“I like the jeans you picked out,” he notes when you walk ahead without him.
“I’m going to crash my car into the first pole I see,” he whines the second you reach your car, and he traps you against the door with a hand pressed above the window. Distant enough to keep you comfortable, but you still feel more warmth than you’ve ever felt from him before. Like those slow burn romances where the lead slyly flirts with the pretty girl he’s been chasing for two seasons, except you’re one second away from kneeing his balls into painful oblivion. “Why are you being mean?”
You cross your arms. “Because you lied.”
“You know what about!”
He clicks his tongue. Then his eyebrows lift in realization. “Ah.”
You wait for him to continue. Maybe you’d ask him to go down on his knees, get those nice linen pants dirty with grime and dust just to gloat about his passion for you and only you. You’ll partake in his drama for the sake of an inflated ego. But all he does is smile, and he’s got a handsome face, and for some reason, you’ve got nothing for rebuttal.
“So I have a confession to make,” he starts.
You nod.
“I did eat your yogurt. Don’t say anything yet!” Satoru interrupts your open mouth. “I just. I didn’t think you’d be too upset.”
“Hm,” you concede. “Go on.”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
This is too easy. You feel like an ant trapped in a glass jar. You’re used to the bickering, the roundabout conversation because somehow, he always makes you laugh. Your conversations are never serious.
But this. This feels serious.
“How?” You ask, gut heavy with dread, anticipation.
“I’ll take you out for lunch,” he suggests, and you wait a heartbeat for him to tack on a sike, I’m broke, but he almost looks nervous. Like he wants so badly for you to understand something he knows so well.
“It–um. Like… tomorrow we go across the street and get those baos Nanami loves so much?”
You’re stalling. Satoru laughs. You think you’re starting to like the way he looms over you like this.
“Like on the weekend, I pick you up, and we both look pretty, and you say you’re paying but then I slap your hand away from your card, and I pay because I need to give you a good impression,” he rambles.
“You don’t need to give me a good impression.” You’re almost breathless. “You–you…”
Satoru tilts his head, and it’s annoyingly charming. “Me?”
“I thought–I thought we–this is just–it’s you and me?” You stumble. He watches you shift your feet. Takes his hand off your car, uncrosses your arms with a tug on your wrist. You think he’s about to hold your hand, but he pulls away at the last second.
“It’s always been you and me,” he repeats. Then scratches the back of his head because you think he’s floundering, too. “Just not for everyone else this time.”
You think you might genuinely explode. All your synapses stretch to the absolute limit, you’re almost convinced you’ll bleed from your ears. “You’re being serious.”
He nods. There’s zero indication that he understands the gravity of the situation. But it’s quiet in this garage. You hear it then, the tapping his shoe makes when he’s impatient.
“When–when you told Yuuji about sharing bank accounts,” you continue.
“Okay I’m not in that deep,” Satoru defends. “Well. Who knows. Maybe I could be.”
You shove his shoulder. “You can’t just say that!”
“You’re so violent.” He rubs the spot you’ve tainted. As if you did any damage. He’s just doing it to fuck with you. “Do you hit all the guys you’re into?”
“Are you trying to make me say no?” That’s a lie. You know this. You’re just still in shock that you might actually owe Utahime twenty bucks. Satoru clicks his teeth.
“Look. You don’t have to answer me now. And I’ll buy you your yogurt back.” He digs in his bag, taking his car keys out. “Just… let me know, okay?”
He lingers in his spot. He’s not the main character in this romance scene, though. It’s you, the unforgiving lead who can’t decide what they want for themselves, and when the opportunity comes for a new start, they stand frozen in time. All those past mistakes a whirlwind behind you, threatening your security, and the glass breaks, and all of a sudden you’re in a garage, making a fool of yourself in front of the character who never deserved a bad ending. You wouldn’t do that to him.
“If I say yes,” you murmur. Satoru perks up instantly. “Can I choose where we go?”
“Depends. Do they have free ice cream for dessert?”
Of course that would be his only stipulation. You’re glad he’s easy to feed. “Probably.”
Satoru nods. He clicks his car unlocked. “If you say yes,” he repeats, rounding the back of his car to the driver’s seat, “I’ll go anywhere for you.”
He leaves you gawping. You watch him open his door, sit down. Adjusting the air conditioner high because you know he’s always blasting it. He doesn’t roll the window down to say bye, just pulls from his spot, and you mind your feet, mind the way he waves at you, but not as enthused as he usually is with it.
You stand there, thinking about your yogurt, and about Utahime’s face when you tell her you’ll say yes.
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