#the sterek exchange
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sterek-exchange · 4 months ago
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Are you interested in an exchange that is exclusively Sterek-related? Then come check out The Sterek Exchange! 
You can find our FAQs here and RULES here.
If you have any questions, please stop by and send us an ask.
Sign up here on AO3. Please fill out this Google form so I can contact you if need be for your gift or assignment. I know some of you guys have different usernames across all sites, so this will help me keep everything straight! If you filled this out during a previous Exchange, you don't have to do so again. It's the same Google form. You can join our Discord community with this link.
Sign-up Opens: Fri 01 Nov 2024  Closes: Sun 10 Nov 2024  Assignments Due: Sun 15 Dec 2024 Works Revealed: Wed 25 Dec 2024  Creators Revealed: Thu 26 Dec 2024 
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@thebigbangblogproject @sterekevents @teenwolffandomevents @feedthefandomfest @imagine-sterek
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twpromptsillneverwrite · 11 months ago
Sheriff: Derek, since you're dating my son I think it's time we have the shotgun talk.
Derek: Don't you mean the shovel talk?
Sheriff (loading his shotgun): I know what I said, son.
(Inspired by a previous post)
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nogitzune · 8 months ago
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Here's the piece I did for the Sterek Summer Exchange! Had lots of fun making this, and I hope you enjoyed it, @deliciousblizzardshark !
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wild-woofs-press · 1 year ago
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For the 2023 Renegade Bound Fic Exchange (cc: @renegadepublishing).
Fic: Play It Again by metisket Words: 63,206
fonts title: Bebas author name: Amiline body: Cochineal
bookcloth: duo flieder • endpapers • htv: siser infinite galaxy
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sterekbros · 2 years ago
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You and I Collide | 13.6k | E | Fluff | Kidfic
Tags: Nanny Stiles Stilinski, True Alpha Derek Hale, Alternate Hale Fire (Teen Wolf), Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Barista Stiles Stilinski, Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Full Shift Werewolves, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, No Kate Argent, Claiming, Bites, Marking, Scent Marking, Mating Bites, Adoption
The one where Barista Stiles propositions Alpha Derek to be the nanny for his kids, especially since Derek went through so many candidates that Stiles thought there weren’t any more for him to interview.
“Hey,” Stiles said carefully, smiling when those eyes he wanted to lose himself in looked up at him.
“I figured you needed a pick me up after that last one.” He handed him the cup and when Mr. Honey-Almondmilk-Flat-White-with-Whipcream took the drink, Stiles sat across from him in the cushy chair he usually took his break in.
The dude sniffed it and then took a sip. “You know my order…”
“Well, yeah. You’ve been ordering it for like, the last week when you’ve been in here.” Stiles smiled and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I’m Stiles.”
Read on A03.
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eevylynn · 1 year ago
You're Good
Sterek || E || Friends to Lovers || 7k wc
“I’m comfortable with my life,” Stiles told Lydia, and he was. He had a job he loved, his pack was safe, and he got to see them regularly. Yeah, there was one thing he would like to change, but there's only so much he can do to change that one thing. Stiles was pretty sure that dating other people wouldn’t help. Or Stiles agrees to let Lydia set him up on a blind date, not realizing who exactly she had in mind.
AN: I realized I never made a full on tumblr post with this..oops!
This was written For L_Grae with the prompts: ~Mutual pining with meddling from the pack. ~Future fic, blind date set up by certain packmates, not realizing Sterek has a FWB agreement already.
Unfortunately, I can't quite write friends with benefits (I gave it a valiant effort, but my brain just couldn't get it right), so I merged the prompts together.
Sterek Valentine's Bingo 2024: Candle
Locking the office up with a whistle, Stiles tossed his keys in the air before catching them and shoving them in his back pocket before he turned to walk down the street to the combination coffee and bar that sat a block or so away from his office. He mentally patted himself on the back for that smooth move before abruptly tripping on nothing. Stiles looked around quickly. No one saw that.
That was the one good thing about it getting dark before Stiles even leaves the office at this time. The whole shorter days thing that came with winter coming AND Daylight Savings Time ending at the same time does get somewhat depressing at times, but it’s not like Stiles has never gone around town at night before.
Back in high school, nights were the only times that Stiles could really investigate supernatural happenings what with needing to actually go to school. He always did love a good puzzle to investigate and even contemplated  joining the FBI. However, after botching up his own internship with the FBI, Stiles ended up going to college at Beacon Hills Community College. While still in school, Stiles started a side hustle as a Supernatural Private Investigator, and, upon graduation, he was able to devote his time to his growing business, even opening an office in the slowly reemerging downtown area of Beacon Hills.
Thanks to the combined efforts of the local Beacon County packs, the Nemeton was growing healthily again, bringing positive energies with it, something even the everyday humans could feel. Because of this, more people, both supernatural and human, were moving to town and slowly building up the local economy.
Just the short walk between Stiles’ office and Lunar Lounge, his favorite bar and coffee shop, included a boutique one of Stiles’ old classmates opened, a vegan smoothie shop, owned by a nice family of elves that just moved here a few years back, and a greenhouse bookstore whose owners were always more than happy to provide Stiles with any herbs he needed for potions work after he helped them with a pixie infestation that took residence in one of their personal gardens at their house.
The Lunar Lounge was where many of the Hale pack worked. Open practically 24 hours, it served coffee and breakfast for the morning crowd before transitioning into a pub style bar in the afternoons. In addition to providing human beverages, Lunar Lounge also offered a variety of specialty drinks for the different supernaturals of Beacon Hills, including but not limited to wolfsbane infused homebrews, real bloody marys, and a selection of shimmering, almost ethereal, wines that Peter had procured a vendor for that Stiles was pretty sure was fae, but the wolf refused to confirm or deny that suspicion.
Entering the open double doors, Stiles nodded at Isaac who was behind the bar preparing some fancy pink and yellow monstrosity of a cocktail that was most definitely too sweet for Stiles’ liking.
He crossed the open sea of scuffed wooden tables, dodging a pair of colorful haired women that suddenly blocked his path as they stood up to go who knows where. Reaching the back corner, he found Derek at his usual table that he’d probably been sitting at for the last several hours, hidden from most by a black metal staircase that led to a lofted lounge area. Dark eyebrows furrowed as Derek continued to type on his laptop.
As Stiles plopped down in the seat across from him, Derek glanced up before he said, “I’m almost done. Give me a minute.”
Stiles grinned, “You’re good.” Derek smiled before turning his attention back to the screen.
Continue reading on ao3
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patolemus · 3 months ago
part 2 of Red Hoodies!! 🩵
ooooh I knew you'd be curious about this one. I still have so many ideas on how to make it come to life and haven't decided which storyline I'm going for, but I do know I have at least two scenes I need to write. There's going to be an expansion on Stiles' relationship with Artemis, which I briefly mentioned during red hoodies, and also how Stiles and Athena's relationship is tested during HoO (so how he reacts to Athena giving the quest to Annabeth and not him, and why she does that. It's all very emotional tbh). It's also going to be featuring Marcus, Stiles' allegedly werewolf roommate!
Here's the first 500 words just for you, my love! Just... don't expect many of these because there's not a lot more to choose from. As in, there's nothing else to choose from. It's literally this and two half written scenes (I'm so sorry)
Something’s humming in the back of his head.
Stiles tries his best to ignore it, just as he’s been doing for the past two days, back when the noise first started. He tries to focus on the essay for his social sciences core requirement class, but it’s hard to think about the sociological and cultural impacts of Ancient Greece in modern times - which is definitely not what the essay is supposed to be about, but ask Stiles if he gives a shit - when you feel like your brain is being used as a speaker at full volume.
Stiles checks the time on the clock on his desk. 3:27 AM. Groaning, he rubs at his eyes with the heels of his palms, trying to get some focus back. Marcus still isn’t back, not that Stiles expected him to be. The guy can barely stand to be in the same room as him most of the time. He’s pretty sure he’s taken all late classes this semester so he can sleep while Stiles is in class all morning and disappear the rest of the day.
He really should make time to sit him down and explain everything to him, lest he transfers out altogether. Stiles would feel awfully bad if he were to drive someone out of college because of a misunderstanding, of all things. Miscommunication is only entertaining in books, and only when it’s comical. 
This isn’t comical, it’s bordering on tragic.
Stiles makes a mental note to corner his roomate sometime soon, then goes back to his essay.
“The presence and influence of Ancient Greece can be spotted throughout most western cultures…” he trails off. Stiles reads the last words he’s written on his word document at least five more times, trying to remember where he was going with this point. He’s pretty sure it had something to do with symbology.
The humming doesn’t stop.
His phone screen lights up, startling him. Stiles barely even uses the thing when out of Beacon Hills, not wanting to attract monsters, so he only keeps it on him for emergencies. He plans on ignoring it, but the thing lights up again, and again, and again, a slew of messages coming in in rapid succession.
Curiosity and anxiety piqued, Stiles picks it up. There are six messages from Scott, two from Allison, another two from Isaac, four from Lydia, one from Jackson, seven from Erica, three from Boyd, five from Peter - which is what’s alarming him the most, if he’s honest, Peter never texts, he calls and sends letters like the pretentious little douchebag he is - and a whooping seventeen from Derek.
Okay, then.
It doesn’t surprise him that they’re all together. They’re all attending colleges in-state, and apart from him, only Jackson and Lydia decided on somewhere other than the county's Community College. Jackson is back for the next few days because of the full moon, and Lydia probably decided to come with. Because that’s a luxury she can take. She’s that smart.
With no small amount of trepidation, because this can only ever mean trouble for him, Stiles opens up his chat with Derek. Most people wouldn’t think they’ve been together for years if they saw the conversation thread, because they barely even talk there. The last message before tonight is from a month ago, before Stiles came back to school for the new semester. He mostly communicates from his laptop, a gift from Daedalus, which makes it untraceable for monsters. Also, it has a satellite internet connection, which comes pretty handy when someone in his dorm building gets ideas and ends up cutting the whole building’s electricity.
Fucking wannabe frat boys.
And here's a real life screenshot of what comes immediately after. Again, I'm so sorry.
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jld71 · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Isaac Lahey Additional Tags: Coffee Shops, Coffee, Alpha Derek Hale, Human Stiles Stilinski, Fluff, Angst, Pining Stiles Stilinski, Meet-Cute, Meet-Awkward, Kissing, Banshee Lydia Martin, Beta Isaac Lahey, Awkward Stiles Stilinski, College Student Stiles Stilinski, Pack Alpha Derek Hale Summary:
Working at the local coffee shop, Beacon Bean, gives Stiles plenty of time to pine over Derek, even when he’s making a fool of himself in front of the alpha.
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mindofmim · 1 year ago
hi mindofmim, it is I, your secret santa once again (it's weird not having a name to call you by, what's your preferred name?). How's your day going? I hope it's going well or that it improves if it's sort of meh.
I read the fic you recommended and let me tell you, I might've made non-human sounds as I read because it was so good. I just- I was delighted by how intimate the fic felt when the premise of it all was pretty simple. Thank you for that rec, it's definitely going into my bookmarks. Do you have any more where that came from? I was checking Isthatbloodonhisshirt but you were not lying when you said those fics were long, damn.
anyway, my original purpose today was asking if you have any special requests for Santa this year (it me, I'm talking about any requests for this santa lmao). I saw what you liked but there's so much that can fit in 'Holiday' or 'Low Stakes' or 'Pining' that I'd love to know where you stand on those. As a fan of pining myself, I already have an inkling of an idea, but prompts wouldn't hurt either.
anyway, I got distracted and this got long, have a good day/night, sweet sterek dreams
-au revoir your (not actually french) Secret Santa
Good Day Secret Santa!
You're asks never fail to make me smile! You can call me Mim ^_^ I had the most boring day but got lots of writing done so at least it was good for something today.
I'm so glad you liked my rec! I wish I had more like Can I...?, after all the heavy consent and touch adverse/touch starved thing is extremely dear to my heart (I might be a bit like Derek in that fic). But I do have a few other short fics I have enjoyed so I'll give you those instead;
Error 404: Brain cell not found by fairytalesandfolklore (a bit of a crack fic but made me smile so big)
Today by Evansdust (meet as kids this fic is just fluff and fun and has pumpkins and a deaf Derek, it was just so sweet)
(Isthatbloodonhisshirt is totally worth the hours spent reading their fics tho, if you ever want to make the commitment)
Special requests, hmm... I put low stakes because I wanted more soft fics to read. Ones that didn't have anything complicated like fighting witches or people being kidnapped or someone having to save the world.
Holiday stories have such a warm fluffy edge, yet so much potential for misunderstanding and pinning.
(There is a sorta lengthy fic called Cornerstone by Vendelin where at one point they spend the holidays apart; texting and calling and realizing how much they just want to be together and it's so sweet).
I might spend to much time in December reading harlequin style romance books and watching the hallmark channel. (The December Bride is my favourite hallmark Christmas movie.)
I doubt any of that was specific enough, but truthfully I'm not sure how to be. There isn't anything concrete or specific that I really want.
If you have an inkling of an idea I fully encourage you to flush it out. I'm not that hard to please, in fact I have full faith I will love anything you create. I appreciate you so much and I can't wait to see what you produce.
Till next time!
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sterek-exchange · 6 months ago
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Are you interested in an exchange that is exclusively Sterek-related? Then come check out The Sterek Exchange! 
You can find our FAQs here and RULES here.
If you have any questions, please stop by and send us an ask.
Sign up here on AO3. Please fill out this Google form so I can contact you if need be for your gift or assignment. I know some of you guys have different usernames across all sites, so this will help me keep everything straight! If you filled this out during a previous Exchange, you don't have to do so again. It's the same Google form. You can join our Discord community with this link.
Schedule for Fall 2024 Exchange:
Sign-up Opens: Sun 01 Sep 2024 Sign-up Closes: Sat 05 Oct 2024 Assignments Due: Sat 16 Nov 2024 Works Revealed: Sat 23 Nov 2024 Creators Revealed: Sun 24 Nov 2024
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@thebigbangblogproject @sterekevents @teenwolffandomevents @feedthefandomfest @imagine-sterek @wipbigbang
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casually-eat-my-soul · 4 months ago
Kinda Dark/thriller, sterek au??
Corrupt deputy Derek hale and Genius Sheriff’s son Stiles Stilinski.
Stiles keeps trying to convince his dad that a bunch of random crimes are connected. His dad wants to believe him but there isn’t a lot of evidence that suggests Stiles theory. And no “gut feeling” doesn’t count.
Storming out of his father office after another argument over the series of crimes which stiles believes has ramped up and has a higher body count. He gets to his jeep and it just won’t start, stiles is frustrated and tearing up. It’s late and starting to rain and stiles really doesn’t want to go back in and ask his dad for a ride but also doesn’t want to walk home.
When one of his father deputies, Derek Hale offers him a ride. Stiles hesitates to agree, he’s never really spoken to Derek— no matter how much he’s wanted to. Stiles has definitely noticed the tall, dark, and handsome deputy even since he’s started working at the station— he feels like prey under Derek’s eyes. In the end he agrees due to the heavy rain. He calls a tow trunk and climbs into Derek’s Camaro. They end up stopping at a diner and stiles unloads his connected crime theory onto Derek. He knows something is up with these crimes but he just doesn’t have the last price of the puzzle. Derek looks smugly pleased with himself.
Derek drives stiles home and insists on walking him to his door. Derek warns Stiles to be careful and that he will personally look into Stiles theory. Just as derek gets back into his car to leave he asked to see stiles again. So they exchange numbers.
They text back and forth for awhile, before Derek informs stiles that he thinks he caught the prep behind the crimes. Stiles heads down to the station that night, pretending to just drop dinner off with his dad. As he leaves Derek gestures to a criminal in lock up. Theo Raeken.
He was originally one of Stiles suspects but after looking further into the crimes and his rap sheet, Stiles ended up crossing him off the list. Stiles ignores the sinking feeling in his stomach and heads over to talk to him. But the moment stiles makes eye contact with Theo, he goes insane. Throwing himself at the bars separating them, screaming his name and other profanities.
A few officers attempt to stop him, while Derek and his dad pull stiles out of the station. His dad checks in with him to make sure everything is okay before asking Derek to drive him home.
Stiles ‘subtly’ asks Derek on how he was lead to Theo and why he arrested him. Derek just says that he didn’t have anything concrete on Theo and wanted to interrogate him. Stiles pointed out why he crossed Theo out of his suspect list, derek gives a small hum, and tells stiles he just wanted to double check. They end up talking the entire ride home and when they arrive, Derek asks for a date and stiles agrees.
The next morning when his father shifts ends they meet up for breakfast. His dad ends up telling Stiles that Theo escaped custody sometime last night, and to be extra careful becuase Theo seemed fixated on him. Stiles brushes him off.
Later that day stiles gets texts from a random number.
This behaviour amps up over the following weeks, including gifts being left in stiles apartment, pictures of him being found and so on. His dad believes that it’s Theo stalking him but Stiles isn’t sure. Stiles begins to spend more time with deputy Derek as a result. He ends up falling fast and hard for Derek. Feeling completely safe with him during this hard times.
I’m not really sure how to end it but I’m thinking that stiles end up finding Theos body at one point, or maybe his phone at Derek’s house. They end up going in a date and back to Derek house for a little dessert, and a few hours later stiles wakes up and finds that last piece of the puzzle. The one connecting the all the crimes and the perp. Coming to the realization that it was Derek all along, while Derek is standing behind him. Derek let out a small chuckle, cooing at stiles shaking form. Holding stiles chin between his fingers and leaning down for a kiss. Telling stiles that he never gotten away with it without his help.
I also can’t decide if this is mafia hale family and spy on the inside Derek, or serial killer Derek or killer werewolf hale family and spy on the inside Derek. Or if he is still a werewolf in this au. I’m leaning towards werewolf because it just gives it that extra horror/ predator vibes.
Also up to you guys if stiles car wouldn’t start because of coincidence or because of Derek.
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nogitzune · 9 months ago
literally nothing more relieving than coming up with an idea immediately for a fandom event. like oh i dont have to worry about banging my head against my tablet, i already know what im drawing
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 6 months ago
Hello!! I'm always looking for fics where Stiles doesn't think he's pack (or is told he isn't pack) until the group tells him how much they care about him. Got anything like that?
Here you go @talldren!
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Cuddle Me Pack by AlexTheShipper
(1/1 I 2,540 I General I Sterek)
The pack realizes they have been injuring Stiles on accident, and completely stop touching him to avoid the problem. Stiles is left touch starved and lonely, and feels he's no longer part of the pack.
Welcome to Your Life (There's No Turning Back) by KilledTheQueen
(1/1 I 17,744 I Explicit I Sterek)
The plane banks left and Stiles peers through the small oval window just catching a glimpse of the LA Skyline. He’s home. Well, not home, but in his country of origin at least, in his home state, just a three hour drive to Beacon Hills, to his home and Scott. It’s been over a year since Stiles sat in his home room and listened to a rep from a foreign exchange program wax poetically about the benefits of experiencing life in another country. At the time he’d brushed it off with a ‘hey that sounds amazing but I’ve got hunters and werewolves to deal with’ but then there were EVENTS that took place and one month later Stiles found himself on a plane to London. It’s been sixteen months since he’s has set foot on American soil and all in all Stiles thinks it should feel weirder when he steps off the plane and into LAX.
Flat Tires & Subtle Hugs by XAnima_Bellax
(6/6 I 13,045 I Teen I Sterek)
When Scott and his mom moves away, Stiles stops hanging with the pack. He'd rather be on his own than hang around a pack that isn't his. Everything is fine, except his tires keep ending up flat and random people seem to be hugging him.
Needed by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions)
(6/6 I 16,865 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles knows he doesn't bring anything to the pack, but if that's true, why does Derek come to him for help?
Pulling the Pieces Together by fireflystiles (cuddlehazz)
(1/1 I 34,295 I Teen I Sterek)
“You never have hurt anyone. Not then and not now. You just made Coach piss his pants and that’s funny shit there.” Jackson told Stiles. They all underestimated how responsible Stiles felt for the Nogitsune and what happened. No wonder he was afraid to go near the pack, not to mention the whole no control over magic thing. He felt Stiles huff out a breath at the part about Coach which was a good start.
Or after the Nogitsune, Stiles keeps secrets, there are new people in Beacon Hills, and the Pack has fallen apart. Stiles starts to figure out his role in the pack, piecing it back together, and trying to keep everyone safe.
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sterekbros · 2 years ago
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You and I Collide | 13.6k | E | Fluff | Kidfic
Written for the Summer 2023 @sterek-exchange Event and gifted to @evanesdust; written for @sterekbingo forever, @sterekweekly pillow, @warmandfluffybingocards pillow fort
Tags: Nanny Stiles Stilinski, True Alpha Derek Hale, Alternate Hale Fire (Teen Wolf), Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Barista Stiles Stilinski, Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Full Shift Werewolves, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, No Kate Argent, Claiming, Bites, Marking, Scent Marking, Mating Bites, Adoption
The one where Barista Stiles propositions Alpha Derek to be the nanny for his kids, especially since Derek went through so many candidates that Stiles thought there weren't any more for him to interview.
“Hey,” Stiles said carefully, smiling when those eyes he wanted to lose himself in looked up at him.
“I figured you needed a pick me up after that last one.” He handed him the cup and when Mr. Honey-Almondmilk-Flat-White-with-Whipcream took the drink, Stiles sat across from him in the cushy chair he usually took his break in.
The dude sniffed it and then took a sip. “You know my order…”
“Well, yeah. You’ve been ordering it for like, the last week when you’ve been in here.” Stiles smiled and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I’m Stiles.”
Read on A03.
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sourmiguel · 11 months ago
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Small Town Logic by @renmackree (wc36113, explicit)
Summary: Derek Hale is the new Deputy of Beacon Hills, hoping to have a fresh start for himself and his son Eli. What he didn't expect was the owner of the coffee shop to turn his existence upside down. Or The one where Derek's new to town and thinks that Stiles is in a relationship with Jackson and pines for him.
This was written for me for the Sterek Valentine's exchange and it's everything I wanted and more. Pining, single dads, cute kids, misunderstandings, Stiles&Jackson Friendship. Just the best.
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hedwig221b · 23 days ago
An oracle au, like in the greek sense or something more modern? I'm intrigued. I had an idea once about Stiles being a sort of prophet and he received some of his most valuable visions after sex with Derek. They didn't know if it was the act itself that prompted them; sex could be a sacred rite that enhanced magic under the right circumstances. But in any case, in those moments, Derek would share parts of those visions, feel the ecstacy of the future unfolding in his mind's eye. Some visions began with scenes of the deeper heavens, close ups of stars and raging comets. They were the kinds of scenes that could drive a man mad and Derek gained an appreciation for Stiles' strength to endure them.
Whoa, that's so cool! The sex aspect made me chuckle like of course Derek got that magic dick... ✊🏻😔 one good pounding, and Stiles levitates into the stratosphere. Good for him!
About my au... I have to do research, bc I don't know enough, but Stiles basically has visions of the future, and he doesn't control it. It's set in the modern days. The Argents want Stiles bc they intent to influence him to have visions at their will, and Chris is on the way to deliver him to Gerard. Derek joins them undercover as a bodyguard in exchange for a werewolf cure, but his true mission is to steal Stiles from hunters. But there's a giant angst aspect to it, which Derek doesn't know about, and of course I'm making them mates, but that's not the main angst piece (though it is kind of sterek related). This probably doesn't make any sense lmao, but I do not want to spoil the whole thing
I cannot wait to write it, honestly, it's gonna be very good and interesting and plot-twisty and from Derek's pov
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