#the squirrels thing is real btw
bog--unicorn · 2 years
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threecheersmaka · 12 days
Roommate who fucks your ex or roommate who taxidermizes a squirrel at your kitchen table. You can't kill yourself.
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ihavethedreamies · 4 months
Don't Poke the Bear | Jongho
Choi Jongho - ATEEZ
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~7k 🫢 (over 2k of it is smut btw)
Pairing: Bear-Hybrid!Jongho x Fox-Hybrid!AFAB!Reader
Genre: Hybrid AU!, Historical/Period, Reader-Insert, Fluff, Smut, Some Plot, Strangers-to-Friends-to-Lovers
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Pet Names (Sweetheart, Sunshine, Precious, etc.), Swearing, Kissing, Hickeys/Marking, Heat/Rut, Pheromones, Oral (M! Receiving), Deepthroating/Face-Fucking, Big Dick! Jongho (of course), Size Differences, Size Kink, Praise Kink, Cockbulge, Over-Stimulation, Unprotected Sex (This is pre-birth control so…)
Trigger Warning: There is mentions of guns in this, but its just a revolver and the reader shoots it once at a target. That's it.
Disclaimer: I do have the whole cock-bulge thing in this. I understand this could be a bit offensive to some who are on the heavier side (I am in that group as well). Sorry if this doesn't align with your body type, this is just a work of fiction.
Author's Note: This is NOT Omegaverse, but there is a mention of Jongho being an 'alpha'. They have animals ears and tails. Jongho is bigger here than he is in real life, probably about 6'5"/196 cm, since he's a bear hybrid. This is set in about Wild West times, so around 1830s, but it's not a Western themed story.
I will be doing all the members and uploading them as I go. I normally like to upload a whole series at a time but I'm trying to pack to move.
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🦁 Hongjoong's 🦁
🐕 Yeosang's 🐕
🐯 San's 🐯
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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When your stomach groaned, again, you groaned back.
"Shut up, I'm looking." you told it. You got no response. Sighing deeply, you stumbled a bit on a root, catching yourself with a hand on the tree trunk. You had no idea why, but for the last two days, you hadn't been able to find any prey. Sniffing in distaste, you held up an arrow, looking at the completely clean arrowhead. Letting your arm down, the arrow laid at your side. You glanced down at your other slack arm, bow held in that hand. What's the point of having a weapon if there is nothing to kill to eat with it? You wondered what full foxes did when they couldn't find anything to eat. Starve? No, the probably moved on to a different area. A bit harder to do that when you had settled in the area nearly four months prior and had no intention of leaving. Your semi-permanent shelter was finally finished, nice and cozy, and you loved the area you were in. Normally it was simple to get food, just step outside your hut and shoot a hare out in the field. When you were not able to see anything, you instead would go deeper into the woods that your home lay at the edge of. But there was even less there, if it was possible. You were getting closer to the river, but you weren't very good at fishing. Hitting a rabbit or squirrel with an arrow is actually much easier than a fish. Might have to try though, since you had run out of food completely the day prior. It was late fall, getting closer to winter, and so there wasn't really anything to forage for either. Everything had been eaten by deer or other animals. Since you were hungry, so hungry, your steps were uneven and clumsy.
"Fuck!" Your long tail caught on the thorns of some bush, knocking you down to your knees. Yanking the appendage to free it, you yiped, looking back at the branches to see a tuft of rusty orange fur left behind. Running your hands over your tail, the spot wasn't noticeable, but it stung. Scratching the back of your ear at the top of your head, you got back up, continuing toward the water. You could hear the river water rushing over some rocks, most likely a short waterfall. Before you could even see the river though, you saw a building to your left. Getting closer, it was a fairly large shelter, much bigger and nicer than yours. An actual cabin rather than a weird cross between a tent and a hut. It was most likely older and whoever had built it also most likely had known what they were doing. What really caught your eye though, was the fish strung up on a line between two wooden poles. Your mouth watered, one of the giant salmon would easily feed you for a week if you cured it properly and rationed it. You felt your tail wag a bit at the thought and you eagerly stalked forward. The thought of who had caught the fish, and who the dwelling belonged to didn't even cross your mind, way too hungry.
"Come to mama~" You giggled and right when your long claw-like nails got close to pulling the fish off the line, someone grabbed the back of your shirt. Yelping in shock, you felt your feet leave the ground, just an inch or two, your captor easily lifting you. Your legs scrambled helplessly in the air as you floundered, hands going to grapple at the one holding you. The person lifted you even higher in retaliation and so you wiggled and squirmed harder.
"Let me go!" you shouted and that seemed to work, but then you landed hard on your butt.
"Ow, fuck!" You scrambled to get up and to your feet, spinning to see who the heck had grabbed you. What human was stupid enough to mess with a fox hybrid- Bear. Bear hybrid, that's who. Not a human. Your ears pressed back and down against your skull, tail tucking between your legs, no longer snapping back and forth. The male raised an eyebrow and you got a good look at his face. He was gorgeous. All of him, really, not just his face. That, though, very handsome. He was covered from the neck down in dark brown hide, the arms and collar of his jacket lined with thick fur. You didn't know if his pants were so tight from their cut or if his thighs were just that thick, and you honestly hoped for the latter…Or did you? He was thick with muscle all over. He shifted his stance, hands resting on his belt, standing over you, staring. The dominance emanating from him struck through you, and you weren't sure if you should feel scared or aroused. You had met bear hybrids before, that's not what was doing it, it was something from him. It made you wonder…
"A-are you an alpha or something?" you boldly asked. There were some predator hybrids that seemed to be more in touch with their animal nature than others, and he sure seemed like one of them.
"I'm not a canine." He spoke down to you, literally, he was fucking massive. The top of your head barely reached his chin.
"I-I know…"
"Only canines have alphas."
"Then what are you?" He scoffed at your brazen question.
"Why should I answer, vixen, when you came here to steal my food?" He started to walk toward you, so you pounced to the side, turning to keep your face toward him. You watched his hands go to the hook holding the salmon, taking it down off the line. Your tail whipped once, nervously, and you hoped he couldn't hear your heart pounding. You weren't sure how you felt about him, how to feel about how much bigger he was than you, stronger. He smelled so fucking good too-
"I-I'm hungry, okay?! I haven't had any meat in two days!" You tried to defend yourself, your voice cracking pitifully.
"You say that like you don't normally steal." His sneer was evident in his tone and you scoffed hard.
"I don't!"
"You're a fox, right?"
"Not all foxes steal! You big…brute!" He didn't respond, just walked around the pole holding one end of the line, toward the front of his cabin.
"H-hey!" You knew you should have taken the chance to flee, that would have been smart, but instead you trailed after him. Those fish looked too good, and you noticed he was easily carrying the string of five over his shoulder. His big boots thumped across the hard, cold ground, your much lighter feet barely making a sound. When you caught up to him, coming around the cabin, he was laying the fish down on a wooden table it looked like he might have made himself.
"D-do you cook them?" Your mouth watered. You preferred your meat cooked, that was probably the human part of you, but the fox part of you could eat raw if necessary.
"I-if…If I do something for you in return, can I have a fish?" you asked, stepping forward carefully, tail snapping behind you. You were pointing at the one you had been reaching for, which was the smallest one.
"What could you do for me, vixen?" He was standing back up again, hands on his belt. Why did he have to just stand like that? There was no need. Did he just stand like that normally? His question registered then, and your brain kicked into gear trying to think of an answer. You had offered help, but that didn't mean you knew what kind of help. That was his part of the exchange.
"What do you want me to do…he-bear?" For the life of you, you couldn't think then of what a male bear was called. He huffed at your attempt to match his confidence. Your eyes flitted to his chest, shirt struggling and stretching over his chest just from him breathing.
"My name. Please don’t ever call me 'he-bear' again."
"Oh…Jongho. Uh, I'm (Y/N)."
"Can you climb?"
"Can you climb a tree?"
"Oh, yes." Your eyes followed his thumb when he jabbed it toward his left. You glanced around him toward where he was pointing, an apple tree. It was huge, you wondered how long it had been there.
"Go get as many as you can." He picked up a basket from under the table, easily chucking it toward you. You managed to catch it, maybe fumbled with it a bit, and headed over to the tree. Maybe you could grab a couple of them…
"Where did you get an apple tree?" You called behind you as you approached it, "aren't they normally in human areas?"
"I sell to humans."
"Sell? Sell what?" You wrapped your tail through the handle of the basket, curling it up to hold it up as you climbed up the tree. He was probably tall enough to get at the apples himself, but it would be easier to get them climbing.
"Furs. Wood and metal work." You sat on a branch, putting a narrow branch through the handle of the basket to hold it for you as you plucked a red fruit off a twig. It smelled so good, but he would notice if you took a bite. Dropping it into the basket, you continued, noticing which ones weren't quite ripe yet.
"Metal work?" You peered through the branches of the apple tree, noticing a side building right next to his cabin, a blacksmithing forge inside.
"Wait, you've worked with full humans?"
"Have you seen those little guns they carry? That don't need powder and a ball?" You had picked about ten apples by then, balancing on the branch to try and reach an eleventh. He didn't respond, so you glanced past the leaves to where he was at the table, and he went to a pouch on his belt. He opened it, pulling out a revolver.
"Woah!" You beamed in awe, not paying attention to where you where crawling on the branch. You yelped as it bowed under your weight, making you lose your balance. You closed your eyes, ready to fall. It wasn't too far, you wouldn't die, but it sure would hurt.
"Oof!" You did land on something hard, just not the ground. The wind got knocked out of you as you fell face down onto Jongho, middle on his shoulder. While you caught your breath, coughing a few times, he unlatched the basket and carried both you and it back over to the table. The basket was set on the end of the table and he then let you down to sit on the other end. Even up on the surface, you had to tilt your head to look him in the eye. You rubbed your sore middle, though it was much less painful that it would have been to bellyflop onto the ground. The bear noticed your eyes flit to the little gun still on the table, and he sighed. Grabbing it, he popped the rotating barrel out, shaking the little bullets out, then handed you the unloaded gun. Taking it carefully with both hands, you were surprised at its weight. It was heavy for its size, but much lighter than a musket. He continued to work on the fish, cleaning them or something, eyeing you as you curiously looked at the revolver.
"Man, this would be so much easier to hunt with."
"It's different than aiming a bow." He scoffed, swiping the weapon back from you, reloading it.
"Show me?"
"You're awful demanding." Jongho scolded, holstering the gun back to his belt. You sniffed in disappointment, swinging your legs a bit from where you sat up on the table, watching him work.
"If I feed you, will you leave me be?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.
"No." You liked to be honest. He sighed, putting his thin knife down.
"I'll leave you be if you show me how to shoot it."
"Why does it matter if you don't have one yourself?" You shrugged in response. He couldn't decide if you were annoying or endearing. He stood up straight, stepping closer to you, so he was standing right before you. Your ears dropped a bit, tail lying flat from where it had been thumping on the wood softly. He was so freaking big. You felt a familiar twinge in your tummy, and your thighs clenched. His eyebrow raised, nostrils flaring slightly and your eyes widened in panic. Could he smell your arousal? So easily? The bear sighed deeply then, "Come here." He took the gun back out and you hopped off the table to follow him as he headed around a big tree. When you came around as well, you saw that there was a circle carved into another tree a bit in distance.
"Hold it up, arm straight out, level it. Then, line this little piece up with where you want to shoot." His thumb flicked at the sight piece.
"Pull the hammer back with your thumb, then press the trigger with your index finger. You'll have to press harder than you think." He snapped the barrel back out, rotated it to check the rounds, then snapped it back shut, handing it to you. You followed his instructions, keenly aware of him at your back. You stood much the same way you did for archery, but he corrected you. He brought his hand to your bicep, bringing it up so you gripped the gun with both hands instead. To compensate, you turned your body a bit more toward the target. You clicked the hammer back, that took more strength than you thought too, and wrapped your finger around the trigger. Breathing in, steadying your aim, you lined the sight up. As you breathed out, you pressed hard like he coached and the gun went off. It was so much louder than you expected, your ears flattening to your skull, body recoiling along with the weapon. You stumbled back into his solid chest, ears ringing painfully. You narrowed your vision toward the target. You didn't get a bullseye, but you did at least hit inside the target circle. That feat pulled your body out of shock from the loud bang and you beamed, cheering.
"I did it!" You jumped in excitement and he quickly took the still smoking gun from you. He holstered it once more and couldn't help but let out a small huff of laughter as you cheered for yourself. Endearing, he decided, cute even.
"D-do I rotate it?" You looked over at him, sitting on a log bench by the fire pit. He had cleaned, filleted and skewered the salmon, letting the pieces roast by the fire. Jongho had set them in the dirt, skin facing the flames more, tilted toward the heat.
"It's fine." He had brought the basket of apples over and you watched him roll one in his hand. His eyes flicked to your face, wanting to see your reaction, as he gripped the fruit with both hands, splitting it perfectly in half with ease.
"Woah!" Your face lit up and he couldn't hold back a smug grin. Holding the two halves easily in one hand, he held it out for you, and you sprung to your feet from your own log bench. Skipping over, you took the two halves from him, the scent making your mouth water. Sinking your teeth into the flesh, you groaned in delight. You hadn't had the pleasure of eating an apple before. Crab apples, yes…but those are absolutely horrible. The bear could tell you were honest about being so hungry with how fast you devoured the fruit. When you were left with the two pieces of the core, you hiccupped. Your face grew more and more displeased with each hiccup, growing annoyed with the process.
"Geez." You breathed hard, trying to control your throat, but you hiccupped again, a slight pain blossoming in your chest.
"Fucking hell." You swore softly, then let out another hiccup.
"Geez!" You groaned, then your tummy rumbled, and a gas bubble erupted. You kept your mouth closed to muffle the noise, minding your manners, and the seizes stopped.
"Thank goodness." You sighed and Jongho couldn't help but chuckle. So cute. He was a little upset with how cute you were growing to him.
"What?" You whined a bit, feeling self-conscious.
"You're cute, vixen." Your tail snapped in embarrassment.
"I have a name." You corrected coyly, not able to look at him, face warming. You almost added on 'he-bear', but he had said please…
"(Y/N), you're cute." He fixed his compliment and you sniffed, secretly pleased.
"And what?" You weren't sure what you were expecting, honestly.
"Whatever, sweetheart." The little pet-name wasn't condescending or patronizing, and your entire body froze.
"D-don't." you whispered and he rose a brow in question, looking up from a second apple.
"D-don't call me that…"
"Why not?" The bear smirked; you could see it from your peripheral. Your cheeks were quite red by that point. You didn't answer, focusing on watching your fish cook. He let it go, chuckling softly to himself.
"It's hot-" He warned, but it was too late. The hot fish stung your tongue, but you were much too hungry to care. Waving the skewer it was on, like that would cool it off, you blew hard on it a few times, then took another bite. You devoured the fish, much like the apple, he was surprised you ate the whole filet.
"T-Thank you." You wiped at your mouth with your forearm, handing the skewer back to him. He took the whittled bone from you and it seemed you were getting ready to leave, picking up your bow and quiver.
"You live nearby?"
"Oh, yeah, just a few meters that way." You waved in the general direction. The sun was setting by then, the cold setting in.
"In that half-tent?"
"It’s a hut!" You tried to defend your shelter since you built it yourself. He stood then, and you wondered what he was doing, coming toward you.
"There's a storm coming, I'll help you get your things, you can stay here tonight."
"A storm? Like snow? Already? Wait, what!?" He walked past you toward your home and you gaped after him like the fish you just ate. Shaking your head to gather your senses back, you trotted after him. You were a bit out of breath by the time you got to your dwelling, you couldn't even see the fire from his place.
"B-but this is where I live, I'll be okay!" You seemed to be trying to convince yourself of that as well.
"Get your stuff." He jerked his head toward your hut and you huffed but did so. If there really was a snowstorm coming, you would prefer the much sturdier and less drafty cabin he had. You were able to gather everything except the structure itself with his help and he went slower for you on the way back. You wondered how the heck you had never noticed his cabin before, but you also never went that far into the woods, let alone so close to the river. As you passed the cursed bush that tore a chunk of your fur out, you sneered down at it, wrapping your tail around your leg to keep it safe. You heard him huff out a laugh, and you glared at his rounded black ears, one of them flicking slightly. At first you were a bit ruffled by his suggestion, but you were growing grateful as some snowflakes started to fall. Plus, ultimately, he was being kind. You thought he was going to set you up in his smithing lean-to, or maybe even just under the shelter of the room over his porch. But he had opened the door to his cabin, bringing your stuff with him. The bear looked over his shoulder at you, waiting for you to follow. Once inside, you looked around. To your left was a table with a water jug and basin and to the right a large cedar chest. There was a sitting area with an actual couch and a fireplace. Right across from the door on the other end of the one-room cabin was the bed, big and with a mattress. It must really pay to trade with humans… You watched him set your belongings against the wall near the bed and you noticed a little side room.
"You have an attached outhouse?!" You gaped at the luxury and he hummed. Not really an outhouse if it was attached… You set your stuff you had carried next to his load and looked more around his home. The couch looked comfy, but you had little perspective, never having the luxury of sitting on one. It did beat sleeping on a bedroll, you assumed, and you were a bit worried that you wouldn't want to go back.
"I take up a lot of the bed, but you're tiny." His comment threw you out of your thoughts, nearly giving yourself whiplash with how hard you turned to look at him.
"It's going to get really cold, even with the fire on. It'll be warmer." He stated and you realized he was right. Still, your insides flopped at the thought. It was hard enough being around him, and how good he smelled, let alone in a room that smelled mostly of him. Could you really handle sleeping next to him…just sleeping? You swallowed, you weren't due for a heat for a while, but he was extremely attractive. The fact that he was a bear should have lessened your desire, but no. The unfamiliar, the new experience, the size difference…
"What are you thinking about, sunshine?" Jongho had walked past you to shut the door, pulling out a small box. Matches. You had never seen them at work before, so you stepped closer, watching him scratch the little red end of the wood piece on the side of the box, flame erupting out of thin air. He lit the oil lamps he had, casting a soft warm glow around the room, seemingly right as the sun set beyond the horizon. You didn't make a comment on the little pet-name, though it wasn't much easier to process than 'sweetheart'.
"C-can't you just use my name?" You sniffed, moving around him to sit on the couch. The leather-covered cushion sunk under your butt and you let out a silent 'wow' at the plush feeling. The bear chuckled, moving around to join you on the couch. You scooted over to allow him room, he took up much more space than you. He rested back, arm slung to the side over the back, right behind you. His feet were firmly planted on the floor, knees wide, and he sat on the couch like he was a king on his throne. The confident dominance wafted over you again and your core pulsed. Biting your lip, you looked away from him quick, and Jongho smirked at your sudden rigid posture. He watched the tip of your tail as the end thumped lightly on the cushion. You squeaked when he carefully ran his fingers over the orange fur, right where you had a tuft ripped out.
"What happened?"
"You can notice it?" You whined, looking at the spot, trying to ignore that he was still touching your tail. His eyes flitted to your ear as it flicked in annoyance.
"It got snagged on some thorns earlier."
"Did it hurt?"
"Stung a bit…" You flinched when a sudden gust of wind rattled the door and shutters on the window. Your ears flicked when a distant rumbling travelled through the air.
"Thunder?" You could have sworn that's what you heard, but that would be weird. When it happened again though, it was confirmed.
"It can thunder in a snowstorm?" You wondered aloud and the bear hummed, fingers once again stroking over the fur of your tail. Goosebumps rose on your skin, the fur raising a bit along with it.
"I'm gonna use the outhouse!" You stood up quickly, pulling your tail out from under his hand and curling it toward yourself. As you did so, you could smell your own arousal, and hoped that since your pants would be back up, he wouldn't be able to as well. Going back into the house, you sighed at the warmth, he already had a fire going. It was rapidly getting cold and you could hear the wind whipping along with a low distant rumble. Despite the fire, you knew he was right about it getting pretty cold. Gently sitting on the edge of the mattress, you tried to ignore how soft it was, and took off your boots. Slipping off your vest, you climbed up further on the bed, bouncing a bit in delight.
"Move over, sunshine." He motioned for you to follow, since you were in the middle of the bed. You bounced on your butt to do so, too enamored with the mattress to really focus on him.
"Ah!" You squeaked when he wrapped his arm around you, lifting you with ease so he could pull the blankets out from under you and back. Your face was rapidly heating along with your lower stomach and you finally looked over him as he got in the bed. He had taken off his bear hide coat, leaving him in just a light brown henley shirt. The ends of the sleeves had been rolled up to rest right below his elbows and you marveled at the evident muscle there.
"Sleep, (Y/N)." Jongho had laid back, adjusting his head on the pillow and you slowly followed suit. You nearly moaned in delight at the feeling of the mattress cradling you, the pillow under your head just as soft. Yep, you never wanted to sleep on a bedroll again. You were startled out of your thoughts when he pulled the blankets up and over you, rolling onto his side so he could face you. He propped himself up on his palm, elbow to the bed, delicately resting the end of the blanket up near your chin. Your face burned hot, and you nestled into the bedding to hide.
"Th-thank you for letting me stay here for the storm…" You mumbled and he hummed, finally resting down himself, still facing you. When he pulled the blanket up and over himself, you felt the heat rapidly rise under the covers. You had never felt so warm and cozy in your life, and you suddenly felt your weariness. Blinking, trying to stay awake, you looked over his face, vision hazy from sleepiness. He was…
"So handsome." You muttered, barely registering you said it aloud, and he had heard it. The bear smirked at the compliment.
"Get some sleep, pretty girl." His clawed finger came up and brushed a strand of hair off your face and you couldn't help but follow his instruction.
Probably only an hour or two later, you were forced awake by a flash of light, a booming rumble, then the sound of wood snapping. You had rolled over onto your stomach, so you propped yourself up on your elbows underneath you. The blanket hung over your head, but you could see through the shutters of the window to the side of the bed. You had heard of a thundersnow before but had never experienced one. You shivered at the cool air hitting your face, it was so nice and warm under the blankets. Burrowing back under, you rolled to your side, facing the bear. You had nearly forgotten he was right there and you found your face right against his chest. It rose and fell as he slept, and you were a bit surprised he didn't snore, like…you know, like a bear.
Swallowing hard to steel your nerves for your next move, you slowly reached out, pressing your fingertips against the hard muscle of his chest. You shivered, wanting to feel over him more, see him…
"Haven't you heard not to poke a sleeping bear, sunshine?" His voice rumbling startled you. It was deep and rough from sleep and you rolled your eyes back a bit at how it made you feel, and his comment.
"Yeah, and?" You did it again, pressing just one finger against his chest that time, literally poking him. Poke. Poke. Poke.
"Huh?" You felt the bed shift, and he rolled, propping himself up over you on his forearm, pinning you to the mattress. Your hands were clenched into fists at your chest, holding them close to you for security. His face was so close, and you could feel the breath leaving his nostrils. As he loomed over you, he shifted his knee up, his thick leg wedging between yours. You shivered, letting out a small whine when his thigh pressed against your mound. Jongho smirked, leaning down so his mouth was right by your ear.
"Your decision. See what poking a bear does." You loosened one fist, index finger sticking out, shaking. Poke. His large hands suddenly seized your hips, claws slightly digging into the flesh of your ass through your pants. With his grip, he pressed your core against his thigh, forcing you to grind over him. You sighed at the feeling; a bit of a whine laced through the exhale. He shifted his knee further forward and hauled you up so he could wedge it under your lower back. Jongho led you to wrap your legs around his middle, still pressing you down to grind your covered cunt on his upper thigh. That pulled a moan from you and you gasped hard when he started laying open-mouthed kisses over your neck and shoulder. A low rumble hit your ears and at first you thought it was more distant thunder, but then you could feel it as you pressed your hands to his chest. Your fingers dug into the fabric of his shirt and you moaned as his kisses turned to sucking, and he barely dug his sharp teeth into your shoulder. Without his, or your prompting, your hips jumped, and he pressed into your movement. The bear's cock was growing hard, and your eyes fluttered closed when you felt it. Could he even fit?
"Are you sure about this, sunshine?" He pulled away, smirking as he admired the growing bruises he created over your shoulders and neck.
"Yeah, why?" Your eyes met his as a bolt of lightning lit the room, then thunder rumbled, snow blowing harsh against the window.
"Think your little body can handle me?" Jongho tilted his head, that smirk still there and you purposely moved your hips, whining.
"You sure?"
"Would you just fuck me already?" You nearly shouted. He didn't answer, but your next plea was silenced as he swallowed it, tongue easily wiggling its way into your mouth. Your eyes rolled back as his hands dug into the flesh of your hips, avoiding using his claws too much. When your head started to swim, he pulled back from the kiss, smirking at the end of your tongue sticking out a bit from your mouth. One hand went to your jaw, thumb slipping into your mouth, and you eagerly sucked on it, tongue avoiding the sharp part of his claw.
"Want something else, sunshine?" Jongho grinned deviously as you nodded, whimpering. He got off of you then and you immediately missed not just the weight of him over you, but the heat his body was releasing. You just started in awe as he finally pulled the shirt off, and his muscle was clearly from strength, brute strength, not to look good. Though…he did.
"Hurry up, sunshine." His hand gripped over the bulge in his pants, and you rapidly sat up, your own hands going to the waist band. He watched calmly as you struggled to get the button undone and you bit your lip as you got his pants open. His hard cock nearly sprung out and you felt your mouth water at the sight, jaw already sore. Your long fluffy tail waved behind you, ears drooping as your small hand tried to wrap around his girth. Couldn't even get your fingers to touch and your cunt spasmed, telling you it was good and ready for him. Licking your lips to try and prevent the drool from dripping too bad, you stuck just the head in your mouth, tongue eagerly swirling. The salty drop of precum you tasted just fueled the fire and your eyes lazily flitted up to meet his. The look he gave you nearly made you whine; you didn’t know what bears called alphas, but he sure was one. Jongho's eyebrow crooked up, waiting boredly, and swallowed a few times, then eased him further in. It was a bit hard to keep your teeth behind your lips with how big his cock was, but he fit. The slight pressure from the sides of your long canines just added to the pleasure of your hot and wet mouth, drool already spilling from your lips. His eyes watched your tail wave back and forth, chest starting to rumble again as you took more of his cock. The head hit your throat, he was only about halfway in and you swallowed again, tongue eagerly slicking the underside of his dick. Your eyes met again and he barely seemed phased, so you sucked hard, your other hand joining the first to cover more of him. Bobbing your head, you hollowed your cheeks, whimpering at the taste of him. His large hand landed on your head, thump stroking the soft skin on the inside of your ear and you shifted your posture. Sitting back on your knees more, you widened your legs to lower you some, and let go with your hands.
"You sure, sunshine?" Jongho's smirk had come back and a full growl rumbled through the room when you nodded. Sucking air in harshly through your nose, swallowing to try and prevent your gags, he took charge, easing his cock in himself. When the fat head hit the back, he continued in, groaning as your eyes fluttered back. Your breathing was loud and fast, trying to take in enough air so when he finally filled your throat, you could hold your breath a bit. The spasms of your throat with your gags made him chuckle and he started to pump his hips, fucking his cock into your mouth. The slick sounds of your spit and lolling tongue were almost drowned out by the storm, but he could clearly hear your whines. He could feel them vibrating over his dick as well and he paid attention to your breathing and paced his thrusts.
"You thirsty, sunshine?" The bear laughed when your next whine was louder and he grunted, waiting for your breath. Once you had inhaled hard, he plunged in so your nose was pressed to his groin, hot thick spurts of cum going straight down your throat. Your cunt spasmed, slick dripping nearly through your pants, clit throbbing as you rode your high against the thick seam. Your vision started to blur, brain fogging, still swallowing over and over to get all he gave down, and he finally withdrew so you could suck in air. Your throat was raw, sore, but you would let him do it all over again and thank him for it too. Now that his high had faded, though his dick was still rock hard, he could smell the thick aroma of your arousal. You smelled like spring grass and fresh water, laced with the sweet scent of marigolds.
"Lay back, sunshine." He prompted and you flopped back onto your back, body shivering, though it wasn't clear from what. There was a dark stain on the crotch of your pants, he noticed as he took his off. You were hauled to sit up as he tugged at your shirt, tearing a few runs into it as he pulled it off of you and you squeaked as he wrestled your leather leggings off. They flopped onto the floor behind him and your scent had grown further, making his pupils narrow, brow furrowing. You eagerly wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders when he crawled over you, nose running up your throat. Jongho nearly roared as he growled, grasping your thighs, pulling back so he could manhandle you. Your knee ended up at your ear, the other looped over his elbow and your eyes could only focus on his fat cock head pressing against your folds.
"Fuck!" You threw back your head, back arching when he pressed in, not rough but not slow either. With all your strength, you lifted your head to watch your cunt flutter to accommodate the stretch, core burning. He realized then maybe he should have prepped you a bit, your pussy was so tight, that if you weren't so wet, he wouldn't be able to fill you so easily. You both, at the same moment, noticed that there was already a bulge forming from your stomach, his thick cock not even in all the way. You should have known the minute he kissed you before that you were ruined, but now it was for sure. You knew you would be sore in the morning too, but you would prefer being sore the rest of your life as his bed partner than to never fuck him again. His deep chuckle morphed into a grunt as he bottomed out, slick spilling from your stretching hole and onto the bed below. If he had known that you were only about a mile from his home, your cute little face and cute little pussy, he would have gone and found you himself.
"Jongho~" You nearly howled, hands reaching for him, out of his reach from sitting up straight. Adjusting your legs, while letting your core adjust to him, he pressed down close so your hands could find purchase on his back. Your ankles were at his ears, hot breath panting against his lips.
"You like my cock, precious?" The new pet-name was even worse than the others, and he could tell by how your gummy walls pulsed harder around him. His plush lips brushed over yours, then he felt you gasp into his mouth with the kiss, his groin pressing against your swollen clit. He watched your eyes glaze over, body falling limp as he pulled his hips back, giving a shallow and weak thrust, gaging if your body was ready.
"Too much?" The bear cooed when you shook your head no.
"More?" He prompted and that time, you shook your head yes. You should have guessed how powerful he could be, but you still weren't expecting the bed frame to crack against the wall with the first thrust. Your body screamed, but no sound left you as Jongho moved to press your knees to your ears, each deep, hard thrust forcing a tiny orgasm out of you. Your cunt burned from the stretch and stimulation, and your brain was fried. Good thing you were out in the woods with a storm raging, because you were squeaking and squealing, grunts and groans leaving him as well. Jongho rolled forward a bit more, hips barreling his cock down into your folded body, his thick claws leaving deep gouges into the wood as he gripped the headboard.
"Want my cum, precious? Huh, want my fat cock to fuck you stupid? Hm?" His tone was incredibly patronizing and it went straight to your cunt. You had left a puddle on the bedding beneath your hips and a mix of your drool and tears had left one on his pillow too. The cold from the snowstorm seemed to have been completely negated by the heat you felt, from him and because of him.
"Fill me, please! Jongho~" He wasn't sure why that time was different, the way you moaned his name, but it went to his head and his cock, orgasm hitting. Hot waves of cum filled you, the head of his dick pressed right against your cervix, so much slick and release squirting out from where you were connected. His hips continued to roll a bit, and you wondered how he was still so hard after pumping so much cum into you, and your poor pussy was stinging from the countless numbed of times he made you cum. You barely knew your name or where you were, let alone what you had let slip before.
"Like my big cock, precious?" The bear smirked when your droopy eyes flew open, ears flicking, tail started to thumb against the bed.
"You did good for me, sunshine." He was getting into it then, loving your reaction, face reddening further, cunt clenching around him more. It was like you were a dog, tail wagging for being a good girl. You yiped when he pulled out from you, the rapid loss took the air out of your lungs. He rolled you over and you couldn't hold yourself up at all, so only his hands on your hips kept them raised. You keened when the head of his messy cock met your equally messy folds once more and he didn't ease in that time. He somehow got even deeper, hips slapping against your ass so hard that you were sure the skin would be red and stinging soon. Your own claws gouged into the wood of the headboard, not able to do anything but take what he gave you, sweat coating both your bodies.
"Don't worry precious, I won't break you." The bear laughed, grinding his cock deep, as you came once more, the sting was fading into pain and you feared he could go much longer.
"Just. A. Bit. More." He grunted, chest rumbling and fell over the edge again, the heat inside you reignited as more hot white painted your core.
"Going to stay here with me? Be my cute little vixen?" His sudden question barely registered in your head, exhaustion taking over.
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yogurtverse · 1 month
List of things in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure that have actually happened (mild spoilers for part 7 and 8 if you care)
• A major plot point is foreshadowed by a man having four testicles.
• Two guys start what is basically a magic CIA investigation after a guy gives them suspiciously good tasting water.
• Said guy actually has an extremely powerful healing ability that just makes the healing process look super fucked up, and can cure basically anything but just uses his ability to make really good Italian food.
• A man falls under a spell that turns him into a dinosaur, which he can then permanently control after he gets Jesus Christ's eyeball shoved inside of him.
• A god tests his new abilities by turning his hand into a squirrel which he then effortlessly kills an entire legion of Nazis with.
• A man is quizzed on Weird Al trivia to prove he isn't possessed by vampires.
• A guy blows himself up, straight up disintegrates and comes back. The only explanation given is 'German science is the best in the world!'
• A woman uses her magnet powers to make two men look like they're having sex in public.
• 3 guys do a hypnotic dance to a severed head as an interrogation technique (the head is still alive) (this works)
• A main character melted and readers went eight real world months without knowing what happened to him (the melting wore off in the sewers)
• The main ability of one of the villains was to remove your powers and memories in the form of discs, which kills you incredibly quickly. He can also put a CD inside you and turn your dying body into a CD player.
• Two of the main villains elite guards were so bad at their jobs that the heroes didn't even know they were being attacked. (People also say this arc predicted 9/11)
• A man survives having a dozen knives thrown at him at once by lining his pockets with books in case this exact thing happens.
• A guy randomly gains coloured lips mid-fight and the only explanation is that he uses his time manipulation abilities to put on lipstick secretly.
• Two different characters do this btw.
• A main character that's just a sentient colony of plankton.
• A villains ability basically boils down to 'if you think about hurting me reality itself will kill you'
• There's a guy who's power looks exactly like a Lego replica of the white house. Once you bury the Lego white house a pressure field appears around a certain area and makes everyone inside bleed out.
• A main villains origin story is becoming a serial killer after seeing a picture of the Mona Lisa and getting really horny.
• A main character presumed to be dead enthusiastically shows up at his own funeral. However, it should be noted that he didn't know that was his funeral so as far as he knew he was just showing up to some guys funeral to announce that HE didn't die.
• A mans power is just being trapped in a transmission tower forever.
• A guy who canonically shot a god into space almost dies trying to get up an escalator.
• There is an Italian man who's ability is making ice. His name is Ghaccio, which is Italian for ice.
• A main character is implied to be bisexual through a monologue she has about snail sex.
• A main character meets a man claiming to be an alien and immediately uses this to scam a millionaire manga artist out of money.
• Whether or not this guy is an alien is never proven either.
• A main villain has 9 elite bodyguards. One is a bird. Another one is a sword.
• A man gets so mad about a guy insulting surfers he becomes addicted to drugs and bites all his fingers off.
• A child in elementary school has top of the range hidden cameras to watch his parents marriage fall apart in real time.
• It's a real possibility that a guy is so good at drawing manga that he survived the destruction of the universe.
• A guy throws a man out of a window and then compares it to putting on underwear.
• There's a guy dressed like a rabbit who lives on the moon who's sole purpose is fucking with one family and killing them if they don't look at the moon at a specific date. This family is seen once in a spinoff and not important to the actual plot at all.
• Mormonism is the true religion in the JoJo universe.
• A guy has a heart engraved into his skull somehow. Not important to the actual plot, it's just shown at some point and never brought up.
• A man accidentally puts his sock on inside out. This action stops him from being impaled.
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supernaturalscribe67 · 2 months
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Words: 8,052
POV: 3rd Person
Pairing: Castiel x Male!Winchester!Reader
Warning(s): Language, multiple character death, torture, TWD reference sprinkled in there, Lucifer being Lucifer, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Animal Abuse (?) idk the butterfly isn't real, Castiel is the sweetest boyfriend known to man
Summary: The reader recently got Castiel back, and he has convinced himself that everything is back to normal, but the past has a tendency to haunt us, refusing to let go. What happens when the one person he loves more than life itself begins to remind him of the one that caused him the most pain?
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Cas x winchester!reader(male and romantic) where Reader wakes up from a nightmare, Castiel is there to comfort them, but he refuses to tell Castiel what the nightmare was about.
After more and more repetitive nightmares every night, Cas finally got him to tell him what it was about. It turns out it was about readers' experience with Castifer. (I'm giving you free range with what happened)
The brothers can be there too, or they can be on a hunt, you choose. Thank you! I love your writing sm btw
A/N: It's been a while! In the course of writing this story, which consisted of 38 handwritten pages, we've had two staff members at work quit, leaving only two teachers in the entire center with a director who refuses to be in the classroom, so I've been working open-close, coming in early and staying late off the clock, and just trying to mentally recover over the weekend. Yay us :) I hope to get back in the groove of things now that this request is out of the way, as I knew I wanted it to be long enough to add the detail I had in mind. I hope I did your request justice and, as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
~ Much Love!
The woods near the bunker were beautiful. Tall, thick oaks decorated the skies above. Below sat wildlife. Squirrels scurried about to gather food, rabbits burrowed beneath the base of various tree trunks, robins collected sticks for their nests, and butterflies rested on wildflowers that grew on the spare patches of grass. It was a stunning forest to explore, one that (Y/N) and Castiel had walked through thousands of times, and with each instance, new beauties were presented. There was never a dull moment in nature, which was what the couple appreciated about it. Even the parts of the world that some would consider ugly were attractive to them, and they were loved even more.
They wandered through the woods as they normally did, hand in hand. Their eyes scanned every aspect of the ground below their feet and stopped to mention the most notable elements. One thing that caught (Y/N)’s eye and halted their walk altogether was a stray flower that had grown at the base of a towering oak tree. (Y/N) pulled Castiel to the flower and knelt on the ground to get a closer look. The petals were a soft white, painted with a dusting of woodchips, and the center was bright yellow. Just as (Y/N) was about to reach down and touch it, the quiet flutter of wings filled his ears.
Out of his peripherals flew a magnificent monarch butterfly. It took a moment to brush past his nose before it landed gracefully in the center of the flower. (Y/N) broke out into a large, bright smile as he glanced over at Castiel. He, too, had a smile, only his was softer. Slowly, Castiel reached his free hand forward, his index finger extended. The butterfly confidently climbed onto Castiel’s finger, as if they were old friends. When it was fully nestled in his hand, Castiel withdrew it and moved his hand so it rested between their bodies.
(Y/N) stared in awe at the closeness of the creature. The intricate detail on the wings, the way the antennae moved, the small size of its body, all of it was beautiful. Remarkable. A true gift to the universe.  For a moment, (Y/N) looked up at Castiel, and he could feel the love in his heart. He was so kind and caring. A gentleman - angel if you will - and (Y/N) could not ask for a better lover.
Then his smile changed.
Instead of the peaceful grin he wore before, the corners of his lips curled into - need I say - a devilish smirk. In an instant, Castiel grabbed the butterfly’s wings between his index and middle finger and crushed them. (Y/N) opened his mouth and felt his throat contract, as if to gasp, but no sound came out. He looked up at Castiel’s eyes, and one thing that he noted was the fact that they were no longer the oceanic color he had grown fond of. They were dark, and gloomy, as if to represent an upcoming storm. When Castiel’s look shifted so their eyes connected, (Y/N) felt his stomach drop.
That wasn’t his Castiel.
“Pathetic little creatures, don’t you think?” He leered.
(Y/N)’s chest rose and fell rapidly in tandem with his breaths. He wanted to run, to scurry away until he was out of sight, but he couldn’t find the strength in him to move. It was as if he was bound to the Earth, held captive by God himself. Lucifer chuckled.
“What’s wrong, (Y/N)? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” The voice didn’t belong to Castiel, despite wearing the same face.
(Y/N) tracked the movements of his hand - his familiar hand - as Lucifer reached over and brushed his fingers through his hair. Still, (Y/N) couldn’t move. Even his touch was different.
“Oh, how I’ve missed that look. It was so much fun to mess with you. So fun that I just had to come back. Did you miss me?” The last question came out barely above a whisper.
Still, (Y/N) said nothing. He failed to notice that the world around him had stopped, frozen in time. All he could focus on was the terror that reflected in Lucifer’s deep, dark eyes. The eyes of his lover. The lover who was no longer there.
“Oh, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is, now we’re back together! And, in this little dreamland of yours, you can’t get rid of me. No, you’re not strong enough to. Because all you see in front of you is your precious little Castiel, and why would you want to get rid of him, right?”
(Y/N) felt himself blink rapidly. No. He’s not real. Nothing is real. It was all fake, a trick his mind made up to make him suffer. His sick, twisted mind. All he had to do was wake up.
“Sick and twisted is a little harsh, don’t you think?” Lucifer smirked.
Wake up.
“Stay with me, come on,”
Wake up.
Wake up!
(Y/N) gasped as he jolted upright. His heart pounded in his chest, eyes blown wide. A thick layer of sweat coated his brow. One good look at his surroundings and he could see he was no longer in the forest. He was in his room, in the bunker. He was safe.
A hand pressed against his shoulder, which caused him to jump and let out a shout of surprise. To his right, Castiel sat on the bed, worry hidden behind his electric blue eyes. Blue eyes. His eyes. The eyes he fell in love with. His safety. As suddenly as he awoke, his nerves calmed and he could feel his heartbeat regulate. 
“Are you alright, (Y/N)?” Castiel spoke with his normal, gruff voice.
It’s Cas.
(Y/N) let out a shaky breath and gave a small nod. “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. Just…had a bad dream.”
“I’m sorry, Bumblebee. Do you want to talk about it?” Castiel asked as he reached up and gently cupped (Y/N)’s cheek.
He leaned into the comfort of Castiel’s hand. The fear and stress washed away. He smiled a little wider. “It was just a hunting dream, nothing more.” He spoke softly as he reached a hand up to touch Castiel’s.
With a troublesome expression still on his face, Castiel gently grasped (Y/N)’s hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed his knuckles.
“Are you sure? You seemed rather bothered by it.”
“I’m positive.”
Castiel smiled sweetly. “Okay,” he whispered and placed a kiss on his forehead. “Would you like to sleep again? It’s still early, and Sam and Dean aren’t expected back for several more hours. I can hold you while you rest. Perhaps that’ll keep the nightmares at bay.”
(Y/N) opened his mouth to turn down the offer, but quickly shut it. The idea of being held in Castiel’s arms while he slept seemed to put him at ease. Maybe Castiel was right. There was a chance he could feel better that way. More at peace. Then his nightmares wouldn’t appear and, instead, they would be relaxing dreams. He missed those.
“I’d like that,” he said and laid back down on his side, facing Castiel.
Castiel lay beside him, mirroring his position, one arm wrapped under him and the other around his waist. (Y/N) laid his head on Castiel’s arm, nose brushed against his chest, and was instantly filled to the brim with warmth. In his arms, he felt protected, safe, and secure. The same security a child had when they were covered by their blanket. 
Gingerly, Castiel placed a kiss on (Y/N)’s forehead. “Goodnight, my sweet Bumblebee.” As he spoke, it was as if his words dripped with love and adoration.
“Goodnight, my angel.” (Y/N) whispered.
Just as he was about to drift off into slumber, light kisses could be felt on the shell of his ear. Stubble tickled his neck and cheek, and he couldn’t help but grin tiredly.
“Cas, I’m trying to sleep,” his mumble sounded more like a whine as he let out hearty chuckles.
Kisses turned to nibbles at his protests, and he couldn’t hold back the giggles that erupted within him. (Y/N) tried to swat him away, but Castiel was persistent. After a moment, he began to trail sloppy kisses down his jawline, to his chin, then gave him a peck on his lips.
(Y/N) slowly opened his eyes and smiled up at him, but when Castiel pulled back and opened his own eyes, he was met with a familiar look of dark clouds.
“Thought you could get away from me that easily?” He asked.
(Y/N)’s smile vanished and his eyes widened. He swiftly pulled back from Lucifer’s grasp. In his getaway, his hand fumbled off the side of the bed and he fell to the floor. Instead of the concrete bunker floor he had expected, he landed on a soft dirt ground that was littered with natural debris. As he quickly looked around, he could see that he was back in the forest he had been in before he awoke. In any other situation, he would be full of peace in that setting. All he could feel, though, was a sense of dread.
Lucifer let out a deep chuckle that rumbled the Earth below. He moved to perch himself on the edge of the bed, feet planted on the ground on either side of (Y/N)’s body. The smirk on his face stood out as he looked down at him.
“(Y/N), you wound me! After all the time we spent together?” Lucifer pouted and placed a hand on his chest to feign hurt.
“You’re not real.” (Y/N) breathed.
Lucifer pursed his lips. “Pretty sure I am,” he nodded and stood from the bed so he towered over him. “Maybe I can get another kiss to figure it out.”
(Y/N) began to crawl backward, his eyes never leaving Lucifer’s. “No, no, no! This is all a dream! It’s all a dream. All I have to do is wake up again and you’ll be gone.”
“Oh, sweetheart, it’s so funny that you think you can run away again.”
“Fuck you!”
“Only if you want to.” Lucifer laughed.
(Y/N) sneered in disgust and finally pushed himself off of the ground. For a split second, his eyes left Lucifer, and, at that moment, he had vanished. His heart thumped to the beat of a thousand drums, and he swore he could hear it in his ears. He turned around completely in an attempt to find Lucifer, but he was nowhere to be found. Oddly enough, he found no comfort in his absence. With the forest as eerily quiet as it was, it was as if he was in the eye of the storm. That he could be hunted before he knew it.
And he wasn’t going to stick around for it.
His movements were slow at first as if he were covered in a thick layer of honey. Eventually, he gained momentum and began to rush through the maze of trees. Leaves under his feet crunched and branches cracked under the power of his steps. He did not know where he was headed, nor where he would end up, if anywhere, but all he knew was that he needed to get as far away from Lucifer as possible.
“You can run, but you can’t hide, (Y/N).” Lucifer’s sing-song voice echoed against the trees as if he were right on top of him.
He swore at any moment his heart would give out. If he thought about it too much, he was sure it would explode. He wouldn’t put it past Lucifer.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” He sounded closer, but that didn’t break (Y/N) out of his sprint. If anything, he went faster.
“I see you! Can you see me?” Lucifer laughed, and that caused the back of (Y/N)’s head to throb.
The corners of his vision started to blacken and his heart felt like it stopped. At once, his legs seized to function, and his feet scraped against the ground, not enough stamina in his body to lift them. It would prove to be his downfall as, seconds later, the tip of his foot caught on a protruding root. His whole body fell to the ground with a heavy thud.
(Y/N) felt drunk, as if his entire world spun rapidly. A soft groan fell from his lips and he opened his eyes, but he was met with nothing but darkness. He felt so helpless. So lost. So scared.
He had to wake up. 
Footsteps echoed around him as if someone actively encircled his body. They stalked him, teased him, and filled his mind with thoughts that raced, too fast to comprehend. They made him want to run, but his blindness made it impossible.
Have to wake up.
Have to wake up.
Please wake up.
Then, he spoke.
“Waking up won’t do anything, you know. I’ll still be here, waiting.” Lucifer chuckled deeply.
Suddenly, Lucifer snapped his fingers, and (Y/N)’s vision was restored. They were back in the war room of the bunker. Lucifer, still clad in Castiel’s face, had his hands placed in the pockets of his trenchcoat. He began to circle (Y/N), as a predator would its prey, eyes trained on his.
“I’ll be trapped in your little dream world with nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs. That’s okay, though, because I know that, while you’re out there awake and somewhat alert, you’ll be thinking of me. Not only that, but you’ll see me, too.”
“No-” (Y/N) began weakly.
“Yes! You will,” Lucifer’s voice got louder, and the ground began to quake. “Because every time you look at your sweet angel Cassie, all you’ll see is me. All you’ll hear is me. All you’ll feel is me.”
“Cas is nothing like you.”
“Maybe not in terms of charms or amazing personality, but when it comes to looks, we are the same.” Lucifer slowly walked up and squatted down next to him. “While you lay in bed in Cassie’s arms, and you look up at him one more time to say goodnight, you won’t be able to think of anything but me.”
(Y/N)’s jaw clenched. “I won’t let you control me.”
Lucifer let out a low chuckle, deep enough to sound similar to a growl. “Oh, (Y/N). Sweet, sweet, (Y/N). It seems you’re mistaken,” he reached over, grabbed his chin, and lifted his head so their eyes met. “I already do.”
Another pothole, another curse from the eldest Winchester. Kansas backroads and highways were notorious for their terrible patchwork. The cities and counties would spend weeks on end filling any hole that had been reported only for their work to deteriorate after the next rainfall. It was all a ploy to get more money from taxpayers, and the Winchesters were glad they didn’t have to contribute to such a scam. 
While most in the car sat jolted by the road conditions, nothing seemed to rouse (Y/N) from his slumber in the backseat, something Sam and Dean were jealous of. Castiel, on the other hand, sat worried in the opposite seat. His eyes hadn’t left (Y/N) for some time, and the lack of response from his partner whenever Dean would curse nearly at the top of his lungs troubled him further.
“Have you noticed that (Y/N) has not gotten much sleep recently?” Castiel asked faintly over the car radio.
Dean reached over and turned the dial so the Classic Rock faded into the background. “What was that, Cas?” He asked.
Castiel looked up at Dean for a brief moment. “Have you noticed that (Y/N) hasn’t gotten much sleep recently?” He repeated.
Dean nodded. “I’ve started to notice that, yeah.”
He glanced over at his brother to see that his gaze was straight ahead, earbuds in. Dean sighed, slapped him on the shoulder, then returned his hand to the wheel. Sam flinched and glared at Dean as he removed a bud from his left ear.
“Dude, what?” He asked, offense obvious in his tone.
“Have you noticed (Y/N)’s been losing sleep a lot?”
Sam furrowed his brows and glanced in the backseat at Castiel and (Y/N). “You know, now that you mention it, I have.”
Castiel hummed lightly, eyes still attached to (Y/N). The confirmation from his friends gave him some comfort. “I’m beginning to worry about him,” he admitted. “He’s awoken from numerous nightmares as of late.”
“That’s normal for hunters, Cas,” Sam said.
“Not for (Y/N). He has never had this many before.”
“Have you tried talking to him about it?”
“I have, but he never wants to tell me about them. He only ever tells me they’re hunting dreams, but…”
“You think he’s lying?”
Castiel’s silence answered for him.
“Look, Cas,” Dean began. “Nightmares, to hunters, are a bit of a touchy subject. We see a lot of things in the field and our everyday lives, and (Y/N)’s been through a lot. Maybe (Y/N) doesn’t want to worry you. I think he’ll come around eventually.” 
“You believe so?”
Dean shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably.”
Sam rolled his eyes and scoffed as he put his earbuds back inside. Dean shot him a look.
“What?” Dean asked.
Sam shook his head. “Nothing.”
Dean grumbled under his breath before he peered in the rearview mirror. “Look, (Y/N) loves you, Cas, more than anything - trust me, he’s told me more times than I can count. If there’s anyone he would go to about this problem, it would be you. Just give him time.”
Castiel was a patient man under normal circumstances, but when it came to his partner, he found that his patience wore thin quite easily if he was in distress. Castiel never liked to see (Y/N) unhappy, and it made his heart ache when he felt he couldn’t do anything to help. How he wished he could take the pain away. How he wished he knew where to start.
(Y/N) let out a soft whimper, brows furrowed tightly, and Castiel cast him a saddened expression. He reached over and softly pulled him closer so that his head rested against Castiel’s chest. While he knew Dean was right, one thing’s for certain;
Castiel hated waiting.
“We’re on Easy Street,
And it feels so sweet.
‘Cause the world is but a treat
When you’re on Easy Street.”
(Y/N) groaned and leaned his head back against the wall as the song repeated for, what seemed like the hundredth time. A faint laugh could be heard from across the room, but the darkness that surrounded him left him completely blind. He knew it was Lucifer, though. He could tell.
“Come on, cheer up!” Lucifer said. “It’s a catchy tune!”
It was the first time in a while that (Y/N) didn’t feel terrified while he dreamt. In Lucifer’s unorthodox method of torture, he had rather grown quite annoyed. He knew it was Lucifer’s way of getting under his skin, and he was doing a fantastic job at it. It wasn’t long before the short song came to an end, then repeated. Again. (Y/N) let out a frustrated shout and buried his face in his hands.
Suddenly, the lights flickered on and revealed the gray, dull, concrete room that they were in. (Y/N) clenched his eyes shut before he removed his hands from his face to look over at Lucifer, who paced around the room rhythmically as he snapped his fingers to the beat of the song. The music mixed with the bright lights and Lucifer’s arrogant face caused the bottom of (Y/N)’s eye to twitch. When Lucifer saw the look on his face, he snickered.
“Aw, is (Y/N) getting upset?” Lucifer teased, bottom lip pushed out in a mock pout.
“I will castrate you.” (Y/N) deadpanned.
Lucifer hissed. “You know, I don’t think you can do that.”
“I’ll find a way.”
Lucifer let out a loud, boisterous laugh that reverberated off the walls. (Y/N) shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. Once the laughter died down, Lucifer stared at him intently, uncomfortably so. He lifted a hand and snapped his fingers. The music stopped. Then, it was silent. They stared at one another. Neither broke eye contact. Lucifer tilted his head to the side, and (Y/N) was partially convinced it was Castiel in that body, but he knew better.
“This isn’t working,” he sighed.
Yep, still Lucifer.
“I say you cut your losses.” (Y/N) grumbled.
“I’ll take that into consideration.”
Lucifer tapped his chin and he began to study the stone walls around them. (Y/N) furrowed his brows. There wasn’t much to study. They were just walls. Concrete walls that looked new, as if they had been constructed mere hours propr, and expertly as well. A single light fixture was placed in the center of the ceiling with a bulb bright enough to attract moths from miles away. The room was rather uncreative. Unoriginal. (Y/N) needed to start constructing better landscapes for his dreams.
“I got it!” Lucifer’s voice broke through the silence.
With the snap of his fingers, the room vanished and was replaced by a darker, dimmer setting. A small, abandoned warehouse that appeared as if it should have been demolished decades prior. Broken glass and metal beams littered the filthy floor. The only source of light came from the moonbeams that shined through the shattered windows. He took a moment to stand from his spot as his eyes scanned his surroundings. Lucifer had, again, vanished. He didn’t hold his breath, though, for he knew he wouldn’t be gone long.
“You know me so well,” a voice came from behind.
(Y/N) whipped around and came face-to-face with Lucifer. The real Lucifer. Not the one who hid behind Castiel’s face. With Castiel’s appearance gone, (Y/N) didn’t feel as much hesitation as he had before. All he felt was irritation. Annoyance. His jaw clenched, fists balled up at his sides. Lucifer smirked as he reached behind him and pulled a long blade out. He walked over and held the hilt out to him. (Y/N) took the blade and examined it intently.
“An Archangel Blade?” He questioned.
Lucifer shrugged nonchalantly. “I figured I’d tortured you long enough. You might as well get your revenge.”
(Y/N) narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “You want me to kill you.”
“It’s not gonna kill me. That would be stupid of me to give you something that would get rid of me, don’t you think?”
“Then I’m not interested.”
“Aw, why not? You know you want to.”
“Not even a little cut?”
“No! Now fuck off,” (Y/N) waved him off as he turned on his heel and walked away.
Lucifer’s jaw dropped in shock. He was quick to follow. “So, what? You’re just going to throw away your one opportunity to get revenge even when I serve it to you on a silver platter!?”
Lucifer reached out and grabbed (Y/N)’s shoulder. It was almost instinctual, the way (Y/N) tightened his hold on the hilt, the way he turned at a speed no human should have to face him, the way he grasped Lucifer’s shoulder with an iron grip, and the way the Archangel Blade seamlessly plunged into his stomach was almost a surreal experience. Then, there was silence. Nothing moved, nothing blinked, nothing breathed. It was as if he were part of a photograph or a television show that had been left on pause. Slowly, (Y/N) closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out.
“This is why you should never let your guard down.” (Y/N) said, eased the blade out of Lucifer’s (?) stomach, and took a step back.
That was when he saw them. The eyes. His heart stopped. Baby blues. Deep blues. The ocean. Wandering sea. Hurt. Sorrow. Betrayal. Death. The sea is dying. No one can stop it.
Castiel gripped the wound in his gut as he stumbled back. In an instant, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed. Under his back, a deep, black imprint of angel wings got singed into the concrete. (Y/N) stared at the scene before him, mouth agape, eyes wide, heart still frozen in time. The blade dropped to the ground as if it wanted to part from his shaky hand.
“Cas?” He barely registered his voice as he stumbled down onto his knees beside his body.
He could feel the tears flow down his cheeks and he watched them methodically drop onto his trenchcoat. The sobs built up inside, but were unable to escape, caught in the back of his throat. He used one hand to caress Castiel’s cold, rough cheek. Just as the cries rattled in his chest, a smirk spread across Castiel’s chapped lips and his gaze darted toward (Y/N).
“What happened to not letting your guard down?” Lucifer mused.
(Y/N) let out a loud shout that echoed in the empty building. He fell back and began to crawl away. Lucifer cackled maniacally and stood. The wound in his chest began to close as he stepped closer.
“I don’t know why I never thought of that before! To make you take down the one thing, the one person that means the most to you. But, now that I’ve got you right where I want you, we’re going to have so…much…fun…”
“Agent Bermudez.”
“Agent Bermudez?”
(Y/N) jumped slightly as he was pulled out of his trance. The cup, that held scalding hot coffee, in his hand jostled, but thankfully the contents remained in the glass. His eyes shot over to the sound of the voice. Dean and Sam stared at him expectedly. It took him a moment to realize that they had been talking to him.
“Uh, um, yes D-Agent?” He corrected himself.
Sam and Dean shared a look before their gaze returned to him. Sam cleared his throat.
“Did you have any more questions for Mrs. Calloway about her husband?” He asked.
It was then that he realized the middle-aged widow had been sat there the whole time. They were in her living room. In her house. The gears creaked in his brain as he attempted to figure out what had happened. When he caught on, he sat up quickly and placed the cup on a coaster that sat on the coffee table between the four of them.
We’re on a case, (Y/N). Get your shit together.
“Um, no, no I don’t.”
The brothers nodded before they turned back to Mrs. Calloway. They stood from the couch, and (Y/N) clumsily followed.
“Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us, Mrs. Calloway. You’ve been very helpful,” Sam said with a small, sympathetic smile as he reached into his breast pocket and pulled out one of his faux business cards. “Give me a call if you can think of anything else.”
Mrs. Calloway took the card with a smile that mirrored Sam’s. “Thank you, agents. I appreciate you taking this so seriously. David would be grateful. Don’t burn yourself out over it, though. I know how much of a toll this job takes on you.” As she spoke, her eyes were trained on (Y/N).
(Y/N) flashed a small, albeit embarrassed, grin and gave a brief wave. Sam and Dean turned to leave as (Y/N) trailed behind. They let themselves out through the front door and back into the promotional poster for suburban America. Compared to the white and blue colonials with SUVs and Minivans parked in each driveway, the Impala stood out as a historic relic. Once they closed the door, the brothers looked over at (Y/N), each of them sporting their own look with Dean’s of slight annoyance and Sam’s of concern.
“What the Hell was that?” Dean asked, exasperated.
(Y/N) shook his head. “I don’t know. I just zoned out.”
“Yeah, we can tell,” Sam said. “What’s been going on recently?”
“Nothing, I’m fine,” (Y/N) said, although he wasn’t too convinced himself.
“No, you’re not fine!” Dean said. “Look, Cas told us about the nightmares. I get how they are, but these seem to be getting to you. Bad.”
“I said ‘I’m fine’.”
“You’re obviously not, and until you are, I think it would be best if you sat this one out.”
“Dean’s right,” Sam agreed. “He and I can do this one on our own. We’ve done it before. You need to get better.”
“You’re benching me?” (Y/N) growled.
“Yes.” Dean nodded sternly. “Until you’re better, that would be for the best.”
(Y/N) opened his mouth to rebuttal, but knew it would be futile. He clenched his jaw and stormed over to the Impala. He opened the back passenger door, sat inside with a huff, and slammed the door shut. Sam sighed and ran his fingers through his hair stressfully while Dean shook his head. 
“He’s getting bad,” Dean mumbled.
“Yeah, I’ve never seen him like that before. He needs some rest.” Sam said.
“Right, we don’t need him getting himself killed.”
“Cas wouldn’t like that very much.”
“No, he wouldn’t.”
“We still need to interview the employees at the bookstore. You can drop me off there and take (Y/N) back to the motel.”
“No, I’ll go to the bookstore, you drive him to the motel.”
“Why me?”
“Because he’s more likely to talk to you about it. You might even get him to talk to Cas about it.”
Sam gave a small nod. “For once, I agree with you. You suck at empathy.”
“Oh, bite me,” Dean grumbled. “Just get in the damn car.”
The bookstore sat three miles from the motel. Once they dropped Dean off, (Y/N) moved to the passenger’s seat - much to his dismay - and Sam shifted to the driver’s. At first, the two were silent while Van Halen hummed calmly over the speakers. (Y/N)’s arms rested at his side, head hung down, eyes half-lidded. Sam glanced over at him now and again as he drove through the middle of the small downtown. It was from the occasional peak that Sam truly saw how exhausted he was. The skin under his eyes was dark and heavy, eyes bloodshot. His body slouched, and it appeared as if he could fall asleep in an instant.
“Cas is worried about you, you know.” Sam broke the silence.
“Why?” (Y/N) furrowed his brows.
“Because of these nightmares you’ve been having. Hell, Dean and I are just as worried as he is.”
“I’m fine.”
“See, you say that, but I think the only person you’re trying to convince is yourself.”
(Y/N) looked down at his lap and began to fiddle with his hands.
“We care about you,” Sam continued. “And we hate seeing you like this.”
Sam made a right turn into the motel lot and parked in the vacant spot in front of their door.
“How did you deal with it?” (Y/N) whispered.
Sam looked over at him. “Deal with what?” 
Sam hesitated. “Is that what your nightmares have been about?”
(Y/N) could only nod.
“How long has this been going on?”
“Since a couple of months after we got Cas back. No matter how hard I try, he won’t leave me alone. It’s like he’s really there.” (Y/N)’s voice became shaky and tears streamed down his face. 
Sam reached over, placed a gentle hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder, and gave it a light squeeze. “I’m sorry. I’ve been there before. It’s horrible…you need to tell Cas.”
“I can’t. I don’t want him to worry.”
“He’s already worried, (Y/N), and you’re getting worse by the day. You need to talk to him.”
“I don’t want him to blame himself.”
“Why would he blame himself?”
“Because Lucifer is always in Cas’ body.”
Sam raised his brows and sighed. When Lucifer used Castiel’s vessel as his own, it was tough on all of them, but he knew it was especially difficult on (Y/N). For Sam, it was difficult to see his friend a prisoner in his own body, he couldn’t imagine how hard it must’ve been for (Y/N). To see the face of your lover worn as a mask by an Archangel that tormented the people that you loved? ‘Hard’ must’ve been too light of a word.
“Listen, you know Cas would never do whatever Lucifer is doing to you.” 
(Y/N) sniffled and nodded. “I know, I know. It’s just that it keeps reminding me of when I didn’t have Cas…and Lucifer was horrible when he took over his vessel and I just hated seeing him like that. I wanna forget that it even happened.”
“I know,” Sam rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. “But I think Cas’ll understand.”
“You think so?”
“I think so.” Sam smiled over at him.
(Y/N) reached up and wiped the tears from his cheeks.
“Tell you what,” Sam said. “Why don’t you go in and lay down? I’ll give Cas a call and have him come over.”
“Don’t tell him.”
“I won’t, but you need to. If you don’t, then I will.”
(Y/N) looked over at Sam before he gave a nod. Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out the spare room key, which (Y/N) graciously took.
“Get some sleep, okay?” Sam spoke softly.
“I will. Goodnight, Sam,” (Y/N) mumbled, got out of the car, walked to the door, and entered the room.
Please, make it stop.
The warehouse was the same as in his previous dream. Still old, still dilapidated. The only difference was the large array of angel wings burnt meticulously into the floor. There was no blood, no gore, no bodies strewn about to remind him of what he did. He didn’t need the extra detail, Lucifer knew that. The wings were more than enough.
No more, please.
“And, again!” Lucifer exclaimed.
(Y/N) gripped the angel blade tight in his hand, despite his mental protests. Castiel appeared in front of him, blue eyes pleading. He wasted no time as he drove the angel blade into his chest. Onto the floor, he fell like a ragdoll and a new etching of wings joined the bunch. He breathed.
It was a vicious cycle.
Command. Kill. Breathe.
Command. Kill. Breathe.
Command. Kill. Breathe.
He collapsed onto his knees. The angel blade slipped from his grasp and skidded across the floor. His eyes were so wide he was half certain they would burst from the sockets, lips parted to allow the heavy breaths of air to flow. Lucifer’s deep chuckle sounded in his ears as he stepped closer and knelt in front of him. Lucifer lifted his chin so their eyes connected. 
“Good,” he smirked. “You’ve come a long way, my dear hunter.”
Fuck you.
“Thank you, Lucifer,” (Y/N)’s voice sounded fake and robotic.
Lucifer hummed and pursed his lips. “I still hear a little defiance in that head of yours. Perhaps we should keep going.”
No! Please!
“Of course, Lucifer.” 
(Y/N) stood on shaky legs and made his way to the discarded weapon.
No, please, don’t do this.
“You are such a good listener, (Y/N).” Lucifer praised.
Don’t listen to him! Stop!
(Y/N) picked up the blade and held it with a death grip.
Put that down! You don’t have to do this!
He turned so he faced Lucifer, back straight, head held high.
I’ll do anything!
Lucifer smirked.
“No!” (Y/N) let out a loud, guttural scream as he shot up from his spot on the bed.
His eyes were red from the tears that stained his cheeks, and his chest moved up and down with the efforts of his breathing. When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he jerked away violently and scrambled off the bed, his legs weak and barely able to hold his weight.
“No, please,” (Y/N) leaned against the wall to keep himself upright. He had his palms pressed against his ears, eyes shut tight.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N), it’s me.” Castiel gently edged himself off the bed and walked over to him.
As Castiel placed his hands on (Y/N)’s shoulder, he felt his body tense.
“You’re not real. You’re not real. You’re not real.” (Y/N) repeated continuously.
Carefully, Castiel removed (Y/N)’s hands from his ears, despite the weak protests. He could feel the way his heart raced, the way his hands shook, and it hurt to see.
“Bumblebee, please,” Castiel’s voice was deep, soft, soothing. “It’s me. It’s Castiel.”
(Y/N)’s eyes shot open as he turned his head - eyes, look at the eyes. Elegant waves of blue. Sapphires. Full of worry. Full of life. Life. He was alive. Castiel was alive.
“Cas?” His voice came out hoarse.
“Yes, it’s me. You’re safe.”
Hesitantly, (Y/N) cupped his cheek. His thumb brushed against the stubble that decorated his jawline. The longer he stared into his eyes, the more he felt peace, comfort, a sense of love and longing, home. He brought Castiel close to him and embraced him tight enough that it was sure to hurt if he were human. The grip he had on him was tense as if he were convinced Castiel would vanish at any moment. Castiel returned the affection but, instead of wrapping his arms around him, he placed an arm around his back and another under his knees. He picked him up, carried him the short distance over to the bed, and laid him down. He lay next to him, their arms never retreating.
“(Y/N), please,” Castiel’s breath was warm against his ear. “I know that it wasn’t a hunting dream. Please, talk to me.”
(Y/N) was silent as he reveled in the fact that he was able to hold Castiel as close to him as he was. Alive. He took a moment to think back to the conversation he had with Sam - He’s already worried…You need to talk to him. Based on Castiel’s tone of voice, and the words he used, he knew Sam was right. He had to tell him.
“They’re about you,” (Y/N) whispered just loud enough for Castiel to hear.
At those words, Castiel pulled back ever so slightly, but never took his hands off him. He studied (Y/N)’s face and noticed the way he refused to look at him. His brows knit together in confusion and concern. He reached a hand up to caress his cheek.
“What happens in these dreams, (Y/N)?” He asked softly.
(Y/N) was hesitant to respond, a part of him terrified of the guilt Castiel could potentially feel, another scared at the mere idea of mentioning Lucifer’s name aloud. What if he wasn’t truly gone? What if he heard him? Would he find him? Would he kill him? Would the nightmares he had dealt with for the past several months come true? He knew he had to reveal the source of the dreams, though. Not only for his sake but for Castiel’s as well.
“It’s never really you in the dreams. It’s always Lucifer inside your vessel. He started by teasing me, mocking me, and then…he started to torture me. It was stupid shit at first, stuff that didn’t really hurt me. Then he brought you into the picture.” (Y/N)’s voice began to shake as tears appeared in the corner of his eyes, a result of recalling the events of his nightmares and exhaustion. “He made me kill you, Cas.”
Castiel was quick to pull him back into his arms. He brought their bodies so close together that it was as if they were one. At the warmth he felt wrapped around his body, (Y/N) finally let himself cry. Hard.
“And I try to stop him,” (Y/N) sobbed. “I try so hard, but nothing I do seems to work, and I have to kill you over and over and over again and he won’t let me go. I know he’s not there, but he feels so real.”
Castiel shushed him gently as his hand rubbed his back soothingly. They simply held each other as (Y/N) let out all the sadness, pain, and frustration he had kept in for the longest time. With each cry, with each shake of his body, Castiel felt himself break. The man he loved, the man who stole his heart, sat shattered in his arms, and he felt responsible.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered into his ear between sobs.
(Y/N) shook his head. “It’s not your fault, I knew you would do that.” His voice was broken and shaky.
“I let Lucifer in.”
“But you couldn’t control his actions. Lucifer is to blame, not you. I could never blame you.”
“But if I would’ve-”
“Lucifer would have found a way, we both know this.”
By then, his cries had mellowed out to mere sniffles and hiccups with the occasional stray tear. They spent the next several minutes holding one another, silent. The room started to get dark as the sun set, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but wonder where the brothers were. How they were doing on the hunt. He hoped his debilitating exhaustion hadn’t cost them any valuable time or extra hands they may have needed. It wasn’t long before Castiel spoke once more.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked.
“I didn’t want you to blame yourself. I knew you would. There isn’t anything you can do about it anyway. I thought I could get it under control.”
Castiel paused before he pulled back. “Maybe I can. May I try something?”
(Y/N) hesitated before he shook his head. “I don’t want to go back to sleep, Cas,” he said, voice laced with uncertainty.
“Trust me, Bumblebee, please? I believe I know how I can help.”
(Y/N) sighed. Despite everything he told himself, he was exhausted. He had been for the past several weeks, and the strength he previously used to keep himself awake had all but faded. He didn’t want to have another nightmare, but if Castiel could help him, he had to give him a chance. (Y/N) gave Castiel a quick peck on the lips.
“I trust you.”
Castiel smiled warmly. He nuzzled his nose against (Y/N)’s and grabbed the comforter. He draped it over their bodies. He shifted so their legs were tangled together, wrapped his arms around (Y/N)’s waist, and rested his forehead against his. He began to rub his back in small, slow circles, and (Y/N) could feel his body instantly relax.
“Get some sleep, Bumblebee. I promise I’ll keep you safe. I love you.” Castiel whispered, and his words alone sounded like a lullaby.
“I love you, too, Cas. So much.” (Y/N) mumbled back.
With the warmth of Castiel’s embrace, (Y/N) was quick to drift off once more with a new hope of content slumber.
Nothing. That was the best word he could use to describe where he was. It wasn’t dark, nor was it light. It wasn’t a basic abandoned warehouse, nor was it a location embedded in his memory. It was simply and utterly nothing. Although the implication of ‘nothing’ meant the absence of ‘something’. The question was: what was missing?
(Y/N)’s head perked up at the nickname. He began to look around but found no source. There was still nothing.
“I’m here, (Y/N).”
As he turned around, he was blinded by a bright light. He squinted and shielded his eyes. From the light, a heat radiated off of it and surrounded him like a blanket. He felt the urge to go to it as if a rope had wrapped itself around his waist and begun to pull. When he walked, he floated. His legs didn’t move. It was unknown what waited beyond the light, but whatever it was made him feel safe, loved, and wanted. Soon, the light engulfed him, and he was blinded once more.
When his vision was restored, he was welcomed to a sight he had never witnessed before. Yellow, sandy beaches surrounded by a deep blue ocean. The sun seemed to sit where it barely kissed the distant waves, giving the sky an orangish pink tone. In front of him sat a pier, one that he was no stranger to, yet he had only seen in movies and television shows. ‘Pacific Park’ was inscribed into the archway of the entrance. Behind it sat various theme park rides, all small in size, but worth the experience.
(Y/N) turned to his right to see Castiel, a small smile on his lips. He was uncertain at first, but once he saw the brilliance in his eyes, he relaxed and mirrored his smile. 
“Cas,” he breathed, reached over, and took his hand. “Is this the Santa Monica Pier?”
Castiel looked up at the archway and nodded. “I’ve been here once during my exploration of Earth, and you mentioned that you had never been here before.”
(Y/N) shook his head and pursed his lips. “I think I’ve only been to California a handful of times, most of which were up North near Red Bluff.” He said. “But why are we here?”
Castiel gave his hand a gentle squeeze and began to lead him down the pier. Unlike the true Santa Monica beaches, these were barren. Not a single soul resided on the pier or beach besides (Y/N) and Castiel. It would have been an eerie experience had it not been for the sound of the roaring sea.
“Your nightmares focused on memories, or memories of how Lucifer was, correct?”
“Well, I figured the best way to rid you of those memories is to create new ones while you dream.”
(Y/N) couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his lips. “Like a date?”
“Yes. A date.”
“So, what? You’re going to take me on a date every time I dream now?”
“If that’s what it takes to stop the nightmares and allow you to get some sleep then we will have dates every night while you dream for the rest of your life.”
(Y/N) stopped in his tracks and slowly pulled back on Castiel’s hand. Castiel looked back at him and tilted his head ever so slightly. (Y/N) grabbed Castiel’s other hand, brought both of them up to his lips, and kissed his knuckles.
“Castiel, you are the best boyfriend that anyone could ever ask for. I don’t deserve you.” He said.
“No, Bumblebee. You deserve the world. I would love to give it to you.”
(Y/N) reached up and cupped Castiel’s cheek. “I have my world right here.”
He pressed his forehead against Castiel’s. Their noses brushed against one another, then they kissed. It was short and sweet, but it held all their love and passion behind it. When they parted, they stared deeply at each other. 
“I love you, Cas.”
“I love you, too, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) beamed and dropped one of Castiel’s hands. He began to drag him towards the theme park rides.
“Now, come on! I’ve always wanted to ride these!”
Castiel followed at an even pace behind him, and he couldn’t help but feel the guilt and pain that had built up inside of him wash away. To see his partner shine with happiness was an experience he would not soon forget. He made it his mission, from then on out, to guarantee that every dream (Y/N) had would be just as wonderful, if not better, than the last. For, as long as they were together, Castiel pledged that nightmares would be a thing of the past, never to plague the mind of his beloved until the end of his days. 
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halcyonfiction · 4 months
Ok like guaranteed Gege is gonna whip smth outta their ass that i barely understand to explain things if (if!!!) gojo’s rly back but here is the explanation I’ve come up with!
-shoko and utahime are on standby during the battle
-Gojo’s reverse technique returned to working order. i feel like it got interrupted but tbh i barely understood half of that fight LMAO (not a knock on Gege btw i have the attention span of a coked up squirrel and can barely string a coherent sentence together when it comes to jjk’s magic system)
-DONT quote me on this but I’m pretty sure it’s real world it’s possible to reattach a severed part of the body if you do it fast enough (probably limited by various complicating factors depending on the situation)
-Gojo JUST BARELY kept himself going with his RCTafter sukuna cut him in half
-long enough to be transported to shoko (maybe with todo’s technique?) (edit: went back and realized that it was confirmed that ui ui bodysnatched gojo so i think this is still a very credible theory!!)
-utahime amplified shoko’s technique in order to give her the power for crazy surgery
That is my theory HOWEVERRRR it doesn’t touch on the gojo left eye theory which i am pretty sold on at this point. I just want uta and shoko to have their damn moment is that so much to ask for!!
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r1ngfinger · 13 days
:0! ooh, top 5 specific synesthesia combinations? like sleep and rose gold <3 <2
the beginning of Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine is a burst of rainbows to us. Each guitar chord played up til the drums really kick in is a different variation of a rainbow it's really cool. Was always our favourite song off our dad's mixtape because of it and i think he genuinely thought we liked the song so much because of the ending "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" which is SO FUCKING FUNNY TO HEAR COMING FROM A LIKE 5 YEAR OLD'S MOUTH BTW FHFJDJDIFKFOD
Tyler Joseph's voice is a VERY VIVID teal colour. His name is also teal? This is one of the reasons we named ourselves after him irl (#lore. our offline chosen name is Tyler) the other is that we wanted to name ourselves after someone we looked up to and like... Listen man. We were 14. we don't keep up with his shit anymore if he's said anything fucked up don't @ us IAIAAIAKSKDJDJDJDJXXKKDKDFI. but yeah anyways his voice is a very strong teal colour and while most musicians' voice colours get muddled by the music or even change based off other factors HIS VOICE IS ALWAYS TEAL. Really weird to us tbh!!
This one is related to the #Hyperfixation but anyways Markiplier's voice colour changes slightly based off his hair colour. Default it's like a deep red but depending on the Era™ the colour changes juuuuust slightly enough to match his hair. Like it goes from Just Deep red to say, Deep Red with Pink Flecks if we're watching a Pink Era Video™.
Speaking of. His Egos do have different coloured voices too. It will surprise nobody that Dark's voice is red and blue and Wil's voice is pink to us. Some characters and things have associated colours outside our synesthesia that overpower our synesthesia, another example of that would be alvin and the chipmunks and homestuck. anyways Google's voice is dark blue and black and silver and The Host's voice is gold and red despite Mark not doing a specific voice for the guy?? This IS based off the canon egos btw and not our fictives for once cuz our fictives all sound different from each other in-sys. fucki..nn who else...... uhhhh Actor has Mark's default red voice. Damien sounds blue. Magnum sounds like seaweed (green and teal and blue). Engineer Mark sounds pale purple? I'm not listing all his Egos we don't know all of their names actually. The Jims sound pale blue and King of the Squirrels sounds like... cherry red. just a few off the top of our head that we remember ajsjxjxjskd
For some fucking reason and this doesn't really fit the question but it IS synesthesia related nearly every time we tell someone about their voice's colour they're like "wow that's my favourite colour!" and that's so funny. our mom's voice is light blue and she's always been a fan of blue. Our sister sounds pink and purple and those have been her favourites since she was a kid. Dad's voice is black and that's HIS favourite colour. Etc. etc. etc. this happens without us knowing people's favourite colours btw and with our family it's not an Association Is Stronger thing their voices are all legit shades of their favourite colours it is so wack. world's most useless superpower for real JDJFFJFNDJFJF
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Schmicago is Over and Done... so here are my thoughts on all of it (extra long post)
Episode 1: Welcome to Schmicago
In all honesty, I was fully prepared not to like this season bc I’m really not (or at least was not) that into this era of musicals, but all I needed was the start of Welcome to Schmicago and I was so completely in. Thank you to all the geniuses who made it possible.
No but… the second time round that the word ‘farrago’ comes up in the lyrics of the episode’s title song, I well, I was literally thinking ‘what the hey’s a farrago’, and the Narrator says ‘look it up’ — it’s like they’re reading the viewer’s thoughts. I love it. That’s the self-aware humour I’ve come for. Also, I did look it up and farrago means a confused mixture. I like it. It fits.
This is killing me (in the best way) — when they say ‘endings that are tragic’, the Narrator holds up a strand of Melissa’s hair. I love the double meaning.
I love love love this! At one point you can clearly hear Kristin Chenoweth saying ‘peas and carrots, peas and carrots’, and Josh and Melissa are like ‘Please don’t talk all at once, we can’t understand you’. Love that bit of theatre inside humour.
‘Do you have a cigarette, darling, I’m simply desperate’… what an introduction to Dove’s new character, Jenny Banks. Or, as I immediately dubbed her when I saw her, Liza Jr. I feel like I’m going to like her.
‘Fifty’s not that old’ — this coming, of course, from Keegan-Michael Key, who is 52 in real life. And ain’t he living proof of it, too.
I am loving Does That Shock You (I assume that’s the name of the song) [It’s Do We Shock You, actually, but there was no way for me to know that back when the episode aired, now was there?] — it’s like, ‘look, there’s a man and he’s wearing a dress’, ‘I like both boys and girls’, and, most hilariously, ‘I’ve experienced an orgasm. A female one.’ Goodness, this doesn’t shock me or Josh and Melissa, but it sure as the stars would render the people of Schmigadoon catatonic. And I love that, for some reason.
No but the cabaret girls… Annie, Kate, Molly, Tessie, Pepper, Duffy and Elsie. Like… a certain bunch of orphan girls from the same time period as all musicals referenced here take place. Plus Cabaret’s Elsie, of course. That’s basically as if… the girls grew up to become showgirls, which actually isn’t too far-fetched. And Ariana DeBose as the EmCee is slaying it. I love all of this. And Ann Harada is Madam Frau. Lady Lady. Cool! I love it.
‘My true passion is power [dramatic pause]… electricity’ I love love love all of this.
And Jenny Banks does a Cabaret-style number with chairography a la Mein Herr. Which is funny because Dove is just one of a whole bunch of people in this cast who would do (or, in certain cases, have done) a killer Mein Herr. Either way, I just know this will be one of my most replayed songs once the soundtrack comes out. When is that, btw? [That was yesterday, and I can fully attest to the above prediction being true.]
This number isn’t even subtle about what it’s doing. About as subtle as Va-Gi-Na or the Coming Out Reprise were last season ‘We’ve had a fine affair, but please get out of mein hair.’ I love this more than words can say.
Episode 2: Doorway to Where
The Narrator is just everything… ‘schmigadee-death… penalty’, anyone? Lovely.
Ahhh we’ve got Aaron!! That man’s voice makes me swoon in a way I didn’t think was possible to someone of my… identity. If you get what I’m trying to say. [What I’m trying to say is I’m aroace, but I do have a thing for voices, and for unconventionally attractive faces, except the latter isn’t relevant in very conventionally attractive Aaron’s case. He’s all voice to me. He could sing the phone book and I’d be done for.]
No but… his solo once again mentions squirrels and robins, and I’ve got to wonder why… like, is it just a reference to You Can’t Tame Me (my beloved), or is there something else? But also, his new character, Topher, strikes me as the only one who hasn’t changed quite as much — he’s once again a free spirit singing about squirrels and robins and wow, this is just utterly self-referential, isn’t it? I love that. 
‘Please. Mr Flanagan was my father… after he lost his medical license.’ I love that. And I’m going to love Jane Krakowski’s character in this, I feel like. ‘First we court the press, then I press the court.’ I adore sentences like that. Sue me. But only with Bobby Flanagan as my solicitor.
Ok, so this one I caught. Melissa’s showgirl audition is set to a number evoking I Hope I Get It from A Chorus Line. Good going, me!
‘Dad was in the military. You know, the type with a whistle. He used to force my brothers, sisters and me to perform for guests at dinner parties. God, I hated when he did that.’ I see you, Sound of Music. I see you clear and bright. ‘So this one night I begged him for a taste of champagne’… ok, so you’re Liesl, are you? Well, funny, because all I can think of is Cecily as Liesl in that one SNL sketch with John Mulaney.
Ok but when Melissa meets Topher, she’s like ‘You look… groovy’, and I was like, his ‘pants’ are not really high-waisted in this one, though. But there’s a good chance he’s both high and wasted at any given time. I mean, so I imagine, he’s a hippie. Not to stereotype people, but hey, everyone is a walking steretype here.
When Topher’s buddies come to bust him and Josh out of jail on the happiness bus, Josh is like ‘it’s literal? I thought it was a metaphor.’ To which I say… ‘It’s not a metaphor, oh no, it’s something more — it’s a literal bus’. How’s that for a reference?
Episode 3: Bells and Whistles
Ok we’re on to episode 3 and… ‘ Rizzo, ChaCha, Doodie/ Zuko and Kenickie’… why, hello Grease! I didn’t quite expect you there, but of course that was a mistake. And also, in a number starring Danny Bailey/Zuko Aaron Tveit himself, no less.
I see you, Miss Kristin Hannigan! And I’m loving it. Mrs Lovett x Miss Hannigan has never made so much sense before. Add in some Mme Thenardier for good measure, and you’ve got the ultimate composite character.
No, I swear, between Kristin and Alan, this is giving me huge Thenardier vibes, even if it’s actually meant to be a homage to Sweeney Todd, I believe. I’m loving it either way.
Ok, so… Alan’s character, Butcher Dooley Blight, is Jenny’s father here. I love it. But oh wow, this got really bloody and dark and gory really fast.
This might as well be one of my favourite courtroom scenes. I mean, ‘On the grounds of Brooklyn’ is still my go-to, but Bells and Whistles, and Fosse jazz hands are truly something else.
‘Why am I flanked by fools’ is the new ‘I’m surrounded by idiots’, and I love it. No but, his song is actually about wanting love from women who don’t want him. He’s giving Phantom. And, oh gosh, the resounding bass note it ends on… almost more impressive than a high note.
Episode 4: Something Real
Well, it’s true that Dove and Aaron are, in my humblest of opinions, the two people whose characters from this season and the previous one are most alike — I mean, she’s a cheerful girl whose cluelessness may or may not be (and in this one definitely is) just an act and whose father would kill for her sake, and he’s a free spirit who sings about robins and squirrels (even though Danny’s ‘pants are really high-waisted’ whereas Topher would rather forgo any trousers at all because ‘flowers don’t wear pants’... which I think is a valid choice, wanting to emulate a flower. Go for it) — so, in a way, what I called has very much come to pass. Now how this is going to turn out by the end is a whole other matter, so we’ll have to wait and see.
Also, here’s a post I made the day the s1 finale came out, and... I was a bit blindsided, but I had the spirit:
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Ok so the Narrator may be a bit of an arse to Mel and Josh, but I love him. I want Tituss Burgess to narrate every show in song.
Topher, arriving at the junkyard: ‘The prodigal son has returned. Someone write that down.’ The Fansie in me, knocking over about three walls at once: ‘I got a pencil!’
S1 Josh: ‘I’m not singing if you’re not singing.’ S2 Josh: ‘Talk to Daddy, talk, talk to Daddy’… now that’s what I call character growth. And that aside, this is just such a fun number. I can see myself listening to it on repeat once the soundtrack drops (which I need now btw). [Ah, yes, the ‘I’m not having an argument that’s part of a musical number’ to ‘I am not a man of many words’ to ‘Talk to Daddy’ pipeline. We stan.]
Whoever decided to pair up Dove and Aaron for a duet is a freaking genius. I need to know who that was so I can send them flowers to thank them for this vocal match made in heaven.
‘More romance’? If there’s one thing I don’t like about Schmigadoon/Schmicago, and it’s just this tiny little thing, really, but… it’s that it seems to emphasise romance as the ultimate solution, the single bringer of happiness. Only, I suppose, it will end up subverting that by the end of the season. Which would be nice if it does, indeed, happen. [Well... not exactly. But next season maybe... hope springs eternal.]
Ok, a scene centring around Kristin Chenoweth and Alan Cumming together in any sort of context is always welcome, but I’m just a bit too distracted by Dooley eating his mash using his cleaver as a spoon. It’s too funny!
No but the way he said ‘Life is just a pile of shit’… it spoke to my soul… somehow.
I have never, ever in my life laughed at the sight of someone openly discussing making children into meat, but if anyone can sell such a number, why, it’s those two. Marvellously morbid.
I hear you, ‘It’s a Hard-Knock Life’. I hear you loud and clear. Or should I say… It’s a Hard-Knock-off Life… ight I’ll see myself out. But who would have thought that mixing Annie with Sweeney Todd (and a sprinkle of Oliver!) would make such a delightfully dark and scrumptiously sinister song? Also, those tap-dancing children are so amazing! I wish we would get more than a number per season from them, but I always take what I can get. [This is another contender, along with Kaput and Talk to Daddy and Bells and Whistles, for my May Top Tracks on Spotify... what will end up happening remains to be seen, but the number of times I’ve looped those just since they were released there yesterday is already large enough to put them all in the top 20 if not the top 10.]
So this now marks two different songs I know where ‘scrumptious’ is rhymed with ‘presumptuous’ (Truly Scrumptious from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, of course, being the first), and in neither of those songs do these words sound like they should rhyme. This must be what Mel meant by that comment about imperfect rhymes, you know.
Doesn’t this just go to prove that you could sell infanticide to me if it’s accompanied by a musical number, and I’d eat it up with a spoon, or even a cleaver if I had one handy… what does that say about me, I wonder…
Episode 5: Famous as Hell
Cecily is such a star! (hey, nice alliterative phrase there) But for real, she is. Also, is this supposed to be Maybe This Time? I’ll know for sure once I watch the Schmeakdown, but I think it is, if not intertwined with something else as well.
Ok but the tribe seems to have imprinted on Josh like a bunch of baby ducklings. He’s their mama now. I love that.
I’m thinking the Narrator’s name should change to the Instigator. Love that for him.
‘Another damn rhetorical question’ might just be funnier than ‘Schmigadee-death penalty’. Either way, I love Tituss Burgess and what he does as the Narrator, or the Instigator if you will.
Ooh… I love this. Famous As Hell seems to be the sort of number which references everybody’s themes, and I love that in a number.
Ok so nobody should be subjected to 12-show day, but, like, as an obsessed fan I’d be there all day for it. Still, don’t make people perform until they bleed. Then again, this is Schmicago, so…
Wait a sec… so that’s what ‘substitutes become expedient’ meant? Not just the obvious ‘children-for-animals’ substitute, but ‘orphans-for-Kratt’. Well. I’m thinking Kratt wouldn’t make a very desirable load of sausages, though. Oh, great, now I’m considering it. I’m in so deep I’m losing awareness of how gory this all is.
Are those the twins who played the white-faced women in ASOUE, playing another pair of white-faced women? Why yes, it is them, Jacqueline and Joyce Robbins. Nice.
Ooh… ‘You’ve been getting my roses? — Moses supposes I have.’ I loved that. I’ve been wondering if Singing in the Rain could make it into the farrago, and it seems like it has.
Ok, now Kratt is definitely Phantom. Kidnapping Mel just after she’s become a star on stage and essentially going like, ‘you marry me or the man you love dies’. Also, what kind of a cliffhanger was this? I’m dying. How on earth will I make it to the finale? And there are so many knots to be untied, too many loose ends to be tied up… that’s an ambitious setup for the finale. [It was, indeed. Bit of a rush to untangle and tie up everything, it really was, but I loved it nonetheless.]
Episode 6: Over and Done
Ahhhh Ariana DeBose solo at last!! I’ve missed that so much. And a Dreamgirls solo at that! I found she was really underutilised this season, which sucks because she’s a queen, but is also completely understandable because there were so many plotlines even without her being at the forefront. Still though…
‘I shut down a dream ballet, I will shut down this’ Yes Mel, be in control of the narrative devices even if you can’t control the narrative… that is so poetic in its way. I love it.
Idk how I came to this thought, but Sgt. Rivera upon being told he has to kill Josh is giving the huntsman from Snow White. Can’t say I love that for him because it’s a really tight spot to be in, but his reaction is still one of my favourite moments.
Ok but like… is Ms. Codwell reluctant to let the orphans be killed now? What exactly was it that made her change her mind? And also, these poor kids are so death-happy, I can’t even begin to comprehend the black comedy of it all. It’s not even black comedy anymore, it’s saccharine tragedy.
Also, if Dooley and Ms Codwell get married, does that mean Kristin is going to be Dove’s mum once again? Because at first I enjoyed the subversion of them being completely unrelated here, but I’m starting to miss them as a mother-daughter duo. Maybe s3 can amend that? Whatever, just please let there be a s3.
Ok but Topher being a JCS homage all season and his tribe digging everything he says, and then once he pulls a literal Jesus, ‘turn the other cheek’ and whatnot, they’re sceptical? Idk, but I kinda dig that just bc I find it (1) funny and (2) totally reasonable.
I can’t… the Somewhere Love Is Waiting for You riff as Dooley reunites with his daughter… it’s too much. I’m going to cry. I was already going to cry, but this really is too much.
Ok but even when he doesn’t intend it, Dooley sure is good with that cleaver. And the narrative pulling a Phantom on the Phantom shout-out character… now that’s what I call poetic justice.
Yeah, sure, I’ll drink to that too. From now on I want all the villain death announcements to be done via Kaput reprise. Ding Dong the Witch is Dead who?
Rocky Horror Sgt. Rivera isn’t what I ever expected, but I’m digging it. I’m actually tearing up. What is with Schmigadoon season finales and making me sob my heart out? I need to have more of that.
Now excuse me for crossing my fandoms over here, but the tribe’s ending is giving Ordinaryish People by AJR: ‘Your hippie friends call you a sellout cos you buckled down and got a job’… indeed.
Goodness, Something Real with Topher and Jenny was one thing, but with Mel and Josh it feels that much more… real. I mean. Tell me it doesn’t. I’m not crying over the cheesiness that is a musical ending number, you are. Except I am, too, of course. How could I not be?
I did not have Narrator x Rivera on my bingo cards for this season, but like, ‘I don’t hate it’. I actually wish I could see it play out.
What’s better than Leprechaun Martin Short? Leprechaun Martin Short x2. I am living for every bizarre, out-of-left-field thing this finale throws at me. I really really really want more.
Ok but, as a lover of child-centric musicals, I now need a s3 with Josh and Mel and their little one in a land with more than one child-centred musical number. It’s not a want, it’s a need. 
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pro-crastinate17 · 11 months
hello this will be a reaction to black friday starkid because i like to talk about the things i like
(it ended up only being act 1 bc it got super long lol)
ths is only my third time watching it and the first time was like. 2 years ago (the second time was only a few months ago but i didnt absorb enough or write this so here we go again)
will be VERY long btw
in the jingle when angelas sniggle says "we're the sniggles! don't be scared!" she winks when she says dont be scared. this is. foreshadowing :thumbsup:
never getting over "hes deep down in drowsy town, sleepng the dreamless sleep of the dead!"
also JAMES TOLBERT!!!!! his VOICE im so <3 [heart]
also oh my god im reading WAY too far into this but. "hes riding santas sleigh cause hes friends with all the elves" wigglys main allies are uncle wiley and linda monroe, who are played by joey and lauren, who both play elves in santa claus is going to high school!!!
OUGH i love the announcer whose voice is that?? it is reminiscent of big bill hells lol
"i wanted a salad, but now i have a child" never gets old lol. also the exposition in this scene is FLAWLESS mwah
THE LA DI DA DA DAY MOTIF IN THE BACKGROUND LMAO (it is definitely NOT a la di da da day)
"i do not get flashbacks!!! ...i remember bad things vividly." TOM IS SO ME CODED LOL
emma doing paul's "okay" thing gives me LIFE
DYLAN SAUNDERS APPRECIATION MOMENT i love tom houston so much i love dylan saunders oh my goodness gracious literally flawless acting !!! and his VOICE i cant even (also him holding up his hands like the steering wheel is such good foreshadowing for him having been the one driving!!)
tom is COMPLETELY unable to read sarcasm. tom houston autism confirmed. (/silly)
OK OK I KNOW that "bud" is a common way to refer to weed. however. lex smoking weed in hatchetfield and says "bud" specifically?? PERKYS BUDS REFERENCE!
the "to nordstrom? ah shiiit!" he sounds so canadian?? i cant be the only one hearing this lol what was that
COREY DORRIS APPRECIATION MOMENT!!!!! HIS VOICE HIS ACTING HES SOOOO <3 [heart] also the frank and uncle wiley interaction is SO FUNNY !!! and the condescension paired with calling lex "alexandra" is a rlly good way to make it obvious how icky frank is i love it
"honest?" "cross my heart, hope to die" BUT HE WAS LYING AND THEN HE DIES. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE STARKID
am i the only one whos curious about the gerald cinnabon story lmao. what did he DO that was so bad that gary goldstein attorney at law couldnt save him from the consequences?
"thats called a BRIBE and its ILLEGAL!!!" *skeptical look* "...or it SHOULD be." IM GIGGLING
im osrry the "my CHILDREN were accidents" line KILLS ME lmao. esp bc she literally IS making it everyone elses problem (by demanding 4 wigglys)!!
ik this fandom talks a lot about "stop crying gerald i wasnt talking to you" but i dont think we pay enough attention to lindas stanley monologue. like holy shit.
ALSO TOM TAKES THE SPOT BEHIND BECKY IN LINE AND DOESNT PAY ANYONE and no one even notces bc theyre all too busy gossiping lmao also what do you say is SUCH a good song aaaa!!! (why is the homeless man so invested on
"tHe YeArS hAvE pAsSeD"
unrelated but i just noticed curt (the farmer who has peanuts the hatchetfield pocket squirrel during what if tomorrow comes) does not currently have peanuts the hatchetfield pocket squirrel! how does he come to be in possession of peanuts? was peanuts also drawn to wiggly (since he is canonically a sentient being?) what is really going on here? maybe this was the real conspiracy all along /silly
JEFF BLIM WIGGLY HANDS (also distinctly resembles the wiggly hands jon does as wiggly in npmd!!)
also feast or famine is an INCREDIBLE song like actually AAAAAA !!! chaos reigns!!!
is ethan wearing a kilt? or a skirt?? also him saying "more bad" instead of worse GIGGLE
tom scaring gary off just by looking scary is PEAK comedy i take no criticism
"aHhH yUmMy!!!!!"
the resurgence of hello naughty list?? does sthat mean uncle wiley originally wanted lex to be the prophet. DOES THAT MEAN UNCLE WILEY ORIGINALLY WANTED LEX TO BE THE PROPHET.
i cant stop saying "i have pepper spray and i use it more than you can possibly imagine", also "ohh i dont know if you wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna FUCK with me miss monroe" ITS SO SILLY
when he sings the little "why should you give when you can get" BE STILL MY HEART (i have gender envy for joey richter)
"all you gotta do is just do what you do best-" "SHOP." "-be a mother." "...right." I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC.
"yEs I fUcKiNg SeE hIm"
"iLL bItE yOuR nIpPLe OfF"
the way the wiggly is damaged is NOT what wouldve happened from being shot. but thats ok bc its my babygirl general john macnamara <3 [heart]
MONSTERS AND MEN IS SO GOOD. I LOVE JEFFS VOICE SM JEFF BLIM APPRECATION MOMENT !!!!! also he looks Rigjt at the camera when he says "its nothing on your phone" GIGGLE
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boilingrain · 1 year
Rain Draws Squirrelflight, Leafpool & Bramblestar a Few Times
Since these three won my poll on which protagonists I should draw, here they are!
They don't get as much art per character as Ashfur did, because that was one character and this is three. Trust me, this was faster and more do-able
So anyways, first up is the Squirrel herself!
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I draw Squirrelpaw generally softer & bouncier looking than I draw Squirrelflight, because at this point in time she's just a kid. She has not yet witnessed the Horrors(tm)
Even when I was reading The New Prophecy for the first time as a kid, I always imagined Squirrelpaw/Squirrelflight as having little round ears. Maybe it was just the "Squirrel" prefix, but that trait has always stuck with me and I've always drawn her with small ears.
This isn't a trait unique to Squirrelflight with my designs though! In her family alone, Cloudtail, Alderheart, Lionblaze and Nutmeg also have small, rounded ears (Princess might also have them, but I haven't decided yet. I also haven't decided if any of Cloudtail or Lionblaze's kits have the rounded ears, but at least one probably does)
I wish that she had kept her telepathy thing with her sister, I honestly thought it was interesting. It's a shame that the Erins quickly ran out of uses for it and decided to pretend it never existed. This may or may not be why in my rewrite of Warriors that exists in my head (like many others in this fandom), the telepathy thing didn't stop existing as soon as it wasn't super useful the plot anymore.
Admittedly, she's always been my favorite of the cats who journeyed to the sun-drown place (though tbf, most of them didn't really get any proper development, and the other one was Brambleclaw. I do have a soft spot for Stormfur and Tawnypelt, though).
Also I... forgot to color Squirrelkit's mouth. Whoops
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The lady with a somehow worse taste in men than her sister, Squirrelflight!
Please Squirrelflight, you could've done so much better than Bramblestar. You deserve so much better than Bramblestar.
That aside, Squirrelflight has been one of my favorites for a long time. I just think she's a fun and interesting character
I think I said basically all of the things I was going to say when I was talking about Squirrelpaw, tbh. Also, much like a lot of the fandom for some reason, I don't really remember much of what happened during OotS? I don't think Squilf was particularly relevant during that arc, but it's possible she was and I just genuinely do not remember.
Why is Omen of the Stars basically just a void in everyone's memory. What's going on there.
Anyways, those aren't the final designs for Lionkit, Hollykit & Jaykit in that little doodle. Those are just kind of rough concept designs for them, and when I eventually draw them they'll probably look different. Also this is tortie Hollyleaf propaganda
If Lionblaze can be golden (though I typically draw him as cream) when both of his parents are functionally black (brown = black when it comes to cats. Also Leafpool shouldn't be a brown tabby anyways, because her dad is red and her mom is cream, which is a dilute version of red. I should stop talking now, before I get too deep into rambling about cat genetics), then Hollyleaf can be a tortie. (Jayfeather's fine btw. Gray is a dilute version of black, and both of his parents carry dilute. Crowfeather from Ashfoot & Leafpool from Sandstorm)
Okay, I'll finally shut up about cat genetics now
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If Squirrelstar doesn't happen, I will eat my hat. I will eat several hats.
I actually don't even know how old Squirrelflight is currently in the books. It doesn't help that the Erins are weird with ages and don't seem to know how cats work.
For my purposes, I choose to believe that the Clans have been at the lake for at least a decade, making Squilf at least 10 1/2 - 11 years old, depending on how old she was when the Clans left the forest territories. And putting her around that age would, in fact, make her a senior (for a house cat, at least. Real feral cats don't typically live that long, but tbf the clans have medicine and stuff, so their life expectancy might be longer than regular feral cats. But cats are considered seniors once they hit 10 years old)
Also all things considered, she's probably been stressed as hell for a while and experiencing the Horrors(tm). So she gets some gray on her muzzle from a combination of age and stress.
Honestly she deserves to go on a nice, relaxing vacation where she doesn't have to deal with the Erin's less than good writing choices and shitty treatment of female characters.
Anyways Squirrelstar's leader mark is her nose spot becoming star shaped, because I love it when leaders are depicted with some sort of star shaped marking. I eat it up every time.
I'll talk more about leader marks and how I do them at a later time, though.
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Leafpaw! My sweet baby Leafpaw!
My version of Leafpool is big and very fluffy, and you can't stop me from drawing her that way
Right off the bat, you'll probably notice that her design has changed a bit from the original concept design that I posted, as she's now a tortie instead of a regular brown tabby. Admittedly, a big part of why she's a tortie now is that I just love torties & calicos haha
If anything, her name makes even more sense now, because the combination of brown and orange makes her look more like leaves during fall! :)
Why's Leaf a tortie but Squirrel isn't? Maybe Squirrelflight is a secret tortie, or maybe she's trans, who knows? (The actual answer is that I had already finished all the Squilf art when I randomly decided to have Leaf be a tortie, but I didn't want to go back and change Squilf's design because I love it)
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I hope it's obvious that I love Leafpool a whole lot
Once again, Holly, Lion & Jay's designs in this are not their final designs and when I eventually get around to actually drawing them, they'll definitely have at least a few design changes.
Also it's really hard to draw tiny little newborn kittens on a small scale like this.
Anyways I've never actually read Leafpool's Wish, so I don't know if it proves or disproves what I'm about to say, but I think that with how much Leafpool loved her kits, I believe that she would've raised them herself if she had the ability to.
I also personally believe that if Squirrelflight hadn't decided to take in the kits, or if Leafpool had decided that she wanted to raise her kits instead of her sister doing it, Thunderclan wouldn't have done shit about it. I mean, she definitely wouldn't be as trusted as she was before, but I don't think she'd lose her job (at least at first) or be exiled. She was their only medicine cat, they literally couldn't do shit about it. Additionally, she's Firestar's daughter and also related to Sandstorm and Squirrelflight, who are both individually forces to be reckoned with.
She'd probably have to train an apprentice as soon as possible and then have to step down from her role as medicine cat, but I definitely don't think she'd be exiled or anything.
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Leafpool but she sparkles
For anyone who didn't see my Ashfur post, some of the rules I have for Starclan designs is that Starclan cats are lighter in color and have sharper & more star shaped markings compared to when they were alive. They also have their appearances change over time in a way connected to their names, which is why Leafpool is starting to grow leaves out of her neck fluff.
Additionally, Starclan cats will typically have a sharper shape, to go with their sharper markings. You'll notice that while she has the sharper markings, Leafpool's fur is still soft and rounded.
I feel like Leafpool's whole thing with her trial would affect her Starclan appearance, but that's not really something that results from a trial, so her not becoming sharper in shape is the exception rather than the rule.
I didn't design a Dark Forest Leafpool, but I imagine that the changes she'd get there (because my DF cats have their appearances change based on their crimes) would be that she would still grow leaves out of her body, but she'd also grow feathers and would have particularly long and sharp claws that she wouldn't be able to sheath. Each of these things is representative of the "crime" that she was sentenced for (even though Spottedleaf, a Starclan cat, literally encouraged her to do that)
The leaves would specifically be holly leaves (representing, well... Hollyleaf), the feathers would be a mix of jay and crow (representing Jayfeather & Crowfeather) and the claws would represent Lionblaze (though for this one I went with something meant to represent his power instead of his name. With Leafpool being a medicine cat, I think it fits)
If Leafpool doesn't give Squirrelstar a life we riot
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The bramble man
Honestly even as a kid Brambleclaw wasn't exactly my favorite character. I wasn't really old enough to really process how he sucks, honestly I just kind of remember thinking that he was boring. Maybe that's just the fact that I've always liked Squirrelflight & Leafpool way more than him, but I just didn't really care for his POV chapters during The New Prophecy
I did love the Hawkfrost scene, though. Because I wasn't on any warrior cats forums or anything as a kid, I didn't get spoiled about stuff like Hawkfrost's death or the Fire Scene (along with many other important scenes), so I think those scenes hit way harder for me.
When I was a kid reading Po3 for the first time, I genuinely didn't even suspect that Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw weren't Hollyleaf, Lionblaze & Jayfeather's biological parents. So you can probably imagine how shocked little elementary school me was
But anyways, yeah. While I didn't hate Brambleclaw as a kid, I just didn't really care about him.
On another note, my Brambleclaw/star design is pretty similar in shape to my Lionheart design (just with extra toes and not as big of a mane). Since Lionheart was Goldenflower's brother, I thought it would be interesting if while everyone else just saw Tigerclawstar in Bramble's appearance, Goldenflower didn't.
My Tawnypelt design has a more similar shape to Tigerclawstar, though.
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Leader marks are usually an already existing marking that becomes star shaped (like how I made Squirrelstar's nose spot star shaped), but sometimes a new marking entirely will appear as the leader mark.
While I easily could've made one of the spots on the backs of his ears into a star shaped for his leader mark, I have plans relating to Bramblefake/The Imposter and Bramblestar's mark.
You'll see said plans in a moment, but what I will mention about it is that my Ashfur design has a broken heart shaped marking on his chest.
On an unrelated note, Bramblestar should have someone else name warriors for him because great Starclan is he bad at names.
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There's totally nothing wrong with Bramblestar, what possibly could've made you think that
Anyways, a combination of the whole being possessed thing & Ashfur's broken heart marking have caused Bramblestar's leader mark to "break". It actually doesn't get fixed after he's no longer possessed, his leader mark stays that way.
The Imposter's fur is darker and droopier than regular Brambkestar. I don't have a real reason for the darker color (other than that it looks cool), but the fur is Ashfur's doing.
Another thing that is Ashfur's doing is the blue pupils. Bramblestar is supposed to have red pupils (due to him training in the Dark Forest in TNP), but being possessed kind of overrides that and so The Imposter's pupils are blue. They do turn red again after Bramblestar is no longer possessed, though.
Honestly, I still kind of wish that the theory that Bramblestar had rabies was canon. The possession was interesting, but I don't think rabies has even been mentioned in the series. Which is a bit surprising considering that it's basically a soap opera with cats, but then again the Erins sure do love taking the opportunity to ignore possible interesting new plots. Why do anything interesting when we could instead have a billion more badly written romances
But I will admit, it was interesting to have Ashfur come back to be awful again. I'm still mad that he got let into Starclan after trying to kill at least 4 people because he "loved too much" and that gave him more of an opportunity to pull this shit. They absolutely butchered Yellowfang after she died. Not really even recognizable as the same character as her living self.
I'm not doing more art for this post. I'm tired and I'm going to go get some sleep. Tomorrow I will get back to work on hypokit requests, but for now it is time to put away my art supplies and lay in bed.
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This annoyed me so much I had to write this out to understand it. Take the Crown lists each characters bestie and their enemy, real pissed they didn't use worstie btw, but for the life of me some didn't make sense. So I wrote this out and sourced all of it. Enjoy!
Axel: Bestie is Scary Girl, Enemy is Chase. I'm assuming the reason Scary Girl is her bestie is because she ate Axel's squirrel meat? And I assume Chase is her enemy because he didn't eat her squirrel meat. I don't know why everything in her life is dictated by squirrel meat but honestly go off queen.
Bowie: Bestie is Emma, Enemy is Zee. Emma is obvious, his closest ally, but Zee?? I'm going to say for the alliance stuff, but it's super weird his enemy isn't Julia. Maybe he appreciates the hustle.
Caleb: Bestie is Nichelle, Enemy is Bowie. Bowie's obviously his enemy for getting him voted off immediately, I'm going to say his bestie is Nichelle because they have a similar vibe?
Chase: Bestie is Emma, Enemy is Axel. He needs to move on from Emma so badly. Axel, I assume is because he doesn't like eating squirrels? A lot of Axel's relationship stuff is built off the squirrel eating scene.
Damien: Bestie is Zee, Enemy is Scary Girl. Zee is button guy! His biggest supporter! And Scary Girl hunted him for sport and nearly succeeded in killing him.
Emma: Bestie is Bowie, Enemy is Chase: Also self explanatory. Friends with Bowie, still rightfully mad at Chase.
Julia: Bestie is Chase, Enemy is Emma. Ok, no idea why Chase is her bestie, or why Emma is her enemy instead of Bowie. Maybe she appreciates Bowie's strategy and is only besties with Chase to piss off Emma
Scary Girl: Bestie is Damien, Enemy is Priya. Wants to hear Damien scream. Thinks Priya hates her. Needs therapy.
Millie: Bestie is Priya, Enemy is Ripper. Self explanatory. Millie stopped writing a book for Priya and Ripper bullied her.
MK: Bestie is Damien, Enemy is Julia. Julia is clear, she got MK kicked out. Damien.... I'm going to say that scene where he told Scary Girl that she got away? Really messed up considering the next thing she does in that scene is help Scary Girl attack him.
Nichelle: Bestie is Julia, Enemy is MK. Julia as her bestie is a bit confusing considering she says "I'm famous, I don't know who she is", but maybe Julia's manifestation of her warrior goddess energy helped. MK's her enemy because literally all MK did in that scene was shout about how shit Nichelle was
Priya: Bestie Millie, Enemy is Ripper. Also self explanatory. Her and Millie are real real really best friends not reality fake friends like real reality in reality real really best friends. And Ripper used her as a human shield.
Raj: Bestie is Wayne, Enemy is Zee. Ok, bestie Wayne makes sense. But for the life of me I do not know why Zee is his enemy. Is it for the ramming the ship? Please let me know if you know what it is.
Ripper: Bestie is Chase, Enemy is Axel. Chase is his bromance and Axel kicked him in the face so hard he lost a tooth
Wayne: Bestie is Rai, Enemy is Damien. This is another confusing one. Of course Wayne is his best friend, but Enemy Damien?? Did they even interact??
Zee: Bestie is Chase, Enemy is MK. Holding someones butt makes you close dude. Enemy MK I have no idea. Maybe he knew MK filmed him, maybe he thought she was a narc, maybe its lesbian on nb violence, maybe only one of them is allowed a hat.
I need to go to fucking sleep
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thirddeadlysin · 9 months
For the writing thing: 12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year? and 22. Do you plan to take writing classes this year?
12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year?
I have been trying to write on my phone and using dictation software for the last couple of years and just can't make the switch. My brain's like no the words require a real keyboard!!!! But since my laptop is out of commission I need to figure something else out, which will probably be a desktop setup like the old person I am. In terms of writing technique or process I'm trying to write a full draft first before editing, which is something I've never done. Since elementary school I've been an edit as you go so you wind up with a clean draft on the first try kind of person, but that makes it embarrassingly easy to get bogged down and/or discouraged by trouble spots.
22. Do you plan to take writing classes this year?
No! I'm doing a no shopping year, which basically means no impulse purchases and writing classes are always impulse purchase for me. (Cat Rambo and Mary Robinette Kowal have great class offerings btw.) I have taken enough over the years that there's lots of material squirreled away in the bowels of GDrive to re-review, though. I did intend to apply for a few workshops but that was dependent on doing writing work last year that never happened. Maybe next year!
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another-heroine · 1 year
2, 15, 19, and 50 for Ismene, Katya, and Andrine!
OC Asks Game
Hi Ash, thanks for asking :D It will be fun to reply for the three ladies hehe
Btw this has Kingmaker spoilers on the Question 19 ⚠
2. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or other?
Andrine: She has sweet tooth, but she isn't that picky. She would choose hot chocolate without hesitation, but she also appreciates sweetened tea and coffee (although Octavia has prohibited her to drink the last one, because she doesn't know when to stop it)
Ekaterina: She hadn't many options in Irrisen. When she has tried hot chocolate for first time, it was like a catharstic moment of her life. But she is very fond for herbal and spiced teas.
Ismene: She has two favorite beverages, in fact: coffee for the mornings (otherwise she will kill some Varnling member easier) and mead for the nights. Ismene has no aversion to teas, but their smell always reminds her of the moments when she gets sick.
15. What is the first thing people notice about them?
Andrine: She talks loud and fast. It's like a lean squirrel with white hair. Also her clothes are always showy, even the Storyteller knows it.
Ekaterina: Well, she glows. Either her skin or hair. And like it's not enough, Katya is tall. The poor woman just wanted to be invisible sometimes.
Ismene: If her clothes don't catch attention for being different from the Brevic/Mendevian fashion, Tilly does for both of them! You can't ignore an outlander woman passing by with a bear.
19. What does your character consider to be their lowest point?
Andrine: Sometimes, Andrine sees herself as a petty person. She could let Regongar kill Janush's assistant when they met for the first time, but she did it because she took personally the kidnap attempt that her party suffered earlier. And she have declined the Lanthern King friendship because she got tired of his bullshit as Nyrissa's as well, like she didn't make friends/allies with questionable fey before.
Ekaterina: Her lack of self-esteem. Katya won't complain about her doubts out loud, but down in her soul there is a still uneasiness about her valor. She can go as far as her legs can carry her, but in the end she always questions herself if she really did enough.
Ismene: Her short temper. It always gets the best of her. She can't bear listening to any kind of small talk and pretend that's ok. Her intuition is sharp, and Ismene is good at perceiving who's telling the truth or not. Thanks to the Gods, she learned to be slightly patience because of Varn.
50. How does your character sleep at night? Are they a heavy or light sleeper? Do they dream or have nightmares? Do they find it easy to sleep or are they more a night owl?
Andrine: When she's not struggling with insomnia due worries, Drine is a heavy sleeper. And she took a long time to be really awaken. Also her dreams are chaotic, mixing irl incidents with fictional ones. Sometimes she can't tell what was real or not.
Ekaterina: Since a very young age, Katya has problems with nightmares. This got less common while she grew up and learned how to keep her impulses 'on the leash', but some nights she can't rest properly, dreaming with wildfires and destruction caused by herself.
Ismene: Although she is a reasonable light sleeper, Ismene uses to get properly rest always, and it doesn't matter where she is laid. She has no big problems about sleeping outdoors, after all she is from a nomad tribe. And she almost never recalls her dreams.
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chaosmenu · 1 year
but you dont have to go wearing his old suits and hammering steel can be real hard to do so please be like that day when you saved all the rabbits, carried them in your arms into the cool garage, watch the way new things just hop along hop along hop along sing your song, your guidance counselor was wrong you had a light all along BTW. also im stanley and the squirrel, the invisible light, im a lover liar humble fire im a little spider im the chicken on the wire climbing trying sighing crying laughing high-fiving slowly dying but i swear now thats alright
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im-no-jedi · 7 months
OMG I almost forgot to write down my dream from last night haha
featuring appearances from @jam-n-ham and @knight-tyme because they’re my freaking sisters and all that
putting it under a cut cause this is REALLY detailed 😂
so I was on vacation with my family at Disney World (which I often have dreams about), and we were staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge (like we always do). except unlike the real hotel, which keeps the wild animals FAR away from the buildings, our room was RIGHT up against the fake savanna, so the animals would literally come up to our windows. we even had a fenced off “yard” that we could walk out to and see the animals if we wanted. the dream started on the day we were supposed to go home though, so we were in the process of packing up.
however, it wasn’t just my family who was on this trip. for whatever reason, our long deceased dog was with us (I often have dreams about him, but never us taking him to Florida with us LOL). he ironically was fine whenever we let him out into the yard, so long as there weren’t any animals nearby at the time. we also had a bunch of young kids with us, who I think were supposed to be friends of my bro and little sis (who had de-aged into their 10-12 year old selves)?? we had a REALLY big hotel room apparently LOL. oh, and best of all… Hunter and Crosshair were there too. not any of the others, just the two of them. now, I’ve had dreams with just Hunter in them before as he’s been my go-to dream boyfriend for a while now. but the fact that Crosshair was there too was unusual. I would’ve figured maybe Echo and/or Omega would be there, but nope, it was Crosshair.
anyway, like I said, it was the last day of our trip, and everyone was packing up. I was in the middle of doing my makeup when I saw that there was a family of giraffes near one of the windows. I got really excited and called my dad over so we could take pictures of them. then I noticed something off to the side of the window, staring at us. it was a cheetah. literally just sitting next to the window being a creep and watching me and my dad photograph these giraffes. my dad said it was weird that the cheetah wasn’t chasing the giraffes, but to not worry about it (btw they don’t have cheetahs at the real hotel, only on the safari ride, far away from other animals LOL).
as dad and I are photographing the giraffes, Ham comes by to let the dog out to go to the bathroom. we tell her there are giraffes outside, so he probably shouldn’t go out, but she said he wouldn’t bark at the giraffes, so it was fine. and yeah, he was ok with the giraffes.
we forgot about the cheetah.
the cheetah comes prowling out from its hiding place and starts walking around in plain sight. our dog sees a giant kitty and starts barking at it, to no surprise. now remember, this entire little yard attached to our room is fenced off, honestly more like a giant cage, with two layers of wire blocking us from the animals. even the cheetah couldn’t get through if it tried to. but our dog, our sweet anxious dog who only liked to chase squirrels and possums, somehow found a weak spot in the fence and managed to climb through it and into the savanna.
Ham was screaming at the dog to come back, several of the kids started crying, and my mom immediately called the front desk to let them know what happened. Hunter legit was ready to run out and catch the dog himself, but I stopped him.
in all this chaos, we failed to overlook something. if the dog was able to get out… then that meant other things could get IN.
sure enough, in her panicked state, Ham had left the back door open, with that break in the fence now larger than it was before. our dog was nowhere in sight… but large kitty growls could be heard from down the hall.
without hesitation, both Hunter and Crosshair ran off to go catch the cheetah while the rest of us hung back to protect the kids. we saw them chase the cheetah around for a bit before running back into the hall again. Hunter eventually came back and said he’d somehow lost track of it and figured it might’ve run back outside. then I asked him where Crosshair was, and he said that he thought Crosshair was right behind him the whole time…
then suddenly Crosshair comes out from the hallway, slowly, and with a malicious look on his face. his eyes suddenly turned slitted, and his mouth opened to reveal sharp teeth. he let out a low, feline growl.
he’s somehow gotten POSSESSED by the cheetah????
Crosshair quickly started chasing some of the kids around the room, on all fours like a cheetah. he lunged at me at one point, but Hunter was able to get him off me before he bit me. Hunter tells me and my family to get the kids to safety while he tries to wrangle Crosshair. Ham and I took the kids into one of the large rooms and shut the door so they can stay safe (my parents stay with them too).
then I went back to the two boys cause I wanna see what’s happening, but Ham stayed by the door where everyone else is. I return just in time to see Hunter wrestling with Crosshair (kinda similar to what happened on Kamino LOL). Hunter kicks Crosshair off of him, and Crosshair growls before lunging at Hunter again, but Hunter punches Cross hard enough that the cheetah gets completely knocked out of him, anime style. the defeated cheetah then humbly ran out back to the savanna again, while Crosshair was left on the floor in a sad, guilty state. he was pretty depressed for the rest of the time after that, distancing himself from everyone. a few of the kids comforted him later, saying it wasn’t his fault, and I about cried 🥺
the dream ended with several of us getting in our car to go look for our dog. we drove around for a bit to discover that several other dogs had gotten loose too, which was weird. we eventually found our dog running across the road, and Hunter offered to go catch him. but little sis (who is only about 10 at this time) said she wanted to do it and ran out of the car before anyone could stop her. I kid you not, this binch squatted down and stalked our dog exactly like Hunter would’ve; he and I just looked at each other like 😒 (although I could tell he was proud he rubbed off on her like that haha). once little sis carried our dog back into the car, the dream ended.
y’all I’ll never be able to look at Animal Kingdom Lodge the same way again ROFL
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sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
Rating some things I've dreamed
Jason Todd and Saiki Kusuke are bfs.
I don't remember most of it besides Kusuo entering into Kusuke's apartment flying and finding Jason there. They proceeded to look at each other without moving until Kusuke came from other door and throwed a glowing yellow ball at Saiki.
Kusuo and Jason got along for some reason and I think that's nice.
Kusuke didn't like Bruce and he was so petty about it.
Has potential for a crack fic.
7/10. Could improve if I knew more about it.
A whole bnha AU where AFO successfully took over Japan's government and there's a resistence.
Pretty good, actually.
Izuku was part of the resistence since it's founding days when he was, like, ten years old. His mom let them reunite in their home until it was growing way too big and they had to get other place.
Dabi and Shoto both joined the resistance for separated and for different ways. They went a long time without knowing about the other until they met on a basement.
Mei was there doing her thing.
At some point, Hawks accidentally crashed a meeting and then just kept appearing and sleeping there. They kinda adopted him as a member or a pet and I don't remember which one was.
AFO had these big jail cities where no one was allowed to go away and it was quite scaring, actually.
There were also ruined cities that had been abandoned by the government but that AFO couldn't take over them.
It was strange and I think there was an octopus involved.
8/10. Post-apocalyptic dystopic society is not my jam, but it was interesting.
The one where Danny had a sword duel with a vampire (a real one, not Vlad) in a museum.
This is an old one, so most of it is blurry.
There was something about doors, mythical gates, and some guy named Janus. Who I think is a mythological god about who I read once.
At a moment Tucker threw off the curtains, but it didn't do anything? What kind of cheap vampire was it?
Sam knocked out a guy. Good for her. (I don't know who tho).
Btw, the duel was while he stayed in his human form. Which, cool, but Wes was not happy.
I think Tucker had sand control and Sam trained squirrels to attack him. Probably because he was being annoying.
6/10 I don't remember more than that, and the little I do sounds like crack.
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